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Format Buku Kerja Praktik Mahasiswa (BKPM)




1. Alfi Hidayatu Miqawati, S.Pd., M.Pd.
2. Fitri Wijayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.
3. Nodistya Septian Indrastana, S.S., S.Pd., M.Pd.
4. Renata Kenanga Rinda, S.Pd., M.Pd.


TAHUN 2022



Koord. Program Studi, Koord./Tim Mata Kuliah, Penulis,

M. Kamal, S.Par., M.Par. Fitri Wijayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. Alfi Hidayatu M, S.Pd.,
M.Pd. NIP. 199504122019031004 NIP. 198207162015042001 NIP.

Ketua Jurusan BKP

Enik Rukiati, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 197409102002122001


Puji dan syukur penulis ucapkan kepada Allah SWT atas rahmat dan
hidayah-Nya, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan Buku Kerja
Praktik Mahasiswa (BKPM) Basic English. Penulis juga menyampaikan terima
kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah membantu dan mendukung
tersusunnya BKPM Basic English ini.
BKPM Basic English disusun dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi
kelengkapan perangkat mengajar mata kuliah Basic English. Tersusunnya
BKPM Basic English diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap kualitas
lulusan agar mampu memahami kalimat dan ungkapan yang sering digunakan
terkait dengan bidang yang berhubungan langsung (misalnya, informasi dasar
pribadi dan keluarga, berbelanja, geografi lokal, pekerjaan), berkomunikasi
secara lisan dan tulisan dalam tugas-tugas rutin yang membutuhkan
pertukaran informasi sederhana dan langsung, dan menjelaskan dalam istilah
sederhana mengenai aspek latar belakang dan lingkungan sekitar sesuai
dengan standar level CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages) A2.
Guna mendukung tercapainya hal tersebut, aktivitas di dalam BKPM
disusun bervariasi dan mencakup beragam integrasi keterampilan berbahasa
Inggris (menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis). Cakupan materi yang
diberikan juga luas dan memfasilitasi mahasiswa untuk mempelajari
bagaimana memperkenalkan diri dan bertukar informasi personal, meminta
dan memberi bantuan, menunjukkan tempat dan barang, mengungkapkan
maaf, berbelanja dan menjual barang, membeli dan menjual mata uang,
menceritakan keluarga, menjelaskan rutinitas personal, menjelaskan orang
lain, mengungkapkan perasaan, bercerita tentang tempat-tempat menarik,
makan di restoran, menceritakan pengalaman di masa lampau, dan
menjelaskan transportasi publik dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga BKPM Basic
English ini bermanfaat dan berkontribusi dalam pencapaian kompetensi
Jember, 12 Agustus 2022




The World of Second Languages

Multilingualism refers to the ability to use two or more languages. (Some linguists and
psychologists use bilingualism for the ability to use two languages and
multilingualism for more than two, but we will not make that distinction here.)
Monolingualism refers to the ability to use only one. No one can say for sure how many
people are multilingual, but a reasonable estimate is that at least half of the world’s
population is in this category. Multilingualism is thus by no means a rare phenomenon,
but a normal and common occurrence in most parts of the world.

Classroom Survey:
1. Are you a monolingual or multilingual?
2. What is your native language? What is your Mother-tongue?
3. What is your second language (the language/s you learn after your native

Adding second languages at an older age often takes considerable effort, however,
and thus requires motivation. This motivation may arise from a variety of conditions,
including the following:
 Invasion or conquest of one’s country by speakers of another language
 A need or desire to contact speakers of other languages in economic or other
specific domains
 Immigration to a country where use of a language other than one’s L1 is required
 Adoption of religious beliefs and practices which involve use of another language
 A need or desire to pursue educational experiences where access requires
proficiency in another language
 A desire for occupational or social advancement which is furthered by knowledge
of another language
 An interest in knowing more about peoples of other cultures and having access to
their technologies or literatures.

Think about your reason(s) for learning English. Share your thought (s) with your peers.

Spontaneous Conversation Rubric
Comprehension: The Vocabulary: Words and Pronunciation:
ability to understand what expressions used in the Pronouncing words in
is said to the speaker. target language. such a way that native
2 = Shows ability to 2 = Uses excellent speaker would
understand the target vocabulary with relative understand what is being
language when spoken at ease. Demonstrates an said.
a somewhat normal rate increasing knowledge of 2 = Can be understood
of speed, with only one words and expressions. in the target language,
repetition or rephrasing, if 1 = Uses vocabulary that but may make few or
necessary. is just adequate to minor errors. Makes an
1 = Can understand the respond. No attempt is effort to sound “native,”
target language when made to use a variety of i.e., uses target
spoken at a somewhat expressions. Generally language speech
normal rate of speed, with understood, but limited to patterns, intonation, and
more than one repetition the very basic. phrasing.
or rephrasing. 0 = Makes no attempt, or 1 = Can be understood
0 = Does not seem to response is totally in target language, but
understand the target irrelevant or may make one or two
language. inappropriate. major errors and/or has
some interference from
English language speech
sounds, patterns, and
0 = Makes major errors
and/or uses English
pronunciation rules to
speak in the target
language, or
doesn’t/can’t respond.

Fluency: Easy, smooth Grammar: Word order and sentence structures in the
flow of speech, within a target language.
reasonable amount of time 2 = Demonstrates good use of grammatical
(15–20 seconds). structures. Makes no grammatical errors, or a few
2 = Has a generally minor grammatical errors that do not interfere with
smooth flow, with self- communication.
correction and little 1 = Uses a range of grammatical structures, but may
hesitation. make several grammatical errors that do not interfere
1 = Speaks slowly, using with communication.
hesitant or halting speech. 0 = Makes many grammatical errors that negatively
0 = Makes no attempt or affect communication, or doesn’t/can’t respond.
shows constant hesitation.

(Adopted from:

Acara 1

Materi Pembelajaran : introducing and exchanging personal information

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : conducting self and group introduction and exchanging
personal information
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Direncanakan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu memperkenalkan diri dan kelompok atau orang sekitar
dengan baik sesuai kaidah dan etika komunikasi.
ii. Mahasiswa mampu bertukar informasi pribadi.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Kualitas tulisan: informatif dan tersusun dengan baik
ii. Penggunaan tata bahasa dan mekanik

c. Dasar Teori
1.1 Self and Group Introduction
A. Greeting
1. Formal Greeting
2. Informal greeting
B. Formal Titles
Men Women
Mr. Ms. (married or single)
Mrs. (married)
Miss (single)
Use Titles with family names, not given names.
Example: Suzy Grant
Ms. Grant NOT Ms. Suzy

C. Introducing oneself to another

1. Formal
2. Introducing oneself to informal group\
3. Introducing oneself at meeting/forum
D. Introducing others
1. Introducing others at informal occasions
2. Introducing others at formal occasions
E. Exchanging Personal Information
F. Expressing intention to take leave.
1. Formal occasion
2. Informal occasion
G. Responding to leave taking
1. Formal occasion

2. Informal occasion


A. Information questions with be: usage and forms
Be: is, am, are I am = I’m
He is = He’s You are = you’re
She is =She’s We are = we’re
It is = It’s They are = they’re

Use Who to ask about people, What to ask about things, Where to ask
about places, and How old to ask about age.
● Who's Ms. Nieto? She's my teacher.
They're my classmates.
● Who are they? She's from Seoul, Korea.
We're from Los Angeles.
● Where's she from? I'm an engineer.
It's [say "ted at k-r-dot-
● What city are you
from? Andrea and Steven.
● What's your He's twenty-six.
occupation? She's twelve, and her little sister is eight.

● What's his e-mail

● What are their
● How old is your
● How old are they?

B. Possessive Nouns
● Add ‘s to a name or a noun.
Where is Peter’s father from? What’s the teacher’s name?
● Add an apostrophe (‘) to plural nouns that end in -s.
What are the students’ names?
● Add ‘s to name or nous that comes last in a list of two or more.
When is Sally and Hannah’s class?

C. Pronouns in English
Subject Objects Possessive Possessive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours

He Him His His
She Her Her Hers
It It Its Its
We Us Our Ours
You You Your Yours
They Them Their Theirs
(taken from

Complete each sentence with a possessive adjective from the box
my your his her our their

1. Anya and Simon are new students. ____ teacher is Mr. Michaels.
2. Mr. Vidal is a computer programmer. ____ family lives in Paris.
3. Mrs. Ichikawa is from Tokyo. ______ nationality is Japanese.
4. Are you a photographer? ______ pictures are fantastic.
5. I’d like you to meet _______ sister Sara. She’s a musician.
6. Lucy and I are in a computer class. ______ class is at 9 A.M.

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable Speaker
iv. Flash Card
v. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja
Now, watch the following video entitled Personal Information
( Choose and put the
components of personal information in a correct order.

Date of Phone
Hobby Age Name birth number

Address Postal code Occupation Gender

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________
6. _______________________

B. Watch the video again. Circle the correct answer.

1. The interviewee’s surname is....
A. Hoon
B. Oon
C. Uun
2. Cristina’s phone number.
A. 07833904237
B. 07833900427
C. 07833904227
3. She is from....
A. London
B. Manchester
C. Cambridge
4. Cristina’s address is….
A. 21 E Green Street
B. 21 A Grind Street
C. 21 A Green Street
5. The postal code is….

A. Read the text and complete the identity card.


1. First Name :
2. Surname :
Her first name is Anindya and her 3. Age :
surname is Maheswari. she is 4: Date of Birth :
twenty two years old and her 5: Address :
birthday is on 3rd August. Her 6. Phone Number:
address is at Jalan Merak 32, 7. Nationality :
Malang East Java. Her phone 8. City :
number is +628123456789. She is 9. Favourite food :
an Indonesian. Her favourite food
is nasi pecel and sate.
B. Match the questions with the answers

1. What’s your name? a. I’m from South Korea.

2. How old are you? b. My name is Kim Namjoon.
3. Where are you from? c. Yes, I’ve got a cat.
4. Where do you live? d. Yes, I do.
5. What is your favourite color? e. I live in Seoul.
6. Do you like nasi goreng? f. I’m eighteen years old.
7. Have you got a pet? g. My favourite color is blue.

C. Read the text below and identify whether the statements following the text are
true or false.


My name is Haruka. I am 26 years old. I live
in Japan. I can speak Japanese and English
very well and a little Korean. I can also sing
and dance. I like listening to pop and hip hop
songs. My hobby is cooking. I like cooking
Japanese traditional food, such as sushi and

1. Haruka is twenty seven years old. True False

2. She can speak Korean fluently. True False
3. She can speak three different languages. True False
4. She can cook Japanese food. True False
5. She doesn’t like music. True False

Interview a classmate.
Write his or her personal information on the notepad and report the
result to your classmates. Use the expressions in the tables for support.


This is...
I’d like you to meet...
Everyone calls him/her...
(Her/his) nickname is ...
His/her hometown is ...
His/Her favourite .... is ....


Favourite Actor:
Favourite sport:

a Use a capital letter to begin a sentence
It’s a pleasure to introduce my classmate.
b Use a capital letter for:
⮚ cities/countries : I live in Indonesia.

⮚ Nationalities : They are Japanese.

⮚ Languages : I speak English and Italian.

⮚ days and months : My birthday is on Thursday, June

⮚ with the word I : My brother and I are students.

⮚ formal titles and names : I’d like you to meet Mr.


Write a short description of the classmate you interviewed in the

speaking activity. Include the following information:
❖ first and last name

❖ age

❖ occupation

❖ hometown

❖ birthplace

❖ favourite actor/sport

Example: My partner’s first name is... His last name is... He is twenty years

f. Refleksi

After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to
learning: improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. etc 3. etc 3. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Features 4 (Expert) 3 2 (Capable) 1(Beginner)
Quality of ● Piece was ● Piece was ● Piece had ● Piece had
written in an written in an little style no style or
extraordinar interesting or voice voice
y style and style and voice ● Gives ● Gives no
voice ● Somewhat some new new
● Very informative informatio information
informative and organized n but and very
and well- poorly poorly
organized organized organized
Grammar, ● Virtually no ● Few spelling ● A number ● So many
Usage &
spelling, and of spelling, spelling,
punctuation punctuation punctuatio punctuation
or errors, minor n or and
grammatical grammatical grammatic grammatica
errors errors al errors l errors that
it interferes
with the

Acara 2

Pokok Bahasan : Asking for and giving assistance

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Asking, offering, and declining assistance
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan kontak sosial dengan meminta dan memberi

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organisasi: penyampaian terorganisir menggunakan ide poko, detail, dan
contoh serta menggunakan ‘signal words’ dan frasa seperti first of all; on the
other hand; for example.
ii. Kosa kata dan tata bahasa: penggunaan kosa kata yang sesuai dan tata
bahasa yang tapat
iii. Kelancaran:
iv. Kecepatan berbicara yang sesuai/wajar dan memberikan penekanan pada
kata-kata dan ide-ide kunci/penting
v. Bahasa tubuh dan kontak mata: penggunaan bahasa tubuh dan kontak mata
yang natural dan rileks.

c. Dasar Teori
As human beings, sometimes we need help or assistance from others. It is not
polite to ask directly, so we have to use phrases before a request to 'soften' it.
Besides using polite expressions to ask for help or assistance, we need to have
some considerations so that the people have good will to respond our requests.

The following steps will increase how receptive people are to our requests for
help. They mainly apply to asking for help from people we know, but some apply
to customer-service situations as well.
a. Make it clear that we have already tried to help ourselves
It is necessary to inform that we have attempted to help ourselves first. When
asking for help, briefly explain what we have tried independently before
requesting help. We can use such expressions "I tried Googling…"; "I tried
restarting my device..." to get to the point fast.
b. Demonstrate that we have acted on the person's advice previously
It is unwise fun when we put effort into helping someone and that individual
does not follow through. People want to help those who they are sure will act
on the help or advice offered. Therefore, when we get help from someone, we
have to make sure they are aware that we have acted on their prior advice
and appreciated it.
c. Consider the timing of our request
If we are not sure when is the most suitable time to seek someone out for
help, ask them. Instead of just launching into our request, let’s say, "I'd like
to ask you for help with something. When would be the best time to talk
about it?"
d. Use the "foot-in-the-door" or the "door-in-the-face"
These are sneaky tactics and should be used sparingly. The foot-in-the-door
technique is when we make a small request first to get the person into "yes"
mode, before you make a larger request. The door-in-the-face technique is
the reverse. It is when you make a large request, get denied, and then make
a smaller request, which seems more reasonable due to the earlier
unreasonable request.
e. Don't make someone guess what we want
When asking for help, we have to make sure the person knows exactly what
we want. For example, if we want our spouse to show us what to do, rather
than just tell us, make sure we ask for that.
f. Make our requests using multiple channels
In customer-service situations, if there are multiple options to ask for help,
you may need to try several of them to get what you need. It might be best
to use the phone, live chat, secure messaging, a face-to-face appointment,
and/or Twitter, depending on the situation. It especially helps not to be scared
of using the phone if it is the best option for a particular concern.


