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First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT because, with Allah's help, we were able
to complete the project report on time.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the final exam for the English Language
Course. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight for readers and also for writers.

We thank Mr. Drs. Faqih Samlawi, MA and Mr. Iqbal Lhutfi, SE, M.Ak, CSRS,
CRMP, as English lecturers who have been given the task of this project report so that they
can add knowledge and insight according to the field of study we are involved in.

We also thank all those who have shared a little knowledge so that we can complete
this project report.

Bandung, 24 Desember 2021



TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER 1 LISTENING.................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 2 READING....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 3 SPEAKING..................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 4 WRITING....................................................................................................................6


Menurut lembaga think tank pemerintah, 21 kota besar di India berisiko kehabisan
mata air. 200.000 orang meninggal setiap tahun karena mereka tidak memiliki akses ke air
bersih. Badan air di Chenai juga, salah satu yang terburuk, krisis tersebut membuat situasi
yang ekstrim dan putus asa. Alasannya yaitu tidak mengelola air dengan baik. Koloni
perumahan, yang bertingkat 25 ke atas, yang dibangun di sekitar Delhi, kebanyakan
mengambil air dari tanah karena ada reservoir, tapi tidak menjangkau semua rumah. Banyak
ketidakadilan dalam bagaimana air didistribusikan. Jadi apa yang terjadi adalah bahwa itu
adalah konstruksi yang tidak sah. Mereka menggunakan pompa air untuk mengambil air dari
tanah juga, karena ada ada rumah-rumah yang tidak memiliki sambungan pipa air.

Masalah besar lainnya juga adalah air bersih. Sebagian besar masih tidak bisa minum
air langsung dari keran di rumah, di kota miskin. Ada perempuan dan anak-anak yang datang
ke sini dengan ember plastik untuk mengisi air minum bersih. Air ini disuplai oleh sebuah
kapal tanker pemerintah secara gratis setiap hari, tetapi ada lonjakan besar, terutama selama
musim panas di mana mereka membutuhkan lebih banyak air minum. Jadi koloni yang lebih
kaya secara keseluruhan akan memiliki akses air yang lebih baik. Walaupun air gratis, biaya
transaksi untuk mendapatkan air saja sudah sangat tinggi. Jadi ini adalah salah satu bagian
bahwa orang miskin tidak memiliki akses yang adil.

Banyak dari mereka bergantung pada musim hujan untuk tanaman mereka. Dan juga
sekarang petani telah menimba air. Jadi harus mengurangi penggunaan air di pertanian,
meningkatkan efisiensi air di pertanian. Pengelolaan air harus dimulai dari individu karena air
adalah dasar manusia. Menetapkan harga menurut nilai ekonominya bukanlah solusi. Deli
melakukan eksperimen membuat orang-orang menjadi sadar untuk mencoba menjaga
konsumsi air mereka dalam batas itu. Mereka secara sukarela meminta meteran, sehingga
mereka bisa memantau penggunaan air mereka dan mengambil subsidi untuk itu.

Mereka mencoba memecahkan lantai beton untuk membiarkan hujan pertama jatuh ke
tanah di bawah dan tidak hanya mengalir ke saluran air badai, itu sedang dilakukan. Kedua,
banyak saluran air hujan di Chenai yang digali dengan sumur sehingga lebih banyak air hujan
yang dapat ditampung. Chenai adalah pelopor dalam hal air hujan, panen di India, yang
lagilagi dihidupkan kembali. Gali parit di sekitar area dan petakan di mana kantong air berada
mereka dapat mengisi ulang. Kebijakan lain, yaitu tentang air perpipaan untuk semua rumah
tangga pada tahun 2024. Tantangannya sebenarnya adalah keberlanjutan dan kualitas air.
Cadangan air perlu diatur dan menyediakan air minum bersih yang tepat, yang merupakan
hak fundamental, yang telah kita semua sepakati dari waktu ke waktu. Badan air tawar kita
tidak dapat diubah menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah dan banyak lagi. Mereka harus diberi
ruang alami di mana mereka dapat menjangkau tanah di bawah hanya jika itu dilakukan. Air
perpipaan ke setiap rumah akan menjadi kenyataan. Seperti yang pernah dikatakan Benjamin
Franklin, ketika sumurnya kering, kita tahu nilai air, banyak kota yang menyadari hal ini.


