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N s . N u r w i j a ya F i t r i ,
M . Ke p
Manakah dari gambar ini yang merupakan penelitian?
◦ Mengetahui pengertian
penelitian kualitatif

Tujuan ◦ Mengetahui paradigm penelitian

◦ M engetahui kapan melakukan
Belajar penelitian kualitatif
◦ Rencana dan cara (prosedur)
melakukan penelitian yang
mencakup langkah2 umum sampai
Pendekatan yang terinci dalam hal:
Penelitian ◦ Pengumpulan data
(Research ◦ Analisis data
◦ Interpretasi data
◦ Terdiri dari:
) ◦ Kuantitatif
◦ Kualitatif
◦ Gabungan (mixed methods)
◦ Didasarkan pada:
◦ Asumsi filosofis
◦ Disain penelitian (procedures of inquiry)
◦ Metode penelitian (research methods) yang khusus,
Pemilihan meliputi:

pendekatan ◦ Pengumpulan data

◦ Analisis data
penelitian ◦ Interpretasi data
◦ Nature of the research problem
◦ Pengalaman pribadi peneliti
◦ Audiences
3 komponen dalam penelitian (C reswell,


(Mixed Method)

Metode Disain
penelitian penelitian

• A basic set of beliefs that guide action

• General philosophical orientation about the
world and the nature of research (Creswell,
Asumsi filosofis

O ntologi, Epistemologi & A x iology


◦ Ontological Assumption: questions about

the nature of reality
◦ Epistemological Assumption: questions about
the origins of knowledge, the ways to acquire
the knowledge .
◦ Axiological Assumption: questions about the
use of the knowledge.
Ontological Assumptions


◦ Apakah bisa dinalar/dipahami dengan panca

◦ Apakah dipengaruhi bias pribadi?
◦ Apakah dipahami berdasarkan konsensus tertentu?
O ntological A ssumption:
questions about the nature of
◦ Reality is objective ◦ Reality is subjective
and singular via and multiple
observation ◦ Participants of
◦ Apart from study
◦ No bias
Epistemological A ssumption: questions
about the origins of know ledge, how
to get the knowledge
◦ Subjective measures ◦ Objec tive
A x iological A ssumption: questions about
the use of the knowledge

◦ Value free ◦ Value laden

◦ unbiased ◦ biased
Konteks dalam Masalah
Objectivism Interpretivism

◦ Manusia sebagai angka ◦ Manusia sebagai

◦ Prosentase mahluk yang kompleks
◦ Bagian ◦ Persepsi
◦ Kaitan antara ◦ Pengalaman

suatu masalah dan ◦ Konteks dalam setiap

factor resikonya pengalaman dan
◦ Confirmatory persepsi
◦ Exploratory
Comparison between
Quantitative &
Qualitative Approaches
Razafsha, Mahdi et al. “Qualitative versus quantitative methods in psychiatric research.” Methods in molecular
biology 829 (2012): 49-62 .
Penelitian Sosial
◦ Sejak abad 19 penelitian social didasari
oleh pendekatan ilmu alam
◦ Obyektif
◦ Membuat jarak dengan obyek penelitian

• Hasil temuan bisa dan harus

bisa digeneralisasikan
• Perilaku bisa diprediksi
Kritik Blumer
Metodologi Blumer:

◦ “Kebutuhan untuk secara jelas merasakan

pengalaman actor” (Mulyana, 2001, p.
◦ Analisis variable ala ilmu alam tidak layak untuk diterapkan pada manusia
◦ Var bebas var terikat

◦ M odel stimulus – response :

◦ menekankan keutamaan peristiwa eksternal

◦ Tindakan manusia didasari inisiatif, tidak
menunggu stimulus
Perubahan paradigma
◦ Ilm u social butuh pendekatan yang lebih
◦ Pendekatan yang lebih mampu melihat manusia secara
◦ Mempertimbangkan ‘bias’
◦ Pendekatan kuantitatif (masih) bisa
menangani banyak masalah penelitian
◦ C a ra lama dipertanyakan
◦ Kenyataan social sebagai sesuatu yang “diluar”
◦ Bagaimana bisa tetap obyektif ?
◦ Bagaimana menjawab perasaan, pemikiran, persepsi?
Pendekatan Interpretatif

