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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Praktik Asuhan Kebidanan Holistik

Pada Remaja dan Pranikah


Dwie Yunita Baska

NIM P01740523010

Pembimbing Akademik:

Ratna Dewi, SKM, MPH

NIP. 197810142001122001



Journal Reading



Disusun Oleh :

Dwie Yunita Baska

NIM P01740523010

Pembimbing Akademik

Ratna Dewi, SST, M.Keb

NIP. 197810142001122001


Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Profesi Bidan

Diah Eka Nugraheni, SST., M.Keb

NIP: 198012102002122002


Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas
berkat dan rahmat-Nya, sehingga dapat menyelesaikan Journal Reading ini.
Penulisan Journal Reading ini dilakukan dalam rangka memenuhi tugas Praktik
Asuhan Kebidanan Holistik Pada Remaja dan Pranikah. Journal Reading ini
terwujud atas bimbingan, pengarahan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak yang tidak
bisa penulis sebutkan satu persatu dan pada kesempatan ini penulis
menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada :
1. Ibu Eliana, SKM., MPH selaku Direktur Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu
2. Ibu Yuniarti, SST, M.Kes selaku Ketua Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes
Kemenkes Bengkulu
3. Ibu Diah Eka Nugraheni, SST., M.Keb selaku Ketua Prodi Profesi Bidan
Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu
4. Ibu Ratna Dewi, SKM,MPH selaku pembimbing Akademik
5. Ibu Yulismita, SST selaku Pembimbing Lahan.
Mengingat keterbatasan pengetahuan dan pengalaman, penulis menyadari
bahwa penulisan Journal Reading ini masih belum sempurna. Oleh karena itu,
penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun dari semua
pihak. Akhir kata, penulis berharap semoga Journal Reading ini bermanfaat bagi
semua pihak.

Bengkulu, September 2023



HALAMAN JUDUL ...................................................................................... i
HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ........................................................................ ii
KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... iii
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................... iv

A. Judul Jurnal ................................................................................... 1
B. Abstrak .......................................................................................... 1


A. Latar Belakang dan Tujuan ........................................................... 3
B. Metodelogi .................................................................................... 4
C. Hasil Penelitian ............................................................................. 5


A. PICOT ........................................................................................... 8
B. RAMMbo ...................................................................................... 9

BAB IV PENUTUP ........................................................................................ 10

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ..................................................................................... 11


A. Judul, Penulis, Tahun Terbit Jurnal

1. Jurnal 1
a. Judul : Hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea, and
erythrocytosis caused by an ovarian Leydig cell
tumor: A case report

b. Penulis : Fernando Mendonca, Selma Suuto, Daniela M, ect.

c. Tahun Terbit : March, 26, 2021

d. Published : Wiley online library-clinical case report

2. Jurnal 2
a. Judul : The Relationship of Nutritional Status,
Physical Activity, Stress, and Menarche to
Menstrual Disorder (Oligomenorrhea)
b. Penulis : Vriska Roro Sekar Arum, Ari Y, and Oktia
c. Tahun Terbit : April, 20, 2019

d. Published Pulic Health Perspectives Jurnal

3. Jurnal 2
a. Judul : Association between obesity and oligomenorrhea
or irregular menstruation in Chinese women of
childbearing age: a cross-sectional study
b. Penulis : Dewi Sumdika Sari, Herawati dan Rizki Amalia
c. Tahun Terbit : August, 12, 2020

d. Published : Gynecological Endocrinology Journal

B. Abstrak Artikel pada Jurnal
1. Artikel 1
Tumor sel Leydig adalah neoplasma ovarium yang jarang terjadi.
Individu yang terkena dampak biasanya hadir dengan amenore/
oligomenore dan gambaran virilisasi yang progresif cepat. Eritrositosis
juga dapat terjadi akibat kadar testosteron yang tinggi.
2. Artikel 2
Oligomenore adalah masalah siklus menstruasi yang disebabkan oleh
beberapa hal faktor antara lain status gizi, usia, aktivitas fisik, penyakit
reproduksi dan stres. Oligomenore dapat menyebabkan terganggunya
kesuburan dan stres emosional pada pasien. Oligomenore lebih sering
terjadi pada remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive
sampling dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam hal ini Penelitian
ini adalah siswa SMK di Brebes yang terdiri dari 6 sekolah sebanyak 66
siswi yang mempunyai riwayat oligomenore dan bersedia menjadi
responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Analisis data
menggunakan uji Chi Square dengan taraf signifikansi 5% (α = 0,05) dan
Regresi logistik Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada
hubungan antara gizi status (p value = 0,002), aktivitas fisik (p value
=0,035), stres (p value =0,037) dengan oligomenore pada remaja SMK
desa di Brebes. Tidak ada hubungan menarche (p value = 0,147) dengan
oligomenore pada sekolah kejuruan desa remaja di Brebes. Ada hubungan
antara status gizi dengan oligomenore pada remaja di sekolah kota (p value
= 0,000). Tidak ada hubungan aktivitas fisik (p value = 0,627), stres (p
value = 0,164), menarche (p value = 0,147) dengan oligomenore pada
remaja di sekolah kota. Remaja diharapkan lebih memperhatikan faktor-
faktor tersebut yang dapat dikontrol seperti indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas
fisik, dan stres agar memiliki siklus haid yang teratur sehingga dapat
mempengaruhi kesehatan organ reproduksi wanita.

3. Artikel 3
Pada studi ini, diinvestigasikan hubungan antara indeks masa tubuh
(BMI), Lingkar pinggang (WC) atau rsio pinggang-pinggul (WHR) dan
oligomenore atau menstruasi tidak teratur pada wanita subur di Tingkok.
oligomenore, dan 22,6% mengalami menstruasi tidak teratur. Sebanyak
1.423 wanita Han berusia 19-39 tahun yang diperiksa secara rutin di RS
Pusat Latihan Fisik Universitas Peking yang didaftarkan secara
convenience sampling. Semua peserta diminta mengisi kuesioner
menstruasi. Model regresi logistik biner digunakan untuk menilai rasio
odds (OR) dari kelompok BMI, WC dan WHR yang berbeda untuk
prevalensi oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur. Hasil: dari 1423
partisipan didapatkan 93 wanita (6,5%) memiliki BMI > 30kg/m2, 6,5%
partisipan mengalami oligomenore yakni siklus menstruasi yang lebih
panjang dari siklus normal mestruasi biasanya. Prevalensi mentruasi
irreguler lebih tinggi dialami bagi BMI >30 kg/m2 (p < 0.001), WC >90
cm, dan grup WHR > 0.86. Selain itu, digunakan kurva ROC untuk
membandingkan efek prediksi BMI, WC dan WHR pada oligomenore dan
menstruasi tidak teratur. Obesitas, oligomenore, dan menstruasi tidak
teratur sering terjadi pada wanita usia subur di Tiongkok, dan obesitas
dikaitkan dengan oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur. Obesitas perut
mungkin memiliki efek prediksi yang lebih kuat terhadap menstruasi yang
tidak teratur.


A. Latar Belakang dan Tujuan

1. Artikel 1
Artikel ini memaparkan tentang studi kasus pada seorang pasien
berusia 39 tahun dengan produksi hormon testosteron berlebihan yang
berasal dari Leydig Tumor Cell (LCT) pada ovarium kiri, mengakibatkan
oligomenorea, tinggi jumlah eritrosit, dan tanda-tanda vilirisasi progresif
cepat. Sekitar 75% penderita tumor ini menunjukkan gejala-gejala hiper-
androgenisme akibat produksi testosteron yang berlebihan, seperti
hirsutism (jumlah rambut yang tumbuh berlebihan pada organ tubuh
wanita), klitoromegali (pembesaran abnormal klitoris), alopecia
androgenic (kerontokan rambut), jerawat, peningkatan massa otor, atrofi
payudara, suara berat, dan atau peningkatan libido.
2. Artikel 2
Kesehatan reproduksi remaja adalah kesehatan fisik, mental, dan
kesejahteraan sosial secara menyeluruh pada segala hal yang berkaitan
dengan sistem dan fungsinya, serta proses reproduksi remaja, bukan
sekedar keadaan bebas dari penyakit atau kecacatan. Siklus menstruasi
pada wanita normalnya berkisar antara 21-32 hari dan hanya 10-15% yang
memiliki siklus 28 hari dengan lama menstruasi 3-5 hari atau 7-8 hari.
Data Badan Riset Kesehatan (Rikesdas, 2018) persentase wanita usia 10-
59 tahun yang mengalami menstruasi tidak teratur 14,5%. Lebih detailnya,
sebanyak 11,7% remaja usia 15-19 tahun di Indonesia mengalami
menstruasi tidak teratur dan sebanyak 14,9% wanita yang tinggal di
perkotaan di Indonesia mengalami menstruasi tidak teratur. Oligomenore
merupakan masalah siklus menstruasi yang disebabkan oleh beberapa
faktor antara lain status gizi, usia, aktivitas fisik, penyakit reproduksi dan
stres (John, 2010). Penelitian Yassin (2012) di Alexandria, persentase
remaja putri yang mengalami polimenorea 6,8%, oligomenorea 8,4%. Di

Indonesia, penelitian Serly (2014) mencatat, remaja yang mengalami
siklus menstruasi normal sebanyak siswa SMA (61,8%), sedangkan yang
mengalami menstruasi normal sebanyak (38,2%).Menurut Adnyani (2011)
dengan hasil siklus menstruasi pada remaja putri diperoleh 38,9%
mengalami menstruasi tidak teratur. Sedangkan menurut Rachmawati
(2017) sebanyak 51,6% wanita yang berprofesi sebagai penari dengan
aktivitas fisik berat dapat mengalami gangguan siklus menstruasi.
Penelitian lain yang dilakukan oleh Rosendi (2011), stres dapat
mempengaruhi siklus menstruasi, karena hormon kortisol sebagai produk
korteks adrenal disintesis glukokortioid yang pada dua karakteristik lokasi
yang berbeda, baik dari segi letak geografis memungkinkan terjadinya
perbedaan usia menarche. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis status
gizi, aktivitas fisik, stres, usia menarche hingga oligomenore.
3. Artikel 3
Pada jurnal ini

