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Nama Riana Paramitha Kelas/Semester X/Semester II
Asal Sekolah SMAN 1 Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi Waktu 1 x 10 menit Jumlah Siswa / 37/Siswa Reguler
Target Peserta
Kompetensi Awal - Chronological Model Pembelajaran Problem Based
Events of Learning
Narrative Text
Tanggal 20 Februari 2023 Pendekatan & Scietific Learning
Metode & Group
Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang - Kerjasama Domain Konten Membaca-
Berkaitan - Mandiri Memirsa
- Bernalar Kritis (Reading-

Teks Recount
Recount Text)
Fase E Sarana & Prasarana LCD, Laptop,
Power Point,
Keterampilan yang dipilih - Keterampilan Variasi (Media Belajar Audio; Media Belajar
Visual; Interaksi Guru-Siswa, Siswa-Siswa, Siswa-Guru)
- Keterampilan Menjelaskan (Menjelaskan Urutan Kejadian
Teks Sejarah Hari Kemerdekaan)
- Keterampilan Membuka dan Menutup Pelajaran
Capaian Pembelajaran Membaca-Memirsa

Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik dapat membaca dan merespons berbagai
macam teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, dan
report. Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk
mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari dan mengevaluasi detail
spesifik dan inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini dapat berbentuk
cetak atau digital, termasuk diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau
interaktif. Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu, atau
pengembangam plot dalam berbagai macam teks mulai berkembang.
Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan
keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam memahami
informasi tersirat dalam teks.
Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu menyusun recount
text tentang sejarah Sumpah Pemuda dengan urutan kejadian yang
benar dari 10 kalimat acak dengan minimal 7 urutan yang benar.
Pengetahuan Inti Teks Recount Sejarah (Historical Recount Text) menceritakan
kembali peristiwa bersejarah di masa lalu.
Pertanyaan Audio Sejarah Kemerdekaan Indonesia
a. Based on the recording, can you guess what event this is?
b. When did it happen?
c. How did it happen?
Kegiatan Pembelajaran Deskripsi Alokasi Waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan Pembukaan 3 Menit
(3 Menit)
1. Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur
sapa dengan siswa.
T:“Good morning, Class, How are you
2. Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdo’a
sebelum memulai pembelajaran.
T: “Let’s pray together before we start our
class. Please, the leader, lead us to pray”
3. Guru memeriksa kehadiran dan kesiapan
T: “Who is absent today?”
“Are you ready to study?”
4. Guru mengingatkan kembali peraturan
T: “Before we start our lesson, please save
your phone in your bag during the lesson
also no foods and drinks during the
5. Guru menanyakan pelajaran sebelumnya
dan mengaitkan dengan pelajaran yang
akan dipelajari.
T: “By the way, what did you learn last
“Similar with the last meeting, today we
are going to learn about recount text again,
but it is about historical recount text.”

6. Guru memutarkan audio berisi sejarah

kemerdekaan Indonesia dan mengajukan
beberapa pertanyaan:

This event brings freedom for Indonesian
from colonialism. It was held on August
17th, 1945. The declaration was read by Ir.
Soekarno when Japan surrendered. The
Dutch did not accept it at first. After
arguing for five years, finally the Dutch
acknowledged it in December 1949.
Because of the bravery of Ir. Soekarno
and the nationalists, we can get freedom
T: “Based on the recording, can you guess
what event this is?”
“When did it happen?”
“How did it happen?”
7. Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat
pembelajaran yang akan diperoleh peserta
didik dari materi recount text.
T: “So today, we are going to learn about
historical recount text and I hope at the
end of the lesson, you are able to arrange
10 jumbled sentences into a chronological
historical event! So you will find out about
the chronology of Indonesian’s history in
Kegiatan Inti Orientasi Siswa Pada Masalah 7 Menit
(7 Menit) 1. Guru menyajikan bahan kajian di awal
pembelajaran yaitu dengan menampilkan
gambar dan teks Proklamasi di layar LCD.
(teks dapat dilihat pada LKPD I).
T: “This is an example of recount text.”
“Let's read the text first.”

2. Guru menanya mengenai hal  apa  yang 

mereka dapat dari teks tentang SUmpah
Pemuda yang ditampilkan di layar LCD.
T: “What is the text talking about?”
“In your opinion, what is historical
recount text?”
“What is the purpose of this text?”
“What are the characteristics of recount

3. Peserta didik memberikan tanggapan.

Mengorganisasi siswa
4. Guru menjelaskan definisi, fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan language features dari
historical recount text (dapat dilihat pada
lampiran learning material).

