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Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra 2022

20 Agustus 2022

ISSN: 2622-5581
SK no. 0005.26225581/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.08

Tim Penyusun

Kepala Redaksi:
Siti Rohani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.

Dr. Mariana Ulfah Hoesny, S.S., M.Pd.
Almas Adibah, S.S., M.Pd.

Sampul dan Tata letak:

Alvin Nouval, S.Pd., M.A.

Foto, gambar, dan elemen grafik lainnya dalam publikasi ini dilindungi oleh hak cipta
intelektual dan karenanya tidak dapat diisahkan dari publikasi ini. Publikasi ini
disiapkan dengan seksama dan telah melalui proses pratinjau. Penulis, penyusun, dan
setiap individu yang terlibat dalam proses penyusunan bertanggung jawab terhadap
konten dari publikasi ini.
Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME atas segala rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga
penyusunan Prosiding Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra 2022 dengan tema
“Pengajaran Bahasa di Era Pascapandemi” yang diselenggarakan oleh UPT Bahasa
Politeknik Negeri Malang secara daring pada 20 Agustus 2022 dapat kami selesaikan.
Tema seminar nasional ini dibagi menjadi beberapa subtopik, yaitu:
1. Model Pengajaran Bahasa: Teori dan Praktik,
2. Desain Kurikulum dan Pengembangan Materi,
3. Evaluasi dan Asesmen,
4. Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan,
5. Pendidikan Berbasis Teknologi,
6. Pembelajaran Sastra,
7. Penjurubahasaan dan Penerjemahan,
8. Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing,
9. Gender dan Kajian Media Massa dalam Perspektif Budaya, dan
10. Gender dan Seksualitas dalam Karya Sastra.
Penyusunan prosiding ini dimaksudkan agar masyarakat luas dapat mengetahui
berbagai informasi terkait dengan penyelenggaraan Senabasa 2022.
Ucapan terimakasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kami sampaikan
kepada penulis dan pembahas yang telah menyumbangkan pemikirannya dalam acara
Senabasa 2022 ini. Penghargaan juga tak lupa kami sampaikan kepada semua pihak yang
telah memberikan dukungan bagi terselenggaranya Senabasa 2022 dan atas tersusunnya
prosiding ini.
Akhir kata, semoga Prosiding Senabasa 2022 dapat memberikan manfaat bagi
semua pihak khususnya dalam perkembangan ilmu bahasa dan sastra di Indonesia.

Hormat kami,
Malang, 19 September 2022

Tim Penyusun

Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar ........................................................................................................ i

Daftar Isi ................................................................................................................... ii

Analysis of Writing Errors for BIPA 2 Students at the University of Santo Thomas,
Philippines ................................................................................................................ 1
Ida Yeni Rahmawati, Nuraini, Subangun, Susi Darihastiningsih

Pengembangan Model Desain Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Teknik (ESP) Berbasis

Project Based-Learning Sebagai Implementasi Kampus Merdeka ..................... 10
Yogi Widiawati, Siti Aisiyah, dan Ardina Askum

Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang Dalam

Menuliskan Suatu Proses Pada Pembuatan Produk Makanan Dan Minuman Khas
Nusantara ................................................................................................................. 17
Pandiya, Sri Hardiningsih, I Nyoman Romangsi, dan Mohammad Muslikh

Persuasive Techniques Used in English Fast-Food Video Advertisements ........ 27

Aldino Putra Kurniawan

Communicative Translation Method to Increase Motivation in Workplace ..... 37

Armania Bawon Kresnamurti

An Annotated Translation of B.A. Paris’s Behind Closed Doors ....................... 49

Naridha Thea Wardhani

Annotated Translation of A Novel by Nick Vincent and Dan Abnet Entitled Tomb
Raider Ten Thousand Immortals from English into Indonesia .......................... 56
Kris Iwan Anzilin

Teacher’s Small Talk in Improving Students’ Speaking Fluency, Accuracy and

Complexity ............................................................................................................... 65
Nur Salam, Sri Gustiani, dan Aulia Nourma Putri

Developing QR-Code Based Bilingual Descriptions and a Promotional Video of

BALOGA .................................................................................................................. 76
Sitra Hasyira, Noverita Wahyuningsih, Novitasari

Annotated Translation of Makoto Shinkai’s “the Garden of Words” ............... 87

Muhammad Reza Fardana

An Annotated Translation of Glass’s An Illusion of Thieves .............................. 94

Eryasa Genta Kurnia

Kesetaraan Gender dalam Buku Cerita Bergambar Let’s Read......................... 103

Widjati Hartiningtyas

Penggunaan Kosakata Bahasa Indonesia dalam Karangan oleh Mahasiswa
Setsunan Program Kaigai Jisshuu ......................................................................... 115
Hendri Zuliastutik, Rahadiyan Duwi Nugroho

Pengembangan Modul Elektronik Berbasis Etnokonstruktivisme Lubuk Larangan

Pada Pembelajaran IPS .......................................................................................... 124
Qalbi Shanaz Anandari, Muhammad Abdi

What Contributes to English Proficiency? ............................................................ 133

Ahimsa Padmanaba Murfi, Tutuk Widowati, dan Mutia Lina Dewi

Hambatan dan Tantangan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh BIPA PPB UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta .............................................................................................. 141
Septian Cahyo Putro, Durrah Nafisah

Developing a Web-Based Bilingual Encyclopedia for Bermi Eco Park

Probolinggo .............................................................................................................. 150
Faizah, Atiqah Nurul Asri, dan Alvin Nouval

Analysis of Writing Errors for BIPA 2 Students at the University of Santo
Thomas, Philippines

Ida Yeni Rahmawati1), Nuraini2), Subangun3) Susi Darihastiningsih 4)

Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 4)STKIP PGRI Jombang, ,


On average, universities in the Philippines have organized Teaching Indonesian to Foreign

Speakers (BIPA) activities. One of the universities that organizes it is the University of Santo Tomas (UST).
At this university, there are 21 BIPA students who have gone through the BIPA learning process up to BIPA
level 2. The learning approach used in the learning process at UST is by using a text-based approach or
known as the Genre Based Approach. The purpose of learning BIPA using this approach is of course none
other than so that students are able to quickly communicate both orally and in writing. In writing, of course,
it can be seen through the results of student writing. Based on this statement, this study aims to explain and
describe the types of errors in the written language of students at the University of Santo Tomas. The
method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the study, there were
several errors in the written language of students in compiling Indonesian texts. These errors include errors
in composing effective sentences, in choosing diction, as well as in the use of affixes. The mistakes made by
students are influenced by several factors, including the limited vocabulary, knowledge of the meaning of
each affix and knowledge and insight in composing sentences.

Keywords: analysis, written error, BIPA 2, Philippines


Universitas di Filipina rata-rata telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan Pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia

untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA). Salah satu universitas yang menyelenggarakan ialah Universitas of Santo
Tomas (UST). Di Universitas ini terdapat 21 pemelajar BIPA yang telah menempuh proses pembelajaran
BIPA sampai pada level BIPA 2. Pendekatan pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di
UST ini ialah dengan menggunakan pendekatan berbasis teks atau yang dikenal dengan Genre Based
Approach. Tujuan dari pembelajaran BIPA menggunakan pendekatan ini tentu tidak lain supaya pemelajar
mampu dengan cepat dalam berkomunikasi baik secara lisan maupun tulis. Secara tulis tentu dapat dilihat
melalui hasil tulisan pemelajar. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut maka dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan jenis kesalahan berbahasa tulis pemelajar di University of Santo Tomas.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,
terdapat beberapa kesalahan bahasa tulis pemelajar dalam menyusun teks berbahasa Indonesia. Kesalahan
tersebut antara lain, kesalahan dalam menyusun kalimat efektif, dalam pemilihan diksi, maupun dalam
penggunaan imbuhan. Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh pemelajar dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara
lain faktor perbendaharaan kosakata yang masih terbatas, pengetahuan mengenai makna setiap imbuhan
dan pengetahuan dan wawasan dalam menyusun kalimat.

Kata kunci: analisis, kesalahan bahasa tulis, BIPA 2, Filipina

I. Pendahuluan yang menyelenggaran BIPA di Luar
Bahasa Indonesia menjadi Negeri adalah University of Santo
bahasa internasional merupakan cita- Tomas Filipina. Di Universitas ini,
cita bangsa Indonesia. Bahasa ini program BIPA diselenggakan
merupakan salah satu bahasa yang dengan jumlah pemelajarnya
memiliki penutur cukup banyak mencapai 21 pemelajar. Pelaksanaan
yakni 199 juta penutur. Hal ini pembelajaran di sana menerapkan
menjadikan bahasa Indonesia masuk pendekatan berbasis teks.
pada ketegori bahasa kesepuluh Pendekatan ini merupakan salah satu
dengan penutur terbanyak di dunia. pendekatan baru dalam dunia BIPA
Berdasarkan data ini, maka bahasa pada beberapa tahun terakhir ini.
Indonesia memiliki peluang yang Tujuan dari penelitian ini
sangat besar untuk menjadi bahasa adalah untuk menjelaskan dan
internasional di masa mendatang. mendeskripsikan kesalahan
Penginternasionalan bahasa berbahasa tulis pada hasil pekerjaan
Indonesia pun tertuang pada Pasal 44 pemelajar di University of Santo
Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun Tomas. Dalam hal ini teks hasil
2009 yang menjelaskan bahwa (1) pekerjaan pemelajar dijadikan
Pemerintah meningkatkan fungsi sebagai data primer untuk dianalisis.
bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa Metode penelitian ini menggunakan
internasional secara bertahap, metode deskripstif kualitatif. Subjek
sistematis, dan berkelanjutan; (2) penelitian ini adalah teks pemelajar
Peningkatan fungsi bahasa Indonesia dari hasil penerapan pengajaran
menjadi bahasa internasional BIPA berbasis teks di University of
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) Santo Tomas. Dengan demikian,
dikoordinasi oleh lembaga dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat
kebahasaan; dan (3) Ketentuan lebih diketahui letak kesalahan berbahasa
lanjut mengenai peningkatan fungsi pemelajar yang masih sering salah
Bahasa Indonesia menjadi bahasa khususnya dalam bahasa tulis.
internasional sebagaimana dimaksud Kesalahan tersebut sebagai contoh
pada ayat (1) diatur dalam Peraturan pemilihan diksi, afiksasi, tanda baca,
Pemerintah. dan struktur kalimat. Mengingat teks
Dengan adanya himbauan hasil pekerjaan pemelajar ini masih
penginternasionalan bahasa berada di level 2 maka kalimatnya
Indonesia ini, maka pengajaran pun belum terlalu kompleks.
Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur
Asing atau yang dikenal dengan II. Kajian Literatur
BIPA mulai dikenalkan ke penjuru 2.1 Analisis kesalahan berbahasa tulis
dunia sebagai bentuk komitmen Analisis kesalahan
dalam mewujudkan cita-cita bangsa. berbahasa adalah sebuah kegiatan
Pada akhir tahun 2020 sudah tercatat yang dilakukan untuk
sebanyak 355 lembaga mengumpulkan sampel kesalahan,
penyelenggara program BIPA di 41 mengidentifikasi kesalahan yang
negara dengan total 72.746 terdapat dalam sampel, menjelaskan
pemelajar. Salah satu universitas kesalahan, mengklasifikasi

kesalahan serta mengevaluasi Larasati, 2019) Kajian ini
kesalahan, Tarigan, Jago dalam mengidentifikasi hasil belajar
Siagian, (2020: 13). Pada dasarnya program Bahasa Indonesia untuk
kesalahan berbahasa tidak hanya Orang Asing (BIPA) dan kesesuaian
dilakukan oleh pemelajar asing atau antara hasil belajar siswa dengan
daerahm namun penutur asli pun bahan ajar BIPA. Proses
masih sering melakukan kesalahan. pembelajaran BIPA dilakukan untuk
Anjasari dalam Siagian, (2020: 13) meningkatkan empat kompetensi
menyampaikan bahwa penelitian bahasa yaitu menyimak, berbicara,
tentang kesalahan berbahasa yang membaca, dan menulis. Berdasarkan
sering terjadi pada mahasiswa asing laporan pengajaran BIPA 2016 dan
antara lain kesalahan aspek ejaan, 2017, tiga belas guru yang
morfologo, semantik dan sintaksis. ditugaskan untuk mengajar BIPA ke
Kesalahan berbahasa pada Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar,
aspek sintaksis menurut Ramlan Prancis, dan Rusia berhasil
dalam Agustina, (2019: 63) meningkatkan empat kompetensi
menyatakan bahwa pada bagian atau bahasa siswa. Sedangkan kesesuaian
cabang dari ilmu bahasa yang hasil belajar siswa dengan bahan ajar
membicarakan seluk beluk kata dan BIPA menunjukkan bahwa: 1) enam
morfem. Selanjutnya menurur puluh tujuh guru BIPA dinilai baik
Agustina, sintaksis dimaknai dalam menyesuaikan pembelajaran
menjadi sebuah sistem tata bahasa dengan bahan ajar, 2) empat guru
yang mencakup kata dan satuan- BIPA dinilai cukup dalam
satuan yang lebih besar dari kata menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan
serta hubungan satuan itu, yakni bahan ajar. , dan 3) sepuluh guru
meliputi kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat BIPA dinilai kurang baik dalam
dan wacana. Selanjutnya ialah menyesuaikan pembelajaran dengan
analisis secara semanti, pada bahan ajar.
analisis ini erat hubungannya Hasil penelitian BIPA juga
dengan makna. Makna merupakan dilakukan oleh_(“Dampak
gagasan atau ide yang secara Kebijakan Pengajaran BIPA
terpadu bersama satuan kebahasaan Terhadap Peningkatan Kapasitas
yang menjadi penandanya. Sistem Kursus dan Pelatihan,” 2017)
Kebijakan pengajaran Bahasa
Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing
2.2 BIPA (BIPA) dalam rangka
Pembelajaran BIPA bagi internasionalisasi bahasa negara
penutur asing meliputi empat adalah bentuk baru kebijakan
keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia pendidikan di Indonesia. Pengajaran
dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan BIPA merupakan kebijakan
atau dapat juga dikombinasi dengan pendidikan yang terintegrasi dengan
dua keterampilan berbahasa yang kebijakan kebudayaan dalam konteks
dapat saling terkait. Seperti yang entitas organisasi Kementerian
telah dilakukan oleh (Kurniawan, Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan dan
Puspitasari, Batubara, Hernina, & ekosistem kebijakannya. Artikel ini

ditulis berdasarkan penelitian yang utama dalam bahasa Jepang. Tujuan
sesuai dengan teori-teori dalam dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
analisis kebijakan. Temuan menguji keefektifan word mapping
penelitian adalah: (1) penjelasan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk
tentang isi kebijakan pengajaran meningkatkan kemampuan
BIPA dan kebijakan pendukungnya, mengingat kosakata bahasa Jepang
(2) implementasi kebijakan yang siswa kelas XI SMA. Metode
terdiri dari: (a) peningkatan status penelitian yang digunakan adalah
pusat bahasa nasional, dan (b) dengan menggunakan pendekatan
program pengajaran BIPA di luar deskriptif kuantitatif dan jenis
negeri, dan (3) dampak positif dari penelitian ini menggunakan true
implementasi kebijakan tersebut, experimental design, sedangkan
yaitu: (a) pembentukan asosiasi baru teknik analisis datanya menggunakan
guru BIPA (APPBIPA), dan (b) komparasi (perbandingan) yang
upaya berkelanjutan untuk dihitung dengan menggunakan
meningkatkan kapasitas manajemen rumus t-test. Berdasarkan hasil
organisasi pendidikan dan pelatihan perhitungan dengan menggunakan
nonformal BIPA (LKP), seperti rumus t-test, diperoleh data t hitung =
pembuatan standar kompetensi 6, 04. Sedangkan untuk t- tabel untuk
peserta pelatihan (SKL), N = 58 dan derajat kebebasan (db) N-
pembentukan lembaga sertifikasi 1 = 57 adalah 2, 01 dengan tingkat
kompetensi BIPA (LSK) dan kepercayaan 5%. Data tersebut
lembaga sertifikasi profesi BIPA menunjukan bahwa word mapping
(LSP). terbukti efektif sebagai media
Dalam penelitian pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan
pembelajaran BIPA (Kosakata, kemampuan mengingat kosakata
Jepang, Kelas, & Sma, 2018) bahasa jepang siswa kelas XI SMA.
Kosakata memiliki peranan yang Pembelajaran berbahasa
sangat penting ketika mempelajari perlu didukung juga melalui media
bahasa Jepang. Namun, faktanya pembelajaran untuk menarik dan
masih banyak pembelajar khususnya memotivasi pemelajar seperti apa
di SMA N 7 Semarang yang yang sudah dilakukan oleh
mengalami kesulitan ketika (Darihastining, 2020) Penelitian ini
mempelajari kosakata bahasa bertujuan untuk meningkatkan
Jepang. Salah satu cara yang dapat proses menulis teks naratif melalui
dilakukan untuk mengatasi Media Pembelajaran CD Berbasis
permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan Cerita Rakyat. Metode penelitian
word mapping sebagai media yang digunakan adalah penelitian
pembelajaran kosakata bahasa tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan
Jepang. Penerapan word mapping melalui 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri
dilakukan melalui pendekatan bahasa dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan,
Jepang yang diformulasikan ke observasi, dan refleksi. Sumber data
dalam bentuk strategi pembelajaran penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa
untuk menyebutkan kosakata turunan STKIP PGRI Jombang semester III.
dari sebuah kata yang menjadi tema Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi

observasi, dokumentasi, dan produk. Teknik pengumpulan data
wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah angket dan
menggunakan teknik analisis tes. Hasil: Hasil penelitian
deskriptif induktif lebih menekankan menunjukkan bahwa media
pada proses dan hasil. Data tersebut pemahaman bacaan berbasis
meliputi (a) peningkatan proses software Adobe Flash Creative
menulis narasi melalui Media Cloud 2015 sudah layak 76 dan
Pembelajaran CD Berbasis Cerita praktis. Implikasi/Aplikasi:
Rakyat dan (b) hasil peningkatan Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia
kemampuan siswa dalam menulis untuk siswa BIPA tentunya berbeda
teks narasi melalui Media dengan pembelajaran siswa dalam
Pembelajaran CD Berbasis Cerita negeri. Kekhususan perlakuan tidak
Rakyat. Hasil penelitian hanya pada materi ajar tetapi juga
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pada penilaiannya. Hal ini dilakukan
peningkatan proses menulis teks dengan tujuan agar pembelajaran
naratif melalui media pembelajaran lebih berhasil karena disediakan
CD berbasis cerita rakyat dan media yang sangat membantu siswa
peningkatan skor menulis naratif BIPA dalam menguasai keterampilan
siswa melalui Media Pembelajaran membaca. Kuis sebagai media
CD Berbasis Cerita Rakyat. penilaian dikembangkan dengan
Tujuan Pembelajaran: menggunakan materi kearifan lokal
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Indonesia. (Sujinah, Setyorini,
untuk penutur asing pada kelas Yunianti, Ngatmain, & Savira Isnah,
Bahasa Indonesia (BIPA) perlu (2019).
dinilai dengan menggunakan
perangkat evaluasi yang menarik III. Metode Penelitian
yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan Penelitian ini menggunakan
siswa dalam mengerjakan tes, pendekatan penelitian kualitatif
khususnya tes untuk mengukur (qualitatif research). Penelitian
pemahaman bacaan. Media yang kualitatif menurut Sugiyono,
dibutuhkan dikembangkan (2018:8) adalah penelitian
berdasarkan perangkat lunak Adobe naturalistik karena penelitiannya
Flash Creative Cloud 2015 untuk dilakukan pada kondisi yang
BIPA tingkat menengah. Tujuan dari alamiah (natural setting). Penelitian
penelitian ini adalah untuk kualitatif adalah objek yang
mengembangkan media penilaian berkembang apa adanya, tidak
membaca dengan baik dan dimanipulasi oleh peneliti dan
pemahaman yang efektif. kehadiran peneliti tidak
Metodologi: Penelitian Research and mempengaruhi dinamika pada objek
Development menggunakan model tersebut. dalam penelitian kualitatif
Borg and Gall yang disederhanakan instrumennya adalah orang atau
menjadi enam tahap, yaitu (1) human instrument, yaitu peneliti itu
analisis kebutuhan; (2) desain sendiri.
produk; (3) pembuatan produk; (4) Penelitian ini bersifat
validasi; (5) revisi; dan (6) pengujian deskriptif yaitu melakukan

penelitian dan mengumpulkan data mencatat data yang telah diperoleh,
berupa kata-kata, gambar, dan bukan kedua memilah data berdasarkan
angka, melakukan pengujian data empat klasifikasi yang telah
kemudian memaparkan data ditentukan yaitu pilihan diksi,
sebagaimana adanya. Dalam afiksasi, tanda baca dan struktur
penelitian ini peneliti bertugas untuk kalimat. Tahapan ketiga yaitu
menetapkan penelitian, memilih mendeskripsikan satuan lingual atau
informan sebagai sumber data, data berdasarkan teori.
melakukan pengumpulan data,
menilai kualitas dan melakukan IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan
analitis data, memahami dan Analisis kesalahan
menafsirkan data serta memberi berbahasa adalah pemakaian
kesimpulan atas penemuan yang bentuk-bentuk yang tidak
didapat. diinginkan adalah bentuk-bentuk
Pendekatan yang digunakan yang menyimpang dari kaidah
dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis bahasa baku. Hal ini sejalan dengan
pendekatan study kasus atau case pendapat Albert Valdman dalam
studies. Studi kasus adalah salah satu Supriani, (2020: 69) mengatakan
jenis penelitian kualitatif, dimana bahwa yang pertama-tama harus
peneliti melakukan eksplorasi secara dipikirkan sebelum mengadakan
mendalam terhadap program, pembahasan tentang berbagai
kejadian, proses, aktifitas terhadap pendekatan dan analisis kesalahan
sesutau yang diteliti. Suatu kasus berbahasa adalah menetapkan
terikat waktu dan aktivitas dan standar penyimpangan atau
peneliti melakukan pengumpulan kesalahan. Kesalahan penggunaan
data secara mendetail dengan ejaan ialah kesalahan menggunakan
menggunakan berbagai prosedur tanda baca menurut Tarigan dalam
pengumpulan data dan dalam waktu Supriani, (2020: 71) yang
yang berkesinambungan (Sugiyono, menyatakan bahwa kesalahan
2016:17). Sumber data dalam penulisan kata meliputi kesalahan
penelitian ini terdiri dari dua sumber penulisan kata dasar, kata turunan,
data, yaitu sumber data primer dan kata ulang, gabungan kata, kata
sumber data sekunder. Adapun ganti singkatan dan akronim dan
menurut Sugiono, (2016:222) penulisan angka dan lambang
sumber data primer adalah sumber bilangan.
data yang diperoleh secara langsung
dari sumber asli tanpa melalui
Metode analisis data yang Kesalahan Ejaan
digunakan ialah dengan metode agih
dengan Teknik BUL (Bagi Unsur Kesalahan Penulisan Salah
Langsung) menurut Wijayanti, dkk, Ejaan
(2020: 92) yang menyatakan bahwa
metode ini ialah melakukan tiga
tahapan. Tahapan pertama yaitu

Penulisan “Saya bisa genre yang berbeda”. (10) “Di antara
huruf menghargai semua lagu mereka, favorit saya adalah
miring mendengarkan musik Sweater Weather by The
indie dan rock.” Neighborhood”. (11) “Juga, saya
mengikuti bintang pop wanita yang
“Saya tidak benar- menghasilkan lagu-lagu funky dan
benar memiliki memorable”. (12) “Sebagian besar
genre musik atau artis album mereka memiliki lagu-lagu yang
tertentu yang akan tidak dapat disangka, tidak seperti artis
saya dengarkan, lain”. (13) “Musik adalah sebahagian
sebagian besar waktu kehidupan saya seharian”. (14) “Saya di
playlist saya kelas dua ketika saya pertama
hanya di shuffle”. mendengar itu. (15) “Saya pertama K-
pop lagu favorit adalah It’s You oleh
Super Junior”. (16) “Saya kecintaan
Kesalahan Berbahasa tataran
untuk genre ini membuat saya belajar
sintaksis antara lain (1) “Ketika saya bahasa Korea”.
melakukan aktivitas seperti tugasan
sekolah, hobi, dan pergi gym untuk Kesalahan berbahasa tataran
berolahraga”. (2) “Ketika saya
melakukan aktivitas seperti tugasan
sekolah, hobi, dan pergi gym untuk No Penulisan salah
berolahraga”. (3) “Musik juga
membantu saya untuk bermotivasi untuk 1 Sebahagian
melakukan dan menyelesaikan tugasan
saya”. (4) “Selain itu, ketika saya dalam
perjalanan ke universitas, saya menaiki 2 kenderaan
transportasi umum bersama sambil
mendengarkan musik menggunakan 3 favourit
earphone di mana sudah menjadi
kebutuhan buat saya”. (5) “Genre musik 4 iaitu
yang menjadi favorit saya pada masa kini
namun dia bergantung pada aktivitas
yang dilakukan saya”. (6) “Umumnya,
Berdasarkan data temuan dari
ketika saya sedang mengerjakan tugasan
sekolah, saya mendengarkan genre hasil analisis tulisan pekerjaan
seperti R&B dan Akustik dan ketika saya pemelajar BIPA 2 di University of
melakukan rutin di gym”. (7) “Saya Santo Tomas dapat dideskripsikan
mendengarkan Pop Rock atau dance bahwa terdapat dua kesalahan ejaan,
yang meningkatkan kekuatan saya yakni penulisan “indie dan rock”
melakukan rutin”. (8) “Selain itu, musik yang seharusnya dituliskan dengan
jiga menjadi bagian penting ketika saya huruf miring. Selanjutnya, “playlist”
pergi ke suatu tempat untuk ini juga seharusnya dituliskan
menambahkan lagi drama ketika dengan menggunakan huruf miring.
kenderaan bergerak khususnya ketika Di sisi kesalahan berbahasa lainnya
hujan yang merupakan suasana favourit ialah ditinjau dari aspek kesalahan
saya iaitu saat hujan”. (9) “Selera saya
tataran sintaksisnya. Berdasarkan
dalam musik memiliki sisi yang sangat
berbeda dengan itu saat saya mencoba analisis sintaksis terdapat dua

kalimat yang tidak memeiliki subjek. pemelajar BIPA 2 University of
Pemelajar dalam hal ini memang Santo Tomas, Filipina ini maka
masih dalam tahap belajar sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat
belum begitu memahami struktur dua kesalahan penulisan ejaan,
kalimat. Bentuk kesalahan kemudian dua kalimat tidak
selanjutnya ialah terdapat dua belas bersubjek, sepuluh kalimat ambigu
kalimat yang ambigu. Kesalahan dan empat kata yang dapat
berbahasa selanjutnya ialah mempengaruhi makna pada kalimat.
kesalahan dalam tataran semantik. Dengan demikian, secara gamblang
Pada tataran ini terdapat empat dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa
kesalahan. Kesalahan berbahasa terrdapat kesalahan bahasa berupa
pada tulisan pekerjaan pemelajar ejaan, sintaksis dan semantik.
BIPA 2 ini dipicu dua hal yakni
secara internal dan eksternal. Faktor Daftar Rujukan
internal ini dipengaruhi karena
Agustina, Tiya, dan Wahyu
kekuranganpahaman pemelajar
Oktavia. (2019). Analisis
terkait tata bahasa Indonesia. Pada
kesalahan berbahasa pada
BIPA level 2 hal ini dapat
dimaklumi, mengingat pada level ini bahan ajar kelas menyimak
memang masih harus banyak latihan program BIPA IAIN Surakarta.
atau pentubian. Namun, fakta di Bengkulu: Jurnal Disastra,
lapangan menjadi berbeda ketika hal.60-70.
pemelajar dapat bercerita banyak hal Borg, & Gall. (2007). An
menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, Introduction Education
padahal banyak kosa kata dan Research (8th ed). Upper
imbuhan yang belum dikenalkan Saddle River: Pearson
dapat disampaikan oleh pemelajar. Education.
Hal ini salah satu faktor Djamal, M. (2015). Paradigma
penyebabnya dari eksternal yakni Penelitian Kualitatif.
penggunaan google terjemahan Yogyakarta: Mitra Pustaka.
sebagai alat untuk membantu Darihastining, S. (2020).
menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan Implementation of Writing
oleh pengajar. Kelas daring juga Narrative Text through
menjadi sebuah alasan kurang
Folklore-based CD Learning
terkontrolnya penggunaan google
Media, (Beltic 2018), 171–181.
terjemahan ini. Dengan demikian,
secara umum dapat disimpulkan Kosakata, M., Jepang, B., Kelas, S.,
bahwa kesalahan bahasa tulis pada & Sma, X. I. (2018). Efektivitas
tulisan pemelajar ini didominasi Word Mapping Untuk
kesalahan penulisan kalimat yang Meningkatkan Kemampuan
ambigu. Mengingat Kosakata Bahasa
Jepang Siswa Kelas Xi Sma N
V. Simpulan dan Saran 7 Semarang. Chi`e, 6(1), 35–
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Yogi Widiawati1), Siti Aisiyah2), dan Ardina Askum3)

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta


Technology has developed rapidly nowadays, especially in education field. This has pushed English
teachers makes changes and been able to adapt with it. This mini research aims to make changes
and revision on teaching-learning model of English subject for Specific Purposes (ESP) used in
Department of Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, namely: Civil Engineering Department,
Electrical and Electronic Department, IT Engineering Department and Mechanical Department. In
fact, they have already used technological devices, such as: laptop, internet, but there is no same
model in giving students a kind of assignment based on project. The result of this research is a kind
of teaching-learning model which will be used as a standard for English teachers of engineering for
ESP teachers at Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

Keywords: ESP, Project-Based Learning, Teaching-Learning Design


Dengan berkembangnya teknologi di dunia pendidikan memaksa para pengajar behasa Inggris harus
melakukan perubahan dan adaptasi atas kemajuan ini, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan
pengembangan model desain pembelajaran bahasa Inggris Teknik atau English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
yang selama ini digunakan oleh para pengajar bahasa Inggris teknik di beberapa jurusan (Teknik Mesin,
Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Komputer dan Informatika) di Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. Memang,
selama ini banyak pengajar bahasa Inggris melakukan pengajaran ESP sudah beradaptasi dengan teknologi,
seperti penggunaan laptop, internet, dan lain sebagainya, tetapi belum ada keseragaman memberikan tugas
mandiri yang berbasis proyek. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan pengembangan desain pembelajaran
berbasis Project Based-Learning (PjBL) yang sesuai dengan bidang keahlian yang mereka pelajari. Dengan
demikian, desain pembelajaran ini dapat digunakan untuk para pengajar bahasa Inggris ESP.

Kata kunci: ESP, Project Based-Learning, Desain Pembelajaran

I. Pendahuluan standar untuk Pendidikan Vokasi di

Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, bahkan di
Sampai saat ini belum ada suatu
tingkat nasional, sedangkan model
desain pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berbasis
Teknik (ESP) berbasis proyek atau
proyek (PjBL) untuk Bahasa Inggris
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) yang
Non-Teknik (Bahasa Inggris

Umum/General English) telah banyak banyak dan konsistensi semangat
digunakan oleh para pengajar Bahasa sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat
Inggris di tingkat menengah atas tercapai.
(Windari, 2017). Selain itu, penelitian PjBL sebagai suatu model
tentang PjBL untuk Bahasa Inggris Non- pembelajaran dapat menjawab tantangan
Teknik (Bahasa Inggris Umum/General bagi para pemimpin dan praktisi
English) juga telah dilakukan oleh Fitria pendidikan untuk membantu kaum muda
(2016) untuk mengajar keterampilan mengembangkan pengetahuan dan
membaca (reading skill) di sekolah keterampilan yang terintegrasi dan dapat
menengah atas di Padang, bahkan PBL ditransfer yang dibutuhkan untuk
telah diterapkan dalam pembelajaran berpikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan
beberapa bidang/disiplin ilmu, seperti pengambilan keputusan di abad ke-21
pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di suatu (Harris, & Allen. 2022). Selain itu, PjBL
perguruan tinggi Islam (Fitriani dan menunjukkan harapan besar untuk
Arifa, Z. (2020: 590) dan pembelajaran memenuhi tuntutan pendidikan di abad
Geografi di sebuah SMA (Deasy, dkk. kedua puluh satu karena menerapkan
2020: 585). Perlu ditekankan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis proyek memiliki
PjBL dpt diimplementasikan ke dalam sejumlah manfaat akademis dan sosial
pengaturan kelas sehari-hari dari kelas (Nollmeyer, dan Torres. 2022).
paling awal dan seterusnya dan di Pembelajaran berbasis proyek
berbagai disiplin ilmu termasuk sejarah, berbeda dari pendekatan konstruktivis
sains, dan matematika sejalan dengan lainnya yang berpusat pada siswa karena
pendapat Harris dan Allen (2022). berpuncak pada produk atau presentasi.
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Meskipun ada banyak variasi dalam
Teknik (ESP) yang berbasis Project- metode atau model untuk
Based Learning (PjBL) merupakan mengembangkan unit berbasis proyek,
amanat Kampus Merdeka yang mereka biasanya mempunyai sejumlah
dicanangkan oleh Menteri Pendidikan karakteristik yang sama, termasuk
dan Kebudayaan adalah Poject Based adanya inkuiri, integrasi kurikuler, dan
Learning (PjBL) dirancang seputar masalah atau dunia
( Kampus nyata. Selain itu, PBL menunjukkan
merdeka memberikan kesempatan bagi harapan besar untuk memenuhi tuntutan
mahasiswa untuk menciptakan kultur pendidikan di abad kedua puluh satu
belajar yang inovatif, tidak mengekang (Nollmeyer, Torres,2022).
dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan Pembelajaran berbasis proyek
mahasiswa. Model pembelajaran Bahasa (PjBL) adalah bentuk pengajaran yang
Inggris Teknik berbasis Project-Based berpusat pada siswa yang didasarkan
Learning sebagai implementasi kampus pada tiga prinsip konstruktivis:
merdeka di Politeknik Negeri Jakarta pembelajaran bersifat konteks-spesifik,
merupakan kebutuhan yang mendesak. peserta didik terlibat secara aktif dalam
Oleh karena itu, urgensi penelitian ini proses pembelajaran dan mereka
adalah model pembelajaran Bahasa mencapai tujuan mereka melalui
Inggris Teknik berbasis Project-Based interaksi sosial dan berbagi pengetahuan
Learning (PjBL) yang dapat membantu dan pemahaman (Cocco, 2006). PjBL
para mahasiswa melakukan proses dianggap sejenis pembelajaran berbasis
belajar yang terbatas di kampus, inquiry (penyelidikan) tertentu di mana
meskipun faktanya pembelajaran bahasa konteks pembelajaran diberikan melalui
Inggris membutuhkan waktu yang lebih pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan masalah-

masalah yang otentik dalam praktik apakah proyek yang mereka lakukan
dunia nyata (Al-Balushi & Al-Aamri, telah sesuai dengan perencanaan. Tapi,
2014) yang mengarah pada pengalaman prosesnya bisa saja justru menimbulkan
belajar yang bermakna (Wurdinger, dkk, kebingungan antara guru dan siswa.
2007). Selain itu, PjBL mendorong Dosen tidak bisa memantau secara
pembelajaran aktif karena kegiatan langsung sampai mana proses belajar
pembelajaran ini dapat membantu mahasiswa, sementara mahasiswa tidak
mahasiswa mengembangkan bisa yakin apakah hal yang dipelajarinya
keterampilan berpikir, keterampilan benar atau tidak.
kerja tim, keterampilan bahasa, dan
keterampilan komunikasi (Fitriani, and Hal yang paling utama
Arifa (2020: 590). dari project based learning adalah siswa
mengetahui dan memahami konteks
II. Kajian Literatur yang ada di dunia nyata karena
permasalahannya pun berawal dari
Project based learning membantu lingkungan sekitar. Mereka dapat
siswa untuk belajar dan aktif secara mencari solusi dari permasalahan yang
mandiri (Grant, 2002). Meskipun begitu, ada. Sayangnya, kendali Dosen dalam
Bapak dan Ibu Guru tetap melakukan pembelajaran berbasis proyek sangat
pemantauan secara berkala terhadap kecil karena siswa memang difokuskan
progres belajar dan proyek yang untuk belajar mandiri.
dilakukan siswa. Kekurangannya, bisa
saja mahasiswa menjadi tidak produktif
karena Dosen tidak selalu ada Project based learning tidak
mendampingi siswa. Bimbingan yang hanya membantu mahasiswa untuk aktif
dilakukan secara berkala membuat siswa dan mandiri dalam pembelajaran namun
memiliki kesempatan untuk tidak juga menciptakan pemahaman yang
melaksanakan tugas atau proyek yang lebih mendalam. Menurut teori Kognitif
telah diberikan, dan hanya akan dan Konstruktivistik yang disampaikan
mengerjakan ketika Dosen melakukan oleh Jean Piaget yang dikutip oleh Jarvis
pemantauan. (2000) yang mengatakan bahwa
perkembangan kognitif seseorang
sebagian besar ditentukan oleh
Dalam penerapannya, penanganan obyek dan interaksi aktif
mahasiswa lebih sering dibagi ke dalam dengan lingkungan. Dalam kaitannya
kelompok untuk melakukan sebuah dengan perkembangan kognitif, teori
proyek. Hasilnya, kegiatan ini bisa konstruktivistik Piaget menyampaikan
meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam bahwa pengetahuan akan lebih
berhubungan dan berkomunikasi dengan bermakna jika dicari dan ditemukan
siswa lain. Namun jika proyek dilakukan sendiri oleh siswa, terutama sejak
secara daring, siswa akan merasa jenuh mereka kecil. Mahasiswa akan lebih
berinternet karena ada batasan-batasan memahami suatu pengetahuan ketika
tertentu yang tidak bisa mereka lakukan. mereka merasakannya secara langsung
melalui indera dan didasarkan pada
Selain itu, pembelajaran berbasis pengalamannya sendiri. Selain itu,
proyek memungkinkan mahasiswa untuk mahasiswa dapat mengidentifikasi,
berkonsultasi secara langsung dengan menganalisis, menginterpretasikan, dan
guru ketika ingin mengkonfirmasi mengevaluasi bukti-bukti, argumentasi,

klaim, dan data-data yang tersaji secara semester atas (5 atau 6) mengajar general
luas melalui pengkajian secara English. Tetapi hal ini akan bervariasi di
mendalam, serta merefleksikannya setiap jurusan teknik di PNJ. Dalam
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari penelitian, pengajar 1 akan disebut
sebagai responden 1, pengajar 2 akan
III. Metode Penelitian disebut sebagai responden 2, dan
Metode yang akan dilakukan dalam seterusnya.
penelitian ini adalah metode Deskriptif Dari hasil kuesioner, didapat hasil
Kuantitatif, dimana akan dilakukan: a. yang dijelaskan pada table 1.
Survey, b. Analisis, dan c. Eksperimen
(Uji Coba). Sebelum melakukan analisis, Tabel 1.
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan Karakteristik Pengajar
dengan menggunakan instrument __
penelitian yang berupa kuesioner. Data Nama Jumlah Semester
diambil dari 10 dosen Bahasa Inggris Jam/minggu (ESP)
Teknik yang mengajar English for ______________________________________
Specific Purposes (ESP) di jurusan Responden 1 3 3/4
Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Responden 2 3 3
Responden 3 4 3
Jurusan IT, dan Jurusan Teknik Mesin.
Responden 4 4 3
Data berupa kegiatan apa yang selama Responden 5 3 3/4
ini dilakukan dalam proses belajar Responden 6 3 3/4
mengajar. Setelah itu diindentifikasi dan Responden 7 4 3
dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis Responden 8 3 3/4
kegiatan, kemudian dianalisis. Analisis
data berupa kuantatif berdasarkan tujuan Tabel 2 menjelaskan bagaimana para
yang telah ditetapkan pengajar melakukan proses pengajaran
di dalam kelas. Dari hasil kuesioner
IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan mengatakan bahwa para pengajar lebih
Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan sering memberikan tugas pada
pertama adalah melakukan survey yang mahasiswa untuk presentasi.
berupa kuesioner terhadap kegiatan
pembelajaran yang dilakukan para Tabel 2
pengajar Bahasa Inggris Teknik di Jenis kegiatan pembelajaran
beberapa jurusan Teknik di PNJ. Dari paling sering dilakukan
hasil kuesioner yang disebar kepada 10
pengajar Bahasa Inggris, hanya 8 __
kuesioner saja yang kembali. Nama Kegiatan
Kuesioner berisi beberapa Implementasi
pertanyaan tentang data pribadi pengajar ______________________________________
(seperti: berapa lama mengajar, NIP jika Responden 1 diskusi Presentasi
ada, dan berapa jumlah kelas yang Responden 2 diskusi Video/poster
Responden 3 Individu Presentasi
diajar). Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah Responden 4 Individu youtube
lebih fokus terhadap semester berapa Responden 5 diskusi youtube
mengajar ESP dan berapa jam per Responden 6 diskusi presentasi
minggu. Dari hasil kuesioner, rata-rata Responden 7 diskusi presentasi
pengajar Bahasa Inggris mengajar ESP Responden 8 diskusi video/poster
pada semester 3 dan/atau 4, dan hanya
mendapat 3-4 jam per minggu. Di

Pada table 2 di atas dapat dikatakan Collaborati • Berkolabora
bahwa para pengajar Bahasa Inggris on si dengan
orang lain
masih melakukan kegiatan mengajar
• Mengakses I I
yang sangat umum. Walaupun nformation, CTs dan
implementasi tugas yang diberikan oleh Media, and mengevalua
pengajar berupa kemajuan teknologi Technolog si informasi
(seperti youtube/video), hal ini belum y Skills • Menggunak
menggali potensi berpikir kritis an dan
mahasiswa. informasi
Berdasarkan paparan tersebut, • Menganalisi
tabel 3 menjelaskan apa yang diinginkan s dan
oleh Pendidikan abad 21, dimana menghasilk
Pendidikan berdasarkan 4C (Critical an media
• Mengaplika
thinking, communication, collaboration
and creativity). Dengan kata lain, para teknologi
pengajar Bahasa Inggris harus lebih secara
kreatif memberikan pengajaran agar efektif
dapat menggali proses berpikir kritis • Menunjukk L C
ife & aracter an perilaku
anak didik atau mahasiswa.
Career Building scientific
Skills attitude
Tabel 3 (Hasrat
Desain pembelajaran abad 21 ingin tahu,
jujur, teliti,
F I A terbuka dan
ramework P-21css spek penuh
21st kehati-
Century hatian
Skills • Menunjukk
• Berpikir C 4 an
reativity Cs secara penerimaan
Thinking kreatif terhadap
and • Bekerja nilai moral
innovation kreatif yang
dengan berlaku di
lainnya masyarakat
• Mengimple • Menghayati S
piritual konsep ke-
Values Tuhanan
• PenalaranC
ritical ilmu
Thinking • Menggunak
and n
an system
Problem berpikir • Mengintern
Solving • Membuat
• Memecahka sehari-hari
n masalah
• BerkomunikC
ommunicat asi secara
ion and jelas
Pada table 3 di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa
kebutuhan Pendidikan masa kini

sebaiknya mengandung 4C, ICT, - Membuat
character building dan spiritual values. laporan
Komponen ini yang akan membuat pembuatan
mahasiswa menjadi sumber daya bel listrik
manusia yang smart, tangguh dan - MelaporkaP
elaporan proyek (tatap n hasil
berperilaku baik. Hal ini yang harus muka 2) pembuatan
dimasukkan dalam desain pembelajaran. bel listrik
Dengan demikian, lulusan politeknik
akan mempunyai high quality dan akan
dicari para head hunters. Tabel 4 di atas menjelaskan
tentang desain pembelajaran berbasis
Tabel 4 proyek (PjBL) dimana setiap pengajar
Desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek wajib merancang suatu kegiatan atau
tugas di luar kelas. Table di atas
J merupakan Rrencana kegiatan pengajar
adwal encana kegiatan
- Mengkaji P
yang akan diberikan kepada mahasiswa
erancangan proyek konsep
jurusan Teknik Elektro di politeknik.
(Tatap muka 1) elektromag Dapat dilihat pada table di atas, dengan
netik dari melakukan perencanaan, pengajar
buku melakukan kegiatan PjBL dengan teratur
sumber dan sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak
atau dicapai. Dengan menggunakan acuan
internet kerja seperti ini, baik pengajar dan
- Merancang mahasiswa dapat mengontrol kegiatan
pembuatan masing-masing.
bel listrik Sebagai implementasi jadwal
- Melaporka perencanaan PjBL, bagan strategi
n pembelajaran di bawah ini merupakan
rancangan alur pelaksanaan bagaimana seorang
bel listrik pengajar melakukan tahapan kegiatan
- MemperbaiT strategi pembelajaran berbasis proyek.
ugas proyekk di ki Kegiatan dimulai dari merumuskan
rumah (di luar tatap rancangan
muka) tujuan, kemudian merancang apa yang
bel listrik menjadi kebutuhan mahasiswa dan
- Membuat kemudian membuat lembar kerja atau
bel listrik job sheet yang digunakan mahasiswa
dalam membuat tugas proyek. Alur
tersebut dapat dilihat pada bagan di
bawah ini:
yang sudah
- Mencatat
Bagan Strategi Pembelajaran PjBL
bel listrik
- Melakukan
ujicoba bel

North Carolina: Meredian a
middle school computer of
Jarvis,M. (2000). Theoretical
Approaches in Psychology.
Psychology Press.
Kemdikbud, 2013. Model
Pengembangan Berbasis Proyek
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Berdasarkan paparan pembahasan Instructional Module Project
di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa Based Learning.
kebanyakan pengajar mengandalkan Trimble, Louis. (1985). English for
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dengan memberikan tugas di luar kelas Benih Teknologi Pendidikan,
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Dengan terbentuknya desain Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah
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ini adalah sumber daya manusia yang Action: The promise of project
siap pakai di dunia industri yang smart, based learning, focus and basic
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Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri
Semarang Dalam Menuliskan Suatu Proses Pada Pembuatan Produk
Makanan Dan Minuman Khas Nusantara

Pandiya1), Sri Hardiningsih2), I Nyoman Romangsi3), dan Mohammad Muslikh4)

1,2,3) Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang

Jalan Prof. Soedarto, SH., Tembalang, Semarang

1) E-mail:


The ability to write is very important for someone in pursuing a career and social life in general. This study
aims to find out "The Ability of Semarang State Polytechnic Department of Accounting Students in Writing
a Process on Making Specific Nusantara Food and Beverage Products". The data collection is done by
giving writing tests to students. The population of this research consists of Semarang State Polytechnic
Accounting Department students. The data used in this study is more qualitative in nature, more in the form
of descriptions of the characteristics of the respondents' writing and not much related to numbers. Sampling
is done by "purposive sampling"; namely the Semarang State Polytechnic Department of Accounting
student group who have been completed by the competence to write a process (26 students). Data analysis
is done by the following criteria (1) the name of the food / beverage product; (2) the existence of command
sentences; (3) the existence of sequence words; (4) the existence of suggestion sentences; and (5) the
existence of prohibition sentences. The results of data analysis have showed that 88% respondents write a
process of making food products and the other 12% write a process of making beverage products; all
respondents (100%) write down command sentences and sequence words; 8% respondents write suggestion
sentences and the other 92% do not write suggestion sentences; 15% respondents write prohibition
sentences and the other 85% do not write prohibition sentences.

Keywords: writing ability, qualitative, process, food, and beverage.


Kemampuan menulis sangat penting bagi seseorang dalam meniti suatu karir maupun kehidupan bersosial
masyarakat pada umumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana “Kemampuan
Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang Dalam Menuliskan Suatu Proses Pada
Pembuatan Produk Makanan Dan Minuman Khas Nusantara”. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan
dengan cara pemberian tes secara tertulis pada mahasiswa. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari mahasiswa
Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang. Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini lebih bersifat
kualitatif yaitu lebih banyak berupa deskripsi atau uraian karakteristik karangan/tulisan responden dan
tidak banyak berkaitan dengan angka-angka. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan “purposive
sampling”; yaitu kelompok mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang yang telah dibekali
kompetensi menulis suatu proses (26 orang). Analisa data dilakukan dengan kriteria (1) nama produk
makanan/minuman; (2) Keberadaan kalimat perintah; (3) keberadaan kata urutan; (4) keberadaan kalimat
saran; dan (5) keberadaan kalimat larangan. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa 88% responden
menuliskan suatu proses pembuatan produk makanan dan 12% responden lainnya menuliskan suatu proses
pembuatan produk minuman; semua responden (100%) menuliskan kalimat perintah dan kata urutan; 8%
responden menuliskan kalimat saran dan 92% responden lainnya tidak menuliskan kalimat saran; 15%
responden menuliskan kalimat larangan dan 85% responden lainnya tidak menuliskan kalimat larangan.

Kata kunci: kemampuan menulis, kualitatif, proses, makanan, dan minuman.

