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Pemeriksaan Thorax: Jantung



Latar Belakang Pemeriksaan fisik merupakan salah satu bagian yang sangat penting dalam
menegakkan diagnosis. Diperkirakan > 70% diagnosis dapat ditegakkan dari anamnesis
yang baik. Dengan anamnesis yang baik ditambah dengan pemeriksaan fisik yang baik
pula, maka akan dapat ditegakkan diagnosis yang lebih akurat lagi.
Seorang dokter seharusnya sudah mempunyai data pendahuluan dari pasien sebelum
melakukan pemeriksaan fisik melalui anamnesa yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya,
melihat data cataan medik yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Selama pemeriksaan
hendaknya dokter pemeriksa berkomunikasi dengan pasien agar merasa lebih nyaman
sehingga diperoleh hasil pemeriksaan yang tepat dan efisien.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah selesai mengikuti pelatihan, peserta mampu melakukan :
1. Inspeksi dada saat istirahat (statis)
2. Inspeksi saat respirasi (dinamis)
3. Palpasi ekspansi pernafasan
4. Palpasi tactile fremitus
5. Palpasi apex jantung
6. Perkusi paru dan jantung
7. Auskultasi paru
8. Auskultasi jantung
9. Inspeksi payudara
10. Palpasi payudara
Metoda - Kuliah singkat
Pembelajaran - Video session
- Demonstrasi dengan model anatomik
- Berlatih mandiri dengan sesama teman
Alat Bantu - Model anatomik (manekin) 2 buah lengkap alat pemeriksaan
- Arloji/ stopwatch 5 buah
- Stetoskop 5 buah
- Audio visual 1 set
- Kapas alkohol 10 sachet
Waktu 5 menit

Daftar Instruktur - dr. Achmad Thamrin, SpJP - dr. Cholid Tri Tjahjono, SpJP
- dr. Pawik Supriadi, SpJP (K) - dr. Sasmojo Widito, SpJP (K)
- dr. M Saifur Rohman,SpJP,PhD - dr. Laksmi Sasiarini, SpPD
- dr. Sri Sunarti, SpPD - dr. Shinta Oktya Wardhani,SpPD

Evaluasi Check list

Referensi 1. Berg D; Worzala K, 2006. Atlas of Adult Physical Diagnosis. Lippincott Williams &
2. Delp MH; Manning RT, 1981. Major’s Physical Diagnosis An Introduction to the
Clinical Process. 9th Edition. WB. Saunders Company. Philadelphia.
3. Burnside JW, 1981. Physical Diagnosis 16th Edition. William & Wilkins Baltimore /
4. Handono Kalim, 1996. Pedoman Diagnostik Fisik Ilmu Penyakit Dalam.
Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

Posisi Pasien & You will need to expose the patient's chest for this examination. For female
Persiapan patients you may want to use an examination gown or drape. Place your patient
in a semi-supine position, at an angle of 45%. Make sure that the patient is
comfortable in this position.

Pencegahan Prior to examining the patient, make sure you properly wash your hands and
infeksi cleanse the diaphragm / bell components of your stethoscope with alcohol
Inspeksi Observe the chest carefully. Specifically note for any: Scars (e.g. median
sternotomy scar; thoracotomy scar); chest wall deformities (e.g. pectus
excavatus )

Sternotomy scar Pectus excavatus

Palpasi (a) Palpation for the apex beat.

The apex beat is the furthest position laterally and inferiorly, at which the
impulse can be palpated. The apex beat is due mainly to the action of the left
ventricle. In a normal patient, the apex beat is usually positioned at the 5th
intercostal space (ICS) in the mid clavicular line (MCL).

To palpate for the apex beat place your hand over the left hemi-thorax
region and feel for the most lateral and inferior pulsation. To count
intercostal spaces (ICS), first identify the manubriosternal junction.
The rib attached along side this is the 2nd rib and the space below the rib is
the 2nd ICS. Count down until you are at the level where you can feel the
apex beat.

Palpation for the apex beat

b) Palpation for heaves.

