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Oleh: Ardy Paembonan, S.Pd.

Sekolah : SMA El-Shaddai Jayapura

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester :X/1
Jenis Teks : Teks Deskriptif
Materi Pokok : Mendeskripsikan Orang (Describing People)
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x pertemuan ( 2 x 40 menit)
Language Skill : Listening and Reading
Writing and Speaking

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab,
peduli (toleransi, gotongroyong), santun, percayadiri, dalam berinteraksi
secara efektifdengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan
dan keberadaannya.
K3 : Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual,prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang
ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan
kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang
kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan
KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
3.4 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi (C1) ciri-ciri dari teks
struktur teks, dan unsur deksriptive.
kebahasaan beberapa teks 3.4.2 Memberikan definisi (C1) tentang teks

deskriptif lisan dan tulis
dengan memberi dan meminta 3.4.3 Menjelaskan (C2) fungsi sosial, struktur
informasi pendek dan teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
sederhana terkait orang, deskriptif
benda dan tempat sesuai 3.4.4 Menentukan (C4) informasi yang terdapat
dengan konteks dalam teks deskriptif.

4.4 Menyusun teks deskriptif 4.4.1 Membuat (C6) teks deskriptif yang pendek dan

lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana tentang keluarga.
sederhana, terkait orang, 4.4.2 Mempresentasikan (P4) teks deskriptif pendek
benda dan tempat, dengan dansederhana.
memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan
sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah pembelajaran diharapkan :
1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari teks deskriptif.
2. Peserta didik mampu memberikan definisi tentang teks deskriptif.
3. Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks deskriptif.
4. Peserta didik mampu menentukan informasi yang terdapat dalam teks
5. Peserta didik mampu membuat teks deskriptif yang pendek dan
sederhana tentang keluarga.
6. Peserta didik mampu mempresentasikan teks deskriptif pendek dan

D. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter

1. Religius
2. Nasionalisme
3. Kedisiplinan
4. Kemandirian
5. Tanggung Jawab
6. Gotong Royong
E. Materi Pembelajaran
Exploring Descriptive Text 1 (Person)
1. Definition
Descriptive text is the text that describes what kind of person or object
described, good shape, properties, number and others in particular. Person
descriptive text is the texts that explain about what a person is like. The
purpose of this text is to describe and reveal a particular person. It is mostly
about sensory experience like how something looks, sounds and shapes.
2. Social Functions
 To describe a person in a specific way.
 To give information to the readers some characteristics or features of a
3. Generic Structures
 Identification
Identifies of matter will be described.
 Description
Describes or explains personality, qualities, or
4. Language Features
Focus on specific participants as the main character.
 Mostly use present tenses. (teacher’s focus)
 Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (e.g. is, are, has,
have, belongs to) in order to classify and describe appearance or
qualities and parts or function of phenomena.
 Use action verbs or material process and behavioral process in
giving additional description regarding action and behavior done
by the participants in text. (e.g. run, play, write, knock, dance,
read). (teacher’s focus)
 Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings. (e.g.
think, decide, reflect, consider)
 Frequently use nominal group.
 Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns (teacer’s
 Add information to verbs to provide more detailed description about
the topic.
 Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner, place,
or time and sometimes realized

F. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Pendekatan : Communicative Approach
2. Model : Problem Based Learning
G. Media Pembelajaran
1. Video Pembelajaran
2. Printed Worksheet (LKPD)
3. Lembar Penilaian
4. Labtop
5. LCD Proyektor
6. Audio Speaker .
7. Internet Akses

H. Sumber Belajar
1. Modul 3 English for Social Communication, Penulis: Dra. Titi Wahyukti, M.Pd.,2019

I. Langkah Pembelajaran
PENDAHUL Orientasi Religius 10 menit
UAN a. Guru melakukan pembukaan dengan (PPK)
salam pembuka dan peserta didik
menjawab salam setelah itu Guru beserta
peserta didik berdoa untuk memulai Nasionali
pembelajaran sme
b. Guru dan peserta didik menyanyikan (PPK)
lagu satu nusa satu bangsa TPACK
c. Guru Memeriksa kehadiran, kerapian
dan kelengkapan bahan belajar peserta
didik sebagai sikap disiplin
d. Guru Menyiapkan fisik dan psikis
peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan

a. Peserta didik bertanya jawab dengan
guru berkaitan dengan materi
sebelumnya dengan mengajukan
pertanyaan seperti:
Do you still remember what we
have learn last week? What we have
talked about?
b. Peserta didik dan guru mendiskusikan Commu
kompetensi yang sudah dipelajari dan nication
dikembangkan sebelumnya dan
mengaitkan dengan kompetensi yang
akan dipelajari
c. Guru mengaitkan materi dengan
pengalaman peserta didik dalam
menerapkan materi pelajaran
sebelumnya dalam kehidupan sehari
hari sebagai bekalpelajaran berikutnya.

