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Pada pagi hari, debi pergi ke rumah sakit untuk konsul karena masalah sulit buang air besar,
sesampainya di rumah sakit, debi pergi keruangan poli umum, untuk melakukan pemeriksaan..

Sesampainya diruangan....

Pasien : ass... selamat pagi

Dokter: waa.... selamat pagi juga ibuk, silahkan duduk buk,

Pasien : iya dokter, terimakasih dokter

Dokter: jadi ibuk ada keluhan apa?

Pasien : jadi gini dokter sudah 4 hari saya susah BAB dokter, sudah saya coba berbagai obat, tetapi
tidak ada yang manjur dokter, malahan perut saya tambah sakit dokter, jadi bagaimana ini dokter?

Dokter: baiklah, coba saya periksa ibu terlebih dahulu ya, mari ibu berbaring dulu

“dokter melakukan pemeriksaan”

Dokter: setelah saya periksa, usus ibu mengalami penyumbatan, makanya ibu susah untuk BAB

Pasien : jadi bagaimana dokter?

Dokter: kalau boleh saya tau, makan apa yang sering ibu konsumsi?

Pasien : saya hanya sering makan makanan seperti sup dan roti bakar dokter dan saya juga jauh dari
anak-anak saya, jadi saya jarang masak dokter

Dokter: baiklah ibu, jadi untuk selanjutnya saya sarankan ibu untuk makan makanan yang banyak
seratnya seperti buah-buahan, sayuran atau gandum dan perbanyak minum air putih

Pasien : baik dokter

Dokter: jadi saya resepkan obat untuk ibu, nanti ambil di apotik ya buk..

Pasien: baik dokter, thank you dokter

Dokter : sama-sama

“dan pasien pun mengambil obatnya di apotik”


In the morning, Debi went to the hospital for a consul because she had difficulty defecating, when
she arrived at the hospital, Debi went to the general poly room, to do an examination.

When I got to the room....

Patient : ass... good morning

Doctor: waa.... good morning too mom, please sit down,

Patient : yes doctor, thank you doctor

Doctor: So mom, what's the problem?

Patient: So, doctor, it's been 4 days since I've had difficulty defecating, doctor, I've tried various
drugs, but nothing works, doctor, in fact, my stomach hurts even more, doctor, so what's this

Doctor: okay, let me check mom first, let's have a problem first

"doctor checks"

Doctor: after I checked, your intestines are having trouble, that's why it's hard for you to defecate

Patient : so how about doctor?

Doctor: May I know, what do you usually eat?

Patient : I only often eat food such as soup and doctor's toast and I am also far from my children, so I
rarely cook doctor

Doctor: okay mom, so for the next I suggest mom to eat foods that have lots of fiber such as fruits,
vegetables or wheat and drink lots of water

Patient : ok doctor

Doctor: So I prescribe medicine for mom, I'll take it at the pharmacy, OK?

Patient: ok doctor, thank you doctor

Doctor: you're welcome

"And the patient took the medicine at the pharmacy"


morning, Debi went hospital consul because she had difficulty defecating, when she arrived hospital,
Debi went general poly room, do examination.

When I got to the room....

Patient : ass... good morning

Doctor: waa....too, please sit down,

Patient : yes doctor, thank you doctor

Doctor: So mom, what's the problem?

Patient: So, doctor, been 4 days since I've had difficulty defecating, doctor, I've tried various drugs,
but nothing works, doctor, fact, my stomach hurts , doctor, what's this doctor?

Doctor: okay, me check mom first, have problem first

"doctor checks"

Doctor: after I checked, your intestines are having trouble, that's why it's hard for you to defecate

Patient : how doctor?

Doctor: I know, what you usually eat?

Patient : I only often eat food such soup and doctor's toast and I am also from my children, I rarely
cook doctor

Doctor: okay mom, I suggest mom to eat foods that have lots of fiber such fruits, vegetables wheat
drink lots water

Patient : ok doctor

Doctor: I prescribe medicine mom, I'll take pharmacy, OK?

Patient: ok doctor, thank you doctor

Doctor: you're welcome

" patient took medicine pharmacy"

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