A. Can and can’t for ability
To talk about ability, use can or can’t and the base form of a verb.
Questions Short answers
Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Can he speak English? Yes, he can. / No, he

B. Too + adjective
Too makes an adjective stronger. It usually gives a
negative meaning.
I’m too busy. I can’t talk right now.

I’m too tired. Let’s not go to the movies.
It’s too late. I should go to bed.
Be careful!
Don’t use too with a positive adjective.
She is so pretty!
NOT She’s too pretty.

C. Polite Requests with Could you + base form

Use Could you and the base form of a verb to make a
Could you wash the dishes?
Use please to make a request more polite
Could you please wash the dishes?
Could you wash the dishes, please?

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable speaker
iv. Sticky note
v. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja


Taken from Taken from

Taken from

What can you see What can you see from What can you see
from the picture? the picture? from the picture?
What will you say What will you say when What will you say
when you need a you need a hand? when you need a
hand? hand?

A. Watch the following video entitled Offering to Help


B. After watching the video above, please identify kinds of assistance offered by
the nanny.

Helping her to....

Helping her to....

C. Now, watching the following video entitled Making a request


D. Identify the situations in each dialogue.

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

A. Complete the requests under the pictures with “Could you” , “Could you
please”, “Would you like ”, “Would you”, “Would you mind “, “Could I”,
“Could you tell me” or use your own ideas.

B. Read the conversations below and fill in the gaps with the words and
phrases from the lists.

a. Do you mind if I
b. Is it OK if I
c. Could you turn
d. What’s the problem
e. Here you are
f. Telling me
g. Thanks
h. Can I borrow
i. Go ahead

A : Yeah?
B : Hello, 1__________ turn the music down, please? It’s one o’clock and I’m
trying to sleep.
A : Oh, sorry. Is that better?
B : Yes, 2____________ . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. Good night.

A : I’m sorry, 3__________ leave early today? I’m going to take my cat to
see the vet.
B : You’re going to take your cat to the vet? What’s the matter with her then?
A : Him. I don’t know. That’s why I’m going to take him to the vet’s.
B : Oh, I see. Sure, 4____________ . Thanks for 5_________________ .

A : David, do you have your mobile phone with you?
B : Um... yes. Why?
A : 6__________ it, please? I need to make a quick call to my mother.
B : OK, 7___________ .

A : 8_____________ change seats?
B : Yes, all right. 9___________________?
A : I can’t see because of the sun.
B : OK, then. Why don’t you sit there, next to Andrea?

Practice making a dialogue with a peer about inviting him/her to a
cinema/beach/walk/dinner/lunch/study group, etc and act out the dialogue
in the classroom. You can use the following expressions in your dialogue:
How about tomorrow/this weekend/this evening/at 6.00?

Sounds great! / OK!
I’m not hungry.
I’m too (tired/busy/full).
It’s too (early/late)
It’s too (windy/hot/cold/rainy) today.
Write a short message to your lecturer that you need to his/her help
to sign your KHS (Kartu Hasil Studi) and include this information:
- Greeting
- Your identity (name, class, etc)
- Your purpose for contacting you lecturer
- Salutation

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. etc 3. Etc 3. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Scoring Rubric for Conversation
Organizes speaking by using main ideas as well as examples
and details; uses ‘signal words’ and phrases such as: ‘First of
all; on the other hand; for example’, etc.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Uses advanced-level vocabulary and correct verb tenses, 12345
subject-verb agreement, plural nouns, articles, etc.
Appropriate speaking speed; emphasizes key words and ideas.
Body Language and Eye Contact
Uses natural, relaxed body language to emphasize ideas. Uses 12345
appropriate eye contact.
Add up the above grades for the final grade out of 20 points

(adopted from:

Acara 3

Pokok Bahasan : Locating Personal Items and Places

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Locating personal items in the house and workplace and
public places in the neighbourhood
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan lokasi barang-barang pribadi di rumah dan di
tempat kerja secara lisan dan tulisan dalam bahasa Inggris.
ii. Mahasiswa mampu memberikan informasi lisan dan tulisan tentang tempat-
tempat umum di sekitar mereka.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Kosa kata: pilihan kata sesuai dengan penunjukan arah/tempat
ii. Ketepatan; ketepatan dalam menunjukkan arah hingga sampai pada destinasi
yang dituju
iii. Nama Jalan: Penyebutan nama jalan yang benar
iv. Kata petunjuk: penggunaan kata penunjuk yang sesuai
v. Kata kerja: penggunaan kata kerja dalam bentuk perintah yang baku dan
vi. Landmark: penyebutan landmark di sekitar tempat tujuan

c. Dasar Teori
In this unit, you will learn how to describe locations in English. When describing
locations, we often use some prepositions of place. Prepositions are generally
difficult to use correctly. Here are some prepositions to describe location..
● In is used for areas, such as towns, cities, regions, countries etc.
- in Preston, in Colombo, in Northern India, in Malawi.
● At is used for particular places or points, and for stopping places on
- at school, at the factory, at the hotel.
- The train stopped at three stations.
- We landed at Istanbul Airport.
● On is used for places which you can think of as being on a line:
- on the River Nile, on the M7 motorway, on the coast.
● Between indicates position relative to two other references:
- East Goscote is between Melton Mowbray and Leicester.

● Of is used with north, south, east and west for time and distance.
- In the north of Spain.
- 45 minutes west of New York.
- 65 kilometres south of Cairo.
● From is used for distance and time.
- 12 kilometres from the river.
- 10 minutes walk from the office.
● To and from are usual when a verb of movement is used, such
as go, fly, travel, drive etc.
- We flew to Cape Town.
- He went to the office.


A. Be: Questions with Where / Subject pronoun it
Ask questions with Where for locations.
Where is (where’s) the restaurant?

Use it to replace the names of places.

It is (it’s) down the street. (It = the restaurant)

B. Imperatives
Use imperative to give instructions or directions

Affirmative Imperative Negative Imperative

Drive (to the bank) Don't turn left

Take (the bus (to the market) Don't take the train

Partner A: Read the direction
Partner B: Say the letter of the correct picture
1. Don't drive to the restaurant.
2. Take the bus to the bank.
3. Don't walk to the pharmacy.
4. Drive down the street.


d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Sticky note
vi. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja
A. watch the following video entitled English conversation Learn English
( Answer the following
questions based on the video you have watched.

1. Where does the conversation take


2. Where are the pillows?


3. Where is the table?


4. Where does Agatha put her books?


5. Where does Agatha put her familiy pictures?


B. Watch the following video entitled Asking for and Giving Directions

C. After watching the video, fill in the brochure of each tourism destination below.

National Art Location:

Open hours:

Science Location:
Open hours:

Fisherma Location:
n Wharf
t Festival Open hours:

A. Match the pictures with the phrases in the box by writing them in the
space provided.

it’s on the corner of… it’s at the end of…

go straight on… go past…
it’s between… it’s on the other side of…
turn right… it’s opposite…
it’s next to… turn left…

(Taken from

B. Look at the floor map of the shopping center. Read the sentences and
complete the blanks with the preposition that indicates the places.

North Entrance

Book Adult
CINEMA #2 Houseware Stationary
Store Clothing

Beauty n
Electronic Center

Toilet Elevator
Jewelry Toy Store

next to opposite in front of

between Behind at the left corner

1. The cinema is ___________ of the shopping center.

2. The Jewelry is ___________ the toy store.
3. The adult clothing is _____________ the houseware store and the jewelry
4. The toilet is _____________ the adult clothing.
5. The information is _____________ the stationary store.

C. Look at the map and choose the correct answer.

Park Post Office School Library

Jalan Soekarno Hatta

Police Station Bank Mosque Cafetaria

1. X: Could you tell me where the mosque is?

Y: It’s .... the cafetaria.
A. between
B. opposite
C. next to
D. accross from

2. X: Where is the library, please?

Y: It’s .... the cafetaria.
A. between
B. behind
C. next to
D. accross from

3. X: Is there a bank here?

Y: Yes. It’s ... the police station and mosque

A. between
B. opposite
C. next to
D. accross from

4. X: Excuse me.Could you tell me where post office is?

Y: Sure. It’s .... the park.
A. between
B. opposite
C. next to
D. accross from

D. Look at the diagram of the town and write the number of the place
that is missing in the gap provided.
There is a popular street in my town. It is Jalan Merdeka. When you
walk through Jalan Merdeka, you can do whatever you want. If you want to
buy books, you can visit Gramadia Bookstore, which is in front of KFC
(Kentucky Fried Chicken) Restaurant. You can have many delicious foods,
such as fried chicken, hamburgers, spaghetti, and other fast food menus.
Next to the restaurant, on the right, there a good and affordable hotel that
is very comfortable to stay with your family, Ollino Garde Hotel. If you want
to watch the latest movies released, you can spend your time in Cinema 21.
It is between Mandiri Bank and Sarinah Plaza. On the corner, at the right
side of the street, you can find Waroeng Desa, a traditional
rastaurant,serving typical Indonesian cuisines. Next to ir, you can visit the
post office if you want to post some mails. If you want to workout and be in
shape, there is a Sports Center between the bookstore and the mosque.




2 al

M 5

Practice with a partner. You get lost when travelling and you want to go to
particular places. Choose one of the places on the map to ask for and give
directions. Take turn in initiating the conversation

On a piece of paper, please write directions to these places (you are in front of
the bookstore).
a. School
b. Zoo
c. Bank

(Taken from

f. Refleksi

After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
4. ... 1. .... 4. ...
5. ... 2. .... 5. ...
6. etc 3. Etc 6. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Writing/speaking (Giving Directions)
Dimension Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Vocabulary Directions used Directions used Directions used no
vocabulary from the one or two vocabulary from
unit when appropriate. vocabulary words the unit.
from the unit.
Accuracy When directions were Directions had one Someone who
followed, they led to the inaccurate followed the
destination. statement or directions would
missed one not arrive at the
turn/street. destination.
Street Correct street names Street names No street names
Names were used, but were used and
they do not help create confusion.
much in directing.
Direction Correct direction words Direction words No direction words
words were incorrect or were used.
in Bahasa
Verbs Correct formal Commands were No attempt to
commands were used. conjugated conjugate was
incorrectly or made. Verbs were
informal left in the infinitive
commands were or had made-up
given. endings or stated
in bahasa
Landmarks At least two landmarks One landmark was No landmarks
that would be passed mentioned. were mentioned.
were mentioned.
(Adapted from

Acara 4

Pokok Bahasan : Expressing Apologies

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Asking for and accepting an apology
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

Mahasiswa mampu melakukan komunikasi interpersonal dalam wacana lisan dan/
atau tulisan sederhana yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta dan memberi maaf.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organisasi: penyampaian tulisan tersusun dengan baik dibuktikan dengan
adanya pembukaan, isi dan penutup
ii. Isi: kandungan isi tulisan menunjukkan maksud dan tujuan penulisan dengan
tepat dan jelas
iii. Tata Bahasa: penggunaan tata bahasa yang tepat dan berterima
iv. Mekanik: Penggunaan ejaan, tanda baca, huruf besar dan singkatan yang
v. Diksi: variasi pemilihan jenis kata, frase dan ekspresi-ekspresi yang sesuai
dengan tujuan

c. Dasar Teori

People make mistakes all the time. Not just bad people, or weak people. All
people. Our mistakes are what make us human. And even when we don’t think
that we’ve made a mistake, other people will often find errors in our ways. We,
human beings, are walking offenders.
Not every culture has the same expectations when it comes to apologies.
Yet, apologies are important in any society and children should be taught to say
“I’m sorry” pretty much as soon as they are capable of constructing a full
The following is the list of steps you can do to make an effective apology.
1. A request for their attention
Before apologizing, the offender needs to ask the offended for their attention.
Depending on who the offended person is, the request may be casual, informal
or formal. A person might start with a phrase like ‘excuse me, can we talk
about something’, or ‘I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday’.
2. An admission of what happen
The next step in apologizing is to state what happened without making
excuses. The speaker might say something like ‘I know I hurt your feelings’, ‘I
caused a problem’, or ‘I forgot to do something’. The speaker should be honest
and respectful of the other person.
3. A Sincere Admission
The third piece of an apology is a sincere admission that you did something
wrong. The apologizer can say something like ‘I messed up’, ‘I made a
mistake’, or ‘I should not have done that’. The more specific the speaker can
be, the better received the apology will be.
4. The apology
Step four is the actual apology. These words are what makes an apology an
apology. The speaker should say ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I apologize’. Speakers should
be careful to say ‘I’m sorry I…’ rather than ‘I’m sorry you…’ or ‘I’m sorry if…’
The two latter phrases are likely to cause more offence or increase anger in the
already offended.
5. Some humor (optional)
Depending on how close the apologizer is to the offended person, he might
choose to include humor to lighten the mood. This can help diffuse a tense
atmosphere or melt the anger of the offended person. Particularly helpful is
self-deprecating humor, something that pokes fun at the person who offended.

6. Time to forgive
Finally, the offended person should have time to forgive the offender.
Depending on how serious the situation is, this may take seconds or days or
even longer. Someone offering a good apology gives the other person time to
resolve his or her feelings and seek reunification. It is key to avoid putting
pressure on the offended party.

Expressions of Asking for Apologies:

I am sorry
I do apologize for...
I must apologize for...
I apologize for...
I'd like to apologize for...
I am so sorry for...
I shouldn't have...
It's all my fault.
I'm ashamed of...
Please, forgive me for...
Excuse me for ...
I'm terribly sorry for...
Pardon me for this...
Please, forgive me for my....
Please, accept my apologies for...
Expressions of Accepting Apologies:
That's all right.
Never mind.
Don't apologize.
It doesn't matter.
Don't worry about it.
Don't mention it.
That's OK.
I quite understand.
You couldn't help it.
Forget about it.
Don't worry about it.
No harm done.


