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Maternal and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: A systematic review of 108



Dosen pembimbing :

Ns. Aidah Fitriani, S.Kep., M.Kep

Di susun oleh :

Andriawin, S.Kep (7090119041)

Asrawati, S.Kep (70900119042)



A. Judul Artikel
“Maternal and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: A systematic review of 108
B. Kata Kunci:
Coronavirus, COVID-19, fever, maternal morbidity, maternal mortality, neonatal
morbidity, neonatal mortality, pandemic, pregnancy, respiratory distress
syndrome, SARS-CoV-2, virus
C. Penulis:
Mehreen Zaigham, Ola Andersson
D. Publisher:
By John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Federation of Societies of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG)
DOI: 10.1111/aogs.13867
E. Telaah Step 1 ( Fokus Penelitian)

Problem Terdapat lebih dari satu juta orang yang terinfeksi,

pandemi global yang disebabkan oleh sindrom pernafasan
akut yang parah coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) telah
tumbuh meningkat semakin cepat. Meningkatnya angka
kematian menjamin identifikasi dan perlindungan
populasi rentan di masyarakat. Pengetahuan yang
diperoleh dari wabah koronavirus manusia sebelumnya,
yaitu, coronavirus sindrom pernafasan akut yang parah
(SARS-CoV) dan coronavirus sindrom pernafasan Timur
Tengah (MERS-CoV), menunjukkan bahwa wanita hamil
dan janin mereka sangat rentan terkena hasil yang buruk.
Masuk ke dalam perawatan intensif merupakan hal yang
umum dan tingkat kematian mencapai hingga 35% telah
Perubahan anatomi secara fisiologis yang terjadi
selama kehamilan membuat ibu lebih rentan terkena
infeksi parah. Perubahan anatomi seperti peningkatan
diameter transversal toraks, peningkatan level diafragma
dan penurunan toleransi ibu terhadap hipoksia. Perubahan
volume paru-paru dan pelebaran dapat menyebabkan
edema mukosa dan peningkatan sekresi di saluran
pernapasan bagian atas. Selain itu perubahan imunitas
yang dimediasi sel berkontribusi pada peningkatan
kerentanan wanita hamil untuk terinfeksi oleh organisme
intraseluler seperti virus. Terkait dengan janin yang baru
lahir, ketidakmatangan sistem imun bawaan dan adaptif
membuat mereka rentan terhadap infeksi. Disregulasi
faktor-faktor seperti sitokin dan kaskade komplemen
dapat mengakibakan/ berpotensi merusak perkembangan
dan fungsi otak.
Untuk mengetahui apakah agen infeksi dapat
menginfeksi janin atau bayi baru lahir dengan transmisi
vertikal, maka peneliti menggangap hal ini menarik,
sehingga peneliti ingin mengevaluasi kelompok risiko
potensial dalam pendemi COVID-19 saat ini pada ibu
hamil dan bayi nya.
Intervention Penelitian ini bukan merupakan penelitian intervensi.
Comparsion Dalam penelitian ini tidak terdapat intervensi yang
Intervention diberikan. Namun penelitian ini merupakan sitematik
riview yang dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi manifestasi
klinis, hasil maternal dan perinatal dari COVID-19 selama
Oucome Dari tanda dan gejala klinis, wanita hamil dengan
COVID-19 umumnya mengalami demam saat masuk
(68%). Batuk kering persisten (34%) bersama dengan
malaise (13%) dan dispnea (12%) lebih jarang ditemukan.
Diare diidentifikasi hanya dalam tujuh kasus (6%).
Delapan belas artikel yang melaporkan data dari 108
kehamilan antara 8 Desember 2019 dan 1 April 2020
dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Sebagian besar laporan
menggambarkan wanita yang mengalami demam
trimester ketiga (68%) dan batuk (34%). Limfositopenia
(59%) dengan peningkatan protein C-reaktif (70%)
diamati dan 91% wanita dilahirkan melalui operasi caesar.
Tiga penerimaan unit perawatan intensif ibu dicatat tetapi
tidak ada kematian ibu. Satu kematian neonatal dan satu
kematian intrauterin juga dilaporkan.
Studies Sebanyak 108 wanita hamil dengan COVID-19
diidentifikasi. Sebagian besar penelitian berasal dari Cina,
