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Disusun oleh:

ERNI YUNIATI, S.Pd Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris





Petugas Perpustakaan

Madiun, Juni 2008 Penulis

ERNI YUNIATI, S.Pd NIP.150337602

Disahkan dan didokumentasikan tanggal 30 Juli 2008 Kepala MAN 1 Madiun

Drs. WIYOTO NIP. 150216544









terselesaikannya modul ini sebagai panduan dan bantuan bagi siswa kelas XI IPA dan IPS di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Madiun. Modul ini disusun untuk satu 1 (satu) tahun yang terbagi menjadi dua semester (ganjil dan genap). Adapun isinya adalah beberapa materi yang tingkat kesulitannya tinggi dan atau materi yang memang sering keluar dalam soal-soal test akhir pembelajaran. Diharapkan siswa dapat terbantu dengan memahami dan mengerjakan soalsoal yang ada di dalam modul ini. Akhir kata, semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Amin.



One of these days is none of these days We make a difference if we choose Your future is not in the hands of your teachers. Your future hands. is in your

Halaman HALAMAN JUDUL................................................................................... KATA PENGANTAR.................................................................................. MOTTO........................................................................................................ DAFTAR ISI................................................................................................ PETA KEDUDUKAN MODUL................................................................. BAB I PENDAHULUAN............................................................................ BAB II PEMBELAJARAN........................................................................... A. RENCANA BELAJAR SISWA SEMESTER GANJIL..................... B. KEGIATAN BELAJAR : VERBAL-NOMINAL............................. C. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 2: NOUN PHRASE.................................... D. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 3: USING WHEN & WHILE................ E. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 4: ADJECTIVE CLAUSE........................... F. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 5: CAUSATIVE.......................... BAB III PEMBELAJARAN........................................................................ A. RENCANA BELAJAR SISWA SEMESTER GENAP...................... B. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 1 : DIRECT-INDIRECT SPEECH.............. C. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 2: PASSIVE VOICE.................................... D. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 3: CONDITIONAL SENTENCE................ E. KEGIATAN BELAJAR 4: PREFERENCE............................. BAB IV PENUTUP....................................................................................... 28 29 37 41 50 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 12 15 19 23





CATATAN: Menggambarkan bahwa setiap materi yang tingkat kesulitannya tinggi dapat dibantu dengan adanya modul. Dalam arti kata, modul akan mengcover materi dengan kesulitan tinggi


Tujuan suatu pendidikan tak lain adalah untuk mencerdaskan bangsa, membentuk sumber daya manusia yang handal dan berdaya saing, membentuk watak dan jiwa sosial, berbudaya, berakhlak dan berbudi luhur, serta berwawasan pengetahuan teknologi bagi siswa untuk berkarya secara inovatif, kreatif dan tepat guna. Untuk mencapai tujuan di atas, penulis disini berusaha membantu siswa dalam rangka mencerdaskan bangsa dengan menyusun MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS GET ENGLISH KELAS XI TINGKAT SMA/MA. Adapun materi dalam modul ini disajikan dengan berbagai perlengkapan antara lain uji pemahaman, kegiatan individu, kegiatan kelompok dan uji kompetensi. Dengan berbagai perlengkapan tersebut diharapkan dapat mendampingi siswa dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, sehingga siswa dapat meraih kesuksesan dalam berprestasi. Oleh karena modul ini ditujukan bagi siswa kelas XI tingkat SMA/MA, maka pengguna buku ini adalah mereka yang telah duduk di kelas XI. Tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi siswa dengan kelas berbeda dapat menyerap dan mempelajari modul ini. Setiap proses pembelajaran di kelas biasanya sudah terdapat buku paket dan LKS. Akan tetapi karena keterbatasan waktu pembelajaran si sekolah dan banyaknya materi yang harus diselesaikan, maka banyak materi yang kurang dapat terselesaikan dengan baik atau banyak siswa yang kurang paham akan materi tertentu. Modul ini berfungsi membantu siswa untuk dapat mengejar ketinggalan tersebut dengan belajar sendiri di rumah mengenai materi yang telah disampaikan atau akan disampaikan oleh guru di kelas. Meskipun begitu, peran guru akan tetap dibutuhkan dengan cara terus memantau perkembangan siswa akan pemahaman materi yang telah disampaikan. Tujuan akhir yang diharapkan tercapai dengan adanya modul ini adalah: 1) Siswa akan dapat membantu dirinya sendiri dalam belajar baik di rumah ataupun di sekolah 2) Siswa dapat menyelesaikan setiap kesulitan belajar yang ada 3) Modul tersebut akan tetap dipakai sebagai pendamping dri dari buku paket

dan LKS yang ada. Adapun materinya adalah sama dengan yang ada dalam buku paket dan LKS dengan pengembangan lebih lanjut. Modul ini akan mencakup beberapa materi yang tentunya berhubungan dengan 4 skills dalam Bahasa Inggris: Listening, Speaking, Reading dan Writing. Karena dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, ke-empat skills ini tidak dapat dipisah-pisah dalam pencapaiannya. Di setiap akhir materi yang diberikan, siswa akan mendapatkan cek kemampuan dimana siswa dapat melatih kemampuannya sendiri di rumah. Siswa juga telah mendapatkan contoh soal dan pembahasannya dalam test formtif sebelumnya di setiap pokok bahasan yang diberikan. Dengan demikian dengan adanya modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat memanfaatkan secara maksimal sehingga akan terbetuk siswa yang handal. Amin.