d. Pemberian Pre test
KEGIATAN 1. Guru menampilkan 3 video Kemand 10 menit
INTI melalui media powerpoint irian
presentation .
Video 1:
TAHAP 1 Video 2:
peserta didik
pada masalah Video 3:
2. Guru mengajukan beberapa
pertanyaan manakah video yang
ditampilkan berkaitan dengan topik.
a. What is the speaker talking about?
b. Which video is related to the topic
c. Why does it have connection to the
topic today?
d. How about two other videos?why
are they unrelated to the topic?
3. Berdasarkan video 1, peserta didik
dibimbing untuk memberikan definisi
dan menjelaskan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.
Students are asked to outline social
function, text structure, and language
My family
This is my mum. She has blonde hair and
brown eyes. She is kind. She likes to help
people. She also likes cooking. This is my
dad. He is very tall and strong. He is hard-
working and likes to fix things. This is my
brother, Tim. He has ginger hair and brown
eyes. He likes to play football. He is very
competitive. This is my sister, Lucy. She has
beautiful hair and big eyes. She likes to draw.
She is artistic. She is also friendly. This is my
uncle, Fred. He has curly hair and small ears.
He likes gardening and outdoor activities. He
is creative. This is my aunt Clara. She has
long, wavy hairs and a tiny nose. She is shy
and patient. She loves sewing. This is my
grandma, Polly. She has short, grey hair. She
is very old and kind. She likes to bake
cookies. This is my grandpa, Martin. He is
bald and wrinkly. He likes to play board
games, and he is fantastic at playing golf.

TAHAP – a. Peserta didik di bagi ke dalam Gotong- 10 menit

2 kelompok kemudian membaca dan royong
mejawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.

Mengorga LKPD 1
nisasi Hello everyone! My name is Lucy and this is
peserta my beloved grandfather! His name is Tim and
didik he is my best friend. My grandfather is sixty-
untuk four years old and he is retired now, so he has
belajar plenty of time to be and play with me. I love
him very much and I know he loves me too.
We usually spend a lot of time together.
He is a widow and he lives with me, my
father, my mother and my brother Kevin. We
live in a big house in Fort Collins, Colorado.
My grandfather is a very tall and strong man!
Can you see me on his shoulders in this
picture? He is really strong! My grandfather is
a patient and caring man and sometimes I
think he is a magician. He’s always guessing
what I want to do or to eat or what I feel
inside!… When I am sad, he always makes
me laugh with his funny faces. He puts me on
his shoulders, he tells me many stories (I
know they are imaginary, but I pretend they
are real!), he even sings for me!
Everyday my grandfather Tim prepares my
breakfast, he drives me school and picks me
up at the end of classes, he helps me with my
school work, he takes me to the swimming-
pool, he plays chess with me and he counts
the stars with me. You know, my grandfather
is the only grown-up I know who truly
understands me. I love him very much!

1. Match the words from the text with their

equivalent on the right.

beloved ● ● loving
Big ● ● well-built
Strong ● ● Large

2.True or False? Correct the false ones.

1. Lucy’s grandfather is named John.
2. He is a teacher.
3. They spend a lot of time together.

3.Answer the questions about the text.

1. How old is Lucy’s grandfather?

2. Who is Kevin?
3. Why does Lucy think he is a
4. What does Lucy’s grandfather do
when she is sad?

Tahap – 3 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Berpikir 10 menit

a. Peserta didik mengerjakan LKPD kritis
mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks, Gotong
Membimb dan unsur kebahasaan teks
ing royong
an b. Guru mendorong dan memotivasi
didik untuk mengumpulkan informasi
sesuai agar mampu memecahkan suatu
permasalahan yang diberikan.

c. Guru membimbing peserta didik dalam

mengerjakan LKPD

Every group lists information using cluster
or list technique. It is about one of students’
family. After that, they make a descriptive
text based on information.