B. Metodologi
1. Artikel 1
Studi ini menyajikan paparan studi kasus pada seorang wanita dengan
produksi testosteron berlebihan dari tumor sel Leydig (LCT) pada ovarium
kiri yang mengakibatkan oligomenore dan tanda-tanda virialisasi yang
progresif cepat.
2. Artikel 2
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Desain studi cross-
sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah SMK di Brebes yang terdiri
dari 6 sekolah diatas pertimbangan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Brebes dengan jumlah populasi adalah 1211 orang. Terdiri dari 3 SMK
yang berlokasi di kota dan 3 SMK yang berlokasi di pedesaan. Teknik
pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak
66 siswi yang mempunyai riwayat oligomenore dan bersedia menjadi

responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis univariat, bivariat
dan multivariat.
3. Artikel 3
Adanya peningkatan prevalensi kegemukan dan gangguang
menstruasi pada populasi rakyat China. Kazemijaliseh dan rekannya telah
melaporkan lebih dari 10,6% wanita subur mengalami gangguan
keteraturan menstruasi, dan 23,8% mengalami frekuensi menstruasi yang
tidak normal. Prevalensi kelebihan berat badan atau oesitas pada wanita di
China sebesar 35,2% di daerah pedesaan dan 33,4% di Perkotaan. Obesitas
dikaitkan dengan siklus menstruasi yang tidak normal. Studi dari Wei et al
telah menemukan bahwa hubungan antara prevalensi kelainan siklus
menstruasi dan indeks massa tubuh (BMI) menunjukkan kurva berbentuk
U. Angka kejadian oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur meningkat
seiring dengan peningkatan BMI >25 kg/m2. Proporsi wanita gemuk
dengan siklus menstruasi abnormal lebih tinggi dibandingkan populasi
umum, dan penurunan berat badan mengurangi siklus menstruasi
abnormal pada wanita obesitas. Selain itu, distribusi lemak tubuh rupanya
juga berdampak pada siklus menstruasi. Wanita dengan obesitas
abdominal dan BMI tinggi cenderung memiliki siklus menstruasi yang
lebih panjang dibandingkan wanita dengan BMI tinggi saja. Belum banyak
cukup bukti mengenai hubungan keseluruhan antara obesitas dan
oligomenore atau menstruasi tidak teratur pada wanita usia subur di
Tiongkok, dan masih belum jelas apakah hubungan tersebut dipengaruhi
oleh distribusi lemak. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
hubungan antara BMI, lingkar pinggang (WC/Waist Circumference) atau
rasio pinggang-pinggul (WHR/Waist-to-hip Ratio) dan oligomenore atau
menstruasi tidak teratur.

C. Hasil Penelitian
1. Artikel 1
Dalam studi kasus ini, melibatkan seorang wanita dengan produksi
testosteron berlebihan dari tumor sel Leydig pada ovarium kiri yang
mengakibatkan oligomenore dan tanda-tanda virialisasi yang progresif
cepat. Pada pasien dengan gambaran klinis seperti ini, anamnesis yang
cermat dan pemeriksaan fisik yang menyeluruh tetap merupakan prediktor
yang baik untuk hiperandrogenisme terkait neoplasma. Waktu timbulnya
tanda dan gejala mungkin merupakan petunjuk penting untuk diagnosis.
Hal ini berkaitan dengan fakta bahwa penyebab hirsutisme dan kelainan
siklus menstruasi non-tumor yang biasa terjadi, seperti PCOS (Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome) dan hiperplasia adrenal kongenital nonklasik, biasanya
memerlukan waktu bertahun-tahun atau puluhan tahun untuk
menimbulkan gejala-gejala tersebut, sedangkan penderita dengan
neoplasma virilisasi hanya membutuhkan waktu beberapa bulan (seperti
dalam laporan kasus yang disajikan).
Pasien melaporkan ketidakteraturan menstruasi disertai oligomenore
setelah menghentikan kontrasepsi oral 9 bulan sebelumnya. Dia mengaku
merasa lebih tertekan dengan perubahan progresif pada tubuhnya, terutama
karena masalah estetika. Tidak ada perubahan libido, perubahan otot, atau
patah tulang yang dilaporkan. Dia menyangkal konsumsi alkohol atau
tembakau sebelumnya atau baru-baru ini. Dia didiagnosis menderita
hipotiroidisme primer pada tahun 2011 (penyebab tidak diketahui, antibodi
antitiroid negatif), mengalami obesitas kelas 1 dan hipertensi arteri sejak
tahun 2008 (TD maksimum 150/94 mm Hg dalam 12 bulan sebelum
konsultasi endokrinologi, namun biasanya dalam keadaan normal sampai
pengobatan antihipertensi). Pasien ini diberi pengobatan levothyroxine 100
µg sekali sehari, nebivolol 5 mg, dan kombinasi amlodipine 5 mg/
valsartan 20 mg. Mengenai riwayat keluarganya, pasien melaporkan
bahwa ibunya menderita kanker tiroid dan payudara, hipertensi, dan
diabetes tipe 2, yang terakhir juga menderita kanker tiroid dan payudara.

Pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan fasies androgenik dan alopesia,
adipositas dorsoserviks, akantosis nigrikans aksila, dan klitoromegali
(Gambar 1). Tidak ada massa yang terdeteksi pada palpasi perut. Tidak
ada atrofi payudara, miopati proksimal, atau striae keunguan yang
ditemukan. Berat badannya saat presentasi adalah 87,6 Kg, dengan indeks
massa tubuh 31,8 Kg/m2.
Kasus klinis ini sangat menarik karena dua alasan: Pertama adalah
gambaran LCT yang atipikal pada wanita pramenopause dan kedua adalah
adanya eritrositosis yang berhubungan dengan kelebihan testosteron, yang
menjadi normal setelah pengangkatan tumor. Setidaknya tiga kasus
eritrositosis sekunder akibat LCT ovarium dijelaskan dalam literatur, salah
satunya menggambarkan seorang wanita dengan hiperandrogenisme dan
emboli paru berulang. Hiperandrogenisme dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai
tumor, beberapa diantaranya berasal dari ginekologi, seperti
koriokarsinoma, mola hidatidosa, atau tumor penghasil androgen adneksa.
Neoplasma ini seringkali berukuran sangat kecil (<3 cm) sehingga dalam
banyak kasus bahkan tidak dapat ditemukan, sehingga menimbulkan
tantangan diagnostik bahkan setelah pemeriksaan ginekologi dan radiologi
yang cermat. Untungnya, hal tersebut tidak terjadi pada pasien ini yang
LCT-nya terdeteksi melalui USG transvaginal (TVU). Pemeriksaan ini
seringkali merupakan pemeriksaan imajinasi awal karena sensitivitasnya
yang baik, ketersediaan yang tinggi, dan biaya yang rendah.

2. Artikel 2
Oligomenorrea adalah permasalahan pada siklus menstruasi yang
dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya status nutrisi, usia,
aktivitas fisik, penyakit masalah reproduksi dan stress. Pada penelitian ini
menunjukkan ada hubungan antara gizi status (p value = 0,002), aktivitas
fisik (p value =0,035), stres (p value =0,037) dengan oligomenore pada
remaja SMK Desa di Brebes. Tidak ada hubungan menarche (p value =
0,147) dengan oligomenore pada sekolah vokasi di Brebes. Ada hubungan

antara status gizi dengan oligomenore pada remaja di sekolah kota (p
value = 0,000). Tidak ada hubungan aktivitas fisik (p value = 0,627), stres
(p value = 0,164), menarche (p value = 0,147) dengan oligomenore pada
remaja di sekolah kota. Remaja diharapkan lebih memperhatikan faktor-
faktor tersebut yang dapat dikontrol seperti indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas
fisik, dan stres agar memiliki siklus haid yang teratur sehingga dapat
mempengaruhi kesehatan organ reproduksi wanita.
Menurut Almatsier (2015) mengemukakan bahwa status gizi
merupakan ukuran kondisi tubuh seseorang yang dilihat dari makanan
yang dikonsumsi dan penggunaan zat gizi dalam tubuh. Hal ini didukung
oleh teori Paath (2005) bahwa pada remaja putri perlu menjaga status gizi
yang baik, dengan mengkonsumsi makanan yang seimbang karena
diperlukan pada saat menstruasi, terbukti menstruasi pada saat terutama
pada fase leutal akan meningkatkan kebutuhan nutrisi. Menurut Rabe
(2002), kelelahan akibat aktivitas berlebihan dapat menyebabkan disfungsi
hipotalamus yang menyebabkan gangguan sekresi GnRH. Hal ini
menyebabkan terganggunya siklus menstruasi. Faktor utama penyebab
penekanan GnRH pada wanita adalah penggunaan energi berlebihan yang
melebihi asupan energi.
Pada kondisi stress, dijelaskan bahwa pengaktifan keadaan stres
terjadi pada amigdala pada sistem limbik. Sistem ini merangsang
pelepasan hormon dari hipotalamus yaitu corticotropic-releasing hormone
(CRH). Peningkatan CRH merangsang pelepasan hormon endorfin dan
adrenokortikotropik (ACTH) ke dalam darah. Peningkatan kadar ACTH
akan menyebabkan peningkatan kadar kortisol darah. Hormon-hormon
tersebut secara langsung dan tidak langsung menyebabkan penurunan
kadar GnRH, yang melalui jalur ini kemudian stres menyebabkan
terganggunya siklus menstruasi.
3. Artikel 3
Pada artikel ini secara kolektif, data wanita usia subur di Tiongkok
menunjukkan bahwa obesitas berhubungan dengan siklus menstruasi yang

tidak teratur dan oligomenore. WC lebih efektif dalam memprediksi
menstruasi tidak teratur dibandingkan BMI, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
obesitas abdominal memiliki efek prediksi yang lebih kuat terhadap
menstruasi tidak teratur. Namun, mekanisme yang mendasari efek tersebut
terhadap siklus menstruasi perlu dipelajari lebih lanjut.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi komprehensif pertama tentang
hubungan antara komposisi tubuh dan oligomenore atau menstruasi tidak
teratur pada wanita usia subur di China. Pada penelitian sebelumnya,
definisi oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur berbeda. Dalam
penelitian yang berbeda, prevalensi oligomenore berkisar antara 2,32%
hingga 7,8%, dan menstruasi tidak teratur berkisar antara 6,25% hingga
16,9%. Prevalensi oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur masing-
masing adalah 6,5% dan 22,6% dalam penelitian ini, yang mengadopsi
definisi terbaru AUB yang diterbitkan oleh FIGO pada tahun 2018 untuk
mengidentifikasi oligomenore dan menstruasi tidak teratur, menjadikan
temuan pada penelitian ini lebih berguna dalam memandu pekerjaan klinis.
Peneliti pertama kali menyelidiki efek prediktif BMI, WC, dan WHR
pada periode menstruasi yang jarang dan tidak teratur, meskipun hanya
analisis awal yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Namun, hasil kami
menunjukkan bahwa BMI tinggi dan obesitas sentral memiliki efek
prediktif pada siklus menstruasi yang tidak normal, sehingga harus
meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas
pada wanita usia subur. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara
oligomenore atau menstruasi tidak teratur dan komposisi tubuh pada
sekelompok besar wanita usia subur di Tiongkok. Peneliti menemukan
bahwa obesitas,termasuk BMI 30 kg/m2 atau WC 90 cm, dikaitkan dengan
oligomenorhea, dan wanita dengan BMI 30 kg/m2, WC 90 cm atau WHR
0,86 secara signifikan berhubungan dengan menstruasi tidak teratur.