1. Jenis Kegiatan 2. Tanggal 3. Waktu 4. Tempat Pencapaian 5. Perubahan

: Pembelajaran Mandiri : Juli 2008 s/d Januari 2009 : 1 semester (Ganjil) : Sekolah dan Rumah : Siswa dapat membantu dirinya sendiri dalam memahami materi yang dianggap sulit atau belum terpecahkan selama pembelajaran di sekolah

6. Persetujuan Guru

: Erni Yuniati, S.Pd




Tujuan Pembelajaran 1

Siswa dapat membedakan jenis kalimat verbal dan kalimat nominal dalam bentuk simple present tense dan simple past tense b. +P+O S + P + O Uraian Materi 1

Pada dasarnya sebuah kalimat haruslah berpola S + P (minimal) atau S

VERBAL SENTENCE Full Verb / Kata kerja Penuh kerja penuh Examples: work, study, sit, read, etc 1. My mother works at the hospital 2. Andi studies at 7 oclock everyday 3. Mother bought a ring yesterday Penggunaan Kata Kerja Dalam kalimat verbal Dalam Kalimat Nominal

NOMINAL SENTENCE Non Full Verb / bukan kata Kata Kerja digunakan : To Be 1. She is a teacher 2. They are really smart 3. He was actor

: 1. Simple Present Tense 2. Simpel Past Tense : 1. Simple Present Tense 2. Simple Past Tense

=V1 =V2 = is, am , are = was, were


Examples 1. Verbal, present tense (+) My mother works at the hospital (-) My mother does not work at the hospital (?) Does my mother work at the hospital? 2. Nominal, present tense (+) She is a teacher (-) She is not a teacher (?) Is she a teacher 3. Verbal, past tense (+) Mother bought a ring yesterday (-) Mother did not buy a ring yesterday (?) Did mother buy a ring yesterday 4. Nominal, past tense (+) She was really smart (-) She was not really smart (?) Was she really smart c. d. Rangkuman 1 Verbal menggunakan kata kerja penuh Nominal menggunakan to be (menyesuaikan) Tugas 1 Make 5 sentence in verbal and nominal , present Make 5 sentence in verbal and nominal , past tense, tense, and then change into form of (+), (-), (?) and then change into form of (+), (-), (?)


e. (+) (-) (?)

Tes Formatif 1

1. Ali Baba (find) a very large quantity of money

2. They (be) very happy last night (+) (-) (?) 3. A: Andi, (you, want) .to listen to my favourite music? B: Sure, I really (want) know what kind of music do you like best. f. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 1 1. Ali Baba (find) a very large quantity of money (+) Ali Baba found a very large quantity of money (-) Ali Baba did not find a very large quantity of money (?) Did Ali Baba find a very large quantity of money? 2. They (be) very happy last night (+) They were very happy last night (-) They were not very happy last night (?) Were they very happy last night? 3. A: Andi, (you, want) did you want to listen to my favourite music? B: Sure, I really (want) wanted to know what kind of music do you like best g. 1. (+) (-) 12 Lembar Kerja 1 Naufal (buy) a new car today


2. (+) (-) (?) 3. (+) (-) (?)

Naufal (buy) a new car two days ago

She (be) satisfied with the result of her test now

4. Their parents (be) very sad yesterday (+) (-) (?) 5. A: (You, see).. my sister today? B: I (not, think) 6. A: What (you, give) yesterday? B: I just (give) you a bouquet of flower 7. A: (be, you).happy now? B: Absolutely, I (be).happy 8. A: (be, Kaka)..satisfied with the result of the test yesterday? B: I (not, think).. like that 9. She (be)..absent yesterday. But, today she (be) .here. She (not, follow).everything thought by teacher. Otherwise, today she (follow)what the teacher gives to us. 10. Last year, the President (instruct).us to (grow) any plants in our yards. As the result, our home today (be) .so shady.



a. Tujuan Pembelajaran 2

Siswa dapat menyusun kalimat dalam bentuk noun modifier dengan susunan yang benar b. Uraian Materi 2

Untuk menyusun NOUN MODIFIER haruslah sesuai dengan urutan yang benar dan tidak boleh acak. Kata benda yang diterangkan haruslah diletakkan paling belakang. Sedangkan yang menerangkan kata benda (adjective) diletakkan sebelum kata benda. Tidak akan menjadi masalah apabila adjective yang menerangkan kata benda hanya ada satu. Tetapi bagaimana kalau adjective yang menerangkan kata benda tersebut lebih dari satu, lima adjective misalnya. Untuk menyusun adjectives tersebut diperlukan rumus sebagai berikut. DOSAS COMP + NOUN D = Determiner : A, an, the, some ,any, many, her......., his, etc O = Opinion : beautiful, handsome, cute, nice, expensive, etc S = Size: small, large, fat, thin, thick, etc A = Age: old, new, recently, 17th, etc S = Shape: square, rectangle, oval, triangle, etc C = Color: red, yellow, blue, green, etc O = Origin: Parisian, Chinese, Malay, German, etc M = Material : wood, plastic, paper, iron, etc P = Purpose: Usually in form V+Ing


Examples 1. Malaysa Salah: A girl who young, tall and beautiful come from Malaysa. Benar : A beautiful tall young Malaysa girl 2. Tiga gaun merah muda yang sangat mahal dibeli dari Jepang terbuat dari sutera Salah : Three gowns pink that expensive from Japan and made by silk Benar : Three expensive pink Japan silk gowns c. belakang Setiap adjective (yang menerangkan kata benda tersebut) haruslah disusun berdasarkan DOSAS COMP d. Tugas 2 Hafalkan rumus DOSAS COMP beserta contoh-contohnya e. white black gown? f. white Kunci Jawaban Formatif 2 Her large square house beautiful new Anto is (English / an / college / excellent) student Do you know (evening beautiful Parisian) Thick old story an book interesting Tes Formatif 2 Her large square house beautiful new Rangkuman 1 Kata benda yang diterangkan haruslah diletakkan paling Seorang gadis muda yang tinggi dan cantik berasal dari


Her beautiful large new square white house Thick old an book interesting black Anto is (English / an / college / excellent) student An interesting thick old black book Anto is an excellent English college student

Do you know (green beautiful Parisian) gown?