On this occasion, you will learn how to use the verb “apologize” with
prepositions and gerunds.
Apologize for (Verb + ing)
Mostly, the common sentence structure of the verb "apologize" is "apologize for
(Verb + ing)." For example, after an argument with a friend, you might say:
I apologize for being angry last night. Will you forgive me?
She apologized for driving her dad’s new car without permission.
If you want to talk about something you did not do, simply add the word "not".
For example:
I apologize for not coming to your party last weekend. My relatives came
to visit.

He apologized for not telling you the truth.
The -ing form of a verb is called a gerund. It acts like a noun.

Apologize for (Noun)

You can also use the verb “apologize” before a noun, as in the sentence
structure “apologize for (noun)”. For example:
I apologize for the inconvenience.
I apologize for the cancellation in the last minute.

Apologize to (noun)
When the verb “apologize” is used together with the preposition “to”, the
sentence structure “apologize to” should be followed by noun. For example:
You should apologize to Samantha. You should not take her dolls.
She would like to apologize to all of the patients because she came late.

You can also use the word “apologize” alone. For example:
There has been an error on the Learning Management System and we

As mentioned above, the –ing form of a verb is called a gerund. It functions as
a noun in a sentence structure. Here are the examples:
Riding a bike is a fun activity.
Do you want to go swimming in the pool tonight?
Jennifer likes hiking in the mountains.

Task 1 Choose the correct word from the brackets.
1. I come to apologize _____ you. ( to / for / - )
2. We apologize _____ not replying to you earlier. ( to / for / - )
3. You forgot to apologize _____. ( to / for / - )
4. Be who you are, and never ever apologize _____ that! ( to / for / - )
5. I must apologize _____ Ivy for my lateness. ( to / for / - )

Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Change the word to
the correct form.
1. My sister really enjoys __________ books and magazines.
2. __________ is not allowed inside the building.
3. I practice __________ twice a week.
4. __________ along the beach is a good way to relax.
5. I’m tired of __________ on weekends.

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV

iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Sticky note
vi. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja
You will watch a video about apologizing (
4cRmLeyeQW95_tin26UuDZ4iLZKZ/view?usp=sharing). In this video, Paul says
sorry for making Noelia fall over. Listen to the language they use for
apologizing and practice saying the useful phrases.

Before watching
Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises.
Preparation Task
Put the phrases in the correct groups.

Task 1
Are the sentences true or false?
1. Noelia is walking leisurely. True False
2. Paul feels guilty when Noelia falls over. True False
3. Noelia rejects Paul’s apology. True False
4. Noelia isn’t injured. True False
5. The laptop is still in a good condition when
Noelia falls over. True False
6. Bob walks on the laptop by accident. True False

Task 2
Complete the dialogue using the words provided in the box.

OK really so sorry right

about fine fault too

Paul : Noelia! I am (1)………………………………………………………………!

Are you (2)…………………………… ?
Noelia : I think so. That was lucky.
Paul : I’m (3)…………………………………….…… sorry! I didn’t see you!
Noelia : That’s all (4)……………………………… . I shouldn’t have been running.
Paul : Still, it was my (5)……………………………… and I’m sorry.
Noelia : I’m sorry (6)……………………………… . It was both of us. Honestly, it’s
(7)……………………………. Don’t worry (8)……………………………… it.

Read the following text and answer the questions.

1. Whom is the chat written to?

2. Why does Daanish say sorry to Lyana?
3. When does the problem occur?
4. How does Lyana respond to Daanish’s apology?
5. What does the expression “It happens” mean?

Work in pairs and choose one of the following situation cards to practice
making an apology and accepting an apology.


Write an e-mail to your lecturer to express your regret towards an
occurrence or action, for instance not attending classes, cheating on
assignments / exams, not doing assignments / homework, and misbehavior
in class.
Visit to get some
models of apology letter.

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
7. ... 1. .... 7. ...
8. ... 2. .... 8. ...
9. etc 3. Etc 9. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
No. Aspect 20 – 18 17 – 15 14 – 12 11 – 6 5–1
Excellent - Good - Adequate - Unacceptable Fail
Good Adequate Fair
1 Organization

2 Content

3 Grammar

4 Mechanics

5 Style and
quality of

Acara 5

Pokok Bahasan : Buying and Selling Personal Needs and Grocery

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : a. Asking for prices, making a request, and making a
return at the market
b. Differentiating the use of this, that, these, and those
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk: asking
prices, making requests, dan making a return at the market.
ii. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan demontrative determiner: this, that, these,
dan those

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organization: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang runut
ii. Content: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan sesuai dengan topik
yang diberikan
iii. Grammar: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang mengandung
demontrative determiner
iv. Punctuation, spelling, dan mechanics: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan
percakapan dengan menggunakan tanda baca, dan penulisan kata yang

c. Dasar Teori

Have you ever had an experience of shopping for daily needs? What did you
buy? How did you do that? Shopping for daily needs is an essential activity that
turns into people's routines. People as customers can purchase beauty products,
groceries, women's clothing and fashion, men's clothing and fashion, kitchen and
home appliances, and baby care and toys during their shopping time.

Shopping for daily needs can be done in two ways which are traditional shopping
and online shopping. Traditional shopping can be described as the activity of visiting
a shop and making a purchase. It doesn't permit customers the chance to compare
the products' prices easily. Time-consuming and less convenient become the lack of
traditional shopping. On the other hand, customers can see what they are buying
before making the payment. Having the previous benefits, traditional shopping is
comparatively safer.

Picture 5.1 Traditional Shopping

Taken from
In the opposite view, online shopping is the activity of purchasing goods and
services over the internet. Customers can shop anywhere and anytime. It tends to
be more convenient. Additionally, it allows customers to compare products' prices
easily to get the best offer. Nonetheless, online shopping does not give a chance for
customers to see or touch the products physically before making an order. It makes
the more significant risk of online fraud.

Picture 5.2 Online Shopping

Both traditional shopping and online shopping require interactions between buyer
and customer. The most common interactions between them are asking for prices,
making a request, and making a product return at the market. To ask for prices,
customers can say, "How much is this one?" Then, customers say, "Can I have this
one, please?" to make a request at the market. Last, "I'd like to return this one,
please" can be used when customers want to make a return for specific products.

Here are the expressions used for asking prices, making requests, and
making a return at the market.
Table 5.1 List of Expressions
No Types of expression Examples
1 Asking prices at the market a. How much is this one?
b. How much is that one?
c. How much are these?
d. How much are those?
e. What is the price of this bag?
f. Do you know how much this cost?
g. Can you check the price of this for
me, please?
h. How much do the apples cost?
i. How much does this book cost?

2 Making requests at the market a. Can I have this one, please?

b. Can I have three of those, please?

3 Making return at the market a. Can I return this, please?

b. Could I return this milk, please?
c. I’d like to return this milk, please


A. This, that, these, those
It's a few weeks before Christmas and Sophie is working in India. She's doing
her Christmas shopping in a local market.
As you watch the video (,
look at the examples of this, that, these and those. They are in red in the subtitles.
Then read the conversation below to learn more. Finally, do the grammar exercises
to check you understand, and can use, this, that, these and those correctly.
Table 5.2 the use of this, that, these, and those
FAQs Answers and Examples
When to use We use this/that/these/those to explain what
this/that/these/those? we are talking about. We sometimes use
them with nouns and we sometimes use
them on their own.
We use this (singular) and these (plural) to
talk about things close to us,
and that (singular) and those (plural) to talk

about things at some distance away from us.
● What about this shirt for Oliver?

● No, hold on, what about that one

over there?

So this is the idea Yes, exactly.

of here and that is the idea ● Wow, that market looks amazing.
of there?
(= there. I'm not in the market, it's
at some distance away from me)
● This market is amazing. (= here.
I'm in the market)

What about time? How does time A good question. We use that to show
affect this or that? distance in time as well as distance in space.
● This is a good film. (we're watching
it now)
● That was a good film. (we saw it at
some time in the past)

Are this/these and that/those alwa No, we can use them as pronouns, without
ys used with nouns? nouns, when it's obvious what they refer to.
● What do you think about these for
your Uncle Bob? (pointing to
● I've never seen Uncle Bob in trousers
like those. (those trousers, but we
don't need to repeat trousers)
Who was that?

I think I've That's right. This and that can refer to what
heard this and that refer to more somebody has said or what has happened.
general things too, not just specific This could be several things or ideas.
things. ● That's right. (everything you said)

● This is work you know! (all the

things I'm doing)
● That was a great concert!
(something that has just happened)

What about phone language? How When you explain who is talking you say,
do people use this and that? 'Hi, this is Dan.'
And to check who is speaking, you can say,
'Is that Jenny?'
What about introducing people to When you're introducing one person to
each other? Do I use this or that? another person, you say, 'Juliette, this is

Taken from
Task 1
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. We're going to play tennis _____ morning.
A. this
B. that
2. Shall I wear this shirt or _____ one?
A. that
B. those
3. Can I have a look at _____ trousers?
A. that
B. those

4. Let's go to _____ new club in the city center.

A. this
B. that
5. _____ posters you gave me look great on my wall.
A. These
B. Those
6. Look at _____ ring over here.
A. this
B. that
7. We'll have to do some work now; _____ isn't a holiday, you know.
A. this
B. that
8. Hi Stuart, _____ is my friend Sylvie.
A. this
B. it

d. Alat dan bahan

i. Telepon genggam pintar
ii. g drive
iii. recording

e. Prosedur kerja
Task 1
Listen to the video by clicking this link in google
( and choose the correct answer.

1. What does Miko need from the store?
a.) a can of soup, a gallon of milk, and a bag of rice
b.) a can of soup, a gallon of milk, and a bag of chips

2. What does Kayo need from the store?

a.) a box of cereal, a bag of rice, and 2 pounds of chicken.
b.) a box of cereal, a bag of rice, and a pound of chicken.

3. What does Mark need from the store?

a.) He needs 3 dozen eggs and a loaf of bread.
b.) He needs 2 dozen eggs and a loaf of bread.

4. What does Kai need from the store?

a.) He would like a loaf of bread, a bag of chips, and a dozen eggs.
b.) He would like a loaf of bread, a bag of chips, and a half dozen eggs.

5. What does Anne-Marie need from the store?

a.) She needs 4 cans of chicken noodle soup and 2 dozen eggs.
a.) She needs 2 cans of chicken noodle soup and 4 dozen eggs.

6. What does Kim need from the store?

a.) She needs some bananas, 2 boxes of cereal, and a gallon of milk.
b.) She needs some bananas, a box of cereal, and a gallon of milk.
Taken from

Task 2
Watch the commercial by clicking this link in google
( Answer the questions.

1. What is the MAIN purpose of the commercial?
a. To tell you how to order groceries online
b. To get you to buy groceries at
c. To tell you that sells dog food

2. Why does George buy groceries online?

a. He doesn’t want to leave his dog alone when he shops.
b. He doesn’t like shopping.
c. He saves money.

3. Which of these food item does George buy?

a. beans b. eggs c. cheese

4. The commercial says the store will collect George’s order. This means ___.
a. they will get the money for his order
b. they will deliver his order
c. they will shop for George’s groceries

5. What does “It’s so convenient!” describe?

a. the location of the Shop4Food store
b. the experience of shopping at Shop4Food
c. the groceries at Shop4Food

6. Which words do NOT describe Shop4Food?

a. Fresh food b. Best prices c. Great reward points

7. How much will someone save on their first order with
a. 12% b. 20% c. 30%

8. Would you shop at Shop4Food? Give 2 reasons why or why not. (2 points)

Taken from

Task 1
Read the return policy and answer the questions

Taken from


1. What is the name of the store? __________________________

2. What do you have to bring to get a refund?
a. A receipt b. A credit card c. A gift card
3. How much time do you have to return something? ____________________
4. The item must be in its original packaging. What does this mean?
a. It can be in a different package.
b. It can’t be in a different package.
c. It must be in a plastic bag from the store.
5. You bought some chicken today, but the chicken is expired. You don’t have a
receipt. Can you get a different package of chicken?
a. Yes b. No
6. You want to return some yogurt you bought 2 days ago. You don’t have a
receipt. What will you get?
a. a refund b. an exchange c. you can’t return it
7. What is a final sale?
a. You can return the item.
b. You can’t buy the item again.
c. You can’t return the item.
8. You bought the wrong gift card. Can you exchange it for a different one?
a. Yes b. No

9. How can you return something you bought online?
a. Go to a store b. Use the website c. Call the store

Read this following dialogue of making return at the market
Manager : Hi. How can I help you today?
Customer : I would like to return this milk, please.
Manager : What is the reason for the return?
Customer : The milk is sour.
Manager : When did you buy it?
Customer : Two days ago.
Manager : How did you pay for the milk?
Customer : I paid with my debit card.
Manager : Can I see your receipt, please?
Customer : I don’t have my receipt anymore.
Manager : I’m sorry. I can’t give you a refund without a receipt. But you can
get another carton of milk if you like or I can give you a store
credit. Which one would you like?
Customer : I would like a store credit.
Manager : Okay. Here is your store credit.
Customer : Thank you.
Taken from

Task 1
Make a conversation between two students about making return at the
market. Record your conversation and submit it. You can choose one of
these following topics before starting the task:
No Item Problem Methods of Payment
Topic 1 Meat expired, bad debit
Topic 2 Vegetables bad, not fresh credit
Topic 3 cheese moldy cash

Task 1
Take a picture of a grocery store. Write a review about it. Think about the
store, its location, service, prices and products. This is the example:

This is one of the grocery stores in Jember. The name of the store is Indomaret
Tanggul. It is located in Tekoan, Tanggul Kulon, Kecamatan Tanggul. It provides
dairy products, frozen foods, fruits, and bread. The place is very convenient and
clean. However, compared to the traditional market, the price of the products is
relatively higher.

