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Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022

E-ISSN 2721-0642

Public Value Cash Social Assistance Policy for the Impact of

Covid-19 in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency

Dinar Tisnawati1, Moh. Taufik Hidayat1, Ipik Permana1

Swadaya Gunung Djati Cirebon
Email Korespondensi:

In this study, the authors focus on finding out the public value created in the community of
Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency based on the Covid-19 Impact Cash Social
Assistance Policy. Public value in this study refers to Moore's theory contained in The
Strategic Triangel which consists of public value, Legitimacy and Support, and Operational
Capacity. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method where the data collection
techniques used are library research and field studies consisting of observation and in-depth
interviews. The results of the study show that the public value created in the Covid-19
Impact Cash Social Assistance Policy has a tendency to be less good and not optimal in
achieving the previously set goals because the data collection process is still less than optimal,
the validation and verification process is not good and the number of people who get more
from one help.
Keywords: Public value, Covid-19, Cash Social Assistance, Beneficiary Families.

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis fokus untuk mengetahui public value yang tercipta
pada masyarakat Kecamatan Jatiwangi Kabupaten Majalengka berdasarkan
Kebijakan Bantuan Sosial Tunai Dampak Covid-19. Nilai publik dalam penelitian ini
mengacu pada teori Moore yang terdapat dalam The Strategic Triangel yang terdiri
dari nilai publik, Legitimasi dan Dukungan, dan Kapasitas Operasional. Penelitian
ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dimana teknik pengumpulan data
yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan yang terdiri dari
observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa public value
yang tercipta dalam Kebijakan Bantuan Sosial Tunai Dampak Covid-19 memiliki
kecenderungan yang kurang baik dan belum optimal dalam mencapai tujuan yang
telah ditetapkan sebelumnya karena proses pendataan yang masih kurang optimal,
validasi dan proses verifikasi yang kurang baik serta jumlah orang yang
mendapatkan lebih dari satu bantuan.
Kata kunci: Nilai Masyarakat, Covid-19, Bantuan Sosial Tunai, Keluarga Penerima

At the beginning of 2020 a virus that spread in China was later known as the
corona virus or in the scientific language of medicine called Corona Virus Disease
2019 (Covid-19). The Covid-19 disease was first known to exist in December 2019 in
Wuhan, China, China. The spread of Covid-19 was very fast and eventually spread
to a number of countries including Indonesia. Covid-19 cases entered Indonesia for
the first time announced on March 2, 2020.

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

The entry of Covid-19 occurred through several access gates for the
movement of people in the territory of Indonesia. In January, it was announced that
Covid-19 could be transmitted between humans and has already occurred in several
countries, the response efforts carried out by the Indonesian government at that time
only used Health Alert Cards or Yellow Cards and Thermal Scanners to check body
temperatures above 37.5 degrees Celsius. at the entrance and exit of Indonesian
territory. This prevention turned out to be unable to stem the transmission of the
Covid-19 virus, this prevention was not like in other countries which immediately
closed flight access to and from Wuhan, so that until finally the Covid-19 case spread
in the Indonesian Territory.
Following the declaration of the Covid-19 outbreak as a non-natural national
catastrophe and pandemic, and the imposition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions
(PSBB) in various places. The policy of determining the disaster and enacting large-
scale social restrictions had a significant impact on people's survival, as it limited the
community's social interaction, which ultimately resulted in disrupted economic
activities, daily work becoming impossible, and the emergence of a wave of layoffs
by the company due to the company's inability to retain employees. This tendency
leads in a decline in income and contributes to the rise in crime rates.
This economic impact is felt directly by the weakening of the economy,
namely household consumption or people's purchasing power and has an effect on
the investment climate because it creates uncertainty when it will end so that many
investors are hesitant to invest, besides that it also has an impact on the cessation of
a business, and has an impact on commodity prices. tends to decrease. Due to the
impact caused by Covid-19, the Indonesian government tries to maintain economic
stability by making one of the national economic recovery policies in the form of
Cash Social Assistance. The government's policy of implementing a social security
system for all Indonesian residents is a result of the 1945 Constitution's second
amendment. As a stopgap measure, the government adopted a strategy of providing
social aid as a form of governmental responsibility to the community in order to
foresee any socioeconomic difficulties associated with Covid -19.
Social assistance for basic necessities and cash social assistance are two of the
social safety net policies used to implement these policies, as outlined in Minister of
Social Affairs Decree No. 54/HUK/2020 on the Implementation of Basic Food Social
Assistance and Cash Social Assistance in Handling the Impact of Corona Virus
Disease 2019. According to the Minister of Social Affairs' Decree No. 54/HUK/2020,
the Directorate General of Handling the Poor is responsible for implementing
monetary social assistance.
To carry out the Directorate General of Handling the Poor's social safety
policy, simplify the process, and ensure Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in its
implementation, the Directorate General of Handling the Poor issued Decree
Number 22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020 concerning Amendments to the Directorate