Do you know beautiful green Parisian gown? h. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jepang ARRANGE INTO GOOD NOUN PHRASE! 7. 8. 9. Have you seen (beautiful a interesting young) lady? Naufal is ( little cute clever) boy? Cars three expensive Japan - new Lembar Kerja 2 Seorang murid yang gemuk dan cerdas berkulit hitam Tiga anak muda desa yang nakal berambul keriting Empat meja panjang terbuat dari kayu berwarna hijau Sebuah rumah baru yang indah bercat biru berharga mahal Sebuah buku baru yang tebal dan sangat menarik Tiga buah komputer baru yang sangat mahal buatan

CHANGE AND ARRANGE INTO GOOD NOUN PHRASE! berasal dari Afrika bertubuh pendek dapat dibeli dari Jepara

10. Three interesting young France - girls



a. Tujuan Pembelajaran 3 Siswa dapat menggabungkan 2 kalimat dengan conjunction WHEN dan :WHILE dalam Past Continuous Tense b. Uraian Materi 3 WHEN Ini berarti ada dua kejadian, dimana kejadian pertama terjadi terlebih dahulu baru kemudian terjadi kejadan kedua dalam waktu yang dekat PATTERN: S + V2 + O Kejadian 1 WHEN S + WAS/WERE +V Ing + O Kejadian 2

Urutan urutan kejadiannya dapat dibolak-balik, yang jelas bila satunya menggunakan Past Tense (V2), kejadian lain memakai Past Continuous Tense (Was/were + V ing) WHILE Ini berarti ada dua kejadian, dimana dua kejadian tersebut terjadi secara bersamaan PATTERN: S + WAS/WERE + VIng + O Kejadian 1 WHILE S + WAS/WERE +V Ing+ O Kejadian 2


Urutan urutan kejadiannya dapat dibolak-balik, yang jelas bila satunya menggunakan Past Continuous Tense (Was/Were +Ving), kejadian lain memakai Past Continuous Tense (Was/were + V ing) juga Examples USING WHEN 1. Andi walked on the street when Ratna was watering her flowers. 2. Ratna was watering her flowers when Andi walked on the street USING WHILE 1. Father was reading newspaper while mother was cooking at the kitchen 2. Mother was cooking at the kitchen while father was reading newspaper c. Rangkuman 3 1. 2. When = dua kejadian yang terjadi hampir While = dua kejadian yang terjadi bersamaan dan bersamaan dan perhatikan pola yang digunakan. perhatikan pola yang digunakan d. Tugas 3 1. Hafalkan pola (pattern) yang digunakan antara WHEN dan WHILE e. Tes Formatif 3 1. .her 2. 3. 4. Opal tried to repair her car when Kaka (study) Teacher (explain)..thus materials while The driver was keeping the bus while the man English students were listening carefully (ask) the money 18 She was washing the cycle when her friend (call)

f. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 3 1. called.her 2. studying English 3. 4. Teacher (explain)was explaining thus materials The driver was keeping the bus while the man while students were listening carefully (ask) was asking the money g. Lembar Kerja 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The poor person was suffering from the flood While mother was typing her tasks, her son (sleep) Grandfather (fix)..the toys while Intan was watering her plants when Kaka (pass) Opal and Fauzan (write)..their letter The man (promote).thus products when The audiences (not, respond) him, Andi (call) Ana while Ana (knock) while another only (spend).................... their money ..nicely. grandmother (watch).television in the room ..her house when Izal talked about her the girl given the signs. when he was trying the best. the door Opal tried to repair her car when Kaka (study)was She was washing the cycle when her friend (call)



a. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE b. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE Adjective clause adalah dependent clause. Ini berarti dia tergantung kepada kalimat lain. Adjective clause berfungsi memodifikasi dan menerangkan noun. Ini berarti bahwa kedudukan adjective clause selalu mengikuti noun yang diterangkan tersebut. Examples 1. I met a man who is kind to everybody. 2. I know the doctor who examined my brother 3. The man whom I wanted to see was away on holiday Perhatikan bahwa kalimat yang digaris bawahi adalah adjective clause. Kedudukannya selalu di belakang noun/pronoun yang diterangkan. SUBJECT PRONOUNS YANG DIGUNAKAN 1. WHO 2. WHOM 3. WHOSE 4. WHICH 5. THAT = orang, kedudukan di subyek = orang, kedudukan di obyek = menyatakan milik = benda = orang dan benda Uraian Materi 4 Tujuan Pembelajaran 4

Siswa dapat memahami dan membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan


MENGGABUNGKAN DUA KALIMAT MENJADI ADJECTIVE CLAUSE 5. The man is my father He came here yesterday The man who came here yesterday is my father 6. This is the boy He stole your money This is the boy who stole your money PROSES MENGGABUNGKAN 1. Carilah noun/pronoun yang sama diantara dua kalimat tersebut 2. Tentukan subject pronoun yang sesuai 3. Gabungkan: Tulis dari kalimat pertama sampai ketemu noun/pronoun yang sama. Stop! Kemudian sisipkan subject pronoun nya. Lanjutkan dengan kalimat kedua (tanpa menuliskan noun yang sama di kalimat kedua). Jika sudah selesai pada kalimat kedua, lanjutkan kembali ke kalimat pertama jika masih ada. C. Rangkuman 4 Untuk proses menggabungkan, dapat dilihat dari panduan diatas. Tapi bila anda diminta mengisi adjective clause dari klaimat yang sudah tergabung, maka anda dapat menggunakan pola berikut: .ORANG WHO VERB .ORANG WHOM ORANG. .BENDA WHICH ORANG / BENDA.. .ORANG/BENDA WHOSE ORANG/BENDA.

D. Tugas 4 1. 2. Hafalkan pola (pattern) yang digunakan untuk Hafalkan pola untuk mengisi adjective clause 21 menggabungkan dua kalimat menjadi adjective clause

E. Tes Formatif 4 1. 2. 3. year. 4. document. 5. The boy is very clever. His mother is a dentist. The man was an eyewitness. He signed a The girl is very beautiful. She reads a magazine. Yesterday I met the girl. Her father is doctor. The girl fell in love with the man. I met him last

F. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 4 1. 2. 3. year 4. eyewitness 5. G. Lembar Kerja 4 A. COMBINE THE TWO SENTENCES INTO ONE SENTENCE! 1. The book is interesting. I bought it yesterday. 2. The soup was delicious. Mother cooked it with my grandma. 3. The office wasnt clean. My friend worked there. 4. The woman is my mother. She is waving to me. 5. The car is mine. It is on the garage. 6. The vase is full of flower. It is on the table. 7. The cat is mine. It was found yesterday. 8. The man goes to school by bike. I meet him everyday. 9. The chair is new. It is on the room. 10. The car was stolen yesterday. The car was bought last week. The boy whose mother is a dentist is very clever The man who signed a document was an The girl who reads a magazine is very beautiful Yesterday I met the girl whose father is doctor The girl fell in love with the man whom I met last




a. CAUSATIVE b. CAUSATIVE Causative are main verbs that cause people or machines to do things to change. Causative are presented from the most powerful to the least forceful. MAKE GET HAVE LET HELP In causative, a person doesnt perform an action directly. The person causes it to happen by forcing another person to do it. Examples 1. Mother makes Naura clean her room. It means that mother doesnt clean Nauras room, but mother forces Naura to clean her room. 2. Father gets Naufal to repair his bicycle It means that father doesnt repair Naufals bicycle, but father forces Naufal to repair his bicycle. Uraian Materi 5 Tujuan Pembelajaran 5

