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Vina Firmanty Mustofa
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Jenis Penelitian
Design penelitian yang digunakan adalah design quasi eksperimen (quasi experiment)

Populasi dan sampel

Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pasangan pranikah yang ada di Bangkalan
Madura. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 40 pasangan pranikah, dibagi menjadi
kelompok kontrol sejumlah 20 pasangan, dan kelompok yang diberikan perlakuan sebanyak 20

Pengambilan sampel
Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode random sampling.

Spesifik kriteria yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pasangan yang dapat membaca,
menulis, bersedia menjadi responden, dan merupakan etnis madura.

Alat ukur
Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Kuesioner dibagi menjadi 3
tipe yaitu pertama pengetahuan mengenai pencegahan stunting, nutrisi sebelum hamil, selama
hamil dan menyusui, serta ASI eksklusif dan MP-ASI (makanan pendamping ASI). Kedua
adalah kuesioner mengenai sikap terhadap pencegahan stunting. Ketiga adalah kuesioner
mengenai Tindakan pencegahan stunting.

Uji validitas
Dalam artikel tersebut penulis tidak menjelaskan uji validitas yang digunakan.

Analisis Data
Pada penelitian ini, penulis menjelaskan mengenai karakteristik demografi dari
responden, dimana peneliti mengelompokkan responden berdasarkan usia, Pendidikan, dan
profesi yang dimiliki. Pada table 1 penelitian ini, terlihat bahwa rata-rata responden ada pada
rentang usia 20-25 tahun dengan level edukasi terbanyak pada tingkat sekolah menengah
pertama, dan memiliki profesi sebagai pedagang. Pada table 2 dijelaskan mengenai
pengetahuan responden sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi. Uji data pada penelitian ini
menggunakan uji Wilcoxon test, The Mann-Whitney test, dan delta test. Hasil uji data
berdasarkan variable tingkat Pendidikan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi menggunakan
Wilcoxon Signed Rank test pada grup kontrol dan grup memiliki hasil signifikan (p) = 0.0000
kurang dari α = 0.05 yang artinya terdapat hubungan antara edukasi kesehatan dengan tingkat
pengetahuan mengenai stunting pada pasangan pranikah. Hasil dari tes the Mann-Whitney U
test pada pre dan post test dari kedua grup menunjukkan hasil adanya perbedaan signifikan
diantara grup kontrol dan grup dengan intervensi.
Pada variable sikap pasangan pranikah grup kontrol maupun intervensi sebelum dan
sesudah intervensi secara statistic memiliki hasil signifikan (p) = 0.0000 kurang dari α = 0.05
yang artinya terdapat perbedaan data dari kedua grup, sedangkan untuk uji The Mann-Whitney
U test didapatkan hasil p = 0.096 pada pre-test kedua grup dan p = 1.0000 untuk post-test kedua
grup, sedangkan nilai delta pada kedua grup adalah 0.027, yang mana tidak terdapat efek
pemberian intervensi pada kedua grup. Pada variable asupan nutrisi (karbohidrat) sebelum dan
sesudah intervensi pada grup kontrol dan grup dengan perlakuan memiliki hasil p = 0.0000
pada uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, sedangkan pada uji Mann-Whitney U test nilai dari kedua
grup adalah 0.507 pada pre-test dan 1.0000 pada post test, yang menandakan bahwa tidak ada
pengaruh edukasi Kesehatan mengenai asupan karbohidrat pada kedua grup pre maupun post
Hasil uji data responden berdasarkan asupan protein, pada uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank
test memiliki hasil signifikan p = 0.0000 , artinya terdapat perbedaan data diantara kedua grup
penelitian, sedangkan pada uji Mann-Whitney, p = 0.481 yang artinya tidak terdapat pengaruh
module intervention dan diskusi grup dari kedua grup pre dan post tes. Hasil signifikan pada
uji data berdasarkan tingkat Pendidikan pada tes Wilcoxon Signed Rank U test, sedangkan
pada Mann Whitney test tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan dari kedua grup pre maupun post
grup. Uji data dengan hasil data signifikan pada aspek total energi sebelum dan sesudah
intervensi pada kedua grup. Hasil uji tidak signifikan atau hipotesis tidak diterima pada uji
Mann Whitney, dengan hasil p = 1.0000.
Hasil dari analisis data menggunakan analisis bivariat, terdapat pengaruh edukasi
Kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan pasangan pranikah, tetapi tidak terdapat hasil signifikan pada
intervensi yang diberikan. Hal tersebut menjelaskan bahwa pemberian modul dan diskusi group
dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan membentuk sikap sebagai pencegahan
dari stunting. Sehingga tenaga Kesehatan seharusnya melakukan pencegahan dengan
meningkatkan edukasi kesehatan sebagai tindakan nyata dari pencegahan stunting.
Journal Review
Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sudah tepat, dengan tujuan untuk
mengetahui perbedaan data antar grup digunakan uji Wilcoxon, dan mengetahui ada tidaknya
pengaruh signifikan pre dan post test menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney, dimana data dependen
yang digunakan menggunakan skala ordinal, rasio, dan dengan distribusi data tidak normal.
Peneliti sudah tepat menggunakan uji Wilcoxon signed rank test denga tujuan menguji
perbedaan 2 kelompok berpasangan. Uji Wilcoxon digunakan untuk mencari perbedaan data
dengan tipe data rasio atau interval, dan menunjukkan selisih nilai antara kedua perlakuan. Uji
Mann-whitney, sangat sensitive pada perubahan median data.

Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan peneliti membaginya menjadi 3 jenis

kuesioner tentang pencegahan stunting, nutrisi sebelum hamil yaitu karbohidrat, protein,
lemak, dan total energi selama hamil dan ketika menyusui serta ASI eksklusif dan MP-ASI,
kuesioner tentang pencegahan stunting dan kuesioner tindakan yang dilakukan responden.
Pada artikel ini, peneliti tidak melampirkan contoh pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada
responden, tetapi peneliti memaparkan tabel distribusi frekuensi responden berdasarkan
pengetahuan sikap dan tindakan pencegahan stunting.

Kemungkinan hasil tidak signifikan pada data kuesioner action yang terdiri dari
karbohidrat, protein, lemak serta jumlah kalori karena tindakan intervensi yang terbatas dan
beberapa factor lain yang tidak dapat dikontrol dan terukur, seperti yang dijelaskan peneliti
bahwa responden menunjukkan sikap yang baik pada pre-test maupun post-test namun tidak
sesuai dengan kurangnya pengetahuan yang dimiliki dan sikap negative sebelum intervensi.
Sikap tidak sama dengan perilaku atau tindakan, dan perilaku padda satu waktu tidak
mencerminkan perilaku seseorang dikemudian hari, karena seseorang dapat menunjukkan
tindakan yang bertentangan dengan sikap dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki.

Dicky Hastjarjo. (2008). Ringkasan buku Cook & Campbell. (1979). QuasiExperimentation:
Design & Analysis Issues for Field Settings.
Trimawartinah, MKM. 2020. Bahan Ajar Statistik Non Parametrik. UHAMKA
EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Eurasia J Biosci 14, 2519-2525 (2020)

The effects of health education on increasing knowledge,

attitudes, and stunting prevention in pre-marriage
couples in bangkalan madura
Esti Yunitasari 1*, Wiwik Hidayatun Nadhifah 1, Retnayu Pradanie 1
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, INDONESIA
*Corresponding author:

Early marriage has an impact on reproductive health, and the health of the baby later because of the
younger the age of marriage, the more time to produce. The impact caused by stunting can cause
children to become cognitive disorders, motor disorders, body growth, increased incidence of
morbidity, and death. Health education, especially about nutrition before pregnancy in several
Indonesian studies, influences the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. This study aimed to
explain the influence of modules and peer group discussions on stunting prevention at pre-marital
couples. This research was an experimental quasy design. Samples were taken as many as 40
respondents for two groups to be studied. The instrument used the independent variable
questionnaire was stunting prevention. The dependent variable in this research was knowledge,
attitude, and action to prevent stunting. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using
the Wilcoxon test, Mann Whitney-U, and delta tests with significance levels α <0.05. From the results
of the bivariate analysis, there is an effect of health education on knowledge (p = 0.000), but on
attitudes (1.000) and actions p> 0.05), there is no effect of the intervention. It can be concluded that
the module and peer group discussion can be used as a method of health education in increasing
knowledge and attitudes about stunting prevention. In action, there is no influence on the two groups
because good attitudes and knowledge do not always reflect conflicting actions. Health workers must
take preventive, stunting actions.