5. Guru mengajak siswa untuk menganalisa

kejadian dalam teks dan membimbing
siswa agar dapat mengetahui urutan
peristiwa sejarah yang benar.
T: “Could you please tell me what is the
cause of this event?”
“What happened next and after that?”
6. Guru memberi kesempatan kepada siswa
untuk mengajukan pertanyaan.
T: “Okay, students, do you have any

Membimbing penyelidikan
7. Guru membagi peserta didik menjadi 4
kelompok (berisi 6-7 orang) secara acak
dengan cara mengucapkan angka 1-4.

8. Guru memberikan latihan kepada peserta

didik dengan  mengerjakan LKPD I
(berbentuk kalimat acak yang harus
disusun)  secara  berkelompok.
T:“Read the text and discuss with your
group to arrange the jumbled sentences
into a chronological event.”

9. Guru mengamati keterlibatan dan

keaktifan peserta didik dalam menyusun
kembali kalimat acak dalam teks recount
sejarah menjadi kejadian yang urut.

10.Peserta didik dalam kelompok diarahkan

untuk bertanya dan meyampaikan
pendapat di dalam kelompoknya masing-

Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil

11.Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada
peserta didik untuk menuliskan hasil
diskusi LKPD I dari kelompok mereka
ke depan kelas.

12.Guru dan kelompok lain memberikan

tanggapan terhadap hasil diskusi yang

13.Guru memberikan penguatan dan reward

terkait hasil kerja siswa.

14.Guru meminta siswa kembali ke tempat

duduknya masing-masing.

15.Guru membagikan LKPD II tentang

menyusun urutan kalimat yang benar dari
historical recount text.

16. Siswa mengerjakan LKPD II secara

individu dengan batas waktu yang telah
T: “Well, everyone, after you learned
about the topic today. Please try to
arrange 10 jumbled sentences into a
chronological event on your worksheet.”

Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses

pemecahan masalah

17. Guru menginstruksikan peserta didik

untuk mengumpulkan hasil kerjanya

18. Guru memberi tanggapan terhadap hasil

kerja peserta didik dengan
mendiskusikan jawaban yang benar

19. Guru memberikan penguatan dan reward

terkait hasil kerja siswa.
Kegiatan Penutup 1. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada 1 Menit
(1 Menit) siswa untuk menanyakan kembali hal-
hal yang belum dipahami terkait materi
T: “Do you have any questions?”
2. Guru dan siswa membuat rangkuman
terkait materi pembelajaran yang baru
saja dilakukan.
T: “So, what have we  learnt  today? 
Anyone  wants to conclude our lesson?”

3. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada

siswa untuk merefleksi.
T: “What do you think about today’s
lesson? Is it easy or hard?”

4. Guru menutup pembelajaran dan

mengingatkan peserta didik untuk
belajar secara mandiri.
T: “That’s all for today, thank you for
your attention and see you in the next
Asesmen Asesmen selama proses (diagnostik)
a. Based on the recording, can you guess what event this is?
b. When did it happen?
c. How did it happen?

Asesmen selama proses (formatif)

a. Guru akan memberikan latihan kepada peserta didik secara
berkelompok dengan menyusun urutan kejadian historical
recount text tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan tepat.
b. Guru akan memberikan latihan kepada peserta didik secara
individu dengan menyusun urutan kejadian historical recount
text tentang sumpah pemuda dengan tepat.

Pengayaan dan Remedial

 Pengayaan akan diberikan jika siswa sudah mencapai tujuan kompetensi.
Pengayaan yang diberikan yaitu meminta siswa untuk untuk menyusun urutan kejadian pada teks
sejarah Bandung Lautan Api (dapat dilihat pada Pengayaan dan Remedial).
 Remedial akan diberikan jika siswa belum mampu mencapai tujuan kompetensi.
Remedial yang diberikan yaitu meminta siswa untuk menyusun urutan kejadian pada teks sejarah
Bandung Lautan Api (dapat dilihat pada Pengayaan dan Remedial).