Siswa dapat memahami dan membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan




Examples: 1. His mother made him take his medicine 2. I made the machine work Catatan: Perhatikan penggunaan made. Meskipun ini adalah Verb 2 (past tense), tetapi penggunaan Verb setelah someone dan something adalah tetap dalam bentuk Verb 1. 2. GET


Examples: 1. Lets get Rani to go with us 2. Lets get our car fixed first CATATAN: Get has less force and authority than make 3. HAVE



Examples: 1. My English teacher had us give oral reports 2. I want to have this book renewed please CATATAN: Have has even less force and authority than get. 4. LET


Examples: 1. His mother let him go to school 2. I am letting this machine cool 5. HELP


Examples: 1. He is helping me type my paper 2. He is helping me to type my paper CATATAN: Among the three over verbs mentioned before, HELP has the least forceful. This main verb (HELP) only has one pattern (in someone), it doesnt have pattern in something.


C. Rangkuman 5 The causative verb forms depend on the tenses. Examples: A. B. I will get my sister sew my shirt I had Rian brings us the report. (Present Future Tense) (Past Perfect Tense) H. Tugas 5 1. Make five (5) groups in your class. 2. Each groups analyze one of five main verbs in causative 3. One of students from this group presents and delivers what is the result of their discussing 4. Make summarizing guided by teacher I. Tes Formatif 5 1. The doctor made the bed.(stay) 2. Mrs. Naura had her house..(paint) 3. The teacher had the class.. a 2000-word research paper.(write) 4. I made my son.the windows before he could go outside to play.(wash) 5. Doni got some kids in the neighborhood..out his garage. (clean) J. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 5 1. The doctor made the patient stay in bed. 2. Mrs. Naura had her house painted. 3. The teacher had the class write 2000-word research paper. 4. I made my son wash the windows before he could go outside to play. 5. Doni got some kids in the neighborhood to clean out his garage.


K. Lembar Kerja 5 1. I went to the bank to have a check(cash) 2. Tom had a headache yesterday, so he got his twin brother class for him. The teacher didnt know the difference. (go) 3. When Scott went shopping, he found a jacket that he really liked. After he had the sleeves., it fit him perfectly. (shorten) 4. My boss made report because he wasnt satisfied with it.(redo) 5. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank..(fill) 6. I got Maryme some money so I could go to a movie last night. (lend) 7. Mr.Fields went to a doctor to have the wart on his nose (remove) 8. Peeling onions always makes me.. (cry) 9. Tom Sawyer was supposed to paint the fence, but he didnt want to do it. He was a very clever boy. Somehow he got his for him. (do) 10. We had a professional of everyone who participated in our wedding. (take) 11. I spilled some tomato sauce on my suit coat. Now I need to get my suit.(clean) 12. Dont let me .to take my keys to the house with me. (forget) 13. My father let me .his car. (drive) 14. I let my bicycle. (borrow) 15. My brother helped me car. (wash)


B. RENCANA BELAJAR SISWA 2 1. Jenis Kegiatan 2. Tanggal 3. Waktu 4. Tempat Pencapaian 5. Perubahan : Pembelajaran Mandiri : Februari 2008 s/d Juni 2008 : 1 semester (Genap) : Sekolah dan Rumah : Siswa dapat membantu dirinya sendiri dalam memahami materi yang dianggap sulit atau belum terpecahkan selama pembelajaran di sekolah 6. Persetujuan Guru : Erni Yuniati, S.Pd




a. langsung b.

Tujuan Pembelajaran 1

Siswa dapat membedakan perbedaan kalimat langsung dan tak

Uraian Materi 1 My mother said, It is time to go away. Reporting Verb Reported Speech

(kata kerja yang memberitakan) (kata kerja yang dilaporkan)

Reporting Verb = bila kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat

memberitakan apa yang dikatakan oleh si pembicara tertentu dalam sebuah kalimat yang lain, kata kerja dalam kalimat I disebut Reporting Verb

Reported Speech = apa yang dikatakan dalam kalimat kedua

Ada dua cara reported speech dinyatakan: 1. Mengulangi kata-kata sebenarnya yang dipakai pembicara 2. Memberitakan isi pokok kata-katanya Direct Speech = bila reported speech mengulangi kata-kata yang sebenarnya. Ini tidak dihubungkan dengan that melainkan harus ditandai dengan tanda baca .......


Indirect Speech = bila reported speech memberikan isi pokok katakata yang dipakai oleh pembicara dan bukan kata yang sebenarnya. Ini dihubungkan dengan that (untuk kalimat berita/statement) Bentuk waktu dlama reporting verb tidak berubah. Akan tetapi bentuk waktu reported speech harus diubah berdasarkan bentuk waktu reporting verb. Ada dua peraturan mengenai perubahan waktu dalam reported speech : 1. Kalau reporting verb itu past tense, maka bentuk waktu kata kerja dalam reported speech itu harus diubah kedalam salah satu dari 4 (empat) bentuk waktu past tense 2. Kalau reporting verb itu present / future tense, maka bentuk waktu kata kerja dalam reported speech itu sama sekali tidak berubah (tetap) EXAMPLES: PERATURAN I (REPORTING VERB = PAST TENSE) A. KALIMAT BERITA / STATEMENT 1. SIM PLE PRESENT SIMPLE PAST He said, The woman comes. He said that the woman came. 2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS He said, The woman is coming. He said that the woman was coming. 3. PRESENT PERFECT PAST PERFECT He said, The woman has come. He said that the woman had come. 4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said, The woman has been coming. He said that the woman had been coming. 5. SIM PLE PAST PAST PERFECT He said, The woman came at seven. He said that the woman had come at seven. 6. PAST CONTINUOUS PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said, The woman was coming. 31 PAST PERFECT CONT PAST CONTINUOUS THAT