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

General of Handling the Poor's Decree Number 18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020

concerning Technical GCG (Covid-19). Cash support, as defined in the technical
guidelines, is aid provided in the form of money to poor, impoverished, and/or
vulnerable families afflicted by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) epidemic.
Beneficiary Families (KPM) are households that have been identified as receivers of
government aid.
KPM Cash Social Assistance is prioritized for families listed in the Integrated
Social Welfare Data (DTKS) who are not registered as recipients of the family hope
program and basic food programs. In the decision of the Director General for
Handling the Poor Number 22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020, in its implementation, there
are various problems, especially in the accuracy of recipient data as poor,
underprivileged, and/or vulnerable families affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. The
updating of the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) was constrained by the
budget. The Ministry of Social Affairs lacks a budget of IDR 875 billion to be able to
update the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), and so far the Ministry of Social
Affairs has only been able to verify and validate data on the poor who are only listed
as recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance.
The limited verification and validation of poor population data in the
Integrated Data on Social Welfare cash social assistance is one of the factors that
strengthens that recipients of cash social assistance have not been properly verified
and validated, so this has caused various problems in various regions, especially
West Java Province. The population of West Java based on the results of the 2020
population census reached 48.27 million people. This figure puts West Java as the
province with the largest population in Indonesia and was the second most
populous after DKI Jakarta on April 30, 2020 with the number of positively infected
patients as many as 1,009 people, 107 patients recovered and 79 patients died
(pikobar, 30 April 2020).
Several problems that arise in West Java Province regarding the
implementation of cash social assistance to KPM are very interesting and this is
supported by several facts posted on social media. The government's supply of
social aid to the community is not new. When a disaster strikes a region, for
example, this social help is typically provided by the national government or local
government, but the public response to the realization is still a great deal of
dissatisfaction with its distribution.
The national and provincial governments are battling to deliver social aid to
the population during the Covid-19 epidemic. The authors examine many issues
concerning the provision of cash social assistance in West Java by conducting a case
study in Majalengka Regency, geographically Majalengka Regency has an area of
1,204 km² with a population of 1,199,300 people. Majalengka Regency is a strategic
area to support the economy of West Java and play a role in realizing the

