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Nama : Etha Oktavia Puspita Dewi

Nim : 1921B0008
Course : Research Methodology

Introduction to the Quantitative Research Process

Pembahasan :
 At the end of the class, student will be able to :
 Diskusikan berbagai jenis penelitian kuantitatif
 Mendiskusikan konsep yang relevan dengan penelitian kuantitatif
 Quantitative research process
1. Problem & purpose
2. Hypotheses or questions
3. Literature review
4. Conceptual framework
5. Study design
6. Sampling
7. Intrument R &V
8. Legal ethical
9. Data collection (kuantitatif yang kmu lakukan harus membaca
10. Data analysis (spss, data klinik, data screening) harus objektif
dengan menggunakan model statistik.
11. Discussion (langkah-langkah yang general)
12. Summary and refences
13. Budget funding (budgeting atau pembiayaan selama menyusun

 Formal, objective, rigorous, systematic proces untuk menghasilkan

 Menjelaskan new situations, events,or concepts
 Examines relationsships among variables ( memeriksa hubungan antar
 Determines the effectiveness of treatments (kamu akan mengcompare
sebelum dan seduah interpretasi apakah data tersebut relate atau tidak)

Quantitative research :
 Descriptive (mean,median,mode)
 Correlational (korelasi statistik antara variabel)
 Quasi-experimental (interpretasi experimental, tidak random sampling)
 Experimental (random samplingnya)
Increased control with type of study : mengontrol dengan tipe penelitian
(mengelompokkan interpretasi data)
Descriptive research :
 Explation and description of phenomena in real life situations
(menjelaskan situasi kehidupan nyata)
 New meaning is discovered and the description of concepts is
accomplished (menemukan makna baru dan konsep deskripsi tercapai)
 Helps to identify relationships (mengidentifikasi hubungan)

Correlational research :
 Looks at the relationship between two or more variables (melihat
hubungan antara 2 varibel atau lebih)
 Determines the strength and type of relationships (Menentukan kekuatan
dan jenis hubungan)
 Explains what is seen (menjelaskan apa yang dilihat)
 No cause and effect ( tanpa sebab dan akibat)

Quasi-experimental research :
 Examines cause and effect relationships (Memeriksa hubungan sebab dan
 Less control by researcher than true experimental designs (lebih sedikit
control dari pada desain yang sebenarnya)
 Samples are not randomly selected ( sample tidak dipilih secara acak)
 All variables in the study cannot be controlled by the researcher (semua
variabel tidak dikendalikan oleh peneliti)

Experimental research :
 Looks at cause and effect relationships (melihat hubungan sebab akibat)
 Highly controlled, objective, systematic studies
 Involves the measurement of independent and dependent variables
(independen dan dependen)
 Main charasteristicts :
 Controlled manipulation of at least one independent variables
(manipulasi terkendali)
 Uses experimental and control groups (menggunakan kelompok
eksperimen dan kontrol)
 Random assignment of the sample to the experimental and control
groups (penempatan sampel)
Concepts relevant to quantitative research
 Basic research (penelitian dasar)
 Research for the sake of research = penelitian demi penelitian
 Research to find out the truth = penelitian untuk menemukan
 Investigating “what is” = apa adanya
 Applied research
 Upaya untuk memecahkan masalah nyata dalam praktik klinis
 Kekhawatiran tentang efek intervensi yang mungkin terjadi pada
 Menerapkan temuan dalam kata nyata pada pasien nyata

 Rigor
 Striving for excellence in research and adherence to detail
 Alat pengukuran yang tepat, sampel yang representatif, dan desain
studi yang dikontrol dengan ketat.
 Penalaran logis sangat penting
 Diperlukan presisi, akurasi, detail, dan urutan
 Control
 Rules are followed to decrease the possibiliry or error, and are the
design of the study
 Different levels of control depending on study :
o Quasi- experinmental studies partially controlled regarding
selection of subjects
o Experimental studies highly controlled because of precision
of sample selection
 Extraneous variables
 Ini terjadi di semua studi penelitian
 Mereka dapat mengganggu hipotesis hubungan antar variabel
 Pengaruh variabel asing dapat dikurangi melalui pemilihan sampel
dan penggunaan pengaturan penelitian yang ditentukan
 Sampling
 Process of selecting subjects who are representative of the
 Random sampling:
o Each member has an equal chance of being selected
o Has the most control
 Convenience sampling :
o Whoever is available
Setting dalam penelitian kuantitatif :
o Lokasi tempat studi berlangsung
o Harus didefinisikan terlebih dahulu
o Terlibat dalam ketelitian dan kontrol penelitian
o Jenis setting penelitian :
 Pengaturan alam atau lapangan
 Pengaturan terkontrol sebagian
 Pengaturan yang sangat terkontrol atau laboratorium

Control in Quantitative research

Type of quantitative Researcher control Research setting
Descriptive Uncontrolled Natural or partially
Correlational Uncintrolled or partially Natural or partially
controlled controlled
Quasi-experimental Partially controlled Partially controlled
experimental Highly controlled laboratory

Problem solving process

 Data collection
 Poblem definition
 Plan : setting goals, identifying solutions
 Impementation
 Evaluation and revision