Place your hand on the patients chest in the left parasternal region to palpate
for any heaves that may be caused by right ventricular enlargement.

Palpation for heaves

(c) Palpation for thrills :

Turbulent blood flow, which causes cardiac murmurs on auscultation (see
later) can sometimes be palpable – i.e. a thrill. Place your hand over the
pulmonary and aortic areas (see later) to palpate for any thrills.

Palpation for thrills

Perkusi Percussion of the heart is rarely performed and will not be discussed further
Auskultasi a) Heart sounds : The heart sounds are sometimes described as sounding like
‘lupp dubb’ (1st followed by 2nd heart sounds) The first heart sound is caused
by vibrations arising from closure of the mitral and the tricuspid valves. It
coincides with the beginning of ventricular systole and so each first sound
comes at the beginning of the pulse wave. The second heart sound is softer,
shorter and of higher frequency and is caused by closure of the aortic and the
pulmonary valves. It coincides with the end of ventricular systole and so occurs
at the end of each pulse. Because of their relationship to the pulse wave it is
useful to listen to the heart sounds while feeling the pulse.

Mitral area (5th ICS MCL)

Tricuspid area (Lower left sternal edge)
Aortic area (2nd ICS right sternal edge)
Pulmonary area (2nd ICS left sternal edge)

b) Murmurs : The presence of a murmur indicates either increased or turbulent

blood flow. Increased flow across a normal valve may occur in high output
states, such as pregnancy, severe anaemia, or associated with a significant
pyrexia. Turbulent flow may arise because of abnormal flow across a valve or
as a result of an abnormal communication between the chambers of the heart /
great vessels. If a murmur is heard, the following should be noted: timing of the
murmur (systole [ejection, pan, mid, late] or diastole [early, mid]); quality;
radiation; intensity (grading); location where murmur is best heard; variation with
respiration (murmurs on the right side of the heart increase during inspiration).
You will learn more about murmurs in the CSEC, clinical attachments and in
other modules in your undergraduate career.
It is essential to simultaneously examine the carotid pulse – long enough to give
you an indication of the timing of systole and enable sounds to be placed in the
correct part of the cardiac cycle



Nama :
Kelompok :
Tanggal :

1. Mencuci tangan      
2. Pemeriksa menempatkan diri di sebelah kanan pasien
3. Memberikan penjelasan tentang pemeriksaan ini
4. Mempersilahkan pasien melepas baju
5. Menempatkan pasien dalam keadaan berbaring dengan posisi semi supine, dengan
sudut 45% sedemikian rupa sehingga pasien merasa nyaman dengan posisi tersebut
6. Melihat dan menilai bentuk dada
7. Melihat adakah simetri/asimetri, bekas operasi, dll
8. Melihat adakah tumor /benjolan lain yang seharusnya tidak ada
9. Melihat iktus kordis tampak atau tidak tampak
10. Melakukan palpasi apex cordis
11. Menilai adanya kuat angkat atau tidak kuat angkat
12. Menilai ada tidaknya thrill
13. Memeriksa batas jantung kanan dan melaporkan hasilnya
14. Memeriksa batas jantung kiri dan melaporkan hasilnya
15. Memeriksa pinggang jantung dan melaporkan hasilnya
16. Menentukan proyeksi katup-katup jantung
17. Memeriksa ada tidaknya murmur
18. Mendiskipsikan jenis murmur yang ditemukan (bila ada murmur)
19. Menempatkan pasien dalam posisi ½ duduk (45o)
20. Meminta pasien menoleh ke kiri lebih kurang 30 – 45 o.
21. Menentukan titik R
22. Menentukan tinggi bendungan vena jugularis
23. Mengukur proyeksi bendungan vena jugularis pada posisi tegak lurus
24. Mencatat dan melaporkan hasilnya
Keterangan penilaian : Tutor,
√ = dikerjakan dengan benar/sesuai urutan prosedur
X = dikerjakan tetapi kurang benar/tidak sesuai urutan prosedur
- = tidak dikerjakan

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