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

metropolitan tambourine. Majalengka Regency already has a very strategic

infrastructure, including Kertajati International Airport and has toll access.
The data for the poor became a reference for recipients of social assistance
during the Covid-19 period, from this data there were around 11.7% - 18.3% as
recipients of cash social assistance. In the first stage of distributing cash social
assistance of IDR. 600,000 through PT POS in Majalengka Regency, initially there
were only 4,873 beneficiary families and there were follow-up data of 14,199 KPM,
so that in the first distribution of cash social assistance in the first phase through PT
POS there were 19,072 KPM spread over in 26 districts. The addition was made
based on data received by PT POS from the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
The addition of the initial data indicates an asynchronous process in the use of data
that is used as a reference in the distribution of the Cash Social Assistance. The
addition of data again occurred during the disbursement of cash social assistance in
the second phase, at this stage the number of beneficiary families increased to 22,100,
there was a significant increase in the data for this second phase of disbursement.
The factor for the increase in families receiving cash social assistance benefits is
because there are still residents who have not been registered and received cash
social assistance in the first stage as well as data improvement due to the existence of
multiple recipients. In this case study, it is explained that the beneficiary families
who did not receive cash social assistance in the first phase, received a nominal
value of IDR. 1,200,000 at the same time in the second phase of disbursement. The
addition of KPM data from stage one to stage two is a very interesting phenomenon
and there is another addition to KPM in the third stage to 49,632 KPM.
The existence of an increase and improvement of data at each stage of
distribution is one of the most interesting phenomena in this research. Indications of
data development that is always increasing at each stage are due to the opening of
new quotas and proposals from each regional head with the rationale that there are
still many people who have not received assistance. The addition of the KPM quota
is carried out in a very short time so that it affects the validation and accuracy of the
KPM, with the addition of this KPM it causes problems such as the increasing
number of multiple recipients and people who do not fall into the poor criteria get
assistance just like that. To be able to explore the problem, the author takes a case
study in Jatiwangi District. Based on data, Jatiwangi Sub-district is the sub-district
that receives the most Cash Social Assistance in Majalegka Regency, the number of
Beneficiary Families (KPM) is 2,366 recipients, followed by Maja District as many as
2,336 and Rajagaluh District 2,286 beneficiaries.
The criteria for losing a job during the Covid-19 pandemic are difficult to
prove and become an obstacle for verification and data validation, because the job
loss is not compared to receiving remuneration while still working, and this overlaps
with some people who actually lose their jobs or eyes. livelihood whose income is
only sufficient for daily needs. There are other requirements that are difficult to

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

prove in conducting verification, namely that prospective recipients who meet the
requirements but do not have a NIK and KK can immediately receive cash social
assistance without having to make an identity first. The recipient must live in the
village and write down his full address. This is one of the reasons why there are
KPMs who receive more than one type of assistance.
The next problem is the distribution process which causes crowds and does
not apply health protocols (physical distancing). This is due to people who want to
get cash social assistance on the same day. This case study took place at PT POS
Majalengka Regency, people who did not have an account still received assistance
with distribution through PT POS Majalengka Regency. This study aims to identify
and develop concepts regarding the public value of the Covid-19 Impact Cash Social
Assistance Policy, the public value created in the community by the Covid-19 social
cash assistance policy, and to explain the factors of support and obstacles in the
community towards the Covid-19 impact cash social assistance policy.
In terms of public value itself, it may be understood as a way for public
policymakers and managers to think and act strategically in the face of complexity
and austerity, or as a popular way to evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of public
services (Moore, 1995). It establishes a comprehensive framework for evaluating
public administration's performance in the process of producing public value for
citizens (Kelly et al., 2002; Alford and O'Flynn). The public value is derived from the
community's values, goals, and wants for physical and mental well-being.
Managers in the public sector must think strategically and strike a balance
between the three pillars of public services and values. The three components must
be balanced and complementary, as ignoring one would result in the loss of
anticipated public value production. The three primary components of public
services serve as the defining characteristics of public services vs private sector
services. The first is services, which is the guiding concept of public service, which is
to provide high-quality services that satisfy the community's requirements while
adhering to appropriate values such as transparency, fairness, and legal clarity.
Second, the advantages (outcomes) such as poverty reduction, improved public
health, and improved city order and comfort.
According to Moore, public value is contained in The Strategic Triangel which
consists of 1. Public values, 2. Legitimacy and Support, 3. Operational Capacity. In
the figure it is explained that public managers must focus on creating public value
from all assets owned by the government that come from the community. The asset
in this case is financial management that has been received by the government from
the community in the form of taxation with the aim of people's welfare. To create
public value, it takes public managers who have imagination and seek value by
paying attention to every opportunity to be able to make it happen.
To be able to realize public values in government organizations, it can refer to
the concept of the strategic triangle created by M.H Moore. The concept can be

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

applied by public sector executives in the hope that public sector managers can
position themselves in a dynamic and heterogeneous environmental condition. The
concept of the strategic triangle aims to provide guidelines for the government in
conducting environmental analysis to be able to see opportunities to create public
value and to be able to design exploitation of opportunities. This concept can be
used to spot and plan for opportunities, become a tool for monitoring progress over
time and adapting as circumstances change.
Moore (2021) states in the journal Creating Public Value: The Core Idea of
Strategic Management in Government that the strategic triangle's central notion is
how to identify and capitalize on possibilities for public sector value creation. The
triangle strategy's core premise is that in order to identify and exploit value-creating
opportunities in the public sector, public managers must establish a balance between
the three distinct aspects that comprise the triangle's point.