1. Artikel 1

Populasi : Tidak ada populasi pada penelitian studi kasus ini,

hanya melibatkan satu orang wanita berusia 39 tahun
berkebangsaan Portugal.
Intervensi : USG transvaginal, Surgery, and oral medication.
Comparatif : Tidak ada
Outcome : Penurunan kuantitas sel eritrosit dan hormon
testosteron setelah di operasi.

Time : Tahun 2021

2. Artikel 2

Populasi : Siswa sekolah vokasi di Departemen Pendidikan dan

Budaya, Brebes, Indonesia
Intervensi : Tidak ada
Comparatif : Tidak ada
Outcome : Adanya hubungan antara status nutrisi, aktivitas fisik,
dan stress terhadap kejadian oligomenorea. Namun
tidak berhubungan terhadap menarche.
Time : Tahun 2019

3. Artikel 3

Populasi : 1529 wanita Tiongkok berusia 19-39 tahun.

Intervensi : Tidak ada
Comparatif : Tidak ada
Outcome : Secara kolektif menunjukkan bahwa obesitas
berhubungan dengan siklus menstruasi yang tidak

teratur dan oligomenorea.
Time : Tahun 2020

1. Artikel 1

Representatif : Ya
Alokasi fair : Ya
Maintenance fair : Ya
Measurement : Serum androgen measurement as the important
Blinded Objektif diagnostics keystone.

2. Artikel 2

Representatif : Ya
Alokasi fair : Ya
Maintenance fair : Ya
Measurement : Tidak dijelaskan
Blinded Objektif

3. Artikel 3

Representatif : Ya
Alokasi fair : Ya
Maintenance fair : Ya
Measurement : Petugas medis terlatih yang melakukan
Blinded Objektif pengukuran height, weight, WC, WHR, MI, WC
and Hip Circumference (HC) partisipan


A. Kesimpulan
Berdasarkan hasil telaah jurnal 1, 2 dan 3, memiliki kesamaan yakni
kejadian oligomenorea berkaitan erat dengan kondisi body mass indeks
atau BMI yang melebihi batas normal. Pada artikel ke tiga, diketahui
bahwa pengukuran WC lebih efektif dalam memprediksi menstruasi tidak
teratur dibandingkan BMI, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa obesitas abdominal
memiliki efek prediksi yang lebih kuat terhadap menstruasi tidak teratur.
Namun masih perlu penelitian lebih lanjut terkait mekanisme yang
mendasari efek tersebut.
B. Saran
1. Artikel 1
Sangat baik sekali, karena paparan kasus tergambar dengan sangat
jelas dan relevan. Kasus ini pun sangat jarang ditemukan serta menarik
untuk dibahas. Terutama pada penjelasan mengenai gambaran LCT yang
atipikal pada wanita pramenopause dan kedua adalah adanya eritrositosis
yang berhubungan dengan kelebihan testosteron, yang menjadi normal
setelah pengangkatan tumor.
2. Artikel 2
Diharapkan bagian editorial lebih teliti saat mengecek abstrak dan
hasil/discussion jurnal, karena saat di abstrak disebutkan tidak ada
hubungan pada semua variabel (status nutrisi, aktivitas fisik, dan stress)
terhadap kejadian oligomenorea, sedangkan saat di conclusion semua
variabel memiliki hubungan yang signifikan, kecuali menarche, hal ini
cukup membingungkan pembaca.
3. Artikel 3
Artikel ini sangat baik, karena menjadi temuan baru bahwa
pengukuran WC lebih efektif dalam memprediksi menstruasi tidak teratur
dibandingkan BMI, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa obesitas abdominal
memiliki efek prediksi yang lebih kuat terhadap menstruasi tidak teratur.

Diharapkan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut terkait mekanisme yang
mendasari efek tersebut.


Nurjannah, S. N., dan Putri, E. A. (2021). Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Kejadian
Anemia Pada Remaja Putri di SMP Negeri 2 Garawangi Kabupaten
Kuningan. Journal Of Midwifery Care, 1(02), 125–131.
https://Doi.Org/10.34305/Jmc.V1i02.266. Diakses januari 2023.

Sari, Dewi Sumdika, et al. (2020). Hubungan Lama Menstruasi Dan Status Gizi
Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Remaja Putri. Jurnal Kesehatan dan
Pembangunan 10(19). Sumber:
Diakses januari 2023.

Received: 2 November 2020
| Revised: 9 December 2020
| Accepted: 2 January 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.4001


Hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea, and erythrocytosis caused

by an ovarian Leydig cell tumor: A case report

Fernando Mendonça1,2,3 | Selma Souto1,2,3 | Daniela Magalhães4 | Raquel Portugal5 |

Ana Rita Coelho5 | Ana Sofia Fernandes6 | Vera Falcão6 | Sara Tavares6 |
Inês Portugal7 | Jorge Beires6 | Davide Carvalho1,2,3
Serviço de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João, Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
i3S -­Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Hospital da Luz, Clínica do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Serviço de Anatomia Patológica, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João, Porto, Portugal
Serviço de Ginecologia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João, Porto, Portugal
Serviço de Radiologia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. João, Porto, Portugal

Fernando Mendonça, Serviço de
Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Leydig cell tumors are rare ovarian neoplasms. Affected individuals typically present
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de S. with amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea and rapidly progressive features of virilization.
João, Alameda Prof. Hernâni Monteiro,
4200-­319 Porto, Portugal. Erythrocytosis can also occur as a result of high testosterone levels.
erythrocytosis, hyperandrogenism, Leydig cell tumor, oligomenorrhea

1 | IN T RO D U C T ION include hirsutism, clitoromegaly, androgenic alopecia, acne,

increased muscle mass, mammary atrophy, deep voice, or
In this case report, we present the case of a 39-­year-­old increased libido. Some of the differential diagnosis of these
woman with excessive testosterone production from a Leydig virilizing tumors include non-­neoplastic causes of androgen
cell tumor of the left ovary resulting in oligomenorrhea, high excess such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), nonclas-
erythrocyte count, and rapidly progressive virilization signs. sical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (or other adrenal enzy-
Leydig cell tumors (LCTs), a subtype of steroid cell matic defects), or ovarian hyperthecosis. Another important
tumors of the ovary, account for <0.1% of ovarian neo- diagnosis to consider is Cushing syndrome, that can some-
plasms.1,2 LCTs are more common after menopause (average times be the result of an adrenocortical carcinoma cosecret-
age of 58), being usually benign, unilateral, and small-­sized ing androgens and cortisol.1
solid tumors.3,4 Approximately 75% of individuals with Given the rarity of these tumors (that constitute only
these tumors exhibit symptoms of hyperandrogenism due <0.2% of the cases of hyperandrogenism) and the multiplic-
to excessive testosterone production.5,6 Affected individuals ity of possible alternative diagnosis,7 it is essential to have a
typically present with amenorrhea/oligomenorrhea and rap- high index of suspicion. This is especially important before
idly progressive signs and symptoms of virilization (usually menopause and when no masses are detected on physical
within months) with or without mass effect.7 Those features examination.1 The authors report a case of a premenopausal
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-­NonCommercial-­NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-­commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2021 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Clin Case Rep. 2021;9:e04001. | 1 of 5

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2 of 5    MENDONÇA et al.

woman presenting with hirsutism, androgenic alopecia, and sporadic ecchymosis with no recollection of trauma. She also
oligomenorrhea who was found to have a left ovarian LCT. reported menstrual irregularities with oligomenorrhea after
An informed consent was obtained to use patient's medi- stopping oral contraceptive 9 months before. She sustained
cal data regarding the diagnosis and management of this she felt more depressed about the progressive changes on her
Leydig cell tumor in our medical center (Centro Hospitalar e body, mainly for esthetic concerns. No alterations in libido,
Universitário de S. João). muscular changes, or bone fractures were reported. She de-
nied previous or recent consumption of alcohol or tobacco.
She was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism in 2011
2 | CA S E RE P O RT (unknown cause, negative antithyroid antibodies), having
class 1 obesity and arterial hypertension since 2008 (maxi-
A 39-­year-­old nulligravid Caucasian woman was referred to mum tensional values of 150/94 mm Hg within the 12 months
the Endocrinology Department with complains for the last before endocrinology consultation, but usually with normo-
8 months regarding androgenic alopecia, facial acne, and tensive values under antihypertensive medication). Our pa-
hirsutism, more pronounced on the face, dorsum, and arms tient was medicated with levothyroxine 100 µg once daily
(score 12, Ferriman-­Gallwey scale). Dorsocervical fat pad (q.d.), nebivolol 5 mg q.d., and an association of amlodipine
and axillary acanthosis nigricans were also found on physical 5 mg/valsartan 20 mg q.d. Regarding her family history, the
examination. During the last 3 months, the patient noticed patient reported that her mother had thyroid and breast can-
a weight gain of 6 Kg, mainly in the abdominal area, and cer, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, with the latter also

F I G U R E 1 Clinical, imagiological, and

pathological data regarding the presented
clinical case. Physical examination findings
of the patient before surgery (A1-­3).
Suprapubic ultrasound (B1) depicting a
well-­defined iso-­mildly hyperechoic solid
nodule in the central left ovarian stroma;
pelvic MRI (B2) showing a moderately
hyperintense nodule on axial fluid sensitive
sequence; salpingoophorectomy specimen
containing an ovary Leydig cell tumor (C1).
The tumor (bottom) is well circumscribed.
The tumor cells have uniform round nuclei
and abundant eosinophilic to pale cytoplasm
(C2). The eosinophilic fibrinoid changes
in the walls of the blood vessels are a
characteristic finding. Nuclear expression of
androgen receptors (C3). Some cells contain
Reinke crystals (arrow) (C4). Tumor cells
are positive for inhibin (C5) and calretinin

