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Knowledge Transfer Forum

Fraud Auditing

Erma Yudytasari
20 September 2019

1 Review – Konsep Dasar Fraud

2 Fraud Symptoms

3 Teknik Mendeteksi Indikasi Fraud


SPKN 2017

 Kecurangan (fraud) adalah perbuatan yang

mengandung unsur kesengajaan, niat,
menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain,
penipuan, penyembunyian atau penggelapan, dan
penyalahgunaan kepercayaan yang bertujuan
untuk memperoleh keuntungan secara tidak sah
yang dapat berupa uang, barang/harta, jasa, dan
tidak membayar jasa, yang dilakukan oleh satu
individu atau lebih dari pihak yang bertanggung
jawab atas tata kelola, pegawai, atau pihak ketiga


 Auditor bertanggung jawab dalam merencanakan

dan melaksanakan audit untuk memperoleh
keyakinan memadai tentang apakah laporan
keuangan bebas dari salah saji material, baik yang
disebabkan oleh kekeliruan dan kecurangan.
 Konsep penyimpangan yang dikenal dalam konteks
pemeriksaan laporan keuangan disebut dengan
”salah saji”. Salah saji dalam laporan keuangan ada
yang disebabkan karena kekeliruan atau

1. Kekeliruan
Kekeliruan adalah salah saji atau penghilangan yang tidak
disengaja baik jumlah maupun pengungkapannya dalam
laporan keuangan.
Kekeliruan mencakup:
a) kesalahan dalam pengumpulan atau pengolahan data
yang menjadi sumber penyusunan laporan keuangan,
b) estimasi akuntansi yang tidak masuk akal yang timbul dari
kecerobohan atau salah tafsir fakta, dan
c) kekeliruan dalam penerapan prinsip akuntansi yang
berkaitan dengan jumlah, klasifikasi, cara penyajian, atau
pengungkapan laporan keuangan untuk mengelabuhi
pemakai laporan keuangan. 6
2. Kecurangan
Kecurangan (fraud) adalah salah saji atau penghilangan
secara sengaja jumlah atau pengungkapan dalam laporan
keuangan untuk mengelabuhi pemakai laporan keuangan.
Tipe salah saji yang relevan dg kecurangan:
a) Salah saji yang timbul dari penghilangan secara sengaja
jumlah atau pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan
untuk mengelabuhi pemakai laporan keuangan.
b) Salah saji yang timbul dari perlakuan tidak semestinya
terhadap aktiva (spt penyalahgunaan, penggelapan,
pemalsuan dok) yang berakibat laporan keuangan tidak
disajikan sesuai dengan prinsip akuntansi yang berlaku
Apa saja karakteristik FRAUD?

Karakteristik Fraud

 Deception
 Hidden
 Intentional
 Damage
 Actus Reus – Mens Rea

Andi R. Zubaidi
6 common myths about fraud

Most people will not commit fraud

Fraud is not material
Most fraud goes undetected
Fraud is usually well concealed
The auditor can’t do a better job in detecting
Prosecuting fraud perpetrators deters
Apa saja skema/kategori
FRAUD menurut ACFE?

Fraud Tree

Tindakan apa saja yang dapat
dikategorikan sebagai korupsi
menurut UU No.30/1999 jo
UU No.20/2001 tentang

KORUPSI Menurut UU Tipikor

Kerugian keuangan negara

Suap menyuap
Penggelapan dalam jabatan
Perbuatan curang
Benturan kepentingan

Fraud Symptoms

Accounting anomalies (hal 6)

Internal control weakness

Analytical anomalies

Extravagant lifestyle

Unusual behaviors

Tips & complaints

Top 10 Red Flag Warnings of Fraud (1)

 Missing Documents -- It isn’t uncommon for documents to go missing in the

workplace. After all, accidents do happen. However, if this becomes a frequent
occurrence, fraudulent acts could be the culprit, especially for checks. Missing checks
numbers or gaps in reconciled check numbers can also be an indicator of fraud.
 Complaints -- It’s easy to write off complaints as nonsense venting, but complaints are
one of the best ways to identify fraud. If employees are complaining about something,
don’t take it lightly. Dig further into the situation to identify the cause of the complaint
and what else could be behind it.
 Excess Purchases -- Fake payees can be used to convert funds. Be aware of excessive
purchases as they could be covering a possible payoff of a purchasing agent.
 Inventory Shortages -- Internal shrinkage and product loss happens. However,
excessive shrinkage could be an indicator of a plethora of fraudulent activities.
 Excessive Voids/Returned Checks -- Voided sales slips mean that the sale has been
rung up, but the payment was diverted, potentially into the wrong hands. This is
similar to cancelled checks. While they are usually legitimate transactions, a cancelled
check can be returned to the wrong hands and be re-written to the fraudster.
Excessive voids and cancelled or returned checks are common indications of theft and
should be watched carefully.
Top 10 Red Flag Warnings of Fraud (2)