Keywords: health education, pre-marital couple, stunting

Yunitasari E, Nadhifah WH, Pradanie R (2020) The effects of health education on increasing
knowledge, attitudes, and stunting prevention in pre-marriage couples in bangkalan madura.
Eurasia J Biosci 14: 2519-2525.

© 2020 Yunitasari et al.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

INTRODUCTION age of marriage and more time to produce (Berliana et

al., 2018; Yunitasari et al., 2016). The occurrence of
Failure to grow in the first 1000 days of life, in early marriage in Bangkalan Madura is influenced by
addition to causing physical growth disorders, will also several factors, including cultural and social norms that
cause metabolic disorders, especially disorders of apply in the community, economic status, and level of
metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates which knowledge. Cultural and social norms include those
can ultimately trigger the emergence of non- related to beliefs. The culture that developed in
communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes and Indonesian society environment such as negative
coronary heart disease in adulthood, and stunting assumptions towards old maid if they did not get married
(Departemen Kesehatan, 2015). Stunting is a condition at around 14-16 years old is a factor that encourages the
where a toddler has a length or height that is less when high early marriage in Bangkalan, Madura (BPS,
compared with the age of a toddler. This condition is BKKBN, Depkes, & International, 2013). The age of the
measured by length or height more than minus two mother when she first got pregnant affects the course of
standard deviations from the median standard of child the pregnancy. A woman who gets pregnant in her teens
growth from the World Health Organization (WHO, will get fewer early prenatal care (Suarayasa et al.,
2015). Toddler stunting includes chronic nutritional 2017). This factor can cause babies born with low weight
problems caused by many factors such as and infant death. Deaths of babies, premature babies,
socioeconomic conditions, maternal nutrition during
pregnancy, morbidity in infants, early marriage, and lack
Received: June 2019
of nutrition in infants (Scheffler et al., 2019).
Accepted: March 2020
Early marriage has an impact on reproductive health,
Printed: July 2020
and the baby’s health later because of the younger the

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2519-2525 (2020) Yunitasari et al.