20500904, 2021, 5, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [17/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
MENDONÇA et al.    3 of 5

present in other members of the family. Physical examination clitoromegaly. After evaluating all the presented data, the
revealed an androgenic facies and alopecia, dorsocervical gynecological team decided to perform a laparoscopic left
adiposity, axillary acanthosis nigricans, and clitoromegaly salpingoophorectomy (that proceeded without complica-
(Figure 1). No masses were detected on abdominal palpation. tions). A microscopic analysis of the surgical specimen
No breast atrophy, proximal myopathy, or violaceous striae revealed a Leydig cell ovarian tumor. This mass presented
were noted. Her body weight was 87.6 Kg on presentation, expansive limits and contained cells with uniform round
with a body mass index of 31.8 Kg/m2 and blood pressure of nucleus and abundant cytoplasm that stained positive for
140/92 mm Hg. inhibin α, calretinin, and androgen receptors. Crystals of
The analytical diagnostic workout demonstrated a marked Reinke were also detected on microscopy as well as rare
increase of total testosterone levels and normal levels of mitotic figures.
DHEA and estradiol, with suppression of FSH and LH. In the postsurgery follow-­up medical consultations at 1
Normal prolactin and thyroid function as well as normal and 4 months, there was a marked improvement of the clini-
24-­hours urinary free cortisol level and 1mg dexametha- cal hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, androgenic alopecia), with
sone suppression test were documented. The hemogram of regularization of the menstrual cycles and normalization of
the patient evidenced erythrocytosis and increased level of the serum total testosterone and erythrocyte count. The pa-
plasmatic hemoglobin (Table 1). Gynecological imaging as- tient underwent fertility treatments with ovulation inductors
sessment through suprapubic and transvaginal ultrasound re- (human chorionic gonadotropin and clomiphene citrate),
vealed a well-­defined solid lesion in the left ovary, measuring being actually pregnant with twins.
15 × 15 × 16 mm, slightly heterogeneous, but with no clear
suspicious findings. No abnormal endometrial thickening was
detected. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings 3 | DISCUSSION
were consistent with ultrasound, revealing a solid left adnexal
lesion, with smooth margins and moderate hyperintensity on In this case, we present a woman with excessive testoster-
T2 sequences, with no evidence of aggressive features. There one production from a Leydig cell tumor of the left ovary
were also no ascites or abnormal lymph nodes, and the adre- resulting in oligomenorrhea and rapidly progressive viri-
nal glands were unremarkable at computed tomography im- lization signs. In patients with this clinical presentation, a
aging (CT). careful history and thorough physical examination remain
Considering these findings, our patient was referred good predictors of neoplasm related hyperandrogenism.5,7
to the Gynecology Department. She presented no rel- The time of signs and symptoms onset may be an impor-
evant findings on gynecological examination beyond tant clue to diagnosis. This relates to the fact that the usual
nontumoral causes of hirsutism and menstrual cycle abnor-
T A B L E 1 Analytical parameters determined before (initial malities, such as PCOS and nonclassical congenital adrenal
consultation) and 6 mo after surgery hyperplasia, commonly need years or decades to develop
those symptoms, whereas those with virilizing neoplasms
only take a few months (as in the presented case report).7
Before After values
In the particular case of adrenal tumors, these signs of hy-
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 18.2 14.7 12.0-­16.0 perandrogenism can be associated with cushingoid fea-
Erythrocyte count (×1012/L) 5.84 4.81 4.0-­5.0 tures due to the concomitant production of androgens and
Total testosterone (ng/dL) 1052 38 6-­82 cortisol by some tumors. Regarding physical examination,
Androstenedione (ng/mL) 5.13 1.47 0.3-­3.3 attention should be paid to presence of clitoromegaly or ad-
DHEAS (µg/dL) 246.6 186.3 60.9-­337 nexal masses during gynecological examination. Another
FSH (mUI/mL) 0.87 5.98 2.1-­12.6 important diagnostic keystone is serum androgen measure-
LH (mUI/mL) 0.61 13.11 2.4-­12.6
ment, such as total testosterone and dehydroepiandroster-
one sulfate (DHEAS). Most physicians start to look for a
Free T4 (ng/dL) 1.28 1.08 0.70-­1.48
tumor when the serum total testosterone concentration is
TSH (µUI/mL) 1.98 2.54 0.35-­4.94
higher than 150-­200 ng/dL (5.2-­6.9 nmol/L) or, in the case
Estradiol (pg/mL) 41.8 1.3-­266 of an adrenal source of androgens, when the DHEAS is
Prolactin (ng/mL) 32.7 4.8-­23.3 higher than 700 µg/dL (18.9 micromole/L).8 Our patient
24-­h urinary free cortisol 15.6 36.0-­137.0 presented high total testosterone levels (pointing to a neo-
(µg/day) plastic source of virilization) and a normal serum DHEAS
1 mg overnight 0.8 0-­1.8 concentration with absence of adrenal CT abnormalities,
dexamethasone which all together raised the concern for an ovarian tumor.
suppression test (µg/dL)
It is important to stress that although concomitant Cushing

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4 of 5    MENDONÇA et al.

syndrome strongly indicates an adrenal cancer, rare steroid that is usually preferred in these difficult diagnostic cases
cell tumors of the ovary may also coproduce androgens and is 18F-­fluorodeoxyglucose PET imaging (18F_FDG-­PET),
cortisol.9 In our case, despite the presence of some features that uses pathologic glucose uptake by neoplastic cells as a
such as central obesity, dorsocervical fat pad, ecchymosis, mean to visualize the tumor.11
or axillary acanthosis, the possibility of associated Cushing Surgery is the preferred therapeutic approach for
syndrome was ruled out by two normal screening tests (24-­ androgen-­secreting tumors, usually leading to permanent
hours urinary free cortisol and overnight 1 mg dexametha- cure (most of these tumors are benign).7 The option to per-
sone test). This clinical case is particularly interesting for form a unilateral or bilateral salpingoophorectomy depends
two reasons: One is the atypical presentation of a LCT in on the ability to find the tumor and on the woman meno-
a premenopausal woman and the other is the presence of pausal status. In postmenopausal women (the main group
erythrocytosis related to testosterone excess, that has nor- affected by LCT), bilateral salpingoophorectomy with or
malized after tumor removal. At least three cases of eryth- without total hysterectomy is the favored approach (con-
rocytosis secondary to ovarian LCT are described in the sidering the concomitant risk of endometrial carcinoma
literature, one of them describing a woman with hyperan- in some cases).14 Regarding our case of a premenopausal
drogenism and recurrent pulmonary embolism.3 woman, after evaluation of the results of TVU and MRI,
Hyperandrogenism can be the result of a variety of a laparoscopic left salpingoophorectomy was performed.
tumors, some of them of gynecological origin, such as This option was taken to preserve fertility. This issue was a
choriocarcinoma, hydatidiform mole, or adnexal androgen-­ major concern to our patient because she had no offspring
producing tumors. Among the latter, there are several to date and wanted to conceive.
groups such as the sex cord-­stromal tumors (that include After surgery, the aim is to normalize the levels of andro-
the Sertoli-­Leydig neoplasms), tumors of the ovary with gens, that should be assessed during follow-­up to diagnose a
functioning stroma, or the steroid cell tumors (which in- possible recurrence. Our patient had a significant improve-
corporate the presented LCT of our patient).10 LCTs are ment of both clinical and analytical hyperandrogenism, as a
masses of steroid cells usually with abundant eosinophilic successful surgical result.
cytoplasm, very few mitosis, and round nuclei.11 The pres-
ence of crystals of Reinke (rod-­shaped structures within the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cytoplasm) is a very characteristic feature that supports the Published with written consent of the patient.
diagnosis of LCT.12 Among the multiplicity of immunohis-
tochemical markers, the ones frequently studied are inhibin CONFLICT OF INTEREST
and calretinin because they are expressed by many steroid The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
cell tumors like LCT.1
These neoplasms are frequently so small (<3 cm) that AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
in many cases they are not even able to be found, posing a FM: primary author of the final manuscript. SS: co-­authored
diagnostic challenge even after careful gynecological and manuscript. DM: contributed with endocrinological exper-
radiological investigation.12 Fortunately, that was not the tise and images of the patient. RP and ARC: contributed with
case of our patient, who had her LCT detected on trans- pathological expertise and images and revised the manu-
vaginal ultrasound (TVU). This examination is often the script. IP: contributed with her radiological knowledge and
initial imagiological examination due to its good sensi- images and revised the manuscript. ASF, VF, ST, and JB:
tivity, high availability, and low cost.7 However, its accu- followed the patient and advised FM in gynecological issues
racy relies on the operator performing the examination. related with this case report. DC: advised and oversaw manu-
MRI is the second-­line imaging modality for evaluating script drafting and publishing.
adnexal masses due to the high soft tissue resolution. It
can sometimes find masses not otherwise diagnosed at the ETHICAL APPROVAL
TVU (78% positive and 100% negative predictive value, as An informed consent was obtained. All procedures per-
revealed by the results of a large study).13,14 When TVU formed in this study involving human participants were in
and MRI are inconclusive or fail to detect any neoplasm accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/
but there is still a strong clinical suspicion, bilateral ovar- or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki
ian vein catheterization may be an option to confirm the declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical
source of androgen excess. This method has some setbacks: standards.
It may pose risks for the patient (such as ovarian vein
thrombosis or intracorporeal hemorrhage), and it is per- ORCID
formed only in a few centers worldwide and does not pro- Fernando Mendonça https://orcid.
vide satisfactory sensitivity. For these reasons, the option org/0000-0002-7020-4311

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MENDONÇA et al.    5 of 5

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Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

Public Health Perspectives Journal

The Relationship of Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, Stress, and

Menarche to Menstrual Disorder (Oligomenorrhea)

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum1 , Ari Yuniastuti2, Oktia Woro Kasmini2

SMK SEMESTA, Bumiayu, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

History of Article : Oligomenorrhea is problematic menstrual cycle, which is caused by several
Accepted 28 January factors, including nutritional status, age, physical activity, reproductive diseases
2019 and stress. Oligomenorrhea can cause disruption of fertility and emotional stress
Approved 28 March on the patient.Oligomenorrhea more common in adolescents.Research were
2019 purposive sampling method with cross sectional design. The population in this
Published 20 April
research were students of VocationalHigh Schoolin Brebes consisting of 6school
as many as 66 students who have a history of oligomenorrhea and willing to
become respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis
Keywords: using Chi Square test with significance level of 5% (α = 0.05) and Multiple
Nutritional Status, Logistic Regression. The results showed no association between nutritional
Physical Activity, status (p value = 0.002), physical activity (p value = 0.035), stress (p value =
Stress, menarche, 0.037) with oligomenorrhea in adolescents villagevocational schoolin Brebes.
There is no relationship menarche (p value = 0.147) with oligomenorrhea in
adolescents villagevocational hgh schoolin Brebes. There is a relationship
____________ between nutritional status and oligomenorrhea in adolescent at cityschool(p
value = 0.000). There is no relationship of physical activity (p value = 0.627),
stress (p value = 0.164), menarche (p value = 0.147) with oligomenorrhea in
adolescents at cityschool. Teens are expected to be more attention to the factors
that can be controlled such as body mass index, physical activity, and stress in
order to have regular menstrual cycles that can affect both the health of the
female reproductive organs.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

p-ISSN 2528-5998
Jl.Pangeran Diponegoro, Km.1, Bumiayu, Taloksari,Dukuhturi, e-ISSN 2540-7945
Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52273, Indonesia
Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47