Laju Inflasi Saat Ini Mirip Dengan Episode Lain Dalam Sejarah, Tetapi Dengan
Perbedaan Penting

Inflasi bukanlah sesuatu yang baru bagi AS karena negara tersebut telah melewati
tujuh episode lonjakan harga yang berlangsung lama sejak Perang Dunia II termasuk
pergerakan saat ini, yang merupakan yang terkuat dalam 30 tahun. Keluar dari guncangan
pandemi telah menjadi latihan yang sulit bagi ekonomi terbesar di dunia, dan inflasi telah
menjadi efek samping yang menyakitkan. “Dalam hal seberapa luas inflasi, itu cukup
menyentuh segalanya. Ini tersebar luas, atau lebih dari apa yang kita lihat di tahun 1970-an,”
kata Peter Boockvar, kepala investasi di Bleakley Advisory Group. “Pertanyaannya adalah,
berapa lama ia tetap terangkat dan kapan ia mundur dan pada tingkat berapa ia menetap?”
Sebagian besar pembuat kebijakan AS menolak koneksi tahun 1970-an.

Para pemimpin seperti Ketua Federal Reserve Jerome Powell, Menteri Keuangan
Janet Yellen dan pejabat administrasi Biden memandang inflasi sebagai sementara dan
hampir seluruhnya didorong oleh faktor-faktor unik dari pandemi. Begitu faktor-faktor
tersebut mereda, mereka melihat inflasi melayang lebih rendah, akhirnya mencapai level 2%
yang dianggap Fed sebagai simbol ekonomi yang sehat dan tumbuh.

Beberapa ekonom Gedung Putih telah menegaskan bahwa peregangan saat ini tidak
terlihat seperti era stagflasi, tetapi lebih seperti iklim pasca-Perang Dunia II, ketika kontrol
harga, masalah pasokan dan permintaan yang luar biasa memicu kenaikan inflasi dua digit
yang tidak mereda sampai akhir 1940-an.

“Kekurangan barang tahan lama hari ini serupa – krisis nasional mengharuskan
mengganggu proses produksi normal,” tulis tim ekonom Gedung Putih dalam makalah Juli
2021. “Alih-alih mengarahkan sumber daya untuk mendukung upaya perang, bagaimanapun,
kemampuan manufaktur ditutup sementara atau dikurangi untuk menghindari penularan

Faktanya, Paulsen telah mempelajari inflasi selama sekitar satu abad terakhir dan
menemukan bahwa meskipun mungkin ada banyak periode di mana ia menjadi bermasalah,
hanya ada dua di mana ia terbukti bertahan: setelah Perang Dunia I dan pada 1970-an-awal
80- an yang disebutkan di atas.

Mark Zandi, kepala ekonom di Moody's Analytics, mengatakan gelombang dalam
guncangan inflasi itu didorong oleh permintaan dan produk dari masalah pasokan karena
embargo minyak saat itu. Serikat pekerja yang mampu menegosiasikan kenaikan biaya hidup
dalam kontrak juga mendorong spiral harga upah. Fed yang peka juga berkontribusi pada
masalah dengan menganggap inflasi terlalu ringan dan menolak kenaikan suku bunga yang
bisa memperlambat ekonomi.

Sementara pembuat kebijakan Fed lambat melakukan pengetatan pada hari ini,
mereka telah bersumpah bahwa jika ekspektasi inflasi menjadi tidak terkendali, mereka akan
bertindak. Namun, kekhawatirannya adalah bahwa Fed sudah terlambat.


Situation: Ann and Mary talk while walking to their next class.

Sonya Mustika Nurul Fuadah (2106782) as Ann

Vina Herlina (2106341) as Mary

Link Anchor/Spotify:


Effectiveness Of Grammar Translation Method (GMT) Given By

Teachers To Students On Learning English.

Sonya Mustika Nurul Fuadah1, Vina Herlina2

program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi
Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, No. 229 Bandung, Jawa Barat Indonesia
Email: sonyamustika80@gmail.com1, herlinaavina@gmail.com2

This research is motivated because English has influenced many aspects of life so that in its
application it must be done with the right method so that the learning can be easily
understood. This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative research is research that is
descriptive and tends to use analysis. Process and meaning are highlighted in qualitative
research. . The data source of this research is secondary. Secondary data is data that has been
processed first and only obtained by researchers from other sources as additional information.
Some secondary data sources are books, journals, government publications, as well as
websites, or other supporting sources. In research on the Grammar Translation Method
(GTM), it can be said that students can easily understand English concepts and even they can
communicate with their teachers and colleagues in their first language. However, in its
application, there are indeed advantages and disadvantages of this Grammar Translation
Method (GTM).
Keywords : Grammar Translation Method, Learning Methods

