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Kuliah 1:


Operations and Supply Chain Management
(Konsep Dasar)

Wahyu Poncotoyo, S.T., M.T.
• Score/Grade :
• Ujian Tengah Semester : 25%
• Ujian Akhir Semester: 40%
• Kehadiran: 10%
• Assignment/Homework : 25%

15-30 Menit
1. Jacobs, Robert and Chase, Ricahrd, “ Operations Management Processes
and Supply Chains Management” , fourteenth Global Edition, 2011.
2. J. Krajewski, Manoj K. Malhotra ,Larry P. Ritzman, “Operations
Management Processes and Supply Chains”, eleventh edition, 2016.

1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, “ Supply Chain Management,Strategy,
Planning, and Operation” , sixth edition, 2015.
Manajemen Operasi atau OSCM itu

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Manajemen Operasi atau Operation and

Supply Chain Management (OSCM)?

 “is defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the

systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Memahami konsep dasar sistem transformasi input, proses, dan
ouput pada sistem operasi dalam suatu perusahaan.
2. Memahami proses dan metoda dalam forecasting, planning, dan
analysis pada system operasi.
3. Dapat mengidentifikasi permasalahan dalam sistem operasi.
Istilah terkait Manajemen Operasi
• Proses:
Suatu aktivitas yang mentransformasikan input menjadi output.

• Operasi:
Merupakan proses manufaktur/jasa dan pelayanan yang digunakan untuk
mentransformasikan sumber daya yang digunakan oleh suatu perusahaan
menjadi produk.

• Supply Chain (rantai pasok):

Rantai pasok merupakan proses yang menggerakan informasi dan bahan
baku agar menjadi sebuah produk/jasa dan produk tersebut dikirim
kepada pelanggan.
Role of Operations in an Organization
Sistem Produksi dan Manajemen Produksi
Fungsi Operasi
Mencakup berbagai aktivitas :
1.Forecasting (peramalan)
2.Perencanaan kapasitas
4.Pengelolaan inventori
5.Jaminan kualitas
6.Penentuan lokasi fasilitas
Example OM in Services: Airline operations system
•The system consists of the airplanes, airport facilities, and maintenance facilities,
sometime spread out over a wide territory.

•The real activity of management and employees in OM:

- Forecasting: weather and landing conditions, seat demand for flights, and the growth
in air travel.
- Capacity planning: to determine a number of planes, etc.
- Scheduling: planes for flight, and for routine maintenance; scheduling of pilots and
flight attendants; and scheduling of ground crews, counter staff, and baggage handlers.
- Managing inventories: foods and beverages; first-aid equipment; in-flight magazines;
pillows`and blankets; and life preservers.
- Assuring quality: emphasis on safety in flying and maintenance operations; dealing
with customers at ticket counters; chek-in; telephone and electronic reservations, and
curb services; where the emphasis is on efficiency and courtesy.
- Locating facilities: which cities to provide service for; where to locate maintenance
facilities; and where to locate major and minor hubs.
Process View
Service and Manufacturing Processes

- Output tangible (berwujud) - Output intangible (Tidak berwujud)

- Output can be inventoried - Tidak dapat disimpan
- Low customer contact - High customer contact
- Quality easily measured - Quality not easily measured
Supply Chain View
Processes in the Supply Chain
1. Core Processes :
• Supplier Relationship Process: select the suppliers of services,
materials, and information and facilitate the timely and efficient
flow of these items into the firm. For example, negotiating fair
prices and scheduling on-time deliveries.
• New Services / Product Development Process : The services or
products may be developed to external customer specifications or
conceived from inputs received from the market in general. (Dibuat
sesuai dengan permintaan pasar/pelanggan.
Processes in the Supply Chain (Continue)
• Order Fullfillment Process : the activities required to produce and
deliver the service or product to the external customer.
• Customer Relationship Process : identify, attract, and build
relationships with external customers and facilitate the placement of
orders by customers.

2. Support Processes :
accounting, finance, human resources, management information
systems, and marketing.
Supply Chain Process Examples
Corporate Strategy
• Contoh pada perusahaan maskapai penerbangan
• Buatlah artikel mengenai pendapat kalian mengenai peran manajemen
operasi terhadap proses sistem produksi di sebuah perusahaan. Dengan
daftar pustaka.

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Dikirim hari Senin, 10 September 2018

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