Adolescent reproductive health is physical fasciculata zone can disrupt the menstrual cycle
health, mental and social well-being as a whole on because it affects the amount of the hormone
all things related systems and functions, as well as progesterone in the body. Another study
adolescent reproductive process, not just the state conducted by Toduho et al. (2014) concluded that
that is free from disease or disability. the moderate psychological stress that can affect
Reproductive health problems can occur due to menstrual cycles more (72.1%) of the weight
lack of access to information on reproductive (5.95%) and light (22,
health (Manuaba, 2012). Abdulla and Ibraheem (2010) research
Information about reproductive health for shows that the age of menarche had a significant
adolescents is seen as very important, since association with body mass index (BMI), stress,
adolescence is this happening milestones of sexual and physical activity. Late menarche age also
maturity. In girls menarche is marked by the first may be associated with menstrual cycle disorders.
menstuation (Susanti, 2012). Mensturation cycle Based on research conducted by Zageye (2013)
in women normally ranges between 21-32 days concerning suggested that delayed menarche may
and only 10-15% have a 28-day cycle with a long affect mentstruasi cycle, where 48.2% of
menstruation 3-5 days, or 7-8 days (Proverawati adolescents in Ethopia experience abnormal
& Misaroh, 2009). Data from the Health Research menstrual cycles.
Association (Rikesdas, 2018) the percentage of On two different areas characteristics, both
women aged 10-59 years old who have irregular in terms of geographical location allows the
menstruation 14.5%. More details, as many as difference in age of menarche in young women, as
11.7% of adolescents aged 15-19 years in shown in research Burhanuddin (2007) where
Indonesia experienced irregular menstruation and there is a significant difference in age of menarche
as much as 14.9% of women who live in urban in young women in Bugis City and Village, South
areas in Indonesia have irregular menstruation. Sulawesi. The average age of menarche in young
Oligomenorrhea is problematic menstrual women is lower Bugis City (12.93 years) than in
cycle, which is caused by several factors, Bugis Village (13.18 years).
including nutritional status, age, physical activity, The purpose of this study to analyze
reproductive diseases and stress (John, 2010). nutrition status, physical activity, stress, age of
Research Yassin (2012) in Alexandria, the menarche to oligomenorrhea.
percentage of young women who have
polimenorea 6.8%, 8.4% oligomenorrhea. In METHOD
Indonesia,Serly (2014) research note that,
adolescents who experienced normal menstrual This study is a quantitative research. Cross-
cycles as many high school students (61.8%), sectional study design. The population in this
while experiencing normal menstruation as many study is Vocational High School in Brebes
(38.2%). consisting of 6 school above considerations the
According Adnyani (2011) with the results Department of Education and Culture Brebes by
of the menstrual cycle in young women earned the number of population is 1211 people. Consists
38.9% experiencing irregular periods. Meanwhile, of 3 vocational high school located in the city and
according Rachmawati (2017) as much as 51.6% 3 vocational high school located in villages.The
of women who work as a dancer with heavy sampling technique was purposive sampling. The
physical activity may experience menstrual cycle total sample of 66 students who have a history of
disorders. Another study conducted by Rosendi oligomenorrhea and willing to become
(2011), stress can affect the menstrual cycle, as the respondents. This study used a technique
hormone cortisol as a product of the adrenal univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes.
cortex were synthesized glukokortioid the

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47


Factors Affecting Oligomenorrhea

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Factors Affecting oligomenorrhea On Vocational High Students in Brebes,
December 2018 (N = 66)
Village City Total
F % F % F %
Nutritional status
Abnormal 6 9.1 6 9.1 12 18.2
Normal 26 39.4 28 42.4 54 81.8
Physical activity
Light 10 15.2 13 19.7 23 34.8
moderate 22 33.3 21 31.8 43 65.2
Stress level
Mild stress 16 24.2 18 27.3 34 51.5
stress Medium 16 24.2 16 24.2 32 48.5
age of menarche
Normal 29 43.9 33 50.0 62 93.9
menarche Tarda 3 4.5 1 1.5 4 6.1
Total 32 48.5 34 51.5 66 100.0

Nutritional status Proverawati, (2009) explains that menstrual

Table 1 shows that the majority of disorders basically closely related to sexual
vocational high school students in Brebes hormones in women that progesterone, estrogen,
Kabupaen had normal nutritional status as much LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (Follicle
as 54 respondents (81.8%) and 42.4% of them in Stimulating Hormone). The disruption of
city vocational high school. Students who have hormonal systems work is related to nutritional
moderate physical activity as much as 43 status. People with better nutritional status as well
respondents (65.2%) and 33.3% of them in village as implement a pattern of overeating anyway.
vocational school. Schoolgirl has a mild stress Vice versa. Normally, organ function will be
levels as much as 34 respondents (51.5%) and influenced by the behavior of the applied human.
27.3% of them in city vocational high school If the teen has a good nutritional intake with
whereas normal menarche age were 62 lifestyle and a good diet can make the
respondents (93.9%) and 50.0% were female hypothalamus to be good so that it can produce
students in city vocational high school. hormones that the body needs.
According Almatsier (2015) suggested that The results showed that most respondents
nutritional status is a measure of a person's body had a normal nutritional status of as many as 54
condition that can be seen from the food respondents (81.8%) and there (77.3%) of
consumed and the use of nutrients in the body. respondents did not experience oligomenorrhea
This is supported by the theory Paath (2005) that incident. Respondents who had a normal
in young women need to maintain a good nutritional status not as many as 12 respondents
nutritional status, by eating a balanced diet (18.2%) and there (15.2%) of respondents
because they were needed at the time of experienced anything oligomenorrhea
menstruation, menstrual evident at the time was The results are consistent with research
primarily on leutal phase will increase nutrient Noviandari (2016) that there is a relationship
needs. between nutritional status and the menstrual cycle
in young girls. Dieny (2014) says that the

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

nutritional status plays an important role in category largely escaped the incident
influencing the function of the reproductive oligomenorrhea as many as 32 respondents
organs. Not only in adolescents who have less (48.5%) and respondents who stress level
nutritional status, however, menstrual cycle categories are being largely escaped the incident
disorders are also found in adolescents with better oligomenorrhea as many as 21 respondents
nutritional status. This is associated with the (31.8%).
amount of body fat tissue. This statement is In accordance with the theory that the
supported by the results of research Pratama activation state of stress occur in the amygdala in
(2011) that the respondents who have experienced the limbic system. This system stimulates the
a cycle irregular menstrual cycles are a group of release of hormones from the hypothalamus is
girls with thin nutritional status. corticotropic releasing hormone (CRH). Increased
CRH stimulates the release of endorphins, and
Physical activity adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) into the
The results showed that students who have blood. Increased ACTH levels will cause an
moderate physical activity as much as 43 increase in blood cortisol levels. These hormones
respondents (65.2%) and 33.3% of them in village are directly and indirectly lead to decreased levels
vocational school in Brebes. The results also show of GnRH, which through this path then the stress
that responden light physical activity that has causes disruption of the menstrual cycle (Sriati,
largely escaped oligomenorrhea as many as 22 2008).
respondents (33.3%). Respondents who have According to Rafique and AL-Sheikh
moderate physical activity most also do not (2018) showed that the menstrual problems not
experience oligomenorrhea as many as 31 only of economic factors, but also the absence of
respondents (47.0%). class and poor academic achievement among
In accordance with the theory that heavy adolescents.
physical activity inhibition of gonadotropin In accordance with research Rosendi
Releasig stimulating hormone (GnRH) and (2011), stress can affect the menstrual cycle,
gonadotropin activity resulting in lower levels of because in times of stress, the hormone cortisol
serum estrogens. So in this case strenuous stress hormone as a product of the adrenal cortex
activities cause menstrual disorders. were synthesized glukokortioid the fasciculata
According to Rabe (2002), fatigue due to zone can disrupt the menstrual cycle because it
excessive activity can cause hypothalamic affects the amount of the hormone progesterone
dysfunction that causes disturbances in the in the body. Another study conducted by Toduho
secretion of GnRH. This causes disruption of the et al. (2014) concluded that the moderate
menstrual cycle. The main factors causing psychological stress that can affect menstrual
suppression of GnRH women is the use of cycles more (72.1%) of the weight (5.95%) and
excessive energy that exceeds the energy intake. mild (22.1%) this was due to the workloads that
In accordance with the results of research much so stressful becomes larger.
Rachmawati (2017) which states that as many as
51.6% of women who work as a dancer with Age of Menarche
heavy physical activity experienced a disruption The results showed that normal menarche
of the menstrual cycle. age were 62 respondents (93.9%) and 50.0% were
female students in city vocational high school.
Respondents who had a normal age of menarche
largely escaped oligomenorrhea as many as 52
Stress level respondents (78.8%) and respondents age of
The results showed that students who has a menarche tarda majority have oligomenorrhea as
mild stress levels as much as 34 respondents many as three respondents (4.5%).
(51.5%) and 27.3% of them in city vocational high Late age of menarche may be associated
school. Respondents were mild stress level with menstrual cycle disorders. According to
Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

research Dambhare (2012) on adolescent girls in compared to young women who are
India, showed that young women who experience menstruating> 2 years.
menarche late with an average age of menarche Late menarche age also may be associated
13.51 + 13.67 + 1.04 years and 0.8 years and with menstrual cycle disorders. Based on research
affects the menstrual cycle length be abnormal. conducted by Zageye in 2013 on "The age of
Another study conducted by Esen et al. menarche and menstrual pattern Teen Secondary
(2016) in young women in Turkey, showed that school in western Ethiopia" suggests that delayed
about half of the girls surveyed get menarche <2 menarche may affect mentstruasi cycle, where
years of reported irregular menstruation, 48.2% of adolescents in Ethopia experience
abnormal menstrual cycles.

Genesis oligomenorrhea

Table 2. Frequency distribution Genesis oligomenorrhea On Vocational high Students, December 2018 (N =
Village City Total
Genesis oligomenorrhea
F % F % F %
not oligomenorrhea 24 36.4 29 43.9 53 80.3
oligomenorrhea 8 12.1 5 7.6 13 19.7
Total 32 48.5 34 51.5 66 100.0

Table 2 shows that the majority of students vocational Town, while experiencing the
vocational high school oligomenorrhea not incidence of oligomenorrhea as many as 13
experienced anything as much as 53 respondents respondents (19.7% ) and 12.1% among which are
(80.3%) and 43.9% of those in vocational Town, village vocational school in Brebes.
while experiencing the incidence of Oligomenorrhea is problematic menstrual
oligomenorrhea as many as 13 respondents cycle, which caused by several factors, including
(19.7%) and among which 12.1% were in village nutritional status, age, physical activity,
vocational high school. reproductive diseases and stress (John, 2010). In
The results showed that the majority of addition hormone imbalance disorders in the
vocational high school students oligomenorrhea hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian. The disorder
not experienced anything as much as 53 causes the normal menstrual cycle length becomes
respondents (80.3%) and 43.9% of those in elongated.

