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(Extra-chromosomal inheritance)
Non-Nuclear Genes
in Mitochondria and Plastids
Structure of Mitochondria
Structure of Chloroplast
 Pewarisan sifat tertentu ternyata bukan
hanya diatur oleh gen yang berada pada
chromosom, tetapi juga oleh bahan diluar
inti atau khromosom (extrachromosomal

 Gen-gen tersebut tidak berada di inti sel

tapi pada organela sel lain seperti
 Chlorophyl
 mitochondria

 citoplasma
Pewarisan luar chromosom

 Pewarisan resiprokal tak sama karena

dipengaruhi betina
 Gagal memperlihatkan segregasi mendel
 Sifat tak dapat dipetakan pada khromosom
 Pemisahan inti tak mapu mengubah
Leaf Variegation
Caused by different chloroplast genotypes
Genetic model for leaf variegation
during cell
Pewarisan plastid
pada bunga Mirabilis jalava
 Terdapat perbedaan warna daun yaitu hijau, putih
dan hijau putih
 Warna daun ini tergantung dari induk betina
(maternal effect)
Inheritance of Leaf Variegation in Mirabilis
Pewarisan sitoplasmik pada daun jagung

 Varietas Iowa dent dengan daun

bergaris putih
 Jika digunakan sebagai induk betina akan
menghasilkan F1 bergaris putih apapun
 Jika digunakan jantannya bergaris putih dan
betina daun hijau dihasilkan F1 berdaun hijau
Examples of maternally inherited
human mtDNA defects

 Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)

• Mid-life adult blindness from optic nerve
• Mutations in ND1, ND2, ND4, ND5, ND6, cyt
b, CO I, CO II, and ATPase 6 inhibit electron
transport chain

 Kearns-Sayre Syndrome
• Paralysis of eye muscles, accumulation of
pigment and degeneration of the retina, and
heart disease
• Deletion of mtDNA tRNAs
Examples of maternally inherited
human mtDNA defects

• Myoclonic epilepsy & ragged-red fiber disease

• Spasms and abnormal tissues, accumulation
of lactic acid in the blood, and uncoordinated
• Nucleotide substitution in the mtDNA lysine

Most individuals with mtDNA disorders possess a

mix of normal and mutant mtDNA, therefore
severity of diseases varies
Citoplasmic inheritance
Penelitian pada Arabidopsis thaliana
memperlihatkan genetic researchers have
discovered that "missing" genetic information
unexpectedly reappears in later generations
yielding offspring with traits identical to the
grandparent and not the parent.
Pewarisan plastid pada tembakau

 Warna belang pada daun dan bunga

 Biji yang dihasilkan dari cabang yang hijau
menghasilkan tanaman hijau
 Biji yang dihasilkan dari cabang belang putih
hijau menghasilkan tanaman belang putih
 Biji yang dihasilkan dari cabang yang putih
menghasilkan tanaman putih
Cytoplasmic sex-ratio distorters
Cytoplasmic symbionts that manipulate their
host into producing a female-biased brood

 Benefits their transmission to future

generations because of their
exclusively maternal inheritance
 For example, in the genus Wolbachia
the following have all been observed:
 Selective killing of male offspring / function
 Feminisation of genetic males
 Induction of parthenogenesis
 Increasing the fertilisation frequency in
Male killing
 Selective killing of males

 Wolbachia In Tribolium and

ladybird beetles, Drosophila and
Acraea butterflies

 Increases survival of sisters in 2-spotted ladybird beetle

same brood, who carry copies of (Adalia bipunctata)
the male killer

 “Kin selected” benefit

Acraea encedon
Induction of
 Wolbachia induces asexual reproduction,
resulting in all-female broods

 Sex-ratio benefit +
could avoid cost of sex
(although some females do still mate)

 In parasitoid wasps
e.g. Trichogramma, Aphytis,
Muscidifurax, Diplolepis

 Works via gamete duplication

Mojave desert – habitat of Trichogramma

“Maternal sex-ratio”
 In parasitoid jewel wasp
(Nasonia vitripennis)

 MSR manipulates females to

fertilize more eggs than they are
selected to

 Nasonia is haplodiploid, so
fertilized eggs develop as females

Jewel wasp
Nasonia vitripennis
Maternal Effects

Phenotype of offspring influenced by the genotype or

environment of his/her mother (maternal effect) via a
mechanism other than the inheritance of genes

Any material genes that affect composition of an egg

and subsequently affects offspring traits
e.g., proteins and mRNAs packaged in the egg by a

Lead to one-generation delay in expression of genotype

Maternal effects are common effects due to large

gamete size
Mandul Jantan
(Male sterile)

Beberapa sebab mandul jantan:

Bunga tidak menghasilkan serbuk sari

aktif atau sari yang fungsional
Ketidakmampuan bunga melepas
serbuk sari dari pollen
Pollen grain gagal membentuk
microspore atau gamet.
Tipe Mandul jantan

• Mandul jantan sitoplasmik =Cytoplasmic male

sterility (CMS)
Mandul jantan akibat interaksi gen pada nucleus
dan gen pada sitoplasma dan mewaris melalui
tetua betina

• Mandul jantan genetic = Nuclear male sterility

Mandul jantan hanya diatur oleh satu atau lebih gen
yang ada di nucleus

• Non genetic, chemically induced male sterility

Mandul jantan akibat pemakaian bahan kimia spt
gametocide atau chemical hybridizing agents
Bentuk bunga mandul jantan
pada wortel

(a) Normal (N-cytoplasm, restored CMS plants)

(b) Mandul anther (Anther CMS (Sa)
(c) Mandul petal (Petaloid CMS (Sp)
Kegunaan CMS

 Memungkinkan produksi benih hibrida dengan

mudah secara massal untuk keperluan komersil

 Melibatkan tetua mandul jantan (the A-line), galur

maintainer isogenic (The B line), dan galur restorer
(the R-line)

 Galur mandul jantan baru dibuat dengan

melakukan silang balik B-lines dengan CMS A-line
selama 4 – 6 kali.

 B-line dan R-line dibuat dengan silang balik antara

betina CMS R-line dan galur mandul jantan baru
sebagai tetua selama 4 – 6 kali.
Pewarisan mandul jantan jagung
letak ms resessif pada sitoplasma
menyebabkan bunga mandul jantan

Jika Ms dominan pada sitoplasma

menyebabkan bunga menjadi fertil

Jantan mandul Jantan fertil

Mengembalikan Fertilitas
pada jagung
Pemulih mandul
Supaya dapat betina mandul jantan


Betina mandul jantan Jantan fertil

ms Ms



Mandul jantan
Betina mandul jantan Jantan fertil

ms Ms



fertil jantan

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