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Mendefinisikan Komunikasi

Gilang Jiwana Adikara

• “The transmission of information, ideas, attitudes, or emotion from one person or group to
another (or others) primarily through symbols. (Theodorson and Theodorson 1969)
• In the most general sense, we have communication wherever one system, a source,
influences another, the destination, by manipulation of alternative symbols, which can be
transmitted over the channel connecting them. (Osgood et al. 1957)”
• “Communication may be defined as “social interaction through messages.” (Gerbner, 1967)”
• “Thus, in the most general terms, communication involves a sender, a channel, a message, a
receiver, a relationship between sender and receiver, an effect, a context in which
communication occurs and a range of things to which “messages” refer…. Communication can
be any or all of the following: an action on others; an interaction with others and a reaction to
others.” (McQuail & Windahl, 1993)
• “Social interaction through messages; the production and exchange of messages and
meanings; the use of specific modes and media to transmit messages.” (Marcel Danesi, 2002)
Komunikasi: Proses kreasi makna secara
mutual yang sederhana namun juga kompleks
• Secara konsep, komunikasi
mudah dipahami, namun jika
dibedah lebih dalam, maka
proses kreasi makna
berlangsung secara kontinyu.
• Konsep makna sendiri memiliki
keunikan karena melibatkan
kemampuan imajinasi manusia.
Hal ini lah yang membuat
kemampuan komunikasi
menjadi kemampuan unik bagi
Model Komunikasi: Evolusi dari Linear ke
• Lasswell (1948): “Who? Says What? Through which channel? To
whom? With what effect?”
• Komunikasi disebut efektif jika feedback menunjukkan receiver
menerima pesan yang sama dengan maksud source

Noise is anything
Noise: Penyebab that interferes
komunikasi menjadi Physiological with the process Semantic

tidak efektif
noise of communication, noise.
and it exists in a
variety of forms:

Seandainya anda bertemu orang
asing di kereta, lalu kita ngobrol.
Siapakah komunikatornya?
Problem dengan model linear adalah konsep
yang “source dominant”
• Ketika kita memahami
komunikasi sebagai sebuah
tindakan yang berlangsung
timbal balik, maka model
source dominant menjadi
kurang mampu
menjelaskan dengan baik.
• Osgood & Schramm
kemudian menyarankan
model baru, model ini
menjadi model interaktif
dalam komunikasi
...tapi bisakah model baru ini
menjelaskan konsep komunikasi
antar budaya?
Pertanyaan itu membawa ke model terakhir: Transaksional.
Evolusi Model Komunikasi
• Linear models – only looks at one-way communication.
• Interactive models – looks at two-way communication.
• Transactional models – looks at two-way communication
where the message gets more complex as the communication
event (e.g. conversation) progresses.
Model of
# Type of Model Brief Description
Aristotle argues that we should look at five elements of a communication event to
1. Aristotle’s Model Linear analyze how best to communicate: speaker, speech, occasion, target audience and
Lasswell’s model is a basic framework for analyzing one-way communication by
2. Lasswell’s Model Linear asking five questions: Who, said what, through which channel, to whom, with what
The Shannon-Weaver model is the first to highlight the role of ‘noise’ in
3. Shannon-Weaver Model Linear
communication, which can disrupt or alter a message between sender and receiver.
Berlo’s S-M-C-R model explains communication in four
4. Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model Linear
steps: Source, Message, Channel, and Receiver.
5 Jakobson Model Linear Six element: Sender, Message, Receiver, Context, Message, Contact, Code
Toulmin model offers a series of steps to be taken to convince others of the
6 Toulmin Model Linear
soundness of one’s position on whatever subject is under consideration”
7 Focal Point Model Interactive Focuses on five focal points in mass media production.

Osgood-Schramm The Osgood-Schramm model looks at reciprocal communication, showing how we

8. Interactive
Model have to encode, decode, and interpret information in real-time during a conversation.
Westley and Maclean The Westley and Maclean model shows that our communication is influenced by
9. Interactive
Model environmental, cultural and personal factors.
10 Barnlund’s Barnlund’s Transactional Model of Communication highlights the role of private and
. Transactional Model public cues that impact our messages.
11 Dance’s Helical Model sees communication as a circular process that gets more and
Dance’s Helical Model Transactional
. more complex as communication occurs, which can be represented by a helical spiral.

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