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to
learning: improve:
1. .... 1. .... 1. ...
2. .... 2. .... 2. ...
2. 3. etc 3. etc


g. Rubrik
A. Grammar Task 1
Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
Total score= total points /8 x100

B. Listening Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
Total score= total points /6 x100

Listening Task 2
Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 2 0
Total score= total points /9 x100

C. Reading Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Answer Point of Incorrect Answer

1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 1 0
Total score= total points /9 x100

D. Speaking Task 1


5 □ Easy to understand and has native speaker’s accent

Pronunciation 4 □ Easy to understand with certain accent

3 □ There are some problems in pronunciation made listener

should more concentration and sometimes there is

2 □ Difficult to understand because there is problem in

pronunciation, asked to repeat

1 □ The serious pronunciation so it cannot be understood

5 □ There is no or little mistake in grammar

Grammar 4 □ Sometimes makes mistake in grammar, but it does not

influence the meaning

3 □ Often makes mistake in grammar and it influences the


2 □ There are many mistakes in grammar which made hinder in

meaning and should re-arrange sentence

1 □ The grammar mistake is so bad so it is difficult to understand

5 □ Using vocabulary and expression like native speaker

Vocabulary 4 □ Sometimes using vocabulary which is not appropriate

3 □ using vocabulary which is not appropriate, conversation

becomes limited because the vocabulary is limited

2 □ Using wrong vocabulary and it is limited so it is difficult to


1 □ vocabulary is so limited so conversation impossible to occur

5 □ Speech is smooth as a native speaker’s.

Fluency 4 □ The fluency is disturbed by language problem

3 □ The fluency is disturbed more by language problem

2 □ . Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left


1 □ Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is

virtually impossible.

5 □ Understand all without any difficulties

4 □ Understand almost all, although there is repetition in certain

Comprehend parts

3 □ Understand most of what she/he talks in slow speaking

2 □ Difficult to understand what she/he talks

1 □ Cannot understand, although in simple conversation

E. Writing Task 1

No Aspects Excellent Good Adequat Unacceptabl Not college
(86-100) (75- e e level work
84) (65-74) (55-64) <55
1 Organization
2 Content
3 Grammar
4 Punctuation,
spelling, and

Acara 6

Pokok Bahasan : Buying and Selling Currencies

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Talking about major foreign currencies, asking for
Exchange, requesting smaller denominations of currencies
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

Mahasiswa mampu melakukan komunikasi transaksional dalam wacana lisan dan/
atau tulisan sederhana untuk jual beli mata uang.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organisasi: penyampaian terorganisasi dengan baik menggunakan ide pokok,
detail, dan contoh serta menggunakan ‘signal words’ dan frasa seperti first of
all; on the other hand; for example.
ii. Kosa kata dan tata bahasa: penggunaan kosa kata yang sesuai dan tata
bahasa yang tapat.
iii. Kelancaran: Kecepatan berbicara yang sesuai/wajar dan memberikan
penekanan pada kata-kata dan ide-ide kunci/penting.
iv. Bahasa tubuh dan kontak mata: penggunaan bahasa tubuh dan kontak mata
yang natural dan rileks.

c. Dasar Teori

Suppose that we want to buy something new like clothes, shoes, and other
personal stuff, what do we need to have? In our daily life, we must have a need to
buy products and services. What we are supposed to have in order to buy goods or
services we need is money.
Money is a medium of exchange. The money, either in the forms of papers or
coins, which is used in a certain country is called currency. There are around 180
official national currencies recognized by the United Nations that are currently in
circulation around the world. The following list shows some currencies around the

Singapore Singapore Dollar SGD $
South Korea Korean Won KRW ₩
Switzerland Swiss Franc CHF CHF
Thailand Thai Baht THB
United Kingdom (UK) United Kingdom Pound Sterling GBP £
United States of America (USA) United States Dollar USD $

Nowadays, as businesses become more global and international education as well

as international travel become more popular, people’s activities across countries
become higher and higher. Thus, a currency exchange is of great importance.
Currency exchanges are businesses that facilitate customers to swap or change one
currency for another. Currency exchanges can usually be found in physical locations,
such as in banks or airports. Besides found in physical locations, today’s currency
exchanges are getting common online.

money /ˈmʌniː ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ/ the act of exchanging currencies
exchange Before we go shopping, I need to find a money exchange
(Noun) office.
exchange rate /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪt/ the value of currencies in relation to each
(Noun) other
What's today's exchange rate for the euro?
small change /smɔːl ʧeɪnʤ/ coins of low value
(Noun) The boy's pocket was full of small change.
receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ a small piece of paper that shows what goods or
(Noun) services a customer has paid for
Here's your receipt.
(Taken from:

Useful Expressions:
Selling Currencies Buying Currencies
Hi. May I help you? Where can I exchange my money?
What currency do you want to change Can I see the exchange rate?
How much would you like to change? What´s the buying rate for _______?
How would you like your bills? Could you include some small change?
Our largest note is ____________ Can I have a receipt?


Countable and Uncountable Nouns

In English, there are two main categories of nouns: countable or uncountable.

● Countable Nouns
Some nouns refer to things which are treated as separate items and can be
counted. These are called countable nouns.
Examples: a car three cars
my cousin my two cousins
a book books
a city three big cities
Countable nouns can be singular or plural. They can be used with a/an for
singular nouns and numbers or some for plurals in affirmative sentences
She has two brothers and a sister.
I’ll take some magazines with me for the flight.
There's a man at the door.
I have some friends in Jember.
In negative sentences (-), you can use a/an for singular nouns, many and
any for plurals.
I don't have a cat.
She doesn’t have many toys.
There aren't any seats.
In interrogative sentences (?), we use a/an, any or how many with countable
Is there an email address to write to?
Do you have many friends there?
How many chairs are there?
● Uncountable Nouns
In English grammar, some things are seen as a whole or mass. These are called
uncountable nouns, because they cannot be separated or counted.
Ideas and experiences : advice, information, progress, news, luck, fun, work
Materials and substances : water, rice, cement, gold, milk
Weather words : weather, thunder, lightning, rain, snow
Groups of things : furniture, equipment, rubbish, luggage
Other uncountable nouns : accommodation, baggage, homework, knowledge,
money, permission, research, traffic, travel.
These nouns are not used with a/an or numbers and are not used in the
You can use some with uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences (+),
I have some time to spare this weekend.
In negative sentences (-), you use much and any with uncountable nouns.
He doesn’t have much money.
There isn't any coffee.
You can use any and much with uncountable nouns in interrogative
sentences (?).
Is there any sugar?
Does she have much time?
How much orange juice is there?

The words some, any, much and many are the examples of Quantifiers. Watch the
following video ( for more information about
Quantifiers in English.

Task 1. Choose the correct completions.
1. a. It took me a lot of time to finish my homework / homeworks.
b. I had a lot of assignment / assignments.
2. a. I have been to Mexico three time / times.
b. I've spent a lot of time / times there.
3. a. Abdullah gave me some good advice / advices.
b. Nadia also gave me some good suggestion / suggestions.
4. a. Yoko learned several new word / words today.
b. She is increasing her vocabulary / vocabularies quickly.
5. a. I drank two glass / glasses of water.
b. Window I Windows are made of glass / glasses.
c. Mr. Chu wears glass I glasses because he has a poor eyesight / poor eyesight.
d. Tom put the wrong soap in the dishwasher. What sight / a sight!

Task 2. Complete the following sentences with some, any, much, or many.
1. Do you have ____________ tea?
2. There is __________ sugar on the table.
3. Could I have ___________ bread, please?
4. My mom doesn’t have ________ milk left, I will drink _______ juice.
5. I don’t take _________ salt in my soup.
6. How _________ photos did you take?
7. There is ___________ water here.
8. Sarah doesn’t buy ___________ fish because the price is expensive.
9. How ___________ homework do you have?
10. Do you visit _______ countries every year?
d. Alat dan Bahan
i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV

iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Sticky note
vi. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja
You will listen to three sets of dialogues about exchanging money. There are four
people involved in the dialogues. They are Cindy, an Airport Security, a Bank
Security and a Bank Clerk. There are three tasks that you need to do after you
listen to the dialogues.

Before watching
Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercises.

Preparation Task
Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.
Word Meaning
1. form a. to complete a form
2. current b. the present time
3. fill out c. a paper (or digital version) with questions that you must put
4. preference answers into
5. receipt d. the system of money used in a country
6. double check e. a payment to someone who sells something directly to the amount
7. currency sold
8. exchange f. the changing of money from one currency to another
9. rate g. the amount of a charge based on a calculation
10. commission h. piece of paper that is proof of something
i. a greater liking for one thing over another
j. to look at something again to make certain that it’s right

Task 1
Listen to the dialogue between Cindy and the airport Security. Then, answer the
1. What does Cindy need to do?
2. Does the security guard recommend a place in the airport? Why?
3. What’s the name of the place outside of the airport?
4. What time is the place outside of the airport open until?
5. Why is the place right outside of the airport the best place?

Task 2
Listen to the dialogue between Cindy, the Bank Security and the Bank Clerk. Then,
answer the questions.
1. What does Cindy need to do first?
2. What currency does she want to exchange her money into?
3. Would she like small or large bills?
4. How much money will she exchange?
5. What is the exchange rate?
6. How much money does she get for $1000?
7. How many one-thousand-yen notes does she get?

Task 3
Listen to the dialogue between Cindy and the Bank Clerk. Then, answer the
1. What currency does she want to exchange her money into?
2. How much is one Dollar worth to the Euro?
3. How many dollars does she get?
4. How many Euros does it cost her?
5. How much worth of 20’s does she get?
6. How much worth of 1’s does she get?
7. What does he give her in the end?
(Taken from:

Examine the following form and answer the questions.

(Adapted from:

1. What is the form for?


2. Who is the form filler?
3. What does the form filler do?
4. Where do you think the form filler comes from?
5. Where can the form filler get the service?
6. What information does the form filler need to fill out?
7. When does the form filler have to submit the request?
Use the following additional information to answer question number 8 – 10.
100 pennies, 20 nickels, 10 dimes, or 4 quarters; each = 1 dollar.
8. How many pennies does the form filler request?
9. How many nickels will the form filler get?
10. How many quarters make 10 dollars?

Work in pairs and role play the following situation. Record your performance.

Situation Card
Student A: You
have just arrived at the JFK airport in
New York and you need to exchange
money. Ask the officer about the place
where you can exchange your money
and then go there.
Student B: You
are an airport officer and a bank clerk.
Serve the customer professionally.


Have a look at the Cash Exchange Form above (6.4 READING). Suppose that you are
an international student studying at Wake Forest University. Now, you need to
exchange rupiah into local currency (dollar). Fill out the form.

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes with
your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced Aspects I need to improve:
during learning:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. etc 3. etc 3. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Scoring Rubric for Reading
Total Question Total Score Scoring
10 100 Total of Correct Answers X 100
Range Category Description
86 - 100 Exemplary ● Student has a complete comprehension of
the material.
● Student participated and completed all
assignments in a timely manner and
showed perfect performance.

71 - 85 Good Quality ● Student has a proficient comprehension of

the material.
● Student actively participated in all
● Student completed assignments in a
timely manner.

60 - 70 Satisfactory ● Student has an average comprehension of

the material.
● Student mostly participated in all
● Student completed assignments with

0 - 59 Not There Yet ● Student does not comprehend the

● Student did not participate in activities.

● Student did not complete assignments.

Scoring Rubric for Conversation

Organizes speaking by using main ideas as well as examples and details;
uses ‘signal words’ and phrases such as: ‘First of all; on the other hand;
for example’, etc.
Vocabulary and Grammar
Uses advanced-level vocabulary and correct verb tenses, subject-verb 12345
agreement, plural nouns, articles, etc.
Appropriate speaking speed; emphasizes key words and ideas.
Body Language and Eye Contact
Uses natural, relaxed body language to emphasize ideas. Uses appropriate 12345
eye contact.
Add up the above grades for the final grade out of 20 points

(adopted from:

Acara 7

Pokok Bahasan : Describing personal routines

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : a. Describing daily routines
b. Using simplepresent tense to describe daily routines
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan personal routines
ii. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan simple present tense

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organization: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang runut
ii. Content:menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan sesuai dengan topik
yang diberikan
iii. Grammar: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang mengandung
demontrative determiner
iv. Punctuation, spelling, dan mechanics: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan
percakapan dengan menggunakan tanda baca, dan penulisan kata yang

c. Dasar Teori

What is the first thing you do right after opening your eyes in the morning? Do
you directly have a shower or eat your breakfast? What do you do after that? Well,
everyone might have a different answer to that question. It is because they have
different daily routines.

Taken from:

The daily routines of children, teenagers, or adults might change as they keep
growing up. Some people have a fixed schedule of their daily activities, but others
may just go without any plans. Keeping a daily routine helps to stay organized and
focused. It is also a means for achieving the work-life balance

Here are some daily activities words to enhance your vocabulary in English:

Taken from

From those pictures, you can talk about your routines with your friend, for example:
- Usually, I have breakfast together with my family at 6.30 a.m
- I often do the laundry on the weekend
- I go out with my friend every Saturday night


A. Simple present tense
When describing your routines, you tell other people about your daily activities
that happen regularly. In this case, you have to use the simple present tense. Take a
look at this video and pay attention to the use of simple present tense ( Check how to construct your
sentence in the simple present tense in the following explanation. Finally, do the
grammar exercises to check that you understand simple present tense.

Taken from

Task 1
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Angga___up early every morning
a) goes
b) makes
c) gets
d) has

1. My brother usually ____ a shower before breakfast

a) does
b) takes
c) wakes
d) arrives

2. Tom always ____ breakfast before going to school

a) eats
b) goes
c) takes
d) brushes

3. He ___ to school by cycling

a) goes
b) walks
c) reads
d) drives

4. In the break time, he ___ lunch in the canteen.
a) makes
b) goes
c) plays
d) has

5. After school, my brother always ____ his homework

a) makes
b) does
c) cleans
d) gets

6. In the afternoon he ___ baseball in the park

a) starts
b) runs
c) stays
d) plays

7. I___ dinner with my parents at 6 p.m

a) have
b) has
d) had had

8. Sometimes My mom____ a little TV after cooking dinner

a) washes
b) watches
c) sees
d) stays

9. At 9.30 p.m my dad___ to bed

a) sleeps
b) makes
c) goes
d) walks

d. Alat dan bahan

i. Laptop dan telepon genggam pintar
ii. Smart TV,
iii. Portable,
iv. Microphone

e. Prosedur kerja
Task 1
Listen to the video by clicking this link in google After that, choose the correct
answer to the question.