tetapi kasus-kasus dari Swedia, AS, Korea dan Honduras
juga dimasukkan. Salah satu kasus adalah persalinan
kembar premature. Namun, karena qRT-PCR ibu negatif,
kasus ini dikeluarkan dari penelitian. Gidlof et al
melaporkan karena qRT-PCR ibu negatif, kasus ini
dikeluarkan dari penelitian. Gidlof et al melaporkan
pengiriman kembar lainnya dan karena ibu memiliki qRT-
PCR positif, neonatus menghitung dua kasus terpisah
dalam data perinatal (20%) muncul pada minggu
kehamilan awal dan dipulangkan, tidak terkirim, tanpa
komplikasi besar. Hasil dari kehamilan ini tidak
diketahui. Usia kehamilan rata-rata bervariasi dalam
literatur yang dikutip, dan kelahiran sebelum 37 minggu
kehamilan lengkap tidak jarang terjadi (20 dari 48 kasus
yang dilaporkan (42%). Wanita hamil mengalami
sejumlah komorbiditas atau komplikasi dalam kehamilan
mereka seperti preeklampsia, diabetes gestasional,
hipotiroidisme, plasenta previa, operasi uterus
sebelumnya, dll. Operasi caesar merupakan 92% dari
semua persalinan; persalinan pervaginam berhasil
dilaporkan pada 7 dari 85 kasus (8%). Dari analisis data
yang tersedia, gawat janin umumnya dilaporkan sebagai
indikasi untuk operasi caesar.
Limfositopenia dilaporkan dari 68 kasus terdapat 40
kasus (59%) di mana informasinya dicatat. Demikian
pula, peningkatan konsentrasi protein C-reaktif (> 10 mg /
L) tercatat dari 64 terdapat 45 kasus (70%). Dari makalah
yang menyertakan informasi tentang perawatan yang
diberikan kepada wanita hamil, ditemukan bahwa oksigen
(25 dari 28 kasus yang tersedia) dan terapi antivirus (20
dari 22 kasus yang tersedia) diberikan kepada sebagian
besar pasien. Pengobatan dengan antibiotik juga
diresepkan untuk semua kasus, mungkin untuk mencegah
infeksi bakteri superimposed atau sebagai profilaksis
sebelum operasi caesar. Namun, kami mengidentifikasi
hanya empat kasus di mana kortikosteroid diberikan (4
dari 28 kasus tersedia). Dari alasan yang diberikan dalam
makalah yang diterbitkan.
Mengenai hasil perinatal, sebagian besar penulis
tidak melaporkan kejadian mengenai hasil perinatal,
sebagian besar penulis tidak melaporkan kejadian buruk
apa pun. Sebaliknya, Zhu et al 17 melaporkan satu
kematian neonatal (lihat di bawah) dan total enam rawat
inap ke unit perawatan intensif neonatal (ICU). Gejala
pertama pada bayi baru lahir adalah sesak napas, diamati
pada enam neonatus. Gejala awal lainnya adalah demam,
trombositopenia disertai dengan fungsi hati abnormal,
takikardia, muntah, dan pneumotoraks. Dalam Zhu et al
17 Kohort, enam dari abnormal, takikardia, muntah, dan
pneumotoraks. Dalam Zhu et al 17 Kohort, enam dari 10
adalah neonatus yang lahir prematur dan delapan dari 10
dilahirkan dengan operasi caesar, dua faktor yang
mungkin berkontribusi terhadap morbiditas. Fan et al 16
mempresentasikan dua kasus kehamilan SARS-CoV-2-
positif. Satu bayi cukup bulan mengalami demam ringan
dan distensi abdomen dengan limfositopenia pada hari ke-
3 dan sehari sesudahnya, hasil rontgen dada menunjukkan
kerabunan difus. Bayi itu dipulangkan 9 hari setelah
melahirkan. Bayi kedua dilahirkan melalui operasi caesar
di RSUP Dr 36+ 5 minggu usia kehamilan; dan kemudian
mengembangkan pneumonia neonatal 36+ 5 minggu usia
kehamilan; dan kemudian mengembangkan pneumonia
neonatal 36+ 5 minggu usia kehamilan; dan kemudian
mengembangkan pneumonia neonatal ringan dengan
limfositopenia, yang diobati dengan antibiotik. Neonatus
pulih dalam 2 hari.
Ada satu kasus kematian janin intrauterin dan satu
kasus kematian neonatal. Liu et al melaporkan satu
kehamilan di mana beberapa sindrom disfungsi organ
(MODS) dengan sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut
(ARDS) menyebabkan bagian sesar darurat. Neonatus
lahir mati dan ibu memerlukan intubasi dengan dukungan
ventilator dan oksigenasi membran ekstrakorporeal
(ECMO). Hasil dari pasien ini tidak diketahui.
F. Telaah 2 (Validitas)