I. PENDAHULUAN mencakup skala dunia atau internasional.
Komunikasi terjadi sejak Komunikasi tingkat internasional
manusia tercipta di dunia ini; sejarah memberikan konsekuensi logis terhadap
komunikasi sama dengan sejarah dominannya penggunaan bahasa dunia
kehidupan manusia di dunia ini. atau bahasa internasional. Bahasa
Komunikasi dan manusia ibaratnya Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional
hubungan antara jiwa dan raga; dwi pertama yang sangat berperan dalam
tunggal yang tidak bisa terpisahakan. dunia pendidikan, sains, teknnologi, dan
Komunikasi juga merupakan disiplin bisnis (Dirjen Dikti, 2013:1). Pada tahun
ilmu yang fundamental bagi manusia 2045 Bangsa Indonesia berada pada era
dalam meniti suatu karir atau profesi. generasi emas; di mana penduduk
Ketrampilan berkomunikasi akan sangat Indonesia saat itu diprediksi mencapai
berguna baik dalam hubungan antar 350 juta orang. Jumlah penduduk yang
manusia maupun hubungan kerja, demikian besar tanpa diiringi penguatan
ataupun hubungan antar manusia sebagai sumber daya manusia (SDM), akan
warga negara. Secara singkat, membuat mereka tidak memiliki cukup
komunikasi adalah kunci sukses dalam kompetensi. Hasilnya, mereka kalah
hidup.“Communication is key to your dalam persaingan global. Penguatan
success—in relationships, in the SDM tidak saja berkaitan dengan sains,
workplace, as a citizen of your country, teknologi, dan ketrampilan yang
and across your lifetime. Your ability to memadai, tetapi juga terkait dengan
communicate comes from experience, kompetensi berbahasa internasional;
and experience can be an effective terutama Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
teacher (McLean and Moman, 2012: internasional pertama yang sangat
10).” dominan dalam dunia pendidikan, sains,
teknologi, dan bisnis (Suwandi, 2016).
Suatu riset menyatakan bahwa
kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan Kompetensi menulis juga sangat
maupun tulisan merupakan jembatan berperan di dalam pencapaian
menuju sukses dan promosi suatu kesuksesan seseorang baik dalam
jabatan. Jenis kompetensi komunikasi ini lingkungan akademis ataupun dunia
mencakup 9 hal; yaitu oral kerja. Hal ini disoroati olah banyak pakar
communication, writing, reading, bahasa. Bisnis membutuhkan kandidat
document use, numeracy, working with yang dapat menulis dan berkomunikasi
others, thinking, computer use, dan secara efektif. Bahkan era digital belum
continuous learning (McLean and mengurangi kebutuhan untuk menulis.
Moman, 2012: 12-13).” Baik itu email, percakapan obrolan
online, faks, atau pembaruan situs web,
Fungsi bahasa sebagai media semua ini memerlukan keterampilan
komunikasi merupakan fakta yang tidak menulis yang sangat baik. Semakin jelas
bisa dipungkiri lagi. Pada saat ini komunikasinya, semakin besar pula
komunikasi terjadi tidak saja antar peluang tingkat keberhasilan yang
kelompok masyarakat di dalam suatu tinggi. Baik itu bidang apa pun atau
negara; tetapi komunikasi telah profesi apa pun, keterampilan menulis
menjembatani hubungan masyarakat diperlukan di beberapa bagian
dari berbagai belahan dunia. Dengan perjalanan hidup. Pada akhirnya
kata lain hubungan masyarakat sudah keterampilan menulis sangat penting
terjadi secara gelobal yang berarti apakah seseorang berprofesi sebagai

mahasiswa atau karyawan (pegawai) 2 dan 3; dan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 dan
yang bekerja di organisasi mana pun, 2 pada semester 4 dan 5. Prodi D4
keterampilan menulis membantu Kompak membekali mahasiswa dengan
seseorang dalam setiap bidang. (Wilson, materi Bahasa Inggris pada semester 1,
2018), Laurinavicius (2017), Bradford 2, 3, 4, 6, dan 8. Prodi D4 Perbankan
(2020), dan (Orla, 2018). Syariah membekali mahasiswa dengan
materi Bahasa Inggris pada semester 1,
Kegiatan Proses Belajar 3, 5, dan 6. Prodi D4 Analis Keuangan
Mengajar (PBM) di dalam kelas membekali mahasiswa dengan materi
merupakan bagian Tri Darma Perguruan Bahasa Inggris pada semester 1, 2, 3, dan
Tinggi yang tidak dapat dipisahkan 4. Yang terakhir; Prodi D4 Akuntansi
dengan kegiatan lainnya; yaitu penelitian Manajerial membekali mahasiswa
dan pengabdian pada dengan materi Bahasa Inggris pada
masyarakat.Kegiatan PBM adalah semester 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5. Masing-masing
kegiatan kurikuler yang pelaksanaannya Prodi D4 mencantumkam materi Bahasa
harus sesuai dengan program kurikulum Inggris dan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis. Satu
yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah diantara materi belajar mengajar bahasa
dan UU Sisdiknas No. 20 Th 2003 Inggris adalah ketrampilan menulis atau
maupun UUGD No. 14 Th 2005. mengarang; yang meliputi bidang narasi,
Kegiatan kurikuler tidak akan lepas dari deskripsi, dan eksposisi. Pada dasarnya,
kegiatan tatap muka di dalam kelas. Di mengarang adalah pekerjaan merangkai
dalam kelas seorang dosen kata, kalimat, dan alinea untuk
menyampaikan materi kuliah secara menjabarkan dan atau mengulas topik
teoritis maupun praktis di dalam tertentu guna memperoleh hasil akhir
laboratorium. Satu diantara beraneka berupa karangan (Dirjen Dikti, 2013: 28-
ragam mata kuliah di Jurusan Akuntansi 30). Tingkat kompetensi menulis yang
Politeknik Negeri Semarang adalah paling kompleks atau rumit yaitu
Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Inggris penulisan eksposisi; di mana gaya
Bisnis. penulisan bertujuan untuk memberikan
informasi pada orang lain secara logis
Kegiatan PBM Bahasa Inggris dan argumentatif sehingga orang
mencakup Bahasa Inggris Umum tersebut mendukung atau mengikuti
(General English) dan Bahasa Inggris informasi yang diberikan. Materi
Bisnis (English Business). Keberadaan penulisan eksposisi sangat beragam; bisa
Prodi yang beraneka ragam juga berupa penulisan proses, contoh,
memberikan porsi mata kuliah Bahasa definisi, perbandingan, argumentasi,
Inggris yang berbeda pula. Pada Prodi devisi, dan persuasi.
D3 Keuangan Perbankan mata kuliah
Bahasa Inggris diberikan selama 5 Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
semester ; dari semester 1 sampai dengan mengukur tingkat kemampuan
5; semester 1 dan 2 mata kuliah Bahasa mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik
Inggris 1 dan 2 (General English), Negeri Semarang dalam menuliskan
sedang pada semester 3 sampai dengan 5 suatu proses pada pembuatan produk
mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1, 2, makanan dan minuman Nusantara.
dan 3. Prodi D3 Akuntansi membekali Selanjutnya muatan karangan
mahasiswa dengan materi Bahasa mahasiswa akan mencakup (1) ragam
Inggris pada semester 2 sampai dengan produk makanan dan minuman; seperti
5; Bahasa Inggris 1 dan 2 untuk semester nasi goreng, nasi gudeg, rawon, gado-

gado, lontong opor, soto ayam, soto II. KAJIAN LITERATUR
daging, soto kerang, aneka minuman,
aneka jus, aneka jajanan, dan lain-lain; Bahasa biasa didefinisikan
(2) ragam kalimat perintah sebaga suatu sistem simbol, kata-kata
(imperatives), dan (3) ragam kata “time dan atau gerakan tubuh yang digunakan
order words”; seperti the first, the untuk mengkomunikasikan makna
second, then, afterthat, at last (finally), (McLean and Moman, 2012: 41). Unsur
(4) ragam kata “modal words”; seperti komunikasi dalam bahasa sangat
should, dan ought to, (5) ragam kalimat dominan. Hal ini seiring dengan fungsi
larangan (prohibition); seperti don’t, bahasa sebagai media komunikasi baik
don’t forget to ........ Hal ini tentu sangat antar kelompok dalam masyarakat, antar
berguna bagi mahasiswa untuk budaya, antar suku/ras, antar adat atau
menuangkan ide promosi berbagai tradisi dan bahkan antar sistem
macam produk makanan dan minuman keyakinan dan agama (Dirjen Dikti,
terutama makanan dan minuman lokal 2013: 4).
khas suatu daerah. Banyak ragam
makanan dan minuman yang banyak Pentingnya kompetensi berbahasa
diminati oleh masyarakat; baik domestik khususnya komptensi menulis tidak bisa
ataupun mancanegara (asing). Ada menu dipungkiri lagi. Berikut ini beberapa
soto, tapi ragamnya cukup banyak; argumentasi tentang pentingnya
seperti Soto Kudus, Soto Bandung, Soto komunikasi baik lisan ataupun tulis:
Medan, Soto Jawa Timur, Soto Betawi,
dan Soto Kerang. Ada menu bakmi yang a. Kompetensi berkomunikasi
juga memiliki keragaman seprti Bakmi merupakan kunci sukses dalam
Surabaya, Bakmi Aceh, Bakmi karir, hidup, promosi jabatan atau
Bandung, dan Bakmi Jawa. Makanan pada buisnis secara umum.
khas Kota Semarang lumpia juga “Communication is key to your
beragam; ada lumpia ayam, lumpia success—in relationships, in the
presto, lumpia udang, dan lumpia workplace, as a citizen of your
kepiting. Juga ada aneka jajanan, aneka country, and across your lifetime.
sambal, atau aneka minuman dari Your ability to communicate comes
berbagai daerah di tanah air. Dalam satu from experience, and experience can
aktivitas manulis mahasiswa, diperoleh be an effective teacher (McLean and
dua manfaat; yaitu mengasah Moman, 2012: 10).” Lebih jelas lagi
ketrampilan menulis dan ketrampilan bahwa kompetensi berkomunikasi
berpromosi. Dengan demikian berasal dari pengalaman bertahun-
penelitian dengan judul “Kemampuan tahun dan tidak datang begitu saja,
Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi dan pengalaman adalah guru yang
Politeknik Negeri Semarang Dalam terbaik dan terefektif.
Menuliskan Suatu Proses Pada
Pembuatan Produk Makanan dan b. Suatu hasil riset menyatakan
Minuman Khas Nusantara” ini sudah bahwa kemampuan berkomunikasi
saatnya untuk dilakukan untuk baik lisan maupun tulisan
mengevaluasi kegiatan PBM di Jurusan merupakan jembatan menuju
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang sukses dan promosi suatu jabatan.
dan juga sebagai sarana promosi di tanah Jenis kompetensi komunikasi ini
air. mencakup 9 hal; yaitu oral
communication, writing, reading,

document use, numeracy, working keberhasilan yang tinggi. Baik itu
with others, thinking, computer use, bidang apa pun atau profesi apa pun,
dan continuous learning (McLean keterampilan menulis diperlukan di
and Moman, 2012: 12-13).”Di sini beberapa bagian perjalanan hidup.
lebih diperjelas dengan adanya Pada akhirnya keterampilan menulis
konsep belajar berkelanjutan atau sangat penting apakah seseorang
terus-menerus (continuous learning). berprofesi sebagai mahasiswa atau
karyawan (pegawai) yang bekerja di
c. Pentingnya peran Bahasa Inggris organisasi mana pun, keterampilan
dalam dunia pendidikan, sains, menulis membantu seseorang dalam
teknologi, dan bisnis dalam rangka setiap bidang (Wilson, 2018),
menyongsong era emas Indonesia Laurinavicius (2017), Bradford
tahun 2045. Penguatan sumber daya (2020), dan (Orla, 2018).
manusia (SDM) Indonesia tidak saja
trampil dalam pengetahuan, sains dan Berikut ini beberapa hasil penelitian
teknologi, tapi juga dalam pendahuluan:
penguasaan bahasa internasional
khususnya dalam bidang Bahasa a. Kemampuan berkomunikasi
Inggris (Suwandi, 2016). berbahasa Inggris Mahasiswa
Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik
d. Pentingnya Bahasa Inggris dalam Negeri Semarang dengan Metode
bidang pendidikan dan hubungan “Cooperative Principles”.
antar masyarakat dunia yang Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan
bersifat global yang berarti juga pengukuran kompetensi
mencakup seluruh wilayah belahan berkomunikasi Berbahasa Inggris
dunia. Hal ini merupakan pengakuan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi
dunia terhadap pentingnya Bahasa Politeknik Negeri Semarang yang
Inggris sebagai media komunikasi lebih fokus pada komunikasi lisan
tingkat internasional yang mencakup seperti menyatakan setuju atau tidak
segala aspek kehidupan manusia setuju atas pendapat orang lain,
(Dirjen Dikti, 2013: 1). menyampaikan pendapat pada orang
lain, melakukan negosiasi harga
e. Kompetensi menulis juga sangat dengan penjual, menyampaikan
berperan di dalam pencapaian complain (keluhan) pada penjual
kesuksesan seseorang baik dalam atas ketidaksesuaian produk yang
lingkungan akademis ataupun dibeli, menanyakan posisi atau
dunia kerja. Hal ini disoroti oleh lokasi perusahaan (pusat industri ),
banyak pakar bahasa. Bisnis melakukan penyambutan tamu, dan
membutuhkan kandidat yang dapat lain-lain (Zees, et. al., 2010).
menulis dan berkomunikasi secara
efektif. Bahkan era digital belum b. Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan
mengurangi kebutuhan untuk Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri
menulis. Baik itu email, percakapan Semarang dalam Menyampaikan
obrolan online, faks, atau pembaruan Informasi yang Bersifat
situs web, semua ini memerlukan Kronologis untuk
keterampilan menulis yang sangat Mempromosikan suatu Produk.
baik. Semakin jelas komunikasinya, Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan
semakin besar pula peluang tingkat kompetensi komunikasi berbahasa

Inggris lisan dan tulisan mahasiswa Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan
Jurusan Akuntsnsi Polliteknik bahwa kegiatan blogging dapat
Negeri semarang dalam presentasi meningkatkan kualitas kompetensi
produk untuk acara promosi, dan menulis mahasiswa dengan baik
pembuatan suatu brosur promosi (Hardiningsih, et. al., 2018).
baik produk maupun jasa (Pandiya, f. Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan
et. al., 2014). Akuntansi Dalam Menuliskan
c. Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan Suatu Narasi Untuk
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Mempromosikan Kawasan
Semarang Dalam Presentasi Destinasi Wisata. Hasil penelitian
Lisan Bisnis Dalam Bahasa ini menunjukkan bahwa semua
Inggris. Penelitian ini berkaitan responden menuliskan narasi
dengan kemampuan Mahasiswa ekspositori yaitu penulisan
dalam Presentasi Lisan Bisnis dalam serentetan peristiwa secara runtut
Bahasa Inggris yang mencakup atau kronologis, dan tidak satupun
penggunaan body language responden menuliskan narasi
(komunikasi non verbal) seperti sugestif yaitu penulisan suatu kisah
ekspresi wajah, gerakan tangan, yang mengandung ajaran moral atau
kerdipan mata, kontak mata, posisi nilai-nilai sosial tertentu. Mayoritas
berdiri, posisi duduk, angkat tangan, responden lebih memilih jenis
mengepalkan tangan, dan juga aspek wisata alam; yaitu menikmati
bahasa seperti intonasi, tata bahasa, keindahan alam yang sangat
pilihan kata (diksi), dan gaya beragam (Pandiya, et. al., 2019).
bahasa, serta isi presentasi; seperti
pendahuluan (pengantar), III. METODE PENELITIAN
penyampaian isi, dan penutup
(Romangsi, et. al., 2015). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
d. Gaya Bicara Pada Staf Pengajar mengetahui sejauh mana “Kemampuan
Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi
Negeri Semarang Dalam Kegiatan Politeknik Negeri Semarang Dalam
Proses Belajar Mengajar. Menuliskan Suatu Proses Pada
Penelitian ini mencakup beraneka Pembuatan Produk Makanan Dan
ragam gaya Staf Pengajar Jurusan Minuman Khas Nusantara”. Metode
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
Semarang dalam kegiatan Proses cara pemberian tes secara tertulis pada
Belajar Mengajar di dalam kelas mahasiswa. Populasi penelitian ini
yang terdiri gaya oratoris, terdiri dari mahasiswa Jurusan
deliberatif, konsultatif, akrab, dan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang.
santai. Hasil yang diperoleh Data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa gaya bicara lebih bersifat kualitatif yaitu lebih
konsultatif merupakan gaya yang banyak berupa deskripsi atau uraian
paling banyak dipraktekkan oleh karakteristik karangan/tulisan responden
Staf Pengajar Jurusan Akuntansi dan tidak banyak berkaitan dengan
(Pandiya, et. al., 2018). angka-angka. Pengambilan sampel
e. Peningkatan Kemampuan dilakukan dengan “purposive
Menulis Mahasiswa Jurusan sampling”; yaitu kelompok mahasiswa
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri
Semarang dengan “Blogging”. Semarang yang telah dibekali

kompetensi menulis suatu proses. hasil karya penulisan suatu proses
Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dan mahasiswa akan dianalisa sesuai lima
deskriptif yaitu kajian dan pembahasan kategori di atas, tingkat kelengkapan,
kegiatan penelitiannya akan banyak dan juga ketelitian dalam penulisan
berupa uraian atau deskripsi suatu tahapan proses.
populasi penelitian yang berkaitan
dengan karakteristik tiap-tiap
karangan/tulisan responden dan tidak Hasil analisa data penelitian
banyak berkaitan dengan data numerik menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas
(angka). Analisa data dilakukan dengan responden menuliskan proses pembuatan
tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) Ragam produk makanan; yaitu sebanyak 23
produk makanan dan minuman; seperti orang atau 88%; dan hanya 3 orang
nasi goreng, nasi gudeg, rawon, gado- responden atau 12% menuliskan proses
gado, lontong opor, soto ayam, soto pembuatan produk minuman. Ragam
daging, soto kerang, aneka minuman, makanan responden mencakup: Noodle
aneka jus, aneka jajanan, dan lain-lain; Omelette Kuah (mie omelet), Pancake
(2) Ragam kalimat perintah (kue/roti), Martabak Usus, Bubur
(imperatives); (3) Ragam kata “time Kacang Ijo, Pisang Goreng, Spaghetti,
order words”; seperti the first, the Nasi Goreng Spesial, Seblak (makanan
second, then, afterthat, at last, and Sunda), Kolak, Scrambled Eggs (telur
(finally); (4) Ragam kata “modal dadar), Noodle Omelette Goreng (mie
words”; seperti should, dan ought to; (5) omelet), Omelette (telur goreng), Puding
Ragam kalimat larangan (prohibition); Susu, Onde-Onde (kue tepung), Kue
seperti don’t, don’t forget to ... Setiap Pancake, Nasi Goreng Telur, Kue
hasil karya penulisan suatu proses Sandwich, Kue Basah, Mi Instan, Kue
mahasiswa akan dianalisa sesuai lima Brownish, Pisang Goreng, Nasi Goreng
kategori di atas, tingkat kelengkapan, Ayam, dan Salad Buah. Ragam
dan juga ketelitian dalam penulisan minuman responden mencakup:
tahapan proses. Secangkir Teh Celup, Jus Jambu, dan
Secangkir Teh Tubruk. Dengan
demikian bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa
IV. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN mayoritas mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi
Politeknik Negeri Semarang lebih
memiliki ketertarikan atau minat untuk
Analisa data penelitian dilakukan
dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) menulis proses pembuatan produk
makanan daripada produk minuman.
Ragam produk makanan dan minuman;
Selanjutnya jumlah responden yang
seperti nasi goreng, nasi gudeg, rawon,
menuliskan paragraf proses dengan
gado- gado, lontong opor, soto ayam,
dilengkapi kalimat perintah (Command
soto daging, soto kerang, aneka
Senteces/Imperatives); sebanyak 26
minuman, aneka jus, aneka jajanan, dan
orang atau 100%, kalimat urutan (Time
lain-lain; (2) Ragam kalimat perintah
order Words/Sequence Words) juga 26
(imperatives); (3) Ragam kata “time
orang atau 100%, kalimat saran
order words”; seperti the first, the
(Suggestion Sentences) 24 orang atau
second, then, afterthat, at last, and
92%, dan 2 orang atau 8% tidak
(finally); (4) Ragam kata “modal
menuliskan kalimat saran, dan kalimat
words”; seperti should, dan ought to; (5)
larangan (Prohibition Sentences)
Ragam kalimat larangan (prohibition);
sebanyak 22 orang atau 85%, dan 4
seperti don’t, don’t forget to ... Setiap

orang lainnya atau 15% tidak 8%, dan 24 orang lainnya atau 92% tidak
menuliskan kalimat larangan. menuliskan kalimat saran, dan kalimat
Selanjutnya bisa disimpulkan bahwa larangan (Prohibition Sentences) ada 4
perlu adanya peningkatan kualitas dan orang atau 15%, dan 22 orang lainnya
kuantitas materi kuliah Bahasa Inggris atau 85% tidak menuliskan kalimat
untuk Bidang Akademik (English for larangan. Selanjutnya bisa disimpulkan
Academic Purposes). Hasil analisa data bahwa lebih banyak mahasiswa Jurusan
selengkapnya dapat ditunjukkan pada Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang
tabel berikut ini: memiliki ketertarikan atau minat untuk
menuliskan paragraf proses pembuatan
Tabel 1. Data Responden Keseluruhan
produk makanan khas Nusantara
No Uraian Ada/Tidak daripada produk minuman. Juga perlu
Ada adanya peningkatan kualitas dan
1 Nama Produk 23 kuantitas materi kuliah Bahasa Inggris
untuk Bidang Akademik (English for
Makanan/Minuman Makanan
Academic Purposes) di Jurusan
(88%) & 3
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Semarang.
2 Kalimat Perintah Ada (26) –
(Command (100%)
Sentences) Azar, Betty Schrampfer. (2002).
3 Kata Urutan Ada (26) – Understanding and Using English
(Sequence Words) (100%) Grammar. Third Edition.
4 Kalimat Saran Ada (2) New York: Pearson Education.
(Suggestion (8%) & ISBN 0-13-097605-9.
Sentences) Tidak Ada Azwar, Saifuddin. (2010). Metode
(24) (92%) Penelitian. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
5 Kalimat Larangan Ada (4) ISBN: 979-9075-
(Prohibition (15%) & 27-0.
Sentences) Tidak Ada
(22) (85%) Bradford, Jeff . (2019). Why Writing
Ability Is The Most Important Skill In
Business (And How To Acquire It).
V. SIMPULAN DAN SARAN Brown, HD. 2007. Prinsip
Mayoritas responden menuliskan Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Bahasa.
proses pembuatan produk makanan; Jakarta: Pearson
yaitu sebanyak 23 orang atau 88%; dan Education, Inc. Edisi Kelima.
hanya 3 orang responden atau 12% (Kedutaan Besar AS). ISBN: 978-979-
menuliskan proses pembuatan produk 1079-18-1.
minuman. Adapun jumlah responden
yang menuliskan paragraf proses dengan Dirjen Dikti. (2013). Modul Bahasa
dilengkapi kalimat perintah (Command Indonesia Untuk Perguruan Tinggi.
Sentences/Imperatives); sebanyak 26 Emilia, Emi. (2010). Teaching Writing:
orang atau 100%, kalimat urutan (Time Developing Critical Learners. Bandung:
order Words/Sequence Words) juga 26 Risqi Press.
orang atau 100%, kalimat saran ISBN: 978-979-1017-89-3.
(Suggestion Sentences) ada 2 orang atau

Hardiningsih, Sri. et. al. (2019). Pandiya, et. al. (2019). Kemampuan
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi
Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Semarang
Jurusan Akuntansi Politeknik Dalam Menuliskan Suatu Narasi
Negeri Semarang Dengan Blogging. Untuk Mempromosikan Kawasan
(Hasil Penelitian) Destinasi Wisata.
(Hasil Penelitian).
nce-of-writing-skills-for- Politeknik Negeri Semarang. (2012).
students/downloaded on 3 March 2020 English for Academic Purposes. (For
at 10.25. Internal use only). Romangsi, I Nyoman, et. al. (2015).
ncycouncil/2019/01/29/why-writing- Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan
ability-is-the-most-important-skill-in- Akuntansi Politeknik
business-and-how-to-acquire- Negeri Semarang Dalam Presentasi
it/#b11645f2fdfb downloaded on 3 Lisan Bisnis Dalam Bahasa Inggris
March 2020 at 10.15. (Hasil Peneli-
Laurinavicius, Tomas. (2017). Reasons
Why Writing Remains a Critical Skill Saleh, Mursid. (2008). Enam Tradisi
for Success. Besar Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa. Semarang: Unnes
-why-writing-remai_b_12701380 Press. Cetakan Pertama. ISBN 979
downloaded on 3 March 2020 at 10.10 1006 59 8.
Suwandi. (2016). UPGRIS Tambah
McLean, Scott and Murray Moman. Guru Besar. Harian Umum Suara
(2012). Communication for Business Merdeka, edisi 18 No-
Success. Canadian pember 2016.
Edition v.1.0.
UU No. 14 Tahun 2005 Tentang Guru
Orla, Quirke. (2018). What is the dan Dosen.
importance of writing skills? Widyantoro, Fuad dan Makhmud
importance-of-writing-skills Kuncahyo. (2017). Modul Workshop –
downloaded on 3 March 2020 at 10.20. Training for Trainers
Penguatan Materi dan Metode
Pandiya, et. al. 2014. (2014). Pembelajaran.
Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan
Willson, Jessica. (2018). Why Writing
Akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Skills are Important.
Semarang Dalam Mempromosikan
Suatu Produk (Hasil Penelitian). why-writing-skills-are-important-
Pandiya, et. al. (2018). Gaya Bicara 3780b8d77419 downloaded on 3 March
Pada Staf Pengajar Jurusan Akuntansi 2020 at 12.20 pm.
Politekinik Negeri Zees, Sri Rahayu, et. al. (2010).
Di Dalam Kegiatan Proses Belajar Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Dalam
Belajar (Hasil Penelitian). Bahasa Inggris

Mahasisawa Jurusan Akuntansi
Politeknik Negeri Semarang Dengan
“Cooperative Principles” (Hasil


Aldino Putra Kurniawan

State Polytechnic of Malang


People's lives are inextricably connected with the existence of communication since they
require it to convey information to others. Any component of live, advertising, for instance,
uses communication in some capacity. Nowadays, businesses like fast-food restaurants use
advertisements to market their goods. Reputable businesses use creative features when
producing commercials, notably in their video advertisements, including Starbucks,
Domino's, Dunkin Donuts, and Subway. Therefore, the goal of this research was to pinpoint
the use of verbal and non-verbal persuasive techniques as well as develop a model for a
successful fast-food video advertisement. This research uses a case study which studied
further the video advertisements. Data were eight fast-food video advertisements of
Starbucks, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts, and Subway. The taxonomy used to analyze the
persuasive technique used in the advertisement was the verbal persuasive techniques
taxonomy from Keraf and non-verbal persuasive technique taxonomy from Seiler, Beall, and

Keywords: advertisement, persuasive technique, verbal, non-verbal


Kehidupan manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan adanya komunikasi karena mereka perl
untuk saling bertukar informasi. Bentuk komunikasi dapat dilihat di setiap aspek kehidupan
pada iklan misalnya. Saat ini, semua perusahaan menggunakan iklan untuk mempromosikaan
produk mereka, misalnya restoran cepat saji. Perusahan besar seperti Starbucks, Domino’s,
Dunkin Donuts, and Subway dikenal kreatif dalam membuat iklannya, khususnya video
iklannya. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penggunaan teknik
persuasif dalam aspek verbal- dan nonverbal serta membuat model tentang video iklan
makanan cepat saji yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus yang mempelajari
lebih lanjut iklan video. Data berupa delapan iklan video makanan cepat saji Starbucks,
Domino's, Dunkin Donuts, dan Subway. Taksonomi yang digunakan untuk menganalisis
teknik persuasif yang digunakan dalam iklan tersebut adalah taksonomi teknik persuasif
verbal dari Keraf dan taksonomi teknik persuasif nonverbal dari Seiler, Beall, dan Mazer.

Kata Kunci: iklan, teknik persuasif, verbal, nonverbal

receiving information through both
verbal and nonverbal ways is
I. Introduction
communication, Insley (2014). Giffin &
In our daily lives, communication is Patton (1976) defines communication as
crucial. Without communication, we the activity of both expressing and
cannot do anything. The abilities producing meaning. Barker (2010) adds
required to talk and write clearly are that communication is crucial to human
referred to as communication skills. existence. The act of sending and
People can get or fulfill some needs that receiving messages can be summed up as
are not already present in their life communication. Information transfer
through communication. Giving and from one person to another is referred to

as communication, Newstorm & Davis advertising to grow and gain public
(1989). It is impossible to underestimate recognition. Nowadays, practically
the value of communication in people's every product is advertised, including
lives. Without communicating with one food, beverages, electronics, house
another, people cannot do anything. appliances and cars. These
Through conversation, they can obtain or advertisements can be found in
fulfill those needs that are not currently television, printed, and on internet like
met in their life. According to Awoniyi YouTube. According to a statistic shows
(1982), there would be pandemonium if by Global Media Insight (2022), it shows
there was no communication. He says that YouTube has around 122 million
that human existence and society as we active users daily and 1 billion hours of
know today would disappear without content is watched across the world
communication. every day. It also shows that around has
Every aspect of life involves more than 2.6 billion active users
communication, including work in monthly.
marketing, business, and other fields. One of the numerous products that
Singla (2019) asserts that receives a lot of online advertising,
communication is at the core of particularly on YouTube, is fast food.
marketing. According to Singla, Starbucks, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts,
communication is the primary basis by and Subway are a few businesses who
which marketers can inform consumers market their fast-food items on
about their products (2019). YouTube. These are all multinational
Communication is not just about corporations. Almost all multinational
presenting ideas; it's also about whether businesses often have English-language
the speakers' intentions are understood video commercials. There are locations
and whether they receive the reactions of Starbucks, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts,
they require. As a result, communication and Subway practically everywhere in
can be utilized for a variety of things, the world, especially in nations where
such as informing others for marketing English is the primary language of
or advertising objectives. Along with the exchange, including the United States,
usage of other communication cues like the United Kingdom, Canada, and
images, voices, symbols, designs, and so Australia, according to World
forth, language is used extensively in this Population Review (2022). Those 4
situation. restaurants are also available in
Advertising has a significant impact Indonesia where the current researcher
on how buyers decide which goods and conduct this study.
services to buy. The objective of As previously mentioned, the main
advertising, which is to sell a product, is goal of advertising is to encourage
the fundamental knowledge about consumers to purchase a product.
advertising. In order to sell a product, Effective persuasive strategies must be
advertising need to persuade the people. used in advertisements if businesses
Advertisers reportedly spend a want to persuade consumers. According
significant portion of their profits on to Keraf (2007) persuasion is the verbal
advertising across a variety of media, act of influencing others to do what the
including television, radio, magazines, speaker wants them to. It is important to
and more, according to William use persuasion correctly if advertiser
Perreault, Cannon, and McCarthy want the advertisement to draw in more
(2013). Businesses largely depend on customers. If an advertisement has

several crucial components, such as the understanding and learning material on
imagery of the product utilizing verbal the persuasive techniques used in
and non-verbal signals, it will be more English fast-food video advertisements.
engaging. Additionally, using endorsing This research analyzes the verbal and
models is incredibly successful and nonverbal communication utilized in
popular. The models are able to English fast-food video advertising to
communicate the idea of the campaign persuade viewers. English fast-food
both orally and nonverbally since video advertising from Starbucks,
nonverbal cues can amplify what is said Domino's, Dunkin' Donuts, and Subway
in the advertisement verbally. were the subjects of the analysis. Each
Given the abundance of English fast- fast-food restaurant had two videos taken
food video advertising, it is becoming by the researcher. Starbucks, Domino's,
increasingly difficult to grab viewers' Dunkin Donuts, and Subway are among
attention. As a result, the strategies the top ten most popular restaurant
utilized to persuade should be well- brands in the globe, per a report
planned and effective. In other words, published in November 2019 on
thoughtful planning when creating an With 41,500
advertisement will improve viewers' stores globally, Subway has the most,
perceptions, which in turn will boost the followed by Starbucks with 29,900,
company's sales. There are several Domino's with 16,300, and Dunkin
persuasive English fast-food video Donuts with 11,800.
advertisings that can grab the audience's In order to identify the verbal and
attention. Students' understanding will non-verbal persuasive strategies utilized
grow as they learn about the planning by the restaurants in their video
and creation of advertisements, advertising, the researcher examined two
especially those studying corporate of each restaurant's video
communication. Additionally, it is advertisements. The researcher also
crucial for students to understand how thought about taking only two video
persuasive strategies are used in those advertising from each restaurant because
excellent and successful English video of the limited time he had to complete his
advertising. thesis. Additionally, since this is a thesis
In the past, number of studies have for an applied program, a model of an
been undertaken on the use of persuasive excellent English fast-food
strategies in advertisements for advertisement on how to effectively use
cosmetics, gadgets, food, and other both verbal and non-verbal persuasive
products. However, very few studies strategies.
have examined persuasive techniques
using the non-verbal communication
II. Literature Review
taxonomy developed by Seiler, Beall,
and Mazer in 2021 and the verbal 2.1 Communication
communication taxonomy developed by Transferring information from one
Keraf in 2007. Therefore, using the location, person, or group to another is
verbal communication taxonomy the act of communication. There are a
developed by Keraf in 2007 as well as wide variety of factors that can influence
the non-verbal communication how a message is transmitted from the
taxonomy developed by Seiler, Beall, sender to the recipient. These include our
and Mazer in 2021, the current research feelings, the surrounding cultural
was carried out to provide more

context, the communication method, and study believes that this theory was the
even our geographic location. most suitable.
Our lives depend on communication, 2.2 Verbal communication
according to Bunglowala (2015). He Verbal communication is the
adds that we communicate in a variety of exchange of information through speech
methods to convey our ideas, with another person. Therefore, it can
information, and emotions. It is common refer to both spoken and textual
knowledge to associate voice and sounds communication. According to Rawat
with communication, but in reality, (2016), verbal communication involves
communication is the mix of verbal and the use of language. Both types of
nonverbal knowledge transfer. All communication are crucial for the full
human interaction, which is essential to transfer and comprehension of the
human life, is based on communication. content, but in the teaching and learning
But according to Richards & Schmidt process, verbal communication is
(2010), communication is the sharing of considerably more necessary for the
thoughts and knowledge. There is transfer of knowledge.
typically at least one speaker or sender, a 2.3 Persuasion
communication message that is According to Keraf (2007),
conveyed, and a person or people for persuasion is the skill of using words to
whom this message is meant in a influence and catch people's attention in
communication act. order to pique their interest in the
Suprapto (2011) defined supplied product. There are seven
communication according to its persuasive verbal communication
characteristics, namely face to face, approaches, according to Keraf (2007),
mediated, verbal and non-verbal. The namely Rationalization, Identification,
explanations are Face to face Suggestion, Conformity, Compensation,
communication, Media communication, Projection, and Displacement.
Oral communication, Non-verbal The above-mentioned Keraf’s
communication persuasive techniques were used by the
Suprapto (2011) mentions that current researcher to identify the
communication is a process of classification of verbal communication
conveying information in writing, techniques as used in the utterances
verbally or non-verbally using symbols appeared on video advertisements of
or signals. While Insley (2014) also Starbucks, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts,
defines communication as the exchange and Subway.
of information between them using
written, verbal and non-verbal 2.4 Non-verbal communication
communication tools. The tools that can Nonverbal communication makes up
be used are language, symbols, gestures a sizable component of our
or signals. Such definitions of communication. Numerous nonverbal
communication fits into this current indicators and behaviors, such as
study which specifically analyzed the postures, facial expressions, eye contact,
actual use of verbal and non-verbal gestures, and voice tonality, are detected
communication in fast-food video by us every day, according to experts.
advertising. Nonverbal communication is used to
Understanding the concept of the convey ideas that cannot be vocally
four types of communication by communicated. This kind of message can
Suprapto (2011), the writer of the current be conveyed using a photo, gesture, eye

contact, or other medium. According to it is a medium used by communicators to
Seiler, Beall, and Mazer (2021), there are convey messages that are typically about
nine different types of nonverbal selling products in order to attract
communication, typology namely Facial communicants and encourage them to
Expression, Body Movement, Physical make purchases. The current study made
Characteristic, Touch, Space, Time, use of this definition. For an
Vocalic, Silence, Artifact, and advertisement to be effective, it must
Environment. meet a number of requirements,
Those types of non-verbal including being straightforward,
communication proposed by Seiler, persuading, amusing, pertinent, and
Beall, and Mazer (2021) was functioned acceptable. The current researcher used
to help the current researcher to these standards for effective marketing
categorize the non-verbal when examining the data.
communication used in the video
advertisements of Starbucks, Domino’s, III. Research Method
Dunkin Donuts, and Subway. The current study is a qualitative one
2.5 Advertisement that used a case study as its research
In today's world, advertising is design. A case study is a sort of research
crucial in convincing customers to buy that focuses on an item (phenomenon,
goods and services. A product, brand, or programs, events, and so on) to gain
service is promoted to a viewership in critical insight, according to Thomas
order to pique interest, engage the (2021). The current research deeply
audience, and generate revenues, analyzed the video advertisements
according to Adjust (2022). Advertising focusing on the persuasive techniques
can take many different forms, from used by four fast-food restaurants,
copy to interactive video, and it has Starbucks, Domino’s, Dunkin Donuts,
become into an essential component of and Subway. Case study is the most
the app store. Additionally, according to appropriate research design for the
Adjust (2022), selecting the ideal format current research because the current
can make or break an advertising research will focus on an object
campaign. Let's examine some of the (phenomenon, programs, events, and so
prevalent ad formats used in mobile forth) to obtain critical understanding.
advertising and when they might be Furthermore, the use of verbal and non-
especially powerful. verbal communication was described
Knowing the purpose of advertising, thoroughly in qualitative way.
the researcher for the current study This research was carried out
believes the opinion that producing the through several steps which are
advertisement is a crucial component of mentioned as follow:
advertising. The main component of a. Browsing the advertisements videos
advertising that informs the public is on YouTube and select them
advertisement. Effective advertisement b. Downloading the selected videos as
design is essential for it to function well well as transcript the subtitle
as a communication tool and draw in a c. Editing the subtitle’s placement in
large audience. Therefore, a marketer the video
needs to be aware of what makes a good d. Watching the videos to get familiar
advertisement. with them
From the aforementioned definitions e. Identifying verbal and non-verbal
of advertisement, it can be inferred that persuasive techniques

f. Classifying the verbal and non- strategies. The researcher made two
verbal persuasive techniques tables to make it easier to analyze how
g. Drawing conclusion from the result persuasive approaches were used. The
of the analysis following tables are displayed:
h. Create a model (output) of a good
English fast-food advertisement Table2.1.
This study will be conducted under Non-verbal Persuasive Technique's
Verbal Persuasive Technique's
the topic of analyzing verbal and No. Details
Non-verbal Persuasive Techniques
FE BM PC Verbal
TO SP TM Techniques
Persuasive VC SL AR EV
nonverbal persuasive techniques in No.
English fast-food video advertisements, 2.
including Starbucks, Domino’s, Dunkin 3.
Donuts, and Subway. The researcher will FE: Facial Expression TM: Time
only take two videos from each BM:
Body Movement
VC: Vocalic
COM: Compensation
Physical Characteristic SL: Silence
IDT: Identification DIS: Displacement
restaurant. TO:
Space PRO:
AR: Artifact
EV: Environment
COF: Conformity
Upon selecting the videos, the
current researcher distributes a
questionnaire in order to get more b. Classifying the data
suggestion related to the chosen video c. Drawing conclusion
whether it is interesting or not. To get
deeper understanding, the current IV. Finding and Discussion
researcher also conducts short interview The analysis of the video advertising
to some respondents who finds the from Starbucks, Domino's, Dunkin
chosen video were not interesting. After Donuts, and Subway revealed that
the current researcher finished selecting suggestion became the verbally
the video, the next steps are analyzing persuasive strategy used in the majority
the videos. The process of collecting the of the advertisements, counting for 43.75
data was through observation. First, the percent of the total. Displacement, with a
researcher chose the video rate of 6.25 %, is the verbal persuasion
advertisements. Second, the researcher tactic that is least frequently used.
downloaded the videos. Third, the Furthermore, environment is used 50%
researcher analyzed the video of the time when it comes to non-verbal
advertisements to obtain the verbal persuasion. However, only 4.55 % of all
persuasive techniques using taxonomy video advertising feature body
from Keraf (2007) and non-verbal movement.
persuasive techniques Seiler, Beall, and
Mazer (2021). Then, the researcher took Table 3.
screenshots of the scenes which have Video Advertisements Analysis Results
non-verbal persuasive techniques.
Analysis of the data of this study was
carried out through some steps, as
a. Identifying the data
The persuasive verbal
communication strategies were
identified using Keraf's methodologies.
The researcher, however, used Seiler,
Beall, and Mazer (2021) to pinpoint
effective non-verbal communication

No. Verbal persuasive technique Total Percentage
1 Rationalization 11 22.92% persuasive technique of projection
2 Identification 7 14.58%
3 Suggestion 21 43.75% technique.
4 Comformity - 0.00%
5 Compensation - 0.00% While in this current research, the
6 Projection 6 12.5%
7 Displacement 3 6.25% researcher found only rationalization,
48 100%
Non-Verbal Persuasive identification, suggestion, and projection
1. Facial expression 19 21.59% verbal persuasive techniques with the
2. Body movement 4 4.55%
3. Physical Characteristic - 0.00% most dominant verbal persuasive
4. Touch - 0.00%
5. Space - 0.00% techniques is suggestion. The different
23.86% results might be due to the difference in
the product. Whereas, in the study by
10. Environment 44
Nasruddin the product of the
advertisement is Apple electronic
devices, while in the current research the
The analysis of English fast-food product of the advertisement was food
video advertising revealed that and beverages.
suggestion (43.75 %) was the most Another research was proposed by
prevalent verbal communication Rizka (2016) who conducted research to
persuasive strategy utilized in English analyze persuasive techniques used in
fast-food video advertisements, while Nike advertisements. Rizka (2016)
displacement was the least prevalent stated that she found all verbal
(6.25 %). The majority of the suggestion persuasive techniques mentioned by
strategy was displayed by the words used Keraf, namely rationalization,
in the video advertisement to persuade identification, suggestion, conformity,
the audience to believe what it was compensation, displacement, and
saying and to propose purchasing the projection.
goods at the restaurants. Whereas in non- The result of the analysis is the most
verbal communication, environment dominant persuasive technique used was
method was most frequently used (at rationalization. Whereas in this current
50%), and bodily movement was least study, the researcher identified some
frequently used (4.55 %). In the eight verbal persuasive techniques according
English fast food video advertising, the to Keraf’s taxonomy, namely
use of environment technique was rationalization, identification,
primarily demonstrated by picturing the suggestion, displacement, and
promoted good or food. projection. The dominancy of suggestion
Upon analyzing the findings, the technique in this previous research is not
current researcher found that suggestion in line with the result obtained by the
technique was the most used technique in researcher of the current study that
the videos; this is not in line with a study suggestion becomes the most dominant
done by Nasruddin (2016) who analyze technique.
persuasive techniques used in Apple Inc. The different results might be due to
Advertisement. Nasruddin employed the difference in the product. Whereas, in
Keraf’s taxonomy and identified that the the study by Rizka the product is Nike
verbal persuasive techniques appeared in shoes, while in the current research the
this previous research were product was food and beverages.
rationalization, identification, Research on analyzing persuasive
suggestion, conformity, displacement, techniques on billboard in Medan by
and projection with the most dominant Rambe (2017) stated that he found all
verbal persuasive techniques mentioned

by Keraf, namely rationalization, interesting. Based on the findings and
identification, suggestion, conformity, previous research, it shows that some
compensation, displacement, and persuasive techniques are more
projection. The result of the analysis is dominant in some types of products
the most dominant persuasive technique advertisement. Such as non-verbal
used was suggestion. The result shows persuasive techniques environment
similarities with the current research became the most dominant technique use
which result in suggestion as the most in food and beverages type of product.
used verbal persuasive technique. V. Conclusion and Suggestion
This study has similarities and
The researcher came to the
differences with some previous studies
conclusion that the eight English fast-
which had been conducted by Nasruddin
food video advertising used persuasive
(2016), Rizka (2016), and Rambe
strategies in both verbal and non-verbal
(2017). The similarities are on the
communication after performing this
persuasive technique used to analyze
investigation. The English fast food
verbal communication, that is using
video advertising used the seven verbal
Keraf’s (2007) persuasive technique.
persuasion strategies of rationalization,
The next similarity is about the object
identification, suggestion, conformity,
that is analyzed its persuasive
compensation, displacement, and
techniques. The research conducted by
projection. The most prevalent approach
Rambe (2017) has the similarity in the
utilized in those advertising out of the
result as suggestion is the most used
seven verbal persuasion strategies was
verbal persuasive techniques.
suggestion, whereas compensation
The previous studies and the current
received the least amount of use.
study investigate verbal persuasive
However, not all of the advertisements
techniques applied in advertisements.
used the seven approaches
The current research is based on research
conducted by a senior in D4 Business
While doing this study, the
and Professional Communication,
researcher ran into a few issues that
named Shintia Pramudyaningtyas
made it difficult for him to complete it
Ortantia who analyze fast-food video
quickly. When the researcher was
advertisement using the verbal
assigning utterances to a certain
communication taxonomy of Keraf’s
approach, one of the issues surfaced.
(2007) and the non-verbal
Therefore, it is crucial that the project's
communication taxonomy by Seiler,
practitioners comprehend the theories
Beall, & Mazer (2021).
that underlie the research as well as the
The current research uses the same
standards or traits of a specific
base which result in a lot of similarities
technique, should an analysis be
such as the taxonomy used and the
required. Additionally, experts can
results. In comparison to the research,
examine other types of commercials,
the current researcher adds extra step on
such as those for beverages, body care
choosing the video advertisement.
products, perfumes, and other products,
Whereas, on the research conducted by
in the upcoming project.
Shintia (2021) she chooses the video on
Additionally, this thesis report can
her own. The current researcher
be used as a resource for students
distributes a questionnaire to public to
working on advertising projects in
determine that the video advertisement
similar fields, particularly those studying
which were going to be analyze is
corporate communication. Since this

research provides a full description of the effectiveness analysis. Spanish Journal of
application of verbal and non-verbal Marketing - ESIC.
persuasive strategies on video
advertising, it is believed that this report
would be helpful for them in developing Boyland, E. J., Harrold, J. A., Kirkham, T.
advertisements. It should be clear that C., & Halford, J. C. (2011). Persuasive
applying persuasion is crucial while techniques used in television
making an advertisement. Its advertisements to market foods to UK
inventiveness will have greater pull to children. Appetite.
draw in lots of clients.
Bunglowala, A., & Bunglowala, A.
References (2015). Non verbal communication: An
integral part of teaching learning process.
About. (2022). Retrieved from International Journal of Research in
dunkindonuts: Advent Technology.
Chaudhry, N. A., & Arif, M. (2012).
About us. (2022). Retrieved from Teachers’ Nonverbal Behavior and Its
Dominos: Impact on Student Achievement .
us/ International Education Studies.
Davis, K., & Newstrom, J. W. (1989).
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Adjust. (2022). glossary. Retrieved from Behavior. 8th edition. McGraw-Hill.
ement/ English speaking countries 2022. (2022).
Retrieved from World population review:
alltopeverything. (2022). The 10 Largest ry-rankings/english-speaking-countries
(Fast Food) Restaurant Chains in the
World. Retrieved from All Top Giffin, K., & Patton, B. R. (1976). Basic
Everything: Readings in Interpersonal Communication: Theory and Application.
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Awoniyi, T. A. (1982). The Teaching of Harappa. (2020, August 11). What Is

African Languages. Hodder and Verbal Communication? Retrieved from
Stoughton. Harappa:
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Communication Skills. Revised Second types/
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Belanche, D., Cenjor, I., & Pérez-Rueda, Business. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co.
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Keraf, G. (2007). Argumentasi dan Narasi.

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Techniques Used In Fundraising Connections, 11th edition. Pearson.
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Importance of communication in
Lukitaningsih, A. (2013). IKLAN YANG marketing. Retrieved from LinkedIn:
KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN. Jurnal ce-communication-marketing-arshi-
Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan, 123. singla/

Muninggar, W. (2019). Language style Sitanggang, G. C. (2019). Persuasion

used as a persuasion technique in cosmetic Techniques In Go Green Poster: A
advertisement. Discourse.

Nasrudin, A. (2016). Persuasive Suprapto, T. (2011). Pengantar ilmu

techniques in Apple Inc. Advertisement. komunikasi : dan peran manajemen dalam
komunikasi . Yogyakarta : Caps.

Rambe, R. S. (2017). Persuasive

Technique of Commercial Thomas, G. (2021). How to Do Your Case
Advertisements on Billboard in Medan. Study, THIRD EDITION. University of
Birmingham: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Rawat, M. D. (2016). Importance of
Communication In Teaching Learning William Perreault, J., Cannon, J., &
Process. Scholarly Research Journal for McCarthy, E. J. (2013). Basic Marketing
Interdisciplinary Studies. 19th edition. McGraw-Hill Higher
Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. W. (2010).
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Teaching and Applied Linguistics. from Global Media Insight:
Rizka, E. M. (2016). Persuasive g/youtube-users-
techniques used in Nike advertisement. statistics/#:~:text=YouTube%20has%20


Armania Bawon Kresnamurti1

PT Lautan Otsuka Chemical


Translation as a bridge of communication in workplace is a crucial communication process,

especially within multinational companies. Exchanging utterance or commands between two
languages as well as both cultures needs certain techniques so that the implications are
clearly understandable by the target audiences. This research scrutinizes the techniques of
translation such as literal, semantic, and communicative translation method and the
effectiveness of each technique in giving eloquent, clear imaging of utterance in the working
audiences. By giving the example of commands and requests commonly found in workplace
from Japanese to Indonesian, the understanding of the audiences is assessed by giving them
a set of translation result that has been analyzed according to each technique. After reading
the translation result, their motivation rate is then quantified by 1 to 7 scale, where 1 is the
lowest motivation and 7 is the highest. From the assessment, it can be concluded that the
requests translated by communicative method have clearer imaging for the audiences, hence,
their motivation to do the commands is high.

Keywords: translation methods, request, motivation, workplace


Penerjemahan sebagai jembatan komunikasi di tempat kerja merupakan proses komunikasi

yang krusial, terutama di dalam perusahaan multinasional. Pertukaran ujaran permintaan
antara dua bahasa serta kedua budaya tersebut memerlukan teknik tertentu agar maknanya
dapat dipahami dengan jelas oleh pendengar/pembaca sasaran. Penelitian ini meneliti metode
penerjemahan seperti metode penerjemahan harfiah, semantik, dan komunikatif dan
efektivitas masing-masing teknik dalam memberikan ujaran yang fasih dan jelas pada
audiens di tempat kerja. Dengan memberikan contoh perintah dan permintaan yang
ditemukan di tempat kerja dari bahasa Jepang ke bahasa Indonesia, pemahaman audiens
dinilai dengan memberi mereka seperangkat hasil terjemahan yang telah dianalisis menurut
masing-masing metode. Setelah membaca hasil terjemahan, tingkat motivasi mereka
kemudian diukur dengan skala 1 sampai 7. 1 adalah motivasi terendah dan 7 adalah ukuran
motivasi tertinggi. Dari penilaian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa perintah-perintah yang
diterjemahkan dengan metode komunikatif memiliki gambaran yang lebih jelas bagi
pendengar/pembaca, sehingga motivasi mereka untuk melakukan permintaan tersebut tinggi.