1. Where does she live?

a.) Santa Barbara, California
b.) San Diego, California

2. What time does she usually wake up?

a.) 6.30
b.) 7.30

3. What does she do before getting ready for school?

a.) She takes her dogs for a walk.
b.) She feeds her dogs.

4. What time do her classes start? Answer a

a.) 8:30
b.) 3:30

5. What does she do after school? Answer a

a.) She chats with her friends.
b.) She plays video games.

6. What does she do after dinner? Answer a

a.) She finishes her homework and watches TV.
b.) She helps her brother do the dishes.

Task 2
Listen to this audio
G2oXXPK2BhcLunmyFa/view?usp=sharing and answer the questions.

1. What time does the man get up?

a) at 7:00 a.m.
b) at 6:00 a.m.
c) at 5:00 a.m.

2. What time does he get to work?
a) at 9:00 a.m.
b) at 8:00 a.m.
c) at 7:00 a.m.

3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?

a) They eat dinner.
b) They read books together.
c) They play games.

4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to bed?
a) They clean the house.
b) They watch TV.
c) They clean the house.

5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife?
a) She helps the kids with their homework.
b) She has to take their children to school.

Taken from

Task 1
Read the passage below and answer the questions

My name is Fitri, and I am 20 years old. I live in Jember. I am in the 2 nd year of
my study at State Polytechnic of Jember. From Monday to Friday, my day starts very
early. I always get up at 4.30, then have a pray, and have a 20-minute
shower. Then, I get dressed and comb my hair. At 6 a.m, I have breakfast. I usually
have coffee and cereal. After that, I put on my make-up and go to campus

At 10:00 a.m., I sometimes have a snack, and at noon I usually have lunch at
the canteen with my friends. They are wonderful people who have a good sense of
humour, and they are good friends too. At 3:30, I have a snack again. I usually have
some tea and biscuits.

On Friday night I always go out with my friends, we sometimes go to a café and

sometimes we meet at a friend’s house. That is why I always come home late. At the
weekend, I always visit my parents

Adapted from


Task 1
Tick True or False:

1. Fitri is Indonesian T F
2. Fitri gets up at 5:30 on Tuesdays
3. In the morning, She puts on her make-up
and after that, she has breakfast
4. She usually has some tea at noon.
5. She goes home very late on Friday

Task 2. Answer the questions about the text

1. What does she usually have for breakfast?
2. Where does she have lunch?
3. Who does she have lunch with?
4. When does she go out with her friends?
5. Who does she often visit at the weekend?

Read and try to practice the conversation below with your partner.

Adam: Hello, good morning, Johan.

Johan: Good morning Don, how are you today?
Adam: Not bad, thank you. How about you?
Johan: I’m fine.
Adam: What do you do in your daily activities?
Johan: Nothing special. I usually help my father in the garden after
going home from school.
Adam: What do you do there?
Johan: I usually hoe and water some plants.
Adam: What time do you come from your garden?
Johan: At 05.00 (five o’clock) p.m.
Adam: Great, you’re so diligent and helpful, Johan.
Johan: Thank you, Don.
Adam: Anyway, do you usually get up early at the morning?
Johan: Yes, I do. Get up early makes me fresh.
Adam: At what time do you usually get up?
Johan: I usually get up at 04.15 (quarter past four) a.m.
Adam: What do you do then?
Johan: I pray dawn at the mosque. Then, I go jogging to the
park till 5 o’clock a.m.
Adam: After that?
Johan: I take a shower and get dress.
Adam: Do you always have breakfast?
Johan: Sure. I usually have a sandwich and milk for breakfast.
Adam: At what time do you go to school?
Johan: I usually go to school at 06.45 (a quarter to seven) a.m.
Adam: How do you go there?
Johan: I go there by bike because my school is not far from my home.
How about you?

Adam: I go to school by taking a bus because my school is quite far.
It’s nice to talk to you Johan.
Johan: Yes, It's nice to talk to you too, Adam.

Task 1
Make a conversation between two students asking about their daily
routines. You may use the underlined sentences to construct the dialogue.

Task 1
Write your daily routine in a week from Monday to Sunday. Remember to include
information such as what time you get up, how you feel, what you have for
breakfast, and when you leave for school or work. Also, write about how you get to
school or work and usually late or on time. Focus on the use of present simple tense.

g. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the
boxes with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned Challenges I faced Aspects I need
during learning to improve
1. 1.1...
2. .
3. et


A. Grammar Task 1
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 1 0
10 1 0
Total score= total points /10 x100

A. Listening Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect

Answer Answer

1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
Total score= total points /6 x100

Listening Task 2
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

B. Reading Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect

Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

Reading Task 2
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

C. Speaking Task 1



5 □ Easy to understand and has native speaker’s

on 4 □ Easy to understand with certain accent

3 □ There are some problems in pronunciation made

listener should more concentration and sometimes
there is misunderstanding

2 □ Difficult to understand because there is problem

in pronunciation, asked to repeat

1 □ The serious pronunciation so it cannot be


5 □ There is no or little mistake in grammar

Grammar 4 □ Sometimes makes mistake in grammar, but it

does not influence the meaning

3 □ Often makes mistake in grammar and it

influences the meaning

2 □ There are many mistakes in grammar which

made hinder in meaning and should re-arrange

1 □ The grammar mistake is so bad so it is difficult to


5 □ Using vocabulary and expression like native

4 □ Sometimes using vocabulary which is not

3 □ using vocabulary which is not appropriate,

conversation becomes limited because the
vocabulary is limited

2 □ Using wrong vocabulary and it is limited so it is

difficult to understand

1 □ vocabulary is so limited so conversation

impossible to occur

5 □ Speech is smooth as a native speaker’s.

Fluency 4 □ The fluency is disturbed by language problem

3 □ The fluency is disturbed more by language


2 □ . Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky;
sentences may be left uncompleted

1 □ Speech is so halting and fragmentary that

conversation is virtually impossible.

5 □ Understand all without any difficulties

4 □ Understand almost all, although there is

repetition in certain parts
3 □ Understand most of what she/he talks in slow

2 □ Difficult to understand what she/he talks

1 □ Cannot understand, although in simple


D. Writing Task 1

N Aspects Excellent Good Adequat Unacceptabl Not college

No (86-100) (75- e e level work
84) (65-74) (55-64) <55
1 Organization
2 Content
3 Grammar
4 Punctuation,
spelling, and

Acara 8

Pokok Bahasan : Describing People’s Appearance

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Describing age, height, weight, general features, facial

Appearance and clothing
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan penampilan seseorang dalam wacana lisan
dan tulisan berbahasa Inggris.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organisasi: penyampaian tulisan tersusun dengan baik dibuktikan dengan
adanya pembukaan, isi dan penutup
ii. Isi: kandungan isi tulisan menunjukkan maksud dan tujuan penulisan dengan
tepat dan jelas
iii. Tata Bahasa: penggunaan tata bahasa yang tepat dan berterima
iv. Mekanik: Penggunaan ejaan, tanda baca, huruf besar dan singkatan yang tepat
v. Diksi: variasi pemilihan jenis kata, frase dan ekspresi-ekspresi yang sesuai
dengan tujuan

c. Dasar Teori
We often describe people’s appearance in everyday conversations. For instance,
you might tell your friends what the new lecturer looks like.
In describing others’ physical appearance, we need to consider several things
because some physical descriptions may be considered impolite or offensive to some
If you would like to describe people’s
appearance, you can use such following categories
such as age, height, build, eyes, hair, facial/general
features, complexion, and clothing.
To describe someone’s appearance, you will
often use adjectives. An adjective is a kind of word
that describes a noun (a person, place or thing).
Here are some words and phrases you can use
to describe a person’s appearance.
Some of them are synonyms, or words that mean almost or exactly the same
thing. Knowing more than one way of saying something is very helpful when
describing people.

To describe someone’s height, you can say they are tall or short. Tall people are higher than short people. Someone who is

Someone who weighs more than average can be curvy, well-built, full-bodied or heavy. (Curvy is usually only used to des

Light, yellowish hair can be described as blonde. But you can also call a person who has that kind of hair a blonde. (This m

Besides what color someone’s hair is, you also can say they are short-haired or long-haired. You can say they have curly,

Men sometimes have hair on their faces. Hair that covers the chin and cheeks is called a beard. When there’s hair only abo

How does a person look overall? If you think a woman is attractive, you can say she is beautiful, pretty or maybe even gor

If someone dresses well, they are smartly dressed or they look smart. You can also just say they are well-dressed. If someo

For further information click

Useful Expressions:
What do I/you/they/we look like? What does she/he look like?
I am not that tall. She is medium-height/average height.
You have a very athletic figure. He is kind of big.
They have dark-brown hair. She has long black hair.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown are both good-looking. She is ordinary looking.
You have beautiful eyes. He has deep-set eyes.
We are tanned. She has a light complexion.
I wear glasses. James has a long moustache.


Adjective Order

We use adjectives to describe nouns. We often use more than one adjective.

Adjective after "be"

We can put the adjective after "be". We can use two adjectives with "and", and commas
with three or more:
The house is big.
This house is big -------- These houses are big and white.
That house is big ---------- Those houses are big, old and white.

Adjective before the noun

We put the adjective before the noun:
o when the adjective describes the function of the noun

"swimming pool" (not "pool swimming")
o when we use the adjective without be:
"The man has short hair". (not "The man has hair short".)
"I bought the small computer". (not "I bought the computer small".)

More than one adjective

We usually put more than one adjective in a specific order. We don’t need to use
commas if we use the adjectives before the noun:
It is a big old white house. (not "It is a white big old house.")
"He has short brown hair." (not "He has brown short hair.")
"She uses a small silver computer." (not "She uses a silver small computer.")
"My hotel has a lovely big swimming pool."
(not "My hotel has a big lovely pool swimming.")

Form - order of adjectives

When we use two or more adjectives, we generally use adjectives about the individual
noun first and about the type of noun last, with opinions (suggesting good or bad) first
and facts last.
These tables show a common order of adjectives:


He is wearing an expensive leather coat.
"expensive": an opinion about the individual coat
"leather": a fact about the type of coat

He is wearing an expensive black leather coat.

"expensive": an opinion about the individual coat
"black": a fact about the individual coat
"leather": a fact about the type of coat
(taken from:

Task 1. Put the adjectives in the right order to make a sentence.

curly beautiful black shoulder-length
She has _______ _______ _______ ________ hair.
She has beautiful shoulder-length curly black hair.

blue curious large round

1. My nephew has _______ _______ ________ ________ eyes.

pointed green funny small

2. Shrek has _______ _______ _______ _________ ears.

flannel old dirty

3. My uncle is wearing a ______ _______ _______ shirt.

Brazilian slim beautiful

4. She is a ________ _______ ________ supermodel.

young Greek smart

5. His wife is a ______ _______ ________ woman.

Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct order of adjectives and noun.
1. It is a __________________.
a. hot beautiful day
b. hot day beautiful
c. beautiful hot day

2. He has ________________ table.

a. a wooden expensive
b. an expensive wooden
c. wooden an expensive
3. They sell ______________________.
a. beautiful Italian shoes
b. shoes beautiful Italian
c. Italian beautiful shoes

4. My sister has ___________________.

a. long brunette hair
b. brunette long hair
c. long hair brunette

5. The restaurant makes ___________________ food.

a. French modern delicious
b. delicious French modern
c. delicious modern French

6. There is an ________________ painting on the wall.

a. expensive old European
b. old expensive European
c. European old expensive

7. He is carrying a _______________ suitcase.
a. big leather dark
b. big dark leather
c. dark big leather

8. She usually wears a ________________ scarf.

a. silk long red
b. red long silk
c. long red silk

9. All of the students like the __________________ teacher.

a. handsome new American
b. American new handsome
c. new handsome American

10. My dad is a __________________ man.

a. hilarious young German
b. German young hilarious
c. young hilarious German

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to improve your listening skills.
Do the preparation before you start the listening practice.

Preparation: Matching
Match the person with the correct description and write a–d next to the numbers 1–4.

1…… a. She’s got straight, ginger hair.

2…… b. He’s older and he’s wearing glasses.

3…… c. She’s got black, curly hair.

4…… d. He’s got short,
brown hair

Task 1. Check Your Understanding: Multiple Choice

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best word to complete these sentences.
1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend.

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister.

3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister.

4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but
different eyes.

Task 2. Check Your Understanding: Gap Fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the correct word.
1. That? Er, that’s my __________________, Jem.
2. And that’s his girlfriend, Lucy. The _______________ girl with the
______________________ ___________________ hair.
3. Alex and Jem are _______________________. They’re both ______________.
4. They’re exactly the same! They’re both _____________ and ______________.
5. They’ve both got ___________ ____________ hair, _____________ eyes and
_________________ ears!
6. They’re not big. I think they’re _________________!
7. And, has Alex got a _____________ ?
(Taken from:

Read about Maria and Sam. Then, answer the questions below.

1. How old is Maria? ______________________________________________________
2. How old is Sam? _______________________________________________________
3. What does Maria do? ___________________________________________________
4. What does Sam do? ____________________________________________________
5. Describe Maria’s hair. ___________________________________________________
6. Describe Sam’s hair. ____________________________________________________
7. Who likes to watch TV? __________________________________________________
8. Who has a small mouth? ________________________________________________
9. Why does Maria have lots of friends? _______________________________________
10. What does Sam want to be in the future? __________________________________
(Adapted from:


Task 1. In pairs, take it in turns to describe the people below.


We use the verb ‘wear’ to talk about the clothes someone has on.

Task 1. What other items of clothing can you add to the list? Write your answers in the
spaces below.
T-shirt dress sweater shirt ____________ __________
jeans skirt suit boots ____________ __________
trainers socks trousers shoes ____________ __________

What do you usually wear at home? __________________________________________

What are you wearing now?

Task 2. Use the words in the box to complete the following paragraph.
My name is Miko. I am a (1) ____________ student. I come from (2) ______________.
I (3) _________ not tall, and I (4) ___________ not overweight either. I (5)
_____________ long hair and a pony tail. Like most Chinese, I (6) __________ brown
eyes. Today, I am (7) ___________ my student uniform because I am going to school
with my friend Noi. She (8) ________ tall and (9) ___________ short hair. She (10)
__________ a big nose, but I think she is pretty.

have (x2) am (x2) has (x2) first-year

wearing China is wear

Task 3. Now, write a short paragraph describing yourself.