Recrutmen 1. Metode Penelitian

Pada penelitian ini melakukan pencarian literatur yang
komprehensif menggunakan MEDLINE, Embase, dan
Google Cendekia. Dengan menggunakan kombinasi
istilah pencarian berikut: COVID-19, kehamilan,
kematian ibu, morbiditas ibu, komplikasi, manifestasi
klinis, morbiditas neonatal, kematian janin intrauterin,
kematian neonatal dan SARS-CoV-2.
Sampe penelitian
Beberapa artikel penelitian tentang ibu hamil
2. Kriteria inskulusi –eksklusi
Kriteria insklusi
- kelayakan termasuk infeksi COVID-19 yang
dikonfirmasi di laboratorium menggunakan reaksi
rantai polimerase kuantitatif waktu-nyata (qRT-
PCR) atau reaksi rantai polimerase fluoresensi
ganda (PCR)
- pasien yang hamil saat masuk
- laporan yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau
- ketersediaan karakteristik klinis termasuk hasil
ibu dan perinatal.
Kriteria eksklusi
- laporan yang tidak dipublikasikan
- Tanggal dan lokasi penelitian yang tidak
- Kecurigaan pelaporan rangkap
- Kasus dengan dugaan COVID-19 yang tidak
dikonfirmasi oleh tes laboratorium,
- Hasil ibu atau perinatal yang tidak dilaporkan
Maintenace Wabah SARS-CoV-1 selama 2002-2003 dikaitkan
dengan tingkat kematian ibu yang tinggi (tingkat
kematian kasus 25%), keguguran spontan selama
trimester pertama dan pembatasan pertumbuhan
intrauterin terjadi pada trimester kedua dan ketiga.
Bukti saat ini menunjukkan kemungkinan morbiditas
ibu parah yang membutuhkan masuk ICU dan
kematian perinatal dengan infeksi COVID-19 pada
kehamilan. Penularan ibu-janin dari virus SARSCoV-2
tidak terdeteksi pada sebagian besar kasus yang
dilaporkan, namun pemantauan kehamilan yang
cermat dengan COVID-19 dan langkah-langkah untuk
mencegah infeksi neonatal sangat diperlukan.
Measuremen 1. Alat Pengumpulan Data
Pada penelitian ini Judul dan abstrak ditinjau oleh
kedua penulis untuk mengevaluasi relevansinya
dengan penelitian yang digunakan. Kemudian
mengidentifikasi beberapa laporan kasus dan seri
kasus. Artikel teks lengkap diambil untuk
pertimbangan lebih lanjut untuk dimasukkan.
2. Uji statistik yang digunakan
Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan SPSS, versi 25.0
(IBM Corp.). Variabel kontinyu dinyatakan sebagai
mean dengan standar deviasi. Variabel kategori
dinyatakan sebagai jumlah kasus dan persentase (%)

G. Telaah 3 ( Aplikabilitas)

Kasus-kasus pertama pneumonia COVID-19 dilaporkan pada Desember

2019 dari Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei di Cina. Sejak itu, infeksi telah menyebar

dengan cepat ke seluruh dunia. Ketika dokter kandungan mulai

mengidentifikasi kasus COVID-19 pada kehamilan, beberapa laporan telah

muncul dalam literatur. Ulasan ini merangkum temuan dari 108 kehamilan

yang dikonfirmasi reaktif COVID-19. Kami menemukan bahwa COVID-19

selama kehamilan dapat dikaitkan dengan morbiditas ibu yang parah dan

kemungkinan penularan antara ibu dan janin tidak dapat dikesampingkan


Editorial terbaru tentang COVID-19 pada kehamilan berpendapat bahwa

pedoman manajemen harus didasarkan pada data dari epidemi saat ini dari

pada menarik pengalaman yang terbatas dari wabah sebelumnya, karena

epidemiologi, perjalanan klinis dan respon terhadap pengobatan mereka

mungkin berbeda. Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 108 wanita

hamil dengan infeksi SARS-CoV-2 yang dikonfirmasi menunjukkan tiga

kasus penerimaan perawatan intensif ibu (3%) dan tidak ada kematian yang

dikonfirmasi. Breslin et al meporkan dua penerimaan ICU ibu yang terlibat

dengan BMI tinggi (> 35) dan riwayat medis yang rumit yang membuat orang

mempertanyakan apakah COVID-19 meningkatkan risiko morbiditas berat

pada kehamilan berisiko tinggi. Sehingga diperlukan untuk studi selanjutnya

untuk membahas masalah ini.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan

A. Kelebihan
1. Pada penelitian dicantumkannya kapan munculnya covid-19 dan
penyebarannya sehingga para pembaca mengetahui bahwa sejak kapan
dokter mengidentifikasi covid-19 dengan ibu hamil
2. Literatul yang digunakan dari berbagai negara
3. Waktu pengumpulan laporan kasus yang cukup lama untuk dijadikan
penguat hasil penelitian
4. Pada jurnal dicantumkan kekurangan bahwa data hasil ibu dan perinatal
dari wanita hamil yang terinfeksi dengan SARS-CoV-2 terbatas pada
beberapa laporan dan seri kasus. Ukuran sampel kecil dan temuannya
B. Kekurangan
1. Tidak dicantumkannya berapa artikel penelitian yang digunakan
2. Pada penelitian juga pembahasan yang kurang jelas apakah COVID-19
meningkatkan risiko morbiditas berat pada kehamilan berisiko tinggi
3. Peneliti mengungkapkan atas keterbatasan dari tinjaun yang dilakukan
terkait bahwa studi utama saat ini tersedia dalam literatur tidak berkualitas
cukup tinggi mengenai metodologi yang digunakan sehingga beberapa
penelitian telah kehilangan hasil data dan pelaporan yang ada dapat
menjadi bias, namun hal ini tidak dikesampingkan oleh peneliti.
| |
Received: 31 March 2020    Revised: 6 April 2020    Accepted: 6 April 2020

DOI: 10.1111/aogs.13867


Maternal and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: A systematic

review of 108 pregnancies

Mehreen Zaigham1  | Ola Andersson2,3

Department of Clinical Sciences Malmö,
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Abstract
Lund University and Skåne University Introduction: The pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coro-
Hospital, Malmö/Lund, Sweden
2 navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has exposed vulnerable populations to an unprecedented
Department of Clinical Sciences Lund,
Pediatrics/Neonatology, Lund University, global health crisis. The knowledge gained from previous human coronavirus out-
Malmö/Lund, Sweden
breaks suggests that pregnant women and their fetuses are particularly susceptible
Department of Neonatology, Skåne
University Hospital, Malmö/Lund, Sweden
to poor outcomes. The objective of this study was to summarize the clinical manifes-
tations and maternal and perinatal outcomes of COVID-19 during pregnancy.
Mehreen Zaigham, Department of
Material and methods: We searched databases for all case reports and series from
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Skåne University 12 February to 4 April 2020. Multiple terms and combinations were used including
Hospital, Malmö 205 01, Sweden.
COVID-19, pregnancy, maternal mortality, maternal morbidity, complications, clinical
manifestations, neonatal morbidity, intrauterine fetal death, neonatal mortality and
Funding information
The study was supported by research grants
SARS-CoV-2. Eligibility criteria included peer-reviewed publications written in English
from Region Skåne and the Medical Faculty, or Chinese and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or dual fluo-
Lund University, Sweden (ALF).
rescence PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Unpublished reports, unspecified
date and location of the study or suspicion of duplicate reporting, cases with sus-
pected COVID-19 that were not confirmed by a laboratory test, and unreported ma-
ternal or perinatal outcomes were excluded. Data on clinical manifestations, maternal
and perinatal outcomes including vertical transmission were extracted and analyzed.
Results: Eighteen articles reporting data from 108 pregnancies between 8 December
2019 and 1 April 2020 were included in the current study. Most reports described
women presenting in the third trimester with fever (68%) and coughing (34%).
Lymphocytopenia (59%) with elevated C-reactive protein (70%) was observed and
91% of the women were delivered by cesarean section. Three maternal intensive care
unit admissions were noted but no maternal deaths. One neonatal death and one
intrauterine death were also reported.
Conclusions: Although the majority of mothers were discharged without any major compli-
cations, severe maternal morbidity as a result of COVID-19 and perinatal deaths were re-
ported. Vertical transmission of the COVID-19 could not be ruled out. Careful monitoring
of pregnancies with COVID-19 and measures to prevent neonatal infection are warranted.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; ICU, intensive care unit; qRT-PCR, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Nordic Federation of Societies of
Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG)

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;00:1–7.     1 |



coronavirus, COVID-19, fever, maternal morbidity, maternal mortality, neonatal morbidity,

neonatal mortality, pandemic, pregnancy, respiratory distress syndrome, SARS-CoV-2, virus