He said that the woman had been coming. 7. FUTURE PAST He said, The woman shall come. He said that the woman should come. (WILL ---- WOULD) 8. PRESENT PAST He said, The woman may come. He said that the woman might come. (CAN --- COULD, MUST --- HAD TO) Ada sebuah perkecualian pada Peraturan I, kalau reported speech berhubungan dengan kebenaran umum / fakta yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan, Present Indefinite / Simple Present dalam reporte speech tidak diubah kedalam bentuk lampau (tetap persisi sebagaimana adanya). Examples: 1. He said, London is a great city. He said that London is a great city. 2. He said, The sun rises in the east. He said that the sub rises in the east. Dalam reported speech, bila Present Tense diubah ke Past Tense dengan Peraturan I, kata sifat / kata kerja / kata keterangan lazimnya diadakan perubahan: This (ini) These (ini) Come (datang) Here (disini/kesini) Hence (dari sini) Hither That (itu) Those (itu) Go (pergi) There (disana/kesana) Thence (dari sana) Thither Ago (Lalu) Now (sekarang) Today (hari ini) Tomorrow (besok) Yesterday (kemarin) Last night Then (pada waktu itu) Then (pada waktu itu) That day (hari itu) Next day (hari berikutnya) The previous day (hari sblumnya) The previous


(ke tempat ini)

(ke tempat itu)

(tadi malam)

night (1 malam sblmnya) The following week(minggu brktnya) So (begitu)

Next week (minggu depan) Thus (begini) EXAMPLES: 1. He said, I will come here. He said that he would go there. 2. He said, I have seen this woman. He said that he had seen that woman. 3. He said, I saw this woman long ago. He said that he had seen that woman long before.

PERATURAN II (REPORTING VERB = PRESENT / FUTURE TENSE) Bentuk waktu dari kata kerja dalam reported speech tidak diubah dalam mengubah Direct Speech menjadi Indirect Speech. Example: Reporting Verb (Present Tense) 1. She says to her friend, I have been writing. She says to her friend that he has been writing. 2. She has told you, I am reading. She has told you that he is reading. Reporting Verb (Future Tense) 1. She will say, You have done wrongly. She will say that you have done wrongly. 2. She will say, The boy wasnt lazy. She will tell them that the boy wasnt lazy. 33 Reported Speech (Any Tenses) Reported Speech (Any Tenses)








QUESTIONS ITU SENDIRI Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat Tanya, reporting verb say/tell diubah menjadi ask/inquire Examples: 1. He said to me, Where are you going? He asked me where I was going. 2. He said to him, Why do you stop here? He asked him why he stopped there. 3. He said to me, What are you doing? He inquired of me what I was doing. c. YES / NO QUESTIONS IF / WHETHER

Bila reported speech dimulai dengan kata kerja diberitakan, digunakan if / whether sebagai penghubung antara reporting verb dan reporte speech. Examples: 1. He said to me, Are you going away today? He asked me whether I was going away that day 2. He asked me, Can you come along? He asked me if I could come along. 3. They asked, Tuti, will you help us? They asked Tuti if she would help them D. KALIMAT PERINTAH (IMPERATIVE SENTENCE) (POSITIVE) & NOT TO (LARANGAN / NEGATIF) Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat perintah, reporting verb say / tell diubah menjadi kata kerja yang menandakan: A. Command (perintah) = ordered, commanded, dsb B. Precept (petunjuk, bimbingan) = advised C. Request (permohonan) = asked D. Entreaty (permohonan mendesak) = begged E. Prohibition (larangan) = forbade 34 TO

EXAMPLES: 1. Command He said to his servant, Go away at once! He ordered his servant to go away at once 2. Precept She said to her son, Study hard! She advised her son to study hard 3. Request He said to his friend, Please lend me your pencil! He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil. 4. Entreaty He said to his master, Pardon me, Sir! He begged his master to pardon him. 5. Prohibition She said to her daughter, Do not go there! She forbade her daughter to go there, atau She said to her daughter not to go there. c. Rangkuman 1

Mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung harus mematuhi dan memperhatikan beberapa aturan-aturan seperti diatas. Siswa dituntut memahami: 1. Bila reporting verb / kata kerja yang melaporkan adalah past tense, maka akan ada perubahan tenses (kedalam bentuk past tense) pada reported speech (kata kerja yang dilaporkan) 2. dalam kolom diatas) 3. Jenis jenis kata hubung (that, wh-questions, if/wheteher, to / not to) tergantung kepada jenis kalimat yang digunakan. d. Tugas 1 Perhatikan juga perubahan adverb (seperti


Pikirkanlah tentang sepucuk surat yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang anda terima belum lama ini. Dalam paragraph singkat, ringkaslah beberapa berita atau informasi dalam surat ini. (jika anda tidak menerima surat yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris belum lama ini, buatlah sendiri). Masukkan sedikitnya satu atau dua kalimat yang menggunakan pola yang anda latih di dalam latihan unit ini: said that........and that/said that..........but that. e. 1. 2. Tes Formatif 1 Bob said, I will help you. Do you need a pen? Annie asked Bob said.. Annie asked me 3. Jennifer asked, What do you want? Jennifer asked me. 4. Have you ever met Ms.Powell? Mr.Peterson asked me 5. My father is a businessman. My mother is an engineer. He said that g. 1. 2. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 1 Bob said, I will help you. Do you need a pen? Annie asked Bob said that he would help me. Annie asked me if I needed a pen. 6. Jennifer asked, What do you want? Jennifer asked me what I wanted. 7. Have you ever met Ms.Powell? Mr.Peterson asked me if I had ever met Ms.Powell. 8. My father is a businessman. My mother is an engineer. He said that his father was a businessman and that his mother was an engineer. i. Lembar Kerja 1 36

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. space.