The purpose of this study is to discuss the application of cash social support for
the Covid-19-affected population. The design or layout of this research is viewed
analytically; the writers employ qualitative methods; the emphasis in this study is on
how the process is not what the results are.
Qualitative research places a premium on quality analysis. The data is not
numerical; it is derived from interview scripts, field notes, personal records, and
other official sources. The primary purpose of this qualitative research is to describe
the empirical reality of the issue phenomena, which is examined in length,
exhaustively, and fully. Thus, the purpose of applying qualitative methods in this
research is to match, compare, and investigate the link between actual reality and
relevant theory.
The research method is a scientific technique that is used to collect data for a
certain objective. The term "scientific method" refers to an activity that is founded on
scientific principles. The problem studied by the author is related to the public value
of cash social assistance policies impacted by Covid-19 by using the factors that
underlie public value as a very precise analysis lens using qualitative research
methods, with the phenomenon of public value cash social assistance policies
impacted by Covid-19. Qualitative methods provide an overview of the research
results later in the development of the concept of the research theory used (Satori
and Komaria, 2011).
Primary and secondary data were employed in this study. Primary data are
those collected directly from observed sources via questionnaire distribution. While
secondary data is gathered from publicly available documents and information. The
data were validated using the triangulation approach, which entails checking, re-
checking, and cross-checking the various categories of data gathered. Triangulation
is a technique for determining the validity of data by comparing it to something

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

other than the data. Triangulation is also a term that refers to a testing procedure
that makes use of several sources, namely comparing and verifying the data
gathered. Triangulation is accomplished by the use of research data sources and
other observers. The triangulation methodology is an examination strategy that
makes use of many sources (interviews, observations, and documentation),
evaluating the degree of trust in information collected over time and using various
instruments in qualitative methodologies.
The data analysis method utilized in this study is inductive, since the
gathered data are then transformed into fundamental assumptions. Following the
formulation of the fundamental assumptions, the data was checked repeatedly to
determine if the fundamental assumptions were accepted or rejected based on the
obtained data. This data analysis was conducted before to entering the field, during
the field, and after the field. Qualitative data analysis activities are carried out
interactively and constantly till the data is saturated.

Result And Discussion

Cash Social Assistance (BST) is assistance in the form of money given to poor,
underprivileged, and/or vulnerable families affected by the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. This Cash Social Assistance is a social safety network
program of the Ministry of Social Affairs which is intended for poor and vulnerable
families affected by Covid-19. This program is a special assignment assistance to the
President. Social assistance for areas outside Jabodetabek is given in the form of
money, while for Jabodetabek areas it is given in the form of basic necessities. The
provision of BST assistance, excluding recipients of the Family Hope Program
(PKH), Basic Food Cards, and Pre-Employment Cards.
Basic social assistance and cash social assistance as outlined in the Minister of
Social Affairs Decree No. 54/HUK/2020 concerning the implementation of Basic
Food Social Assistance and Cash Social Assistance in Handling the Impact of Corona
Virus Disease 2019. In the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs No. 54/HUK/2020
in the third Dictum, it is stated that the Insurer The responsibility for the
implementation of cash social assistance is carried out by the Directorate General of
Handling the Poor. As a follow-up to this cash social assistance policy, the
Directorate General of Poor Handling does not only refer to the Ministry of Social
Affairs Decree No. 54/HUK/2020 regarding the implementation of Basic Food Social
Assistance and Cash Social Assistance in Handling the Impact of Corona Virus
Disease 2019.
The Director General for Handling the Poor, Ministry of Social Affairs, in its
implementation, makes technical instructions to facilitate the implementation
process, so that the expected public value can be achieved. The technical instructions
are contained in the Decree of the Director General for the Poor No.
22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020 Concerning Amendments to the Decree of the Director

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

General for the Poor No. 18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020 Concerning Technical