Tahap – 4 Collaboration 10 menit

Peserta didik membuat sebuah teks royong
angkan deskriptif sederhana
menyajika b. Guru membimbing peserta didik dalam
n hasil mengerjakan LKPD tersebut
Every group makes a cluster or list and
compose a descriptive text about a famous

a. Peserta didik menampilkan/

mempresentasikan hasil diskusi

Tahap – 5 Communication Gotong 20 menit


Menganali a. Peserta didik dari kelompok lain

sis & menanggapi presentasi yang
mengevalu ditampilkan
asi proses b. Guru menanggapi hasil
pemecaha presentasi untuk memberikan
nmasalah penjelasandan penguatan

c. Peserta didik dengan bimbingan

guru mengevaluasi hasil
rangkuman informasi teks dari
d. Siswa antar kelompok berdiskusi
untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan
yang paling tepat

e. Guru memberikan penghargaan

kepada kelompok yang memiliki
kinerja dan kerjasama yang baik

f. Guru memberikan penguatan

terhadap materi yang sudah

PENUTU a. Sebelum pelajaran ditutup guru Kemand 10 menit

P meminta peserta didik irian
melakukan refleksi kesimpulan
kegiatan hari ini. Kegiatan
refleksi berikut ini:
1. What did we learn just now?
2. What new words did you
3. Did you enjoy the lesson?
4. Did you get the point?
5. Which part of the activity do you
like the most? Why?
6. What are the difficulties in this

c. Guru memberikan umpan balik

terhadap proses dan hasil
d. Peserta didik diberikan tugas
mandiri sebagai tindak lanjut
e. Guru menyampaikan rencana
pembelajaran pada pertemuan
Well for the next meeting
we will study about how to
operate something
f. Peserta didik dan guru berdoa dan
mengucapkan salam
J. Penilaian, Pembelajaran Remedial, dan Pengayaan
1. Teknik Penilaian
a. Penilaian Sikap

Aspek Aktifitas yang Kriteria Skor
yang dapat diamati
Dinilai Selama

Interaksi selama Sangat sering menunjukkan 5

pembelajaran sikap santun
terutama bahasa
dalam bertuturkata Sering menunjukkan sikap 4
1 Santun
t) Beberapa kali menunjukkan 3
sikap santun

Pernah menunjukkan sikap 2


Tidak pernah menunjukkan 1

sikap santun

Sikap ketika Sangat sering menunjukkan 5

teman atau guru sikap peduli
kesulitan selama Sering menunjukkan sikap 4
2 Pedul
pembelajaran peduli
(care Beberapa kali menunjukkan 3
) sikap peduli

Pernah menunjukkan sikap 2


Tidak pernah menunjukkan 1

sikap peduli

Sikap yang Sangat sering menunjukkan 5

dilakukan ketika sikap Jujur
tugas, apakah Sering menunjukkan sikap 4
3 Jujur
hasil sendiri atau Jujur
) mencontek Beberapa kali menunjukkan 3
punya temannya sikap Jujur

Pernah menunjukkan sikap 2

Tidak pernah menunjukkan 1
sikap jujur

Ketepatan waktu Sangat sering menunjukkan 5

peserta didik ketika sikap disiplin
absen dan
mengumpulkan Sering menunjukkan sikap 4
4 Disiplin
tugas disiplin
e) Beberapa kali menunjukkan 3
sikap disiplin

Pernah menunjukkan sikap 2


Tidak pernah menunjukkan 1

sikap disiplin

 Setiap aspek menggunakan skala 1 s.d. 5
 Rumus perhitungan nilai siswa sebagai berikut:
 Jumlah skor yang diperoleh siswa × 100 Skor maksimal
 Skor maksimal adalah total skor setiap kriteria

b. Jurnal Observasi
1.Teknik Penilaian : Observasi ditulis pada Jurnal
2.Penjelasan : Catatan pada Jurnal hasil observasi guru mata pelajaran dilakukan
Kepada peserta didik yang betul betul bertingkah laku ekstrim positif atau negative.
Bila peserta didik berperilaku tidak baik selama pembelajaran, lebih baik tidak ditulis
dulu pada jurnal. Akan tetapi diperingatkan dulu, diajak berkomunikasi dan diberi
pengertian. Kecuali, bila peserta didik tersebut masih tetap tidak memperhatikan
peraturan kelas, guru bisa menulis nama dan butir sikap pada Jurnal sesuai dengan
hasil observasi.