Sid asked, Are you hungry? I want a sandwich, Jeniffer said. Im going to move to Ohio, said Bruce Did you enjoy your trip? asked Connie. Dick asked, What are you talking about? Im going to postpone the examination. Someday well be in contact with beings from outer

Sid wanted to know.. Jeniffer said. Bruce informed me Connie asked me. Dick asked me. Professor Williams announced

The scientist predicted. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I think Ill go to the library to study. Is what I wrote correct? I need to go to the market before it closes. Is what Ive herad true? Im excited about my new job. Ive found a nice Joe said. Maura wanted to know Janet suddenly remembered. I wondered.. apartment. I got a letter from my sister yesterday. She said.. 13. Your uncle Harry is in the hospital. Your aunt Sally is very worried about him. The last time my mother wrote to me, she said 14. I expect you to be in class every day. Unexcused absences may affect your grades. Our sociology professor said.. 15. Ill come to the meeting, but I cant stay for more than two hours. 37

Julia told me




Tujuan Pembelajaran 2

Siswa dapat membedakan, menggunakan serta menelaah penggunaan kalima pasif dalam sebuah teks sehingga siswa mampu memahami isi teks bacaan. b. Form of the Passive : Active Uraian Materi 2

BE + V3

: Mary helped the boy

Passive : The boy was helped by Mary In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb. Cara mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif: 1. 2. 3. 4. Subject dalam kalimat pasif = object dalam kalimat aktif Verb dalam kalimat pasif = BE + V3 Setelah Verb cantumkan by Object dalam kalimat pasif = subject dalam kalimat aktif

Active : An accident happened Passive: (none) Only transitive verbs (verb that are followed by object) are used in the passive. It is not possible to use verbs such as happen, sleep, come and seem (intransitive verbs) in the passive. Common intransitive verbs (verbs that are not followed by object): agree, arrive, come, cry, exist, go, happen, live, occur, rain, rise, sleep, stay, walk


Common transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by object): build, cut, find, like, make, need, send, use, want. EXAMPLES: 1. Simple Present Active Passive Active Passive Active Passive 4. Simple Past Active Passive Active Passive 6. Past Perfect Active Passive 7. Simple Future Active Passive 8. Be going to Active Passive 9. Future Perfect Active Passive : Mary will have helped John : John will have been helped by Mary : Mary is going to help John : John is going to be helped by Mary : Mary will help John : John will be helped by Mary : Mary had helped John : John had been helped by Mary : Mary helped John : John was helped by Mary : Mary was helping John : John was being helped by Mary : Mary helps John : John is helped by Mary : Mary is helping John : John is being helped by Mary : Mary has helped John : John has been helped by Mary

2. Present Progressive

3. Present Perfect

5. Past Progressive



Rangkuman 2

The progressive form of the present perfect, past perfect, future, and future perfect are very rarely used in the passive Life on Mississipi was written by Mark Twain The by phrase is included only if it is important to know who performs an action d. Tugas 2

Buatlah dua kelompok dalam kelas. Masing-masing kelompok membuat 10 kalimat aktif, kemudian tukarkan satu sama lain, dan ubah menjadi kalimat pasif. e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. machine in the laboratory f. 1. 2. 3. 4. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 2 The teacher explains the lesson everyday The students discussed the problem last night Naufal is writing a letter to headmaster They have written the report on the technology The lesson is explained by the teacher everyday The problem was discussed by the students last night A letter to the headmaster is being written by Naufal advancement for three hours The report on the technology advancement have been written by them for three hours 5. machine in the laboratory 41 Edward and Thomas were trying the new Tes Formatif 2 The teacher explains the lesson everyday The students discussed the problem last night Naufal is writing a letter to headmaster They have written the report on the technology Edward and Thomas were trying the new

advancement for three hours

The new machine in the laboratory was being tried by Edward and Thomas. g. 1. tomorrow 2. 3. microscope 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. examination 9. general election 10. 11. are valuable for students 12. time 13. was about the deadline 14. three months 15. Three visitors brought a basket of food for the animal in the zoo The publisher will publish the books in the next The committee had made an agreement when it Cigarette smoke pollute the air almost all the Daffa has suggested a new idea Internet offers various reading materials which The candidate is going to start a campaign for Someone closes the museum everyday Nobody can do such a thing Naura is preparing the annual report The company employs many people The students have finished the final Some students broke the microscope when tey People can see a very small insect by using had a laboratory class last week Lembar Kerja 2 The government will send the delegates




Tujuan Pembelajaran 3

Siswa dapat memahami dan membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kalimat pengandaian yang disesuaikan dengan bentuk waktunya. b. Uraian Materi 3

Kalimat pengandaian digunakan untuk menyatakan statement/pernyataan yang berlawanan dengan kondisi nyatanya. Bentuk waktunya dibedakan menjadi tiga: 1. Kondisi yang benar / nyata untuk saat ini dan yang akan datang 2. Berlawanan dengan kondisi nyata untuk saat ini dan yang akan datang 3. Berlawanan dengan kondisi nyata untuk waktu lampau Contoh: 1. Situasi Nyata Making a wish Using if : I dont have enough money : I wish I had had enough money : If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car. (atau) If I had had enough money, I could have bought a car. Dalam kita mengungkapkan kalimat pengandaian bias menggunakan dua cara: dengan memakai kalimat yang memakai WISH.. atau IF CLAUSE


Bentuk Verba Dalam Kalimat Dengan IF (Kalimat Pengandaian Atau Conditional) SITUATION True in the Present / Future Contrary to fact in the Present / Future Contrary to fact in the Past Past Perfect Would Have + V3 Could Have + V3 Simple Past IF-CLAUSE Simple Present RESULT CLAUSE Will + V1 Can + V1 Would + V1 Could + V1 If EXAMPLES I have enough

money, I will buy (can buy) a ticket If I had enough money, I would buy (could buy) a ticket If I had had enough (could have

money, I would have bought bought) a ticket

MENGEKSPRESIKAN PENGANDAIAN (WISH) TENTANG PRESENT / FUTURE Orang sering membuat harapan ketika mereka ingin kenyataan menjadi berbeda, menjadi kebalikan dengan keadaan nyata / sebenarnya. Klausa kata benda (Noun Clause) biasanya mengikuti wish. Catatan: Dalam kalimat pengandaian, to be yang digunakan cuma satu = WERE (lihat contoh berikut) THE TRUE SITUATION I dont know how to dance I dont have a bicycle Ron has to work tonight I cant speak Chinese Im not home in bed Ann isnt home in bed Its cold today We arent in Hawaii EXPRESSING A WISH ABOUT THE PRESENT / FUTURE I wish (that) I knew how to dance I wish I had a bicycle Ron wishes he didnt have to work tonight I wish I could speak Chinese I wish I were home in bed Ann wishes she were home in bed I wish it werent cold today We wish we were in Hawaii