Instructions for Cash Social Assistance Distribution in the Event of Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (Covid-19).
Technical guidelines for the distribution of cash social assistance serve as a
reference for echelon II work units of the Directorate General of Handling the Poor
who handle cash social assistance, provincial governments, district/city
governments, and disbursing banks/posts so that they can implement cash social
assistance programs in a timely manner. right administration, right on target,
transparent, and accountable. The recipients of this Cash Social Assistance are called
Beneficiary Families (KPM), where the recipients of this cash social assistance are
prioritized for families listed in the integrated social welfare data who are not
registered as recipients of the Family Hope Program Assistance and the Sembako
Program. In the technical instructions it is explained that district/city governments
can propose new KPM Cash Social Assistance through the next generation social
welfare information system (SIKS-NG) which is equipped with a Population
Identification Number (NIK), Family Card number (KK) and telephone number can
be contacted.
Based on the results of the research, the Cash Social Assistance policy is a very
important policy in helping the economic recovery of both people affected by
COVID-19 or the state of Indonesia to save from recession so that the
implementation of the Cash Social Assistance policy with the impact of Covid-19
must have more public value. on repair.
It is undeniable that Beneficiary Families can receive other than Cash Social
Assistance, this is caused by data input factors from the regional government to the
central government. Although the technical instructions are based on the Director
General for the Poor's Decree 22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020 amending the Director
General for the Poor's Decree 18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020 concerning Technical
Guidelines for the Distribution of Cash Social Assistance in the Event of Corona
Virus Disease 2019, (Covid-19).
The factor that causes this double data to occur can also be caused by the
short time of distribution of cash social assistance, with this very short time causing
the implementers to not be able to verify and validate data properly. Local
governments in this case also carry out social assistance independently using the
APBD, so the data used for input to the Ministry of Social Affairs is data that has
existed before and tends to be minimally updated.
In implementing the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of
Covid-19, in this case the government must also be able to ensure and monitor the
distribution process in accordance with the desired goals. The concept of creating
public value for the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of Covid-19
must be evaluated properly. When viewed from the objective of the Cash Social
Assistance policy, the impact of Covid-19 is an economic stimulus, the government

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

must also be able to ensure that this policy creates greater value. good in society.
Public value, in this case, in addition to creating an economic stimulus, is the
creation of social equality in the community, community participation, and
increased public awareness.
Stimulating people's purchasing power is the main goal of the Cash Social
Assistance policy due to Covid-19 and saving the country from recession. Economic
stimuli have clear indicators to measure, while public value is not only about
achieving goals but exploring the impacts or outcomes resulting from achieving
these goals. So that in this study the author explores the outcome of achieving the
goal to find out the value created in the community.
Social equality in the community is one of the values that should appear in
the community after receiving Cash Social Assistance due to Covid-19, this equality
arises when the Beneficiary Families have not received any assistance from the
community at all. The opposite will be true when in reality in the field it turns out
that many people get more than one assistance and this will be one of the causes of
inequality in society.
It is very difficult to avoid receiving more than one aid, because the data
collection is indeed done for several aids, such as from the Majalengka Regency
Government, West Java Provincial Government, and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The data collection officer also admitted that this was the case, where the data that
had been collected was proposed for some assistance and there was difficulty in
verifying the data for screening assistance. The implementation of the data collection
was carried out in a very short time and the implementation of the data collection
hoped to be filtered by the data manager.
Social equality is one part of creating public value in the community, in
another perspective, community participation is also very much needed to add
better value. Participation in this case is to provide supervision over the
implementation of the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of Covid-19.
The purpose of the supervision carried out by the community is to ensure that the
recipients of the Cash Social Assistance impacted by Covid-19 are truly targeted to
those in need or also to provide recommendations to environmental administrators
to ensure that people who need assistance are guaranteed. In addition to monitoring,
community participation is also important to form discipline in the distribution of
aid in order to comply with health protocols.
Community participation is one of the important things that must be
maintained by the government for the sake of the sustainability of the government.
Community participation (citizen participation/citizenship) emphasizes the direct
participation of the community in decision-making in government institutions or
processes. The concept of community participation has developed “from just
concern for the beneficiary or the marginalized to a concern with various forms of
community participation in policy making and decision makers in various matters