No Waktu Nama Peserta Butir sikap Tindak lanjut

Tgl/Bln/Th didik
2. Instrumen Penilaian
Penilaian Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan


No Indikator Pencapaian Indikator Soal Teknik/bent

Kompetensi Soal uk Penilaian
3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi (C1) Menonton 3 Terlampir Tes lisan
ciri-ciri dari teks video dan
deksriptif menjawab
3.4.2 Memberikan definisi Menyebutkan Terlampir Tes lisan
(C1) tentang teks fungsi sosial,
deskriptif struktur teks,
dan unsur
dari teks
3.4.3 Menjelaskan (C2) fungsi Menguraikan Terlampir Tes lisan
sosial, struktur teks, fungsi sosial,
dan unsur kebahasaan struktur teks,
dari teks deskriptif dan unsur
dari teks
3.4.4 Menentukan (C3) Menjawab Terlampir Tes Tertulis
informasi yang terdapat pertanyaan
dalam teks deskriptif. yang
dengan teks
4.4.1 Membuat (C6) teks Membuat teks Terlampir Tes Tertulis
deskriptif yang pendek deskriptif
dan sederhana tentang singkat
keluarga. tentang
keluarga dari
salah satu
kelompok dan
salah satu
4.4.2 Mempresentasikan (P4) Dari hasil Terlampir Tes
teks deskriptif pendek diskusi, Performance/
dansederhana. peserta didik Praktek
ikan hasil
3. Rubrik Penilaian dan Pedoman Penskoran
a. Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan

Aspek Kriteria Skor Jumlah Soal Skor

Fungsi Sosial Sangat Sesuai 3 1 3
Sesuai 2
Kurang Sesuai 1
Struktur Sangat Tepat 3 1 3
Teks Tepat 2
Kurang Tepat 1
Unsur Tepat 1 4 4
Kebahasaan Tidak Tepat 0
Total 6 10

b. Rubrik Penilaian Keterampilan

Rubrik penilaian listening

 Low (60-70) siswa salah memahami konteks yang dibicarakan dan salah memberi jawaban
 Average (71-90) siswa mampu memahami konteks yang dibicarakan namun belum tahukosakata
yang dimaksud dalam bahasa inggris untuk menjawab
 Good (91-100) siswa sangat mampu memahami konteks yang dibicarakan dan
memberi jawaban yang benar dengan kosakata yang tepat

Rubrik Penilaian Writing

Aspek Kriteria Skor Indikator

3 Menulis dengan structure teks yang lengkap
Struktur 2 Struktur lengkap tapi tidak terorganisir
1 Struktur teks tidak lengkap
3 Menggunakan tata bahasa dengan tepat
Menuli Tata bahasa 2 Ada beberapa kesalahan tata bahasa tapi tidak
s mengurangimakna
1 Banyak kesalahan tata bahasa yang mengurangi
3 Menggunakan pilihan kata dengan tepat
Pilihan kata 2 Terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata
1 Banyak kesalahan dalam pemilihan kata
Menulis Jumlah
No Nama Struktur Tata Pilihan Sk Nilai
Bahasa kata or
(3) (9)
(3) (3)

Nilai = (Skor Perolehan : skor maksimal) x 10

Rublik Penilaian Speaking

Kriteria Uraian Rentang Skor Skor

Menanyakan Jika Respon benar, intonasi 81-100
dan benar dan
Menyatakan Pengucapan benar dan lancar.
secara Lisan Jika Respon benar, intonasi 61-80
benar dan
Pengucapan kurang lancar.
Jika Respon benar, intonasi 41-60
tepat dan Pengucapan tidak
Jika Respon benar, intonasi 21-40
kurangbenar dan Pengucapan
tidak benar dan
tidak lancar.
Jika Respon kurang benar, 0-20
kurang benar dan
Pengucapan tidakbenar dan
tidak lancar.
Rubrik Penilaian Reading

Aspek Kriteria Sko Jumlah Skor

r soal Maksimal
Menjawab Tepat 1 10 10
pertanyaan Tidak tepat 0
n teks
10 10

4. Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

Program Tindak Lanjut
Pembelajaran Remedial
Siswa yang belum mencapai KKM diberi kegiatan remedial tugas berupa :
 pembelajaran ulang
 bimbingan perorangan
 belajar kelompok
 pemanfaatan tutor sebaya