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N
Key message
With over a million individuals infected, the global pandemic caused Pregnant women with COVID-19 often presented with
by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) fever and coughing. Lymphocytopenia and elevated
has been growing at an accelerating rate. The increasing mortality rate C-reactive protein were common. Although the majority
warrants identification and protection of the vulnerable populations of mothers were discharged without any major complica-
in society. The knowledge gained from previous human coronavirus tions, severe maternal morbidity as a result of COVID-19
outbreaks, namely, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- could not be ruled out.
rus (SARS-CoV) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome corona-
virus (MERS-CoV), suggests that pregnant women and their fetuses
are particularly susceptible to poor outcomes. Admission to inten-
sive care is common and a case fatality rate of up to 35% has been 2 | M ATE R I A L A N D M E TH O DS
The physiological changes occurring during pregnancy make We conducted a comprehensive literature search using MEDLINE,
the mother more vulnerable to severe infections. 3 Anatomical Embase and Google Scholar. The search covered the period from
changes such as an increase in the transverse diameter of the 8 December 2019 through 4 April 2020. We used combinations of
thoracic cage and an elevated level of the diaphragm, decrease the following search terms: COVID-19, pregnancy, maternal mor-
maternal tolerance to hypoxia. 4 Lung volume changes and vaso- tality, maternal morbidity, complications, clinical manifestations,
dilation can lead to mucosal edema and increased secretions in neonatal morbidity, intrauterine fetal death, neonatal mortal-
the upper respiratory tract. In addition, alterations in cell-me- ity and SARS-CoV-2. Titles and abstracts were reviewed by both
diated immunity contribute to the increased susceptibility of the authors to evaluate their relevance to our study. We identi-
pregnant women to be infected by intracellular organisms such fied several case reports and case series. Full-text articles were
as viruses. 5 With regard to the fetus and the newborn, the im- retrieved for further consideration for inclusion. Eligibility criteria
maturity of the innate and adaptive immune systems makes included laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infection using quan-
them highly susceptible to infections. 6 Dysregulation of factors titative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) or dual
such as cytokines and the complement cascade can have del- fluorescence polymerase chain reaction (PCR), patient pregnant
eterious consequences for brain development and function. 7 on admission, reports written in English or Chinese, and availabil-
To find out whether an infectious agent can infect the fetus ity of clinical characteristics including maternal and perinatal out-
or newborn by vertical transmission is therefore of particular comes. Published guidelines on systematic reviews recommend
interest. 8 Pregnant women and their newborns should be eval- a quality assessment of the included literature, but since only a
uated for being potential risk groups in the current COVID-19 handful of case reports and series were available, the authors de-
pandemic. cided to include as many studies that fitted the eligibility criteria
From the limited information gathered about the novel coro- as possible. Two studies where the full-text was written in Chinese
navirus and the drastically increasing burden of the disease,9 it is were translated with the help of a Chinese translator who worked
vital that scientific information concerning the disease is shared in in the medical profession. Exclusion criteria were as follows: un-
a concise and practical manner. Data on the maternal and perina- published reports, unspecified date and location of the study or
tal outcomes of pregnant women infected with the SARS-CoV-2 suspicion of duplicate reporting, cases with suspected COVID-19
are limited to a handful of case reports and series. The sample that were not confirmed by a laboratory test, and unreported ma-
sizes are small and the findings are diverse. Health policy changes ternal or perinatal outcomes. Efforts were made to ensure that
in countries affected by the pandemic, continuously evolving clin- there was no overlap in the results and that no case was counted
ical management guidelines and uncertainty about the reliabil- twice. This assessment was based on several criteria as described
ity of the results make the findings of these reports difficult to by Thornton:10 participant admission date, gestational age at birth,
interpret. date of publication of the report, author names, name and location
We aimed to conduct a systematic review of available published of the hospital/university, maternal and perinatal outcome data,
literature on pregnancies affected by COVID-19 and present a mixed etc.
narrative and quantitative synthesis of the clinical manifestations Variables extracted and analyzed included maternal age, clinical
and maternal and perinatal outcomes. signs and symptoms on admission, gestational age at admission and

TA B L E 1   Maternal characteristics from 108 pregnancies with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection

Case reports Case series

13 14 15
Chen et al, Liu et al, Li et al,
Fan et al,16 Zhu et al,17 Wang et al,18
Chen et al,19 Zambrano et al, 20 Wang
et al, 21 Gidlöf et al, 22 Yu et al, 23 Zhang
Breslin et al, 24 Iqbal et al, 25 Lee et Liu et al27 et al28 Liu et al29 Chen et
al26 (N = 58) (N = 16) (N = 16) (N = 15) al30 (N = 3) Total, n/N (%)

Maternal characteristics
Age (y) (mean ± SD) 31 ± 4 30 29 ± 3 32 ± 5 30 ± 6
Gestational age in days 253 ± 25 N/A 271 ± 10 224 ± 8 260 ± 14
(mean ± SD)
Delivery characteristics
Total number of deliveries 50 6 16 11 3 86/108 (80%)
Patients not delivered at time 8 10 0 4 0 22/108 (20%)
of reporting of studies
Delivery by cesarean section 44 6 16 10 3 79/86 (92%)
Vaginal delivery 6 0 0 1 0 7/86 (8%)
Presenting signs and symptoms
Fever on admission 42 7 N/A 13 1 63/92 (68%)
Cough 19 6 3 9 0 37/108 (34%)
Malaise 7 3 0 4 0 14/108 (13%)
Dyspnea 5 3 3 1 1 13/108 (12%)
Myalgia 8 0 0 3 0 11/108 (10%)
Sore throat 7 0 0 1 0 8/108 (7%)
Diarrhea 3 0 3 1 0 7/108 (6%)
Laboratory characteristics
Lymphocytopenia (<1 × 109/L) 18a  9 N/A 12 1 40/68 (59%)
Elevated C-reactive protein 19   13 N/A 10 3 45/64 (70%)
concentration (mg/L)
Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 58 16 16 15 3 108/108 (100%)
Other parameters
Maternal mortality 0 0 0 0 0 0/108 (0%)
Maternal ICU admission 3 0 0 0 0 3/108 (3%)
Neonatal mortality 1c  0 d  0 0 f  0 1/87 (1%)
Intrauterine fetal death 1c  0 d  0 0 f  0 1/87 (1%)
c e
Vertical transmission 1  N/A 0   0 f  0 1/75 (1%)

