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Diajukan untuk memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Kesehatan

Dosen pengampu: Rapotan Hasibuan, SKM, M.Kes

Disusun oleh:

Kelompok 6 (IKM-1)

1. Diva Aulia Nathasya (0801213109)

2. Medina Elly Vanda (0801212127)
3. Mega Rahmadani Siregar (0801213105)
4. Rizqa Auliyah Shifah Sagala (0801213117)



Cover Tugas

I. Identitas Jurnal

Judul Jurnal : Analisis Kerugian Ekonomi (Economic Loss) Penderita Penyakit Hipertensi
dengan Penyakit Penyerta Peserta BPJS di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit
Budi Agung Kota Palu
Penulis : Muhammad Rizki Ashari , Mukrimin dan Vidyanto
Tahun terbit : 2022
Sumber database : Google Scholar
Alamat URL :
Tanggal akses : 6 Oktober 2023

II. Ringkasan artikel/hasil penelitian

Tujuan Penelitian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kerugian ekonomi penderita
hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta di ruang rawat inap RS Budi Agung

Subjek Penelitian Subjek penelitian ini adalah pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta yang
dirawat di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Budi Agung Kota Palu

Metode Penelitian Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, data primer dikumpulkan dengan
teknik survei menggunakan kuesioner yang terstruktur dan data sekunder
diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen rekam medik pasien serta dokumen
penunjang lainnya

Analisis Analisis penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis

Penelitian univariat deskriptif untuk menunjukkan distribusi frekuensi dari variabel yang
diteliti, yaitu biaya langsung, biaya tidak langsung, dan total kerugian
ekonomi yang dialami oleh pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta

Hasil Penelitian Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa masalah hipertensi dengan
penyakit penyerta berimplikasi pada perawatan kesehatan dan kehilangan
produktivitas yang menyebabkan beban ekonomi. Disarankan agar dapat
melakukan kontrol rutin setiap bulan serta memiliki efikasi diri yang baik
untuk mencegah pengeluaran biaya akibat sakit yang akan terus meningkat.

III. Keunggulan penelitian

Keunggulan penelitian ini adalah penggunaan metode analisis univariat deskriptif yang
dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang distribusi frekuensi dari variabel yang diteliti,
sehingga dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kerugian ekonomi yang dialami
oleh pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Budi Agung Kota

IV. Kelemahan penelitian

Kelemahan penelitian ini adalah kurangnya variasi dalam sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini
hanya dilakukan pada pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit
Budi Agung Kota Palu, sehingga hasilnya mungkin tidak dapat secara langsung diterapkan pada
populasi yang lebih luas. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga hanya menggunakan metode analisis
univariat deskriptif, sehingga tidak ada analisis statistik yang lebih mendalam untuk
mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap kerugian ekonomi yang dialami oleh

V. Implikasi terhadap teori

Implikasi penelitian ini terhadap teori adalah bahwa adanya kerugian ekonomi yang
signifikan yang dialami oleh pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta dapat memberikan
pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang dampak kesehatan terhadap aspek ekonomi individu. Hal ini
mendukung teori bahwa kesehatan memiliki hubungan yang kompleks dengan faktor-faktor
ekonomi dan dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan individu secara keseluruhan

VI. Kesimpulan dan saran

Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta di Unit
Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Budi Agung Kota Palu mengalami kerugian ekonomi yang signifikan,
terutama dalam bentuk biaya langsung dan biaya tidak langsung. Biaya langsung meliputi biaya
medis seperti obat-obatan dan pemeriksaan penunjang, sedangkan biaya tidak langsung meliputi
biaya transportasi dan hilangnya produktivitas selama perawatan. Implikasi dari penelitian ini
adalah pentingnya perhatian terhadap aspek ekonomi dalam manajemen penyakit hipertensi dengan
penyakit penyerta, serta perlunya upaya pencegahan dan pengelolaan yang efektif untuk
mengurangi kerugian ekonomi yang dialami oleh pasien .
Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah melibatkan sampel yang lebih representatif dan
luas, sehingga hasil penelitian dapat lebih generalisasi. Selain itu, penelitian selanjutnya juga dapat
menggunakan metode analisis statistik yang lebih mendalam untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor
yang berkontribusi terhadap kerugian ekonomi pada pasien hipertensi dengan penyakit penyerta.
Selain itu, penelitian juga dapat melibatkan perspektif pasien dan keluarga dalam menggali lebih
dalam tentang dampak ekonomi yang dialami dan strategi pengelolaan yang dapat dilakukan

VII. Pustaka

Ashari, M. R., & Mukrimin, M. (2022). Analisis Kerugian Ekonomi (Economic Loss) Penderita
Penyakit Hipertensi dengan Penyakit Penyerta Peserta BPJS di Unit Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Budi
Agung Kota Palu. Journal of Health, Education and Literacy (J-Healt), 5(1), 40-48.

I. Identitas Jurnal

Judul Artikel : Accounting of Air Pollution on Tourism Economic Loss in Fuzhou

on Big Data Analysis
Penulis : Hong Zhu
Tahun terbit : 2022
Sumber database : Google Scholar
Alamat URL :
Tanggal akses : 6 Oktober 2023

II. Ringkasan artikel/hasil penelitian

Tujuan Penelitian This study aims to explore the impact of air pollution on tourism decision-
making and the tourism industry in major cities across the country. It also
examines the relationship between air quality improvement and economic
development in urban areas. The study utilizes quantitative research methods
to assess people's willingness to avoid air pollution and the effects of
pollution reduction or increase on social activities and local economic

Subjek Penelitian The research subject is the impact of air pollution on tourism decision-making
and the tourism industry in major cities across the country.