Refleksi Guru

Refleksi Siswa

C. Penilaian (Sikap, Pengetahun dan Keterampilan)

1. Penilaian sikap (observasi)

2. Penilaian pengetahuan (LP siswa)
3. Penilaian keterampilan (penilaian presentasi dan unjuk kerja)

Banjarmasin, 6 Maret 2023

Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan Guru Pamong

Dr. Hj. Noor Eka Chandra, M.Pd. Dra. Panca Rubiana Setianingsih
NIP. 19771023 200112 2 003 NIP. 19651218 199002 2 001


Riana Paramitha
NIM. 2230111721691

A. Definition
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.

B. Purpose  
The purpose of a historical recount text is to inform or to retell the reader about historical past

C. Generic Structure
The texts consist of three parts:
1. Orientation
It gives the reader the background information, why this event should be remembered.
2. Series of Events
It presents a series of events, usually told in chronological order.
3. Reorientation
It consists of a type of conclusion with a comment of the historical event.
Here is an example of recount text:

Today, we can feel freedom as Indonesian. There is no more colonialism. It was caused by
the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence that was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, August 17 th,

Series of Events:

When Japan surrendered, Indonesian independence was declared by Soekarno and

Mohammad Hatta on 17 August 1945. The next day, Soekarno was chosen as the president and
Mohammad Hatta as the vice president. However, the Dutch refused to accept the independence
proclamation. For the next five years, Indonesia and the Netherlands negotiated and argued with
one another. Finally, the Dutch acknowledged Indonesian independence in December 1949.


Because of their big contribution in proclaiming Indonesian Independence, Ir. Soekarno and
Mohammad Hatta will be always remembered. However, Bung Hatta resigned as the vice
president in 1956. After that, Soekarno resigned as the President of Indonesia in 1967.

The language features of recount text as follows: 

1. Using simple past tense (tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau kegiatan di masa
lalu dengan ciri menggunakan Verb 2 dan to be was or were)
The Dutch acknowledged Indonesian independence in December 1949
2. Using action verb (kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat
oleh orang lain).
Read, surrender, choose, argue, negotiate, refuse
3. Using time connectives (kata yang menghubungkan antar kalimat maupun paragraf, yang
menunjukkan kapan sesuatu terjadi).
Examples: when, the next day, for the next five years, finally
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik I (LKPD I)

Goal : the students are able to arrange 10 jumbled sentences into a chronological historical event with
minimum 7 correct orders.

Read the text carefully!

Then, arrange the jumbled sentences into a chronological event based on this text!

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

Today, we can feel freedom as Indonesian. There is no more colonialism. It was caused
by the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence that was read at 10.00 a.m. on Friday,
August 17th, 1945.

When Japan surrendered, Indonesian independence was declared by Soekarno and

Mohammad Hatta on 17 August 1945. The next day, Soekarno was chosen as the president
and Mohammad Hatta as the vice president. However, the Dutch refused to accept the
independence proclamation. For the next five years, Indonesia and the Netherlands negotiated
and argued with one another. Finally, the Dutch acknowledged Indonesian independence in
December 1949.

Because of their big contribution in proclaiming Indonesian Independence, Ir. Soekarno

and Mohammad Hatta will be always remembered. However, Bung Hatta resigned as the vice
president in 1956. After that, Soekarno resigned as the President of Indonesia in 1967.

Arrange these sentences into a chronological event based on the text above!
Number Events
Indonesia and Netherlands negotiated and argued.

Japan surrendered.

The Dutch refused Indonesian Independence Proclamation.

The Dutch acknowledged Indonesian Independence in December 1949.

The freedom is caused by meaningful history called as Proclamation.

Ir. Sokarno and Mohammad Hatta read Proclamation on August 17th, 1945.

Mohammad Hatta resigned in 1956.

Indonesian can feel freedom from colonialism now.

Ir. Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta was chosen as president and vice president
on August 18th, 1945.
Soekarno resigned in 1967.
Kunci Jawaban

1. Indonesian can feel freedom from colonialism now.

2. The freedom is caused by meaningful history called as Proclamation.
3. Japan surrendered.
4. Ir. Sokarno and Mohammad Hatta read Proclamation on August 17th, 1945.
5. Ir. Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta was chosen as president and vice president on August 18th,
6. The Dutch refused Indonesian Independence Proclamation.
7. Indonesia and Netherlands negotiated and argued.
8. The Dutch acknowledged Indonesian Independence in December 1949.
9. Mohammad Hatta resigned in 1956.
10. Soekarno resigned in 1967.

Nilai = Jawaban Benar : Jumlah Soal x 100

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik II (LKPD II)

Goal : the students are able to arrange 10 jumbled sentences into a chronological historical event with
minimum 7 correct orders.

Read the text carefully!