MENGEKSPRESIKAN PENGANDAIAN (WISH) TENTANG PAST / MASA LALU Past Perfect digunakan setelah wish ketika orang membuat pengharapan dalam situasi / waktu yang lampau THE TRUE SITUATION I didnt study for the test Jim didnt finish his work I went to the meeting EXPRESSING A WISH ABOUT THE PAST I wish (that) I had studied for the best Jim wishes he had finished his work I wish I hadnt gone to the meeting

MENGGUNAKAN IF: BENAR VS BERLAWANAN DENGAN KENYATAAN DALAM PRESENT / FUTURE SITUATION TRUE CONTRARY TO FACT Contoh: A. TRUE SITUATION 1. If you need some money, I will / can lend you some Simple Present Mungkin kamu butuh uang, jika ini benar maka aku akan pinjami kamu. B. CONTRARY TO THE FACT IF-CLAUSE Simple Present Simple Past RESULT CLAUSE Will / Can + V1 Would / Could + V1

1. If you needed some money, I would/could lend you some. Simple Past Dalam keadaan sebenarnya, kamu tidak butuh uang. Tetapi bila kebalikannya adalah benar, maka aku akan pinjami kamu uang. MENGGUNAKAN IF: BERLAWANAN DENGAN KENYATAAN DALAM PRESENT / FUTURE 45

IF sering digunakan untuk membicarakan tentang situasi yang berlawanan dengan fakta, situasi yang berlawanan dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Contoh: 1. True Situation Making a wish Using if 2. True Situation Making a wish Using if : I dont have enough money : I wish I had enough money : If I had enough money, I would buy a car : If I had enough money, I could buy a car : The weather isnt nice today : I wish the weather were nice today : If the weather were nice today, I would go to the park : If the weather were nice today, I could go to the park Kalimat yang berlawanan dengan fakta, yang menggunakan If clause dan Result Clause disebut dengan CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk mendiskusikan situasi present / future dalam If clause. would atau could digunakan dalam result clause. IF CLAUSE: Simple Past Tense Contoh: 1. If I had enough money, I would buy a car If clause Result clause RESULT CLAUSE: Would/Could + V1

2. I would go to the park, if the weather were nice Result clause If clause

MENGGUNAKAN IF: BERLAWANAN DENGAN KENYATAAN PADA MASA LALU Conditional Sentences yang menggunakan past time mempunyai special verb forms: IF CLAUSE The Past Perfect RESULT CLAUSE Would Have / Could Have + V3 46

Contoh: 1. True Situation Making a wish Using if 2. True Situation Making a wish Using if : I didnt have enough money : I wish I had had enough money : If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car : If I had had enough money, I could have bought a car : The we weather wasnt nice yesterday : I wish the weather had been nice yesterday : If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have gone to the park : If the weather had been nice yesterday, I could have gone to the park 2. Rangkuman 3

Hafalkan perubahan tenses dalam conditional sentences, seperti berikut: Bentuk Verba Dalam Kalimat Dengan IF (Kalimat Pengandaian Atau Conditional) SITUATION True in the Present / Future Contrary to fact in the Present / Future Contrary to fact in the Past Past Perfect Would Have + V3 Could Have + V3 If I had had enough (could have Simple Past IF-CLAUSE Simple Present RESULT CLAUSE Will + V1 Can + V1 Would + V1 Could + V1 If EXAMPLES I have enough

money, I will buy (can buy) a ticket If I had enough money, I would buy (could buy) a ticket

money, I would have bought bought) a ticket


Tugas 3

Buatlah kelompok masing masing 3 siswa. Buatlah kalimat pernyataan (the true situation), masing-masing siswa 3 peryataan. Kemudian tukarkan dalam 47

kelompokmu. Rubahlah kalimat temanmu menjadi kalimat pengandaian (using if clasue dan making a wish). Kemudian tukarkan kembali (putaran ke 2), diskusikan bersama jawaban kalian. 4. Tes Formatif 3 Making a wish : I wish .. 2 True situation : Alice doesnt have a car Making a wish : Alice wishes 3 True situation : Bobby didnt have tell me the truth Making a wish : I wish .. 4 True situation : I dont have enough time a. I wish b. If I (have) enough time, I (go) to the park 5. Jim doesnt study hard. If he (study) ..... harder, he (get) . better grades. 6. True situation : I didnt have enough time yesterday a. I wish . .. b. If I (have) . enough time yesterday. I (go) to the park 7. I dont have a car, but I wish . 8. I have to study tonight, but I wish 9 . A: Can you go to the lecture tonight? B:No, I cant, but I wish . 10.A: Did you go to the party last night? B: Yes, I did, but I wish .. It was boring. 5. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 3 Making a wish : I wish (that) I had a car 2 True situation : Alice doesnt have a car Making a wish : Alice wishes (that) she had a car 3 True situation : Bobby didnt have tell me the truth Making a wish : I wish (that) Bobby had told me the truth 4 True situation : I dont have enough time 48 1. True situation : I dont have a car

1. True situation : I dont have a car

a. I wish I (have) had enough time b. If I (have) had enough time, I (go) would go to the park 5. Jim doesnt study hard. If he (study) studied harder, he (get) would get better grades. 6. True situation : I didnt have enough time yesterday a. I wish I (have) had had enough time yesterday b. If I (have) had had enough time yesterday. I (go) would have gone to the park 7. I dont have a car, but I wish I did 8. I have to study tonight, but I wish I didnt 9 . A: Can you go to the lecture tonight? B:No, I cant, but I wish I could 10.A: Did you go to the party last night? B: Yes, I did, but I wish I hadnt. It was boring. 6. Lembar Kerja 3 I wish. 2. True situation : I have to write a composition I wish 3. I have to take a history course, but I wish I. 4. A: Are you a good musician? B: No, .., but I wish. 5. B: No, 6. 7. A: Is your roommate neat? , but I wish A: Can you come over to my house or dinner tomorrow night? I didnt call my friend last night.