and low weight babies will be high in couples who have Health education, especially about nutrition before
early marriages (Lumbanraja, 2016). Most teenage girls pregnancy in several Indonesian studies, influences the
who get pregnant have a Body Mass Index (BMI) under level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. This was
the category of underweight (Haseeb & Azam, 2020). mentioned in research by Nikmawati et al. in 2009, which
This is due to a lack of nutrition due to concerns in body revealed that nutrition education interventions could
shape during adolescence and a lack of nutrition improve the knowledge, attitudes, and nutritional
education. These two things then cause low weight gain practices of toddler mothers (Nikmawati et al., 2009).
during pregnancy (Syahrul et al., 2016). Based on research from Hariska et al. in 2017, there is
The occurrence of short toddlers or stunting is one of an influence of health education with media modules in
the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers in the the form of increased knowledge and attitudes of
world today. In 2017, more than half of stunting toddlers mothers in preventing stunting in infants (Pratiwi &
in the world came from Asia as much as 55%, while 83.6 Bahar, 2017; Tel et al. 2018). Prevention of stunting can
million were stunting toddlers in Asia, the largest also be influenced by information in group discussions
proportion of which came from South Asia 58.7% and (peer group discussions). In several studies on peer
the fewest proportion in Central Asia (WHO, 2015). In group discussions, it was found that health education
2018, two regions in East Java Province had toddlers increased knowledge, attitudes, and stunting prevention
with inadequate nutrition, namely in Bangkalan as many measures (Eide et al., 2016).
as 26.39% and 25% in Pamekasan, Madura. In 2019 in Health behavior, in this case, stunting prevention
Bangkalan Madura, 578 people experienced stunting efforts are influenced by several factors such as
from a total of 6771 children under five in Bangkalan knowledge, attitudes, and actions. This is in accordance
Madura. Based on National Social Economic Survey with the theory of Precede Proceed by Lawrence Green.
(Susenas) data (2016), the average age of marriage of He explains that it examines the problem of human
rural residents is 34.74%, aged 22-24 years in rural behavior and the factors that influence it, as well as how
areas 21.16%, age 25-30 years in rural areas 21.16% to follow it up by changing, maintaining, or improving the
(Statistik, 2016). According to data from the Office of behavior towards a more positive direction. The
Religious Affairs, 80 couples will get married in assessment is the process or precedes stage and the
December 2019. follow-up process at the procedural stage (Green &
Stunting can be prevented by fulfilling proper Kreuter, 1991). Thus a program to improve health
nutrition before marriage (Surani & Susilowati, 2020). behavior is the application of the four processes in
Maternal nutrition and health status in pre-pregnancy, general to the assessment and follow-up model. So
during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding is a very there is a link between stunting prevention behavior that
critical period for the growth and development of is influenced by knowledge, attitudes, and actions. This
children. The first 1000 days of life are sensitive periods study aims to explain the effect of modules and peer
or windows of opportunity (Shah et al., 2016). If the child group discussions on the prevention of stunting in pre-
is experiencing nutritional problems at this time, the marital couples at the Office of Religious Affairs in
consequences will be permanent and cannot be Bangkalan, Madura.
corrected (Senbanjo et al., 2013). According to the
results of Yinila’s research in 2016, pregnant women MATERIALS AND METHODS
who have anemia are at risk of having babies with This study used a quasi-experimental design or
underweight nutritional status at risk of stunted fetal quasi-experiment design with a pre-test and post-test
growth and babies born having low birth weight (Yusuf with a control group approach. This type of research
et al., 2020). In the next life, the child will be at risk of used modules and peer group discussions to determine
experiencing malnutrition problems, decreased the effect of health education interventions. The design
development of motor and mental function, and reduced of the study compared the knowledge before and after
physical capacity (Yinila Prabandari, 2016). the provision of educational interventions between the
The cause of nutritional problems is influenced by intervention group and the non-intervention group.
two factors, namely direct and indirect factors. The direct The population in this study were 40 pre-marital
causes are food factors and infectious diseases. Indirect couples with a control group of 20 pre-marital couples
factors include food security in the family, parenting, and a treatment group of 20 pre-marital couples. The
health care, inadequate sanitation. The four indirect sampling technique used in this study is random
factors are interrelated with the mother’s education, sampling. The research subjects were taken by
knowledge, income, and skills (Bhutta et al., 2008). The considering specific criteria that researchers
impact caused by stunting can cause children to become determined, that is, being able to read and write, being
cognitive, motor impaired, posture growth, increased willing to be respondents, with Madurese ethnicity. The
incidence of morbidity, and death (Darlan et al., 2017; independent variable in this study was health education,
Assefa, et al, 2016). while dependent variables in this study were knowledge,

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2519-2525 (2020) Yunitasari et al.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents the effect of health education on increasing knowledge, attitudes and
preventive measures for stunting in pre-marital women
Control group Intervention Group
Characteristics of Respondents
n % n %
20-25 12 60 12 60
Age 26-30 8 40 8 40
Total 20 100 20 100
Elementary school 1 5 2 10
Middle School 4 20 4 20
Level of education High school 10 50 9 45
College 5 25 5 25
Total 20 100 20 100
Private 5 25 5 25
Teacher 1 5 1 5
Trader 14 70 14 70
Total 20 100 20 100

