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Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medik, STIKES Syedza Saintika Padang


Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit terbesar yang ada di dunia. Diabetes memiliki 2 tipe yaitu
Diabetes Tipe 1 dan Diabetes Tipe 2. Diabetes tipe 1 terjadi karna ketergantungan insulin pada suatu
penyakit jangka panjang yang terjadi ketika pangkreas tidak dapat memproduksi insulin bagi tubuh.
Faktor dari diabetes tipe 1 ini yaitu faktor genetik, faktor geografi, faktor usia dan faktor pemicu lainnya.
Diabetes tipe 2 terjadi karna mampunya suatu penyakit membuat kadar gula darah meningkat yang di
sebabkan oleh kelainan pada tubuh untuk mengendalikan hormon insulin atau biasa disebut dengan
kekurangan insulin, diabetes tipe 2 ini sangat sering terjadi. Faktor diabetes tipe 2 yaitu faktor genetic
atau keturunan, berat badan berlebih (obesitas), sering mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang
mengandung gula dan karbohidrat simpleks, kurang beraktifitas fisik dan berolahraga, kondisi seperti
tekana darah tinggi.

Kata kunci: Diabetes mellitus, manfaat daun seledri


Diabetes mellitus is the biggest disease in the world. Diabetes has 2 types, namely Type 1
Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs due to insulin dependence in a long-term disease
that occurs when the pancreas cannot produce insulin for the body. The factors of type 1 diabetes are
genetic factors, geographic factors, age factors and other trigger factors. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to
the ability of a disease to increase blood sugar levels which is caused by abnormalities in the body's
control of the insulin hormone or what is usually called insulin d eficiency. Type 2 diabetes is very
common. Type 2 diabetes factors include genetic or hereditary factors, excess body weight (obesity),
frequent consumption of foods and drinks containing sugar and simplex carbohydrates, lack of physical
activity and exercise, conditions such as high blood pressure.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, benefits of celery leaves


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with hyperglycemia

characteristics that occur due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
According to the American Diabetes Association (2010), Diabetes is a group of metabolic
diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action,
or both. Chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction,
and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.
Meanwhile, according to WHO (2019) states that diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic
disorders characterized and identified by hyperglycemia without treatment. Heterogeneous
etiopathologies include defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both, and impaired
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism.
Diabetes is a disease which is a major health problem in world. International Diabetes
Federation (IDF) stated that, in the year In 2017 there were around 425 million adults aged 20-79
years living with diabetes throughout the world, and Indonesia is included in the top 10 countries
by rate highest level of diabetes in the world. According to the IDF, Indonesia is ranked 7th, with
the number of diabetes sufferers 10.3 million people in 2017. IDF too mentioned that, if this
trend continues continues, then that amount estimated to increase to 16.7 million people in 2045.
Increase in population, increase in average age population, and increasing prevalence diabetes at
any age. Pharmacological therapy for diabetes can be done by using synthetic drugs, such as
insulin and oral antidiabetic. These drugs act by various mechanisms to control blood glucose
levels. However, they can cause serious side effects like severe hypoglycemia, lactic acid
poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders . Due to serious side effects that can be caused by drugs
synthetic, then an alternative is needed treatment that has side effects at least, such as
herbal medicines.
In overcoming the DM problem, the government has established steps Policy steps to
prevent and treat DM disease are (1) activate health service centers starting from the primary
level (Puskesmas) to the top level (hospitals) central and private for primary prevention and
treatment of DM; (2) forming an organization in the field research, services and community
empowerment for DM diseases such as Indonesian Diabetes Association (PERSADIA),
Indonesian Endocrinology Association (PERKENI), Indonesian Diabetes Educator Association
(PEDI) and Indonesian Diabetes Foundation (YADI); (3) holding seminars and counseling about
Diabetes Mellitus and its prevention in public; (4) giving awards to institutions or agencies
government, private sector and society who successfully carry out activities related to Diabetes
Mellitus; and (5) create an environment that helps individuals change their lifestyle accordingly
International Diabetes Federation (FDI) consensus (Anita, 2007 Cit. Antara News, 2007).
Herbal medicines with activity Antidiabetic agents can be widely used because its nature
is more in line with human body, more readily available and fewer side effects if compared to
synthetic drugs. Celery (Apium graveolens) is wrong one empirical medicinal plant used in
China and India for treating diabetes. Besides that, several scientific studies have reported the
antidiabetic activity of the plant the . In this article we will review about antidiabetic effect
caused by celery plants (Apium graveolens).
Celery (Apium graveolen) is a medical herb and spice from the Apiaceae family, which
widely used as food and also in traditional medicine. The parts used in this plant include seeds,
leaves, and herbs. Among the chemical compounds that contained in the celery plant, namely
flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, and steroids. Celery is a known herb rich in antioxidants. The
presence of compounds such as limonene, selinen, furanocoumarin glycosides, flavonoids (main
compounds: apigenin, luteolin, camppherol) , as well as Vitamins A and C, are the reasons why
celery is widely used in traditional medicine. Traditionally, celery used as a diuretic, laxative,
and sedatives. Celery can prevent cardiovascular disease jaundice, liver disease, hypertension,
gout, and rheumatic disorders. The therapeutic activity of celery has been reported in studies
scientific, including: activity anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial,
antihypertensive, and antidiabetic. Celery leaves (Apium graveolens L) contain vitamin A and C,
minerals, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. The leaves contain polyphenols and
saponins. Polyphenols and saponins in celery leaves have an effect regulate blood sugar levels
(Mursito, 2000).
Antidiabetic effect of the plant celery (Apium graveolens) is caused by its antioxidant
properties. As antidiabetic agent, Apium graveolens improve glucose metabolism by how to
reduce insulin resistance, and increasing insulin secretion by means of protects pancreatic β cells
from stress AGEs-induced oxidation. Antioxidant compounds in celery, which potential as an
antidiabetic agent, namely, apigenin, luteolin, and camppherol.