Then, arrange the jumbled sentences into a chronological event based on this text!
Youth Pledge

There is one of Indonesian historical events that unites Indonesian people and region. The event
has been known as Youth Pledge. It was held in October 1928.

It all started in 1926 when several group of nationalist youth held the 1st national youth congress
in Batavia. In the end, it produced the idea of uniting the whole region as one nation, Indonesia. After
that, the second congress was held in October 1928 with three different sessions. The first one was the
expectation of the young nationalist to inspire the spirit of unity to the whole nation. The second one
focused on educational issues while the third one was the moment when Indonesia Raya was played
for the first time by WR Supratman on October 28th, 1928.

Finally, they read the national youth pledge proclaiming three ideals: one motherland, one nation
and one language as follow:
- We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
- We the sons and daughter of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, Indonesia.
- We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect one language of unity, Indonesian.

Arrange these sentences into a chronological event based on the text above!
Number Events
The national youth pledge was declared.

The third issue was about the plan to play Indonesia Raya.

Nationalist youth groups held the first national youth congress in 1926.
The first issue was about the expectation to inspire the spirit of unity to the
whole nation.
The second issue was about the educational.

The second congress held in October 1928.

The congress produced the idea of uniting the whole region as one nation.

The congress discussed 3 different problems.

There is one of memorable events known as Youth Pledge.

It contained 3 ideals: one motherland, one nation, and one language.

Kunci Jawaban
1. There is one of memorable events known as Youth Pledge.
2. Nationalist youth groups held the first national youth congress in 1926.
3. The congress produced the idea of uniting the whole region as one nation.
4. The second congress held in October 1928.
5. The congress discussed 3 different problems.
6. The first issue was about the expectation to inspire the spirit of unity to the whole nation.
7. The second issue was about the educational.
8. The third issue was about the plan to play Indonesia Raya.
9. The national youth pledge was declared.
10. It contained 3 ideals: one motherland, one nation, and one language.

Nilai = Jawaban Benar : Jumlah Soal x 100

Pengayaan dan Remedial
Goal : the students are able to arrange 10 jumbled sentences into a chronological historical event with
minimum 7 correct orders.

Read the text carefully!

Then, arrange the jumbled sentences into a chronological event based on this text!
Bandung as Sea of Fire

Bandung as Sea of Fire was a fire that occurred in the city of Bandung. It happened on March
24, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burned their homes.

British troops as part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945.
Bandung was burned by TRI (Tentara Republik Indonesia) and local people. The British Army began
to attack so fierce. The greatest battle happened in the Village named Dayeuh Kolot, in South
Bandung, where there were a large ammunition depot belonging to British. In this battle, Barisan
Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.

The strategy to fire Bandung was considered because the power of TRI and people’s militia
was not comparable to the British forces and NICA (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration). This
incident inspired to create the famous song “Halo, Halo Bandung”.

Arrange these sentences into a chronological event based on the text above!

Number Events
Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.

It all started when British troops arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945.

This incident occurred when amount 200,000 people in Bandung burned their
Then, Bandung was burned by local people and Tentara Republik Indonesia.

Bandung was burned because unequal power of TRI and local people against
British Force and NICA.
The British Army attacked Bandung.

To remember this historical event, the song entitled Halo, Halo Bandung was
There was a big fire in Bandung on March 24, 1946.

The fire lasted for seven hours.

It was remembered as Bandung as Sea of Fire.

Kunci Jawaban
1. There was a big fire in Bandung on March 24, 1946.
2. It was remembered as Bandung as Sea of Fire.
3. This incident occurred when amount 200,000 people in Bandung burned their house.
4. The fire lasted for seven hours.
5. It all started when British troops arrived in Bandung on October 12, 1945.
6. Then, Bandung was burned by local people and Tentara Republik Indonesia.
7. The British Army attacked Bandung.
8. Barisan Rakyat Indonesia destroyed the ammunition depot.
9. Bandung was burned because unequal power of TRI and local people against British Force and
10. To remember this historical event, the song entitled Halo, Halo Bandung was created.

Nilai = Jawaban Benar : Jumlah Soal x 100


1. Teks Bandung as Sea of Fire dan Proclamation of Indonesian Independence:
diakses pada 19 Februari 2023

2. Materi Historical Recount Text:
diakses pada 19 Februari 2023

3. Video Sumpah Pemuda
diakses pada 19 Februari 2023

4. Teks Youth Pledge
diakses pada 19 Februari 2023

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