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

that affect people's lives. This is of course different from social participation,
community participation is oriented towards the agenda of determining public
policies. Participation can be explained as community development only makes the
community as a mere object. Participation is not just to achieve social development
goals but is an inseparable part of the social development process. Community
participation means the existence of a complete human being, the demands for
community participation are increasingly running along with awareness of the
rights and obligations of citizens. In conducting this discussion, the author uses the
following parameters:
Table 1. Parameters Public value
Aspects of
Dimension Draft Parameter
a. Impact of
progress or
Value created improvement
where the role of b. Effective and
administration is efficient policy
not only as a c. Knowing
Public Value
service provider whether there is
but also creates a change of
value potential in improvement or
society not.
d. What are the
public values
Public value
a. There are
(M.H Moore)
policies that
There is legitimate regulate and
and politically form the legal
Legitimacy and sustainable support basis.
Support and mutual b. Management
recognition from organization
the environment c. Community
support for
It means that the The ability of the
program is feasible organization
and the internally and
organization is externally to
available so that it implement policies,
Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

is able to manage in terms of human

the program resources,
technology, and

The link between Public Value and the Cash Social Assistance Policy due to
Covid-19 in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency is based on the view that to
create public value from a policy, there needs to be synergy between elements and
openness to keep the public having equal opportunities to get assistance.
Basically, the Cash Social Assistance policy due to Covid-19 was made with
the aim of providing assistance to the poor and vulnerable poor who were affected
by Covid-19 as well as recovering the economy gradually in order to avoid a
recession. The public value that is expected to emerge by the government is
economic independence and community welfare as well as increasing awareness
among communities so that this pandemic condition has meaningful lessons in the
Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency.
Based on the results of interviews conducted by the author, most people feel
that the nominal amount of Cash Social Assistance received from the impact of
Covid-19 is not enough and object to the gradual distribution, the nominal amount
of Cash Social Assistance received tends to be only sufficient for daily needs. and
cannot be managed to build a business in order to create financial freedom for the
affected community. The opposite condition is experienced by people who already
have businesses or run MSMEs, the money received from the Cash Social Assistance
due to Covid-19 is used to increase capital. Conditions in the community to create
public value cannot be equated in the economic aspect. The tendency to create public
value can be formed in the same way in terms of community behavior or social
conditions, the behavior referred to in this discussion is increased public awareness
and participation, the pandemic condition is a momentum for mutual awakening in
the community by helping each other.
It is hoped that the Cash Social Assistance Policy with the impact of Covid-19
can be implemented effectively and efficiently, but if you look at the empirical
conditions based on the research results, the Cash Social Assistance policy with the
impact of Covid-19 has fundamental problems when viewed holistically. Effective
and efficient, of course, it can be determined by indicators that the Cash Social
Assistance policy as impacted by Covid-19 is right on target and Beneficiary Families
do not receive overlapping assistance. Indications that are not right on target in the
research on the Cash Social Assistance Policy due to Covid-19 can be seen from the
weakness of the validation and verification process of data inputted into the
Ministry of Social's Integrated Social Welfare Data, even though there is already a
process flow in collecting data until it is registered in the Integrated Welfare Data
system. Social Affairs (DTKS) but the conditions in the field experienced difficulties,
Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