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

Factors Affecting Oligomenorrhea

Table 3. Frequency Distribution of Factors Affecting Oligomenorrhea on Vocational High School, December
2018 (N = 66)
Oligomenorrhea * P
Total OR
Factor not oligomenorrhea oligomenorrhea value
F % F % F %
Nutritional status 0,000 0,012
Abnormal 2 3.0 10 15.2 12 18.2
Normal 51 77.3 3 4.5 54 81.8
Physical activity 0,022 8.516
Light 22 33.3 1 1.5 23 34.8
moderate 31 47.0 12 18.2 43 65.2
Stress level 0,004 8.381
Mild stress 32 48.5 2 3.0 34 51.5
stress Medium 21 31.8 11 16.7 32 48.5
age of menarche 0,004 15,600
Normal 52 78.8 10 15.2 62 93.9
Menarche Tarda 1 1.5 3 4.5 4 6.1
Total 53 80.3 13 19.7 66 100.0
* Chi-square test

Table 3 shows that most of the respondents oligomenorrhea as many as 32 respondents (48,
had a normal nutritional status of as many as 54 5%) and respondents who stress level categories
respondents (81.8%) and there (77.3%) of are being largely escaped the incident
respondents did not experience oligomenorrhea oligomenorrhea as many as 21 respondents
incident. Respondents who had a normal (31.8%). Respondents who had a normal age of
nutritional status not as many as 12 respondents menarche largely escaped oligomenorrhea as
(18.2%) and there (15.2%) of respondents many as 52 respondents (78.8%) and respondents
experienced anything oligomenorrhea. age of menarche tarda majority have
Respondents who have mild physical activity oligomenorrhea as many as three respondents
largely escaped oligomenorrhea as many as 22 (4.5%).
respondents (33.3%). Respondents who have There is a relationship of between
moderate physical activity most also do not nutritional status (p value = 0.002), physical
experience oligomenorrhea as many as 31 activity (p value = 0.022), stress (p value = 0.004),
respondents (47.0%). Respondents were mild menarche (p value = 0.004) with oligomenorrhea
stress level category largely escaped the incident in adolescents vocational Brebes.

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, Stress, Menarche to Oligomenorrhea in Adolescents

Table 4. Frequency distribution of nutrition status, physical activity, stress, menarche toward oligomenorrhea
in adolescent village, December 2018 (N = 32)
Genesis oligomenorrhea
* P
not oligomenorrhea Total OR
Factor value
F % F % F %
Nutritional status 0,002 0,026
Abnormal 1 3.1 5 15.6 6 18.7
Normal 23 71.9 3 9.4 26 81.3
Physical activity 0,035 1,571
Light 10 31.3 0 0.0 10 31.3
moderate 14 43.8 8 25.0 22 68.8
Stress level 0,037 11.667
Mild stress 15 46.9 1 3.1 16 50.0
stress Medium 9 28.1 7 21.9 16 50.0
Age of menarche 0.147 7.667
Normal 23 71.9 6 18.8 29 90.6
menarche Tarda 1 3.1 2 6.3 3 9.4
Total 24 75.0 8 25.0 32 100.0
* Chi-square test

Table 4 shows that adolescents in villlage distinguished in intensity and frequency of

most respondents had a normal nutritional status physical activity undertaken by respondents.
as much as 26 respondents (81.3%) and 71.9% of The results also showed ada relationship
them did not experience oligomenorrhea incident. between nutritional status (p value = 0.002),
Adolescents in village most have moderate physical activity (p value = 0.0358), stress (p value
physical activity as much as 22 respondents = 0.037) with oligomenorrhea in adolescents
(68.8%) and the total (43.8%) did not experience village. This suggests that the nutritional status,
oligomenorrhea among them. Adolescents in physical activity and stress experienced by
villagemost have mild stress level categories and students in village associated with
some categories of being. Respondents who have oligomenorrhea.
mild stress level category (46.9%) of them did not The results showed that most had normal
experience oligomenorrhea incident. Age of nutritional status of as many as 54 respondents
menarche mostly normal teenagers as much as 29 (81.8%) and there (77.3%) of respondents did not
respondents (90.6%) and (71.9%) of them did not experience oligomenorrhea incident. Respondents
experience oligomenorrhea incident. who had a normal nutritional status not as many
The results showed that the responden light as 12 respondents (18.2%) and there (15.2%) of
physical activity that has largely escaped respondents experienced anything
oligomenorrhea as many as 22 respondents oligomenorrhea.In accordance with the statement
(33.3%). Respondents who have moderate Banudi (2012) that the lack of nutrition can affect
physical activity most also do not experience the growth and function of organs, it will also
oligomenorrhea as many as 31 respondents cause disruption of reproductive function.
(47.0%).High-intensity physical activity increases Proverawati, (2009) explains that menstrual
the risk of menstrual disorders (Sianipar, disorders basically closely related to sexual
Bunawan, Almazini, Calista, Wulandari, hormones in women. The disruption of hormonal
Rovenska, 2009). In this study can not be systems work is related to nutritional status. In

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

line with the opinions Proverawati and Asfuah village vocational school in Brebes Respondents
(2009) that the nutritional status of the excess as who had a normal age of menarche largely
fat and obesity will have an impact on the escaped oligomenorrhea as many as 23
functioning of the body's hormonal system, respondents (71.9%) and respondents age of
considering that fats are capable of producing menarche tarda majority have oligomenorrhea as
estrogen clicking akibatkan menstrual cycle many as 2 respondents (6.3%).
disorders. The results are consistent with research
The results also showed ada relationship conducted by Fatimah (2015) and Daughter
between stress (p value = 0.037) with (2015) concluded that there was no association
oligomenorrhea in adolescents with age of menarche menstrual cycle. This is
village.Respondents were mild stress level supported in the research Sonia et al. (2014),
category largely escaped the incident where there is no statistically significant
oligomenorrhea as many as 15 respondents relationship between the age of menarche and
(46.9%) and respondents who stress level menstrual cycle. These results indicate the
categories are being largely escaped the incident possibility that the relationship of age of
oligomenorrhea as many as 9 respondents menarche and menstrual cycles or
(28.1%). oligomenorrhea in teens are caused by many
In the state of stress occur in the amygdala factors. Many other factors affect the menstrual
activation in the limbic system. This system cycle of the students, one of which is a hormonal
stimulates the release of hormones from the factors as well as social and environmental
hypothalamus is corticotropic releasing hormone interaction (Kusmiran, 2012). Very solid student
(CRH). Where this path then the stress causes activities could lead to the emergence of stress on
disruption of the menstrual cycle. students so that affects the body's hormonal
There is no relationship menarche (p value system.
= 0.147) with oligomenorrhea in adolescents

Status Nutrition, Physical Activity, Stress, Menarche Toward Oligomenorrhea in Adolescents

Table 5. Frequency distribution of status nutrition, physical activity, stress, menarche toward oligomenorrhea
in adolescent city, December 2018 (N = 34)
Oligomenorrhea * P
Total OR
Factor not oligomenorrhea oligomenorrhea value
F % F % F %
Nutritional status 0,000 0.167
Abnormal 1 2.9 5 14.7 6 17.6
Normal 28 82.4 0 0.0 28 82.4
Physical activity 0.627 2,824
Light 12 35.3 1 2.9 13 38.2
moderate 17 50.0 4 11.8 21 61.8
Stress level 0.164 5.667
Mild stress 17 50.0 1 2.9 18 52.9
stress Medium 12 35.3 4 11.8 16 47.1
age of menarche 0.147 0.121
Normal 29 85.3 4 11.8 33 97.1
menarche Tarda 0 0.0 1 2.9 1 2.9
Total 29 85.3 5 14.7 34 100.0
* Chi-square test

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

Table 5 shows that teenagers in city vocational school in Brebes (p value = 0.000).
majority of respondents had a normal There is no relationship of physical activity (p
nutritional status as much as 28 respondents value = 0.627), stress (p value = 0.164),
(82.4%) and not at all experienced something menarche (p value = 0.147) with
oligomenorrhea. Adolescents in city mostly oligomenorrhea in adolescents city. This
have moderate physical activity as much as 21 suggests that any physical activity done
respondents (61.8%) and the total (50.0%) did teenagers in the city, regardless of the level of
not experience oligomenorrhea among them. stress and menarche was not associated with
Adolescents in city mostly mild levels of stress oligomenorrhea. This shows that
category as many as 18 respondents (52.9%) oligomenorrhea happened not because of the
and (50.0%) of them did not experience physical activity, stress and menarche.
oligomenorrhea incident. Age of menarche In accordance with the statement
mostly normal teenagers as much as 33 Mohamadirizi and Kordi, (2013) which states
respondents (97.1%) and (85.3%) of them did that Another factor oligomenorrhea such as
not experience oligomenorrhea incident. bleeding disorders, drugs are consumed, and
Results of research on adolescent city endocrine factors that may affect the menstrual
showed ada relationship between nutritional cycle.
status and oligomenorrhea in adolescent city

Multivariate analysis

Table 6. Logistic Regression Table Risk Factors Influencing Teens Against oligomenorrhea Incident
At vocational high school in Brebes, December 2018 (N = 66),
Variables in the Equation
B SE Wald df Sig. Exp (B) Lower Upper
Step 1a Nutritional status -4.429 1,235 12.856 1 , 000 , 012 .001 , 134
Phyisical activity 2,122 1,634 1,687 1 , 194 8.352 , 339 205.513
Level of Stres , 628 1.168 , 289 1 , 591 1,873 , 190 18.490
AgeofMenarche , 501 1,994 , 063 1 , 801 1,651 , 033 82.243
Constant -, 376 4.986 , 006 1 , 940 , 687
Step 2a Nutritional status -4.503 1,215 13.734 1 , 000 .011 .001 , 120
Phyisical activity 2,180 1,632 1,783 1 , 182 8.845 , 361 216.878
Level of Stres , 674 1,152 , 343 1 , 558 1.963 , 205 18.763
Constant , 565 3,373 , 028 1 , 867 1,760
Step 3a Nutritional status -4.719 1.185 15.869 1 , 000 .009 .001 , 091
Phyisical activity 2.646 1,518 3,041 1 , 081 14.104 , 720 276.136
Constant 1,790 2,699 , 440 1 , 507 5.990
a. Variable (s) entered on step 1: Status_Gizi, Aktivitas_Fisik, Tingkat_Stres, Usia_Menarche.