N/A, data not available.

Data unavailable in 24 cases.
Data unavailable in 28 cases.
Data unavailable from 8 women still pregnant at the end of the study. One twin delivery (Gidlöf et al22).
Data unavailable from 10 women still pregnant at the end of the study.
Data unavailable in 6 neonates.
Data unavailable from 4 women still pregnant at the end of the study.

laboratory testing. Maternal and perinatal outcome data were also of selection, ascertainment, causality and reporting. Both authors
recorded. Any maternal to fetal transmission of the virus was also read all papers and assessed the methodological quality. There was
noted. considerable heterogeneity between the studies and factors such as
Case reports and case series are uncontrolled study designs publication bias and selective reporting of the results could not be
known for increased risk of bias. To evaluate the methodological accounted for. This systematic review did not have a “stand alone”
quality, we chose the framework for appraisal, synthesis and appli- study protocol. We followed the PRISMA guidelines12 when report-
cation of evidence suggested by Murad et al11 based on the domains ing outcomes for the current study.

2.1 | Statistical analyses (20%) presented in earlier gestational weeks and were discharged,
undelivered, without any major complications. The outcomes of
Statistical analysis was done with SPSS, version 25.0 (IBM Corp.). these pregnancies are not known. Mean gestational age varied in
Continuous variables were expressed as mean with standard devia- the cited literature, and birth before 37 completed weeks of gesta-
tion. Categorical variables were expressed as number of cases and tion was not uncommon (20 of 48 reported cases, ~42%). Pregnant
percentages (%). women presented with a number of comorbidities or complications
in their pregnancies such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes,
hypothyroidism, placenta previa, previous uterine surgeries etc.
3 |   R E S U LT S Cesarean section accounted for 92% of all deliveries; successful
vaginal delivery was reported in 7 of 85 cases (8%). From analysis
Eighteen studies were screened for the eligibility criteria and in- of the available data, fetal distress was commonly reported to as
cluded in the current systematic review. The results from 14 case the indication for cesarean section. We were unable to determine
reports are summarized together to facilitate interpretation.13-26 whether “fetal distress” referred to abnormal cardiotocograph find-
These were published from 7 March 2020 through 1 April 2020. ings or other factors such as meconium stained amniotic fluid, ab-
Data related to the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 at admission normal fetal scalp lactate or blood flow changes.
including laboratory testing and maternal and perinatal characteris- Of the clinical signs and symptoms, pregnant women with
tics are presented in Table 1. COVID-19 commonly presented with a fever at admission (68%). A
The remaining case series27-30 were published in 1-8 March persistent, dry cough (34%) along with malaise (13%) and dyspnea
2020 and data were described collectively in cohorts. We there- (12%) were less commonly described. Diarrhea was identified in only
fore report these data in separate columns (Table  1). It is perti- seven cases (6%).
nent to mention that Zhang et al28 tested for SARS-CoV-2 using Lymphocytopenia was reported in 40 of 68 cases (59%) where
the New Coronavirus (2019) Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Dual the information was recorded. Similarly, an elevated C-reactive pro-
Fluorescence PCR) provided by Jiangsu Shuo Shi Biotechnology tein concentration (>10 mg/L) was recorded in 45 of 64 cases (70%).
Co., Ltd. The diagnostic criteria of COVID-19 were based on the From the papers that included information about the treatment pro-
New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment vided to the pregnant women, it was found that oxygen (25 of 28
Plan (Trial Fifth Edition) issued by the National Health and Health available cases) and antiviral therapy (20 of 22 available cases) were
Commission of China. given to the majority of patients. Treatment with antibiotics was
A total of 108 pregnant women with COVID-19 were identified. also generously prescribed (all cases), possibly to prevent superim-
The majority of the studies originated from China, but cases from posed bacterial infection or as prophylaxis before cesarean section.
Sweden, USA, Korea and Honduras were also included. One of the However, we identified only four cases where corticosteroids were
cases was a premature twin delivery;17 however, since the maternal administered (4 of 28 available cases). From the reasoning provided
qRT-PCR was negative, this case was excluded from the study. Gidlöf in the published papers, corticosteroid administration was given to
et al22 reported another twin delivery and as the mother had a pos- relieve inflammation due to maternal pneumonia rather than for
itive qRT-PCR, the neonates counted for two separate cases in the fetal lung maturation.
perinatal data.
We made an overall judgement of the quality of the reports in-
cluded in the analysis based on the questions deemed most critical. In 3.2 | Maternal and perinatal outcomes
the domain “selection” there was wide variation, ranging from case re-
ports involving only one case to small case series, but authors generally Regarding the perinatal outcomes, most authors13,15,18-25,28,29 did
aimed to report all cases known and the overall quality was assessed not report any adverse events. In contrast, Zhu et al17 report one
to be medium. For “ascertainment”, exposure and outcome should neonatal death (see below) and a total of six admissions to the
be adequately ascertained, which was deemed high by both authors. neonatal intensive care unit (ICU). The first symptom in the new-
As for the “causality”, the case reports could not rule out alternative borns was shortness of breath, observed in six neonates. Other
causes that might explain the observations, no challenge/re-challenge initial symptoms were fever, thrombocytopenia accompanied by
was possible and follow up was short, which rendered a judgement of abnormal liver function, tachycardia, vomiting and pneumothorax.
low-quality. Finally, the cases described were of varied but mostly suffi- In the Zhu et al17 cohort, six of 10 were neonates born prema-
cient detail, rendering a medium quality in the domain “reporting”. turely and eight of 10 were delivered by cesarean section, two
factors that may have contributed to the morbidity. Fan et al16 pre-
sented two cases of SARS-CoV-2-positive pregnancies. One term
3.1 | Maternal characteristics and mode of delivery baby developed low-grade fever and abdominal distension with
lymphocytopenia on day 3 and the day after, a chest radiograph
Mean maternal age ranged from 29 to 32 years of age and women re- revealed diffuse haziness. The baby was discharged 9  days after
ported mostly in their third trimester. Twenty-two pregnant women delivery. The second baby was delivered by cesarean section at

