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Perkembangan Ortotik Prostetik di Indonesia

Perkembangan Ortotik-Prostetik di Indonesia

-Prof.Dr. Soeharso adalah pendiri rehabilitasi cacat pertama di Indonesia.yang didirikan untuk
menangani penderita cacat akibat korban perang kemerdekaan.
-Tahun 1982 Akademi fisioterapi membuka --pendidikan Ortotik-Prostetik setingkat D IIIdan
berhasil meluluskan sebanyak 17 orang tenaga .
Dalam perjalanannya pada tahun 2002-2003 baru dibuka kembali pendidikan Ortotik-Prostetik
setingkat DIII sampai sekarang

SDM yang ada di Indonesia

Pada tahun 2003 diresmikan program DIII Ortotik-Prostetik di Poltekkes Surakarta dan
Poltekkes Jakarta 1
Dan tahun 2011 diresmikan program DIV Ortotik Prostetik
SLTA Technisi Ortotik-Prostetik
Pada lulusan D IV bergelar SST.OP/ Sarjana Sains Terapan Ortotik Prostetik
Lulusan D III bergelar AMD.OP/ Ahli Madya Ortotik Prostetik

Penyebaran tenaga
Sebagian besar tenaga Ortotis-Prostetis bekerja sebagai pegawai negeri sipil di Rumah sakit.
Konsentrasi tenaga sebagian besar dipulau jawa. Jawa tengah ,jawa timur,jawa barat dan DKI
Pelayanan Ortotik-Prostetik dalam rangka mendukung Renstra DEPKES
Visi dan Misi DEPKES Th 2005-2009
VISI :Masyarakat yang Mandiri untuk hidup sehat
MISI : membuat Rakyat sehat.
Dalam upaya pelayanan kesehatan dibidang Ortotik-Prostetik mengacu pada sasaran utama
renstra DEPKES yang berbunyi : meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan
yang berkualitas. Diantaranya adalah pelayanan kesehatan disetiap rumah sakit,Puskesmas dan
jaringannya memenuhi standar mutu
DEPKES dalam meningkatkan pembiayaan kesehatan melakukan advokasi dan sosialisasi
kepada semua penyandang dana,baik pemerintah maupun masyarakat termasuk swasta.
Pembiayaan kesehatan bidang Ortotik-Prostetik.

Masyarakat : Dalam hal ini masyarakat terlibat langsung dalam pembiayaan pelayanan .
Pemerintah : Askeskin, Askes PNS diharapkan bisa memberikan pembiayaan ,
Swasta : Asuransi kesehatan swasta,jamsostek,Foundation , yayasan Sosial dll
Sarana prasarana Ortotik-Prostetik
-Rumah sakit Type A
-Rumah sakit Type B dan B+
-Rumah sakit Khusus
-Rumah sakit Swasta
-Klinik Swasta
-Praktek Mandiri
Infra struktur Ortotik-Prostetik
Dukungan Pemerintah dalam pengadaan sarana dan prasarana
Pihak swasta dalam pengadaan sarana dan prasarana.
Dalam rangka pemerataan pelayanan dan peningkatan kualitas sangat dibutuhkan peran
pemerintah dan swasta dalam menyokong terselenggaranya pelayanan ortotik-prostetik yang
terjangkau dan berkualitas.
Lahan Kerjasama Mahasiswa diantaranya:
1. Rumah Sakit PKU
2. Dinas Kesehatan
Kemudian lahan praktek:
1. RS Dr Soebroto Jakarta
2. RS Sadikin Bandung
3. RS Kariyadi Semarang
4. RS Soeharso Solo
5. RS Kusta Mojokerto
6. RS Kusta Kediri
7. RS Soetomo Surabaya
8. RS Yakum Jogja
9. PT Kuspito
10. Nuraini Medical Surabaya
11. RS Fatmawati Jakarta

History of Prosthetics and Orthotics

The study of orthotics began with the ancient art of splint and brace making (1,2). Bonesetters
and brace makers eventually developed into what we now call orthopaedic surgeons and
orthotists. The study of prosthetics has been closely associated with amputation surgery
performed as a lifesaving measure from the aftermath of battle (3). Injured soldiers who returned
home from battle with traumatic amputations utilized primitive wooden prostheses. Each major
war apparently has been the stimulus for improvement of amputation surgical techniques and for
the development of improved prostheses. It was not until the twentieth century when the most
significant contributions to prosthetic/orthotic sciences were made, stimulated by the aftermath
of the first and second world wars and the polio epidemics of the late 1940s and early 1950s
(4). Injured veterans who acquired musculoskeletal and neuromuscular impairments or traumatic
amputation and polio survivors with diminished neuromuscular function increased the demand
for orthotic and prosthetic services. To improve the quality and performance of assistive devices
at the end of World War II, particularly for veteran amputees, the U.S. Government sponsored a
series of research and development projects under the auspices of the National Academy of
Sciences that would forever change the manner in which orthotics and prosthetics would be
practiced (5).
A consensus conference revealed that few modern scientific principles or developments had been
introduced in prosthetics (5). As a result, research and educational committees were formed to
advise and work with a number of research groups. Between 1945 and 1976, universities, the
Veterans Administration, private industry, and other military research units were subcontracted to
conduct various prosthetic research projects (6). Although the focus of the Artificial Limb
Program was prosthetics, it was anticipated that these efforts would also benefit orthotics.
Not until the early 1960s did the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council begin
to promote multidisciplinary scientific research efforts into human locomotion, biomechanics,
and the development of new materials and devices (7). Innovations in prosthetic and orthotic
designs were influenced by the adaptation of industrial techniques for vacuum forming sheet
plastics. By the 1980s the continuing introduction of new materials and methods spurred the
profession of prosthetics and orthotics to rapidly evolve as a changing discipline. In an attempt to
keep its professionals updated, the 1990s saw significant advancement in the development of
educational programs with the establishment of national education accreditation through a
subsection of the American Medical Association.
In 1997, Georgia Tech responded to the need for an advanced educational program in prosthetics
and orthotics by initiating development of a new multidisciplinary masters degree program.
After a unanimous decision, the Georgia State Board of Regents officially approved the creation
of the School of Applied Physiology and granted Georgia Tech to establish an entry-level
graduate degree program in prosthetics and orthotics. Today, prosthetics and orthotics has
developed into a burgeoning multifaceted profession. Continued technological advancements in
engineering and medicine have challenged its educational programs. Health care educators
currently face a tremendous challenge to keep pace with the unprecedented growth and

development in computer technology, materials science and rehabilitation medicine. The Georgia
Tech Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics (MSPO) degree program embraces this

Prosthetics telah disebutkan sepanjang sejarah. Mencatat menyebutkan

paling awal adalah prajurit queen Vishpala di Rgveda . [4] Orang Mesir
pelopor awal ide, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh kaki kayu yang
ditemukan pada tubuh dari Kerajaan Baru . [5] perunggu
Romawimahkota juga telah ditemukan , tetapi penggunaannya bisa lebih
estetis dari medis. [6]
Sebuah menyebutkan awal kaki palsu berasal dari sejarawan
Yunani Herodotus , yang bercerita tentang Hegesistratus ,
Yunani peramalyang memotong kakinya sendiri untuk melarikan diri
nya Spartan penculik dan menggantinya dengan satu kayu. [7]

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