Kata Kunci: metode penerjemahan, permintaan, motivasi, tempat kerja

I. Introduction economics are intertwined. Along with the

In recent two decades, Indonesia and Indonesia’s skyrocketing World Bank’s
Japan’s Economy are consolidated Ease of Doing Business Rank from 131st
throughout various strategies in out of 175 countries in 2006, in Indonesia
strengthening both of economic managed to climb into 72nd place from 190
relationships. Abimanyu&Asakawa (2018) countries (JICA, 2018). In the same period,
conveyed that Japan and Indonesia’s Japanese investment shares developed

from only 7.7% to 18.7%. Bridging the 2.1 Translation method
bicultural background in the businesses Initiated by Peter Newmark (1916-
needs to be communicated through verbal 2011), the main problem of translation had
forms, and this notion is affirmed by the been roaming since centuries, and the most
large demands of Japanese speaker common discussion of it was emphasizing
positions in Indonesia. Indonesia had on the meaning of the texts instead of the
beaten South Korea by becoming the letter (literal meaning of the words).
second largest population in learning Newmark (1988) later categorized the
Japanese, recording 18.4% just behind the translation methods, including literal
Republic of China with 26.1% (Japan translation, semantic translation,
Foundation, 2018). Noting that Indonesia communicative translation.
had become a large population for Japanese
cultural development, translation and Although Newmark proposed more than
interpreting Japanese language are needed those three methods, this research will
to support this action, especially in the focus on literal, semantic and
workplace. communicative translation methods to
detect behavior of the listener towards
However, the language barrier exists given methods. Briefly, literal translation
side by side with the structure difference concentrated on each words’ translation,
between Indonesian and Japanese. Hence, and this method sometimes leaves
the translation method from the request background context, providing with the
utterance itself should be considered to first identification of translation problem
make the listener of target language from a corpus. This method should not be
understand the meaning of the utterances. taken as final form of translation; given
This research observes the listeners in that it is still used as identification of
target language (TL), which is Indonesian, problems to be translated later in the text.
whether they understand the requests that
have been translated in three different Semantic translation considers for more
translation methods, and whether they have aesthetic features of the source language
either external or internal motivation to (SL). The words containing cultural
execute the requests. context in this method are not necessarily
translated in the same way which also
Referring to Newmark (1988) and composed with cultural imagery, but rather
Saldanha&O’Brien (2014), while using the with the equal meaning excluding cultural
assessment method of intrinsic and aspects. Semantic method is more flexible
extrinsic motivations in self-determination than literal translation and giving more
theory, this research scrutinizes the room for the translators to be considerable
listeners’ behavior towards request derived to the readers/listeners.
from Japanese language to Indonesian,
with concentration on workplace situation. While semantic translation defends
Combining these methods, assessment to cultural context and equally translating it
102 respondents was carried out with into more general terms, communicative
questionnaire, categorizing them by age, translation method focuses on the
gender, and Indonesian language readership. The former is more personal,
proficiency. because it follows the thought process of
the author, contains nuances of meaning.
However, semantic translation tends to aim
II. Literature Review at concise meaning to create pragmatically

impact (Newmark, 1988). The latter, communicative translation theory.
focuses on the force rather than the content However, this does not mean that the
of source language (Cai, 2019). Moreover, translator can be disrespectful to the
Cai elaborated that communicative original content. On the other side, the
translation method based on what translator must communicate the original
Newmark had researched that it covers information as accurate as possible.
three principles of accuracy: receptor-
oriented strategies, equivalence-expected 2.2 Syntax of requests in Japanese and
effect, and the principle of information Indonesian
accuracy. Communicative translation Basic syntax in Japanese and Indonesian
relies on what the readers or listeners’ can be distinguished from the position of
comprehension and response. Cai infers the subject. Indonesian syntax is composed
that the main purpose of the text is to with SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) while
communicate and to address the readers. Japanese is composed with SOV (Subject-
Object-Verb). Indonesian syntax, in the
Cai ranks this principle as the first to case of active voice, contains prefix and
fulfill the condition of communicative merged with the following verbs.
translation. The second priority in Cole&Hermon(2016) elaborated the
communicative translation is equivalence; Indonesian syntax as described below:
in which the translator should look for Tono membeli buku di toko buku
effects that is impactful to the audiences of Tony[Subject] buy[Me-Verb] book[Object] in
second language. This challenge requires [Locative] store book [adv place]
the translator to produce a better version of Translation: Tono buys book in bookstore
translation, because the angle of receptor is Whereas in Japanese, according to Chonan
essential to communicate the text. (2017), the structure is given:
The last principle that should be taken しています[te-iru verb]
into account in communicative translation Transliteration: Tarou wa Hanako wo
is the information accuracy. If the aishite imasu.
translator gave out to be faithful to the Translation: Tarou loves Hanako
resource text and maintain the accuracy of
the message, what they do is not Specifically, for the request, Japanese
translating, but rewriting. Newmark (Kim, 2012) have various kinds of syntax,
elaborated that the essential purpose of based on its politeness.
language is to communicate. As a mean of a. Casual request
communication, the primary purpose of For the casual request, the verbs are
translation is nothing but to transfer the changed in to TE-form
accurate information between the Example:
speaker/writer and the listener/reader. This 漢字[Adverb of way]で[particle]書いて[TE-Verb]
makes it obvious that the principal task of Transliteration: Kanji de kaite
the translator is to transmit the precise Translation: Write in kanji
message of the writer to the reader without Or, the verbs ended with [U] sound are
considering the author’s personal altered into [E-sound]
backgrounds thoroughly. Briefly, the
漢字[Adverb of way]で[particle]書け[Verb, COM]
translator must be able to set the structure
Transliteration: Kanji de kake
of the original sentences, alter the modes of
Translation: Write in kanji
expression and supply more information to
the version in the range of the

The uniqueness of Japanese syntax is that Notice that it also contains conditional
it usually does not include the subject, verb, because directness in Japanese
hence, the verbs to give[くれる、kureru] sentences is not categorized as a polite
and to receive[もらう、morau] entail the manner (Kim, 2012).
request verbs. Depending on the form of
the verb, the examples below are included While in Indonesian (Fahmiyarto, 2012), a
in a casual request and polite request. request can be made as simple as adding
b. ちょっと[Adverb]静か[Na-Adjective]に suffix -kan in the verb as well as add tolong
Transliteration: Chotto shizuka ni shite
Tolong[verb] berikan[verb+kan] tempat duduk
Anda[indirect object] pada[direction] saya[direct
Translation: Won't you be a little quieter?
Polite request:
Translation: Please give your seat to me.
漢字[Adverb of way]で[particle]書いて[TE-Verb]も This structure is meant to indicate that the
らえません [MASU-Verb-NEG-AS] か[particle- indirect object is asked to be given to the
ask]。 direct object. Tolong here is not necessarily
Transliteration: Kanji de kaite moraemasen translated as “help” but rather “please”.
Translation: Can you write this in kanji for 2.3 Research Methodology in Translation
me? Studies
Notice that in this polite request there are
no subjects, instead there are two verbs to This research aims to catch the
indicate the target people in the request. perception of the readers towards the
Both of the sentences are requested to do translation result. Thus, this assessment is
something to the person who said the made as participant-oriented research.
request sentences. Questionnaire, as a mean of assessing
As for the more polite request, the verb to participant’s understanding of translation
receive has a humble form, which is result, is a staple of sociological research
itadaku [いただく]. This form of verb and therefore, Saldanha and O’Brien
indicates that the speaker is the target of (2014) argued that this way is crucial for
what subject tends to do, but in a humbler the development of a truly encompassing
form. This form of verb, to emphasize sociology of translation. However, this
request, is also modified into potential verb method is also not restricted to sociology,
form, so the verb itadakeru is added to and in translation studies, it has also been
convey the request. extensively used in applied research
Example: without resorting to social theories in order
本日中[adverb of time]に[particle]こちら[Indicative] to explain the results. While having a
の[particle]資料[Noun]の[particle]確認[Noun]を questionnaire gives an exact response to be
[particle]して[TE-Verb]いただける[potential verb]
quantified, one of its drawbacks is that it
limits a certain response from the
informants, therefore, the range of
Transliteration: Honjitsuchuu ni, kochira
diversity is thin. But when clarity of the
no shiryou no kakunin wo shite itadakeru
questions is the main aim to create a
to tasukarimasu.
questionnaire, they saw no problems in this
Translation: It would be helpful if you
way because clarity is one way to truly
could check this document by the end of
reflects participants’ view.
the day.

Glynn (2021) concluded from research and cultural factors affect the formation of
that he had done in qualitative research to personalities, global motivational
convey the response toward translation. orientations, as well as behavioral reactions
His article provided an overall view of to specific domains and tasks.
various research methods in translation
studies with a special focus on those that Recently, SDT has drawn attention to the
engage with its theory. The movement to brain as well, demonstrating how regulated
"inward" notions from other fields, such and intrinsic motivation correspond to
sociology, has also been demonstrated. An different neurophysiological structures and
"outward" effort to import theories into activities. The future of SDT may lie in its
different fields of study is also present. capacity to be applied to the art of inspiring
oneself and others; by doing so, parents,
While the latter shows that the teachers, coaches, managers, partners in
discipline has matured and can speak to relationships, and peers can assist people in
others, offering forth developed models to improving their creativity, meaning, and
understand practice, the former helps to satisfaction.
advance translation studies as a field of
study. To build a general theory, many The findings of the Utvaer & Haugan
methodological techniques that make use (2016) to find motivation in vocational
of case studies and a variety of instances students offer more proof in favor of the
have been highlighted. It has been argued Academic Motivation Scales’ seven-
that a more thorough description of where dimensional factor structure. Cronbach's
examples are obtained to support assertions alpha and composite reliability scores were
is required. Glynn also wished that in good, and the concept validity was also
future there would be other means of strong, supporting reliability.
qualitative methods in translation theory
taken from larger data sets that will add to However, the findings also suggest that
the conversation on formalizing research to improve reliability among vocational
methods within the discipline. More students, represent stimulation needs to be
generally, his study aspires to serve as a reworded. Furthermore, many significant
pilot for further research into errors were found in the analysis, showing
methodological approaches in constructing that many items share error variations both
theories across the humanities and social within and between AMS subscales. The
sciences. study also found highly significant
relationships between students'
2.4 External and Internal Motivation experiences of meeting basic needs and
Legault (2014) elaborated that more various forms of motivation; these
than four decades of study have backed the correlations showed that basic needs
self-determination theory. The theory's satisfaction was positively correlated with
degree of thoroughness and its ability to be autonomous motivation and negatively
tested is the main reason for its success. In correlated with amotivation.
other words, SDT lays very specific, in- According to the self-determination theory
depth, dynamic, and testable propositions (SDT) based on what Utvaer and Haugan
that relate to demands and motives in a explored, 1 – 7 scale are described as
variety of contexts, including teams, below.
families, companies, clinics, and cultures.
SDT is thus both wide and focused because Table 1.
it offers in-depth analyses of how social SDT Scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Amotivat Controll In- Identifi Integra Intrinsic
1.2. Lit: Di tengah-tengah kesibukan Anda,
ion ed betw ed ted regulatio menambah beban, tapi saya menunggu
motivati een Regula Regula n
on = tion tion informasi.
low- 1.3. Sem: Ini menambah kesibukan Anda,
motivati tapi saya menunggu informasinya.
Least Most
1.4. Com: Mohon maaf mengganggu
self- determin kesibukan Anda, kami menunggu
determin ated
ated informasi dari Anda.
1.5. EN: I am sorry to disturb you in the
This scale of 1-7 will be used to assess the middle of your business, but we are waiting
motivation and the understanding of for your information.
respondents towards the translation result.
For 1.2, the translation of Indonesian
language was slighlt ambiguous, given the
fact that ご多忙の折、大変圧縮ですが
(go tabou no ori, taihen asshuku desuga)
III. Research Methods was translated as “I am adding more
3.1 Pre-questionnaire preparation workloads on you” literally, while in 1.3
3.1.1 Corpus source and translation the translation of the information that is
analytics currently waited has no clear ownership
In this part of the research, each sample from whom will the information be on I am
sentences are analyzed based on the syntax waiting for the information (“Saya
to assess understanding of the readers. Five menunggu informasinya,”). The
sample sentences are taken from three communicative translation method has
different websites that provide sentences in clear information source (“dari Anda, EN:
Japanese that are often used in business from you”), and the apology for adding
manner. All of them are requests that more workloads is not mentioned, instead
implies executions. Coding to label each replaced with a full apology (“Mohon maaf
sentence is also used to distinguish the mengganggu kesibukan Anda, EN: I am
translation method. Numeral value of .1 sorry for disturbing your tight schedule”)
indicates that the item is the transliteration
of the Japanese sentence. .2 refers to the 2. 以下の日程で再調整をお願いで
literally translated method. .3 indicates that きませんでしょうか。
the sentence is translated into Indonesian 2.1. Trans: Ika no nittei de saichousei wo
semantically. .4 shows the communicative onegai dekimasen deshouka.
translation method. By the end of the 2.2. Lit: Tidak bisakah saya meminta Anda
corpus, the English translations are given untuk mengatur ulang jadwal di bawah ini?
with the numerical indicator of .5. 2.3. Sem: Apakah saya bisa meminta
pengaturan ulang jadwal di bawah ini?
The sentences, along with each method of 2.4. Com: Apakah jadwal di bawah ini bisa
translations are given below: diatur ulang?
1. ご多忙の折、大変恐縮ですが、 2.5. EN: Could I ask you to reschedule this
ご連絡をお待ちしております。 schedule below?
1.1 Trans: Go tabou no ori, taihen
asshuku desuga, go renraku wo Regarding the sentence above, it can be
omachishite orimasu. inferred that in 2.1, an ambiguous request
was made to make the request politer, and
all of the sentences contain a direct

question that ask permission for changing a 4.1. Trans: Tetsudatte moraeru to tasukeru
schedule. However, in communicative no dakedo, onegai dekinai kana?
method, the translation of the Indonesian is 4.2. Lit: Saya akan tertolong sekali jika
given with a passive voice, which means Anda bisa menolong saya, apakah bisa?
the ambiguity also travels through both 4.3. Sem: Jika Anda bisa menolong saya,
languages. This passive voice is also used saya akan terbantu, apakah bisa meminta
commonly in product direction tolong?
(Fahmiyarto, 2012) when the target readers 4.4. Com: Apakah saya bisa meminta
are not present with the speakers/writers. bantuan?
4.5. EN: It would be helpful if you could
help me, can I ask for help?
3. あなたの席を譲っていただける
とありがたいです。 This sentence is extremely redundant,
3.1. Trans: Anata no seki wo ayamatte which is common in Japanese request
itadakeru to arigatai desu. sentences. The Number of words in each
3.2. Lit: Jika Anda bisa menyerahkan method vary while defending the cultural
tempat duduk kepada saya, saya berterima context aligns with its redundancy, the
kasih. communicatively translated sentences only
3.3. Sem: Saya berterima kasih jika Anda contains five words. This is translated into
bisa memberikan tempat duduk pada saya. Indonesian’s direct translation of asking
3.4. Com: Tolong berikan tempat duduk help, without considering the permission to
Anda pada saya. get the help itself from the
3.5. EN: I would be thankful if you could readers/listeners.
give your seat to me.
5. 本日中にこちらの資料の確認を
This sentence is rather a weird request, していただけると助かります。
but in this case, we use it to measure how 5.1. Trans: Honjitsu chuu ni kochira no
many people will do the given request. Of shiryou no kakunin wo shite itadakeru to
course, the request to hand in someone’s tasukarimasu.
seat for other people will only occur in 5.2. Lit: Saya terbantu apabila Anda bisa
certain situations, but in this sentence, the mengecek dokumen ini hari ini juga.
broad context of power will also imply the 5.3. Sem: Saya terbantu jika Anda bisa
motivation to do such task, especially when mengecek dokumen ini hari ini juga.
the speakers have more power than the 5.4. Com: Apakah Anda bisa mengecek
listeners. The translation of sentence 3 dokumen ini hari ini juga?
literally means that the speaker is thankful 5.5. EN: It would be helpful if you could
if the listener gives the seat to the speakers. check this document by the end of the day.
The literal sentence has an adjective of
being thankful (“ありがたい、arigatai”), This sentence contains no explicit question
but in Indonesian, there is no such words, but this sentence implicitly told a
expression, so in semantic translation we request to confirm a document. In the
preserve the thankful expression, but in the communicative sentence, the Indonesian
communicative case, the gratitude language target contains direct question,
expression is changed into a direct request while the literal and semantic translation
(“tolong”, EN: Please) contain also no explicit request.

4. 手伝ってもらえると助かるのだ 3.2 Questionnaire Preparation

けど、お願いできないかな? 3.2.1 Respondents’ demography analysis

As Saldanha and O’Brien (2014) had professional and social needs, users still
conveyed, to focus on the understanding of experience problems, but users are not
the respondents, the respondents are split constrained for non-complex
into several categories according to their professional and social needs.
formal gender, their proficiency in target 6. Marginal (Marginal)
language and age ranges. Users’ Indonesian language ability is
Specifically, Indonesian language limited to daily communication only.
proficiency is assessed according to 2016 Users need to improve User's
Ministry of Education Regulation No. 70, Indonesian language skills.
which divides Indonesian Language 7. Terbatas (Limited)
competency into seven categories from the In communicating for simple social
highest to lowest: purposes, the user does not experience
1. Istimewa (Special) any problems. However, for complex
The users do not experience any social needs, users experience
difficulties at all in speaking Indonesian problems.
in daily life, social life, and matters 3.3 Response analysis
related to scientific understanding. Responses from the questionnaire then
2. Sangat unggul (Extremely advanced) are counted based on their average score
Users do not have problems in and standard deviation in terms of each
communicating for survival, social and response and based on the demography of
professional needs. For complex respondents. To measure the motivation,
academic purposes, users still have the scale of 1 (amotivation) to 7 (intrinsic
problems. motivation) is used to match the
3. Unggul (Advanced) description of what respondents felt when
Users do not have problems in they read the translations.
communicating for survival and social This research is rigorous because there
purposes. Users are also not constrained are a lot of variables to compare each
in communicating for professional items. To simplify this quantified response,
purposes, both simple and complex after data is collected, the average
professions. understanding of each translation methods
4. Madya (Intermediate) are counted on average. Standard deviation
Users can communicate well for is also used to comprehend the spread of
survival and social purposes but are still the data generally for the three methods.
experiencing problems in complex The higher the data, the wider the data
professional matters. spread throughout the range of it. On the
5. Semenjana (Medium) contrary, the lower the data, the more
For scientific purposes, the users are centered it is towards the mean (NLM,
very constrained. For complex 2016).
Genders Number Percentage The respondents’ gender based on legal
Female 56 55% identification
Male 46 45%
IV. Results and Discussion
Respondents based on gender, age and
Indonesian language proficiency are
analyzed in the following tables:

Table 2.

Table 5.
Respondents based on Indonesian
language proficiency:

Table 3.
Respondents based on age

Age range Number Percentage

18-22 28 27.45%
23-27 49 48.04%
28-32 10 9.80%
For 33-37 5 4.90%
their 38-42 2 1.96%
working 43-47 2 1.96%
48-52 2 1.96%
53-57 2 1.96%
58-61 2 1.96%
Indonesian Language Number Percen
Proficiency tage
Istimewa (Special) 44 43.14%
Sangat unggul 18 17.65%
(Extremely advanced)
Unggul (Advanced) 16 15.69%
Madya 15 14.71%
Semenjana (Medium) 3 4.90%
Marginal (Marginal) 1 2.94%
Terbatas (Limited) 5 0.98%
Table 4.
Respondents based on education backgrounds, the attitude towards the
Perce translation methods are counted as below:
Education Number Table 6.
Sarjana 1/D4 7 Working Background
(Bachelor’s Degree) 5
SMK/SMA/MA 1 Working Number Percen
(High school) 8 Status tage
Magister Working full-time 47 46.08%
5 4.90%
(Master’s Degree) Working part-time 18 17.65%
Diploma III (Three- Full-time student 16 15.69%
years Associate 2 1.96% Full-time student, 10 9.80%
Degree) working part-time
Diploma II (Two- Not 6 5.88%
years Associate 1 0.98% employed/currently
Degree seeking
0.98% Full-time student, 5 4.90%
1 working part-time
(Doctorate Degree)

Table 9.
The relation between working
Table 7. backgrounds, average score in
Understanding rate towards each method understanding and motivation in each
translation methods
Method Average Standard
Table 8. .2 (Literal) 5.04 1.74
Motivation rate towards each method .3 (Semantic) 6.31 0.42
.4 6.73 0.07
Method Averag Standard
e Deviatio
n Because this research focuses on how
.2 (Literal) 4.90 1.94 impactful translation methods towards
.3 (Semantic) 5.84 0.54 working environments are, the average
.4 5.96 0.89 understanding and motivation are
) identified also in each of the translation
Literal Semantic Communicative
Translation Translation Translation
From the table 7 and 8 above, it can be Working (0.2) (0.3) (0.4)
Backgroun Unde
inferred that in terms of understanding, ds r
Moti Unde
vatio rstan rstan
communicative translation method has the standi
n ding
highest score compared to semantic and Working
5.14 4.36 6.23 5.99 6.27 5.77
literal (6.73/7.00). It means that Working
5.13 4.77 6.42 5.81 6.47 5.84
communicative translation method is the part-time
most understandable translation for the student
4.87 4.78 6.31 5.85 6.55 6.52

readers. The semantic translation method, Full-time

however, consistently stays in between the 4.85 4.75 6.53 6.26 6.80 6.74
part time
literal and communicative methods with Not
5.04/7.00 in understanding and 4.90/7.00 employed/
5.16 5.25 6.23 5.76 6.00 5.73
in bringing motivation to the readers. The seeking
standard deviation on both data shows that Full-time
the respondents’ understanding is spread working
4.8 5.20 6.16 5.68 6.40 5.72
wider in literal translation method, while Average 4.99 4.85 6.31 5.89 6.42 6.05
communicative method has an extremely methods. Regarding literal translation, full-
centered value in 0.07. In motivation scale, time students who work full-time have the
the literal method is also spread by looking least understanding of literal translation
at its standard deviation (1.94) which is the while unemployed people have the best
highest between others. Semantic understanding of this translation.
translation, is more centered that Moreover, the job-seeking group have the
communicative translation with the value highest motivation in doing literally
of 0.54 and 0.89 respectively. translated sentences. For semantically
translated sentences, all of the working
backgrounds have the average of
understanding of more than 6, means that
they have almost a perfect understanding of
the sentences. But, above all of that,
communicative translation has the highest

average compared to semantic and literal language, thus, the motivation to do given
methods, means that the understanding of requests is higher than that of literal and
communicative translation is better that semantic translation method. The average
literal and semantic, even with a small motivation rate from the communicative
margin of 0.11. translation method proves that there will be
Due to its unclarity and being out of no need to add more extrinsic motivation to
context, literal translation has the lowest carry out those requests.
motivation scale below 5, means that the It is suggested that that the field of
listeners need more external motivation translation studies and human behavior
(more explanations, more contexts) if they needs to be connected to more quantified
have no choices in doing such requests research rather than sole qualitative
other than doing them. Semantic research. It is also recommended that the
translation has a better score of motivation translator working on multinational
than literal translation, but it is no higher companies to use a more communicative
than 6, which still makes communicative way to do the translations, because
translation method better than the others in translators also get to act as a bridge of
giving clarity in requests. culture, social classes and the bridge of
Communicative translation also has language barriers. To fulfill this criterion,
centered understanding, means that the translator should consider a friendlier way
people who receives requests from in for the readers or listeners so that the
communicative translation method tend to message can be conveyed quicker and
have united understanding of it. more effective.
The researcher would like to thank all the
V. Conclusion and Suggestions 102 respondents who gave their time to fill
From the data and elaborations above, it out the questionnaire, because without their
can be concluded that communicative participation, there will be no sufficient
translation method is indeed giving more data to complete this research.
clarity in altering the requests into target

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Naridha Thea Wardhani

Politeknik Negeri Malang


The research is an annotated translation. The research object is a novel written by B.A. Paris
entitled Behind Closed Doors. The research aimed to (1) find out the difficulties encountered
by the writer when translating Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris; (2) identify the strategies
to solve the problems in the translation process. The writer applied introspective and
retrospective methods in writing the report. The research findings were the problems that the
writer encountered in the translation process in the form of words, phrases, and clauses. The
problems were classified into three categories, namely Understanding (U), Transferring (T),
and Understanding & Transferring (U&T). There were 12 items in understanding words, 8
items in understanding phrases, 1 item in understanding clause, 5 items in transferring
words, 6 items in transferring phrases, 1 item in understanding & transferring word, and 2
items in understanding & transferring phrases. All the 35 problems were successfully solved
by using translation strategies such as borrowing, addition, synonym, literal translation,
partial translation, cultural equivalent, componential analysis, descriptive equivalent,
explicitness, implicitness, and modulation. The findings are beneficial for some parties
especially beginner translators or future researchers as well as students of English
Department at State Polytechnic of Malang.

Keywords: annotation translation, novel, introspective, retrospective, translation strategy

message in the ST using the best equivalent

I. Introduction which has similar meaning or message in
Nowadays, translation becomes an the TT.
important and desirable activity that Translating literary text such as novel
enables people around the world to is more difficult than translating non-
communicate each other and expand their literary text. This statement is also
knowledge in many aspects such as supported by Hardjoprawiro (2006) that
academic, linguistic, economy, business, translating literary text is different from
and other fields. According to Newmark translating ordinary text. He explains that
(1988) translation means transferring the literary language deals with idiomatic
meaning of a text to another language in the expressions and certain figurative
way that the author intended the text. In languages. Therefore, the translator may
other words, translation activity is about face problems during the translation
rendering texts which relates to the process. In this research, the writer tried to
author’s intention. Another definition implement her translation skill and decided
suggests that translation is the replacement to do annotated translation as the best way
of textual material in source text (TT) by to overcome the problems during the
equivalent textual materials in target text translation process.
(TT) (Catford, 1965). To sum up, the writer Experience and good skills in the novel
defines translation as a process of translation are needed for the translator to
translating and transferring the meaning or overcome the problems that may occur

during the translation process, so they are language, or grammatical structure. Thus,
able to produce a good translation result. the translator has to find the best equivalent
Therefore, understanding the translation word to change the original word in ST into
theories and strategies become one of the TT.
main matters in the translation process.
Currently, the existence of literary 2.2 Novel Translation
works such as novel is increasing According to Hartono (2008)
continuously across the globe including translating literary works are far from
Indonesia. Many Indonesian readers do not translating non-literary works. In literary
only put an interest to read local novel but works, the translator should have linguistic
also international novel. However, some of knowledge of ST and TT, an understanding
them may face difficulties to understand of ST and TT culture, and a deep
the original message because of language. perceptivity of their literary work.
Hence, it becomes popular for translators Translating literary works is more than
to do novel translation from English into only transferring messages or finding the
Indonesian. By that is how Indonesian best equivalent of the ST to the TT.
translators have been making the bridges to Translation of literary works are also
the international world through arts and rendering the author’s idea and intention so
literary (Lindsay, 2012). the readers can get the original message
and the writing purpose (receiver) (Nord,
Research Problem 1997, as cited in Hartono, 2008).
Based on the background of the study, Translating novel is retelling the story
the research problems were formulated as of the novel to others. Thus, the translation
follows: must not look like a translation, but it
1. What were the difficulties encountered should be a natural and pleasantly story to
by the writer when translating Behind read or hear (Hoed, 2009, as cited in
Closed Doors by B.A. Paris from English Hartono, 2008). This statement is in line
to Indonesian? with Masduki (2011) which stated that the
2. How did the writer cope with the process of novel translation must have
difficulties found in the translation knowledge in literature, language, and
process? esthetics field. The element of literary
works such as theme, character, plot, point
of view, and setting must be understood by
II. Review of Related Literature the translators so that they know the
author’s intention of the original message,
2.1 Translation Theories
feeling, and emotion.
According to Larson (1998) translation
is about changing the form. Translation
2.3 Translation Process
means rendering the message of the source
According to Nida and Taber (1982)
text (ST) to the target text (TT). That is
the translation process is divided into three
done by moving from the one language to
stages as follows:
another language form using semantic
1. Analyzing of the source text
structure. Therefore, the message is more
This step is an analyzing process of
important than the form of linguistics.
grammatical relationship, meaning, or
Another translation definition is
both. It means that the translator should
replacing the textual material in ST with
analyze the grammatical relationship and
the equivalent textual material in TT
the meaning in the words and the
(Catford, 1965). The textual material is
compound words from the ST to TT.
word, phrase, sentence, the style of

2. Transferring the message of the source 3. Pragmatic strategy
text Pragmatic strategy is used to change
This stage is the process in which the the message of the text. The translators
analyzed material in stage one is should focus more to the message of the
transferred in the translator’s mind from ST text. In other word, the translators can
into TT. In other words, the translator change the messages of the ST, but they
decides to choose the best translation to have to make sure that the translated text is
translate the ST. still appropriate and understandable in the
3. Restructuring of the transferred TT. This strategy contains cultural change,
message in the target text addition, omission, adaptation, partial
This stage is the process in which the translation, interpersonal relationship
translator re-writes or re-expresses the change, trans editing, illocutionary change,
material in such a way that the translation etc.
product is readable and acceptable in terms
of rules and style in the TT. It aims to get 2.6 Review of Previous Research Projects
the best message or information that can be The writer used journal articles and
acceptable in the TT. annotated translation thesis reports that
relatable to this study. In this section, all of
2.4 Translation Method those research projects were about
According to Newmark (1988) the annotated translation, with novels as the
translation methods can be in the diagram object of the translation. The seven
form. Newmark (1988) divided the research projects were conducted by:
translation methods into eight methods 1. Wulandari (2019) “An Annotated
namely word for word translation, literal Translation of The Sea Wolf”.
translation, faithful translation, semantic 2. Ariyani (2020) “An Annotated
translation, adaptation translation, free Translation into Bahasa Indonesia in
translation, idiomatic translation, and Kiley Reid’s novel Such a Fun Age”.
communicative translation. 3. Cahyarani (2020) “Annotated
Translation of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet
2.5 Translation Strategies Letter into Bahasa Indonesia”.
According to Suryawinata and 4. Faza (2020) “An Annotated Translation
Hariyanto (2016) translation strategies of The Last Wish by Andrzej
divided into three. They are structural Sapkowski”.
strategy, semantic strategy, and pragmatic 5. Karenina (2021) “An Annotated
strategy. Translation of Dumas’s the man in the
1. Structural strategy Iron Mask”.
Structural strategy focuses on the 6. Heriyanto (2021) “Annotated
structural part in the ST. This strategy Tranlstion of Lord of Shadows (The
covers three parts to overcome the Dark Artifices #2) by Cassandra Lee”.
problems namely addition, subtraction, 7. Firstiyanti (2021) an annotated
transposition, and modulation. translation for “Bicycle Shop Murder”.
2. Semantic strategy
Semantic strategy is commonly used at III. Research Methodology
the word, phrase, clause, or sentence levels. 3.1 Design of the Research
This strategy includes borrowing, cultural In this study, the writer used qualitative
equivalent, synonym, literal translation, research approach and in the level of
descriptive equivalent, reduction, and design, the study was annotated translation.
expansion. Annotated translation is one form of

introspective and retrospective research
where the translator translates a text and at 4.1 Findings
the same time give a commentary on their In the research, the writer who also
translation process (Williams & acted as a translator, translated a novel
Chesterman, 2002). The commentary entitled Behind Closed Door by B.A. Paris
covers a discussion of the text assignment, that only covered chapter 1 and chapter 2
an analysis of aspect related to the of the novel. The writer found 35 sentences
problems in ST, as well as a reason containing problems from the ST (English)
justification of variety solutions by using to the TT (Indonesian) that were analyzed
the relevant theories, strategies of and discussed. The problems were in the
translation. In this study, the writer used form of words, phrases, and clauses
introspective and retrospective methods. encountered during the translation process.
The introspective method applied when the In the translation process, the writer
writer did the translation process and the used the categorization of the problems
retrospective method used when the writer based on the difficulties she faced during
wrote the report. the translation process. The problems were
classified into three categories, namely
3.2 Object of the Research problems in understanding (U), problems
The research object of this study was a in transferring (UT), and problems in
physiological thriller novel entitled Behind understanding & transferring (UT).
Closed Doors by B.A. Paris. The The writer faced 35 items of problems
translation only covered Chapters 1-2 consisting of 12 problems in understanding
comprising around 9,000 words with the 35 words, 8 problems in understanding
sentences containing problems that were phrases, 1 problem in understanding
analyzed and discussed. clause, 5 problems in transferring words, 6
problems in transferring phrases, 1
3.3 Research Procedure problem in understanding & transferring
In the study, the writer implemented the word, and 2 problems in transferring &
research procedures as follows: understanding phrases.
1. Reading the source text carefully to get
a full understanding of the novel and
marking down the problems. Tabel 1.
2. Translating the source text from English Problem in Understanding
to Indonesian using an online CAT Tool
at “” while C S
simultaneously analyzing and solving ode ource Text arget Text
3 I
the problems by giving annotation in the 2-II-U-P took one step ku mengambil
‘comment’ section of the worksheet. at a time. langkah
3. Exporting the complete translation from dengan
“” to bilingual docx or perlahan dan
Microsoft Word file. hati-hati.
4. Opening the file on Microsoft Word and notation:
editing the columns of the worksheet. In
5. Giving codes to the sentence that literal meaning, the phrase ‘one step in a time’
contained problems. was ‘satu langkah dalam satu waktu’ and it was
6. Writing the thesis report using not in line with the context. According to
Cambridge (2022) ‘one step at a time’ was
retrospective method. ‘slowly and carefully, doing just a little at a
IV. Findings and Discussion time’. After looking up to the context, the writer

decided to translate ‘one step at a time’ into means ‘a feeling of cold’. After looking up the
‘dengan perlahan dan hati-hati’ as the best context of the story, in the novel the author
translation. The strategy used was semantic indeed described that Jack and Grace was well
strategy, namely componential analysis. into March and wanted their guest felt
comfortable, so that this phrase referred to the
Tabel 2. weather which was still cold there. Then, the
writer decided to use semantic strategy, namely
Problem in Transferring componential analysis. In this case, the writer
translated ‘nip in the air’ into ‘terasa dingin’
C insteadSof translating literally.
ode ource Text arget Text
sther does a sther
1 4.2 Discussion
5-I-T-P The writer successfully analyzed and
double take. terperangah.
An solved 35 sentences that contain problems
notation: by using several translation strategies from
Thi Suryawinata & Hariyanto (2016). In the
s phrase was unfamiliar for the writer then she
theory proposed by Suryawinata &
tried to search the definition through online
dictionary with the keyword ‘double take’. The Hariyanto (2016) there are three translation
result showed that the meaning was ‘a delayed strategies namely structural strategy,
surprised reaction at seeing someone or semantic strategy, and pragmatic strategy.
something’ (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022). In the The writer succeeded implementing the
context of the story, the author described
three strategies to overcome the problems
Esther’s reaction when Grace answered where
her parents live. After comprehending the in the translation process.
meaning, the writer decided to translate the The most translation strategies used in
phrase ‘double take’ into ‘kaget’ by using this study were semantic strategy consist of
semantic strategy, namely literal translation. eight problems using synonym, seven
problems using componential analysis, and
Tabel 3. seven problems using literal translation.
Problem in Understanding & Transferring The other strategies were borrowing
(transliteration), cultural equivalent,
addition, modulation, partial translation,
ode ource Text arget Text
1 explicitness,
W implicitness,
S and descriptive
-I-U&T-P e’re well into aat ini sudah equivalent, with six problems in borrowing
March but memasuki (transliteration), two problems in cultural
there’s still a bulan Maret, equivalent, three problems in addition, and
nip in the air tapi udara one problem in each of other five
and Jack likes masih terasa
our guests to dingin dan strategies, so the total number of problems
be as Jack ingin were 35 problems with 38 translation
comfortable membuat strategies implemented.
as possible. tamu kami The most translation strategy used was
merasa semantic strategy with eight problems
mungkin. using synonym. It was because most of the
An problems faced by writer were problems in
notation: understanding and problems in transfer that
If difficult to find the best equivalent of the
this phrase is translated into literal way, the source text in the target text.
meaning would be ‘angin yang dingin di udara’
but it was unnatural in this context. Then, the
writer searched on the Google using the keyword V. Conclusion and Recommendation
‘nip in the air’ to find the best equivalent word.
According to Cambridge (2022) ‘nip in the air’
5.1 Conclusion

This research was annotated meaning of the translation problems in the
translation from English to Indonesian with right way. In addition, they also may use
the object of physiological thriller novel this novel, Behind Closed Doors by B.A.
entitled Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris, as the object of their research since
Paris. The writer conducted the research to the writer only translated two chapters
(1) find out the difficulties faced by the (Chapters 1 & 2), they can continue
writer during the translation process and translating the rest of the novel.
(2) identify the strategies to solve the
problems in the translation process. The References
translation only covered Chapters 1-2 with
35 sentences containing problems that Ariyani, A. (2020). An annotated
were then analyzed and discussed. The translation into Bahasa Indonesia in
problems were in the form of words, Kiley Reid's novel such a fun age.
phrases, and clauses faced in the translation Jakarta Timur: Unsada Library.
process. The writer categorized the Cahyarani, N. (2020). Annotated
translation problems based on the Translation of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet
difficulties she faced during the translation Letter into Bahasa Indonesia.
process. The problems were classified into
three categories, namely understanding Catford, J. C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory
(U), transferring (T), and understanding & of Translation. London: Oxford
transferring (U&T). University Press.

5.2 Recommendation Faza, N. (2020). Annotated translation of

The writer provides recommendations The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski.
and suggestions to several parties. First, for
beginner translators, the writer would like Firstiyanti, A. H. (2021). An annotated
to recommend that they use some books translation of bicycle shop murder.
such as ‘Translation: Bahasan Teori & LADU: Journal of Languages and
Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan (edisi Education, 115-121.
revisi)’ by Suryawinata & Hariyanto,
‘Translation Theories from Theory to Hardjoprawiro, K. (2006). Bahasa Di
Practice’ by Kambaren, and ‘Novel Dalam Terjemahan. Surakarta:
Translation: Tripartite Cycle Model Based SebelasMaretUniversity Press.
Approach’ by Hartono. These three books
could be used as a guide to understand Hartono, R. (2008). Novel Translation:
about translation theory since they have Tripartite Cycle Model-Based
complete explanations and give clear Approach. Semarang: UNNES Press.
example that make the reader understand
easily. Second, for future researchers or Heriyanto, M. P. (2021). Annotated
English Department students who would translation of Lord of Shadows (The
conduct the similar or related annotated Dark Artifices #2) by Cassandra Clare.
translation research, the writer suggests
that they use trusted online dictionaries and Karenina, D. B. (2021). Annotated
relevant resources like websites or Translation of Dumas’s the man in the
encyclopedias (Merriam-Webster Iron Mask.
Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary,
Macmillan Dictionary, Wikipedia, and Larson, M. L. (1998). Meaning-Based
KBBI) so that they can find out the Translation: A Guide to Cross-

Language Equivalence (Second
Edition). United States of America:
University Press of America.

Lindsay, J. L. (2012). Heirs to World

Culture Being Indonesian 1950-1965.

Masduki, M. (2011). Analyzing Novel

Translation: The Equivalence of
Meaning and Style. 178-179.

Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of

Translation. London: Prentice Hall.

Nida, E. A., & Taber, C. R. (1982). The

Theory and Practice of Translation.
Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Suryawinata, Z., & Hariyanto, S. (2016).

Translation: Bahasan teori & penuntun
praktis menerjemahkan (edisi revisi).
Malang: MNC.

Williams, J., & Chesterman, A. (2002).

The Map: A Beginner;s Guide to Doing




The thesis discusses Annotated Translation of a Novel by Dan Abnett and Nik Vincent Entitled Tomb
Raider the Ten Thousand Immortals. Then, the purpose of the project is to identify the problem during
translating the novel and find the solution for the problem found. Then, the writer collects ten previous
studies in this research. The tenth previous study helps the writer in understanding the method and the result
of the study. Moreover, this research has used the method of introspective and retrospective. Then, the
writer divided the translation problem into three categories as understanding, transfer, and understanding
and transfer. According to the writer, the novel has 42 problem in translation. Then, the writer used
monolingual and bilingual online dictionary in order to solve the problem. The writer also used the
translation strategy of semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic in solving the problem. As a result, this research
could be a reference for a future writer. This is because, in this research, the researcher also provides how
to solve the problem. This research is useful for related research in the future.
Keywords: annotations, introspective, retrospective, translation, translation strategies.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang Annotated Translation of a novel by Dan Abnett and Nik Vincent Entitled
Tomb Raider the Ten Thousand Immortals. Kemudian, tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah mengidentifikasi
masalah saat menerjemahkan novel dan menemukan solusi untuk masalah yang ditemukan. Kemudian,
penulis mengumpulkan sepuluh penelitian pendahulu pada skripsi ini. Kesepuluh penelitian sebelumnya
membantu penulis dalam memahami metode penelitian dan hasil penelitian. Selain itu, penelitian ini
menggunakan metode introspektif dan retrospektif. Kemudian, penulis membagi masalah penerjemahan
menjadi tiga kategori yaitu understanding, transfer, dan understanding dan transfer. Hasil penelitian oleh
penulis, novel ini memiliki 42 masalah dalam penerjemahan. Kemudian, penulis menggunakan kamus
online monolingual dan bilingual untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Penulis juga menggunakan
strategi penerjemahan semantik, sintaksis, dan pragmatis dalam memecahkan masalah. Penelitian ini dapat
menjadi referensi bagi penerjemah. Hal ini dikarenakan, dalam penelitian ini peneliti juga memberikan cara
untuk memecahkan masalah pada terjemahan. Kesimpulannya, penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk penelitian-
penelitian terkait di masa yang akan datang.
Kata kunci: anotasi, introspektif, retrospektif, penerjemahan, strategi penerjemahan.

that we do not know. Therefore, translation

I. Introduction helps humans understand when they read a
The translation is the transform source that is written in other languages
process of meaning from one language into that they do not understand.
another language. Translation helps a William and Chesterman (2002)
person who does not understand the source explains that, annotated translation is
language. Newmark (1988) explains that research where the writer translates texts
translation is rendering the author’s and writes commentary on the translation
intention into other languages. Translation process at the same time. Then in this thesis
tackles an important task to make the research, the writer has chosen the
communication run smoothly. Then, it is annotated translation research. The
not only about communication. As a importance of doing this annotated project
human, we can imagine when we read the is to gain more knowledge in the
information that is written in a language translation field. Not only gaining more

knowledge but also applying the for the future translator. The writer of this
knowledge that the writer got both on the thesis hope that from the thesis, the future
campus or in the internship program. translator would learn a little knowledge
The reason for the writer choosing this about translation. Then, the last is for the
novel is divided by some aspects. The first writer of the thesis. By doing the thesis of
reason is that this novel has not been annotated translation, the writer found a
translated yet in Bahasa Indonesia. This is chance to learn more knowledge and
a good chance for the writer to be the first experience in the form of translation and
person who translates this novel. The annotated translation. Then, the writer
second reason is based on the author. The could apply the knowledge that the writer
author is also contributed in making a good got during the class and during internship
video game that is related to the novel program.
which Tomb Raider Game Series. Then 1.5 Definition of the Key Term
the last is based on the novel. From that 1. Annotated Translation
point of view, the author is professional in Annotated translation is a
making novel and his work is widely read research where the writer
by the fans especially Tomb Raider series translates the chosen chapter
enthusiasms. The novel has a good and writes commentary on the
storyline in terms of the survivor of the translation process at the same
main character itself. The novel has 11 time.
series. Famous for the adventure stories 2. Translation
that made a video game. From that point of Translation is a process of
view, the series of the novel has many transferring one meaning from
positive reviewed from the reader. In source language into target
conclusion, the novel of Tomb Raider the language.
Ten Thousand Immortals deserved to be 3. Novel
used as the data in this thesis of annotated Novel is a literature of work
translation. in the written of text. Then, the
1.2 Statement of Research Problem story of the novel can be
1) What problems does the writer find inspired from the fiction story
during translating Tomb Raider the or in the real life story. In terms
Ten Thousand Immortals? of genre, novel has romantic,
2) How does the writer solve the mystery, comedy, horror, and
difficulties in translating Tomb Raider life story inspiration genre.
the Ten Thousand Immortals? II. Review of Literature
1.3 Research Purpose 2.1 Translation Definition
The research purpose of this research Catford (1965) states that translation is
proposal is to identify the translation a replacement of textual material from the
problem found by the writer during Source Language (SL) by considering
translating Tomb Raider the Ten Thousand equivalent textual material in Target
Immortals. The purpose of the research is Language (TL).
also identified solutions used by the writer. Wills (1982) states that translation is a
1.4 Research Significance transfer process which aims at the
The first is for the future writer. The transformation of a written source
future writer especially English language text (SLT) into an optimally
Department State Polytechnic of Malang, equivalent target language text (TLT), and
the thesis could be a reference in doing which requires the syntactic, the semantic,
annotated translation reports. The second is

and the pragmatic understanding and 4) Semantic voids mean a word or an
analytical processing of the source text. expression that cannot be found in
2.2 Translation Process another equality.
In the process of translation, Nida and 5) Proper names refer to individuals and
Taber (1969), divides the translation cannot be translated from one
process into three phases: language into another language.
1) Analysis; this is the step of analyzing 2.4 Translation Strategies
the source language through linguistic Zohre Owji (2013) states that
and meaning study, the analysis of the translation strategies are used when the
material which is translated, and translator found a problem during the
cultural problems. translation process. But word to word
2) Transfer; the analyzed materials are translation does not need translation
transferred in the translator’s mind strategies. Chesterman (1997) presents his
from SL into TL, and first syntactic strategy, literal translation.
3) Reconstruction; the translator rewrites In Chesterman’s opinion, he believes that
or expresses the translated text until it this strategy is the basic strategy among the
became a readable and acceptable theorist. Based on the writer's opinion
translation. translation strategy is a strategy that is used
2.3 Translation Problem by a translator in solving a problem in
Miremadi (1991) in Wibowo (2019) translating a text. In translating word for
state that there are two main categories of word translation, translation strategies may
lexical problems and syntactic problems. not be needed. This is because when a
Lexical problems are divided into five translator translates text word for word
subcategories. they only need a dictionary to solve the
1) Denotative meaning is a form of words problem. Based on Chesterman translation
in which the source text can be strategy, there are three categories of
matched. The example is from the translation strategy which syntactic,
word “in charge”, we cannot translate semantic, and pragmatic.
that from word to word. Then we have 2.5 Problems in Translating Novel
to translate the meaning itself which is Hartono (2012) state that there are four
“responsible”. problem in translating a novel. Then,
2) Lexical meaning is misrepresenting difficulties in translating novels include:
the author’s message. I would like to 1) Languages Difficulties
give an example from the word The language difficulty in this case is
“shackles”, from that word we can the difficulty to understand diction.
conclude that it means a thing which The form of selected words that
means “handcuffs”. contain aesthetics and artistic that are
3) Metaphorical expression appeared specifically chosen by the author so
when the translator found idioms and that the essays he makes appear to
similar expressions. I would like to have more accuracy in conveying
give an example from the sentence meaning.
“You are my sunshine”. From the 2) Analysis Difficulties
word “my sunshine” we can conclude The complexity of analysis in this case
that this cannot represent from word- stems from the challenge of finding
to-word translation but we have to fresh aspects, such as the point of view
know that the meaning is “You make element, which is intricately linked to
me happy”. the story's protagonist. The pronoun
can be translated as "Aku" if the

protagonist of the narrative is the retention for six allusions, replacement for
monarch with the pronoun "I," but it two allusions, and omission for allusions.
can also be translated as "Saya" or Firstiyanti (2021) conducted research
"Hamba" if the protagonist is a entitled “An Annotated Translation of
commoner with the pronoun "I." Bicycle Murder”. Based on that research,
3) Culture Difficulties the writer found problems during the
Cultural issues are challenges in process of translation. Then the writer also
looking for equivalents that are gives annotation for each problem. Then,
specific to the cultures of the two the writer found 30 data to be analyzed.
languages, whether they relate to Moreover, in that research introspective
particular items, activities, and retrospective are used in the study
conventions, or terminology. method. Based on the translation strategy
4) Appreciation Difficulty that is used to solve the problem. The first
Appreciation challenges are obstacles pragmatic strategy is used almost 27
that translators have when attempting percent in solving the problem. Then the
to understand the author's intent and second is syntactic strategy. Based on the
material. result of the solved problem, the writer
2.6 Previous Study used a syntactic strategy of almost 40
Kristiani (2018) conducted research percent. Then the last is semantic strategy.
entitled “Annotated Translation of This semantic strategy is used almost 33
Addressing Term in Beverly Cleary’s percent by the writer.
Ramona Forever”. She analyzed many of Astuti and Djohan (2014) conducted
the addressing terms in Ramona Forever’s research entitled “An Annotated
book. The addressing terms have varieties Translation of Janet Daily’s Savage Land”.
of forms, including pronouns of address, Based on that research the writer found 25
verb forms of address, nouns of address, problems. Then the problem is divided into
and bound and free forms of address. eight categories. The categories of the
Ayuningtyas and Said (2017) problem are auxiliary, phrasal verb, clause,
conducted research entitled “Annotated phrase, prepositions, pronouns, words, and
Translation of a Baby for Rebecca by idiomatic expression.
Trisha Alexander. From the collected data Noverdi (2019) conducted research
she classified the data into four categories. entitled “An Annotated Translation From
The first category is Lexicon, in Lexicon English Into Indonesian: The Soul of
categories she found that the number of Indian By Charles Alexander Eastman.
difficulties is 68 lexicons in the data. Then the outcome of the study was the
Trisnaninggar (2019) conducted writer found 27 units that were considered
research entitled “An Annotated to be problematic. Based on the problem
Translation of a Novel Entitled The revealed by the writer, the problem is
Phoenix and The Carpet by E.Nest divided into seven categories. The
Focusing on Allusion”. In the research, the categories are names and designations for a
writer used the translation strategy called God and Deity, names of the ceremony,
allusion and according to the writer, the designations for spiritual figures, names of
strategy that is suitable for allusion is by spiritual practice, figures of speech,
considering Leppihalme’s book. In that specific terms, and collocations.
book, there are three translation strategies Salsabila (2019) conducted research
which are retention, replacement, and entitled “English-Indonesian Annotated
omission. Then in his research, he used Translation on Nicola Yoon’s novel
Everything Everything”. Then in the

translation process, the writer used many research is a study investigating the mental
translation methods. Then the writer found processes through the writer’s original
40 annotations. memory immediately after he/she has
III. Research Method translated by considering the question of
3.1 Research Design ‘what kind of translation strategies that the
According to William and Chesterman writer used in trying to find solutions to
(2002) annotated translation is counted in problems encountered while translating the
introspective and retrospective research; novel?
they said that: “A translation with a 3.2 Object of the Research
commentary (or annotated translation) is a The data of this research is from the
form of introspective and retrospective novel entitled Tomb Raider the Ten
research where you translate a text and, at Thousand Immortals. This novel has 304
the same time, write a commentary on your pages. The writer will translate six teens
translation process”. The annotated thousand words from the novel. The writer
research is the most suitable research had chosen the first until the ninth chapter.
design for the thesis of the writer. This is Based on the writer's count of the
because the writer focused on the problem sentences, the writer found 1596 sentences.
found in translating the data. Then, the 3.3 Research Procedure
writer also put annotation to the 1) Reading the source text carefully to get
problematic items. The writer used the a complete understanding of the
introspective design in the form of content.
collecting the data and processing the data. 2) Translating some chapters of this
Collecting the data means that the writer novel and taking notes of every
chose the novel. Then, processing the data problem and the solution in the process
means the writer translate the novel and of translation.
give the annotation to the related problem. 3) Giving codes to each translation unit
Last, the writer used the retrospective containing problems. The writer made
design in the form of writing the thesis codes containing four items which
project. As a result, the writer conclude that follow: (a) The number of chapters of
the research design is suitable in doing the the novel, (b) alphabets U/T/UT which
thesis project. means Understanding, Transfer,
The introspective method is carried Understanding, and Transfer, (c)
out when “the process of observing and alphabets W/N/V/PR/P/I/A/PV/C
reflecting on one’s thoughts, feelings, which means Word, Noun, Verb,
motives, reasoning processes, and mental Preposition, Phrase, Idiom, Adjective,
states with a view to determining the ways Phrasal Verb, and Clause (d) a word
in which these processes and states that represents translation strategy or
determine our behavior.” (Nunan, technic. The writer also colored the
1992:115). The introspective method is words/phrases/clauses/sentences
included in this annotated translation (translation unit) with yellow as a
research, in which the writer himself problem related to understanding,
translates the text and, at the same time, green as a problem related to transfer,
writes annotations on the result of the and blue as a problem related to
translation. understanding and transfer.
Furthermore, Nunan (1992) states that 4) Analysing the data and writing the
“retrospective data are collected sometime research report by considering the
after the event under investigation has translation theory, method, and
taken place.” (p.124). Retrospective

strategy using the retrospective

IV. Findings and Discussion

4.1 Findings
No Type of Number Percentag
The form of the source text (English)
. Problem of e
and targeted text (Indonesia) is the data that (Understandin Annotate
the writer analysed. The data are in the g and Transfer) d Items
forms of words, phrases, clauses, and 1. Word 7 21,22%
idioms. The writer’s data are from the 2. Phrase 8 24,25%
novel by Dan Abnett and Nick Vincent 3. Idiom 10 30,31%
4. Adjective 3 9,10%
entitled Tomb Raider Ten Thousand 5. Noun 2 6,07%
Immortals. The writer made an annotation 6. Phrasal verb 2 6,07%
while translating chapter 1 until chapter 9 7. Verb 1 3,04%
from the novel. Those nine chapters Total 33 100%
contain 1596 sentences. Then the problem No. Type of Number of Percentage
Problem Annotated
in this annotated translation is defined into (Transfer) Items
three main categories namely transfer, 1. Word 3 42,85%
understanding, and understanding and 2. Verb 2 28,57%
transfer. 3. Noun 1 14,28%
The problems that the writer identified 4. Preposition 1 14,28%
Total 7 100%
are forty two problems. Those problems
were the most difficult problem according As presented in Table 2, there were 7
to the writer. The writer found those forty problems in transferring, consisting of
two problems from fifty selected sentences. problems in transferring words, nouns,
Moreover, the problem that the writer phrases, and prepositions. The most
found in understanding were two problems. occurring problems were in transferring
Then in the transfer category, the writer words.
found seven problems that contain three Table 3. Problems in Understanding and
words, two verbs, one noun, and one Transfer
preposition. Last, in understanding and
transfer, there are thirty three problems As presented in Table 3, There were in
found by the writer. Below are the tabletotal 33 problems encountered when both
containing detailed of the problem understanding and transferring stages. The
categories. most occurring problems were in
Table 1. Problems in Understanding understanding and transferring idioms with
No Type of Problems Number of Percentage the total occurrence of 10 times.
(Understanding) Annotated
Items 4.1.1 Understanding Problems
1. Word 1 50% Understanding problem category
2. Noun 1 50% is that the writer does not understand
Total 2 100%
the problem in the source text.
Problem 1 (Noun)
As seen on Table 1, problems in
understanding texts were found in words and • Code : 6-1093-U-N
nouns with each one problem. • Source Text : Blue blazer.
• Target Text : Blue blazer.
Table 2. Problems in Transferring The noun ‘blue blazer’ became a
problem for the writer. This is because the

writer was not able to understand the the picture that is shown on the internet to
meaning of the noun of ‘blue blazer’. Then, make the translation result more accurate.
in order to find the solution to the problem The reason of the writer finds the picture
the writer searches for the meaning on the on the internet is to make the translation
internet. Then, the writer found that it is a result commonly used in the target
cocktail. Based on the information on the language.
Merriam-Webster ‘blue blazer’ means a
cocktail made of ignited Scotch whiskey 4.1.3 Understanding and Transfer
and boiling water with sweetening and Problem
lemon peel added. As a result, the writer Understanding and transfer problem is
translated it as a ‘blue blazer’ in Bahasa a problem category where the writer does
Indonesia. The writer decided not to not understand the meaning of the source
translate it into target language. This is text and unable to transfer it into the source
because the writer found that it is a brand text.
of whiskey. Problem 3 (Word)
• Code : 2-336-UT-W
4.1.2 Transfer Problems • Source Text : She took the lift to the
Transfer problem category is that the fourth floor, used the
writer understands the meaning of the hand sanitiser as
problem but unable to translate it into the instructed, and
target text. entered the ward.
Problem 2 (Word) • Target Text : Dia naik lift ke lantai
• Code : 1-194-T-W empat, menggunakan
• Source Text : It took several minutes pembersih tangan
for her to buy a ticket seperti yang
and find her way down diinstruksikan, dan
onto the platform. memasuki bangsal.
• Target Text : Butuh beberapa menit The word ‘ward’ became a problem
baginya untuk membeli for the writer. This is because the writer did
tiket dan berjalan turun not know the meaning of the word. The
menuju ke peron. writer also cannot translate it into Bahasa
The word ‘platform’ became a Indonesia. Then, the writer searched on the
problem for the writer. This is because the internet in order to get the meaning of the
writer did not know the meaning of word ‘ward’. Then, the writer found on the
‘platform’ in the text. In order to find the Merriam-Webster. Based on that site, the
meaning, the writer searched on the writer found the meaning that ‘ward’ is a
internet. Then, the writer found the large room in a hospital where a number of
meaning in Merriam-Webster. On that site patients often requiring similar treatment
‘platform’ is a long flat raised structure at are accommodated. The writer also found
a railway station where people get on and on the internet by searching ‘ward meaning
off trains. Finally, the writer translated it as in Bahasa Indonesia’. The writer found it in
‘peron’. Based on the translation strategy the that one of the meaning
that is used by the writer in solving the ‘ward’ in Bahasa Indonesia is ‘bangsal’. As
problem of ‘platform’ the writer used the a result, the writer translated it as ‘bangsal’
strategy of a literal translation. The writer in Bahasa Indonesia. Then, in order to
also searched on the internet for the term solve the following problem, the writer
that is commonly used in railway stations used the strategy of a literal translation.
based on the target text. The writer found 4.2 Discussion

In this section, the writer would like to writer would like to suggest that in order to
discuss about the discussion. The first is solve the problem monolingual online
that based on the dictionary that the writer dictionaries can be utilized. Last, the writer
used to solve the translation unit problems. would like to suggest for that future writer
The writer used both monolingual and that are to know the translation strategy.
bilingual online dictionaries. The reason of
the writer using the monolingual dictionary Bibliography
is that the dictionary helped the writer in Astuti, R. B., & Sutjiati, D. R. (2014). An
providing the information of the problem in Annotated Translation of Janet
the source text. The second, the bilingual Dailey’s Savage Land. Journal of
dictionary helped the writer in comprehend Language and Literature, 1-6.
the meaning of the problem after the writer Ayuningtias, P. N., & Mashadi, S. (2017).
found the meaning of the problem in the An Annotated Translation of a
monolingual online dictionary. Third, the Baby for Rebecca By Trisha
used of translation strategy in the present Alexander. Journal of Language
research. The writer used synonymy and Literature, 91-97.
strategy in solving 13 problems. Then, Catford, J. C. (1965). A lingustic theory of
literal translation is used by the writer in translation. Oxford: Oxford
solving 12 problems. Then, paraphrase University Press.
strategy is used by the writer in solving 6 Firstiyanti, A. H. (2021). An Annotated
problems. Then, trope change is used by Translation of Bicycle Shop
the writer in solving 9 problems. Then, 1 Murder. LADU: Journal of
problem solved in using the strategy of Languages and Education, 115-
transposition. 121.
Hartono, R. (2012). Problematika dalam
5 Conclusions and Suggestions Penerjemahan Novel. Prosodi, 4-6.
5.1 Conclusions Kristiani, Y. (2018). An Annotated
Based on the thesis, the writer revealed Translation of Addressing Term in
that there are 42 problematic items of Baverly Clearly's Ramona
translation in the novel. The writer Forever. Salatiga: Universitas
classified the problematic item into some Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga.
form, which are word, noun, verb, Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of
adjective, phrase, phrasal verb, and idiom. translation. New York: Prentice
Then, in order to find the solution to the hall.
problem the writer used two form of Nida, E. &. (1969). The theory and
dictionary. The dictionary that the writer practice of translation. Brill
use is monolingual and bilingual. The Archive.
writer also used the translation strategy by Nunan, J. G. (1992). Physicochemical
Chesterman syntactic and semantic in properties of Ce-containing three-
order to solve the problem. way catalysts and the effect of Ce
5.2 Suggestions on catalyst activity. ournal of
First, the writer would like to suggest catalysis, 309-324.
for the further researcher who would like to Owji, Z. (2013). Translation Strategies.
do research in annotated translation with Translation journal, 1-17.
the same category of novel. Moreover, Salsabila, N. (2019). English-Indonesian
based on the writer’s view the challenge in Annotated Translation on Nicola
translating an adventure novel is knowing Yoon's Novel Everything
the place that the story taken. Second, the

Everything. Jakarta: Persada
Trisnaninggar, H. T. (2019). An Annotated
Translation of a Novel Entitled
The Phoenix and The Carpet by E.
Nesbit Focussing on Allusion.
Salatiga: Satya Wacana Christian
University Salatiga.
Wibowo, H. A. (2019). An Annotated
Translation of Any Minute.
Journal of English Education
Literature and Linguistics, 75-92.
Williams, J. &. (2002). The map: a
beginner's guide to doing research
in translation studies. Dublin City:
Wills, W. (1982). The science of
translation. Tubingen: narr.