attitude, and stunting prevention measures. The after the intervention in the control group and treatment
instrument in this study was a questionnaire. There were group. Statistical test results with the Wilcoxon Signed
three types of questionnaires, namely the knowledge Rank Test in the control group obtained a significant
questionnaire about prevention of stunting, nutrition value (p) = 0.000 less than α = 0.05 so that the
before pregnancy, during pregnancy and while hypothesis was accepted, while in the treatment group
breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding and MP-ASI obtained significantly (p) = 0.000 less than α = 0.05, so
(Complementary food); questionnaire about stunting the hypothesis was accepted. The results of the Mann
prevention attitude; and action questionnaire. Whitney U test in the pre and post-test of the two groups
The tests used are the Wilcoxon test, the Mann- showed that there were significant differences in the
Whitney test, and the delta test. Wilcoxon test was used control group and the treatment group with a
to analyze the results of paired observations from two significance value (p) = 0.000.
data, whether different or not. The Mann Whitney test The number and percentage of respondents based
was used to determine the difference in the median of on attitude before and after intervention in the control
the two independent groups if the scale of the dependent and treatment group. Statistical test results with the
variable data was ordinal, interval/ratio, but not normally Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in the control group
distributed. The statistical test was used to see the obtained a significant value (p) = 0.000 less than α =
average difference in the effect of health education on 0.05 so that the hypothesis was accepted, while in the
increasing knowledge, attitudes, and stunting prevention treatment group obtained significantly (p) = 0.000 less
measures. Researchers have conducted an ethical test than α = 0.05, so the hypothesis was accepted. The
at the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of Nursing, results of the Mann Whitney U test statistic in the pre-
Airlangga University, which was issued on December 5, test of the two groups are 0.096, and in the post-test that
2019, with No. 1845-KEPK. is 1.000 and the delta value of the two groups is 0.027,
there is no intervention effect in both groups because of
RESULTS α> 0.05.
Based on Table 1 about the characteristics of The number and percentage of respondents based
respondents. Judging from the age category, most on carbohydrate consumption before and after the
respondents were aged 20-25 in both groups. A total intervention in the control group and the treatment
was 12 people (60%) in the control group and 12 people group. Statistical test results with the Wilcoxon Signed
(60%) in the treatment group. The last education of the Rank Test in the control group obtained a significant
respondent showed four junior high school graduates value (p) = 0.000 less than α = 0.05 so that the
(20%) in the control group and four people (20%) in the hypothesis was accepted, while in the treatment group
intervention group, ten high school graduates (50%) in obtained significantly (p) = 0.000 less than α = 0.05. The
the control group and nine people (45%) in the results of the Mann Whitney U test statistic in the pre-
intervention group Meanwhile, the most recent tertiary test of the two groups are 0.507, and the post-test in both
education was five people (25%) in the control group and groups is 1.000, meaning that α> 0.005 hypotheses are
five people (25%) in the intervention group. The types of rejected, no influence from both groups both pre and
work of private respondents were five people (25%) in post.
the control group, and five in the intervention group. The The number and percentage of respondents based
type of work of civil servant respondents was one person on protein consumption before and after the intervention
in the control group and one person in the intervention in the control group and the treatment group. Statistical
group. test results with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in the
Table 2 shows the number and percentage of control group obtained a significant value (p) = 0.000
respondents based on the level of knowledge before and less than α = 0.05 so that the hypothesis was accepted,

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2519-2525 (2020) Yunitasari et al.