Metode Penelitian The research method used in these studies is quantitative research. They
utilize statistical analysis and regression models to analyze the impact of air
pollution on tourism decision-making and the tourism industry.

Analisis The research analysis in these studies focuses on the impact of air pollution
Penelitian on tourism decision-making and the tourism industry. They analyze the
relationship between air quality and tourism satisfaction, travel frequency,
and the number of tourists visiting scenic spots. The studies also examine the
economic losses and income reduction caused by air pollution in the tourism
industry . Additionally, they explore the correlation between air pollution
levels and the evaluation of scenic spots, as well as the effects of air quality
improvement on local economic development.

Hasil Penelitian The results of the research indicate that air pollution has a negative impact on
tourism decision-making and the tourism industry. It affects the evaluation of
scenic spots, tourism satisfaction, and travel frequency. The studies also show
that air pollution leads to economic losses in the tourism industry, reducing
the income of attractions and the number of tourists visiting scenic spots .
Additionally, the research highlights the importance of improving air quality
in promoting the urban economy and the development of the local tourism

III. Keunggulan penelitian

 Quantitative approach: The use of quantitative research methods allows for the collection of
objective data and statistical analysis, providing a more rigorous and reliable assessment of
the impact of air pollution on tourism decision-making and the tourism industry .
 Comprehensive analysis: The research examines various aspects of the relationship between
air pollution and tourism, including tourism satisfaction, travel frequency, evaluation of
scenic spots, and economic losses in the tourism industry. This comprehensive analysis
provides a holistic understanding of the effects of air pollution on tourism.
 Practical implications: The research findings can provide valuable insights for policymakers
and stakeholders in the tourism industry. Understanding the negative impact of air pollution
on tourism decision-making and the tourism industry can help guide efforts to improve air
quality and promote sustainable tourism development .
 Local context: The research focuses on major cities in China, where air pollution is a
significant issue. By studying the specific context of these cities, the research provides
insights that are relevant and applicable to the local tourism industry .
 Data availability: The studies include the availability of data used in the analysis, ensuring
transparency and reproducibility of the research findings .

Overall, these advantages contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of air
pollution on tourism

IV. Kelemahan penelitian

 Limited scope: The research focuses on major cities in China, which may limit the
generalizability of the findings to other regions or countries
 Lack of qualitative data: The studies primarily rely on quantitative data and statistical
analysis, which may overlook the nuanced experiences and perceptions of individuals
regarding air pollution and its impact on tourism
 Potential confounding factors: While the studies attempt to control for other influencing
factors, there may still be unaccounted variables that could affect the relationship between
air pollution and tourism decision-making
 Data reliability: The studies rely on publicly available data sources, such as tourist
comments on websites and air quality indices. The accuracy and reliability of these data
sources may vary, potentially affecting the validity of the research findings
 Lack of long-term analysis: The studies primarily focus on the immediate impact of air

V. Implikasi terhadap teori

 Policy guidance: The research findings can provide valuable insights for policymakers in
formulating strategies and policies to address air pollution and its impact on the tourism
industry . This can include measures to improve air quality, promote sustainable tourism
practices, and mitigate the negative effects of air pollution on tourism decision-making
 Economic development: The research highlights the economic losses caused by air pollution
in the tourism industry . By understanding the negative impact of air pollution on tourism,
policymakers and stakeholders can prioritize efforts to improve air quality, which can lead
to increased tourism revenue and local economic development
 Sustainable tourism: The research emphasizes the importance of sustainable tourism
development, which includes minimizing the environmental impact of tourism activities,
including air pollution . By addressing air pollution and promoting sustainable practices,
destinations can attract more tourists who prioritize environmentally-friendly tourism
 Public health: The research underscores the health risks associated with air pollution, both
for residents and tourists
 Tourism marketing and promotion: The research findings can inform tourism marketing and
promotion strategies. By highlighting efforts to improve air quality and promote a clean and
healthy environment, destinations can attract more tourists who prioritize environmental
sustainability and health-conscious travel

VI. Kesimpulan dan saran

Based on the research findings, the following conclusions and recommendations can be

1. Conclusions:

 Air pollution has a negative impact on tourism decision-making, tourism satisfaction, and
travel frequency
 Air pollution affects the evaluation of scenic spots and tourism conditions, leading to
lower scores and reduced attractiveness of destinations
 Air pollution results in economic losses in the tourism industry, reducing the income of
attractions and the number of tourists visiting scenic spots
 Improving air quality can promote the urban economy and contribute to the development
of the local tourism industry

2. Recommendations:

 Implement measures to improve air quality, such as reducing emissions from industrial
sources, promoting clean energy alternatives, and implementing stricter environmental
 Raise awareness among tourists about the impact of air pollution on their health and the
environment, encouraging them to choose destinations with good air quality and engage in
sustainable tourism practices
 Enhance monitoring and reporting systems for air quality in tourist destinations, providing
accurate and up-to-date information to tourists and stakeholders
 Integrate air quality considerations into tourism marketing and promotion strategies,
highlighting efforts to improve air quality and promote a clean and healthy environment
 Foster collaboration between government agencies, tourism industry stakeholders, and
environmental organizations to develop and implement sustainable tourism practices that
prioritize air quality improvement

Overall, these conclusions and recommendations emphasize the importance of addressing air
pollution in the tourism industry to ensure sustainable and responsible tourism development.
VII. Pustaka

Zhu, H. (2022). Accounting of air pollution on tourism economic loss in fuzhou based on big data
analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022.

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