Table 6 shows that the highest OR values The results showed that ada relations
obtained variables of physical activity that is nutritional status (p value 0.000), stress (p value
equal to 14.104 so that the variables of physical 0.004), physical activity (p value 0.025),
activity is a risk factor that influenced the menarche (p value 0.022) toward
incidence of oligomenorrhea Teen vocational oligomenorrhea in adolescents. Multivariate
high school. analysis showed thatPhysical activity is a risk

Vriska Roro Sekar Arum et al. / Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 37 - 47

factor most influenced the incidence of Almatsier. S, (2003). Prinsip-Dasar Ilmu Gizi.
oligomenorrhea Teen vocational high school. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
The results of the study correspond Banudi, La. (2013). Gizi Kesehatan
according to Banudi (2013) which states that Reproduksi. Jakarta: EGC
emotional stress, poor nutrition, excessive Burhanuddin, S., (2007). Beberapa Variabel
physical exercise, their eating disorders such as yang Berpengaruh terhadap Usia
anorexia nervosa patients and their tumors that Menars Pelajar Putri Bugis Kota dan
affect estrogen secretion that cause Desa di Sulawesi Selatan (Suatu
oligomenorrhea. Pendekatan Antropologi Ragawi
Strenuous physical activity inhibition of Ditinjau dari Aspek Biologis dan
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CONCLUSION Dieny, Fillah. F. (2014). Permasalahan Gizi
Pada Remaja Putri. Yogyakarta: Graha
There is a relationship Ilmu
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(p value of 0.000).There is a relationship Mine. (2016). J Clin Res Pediatr
betweenphysical activity and oligomenorrhea Endrocrinol. 8(2): 192-196
(p value 0.025). There is a relationship Fatimah, D,W. (2015). Hubungan usia
betweenstress with oligomenorrhea (p value menarche dengan siklus menstruasi pada
0.004). There is a relationship between remaja di SMP Negeri 29 Semarang.
menarche with oligomenorrhea (p value Skripsi Tidak Diterbit-kan. Universitas
0.022). Muhammadiyah Semarang
There is a relationship between Kusmiran E. (2011). Kesehatan Reproduksi
nutritional status (p value = 0.002), physical Remaja dan Wanita.Jakarta: Salemba
activity (p value = 0.035), stress (p value = Medika.
0.037) with oligomenorrhea in adolescents Manuaba, IBG. (2012). Memahami Kesehatan
village. There is no relationship menarche (p Reproduksi Wanita. Jakarta: EGC
value = 0.147) with oligomenorrhea in Mohamadirizi. S., Kordi. M., (2013).
adolescents village. Association between menstruation signs
There is a relationship between and anxiety, depression, and stress in
nutritional status and oligomenorrhea in school girls in Mashhad in 2011-2012.
adolescent city (p value = 0.000). There is no Iranian Journal of Nursing and
relationship of physical activity (p value = Midwifery Research.
0.627), stress (p value = 0.164), menarche (p
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Association between obesity and oligomenorrhea

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Xinyu Zhou & Xin Yang

To cite this article: Xinyu Zhou & Xin Yang (2020): Association between obesity and
oligomenorrhea or irregular menstruation in Chinese women of childbearing age: a cross-sectional
study, Gynecological Endocrinology, DOI: 10.1080/09513590.2020.1803823

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Association between obesity and oligomenorrhea or irregular menstruation in

Chinese women of childbearing age: a cross-sectional study
Xinyu Zhou and Xin Yang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, China


Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI), waist Received 3 December 2019
circumference (WC) or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and oligomenorrhea or irregular menstruation in Chinese Revised 4 July 2020
women of childbearing age. Accepted 28 July 2020
Methods: A total of 1,423 Han women aged 19–39 years who were routinely examined at the Physical Published online 12 August
Examination Center of Peking University People’s Hospital were enrolled by convenience sampling
method. All participants were asked to fill up menstrual questionnaires. Binary logistic regression models KEYWORDS
were used to assess the odds ratio (OR) of different BMI, WC and WHR groups for the prevalence of oligo- Menstrual disturbance;
menorrhea and irregular menstruation. Moreover, we used the ROC curves to compare the predictive obesity; Chinese women
effects of BMI, WC and WHR on oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation. of childbearing-age;
Results: Among the 1,423 participants, 93 women (6.5%) had BMI  30 kg/m2, 6.5% of the participants oligomenorrhea; irregular
had oligomenorrhea, and 22.6% had irregular menstrual menstruation. Overall, those with BMI 30 kg/m2 menstruation
(OR ¼ 2.543; 95%CI 1.332–4.856; p ¼ .005) or WC  90 cm (OR ¼ 2.023; 95%CI 1.198–3.416; p ¼ .008) were
more likely to have long menstrual cycle. The prevalence of irregular menstruation was higher in the BMI
30 kg/m2 (OR ¼ 2.509; 95%CI 1.591–3.958; p < .001), WC  90 cm (OR ¼ 2.299; 95%CI 1.619–3.265;
p < .001) and WHR  0.86 (OR ¼ 1.739; 95%CI 1.293–2.339; p < .001) groups. The ROC curve showed that
all three anthropometric indices had predictive effect, while there was no significant difference in predict-
ing oligomenorrhea. WC was a better predictor for irregular menstruation compared with BMI.
Conclusions: Obesity, oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation were common in Chinese women of
childbearing age, and obesity was associated with oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation. Abdominal
obesity might have a stronger predictive effect on irregular menstruation.

Introduction Therefore, the BMI threshold that has adverse effects on men-
struation can be lower in Chinese women [8]. Zhang et al. have
There is an increasing prevalence of both obesity and menstrual
investigated 236 Chinese women and found that the prevalence
disturbance in Chinese population [1,2]. Kazemijaliseh and col-
of abnormal menstrual cycle is higher in the obese group (BMI
leagues have reported that about 10.6% women of childbearing
 24 kg/m2) compared with the control group (BMI < 24 kg/
age have disturbances of regularity, and 23.8% experience abnor-
m2). Abdominally obese women are more likely to have a long
mal menstrual frequency [3]. The prevalence of overweight/obes-
menstrual cycle [10].
ity in Chinese women is 35.2% in rural area and 33.4% in urban There is no enough evidence in relation to the overall associa-
area [4]. tions between obesity and oligomenorrhea or irregular menstru-
Obesity is associated with abnormal menstrual cycles. Wei ation in Chinese women of childbearing age, and it remains
et al. have found that the relationship between the prevalence of unclear whether the associations are affected by fat distribution.
menstrual cycle abnormalities and body mass index (BMI) exhib- In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between
its a U-shaped curve. The incidence of oligomenorrhea and BMI, waist circumference (WC) or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)
irregular menstruation increased with the increase of BMI when and oligomenorrhea or irregular menstruation.
BMI was >25 kg/m2 [5]. The proportion of obese women with
abnormal menstrual cycle is higher than that in the general
population, and weight loss alleviates abnormal menstrual cycle Methods
in obese women [6–8]. In addition, the distribution of body fat
Participants and study design
also seems to have an impact on the menstrual cycle. Women
with abdominal obesity and high BMI are more likely to have a A total of 1,529 Han women aged 19–39 years who were rou-
longer menstrual cycle than those with high BMI only [9]. tinely examined at the Physical Examination Center of Peking
However, most of the existing data are established based on University People’s Hospital, China met the entry criteria by
women in Europe and America. Asians tend to have higher body convenience sampling method from May 2017 to November
fat rates when they have the same BMI as Caucasian women. 2018, 17 of whom refused to participate in the study and 89

CONTACT Xin Yang Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing 100044, China
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Flow chart of study population.

were excluded based on the exclusion criteria. The remaining and questionnaire data were reviewed on the spot to determine
1,423 women were enrolled in this study finally. The flow chart whether there was missing information.
of participant enrollment is shown in Figure 1. Exclusion criteria
were set as follows: smoking, breastfeeding within 3 months,
pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives used within 3 months Definitions of variables
(including oral contraceptives, subcutaneous implant contracep- BMI was computed as weight in kilograms divided by the square
tives, progesterone intrauterine release devices and so on), after of height in meters (kg/m2). The participants were divided into
hysterectomy, with gynecological history (history of symptomatic four groups according to WHO diagnostic criteria: BMI
uterine fibroids, large ovarian tumors, cervical tumors, adeno- <18.5 kg/m2, 18.5  BMI <25 kg/m2, 25  BMI <30 kg/m2, and
myosis, and endometriosis) and patients with hyperprolactine- BMI 30 kg/m2. According to WHO definition, the 25  BMI
mia, depression, breast cancer, thyroid disease and pituitary <30 kg/m2 group is class 1 obesity group, and BMI 30 kg/m2 is
disease. Patients with a history of polycystic ovary syndrome considered as class 2 obesity. Abdominal obesity in WHO crite-
(PCOS) or a combination of oligomenorrhea and typical features ria is defined as WC 80 cm in Asians [12]. In our study, a
of hyperandrogenism (including hirsutism, acanthosis, severe more detailed equal-interval classification was adopted to divide
acne and female-pattern alopecia, and so on) were excluded. WC into four groups: WC <70 cm, 70  WC <80 cm, 80  WC
Since our participants were 19–39 years old, perimenopausal <90 cm, and WC 90cm. The WHR was calculated by dividing
women were excluded. Women who had menopause or oligome- WC by HC and classified into three groups based on quartiles:
norrhea for more than 4 months and perimenopausal symptoms WHR <0.79, 0.79  WHR <0.86, and WHR 0.86. Among
(including vasomotor symptoms, mood changes, sleep disturb- them, 18.5  BMI <25 kg/m2, 70  WC <80 cm and 0.79  WHR
ance, symptoms of vaginal dryness and urogenital atrophy and <0.86 groups were defined as normal control groups.
so on) might be diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency In our study, according to the FIGO AUB system [13], oligo-
(POI) and excluded. Moreover, those with amenorrhea menorrhea was confirmed when the length of the menstrual
4–6 months and perimenopausal symptoms might be diagnosed cycle in most cases in the past year was >38 days. Irregular men-
with premature ovarian failure (POF) and excluded [11]. All par- struation was confirmed when the difference between the longest
ticipants were required to fill out a questionnaire about menstru- menstrual period and the shortest period in the past year was
ation. The questionnaire included the following questions: ‘How >7–9 days (for women aged 18–25 years or 42–45 years it was
old were you when you had your first menstruation?’; ‘How 9 days, and for those aged 26–41 years it was 7 days).
often did you have a menstrual period in the last year?’; ‘In the
past year, what was the longest interval between your two men-
Statistical analysis
strual periods?’; ‘In the past year, what was the shortest interval
between your two menstrual periods?’; ‘Do you have dysmenor- Chi-square analysis was used to analyze whether there was any
rhea?’; ‘How long is your average bleeding duration?’. difference in the prevalence of oligomenorrhea or irregular men-
The height, weight, WC and hip circumference (HC) for the struation between different BMI, WC and WHR groups. Because
participants were measured by trained medical staff. Subjects significant difference was found among different BMI, WC and
were all fasted and asked to wear light clothes and stand on bare WHR groups, all further analyses were separately performed for
feet with bladder emptied for the measurement, and to defecate each body character. Binary logistic analysis models were used in
if they had a bowel movement. The WC was determined at the order to assess the association between BMI, WC or WHR and
level of umbilicus, and the HC was measured at the most prom- the prevalence of oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation.
inent part of the hip in the standing position. All measurements The age was introduced as a continuous variable to adjust all the