Table 2. Frequency distribution of respondents based on the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of pre-marital women about
preventing stunting in the Religious Affairs Office
Control group Treatment group
Knowledge level Pretest Post-test Pretest Post-test
n % n % n % n %
Good 0 0 6 30 2 10 16 80
Enough 3 15 14 70 3 15 4 20
Less 17 85 0 0 15 75 0 0
Total 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
The mean 36 78 46 86
Elementary school 13.1917 5.231 15.355 8.208
Pair Sample Test 0.000
Wilcoxon signed rank test 0.000 0.000
Mann Whitney UcTest Pre Post Test 0.000
Delta value 0.000
Positive 4 20 19 95 9 45 20 100
Negative 16 70 5 5 11 55 0 0
Total 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Mean 22.70 28.35 26.65 35.25
Elementary school 2.577 2.346 2.560 4.435
Pair Sample Test 0.000
Wilcoxon signed rank test 0.000 0.000
Mann Whiney U Test Pre Test 0.096
Mann Whitney U Test Post Test 1.000
Delta value 0.027
Enough 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Less 0
Total 20
Mean 904.62 1094.33 890.08 1012.53
Elementary school 84.7 189.22 88.3 49.35
Wilcoxon 0.000 0.000
Mann Whitney U Test Pre 0.588
Mann Whitney U Test Post 0.645
Delta value 0.640
Enough 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Less 0
Total 20
Mean 296.1 300.61 263.96 302.9
Elementary school 27.87 18.04 27.87 18.04
Wilcoxon 0.000 0.000
Mann Whitney U Test Pre 0.481
Mann Whitney U Test Post 0.818
Delta value 0.126
Enough 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Less 0
Total 20
Mean 514.89 596.08 513.09 605.8
Elementary school 83.56 40.14 71.85 30.51
Wilcoxon 0.001 0.000
Mann Whitney U Test Pre 0.786
Mann Whitney U Test Post 0.533
Delta value 0.327
Total Energy
Enough 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Less 0
Total 20
Mean 1760.3 2018.9 1760.3 1012.53
Elementary school 158.14 2018.99 158.14 2018.99
Wilcoxon 0.000 0.000
Mann Whitney U Test Pre 0.507
Mann Whitney U Test Post 1.000
Delta value 1.000

while in the treatment group obtained significant (p) = and there was no influence from both pre and post
0.000 less than α = 0.05. The results of the Mann groups.
Whitney U test statistic before the module intervention The number and percentage of respondents based
and intervention (p) = 0.481. After the module on protein consumption before and after the intervention
intervention and peer group discussion showed the in the control group and the treatment group. Statistical
results (p) = 0.818, the α> 0.05 hypothesis was rejected, test results with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in the

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2519-2525 (2020) Yunitasari et al.