Nur Salam1), Sri Gustiani2), dan Aulia Nourma Putri3)

Politeknik Negeri Malang, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Politeknik Negeri Malang


The accuracy, complexity, and fluency of students' speaking are major issues for language
teachers. Teachers are well-aware that providing too much corrective feedback (CF) can
make students reluctant to speak while providing too little can result in errors being
entrenched. This study looks at the Teacher's Small Talk (TST) methodology to resolve some
of the tensions between the need to encourage truly communicative language use and the
need to develop complexity and integrate a focus on forms into the syllabus in ways that both
teachers and students can recognize as valid and relevant. It includes preliminary studies on
the viability of this CF methodology based on attention to and deriving from the individual
learner's needs. Using a qualitative method with observation for data collection technique,
there were 22 respondents involved. The collected data or the field-notes were analyzed using
thematic analysis to clarify the importance of Teacher’s Small Talks (TST) to the students’
progress in achieving their good English-speaking skills. The findings revealed that diction,
word order, tenses, noun forms, and pronunciation were items which need to be considered
in making the TST a good methodology to achieve students’ English-speaking skills.

Keywords: Corrective feedback, English-speaking skills, Teacher’s Small Talk, Teaching



Keakuratan, kekompleksitas, dan kelancaran berbicara mahasiswa adalah masalah utama

bagi seorang dosen bahasa. Dosen sangat menyadari bahwa memberikan terlalu banyak
umpan balik korektif (CF) dapat membuat mahasiswa enggan untuk berbicara, sementara
memberikan terlalu sedikit dapat mengakibatkan kesalahan yang mengakar. Studi ini melihat
metodologi Teacher's Small Talk (TST) dapat mendorong penggunaan bahasa yang benar-
benar komunikatif dan kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan kompleksitas dan
mengintegrasikan fokus pada silabus dengan cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh dosen dan
mahasiswa secara valid dan relevan. Penelitian ini mencakup studi pendahuluan tentang
kelayakan metodologi CF ini berdasarkan perhatian dan kebutuhan belajar individu.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi,
yang melibatkan 22 responden. Data yang dikumpulkan atau catatan lapangan dianalisis
dengan menggunakan analisis tematik untuk memperjelas pentingnya Teacher's Small Talks
(TST) bagi kemajuan mahasiswa dalam mencapai keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris
yang baik. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa diksi, urutan kata, tata bahasa, bentuk kata benda,
dan pengucapan adalah item yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam membuat TST sebagai
metodologi yang baik untuk mencapai keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kunci: umpan balik korektif, keterampilan berbahasa Inggris, Teacher’s Small Talk,
metodologi pengajaran

I. Introduction English speaking. They believed that an
Students think that the ability to speak excellent English speaker is someone who
a foreign language is the most important can express clear and fluent English. This
skill to learn (Brown & Yule, 1999; Salam, indicates that accuracy and fluency are
et al., 2021). Indonesian students are essential elements of speaking abilities.
therefore extremely driven to enhance their Students speak English less fluently if
English-speaking ability. College students teachers focused on accuracy whereas they
do this primarily to get ready for job speak incorrectly if teachers stressed
interviews once they graduate. (Salam, et fluency. In fact, the language teaching
al., 2019). Given this reality, teachers of theory claimed that teachers must first go
English at the State Polytechnic of Malang over the grammar and proper vocabulary of
work diligently to tailor English teaching to the target language before giving speaking
students' needs regarding English-speaking assignments.
ability by using the best teaching method However, the reality differs
and materials available (Salam, et al., significantly from the theory underlying
2020). Even though the majority of language teaching methods. Teachers face
Indonesian students acknowledge that difficulties in providing great treatment to
speaking English clearly and fluently is a enhance their students’ accuracy and
must, they are still hesitant to converse in it fluency in speaking English. They have no
due to a lack of comprehending English answers to the following two questions.
grammar, vocabulary, and courage to do so Can teaching pronunciation, vocabulary,
(Salam, et al., 2021). and grammar ensure their students
As argued by Bueno et al. (2006) that communicate in English correctly and
speaking is the most difficult language skill fluently? Should grammar to be taught
for students to develop, Salam et al. (2020) solely so that they concentrate more on
in their case study proposed that the composing sentences correctly with
teachers of English at the State Polytechnic ineloquently English? Is it necessary to
of Malang have engaged in various correct every mistake in students’
activities to overcome their students’ speaking? Teachers need those answers to
difficulties in expressing ideas in oral improve their students English-speaking
English. They did teaching activities like skills. Due to students' study habits and
applying a variety of teaching methods by classroom needs, a good teacher will use an
explaining grammar rules, organizing eclectic mixed method in order to cater the
small groups for encouraging English answers to those questions. Putting this
discussion, introducing various learning into practice, however, is a challenge.
methods for effective study time, and Regarding teaching English methods,
developing awareness of the value of Communicative Language Teaching
English speaking skills. However, the (CLT) is regarded as one method to
improvement of students' English-speaking facilitate teachers in teaching speaking. In
skills has not been particularly successful. CLT, teachers of English are not
The students continue to have significant encouraged to teach grammar as a
linguistic difficulties and are reluctant to foundation for generating sentences.
express themselves in English, which in Nevertheless, they argue that the CLT
turn, causes unsatisfaction for both method is no longer adequate for the
students and teachers pertaining to the development of speaking skills. On the one
existed teaching methods. The teachers, hand, students generate grammatical error
then, concentrate on enhancing the sentences if they are not taught grammar
accuracy and fluency of the students' during the teaching of speaking skills. On

the other hand, teaching grammar mostly in students’ development in English
speaking class causes students to lose time speaking skills in order to cater to their
to practice their oral skills. Correcting needs in learning English.
every grammatical error in speech
repeatedly triggers the students’ reluctance 2.1 Teachers’ Small Talk (TST)
to speak, and unable them to communicate Currently, most teachers of English at
effectively in English (Gatbonton & colleges prepare their students with fluent
Segalowitz, 2005). Consequently, many spoken English. They believe these
teachers of English reject the CLT because English skills will be a provision to find
it forbids them to introduce language work after they graduate. This is also
structures during their English classes. happening in the State Polytechnic of
All of the above ideas have called for Malang where this study is conducted.
this study to use Teachers' Small Talk The most widely used method is that
(TST) as a teaching methodology for teachers use English as a medium of
improving students’ speaking fluency, instruction. The type of language used for
accuracy, and complexity. It is expected teaching English in such a class is known
to assist the students in improving their as teacher’s talk or teachers’ small talk
target language skills and raising the (TST). In communicating with students,
level of their English-Speaking fluency. teachers often simplify their
The chosen methodology does not only conversations, giving a lot of speech
focus on analyzing numerous characteristics of native speakers and
phenomena related to teacher talk (TT) other simple speech styles addressed to
but also provides an objective students (Richards, 1992).
description of personalities and In 2009, Ellis made a case that
structures. The fact that students have a teachers employ TST as a specific
substantial role in both teaching and language while using L2 with their
learning in classrooms, however, has not students in the classroom. In this
been taken into account. Students' methodology, teachers need to simplify
demands for language learning and their formal language characteristics
language proficiency should not be systematically. There are two ways to
overlooked as one of the key components study teacher talk by examining: the
of language classrooms. Therefore, this teachers’ language in the classroom; and
present study is intended to clarify the the subject matter. The teachers’
importance of TST to the students’ language to their L2 students is viewed as
progress in achieving their good English- a register with its own set of formal and
speaking skills. linguistic characteristics. Moreover, TST
is regarded as the oral form of teachers’
II. Review of Literature talk instead of the written form. It refers
The success of a college graduate in to the language of the teachers in the
finding a job is not only determined by language class rather than in other
their skills in the field of knowledge but settings. TST in English class is
also their communication skills. Infosys considered a distinctive variety of the
(2007) as cited in P'Rayan & Shetty English language, and as such, it has
(2008) says that the majority of students unique characteristics distinct from those
are not ready to work in the industry not of other varieties.
because they lack industry skills but As a unique form of communication,
because of the lack communication skills. TST is intended to help students in
Teachers of English must help their improving their foreign language skills

via interaction. The teacher uses the target success of foreign language learning.
language to enhance communication with Regarding teachers’ and students’
the students. By reacting to the talk, characteristics in language learning, some
students practice their language skills in scholars give their following views.
this way and employ language to promote According to Stern (1983) teachers and
communication with their students. As a students carry certain characteristics in
result, TST can be described as a form of language teaching that may be related to
interaction-based communication. educational treatment. The characteristics
TST is regarded as an important are age, gender, previous education, and
component of the language teaching and personal qualities. These characteristics are
learning processes since it is a tool for reflected in the different characteristics and
carrying the lesson plans and achieving forms of TST. Brumfit (1979; 1984) argues
learning objectives. It was vital for that teachers who modify students' self-
managing and organizing the classroom developed language learning systems as
because the teachers’ language can reflected in fluent language behavior are
successfully carry out the lesson plans. those who need to look at the use of native
TST is significant for language language in the classroom, to the extent
acquisition since it might serve as the that it can be done truly native'. But this
primary source of input in the target presupposes two conditions: fluent—and
language that students can comprehend. genuine—language behavior and a way to
In other words, TST can be used to assess encourage learners to focus on the formal
whether classroom instruction is aspects of their production. As a result,
successful or unsuccessful (Hakansson, teachers need to pay close attention to both
cited by Xing & Yun, 2002). the form and content of their language
when speaking to students. Additionally, it
2.2 Corrective Feedback (CF) implies that the teacher is free to control or
The effectiveness of teachers' take part in his students' interactions. This
corrective feedback (CF) on students' will provide the teacher the opportunity to
performance during the teaching and help the students use it properly.
learning processes is still debatable.
Through CF, teachers observe students in III. Research Methodology
studying and applying their learning This study was designed in a qualitative
materials and doing an assignment. The CF approach because it focused on phenomena
will be given once the teachers identify exploration via the data in the form of
mistakes or flaws in their students' work. descriptive words (Creswell, 2012). It was
When students can make a correct sentence done to facilitate the understanding of the
after having CF, it demonstrates the success perceived issues of students’
of implementing TST. Students yet communicative skills in their English class
continue to encounter issues since teachers using the TST methodology. This research
and students occasionally have divergent was conducted at Civil Engineering Major
views regarding how teachers offer CF and of State Polytechnic of Malang and
interpret the students’ sentences. (Mackey, involved 22 students of the major as the 2007). However, experts of language respondents. The data were collected
learning believe that no learning without through observations during the
providing input to language learners. respondents’ English classes using the TST
Indeed, according to the Second Language methodology. The observations were
Acquisition (SLA) hypothesis, a significant intended to gather open-ended, actual
number of high inputs are necessary for the information by observing the respondents

at the chosen research site (Creswell, conversation.
2012). In addition, the observations 6. The leader thanked the members in
provided chances for the researchers to each group who had shown enthusiasm
change observational roles, in which, they for learning.
adapted their roles to the situation both as
observers and teachers of the English class. IV. Findings and Discussion
The field-notes during the observations During the observations, the field-notes
were then analyzed using thematic analysis were generated with the following
to clarify the importance of the proposed information. Students were encouraged to
teaching methodology. reflect and report on what they did during
In this study, the respondents or the the teaching and learning processes. This
students used their communicative skills in way of learning was expected to be able to
conversation without the teachers’ help, produce extremely high-quality
but the students were given corrective conversational interactions between
feedback when they made inappropriate students. In this learning process, teachers
sentences pertaining to vocabulary, did not need to have a conversation but
sentence structure, and content. In each only observed the communication among
session, the teacher chose one out of the students and provided necessary input
twenty-two students to be the leader who when they made a fatal mistake. In order to
was in charge of choosing topics, asking avoid disrupting the current dialogues of
questions and preparing relevant the students in each group with his
vocabulary to be used in discussions, comments, the teacher had to: 1) try to
grouping the students in English class into record some of the conversations in each
small groups, managing the time spent in group to listen to the dialogues at different
conversation, and leading the discussion times; 2) make an effort to listen to each
and report the results of the group group in turn and note the inaccurate or
discussions to the whole class. The imprecise terminology of any members; 3)
following were the steps practiced in TST: put each vocabulary or grammar mistake
1. The day before the session started, the along with the speaker's name in a form to
leader announced the topics to be make the process of awarding CF more
discussed in the group. easily.
2. At the beginning of the session, the Teachers occasionally identified errors
leader divided class members into 4 by some or even most of the students to be
small groups consisting of 6 students in corrected. All students were expected to
each group; wrote questions that would take part in learning and comprehend their
be discussed in the discussion; and learning problems. If some students
written vocabulary that would be used dominate the discourse in class, the teacher
in the discussion on the board; must be able to inspire the other passive
reintroducing the topic to be discussed; students to participate in discussions. This
and signaled to students to start a could hamper students’ ability. In fact, not
discussion. all students are interested in the discussions
3. The four groups that had been formed although it is very important to them. To
were asked to discuss the topic. solve this issue, teachers must talk to the
4. The leader asked each group to close "active" students to help and set
their conversation and be prepared to boundaries. The teacher must also create
receive feedback. new groups of "lazy to talk" students for
5. The leader asked each group member to guiding, training, and motivating them to
examine the highlights of their engage more actively in the conversation.

Giving CF to students in word choice vs. advise; accept vs. except; alternate vs.
or sentence construction can be justifiable alternative; adapt vs. adopt; and access. For
if they are very lack vocabulary or example, a sentence made by one of the
comprehension of sentence structure and students should use the word principal but
required to articulate their ideas. The key is he used the word principle (The principle
to provide students with CF so that they can idea of our approach is that early
identify and fix their errors (Ellis 2009). In socialization affects behavior). This
this situation, it is anticipated that the mistake was known after the lecturer had
students will learn the lesson by comparing asked the speaker to spell the word
the sentence they created with their principal, but instead spelled the word
teacher’s. They will understand how to principle.
create the right sentences. Giving CF as
described above is not necessary, though, if
students "simply slip off the tongue," Case 2:
leaving the lecturer solely with the need to “Joko gave the cakes to me and Susan.”
correct them verbally once they have In this sentence, the student misplaced
completed speaking. two objects (me and Susan). When the
The aforementioned CF could assist lecturer asked the speaker why he said:
students in developing their speaking skills “me and Susan” NOT “Susan and me,”
and could please the lecturer because he immediately said: "Sorry sir, it should
students were thought to be truly capable of be Susan and me because another person
following directions and were able to should take precedence over the speaker.
comprehend instructions given through CF Five students also made mistakes when
(Schmidt & Frota, 1986; Long, using the Word Orders as described
1998). The following Case 1, 2, 3, 4, and above. The following sentence patterns
5 are examples of student-spoken were made incorrectly by the students:
sentences that are improper in terms of (1) Placing adverb of
word choice and/or grammar usage: frequency BEFORE form of to be (He
always is late); (2) Not starting the
Case 1: question with THE AUXILIARY DO
“The affect of exercise on depression is (Play you football or basketball?); (3) Not
not clearly understood”. It is incorrect for placing BE after WH-Question but after
the speaker to pronounce the word effect SUBJECT (Where he is swimming?); and
with affect. This can be proven when the (4) Putting SUB-CLAUSE in a
teacher asked the difference between the QUESTION FORM (I do not know where
words effect and affect. The student could did he go yesterday).
explain the difference very well as follows: In order to respond to the teacher’s
affect as a noun describes the strong feedback on the usage of English grammar,
experience of feelings, while the the students said that learning proper
noun effect, in contrast, is the result of grammar was important because language
something. Ten students made the same allowed us to effectively discuss a
mistakes as the previous one. They chose language (Dąbrowska, 2015). As human
these words because, despite having we could construct sentences but in order
different meanings from other words, they to discuss how sentences were constructed,
have a similar sound (Aussant, 2014; we had to first understand grammar. Thus,
Murphy & Koskela, 2010; and Nordquist, understanding the grammar of a language
2018). The exact words are shown here: meant that we had increased the chances
then vs. than; principal vs. principle; advice that our interlocutors would understand the

content of our conversation. In other In addition to those three mistakes,
words, understanding grammar entails there are four others which can confuse
assisting ourselves in creating sentences students, such as: (4) Changing between
and paragraphs that are clear, interesting, the Present and Past Tenses. For example,
fun, and precise (Nordquist, 2019). “John, buy me a pencil”, John’s father
ordered him. At that time he needed it very
Case 3: much. He often asks his son to buy what he
“Agus decided to wore his new suit”. needs without considering his son's hectic
This sentence is wrong because the verb schedule; (5) Using the Past Continuous
wore belongs to Verb2 Past Simple incorrectly. This tense indicates something
which is used to express an activity happened in the past but was still in
which happened in the past time. In order progress. Some students could not
to motivate the students to study more, differentiate between the Past Continuous
the teacher asked why the speaker used Tense and the Simple Past Tense (The
the verb to wore. Then, he explained that moment my father entered the bedroom,
he should use the present infinitive “to my mother tampered / was tampering with
wear” to express action following the alarm system; (6) Altering the tenses in
another action. This way was believed to dialogue tags. He had been seated close to
be able to utilize the opportunity to study his friend before. He was astonished and
English more seriously. This is in line turned around (These parts were expressed
with Gardner’s idea (1985 & 2011), in the Past Tense), shouting, "Don't you
which says that motivation can help the dare say that to me?" You're not serious,
students attempt to comprehend a language are you? Finally, the tag at the end of the
better. dialogue switches back to the past tense (I
One of the mistakes that students often said). This bit of text would do well to
made is the usage of verbs in sentences as remain in either the past or present tense for
discussed above. From the observations consistency, as illustrated by the bottom
made during English class, seven mistakes example above; (7) Altering the Future
in using verbs in sentences were found as Tense Forms. In general, when composing
listed below: (1) Using Inconsistent Verb sentences, the speaker must use tense
Forms (When we were on the way to consistently. This means that the tense used
school, we see a very beautiful car.) by the speaker must be the same from the
"were" is past tense and "see" is present beginning (not changing tense). However,
tense, so the verb tense is inconsistent; (2) the future tense often likes to play with a
Confusing the Present Tense Forms. Some different set of rules. For clarity, consider
students can't tell the difference between the following example: I will hire you as a
“He works in Malang” and “He is working full-timer when your degree is complete
in Malang”; (3) Confusing the Past Tense (NOT will be complete).
Forms. Just like present tense verbs have
multiple forms, so do past tense verbs. Case 4:
Mixing them up is a common error. Some “The amount of earlier studies on this
students can't tell the difference between “I topic is low”. The term "amount" is only
wrote a letter to your father” and “I had appropriate for "uncountable nouns,"
written a letter to your father”. If we hence this statement is incorrect. Studies
mention something that happened in the is a "plural countable noun," hence the
past and then want to reference something word "number” is used instead. The
that happened even earlier than that, we student immediately understood that he
have to use the past perfect tense. needed to state, "The number of earlier

studies is still low," when the lecturer orally. The students had to review and
questioned the speaker about the verbally correct the faults on the test that
distinction between the words "amount" were specified in the teacher's notes and
and "number." Similar to the error provided to them. This idea is in line with
described above is the choice of the Wilkins’ idea (in Thornbury, 2004) that
following words: many vs. much; a few knowing how to use grammar can expand
vs. a little; few vs. little; and fewer vs. one's vocabulary.
less. One of the examples of mistakes The results of the test showed that all
made by students in choosing the pairs of students could express their ideas fluently,
words above is as follows: “Less students accurately, and give more complex
speak Thai than English”. The choice of sentences than they performed before. The
the word "less" in the sentence above is following were the examples of their oral
wrong because the word "less" is used for explanations of Case 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5:
"uncountable nouns". Thus, the correct
sentence is: "Fewer students speak Thai Case 1:
than English". Well sir, the word “affect” is usually a
Case 5: verb meaning "to produce an effect
“Don’t set in that broken chair”. It seems upon," as in "Your tears will not affect
that the student who uttered this sentence my decision." While the word “effect”
mispronounced the word "sit" to "set". is usually a noun meaning "a change
So when he was asked to repeat the that results when something is done or
sentence, he had time to ask his teacher happens," as in "Films have a big
"How to pronounce the word whose effect on children’s lives."
Indonesian meaning is duduk?" After he
got the answer from his teacher, he said: Case 2:
“Don’t sit in that broken chair”. In Well sir, I can give you an example of
linguistics, it is called a homonym (each complex sentence whose sub-clause
of two or more words having the same contains Wh-word. This is my sentence sir
spelling or pronunciation but different “My mother always asks me what I do
meanings and origins. The following word every day, how and where I do it”. I hope
pairs, which were similar to the pair you can understand my sentence sir. Sorry
described above, are frequently misused by if I still make mistakes, especially in
students: Climb vs. Clime; Facts vs. Fax; understanding English Word Orders.
calendar vs. calendar; caught vs. court; and
caw vs. core. The following is the example Case 3:
mistake produced by the students: “I do not After you had given us your feedback
have the courage to climb (NOT clime) the when we made mistakes in constructing
highest mountain in the world). oral sentences, I tried to study English
To know whether the TST can help Verbs from several English books. One
students improve their English speaking of the books explains that Verbs are
fluency, accuracy, and complexity, they essential for the development of
were given an English oral evaluation. The language because they enable the
teacher kept a list of all the mistakes learners to construct their sentences. A
made by each student which would be verb is required in every sentence.
asked again at the end of the semester. Additionally, many of the grammatical
The test required the students to look at forms of a sentence are determined by
the mistakes listed in the teacher's notes the verb choice. Then, when we construct
and give them to him and correct them sentences, we need to include a verb. For

example, now I can say: “Now, I am trying class: accuracy, complexity, and fluency
to explain your question about verbs and whereas making mistakes is part of the
giving an example of how to construct learning process. Some argue that allowing
good sentences.” students to improvise in class can lead to
inappropriate use of language while the
Case 4: opportunities for improvisation in the
Well sir, I still remember what you classroom are very important. Students’
asked me to find the difference between mistakes in English speaking class are not
a few and a little, their meanings, and something to worry about and teachers
the examples in sentences. Let me start does not have to be busy correcting them
with their meanings. The word a few by explaining the sentence structure or
means NOT MANY; while a little explaining the use of each word in the
means NOT MUCH. That is why a few sentence. Providing appropriate corrective
must be followed by plural countable feedback (CF) via the teacher's Small Talk
nouns but a little must be followed by (TST) methodology encouraged students
uncountable nouns. Let us have the to speak and develop communicative
example: “I cannot buy a new car language complexity. The importance is
because I have only a little money”. that the teacher simply tells students’
Before I go on with the example of mistakes and shows references that can be
using a few, I need to explain I put the studied by students outside the classroom.
word only before the word a little NOT Thus, students still have sufficient time to
before the word have. This is because practice their English in class and are
I want to stress the amount of my motivated to learn their shortcomings
money. Then, the following is an outside of class hours.
example of using a few. “I need to buy
more English books because I have References
only a few (books)”.
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Case 5: Homonymy and Polysemy.
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“right”. That’s why when we hear Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1999). Teaching the
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hand!”, we will hear the same University Press
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syllabuses—a reassessment’. System
V. Conclusion and Recommendation
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In learning a language skill, especially
Methodology in Language Teaching:
English speaking skills, making mistakes is
The Roles of Accuracy and Fluency.
something common. To master English
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
speaking skills well, students have to
University Press.
practice a lot without worrying about
Bueno, A., D. Madrid and N. McLaren
making mistakes. However, teachers of
(eds.). (2006). TEFL in Secondary
English often complain about the students’
fundamental mistakes in their speaking

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Developing QR-Code Based Bilingual Descriptions and
a Promotional Video of BALOGA

Sitra Hasyira(1), Noverita Wahyuningsih(2), Novitasari(3)

State Polytechnic of Malang


Batu Love Garden or BALOGA is a tourism destination located in Batu city, and it needed
to have bilingual descriptions of flowers and a promotional video. The research aimed at
helping Baloga to be more widely known and attract domestic as well as international visitors
to come. In that way, visitors can read the descriptions of the flowers in the zone by simply
scanning the available QR code and watch the promotional video before visiting.
Design and development research was used in this study, through some steps: analysis,
design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collection instruments were
interview guidelines and questionnaires.
The result of this research is QR Code-based bilingual descriptions for flowers which
included the general name of the flower, its scientific name, flower photo, brief description,
and also its meaning. Meanwhile, the bilingual promotional video included information
regarding ticket price, facilities, photo spots, various zones and the uniqueness. The results
of the field testing showed that most of the respondents (80%) strongly agreed with the
statement that the two products contain complete and easy-to-understand information;
moreover,70% of the respondents strongly agreed that the information in the bilingual flower
descriptions can add insight to visitors.

Keywords: bilingual description, promotional video, QR code, design and development



Batu Love Garden atau Baloga merupakan destinasi wisata yang terletak di Kota Batu,
yang memerlukan deskripsi deskripsi bunga dan video promosi dwibahasa. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk membantu Baloga agar lebih dikenal luas dan dapat menarik lebih banyak
wisatawan nusantara maupun mancanegara. Dengan demikian, pengunjung diharapkan akan
dapat membaca deskripsi bunga di zona hanya dengan memindai kode QR yang tersedia dan
pengunjung juga dapat menonton video promosi Baloga sebelum berkunjung. Penelitian ini
menggunakan Design and Development Research, dengan tahapan: analisa, desain,
pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan
dalam penelitian ini adalah pedoman wawancara dan kuesioner.
Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah deskripsi dwibahasa berbasis QR Code untuk bunga
yang isinya meliputi nama umum dan ilmiah bunga, foto bunga, deskripsi singkat, serta
makna bunga. Sementara itu, informasi pada video promosi dwibahasa meliputi harga tiket,
fasilitas, spot foto, berbagai zona dan keunikannya. Hasil uji lapangan menunjukkan bahwa
sebagian besar responden (80%) sangat setuju dengan pernyataan bahwa produk yang dibuat
peneliti memuat informasi yang lengkap dan mudah dipahami; dan 70% responden sangat
setuju bahwa informasi dalam deskripsi bunga dwibahasa dapat menambah wawasan

Kata Kunci: deskripsi dwibahasa, video promosi, kode QR, design and development

I. Background of the Study visitors with more than 600 plant types, and
30% of them were imported from overseas.
English is a global language that is used
Besides being established as an ecotourism
almost all over the world as a medium of
destination, BALOGA also invites visitors
communication. There are two major ways
to appreciate nature more by educating
to accomplish this. First, a language can be
them regarding planting or gardening
used as a country's official language or
various plants such as vegetables, fruits,
often known as the mother tongue and the
and ornamental plants. The reason why the
second is languages can be prioritized in
researcher chose BALOGA as the research
the teaching of a country's foreign
location is because BALOGA is a new
languages, even though these languages do
amusement park in Batu City which carries
not have official status. It is the language
the theme of educational tourism that can
most likely to be taught to children when
be developed and is full of potentials.
they arrived at school and the language
Besides that, BALOGA is also still
most readily available to adults who are in
included in the sector or field mastered by
the work sector or whatever and who need
the researcher that is tourism, namely in the
good English skills. One of the sectors that
field of educational tourism.
need good English skills is tourism.
Based on that problem, the researcher
Tourism is an industry with high
thinks that one alternative solution that
potential to be developed by the
might solve the problem is developing a
government as a dominant source of
system in which the plant descriptions are
income for the country and the region.
designed modernly. The modern way is
Tourism development in Indonesia is not
putting the descriptions into a web server
difficult to improve since the essential
that could be accessed thoroughly through
component of tourism in Indonesia is
websites or smartphones. The descriptions
natural beauty, and Indonesia has a lot of
shall be written in bilingual, i.e., English
beautiful nature spots. One of the regions
and Indonesian considering BALOGA
in Indonesia that has natural beauty is Batu
visitors is not only domestic but also
international visitors. International visitors
Batu City is one of the autonomous
need information given in English as a
regions in East Java that relies on the
global language. The designed system to
tourism sector to increase its local revenue.
solve this problem is developing a website
This city has rich and diverse tourism,
that stores all plant descriptions in
ranging from nature, sports, recreational,
bilingual, and the URL would be entered
historical to educational tours. With its rich
into a QR code generator. Thus, the visitors
natural potential, Batu City Government
are only required to scan the provided QR
and tourism actors are taking a robust
code with a QR scanner on their
approach to develop environmentally-
smartphone, and it because the flower
based tourism, namely eco-tourism. There
description written by the researcher
are plenty of ecotourism destinations in
contains detailed information about the
Batu Malang. One of them is Batu Love
flower, it must be very long and full if it is
placed on the flower name display so the
Batu Love Garden, also known as
researcher decides to use a QR code as a
BALOGA, is an eco-tourism destination
medium to store flower descriptions so that
with an educational concept that offers
visitors easier to read the description
various nature and plants-themed
through their cell phones.
attractions. Located in Jl. Raya Pandanrejo
Another aspect that is very possible to
No.91, Pandanrejo, Bumiaji Subdistrict,
be developed in BALOGA is a promotional
Batu City, East Java, BALOGA presents

video. According to the “Kamus Besar important and a core component in writing
Bahasa Indonesia”, video is a recording of English descriptive text. The third is
live images or television programs to be mechanics, Heaton (1988) states the
broadcast on television, or in other words, mechanic is concerned with the writers'
video is a moving image accompanied by skill to accurately practice written
sound. In other words, video is one type of language rules such as punctuation and
audio-visual that can describe a moving spelling. There are some language features
object with natural or adapted sound. in the descriptive text according to
While promotion is an activity that use to Wardiman et al. (2008), namely; specific
convince customers by showing the participant, adjective, adverb, action verb,
product or service so that it can persuade and simple present.
customers to buy it (Kotler et al, 2014).
Based on the explanation above, it can be 2.2 QR Code
concluded that promotional videos are QR codes were first created in 1994 by
promotional media in the form of audio- Denso Wave Incorporated, Japan. Denso
visuals that describe an object that serves Wave is the parent company of Toyota. QR
to convince and show products or services codes were designed for car manufacturing
to customers to make customers buy them. plants to manage car part inventories. A
QR code is an abbreviation for quick
II. Literature Review response code, which is a machine-
readable optical label with information on
2.1 Bilingual Descriptive text
the associated item or product. QR Code is
Bilingual means two languages.
the development of barcodes that are able
Thierry (2010) states that bilingual
to store more information, both
language is written in two languages.
horizontally and vertically (Rubianti &
Meanwhile according to Tarigan (1994),
Sahara, 2019 as cited in Puspitasari, 2020).
the definition of description is writing that
In barcodes, information is coded in one
can describe a story that aims to invite the
direction or one dimension only. On the
reader to understand, feel and enjoy the
other hand, in a two-dimensional code,
object being discussed such as mood,
which the QR code is, information is coded
activity, and so on. In addition, Descriptive
in two directions: horizontally and
text is a text that describes the sensory
vertically. QR codes are made of black and
experience, how something looks and
white pixels arranged in a squared matrix
sounds (Kane, 2000, as cited in Suprijadi,
(Sahu & Gonnade, 2013). It can be read
2015). So it can be concluded that a
easily and is capable of holding a great deal
bilingual description is a text that contains
of information. It can be concluded that QR
a description or information of an object
Code is a two-dimensional barcode that is
which is written in two languages.
made from black and white pixels.
The grammatical features of the
To sum up, QR code stands for Quick
descriptive text focus on Language features
Response Code. QR code is a two-
(simple present tense, action verb, and
dimensional barcode that contains various
adjective), vocabulary, and mechanics.
types of information directly. To open this
Language Features (simple present tense,
QR code, you need to scan or scan using a
action verb, and adjective). According to
smartphone. The QR code consists of
Peronity (2011) the use of the simple
various dots and a space that has been
present tense to describe the object and the
arranged into a box, and each element in it
use of the adjective to clarify the noun are
also has its own meaning. Because of these
all language aspects of descriptive text.
elements, it makes the QR code easier to
The second is vocabulary, vocabulary is

scan by smartphones and is able to display (2010) the word video comes from the
various data or information contained in it. Latin word, which means "I see". Video is
In this current study, the researcher used an electronic signal processing technology
QR code as medium to store all the flower that represents moving images.
description. Meanwhile, according to Ayuningtyas
(2017), video is a combination of still
2.3 Promotional Video & AIDA Model images that are read sequentially at a time
The most important activity carried out at a certain speed.
in developing a business is promotion. So it can be sum up that the definition
Promotion itself is a communication of Promotional video is a form of
activity to introduce a product. Kotler and displaying audio-visual information so that
Armstrong (2012) suggest that promotion it becomes the key to a brand or sharing
is a tool to communicate with buyers and information with customers and target
other companies that aims to provide markets. Promotional videos are the right
information in a straightforward manner. way to introduce marketed products and
According to Tjiptono (2015) promotion is services to stand out, compared to
an element of the marketing mix that marketing approaches that only use text. In
focuses on efforts to inform, persuade, and this current study, the researcher creates
remind consumers of the company's brands promotional video to promote Baloga more
and products. widely so it can attract more visitors to
The ultimate goal of some promotions come to Baloga.
is to get someone to use a product or
service being offered. For this reason, there 2.4 Review of Previous Research Project
is a classic model that can be used to reach This study is not the only one that
the promotion goal, namely using the discusses developing bilingual descriptions
AIDA concept. AIDA itself stands for for tourist attractions’ objects since the
Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action researcher found several previous studies
where it is the stage of consumer discussing a similar topic. The previous
involvement with a promotional message. researches or projects read by the
Kotler explained AIDA theory (Attention, researcher were done by Zakaria et al.
Interest, and Desire Action) is a message (2020) and Wibowo & Kurniadi (2021).
that must get attention, become interested, The first related study is entitled
become interested, and take action. This “Aplikasi Penampil Informasi Data
theory conveys the quality of a good Tanaman Mangrove Menggunakan QR-
message, while according to Djatnika Code di Hutan Mangrove Cilacap”
(2007) explained AIDA theory Purchasing conducted by Zakaria et al. (2020). In this
decision making is a psychological process study, it was stated that the mangrove
that is passed by consumers or buyers, the forest did not provide adequate information
process begins with the stage of paying regarding the types and classifications of
attention to the goods or services which mangrove, which the ecotourism
then if impressed he will step into the stage destinations shall provide. That problem
of interest (Interest) to find out more about led them to provide QR code-based
the features of the product or service. The information on Mangrove plants’ types,
four steps are attention, interest, desire, and classifications, benefits, and distributions.
action. This study employs four methods: field
Video is a medium for sending observation, interview with related parties,
messages that can display sound and development and trials, application usage
moving images. According to Binanto training for staff, and evaluation. The

researcher of this study provides most suitable design since it is
descriptions of mangrove plants on a corresponding with the researcher’
website and the QR codes are generated objective, i.e., developing a QR code-based
from the URL of each plant's website page. bilingual descriptions for flowers and
The generated QR codes were well Promotional video at the determined
detected and were attached to the object.
information posters. In the current study, The setting of the study was in Batu
the researcher also applies a QR code- Love Garden, Batu City, East Java,
based system which also printed and placed Indonesia. Batu Love Garden, or often
on every flower arrangement in the Floral known as BALOGA is one of the new
Art Exhibition Hall. tourist attractions in Batu with the theme of
The second study was conducted by by eco-tourism destination with an
Wibowo & Kurniadi (2021) entitled educational concept. Located in Jl. Raya
"Perancangan dan Pembuatan Video Pandanrejo No.91, Pandanrejo, Bumiaji
Promosi Wisata Kota Bengkulu Subdistrict, Batu City, and East Java.
Menggunakan metode ADDIE". The BALOGA presents visitors with more than
problem that underlies this research is the 600 plant types, and 30% of them were
lack of exploration of the destinations in imported from overseas.
Bengkulu so that the city of Bengkulu The research was conducted for 5
looks like a quiet city without any months, from February 2022 to June 2022,
recreation areas for refreshing during the which covered activities starting from
holidays. With these problems, there must preliminary study to designing to field
be an innovation in the field of media and testing and finishing. The data collection
publications to help create a promotional processes that employed in this study are
media in the form of promotional videos by doing observation to Baloga on January
about tourism in the city of Bengkulu, 4, 2022. In this observation, the researcher
which later implemented into a youtube uses the type of non-participant
platform. This study uses the ADDIE observation, where the researcher only
method (Analysis, Design, Development, observes directly the state of the object or
Implementation, and Evaluation). The place and records and takes pictures of all
outputs obtained after this promotional the existing conditions. Things that were
video was successfully designed, the observed were the presence or absence of
authors hope that it can be a reference or flower descriptions, flower labels,
encouragement to the tourism office and condition of the place such as facilities,
also the Bengkulu city government to interesting spots and the uniqueness of the
introduce more tourism in the city of place. The next data collection was
Bengkulu. conducting an interview with the head of
marketing and CO GRO of Batu Love
III. Research Methodology Garden, namely Mrs. Ovilia who was given
The research design employed in this several questions through an interview
study is Design and Development Research guide by the researcher in order to explore
(DDR). Design and Development the potential of the problems discussed.
Research, which is known as Research and The last data collection was distributing
Development (R&D), can be defined as questionnaire to the visitors both local and
systematic and creative work undertaken to foreign tourists that has come or not yet
increase the stock of knowledge, including come to Batu Love Garden to be
human, cultural, and social knowledge. interviewed about the experience of
This research design was considered as the visiting Batu Love Garden.

The product development process as evaluation. All the five stages are presented
suggested by Richey and Klein (2014) was in detail below.
employed in this study.
4.1.1 Analysis
In this stage, the researcher did a
preliminary study which aimed to identify
and confirm the need to develop QR Code-
based Bilingual Descriptions for Flowers
and Promotional Video in Batu Love
Garden (BALOGA). The data were
collected through an observation,
interview, and distributed questionnaires to
domestic and international tourists who
Figure 1. Product development process by have visited or who would visit Batu Love
Richey and Klein (2014) Garden.
For the observation, the researcher
In the analysis step, the researcher visited Batu Love Garden in order to make
conducted research and collected the observation on January 4, 2022. The
information needed at the Floral Art Hall observation was carried out by taking
Exhibition at Batu Love Garden by doing photos of the name labels of flower
observation, interview and distributed arrangements that did not have a physical
questionnaire as the preliminary study. or online description yet. In addition,
This analysis stage is done to see the need researcher also looked around all the spots
to develop this product in BALOGA. The and facilities at BALOGA. As a result, the
next step is designing the product, followed QR code-based bilingual description for
by development of the product. After that, flowers and the promotional video at Batu
implementation was the next step which Love Garden does need to be developed.
involved expert validator to assess the For the Interview, The researcher did
product feasibility and do some revision an interview with the head of marketing &
from the expert suggestion. Next is the GRO of Batu Love Garden on 12 March,
evaluation, the researcher distribute a field 2022. Mrs. Ovilia Rahmawati said that
testing in the form of questionnaire and during the pandemic situation or PPKM
make the second revision regarding the (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan
respondents suggestion. Masyarakat), of course there is a decrease
in the number of visitors due to strict
IV. Findings and Discussion regulations from the government that effect
This chapter discusses about the the condition of BALOGA that is not too
presentation of the product development crowded when compared to other tourist
process, and discussion. Discussion of the attractions belonging to Jatim Park groups.
result of research findings are presented in The next question was about the
the end of this chapter. needed to develop the product in
BALOGA. Mrs. Ovilia said that the
4.1 Presentation of Product product that developed by the researcher, is
Development Process very useful, the presence of this product
There are five stages implemented to can also make it easier for visitors to access
develop the product namely analysis, the description of the flower through their
design, development, implementation, and cell phones. As for the promotional video,
Mrs. Ovilia warmly welcomed the product

from the researcher and said that any video
was needed to help show and introduce
Batu Love Garden to a wide audience.
For the preliminary study by
distributed questionnaire, the result of the
questionnaire said that all of the
respondents (100%) agree that developing
the product is necessary. On the next
question asking about the things that Figure 2 QR code design
should be input in the flower description
where the respondent can choose more than The second product of the study was a
one options, the respondents answer are promotional video. In designing
brief history of the flower (94,9%), flower promotional videos, especially at the pre-
name (89.7%), scientific flower name production stage, the researcher carried out
(82.1%), flower origin (74.4%), flower 3 stages of activity, namely making
picture (71.8%) and flower meaning concepts, compiling storyline, and making
(66.7%) should be in the description. As narratives in Indonesian and English which
well as the promotional video, respondents were also used for subtitles on videos.
agree that interesting spots (94.9%), First, the researcher chooses cinematic
facilities (92.30%), Baloga uniqueness style as the video style of the promotional
(89.7%), operational hour & ticket price video. Next, the researcher outlined the
(74.4%) should also be in the promotional concept of the video where this
video. promotional video which has around 5
4.1.2 Design minutes long. The researcher also made a
After getting detailed information, the list of zones, facilities, and activities in
researcher started to design the QR code- Baloga and could be included in a
based bilingual description for flower. The promotional video. there are Floral art
flower descriptions were in English and exhibition halls (fresh flower zones, dried
Indonesia. The QR code-based bilingual flower zones, Artificial flower zones),
description for flower described 12 flower Tropical fruit zones, aquaponic &
arrangements with total 26 flower types in hydroponics zones, replicas of state
Fresh Flower Zone at Floral Art Exhibition houses, Orange zones, butterfly houses,
Hall. The flower descriptions itself consists Walang green houses, and various photo
of the Latin name of the flower, a brief spots. For the facilities there are Café,
explanation, the origin of the flower, a Restaurant, prayer room, bathroom, E-
photo of the flower, and the meaning of the bike, rides, parking area.
flower. Each QR code contains a
description of 2 to 6 kinds of flowers which
later be printed on glossy A5 size sticker
paper which is 14.8 cm X 21 cm. The
print-out version of the QR code contains
the flowers name and the QR code.

Figure 3 the result of Promotional Video of

4.1.3 Development

In this stage, the development process namely literal translation method in
of the QR Code-based Bilingual translating the description of the flower
Descriptions for Flowers and Promotional because the researcher tries to make the
Video in Batu Love Garden (BALOGA) translation easy for visitors/readers to
were explained. understand without changing the meaning.
After completing the bilingual
• Developing QR Code-based Bilingual description, the researcher immediately
Descriptions for Flowers created a website and entered the
For the development process of the QR description results into the website. The
Code-based Bilingual Descriptions for researcher created a website with the link
Flowers, There were two main steps in the which contained
development stages namely making the a menu of the 12 flower arrangements
flower description and generating QR which could also be accessed directly
codes. The only main source obtained by through the website. On the website there
the researcher was the flower name labels is also some information related to Baloga
in front of each flower arrangement. This is such as telephone numbers, addresses,
because neither the marketing nor the emails and operational hours of Baloga.
management has a file containing a The next step is to create and design a QR
description of the flowers. Then the code for printing. First of all, the researcher
researcher collect all the names of flowers made a QR Code using a QR code
in the zone by taking photos of the names generator by Create a QR code link that
of flowers on the acrylic board in front of uses the main link from the website,
the flower arrangement and then separate namely plus
which flowers were the same in those flower_ arrangement_1. After finishing
flower arrangements. creating the QR code, the researcher
After make sure that the explanations immediately made a design for the printed
of the flowers are available on the internet, version of the QR code on the Canva
the researcher collected data about flower application.
descriptions through the internet and asked
a research friend who majored in biology • Developing Promotional Video
about some flowers that are difficult to find To make this promotional video,
on the internet because they use foreign researchers went through three stages,
names. After all the names of the flowers namely: pre-production stage, production
were collected, the researcher then stage and post-production stage.
collected photos of the flowers by taking 1) Pre-production
photos of the flowers in the zone. Then, the The pre-production stage is also called
researcher started to make flower the preparation period before making a
descriptions in Indonesian through the promotional video. This is the time for
internet. The researcher summarizes and making storyline and scripts, then
paraphrases the description of the flower so exploring or dissecting the storyline to
that it is not too long and by considering the create a narration. Researchers began to
grammar and spelling according to EYD make storyline and the narration on March
(Ejaan yang Disempurnakan). After that, 30, 2022 with the consideration of the
the researcher began to translate the supervisor and management. Then, after
description of the flower in Indonesian into the Indonesian storyline and narrative were
English by paying attention to grammar, finished, the researcher immediately
spelling and punctuation. The researcher translated the Indonesian narrative into
uses the translation method by Newmark

English to be used as voiceover for the strongly agree. There are four expert
promotional video. validators involved in this stage are Mrs.
2) Production Ovilia the head of marketing & GRO of
The next stage is video-take or video Batu Love Garden (content validator), Mrs.
production. The researcher took the video Nadia Hanayeen (language validator), Mr.
with a videographer on June 11, 2022 at Alvin Nouval (subtitles validator), and Mr.
Batu Love Garden. The video was taken in Achmad Suyono (IT validator). The result
one day and with reference to the storyline of the expert validation showed that the
that was made, it also adjusted to the from all of the expert validator assess the
conditions at the location. The video was product feasibility with 97 score for
taken from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Content validation, 94 score for language
equipment used in this video shoot a validation, 90 score for IT validation and
camera, some lens and stabilizer. 78 score for subtitles validation along with
3) Post-production some revisions.
This post-production stage is an
advanced stage after video shooting, 4.1.5 Evaluation
namely video editing. In this editing In this last stage, the researcher did
process, the videographer edits the video field testing in the form of questionnaire of
that has been taken with the direction of the the product to some respondents. The
researcher. This process also includes questionnaire aimed at getting responses
combining parts from videos that have from the users about the products.
been taken as well as raw videos provided Table 4
by Baloga for several scenes (jeep rides, Field testing result
education classes, and family gatherings),
adding effects and styles to videos,
inserting background music, voice over
and subtitles. At this stage the application
used to edit the video was Filmora 9. The
researcher gave a file containing a video of
a jeep ride, education class and family
gathering to the editor after receiving it
from the Baloga management. After that,
the researcher started to record voice over
and subtitles for the promotional video
using Subtitle Edit and attached the subtitle
into the video so it becomes an open
subtitle by VideoPad application.