Step of the quantitative research process

 Reserach problem an purpose (masalah penelitian suatu tujuan)
 Literature review ( tinajuan pustaka)
 Study framework (kerangka studi)
 Objectives, questions, or hypothese (tujuan, pertanyaan, atau hipotesis)
 Study variables (variabel studi)
 Limitations : methodological, theoretical (metodologis dan teoritis
 Research design (desain penelitian)
 Population and sample (populasi dan sampel
 Methods of measurement (Metode pengukuran)
 Data collection and analysis (Koleksi data dan analisis)
 Research outcomes (hasil penelitian)
 Communication of findings (komunikasi dengan narasumber)

Masalah dan tujuan penelitian

 Masalah penelitian adalah area perhatian yang membutuhkan penelitian
untuk praktik keperawatan
 Masalah mengidentifikasi, menggambarkan, atau memprediksi situasi
Tujuan penelitian berasal dari masalah dan mengidentifikasi tujuan atau tujuan
khusus penelitian
 Tujuannya meliputi variabel, populasi, dan setting penelitian

Tinjauan Literatur
o Mengumpulkan literatur terkait untuk memberikan pengetahuan
mendalam tentang masalah
o Memahami pengetahuan apa yang ada untuk membuat perubahan
dalam praktik
Kerangka studi
 Kerangka kerja adalah abstrak, dasar teoritis untuk studi yang
memungkinkan peneliti untuk menghubungkan temuan ke tubuh
pengetahuan keperawatan
 Teori adalah seperangkat konsep yang didefinisikan dan pernyataan
relasional yang terintegrasi yang menyajikan pandangan tentang suatu
fenomena dan dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan, menjelaskan,
memprediksi, atau mengontrol fenomena

Research objectives, questions, and hypotheses

 All identify relationship between variables and indicate population to be
 Narrower in focus than the purpose and often specify only one or two
research variables

Study variables
 Variables are concepts that are measured, manipulates, or conrolled in a
 Concrete variables : temperature, weight
 Abstract variables : creativity, empathy
 Conceptual definition : gives meaning to a concept
 Operational definition : variable can be measured using this description

Example of definitions : physical symptoms

 Conceptual definition
 Physical symptoms are “behavioral manifestations that result
direcly from the traumagenic dynamics of child sexual abuse”
 Oprational definition
 ASI questionnaire was used to measure physical symptoms

o Pembatasan dalam penelitian yang dapat menurunkan kredibilitas
dan generalisasi temuan
o Keterbatasan teoritis :
Batasi generalisasi temuan
o Tercermin dalam kerangka dan definisi
Keterbatasan metodologis :
o Batasi populasi yang temuannya dapat digeneralisasikan
o  Dapat dihasilkan dari sampel yang tidak representatif
atau desain yang lemah

Desain penelitian
o Cetak biru untuk melakukan studi
o Memaksimalkan kontrol atas faktor-faktor yang dapat mengganggu
hasil studi yang diinginkan
o Mengarahkan pemilihan populasi, pengambilan sampel, metode
pengukuran, rencana pengumpulan data, dan analisis

Population and sample

 Population :
 All element that meet certain criteria for inclusion in study
 Example : all women students in higher education
 Sample :
 A subset of the population that is selected for study
 Example : women student in three state universities in the

Methods of measurement
 Assigning numbers to objects
 Application of rules to development of a measurement device or
 Data are gathered at the nominal, orinal, interval, or ratio level of
 Must examine reliability and validity of measurement tool :
 Reliability : consistency of the tool
 Validity : does it measure what it is supposed to measure?
Data collection
 Precise, systematic gathering of information for the study
 Consent must be obtained from the sample
 Researchers use observation, interviews, questionnaires, or scales to gather
 Described under the “procedures” section of a research article

Data analysis
 Reduce, organize, and give meaning to data
 Descriptive and inferential analysis of data

 Descriptions of findings after data were analyzed
 Usually organized by research objectives, questions, or hypotheses

Research outcomes
 Interprets data findings in meaningful manner.
 Involves forming conclusions and considering implications for nursing
 Suggests future studies
 Generalizes the findings

Research report and communication of findings

 Summarizes major elements of a study and indentifies contributions of
study to nursing knowledge
 Presented at professional meeting and conferences and published in
journals and books

Isi laporan penelitian

o Abstrak = ringkasan pelajaran 100 sampai 250 kata
o Pendahuluan = masalah, tujuan, literatur, kerangka kerja, dan
o Metode = desain, sampel, setting, alat
o Hasil = prosedur analisis data
o Diskusi = temuan, kesimpulan, implikasi
o Daftar referensi = semua sumber yang dikutip
Skimming a research report :
 Quickly review source for broad overview
 Read title, aouther name, abstract, introduction, and discussion
 Give preliminary judgment of study
Compprehending a research report
 Type of study conducted = highlight key points
 Knowledge available on topic
 Expertise of researcher = replication versus original research
 Funding resources of researcher = amount of funding, sources of funding

Analyzing a research report

 Examine parts of report in dept for accuracy, completeness, uniqueness of
information, and organization
 Wa research process logically presented?
 Examine discussion section for critical argument

Initial research report critique

 What type of study was conducted?
 What was the setting for the study?
 Were steps for the research process clearly identified?
 Were any of steps missing?
 Did the steps logically link together?

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