control group obtained a significant value (p) = 0.000 of toddlers’ development concludes that the group
less than α = 0.05 so that the hypothesis was accepted, discussion method can have a functional influence can
while in the treatment group obtained significant (p) = positively affect the mother’s knowledge (Mohammed,
0.000 less than α = 0.05. The results of the Mann Woldeyohannes, Feleke, & Megabiaw, 2014). According
Whitney U test statistic before the module intervention to Notoarmodjo, in 2007, one’s exposure to information
and intervention (p) = 0.786. After the module sources will affect the level of knowledge. Sources of
intervention and peer group discussion showed the information obtained affect one’s knowledge, for
results (p) = 0.533 means that α> 0.005 hypothesis was example, from print media, electronic media, and from
rejected, there was no influence from both pre and post health workers. Someone who has many sources of
groups. information will provide clearer knowledge about
The number and percentage of respondents based stunting prevention (Notoatmodjo, 2014).
on the total energy before and after the intervention in Modules and peer group discussions influence the
the control group and the treatment group. Statistical attitudes of brides-to-be. The results showed a
test results with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in the significant effect after a health education intervention
control group obtained a significant value (p) = 0.000 with modules and peer group discussions on improving
less than α = 0.05 so that the hypothesis was accepted, the attitude of brides-to-be about stunting prevention. In
while in the treatment group obtained significant (p) = the pre-test results obtained, almost all respondents
0.000 less than α = 0.05. The results of the Mann have a negative attitude, and all respondents do not
Whitney U test statistic before and after the module know about stunting prevention. The increase in a
intervention and peer group discussion showed that the positive attitude in this study is due to the information
results (p) = 1.000 mean α> 0.005 hypothesis was when providing health education that carries a
rejected, there was no influence from both pre and post suggestive message that prevention of stunting is
groups. important and must be performed by pre-marital women.
This study is not in line with the results of the study
DISCUSSION Retnayu in 2014, which states that the Buzz group is an
Health education with the module media and peer effective health education method in increasing
group discussion has an influence on pre-marital knowledge and attitudes towards adolescents (Salim et
women’s knowledge, the results of changes in the al., 2014). Attitudes are formed through the willingness
treatment group before health education are carried out to accept one’s words, respond to messages with active
with the module media, and the peer group discussion is participation, provide judgment to readiness to act
in the control group. After conducting statistical analysis (Potter & Perry, 2010). Attitude is an assessment, and it
based on the level of knowledge of respondents before can be a person’s opinion of a stimulus or object. In
and after health education with media modules and peer giving his judgment, someone responds to a closed
group discussions, most have sufficient and less attitude towards a particular stimulus or object that
knowledge when pre-tested. Most respondents lack already involves one’s emotions. Attitudes involve
knowledge related to the prevention of editing, the thoughts, feelings, concerns, and symptoms of a
impact of stunting, and the causes of stunting. In the person’s intelligence. The attitude function is not yet an
control group, when pre-tested, the majority of action or activity, but it is a predisposing behavior or a
respondents were dominated by enough and fewer closed reaction.
categories. The knowledge that is dominated by enough Modules and peer group discussions influence the
in both groups is due to the existence of previous health attitudes of pre-marital women in the control and
information from various sources such as mass media, treatment groups. This study is not in line with research
internet, health workers, and other friends so that conducted by Richards et al. in 2006, who examined the
respondents have knowledge related to stunting effects of nutritional education on women of childbearing
prevention, the impact of stunting, and causes of age 18-24 years in Dakota, America, also concluded that
stunting. Lack of knowledge in the pre-test of the two health education was effective in increasing the
groups is due to the lack of experience on how to prevent consumption of healthy foods and vegetables in the
stunting. intervention group (Richards, Kattelmann, & Ren, 2006).
This research is in line with research conducted by Cena et al. in 2008 also found a correct increase in the
Sri Handayani et al. in 2009. It states that peer group intervention group who received pre-conception nutrition
discussions are more effective in increasing knowledge education in consuming folic acid compared to the
about pre-marital sexual behavior compared to control group (Cena et al., 2008).
discussion methods (Handayani, Emilia, & Wahyuni, In action, variable respondents have shown good
2009). The importance of attitude is in line with actions at the pre-test and post-test. However, these
Abdurahman’s research in 2012 regarding the effect of actions are not in accordance with the lack of knowledge
the group discussion method on the mother’s knowledge and negative attitudes before the intervention, but if
seen in the action variables show a good category.

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 2519-2525 (2020) Yunitasari et al.

Attitude is not the same as behavior or action, and driving factors manifested in the attitudes and behaviors
behavior does not always reflect someone’s behavior of officers’ health in providing health promotion for
because it often happens that someone can show stunting prevention (Green & Kreuter, 1991).
actions that are contrary to the attitude and the
knowledge he has (Kholid, 2018). CONCLUSION
According to Notoatmodjo, in 2012, the behavior is a There is an influence of health education on the level
person’s psychological reaction to the environment. The of knowledge. Health workers are advised to provide
reaction has various forms that are basically classified more health education to prospective bride and groom
into two names in the form of passive without real action on how to prevent stunting by utilizing Integrated
and inactive form with real action. Forms of behavior can Healthcare Center (center for pre and postnatal health
be observed through attitudes and actions only, and care and information). Public health services are
behavior can also be potential in the form of knowledge, advised to optimize the CATIN (Bride to be) and Nutrition
motivation, and perception (Notoatmodjo, 2012). In this Program, which focuses on stunting prevention
study, they were using the theory of Lawrence Green in behavior. The candidate’s training is needed to assist
1991. The health of a person or community is influenced brides who lack knowledge about stunting prevention
by behavioral factors and factors outside the behavior of behavior. This result can be used to design interventions
one of them, namely knowledge and attitudes. What to add information and improve stunting prevention
influences the respondent’s actions before and after behaviors for the community. Future researchers are
health education to have actions in good food also expected to investigate further about effective
consumption. There are supporting factors that are health education in preventing stunting.
manifested in the physical environment, the availability
or unavailability of health facilities or facilities, and the

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