1. True situation : I dont live in an apartment

B: Im sorry, but we.. We wish. I wish.. 8. Emily doesnt understand my problem. I wish.. 9. I cant move into a new apartment, but I wish I. 10. Dick doesnt live close to school, but he wishes he. 11. A: Did you go to the movie last night? 49

B: Yes,.., but I wish..It was a waste time and money 12. True situation: I dont know how to swim a. I wish I (know)how to swim b. If I (know)how to swim, I (go) the beach with you 13. True situation: I have to go to class today a. I wish I (have to go, not) class today b. If I (have to go, not)to class today, I (go) .shopping, or I (visit). 14. Airplane tickets are expensive. If they (be), I (fly) Singapore for the weekend. 15. I wont have enough time tonight. But if I (have) ..enough time, I (write)..a letter to my cousin 16. The weather is terrible today. But if the weather (be).good, I (go)for a five-mile walk. 17. True situation: Mary didnt come to my party last week A. I wish she (come)to my party B. If she (come) to my party, she (meet).my fianc 18. True situation: It was cold yesterday A I wish it (be,not)..cold yesterday B. If it (be,not) cold yesterday, I (go).swimming 19. True situation: Jack didnt study for the test A. Jack wishes he (study)..for the test B. If he (study).or the test, he (pass) 20. I didnt feel good yesterday. If I (feel).better, I (come) class yesterday 21. I dont feel good today. If I (feel).better, I (take).. a walk in the park today 22. Snow is predicted for tomorrow. If it (snow)..tomorrow, I (stay) home 23 I may have a dollar. Let me look in my wallet. If I (have) a dollar, I (lend) .it to you


24. I dont have any money If I (have) a dollar, I (lend) it to you 25. I didnt have a dollar yesterday. If I (have) .a dollar yesterday, I (lend).it to you




Tujuan Pembelajaran 4

Siswa dapat membedakan, menggunakan serta menelaah penggunaan kalima preference (kecenderungan lebih suka A daripada B) b. 1. Uraian Materi 4

In expressing preference you can use the following patterns:

S + PREFER + NOUN + TO + NOUN V-ing V-ing

Examples: a. I prefer air plane to train b. We prefer playing football to playing volleyball 2.



Examples: a. We prefer to play football rather than stay at home b. He would prefer to swim rather than run




Examples: a. They would rather go out than stay at home b. I would rather study than play at yard



Examples: a. I like coofee better than tea b. We like playing play station better than watching TV c. Rangkuman 4

Perhatikan penggunaan Noun yang dibawahnya terdapat Ving, ini berarti bahwa pada bagian itu haruslah diisi dengan Noun/Kata Benda. Tetapi bila pada bagian itu terdapat Verb (kata kerja), maka verb tersebut harus diubah menjadi kata benda dengan menambahkan akhiran ing. Proses ini kita kenal dengan sebutan gerund.


Tugas 4

Buatlah kelompok masing-masing tiga/ empat orang. Kemudian tanyalah teman anda tentang kesukaaannya. Kemudian buatlah menjadi ungkapan preference. e. 1. I prefer 2. (get a job / study at university) They would rather . 53 Tes Formatif 4 (go for a swim / play football).

3. 4. 5.

(phone people / write letters) (eat at home / go to a restaurant) (wait a few minutes / leave now)

She would prefer to .. Father likes . I would rather .. f. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kunci Jawaban Formatif 4 (go for a swim / play football). (get a job / study at university) (phone people / write letters) (eat at home / go to a restaurant) (wait a few minutes / leave now) I prefer going for a swim to playing football They would rather get a job than study at university She would prefer to phone people rather than write letters Father likes eating at home better than going to a restaurant I would rather wait a few minutes than leave now g. Example Responses 1. 2. 3. rice or potatoes? 4. 5. rock or classical? b. 1. Jawablah pertanyaan ini dengan benar! (bring my book / borrow from friend). 54 Which do you prefer, fish or beef? What kind of music would you rather listen to, Lembar Kerja 4 : Which do you prefer, apples or oranges? : I prefer oranges to apple Which do you like better, rice or potatoes? Which do you prefer, rice or potatoes? Which would you rather have for dinner tonight,

a. Jawablah pertanyaan dengan kalimat lengkap!

I prefer 2. ( do my self / cheat at the examination) I prefer to. 3. (ride my bicycle / drive a car) I would prefer to.. 4. (study together / sleep during noon) Naufal likes 5. (cook at home / eat outside) Naura would rather .. c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lengkapi dialog dengan kata-kata anda sendiri! A: Do you feel like going to a show tonight? A: Which do you like better, .or A: What are you going to do this weekend? A: What kind of music do you like? A: Lets go on a picnic next Saturday B: Not really. Id rather.. B: I like ..better B: I may, but Id rather. B: All kinds. But I preferto. B: Thats sounds good, but Id rather



Dengan mengucap rasa syukur yang tak terkira, syukur yang mendalam akhirnya penulis menyeselesaikan penulisan modul bahasa Inggris dengan tepat. Modul ini tersusun dengan maksud dan tujuan agar siswa dapat membantu dirinya sendiri dalam proses belajar mereka. Dengan adanya modul ini diharapkan siswa dapat lebih memahami dan mengkaji materi di rumah atau dimananapun mereka berada. Modul ini hanyalah sebagai bahan pendamping dari buku materi yang telah dipegang siswa. Namun buku ini dapat membantu siswa untuk menolong dirinya sendiri keluar dari kesulitan belajar. Karena buku ini selain dilengkapi dengan materi yang memang telah dirumuskan dengan seksama, juga dilengkapi dengan test formatif (beserta penyelesainnya) serta latihan soal. Penulis sadar bahwa modul ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penulis mohon maaf bila masih banyak kesalahan didalam buku ini dan mohon saran serta kritik membangunnya dapat diberikan. Tak lupa ucapan terima kasih kepada rekan-rekan kerja dan semua pihak yang telah membantu terselesaikannya penulisan modul ini.



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