4.1.4 Implementation
Product validation is done to get
suggestions and input for product
development. The validation sheet contains
several aspects in tables and columns for
suggestions. Aspects that should be
From Table 1 above, it can be seen that
assessed by experts are content, language,
for bilingual product descriptions based on
Information Technology, and subtitles.
QR codes for flowers, the majority (80%)
Each aspect has five scales (1-5); strongly
of respondents strongly agree with the
disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and
statement that the flower description

contains complete information about the References
flower such as the name of the flower, the
Latin name of the flower, the origin of the Ayuningtyas, F., & Abdullah, A. Z. (2017).
flower, a brief description and meaning Kognisi Sosial Melalui Situs Jejaring
flower. the majority of respondents (70%) Youtube Pada Komunitas Online (Studi
also strongly agree with the statement that Kasus pada Komunitas Online
the information on the description of LinkPictureID). Jurnal Komunikasi,
flowers can increase the knowledge of the 9(2), 137-150.
visitors. The researcher received many
suggestions and also praise from the Binanto, I. (2010). Multimedia digital-
respondents after distributing the dasar teori dan pengembangannya.
questionnaires. Penerbit Andi.

Djatnika, T (2007). Komunikasi

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In developing the products, the Rosdakarya
researcher followed the five steps namely Heaton, J. B. (1988). Writing English
analysis, design, development, Language Tests. London: Longman
implementation and evaluation. A revision Group.
was then conducted based on feedback
from Baloga management, advisors and Kotler, Philip and G. Armstrong. 2012.
expert validators. Prinsip – prinsip pemasaran. Edisi 13
The results of this research are QR Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga.
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flowers and promotional video. The QR Peronity. 2011. “More on “language
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flowers were meant to increase visitors' on March 2017)
knowledge and reading interest. Moreover,
the promotional video has the aim of criptive/14825324.
making Baloga more familiar to many
people and can attract visitors to visit Puspitasari, N. (2020). Pengembangan
Baloga. Sistem Undangan Digital Berbasis Web
The field testing showed that the two Responsive Serta Konfirmasi
products received positive responses from Kedatangan Tamu Menggunakan QR
the respondents. Most of the respondents Code (Studi Kasus Fakultas Teknik
(80%) strongly agreed with the statement Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo)
that the two products contain complete and (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas
easy-to-understand information; moreover, Muhammadiyah Ponorogo).
70% of the respondents strongly agreed
that the information in the bilingual flower Richey, R. C., & Klein, J. D. (2014).
descriptions can add insight to visitors. Design and development research:
It is suggested that future researchers Methods, strategies, and issues.
conducted similar researches in Baloga Routledge.
with different promotional media as the
products, for example e-guidebook or Sahu, S. K., & Gonnade, S. K. (2013). QR
brochure for Baloga, translating SOP of code and application in India. Int J
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Annotated Translation of Makoto Shinkai’s “the Garden of Words”

Muhammad Reza Fardana

State Polytechnic of Malang


A study in form of annotated translation is carried out to straighten the theories of translation
with the real translation practice. This is done to enrich the research’s knowledge and
experience of the translation skill so the researcher could compete in the real professional
world. An annotated research could be also used by the new translators in order to be a
reference if they are facing several obstacles during translating documents.
The current research, Annotated Translation of The Garden of Words by Makoto Shinkai,
was conducted with two purposes; (1) To identify the problems encountered by the researcher
while translating the novel and (2) to identify, analyze and solve the difficulties in the
translation process.
In this research, there were 40 problems identified and solved by the researcher. The result
confirmed that there were six problems of understanding, 33 problems of transfer, and one
problem of understanding & transfer. There are eight strategies used to solve the problems:
syntactic strategy (10%), semantic strategy (60%), pragmatic strategy (10%), idiomatic
translation (5%), literal translation (5%), recognized translation (2.5%), free translation (5%),
and transfer (2.5%). Most of the problems solved using semantic strategy, since the most
problem were related to meaning problems.

Keywords: translation, annotated translation, novel


Terjemahan beranotasi merupakan penelitian yang dilaksanakan dengan tujuan

menyelaraskan teori penerjemahan yang ada dengan praktik penerjemahan di lapangan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan dan pengalaman peneliti mengenai
kemampuan dalam penerjemahan agar tidak kalah bersaing saat terjun ke dunia profesional.
Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menjadi referensi bagi penerjemah baru yang menghadapi
masalah dalam proses menerjemahkan. Penelitian berjudul Terjemahan Beranotasi Novel
The Garden of Words Karya Makoto Shinkai dilaksanakan dengan berlandaskan pada dua
tujuan, yaitu: (1) untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang dihadapi peneliti selama
menerjemahkan novel dan (2) untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, dan menyelesaikan
masalah yang dihadapi peneliti selama proses penerjemahan. Di dalam penelitian ini, peneliti
menemukan dan menyelesaikan 40 masalah. Hasil menunjukkan ada enam masalah dalam
kategori pemahaman, 33 masalah dalam kategori transfer, dan satu masalah dalam kategori
pemahaman & transfer. Delapan strategi penerjemahan digunakan peneliti untuk
memecahkan masalah yang digunakan, yaitu: strategi sintaksis (10%), strategi semantik
(60%), strategi pragmatik (10%), penerjemahan idiomatis (5%), penerjemahan harfiah (5%),
penerjemahan resmi (2.5%), penerjemahan bebas (5%), dan transfer (2.5%). Sebagian besar
masalah yang ditemukan dipecahkan menggunakan strategi semantik karena masalah
tersebut berupa masalah yang berhubungan dengan arti dari teks. Masalah yang tidak
berhubungan dengan arti juga sudah dipecahkan menggunakan strategi lain. Beberapa
langkah dilakukan peneliti untuk memecahkan masalah yang dihadapi selama proses

Kata Kunci: penerjemahan, terjemahan beranotasi, novel

A novel entitled as The Garden of
I. Introduction Words by Makoto Shinkai was used as
Translation is an example of research object in this research. The novel
activities in language and linguistics. It has was chosen because of the awards it has.
many definitions. According to According The novel also has its animation
to Tymoczko and Gentzler (2002), adaptation.
translation is an act led in a genuine social II. Literature Review
environment and world of politics,
including parties who have shown interest 2.1 Translation
in the creation and gathering of texts which There are many definitions of
linguistics and social limits inside translation stated by the experts. The first
Translation is now so much needed, definition is the translation definition by
since there are many works that deal with Munday. Munday (2001) stated that
foreign language. However, not all people translation can refer to three things.
have the adequate competence to complete Translation can be rendered as general
the translation completely. Therefore, subject field, the process, and the product.
translator can help the problems of General subject field meant by Munday is
translation-related works. the cognitive, linguistic, visual, cultural
A translator is a person working in and ideological phenomena. Translation as
translating a text from one language into process means that the process of
another. Despite the existence of transferring a written text from SL to TL,
applications such as Google Translate have conducted by a translator, or translators, in
helped many people to understand foreign a specific socio-cultural context which are
languages, correction is still needed to help an integral part of 1 and 2 is translation
the mistranslation done by the AI. Thus, a itself. And the last, translation as a product
translator should not merely change the means that the written product, or TT,
text from a source language into a certain which results from that process and which
target language but also convey functions in the socio-cultural context of
information using the most appropriate the TL also can be seen as the form of
choice of words. translation.
However, new translators usually Bassnett (2002) stated that translation
find troubles in translating process such as cannot be seen as only transferring texts
unknown terms, difference culture, lacking from a language to another language.
of equivalences between two languages, Translation also transmitting a language,
etc.. Knowing those problems, the transferring the meaning, and conveying
researcher decided to have a study, which the message, and transmitting a cultural
is in a form of annotated translation. The aspect of the SL. This means that a
research is expected as a help or a reference translator should also carefully watch the
for the new translators. context within the text instead of only
William & Chesterman (2002) looking to the text.
explained that annotated translation is a According to Samuelson-Brown
translation made by the researcher that is (2004), the skills that should be owned by
followed by his/her own commentary a translator are divided to six clusters;
about the problems. By doing the annotated Language and literacy, cultural
translation, the researcher hoped that the understanding, information technology,
problems found in this research can be used communication, project management, and
by the new translator to help them breaking making decisions. These skills can be
the problems they may run into.

trained as someone keep trying to sharpen According to Belloc, cited by
their translation skill. Basnett-McGuire (in Suryawinata &
One way to help new translators is by Hariyanto, 2016), there are six rules in
doing an annotated translation. Annotated translating a prose text: (1) to see a work as
translation is when a researcher or a a whole unit and translate it in segments,
translator translating a source text while (2) to translate idiom from the source
writing down the process of translation language by using idiom in target
which focus on the problematic segments language, (3) to transfer the message inside
or the parts that are considered as worth to the source by using a message in the target
discussed related to the project. The notes language, (4) to be aware of the term that
produced from the the research will later be similar or having correspondence in both
analyzed descriptively. The analysis that languages, (5) to be dare to consider which
should be done with the nase of related part that need to be translated to the target
translation strategies proposed by known language boldly and which part which is
experts (Koskinen, K., & Paloposki, O., should not be translated, and the last (6) to
2010). not be exagerating in translating the text.
2.2 Novel Translation 2.3 Translation Strategies
Novel itself is a literary work that In this paper, the researcher applied
has many definitions. Wibowo (2016) cited translation by Chesterman (2016) and
Sumardjo (1998) that novel is a story with Newmark (2001). There are three
the prose form in long shape. The plot or strategies proposed by Chesterman used in
the setting inside a novel is usually a fiction this research. Those strategies are syntactic
of the problem of one or more characters strategy, semantic strategy and pragmatic
inside. In a novel, we usually find the story strategy. And for Newmark, there are eight
started with the problem that is increasing translation methods, namely word-for-
and ended with a resolve. word translation, literal translation, faithful
Translating a novel needs several translation, semantic translation, adaption,
skills. . Cited by Suryawinata & Hariyanto free translation, idiomatic translation and
(2016), according to Savory, a translator communicative translation. The researcher
should have a good comprehension of sides also referred to translation procedures of
and aspects from the source text. The Newmark: transference, naturalization,
translator should also have the almost functional equivalent, descriptive
perfect mastery of the target language. equivalent, componential analysis,
Another citation by Suryawinata & synonymy, through-translation,
Hariyanto (2016), Newmark stated that the transpositions, modulation, recognized
problems faced by translators in literary translation, compensation, paraphrase,
translation may take form of conception of couplet and notes.
the source language and the principles
presented by the author. The rules of the III. Research Methodology
source language, figure of speech, setting The design of the research is annotated
and theme can be considered as the translation According to William &
examples problem that classified in Chesterman (2002), translation with
conception of the source language. For the commentary (annotated translation) is a
problem in form of principles presented by form of introspective and retrospective
the author, the translator can find the research where the researcher translates a
problem like terminology or dialect and
text by him/herself and, at the same time,
author’s special point.

write a commentary on his/her own II which means chapter 1 and chapter 2, (3)
translation process. Therefore, this U, T, and U&T which symbolize the
research included introspective research in category of the problem mentioned. ‘U’ is
the process of translating and retrospective for Understanding problems, ‘T’ is for
method during the writing of the research Transfer problem, and ‘U&T’ is for
report. Introspective research means that Understanding & Transfer problem, (4) W,
the translator observes with his own P, C, and S which means Word, Phrase,
thoughts and feelings regarding the Clause, and Sentence, (5) SM, SY, PR, LT,
problems encountered during the FRT, IT, and RT means Semantic Strategy,
translation process and the solutions to Syntactic Strategy, Pragmatic Strategy,
each problem. Whereas retrospective Literal Translation, Free Translation,
research refers to research that examines Idiomatic Translation and Recognized
the mental processes of the researcher's Translation.
original memories after the translation
IV. Finding and Discussion
process by analyzing why they do it and There were three types of problems
when translating the text. included in this research. Those are
The object used in this paper is the understanding, transfer, and understanding
novel ‘The Garden of words’. The chapter
& transfer. The total number of items from
1 to chapter 2 of the novel was chosen in those type of problems were 40 items. The
order to fulfill the minimum requirements most frequent was transfer, (33 items /
of the research object for the thesis. For 82.5%) followed by understanding (6 items
additional information, since the novel that / 20%) and the last is understanding &
is used as the object of the research is a transfer (1 item / 2.5%).
translated novel which came from Japan to
English, the researcher chose to follow the 4.1 Understanding Problems
normalization used by the English Understanding here means as a
translator. situation when the researcher tries to
The procedures that were used by the understand the problematic word or
researcher during the research are as meaning of the phrases or even sentences
from the novel. The difficulties arise
1. Reading the source text thoroughly
because the different culture between the
2. Translating and marking the researcher and the novel’s writer. The
problematic segments
rarity of word usage by the novel’s writer
3. Adding codes for each problematic
that the researcher find hard to understand
segments is also included in this category.
4. Solving the problem Table 1. Examples of Understanding Problems
5. Writing the research report Code Source Text Target Text
The researcher made several codes It’s been over Sudah lebih
containing items which follow: (1) The 9-I-U- two years dari dua tahun
order number of the problem found since then, but sejak saat itu,
symbolized as number from 1 to 40 (2) The all the namun semua
emotions of perasaan di
chapter of the novel is symbolized as I and

that moment hari itu timbul Transfer means the researcher had
rise inside him lagi dalam difficulties to analyze and to transfer the
again—the dirinya—rasa meaning or the main idea from the source
joy, the pain, nikmat, rasa language into the target language.
the resolve— sakit, tekad— Table 2 Examples of Transfer Problems
as if they’ve seakan baru Code Source Target Text
thawedout of dicairkan dari Text
ice. dalam es. 17-I-T-C- The pungent Bau menyengat
The rain was Sudah hampir PR smell of mirasnya
on the cusp of semua rintik alcohol membuatnya
turning to hujan yang almost made hampir
snow, chilling turun berganti him spit it memuntahkan
him to the menjadi out, and his birnya, dan
point of pain, butiran salju, eyes were membuat
while his too- membuatnya tearing up, matanya berair,
new sneakers mulai merasa but he namun ia
P-SM forced it all memaksa
made friction sakit akibat
sores on his kedinginan, down. menelannya.
feet sedangkan What the Hoek!!
sepatunya hell? Gak enak.
yang masih This is nasty.
baru membuat 18-I-T-P- Still, the Akhirnya, ia
kakinya nyeri. alcohol put tertidur gara-
He’s on the far Ia sedang SM Takao to gara alkohol.
side of the berada di sisi sleep that Pagi harinya,
bridge, and ujung night. tentu saja ia
the sound of jembatan, The next merasa pening
the rain suara hujan morning, of dan mual
changes berubah lagi. Ia course, he setelah mabuk
slightly yet bisa had a dan akhirnya
again. He can mendengar roaring membolos
hear the suara gesekan hangover, sekolah. Itulah
rustling of the dedaunan yang and he yang dirasakan
leaves, which lebih keras dari ended up orang-orang
is louder than pada suara skipping saat pertama
the splashes cipratan air. school. kali minum.
W-RT Another Takao merasa
on the water. Kicauan
The clear burung first. He felt dirinya kotor.
twitter of a kacamata dirty.
mountain gunung 19-I-T-S- “But you’re “Tapi di
white-eye bersahutan Fujisawa at sekolah, nama
twines around dengan suara PR school, belakangmu
the noise of his dari sepatu right?” masih Fujisawa,
moccasins mokasinnya ‘kan?”
slowly yang perlahan 31-II-T- I really have Aku benar-benar
compressing menekan P-IT no sense of buta nada.
the soil. permukaan rhythm.
tanah. 37-II-T- “Gah, occult “Widih,
W-FRT stuff,” said fenomena gaib,
4.2 Transfer Problems

the boys in nih,” ucap para 3 Pragmatic
4 10
the art club. laki-laki di ruang strategy
kesenian. 4 Idiomatic
2 5
5 Literal
4.3 Understanding & Transfer 2 5
6 Recognized
1 2.5
The last group was Understanding and translation
Transfer. This means the difficulties not 7 Free
2 5
arise only when the researcher tried to
8 Transfer 1 2.5
understand the source text from the novel,
Total 40 100
but also when the researcher tried to In this research, 60% of the problems
transfer the meaning or the main idea from were solved using semantic strategy. This
the source language to target language. occurred because during translation
Table 3. Examples of Problems in
process, the researcher saw that the
Understanding and Transfer
Code Source Text Target Text problems found were related to meaning
3-I-U&T- It’s been two Sudah dua transfer. As syntactic is for structural
months since bulan dia problem and pragmatic is for message-
W-SM he started mulai naik related problem, semantic was the most
riding the kereta pagi used in this research due its suitability in
crowded yang sesak,
solving meaning-related translation
morning dan fakta
train, and the bahwa problems. There were also the segments
idea that tempat bak where the researcher used other methods
three more neraka itu like idiomatic translation, transfer, and
years of this masih harus recognized translation to transfer the term
purgatory ia lalui selama
from the source text to the target text.
await him is tiga tahun ke
like a depan V. Conclusion and Suggestion
hopeless membuat
weight on his jiwanya The annotated translation research
soul. terbebani. with the research object of a light novel
entitled The Garden of Words by Makoto
4.4 Use of Strategies Shinkai was carried out to identify the
To deal with different and various problems found during the translation
problems while translating, the researcher process and how to deal with them. 40
used different translation strategies. There problems found during the process were
were eight different strategies used as identified and solved using Chesterman
presented in Table 4. and Newmark’s translation strategies. The
Table 4. Statistics of Strategies Used problems found were categorized into three
No. Strategy Number types; understanding, transfer, and
Used of understanding & transfer. The results are:
USage six understanding problems, 33 transfer
1 Semantic problems, and one understanding &
24 60
strategy transfer.
2 Syntactic The most strategy used in solving the
4 10
strategy problems during the translation process

was semantic strategy. This happened revising. Across Languages and Cultures, 11, 29-49.
because most of the problems found were doi:10.1556/Acr.11.2010.1.2
meaning-related problems. Therefore, Merriam-Webster. (2022). Thesaurus by Merriam-
semantic strategy was used to solve them. Webster. Retrieved from
The other strategies, such as syntactic,
pragmatic, transfer, free translation, and Munday, J. (2001), Introducing Translation Studies:
recognized translation, were also used to Theories and Applications.
figure the way out of the other type of London and New York: Routledge.
problems. The researcher saw that the Newmark. P. (2001). Approaches to Translation.
problem found could be solved using the Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education
other approaches, but still it has to be Press.
according to the strategies proposed by the Oxford University Press. (2022). Oxford Learner’s
Dictionary. Retrieved from
During the translation process, the
Tymoczko, M. & Gentzler, E. (2002). Translation
researcher faced several hurdles, such as and Power. Amherst: University of Massachusetts
unknown words, unknown terms, and Press, 2002.
difficulties in choosing the strategies. In Suryawinata, Z., & Hariyanto, S. (2016).
order to avoid the same problems, the next Translation : Bahasan Teori &
researcher should train more vocabularies Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan Edisi Revisi.
and search for the other related translation Media Nusa Creative: Malang.
strategies. The next researcher should also Wibowo, B.B. (2016). Book Review of Angela’s
collect the larger data to make the solution Ashes
more varied Novel by Frank Mc Court, Lantern (Journal on
Language, Culture and Literature), 5(3). Retrieved
Animation Kobe. (2013). Animation Kobe Awards.
Retrieved from
William, J & Chesterman, A. (2002). The Map A
Beginner’s Guide to Doing
Anime News Network. (2013). The Gold Coast Film
Research in Translation Studies. Manchester: St.
Festival announces WORLD PREMIERE of The
Jerome Publishing.
Garden of Words. Retrieved from
Avibase. (2003). Mountain White-eye Zosterops
montanus. Retrieved from
Chesterman, A. (2016). Memes of Translation: The
Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory Revised
edition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
Imdb. (2013). The Garden of Words (2013) Awards.
Retrieved from
Koskinen, K., & Paloposki, O. (2010). Reprocessing
texts. The fine line between retranslating and

An Annotated Translation of Glass’s An Illusion of Thieves

Eryasa Genta Kurnia

State Polytechnic of Malang


This study is an annotated translation in which the researcher provides a detailed

explanation to explain the meaning in the translation by providing comments. The data
source in this study is the novel Cate Glass An Illusion of Thieves chapters 1 to 4. In this
study, the researcher aims to identify the problems encountered in the translation process
and provide appropriate solutions. This report was written using introspective and
retrospective methods. There are a total of 50 translation problems found in this study and
they are classified into 3 categories: comprehension, transfer, and comprehension and
transfer. There are 22 items in Comprehension, 19 items in Transfer, and 9 issues in
Comprehension and Transfer categories. During the translation process, these problems
were resolved in consultation with dictionaries, forums and glossaries. In addition, to solve
the problem, the researcher uses 7 translation strategies, namely literal translation,
borrowing, synonym, hyponymy, paraphrasing, trope change, and partial translation
strategies. The researcher also uses 7 previous studies as references and compares them with
the current research.

Keywords: Novel, Annotated Translation, Translation Strategies, Introspective,



Penelitian ini merupakan terjemahan beranotasi di mana peneliti memberikan penjelasan

rinci untuk menjelaskan makna dalam terjemahan dengan memberikan komentar. Sumber
data dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Cate Glass An Illusion of Thieves bab 1 sampai 4.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi
dalam proses penerjemahan dan memberikan solusi yang tepat. Laporan ini ditulis dengan
menggunakan metode introspektif dan retrospektif. Ada total 50 masalah penerjemahan yang
ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dan mereka diklasifikasikan ke dalam 3 kategori:
pemahaman, transfer, dan pemahaman dan transfer. Terdapat 22 item pada kategori
Comprehension, 19 item pada kategori Transfer, dan 9 item pada kategori Comprehension
dan Transfer. Selama proses penerjemahan, masalah ini diselesaikan dengan berkonsultasi
dengan kamus, forum, dan glosarium. Selain itu, untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut,
peneliti menggunakan 7 strategi penerjemahan, yaitu penerjemahan literal, peminjaman,
sinonim, hiponimi, parafrase, perubahan trope, dan strategi penerjemahan parsial. Peneliti
juga menggunakan 7 penelitian sebelumnya sebagai referensi dan membandingkan dengan
penelitian saat ini.

Kata Kunci: Novel, Terjemahan Beranotasi, Strategi Penerjemahan, Introspektif,


I. Introduction conspiracies from setting and plot".
According to this opinion, it can be said
1.1 Background
that this novel has an extraordinary
English is an international language,
storyline, which the researcher agrees with.
with many people around the world using
In addition to an interesting storyline, here
it as their mother tongue, second language,
the researcher finds a detailed character
or foreign language. However, in Indonesia
introduction, which gives a deep sense of
there are still many people who do not
fiction and adds insight to the researcher in
understand English. Because of the many
the field of fiction novels. At the same
books or writings in English in this world,
time, An Illusion of Thieves does not yet
therefore, translation is needed to transfer
have a translation into Indonesian and no
them into Indonesian so that they can
one has done any research or research
understand the texts.
related to the novel, the researcher also
Translation is an activity or method of
aims to introduce this translated novel and
communicating ideas or information that
annotated translation research to readers.
has equivalent meanings in various fields
or aspects through the translation process
1.2 Research Purpose
from the original language to the target
Based on the background already
language. In translation research, there is a
mentioned above, the purposes of this
type of research known as Annotated
research were:
Translation. Refers to William Chesterman
(1) To identify the problems during the
(2002), Translation with commentary (also
translation of An Illusion of Thieves.
known as annotated translation) is a type of
(2) To give the best solutions in solving
introspective and retrospective research in
the problems faced by the researcher
which you translate a text while
during the translation of An Illusion of
simultaneously writing a comment about
the translation process. In this annotated
translation study, the researcher translates
1.3 Research Significance
a selected novel from English to
The results of this research project are
Indonesian, where the translation of the
expected to provide significant
novel itself offers problems for the
contributions as follows:
(1) For New translators
In this study, the researcher chose a
Prospective translators can gather
novel by Cate Glass whose real name is
knowledge that will help them
Carol Berg entitled “An Illusion of
overcome issues during the translation
Thieves” which was written in 2019. This
process. They can also obtain insight
novel is the first in the Chimera series that
into translation issues and comprehend
presents a fantasy-themed magic
solutions to problems they face.
adventure. According to Goodreads and
(2) For Future researchers
Macmillan, it is stated that the novel An
This annotated translation of An
Illusion of Thieves is a fantasy fiction
Illusion of Thieves is expected to be
novel that has very interesting
particularly beneficial for future
characteristics. The novel received many
researchers as a foundation for further
positive reviews from readers. Potential
research and a reference for papers or
readers of novels like Lukasz (2020) have
reports on relevant subjects.
said "An Illusion of Thieves opens a new
(3) For State Polytechnic of Malang
epic series written by Carol Berg
reminiscent of the Italian Renaissance,
combining significant conflicts and

The findings of this thesis project may novel, including the use of language,
be valuable in the future as a reference description of characters, cultural
for students of the English Department equivalents, and conflicts shown in the
of the State Polytechnic of Malang novel.
when writing final assignments and II. Review of Related Literature
theses, particularly on the subject of
The researcher discusses translation
annotated translation.
theories, translation processes, novel
translation, and translation strategies in this
1.4 Scope of the Research
2.1 Translation Concepts
This research discusses how the
According to Larson (1984),
researcher used an annotated translation to
translation entails transferring the meaning
translate a novel from English into
of the source language into the receptor
Indonesian. The researcher also thoroughly
language. This is performed by leveraging
evaluates and solves the problems
semantic structure to switch from the first
encountered by implementing relevant
language's form to the second language's
translation concepts and strategies.
form. The meaning is being conveyed and
Moreover, the goal of this research is to
must be kept consistent, as meaning is the
identify and solve the problems
most crucial variable in a translation
encountered while translating Cate Glass'
process. According to Hariyanto and
novel 'An Illusion of Thieves' into four
Suryawinata (2016), several translation
chapters, namely chapters 1 to 4, totaling
theories have been identified that reflect
15,909 words. The problems faced are
the perspectives of the professionals who
related to Problems faced related to words,
created these definitions about the nature of
phrases, clauses, idioms, figurative
translation and the translation process.
expressions, use of language diction, and
Translation, as defined by Catford (1965)
terminology in a sentence.
in Hariyanto and Suryawinata (2016), is
the process of substituting textual material
1.5 Definition of Key Terms
in one language with equivalent textual
Many key terms are used in this
material in another. According to
research report. The definition of key terms
Newmark (1988), translation is the
is as follows.
superordinate phrase for translating the
(1) Translation
meaning of any utterance in any source
Translation is process of interpreting
language to the target language.
the meaning of a text from the source
language into an equivalent text in the
2.2 Translation Process
target language that conveys a similar
Nida and Taber (1982) divide the
translation process into three steps, which
(2) Annotated Translation
are illustrated and can be explained in the
Annotated Translation is the process
figure below:
of translating a text and annotating or
writing down the difficulties or
problems encountered during the
translation process.
(3) Novel Translation
Novel translation is the translation of
literary works that must pay attention Gambar 1. Translation process
to different characteristics of the

(1) Analysis, ST was analyzed according as well as the principles that govern
to grammatical relationships, word sentence creation.
meanings or word combinations,
textual and contextual meanings. 2.4 Translation Strategies
(2) Transfer, information or messages Translation strategy is a translation
that have been analyzed in ST are then tactic to translate words or groups of words
understood for their meaning, or sentences in the translation process.
processed and transferred from ST to According to Hariyanto (2018), who refers
TT at this stage. to Chesterman (1997), translation
(3) Restructuring, translators try to find strategies are classified into three types:
the right equivalent of words, syntactic strategies, semantic strategies,
expressions, and sentence structures in and pragmatic strategies.
the target language so that the content, (1) Syntactic (manipulate the form), such
meaning, and message in the source as: literal translation, transposition,
language text can be conveyed in full unit shift, phrase structure change,
in the TL. clause structure change, sentence
structure change, cohesion change,
2.3 Characteristic of Novel Translation level shift, scheme change.
According to Hartono (2018), the (2) Semantic, (manipulate meaning),
language used in the story which is a such as: synonymy, antonym,
literary work has a peculiarity which is a hyponymy, converses, abstraction
linguistic feature in the form of words, change, distribution change, emphasis
phrases, sentences, and so on, both change, paraphrase, free translation,
mechanically and rhetorically, which trope change.
shows the uniqueness of the author. (3) Pragmatic, (manipulate message)
(1) Diction such as: cultural filtering, explicitness
Diction is divided into two, namely change, information change,
denotation and connotation. interpersonal change, illocutionary
Denotation is the meaning of words or change, coherence change, partial
phrases related to phenomena in the translation, visibility change,
real world or the fictional world. transediting, and other pragmatic
Connotation is the meaning of a word changes.
or phrase that is behind the central III. Research Method
(2) Imagery 3.1 Research Design
Imagery is commonly linked with The type of design used in this study is
poetry, although it is also extensively an annotated translation. Annotated
employed in prose writing. The translation includes both introspective and
parable is a figure of speech, such as retrospective. "Introspective is the act of
metaphor, figure of speech, and observing and reflecting on one's thoughts,
personification. feelings, motives, reasoning processes, and
(3) Syntax mental states to determine how these
Syntax is the organization and processes and statements affect our
connection of words inside a language, behavior" (Nunan, 1992, p.115). In
or between words and larger entities. addition to trying to translate language
This course teaches students how to from SL to TL, this research also focuses
combine words to construct sentences on the part that becomes a problem in the
translation process, which can be in the

form of words / clauses / phrases / sentences that are the problem in the
equivalents / idiomatic expressions chapter, (3) the word U/T/UT which
contained in the translation. process. Then, means Understanding in yellow
using a retrospective method, the highlight / Transfer in green highlight
investigation of mental processes through / Understanding and Transfer in cyan
the researcher's original memory highlight, (4) The word W/P/C which
immediately after the translation was used means Word / Phrase / Clause.
in writing the report. (4) Provide and give thoughts / comments
on the issues.
(5) Write the research report using
3.2 Object of the Research retrospective methods.
The object of research is a novel by
Cate Glass entitled An Illusion of Thieves IV. Findings and Discussion
in the first 4 chapters, namely chapters 1 to The researcher discovered 50 problems
4 with 15,909 words. The reason the in the translation of the novel An Illusion
researcher chose these chapters is because of Thieves in four selected chapters
there is an in-depth character introduction (chapters 1 to chapter 4) with a total of
and an initial description of the setting of15,909 (fifteen thousand nine hundred and
the story that must be translated into nine). This annotated research divides the
Indonesian to introduce the novel to the problems into three categories, namely
reader. This study discusses and analyzes Understanding, Transfer, Understanding
the translation of selected chapters from and Transfer. Understanding (U) is a
English to Indonesian. According to problem when the researcher cannot easily
Goodreads, the novel 'An Illusion of understand the context of the source text.
Thieves' contains 368 pages and 21 Transfer (T) is a problem when the
chapters. This is the first book in the researcher has difficulty translating the
Chimera series, written by American source text with the appropriate meaning.
author Cate Glass. Moreover, Understanding and Transfer
(UT) is a problem wherein researcher
3.3 Research Procedure struggle to understand and also transfer the
The procedure used in the study can be source text. The categories includes word
described below: level (W), phrase (P), clause (C), and
(1) Read and understand the content of the sentence (S). The Problems have also been
original language carefully to get a highlighted in color according to their
clear understanding of the context. respective categories.
(2) Translate from English into
Indonesian in selected chapters of the
Tabel 1.
novel, then take notes of every
Categories of Annotated Translation
problem and provide solutions in the N C N
process of translating the problems o ategories umber of ercentage
encountered. Annotate
(3) Mark the problematic by giving a d Items
code. Based on the (identification) 1 U 2
nderstandi 2 4%
problems presented in the researcher's ng
report, the following steps were taken 2 T 1
to determine the code: (1) The chapter ransfer 9 8%
number of the problem in the novel, 3 U 9
(2) the number or sequence of nderstandi 8%

ng and The researcher discovered a number of
Transfer problems with 19 items in terms of
T 5 1
otal 0 00% transferring words, sentences, and clauses
and are presented in the following table.
Tabel 3.
4.1.1 Understanding Problems in Transfer
The researcher discovered a number of o ategories umber of ercentage
problems with 22 items in terms of Annotate
understanding words, phrases, and clauses d Items
and are presented in the following table. 1 W 1
Tabel 2. ord 0 2,6%
2 P 7
Problems in Understanding hrase 6,8%
N C N P 3 C 2
o ategories umber of ercentage
lause 0,5%
Annotate 4 S -
d Items
1 W 1 5 T 1
ord 2 4,5% otal 9 00%
2 P 9 4
hrase 1%
3 C An example
1 of a 4problem and its
lause ,5% solution is provided below.
4 S
: I-88-T-P -
entence ST : The world’s own mystery …
T 2 1
otal 2 00% Surely my own eyes glazed with fear.
TT : Misteri dunia ini … Tentunya
An example of a problem and its mataku sendiri berkaca-kaca ketakutan.
solution is provided below. The phrase 'The world's own mystery'
CODE : IV-85-U-W can be classified as a transfer problem,
ST : “Did you lightfinger your biscuit because the researcher finds it difficult to
or, demon spirits, did you walk to it?” determine the exact meaning in Indonesian
TT : "Apakah kamu mencuri biskuit itu in the context of the sentence. According to
atau, roh iblis, apakah kamu berjalan ke the researcher’s view, this clause has a
sana?” figurative element that must be considered
The word 'lightfinger' is a problem before translating it. As a solution to this
because it has a different meaning when problem, the researcher employs the trope
translated literally, specifically 'jari ringan.' change translation strategy, which involves
Here, researcher faced understanding adapting the translation to the context of
problems that necessitate the use of a the sentence. The phrase 'the world's own
dictionary to find meaning. According to mystery' is defined as the accurate
the Cambridge Dictionary translation 'mesteri dunia ini'.
y/english/light-fingered), the word 4.1.3 Understanding and Transfer
lightginger refers to someone who has a The researcher discovered a number of
habit of stealing something. Therefore, the problems with 8 items in terms of
word 'lightfinger' can be translated understanding and transferring words,
to'mencuri' as a solution. sentences, and clauses and are presented in
the following table.
4.1.2 Transfer Tabel 4.

Problems in Understanding and Transfer
N 4.2CDiscussion N P
o ategories umber of ercentage The researcher discovered 50 issues
d Items
while translating Cate Glass's novel An
1 Illusion
W of Thieves
4 in chapters
4 1 to 4 with
ord 4,5% 15,909 words. All difficulties are
2 categorized
P as
5 understanding
5 problems
hrase 5,6% (U), transfer problems (T), or
3 C - -
understanding and transfer problems (UT).
4 Referring
S to - the data -presented in the
entence Findings, the Problem Understanding was
T solved by the9researcher1by consulting the
otal 00% problem in online dictionaries, glossaries,
and special forums related to the problems
An example of a problem and its at hand. The researcher used several
solution is provided below. dictionaries, namely Wordreference,
CODE : I-12-UT-W Collins dictionary, Lexico dictionary,
ST : But bandits have looted his Cambridge dictionary, free dictionary, Not
caravans three times in a month because One-Off Britishism, Dic-Tionary,
Captain di Lucci’s condottieri refuse to Britannica, TR-EX, and mostly used the
honor their contract with me. Merriam-Webster dictionary. Here the
TT : Namun bandit telah menjarah researcher also uses a special glossary
karavannya tiga kali dalam sebulan karena related to the novel, namely the Categlass
condottieri Kapten di Lucci menolak untuk Glossary. The researcher use these
menghormati kontrak mereka denganku. dictionaries, websites, forums, and
The problem of understanding and glossaries because they have accurate
transfer is the word 'condottieri' which the sources, and are a reference for meaning by
researcher faces difficulties in presenting examples of the use of words in
understanding and providing a proper various situations and types of usage which
translation in Indonesian. Here, the are very helpful in solving the problems in
researcher reads the encyclopedia, namely this research.
Britannica In solving Transfer and Understanding
( and Transfer problems, the researcher used
iere). According to Britannica, the word the strategies suggested by Chesterman
'condottieri' which is the plural form of the entitled «Intro to Translation». In this
word condottiere means "The leader of a study, the researcher of the report also
group of mercenaries who were involved in found several problems related to the use of
various wars between the Italian states foreign languages, namely French and
from the mid-14th century to the 16th Italian, concerning the language style of
century. The name comes from condotta, or the novelist, which can be solved mostly
'contract'. However, the word does not using borrowing strategies. The strategy
have a proper equivalent in Indonesian. As most often used by the researcher is the
a solution, the researcher uses a borrowing translation strategy of Trope changes, this
strategy, here the researcher also aims to is due to the many problems in figurative
maintain the taste or style of language used expressions encountered. Here the
by the story author. Therefore, the word is researcher also gets a reference through
translated by the researcher into Mona Baker's book which is mentioned in
'condottieri' itself. Hariyanto's book regarding equivalence

problems and the use of strategies by strategies that have been used, namely
professional translators. literal strategies, borrowing, synonyms,
In this research, after comparing it hyponymy, paraphrasing, trope change,
with 7 previous studies, the researcher partial translation. Here the researcher also
found some similarities and differences. finds aspects of foreign languages, namely
The most often employed strategy in the French, Italian, and also the novelist's
research of Faza and Wulandari was typical language style which can be solved
paraphrase, which was used to transfer by using the language forum or related
obstacles and then identify the proper glossary. In addition, the researcher also
translation of the source text. Similarly, in refers to 7 previous studies as a reference
this study, paraphrase was utilized to tackle in solving problems in this study.
problems in the same area, where the
researcher was required to adapt the 5.2 Suggestions
meaning to the target language and the Based on the results of this study, the
context of the story. Then, Ayuningtyas researcher provides several suggestions
and Said here the researcher found that are expected to be useful for various
similarities in the used of borrowing parties. As a recommendation, the
strategy which was used to borrow researcher suggests the next translator to
expressions in the target language. explore various journals that aim to
However, ayuningtyas and said's facilitate understanding in the field of
research has a uniqueness that makes it translation. The researcher also suggests
different by using Newmark naturalization future researchers in related fields to
theory which is then combined with a further explore annotated translation
cultural filtering strategy, which basically research, so that they can understand and
naturalization itself can be classified as a determine how they do their research well.
sub-chapter of borrowing in this study. Finally, students of the State Polytechnic of
Finally, by comparing previous studies Malang, especially English for Business
used as references, the researcher and Professional Communication, are
discovered several new insights that may expected to be able to use the findings in
be applied to solve problems and conduct this study as a reference in writing a thesis.
effective, standardized research.
V. Conclusion and Suggestions
Adnyana, I. N. (2019). An Annotated
5.1 Conclusion
Translation of a Novel Entitled The
Researchers conducted an annotated
Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union.
translation research on the novel An
Jakarta, Indonesia: Universitas Nasional
Illusion of Thieves by Cate Glass which
was published in 2019, in chapters 1 to 4 in
Ardhinie, E. (2017). An Annotated
which 15,909 words were translated.
Translation of Daughter. Jakarta,
Researchers found 50 problems that can be
Indonesia: Universitas Gunadarma.
classified into 3 categories: understanding,
transfer, and understanding and transfer
Ayuningtyas, P. N., & Said, M. (2017). An
problems. In solving problems, researchers
Annotated Translation of Baby for
find solutions by using dictionaries,
Rebecca by Trisha Alexander. Depok,
journals, glossaries, related forums, and
Indonesia: Universitas Gunadarma.
also through the application of translation
strategies. In this study, the researcher
refers to Chesterman's translation

Baker, M. (2018). In other words: A Newmark, P. (1981). Approaches to
coursebook on translation. Routledge. Translation (First ed). Oxford and New
York Pergamos Press.
Baker, M., & Maier, C. (2011). Ethics in
interpreter & translator training: Newmark, P. (1988). A Text Book of
Critical perspectives. The Interpreter Translation. London: Prentice Hall
and Translator Trainer. International.

Catford, J. C. (1965). A Linguistic Theory Nida, E. A. and Taber, C. R. (1982). The

of Translation (Vol. 31). London: Theory and Practice of Translation.
Oxford University Press. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Faza, N. (2020) Annotated Translation of Porges, I (1975), Cate Glass: The Man
the Last Wish By Andrzej Sapkowski. Who Created Tarzan. Salt Lake City:
Malang, Indonesia: Politeknik Negeri Brigham Young University Press
Suratini. (2017). An Annotated translation
Glass, C. (n.d.). Glossary of the Chimera of My Lover, My Friend. Jakarta
World. Glossary of the Chimera World; Selatan, Indonesia: Politeknik Negeri Retrieved July 28, Media Kreatif.
2022, from Wibowo, R. (2018). An Annotated
ossary.html translation of Any Minute. Yogyakarta,
Indonesia: AKBA SINEMA
Hariyanto, S. (2018). Intro. to Translation: Yogyakarta.
Learning Material. [Available from
Politeknik Negeri Malang to enrolled Williams, J., & Chesterman, A. (2014). The
students.] map: a beginner's guide to doing
research in translation studies.
Hariyanto, S., and Suryawinata, Z. (2016). Routledge.
Translation: Bahasan Teori and
Penuntun Praktis Penerjemahan. Wulandari, R. (2019). An Annotated
Malang, Indonesia: Media Nusa Translation of The Sea Wolf.
Creative. Translation Studies. Depok, Indonesia:
Universitas Gunadarma.
Hartono, R. (2018). Novel Translation
(Tripartite Cycle Model-Based
Approach). UNNES Press

Holtsmark, E. B. (1986), Cate Glass.

Boston: Twain.

Kurnia, E. G. (2021). An Annotated

Translation of Edward Ormondroyd’s
David and The Phoenix. Malang.
Indonesia: Politeknik Negeri Malang.

Kesetaraan Gender dalam Buku Cerita Bergambar Let’s Read

Widjati Hartiningtyas

Universitas Airlangga


The number of digital picture books in Indonesia has increased significantly in the last
five years. Reading platforms that provide qualified picture books online play a crucial
role in this positive development. One of those reading platforms is Let’s Read Asia. In
May 2022, Let’s Read, facilitated by Litara Foundation, held a children's book writing
workshop about women, equality, and change. The result of this workshop is fifteen
picture books written and illustrated by women. Those books will be the object of this
research. This qualitative research uses a gender approach to analyze gender
representation in text and illustration. The author obtained the data through reading and
writing techniques. The result of this research showed that female and male characters
in all books have equal roles both in domestic and public. Even some books showed
resistance against gender stereotyping. Children's literature means to entertain and teach
as well. Thus, these picture books can be media to introduce gender equality to readers
in elementary school.

Keywords: gender equality, picture books, Indonesian children’s literature


Jumlah buku cerita bergambar dalam format digital di Indonesia bertambah secara
signifikan dalam lima tahun terakhir. Perkembangan positif ini tak lepas dari pengaruh
platform membaca online yang menyediakan buku digital berkualitas secara gratis. Salah
satu platform tersebut adalah Let’s Read Asia. Pada Mei 2022 Let’s Read, yang difasilitasi
oleh Yayasan Litara, mengadakan lokakarya penulisan buku cerita anak bergambar
dengan tema perempuan, kesetaraan, dan perubahan. Lokakarya tersebut menghasilkan
lima belas buku cerita bergambar yang kesemuanya ditulis dan diilustrasi oleh
perempuan. Buku-buku inilah yang akan menjadi objek penelitian. Penelitian kualitatif
yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan kajian gender ini bertujuan menganalisis representasi
gender dalam teks dan ilustrasi. Data didapatkan melalui teknik baca dan catat. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tokoh perempuan dan laki-laki di dalam semua buku
memiliki peran yang setara, baik dalam lingkup domestik ataupun publik. Bahkan
beberapa buku menunjukkan perlawanan terhadap stereotip gender yang selama ini
berlaku di masyarakat. Sastra anak memiliki fungsi menghibur sekaligus mengajar.
Dengan demikian, kelima belas buku cerita bergambar ini dapat menjadi media
pengenalan kesetaraan gender kepada pembaca usia sekolah dasar.

Kata Kunci: kesetaraan gender, buku cerita bergambar, sastra anak Indonesia

I. Pendahuluan kerap digambarkan sebagai sosok pasif
yang lebih banyak bermain di dalam
Seperti semua bentuk seni lainnya,
ruangan, sementara anak laki-laki adalah
sastra merupakan cerminan atau
sosok aktif dan berjiwa petualang yang
perlawanan terhadap budaya tempatnya
banyak bermain di luar ruangan
berasal (Gritter, dkk., 2017). Demikian
(McKenzie & Guittar, 2016). Yang
pula dengan sastra anak. Davis
mengejutkan, penelitian-penelitian
mendefinisikan sastra anak sebagai sastra
beberapa dekade setelahnya masih
yang ditulis oleh orang dewasa untuk
menunjukkan minimnya kemunculan
dibaca anak-anak, di mana proses
tokoh perempuan dalam sastra anak
pembacaannya dibimbing oleh orang
(Hamilton, dkk., 2006; Soelistyarini, 2013;
dewasa (Sarumpaet, 2010). Buku cerita
Ferguson, 2018; Lewis, dkk., 2020;
bergambar adalah salah satu jenis sastra
Adukia, dkk., 2022). Kalaupun tokoh
anak yang paling mudah ditemui di pasar.
perempuan muncul, mereka digambarkan
Dalam lima tahun terakhir, jumlah buku
sebagai sosok yang lemah, tak berdaya
cerita bergambar di Indonesia meningkat
(Siddiqui, 2011), dan irasional (Yuswara,
dengan pesat. Perkembangan positif ini tak
lepas dari kemunculan platform-platform
Bicara tentang peran perempuan dalam
membaca online yang menyediakan digital
ranah publik dan domestik, Lewis dan
picture book secara gratis.
Lupyan (2020) menyebutkan bahwa
Sarumpaet (2010) berpendapat bahwa
stereotip gender ditemukan pada 25
sastra anak tak dapat lepas dari fungsinya
struktur bahasa, termasuk Bahasa
untuk mendidik, meskipun dia dibuat
Indonesia. Dalam persentase yang
dengan tujuan menghibur. Senada dengan
beragam, para responden mengasosiasikan
pernyataan tersebut, Azmat (2019)
kosakata dalam bidang pekerjaan dengan
menyebutkan bahwa sastra anak adalah
laki-laki dan mengasosiasikan kosakata
media yang efektif membentuk pandangan
yang berhubungan dengan keluarga dan
anak tentang kehidupan masyarakat dan
domestik dengan perempuan. Penelitian
norma-norma sosial yang berlaku di
lain menyebutkan bahwa perempuan kerap
dalamnya, termasuk aturan tentang gender.
digambarkan sebagai ibu rumah tangga
Setelah membaca sebuah buku, anak akan
(Yuswara, 2021), sementara laki-laki
membandingkan dirinya dengan tokoh di
jarang digambarkan sebagai ayah
dalam cerita dan menyamakan perannya
(Filipović, 2018). Dengan kata lain peran
dengan peran si tokoh. Karena itulah Aina
perempuan dalam lingkup publik dan peran
dan Cameron mengatakan, buku yang
laki-laki dalam lingkup domestik sama-
melakukan perlawanan terhadap sterotip
sama dibatasi.
gender dapat menghasilkan perubahan
Selain ketimpangan peran gender, bias
positif dalam sikap, perilaku, serta cara
gender juga muncul di buku cerita
anak memandang dirinya sendiri
bergambar bagi anak usia dini (Filipović,
(Filipović, 2018). Sayangnya, jumlah
2018). Buku dengan karakter perempuan
sastra anak yang menampilkan kesetaraan
umumnya didominasi cerita dan kata-kata
gender masih sangat terbatas.
yang bernuansa feminin, sedangkan buku
Pada tahun 1972 Weitzman dkk.
dengan karakter laki-laki didominasi cerita
meneliti isu gender dalam buku cerita anak
dan kata-kata yang bernuansa maskulin.
pemenang berbagai penghargaan
Jika kebanyakan tokoh laki-laki
bergengsi. Mereka menemukan bahwa ada
digambarkan ceria dan asyik, tokoh
lebih banyak tokoh laki-laki daripada
perempuan digambarkan pendiam dan
tokoh perempuan. Hasil penelitian mereka
peduli pada orang lain (Lewis, dkk., 2020).
juga menunjukkan bahwa anak perempuan

Meski unggul dalam jumlah, tokoh rasional, logis, agresif, pemberani, punya
laki-laki ternyata kerap digambarkan dekat insting melindungi, mengekspresikan
dengan kekerasan sehingga mendapat kemarahan dengan hal-hal fisik, dan
pencitraan negatif. Taber dan Woloshyn kompetitif. Di sisi lain, perempuan kerap
menyebutkan bahwa tokoh perempuan bisa diasosiasikan dengan sifat cengeng,
saja mengambil peran nontradisional, emosional, banyak bicara, peduli pada
tetapi tokoh laki-laki hanya melakukan orang lain, sensitif, pasif, lemah lembut,
perlawanan terhadap sterotip gender jika dan empatik.
didorong oleh tokoh perempuan (Chick, Perbedaan gender merupakan hal yang
2016). alami terjadi karena fisik laki-laki dan
Hal lain yang juga patut dijadikan perempuan memang berbeda. Konflik baru
catatan adalah standar maskulinitas akan muncul ketika beberapa karakteristik
beracun atau toxic masculinity. Dalam lantas diasosiasikan dengan jenis kelamin
dongeng dan legenda, tokoh laki-laki tertentu dan dianggap tidak boleh
sering muncul sebagai penguasa atau dipertukarkan (Azmat, 2019). Padahal
penyelamat yang berperawakan kuat, baik nyatanya, perempuan dan laki-laki sama-
hati, dan rupawan (Siddiqui, 2011; Andalas sama memiliki sifat feminin dan maskulin
& Qur’ani, 2019). Tokoh laki-laki jarang (Yuswara, 2021)—perempuan bisa saja
digambarkan sebagai sosok yang kuat secara fisik atau menguasai hal-hal
berperasaan halus, memiliki sifat-sifat teknis, sementara laki-laki bisa saja merasa
feminin (Chick, 2016), dan tak segan takut atau suka berbicara.
mengekspresikan empati melalui sentuhan Anak-anak mulai menyadari perbedaan
fisik (Gritter, dkk., 2017). gender di usia awal masuk sekolah, karena
Temuan-temuan tersebut mengerucut pada saat itulah mereka bersosialisasi
pada satu pertanyaan: jika sastra anak dengan orang yang bukan anggota
berperan penting dalam membentuk keluarganya. Namun sesungguhnya peran
pemahaman gender anak, mengapa buku gender seorang anak dimulai pada hari
cerita anak berbahasa Indonesia yang kelahirannya. Karena begitu kuatnya nilai
menampilkan kesetaraan gender sulit gender berakar di masyarakat, keluarga dan
ditemukan? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan lingkungan di sekitar anak tanpa sadar turut
tersebut, penulis menganalisis isu gender mengukuhkan konstruksi gender melalui
dalam buku cerita bergambar Let’s Read pemilihan mainan dan warna pakaian, cara
yang mengusung tema perempuan, komunikasi, pemberian tugas, serta
kesetaraan, dan perubahan. pemberian hukuman (Yuliani, 2013;
McKenzie & Guittar, 2016).
II. Kajian Literatur Untuk meneliti kesetaraan gender
dalam buku cerita bergambar Let’s Read,
Hingga hari ini, masih banyak orang
penulis meminjam social learning theory
yang menyamakan istilah jenis kelamin
milik Albert Bandura. Pada tahun 1960-an
dengan gender. Padahal keduanya
Bandura mulai menyadari pentingnya
merupakan hal yang berbeda. Jenis
imitasi dalam perkembangan perilaku
kelamin ditentukan secara biologis dan
sosial. Dia menemukan bahwa anak-anak
bersifat kodrati, sedangkan gender
memperoleh pemahaman gender melalui
ditentukan secara sosial dan budaya.
proses mengamati dan meniru lingkungan
Menurut Herdiansyah (2016), gender
sekitarnya (Miller, 2016). Mereka
adalah serangkaian karakteristik yang
memperhatikan respon masyarakat
dilekatkan pada jenis kelamin tertentu.
terhadap perilaku berbasis gender, lalu
Sifat-sifat yang lazim diasosiasikan dengan
menerjemahkan ekspektasi masyarakat
laki-laki antara lain adalah tidak cengeng,

melalui pujian atau hukuman yang Penulis memperoleh data melalui
diberikan sebagai respon atas perilaku teknik baca dan catat. Setelah beberapa kali
tersebut. Kemudian, anak-anak akan membaca cermat kelima belas buku cerita
menyesuaikan perilaku mereka dengan bergambar, peneliti mencatat teks dan
aturan yang mereka lihat. Dengan kata lain, ilustrasi yang berhubungan dengan gender.
social learning theory menganggap Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, penulis
keluarga dan lingkungan berperan besar membuat kategori-kategori seperti:
untuk menentukan apakah seorang anak kekuatan perempuan (kemandirian,
akan menjadi pribadi yang adil gender atau kegigihan, kekuatan fisik, jiwa
tidak. kepemimpinan, mengatasi keterbatasan
Dua dekade kemudian, Bandura karena alasan biologis); peran perempuan
merevisi teori awalnya dan memberi dalam ranah domestik dan publik; peran
penekanan pada proses kognitif sehingga laki-laki dalam ranah domestik; hak laki-
teori tersebut dikenal dengan nama social laki untuk mengekspresikan perasaan;
cognitive theory. Bandura menambahkan kesetaraan perempuan dan laki-laki; dan
bahwa anak-anak juga mempelajari gender perlawanan terhadap stereotip gender.
dari pengajaran langsung atau pengalaman
pribadi. Menggunakan teori tersebut, IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan
penulis akan meneliti pengaruh keluarga
dan lingkungan pada tokoh cerita buku 4.1 Girl Power
bergambar Let’s Read. Lesko mengatakan bahwa budaya
populer kontemporer ditandai dengan
III. Metode Penelitian karakterisasi perempuan yang mandiri
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode (Cherland, 2008) atau yang lazim dikenal
kualitatif agar dapat menganalisis dengan istilah girl power. Kemandirian
kesetaraan gender dalam buku-buku cerita perempuan tampak pada tokoh Junaidah
bergambar Let’s Read secara mendalam. dalam Benih Istimewa. Meski seorang
Buku-buku yang dijadikan objek penelitian yatim piatu, Junaidah bukanlah sosok
adalah: lemah yang menunggu laki-laki mengubah
______________________________________ hidupnya. Dia berusaha bertani dengan
Judul Buku Penulis Ilustrator bantuan bibinya, Tek Siti, yang juga
________________________________________ seorang perempuan tangguh.
Benih Istimewa Maya L.G.F Ikku Nala
Brum! Brum! Shahfira Alif Abigail D.S.
Bukan Halangan Tyas Widjati Rizkia Gita Orang tuanya tiada. Kakak laki-
Bukan Jamu Biasa Saptorini Laras Putri lakinya merantau jauh sekali. Sehari-
Cepatlah Tumbuh! Fransisca E. Salma I. hari Junaidah terbiasa hidup mandiri.
Dadong Perkasa Kabul Astuti Anglika D. Urusan ke sawah, untunglah ada Tek
Gadis Penyulut Rasya S. Kautsar R.A Siti. Dari bibinya ini, Junaidah belajar
Ingin Seperti Ibu Witaru E. Maria A. menjadi petani.
Kapan Ibu Pulang? Veronica W. Nur S. I. (G.F. & Nala, 2022, hlm.3)
Kolam Ikan Kakek Ammy K. Mel D.
Menari Bersama Jessica V. Alima Nufus Selain mandiri, Junaidah juga asertif.
Singa Merah Suatu hari Junaidah mendapati sawahnya
Oma dan Belalang Eka Yuliati Omega H.
Perang! Aris Hartanti Reni A.S. mengering karena ada sumbatan di antara
Suatu Hari di Oky E. N. Ratu W.P.S. sawahnya dan sawah lain yang lebih tinggi
Bengkel tempatnya. Alih-alih berdiam diri,
Taktik Jitu Nancy Duma Valentina K. Junaidah memberanikan diri mengusulkan
solusi untuk kebaikan bersama.