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena Bahasa Inggris telah mempengaruhi banyak aspek
kehidupan sehingga dalam penerapannya harus dilakukan dengan metode yang tepat agar
dalam pembelajarannya dapat dengan mudah untuk dipahami. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan
cenderung menggunakan analisis. Proses dan makna lebih ditonjolkan dalam penelitian
kualitatif. Sumber

data dari penelitian ini adalah sekunder. Data sekunder adalah data yang sudah diolah terlebih
dahulu dan baru didapatkan oleh peneliti dari sumber yang lain sebagai tambahan informasi.
Beberapa sumber data sekunder adalah buku, jurnal, publikasi pemerintah, serta situs atau
sumber lain yang mendukung. Pada penelitian mengenai Grammar Translation Method
(GTM) dapat dikatakan bahwasanya siswa dapat dengan mudah memahami konsep berbahasa
inggris bahkan mereka dapat berkomunikasi dengan guru dan rekan mereka dalam bahasa
pertama mereka. Namun dalam penerapannya memang terdapat kelebihan dan kekurangan
dari Grammar Translation Method (GTM) ini.

Kata Kunci : Grammar Translation Method, Metode Pembelajaran

INTRODUCTION The motivation of this research is to find
out more about teachers who use the
English has influenced many aspects of
Grammar Translation Method (GMT)
life. The global era makes English very
whether it is effective in learning English.
significant in terms of communication
between countries in the world. Therefore, The problem formulations include (1)
in Indonesia, to prepare its people for the What are the characteristics of the
impact, English subjects are taught from Grammar Translation Method (GMT)? (2)
elementary school to university level. To What are the Reasons for Teachers to Use
teach English effectively, the role of Grammar Translation Method (GMT)? (3)
teaching methods is needed. Grammar What are the Advantages and
Translation Method (GMT) is a teaching Disadvantages of Grammar Translation
and learning method for a second language Method (GMT)? (4) What is the Solution
and a foreign language. Grammar for Teachers in Facing Lack of Grammar
Translation Method (GTM) is a teaching Translation Method (GMT)?
method commonly used to teach grammar
with the main characteristics of focusing The research objectives include (1)

on translating and memorising verb forms, Knowing the Characteristics of Grammar

when teaching, the teacher usually Translation Method (GMT)? (2) Knowing

explains the material using the local the Reasons for Teachers to Use Grammar

language. With this method, students learn Translation Method (GMT)? (3) Knowing

grammar rules and then apply those rules the Advantages and Disadvantages of

to translate sentences between the target Grammar Translation Method (GMT)? (4)

language and their native language. In Knowing the Solution for Teacher in

addition, experts state that the Grammar Facing Lack of Grammar Translation

Translation Method is one of the most Method (GMT)?

effective methods that can be used to read

and translate sentences that show
grammatical rules to acquire English as a This research method is a qualitative
second language. Thus, it can be method. According to Sugiyono (2011),
concluded that the Grammar Translation qualitative research methods are research
Method (GTM) is a teaching-learning methods based on post-positivist
method that focuses on the rules of philosophy, used to examine the condition
grammar and translation and is also a of natural objects, (as opposed to
purpose grammar-translation method.
experiments) where the researcher is the isolated word lists, long explanations of
key instrument, sampling of data sources is grammatical intricacies are given,
done purposively and snowball, combined grammar provides rules for putting words
collection technique, data analysis is together, and instruction often focuses on
inductive or qualitative, and the results of word form and inflection, reading difficult
this study emphasise meaning rather than classical texts begins early, little attention
generalisation. The data source of this is paid to text content, which is treated as
research is secondary. Secondary data is an exercise in grammatical analysis, often
data that has been processed first and only the only exercise is practise translating
obtained by researchers from other sources broken sentences from the target language
as additional information. Some secondary into the mother tongue, little or no
data sources are books, journals, attention is paid to pronunciation, and the
government publications, as well as focus is on the accuracy, not fluency.
websites, or other supporting sources. According to Setiyadi, Although many
new methods have been introduced to date,
the Grammar Translation Method (GMT)
Characteristics of Grammar remains the standard methodology for
Translation Method (GMT) teaching English for some teachers.
Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is a Reasons for Teachers to Use Grammar
teaching method commonly used to teach Translation Method (GMT)
grammar with the main characteristics of The reason for using the Grammar
focusing on translating and memorising Translation Method (GMT) is that teaching
verb forms. The main characteristics focus English is much easier because many
on translation and memorising verb forms. students still have a low level of English.
In this method, the translation of the text Most of the students cannot understand the
and the study of grammar rules and lesson well when the teacher tries to speak
practises are the main activities so that the in the target language. In addition, using
use of the target language is very less. The this method can help students to
main characteristics of the Grammar understand the given text and know the
Translation Method (GMT), including grammatical rules of a language. This
Classes, are taught in the local language, method can also improve students’
with little active use of the target language, vocabulary better. It is very important for
a lot of vocabulary is taught in the form of students to master sentence patterns and
vocabulary because this knowledge is
needed to pass exams that