36+5 weeks gestational age; and went on to develop mild neonatal admitted with fever at 40 weeks of gestation and computerized to-
pneumonia with lymphocytopenia, which was treated with antibi- mography (CT) scan of chest showed ground-glass opacities in the
otics. The neonate recovered within 2 days. lungs. She underwent emergency cesarean section and the baby
There was one case of intrauterine fetal death and one case of was born with normal Apgar scores. The mother wore an N95 mask
neonatal death (Table 1). Liu et al14 reported one pregnancy where during the surgery, and the baby had no contact with the mother
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) with acute respira- after birth and was transferred to the neonatology department
tory distress syndrome (ARDS) led to an emergency cesarean sec- 10  minutes after birth for observation. The neonate had lympho-
tion. The neonate was stillborn and the mother required intubation cytopenia, deranged liver function and elevated creatine kinase,
with ventilator support and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation although it was clinically stable and appeared well. The mother’s
(ECMO). The outcome of this patient is not known. pharyngeal swab was positive for SARS-CoV-2 and, as a result, a
Regarding maternal morbidity, Breslin et al24 reported two cases pharyngeal swab was collected from the baby 36 hours after birth.
of maternal ICU admission. The first case was a 38-year-old women This turned out to be positive. Swabs from umbilical cord blood and
with a body mass index (BMI) of 38 kg/m2, presenting at 37 weeks of placenta were negative, but a possible mother-to-child transmission
gestation for induction. Poorly controlled type diabetes mellitus and of SARS-CoV-2 cannot be excluded. Both mother and child recov-
intrahepatic cholestasis complicated her pregnancy. Cesarean sec- ered and were discharged.
tion was indicated when labor did not progress and the mother de-
veloped a fever prior to the operation. Intraoperatively, uterine atony
lead to massive hemorrhage (1.5  L) and the mother was intubated. 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
Bronchospasm and wheezing ensued and a chest X-ray performed
during the operation revealed hazy opacities in the lungs. A qRT-PCR The first cases of COVID-19 pneumonia were reported in December
test was positive for SARS-CoV-2. The clinical condition of the pa- 2019 from Wuhan, Hubei Province in China. Since then, the in-
tient improved after the cesarean section, and she spent 8  hours in fection has rapidly spread all over the world.34,35 As obstetricians
the ICU. The patient was discharged after 4 days without any major began to identify cases of COVID-19 in pregnancy, some reports
complications. The second patient was a 33-year-old patient with a have appeared in the literature. This review summarizes the findings
BMI of 47 kg/m2 who presented at 37 weeks of gestation for induc- from 108 pregnancies confirmed to have COVID-19. We found that
tion due to worsening chronic hypertension. Her past medical history COVID-19 during pregnancy may be associated with severe mater-
included asthma and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Failed induction led to nal morbidity and the possibility of maternal-fetal transmission could
the delivery by cesarean section the next day. Twenty-five hours after not be ruled out completely.
delivery, the patient developed respiratory distress, high fever with The SARS-CoV-1 outbreak during 2002-2003 was associated
reduced oxygen saturation and tachycardia. A qRT-PCR was positive with a high maternal mortality rate (case fatality rate of 25%),
and the patient was admitted to ICU due to severe hypertension. Five spontaneous miscarriages during the first trimester and intrauter-
days postoperatively, the patient was still hospitalized, requiring sup- ine growth restriction in the second and third trimesters.1 Similarly,
plementary oxygen and suffering from an acute kidney injury. In light Alfaraj et al2 reported a case series of 11 patients with MERS-
of these findings, severe maternal morbidity cannot be ruled out with CoV infection where the case fatality rate was 35% for pregnant
COVID-19 infection during pregnancy. women and 27% for infants. Nevertheless, a recent editorial on
The neonatal death reported in the literature involved a male COVID-19 in pregnancy 36 argues that management guidelines
newborn17 born at 34+5 weeks gestational age with an Apgar score of should be based on data from the current epidemic rather than
8 at 5 minutes. The neonate developed refractory shock and gastric drawing on the limited experience from previous outbreaks, as
bleeding with multiple organ failure and disseminated intravascular their epidemiology, clinical course and response to treatment may
coagulation (DIC). A throat swab obtained 9 days after delivery was differ. Indeed, our review of 108 pregnant women with confirmed
negative for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid testing, and Zhu et al17 men- SARS-CoV-2 infection showed three cases of maternal intensive
tioned poor immune function of the neonate and massive viremia as care admission (3%) and no confirmed fatalities. The two maternal
possible factors which could have contributed to the neonatal death. ICU admissions reported by Breslin et al24 involved mothers with
The available literature has found no clear evidence for vertical high BMI (>35) and complicated medical history which leads one to
transmission of COVID-19 from the mother to the fetus. However, question whether COVID-19 increases the risk of severe morbid-
on 26 March 2020, JAMA published two reports on three new- ity in high-risk pregnancies. Future studies are needed to address
borns with elevated SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibodies, although repeated this subject. One neonatal death and one intrauterine fetal death
nasopharyngeal samples from the infants were negative. In the edi- were also reported.
torial, Kimberlin & Stagno33 point out that IgM assays can be prone With regard to the mode of delivery, cesarean section was per-
to false-positive and false-negative results, along with cross-reactiv- formed in the majority of cases and several authors13,27,28 cited fetal
ity and testing challenges. distress as the reason behind the decision. However, the seven cases
Wang et al18 reported one case with parallel findings of posi- of spontaneous vaginal delivery were not associated with poorer
tive qRT-PCR in both the mother and the neonate. The mother was outcomes. In line with Huang et al,34 the most common presenting