Semangat girl power dalam konteks jatuh. Ketika sang pelatih memberikan
fisik ditunjukkan dalam cerita Ingin Seperti tugas yang berbeda dengan keinginannya,
Ibu. Naning, si tokoh utama, sangat Mala tidak berkecil hati. Dia berlatih
mengagumi ibunya yang bekerja sebagai tambur dengan baik, sambil tetap
nelayan. menggenggam mimpinya menjadi pemain
Naning ingin seperti Ibu yang kuat. Ibu
bisa mengangkat, menarik, atau Setelah beberapa kali latihan, Mala
mendorong benda berat dengan mulai hafal tempo dan ketukan. Jika
mudah. permainan tambur benar, pemain
(Emi & Arum, 2022, hlm.3) simbal dan kenong bisa mengikuti
irama dengan baik. Mala lega sekali.
Saat melaut bersama Ibu, Naning Mala tambah bersemangat. Suatu saat
melihat sendiri kehebatan ibunya. Namun nanti dia juga akan bisa memainkan
di saat yang sama Naning tahu bahwa singa merah.
kekuatan fisik ibunya ternyata terbatas. Ibu (Valentina & Nufus, 2022, hlm.22, 24)
meminta bantuan Naning untuk menarik
jala dan mengangkut kotak ikan. Kegigihan perempuan menghadapi
Pengalaman itu membuat Naning percaya masalah juga ditunjukkan lewat tokoh
bahwa suatu saat dia juga bisa sekuat Tinuk dalam Bukan Jamu Biasa.
ibunya. Keinginan Tinuk untuk membeli sepeda
Cerita lain yang juga mengangkat tema terancam gagal karena jamu jualan ibunya
kekuatan fisik perempuan adalah Dadong sering tidak laku. Tinuk menolak bersikap
Perkasa. Suatu hari Yesi ikut ibunya pasif dan berpasrah pada keadaan. Dia
berbelanja ke Pasar Badung. Yesi tak terus berusaha menciptakan jamu dengan
sengaja menabrak seorang tukang angkut rasa yang pas dan meningkatkan penjualan.
barang bernama Dadong (Nenek) Sari dan
menyebabkan kaki Dadong Sari terkilir. Namun, siang ini Ibu pulang dengan
Saat membantu Dadong Sari membawa jamu yang masih banyak tersisa. Wah,
belanjaan milik para pelanggan, barulah Ibu bisa rugi kalau jamunya sering tak
Yesi sadar akan beratnya pekerjaan nenek laku. Tak akan ada tambahan uang
tersebut. saku juga untuk Tinuk tabung. Hmmm
… mungkin Tinuk bisa membantu Ibu.
Setelah belanjaan terkumpul, Yesi (Saptorini & Putri, 2022, hlm.3)
kembali berusaha mengangkat
keranjang. Keranjang itu terangkat Akhirnya, Tinuk berhasil membeli
sedikit lalu …duk …terjatuh lagi ke sepeda. Bahkan sesekali Tinuk
lantai. Wah, Dadong sungguh perkasa. meminjamkan sepeda itu untuk ibunya.
Dia kuat berjalan sambil membawa Tidak ada sosok penyelamat yang
barang seberat ini di atas kepala, pikir berperawakan kuat dan rupawan dalam
Yesi. cerita ini. Tinuk dan ibunya berhasil
(Astuti & Dewi, 2022, hlm.12) mengatasi masalah dengan usaha mereka
Mala dalam cerita Menari Bersama Oma Tong Tong dalam cerita Oma dan
Singa Merah baru tahu kalau latihan fisik Belalang adalah perempuan lanjut usia
untuk menjadi pemain barongsai cukup eksentrik yang bekerja sebagai petani. Dia
berat. Mala kesulitan memantapkan kuda- memimpin warga untuk mengatasi hama
kuda hingga mengakibatkan partnernya belalang di desa mereka.

tidak dapat bebas memilih pekerjaan
“Ini tidak bisa dibiarkan. Kita harus karena adanya anggapan tentang pekerjaan
melawan serbuan belalang!” Oma mana yang pantas atau tidak untuk jenis
Tong-Tong mengajak semua warga. kelamin tertentu.
Para unggas pun ikut menyerbu. Tokoh ibu Naning di cerita Ingin
(Yuliati & Hanifa, 2022, hlm. 7) Seperti Ibu melawan anggapan tersebut
dengan bekerja sebagai nelayan. Selama ini
Tokoh Oma Tong-Tong mematahkan nelayan dianggap sebagai pekerjaan laki-
peran gender tradisional bahwa laki-laki laki. Namun ilustrasi di halaman 23
pasti pemberani dan berjiwa pemimpin, menunjukkan bahwa ibu Naning bukanlah
sementara perempuan adalah sosok satu-satunya perempuan nelayan di desa
emosional yang tidak memiliki tersebut (Gambar 2). Bahkan ayah Naning
kemampuan memimpin. ditunjukkan memberi dukungan dengan
Kapisa dalam cerita Bukan Halangan mengantar istri dan anaknya melaut.
menolak menyerah saat menghadapi Hal yang sama ditunjukkan oleh Alma
tantangan yang muncul akibat kondisi dalam cerita Brum! Brum! yang bekerja
biologisnya sebagai perempuan. Beberapa sebagai pengemudi ojek online sepulang
hari sebelum pertandingan basket, Kapisa kuliah dan Kinan dalam cerita Cepatlah
mendapat haid pertamanya. Dengan Tumbuh yang mendapatkan penghasilan
bantuan pelatih, teman, dan juga dengan bertani di sela waktu kuliahnya.
keluarganya Kapisa berhasil mengatasi Tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam cerita
nyeri dan pusing yang dia rasakan. Bahkan lain juga memiliki cita-cita yang beragam
pada akhirnya, Kapisa berhasil dan mendapat dukungan penuh dari
memenangkan pertandingan. keluarga mereka. Sebut saja Kapisa (Bukan
Halangan) yang ingin menjadi atlet basket;
Tembakan Kapisa membawa Galuh (Perang!) dan Togi (Taktik Jitu)
kemenangan bagi timnya. Ah, rupanya yang ingin menjadi tentara wanita; Mala
haid bukan halangan bagi Kapisa (Menari Bersama Singa Merah) yang ingin
untuk berprestasi. menjadi pemain barongsai; serta Mora
(Widjati & Gita, 2022, hlm.23) (Taktik Jitu) yang ingin menjadi pemain
sepak bola.
Sumi dalam cerita Cepatlah Tumbuh! Sebagian besar perempuan Indonesia
memiliki ibu yang bekerja sebagai mungkin sudah punya kesempatan untuk
pengusaha penatu. Sebagai anak berkiprah dalam lingkup publik, tetapi
perempuan, fisik Sumi tidak sekuat kakak kebanyakan dari mereka masih
dan ayahnya. Namun Sumi tetap dapat menanggung beban ganda. Sebelum atau
membawa banyak baju dengan bantuan setelah bekerja, perempuan harus
keranjang beroda (gambar 1). mengurus pekerjaan domestik seorang diri,
sementara laki-laki bisa beristirahat atau
Hore tujuanku tinggal satu pelanggan bersantai. Ketidakadilan ini muncul karena
lagi, Mbak Kinan. Aku belum pernah ke pekerjaan domestik sering dimaknai
rumahnya. Biasanya Ayah atau Kakak sebagai kodrat perempuan (Herdiansyah,
yang mengantar baju ke sana. 2016). Orang tua mendidik anak
(Emilia & Intifadha, 2022, hlm.4) perempuannya agar cekatan melakukan
pekerjaan domestik dan bak gayung
4.2 Perempuan Bisa Menjadi Apa Saja bersambut, suami merasa beruntung bila
Jennet (2013) menyebutkan bahwa mendapatkan istri yang mampu melakukan
generasi muda pada awal tahun 2000-an pekerjaan domestik.

Suatu Hari di Bengkel Latihan tentara si kembar berlangsung
menjungkirbalikkan konsep tersebut setiap hari. Mereka hafal urutan tugas
melalui relasi orang tua Arum. Ibu Arum dengan kode mandiri, tangkas, dan
adalah perempuan bekerja. Suatu malam cermat. Si kembar gembira menjadi
bapak Arum mengajak Arum makan di tentara. Mora lega, tugasnya kini lebih
luar. Kalimat “Arum senang sekali apalagi ringan.
ibu juga ikut makan bersama mereka.” (Duma & Kris, 2022, hlm.18)
menunjukkan bahwa ibu Arum tidak selalu
bisa makan malam bersama Arum dan 4.3 Peran Laki-laki di dalam Rumah
bapaknya. Arum dan Bapak tidak dan dalam Pengasuhan Anak
menghakimi pilihan Ibu untuk menjadi Jika kehadiran tokoh perempuan dalam
perempuan bekerja. Di dalam cerita, tidak buku anak sering dibatasi dalam lingkup
ada pesan yang menyiratkan bahwa ibu domestik saja, tokoh laki-laki justru
Arum gagal menjadi ibu hanya karena dia mengalami sebaliknya. Tokoh laki-laki
tidak memasak. diasosiasikan dengan figur pencari nafkah
Dalam buku-buku cerita Let’s Read, yang melakukan urusannya di luar rumah.
tokoh perempuan tidak mengorbankan Jarang sekali tokoh laki-laki digambarkan
keinginan mereka demi tanggung jawab sedang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah atau
domestik. Sebaliknya, mereka berusaha mengurus anak (Filipović, 2018). Namun
mencari win-win solution. Galuh dalam laki-laki di buku-buku Let’s Read berbeda.
cerita Perang! ingin menonton pawai Dalam cerita Gadis Penyulut Lentera,
militer di televisi. Namun di saat yang ayah Nora mengerjakan tugas domestik
sama, ayam-ayam terus mematuki sekaligus terlibat dalam pengasuhan anak.
gabahnya yang sedang dijemur. Galuh Setelah membantu ibu Nora menyiapkan
terus mencari akal agar dapat menonton makan malam (Gambar 3), ayah Nora
pawai, sambil memastikan gabahnya tetap mendampingi Nora membuat penerangan
aman. jalan.
Melawan penggambaran peran
Gara-gara ayam, Galuh hanya bisa domestik yang umum ditemukan dalam
menyaksikan pawai dari jendela. Tidak ilustrasi buku cerita maupun buku
apa-apa. Yang penting benteng buatan pelajaran, Bapak Arum dalam cerita Suatu
Galuh berguna. Hari di Bengkel terlihat sedang mencuci
(Hartanti & Soenendar, 2022, hlm.17- penggorengan saat ibu Arum menikmati
18) makan pagi. Selain itu, bapak Arum lebih
terlibat dalam urusan domestik dan
Permasalahan yang sama juga dialami pengasuhan anak sehari-hari karena dia
Mora dalam Taktik Jitu. Sebagai anak bekerja di bengkel yang terletak di samping
sulung, dia bertugas membantu ibunya rumah.
merapikan rumah. Namun karena kedua
adik kembarnya suka berpura-pura Sepulang sekolah Arum lapar sekali.
menjadi tentara dan membuat rumah Tadi pagi dia tak sempat sarapan. Dia
berantakan, Mora jadi sering terlambat membayangkan bapak pasti sudah
berlatih sepak bola. Mora mendapat ide menyiapkan makan siang untuknya.
untuk melibatkan adik kembarnya dalam Namun taka da makanan di meja.
pekerjaan domestik dengan cara bermain Mengapa Bapak belum memasak?
peran. Mora pun dapat berlatih sepak bola Arum merasa heran.
tepat waktu. (Noorsari & P.S., 2022, hlm.4)

Tokoh Mbah Kung (kakek) dalam Penyulut Lentera melawan kontrol tersebut
cerita Kapan Ibu Pulang? juga terlibat melalui tokoh Devon.
dalam pengasuhan kedua cucunya, Alia
dan Bagas, karena ibu mereka bekerja Usai mengaji, Nora mengajak teman-
menjadi pengasuh bayi di kota lain. temannya pulang lewat jalan yang
berbeda. "Jaraknya lebih dekat,” kata
Mbah Kung mau membacakan cerita Nora. “Melewati rumah seram itu?”
untuk mereka. Mbah Kung menyisir Devon berseru.
rambut Alia setiap pagi. Mbah Kung
juga mengajak mereka memasak Nora tahu Devon dan Silva takut.
bersama. Setiap ada bunyi, keduanya langsung
(W. & Indriani, 2022, hlm.23) merapat pada Nora
(Swarnasta & Arifin, 2022, hlm.2-3)
Jerau dalam cerita Bukan Halangan
mendampingi sang adik yang mendapatkan Devon mengekspresikan rasa takutnya
haid pertamanya. Sebagai perenang, Jerau dan tidak mendapat ejekan sebagai
membahas tentang olah raga dan haid konsekuensi. Kejadian itu menyampaikan
dengan Kapisa, adiknya, tanpa canggung. pesan bahwa takut bisa dialami siapa saja.
Tokoh Mbah Kung dalam Kapan Ibu
Kapisa memasak air untuk kompres. Pulang? tak dapat membendung rindu
Kak Jerau datang membantu, “Biar pada anak perempuannya. Di dalam kamar,
aku yang menuangkan airnya.” dia memandangi foto anaknya dengan mata
“Teman-teman di klub renangku juga berkaca-kaca. Saat Alia, sang cucu, melihat
tetap melakukan latihan fisik saat kejadian itu, barulah Alia memahami
haid.” Kapisa lega, berarti dia masih perasaan Mbah Kung. Pada akhirnya,
berpeluang untuk ikut bertanding. kejadian itulah yang berhasil mengurai
(Widjati & Gita, 2022, hlm.12) konflik di antara mereka.

Selain itu, Jerau menjemput Kapisa 4.5 (Tak) Hanya Untuk Laki-Laki atau
yang nyaris pingsan di sekolah dan juga Perempuan Saja
hadir untuk memberi semangat di Beberapa penelitian terhadap buku
pertandingan Kapisa. cerita anak menyebutkan bahwa
kesenangan di luar rumah menjadi milik
4.4 Laki-laki Berhak Mengekspresikan anak laki-laki saja. Namun tidak begitu
Perasaan Apapun halnya dengan anak-anak perempuan
Karena gender dibentuk oleh dalam buku cerita |Let’s Read.
masyarakat, muncullah kontrol sosial Alia dalam cerita Kapan Ibu Pulang?
untuk memastikan peran gender berjalan turut memanjat pohon bersama Bagas,
sesuai konstruksi yang ada. Herdiansyah adiknya (Gambar 4). Anak-anak
(2016) menyebutkan bahwa ada dua jenis perempuan di tempat tinggal mereka pun
kontrol sosial yang berlaku di masyarakat, juga senang bermain di luar rumah.
yaitu kontrol sosial positif dan kontrol Eneng dalam cerita Kolam Ikan Kakek
sosial negatif. Salah satu contoh kontrol mengatasi air kolam yang meluap bersama
sosial negatif adalah mengejek laki-laki kakak laki-lakinya. Kemudian, mereka
yang terlihat lebih lemah daripada membantu Kakek menangkap ikan.
perempuan. Akibatnya, laki-laki lebih Hasilnya, kedua anak itu basah kuyup dan
memilih memendam perasaan mereka berlumur lumpur. Namun tak sekalipun
daripada dicap lemah. Cerita Gadis muncul larangan bagi Eneng berkotor-

kotor hanya karena dia seorang anak Menurut Herdiansyah (2016), stereotip
perempuan. adalah pelabelan sifat atau karakter tertentu
pada gender. Salah satu stereotip yang
Ah, Eneng langsung turun saja ke berlaku di masyarakat adalah perempuan
sungai. Mungkin dia bisa menangkap tidak mahir berkendara. Gurauan yang
ikan dengan tangan. kerap terlontar jika ada motor menyalakan
(Kuddo & Darmawan, 2022, hlm.3) lampu sein yang salah adalah, “Pasti
pengemudinya ibu-ibu!”
Kehadiran perempuan di ruang publik Brum! Brum! mendobrak stereotip
juga terlihat di bengkel bapak Arum (Suatu tersebut dengan menampilkan pengendara
Hari di Bengkel) dan desa Nora (Gadis laki-laki sebagai pengemudi yang salah
Penyulut Lentera). Buku-buku tersebut menyalakan lampu sein (Gambar 8).
menyampaikan pesan bahwa perempuan
tidak hanya beraktivitas di dalam rumah. Biru melaju dengan tenang. Tiba-tiba
Mereka juga bisa mengunjungi bengkel sebuah motor menghalanginya. Motor
dan memasang penerangan di jalan itu berbelok ke kanan, padahal
(Gambar 7)! pengemudinya menyalakan lampu sein
Dalam penelitiannya, Filipovic (2018) kiri. Huh, untung saja Biru sigap. Jika
menemukan bias dalam buku cerita dengan tidak, bisa terjadi tabrakan.
tokoh hewan. Bila tokoh hewan jantan (Alif & Setiadi, 2022, hlm.7)
digambarkan apa adanya, tokoh hewan
betina digambarkan memakai pakaian Arum dalam cerita Suatu Hari di
dalam. Seolah-olah, aturan kepantasan dan Bengkel adalah anak perempuan yang
kesopanan berpakaian yang dilekatkan memahami dunia teknik. Dia mengenali
pada perempuan juga perlu diaplikasikan alat-alat di bengkel dan memahami
pada tokoh hewan. Suatu Hari di Bengkel langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan
melawan ketidakadilan tersebut dengan untuk menambal ban sehingga dapat
memakaikan baju kepada semua tokohnya membantu ayahnya. Melalui cerita ini,
(Gambar 5). Arum mendobrak stereotip bahwa
Kebebasan perempuan dalam perempuan tidak pandai dengan hal-hal
berpakaian juga ditunjukkan melalui cerita teknis.
Brum! Brum! Ada nenek yang pergi
melayat memakai gaun dan ulos, ibu hamil Oh pantas saja. Bapak sibuk di
yang pergi ke rumah sakit mengenakan bengkel. Tak seperti biasanya, hari ini
kaus dan celana, pengusaha kuliner yang bengkel ramai sekali. Arum
memakai kerudung dan cadar, serta memutuskan untuk ke Bengkel. Dia
mahasiswi pengemudi ojek yang ingin membantu Bapak.
mengenakan jaket dan celana panjang. (Noorsari &P.S., 2022, hlm.5)
(Gambar 6). Kinan dalam cerita Cepatlah
Tumbuh! memakai kerudung dengan Selain Arum, anak perempuan dengan
kemeja lengan panjang dan celana panjang. kemampuan teknik juga diwakili oleh
Tidak ada label yang disematkan pada tokoh Alia dalam cerita Kapan Ibu
perempuan-perempuan tersebut Pulang? yang mampu membetulkan rantai
berdasarkan pakaian yang mereka sepeda adiknya.
V. Simpulan dan Saran
4.6 Mendobrak Stereotip
Penelitian gender dalam sastra anak
yang telah dilakukan di luar negeri

umumnya menggunakan buku cerita anak seperti misalnya, sikap orang dewasa saat
pemenang penghargaan, buku cerita laris mendampingi anak-anak membaca buku
(berdasarkan pilihan pembaca), atau buku cerita yang bertema gender. Di waktu
cerita bergambar bagi pembaca di bawah mendatang perlu diadakan studi lanjutan
usia lima tahun yang kesemuanya yang meneliti respon anak terhadap buku
berbahasa inggris (Hamilton, dkk., 2006; cerita yang menunjukkan kesetaraan
Cherland, 2008; Siddiqui, 2011; McKenzie gender dan mengukur sejauh mana
& Guittar, 2016; Gritter, dkk., 2017; pengaruh buku tersebut dalam membentuk
Ferguson, 2018; Filipović, 2018, Lewis, konsep gender pembacanya.
dkk., 2020; Adukia, dkk., 2022). Penelitian
gender dalam sastra anak Indonesia sendiri Daftar Rujukan
biasanya menggunakan sumber data
berupa novel anak, cerita rakyat, dan cerita Adukia, A., Eble, A., Harisson, A.,
pendek (Soelistyarini, 2013; Andalas & Runesha, H.B. & Szasz, T.B. (2022).
Qur’ani, 2019; Yuswara, 2021). What We Teach About Race And
Sayangnya, semua penelitian di atas Gender : Representation in Images
menemukan ketidakadilan gender dalam and Text of Children’s Books.
sastra anak. Sejauh ini, penulis belum National Bureau of Economic
menemukan penelitian gender pada buku Research Working Paper 29123
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Studi terhadap lima belas buku cerita Asia Foundation – Let’s Read
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bahwa semua buku menampilkan
representasi gender yang positif dan adil. Andalas, E.F. & Qur’ani, H.B. (2019).
Hal tersebut terlihat dari pilihan, sikap, Masculine Domination: Gender
ucapan, aktivitas, cara berpakaian, dan cara Construction in Indonesian Folk
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masyarakat tempat tokoh berasal. Sesuai Azmat, Z. (2019). Gender Roles And
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Yuliati, E. & Hanifa, O. (2022). Oma dan

Belalang. The Asia Foundation –
Let’s Read Indonesia

Yuswara, L. (2021). Citra Perempuan

Dalam Buku Anak: 20 Cerita Manis
Diambil Dari Majalah Bobo. Nuansa
Indonesia 23(1)


Hendri Zuliastutik1), Rahadiyan Duwi Nugroho2)

Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Universitas Dr. Soetomo
1), 2)


Writing or making composition is a language skill involving several aspects of language,

one of which is vocabulary. This study aims to describe the use of Indonesian vocabulary
in terms of vocabulary forms and vocabulary categories in essay written by students of
Setsunan University's students in Kaigai Jisshuu program. This research was conducted
using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques applied in this research
were the library and note-taking techniques. The results show that base form, affixed
words, repeated and compound words are found. However, it is the base forms that
dominate and the repeated words are used the least. Parts of speech in the forms of verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, numerals and function words are also found. The
Verb of pergi, the adjective of enak, adverb of juga and sangat, the noun of restoran, the
pronoun of saya, and the function word of di are words often used by Setsunan's students
in their compositions. Setsunan students in the Kaigai Jisshuu program still do not use the
category of derivative verbs much. Vocabulary learning still needs to be improved,
especially regarding the variety of derivative verbs.

Keywords: sentence; vocabulary; student


Menulis atau membuat karangan merupakan keterampilan berbahasa yang melibatkan

beberapa aspek kebahasaan, salah satunya aspek kosakata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan penggunaan kosakata bahasa Indonesia dari segi bentuk dan kategori kata
pada karangan yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa Universitas Setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik
pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pustaka dan teknik catat. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan kata dasar, kata berimbuhan, kata berulang dan
kata majemuk. Namun, kata dasar yang mendominasi dan kata ulang yang paling sedikit
digunakan. Kategori kata berupa verba, adjektiva, adverbia, nomina, pronomina, numeralia
dan kata tugas juga ditemukan. Verba pergi, adjektiva enak, adverbia juga dan sangat,
nomina restoran, pronomina saya, kata tugas di merupakan kosakata yang sering
digunakan oleh mahasiswa Setsunan dalam karangannya. Mahasiswa Setsunan program
Kaigai Jisshuu masih belum banyak menggunakan verba turunan. Pembelajaran kosakata
masih perlu ditingkatkan terutama tentang kategori verba turunan.

Kata Kunci: kalimat; kosakata; mahasiswa

I. Pendahuluan dilakukan oleh mahasiswa penutur asing
berhubungan dengan rendahnya
Pada saat ini telah banyak orang Jepang
penguasaan kosakata (Yahya, M., dkk.,
yang mempelajari bahasa Indonesia baik
2018). Padahal dengan penguasaan
anak muda maupun orang dewasa. Mereka
kosakata yang luas memungkinkan
mempelajari bahasa Indonesia dengan
seseorang dapat berbicara, menulis dengan
alasan yang beragam, ada yang hanya
kata-kata yang bervariasi, sehingga tidak
sekadar ingin dapat berbicara dengan orang
terkesan monoton. Sebaliknya, seseorang
Indonesia dalam bahasa Indonesia, ada
yang penguasaan kosakatanya terbatas,
yang ingin dapat bekerja di perusahaan
dalam berbicara maupun menulis
Jepang yang berhubungan dengan
mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari kata-
Indonesia, serta ada yang memilih
kata yang tepat (Widiarto, 2015).
mempelajari bahasa Indonesia karena
Penguasaan kosakata perlu mendapat
dianggap lebih simpel daripada bahasa
perhatian, karena kosakata merupakan
asing lainnya.
komponen kunci dari kemampuan
Universitas Setsunan di Osaka Jepang
berbahasa dan menjadi dasar seseorang
merupakan salah satu universitas yang
untuk berbicara, mendengar, membaca,
membuka kelas bahasa Indonesia.
dan menulis dengan baik (Azodi, dkk.
Mahasiswa Universitas Setsunan juga
dalam Zuliastutik, 2019).
mendapat kesempatan belajar bahasa
Pada kasus mahasiswa Setsunan
Indonesia di Universitas Dr. Soetomo
program Kaigai Jisshuu ini, mahasiswa
Surabaya yang sudah terjalin kerjasamanya
membuat karangan dengan berbagai topik
sejak tahun 2008. Hingga saat ini terdapat
dalam bahasa Indonesia. Mahasiswa
39 mahasiswa yang pernah mengikuti
menggunakan kosakata bahasa Jepang
pelajaran bahasa Indonesia dengan jangka
ketika tidak ada padanan bahasa
waktu yang beragam. Pada bulan Februari
Indonesianya seperti nama restoran dan
tahun 2022, mahasiswa Setsunan belajar
nama kota. Ada beberapa kosakata yang
bahasa Indonesia secara daring dengan
menarik perhatian peneliti. Mahasiswa
program Kaigai Jisshuu.
cenderung menggunakan kata ‘saya’,
Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa
menggunakan kata ‘adalah’ sebagai
kedua bagi mahasiswa asing, kesalahan
terjemahan partikel wa dalam bahasa
dalam berbahasa merupakan bagian yang
Jepang, menggunakan kata bentuk dasar
tidak terhindarkan. Baik kesalahan pada
serta menulis kalimat yang pendek dalam
ranah fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis,
karangannya. Menulis merupakan salah
maupun semantik seperti perubahan,
satu mata kuliah yang harus diikuti oleh
penambahan, penghilangan fonem,
mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai
ketidaktepatan penggunaan kosakata
Jisshuu ini. Mata kuliah menulis memberi
dalam kalimat, afiksasi, reduplikasi dan
kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk
pemilihan kata (Widia, Ida. 2021 &
berekspresi dalam bentuk tulisan.
Inderasari, Elen, dkk.,2017). Kesalahan
Beberapa penelitian menyimpulkan ada
penulisan juga dialami oleh mahasiswa
hubungan yang signifikan antara menulis
Setsunan yakni kesalahan penulisan ejaan,
dan kosakata (Suryadi, Edi., dkk, 2018).
kesalahan tata bahasa berupa penggunaan
Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengkaji lebih
kata, penyusunan kalimat serta kesalahan
lanjut tentang kosakata yang digunakan
sistematika penulisan (Nugroho, dkk.,
oleh mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai
2018). Dari penelitian terdahulu ini dapat
Jisshuu melalui tulisan mereka pada saat
diketahui bahwa inti kesalahan mahasiswa
mengikuti mata kuliah menulis.
penutur asing adalah tentang kosakata.
Kesalahan terutama kesalahan diksi yang

Berbicara tentang kosakata, ulang dibagi menjadi empat macam, yakni
Nurgiyantoro (2016) menyebutkan bahwa kata ulang utuh atau kata ulang
kosakata adalah kekayaan kata yang keseluruhan, contoh buku-buku, kata ulang
dimiliki oleh sebuah bahasa. Kridalaksana sebagian, kata ulang salin suara atau kata
(2001) menyampaikan bahwa kosakata ulang dengan perubahan bunyi, kata ulang
adalah kekayaan atau perbendaharaan kata yang disertai pengafiksan. Kata ulang utuh
yang dimiliki seseorang. Kosakata ada di adalah kata ulang yang dibentuk dengan
dalam diri manusia dan dapat disampaikan mengulang bentuk dasar secara utuh
dalam bentuk lisan maupun bentuk tulisan. misalnya, jalan-jalan, buku-buku. Kata
Semakin banyak kosakata yang dikuasai ulang sebagian adalah kata ulang yang
semakin terampil dan banyak hal yang dibentuk dengan mengulang bentuk dasar
dapat disampaikan dengan menggunakan secara sebagian, misalnya membaca-baca,
bahasa baik dalam bentuk lisan maupun surat-surat kabar. Kata ulang dengan
tulisan. Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa perubahan bunyi adalah kata ulang dari
Indonesia (2016), kosakata adalah bentuk dasar yang sebagiannya ada
perbendaharaan kata. Kosakata atau perubahan bunyi pada konsonan atau
perbendaharaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris vokalnya, misalnya warna-warni, gerak-
biasa disebut leksikon yang artinya kata. gerik. Kata ulang yang disertai pengafiksan
contohnya main-mainan, padi-padian.
II. Kajian Literatur Kata majemuk adalah gabungan dua
unsur yang masing-masing mempunyai
Dalam bahasa Indonesia secara umum
makna dan hasil gabungan tersebut
bentuk kata dibagi atas, yaitu kata dasar
melahirkan makna tersendiri. Berdasarkan
dan kata bentukan/berimbuhan. Kata dasar
hubungan unsur pembentuknya, kata
merupakan suatu kata yang utuh dan belum
majemuk dibedakan atas, kata majemuk
mendapat imbuhan apa pun. Kata dasar
setara yaitu kata majemuk yang kedudukan
merupakan kata yang berupa kata dasar
unsur-unsur pembentuknya sederajat,
ditulis sebagai satu kesatuan. Dalam proses
misalnya ibu bapak yang mempunyai
pembentukan kata, kata dasar dapat
kategori kata pembentuk yang sama yakni
diartikan sebagai kata yang menjadi dasar
kata benda. Kata majemuk yang kedua
bagi bentukan kata lain yang lebih luas.
adalah kata majemuk bertingkat, yaitu kata
Kata berimbuhan adalah kata yang
majemuk yang kedudukan unsur
dibentuk dengan menambahkan imbuhan
pembentuknya tidak sederajat karena salah
pada kata dasar. Proses pembentukan kata
atu unsur pembentuknya memiliki
berimbuhan adalah dengan menambahkan
kedudukan yang lebih dominan daripada
imbuhan pada kata dasar. Imbuhan tersebut
unsur pembentuk lainnya, misalnya orang
terdiri atas, prefiks (imbuhan pada awal
tua (kata majemuk bertingkat berstruktur
kata), sufiks (imbuhan yang terletak pada
DM) dan bumiputera (kata mejemuk
akhir kata), infiks (imbuhan yang terletak
bertingkat berstruktur MD).
pada tengah kata), dan konfiks (imbuhan
Tataran sintaksis memiliki kategori kata
yang terletak pada awal kata dan akhir kata
yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan bentuk
dan perilakunya Kategori sintaksis ini
Kata ulang merupakan kata yang
biasa disebut kelas kata (Alwi, dkk., 2010).
mengalami proses pengulangan, baik
Kelas kata merupakan perangkat kata yang
seluruh maupun sebagian (Ramlan, 2009).
sedikit banyak berperilaku sintaksis sama
Cara mengulang tersebut dapat diperoleh
(Kridalaksana, 2005). Menurut Keraf
dengan mengulang kata dasar secara utuh
(dalam Kridalaksana, 2005) pembagian
maupun mengulang kata dasar secara
kelas kata dalam bahasa Indonesia dibagi
sebagian. Berdasarkan bentuknya, kata

menjadi empat, yaitu: kata benda (nomina), mencintai istrinya’. Adverbia selalu
kata kerja (verba), kata sifat (adjektiva), menjelaskan adjektiva sedih pada kalimat,
dan kata tugas. Kridalaksana (2005) ‘dia selalu sedih mendengar lagu itu’.
membagi kelas kata dalam bahasa Adverbia hampir menjelaskan adverbia
Indonesia menjadi tiga belas bagian yakni selalu pada kalimat, ‘kami hampir selalu
verba, adjektiva, nomina, pronomina, dimarahinya setiap pagi’. Dari segi
numeralia, adverbia, interogativa, bentuknya, adverbia dibagi atas adverbia
demonstrativa, artikula, preposisi, kategori tunggal (berupa kata dasar, kata berafiks,
fatis, dan interjeksi. Menurut Alwi, dkk. kata ulang) dan adverbia gabungan yaitu
(2010), terdapat empat kategori sintaksis, dua adverbia yang berupa kata dasar.
yaitu: verba atau kata kerja, adjektiva atau Ciri-ciri nomina ialah cenderung
kata sifat, dan adverbia atau kata menduduki fungsi subjek, objek atau
keterangan, nomina atau kata benda. pelengkap, tidak dapat diingkarkan dengan
Kemudian, ada kelompok kata tugas yang kata tidak, umumnya dapat diikuti oleh
terdiri atas subkelompok yang lebih kecil, adjektiva, baik secara langsung maupun
yaitu: kata depan, kata sambung, dan yang diantarai oleh kata yang. Dilihat dari
partikel. segi bentuk morfologisnya, nomina dibagi
Ciri Verba adalah memiliki fungsi atas nomina yang berbentuk kata dasar dan
utama sebagai predikat atau sebagai inti nomina turunan. Nomina dasar ialah
predikat dalam kalimat meskipun dapat nomina yang hanya terdiri atas satu
memiliki fungsi lain, mengandung makna morfem. Nomina turunan merupakan
perbuatan, proses atau keadaan, tidak dapat nomina yang dapat diturunkan melalui
diberi prefik ter- yang berarti ‘paling’, afiksasi, perulangan, atau pemajemukan.
tidak dapat bergabung dengan kata-kata Pronomina ialah kata yang digunakan
yang menyatakan makna kesangatan. untuk mengacu kepada nomina lain. Ada
Verba dari bentuknya dibagi atas verba asal tiga jenis pronomina dalam bahasa
yaiyu verba yang dapat berdiri sendiri, dan Indonesia, yaitu pronomina persona (yaitu
verba turunan yaitu verba yang dapat pronominal yang mengacu pada orang baik
memakai afiks. persona pertam, kedua maupun ketiga),
Adjektiva merupakan kata yang pronomina penunjuk (berupa ini, itu, sini
memberikan keterangan yang lebih khusus situ, sana, dan pronomina penanya.
tentang sesuatu yang dinyatakan oleh Numeralia ialah kata yang dipakai untuk
nomina dalam kalimat. Adjektiva dapat menghitung banyaknya maujud (orang,
berfungsi sebagai predikat dan adverbial binatang, atau barang) dan konsep. Ada
kalimat, adjektiva menyatakan tingkat dua jenis numeralia dalam bahasa
kualitas (agak, sangat) dan tingkat Indonesia yaitu numeralia pokok, yang
bandingan (lebih dan paling) acuan nomian memberi jawab atas pertanyaan “berapa?”
yang diterangkan. Sdjektiva dibedakan atas dan numeralia tingkat yang memberi jawab
dua tipe pokok yaitu adjektiva bertaraf atas pertanyaan “yang keberapa?”.
(adjektiva pemeri sifat, adjektiva ukuran, Ciri-ciri kata tugas hanya memiliki arti
adjektiva warna, adjektiva waktu, gramatikal dan tidak mempunyai arti
adjektiva jarak, adjektiva sikap batin, leksikal. Kata tugas dan atau ke baru akan
adjektiva cerapan) dan adjektiva tak memiliki arti jika dirangkai dengan kata
bertaraf. lain. Ciri lainnya adalah hampir semua kata
Adverbia adalah kata yang menjelaskan tugas dapat menjadi dasar untuk
verba, adjektiva atau adverbia lain. membentuk kata lain. Berdasarkan
Misalnya adverbia sangat menjelaskan perannnay dalam kalimat, kata tugas
verba mencintai pada kalimat, ‘dia sangat dibedakan atas preposisi (kata depan),

konjungtor, inetrjeksi, artikula dan pertikel Karangan yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa
penegas. Setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu adalah
karangan yang ditulis dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Namun, mereka menggunakan
III. Metode Penelitian bahasa Jepang ketika menyebutkan nama
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis diri, nama tempat/kota atau nama masakan.
penelitian deskriptif dengan metode Mahasiswa telah menggunakan bentuk
pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif kosakata yang beragam. Kata dasar yang
kualitatif merupakan penelitian yang ditemukan dalam karangan bahasa
dilakukan semata-mata berdasarkan fakta Indonesia sebagian besar menggunakan
atau fenomena secara apa adanya kata dasar yang sama. Penyebab terjadinya
(Sudaryanto, 1993). Penggunaan kosakata kesamaan kosakata kemungkinan karena
yang diteliti yaitu karangan yang ditulis topik karangan yang sama, materi yang
oleh empat mahasiswa Setsunan pada dipelajari sama, dan masa belajar yang
program kaigai jisshu pada mata kuliah sama. Kata-kata yang digunakan selain
menulis. kata-kata yang sama juga ditemukan
Data dalam penelitian ini berupa adanya pengulangan kata. Pengulangan
kosakata bahasa Indonesia dalam karangan kata paling banyak terjadi pada kata dasar.
mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai Kata dasar yang ditemukan pada
Jissshuu. Karangan tersebut ditulis oleh karangan mahasiswa Setsunan program
empat mahasiswa dengan tema restoran Kaigai Jisshuu antara lain, saya, restoran,
favorit, kegiatan sehari-hari, dan tempat makan, pergi, enak, favorit, jam, dan, pagi,
wisata yang pernah dikunjungi. dengan, itu, di, ke, ada, yang, hari, sampai,
Selanjutnya peneliti namai dengan waktu, dari, Kari, Taiwan, universitas.
karangan 1, karangan 2 dan karangan 3. Kata dasar yang digunakan jumlahnya
Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan lebih banyak daripada kata berimbuhan.
metode pustaka dengan mengamati Kata dasar lain juga digunakan oleh
fenomena kosakata mahasiswa Setsunan mahasiswa dalam karangannya. Namun,
dalam karangan berbahasa Indonesia, kata dasar yang peneliti sebutkan tersebut
memilah kosakata yang sesuai penulisan merupakan kata dasar yang digunakan oleh
yang benar. Selanjutnya mengklasifikasi mahasiswa secara berulang-ulang pada
kosakata tersebut sesuai bentuk dan karangannya masing-masing. Kata yang
kategori kata. paling banyak diulang adalah kata ‘saya’.
Teknik analisis data penelitian ini Kata berimbuhan adalah kata yang
dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai dibentuk dengan menambahkan imbuhan
berikut, yang pertama menganalisis pada kata dasar. Imbuhan tersebut dapat
kosakata yang termasuk dalam bentuk kata berupa, prefiks (imbuhan pada awal kata),
yang terdiri atas kata dasar, kata sufiks (imbuhan yang terletak pada akhir
berimbuhan, kata ulang, dan kata kata), infiks (imbuhan yang terletak pada
majemuk. Lebih lanjut menganalisis tengah kata), dan konfiks (imbuhan yang
kosakata yang termasuk kategori kata yang terletak pada awal kata dan akhir kata
terbagi atas verba. adjektiva, adverbia, sekaligus). Kata berimbuhan yang
nomina dan kata tugas. Langkah yang ditemukan pada karangan mahasiswa
terakhir adalah menyimpulkan hasil setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu berupa
penelitian. kata yang mendapat imbuhan pada awal
kata seperti prefiks me- (melihat, menjual,
IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan membakar, mengambil), prefiks di-
(ditanam, dijual), prefiks ber- (berbelanja,

bermain), prefiks ter- (terpopuler, kambing, lidah sapi, kereta api, waktu
terkenal), prefiks pe- (pendaki, penutup). luang, air terjun, makan waktu, pesawat
Kata yang mendapat imbuhan pada akhir terbang, jus jeruk) dan tipe kata majemuk
kata seperti sufiks –an (makanan, yang kedua yaitu unsur keduanya berfungsi
masakan), sufiks –nya (harganya, menerangkan adjektiva (kopi hitam, air
namanya), sufiks –an (wisatawan). Kata panas). Kata majemuk yang sering
yang mendapat imbuhan pada awal kata digunakan adalah kata majemuk makan
dan akhir kata sekaligus seperti konfiks ke- waktu karena sering menceritakan tentang
an (kebanyakan), konfiks pe-an seberapa waktu yang diperlukan pada saat
(pemandian, pendidikan, perjalanan), menuju ke restoran favorit, kampus,
konfiks di-kan (digunakan), konfiks me- maupun ke tempat wisata yang pernah
kan (merapikan, menceritakan, dikunjunginya.
menyenangkan), konfiks me-i Pada karangan bahasa Indonesia yang
(mengunjungi), konfiks memper-kan ditulis oleh mahasiswa Setsunan program
(memperkenalkan), konfiks se-nya Kaigai Jisshuu ditemukan kategori kata
(sebaiknya). Pada karangan mahasiswa yang meliputi, verba, adjektiva, adverbia,
Setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu imbuhan nomina dan kata tugas. Penggolongan
pada tengah kata atau infiks, sufiks –i serta verba bahasa Indonesia terdiri atas verba
sufiks –kan tidak ditemukan. asal dan verba turunan. Contoh data yang
Kata berulang yang ditemukan antara menggunakan verba asal, yaitu saya tidur
lain, kira-kira, teman-teman, anak-anak, jam 4, saya makan malam sendiri, saya
bermacam-macam, kadang-kadang, pergi ke air terjun Niagara, saya bangun
macam-macam, berkali-kali, saat-saat, jam 9. Keempat data verba tersebut
rumah-rumah, dan bersiap-siap. Jenis kata mengandung makna perbuatan. Verba
berulang antara lain kata berulang utuh yang mengandung makna keadaan juga
atau pengulangan utuh (kira-kira, teman- ditemukan seperti hidup, suka. Contoh
teman, anak-anak, kadang-kadang, saat- verba yang menggunakan verba turunan,
saat, rumah-rumah, macam-macam) dan yaitu saya belajar bahasa Indonesia, saya
kata berulang berimbuhan (bermacam- mencuci muka, saya sudah mengambil
macam, bersiap-siap, berkali-kali). Kata photo dengan teman-teman, restoran itu
ulang ini tidak hanya digunakan pada satu juga menjual minuman seperti kopi dan
topik karangan namun juga digunakan macam-macam jus. Keempat verba
pada karangan lain yang berbeda topik. tersebut merupakan bentuk verba turunan
Pada karangan bahasa Indonesia yang yang dibentuk melalui pengafiksan yaitu
ditulis oleh mahasiswa Setsunan program mendapat prefiks ber- pada verba belajar
Kaigai Jisshuu hanya ditemukan kata ulang dan mendapat prefiks me- pada verba
utuh dan kata ulang sebagian, sedangkan menjual, mencuci, dan mengambil.
kata ulang perubahan bunyi dan kata ulang Keempat verba tersebut memiliki fungsi
pengafiksan tidak ditemukan. Mahasiswa sebagai predikat pada kalimat. Verba
program Kaigai Jisshuu ini belum lama turunan yang dibentuk melalui
mempelajari bahasa Indonesia sehingga pengulangan (bersiap-siap) dan
kata ulang perubahan bunyi dan pengafiksan telah digunakan oleh
pengafiksan mungkin belum dipelajarinya. mahasiswa Setsunan dalam karangannya.
Kata majemuk yang ditemukan pada Verba turunan yang dibentuk melalui
karangan mahasiswa Setsunan program pemajemukan atau pemaduan tidak
Kaigai Jisshu meliputi kata majemuk yang ditemukan dalam karangan mahasiswa
unsur keduanya berfungsi menerangkan Setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu.
selain adjektiva (terima kasih, kare

Adjektiva dibagi atas adjektiva bertaraf geografis juga ditemukan, misalnya Osaka,
dan adjektiva tak bertaraf. Dalam adjektiva Shizuoka, Taiwan. Nomina yang mengacu
bertaraf ditemukan adjektiva pemeri sifat, pada nama diri orang misalnya Tanaka.
seperti dingin, pedas, enak, favorit, murah, Nomina yang mengacu pada nama hari
banyak, manis. Adjektiva lainnya ialah misalnya Senin, Jumat. Nomina turunan
adjektiva ukuran seperti besar, adjektiva merupakan nomina yang dapat diturunkan
warna seperti hitam, adjektiva waktu yaitu melalui afiksasi seperti pegunungan,
jarang, adjektiva jarak yaitu jauh, adjektiva namanya, makanan; nomina yang
sikap batin yaitu senang, bahagia. diturunkan melalui perulangan seperti
Adjektiva cerapan dan adjektiva tak teman-teman; nomina yang diturunkan
bertaraf belum digunakan oleh mahasiswa melalui pemajemukan seperti kereta api.
setsunan program Kaigai Jisshuu. Mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai
Adverbia merupakan kata yang Jisshuu telah menggunakan nomina dasar
menjelaskan verba, adjektiva, atau dan nomina turunan dalam karangan
adverbia lain. Contoh data adverbia sangat bahasa Indonesia.
yang menjelaskan adjektiva enak ialah Pronomina dilihat dari segi artinya,
…sangat enak. Contoh data adverbia ingin pronomina merupakan kata yang dipakai
yang menjelaskan verba pergi ialah saya untuk mengacu kepada nomina lain.
ingin pergi…. Contoh data adverbia yang Pronomina terbagi atas pronomina persona
menjelaskan adverbia lain ialah harganya dan pronomina penunjuk. Contoh data
kurang lebih Rp. 120.000. Dari segi pronomina persona ialah saya, dia, dan
bentuknya, adverbia terbagi atas adverbia kami. Contoh data pronomina penunjuk
tunggal dan adverbia gabungan. Contoh ialah restoran itu namanya Raionkari,
data adverbia yang berupa kata dasar ialah pohon itu namanya Yanaginamiki, restoran
sangat, pernah, mau, selalu, harus, sering, itu namanya Raionkari. Numeralia
paling, ingin. Adverbia yang berupa kata merupakan kata yang dipakai untuk
berafiks ialah sebaiknya. Contoh data menghitung banyaknya maujud (orang,
adverbia gabungan yang berdampingan binatang, atau barang) dan konsep.
ialah harganya kurang lebih Rp. 120.000, Numeralia yang ditemukan adalah 3 jam, 3
adverbia gabungan yang tidak malam 4 hari, 2 jam, 800 yen, 300 yen,
berdampingan ialah saya mau pergi ke 120.000 rupiah.
Taiwan lagi. Mahasiswa Setsunan Kata tugas yang ditemukan jika dilihat
program Kaigai Jisshuu telah dari segi bentuk antara lain preposisi akan,
menggunakan adverbia yang menjelaskan bagi, dari, dengan, di, ke, untuk, pada,
verba, adjektiva, maupun adverbia lain di tentang, sampai (preposisi tunggal).
samping juga telah menggunakan adverbia Preposisi berafiks seperti selama, sekitar,
tunggal maupun gabungan dalam karangan seluruh. Preposisi gabungan yang
bahasa Indonesia. ditemukan adalah sampai dengan pada
Kategori nomina terdiri atas dua kalimat ‘saya kuliah sampai dengan jam
macam, yaitu nomina yang berbentuk kata 12.00 siang’ preposisi lain seperti dari….
dasar dan nomina turunan. Contoh data sampai pada kalimat ‘dari hari Senin
nomina yang berbentuk kata dasar antara sampai hari Jumat’. Peran semantik
lain, orang, keluarga, dosen yang berfungsi preposisi dalam bahasa Indonesia antara
mengacu pada manusia. Kambing, sapi lain penanda hubungan tempat (kata yang
yang berfungsi mengacu pada binatang. ditemukan ialah di, ke, dari, sampai, pada),
Rumah, gunung yang berfungsi mengacu penanda hubungan peruntukan (kata yang
pada benda. Nomina dasar lain seperti ditemukan ialah untuk, bagi), penanda
nomina yang mengacu pada nama hubungan sebab (kata yang ditemukan

ialah karena), penanda hubungan kesertaan digunakan. Oleh karena itu masih perlu
(kata yang ditemukan ialah dengan, pembelajaran kosakata khususnya verba
sambil), penanda hubungan pelaku (kata turunan yang lebih banyak lagi.
yang ditemukan ialah, oleh), penanda
hubungan waktu (kata yang ditemukan
ialah pada, sampai, sejak), penanda Daftar Rujukan
hubungan ihwal peristiwa (kata yang
ditemukan ialah tentang). Di dalam kata Alwi, Hasan, dkk. (2010). Tata Bahasa
tugas juga terdapat konjungtor atau kata Baku Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ketiga.
sambung yaitu kata tugas yang Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
menghubungkan dua satuan bahasa yang
sederajat. Kata sambung yang digunakan Inderasari, Elen, dkk. (2017).
oleh mahasiswa Setsunan antara lain, dan, Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada
atau, tetapi, sesudah itu, sebelum, kalau, Mahasiswa Asing dalam Program BIPA
sedangkan, kemudian, lalu, selain itu, IAIN Surakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
kalau, oleh karena itu. Kata sambung dan Sastra Indonesia 6 (2): 6-15.
seperti meskipun, walaupun, padahal,
serta, supaya, tanpa belum digunakan oleh Keraf, Gorys. (2010). Diksi dan Gaya
mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai Bahasa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka
Jisshuu. Utama.