My name is ____________________________________________________________

After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes with
your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. etc 3. etc 3. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
No. Aspect 20 – 18 17 – 15 14 – 12 11 – 6 5–1
Excellent - Good - Adequate – Unacceptable Fail
Good Adequate Fair
1 Organization

2 Content

3 Grammar

4 Mechanics
5 Style and
quality of
Acara 9
Pokok Bahasan : Expressing emotions

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : a. Asking for feeling/emotions and expressing
b. Using adjectives and prepotitions to express emotions
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan ungkapan yang digunakan untuk asking
for feelings/emotions and expressing feeling/emotions
ii. Mahasiswa mampu menggunakan adjectives dan prepositions

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Organization: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang runut
ii. Content:menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan sesuai dengan
topik yang diberikan
iii. Grammar: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan percakapan yang
mengandung adjectives dan prepositions
iv. Punctuation, spelling, dan mechanics: menyusun dan mendemonstrasikan
percakapan dengan menggunakan tanda baca, dan penulisan kata yang

c. Dasar Teori

Human is social beings in which they cannot live without other human. They rely
on each other and share their feelings or emotions in order to connect to each other
and to communicate. According to Collins’ dictionary “n emotion is a feeling such as
happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which can be caused by the situation that
you are in or the people you are with.” Human has 6 basic emotions including
sadness, happiness, anger, surprise and disgust.

Picture 1. Emotions
Taken from
To know the emotion or feeling of other people, it can be identified from their facial
expression or body language. Also, asking directly can be the way to know about
someone’s feeling. Some expression can be used to do that.
Watch the following video to have further understanding Video 1
( and read the list of expression
below to learn more.


Here are the expressions used for asking for feeling and how to express it.
Table 1 List of Expressions
N Asking for feelings How to express
1 How are you feeling today? a. I feel a little sad/ angry, happy…..
You look sad/ upset. Are you
b. I am sad/ angry, happy…..
You seem a little bit distracted. c. To be honest, I am sad/ angry, happy…..
Are you alright?
You seem kind of low today. d. It’s been a difficult day,
What’s wrong? e. I am mad at him/ her, them
You seem a little blue today.
What’s the matter? f. The things is that I am sad/ angry,
What’s wrong? happy…..
What’s the matter?
g. I am happy/ sad, angry about….
Are you okay/ aright?
Are you happy/angry? h. I am scared of the……
Is everything okay/ alright?

A. Using adjectives and preposition to express emotions/ feelings
There are many ways to express our feelings to other people. Watch the video
explanation in Video 2 (, look at
the examples. You may read the explanation below to learn more. Finally, do the
grammar exercise to check your understanding of expression emotions using
adjectives and preposition.
Table 1. Using adjective and preposition to express emotion
Adjectives + Preposition + Noun Phrase
frightened Of/ about/ at/ by/ The silence
scared with etc The dark
worried The situation
nervous The result
pleased The food
satisfied Etc

Task 1
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

1. I’m really angry______ my housemates - they never clean anything.

a. of
b. with
c. about

When I heard about the accident, I was horrified ____the news

a. of

b. at
c. with

2. I used to be terrified _____flying.

a. of
b. with
c. about

3. I'm a bit worried ____the exam tomorrow.

a. of
b. at
c. about

4. I'm really proud ____my sister. She's just finished university.

a. of
b. at
c. with

Task 2

More practice! Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.

I'm so ashamed ____myself. I can't believe I did something so stupid.

a. of
b. with
c. about
2. I was really surprised ____the number of people who came to the party.
a. of
b. at
c. with
3. I'm a bit stressed ____my wedding next week.
a. about
b. at
c. with
4. I'm quite content ____my job at the moment.
a. of
b. at
c. with
5. I'm really excited ____Christmas this year.
a. of
b. with
c. about
6. I'm not jealous ____my best friend, even though she's more intelligent than me.
a. of
b. at
c. with

7. Most parents teach their children to be suspicious ____strangers.

a. of

b. at
c. with
8. The police weren't satisfied ____ the driver's explanation for the accident.
a. of
b. at
c. with

d. Alat dan bahan

i. Laptop,
ii. Telepon genggam pintar,
iii. LCD Proyektor,
iv. Microphone

e.Prosedur kerja

Task 1
Listen to these Audio 3 and Audio 4. Fill in the missing words!
Tom: Dad? Are you_______ of anything?
Dad: Well . . . nothing, really. Tom: That’s not true! You’re scared of________
Dad: Afraid? Scared? No, I’m _______ of them!

Dad: Hey, are you okay, Tom? You don’t look well.
Tom: I feel ______________ about my math test.
Dad: You should relax and try to stay ______________.
Tom: Well then, can you help me ______________?
Taken from

Task 2
Watch the Video 5 ( and fill in the missing

Easy English Conversation presents . . . “Are you green with envy?” In English,
when you say that you are green with envy, it has a (1)_____________ meaning.
“Envy” is a noun. The adjective is “envious.” “Envious” means “jealous.” And

“jealous” means that you (2)_____________ something that another person has.
For example, maybe your friend has lots of money, and (3)_____________ cars,
and a big, beautiful home. And maybe you don’t have these things, but you want
them very much! When this happens, you can say, “I’m green with envy.” Of course,
it’s (4)_____________ a good feeling when you feel green with envy! Very
(5)_____________, people use this (6)_____________ as a kind of joke. They
might say, “Did you see Mary’s new sports car? I’m green with envy!” They might
just mean that they are happy for Mary. Maybe. Like in many other
(7)_____________, people can use colors to talk about how they feel. For example,
black can mean a person feels (8)_____________. Red can mean that a person feels
(9)_____________. It’s easy to understand these colors and how they have special
meanings. But where does the idiom “green with envy” come from? Why green? It
comes from William Shakespeare, who lived in England, hundreds of years ago. In
his writing, he called envy a “green-eyed monster.” A green-eyed monster? Well, like
I said, envy isn’t a good (10)____________. It can feel like a monster sometimes!
Taken from
Task 1
Read the radio interviews about emotions. How do these people feels?
Jan : Hi welcome to Straight Talk and Jan Summers our program today is
about feelings and emotions I'm asking people in the studio to tell us their stories
who can we start with hello what's your name
Steve : Hi, my name is Steve
Jan : Can you tell us about a time when you were Emma race
Steve : Yes it was my first day at my new school I saw this really pretty girl I
thought that's very nice she's probably in my class well I asked her for her phone
number and everyone left letter I found out she wasn't in my class it was my
teacher's daughter I was so embarrassed
Jan : So, what happened
Steve : We went on a date and she still my girlfriend
Jan : Thanks, Steve, Can anybody tell us about a situation when they felt
Tom : I can
Jan : What's your name?
Tom : My name is Tom. Two years ago I weighed 110 kgs. Then, I decided to
enter the London Marathon I ran every day and ate lots of fruit and
vegetables in one year I lost 40 kgs. This year I ran in the London
Marathon it was hard but I finish in 4 hours I was very tired in fact I was
exhausted after I finished the marathon I was very proud of myself.
Exhausted but proud
Jan : That's amazing you should be proud of yourself. Can anybody remember
a time when they were really frightened?
Amanda : I can
Jan : Yes what's your name?
Amanda : My name is Amanda I was very frightened once. Our house is near a
river. Well one day I was walking near the river with my dog when I saw the head
of a child under the water I thought it was dead body I was very scared so I didn't
go near it. I called the police and they came immediately. When they police look
they saw a doll in the water but I was really scared for a while.

Jan : Yes I can see you why I cannot let you know can anybody that was
about the time they felt guilty again what about jealousy can anybody think of

Task 1
Answer these following questions
1. The topic of the programme was____
a. Historical event
b. Personal events
c. Special people
2. Steve thought the girl was____
a. Laughing at him
b. In his class
c. Embarrassed
3. Tom finished the marathon in___
a. 110 minutes
b. Two hours
c. Four hours
4. After the marathon, Tom felt ____
a. Exhausted
b. Embarrassed
c. Scared
5. The police found a___ in the river
a. Dog
b. Doll
c. Child

Task 2
Answer these question based on the text above
1. Who was the girl at the school
2. Why did Steve feel embarrassed?
3. Why Amanda got scared?
4. How’s Tom feeling?
5. What to other feelings the interviewer mention?


Watch the Video 6 ( )
about asking for feelings and emotion below.

Task 1
Choose a partner and with them do a small interview section. Use these
following questions to help you keep the topic going.

Student A Student B
1. How do you feel right now? 1. How did you feel five minutes
2. How do you usually feel when ago?
you get up in the mornings? 2. How do you usually feel when
3. Talk about a time when you felt you have an English exam?
angry 3. Talk about a time when you
4. What do you like to do when you were surprised.
feel bored? 4. What makes you feel nervous?
5. Do animals have feelings? 5. Do fish have feelings?
6. Talk about a time you felt really 6. Talk about a time you felt really
happy. scared.
7. How does chocolate make you 7. Is money more important than
feel? happiness?
8. Talk about a time when you felt 8. Is it better to show your anger
embarrassed. to people or hide your anger?
9. What are some things you can Why?
do to make yourself feel 9. Do you like to watch scary
relaxed? horror movies? Why? / Why
10. How do you think your teacher not?
feels right now? Why? 10. How do these questions make
you feel?

Taken from

Task 1
Write a paragraph about a time you felt afraid, happy, scared, and
surprised. Remember to include information such as what happened to
make you feel that emotions, when and where it happened, why it
happened and who you were with. Focus on the use of tenses, adjectives,
and prepositions

Yesterday was my graduation of High School. I felt nervous the day before that since
it would be my last day in High School and said good bye to teachers, friends. I was
also anxious thinking about university life. Anyway, when the day came, I felt so
happy because I received award of best students. I could see that my parents were
so proud of me based on their facial expression. I promise them that I will continue
to give my best.

f. Refleksi

After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the
boxes with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced Aspects I need to
during learning: improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. . 2. .... 2. ...
3. et 3. etc 3. etc

A. Grammar Task 1
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

Task 2
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
Total score= total points /8 x100

B. Listening Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect

Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
Total score= total points /6 x100

Listening Task 2
Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
6 1 0
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 1 0
10 1 0
Total score= total points /10 x100

C. Reading Task 1

Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect

Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

Number of Question Point of Correct Point of Incorrect
Answer Answer
1 1 0
2 1 0
3 1 0
4 1 0
5 1 0
Total score= total points /5 x100

D. Speaking Task 1


5 □ Easy to understand and has native speaker’s accent

Pronunciation 4 □ Easy to understand with certain accent

3 □ There are some problems in pronunciation made listener

should more concentration and sometimes there is

2 □ Difficult to understand because there is problem in
pronunciation, asked to repeat

1 □ The serious pronunciation so it cannot be understood

5 □ There is no or little mistake in grammar

Grammar 4 □ Sometimes makes mistake in grammar, but it does not

influence the meaning

3 □ Often makes mistake in grammar and it influences the


2 □ There are many mistakes in grammar which made hinder in

meaning and should re-arrange sentence

1 □ The grammar mistake is so bad so it is difficult to understand

5 □ Using vocabulary and expression like native speaker

Vocabulary 4 □ Sometimes using vocabulary which is not appropriate

3 □ using vocabulary which is not appropriate, conversation

becomes limited because the vocabulary is limited

2 □ Using wrong vocabulary and it is limited so it is difficult to


1 □ vocabulary is so limited so conversation impossible to occur

5 □ Speech is smooth as a native speaker’s.

Fluency 4 □ The fluency is disturbed by language problem

3 □ The fluency is disturbed more by language problem

2 □ . Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left


1 □ Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is

virtually impossible.

5 □ Understand all without any difficulties

4 □ Understand almost all, although there is repetition in certain

Comprehend parts

3 □ Understand most of what she/he talks in slow speaking

2 □ Difficult to understand what she/he talks

1 □ Cannot understand, although in simple conversation

F. Writing Task 1

N Aspects Excellent Good Adequat Unacceptabl Not college
o (86-100) (75- e e level work
84) (65-74) (55-64) <55
1 Organization
2 Content
3 Grammar
4 Punctuation,
spelling, and

Acara 10

Pokok Bahasan : Talking About Interesting Places

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Describing interesting places
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan tempat-tempat menarik di dunia secara
lisan dan tulisan.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Kosa kata: pilihan kata sesuai dengan deskripsi tempat menarik di dunia;
ii. Ketepatan: ketepatan dalam memberikan suggestion, advice dan obligation
pada tempat-tempat wisata dunia
iii. Travel Tip penggunaan suggestion, advice dan obligation yang sesuai
iv. Kata sifat: penggunaan kata sifat: positive adjectives untuk mendeskripsikan
tempat wisata menarik
v. Landmark: penyebutan landmark di sekitar tempat wisata yang menarik

c. Dasar Teori
Ever visited a place that was drop dead gorgeous? Or maybe you visited
somewhere that was totally bad? Whatever the case may be, describing places
in English is a useful skill to learn, because it helps you paint a picture in the
mind of your listeners. So, how do you do that? That’s where adjectives are your
best friends. Now I’ll go over how to describe places in detail using adjectives.
Why do descriptive adjectives matter for describing places? Adjectives are
words that describe something such as “good” or “bad”. However, generic
adjectives like “good” or “bad” aren’t that useful when it comes to describing
locations. It’s better to use more specific words to give an accurate description of
a place. For example, let’s say you want to describe two different locations you
visited recently: an archaeological site and a beach town. Both places were
“good”, but each appeals to different people and has different things that make it
“good”. So when you can use stronger adjectives, not only does it more
accurately describe your experience, it’s also an essential element of English

Positive adjectives to describe places

When you want to describe the positive traits of a place, consider first what
captured your attention. Were the sights breathtaking? Was the place interesting
from a historical point of view? What about the people you met? What made your
holidays memorable? Did the place satisfy your needs? Let’s say you spent a week
relaxing in a rural town, immersed in the local culture. There are specific words
you can use to express how relaxing the town was.