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients. Table 2. Proportion and adjusted ORs for irregular menstruation across body
Variables Total n Proportion (%) Mean SD composition categories.
Age (year) 29.88 4.44 Regular Irregular
19–29 750 52.7 BMI (kg/m2) N (%) N (%) OR 95%CI p
30–39 673 47.3 <18.5 93(80.9%) 22(19.1%) 0.732 0.445–1.203 .218
BMI (kg/m )2
23.12 4.10 18.5  24.9 723(78.8%) 194(21.2%) ref ref
<18.5 115 8.1 25  29.9 229(76.8%) 69(23.2%) 1.157 0.843–1.589 .365
18.5–24.9 917 64.4 30 57(61.3%) 36(38.7%) 2.509 1.591–3.958 <.001
25–29.9 298 20.9 WC (cm)
30 93 6.5 60  69 152(80.0%) 38 (20.0%) 0.837 0.556–1.259 .392
WC (cm) 79.13 9.79 70  79 501(79.0%) 133(21.0%) ref ref
<70 190 13.4 80  89 322(80.9%) 76(19.1%) 0.937 0.682–1.289 .691
70–79.9 634 44.6 90 127(63.2%) 74(36.8%) 2.299 1.619–3.265 <.001
80–89.9 398 28.0 WHR
90 201 14.1 <0.79 288(79.8%) 73(20.2%) 0.909 0.659–1.253 .560
WHR 0.82 0.05 0.79  0.859 561(79.9%) 141(20.1%) ref ref
<0.79 361 25.4 0.86 253(70.3%) 107(29.7%) 1.739 1.293–2.339 <.001
0.79–0.859 702 49.3
0.86 360 25.3
menarche 14.00 1.24
Length of menstrual cycles (day) 30.72 5.48 Table 3. Proportion and adjusted ORs for oligomenorrhea across body compos-
38 1331 93.5 ition categories.
>38 92 6.5 Normal cycle Oligomenorrhea
Duration of bleeding (day) 5.31 1.26 BMI (kg/m2) N (%) N (%) OR 95%CI p
Regularity (day) 6.96 13.02 <18.5 110(95.7%) 5(4.3%) 0.644 0.251–1.652 .360
Regular (7–9d) 1102 77.4 18.5  24.9 861(93.9%) 56(6.1%) ref ref
Irregular (8–10d) 321 22.6 25  29.9 280(94.0%) 18(6.0%) 1.000 0.578–1.731 1.000
Dysmenerrha 30 80(86.0%) 13(14.0%) 2.543 1.332–4.856 .005
no 1122 78.8 WC (cm)
yes 301 21.2 60  69 181(95.3%) 9(4.7%) 0.668 0.318–1.403 .287
SD: standard deviation; WC: waist circumstance; WHR: waist-to-hip ratio. 70  79 592(93.4%) 42(6.6%) ref Ref
80  89 382(96.0%) 16(4.0%) 0.603 0.334–1.089 .093
90 176(87.6%) 25(12.4%) 2.023 1.198–3.416 .008
regression models. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) <0.79 339(93.9%) 22(6.1%) 1.004 0.587–1.719 .988
curves and the area under the curve (AUC) was generated to 0.79  0.859 661(94.2%) 41(5.8%) ref ref
0.86 331(91.9%) 29(8.1%) 1.423 0.868–2.333 .161
compare the predictive effects of BMI, WC and WHR on oligo-
menorrhea and irregular menstruation.
All statistical tests were two-tailed. A p value < .05 was con-
sidered statistically significant. Results from logistic regression 1.619–3.265; p < .001) and WHR  0.86 (OR ¼ 1.739; 95%CI
analyses were presented as odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI. The 1.293–2.339; p < .001) groups compared with the normal-
IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 20.0 (IBM Corp., weight group.
Armonk, NY, USA) was used for all the statistical analyses.

Results The association between obesity and the oligomenorrhea

The study population Table 3 shows the association between the different body charac-
ter groups and the oligomenorrhea. The risk of long menstrual
Table 1 shows the basic information of the study population. A cycle was significantly higher in the BMI  30 kg/m2 (14.0%),
total of 1,423 Chinese women of childbearing age participated in WC  90 cm (12.4%) groups (women with BMI  30 kg/m2
the present study. The mean (standard deviation) age was 29.88 relative to normal-weight women: OR ¼ 2.543; 95%CI
(4.44) years, and the average BMI was 23.13 (4.10) kg/m2, of 1.332–4.856; p ¼ .005; women with WC  90 cm relative to nor-
which the proportion with 25  BMI < 30 kg/m2 was 20.9% mal-WC women: OR ¼ 2.023; 95%CI 1.198–3.416; p ¼ .008).
(298), and that with BMI  30 kg/m2 was 6.5% (93). Based on Centrally obese women with WHR 0.86 showed a trend of
the WC, the proportion with 80  WC < 90 cm was 28.0% increased risk of oligomenorrhea compared with the normal
(398), and WC  90 cm group accounted for 14.1% (201). The WHR women, although there was no significant difference.
proportion of central obesity defined by WHR  0.86 was 25.3%
(360). The prevalence of oligomenorrhea and irregular menstru-
ation was 6.5% (92) and 22.6% (321), respectively.
Predictive ability of anthropometric indices for
oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation
The association between obesity and irregular menstruation
Supplement Table 1 shows the data about the AUC values for
Table 2 shows the association between the different body charac- discriminating oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation by
ter groups and irregular menstruation. The prevalence of irregu- BMI, WC and WHR for participants. The ROC curves for WHR,
lar menstrual cycle was the highest in the BMI  30 kg/m2 BMI and WC values to detect irregular menstruation (a) and oli-
group (38.7%). The prevalence of irregular menstruation was sig- gomenorrhea (b) were shown in Figure 2. AUCs of WC for
nificantly higher in the BMI  30 kg/m2 (OR ¼ 2.509; 95% CI irregular menstruation were larger than BMI (0.556 vs. 0.523),
1.591–3.958; p < .001), WC  90 cm (OR ¼ 2.299; 95% CI and the rest were not significantly different.

Figure 2. Receiver operating characteristic curves for BMI, WC and WHR values to detect irregular menstruation (a) and oligomenorrhea (b).

Discussion abdominal obesity (WC 80 cm) are more prone to long men-
strual cycles than those with gluteal obesity and only high BMI.
Our study analyzed the association between oligomenorrhea or There are also studies showing that women with irregular men-
irregular menstruation and body composition in a large group of struation of childbearing age have a higher BMI, WHR ratio and
Chinese women of childbearing age. We found that obesity, WC than those with regular menstruation [15,16].
including BMI  30 kg/m2 or WC 90 cm, was associated with We first investigated the predictive effects of BMI, WC and
oligomenorhea, and females with BMI  30 kg/m2, WC  90 cm WHR on rare and irregular menstrual periods, although only
or WHR  0.86 were significantly associated with irregular men- preliminary analysis was performed in this study. However, our
struation. WC had a stronger effect on predicting irregular men- results showed that both high BMI and central obesity had pre-
struation than BMI, suggesting that abdominal fat had a stronger dictive effects on abnormal menstrual cycles, which should
influence on menstrualcycle. arouse vigilance of overweight and obesity in women of child-
This was the first comprehensive study on the relationship bearing age.
between body composition and oligomenorrhea or irregular The underlying mechanisms of obesity’s predictive effect on
menstruation in Chinese women of childbearing age. In previous long menstrual cycle and irregular menstrual cycle remain
studies, the definitions of oligomenorrhea and irregular menstru- unclear, and there are several possible causes. Insulin resistance
ation are different. In different studies, the prevalence of oligo- and hyperinsulinemia in obese women can lead to hyperandro-
menorrhea ranges from 2.32% to 7.8%, and that of irregular genism, which in turn affects the menstrual cycle. In addition,
menstruation ranges from 6.25% to 16.9% [5,7]. The prevalence changes in the GnRH-LH axis of obese women also result in
of oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation was 6.5% and menstrual disturbance. In obese women, the rapid frequency of
22.6% in this study, respectively, which adopted the latest defin- LH pulses leads to an increased serum LH/FSH ratio, which
ition of AUB published by FIGO in 2018 to identify oligomenor- ultimately results in anovulation [17–19].
rhea and irregular menstruation, making our findings more Potential reproductive health damage is a more serious conse-
useful in guiding the clinical work. quence of obesity-related menstrual disturbance. Menstrual dis-
The prevalence of obesity in our study was consistent with turbance is actually a manifestation of anovulation and
that of other women of childbearing age in China, although the insufficient fertility. A cohort study consisting of 53,910 couples
prevalence of women varies with different regions and different shows a positive dose-dependent relationship between female
ages. In a large cross-sectional study, 18.2% of women aged BMI and low fertility (pregnancy time > 12 months) with a rela-
35–39 are overweight, 3.1% are obese, and the proportion is tive risk of 1.32 [8].
higher in the north [4]. Recent studies lack data on the preva- Our study has several limitations. Its cross-sectional nature
lence of central obesity among women of childbearing age in did not allow the results to infer causality. We did not get the
China. According to WHO definition (WC  80 cm), the preva- results of sex hormone levels or transvaginal ultrasonography
lence of central obesity among the participants was as high and only screened the enrolled population based on symptoms
as 42.1%. and medical history because the participants were recruited from
There are also several studies on the relationship between the Physical Examination Center in this study. Therefore, the
obesity and oligomenorrhea and irregular menstruation. A recent diagnostic criteria were not strict enough. Another limitation is
study consisting of 3,779 19  49-year-old Korean has shown the relatively small sample size. There may be selection bias
that women with a BMI of 25–29.9 kg/m2 (17.1%) and BMI because our participants are from the Physical Examination
30 kg/m2 (21.2%) have a significantly higher prevalence of oli- Center rather than the general population. Our research did not
gomenorrhea than normal-weight women (11.6%). However, in consider other factors, such as social status, educational back-
this study, oligomenorrheais defined as menstruation every ground, marital status, income and so on. Our research also has
3 months or more [14]. In previous studies, women with several advantages. BMI, WC and HC were measured in our

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