1. Celery leaves

1. Direct
This direct method can be done directly by every patient suffering from diabetes, namely
by consuming celery leaves. Patients can consume celery leaves at home, this method is very
easy to do because celery leaves are very easy to get and the price is affordable.
How to consume it;
1) Take the prepared celery leaves
2) Blender and add a little water
3) Strain the celery water into a glass
4) Drink water regularly
5) Consume it every morning

Apart from being blended, celery leaves can also be consumed as vegetables.


Description of Place and Research Subjects

a. Research sites This research was carried out in Lubuk Buaya, Padang.
b. Research Subjects.
The subjects used in this research were all people around Lubuk Buaya, Padang, who are
suffering from diabetes mellitus. Then interviews were conducted with all residents, from the
results of interviews showing symptoms of type II DM, researcher carry out blood sugar tests to
confirm this for a number of people who show these symptoms. After doing a blood sugar test
and tested positive (> 200mg/dl), then this number of people was taken become a respondent or
research sample by the researcher. As for the subject In this study there were 100 people, taken
from the population about 500 people. After conducting interviews, the results were obtained
100 out of 500 people (40%). There were 100 patients who met the sample criteria research
taken using purpose sampling.
Results: From this research, the results obtained were that from 40% of diabetes sufferers it
decreased to 20% of diabetes mellitus sufferers in the Lubuk Buaya area, Padang.


From the results obtained, it can be seen that the people of Lubuk Buaya, Padang, around
40% of 500 people suffer from diabetes mellitus. This is because the people of Lubuk Buaya,
Padang, consume high levels of sugar every day. From research, the people of Lubuk Buaya,
Padang, explained unhealthy daily habits such as rarely exercising, consuming high levels of
sugar and not consuming enough protein and very rarely consuming vegetables. This really
triggers Diabetes Mellitus. From this research, it is recommended that the people of Lubuk
Buaya, Padang, consume celery leaves to live a healthy life and stay away from diabetes
mellitus. And maintain cleanliness both inside the house and in the environment, because an
unclean environment can trigger other diseases.
This research was carried out to control blood sugar levels, researchers using celery
leaves which are then made inside juice form. This apple contains polyphenols (Winarno, 1989;
Septiatin, 2009 p. 9; Waluyo, 2004).
Celery contains polyphenols and flavonoids (Haryoto, 2009 pp15-16). Celery leaf
polyphenols function to regulate blood sugar. Flavonoids function as anti-oxidants and reduce
blood sugar levels. Pharmacological experimental data shows that celery has an effect lowers
blood pressure, widens peripheral blood vessels which This effect is often exploited for the
purpose of increasing strength (Mursito, 2000).
The results of this research have proven the theory that leaf juice Celery can reduce blood
sugar levels in diabetes sufferers type II mellitus. It is hoped that all parties related to diabetes
type II mellitus, whether health workers or sufferers, causes This information is the basis for
following up on diabetes type II mellitus. Thus, type II diabetes mellitus can occur
minimized and treated.
Celery leaves contain polyphenols and flavonoids to regulate blood sugar and act as
antioxidants and reduce blood sugar levels. From the research, the target taken was the Lubuk
Buaya area, Padang. After conducting research and checking blood sugar, as many as 40% of the
people of Lubukbuki, Padang were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.
This research aims to reduce blood sugar levels in the people of Lubuk Buaya, Padang.
Namely using celery leaf juice. Celery leaves are very cheap and easy for the people of Lubuk
Buaya, Padang to get. And the results of this research are that it can reduce blood sugar levels,
from 40% to 20% of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus in Lubuk Buaya, Padang.
It is hoped that this research can increase insight and knowledge as well add references to the
development of health science about traditional plants as medicinal plants, especially in
overcoming diabetes mellitus, so it can be used as a basis for administration treatment. Hopefully
this research can become reference material to increase students' knowledge about traditional
plants as traditional medicine. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide additional
information for the community so that people can use traditional plants as medicine.

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