● Adjectives that express calm

Some people simply enjoy the tranquility location. They are looking for relaxation,
and they enjoy taking their time to do stuff. These adjectives describe a place
that conveys a sense of peace In that case, you could use adjectives such as:

Calm Peaceful Quiet Serene

The place was quiet, I enjoyed my stay

The week at the farm was peaceful

● Adjectives that express beauty
Some places offer breathtaking sights – be it from nature, or from a city with a
rich culture. When you use these adjectives, you are talking about how beautiful
the place is. If that’s the case, you could describe the place as:

Charming Stunning Scenic picturesque

I went mountain biking at Steamboat Springs and the landscape

was picturesque
Venice is a charming city

● Adjectives that express cultural relevance

Museums, religious places, and archaeological sites are all interesting places.
These adjectives refer to how the city is attractive not for its looks, but for what it

Interesting Fascinating Stimulating Intriguing

Negative adjectives for describing places

Unfortunately, not all places are great. You might want to guard someone against
visiting certain locations, because they’d be wasting their money and time – or
even worse, risking their lives. Here are some negative adjectives you can use
to dissuade people from visiting certain locations:

dangerous boring polluted expensive

● Other adjectives for describing places

There are adjectives that can be interpreted depending on subjective factors.
While no one can deny that a city like Rome is charming, there are attributes
that some people might find desirable, while others might not. These are some
examples of such adjectives, together with their opposites, so you can better
understand what I mean:

● bustling vs isolated: a bustling city is a great environment for people who enjoy a
faster-paced lifestyle, but they are undesirable for those who prefer isolated places.
● modern vs traditional: some people love technologically advanced places, while
others prefer a more traditional approach to life.
warm vs cold: this is a debate that will never end. Some people enjoy warmer
climates, while others feel more comfortable in colder ones. Who am I to judge?

(Adopted from


Using modals of suggestion, advice, and obligation

Purpose Modal

Suggestion Could, might (want to)

Advice Should, ought to, had better

Obligation Must, have / has (got) to

Subject Modal Base form of verb

I / We / You / They could Leave

He / She / It might (want to)
ought to
had better

Subject Modal Base form of verb

I / We / You / They have (got) to Leave

He / She / It has (got) to

We use the modals of suggestion Could, might (want to) to give someone ideas
about possible plans or actions.

You could wear your T-Shirt

You might want to get an umbrella before we leave

We use the modals of advice Should, ought to, had better to give our opinion
of the best thing to do in a particular situation.
You should bring mineral water

You ought to wear long sleeves shirt

You had better take sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn

We use the modals of obligation Must, have / has (got) to to talk about
something that someone has to do.

She must remove her shoes and socks before entering the Siem Reap


You have to dress appropriately by covering your shoulders and knees

when entering the temple

He has got to take his hat off inside the Siem Reap temple.

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/Laptop/Handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable Speaker
iv. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja


I. You are going to listen to an automated telephone message for a

sightseeing tour of New York. Listen to the recording carefully and
spot any differences between the advertisement and the information
you hear on the recording. (Audio New York City Tour)

(Taken from Listening Extra, Cambridge University Press)
II. Based on the recording and the advertisement above, please identify
and classify the interesting places.

Heritage and Leisure and Rural/farm

religious tourism recreational tourism

I. EXERCISE: Observe this picture. Write sentences by using modals
of suggestion, advice, and obligation




II. Read the following City Flyer

(Taken from

III. Match the sentences with the attraction in Liverpool.

It’s open every day except at It opened in 2008.


You can tour the stadium Children have to pay £7 to enter.

The price is the same for students There is free entry for everybody.
and under -16

It closes at 5 p.m. This is located in the centre of Liverpool.

The Beatles Story Liverpool ONE Shopping Centre

Liverpool FC Liverpool Museum

IV. Circle True or False for these sentences

1. The Beatles were a famous rock group in the 1970s. True False
2. There are 2008 shops at Liverpool ONE. True False
3. It costs £15 for adults to tour Anfield stadium. True False
4. Liverpool FC plays their games at Liverpool ONE stadium. True False

5. You don't have to pay at the Liverpool Museum. True False
6. Young children can go on the Anfield tour for free. True False

V. Observe the travel tips below

VI. Based on the travel tips above, what can you suggest to the people
who want to visit Cambodia?


I. Observe the following pictures

II. Describe those places orally and let your partner guess and show
the intended pictures

III. Read the conversation in pair. Choose the situational card below
and make a conversation based on that card
Joey : Can I ask you some advice?
Tom : Yes, of course
Joey : What do you recommend I see and do in New York?
Tom : I recommend checking out the Statue of Liberty and the Empire States
Joey : Yes, I really want to go see both places. Where is a good place to go
Tom : I recommend you go to Fifth Avenue. There are many big department
stores there.
Joey : I will keep that in mind. Where is the best place for cheesecake?
Tom : You have to go to Juniors in Brooklyn.
Joey : Absolutely, I can’t wait.
Tom : where will you stay?
Joey : I’ll stay at the Wall Street Hotel on Fifth Avenue.
Tom : I know that hotel very well, it’s very nice.

Joey : That’s great to hear. May I ask one more question?
Tom : yes, Of course
Joey : What is the best place to have a beer there?
Tom : There is a great rooftop bar called Lava Lounge. It has a beautiful view of
Times Square.
Joey : Perfect, thank you so much for your advice.
(Taken from

The situational Cards

Ahmad is your best friend who

Cho is your friend from Seoul. You
recently went to Dhaka to visit many
are from Jakarta and want to have
interesting places there. Now, make a
vacation there. Make a telephone
dialogue between you and your
conversation with her and ask her to
friend, Ahmad about some interesting
recommend places to visit.
places in Bangladesh

SIta is your friend from India. You

will visit her next week. She gives
you some travel advice before coming
to India. Make a conversation about

I. Read the following text. Choose one popular city, then write a travel
advice. Please provide some photos.

(Taken from National Geographic Learning)

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes with
your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. Etc 3. etc 3. Etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Scoring Rubric for Reading
Total Total Score Scoring
20 100 Total of Correct Answers X 100

Range Category Description

86 - 100 Exemplary ● Student has a complete comprehension of
the material.
● Student participated and completed all
assignments in a timely manner and
showed perfect performance.

71 - 85 Good Quality ● Student has a proficient comprehension of

the material.
● Student actively participated in all

● Student completed assignments in a
timely manner.

60 - 70 Satisfactory ● Student has an average comprehension of

the material.
● Student mostly participated in all
● Student completed assignments with

0 - 59 Not There Yet ● Student does not comprehend the

● Student did not participate in activities.

● Student did not complete assignments.

No. Aspect 20 – 18 17 – 15 14 – 12 11 – 6 5–1

Excellent - Good - Adequate - Unacce Fail
Good Adequate Fair ptable
1 Organization

2 Content

3 Grammar

4 Punctuation,
spelling and
5 Style and
quality of

Scoring Rubric for Writing

Acara 11

Pokok Bahasan : Talking About Eating-Out In Restaurants

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Ordering meals, discussing menu, recommending
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan kontak social dalam hal memesan menu di
ii. Mahasiswa mampu mendiskusikan menu yang akan mereka pesan saat
berada di restaurant
iii. Mahasiswa mampu merekomendasikan menu kepada orang lain saat
berada di restaurant

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Keaktifan dan keterlibatan dalam percakapan: semua anggota kelompok
berpartisipasi dalam menyelesaikan tugas
ii. Kerjasama dan tanggung jawab: setiap anggota bekerja dengan baik,
menghormati anggota dan setiap anggota memberikan kontribusi,
pendapat, ide dengan maksimal.

c. Dasar Teori
Table Manners and Dining Etiquette
For Meals in a Social or Professional Setting

Regardless of where you are eating, proper etiquette at the table is important.
Even when it's just you and your family having a meal together, you still want to
set an example for your kids.

Getting Started
As soon as you sit down, turn to your host or hostess and take a cue for when to
begin. Once the host unfolds his or her napkin, you should remove your napkin
from the table or plate, and place it on your lap. If you are dining out, you should
place your napkin in you lap immediately after you sit down.

Keep your napkin in your lap until you are finished eating. If you must get up at
any time during the meal and plan to return, place the napkin on either side of
your plate. After you are finished, place your napkin on the table to the left of your

When to Eat
If you are eating out, you should wait until all the members of your group have
been served before picking up your fork. At a private dinner, observe the host or
hostess and pick up your fork when he or she does. However, if you are at a buffet,
you may start when there are others seated at your table.

Table manners were designed to keep people from scarfing food down like animals,
so learn them before you eat with others. Here are some essential dining etiquette
rules that you should follow:
● Turn off your cell phone before sitting down. It is rude to talk on your phone or
text while in the company of others.
● Never talk when you have food in your mouth. That’s just gross. Even if
someone asks you a question, wait until you swallow before answering.
● Taste your food before you add salt, pepper, or other seasoning. Doing
otherwise may be insulting to the host or hostess. If you are dining with a
prospective employer, the person may perceive you as someone who acts
without knowing the facts.
● Don’t cut all your food before you begin eating. Cut one or two bites at a time.

● Never blow on your food. If it is hot, wait a few minutes for it to cool off. Scoop
your soup away from you.
● Some foods are meant to be eaten with your fingers. Follow the lead of the host
or hostess.
● If you are drinking from a stemmed glass, hold it by the stem.

● Break your bread into bite-sized pieces and butter only one bite at a time.

● Try at least one or two bites of everything on your plate, unless you are allergic
to it.
● Compliment the hostess if you like the food, but don’t voice your opinion if you
● Use your utensils for eating, not gesturing.

● Keep your elbows off the table. Rest the hand you are not using in your lap.

● Eat slowly and pace yourself to finish at the same approximate time as the host
or hostess.
● Avoid burping or making other rude sounds at the table.

● If you spill something at a restaurant, signal one of the servers to help. If you
spill something at a private dinner party in someone’s home, pick it up and blot
the spill. Offer to have it professionally cleaned if necessary.
● When you finish eating, leave your utensils on your plate or in your bowl.

● Never use a toothpick or dental floss at the table.

● You may reapply your lipstick, but don’t freshen the rest of your makeup at the

After the Meal

After you finish eating, partially fold your napkin and place it to the left of your
plate. Wait until the host or hostess signals that the meal is over, and then you
may stand. After the meal is over, don’t eat and run. If nothing is planned after
dinner, stick around for approximately an hour before saying good-bye to the host
and thanking him or her for the dinner. If the event is informal, you may offer to
help clean up.

(Taken from



Articles are words that we need to put before some nouns. There are two types of

The definite article the the grapes

The indefinite articles a and an a peach

an orange

Articles come before any adjectives or adverbs that describe the noun.

the delicious grapes a very big orange an old peach


We use the when the noun refers to something specific or known:

● a noun that the speaker and the listener both know about
I told my son to wash the car.

● a noun that has already been introduced in the conversation
I ate an apple. The apple was awful.
● a famous noun that most people know about
The Gobi desert is beautiful.
The world is a wonderful place.


We use a or an when a noun is new or unknown.

I ate a banana.
I ate an apple.

We use a before words that begin with a consonant sound (a carrot)

and an before words that begin with a vowel sound (an orange, an hour).

We only use a or an with singular nouns.

a banana
an apple


We don't need to use articles when we talk about a plural or uncountable noun
in general.

I love apples.
I always use too much salt in my food.


Article Singular countable Plural countable Uncountable

nouns nouns nouns
the The orange is The bananas are The tea is ready.
(specific / delicious. over here.
a or an I bought a peach.
(new / unknown)
I bought an apple.
no article Carrots are great. Fruit is great.
(talking in
(Taken from

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Sticky note
vi. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja

EXERCISE: Observe this picture. Complete each conversation with a, an, or

1 A: What do you feel like eating 2 A: I’m in the mood for

tonight? __________ really spicy dish.
B: Well,_______________ seafood B: Well, what about _________
special sound delicious Thai chicken? Thai food is
usually spicy

1 A: There are two kinds of soup: 2 A: What would you like for your
chicken noodle and mixed vegetable main course? We have . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . nice grilled chicken
special on ................ . menu
B: I think I'd like ................. chicken B: That sounds good. I'll
noodle. I'm not a vegetable fan. have ................. chicken special.
(Taken from Top Notch 1A by Saslow and Ascher)

1. You will hear two people order food in a Thai restaurant. Focus on the
menu and the order sheet. Listen the first part and complete the order
sheet as if you are the waiter.(Audio 1)


You will hear the second part of the conversation. This time you must listen and make a note of how each person en

Starter Main course Dessert


3. Listen part 2 of the conversation again. This time you should think about
the relationship between Brian and Tracy, and choose T (true) or F
(false) for the statements below. (Audio 2)

a. Brian and Brian and Tracy
Tracy are married work together

(Taken from Listening Extra, Cambridge University Press)

11.4 Reading
1. PREPARATION. Write the names of the food and drink in the boxes below
the picture.
Pizza Steak Hamburger Fish

Cappuccino Fruit smoothie English breakfast pasta

2. Check out these reviews of the trendiest places to eat.

(Taken from

3. Match the people with the best restaurant for them. Write the restaurant
names below
Your Local Caff The Lemon Tree Fast Best

The Chocolate Box Last Days of the Raj A Taste of Tuscany

(Taken from

4. Write the names of restaurants from the article in the box.

Which restaurant (s) Which restaurant(s) In which restaurant(s)

serve hot and spicy only have desserts and can you listen to some
food? sweets? great music?

Which restaurant(s) serve

Which restaurant(s) are
Which restaurant(s) emply an all-day breakfast
good for people who don't
staff trained in Europe? including sausages, bacon
eat meat?
and eggs?

1. Study and listen the phrases below. (Audio 3)
10 Questions You Might Hear 10 Questions You Might Ask
(Audio 3A) (Audio 3C)
1. A table for how many? 1. Are you open?
2. Do you have a reservation? 2. Could we have a non-smoking table,
3. Are you ready to order? please?
4. Would you like an appetizer? 3. Could we have a menu, please?
5. Would you like anything to drink? 4. Do you have a kids’ menu?
6. Would you like dessert? 5. Can we change our table?
7. Would you like another coffee? 6. Could I have (a coffee refill), please?
8. Would you like fries with that? 7. Where is the restroom?
9. How is everything? 8. Could I have a doggy bag [take-home
10. Would you like anything else? box], please?
9. Can we have the bill, please?
10. Do you accept credit cards?