are often grammar-oriented and reading interaction between students and teachers.
comprehension. Mastering the grammar of The inability of students to communicate
a foreign language is very important for in the target language. GTM reverses the
students to understand the written target language learning process starting with
language. listening but GTM starts with reading. It is
Advantages and Disadvantages of impossible to translate exactly from one
Grammar Translation Method (GMT) language to another. Of course, the
The advantages of the Grammar weaknesses of GTM are identified from
Translation Method (GMT) are that the teaching principles of this
students can understand well the meaning communication method.
of abstract words and complex sentences. Solutions for Teachers Facing Lack of
By knowing grammatical rules well, Grammar Translation Method (GMT)
students can understand messages through Solutions for Facing Lack of Grammar
reading texts and can produce Translation Method (GMT) include
grammatically correct sentences. students being made study groups to focus
Knowledge of morphology and syntax will on their study groups, students memorising
make students able to analyse and solve vocabulary and then being tested by the
problems. GTM demands less effort from teacher, giving rewards in the form of
the teacher. This method saves time additional values, and giving videos
because it is the easiest way to explain interesting in learning. Elmayanti (2015) in
vocabulary items. Teachers who do not his research revealed that in implementing
speak English fluently can teach English the Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
through this method. Help us to realise it is recommended to apply more methods
mistakes in translating. Thus, the in teaching and learning. In addition,
grammatical translation method is useful when applying the method, you should
for using correct word order and standard not only focus on using the Grammar
structures. Translation Method (GTM) but also
The shortcomings of the Grammar teach four language skills,
Translation Method (GMT) include namely listening, speaking, reading, and
making the language learning experience writing.
uninteresting and boring. This method
does not approach or encourage students’ CONCLUSION

communicative competence. A teacher-

This study was conducted to examine the
centred approach, as there is little
effectiveness and use of the Grammar
Translation Method for English. Students Elmayantie, C. (2015). The Use Of
find it easy to understand the concepts Grammar Translation Method In
Teaching English. 8.
even they can easily communicate with
their teachers and colleagues in their first Kaharuddin, A. (2018). The
Communicative Grammar
language. They can easily get good marks Translation Method: A Practical
in their exams by teaching through this Method To Teach Communication
Skills Of English. 1.
method. It can be said that GTM should be
Kaharudin. (2018). The Communicative
used in conjunction with other modern
Grammar Translation Method. 23.
methods to keep space for learners from
Prastyo, H. (2015). The Implementation Of
different backgrounds especially in Grammar Translation Method
underdeveloped areas. With its benefits in (Gtm) And Communicative
Language Teaching (Clt) In
mind, GTM can be used as an easy and
Teaching Integrated English. 1.
helpful helping hand to tackle the world of
Zulkarnain, B. W. (2021). The
the English language. Effectiveness Of Grammar
Translation Method . 9.

We would like to express our gratitude to

Allah SWT who for His mercy and grace
we were able to complete this research.
Also, don’t forget to take this opportunity
to express our deepest gratitude to the
lecturer in the English course, Accounting
Education Study Programme, Mr. Drs.
Faqih Samlawi, M.A as well as Mr. Iqbal
Lhutfi, S.E., M.Ak, CSRS, CRMP who
always guide us.


Awan, D. G. (2016). The Effectiveness Of

Grammar. 5.
Elmayantie, C. (2015). The Use Of
Grammar Translation Method In
Teaching English. 1.



Generally, when we start to learn a new language, we usually learn to listen first, then
to speak, after that to read, and finally to write. Listening, namely listening to conversations
through direct or indirect interactions reading is reading or understanding reading writing,
namely writing in English, including the ability to make structured sentences and have good
grammar speaking is the ability to communicate and interact in English. Understand what you
hear and be able to respond.


Thus the results of the project report that we can describe which are the subject of the
final semester exam, of course there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses. We really
hope, dear readers, to provide constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of our
project report on the following occasions. We hope that this project report will be useful for
us, especially dear readers in general. Thus the review this time, may be useful for you and
also inspire.


Sonya Mustika Nurul Fuadah (2106782) was born in Bandung, June 18, 2002. She is
the eldest of three children. She graduated from SMKN 3 Bandung, Bandung City, West Java
Province in 2020. Now she is an active student in the Accounting Education Study Program,
Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Indonesian Education University.

Vina Herlina (2106341) was born in Bandung, February 9, 2003. She is the eldest of
three children. She graduated from SMAN 1 Soreang, Bandung District, West Java Province
in 2021. Now she is an active student in the Accounting Education Study Program, Faculty of
Economics and Business Education, Indonesian Education University.


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