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animasi fisika bunyi gelombang elektromagnetik

from Monday, January 31, 2011

Powered by Eli Priyatna

Selamat datang pada pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis

E-Learning Virtual Lab. Program ini dibuat untuk didedikasikan pada SMAN 1 CIKEMBAR
pada khususnya dan seluruh pengguna pada umumnya. Perubahan paradikma pendidikan
dari pembelajaran konvensional menuju pembelajaran inovatif, dari teacher
center menuju students center menuntut mahasiswa mampu mengkonstruksi berbagai
pengalaman belajarnya demi menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna. ELearning Virtual Lab ini merupakan media yang dapat dimanfaatkan dan diakses oleh
mahasiswa dalam rangka meningkatkan kemandirian belajar. Untuk mendorong siswa

belajar fisika lebih semangat lagi maka dibutuhkan suatu cara, alat, media, bahan ajar yang
benar-benar membawa siswa bukan sekedar tubuhnya saja tetapi seluruh jiwa dan raga masuk
dalam konsep yang guru berikan.ini merupakan tugas berat guru fisika. Jadi salah satu cara
dari ribuan cara yaitu dengan membuat bahan ajar fisika itu menarik siswa, yaitu membuat
dari audio visual, bisa dari power pint atau flash kemudian siswa di coba setelah menyimak
penjelasan bisa membuat sendiri kemudian di upload ke FB atau media shared lainya. Seperti
contoh berikut:
Plane and Circularly Polarized EM Waves

Electromagnetic waves are transverse in the sense that associated electric and
magnetic field vectors are both perpendicualr to the direction of wave propagation.
The Poynting vector defined by
S = E x H (W/m^2),
indicates not only the magnitude of the energy flux density (energy flow rate per unit
area per unit time, Watts/m^2) but also the direction of energy flow. For simple
electromagnetic waves, the Poynting vector is in the same direction as the
wavevector, k.The first animation shows propagation of sinusoidal plane
electromagnetic waves in the z direction. The electric field is assumed in the x
direction, and the magnetic field in the y direction.

A plane electromagnetic wave can be considered as vector combination of two

circularly polarized waves rotating in opposite directions. The animation below shows
propagation of electric field associated with a circularly polarized wave with postitive
helicity. (Positive helicity is the case such that a screw would move in the direction of
wave propagation if rotated with the electric field. In optics, it is called "left hand"
circualr polarization. Negative helicity (right hand polarization) refers to rotation in
the oppsite direction.) The moving end of the helix indicates the head of the electric
field vector which is rotating about the z axis as shown in the right figure.

Animation below shows vector sum of two circularly polarized waves with opposite
helicities which results in formation of a plane wave. Electromagnetic waves emitted
by charged particles undergoing circualr motion (e.g., electrons trapped in a magnetic
field) are in general circularly (or elliptically) polarized. Circularly polarized waves
carry angular momentum as well as energy and momentum. The angular mometum
flux density is given by
R = r x (E x H)/c,
as discussed in Example 6, p. 161 of the textbook.

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