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Contoh Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris

Tema Persahabatan
Contoh Drama, Drama Bahasa Inggris, Naskah Drama, Skrip Drama, Teks DramaDina
Anggraeni 2:52 AM

Naskah drama tema persahabatan bahasa Inggris memang sering dibutuhkan oleh
sebagian orang yang terobsesi dengan drama, mungkin termasuk Anda. Sebelumnya saya
sudah berbagi sejumlah artikel naskah drama dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti naskah drama
bahasa Inggris untuk 3 orang, naskah drama bahasa Inggris untuk 5 orang, dan contoh drama
bahasa Inggris.

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi contoh naskah drama bahasa Inggris tema persahabatan yang
mungkin sedang Anda butuhkan. Berikut contoh teks drama bahasa Inggris dengan tema
tentang persahabatan.



Judul : The Friendship

Jenis drama : Drama pendek

Melina : " Hey " ( while holding the shoulder Aldin and Yuda )
Yuda : ( looking away from a book ) " Where have you , Mel ? "
Melina : "Here , before from school . "
Yuda : " Do they have what ? "
Melina : " eskul "
Yuda : " you know .. departing why ? "
Melina : " i do not know ya , no problem . "
Yuda : " Oh " ( as he gaze towards Aldin )
Melina : ( frowns as he looks away to Aldin ) " Hey , Di ! "
Aldin : ( Surprised and target one view ) " Why ? "
Melina : " another song to hear what you , Di ? very seriously ! "
Aldin : " Hehe , ya listen to the song again Ayu Ting - Ting . Address False ... "
Melina : " whoa ... fever Ayu Ting - Ting him . " ( Laughs )
Aldin : " Oh yes , Yessie Afrizal where ya at ? "
Melina : " again eskul them mah . "
Yuda : " sob , I entered Asr time , better return ok. "
Aldin : " come on , let's ... "

Empty during school hours , Aldin Afrizal was surprised to see not as usual.
Afrizal : " why are you , Di ? You got a problem ? "
Aldin : " No, Zal . " ( Bowed face )
Afrizal : "Come on , Di . Do not act all the time, honestly you have a problem or not ? "
Aldin : ( Interesting hand and rushed to Afrizal tree )
Afrizal : " Why did you bring me here , Di ? "
Aldin : " But you promised , I'm your best friend ! do not preach it to anyone , especially
Yuda , Melina , Jessie . "
Afrizal : " yes , I promise ! " ( Puts pinky to pinky Aldin )
Aldin : " I am suffering from acute leukemia , Zal . "
Afrizal : " Seriously you , Di ? "
Aldin : "There would be no point , Zal I lied in an atmosphere like this . "
Afrizal : ( speechless )
Aldin : " Zal , I hope there is no sadness in it yourself . This let me be the face and live . "
Afrizal : " but , In ... "
Aldin : "Come on , Zal . Do not be too extended this problem is mine . "

While in school and Yessie Yuda alarming state of Aldin .

Yuda : " Yes , you know where Aldin ? "
Jessie : " I fikir you know where he is . "
Yuda : " Oh , yeah where is he? He does not usually have arrive this hour , a minute until the
bell sounds again . " ( Face fear while going back and forth )
Jessie : " I do not know . "

Melina and Yessie Yuda approached with grim faces and a rush
Melina : " you come with me ! "
Yessie : " what's going on, Mel ? " ( Frown )
Melina : " I also do not know "
Yuda : "Well how come ? You're the invite , napa you personally do not know the purpose? "
( Confused face )
Melina : " I've been told to pick Afrizal guys , I wrote ignored him , never mind do a lot of
questions . "
Yuda : " Well ... "

Arriving at the destination

Yuda : "Why did you bring us to the hospital , Mel ? "
Melina : " you are going to know his own future "
Yuda : ( pursed
Yessie : " Afrizal ? ? ? " ( Calling Afrizal who was sitting restless with the confusion )
Afrizal : ( staring for a moment without a smile and a little word , that look on his face is
concerned )
Yessie : " you nervous? Why , Zal ? "
Afrizal : ( sighed and stood up from his seat ) . " Come with me ! "
Melina : " Where else , Zal ? "
Afrizal : ( silent with no answer and walked toward the hospital exit )
Melina , Yuda , and Yessie : ( look at each other confused )

Arriving at your destination

Yuda : " Zal , why Aldin house so crowded ? "
Afrizal : ( Running towards the Aldin )
Yuda : "Who died , Zal ? "
Afrizal : " our friend . " ( Beating face )
Yuda : " No way , Zal . Aldin was a cheerful person I fikir he did not have a chronic disease !
Afrizal : (inviting sitting to calm the mind for a moment )
Melina : " Jude , we will never know when his death , even if someone did not have a chronic
illness though , if the divine had been summoned to pass it , we can not do anything about it ,
because his decision is final and can not be given trouble accountability "
Afrizal : " you're right , Mel . But Aldin had a story that she was suffering from acute
leukemia . "
Melina : " What ? Leukemia ? "
Afrizal : " right , Mel . "
Yuda : " continue , why did you not tell you about it ? "
Afrizal : " sorry , man . "
Yuhda : "Sorry, what? Try if you know of a first love , maybe we can ngobatin him together !
" ( Emotional tone )
Afrizal : "Sorry , pal ! Not that I do not want you to know about these guys , but I tuk
prohibiting Aldin spread it to you . "
Yuda : " but why do you obey her commands . It is for the good of him and us all ! "
Afrizal : " Jude , I just run my promise . " ( Facial emotion )
Melina : "Come on , dude . Do not be too problematic . Ago let it pass . Still there next we
have to face . "
Yuda : "Yes , you just can say so rich , Mel . But you do not know the feeling of pain and the
pain left behind a true friend . "
Melina : " I know , Jude ! Know ! I've also been left behind forever from people who I love ,
but someone convinced me to stay motivated and do not dissolve in a sadness . He says
humans are not gone forever her own volition , but fulfill the divine call ! "
Yessie : "who told you so rich , Mel ? "
Melina : " he is ... Aldin . " ( With a quiet smile )
Yessie : " you're right ? "
Melina : " yeah , I'm not lying at all . So Aldin first message to me was a message for us all .
Yuda " Aldin live means to turn . "

Melina : " yes , that's it, Jude . " ( Smile spirit )

Itulah contoh nakah dialog drama tema persahabatan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa saya
bagikan dengan Anda pada kesempatan ini. Anda dapat merapikan sendiri susunan text dan
kelengkapan skrip drama bahasa Inggris diatas.

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