◦ Berakar dari ilmu filsafat, sejarah

dan antropologi
◦ Menekankan pada bagaimana manusia
memahami kenyataan subyektif mereka dan
memberikan arti pada pemahaman baru
◦ Menggali, mengenali, mengetahui lebih
◦ Pengalaman
◦ Persepsi
◦ Pengetahuan
Penelitian Kualitatif
◦ Denzin dan Lincoln (1994, dalam
Creswell, 2007)
◦ “is multimethod in focus, involving an
interpretative naturalistic approach to its
subject matter. This means that qualitative
researchers study things in their natural settings,
attempting to make sense of or interpret
phenomena in terms of the meanings people
bring to them…”
◦ Creswell (2007)
◦ “is an inquiry process of understanding based
on distinct methodological traditions of
inquiry that explore a social or human problem.
The researcher builds a complex, holistic
picture, analyses words, reports detailed views
of informants, and conducts the study in a
natural setting”
Ciri Penelitian
Methods of
Qualitative Research
◦ observation and immersion
◦ interviews
◦ open-ended surveys
◦ focus groups
◦ content analysis of visual and textual
◦ oral history
◦ allows the researchers to investigate the meanings people
attribute to their behavior, actions, and interactions with others.
◦ to reveal the meaning that informs the action or outcomes that
are typically measured by quantitative research.
◦ qualitative researchers investigate meanings, interpretations,
symbols, and the processes and relations of social life.
◦ Descriptive data that the researcher must then interpret
using rigorous and systematic methods of transcribing,
coding, and analysis of trends and themes.
◦ Because its focus is everyday life and people's experiences,
qualitative research lends itself well to creating new theories
using the inductive method, which can then be tested with
further research.
Kapan Melakukan
Penelitian Kualitatif

◦ Top ik baru: tidak tahu variable yang harus d iteliti

◦ Sifat dari masalah yang diteliti
◦ Subyek penelitian belum pernah diteliti pada individu
atau kelompok tertentu
◦ Teori yang ada tidak bisa diterapkan pada kelompok atau
individu yang diteliti
◦ Menjawab “apa” dan “mengapa”
◦ Kemantapan peneliti berdasarkan pengalaman
Pros and Cons
◦ O n the plus side, it creates an in-depth understanding of the
attitudes, behaviors, interactions, events, and social processes
that comprise everyday life.
◦ In doing so, it helps social scientists understand how everyday
life is influenced by society-wide things like social structure,
social order, and all kinds of social forces.
◦ This set of methods also has the benefit of being flexible and
easily adaptable to changes in the research environment and
can be conducted with minimal cost in many cases.
◦ Among the downsides of qualitative research is that its scope
is fairly limited, so its findings are not always widely able to
be generalized.
◦ Researchers also have to use caution with these methods to
ensure that they do not influence the data in ways that
significantly change it and that they do not bring undue personal
bias to their interpretation of the findings.
Penerapan Penelitian

Research Questions

◦ How is the progress in critical thinking

from novice to graduates?
◦ What is the perception among people
with diabetes of a family support ?
◦ How do the students learn in a
hosp ital experience?
Research Questions

◦ How family background affects students’

◦ How educational environment affects
students’ learning?
◦ What kinds of learning experiences gained
by students when they are facing by
Pendekatan Kualitatif


◦ Narrative study
◦ Participatory action research
◦ Discourse analysis
Sumber pustaka
◦ Creswell, J W. 2007. Qualitative Inquiry and Researc Design Choosing Among Five Traditions. Sage Publications

◦ Herdiansyah, H. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif untuk Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. Penerbit Salemba Humanika.

◦ Creswell, J W. 2014. Research Design. Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Approaches. Sage Publications.

◦ O'Brien, R. (2001). Um exame da abordagem metodoló gica da pesquisa açã o [An Overview of the Methodological Approach
of Action Research]. In Roberto Richardson (Ed.), Teoria e Prática da Pesquisa Ação [Theory and Practice of Action Research].
Joã o Pessoa, Brazil: Universidade Federal da Paraíba. (English version) Available:

◦ Dan MacIsaac, "An Introduction to Action Research," 1995,

◦ Center of Outcome Based Education, 2005. Action Research A Guide for Associate Lecturers. The O pen University.

◦ Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill, 2009. Research methods for business students. Pearson Education Limited.

◦ Crossman, Ashley. "An Overview of Qualitative Research Methods." ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2020,

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