Kridalaksana, Harimurti. (2001). Kamus

V. Simpulan dan Saran
Linguistik Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: PT
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, simpulan Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
penelitian ini adalah dilihat dari segi
bentuk kata seperti kata dasar, kata Kridalaksana, Harimurti. (2005). Kelas
berimbuhan, kata berulang, kata majemuk Kata dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: PT
telah digunakan oleh mahasiswa Setsunan Gramedia.
program Kaigai Jisshuu. Dari segi bentuk
kata yang digunakan, kata dasar yang Mustakim. (2015). Bentuk dan Pilihan
mendominasi dan kata ulang yang paling Kata. Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan Badan
sedikit digunakan. Di lihat dari segi Pengembangan dan Pembinaan
kategori kata berupa verba, adjektiva, Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
adverbia, nomina, pronomina, numeralia,
dan kata tugas juga telah digunakan oleh Nugroho, R.D., dkk. (2018). Analisis
mahasiswa Setsunan program Kaigai Kesalahan dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
Jisshuu. Untuk kategori verba, kata yang Mahasiswa Jepang dalam Pembelajaran
paling sering digunakan adalah verba BIPA. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan
pergi. Kategori adjektiva kata yang paling Sastra 18(2): 193-210.
sering digunakan adalah enak. kategori
adverbia kata yang paling sering digunakan Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. (2014). Penilaian
adalah juga dan sangat. Kategori nomina Pembelajran Bahasa Berbasis
kata yang paling sering digunakan adalah Kompetensi. Yogyakarta: BPFE-
restoran. Sedangkan untuk Pronomina Yogyakarta.
adalah saya, dan kata tugas adalah di. Dari
bentuk dan kategori kata dasar, nomina, Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas. (2016). Kamus
paling banyak digunakan sedangkan verba Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Edisi kelima).
khususnya verba turunan belum banyak Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Ramlan, M. (2009). Ilmu Bahasa
Indonesia: Morfologi Suatu Tinjauan
Deskriptif. Yogyakarta: CV. Karyono.

Sudaryanto. (1993). Metode dan Aneka

Teknik Analisis Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Duta
Wacana University Press.

Suryadi, E., dkk. (2018). Hubungan

Penguasaan Kosakata dengan
Keterampilan Menulis Cerpen Mahasiswa
FKIP Universitas Tridinanti Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.
Jurnal Bindo Sastra 2(2): 232-239.

Widia, Ida. (2021). Jenis Kesalahan Bahasa

Indonesia Tulis Pembelajar Asing. OJS
@rtikulasi 1(1): 75-84.

Widiarto, Tri. Kosakata dalam Tata Bahasa

Indonesia. (2015). Widya Sari 17(2): 96-

Yahya, M., dkk. (2018). Hubungan

Penguasaan Kosakata dengan Kesalahan
Diksi dalam Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia
Mahasiswa BIPA Level Akademik. Jurnal
KREDO 1(2): 51-68.

Pengembangan Modul Elektronik Berbasis Etnokonstruktivisme
Lubuk Larangan Pada Pembelajaran IPS

Qalbi Shanaz Anandari 1), Muhammad Abdi2)

Universitas Jambi

This study aims to (1) develop an ethnoconstructivism-based electronic module for fifth grade elementary
school students, (2) find out the practicality of an ethnoconstructivism-based electronic module. This
research method is Research and Development (R&D). This development research procedure refers to the
ADDIE model, namely (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Development (4) Implementation (5) Evaluation. This
research was conducted at SD Negeri 112/I Perumas. The research instrument was a validation
questionnaire, a teacher response questionnaire and a student response questionnaire. The results of this
study are: (1) an electronic module for fifth grade elementary school students based on ethnoconstructivism
with the theme "Health is Important" which was developed by analyzing the needs of class students. The
resulting module is a flipbook with .exe format packaged in the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application, (2) the
quality of the electronic module developed is based on an assessment of the interests and motivations of
students. The results of the interest questionnaire from this study indicate that the ethnoconstructivism
electronic module using the kvisoft flipbook maker application has a dominant interest value of 72.73%,
motivation 77.27%.

Keywords: Electronic module, Etnokonstruktivimse, Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Lubuk Larangan,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengembangkan modul elektronik berbasis etnokonstruktivisme untuk
siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar, (2) mengetahui kepraktisan modul elektronik berbasis etnokonstruktivisme.
Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Develovment (R&D). Prosedur penelitian pengembangan ini
mengacu pada model ADDIE, yaitu (1) Analysis (2) Design (3) Develovment (4) Implementation (5)
Evaluation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SD Negeri 112/I Perumas. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa angket
validasi, angket respon guru dan angket respon siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) modul elektronik
untuk siswa kelas V Sekolah Dasar berbasis etnokonstruktivisme dengan tema “Sehat Itu Penting” yang
dikembangkan dengan menganalisis kebutuhan siswa kelas. Modul yang dihasilkan berupa flipbook
dengan format .exe yang dikemas dalam aplikasi Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, (2) kualitas modul elektronik
yang dikembangkan berdasarkan penilaian dari angket minat dan motivasi peserta didik. Hasil angket minat
dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modul elektronik etnokstruktivisme menggunakan aplikasi kvisoft
flipbook maker memiliki nilai dominan minat 72,73%, motivasi 77,27%.

Kata Kunci: Modul elektronik, Etnokonstruktivimse, Kvisoft Flipbook Maker, Lubuk Larangan,
kesukuan yang memiliki beragam budaya
I. Pendahuluan dan latar belakang yang berbeda”. Risda
Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara (2016: 196) menyatakan bahwa “Indonesia
kepulauan dengan keberagaman budaya, has more than seventeen thousand islands,
suku, ras dan agama yang berbeda dari due to this facts, Indonesian is well-known
setiap daerahnya. Widiastuti, (2013: 10) for its cultural richness, multy cultural
berpendapat bahwa “Indonesia merupakan country” (Indonesia memiliki lebih dari
negara yang majemuk terdiri dari tujuh ribu pulau, oleh sebab itu Indonesia
kumpulan orang-orang berciri khas

terkenal dengan kekayaan budaya; negara mengakomodasi pembelajaran tematik-
multi-budaya). terpadu, keterpaduan lintas mata pelajaran,
Sebagai negara yang majemuk lintas aspek belajar dan keragaman budaya.
Indonesia memiliki keberagaman kultur Kemudian ditegaskan juga pada Peraturan
budaya yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
karaktersitik dari setiap daerahnya. Miftah Republik Indonesia Nomor 81A tahun
(2016: 167) berpendapat bahwa “Every 2013 lampiran IV bahwa pembelajaran di
area in Indonesia has its culture and its sekolah tingkat dasar dikembangkan secara
own characteristic, the exisiting cultural tematik, keterpaduan lintas mata pelajaran
diversity ini our country is one of forms and untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan, siap
a evidence where our country is rich of dan keterampilan serta mengapresiasi
cultures” (Setiap daerah di Indonesia keragaman budaya lokal. Pada aspek
memiliki budaya dan karaktersitknya keberagaman budaya dapat diintegrasikan
sendiri, keberagaman budaya yang ada dalam konteks pembelajaran dengan
merupakan bentuk dan bukti bahwa negara memasukan konten kearifan lokal.
kita kaya akan budaya). Kearifan lokal banyak memberikan
Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun nilai kehidupan pada masyarakat. Menurut
2003 Bab X pasal 36 ayat (2) tentang Azis (2017: 2) “Kearifan lokal dibangun
kurikulum menyatakan bahwa “Kurikulum dari nilai-nilai sosial yang dijunjung dalam
pada semua jenjang dan jenis pendidikan struktur sosial masyarakat sebagai
dikembangkan dengan prinsip diversifikasi pedoman, pengontrol serta menjadi rambu-
sesuai dengan satuan pendidikan, potensi rambu dalam berbagai dimensi
daerah dan peserta didik”. Upaya kehidupan”. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa
diversifikasi yang dilakukan pemerintah kearifan lokal merupakan bagian dari
yaitu dengan memasukan konten kearifan sebuah budaya yang lahir dari pemikiran
lokal pada pembelajaran. Nakpodia, mencakup pengetahuan, pandangan dan
(2010: 2) menyatakan bahwa “Culture is nilai-nilai kehidupan yang positif. Salah
maintained through education way satu bentuk nilai yang terdapat dari
curriculum development” (Budaya kearifan lokal adalah nilai sosial. Nilai
dipertahankan atau dimodifikasi melalui sosial penting untuk dimiliki peserta didik,
pendidikan dan pengembangan karena pada dasarnya manusia merupakan
kurikulum). makhluk sosial. Hantono (2018: 86)
Pemerintah saat ini terus gencar “Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang
memperbaiki sistem pendidikan di sejatinya selalu hidup bersama dengan
Indonesia, contohnya yaitu melakukan manusia lain dan tidak dapat melakukan
penyempurnaan pada Kurikulum 2013. kegiatannya sendiri tanpa bantuan manusia
Mengutip dari Khusna (2018: 149) “Esensi lainnya”.
dalam penerapan Kurikulum 2013 tidak Pengintegrasian nilai-nilai sosial
hanya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kearifan lokal pada konteks sosial dalam
pengetahuan tetapi juga diharapkan dapat pembelajaran disebut dengan istilah
mengasah kemampuan peserta didik etnososial. Etnososial merupakan
dalam memiliki keterampilan serta pembelajaran dengan konteks kearifan
karakter luhur sesuai kepribadian bangsa lokal pada aspek sosial yang disusun
Indonesia”. berdasarkan nilai-nilai dan diterapkan
Pada lampiran Peraturan Menteri berdasarkan pengalaman peserta didik.
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 22 Contoh bentuk kearifan lokal yang terdapat
tahun 2016 tentang Standar Proses bahwa di kawasan provinsi Jambi adalah kegiatan
pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar tradisi Lubuk Larangan. Tradisi Lubuk

Larangan merupakan bentuk kekayaan hal tersebut dengan mencari gambar
budaya di provinsi Jambi tepatnya mengenai kearifan lokal provinsi Jambi
Kabupaten Bungo. Tradisi Lubuk yang sekiranya dapat dijelaskan dalam
Larangan banyak memiliki nilai-nilai pembelajaran.
sosial yang dapat diintegrasikan dalam Menilik dari permasalahan tersebut,
pembelajaran contohnya yaitu nilai gotong perlu adanya upaya untuk mengatasi
royong dan kekeluargaan. Pembelajaran keterbatasan bahan ajar. Upaya yang dapat
dengan mengkontruk kearifan lokal daerah dilakukan yaitu dengan mengembangkan
setempat disebut dengan pembelajaran sebuah bahan ajar berbasis kearifan lokal
berbasis etnokonstruktivisme. yang relevan dengan Kurikulum 2013,
Pembelajaran berbasis Standar Pendidikan dan perkembangan
etnokonstruktivisme penting diterapkan di zaman seperti pemanfaatan teknologi.
Sekolah Dasar, hal ini merupakan usaha Peserta didik saat ini merupakan
dalam proses pelestarian kebudayaan “anak millenial” yang tumbuh dan
Indonesia. Sekolah yang tidak berkembang ditengah kepesatan teknologi.
memperhatikan potensi kearifan lokal Manongga (2009: 16) berpendapat
dalam pembelajaran akan memberikan “Pemanfataan teknologi informasi
dampak yang tidak baik bagi peserta didik. memberikan tuntutan dalam
Tujuan mengintegrasikan kearifan lokal pengimplementasian teknologi di dunia
pada pembalajaran tidak lepas dari upaya pendidikan”. Hal ini sangat beralasan
pelestarian budaya, salah satu bentuk bahwa sejarah perkembangan teknologi itu
upaya pelestrian budaya adalah melalui sendiri berasal dari dunia pendidikan.
proses pendidikan. Kearifan lokal yang Maka dari itu, agar dapat memanfaatkan
dimiliki memiliki nilai fungsional bagi teknologi yang berkembang saat ini maka
kehidupan, namun pemanfaatan potensi modul yang akan dikembangkan
tersebut belum optimal dalam pendidikan. merupakan modul berbasis elektronik yang
Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan, biasa disingkat dengan e-modul.
pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan Peserta didik Sekolah Dasar
mengintegrasikan kearifan lokal di SD cenderung menyukai pembelajaran yang
Negeri 112/I Perumnas belum terlaksana menarik. Agar dapat menarik perhatian dan
dengan optimal. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan minat peserta didik maka e-modul akan
melakukan wawancara bersama guru kelas dimuat dalam sebuah aplikasi yang
di Sekolah Dasar tersebut. Kesimpulan dari bernama Kvisoft Flipbook. Aplikasi ini
wawancara yang telah dilakukan yaitu: dapat membuat e-modul memiliki bentuk
guru telah berusaha memperkenalkan atau yang bervariatif karena dapat memuat
sedikit memasukkan konten kearifan lokal gambar, teks, video dan audio. Dengan
pada pembelajaran seperti demikian diharapkan dapat membantu
memperkenalkan kearifan lokal yang ada guru dalam proses pembelajaran dalam
di Kabupaten Batanghari. Namun terdapat memperkenalkan kearifan lokal yang ada
kendala pada keterbatasan bahan ajar, pada lingkungan peserta didik sehingga
sebab untuk saat ini guru hanya dapat menciptakan pembelajaran yang
menggunakan Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa bermakna.
dari pemerintah untuk digunakan pada
proses pembelajaran. Buku Guru dan Buku
II. Kajian Literatur
Siswa jika dilihat hanya memperlihatkan
kebudayaan Indonesia secara global tidak 2.1 Modul Elektronik
spesifik kepada kearifan lokal provinsi Kemajuan teknologi informasi
Jambi. Maka dari itu guru hanya mensiasati dapat mengubah penyajian bahan ajar,

seperti halnya modul cetak kini dapat Karo-karo & Rohani (2018:92) bahwa
dikemas menjadi modul digital atau yang “konsep belajar didekati dengan paham
dikenal dengan istilah modul elektronik (e- konstruktivisme maka belajar merupakan
modul). Menurut Nurmayanti, dkk hasil konstruksi sendiri sebagai interaksi
(2015:337) “Modul elektronik merupakan terhadap lingkungan belajar”.
bahan belajar mandiri yang tersusun secara
sistematis yang disajikan dalam format 2.4 Lubuk Larangan
elektronik”. Senada dengan Cheva & Lubuk Larangan merupakan tradisi
Zainul (2019:29) ”e-modul adalah bahan yang kerap dilakukan oleh masyarakat
ajar mandiri yang memuat informasi yang Kabupaten Bungo. Secara etomologi
disajikan dalam bentuk digital”. Lubuk Larangan terdiri dari dua kata yaitu
“lubuk” yang diartikan sebagai sungai dan
2.2 Pembelajaran Berbasis Kearifan Lokal “larang” yang diartikan sebagai perintah
Kearifan lokal menurut Asriati (2012:112) dilarang melakukan sesuatu di daerah
adalah “Suatu ide/gagasan bersifat sungai. Menurut Surma (2008:102) Lubuk
konseptual yang berkembang dan terus Larangan adalah “Sebuah kawasan
berkembang ditengah masyarakat dan tertentu di dalam sungai yang dilindungi
bersifat profan”. Akbar (2016:42) juga dalam kurun waktu tertentu”.
mengemukakan hal yang sama bahwa
“Kearifan lokal merupakan suatu warisan III. Metode Penelitian
yang dipertahankan sebagai sebuah Model pengembangan yang
identitas setempat meliputi pengetahuan, digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
kepercayaan, adat istiadat, norma dan model ADDIE yang diadopsi dari Branch.
kebudayaan”. Pernyataan tersebut juga Menurut Branch (2009:2) “ADDIE is a
relevan dengan Sudarsana (2018:300) product development concept”. Tahap
bahwa “Local wisdom is related to how pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari lima
knowledge is generated, stored, applied, langkah, yaitu (1) Analisis, (2)
managed and inherited” yang artinya Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan, (4)
kearifan lokal merupakan pengetahuan Implementasi dan, (5) Evaluasi. Peneliti
yang dihasilkan, disimpan, diterapkan dan menggunakan model ADDIE dikarenakan:
diwariskan. Model ADDIE sederhana dan mudah
dipelajari, terdapat evaluasi dan revisi
2.3 Etnokonstruktivisme secara terus-menerus dalam setiap
Etnokonstruktivisme merupakan tahapannya sehingga akan membantu
gabungan dari dua kata yaitu etno dan proses perbaikan produk serta model
konstruktivimse. Kedua kata tersbut ADDIE telah banyak digunakan dalam
memilki artian yang berbeda. Menurut penelitian pengembangan dan terbukti
Baehaqie (2013) etno merupakan menghasilkan produk yang baik. Jenis
kebudayaan yang terdapat pada suatu data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini
daerah. Sedangkan konstruktivisme adalah data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif.
merupakan aliran ilmu yang memiliki Data kualitatif didapat dari komentar, saran
makna pembentukan pengetahuan yang atau masukkan. Sedangkan data kuantitatif
dibentuk berdasarkan pengelaman. didapat dari hasil perhitungan angket
Menurut Kalpana (2014:27) menyatakan respon dari peserta didik.
“Konstruktivisme merupakan pandangan Instrumen yang digunakan pada
yang menekankan pada peran akitf siswa penelitian ini adalah angket dengan bentuk
dalam membangun pemahaman untuk skala Likert. Tahap analisis data yaitu
memahami informasi”. Pendapat lain oleh mengumpulkan data dari penyebaran

angket untuk dianalisis untuk melihat hasil
dari sebuah pengembangan produk.
Tabel 1. Level Angket Persepsi dan Minat
Peserta Didik terhadap E-Modul
Interval Interval
Skor Skor Kriteria
Minat Motivasi
20.0-36.1 20.0-36.1 Sangat Tidak
36.1-52.0 36.1-52.0 Tidak baik
52.1-68.0 52.1-68.0 Cukup
68.1-84.0 68.1-84.0 Baik
84.1-100.0 84.1-100.0 Sangat Baik

Gambar 1. Halaman Pembuka

IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan
4.1 Hasil
4.1.2 Halaman Kompetensi Inti dan
Hasil pengembangan yang dilakukan
Kompetensi Dasar
peneliti adalah mengahasilkan bahan ajar e-
Halaman kompetensi inti pembelajaran
modul dengan menggunakan aplikasi Kvisoft
memuat kompetensi yang harus dipelajari
Flipbook Maker Pro sebagai bahan ajar
siswa pada kurikulum sekolah dasar.
pendukung proses pembelajaran untuk siswa
Sekolah Dasar. Elektronik modul yang
dibuat memuat nilai-nilai kebudayaan yang
ada disekitar siswa. Pembuatan modul
menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme
sehingga modul ini disebut sebagai modul
etnokonstruktivisme. Constructivist learning
processes support student active
participation, knowledge construction and
deep learning, encourage student to think
and act independently, and foster pemanent Gambar 2. Halaman KI dan KD
learning (Colak, 2017).
Modul elektronik ini berisi materi 4.1.3 Uraian Materi
pembelajaran yang ditinjau dari segi Uraian materi juga disesuaikan dengan
kebudayaan. Pengembangan e-modul tujuan pembelajaran yakni mengetahui
menggunakan aplikasi Kvisoft Flipbook kearifan lokal yang ada di provinsi Jambi
Maker Pro. Produk pengembangan dikemas yaitu mengenai tradisi Lubuk Larangan.
dalam bentuk format PDF (Portable Kegiatan Peserta didik berupa latihan-
Document Format). Pengembangan modul latihan yang harus dikerjakan oleh peserta
etnokonstruktivisme adalah bentuk didik baik secara individu maupun
pengembangan e-learning agar siswa lebih
tertarik untuk belajar. Elektronik modul
dibuat memuat beberapa tampilan menu
pembelajaran yaitu meteri pembelajaran,
evaluasi pembelajaran, keterampilan
prakarya dan penilaian prakarya.

4.1.1 Halaman Pembuka E-modul


berkelompok 52.1-68.0 Cukup 3 13,63
68.1-84.0 Baik 17 77,27
84.1-100.0 Sangat 2 9.1
Jumlah 22 100

Berdasarkan tabel 2 level kategori

angket motivasi peserta didik terhadap e-
modul dapat dilihat bahwa, pada level angket
Gambar 3. Cerita Etnokonstruktivisme kriteria Sangat Tidak Baik dan Tidak Baik
memperoleh 0% artinya dari 22 siswa tidak
4.1.4 Halaman Keterampilan Prakarya ada yang memilih. Untuk kriteria Cukup
Halaman keterampilan prakarya adalah memperoleh frekuensi sebanyak 3 dan
halaman yang memuat prakarya yang presentase 13,63% (3 dari 22 siswa), kriteria
hendak dibuat siswa. Prakarya Baik memperoleh frekuensi sebesar 17
dilaksanakan setelah selesai melakukan dengan presentase 77,27% (17 dari 22 siswa)
pembekajaran. , dan kriteria Sangat Baik memperoleh
frekuensi sebanyak 2 dan presentase 9,1% (2
dari 100). Dengan demikian angket motivasi
dominan dalam kategori Baik dengan
reponden sebanyak 17 siswa sebesar
77,27%. Berikut adalah tabel level kategori
angket minat yang diberikan kepada siswa
terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan.
Tabel 3. Level Kategori Angket Minat
Interval Kriteria F %
20.0-36.0 Sangat 0 0
Tidak Baik
36.1-52.0 Tidak Baik 0 0
Gambar 4. Keterampilan Prakarya 52.1-68.0 Cukup 1 4,55
68.1-84.0 Baik 16 72,73
81.4-100.0 Sangat 5 22,72
Hasil data dari penelitian dengan Baik
menggunakan angket minat dan motivasi Jumlah 22 100
yang dilakukan di kelas V SD Negeri 112/I
Perumnas terhadap e-modul berbasis Berdasarkan tabel 3 level angket
Kvisoft.Berikut adalah tabel level kategori minat peserta didik terhadap e-modul dapat
angket minat yang diberikan kepada siswa dilihat bahwa, pada level angket kriteria
terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan. Sangat Tidak Baik dan Tidak Baik
Berikut adalah tabel level kategori memperoleh frekuensi sebanyak 0 dan
angket motivasi yang diberikan kepada siswa presentase 0% (0 dari 22 siswa). Kriteria
terhadap e-modul yang dikembangkan. Cukup memperoleh frekuensi sebanyak 1
Tabel 2. Level Kategori Angket Motivasi dengan presentase 4,55% (1 dari 22 siswa)
Interval Kriteria F % kriteria Baik presentase 72,73% (16 dari 22
Skor siswa) dan kriteria Sangat Baik
20.0-36.0 Sangat 0 0 memperoleh frekuensi sebanyak 5 dan
Tidak Baik presentase 22,72% (5 dari 22 siswa). Jadi
36.1-52.0 Tidak Baik 0 0 angket minat didominasi oleh kategori

Baik dengan 16 responden sebesar Subandiyo, & Amalina, 2019).
72,73%. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut ada
Dari hasil data yang didapatkan pada motivasi intrinsik yang berasal dari dalam
tabel 3, dapat dilihat bahwa dari 22 diri peserta didik sendiri, dan motivasi
responden yang mengisi angket minat ekstrinsik berasal dari luar diri peserta
yang dibagikan menunjukkan frekuensi didik. This means directing the deed to
terbanyak sebesar 16 dengan presentase achieve the desired goal. 3) Motivation
72,73% termasuk ke dalam kategori Baik. functions as a driver, it functions as an
Frekuensi ini menunjukkan lebih dari engine for cars, the size of motivation will
separuh responden memberikan atau determine the speed or slowness of a job
munjukkan minat yang positif terhadap (Astalini, Kurniawan, Sulistiyo, &
penggunaan e-modul pembelajaran Perdana, 2019). Menurut Anjani,
berbasis Kvisoft flipbook maker dalam Factchan, dan Amirudin (2016) Motivasi
pembelajaran. Artinya, jika peserta didik penting dalam menetukan seberapa banyak
menunjukkan respon minat yang positif siswa akan belajar dari suatu kegiatan
maka akan meningkatkan minat belajar pembelajaran atau seberapa banyak
peserta didik yang lebih, dengan menyerap informasi yang disajikan kepada
menggunakan e-modul pembelajaran mereka Menurut Manasia (2015)
berbasis Kvisoft flipbook maker. Menurut Enjoyment in learning is the emotion
Ariawan, Muhsetyo, dan Qohar (2017) expression of students intrinsically linked
Rendahnya minat belajar siswa dapat to student motivation to learn, with
diatasi dengan memasukkan unsur hiburan learning and school performance at
pada multimedia yang dikembangkan. school.
Menurut Nurhasanah & Sobandi (2016)
Ketertarikan untuk belajar diartikan V. Simpulan dan Saran
apabila seseorang yang berminat terhadap
5.1 Simpulan
suatu pelajaran maka ia akan memiliki
perasaan ketertarikan terhadap pelajaran Penelitian dan pengembangan ini
tersebut. mengasilkan e-modul dengan menggunakan
Selanjutnya, dari hasil data pada tabel aplikasi Kvisoft flipbook maker. Model yang
5, dapat dilihat bahwa dari 22 responden digunakan untuk mengembangkan modul
yang mengisi angket motivasi adalah ADDIE yang terdiri dari lima langkah
menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi terbesar yaitu Analyze, Design, Development,
sebanyak 17 dengan presentase 77,27% Implementation, dan Evaluation. Dari
termasuk ke dalam kategori Baik. penyebaran angket yang telah dilakukan di
Frekuensi ini menunjukkan lebih dari Sekolah Dasar Negeri 112/I Perumnas dapat
separuh respon memberikan respon bahwa disimpulkan bahwa hasil analisis yang
penggunaan e-modul pembelajaran diperoleh dari indikator Minat siswa
berbasis Kvisoft flipbook maker yang diperoleh kategori Baik dengan presentase
diujicobakan mampu memotivasi peserta 72,73 %. Indikator Motivasi siswa
didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Berarti berkategori Baik dengan presentase 77,27%
dengan adanya bahan ajar e-modul dan selanjutnya hasil indikator Persepsi
pembelajaran berbasis Kvisoft flipbook siswa berkategori Cukup dengan persentase
maker, peserta didik menjadi lebih yang diperoleh sebesar 63,6%.
termotivasi dalam mengikuti proses
pembelajaran. Motivasi terdiri dari dua 5.1 Saran
jenis, yaitu motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi Modul elektronik yang
ekstrinsik (Asrial, Syahrial, Kurniawan, dikembangkan memiliki keunggulan dan

masih memiliki kelemahan serta Cheva, V. K., & Zainul, R. (2019).
keterbatasan. Keunggulan modul Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis
elektronik diantaranya: modul elektronik Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Sifat
dapat menarik perhatian peserta didik Keperiodikan Unsur Untuk Sma / Ma
karena modul elektronik dilengkapi Kelas X. Edukimia, 1(1), 28–36.
dengan gambar, video dan audio;
menjadikan peserta didik belajar aktif; dan Dedi Hantono, D. P. (2018). Aspek
dapat mengurangi penggunaan kertas Perilaku Manusia Sebagai Makhluk
sebagai upaya pelestarian lingkungan. Individu Dan Sosial. National
Kelemahan dalam menggunakan modul Academic Journal Of Architecture,
elektronik adalah membutuhkan fasilitas 5(2), 85–93.
yang mendukung seperti ketersediaan
laptop/komputer dan infocus pada saat Eddy Harfia Surma, R. Dan H. A. (2008).
proses penggunaannya, jadi apabila Belajar Dari Bungo. Center For
sekolah tidak memiliki ketersediaan sarana International Forestry Research
dan prasarana maka modul elektronik tidak (Cifor).
dapat digunakan di sekolah tersebut;
sebagian kecil masih terdapat guru dan Indonesia, Pemerintah Republik. (2013).
peserta didik yang kurang mahir dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Republik
menggunakan komputer sehingga Indonesia Nomor 81a Tahun 2013
mengakibatkan keterhambatan pada saat Tentang Implementasi Kurikulum.
proses penggunaannya.
Karo-Karo, I. R., & Rohani. (2018).
Manfaat Media Dalam Pembelajaran.
Daftar Rujukan
Jurnal Axiom, 7(1), 91–96.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Khusna, N., Shufa, F., & Artikel, S. (2018).
Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Pembelajaran Berbasis Kearifan
Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Lokal Di Sekolah Dasar : Sebuah
Kerangka Konseptual. Inopendas
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Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan, 1(1),
Perdana, R. (2019). E-Assessment
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Ahimsa Padmanaba Murfi1), Tutuk Widowati2), dan Mutia Lina Dewi3)

Politeknik Negeri Malang

This study involved an EFL learner who not only earned relatively high score in the TOEFL test, but also
performed exceptional English speaking comprehension. A deep interview was employed to gather
information from the subject; in order to identify features that enabled him to develop English skills. As a
graduate of an international program in a public college, he had an access to interact in the target
language. His intrinsic and extrinsic motivations were also proven factors contributing to the
participant’s agency. The agency also allowed him to initiate activities which enabled him to access
comprehensive input.

Keywords: agency; language input; learning environment; motivation; a successful EFL learner


Penelitian ini melibatkan pelajar EFL yang tidak hanya memperoleh skor yang relatif tinggi dalam
tes TOEFL, tetapi juga memiliki pemahaman berbicara bahasa Inggris yang luar biasa. Wawancara
mendalam digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari subjek; untuk mengidentifikasi fitur-fitur
yang memungkinkannya mengembangkan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris. Sebagai lulusan program
internasional di perguruan tinggi negeri, ia memiliki akses untuk berinteraksi dalam bahasa target.
Motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsiknya juga merupakan faktor yang terbukti berkontribusi pada agensi
peserta penelitan. Agensi ini jugalah yang memungkinkannya untuk memulai kegiatan-kegiatan
(secara mandiri) dalam mengakses masukan yang komprehensif.

Kata Kunci: agensi, input bahasa, lingkungan belajar, motivasi, pebelajar EFL sukses

I. Introduction contributes to the victory of dialect

securing. A consider on dialect input
The purpose of teaching a language is to
conducted by Maharsi (2016) pointed out
get ready learners to be able communicate
that the proper measure and shape of input
communicatively and successfully, both
appropriate result in more fruitful dialect
within the talked and composed mode.
procurement. In a comparative heading,
Nunan (2003) states that English as a
Bahrani and Soltani (2012) explored the
worldwide dialect has gotten to be a
part of dialect input in moment dialect
persuasive figure in numerous ranges, i.e.
securing and concluded that moment
commerce, science, innovation. Due to this
dialect procurement was carried out by
concern, Indonesia put English as one of
considering having ideal presentation to
the fundamental subjects in its instruction
the target dialect. O’Grady et al. (2011)
educational programs.
moreover emphasized the part of input in
In a foreign language process, it is
SLA by informing that a few dialect
evident that input is considered as
highlights, in a dialect securing case, are
exceptionally imperative. It plays a part as
specifically formed by the input. In other
a required passage point’ that impressively

words, hence, the method of dialect affective filter hypothesis (Abukhattala,
procurement is profoundly impacted by the 2013).
fitting and accessibility of dialect input Krashen uses two very different words
(Bahrani & Nekoueizadeh, 2014) to describe skills learned in a second
Another point to be emphasized is that to language which is the difference between
memorize a dialect, individuals got to hone acquisition/acquisition and learning
the dialect. In Indonesian English classes, (Abukhattala, 2013). The acquisition-
it is commonly found that instructors, learning hypothesis is part of Krashen's
particularly in country regions, rarely SLA model (Abukhattala, 2013).
communicate completely in English. According to Bahrani (2011) learning
Subsequently, understudies gotten to be requires a conscious effort on the part of
hesitant to utilize English both in talked the individual to learn language and focus
and composed dialect. This influences the on structure; whereas acquisition occurs
low Indonesian students’ talking precision when subconscious activities are used as a
and fluency. way to internalize language in the
In reality, the utilize of the target individual's mind. Abukhattala (2013)
dialect in social interaction is further explains that in the classroom, more
fundamentally a great input for dialect learning is needed than acquisition which
learners since the dialect learners can get has the potential to hinder automatic and
the genuine presentation. From this social long-lasting mastery of second language
interaction, the learners can be knowledge.
commonplace with the bona fide setting of Broadly speaking, Brown (2015)
interaction and learn from that conveys the basic principles of language
circumstance. Close to that, the more learning so that it can be used as a foothold
openings to hone a modern dialect, the in applying language learning
superior and speedier the dialect learners methodologies.
obtain the unused language. a. Automation
As a result of those past focuses, it Learning a second language is a
can be expected that the negligible utilize long process whose goal is to automate the
of English in social interaction. It use of that language. This process focuses
incorporates constrained contact with on meaning, intended use, social
English communities. This point, advance, interactions during use, and sentence
makes Indonesian understudies need of structure (although this is not the main
foundation information, i.e. phonetic and focus).
common information, and gotten to be less b. Transfer
spurred to memorize this worldwide dialect L2 learners tend to associate their
communication. knowledge, abilities and emotions
Three viewpoints, i.e. the (cognitive structure) with the language
accessibility of dialect input, conducive material they want to learn.
environment for learning English and c. Award
inspiration, are considered as persuasive Humans often behave, or do
variables in talking capability. activities depending on the motivation to
II. Literature Review achieve a commensurate reward. In this
case, the best motivation is self-motivation.
The L2 acquisition theory proposed by
With self-motivation, students can feel
Krashen is based on the
proud of themselves when they have
acquisition/learning hypothesis, the
mastered B2.
monitor hypothesis, the natural order
d. Self-Regulation
hypothesis, the input hypothesis, and the

Being successful in learning L2 developing new theories to better
requires the activeness of the learner to understand it. Several studies have shown
plan and discipline to carry out what has that motivation is important for language
been planned, in accordance with the final learning, especially because it encourages
learning outcomes he wants to achieve. students to keep up the effort. It enhances
e. Identity students' language skills, and helps them
Thinking, feeling, behaving and feel in control of their learning. Samad et
behaving in L2 require complex socio- al. (2012) found a correlation between
affective processes. This is influenced by motivation and EFL Iranian language
the identity that has previously been built proficiency. In a similar study, Alizadeh
in L1, so it requires self-awareness, so that (2016) found that high language
students can display an identity that suits proficiency was positively correlated with
themselves. motivation. contribution to the successful
f. Interaction study of EFL.
When learning L2, of course what is The most theoretical literature of
expected is the ability to interact using the motivation in 2nd language acquisition
language. Initiatives from students or research is brought with the aid of using
opportunities provided by Dörnyei and Chan (2013), which refers to
lecturers/teachers to interact will improve the L2 Motivational self-system. Since its
communication skills, and further help conception, this concept of motivation has
shape their identity in the B2 social ruled researches incorporating motivation
community. within side the area of language
g. Language Culture acquisition. In his new concept of
Every time teaching a language, of motivation, Dornyei factors out 3 different,
course not only the language is taught, but but the inter-related concept of motivation
also values, habits, ways of thinking, referred to perfect L2 self, need to L2 self
feeling and behaving. Learners gradually and L2 getting to know experience.
adapt and adjust to the identity that has A widely cited distinction of motivation
been obtained from B1. in learning a language is intrinsic
h. Agency motivation and extrinsic motivation,
This 8th principle relates to the whether it comes from inside and outside.
authority of the learner to choose, and Harmer (2001), as cited in Thohir (2022)
regulate himself, regarding the points out that intrinsic motivation is that
achievements he wants to achieve in B2 which comes from within the individual in
learning. Agency is the most which a person might be motivated by the
comprehensive principle that includes the enjoyment of the learning process itself or
other principles that have been mentioned. by a desire to make themselves feel better.
Agency as a factor mentioned by Brown The extrinsic motivation, on the other
(2015) has a strong connection with hand, is that which comes from outside
motivation. Bandura (2001), as quoted in factors, for example, the need to pass an
Code (2020) stated that agency in social exam, the hope of financial reward, or the
cognitive theory is closely related to self possibility of future travel. In a broad
and cognition regulation, motivation and sense, Lai (2011) states that intrinsic
behavior through the impact of existing motivation is animated by personal
self-beliefs. enjoyment, interest or pleasure, whereas
For many years, motivation has reinforcement contingencies govern
been seen as an important factor in extrinsic motivation. Thus, the intrinsic
language learning research, with theorists motivation in English language learning is

about the enjoyment of language learning attitudes include: self-confidence,
itself, whereas extrinsic motivation is motivation and self-image, all of which
driven by external factors such as academic determine the process of internalizing the
requirements or rewards and punishments. given input.
As a result, with intrinsic motivation, a Another vital thing contributing to
language learner is encouraged to do a task the improvement of learners’ language
or engage in a classroom activity purely acquisition is the studying surroundings.
because of enjoyment or fun, whereas with Studies in 2nd language acquisition
extrinsic motivation, in contrast, a suggest that a conducive studying
language learner is encouraged to do a task surroundings has significantly affected the
or engage in a classroom activity mainly skill and ability of EFL learners.
because doing so will yield some kind of Kiatkheeree (2018) divides the
reward or benefit upon completion. gaining knowledge of surroundings into
In an educational program, it is claimed three: academic surroundings, bodily
that intrinsic motivation is more powerful surroundings, and mental surroundings.
than extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic Regarding the instructional surroundings,
motivation is considered to result in better instructors play an vital function as a vital
learning outcomes than extrinsic thing in selling a effective gaining
motivation. However, in an EFL program, knowledge of surroundings that includes
most of the language learners engaging in having properly expertise of the concern
learning activities are driven by external matter, knowledge of the curriculum and
motivations. Harmer (2001) points out that its purpose, and reflecting on their teaching
even where the original reason for taking (Kiatkheeree, 2018, p.391). This assertion
up a language course, for example, is is following Lizzio et al. (2002), wherein
extrinsic, the chances of success will be some effective academic surroundings
significantly enhanced if the students come constitutes properly teaching, clean goals,
to love the learning process. A study and appropriate assessment. As some
conducted by Vansteenkiste, Lens, and educational surroundings impacts learners’
Deci (2006) demonstrated that natural goal achievement, the bodily surroundings are
framing (compared to extrinsic goal likewise taken into consideration as a vital
framing and no-goal framing) produced thing in helping EFL learners.
deeper engagement in learning activities,
better conceptual learning, and higher III. Research Method
persistence at learning activities. To develop a deep understanding to the
Motivation of the learners to learn success of speaking proficiency, a
English Language would be useless qualitative research was conducted.
without the availability of input. Further, since this study intended to figure
Understandable input is explained as out the cause or effect relationship between
information received (input) which must be behavior and outcome, a descriptive
slightly above or beyond what the learner qualitative was used to describe the process
has been able to master, or it can also be of succeeding the subjects’ speaking
called i+1 (Abukhattala, 2013). proficiency. A hypothesize about the
The last of Krashen's hypothesis is the subject was drawn and described in form of
affective filter hypothesis. Abukhattala sentences.
(2013) concludes this hypothesis as a The detailed information was collected
condition for students to be able to by conducting an in-depth interview. The
successfully study B2, with an open in-depth interview was to gather
attitude to the input provided. These information about the process of the

availability of language input and availability input, conducive environment
conducive learning environment. On the for learning English, and motivation.
other hand, questionnaire was addressed to
see the subject’s second language learning The last research step is discussing how
motivation. A rubric for measuring the three aspects contribute to the subject’s
speaking fluency was also developed. current level of English speaking
Several points, i.e. grammar, proficiency, comments, conclusions and
pronunciation, vocabulary, suggestions are given based on the
comprehension, background knowledge findings.
and fluency, determine good or bad
someone’s speaking proficiency level. IV. Findings and Discussion
This data in this study were gained
by following these research procedures. Based on the language proficiency in
The first one is selecting a second language speaking, the subject’s aspects which
learner who is not less than 12 years old. support his speaking proficiency are
We consider student or person who has assessed based on the rubric bellows:
been 12 has adequate experience in
learning English Language to perform Category Score Description
his/her language proficiency. The language grammar 4 The subject was able
proficiency is an important aspect which to express their ideas
the second language learner/subject should and responses with
perform, since s/he will become a model ease in proper
for a good process of acquisition. sentence structure
and tenses.
The second research step is pronunciation 4 Pronunciation was
determining the subject’s language very clear and easy to
proficiency in speaking in English by understand.
conducting an English speaking test in vocabulary 4 Rich, precise and
form of interview with the subject. The impressive usage of
vocabulary words
result of the speaking test is to decide learned in and
whether the subject should be the beyond of class.
participant of the following steps of this comprehension 3 The participant was
study or not. able to comprehend
The test is based on speaking and respond to most
of the questions and
fluency test adapted from TOEFL iBT (The topics that were
Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign being discussed.
Language). There are three steps in the background 4 The participant
interview: the first one, the knowledge
presented excellent
interviewee/subject will answer questions background
knowledge from
about his/herself and his/her family,
topics and was able
followed by speaking about a topic, and to add more
s/he will have a longer discussion about the information in their
topic introduced in the previous step. response.
fluency 3 Speech is mostly
After doing the speaking test, and the smooth but with
result is quite good, based on the rubric, the some hesitation and
next step is to do a deep search into the unevenness caused
primarily by
process of becoming a proficient English rephrasing and
learner. We have designed a deep interview groping for words.
which covers three aspects: language

Total: 22/24 same age as the subject remembered how
often their songs were played often every
The result of the speaking day in TV shows, even our friends in
proficiency test is quite high (22 out of 24). schools played their songs while school
He uttered his idea in proper structures, breaks.
pronunciation was clear. He also spoke He also enjoyed English speaking
using rich vocabularies and background movies. He even does subtitling for his
knowledge that support his speaking younger brother. Not only movies, but also
performance. There are two aspects which cartoons, and TV shows. He does, because
he could not perform perfectly, he enjoys the activity.
comprehension and fluency. Results in the What was interesting was he
deep interview that we will explain further, unintentionally developed his interest in
he does not have enough confidence in English by reading history of mankind. By
speaking performance, he also did never reading the history and he came to
look the eyes of the interviewer, as sign of language as mean of people’s
the lack of confidence of the subject. We communication, he knows from what tribe
assume that imperfect score is also the the origin of English Language is. What
result of his lack of confidence. However, other languages which are in the same
from this result, we can still conclude that family as English Language, why they are
the subject’s proficiency is quite good, accents, why even English language has its
meaning that he is a good model for a good own different versions in different
process of English Language acquisition. countries.
The step that follows the speaking
proficiency test is deep interview. The b. Conducive environment for learning
results presented as follows: English
The participant and his family
a. The availability of language input subscribe to Indovision that serves local
The participant took English and international channels. He easily
Language course when he was an watches BBC, SBC, and any other English-
elementary student and when two months speaking channels.
ago, only because he was curious about His parents consider English as
IELTS. The first one when he was still a important. Sometimes, they talk each other
student, the course focused on grammar use English, but he is shy to answer in
lesson. The grammar lesson successfully English, he answers in Bahasa Indonesia
boosted his confidence in learning English, instead. Being shy, since he considers
moreover English Subject in SMP and using English not in academic setting as
SMA took grammar lesson as one of the showing off.
most important one. When he was still a college student,
As intentional effort to support the English was a mean of communication. He
language input, he also once was a also got used to speak in English when he
participant in an English-Speaking News ought to speak in English, due to the
Anchor Competition, but he was failed, and presentation task given.
reluctant to participate in any other English
Language competitions. c.Motivation
His first interest in English The participant's willingness to get
Language songs was through My Chemical good scores in his international class
Romance and The Avenged Sevenfold’ s motivated him to do: reviewing journals,
reputations in Indonesia. We who are in the doing assignments, and completing

In addition, the interview found out Abukhattala, I. (2013). Krashen’s five
his another motivation as an EFL learner. proposals on language learning: Are they
He found out that English become a crucial valid in Libyan EFL classes. English
language talent that need to be received to Language Teaching, 6 (1), 128-131.
pursue his career. He was aware of the doi:10.5539/elt.v6n1p128.
importance of English Language as a
means of communication. Also, he enjoyed Alizadeh, M. (2016). The impact of
songs and movies, written and presented in motivation on English language learning.
English. International Journal of Research in
To sum up, his outstanding overall English Education, 1(1), 11-15
performance in English is fairly prompted
with the aid of using intrinsic and extrinsic Brown, H. Douglas & Lee, Heekyeong.
factors. The commitments to withdraw his (2015). Teaching by Principle: An
career, get perfect scores during classes Interactive Approach to Language
and enjoy comprehensive input while Pedagogy. New York: Pearson Education,
listening to music and watching movies. Inc

V. Conclusion and Bahrani, T., & Soltani, R. (2012).

Language input and second language
acquisition. Journal of Education and
The participant participating in this Practice, 3(3), 39-43
study had a strong motivation in learning
English Language. This motivational
Bahrani, T., & Nekoueizadeh, M. (2014).
orientations extensively had an effect on
The role of input in second language
his great fulfillment as an EFL learner, i.e.
acquisition. Journal of Advances in
award (perfect scores) from his lecturers,
Linguistics, 1(1), 1–6.
and his commitment to withdraw his career
in an international, English-speaking
Code J (2020) Agency for Learning:
He regulated self and controlled his
Intention, Motivation, Self-Efficacy and
language environment and input. Another
Self-Regulation. Front. Educ. 5:19. doi:
aspect that is also a principle proposed by
Brown (2015), proven successfully
practiced by the participant is interaction.
Dörnyei, Z., & Chan, L. (2013).
As an international college student in a
Motivation and vision: An analysis of
public college, he actively interacted with
future L2 self-images, sensory styles, and
the others students and his lecturers, using
imagery capacity across two target
languages. Language Learning: A Journal
Suggested further studies should
of Research in Language Studies, 63 (3),
cover tracing the development of agency of
English Language learners and how to
motivate students, whereas the
incomprehensive inputs and Indonesian-
Kiatkheeree, P. (2018). Learning
speaking settings.
environment for second language
acquisition: Through the eyes of English
teachers in Thailand.

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Education Technology, Language Learning, 6(1), 20–28.
8(5), 391–395.

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(2002). University students’ perceptions
of the learning environment
and academic outcomes: implications for
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Retrieved from:
Maharsi, I. (2016). The importance of
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acquisition. Journal of English and
Education, 5 (1), 45–53.

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Practical English Language Teaching.
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Lee, M. (2011). An emergentist
perspective on heritage language
acquisition. Studies in Second Language
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R. (2012). Motivation and language
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language teaching and learning.


Septian Cahyo Putro1), Durrah Nafisah2)

Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
1) 2)


Distance Learning (PJJ) is a solution for educational activity organizers in the Covid-19 era. Its
application has been carried out in many educational institutions, both formal and informal. Behind the
various advantages of PJJ, it turns out that there are several barriers and challenges in it. This article
attempts to explain the various obstacles and challenges experienced by students of BIPA at Language
Development Center of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in participating in Distance Learning of BIPA.
The object of this research is twelve BIPA students who are very heterogeneous. Data were collected using
questionnaires and interviews. The Miles & Huberman technique was used by researchers to analyze the
obtained data. The results of this study are expected to be an evaluation material for PJJ BIPA PPB UIN
Jakarta activities and learning improvements in the future. The heterogeneous research subjects make the
results of this study very interesting to observe.

Keywords: Evaluation, Distance Learning, and BIPA.


Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) adalah solusi bagi penyelenggaraan kegiatan pendidikan di era
Covid-19. Penerapannya telah dilakukan di banyak institusi pendidikan baik formal maupun informal. Di
balik beragam kelebihan PJJ, ternyata terdapat beberapa hambatan dan tantangan di dalamnya. Artikel ini
berusaha menjelaskan berbagai hambatan dan tantangan yang dialami pemelajar BIPA PPB UIN Jakarta
dalam mengikuti PJJ BIPA. Objek penelitian ini adalah para pemelajar BIPA yang sangat heterogen
berjumlah dua belas orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Teknik Miles
& Huberman digunakan oleh peneliti untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian ini
diharapkan mampu menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi kegiatan PJJ BIPA PPB UIN Jakarta dan perbaikan
pembelajaran di masa depan. Subjek penelitian yang heterogen membuat hasil penelitian ini sangat menarik
untuk dicermati.

Kata Kunci: : Evaluasi, PJJ, dan BIPA.