Pembelajaran Pengayaan:
 Siswa yang memperoleh nilai di atas KKM diberi pengayaan berupa
Tugas mengerjakan soal-soal dengan tingkat kesulitan lebih tinggi
 Meringkas buku-buku referensi

Jayapura, 2 Januari 2023

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Arnold Karubaba, M.Pd Ardy Paembonan, S.Pd

NIP. 19790716200605 1 003 NIP.198608252010041001
Pre-test (
1. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

I usually _____ eight hours a day.
answer choices
is sleep
are sleep

2. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

She ______ on the phone three times a week.
answer choices
is talk
3. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

They usually _____ homework right after school.
answer choices
is dong
are doing

4. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

They always _____ television after dinner.
answer choices
are watching
5. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

They ______ in the evening every day.
answer choices
is exercise
are exercise

6. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

David sometimes ______ with friends on
the weekend.
answer choices
hangs out
hang out
is hang out
are hang out
7. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

Alina _____ to the movie once a week.
answer choices
is go

8. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

They _____ more than ten hours a week.
answer choices
is study
9. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

They _____ two times a week.
answer choices
eat outs
eat outes
eat out
is eat out

10. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points

Ploy _____ to music every day.
answer choices
Exploring Descriptive Text 1 (Person)
1. Definition
Descriptive text is the text that describes what kind of person or object
described, good shape, properties, number and others in particular.
Person Descriptive text is the texts that explain about what a person, is
like. The purpose of the text is to describe and reveal a particular person.
It is mostly about sensory experience like how something looks, sounds
and shapes.
2. Social Functions
 To describe a person in a specific way.
 To give information to the readers some characteristics or
features of a person.
3. Generic Structures
 Identification
Identifies of matter will be described.
 Description
Describes or explains personality, qualities, or
4. Language Features
Focus on specific participants as the main character.
 Mostly use present tenses. (teacher’s focus)
 Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (e.g. is, are, has,
have, belongs to) in order to classify and describe appearance or
qualities and parts or function of phenomena.
 Use action verbs or material process and behavioral process in
giving additional description regarding action and behavior
done by the participants in text. (e.g. run, play, write, knock,
dance, read). (teacher’s focus)
 Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings. (e.g.
think, decide, reflect, consider)
 Frequently use nominal group.
 Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns
(teacher’s focus)
 Add information to verbs to provide more detailed description
about the topic.
 Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner,
place, or time and sometimes realized
Video 1 Script
My family
This is my mum.
She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She is kind. She likes to help people. She also likes
cooking. This is my dad. He is very tall and strong. He is hard-working and likes to fix
This is my brother, Tim. He has ginger hair and brown eyes. He likes to play football. He is
very competitive.
This is my sister, Lucy. She has beautiful hair and big eyes. She likes to draw. She is artistic.
She is also friendly.
This is my uncle, Fred. He has curly hair and small ears. He likes gardening and outdoor
activities. He is creative.
This is my aunt Clara. She has long, wavy hairs and a tiny nose. She is shy and patient. She
loves sewing.
This is my grandma, Polly. She has short, grey hair. She is very old and kind. She likes to
bake cookies.
This is my grandpa, Martin. He is bald and wrinkly. He likes to play board games, and he is
fantastic at playing golf.

Video 2 Script
How to make a great coffee at home
In this film Mr. Mike Gorthop of London’s Fernandez and wales cafes demonstrates how to
blend up a cup of perfect coffee. For this, you will need some freshly roasted, beans, filter,
some filter papers, a weighing scale, a hand grinder, a kettle, and a cup
Step 1:
As a rule, allow about 60 gram of coffee per liter of water
If you are making two small cups you need about 400 milliliters of water which makes 24
grams of coffee.
Step 2:
The key to making the perfect cup of filter coffee, it’s all in the grind. The finer the grounds
the more slowly the water percolates through the coffee leading to a more intense brew.
For great tasting filter coffee. Your ground should be fine enough that they still look like
powder but coarse enough that they feel slightly gritty between your fingers.
Use a hand grinder with an adjustable grind setting to turn your beans into grounds trial and
errors is your friend here.
Step 3:
Set your coffee filter on top of your cup and put a filter paper in place
Now before you do anything else
Pour some boiling water through empty filter paper
This is an important step for two reasons.
Firstly, it warms up the filter and cup
This means that your coffee will stay warm for longer.
Secondly, it washes away the taste of the filter paper.
Trust us you don’t want that
Pour away the water and it’s on to the next step
Step 4:
Put the grounds in the center of filter paper then using water that’s just off the boil between
90 and 95 degrees centigrade.
Pour about a fifth of the water over the coffee
Wait 30 seconds allowing the grounds to settle before slowly pouring in the rest of the water
The coffee should take no longer than 3 minutes to brew.
If it does grind may be too fine
Step 5:
Add sugar to taste
Stir and there’s nothing left to do but enjoy