sign was fever and a non-productive cough. Tiredness, shortness of despite being isolated from the mother. Careful monitoring of preg-
breath and diarrhea were reported only occasionally. In all, 21% of nancies with COVID-19 and measures to prevent neonatal infection
the pregnancies presented at earlier gestations, and they were all are warranted.
discharged without any serious complications; however, due to lack
of data on the perinatal outcomes, we cannot draw any conclusions AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
about any maternal and neonatal consequences of the infection Professor Jim Thornton is acknowledged for his helpful suggestions
when it is acquired early during the pregnancy. for screening studies for overlap/double reporting of cases and Ahsan
In our review, we found that one of 75 newborns tested was Zamir for help with translation of the studies written in Chinese.
positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection. This baby did well clinically but
had transient lymphocytopenia and deranged liver function tests.18 C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T
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Zhu et al,17 two developed disseminated intravascular coagulation and est in connection with this article.
recovered, and one had multiple organ failure and died. Fan et al16
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How to cite this article: Zaigham M, Andersson O. Maternal
28. Zhang I, Jiang Y, Wei M, et al. [Analysis of pregnancy outcomes of
pregnant women during the epidemic of new coronavirus pneumonia
and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: A systematic review
in Hubei]. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi. 2020;55(0):E009. (in Chinese) of 108 pregnancies. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020;00:1–7.
29. Liu D, Li L, Wu X, et al. Pregnancy and perinatal outcomes of women
with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pneumonia: a preliminary
analysis. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020:1-6. [Epub ahead of print].

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