10 Statements You Might Hear 10 Statements You Might Say

(Audio 3B) (Audio 3D)
1. Welcome! 1. A table for (three), please.
2. I’m sorry, there are no tables 2. We have a reservation.
available. 3. Sorry, no smoking 3. We need a few more minutes before we
is allowed. order.
4. Sorry, no pets are allowed. 4. We’re ready to order.
5. Today’s special is (spaghetti). 5. I would like (a salad).
6. I’m sorry, we’re out of 6. The food is too cold.
(spaghetti). 7. The food is (great).
7. Let me repeat your order. 8. We need another fork.
8. I’m sorry, we don’t accept credit 9. There’s (a fly) in my soup!
cards. 10. We’d like to see the dessert menu,
9. The restaurant is closing in ten please.
10. Please come again.

(Taken from

2. Study and practice the following conversation with your partners. Pay
attention on the use of article.

Waiter: Hello
Jamie: Hi. A table for two, please.
Waiter: Of course. Over here, please. Here’s the menu.
Sally: Thank you. (pause)

Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Sally: Yes, we are.
Waiter: What would you like for your starter?
Jamie: I’d like French onion soup, please.
Sally: And I’ll have a tomato salad, please.
Waiter: And for your main course?
Jamie: Mmm, I’m not sure. I don’t know whether to have the steak or Thai
Sally: Oh, I’d like the Thai chicken and rice, please.
Jamie: OK, me too.
Waiter: So that’s two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink?
Jamie: I’ll have a fresh orange juice and ...
Sally: I’d like some mineral water, please.
Waiter: OK, thank you
(taken from

3. Make a group of three or four students. Choose one student to click the
following link . Then, click the
start button. Spin the wheel to see which country you are going to
choose. Find a restaurant menu online from the chosen country then
make a conversation based on it.

Read the example below. Choose one country, and then find an eating
etiquette. Rewrite the ideas using your own words.

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes with
your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
1. ... 1. .... 1. ...
2. ... 2. .... 2. ...
3. Etc 3. etc 3. Etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian
Scoring Rubric for Reading
Total Question Total Score Scoring
20 100 Total of Correct Answers X 100

Range Category Description

86 - 100 Exemplary ● Student has a complete comprehension of
the material.
● Student participated and completed all
assignments in a timely manner and
showed perfect performance.
71 - 85 Good Quality ● Student has a proficient comprehension of
the material.
● Student actively participated in all
● Student completed assignments in a
timely manner.
60 - 70 Satisfactory ● Student has an average comprehension of
the material.
● Student mostly participated in all
● Student completed assignments with
0 - 59 Not There Yet ● Student does not comprehend the
● Student did not participate in activities.

● Student did not complete assignments.

Scoring Rubric for Writing
No. Aspect 20 – 18 17 – 15 14 – 12 11 – 6 5–1
Excellent Good - Adequate - Unacceptabl Fail
- Good Adequat Fair e
1 Organization

2 Content

3 Grammar

4 Punctuation,
spelling and
5 Style and
quality of

Acara 12

Pokok Bahasan : Talking About Past Experience

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Telling about past event and activities
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu menceritakan secara lisan dan tulisan tentang kegiatan
yang terjadi di masa lampau.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Awal cerita: memiliki awal cerita menarik dan kreatif
ii. Alur: memiliki fokus jelas dengan detail cerita yang logis, menarik, dan
kreatif/transisi digunakan dengan efektif
iii. Bahasa deskriptif: menggunakn kata sifat deskriptif; metfor/simile yang sesuai
iv. Akhir cerita: memiliki akhir cerita yang bagus dan terdapat nilai yang dapat
v. Konversi: ejaan, kapitalisasi, tanda baca, penulisan paragraph dan tata bahasa
yang efektif
vi. Penyajian tulisan: rapi dan sesuai format/template

c. Dasar Teori
A. Sharing Personal Experience
Language for talking about personal experiences can be divided into
phrases to talk about:
a. general/ repeated experiences like “I have (generally) found that…”
and ones for one-off experiences like “A couple of days ago…” There

are also some that can be used in both situations such as “When I was
b. repeated experiences in the past which stopped such as “I used to…
all the time” or pick out one particular occasion from repeated experiences
with “The first/ last time I…” etc.


A. Simple Past Tense
We use Simple Past Tense to talk about:
a. Something that happened once in the past:
1. The film started at seven thirty last night.
2. We arrived home before dark yesterday.
b. Something that was true for some time in the past:
1. Everybody worked hard through the winter.
2. We stayed with our friends in London.
When we talk about something that happened several times in the past, we
a. Simple Past Tense
1. Most evenings, we stayed at home and watched DVDs.
2. Sometimes they went out for a meal.
b. Used to
1. Most evenings, we used to stay at home and watch DVDs.
2. We used to go for a swim every morning.
c. Would
1. Most evenings, he would take the dog for a walk.
2. They would often visit friends in Europe.
We do not normally use would with stative verbs. We use the past
simple or used to instead:
1. He would looked much older than he does now. (NOT would look)
2. We would used to feel very cold in winter. (NOT would feel)
B. Present Perfect Tense
We use Present Perfect Tense:
a. for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

1. We have lived here since 2017. [and we still live here]

2. I have worked at the university for over ten years.
b. for something that happened in the past but is important in the
1. I can't open the door. I've left my keys in the car.
2. Jenny has found a new job. She works in a supermarket now.

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Flip chart
vi. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja
A. Match the words on the left to the meanings on the right.
1. strange a living, not dead
2. unbelievable b unusual or surprising
3. count c delicious
4. insect d to determine the number of something or
number of times that something happened
5. alive e a small animal like a fly
6. experience f very impressive and eye-catching
7. spectacular g difficult to believe
8. tasty h knowledge or experience that you get from
doing something

B. Now, watch the following video entitled Telling Past Experiences

usp=sharing). Answer the following questions after watching the video.
1. Where did Tony go?
2. What did he ride through the desert?
3. How many times has Tony ridden a horse?
4. How does Tony describe horses?
5. How many countries has Tony been to?
6. What was Tony’s favourite country?
7. Did he eat any strange or interesting dishes when he was in Thailand?
8. What did he think about the fried insects and dancing shrimp?

A. Read the text and answer the questions.
Tono and Tini are from Est Java. Last year, they went on holiday to
Yogyakarta. One night, they went out for their dinner. They looked for a good
restaurant. Outside one restaurant, they say a man and a woman. The man
looked cool and he smiled. Tono and Tini greeted him and he answered in
Javanese. They asked the man if the restaurant was a good restaurant. He
recommended it and said it was excellent. He said it had the best food in
Yogyakarta. Tono and Tini trusted the man because he spoke Javanese and
seemed to know the city very well.
They sat at a nice table beside a window. They ordered nasi gudeg. Then,
the waiter brought their dish. It was terrible! There was a small portion of
gudeg and it smelled nasty, the chicken was undercooked and the rice was
sticky and horrible. At the end of the meal, the waiter gave them the bill. It
was very big! When they left the restaurant, the Javanese man was still there.
Tono and Tini told him that he was wrong about the restaurant and they said it
was dreadful, really awful. They asked him, “Why did you recommend it?”
“Because I am the manager,” he answered.

B. Are the sentences true or false?

1. Tono and Tini went to Yogyakarta for work.
2. They went out to find good food for dinner.

3. The food was excellent.
4. When they left, the man was not there.
5. They were disappointed with the service of the restaurant.

C. Answer the following questions!

1. When did Tono and Tini go to Yogyakarta?
2. Why did they decide to eat in the restaurant?
3. What did they order?
4. If you experience the same thing, what will you do?
5. What should be done to make sure that a restaurant is good or not?

Have a look at the following pictures and read the questions. Choose one
of the questions and ask your friend to answer it. Take turns in asking
and answering. You can use phrases you have learned in the lecturing
class to do the activity.


Have you ever gone on a vacation? Tell about your most memorable experience
when having a vacation. Your writing should include:
a. Introduction: let the readers know the essence of what you will be
describing and your point of view;
b. Body of the story: give the readers a very clear idea of what happened and
how you feel about that. You can tell the story chronologically, or the facts
may be grouped by importance or type; and

c. Conclusion: wrap up and stat the point of the story, whether it is a lesoon,
an idea, or just a learning experience.

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
10. ... 1. .... 10. ...
11. ... 2. .... 11. ...
12. etc 3. etc 12. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian

Taken from:

Acara 13

Pokok Bahasan : Talking about Public Transportation

Acara Praktikum/Praktik : Discussing and ordering a tickets, planning a trip, and
writing about public transportation matters
Tempat : Laboratorium Bahasa
Alokasi Waktu : 1x1x170’

a. Kemampuan Akhir yang Diharapkan (KAD)

i. Mahasiswa mampu mendiskusikan jadwal dan memesan tiket
ii. Mahasiswa mmpu merancang perjalanan menggunakan transportasi umum.
iii. Mahasiswa mampu mendeskripsikan hal yang berkaitan dengan transportasi.

b. Indikator Penilaian
i. Argumen: valid
ii. Keterlibatan dalam percakapan: semua anggota tim focus dan tugas
terselesaikan dengan baik
iii. Teamwork: Kerja sama dan partisipasi tim tinggi, setiap orang berkontribusi
dan semua pendapat terfasilitasi
iv. Pemahaman: semua anggota tim memahami alasan/dasar dari argument
anggota tim yang lain.

c. Dasar Teori
A. Public Transportation
Public transportation is the system of buses, trains, etc. provided by the
government or by companies, which people use to travel from one place to
transportation). There are several example of public transportation; bus, train,
taxi, plane, subway, ferry, etc.

B. Buying Tickets
If you want to use any form of public transportation, you will need a
ticket. There are many ways or places to buy tickets.
1) Buying tickets for the bus or tram
For the bus and tram, you usually buy the ticket on board. There is a person
on the bus, or tram called a ticket collector. On the bus, this person may be
known as the bus conductor. You tell the ticket collector where you want to
go and he or she will tell you how much it costs.
− One to Bungurasih Surabaya, please. (One means one
− Two to Probolinggo, please. (Two means two people — you and your
− One and a child to Solo. (a child means a ticket for a child)
Or you can ask the ticket collector how much to your destination:
X: How much to Surabaya?

Y: sixty thousand rupiahs.
X: Two, please.

2) Buying a ticket for the train or the ferry

If you want to travel by subway, train or ferry, you have to buy a ticket from
the ticket office. There is a ticket office in the train or subway station and this
is where you buy your tickets. For the ferry, there is a ticket office or small
kiosk usually at the front entrance of the ferry port.
For the train and sometimes on the ferry, you can buy a one-way ticket (which
just takes you to your destination), or a return ticket/roundtrip ticket (which
takes you to your destination and back to again). For the subway, you can
usually only buy a one-way ticket. Tickets on the train can be first- or second-
− A one-way ticket to Malang, please.

− A round-trip to Yogyakarta, please.

− A first-class ticket to Jakarta, please.

− One for Bali, please.

− Two for Surabaya, please.

− A return to Jember, please.

3) Other places to buy tickets
- Supermarkets
- Travel Card
- Travel App
- Taxi


A. Talking about the future: will and be going to
a. We use “will”:
1) When we express beliefs about the future
− It will be a nice day tomorrow.

− I think Brazil will win the World Cup.

− I'm sure you will enjoy the film.

2) To mean want or to be willing to
- I hope you will come to my party.
- George says he will help us.
3) To make offers and promises
− I'll see you tomorrow.

− We'll send you an email.

4) To talk about offers and promises

- Tim will be at the meeting.
- Mary will help with the cooking.
b. We use “be going to”:
1) to talk about plans or intentions:
− I'm going to drive to work today.

− They are going to move to Manchester.

2) to make predictions based on evidence we can see
− Be careful! You are going to fall. (= I can see that you might fall.)

− Look at those black clouds. I think it's going to rain. (= I can see that
it will rain.)

d. Alat dan Bahan

i. Komputer/laptop/handphone
ii. LCD Projector/Smart TV
iii. Portable speaker
iv. Video
v. Flip Chart
vi. Pointer
vii. Internet

e. Prosedur Kerja

Listen to the audio. There are five speakers giving announcement. After listening
to the audios, answer the following questions.
A. Match the speaker with the place the plane is going to
1. Speaker A a New York
2. Speaker B b Athens

3. Speaker C c Rome

4. Speaker D d Tokyo

5. Speaker E e Amsterdam

B. Read the statements and write the correct answers

1. The 9.25 flight to Rome is delayed by ____ hours.
2. Passengers going to Tokyo should go to boarding gate ___
3. Passengers going to Athens should go to boarding gate ___
4. The flight number of the plane going to Amsterdam is ___. It will leave from
the gate ___
5. The time in ____ is 18.30.
6. The temperature in New York is___


The following is an example of a passenger’s boarding pass. Read the
information given and answer the questions.

1 Where did James Bond go?

2 Where did Mr. Brown do his luggage check-in?
3 How long was his flight?
4 What was the flight number?
5 Supposed that Mr. Brown lost his boarding pass before departing, what
should he do?

You are planning a trip with your partner and make a conversation which include
information about where you want to go, transportation and accommodation you
need to take and book topics (you can also use the online applications, such as
Tokopedia, Traveloka, PT KAI, etc or manually in the ticket office), trip schedules
to arrange, and other related topics. Practice the conversation in front of the

Write the advantages and disadvantages of taking public transportations
(minimum 3 points for each of the advantages and disadvantages). Provide
them with your reasons,
No Advantages Disadvantages

f. Refleksi
After learning the materials in this chapter, what have you learned? Fill the boxes
with your most objective thoughts.
I have learned... Challenges I faced during Aspects I need to improve:
13. ... 1. .... 13. ...
14. ... 2. .... 14. ...
15. etc 3. etc 15. etc

g. Rubrik Penilaian

Taken from:



British Council. (2018). Grammar.

Miqawati, A. H, Wijayanti, F., Aisyiyah, S., & Rukiati, E. (2020). Touch Up (An
Integrated Skills Course for General English Survival: Book 1). Polije Press.
Miqawati, A.H., Wijayanti, F. Indrastana, N. S., & Rinda, Renata Kenanga. (2021).
BKPM Basic English. Politeknik Negeri Jember.
Saslow, J. M & Ascher, A. (2015). Top Notch 1 Workbook (3rd Edition). Pearson
Saslow, J. M., Ascher, A., Morsberger, R. E., Ruzicka, D., Long, W. P., & Laporte, P.
(2011). Top Notch Fundamentals (3rd Edition). Pearson Education.
Saville-Troike, M., & Barto, K. (2017). Introducing second language acquisition.
Cambridge University Press.
Viney, P. (2016). Survival English: New Edition. Macmillan Education.


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