Video 3 Script
Good morning Stoughton high school administration
Faculty, staff, and students
In just view moments, we will be ringing our school dismissal bell for one final time.
Before we do, I want to thank you all for the lesson learned.
Educational conversation shared laughter and tears and an overall successful school year
When I look back over this past school year and the previous six school years I can see
tremendous growth and forward progress we have made.
I am excited and hopeful about the growth, we will experience as we move into a beautiful
highly progressive secure temperature controlled high school building. One that keeps the
rain upside which on a day like today I am extremely grateful for but it is not the building
that makes a school.
It’s the people in each one of you have special talents and have made valuable contributions
to our school community and it is because of you and all I know about you that truly makes
me excited about our next adventure so now that our lessons are done and our boxes are
packed it is time to say farewell to this well-loved truly unique educational building that we
have homes.
Following the final dismissal though, you are invited to the cafeteria patio for the lowering
and removal our flag for the final time. It is with tremendous pride and gratitude that I sign
off today PA for the final time.
May you have wonderful and restful summer
We will see you in September

Orientation Worksheet
a. What is the speaker talking about?
b. Which video is related to the topic today?
c. Why does it have connection to the topic today?
d. How about two other videos?why are they unrelated to the topic?
Students are asked to outline social function, text structure, and language feature
from video 1.
My family
This is my mum.
She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She is kind. She likes to help people. She also likes
cooking. This is my dad. He is very tall and strong. He is hard-working and likes to fix
This is my brother, Tim. He has ginger hair and brown eyes. He likes to play football. He is
very competitive.
This is my sister, Lucy. She has beautiful hair and big eyes. She likes to draw. She is artistic.
She is also friendly.
This is my uncle, Fred. He has curly hair and small ears. He likes gardening and outdoor
activities. He is creative.
This is my aunt Clara. She has long, wavy hairs and a tiny nose. She is shy and patient. She
loves sewing.
This is my grandma, Polly. She has short, grey hair. She is very old and kind. She likes to
bake cookies.
This is my grandpa, Martin. He is bald and wrinkly. He likes to play board games, and he is
fantastic at playing golf.

Hello everyone! My name is Lucy and this is my beloved grandfather! His name is Tim and
he is my best friend. My grandfather is sixty-four years old and he is retired now, so he has
plenty of time to be and play with me. I love him very much and I know he loves me too. We
usually spend a lot of time together.

He is a widow and he lives with me, my father, my mother and my brother Kevin. We live
in a big house in Fort Collins, Colorado. My grandfather is a very tall and strong man! Can
you see me on his shoulders in this picture? He is really strong! My grandfather is a patient
and caring man and sometimes I think he is a magician. He’s always guessing what I want to
do or to eat or what I feel inside!… When I am sad, he always makes me laugh with his
funny faces. He puts me on his shoulders, he tells me many stories (I know they are
imaginary, but I pretend they are real!), he even sings for me!

Everyday my grandfather Tim prepares my breakfast, he drives me school and picks me

up at the end of classes, he helps me with my school work, he takes me to the swimming-
pool, he plays chess with me and he counts the stars with me. You know, my grandfather is
the only grown-up I know who truly understands me. I love him very much!
1. Match the words from the text with their equivalent on the right.

beloved ● ● loving
Big ● ● well-built
Strong ● ● Large

2.True or False? Correct the false ones.

1. Lucy’s grandfather is named John.


2. He is a teacher.

3. They spend a lot of time together.


3.Answer the questions about the text.

1. How old is Lucy’s grandfather?


2. Who is Kevin?

3. Why does Lucy think he is a magician?


4. What does Lucy’s grandfather do when she is sad?

Every group lists information using cluster or list technique. It is about one of students’
family. After that, they make a descriptive text based on information.

Names in the group:
1. 4.
2. 5.

Every group makes a cluster or list and compose a descriptive text about a famous

Names in the group:

1. 4.
2. 5.

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