so they used data that had become a database first. The database that is input into
the DTKS system is data that has not been updated properly so that it causes errors
in distribution, this can be seen from case studies of people who have moved
residence, people who have died, and the criteria for poor vulnerable communities
are not clear due to pandemic conditions. The goals that have been determined in
the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of Covid-19 are the achievement
of a social safety net to reduce the burden on society, economic stimulus, and avoid
Empirical conditions regarding some of the problems in the field certainly
have an impact on the creation of public value, although public value does not
appear quickly or instantly, at least the government must be able to measure the
direction of change by minimizing various errors in the field. Errors and errors in
technical instructions in the field will certainly have an impact on increasing
inequality and affect the ecological harmony in the community. In theory, the
expected public value is that there will be good cooperation between the community
and the government, equality in getting the same rights, unity and increasing social
strength with the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of Covid-19.
The social assistance policy for the impact of Covid-19 in Jatiwangi Sub-
district, Majalengka Regency, has been legitimized and supported by the public.
Legitimacy is the process of ratifying a decision or policy that has an output in the
form of regulations or other written laws and the existence of community support
for existing authorities. Legitimacy and support in this research can be represented
through several policies including:
1. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2020 concerning State
Financial Policy and Financial System Stability for Handling the Covid-19
Pandemic and/or in Facing Threats That Endanger the National Economy
and/or Financial System Stability for Communities Affected by Covid-19.
2. Social Ministerial Decree number 54/HUK/2020 concerning the
Implementation of Basic Food Social Assistance and Cash Social Assistance in
Handling the Impact of Covid-19.
3. Decision of the Director General for Handling the Poor number
18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for the
Distribution of Cash Social Assistance in Handling the Impact of Covid-19.
4. Decree of the Director General for Handling the Poor Number
22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020 concerning Amendments to the Decision of the
Director General for Handling the Poor Number 18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020
concerning Technical Guidelines for the Distribution of Aid Social Cash in
Handling the Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).
Recognition of the existence of a legitimate policy from the community makes
the Cash Social Assistance policy with the impact of Covid-19 important to maintain
smoothness during implementation, although not all people do not know the

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

contents of the legitimacy or policies that have been made, at least the community
has the guarantee of getting the same rights to access and get Cash Social Assistance
for the impact of Covid-19. The official government authority that carries out the
Cash Social Assistance policy due to Covid-19 is the Directorate General of Handling
the Poor, Ministry of Social Affairs, with the guidelines used as a reference for
implementation, namely the Decree of the Director General of Handling the Poor
Number 22/6/SK/HK.02.02/6/2020 concerning Amendment to the Decree of the
Director General for Handling the Poor Number 18/6/SK/HK.02.02/4/2020
concerning Technical Guidelines for the Distribution of Cash Social Assistance in
Handling the Impact of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).
The next discussion regarding the public value of the Cash Social Assistance
policy due to Covid-19 is operational capacity. In theory, operational capacity is a
condition of policies or programs that have been made feasible or not. Operational
capacity is also defined as operationally and administratively feasible with the
fulfillment or availability of organizational capabilities internally and externally,
internally and externally as the ability to manage human resources,
technology/infrastructure and finance. In this discussion, the operational capacity of
the Covid-19 social cash assistance policy is seen in the ability to manage finances,
human resources, and technology.
The financial operational capacity of the Covid-19 Social Cash Assistance
policy in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency comes from the State Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBN), this budget is managed by the Directorate General of
Poor Handling of the Ministry of Social Affairs to be distributed to Beneficiary
Families through PT POS Majalengka Regency. The financial management aspect in
the process is in accordance with the technical guidelines that have been set, but
there are problems with the use of the data used for distributors, this problem is the
same as previously discussed.
Operational capacity in human resource management is a component of the
running of a policy that has been made, humans are an important component in
organizations that carry out activities to achieve organizational goals. The
implementation of the Cash Social Assistance policy due to COVID-19 depends on
human resources in data management and distribution until it is received by the
Beneficiary Families. The problem that occurs in human resources in implementing
the Cash Social Assistance Policy due to Covid-19 is the validation and verification
process of data that is used as a reference for aid distribution. Another problem
occurred at the beginning of the distribution, there was a crowd in the distribution,
the cause of the crowd was because of the high enthusiasm of the Beneficiary
Families and this was not comparable to the officers in the field, but this condition
received assistance from the officers who carried out supervision to maintain order
during the distribution process.

Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2022
E-ISSN 2721-0642

The public value of the cash social assistance policy for the impact of COVID-
19 consists of a strategic triangle including substantial value, legitimacy and support,
and operational capacity. These three aspects have a very important role to create
public value (public value) of a policy. The substantial value in the Cash Social
Assistance policy due to the Covid-19 impact in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka
Regency is seen in several aspects including economic values, social and cultural
values, and political values. From these several aspects, the author can conclude
whether or not the Cash Social Assistance policy due to the impact of Covid-19 can
have an impact on progress, is effective and efficient, and knows whether or not the
creation of public value leads to improvement.

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