I. Pendahuluan hasil capaian perkuliahan tetap tercapai.
Kendala tersebut di antaranya pemahaman
Sejak meningkatnya pandemi
pemelajar masih kurang dalam mencari
Covid-19 di Indonesia, Pusat
sumber informasi di internet dan ada pula
Pengembangan Bahasa (PPB) UIN Syarif
yang merasa sumber informasi di internet
Hidayatullah Jakarta sebagai unit
masih kurang tanpa kehadiran dosen.
pelaksana teknis (UPT) penyelenggara
Sejalan dengan itu, artikel yang
kursus bahasa asing mengubah
ditulis oleh Prijowuntato & Wardhani
pembelajarannya ke dalam format
(2021) dengan judul “Analisis Kesan,
pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ). PJJ ini tentu
Tantangan, Hambatan, dan Harapan
tidak langsung berjalan mulus. Pengajar
Pembelajaran Daring di Era Pandemi
dan pemelajar dituntut untuk menguasai
Covid-19” mengungkapkan bahwa PJJ
media pembelajaran daring yang tersedia
memiliki kesan positif dan negatif. Kesan
seperti Zoom, Google Meet, Edmodo,
positifnya adalah pemelajar masih bisa
Quiziz, Padlet, dan sebagainya.
memahami yang disampaikan oleh
Meski dianggap sebagai solusi
pengajar. Kesan negatifnya adalah
pembelajaran kala pandemi, PJJ memiliki
membosankan. Pemelajar lebih menyukai
berbagai hambatan dan tantangan,
interaksi secara langsung dengan pengajar
khususnya dalam konteks pembelajaran
dan pemelajar lainnya.
BIPA. Peneliti yang terlibat dalam kelas
Sementara itu, Diani & Dewi
PJJ BIPA selama dua tahun lebih terakhir
(2020) dalam artikelnya yang berjudul
merasa perlu melakukan evaluasi
“Tantangan Guru BIPA Menghadapi
pelaksanaan kegiatan tersebut. Peneliti
Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Pandemi
ingin mengetahui hambatan dan tantangan
Covid-19” mengemukakan bahwa para
apa saja yang terjadi atau dialami oleh
pengajar BIPA dituntut untuk beradaptasi
pemelajar BIPA dalam PJJ selama dua
lebih cepat terhadap penggunaan
tahun lebih ini, khususnya kepada
teknologi. Hal tersebut akan
pemelajar BIPA PPB UIN Syarif
mempengaruhi tahapan-tahapan
Hidayatullah Jakarta.
pembelajaran BIPA secara daring.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
Berbagai penelitian sudah
merefleksi hambatan dan tantangan PJJ
dilakukan terhadap dampak pandemik
selama dua tahun lebih ke belakang
Covid-19 dalam dunia pendidikan. Namun,
sehingga dapat mewujudkan PJJ lebih baik
kebaharuan dalam penelitian ini adalah
ketika dilaksanakan pada tahun ajaran
belum ada penelitian tentang hambatan dan
berikutnya. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga
tantangan yang dilakukan terhadap PJJ
bertujuan untuk menjadi bahan refleksi
BIPA di PPB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
bagi para pengajar BIPA UIN Jakarta
padahal PJJ telah berlangsung dua tahun
untuk mengetahui apa saja yang harus
lebih. Selain itu, penelitian tentang
diperbaiki dalam proses pembelajaran agar
pembelajaran jarak jauh BIPA dari sudut
menghasilkan capaian yang berkualitas.
pandang pemelajar masih jarang dilakukan
Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan
oleh peneliti lain. Kedua hal inilah yang
beberapa penelitian sebelumnya. Hapsari
mendorong peneliti melakukan kajian ini.
& Fitria (2020) dalam artikelnya yang
berjudul “Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring II. Kajian Literatur
Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Pengajaran Bahasa Hambatan dan tantangan dalam
dan Sastra Indonesia Masa Pandemi proses kegiatan belajar dan mengajar
Covid-19” mengatakan bahwa pemelajar berhubungan erat dengan evaluasi.
lebih sulit memahami pembelajaran secara Menurut Richards (2001), evaluasi
daring karena ada beberapa kendala meski

berfokus pada pengumpulan informasi Pengembangan dan Bahasa (PBB) UIN
tentang berbagai aspek program bahasa. Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. BIPA
Tujuannya untuk memahami cara kerja merupakan pembelajaran Bahasa
program, seberapa berhasil kerjanya, dan Indonesia yang ditujukan untuk pemelajar
mengambil suatu keputusan seperti apa asing. Muliastuti (2017) mengatakan
yang dibutuhkan pemelajar dan apakah bahwa pembelajaran BIPA lebih kompleks
tujuan pembelajaran sudah tercapai. dan rumit karena siswa asing yang belajar
Evaluasi juga berkaitan erat dengan BIPA berasal dari berbagai negara.
penilaian. Brown (2004) berpendapat Artinya, jika pemelajar homogen/ berasal
bahwa penilaian adalah proses dari satu negara pengajar akan lebih mudah
berkelanjutan yang mencakup segala aspek menjelaskan. Sebaliknya, jika pemelajar
pembelajaran. Segala aspek pembelajaran heterogeny maka pengajar harus lebih
terdiri atas pengajar, siswa, buku ajar, pandai menyiasatinya.
lembaga, dan proses kegiatan belajar Kusmiatun (2020) menambahkan
mengajar (KBM). Namun, dalam bahwa perkembangan BIPA semakin
penelitian ini peneliti membatasi hanya pesat. BIPA menjadi salah satu upaya
dari sudut pandang pemelajar terhadap PJJ mengenalkan Indonesia di kancah
BIPA di PPB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Internasional. Sejatinya mengajarkan
Jakarta. Bahasa Indonesia untuk pribumi dan
Berkaitan dengan PJJ, Homberg Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing
(dalam Saykılı, 2018) mengatakan bahwa (BIPA) berbeda. Mengajarkan BIPA tidak
pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) merupakan hanya tentang Bahasa Indonesia saja tetapi
sebuah konsep yang mencakup kegiatan kita juga harus memperkenalkan budaya
belajar-mengajar dalam segi kognitif, Indonesia kepada para pemelajar asing.
psikomotorik, dan afektif seorang pelajar
dan organisasi pendukung. Artinya, baik III. Metode Penelitian
pengajaran tatap muka (PTM) maupun Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif
pembelajran jarak jauh (PJJ) memiliki tiga deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data
aspek penilaian, yaitu aspek kognirif, berupa angket dan wawancara. Penelitian
afektif, dan psikomotorik. Perbedaannya ini hanya berfokus pada pemelajar.
adalah terdapat pada jarak dan tempat yang Responden yang menjadi objek penelitian
berbeda. ini berjumlah dua belas orang pemelajar
Burns (2011) menambahkan bahwa BIPA UIN Jakarta yang pernah mengikuti
PJJ merupakan ajang untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) minimal
kualitas pengajaran sehingga dapat selama satu level. Profil mereka cukup
meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran siswa. heterogen dipandang dari segi usia, latar
Pengajar harus memiliki pengetahuan dan belakang pekerjaan/pendidikan, negara,
keterampilan. Dengan pengetahuan yang dan lokasi tempat tinggal.
luas atau pengajar menguasai materi maka Dua puluh pertanyaan dalam
akan mudah bagi pemelajar untuk angket telah melalui tahap reviu oleh dua
memahaminya. Begitu pula dengan ahli BIPA sebelum ditanyakan ke
keterampilan. Apabila pengajar memiliki pemelajar. Angket dibagikan melalui
berbagai keterampilan yang menarik dalam media google form. Angket dibuat dalam
PJJ maka pemelajar akan tertarik dan tidak skala Likert dengan nilai satu untuk
merasa bosan dalam proses pembelajaran. jawaban sangat tidak setuju, nilai dua
Penelitian ini meneliti untuk jawaban tidak setuju, nilai tiga untuk
pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi jawaban netral, nilai empat untuk jawaban
Penutur Asing (BIPA) di Pusat setuju, dan nilai lima untuk jawaban sangat

setuju. Sebanyak tiga puluh persen dari BIPA yang memposisikan bahasa
pemelajar yang telah mengisi angket juga Indonesia sebagai bahasa asing akan lebih
kami wawancarai untuk menggali lebih efektif dalam pembelajaran tatap muka.
dalam terkait jawaban mereka dalam Terlebih lagi, jika pemelajar dapat belajar
angket. di tempat bahasa target digunakan
Setelah hasil angket dan (Kusmiatun, 2020). Pemelajar akan
wawancara terkumpul, data tersebut mendapatkan pengalaman immersion
kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik (pencelupan) sehingga penguasaan bahasa
Miles & Huberman. Miles & Huberman Indonesianya lebih efektif. Setelah
(1994) mengatakan ada tiga tahapan dalam diwawancarai lebih lanjut, didapati bahwa
penelitian. Tahapan pertama adalah beberapa pemelajar dari Afrika mengalami
pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan kesulitan belajar daring karena masalah
memilih hal-hal pokok dan memfokuskan jaringan internet, belum terbiasa belajar
pada hal-hal penting. Kedua, pengolahan bahasa asing secara daring, dan
data yang disajikan dalam bentuk uraian komunikasi yang kurang lancar dengan
teks deskriptif dan ekspositoris. Terakhir, pengajar. Perlu diketahui bahwa mereka
data yang diperoleh lalu dikategorikan dan adalah pemelajar BIPA 1.
ditarik kesimpulan (Hapsari & Fitria,
2020). 8%
IV. Hasil dan Pembahasan
Bagian ini akan terbagi dua, yaitu
46% 15%
hambatan dalam pelaksanaan
pembelajaran jarak jauh BIPA PPB UIN
Jakarta dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh
pengajar. Bagian pertama akan membahas 23%
berbagai hambatan yang diklasifikasi
menjadi dua jenis. Berdasarkan analisis
1 2 3 4 5
tersebut, pada bagian kedua, peneliti akan
merumuskan berbagai tantangan yang Diagram 1
dihadapi pengajar dalam melaksanakan PJJ Rasa nyaman belajar BIPA daring
Meski demikian, 69% pemelajar
a. Hambatan Pembelajaran Jarak merasa nyaman dengan PJJ BIPA.
Jauh yang Dialami Pemelajar BIPA Sebagian besar pemelajar BIPA UIN
UIN Jakarta adalah mahasiswa UIN Jakarta dan
Peneliti membagi dua bagian ini beberapa berprofesi sebagai pengajar.
berdasarkan daftar pertanyaan yang telah Mereka telah terbiasa mengikuti kelas
disusun oleh peneliti. daring. Ini adalah modal yang baik dalam
menyelenggarakan PJJ BIPA karena ketika
i. Hambatan Internal sebagian besar pemelajar telah merasa
Hambatan internal berarti hambatan nyaman, kelas daring akan berjalan dengan
dalam kegiatan PJJ yang berasal dari dalam efektif dan komunikatif.
diri pemelajar. Hambatan yang pertama Hambatan yang kedua adalah rasa
adalah rasa tidak nyaman dalam kelas mudah bosan dan mengantuk dalam
daring. Dari diagram 1 disimpulkan bahwa mengikuti kelas BIPA daring. Sebanyak
16% pemelajar merasa tidak nyaman 17% pemelajar mengaku mudah merasa
belajar BIPA secara daring. Pembelajaran bosan dan 25% merasa mudah mengantuk

dalam kelas daring. Hal ini sejalan dengan Diagram 3
penelitian pada 292 mahasiswa dari 24 Mudah mengantuk dalam kelas BIPA
provinsi di Indonesia. Penelitian tersebut
Sementara itu, cara mereka mengatasi
17% rasa kantuk adalah dengan membuat
minuman dan melakukan aktivitas yang
0% menyenangkan sebelum pembelajaran
BIPA daring berlangsung. Adapula
17% 50% responden yang mengatasi rasa mengantuk
ketika pembelajaran BIPA daring dengan
sesekali berdiri.

16% Hambatan yang ketiga adalah

kesulitan berkomunikasi dengan pengajar.
Sebanyak 8% pemelajar merasa sulit
1 2 3 4 5 berkomunikasi dengan pengajar BIPA UIN
Jakarta selama proses PJJ berlangsung.
menemukan bahwa mahasiswa mudah
Setelah diteliti, ternyata pemelajar tersebut
merasa bosan dalam kelas daring karena
berasal dari Afrika. Seperti yang telah
kurangnya interaksi dengan dosen dan
disampaikan di atas, kendala utama mereka
teman-teman sekelas (Prijowuntato &
adalah jaringan. Selain itu, mereka juga
Wardhani, 2021).
Diagram 2
baru berada di tingkat BIPA 1 sehingga
Mudah bosan dalam kelas BIPA daring masih merasa sulit memahami
informasi/instruksi dari pengajar baik
Beberapa pemelajar yang dengan bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa
diwawancarai mengungkapkan alasan Indonesia.
mudah diserang rasa bosan karena pengajar
tidak hadir secara langsung di hadapan 8%
mereka dan kurangnya kegiatan/aktivitas 8%
pembelajaran. Mereka mengatasi
tantangan mengatasi rasa bosan dengan
kembali melakukan introspeksi diri apa
tujuan mereka belajar Bahasa Indonesia 25% 59%
dan datang ke Indonesia.


1 2 3 4 5
0% 50% Diagram 4
Sulit berkomunikasi dengan guru


1 2 3 4 5

Peneliti menemukan bahwa 17 %
pemelajar kesulitan mengakses jaringan
internet. Mereka adalah pemelajar yang
tinggal di wilayah Afrika. Menurut hasil
wawancara, mereka harus pergi ke wilayah
kantor pemerintah setempat untuk
memperoleh jaringan, itu pun belum stabil.
Ini sangat mengganggu mereka dalam
Hambatan keempat adalah mata sering mengikuti kelas BIPA daring.
kelelahan. Dari diagram 5 dapat dilihat
bahwa 69% pemelajar merasa

0% 0%
34% 17%


1 2 3 4 5
Diagram 6
1 2 3 4 5 Masalah jaringan internet

Diagram 5 Hambatan eksternal kedua adalah

Mata sering terasa lelah pengajar kurang variatif menggunakan
media. Sebanyak 42% pemelajar
matanya sering lelah dalam mengikuti berpendapat pengajar tidak pernah
kelas daring. Hal ini karena mereka terlalu menggunakan media lain selama
sering menatap layar dalam sehari. pembelajaran daring selain Zoom dan
Hal tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian Google Classroom. Hambatan eksternal ini
terhadap 137 mahasiswa dari berbagai merupakan salah satu hambatan tertinggi
universitas di Indonesia menemukan yang dialami pemelajar.
mayoritas responden mengalami keluhan
mata berupa tegang, sakit kepala,
penglihatan buram, mata berair, gatal, dan
kering, serta nyeri (Putri, Reynanda, et al.,
2021). Peneliti merekomendasikan agar
pemelajar menjaga jarak aman dengan
layar yaitu 40—50 cm dengan
mengistirahatkan mata setiap dua jam. 17%
Cara mengistirahatkan mata adalah dengan
memandang objek sejauh 6 meter di sekitar 0%
selama dua puluh detik.

1 2 3 4 5
ii. Hambatan Eksternal Diagram 7

Guru menggunakan media lain selain Zoom tersebut harus menjadi refleksi bagi
dan Google Classroom. penyelenggara PJJ BIPA untuk
merumuskan program yang lebih baik.
Peneliti mencoba merumuskan berbagai
tantangan yang dihadapi pengajar BIPA
Hambatan eksternal terakhir adalah
PPB UIN Jakarta selama dua tahun
pemelajar merasa pengajar memberikan
terakhir. Berikut ini adalah uraiannya.
tugas yang menyusahkan di kelas BIPA
Pertama, soal kenyamanan dan
daring. Sebanyak 42% pemelajar
kesukaan belajar BIPA. Dua hal ini
berpendapat bahwa tugas-tugas yang
sebenarnya bukan tantangan, tetapi lebih
diberikan guru BIPA selama kelas daring
tepat disebut modal dalam
menyusahkan mereka. Hambatan eksternal
menyelenggarakan PJJ BIPA pada tahun
ini merupakan hambatan tertinggi kedua
ajaran berikutnya. Mayoritas pemelajar
yang dialami pemelajar.
BIPA UIN Jakarta menyukai dan nyaman
Hal tersebut sejalan dengan penelitian
belajar BIPA secara daring. Meski
Prijowuntato & Wardhani (2021) yang
demikian, hal ini menjadi sebuah
menemukan bahwa banyak mahasiswa
pencapaian yang patut dipertahankan
mengeluhkan tugas selama perkuliahan
dengan menjaga kualitas PJJ BIPA dan
daring. Tugas yang diberikan bergitu
mengerjakan PR-PR yang telah disebutkan
banyak sehingga mereka kewalahan dalam
di bagian hambatan.
manajemen waktu. Akhirnya, sebagian
Kedua, pemelajar lebih menyukai
mereka tidak mengerjakan tugas tersebut.
media Zoom daripada Google Classroom.
Sebanyak 67% pemelajar menyukai belajar
dengan media Zoom dan 84% berpendapat
bahwa mereka memahami apa yang
34% pengajar sampaikan di kelas BIPA daring
melalui media Zoom. Hal ini menunjukkan
perlunya, BIPA UIN Jakarta memfasilitasi
pengajar dengan Zoom Profesional dan
jaringan internet yang stabil agar PJJ BIPA
melalui media Zoom dapat berjalan lancar.
8% 0%
Kita semua tentu mengetahui bahwa Zoom
membutuhkan jaringan internet yang
1 2 3 4 5 stabil.
Diagram 8
Ketiga, variasi media. Pengajar perlu
Guru memberikan tugas yang menyusahkan melakukan variasi dalam penyampaian
selama kelas BIPA daring bahan ajar agar tidak terkesan monoton
bagi pemelajar (Prijowuntato & Wardhani,
2021). Untuk memvariasikan penyampaian
b. Tantangan bagi Pengajar BIPA bahan ajar di kelas daring selain variasi
dalam Penyelenggaraan Program metode juga dapat digunakan variasi
PJJ BIPA (Sebuah Refleksi) media. Metode yang bervariasi misalnya
Penyelenggaraan kelas daring diskusi, tanya-jawab, presentasi, ceramah,
umumnya dianggap lebih praktis bagi perlu diracik dengan Teknik-teknik
pengajar dibandingkan kelas tatap muka. pembelajaran yang tepat. Selain itu, dalam
Faktanya, dalam kelas BIPA daring, kelas daring penguasaan media adalah hal
peneliti menemukan berbagai hambatan yang mutlak diperlukan pengajar. Pengajar
yang dialami pemelajar. Hambatan dapat memvariasikan berbagai platform

mengajar, misalnya Tencent Meeting, lagi ditambah proyek akhir tingkat yang
Teams, Whatsapp Vicon, Learning Apps, harus mereka selesaikan sebagai syarat
Kahoot, Padlet, Wordwall, Pingo, Duzzler, naik tingkat. Hal ini sebaiknya dikurangi
Quizlett, Exammi, dan sebagainya. karena pemelajar BIPA UIN Jakarta
Keempat, perbaiki komunikasi dengan umumnya didominasi oleh mahasiswa dan
pemelajar. Komunikasi yang sukses adalah beberapa pekerja. Kesibukan mereka
kunci keberhasilan kegiatan pembelajaran. sebagai mahasiswa tentu sudah cukup
Komunikasi dalam kelas daring tentu tidak banyak, apalagi bagi mereka yang telah
sama dengan komunikasi kelas luring. bekerja. Seharusnya, pengajar tidak lagi
Seringkali dalam kelas daring terjadi menambah “pekerjaan rumah” mereka.
hambatan komunikasi yang Terlalu banyak tugas akan membuat
mengakibatkan pesan/informasi tidak pemelajar kehilangan rasa nyaman untuk
sampai dengan baik kepada pemelajar. belajar bahasa Indonesia.
Hambatan dalam kelas BIPA daring yang
dialami pengajar bisa berupa masalah V. Simpulan dan Saran
jaringan atau kemampuan berbahasa asing.
Berdasarkan analisis angket dan
Masalah jaringan sudah dijelaskan
wawancara, serta pengakuan langsung dari
solusinya di atas, sedangkan masalah
pemelajar BIPA UIN Jakarta, peneliti
penguasaan bahasa perlu mendapat
menyimpulkan bahwa PJJ BIPA yang
perhatian khusus. Dari wawancara
diadakan Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa
terungkap bahwa pemelajar BIPA 1
UIN Jakarta telah berhasil dengan baik.
umumnya sulit memahami
Hal itu terbukti dari minimnya keluhan
instruksi/penjelasan guru karena
mahasiswa soal penyelenggaraan PJJ
kemampuan bahasa asing (Inggris/Arab)
BIPA. Bahkan, pemelajar dalam sesi
yang kurang mahir padahal pengajar
wawancara ketika diminta memberikan
menggunakan bahasa asing tersebut
kritik dan saran mereka menyatakan bahwa
sebagai bahasa pengantarnya. Dalam kelas
pengajar BIPA UIN Jakarta sudah bagus
luring, hal itu bisa disiasati dengan bahasa
dan berpengalaman. Meski begitu, terdapat
tubuh atau analogi. Namun, hal itu sulit
beberapa catatan yang perlu diperhatikan
dilakukan dalam kelas daring. Pengajar
yaitu masalah ketersediaan jaringan
biasanya akan memanfaatkan teknik
internet yang stabil, variasi media
terjemah. Selain itu, pengajar akan sangat
pembelajaran, dan kurangi tugas.
terbantu ketika di kelas tersebut ada
Peneliti menyarankan kepada BIPA
pemelajar yang memahami bahasa
UIN Jakarta untuk menyediakan jaringan
pengantar kelas dan bahasa ibu rekannya.
internet yang stabil dan berkualitas serta
Pengajar bisa meminta pemelajar yang
rutin memberi pelatihan penggunaan
menguasai dua bahasa tersebut untuk
media dalam kelas daring. Sementara itu,
menjelaskan pada rekannya yang kesulitan
bagi pengajar BIPA, peneliti menyarankan
memahami informasi/instruksi.
agar terus belajar untuk meningkatkan
Kelima, kurangi tugas di kelas.
keilmuan di bidang BIPA, media
Pengajar seringkali menganggap bahwa
pembelajaran, dan penguasaan bahasa
materi/informasi yang diberikan dalam sesi
video conference masih kurang sehingga
perlu diberikan tugas dan latihan ketika
sesi menggunakan LMS, misalnya Google
VI. Daftar Pustaka
Classroom. Selain itu, pengajar juga sering
memberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) yang Brown, H. D. (2004). Language
mengganggu kesibukan pemelajar. Belum Assessment: Priciples and Classroom

Practices. Pearson Education, Inc. Putri, Aulia Keumala, Syifa Aulia
Reynanda, & Raden Roro Raisa.
Burns, Mary. (2011). Distance Education (2021). Pengaruh Pembelajaran
for Teacher Training: Modes, Models, Daring Terhadap Kesehatan Mata Di
and Methods. Washington DC: Masa Pandemi. Jurnal Komunikasi
Education Development Center, Inc. Kesehatan Masyarakat, 3(desember),
Diani, W. R., & Dewi, L. S. (2020).
Tantangan Guru BIPA Menghadapi Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum
Pembelajaran Daring di Masa Development in Language Teaching.
Pandemi Covid-19. Transformatika: Cambridge University Press.
Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan
Pengajarannya, 4(2), 1. Saykılı, A. (2018). Distance education: Definitions, generations, key concepts
ka.v4i2.3179 and future directions. International
Journal of Contemporary
Hapsari, T. P. R. N., & Fitria, A. S. (2020). Educational Research, 5(1), 2–17.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring
Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Pengajaran
Bahasa Dan Sastra Indonesia Masa
Pandemi Covid-19. Jurnal Ilmiah
SEMANTIKA, 2(01), 11–20.

Kusmiatun, A. (2020). Geliat

Pembelajaran BIPA di Tengah
Pandemi Covid-19. Peran Bahasa
Dan Sastra Indonesia Dalam
Kerangka Merdeka Belajar Pada
Masa Pandemi Covid-19, 76–84.

Muliastuti, L. (2017). Bahasa Indonesia

bagi Penutur Asing. Yayasan Pusaka
Obor Indonesia.

Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994).

Qualitative Data Analysis. In Sage
Publication (Second Edi, Vol. 1304).
SAGE Publications.

Prijowuntato, S. W., & Wardhani, A. M. N.

(2021). Analisis Kesan, Tantangan,
Hambatan, dan Harapan
Pembelajaran Daring di Era Pandemi
Covid 19. Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan
Ekonomi (JIPE), 11(1), 33.

Developing a Web-Based Bilingual Encyclopedia for Bermi Eco Park

Faizah1), Atiqah Nurul Asri2), dan Alvin Nouval3)

State Polytechnic of Malang
Email:, 2),


Bermi Eco Park is one of the ecotourism sites in Probolinggo that has the concept of entertainment as a
park and also the concept of conservation and observation of springs, flora, and fauna. However, based on
the preliminary study, it can be concluded that the visitors could not find any information about this place
and only a few people knew about the education and conservation tourism there. In addition, there was still
a lack of a medium for information and promotional media to attract more visitors. Thus, developing a web-
based bilingual encyclopedia was considered an effective way to publish and disseminate information
regarding the destination both for local and foreign visitors. The project used Design and Development
Research. The procedure of the research followed several stages including analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. The result of this product was a bilingual encyclopedia in the form of a
website that contained collections of flora and fauna. Moreover, the website also contained additional
menus such as home, about, facilities, gallery, nearby tourist attraction, and contact. From the data
collected, it can be concluded that the products got positive responses from users and met the characteristics
that could introduce and promote the tourist attraction including the educational concept there. The
researcher hope that the Bermi Eco Park staff continue updating the information to attract more visitors. In
addition, the suggestion for further research to improve knowledge about website development such as the
appearance design and attractive content of the website, and also consider the subject of the encyclopedia
that is related to the researchers’ field.
Keywords: Bermi Eco Park, bilingual encyclopedia, website


Bermi Eco Park adalah salah satu ekowisata di Probolinggo, Jawa Timur yang memiliki konsep hiburan
sebagai taman dan juga konsep konservasi dan observasi sumber mata air, flora, dan fauna. Namun,
berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para pengunjung tidak dapat menemukan
informasi terkait tempat ini dan hanya sedikit orang yang mengetahui tentang wisata edukasi dan konservasi
di sana. Selain itu, masih kurangnya media informasi dan media promosi untuk menarik lebih banyak
pengunjung. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan ensiklopedia dwibahasa berbasis website dianggap sebagai
cara yang efektif untuk mempublikasikan dan menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai destinasi tersebut baik
bagi pengunjung lokal dan asing. Proyek ini menggunakan Penelitian Desain dan Pengembangan. Prosedur
penelitian melalui beberapa tahapan diantaranya adalah analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan
evaluasi. Hasil produknya adalah encyclopedia dwibahasa berupa media website yang berisi koleksi flora
dan fauna dan juga terdapat menu lain di dalam website seperti home, about, facilities, gallery, nearby
tourist attractions, and contact. Dari data yang terkumpul dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk mendapatkan
respon positif dari pengguna dan telah memenuhi karakteristik yang dapat memperkenalkan dan
mempromosikan tempat wisata termasuk konsep edukasi yang ada. Peneliti berharap agar pihak Bermi Eco
Park terus memperbarui informasi untuk menarik lebih banyak pengunjung. Selain itu, saran untuk peneliti
selanjutnya agar meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pengembangan website baik desain tampilan dan isi
konten website yang menarik, serta mempertimbangkan topik ensiklopedia yang berhubungan dengan
bidang peneliti.
Kata Kunci: Bermi Eco Park, ensiklopedia dwibahasa, website

I. Introduction continually evolved in this modern
lifestyle and today’s tourism business; one
The globalization era has had an
of which is a website.
impact on all sectors, one of which is
A website is an internet facility that
language. The common language used is
provides descriptions and information that
English. Mastery of English is very
is available online. Due to the fact that the
important because almost all global
website can be marketing communication
sources of information in various aspects
with visitors, it could collaborate with Eco
of life use this language. As a global
Park which combines IT (Information and
language, English holds a very large
Technology) and tourism, so it was very
function and role, especially in the tourism
useful for Eco Park promotion. That
collaboration could attract a wider target
According to Anam & Rachmadian
audience by using digital media.
(2020), in the tourism sector, English has a
Furthermore, the need for the promotional
positive effect as a medium to
material for Eco Park itself, especially the
communicate, negotiate and interact with
content of collection flora and fauna, had
customers, even tourists. Tourism is one of
become a primary factor in developing the
the industries considered to be the biggest
industry in the world. The United Nations
An encyclopedia is a reference
World Tourism Organization (2019) states
containing information about a general or
that tourism is one of the fastest-growing
specific subject and collection, for
sectors in the world economy. Indonesia is
example, history, tourism, and plant. A
a country with great potential for the
website with an encyclopedia gave more
tourism industry due to the fact that it has
detailed information, especially regarding
many tourist attractions that are popular
the collection in one of the places. Thus, it
with nearby and unfamiliar sightseers, and
made it easy for online visitors to reach,
one of the tourism industries is ecotourism.
share and retrieve information without
Ecotourism is a kind of natural tourism
seeking in any other sites.
in Indonesia. One of the concepts of
Probolinggo is one of the areas in East
ecotourism is caqi an Eco Park. By the
Java known for its natural tourism both in
atmosphere and feel of the tourist
the highlands and lowlands. There are
destination, the Eco Park can attract
several natural tourisms existing until now,
visitors and people’s interest. According to
such as mountains, waterfalls, beaches,
Gonzalez (2020), the activities that can be
agrotourism, rafting, and also Eco Park.
done in ecotourism are conservation,
Eco Park is an entertainment and education
communities, and sustainable travel in one
tourism in the natural environment. The
place by observation of flora and fauna,
Eco Park is called Bermi Eco Park.
photo safari, and also flora and fauna
Bermi Eco Park was established in
rescue programs. Therefore, it was
2019 which is part of a CSR (Corporate
necessary to develop Eco Park to attract
Social Responsibility) project from one of
more visitors and get the benefits of
the leading private electricity companies in
reaching tourism economic standards.
Probolinggo and managed by Village
Nowadays, promotion is one of the
Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The
important ways in business management
number of visitors had been increasing
as a medium to introduce and make people
gradually from the locals until out-of-
aware of developing Eco Park. That is
towners. However, due to the pandemic, it
certainly interesting to know what media is
had been difficult to increase the number
effective in promoting Eco Park.
of visitors, especially foreign visitors.
Technology and online media have

Based on the observation, it was found that facilities, other nearest destination,
once in one day only 15 visitors. Hence, visiting hour, visitor’s gallery, event,
with few visitors, this tourist attraction contact information, address, and map.
always opens every day. Furthermore, the website also contained a
In addition, this tourist destination can bilingual encyclopedia including scientific
be said as a new tourism place in names, classification, images, and
Probolinggo that could attract many descriptions of flora and fauna. The
visitors to come because it has several product was bilingual, both in Bahasa
playgrounds and a photogenic place on it. Indonesia and English and gave some
But actually, there are also conservation benefits to their company such as helping
and observation flora with hundred types visitors and potential visitors especially
of plants, fauna with dozens of types of from abroad as their guide to get
birds and butterflies while there was no information easily. Moreover, it expected
description of each collection. Moreover, through this media that it can invite more
based on the interview conducted by the tourists and spurred economic growth of
researcher, it can be concluded that they tourism industry.
have several guides but only the local According to Anam & Rachmadian
people know that this place has (2020), in the tourism sector, English has a
educational tourism from those ecotourism positive effect as a medium to
activities through conservation and communicate, negotiate and interact with
observation of spring water, flora, and customers, even tourists. Tourism is one of
fauna. the industries considered to be the biggest
In order to increase the number of industry in the world. The United Nations
visitors to know about their educational World Tourism Organization (2019) states
tourism, one effort to preserve the Eco that tourism is one of the fastest-growing
Park was by introducing it to Indonesians sectors in the world economy. Indonesia is
or even foreigners. The way to introduce it a country with great potential for the
was not only in terms of its general tourism industry due to the fact that it has
information, history, profile, and facilities many tourist attractions that are popular
but also the description of flora and fauna with nearby and unfamiliar sightseers, and
collection and the education information in one of the tourism industries is ecotourism.
an interesting form. One medium that can Ecotourism is a kind of natural tourism
publish and socialize the information in Indonesia. One of the concepts of
regarding the destination was through ecotourism is to be an Eco Park. By the
developing a bilingual encyclopedia in atmosphere and feel of the tourist
form of website. From the observation and destination, the Eco Park can attract
interview with the manager, it can be visitors and people’s interest. According to
concluded that the place has big potential Gonzalez (2020), the activities that can be
for natural and educational tourism in done in ecotourism are conservation,
Probolinggo and they suggested to make communities, and sustainable travel in one
website because it was still lack of any place by observation of flora and fauna,
promotional media in this Eco Park. photo safari, and also flora and fauna
Based on the previous statement, the rescue programs. Therefore, it was
researcher believes that the development necessary to develop Eco Park to attract
of a web-based bilingual encyclopedia of more visitors and get the benefits of
Bermi Eco Park was very necessary to be reaching tourism economic standards.
realized. The website contained general Nowadays, promotion is one of the
information including profile, history, important ways in business management

as a medium to introduce and make people number of visitors had been increasing
aware of developing Eco Park. That gradually from the locals until out-of-
certainly interesting to know what media is towners. However, due to the pandemic, it
effective in promoting Eco Park. had been difficult to increase the number
Technology and online media have of visitors, especially foreign visitors.
continually evolved in this modern Based on the observation, it was found that
lifestyle and today’s tourism business; one once in one day only 15 visitors. Hence,
of which is a website. with few visitors, this tourist attraction
A website is an internet facility that always opens every day.
provides descriptions and information that In addition, this tourist destination can
is available online. Due to the fact that the be said as a new tourism place in
website can be marketing communication Probolinggo that could attract many
with visitors, it could collaborate with Eco visitors to come because it has several
Park which combines IT (Information and playgrounds and a photogenic place on it.
Technology) and tourism, so it was very But actually, there are also conservation
useful for Eco Park promotion. That and observation flora with hundred types
collaboration could attract a wider target of plants, fauna with dozens of types of
audience by using digital media. birds and butterflies while there was no
Furthermore, the need for the promotional description of each collection. Moreover,
material for Eco Park itself, especially the based on the interview conducted by the
content of collection flora and fauna, had researcher, it can be concluded that they
become a primary factor in developing the have several guides but only the local
encyclopedia. people know that this place has
An encyclopedia is a reference educational tourism from those ecotourism
containing information about a general or activities through conservation and
specific subject and collection, for observation of spring water, flora, and
example, history, tourism, and plant. A fauna.
website with an encyclopedia gave more In order to increase the number of
detailed information, especially regarding visitors to know about their educational
the collection in one of the places. Thus, it tourism, one effort to preserve the Eco
made it easy for online visitors to reach, Park was by introducing it to Indonesians
share and retrieve information without or even foreigners. The way to introduce it
seeking in any other sites. was not only in terms of its general
Probolinggo is one of the areas in East information, history, profile, and facilities
Java known for its natural tourism both in but also the description of flora and fauna
the highlands and lowlands. There are collection and the education information in
several natural tourisms existing until now, an interesting form. One medium that can
such as mountains, waterfalls, beaches, publish and socialize the information
agrotourism, rafting, and also Eco Park. regarding the destination was through
Eco Park is an entertainment and education developing a bilingual encyclopedia in
tourism in the natural environment. The form of website. From the observation and
Eco Park is called Bermi Eco Park. interview with the manager, it can be
Bermi Eco Park was established in concluded that the place had big potential
2019 which is part of a CSR (Corporate for natural and educational tourism in
Social Responsibility) project from one of Probolinggo and they suggested to make
the leading private electricity companies in website because it was still lack of any
Probolinggo and managed by Village promotional media in this Eco Park.
Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The

Based on the previous statement, the all nature tourism which focused on the
researcher believed that the development observation and appreciation of nature as
of a web-based bilingual encyclopedia of well as the cultures prevailing in the
Bermi Eco Park was very necessary to be ecotourism areas; b) it provides
realized. The website contained general educational activities; c) it is generally
information including profile, history, organized by specialized tour operators for
facilities, other nearest destination, the local community; d) it minimizes the
visiting hour, visitor’s gallery, event, negative impact of the natural and socio-
contact information, address, and map. cultural environment; e) it can support the
Furthermore, the website also contained a maintenance of natural areas by generating
bilingual encyclopedia including scientific economic benefits, providing income
names, classification, images, and opportunities and increasing awareness
descriptions of flora and fauna. The towards conservation.
product was bilingual, both in Bahasa
Indonesia and English and gave some 2.2 Encyclopedia for Tourism
benefits to their company such as helping Siyaha Tourism consists of an e-
visitors and potential visitors especially encyclopedia of Arabic tourism defined as
from abroad as their guide to get the encyclopedia or dictionary language is
information easily. Moreover, it expected a digital media as a marketing
through this media that it can invite more communication used to reference books
tourists and spurred economic growth of which contain a variety of information
tourism industry. about tourism (Taufiqurrochman &
Prasetiyo, 2021). According to Maryono et
II. Review of Related Literature al. (2019), there are three types of
2.1 Ecotourism encyclopedias. First, based on the subject
Ecotourism has several definitions encyclopedia, there are general
from various practitioners. According to encyclopedias and specific encyclopedias,
Stronza, Hunt, & Fitzgerald (2019), which are different in the scope of
ecotourism is a specific kind of tourism, information in general or in particular on
designed to ensure positive feedback from one subject. Second, based on the media of
nature tourism and outdoor recreation by the encyclopedia, there are printed, digital
conservation and development goals. Kia and electronic encyclopedias. Lastly,
(2021) mentioned ecotourism is a journey based on the user age, there are adults and
of responsibility toward the natural children encyclopedias.
environment that can provide some
benefits to the local community, such as 2.3 Website for Tourism
economic benefits through various According to Werthner & Klein (2000)
activities, job recruitment, and profit- in Pan & Fesenmaier (2012), tourism has
sharing. In addition, one of the most become the most important sector in terms
important issues in business, especially of the growing number of sales and online
related to developing and improving transactions, especially related to the
ecotourism, environment, society, and website and the function itself that has
economic, is doing advertisement become extraordinary effect that is
activities (Hosseini & Paydar, 2021). beginning to change the basic business
The United Nations World Tourism models of the tourism industry. Mele &
Organization (2022) mentioned Cantoni (2018) also mentioned that
ecotourism refers to tourism that has five through the website at this moment
supporting characteristics: a) ecotourism is tourism actors make their services more

accessible, and can share and retrieve Agustine & Sembiring (2021), in
information to the public, especially creating a bilingual website divided two
visitors. methods such as collecting data through
Lopez, Valarez, & Altamirano (2016) interview and observation, and generating
in Banjisse & Morais (2017), in evaluating the website. In generating a website, they
websites for tourism, there are some followed some steps: a. finds a template; b.
characteristics of website features that repository the template to the website
should be given attention: a) speed of the account; c. imports the repository for the
website access, the website should operate hosting service and making website
quickly; b) usability, the website should be editable; d. edit and add content; e. website
attractive, accessible, coherent, and keep is ready and set up to make the website live
the users’ interest; c) content, the content and use a domain. In addition, they
of the website should give quality considered the language by using 10
information that is interesting, updated, translation techniques in translating
creative, and entertaining for users; d) content. Besides, Carney (2021) stated
interactive, the information of the website nine steps in developing a bilingual
should provide the user’s needs, links, website such as: a. choose the best website
customer support, and service. builder; b. sign up for the right plan; c.
register a domain name; d. choose a
2.4 Bilingual Website template; e. customize a design; f. add and
According to Nurrahma (2021), translate site’s content; g. develop the
bilingual website delivers information in website into bilingual; h. preview and test
various forms, such as text, image, the website; i. publish it online.
animation, audio, video, or a combination
of them written in Bahasa Indonesia and III. Research Methodology
English for people in Indonesia and other In developing web-based bilingual
countries, it is considered as logical option encyclopedia products, the research design
because Bahasa Indonesia is the national used was DDR (Design and Development
language of Indonesia and English is of the Research). There were five stages of
international language with the largest Design and Development Research
number of worldwide. In addition, containing documented analysis, design,
Kirdkoh & Ngamrung (2019) stated that development, implementation, and
developing a bilingual website for evaluation. The first stage was analysis. In
business purpose is a marketing this step, the researcher analyzed the
communication tool to advertise that can problem before developing some aspects
help the visitors get a better understanding of the products. After analyzing the
and reach more audiences. Advantages of problems, potentials, and aspects of the
using two or more language in a website research, the next stage was designing the
can be strategy of business opportunities product. The next stage was to develop the
which might attract foreign potential product and did validation after the
visitors and increase the web-traffic product was finished. After that was the
(Almeghari 2018). Moreover, Agustine & implementation to the public to let them
Sembiring (2021) agree that creating a try out the product and get some feedback
bilingual website give detailed related to the product. And the last stage
information, to persuade, and promote a was evaluation, the researcher evaluated
business to reach a wide range of visitors the product based on feedback and
and potential visitors. suggestions that was be obtained from
questionnaire in the implementation stage.

In developing a web-based 1 S
bilingual encyclopedia, the researcher . trongly
used qualitative data. The method that Agree
used for the research was observation 2 A
notes, interview and documentation. First, . gree
the researcher observed the physical 3 N
condition and the problem that occurs to . eutral
understand the details of the Bermi Eco 4 D
Park. Second, the researcher conducted . isagree
interview about all the information related 5 S
to the tourist destination with the manager . trongly
and asked questions to the staff. Disagree
Furthermore, the result of the interview
has been recorded during the interview After the researcher knew each
session and used as the content in point, the researcher analyzed the data.
developing the product. Third, the According to Sugiyono (2013), the
researcher took documentation of the following formula is how to count the
picture in every spot of Bermi Eco Park as average score which obtains from total
a reference for designing the web-based amount of data divided by the number of
bilingual encyclopedia. Fourth, the data respondents:
collection was also taken from e-books,
articles, and websites. In the last step, the ∑𝑋𝑖
researcher also obtained the data in the 𝑛
form of comments and suggestion from Description:
closed-ended questions in the validation X = mean (average score)
and field-testing stage. ∑ = sigma (amount)
The researcher also used quantitative n = total of respondents
data that was taken from distributed Xi = total X1 until Xn
questionnaires on Google Form in the
validation and field-testing. The result of So, the researcher can identify the average
the questionnaires used the Likert scale as score to clarify the categorization scale
the data in the form of scores from the through help analyzes based on each
respondent’s answers for the products. question that has been collected.
According to Sugiyono (2019), After analyzing the average score,
quantitative data used the Likert scale the result of the questionnaire was also
model is to measure the opinions and analyzing each question by calculating the
perception about the existing products. presentation of the value that was obtained
from the number of grades in each
indicator with the formula from Susanto
(2012) below:
𝜌 = 𝑁 x 100%
Table 1. The Research Instrument Description:
Provisions of Sugiyono (2019) 𝜌 = Percentage
F = Frequencies are being sought or score
N that is Cobtained S
o. riteria core N = Number of cases or maximum score
In addition, the percentage was referred as
the criteria of assessment as follows:

4.1 Finding
The result was a web-based bilingual
Table 2. Percentage and Assessment encyclopedia on this link
Criteria of Susanto (2012) ( In the
A implementation C stage, the researcher
Assessment Criteria conducted field testing through shared the
8 product to theVpublic by distributing online
0% - 100% Very good questionnaires. It was conducted from July
6 16, 2022 – JulyG 18, 2022. The researcher
0% - 79.99% Good distributed the questionnaire directly to the
4 official of Bermi
S Eco Park, visitors, and
0% -59.99% Sufficient people who never visited there through
2 WhatsApp. In B this step, the respondents
0% - 39.99% Bad enough had to fill the question in the questionnaire
0 and give theirBfeedback related to usability,
% - 19.99% Bad content, speed of website access, and
design. The result of the field test
So that, from those categorizations, the questionnaires can be seen in Table 3 and
researcher knew the quality of the research Table 4 below.
Table 3. Local Respondents’ Response
IV. Findings and Discussion Result
No. Assessm C Average
ent Criteria
Aspect 1 2 3 4 5

1 U T 0 0 2 1 2
. sability he 1 7 .6
5%) ( (
27.5%) 67.5%)
pedia is
easy to

T 0 0 0 1 2
he 1 9 .7
( (
27.5%) 72.5%)
pedia is
to use

No. Assessm C Average
ent Criteria
Aspect 1 2 3 4 5

2 C T 0 0 2 7 3
. ontent he 1 .7
( (
5%) 17.5%) (
for user

T 0 0 3 7 3
he 0 .6
( (
7.5%) 17.5%) (
ion of
pedia is
ng and

T 0 0 1 1 2
he 3 6 .6
2.5%) ( (
on of the
32.5%) 65%)

No. Assessm C Average
ent Criteria
Aspect 1 2 3 4 5

T 0 0 3 1 2
he 0 7 .6
7.5%) ( (
25%) 67.5%)
users to

3 S U 0 0 3 1 2
. peed of ser can 3 4 .5
the operate
7.5%) ( (
website the
32.5%) 60%)
access website
there are
no bug

U 0 0 2 1 2
ser can 1 7 .6
5%) ( (
27.5%) 67.5%)
page to
y on

T 0 0 3 8 2
he 9 .6
( (
7.5%) 20%) (
can be
seen and

No. Assessm C Average
ent Criteria
Aspect 1 2 3 4 5

4 D T 0 0 4 9 2
. esign he 7 .6
( (
10%) 22.5%) (
of the
users to

Percentage = x 100%
10𝑥5 2%

1. Strongly Disagree 3. Hesitate Table 4. Foreign Respondents’ Response
2. Disagree 4. Agree Result
5. Strongly Agree A
sses ve- G
Based on the table above, there were sme rade ragC
40 local respondents who filled the Google .
nt riteria e
Form questionnaire that was from East Asp
Jakarta, Jember, Probolinggo, Cirebon, 1 2 3
Gresik, Jombang, Magetan, Malang,
Mojokerto, South Kalimantan, 1 U T 0 0 0
Pamekasan, Sumenep, Pasuruan, . sabil he .4
Lamongan, and Pacitan. In addition, the ity websit
6 4
range of the respondents’ ages was 21-25 e
years old. As the result, the total 0 0
percentage was 92% which majority of the % %
local respondents strongly agreed that the ) )
website including the encyclopedia had opedi
met the characteristics. a is

sses ve- Gsses ve- G
o o
sme rade ragC sme rade ragC
. .
nt riteria e nt riteria e
Asp Asp
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
ect ect

easy T 0 0 2
to he .2
under inform
4 6
stand ation
0 0
of the
T 0 0 0 4 1 4 % %
he .2 ) )
e ( (
8 2 includi
0 0 ng
% % encycl
) ) opedi
a is
a is
nt to
T 0 0 1
2 C T 0 0 1 3 1 4
he .2
. onte he .0 (
( descri
( (
nt websit 2 4 4
2 6 2 ption
e 0 0 0
0 0 0 of the
includi % % %
% % % websit
ng ) ) )
) ) ) e
a can
needs T 0 1 1
for he .8
( (
user websit
2 2 2 4
0 0 0 0

sses ve- Gsses ve- G
o o
sme rade ragC sme rade ragC
. .
nt riteria e nt riteria e
Asp Asp
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
ect ect

attract % % % % ge 0 0 0
users ) ) ) ) switch % % %
to visit er ) ) )
Bermi butto
Eco n can
Park be
3 S U 0 0 1 1 3 4
. pee ser .4
( found
( (
d of can
2 2 6 easily
the operat
0 0 0
web e the 4 D T 0 0 2
% % %
site websit . esig he .8
) ) ) (
acce e n layout
4 4 2
ss easily ,
0 0 0
and colors,
% % %
there and
) ) )
are no menus
bug of the
U 0 0 1 1 3 4
ser .4
( includi
( (
2 2 6 ng
0 0 0 encycl
% % % opedi
) ) ) a can
e this
lty on
access Total
speed 1.6

T 0 0 1 2 2 4 Percentage
he .2 41.6
( x( 100% = 83.2%
( = 10𝑥5
2 4 4

written in Bahasa Indonesia and English so
As stated on the questionnaire, it was that the local or foreign visitors who speak
found that there were five foreign English can get the information clearly.
respondents. The result of a percentage Moreover, it is equipped with figures on
score of 83.2% out of 100%. The each site’s description.
questionnaire showed that the respondents Maryono (2019) stated that an
agreed that the web-based encyclopedia encyclopedia has three main types which
had met the characteristic of usability. The are based on the subject, the media, and the
respondents also agreed that the content user age of the encyclopedia. Moreover,
fulfills the information needs of the user. the theory from Taufiqurrochman &
They strongly agreed that the content was Prasetiyo (2021) and Yesmaya et al.
interesting and informative, and it could (2018) mentioned about the characteristic
attract users to visit there. Furthermore, the of developing the encyclopedia should
respondents strongly agreed that the users consider the aspects starting from deciding
could operate the website easily, there was goals, the material that should be provided,
no bug, and move from one page to steps to write it, and medium to publish.
another without difficulty with the access Therefore, this product followed those
speed. Meanwhile, there were two criteria characteristics which were this
that got the same score on four- and five- encyclopedia was decided into a specific
point scales (agreed and strongly agreed) subject encyclopedia that used electronic
such as the description that can understand medium in form of the website, it can be
easily and the criteria of the language used for both adults and children, the
switcher button that can be seen and found layout was arranged alphabetically, the
easily. There were also criteria that got the material sources based on the development
same score on a three and four-point scale of related science like e-books, article, and
(neutral and agreed) about the layout, it was supported by the description and
colors, and menus of the website including figures of each collection.
the encyclopedia which can attract users to A web-based bilingual encyclopedia is
explore the website. also different with the products from the
previous research mentioned. The
4.2 Discussion researcher mentioned about developing
encyclopedia; it was conducted by
The web-based bilingual encyclopedia
Taufiqurrochman & Prasetiyo (2021) from
was aimed to be an information and
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic
promotional medium that provides
University of Malang with the title “Siyaha
detailed and comprehensive information
Tourism Application Development: E-
about Bermi Eco Park. As a result, it could
Encyclopedia of Arabic Tourism in
be easier for the visitors and potential
Malang, East Java, Indonesia”, the benefit
visitors to access the information
of the research was that it supported
presented in an interactive medium and
promotional programs based digital to be
informative design. In creating an
more effective as the marketing
encyclopedia, it was also in line with
communication for tourism information.
Taufiqurrochman & Prasetiyo (2021) that
The researcher also made an encyclopedia,
the encyclopedia can be used as a
but it was focused on creating e-
reference through digital media which
encyclopedia for flora and fauna collection
contain a variety of information, therefore
in Bermi Eco Park and only published on
the aim of this encyclopedia was to
the website bilingually to introduce it in
provide information about flora and fauna
local and foreign as an international tourist
at Bermi Eco Park. The product was

attraction that has educational concept analysis stage, the languages that related to
there. the writing skills especially word choices,
In addition, the previous research by translation result, and the last aspect was
Hernawati (2018) from Siliwangi website generators that have effects on the
University with the title “Pengembangan attractiveness, access, and appearance.
Bahan Ajar Ensiklopedia tentang Based on the expert validation and
Keragaman Hewan Vertebrata Potensi field testing, this medium of the website
Lokal Berbasis Morfologi” which focused would give benefit for Bermi Eco Park to
on fauna collection for teaching material. attract more visitors to come there. This is
It was similar in the content that provided in line with the statement of Agustine &
photos, scientific names, scientific Sembiring (2021) who said that a bilingual
classification, and descriptions of those website gives detailed information,
animals. Meanwhile, in the current persuades, and promotes to a wide range of
encyclopedia menu of the website, the visitors and potential visitors. The current
contents begin with a brief description of research entitled “Developing a Web-
the encyclopedia. Then, in the sub-menu of Based Bilingual Encyclopedia for Bermi
each “flora” and “fauna” provided preface Eco Park Probolinggo” was different from
and followed by 15 collections that can the previous research mentioned in chapter
visit by the users to see the figures, II, since the website only focused on one
classification, brief description, and particular tourist attraction, and not only
sources of each collection bilingually. In described information about the
this case, the researcher described each circumstances of the object, but also give
collection bilingually and the medium more information related to the
used for encyclopedia publication was not conservations’ collection which was the
an e-book, but it was a website, and the information not included in earlier
subject of the material was flora and fauna. researches. Besides, the current research
Based on the validation and field-testing used bilingual descriptions of the content
steps, it was expected that the which can provides for visitors’
encyclopedia could help Bermi Eco Park information.
to introduce and promote it as an
international tourist attraction. V. Conclusion and Suggestion
In creating a bilingual encyclopedia in
5.1 Conclusion
form of a website, the researcher also
considered the theory of characteristics of This project aimed to design and
a good website. As a result, the website develop a web-based bilingual
was attractive as a medium for introducing encyclopedia for Bermi Eco Park
and promoting Bermi Eco Park. The Probolinggo. Therefore, visitors both local
website was developed followed the and foreign who want to know more
theory of Lopez, Valarez, & Altamirano detailed information about Bermi Eco Park
(2016) in Banjisse & Morais (2017), and can get the information with easy access.
Vila (2021), which should consider Moreover, the encyclopedia in form of this
five main aspects such as speed of access, website can introduce and promote this
usability, content, interactive, and tourist attraction to the wider community.
appearance or design. Furthermore, the The result of the project was completed
theory of bilingual website also gave within seven months. It started on January-
detailed material related to the three main July 2022. The product of this research is
steps in developing it such as data for the a bilingual website which has met the
website’s content obtained from the criteria of a good website.

The research was done through five SEO (meta description and tag). In
stages: analysis, design, development, addition, the researcher also should
implementation, and evaluation. In the continue learning how to develop the
first stage, the researcher conducted the website in order to contribute more to
analysis to identify the problem and society.
potential need for a bilingual encyclopedia
in form of a website and the result proved b. For the company
that the product was needed to introduce It is suggested to have any discussion
educational tourism and promote the with staffs of information office about
Bermi Eco Park as an international tourist continually creating content to add more
destination. In the second stage, the information to attract more visitors.
researcher designed the site map for the Moreover, the local guides of Bermi Eco
product and the description of the Bahasa Park is already given well-services, but it
Indonesia version. In the third stage, the is suggested to get guiding training
researcher developed the bilingual especially English training.
description, then discussed all the concepts
of the product with the IT student, and c. For the future researcher
uploaded the content to the admin page of For future research on a similar topic,
the website developer which was the mainly in developing a web-based
CodeIgniter framework. In the fourth bilingual encyclopedia. It is suggested to
stage, after validation of the product to learn new things such as website
each expert validator, the researcher development, attractive content for the
implemented the web-based bilingual target audience, and editing photos. In
encyclopedia for public use and conducted addition, before deciding on the subject of
field testing to investigate users’ points. the encyclopedia, the future researcher
The result showed that the product met the should consider that the subject can relate
criteria of a good encyclopedia and to their field and department. Furthermore,
website because the majority of the while doing the research, the researcher
respondents agreed and strongly agreed suggested making a timeline and not
with each criterion. The last stage was an delaying something for the research, so
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