 Duplicate Payments -- Duplicate payments in many cases are not

fraud-related. However, if a duplicate payment is accidentally
made by a company, it is possible for an employee to forge an
endorsement of the check. Watch this closely as well.
 Rounded-Amount Invoices -- Fraudsters will often create invoices
with rounded amounts.
 Abnormal Invoice Volume -- Rapid invoice volume increases may
be due to a legitimate increase in business, but is also may point
to fraudulent behavior. Monitoring vendor invoice volume and
being aware of spikes is a good way to spot abnormal behavior.
 Invoices Just Under Approval Amounts -- Some employees may
be aware of the dollar threshold for management approval and
create an invoice just below that approval level.
 Mail Drop Address -- A mail drop, or ghost address, is an entity
that can receive mail in your name.
Red Flags
 No Company Policy Manual
 Feeling of disorganized bookkeeping, purchasing,
receiving, and/or warehousing departments
 Missing documents
 Unrecorded transactions
 No bank reconciliations
 Subsidiary ledgers out of balance
 No physical inventory counts
 Checks written to cash
 Large related party loans
 Excessive other revenue
 Negative operating cash flow
 Downward earnings trend
Red Flags

 Handwritten checks
 Extensive fund transfers
 Unusual transactions (inconsistent)
 Deficient hiring policies and procedures
 Employees’ lifestyles inconsistent with salaries
 Employees who don’t take vacations
 Excessive insider sales of stock
 Unexplained resignations of upper management
 Excessive debt/equity ratio
 Strange account titles

No vacation
Voluntary overtime
No reconciliation
One employee “does it all”
Documentation is not original
“Rush” requests
characteristics of firm that may lead to fraudulent activities occurring

 Fraud is not perceived as a risk, or risks are not assessed

 Management ignores irregularities
 Morale is low
 High turnover within the firm
 Staff lacks training in the systems in which they operate
on a day to day basis
 A rapid increase in revenues and profits
 A very strong, egotistical leader
 Profit is the ultimate goal. It is to be reached no matter
what occurs to deter the organization or employee.
 Salary structure is tied to profits

 Living Beyond Means
 Financial difficulties
 Unusually close association with vendor/customer
 Control issues
 Family problem
 Excessive family/peer pressure for success
 Wheeler-dealer attitude
 Irritability, suspiciousness, or defensiveness
 Addiction problems
 Past employment related or legal problems
 Complained about inadequate pay
 Refusal to take vacations
 Excessive pressure from within organization
 Complained about lack of authority

Behavioral Red Flags of Perpetrators

Andi R. Zubaidi
Mendeteksi Indikasi Fraud

5 steps to detect fraud

Know the symptoms  red flags

Know your exposures  hypothesis
Be alert for the symptoms  focus
Build your audit programs to look for the
symptoms  audit program
Follow through on all symptoms observed
10 commandments to improve your chances of
detecting fraud

 Assume anyone can commit fraud

 Use your knowledge of internal controls to think dirty and then check
it out
 Good documentation does not mean that someting happened. It
simply means that somebody said that it happened
 Pay attention to documents, numbers, datas, support, amount, tax,
different pens, etc
 Reasonableness of accounting entries
 Pay attention to hints of rumors of wrongdoing
 Check out hunches-learn to trust your instincts
 Be nosey – don’t accept explanations, especially if they don’t make
sense or you don’t undersand them
 Use statistical sampling to force you to look at items you would not
generally otherwise examine
 Look for patterns of unsual transcations
Teknik Deteksi Indikasi Fraud

1 2 3

Critical Job Fraud

Point Sensitivity Triangle
Auditing Analysis Analytics
(hal 8)

Opportunity-providing factors
 Lack of controls or
ineffectively applied
 Inability to judge the
quality of work
 Lack of discipline
 Lack of access to
 No audit trail
 Ignorance or apathy

The right amount of

pressure can cause
even honest people to
commit fraud.
Employees under lots of
pressure should not
be given the
opportunity to
commit fraud.
 Lifestyle
 Personal debt:
 Financial losses
 Gambling
 Drugs
 Challenge to beat the
 Job dissatisfaction

A fraudster must be
able to rationalize
the fraud so as to
make the fraudulent
actions consistent
with his/her personal
code of conduct.
Common Rationalizations
 “ I’m only borrowing the money; I’ll
pay it back.”
 “ Everyone does it.”
 “ I’m not hurting anyone.”
 “ It’s for a good purpose.”
 “ It’s not that serious.”
 “ They owe it to me. I deserve to get
paid more.”
Why do we fail to detect fraud?

 We mechanically “tick and turn”

 We don’t perform the basis, traditional audit tests and procedures
 Lack of substantive testing
 We avoid those high risk areas, especially if they are immaterial in amount
 Lack of adequate training to recognize fraud indicators
 We tend to accept any reasonable auditee axplanation for an audit exception
 We don’t have adequate training in order to recognize basic internal control
weakness and what can happen as a result of such
 Inadequate audit time budgets
 We just don’t want to find fraud because it causes problems in our predictable
 We assume
Kartu remi, kartu tarot...
Yokkk kita perangi FRAUD!!!
Cheers and Thankyou! :D


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