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Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan
rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan diktat Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP
Kelas 7 Semester 2 ini.
Diktat ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu serta menunjang mata pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik. Buku ini disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku
acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama mengajar mata pelajaran ini. Dalam kesempatan ini
penulis mengucapkan pada semua fihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya diktat kuliah
Akhirnya penulis menyadari bahwa diktat ini masih banyak kekurangan, untuk itu adanya
kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar karya-karya selanjutnya lebih
sempurna lagi.

Wonogiri, Juli 2012


Kelompok Bahasa Inggris

Diklat Bahan Ajar

Diktat dengan judul Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7 Semester 2 ini telah
disahkan pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2012 di Wonogiri.

Wonogiri, Agustus 2012

Guru maple Kepala Perpustakaan

Sri Nurhasanti, S.Pd Dr. TRimanto, BM, M.Pd

NIP. 19730813 199802 2 006 NIP. 19

Kepala SMP Negeri 2 Wonogiri

Drs. MARNO, M.Pd

NIP 19640627 198601 1 006


A. HALAMAN DEPAN ..................................................................................... i

B. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN ....................................................................... ii

C. KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... iii

D. DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................. iv

E. TUJUAN DIKTAT ....................................................................................... v


ASKING AND GIVING SERVICE .......................................................... 1
DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ( PET ) ....................................................................
1. Rumusan Kompetensi ............................................................................ 5

2. Uraian Materi Pelaj aran ........................................................................ 10

3. Sajian Contoh ........................................................................................ 15

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal............................................................................ 20

PROCEDURE TEXT (FOOD) ..................................................................... 25
1. Rumusan Kompetensi ............................................................................ 30

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran ......................................................................... 35

3. Sajian Contoh ........................................................................................ 40

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal............................................................................ 45

ASKING ANG GIVING OPINION ........................................................
DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ( PERSON) .............................................................. 50
1. Rumusan Kompetensi .............................................................................. 55
2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran .........................................................................60

3. Sajian Contoh .........................................................................................65

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal............................................................................70


EXPRESSING LIKE/DISLIKE ..............................................................

PROCEDURE TEXT (BEVERAGE) .....................................................

1. Rumusan Kompetensi......................................................................... 55

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran ..................................................................... 60

3. Sajian Contoh .................................................................................... 65

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal ....................................................................... 70


ASKING AND GIVING FACTS ............................................................

PROCEDURE TEXT (ELECTRONIC DEVICE) ..................................

1. Rumusan Kompetensi......................................................................... 55

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran ..................................................................... 60

3. Sajian Contoh .................................................................................... 65

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal ....................................................................... 70


ASKING AND GIVING CLARIFICATION ..........................................

DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (PLACE) ..............................................................

1. Rumusan Kompetensi......................................................................... 55
2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran ..................................................................... 60
3. Sajian Contoh .................................................................................... 65

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal ....................................................................... 70

III. BAGIAN PENUNJANG ............................................................................ 56

1. Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................................ 55

2. Lampiran ................................................................................................ 60

Kelas VII, Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar


7. Memahami makna 7.1. Merespon makna dalam percakapan

dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
transaksional dan (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat,
interpersonal sangat lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
sederhana untuk berinteraksi lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
dengan lingkungan terdekat meminta dan memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi
barang, serta meminta dan memberi fakta
7.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan
transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta dan memberi pendapat , menyatakan suka
dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, dan merespon
secara interpersonal

8. Memahami makna 8.1. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan
dalam teks lisan fungsional fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara
dan monolog pendek sangat akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
sederhana yang berbentuk dengan lingkungan terdekat
descriptive dan procedure 8.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog
untuk berinteraksi dengan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan
lingkungan terdekat berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan

9.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan
9. Mengungkapkan makna transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
dalam percakapan (bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana dengan
transaksional dan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
interpersonal sangat lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
sederhana untuk berinteraksi lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
dengan lingkungan terdekat
meminta dan memberi jasa, meminta dan memberi
barang, dan meminta dan memberi fakta
9.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan
transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) sangat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur:
meminta dan memberi pendapat, menyatakan suka
dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi, merespon secara
10. Mengungkapkan makna 10.1. Mengungkapkan makna
dalam teks lisan fungsional yang terdapat dalam
dan monolog pendek sangat teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana
sederhana berbentuk dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
descriptive dan procedure akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
untuk berinteraksi dengan dengan lingkungan terdekat
lingkungan terdekat 10.2. Mengungkapkan makna
dalam monolog
pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan
ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan
Membaca 11.1. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam
teks tulis
11. Memahami makna teks
fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat,
tulis fungsional dan esei
lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan
pendek sangat sederhana
lingkungan terdekat
berbentuk descriptive dan
procedure yang berkaitan
dengan lingkungan terdekat 11.2. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam esei sangat
sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan

11.3. Membaca nyaring bermakna teks

dan esei pendek dan sangat sederhana berbentuk
descriptive dan procedure dengan ucapan, tekanan
dan intonasi yang berterima
Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar
Menulis 12.1. Mengungkapkan makna
dalam teks tulis
12. . Mengungkapkan
fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan
makna dalam teks tulis
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
fungsional dan esei pendek
lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
sangat sederhana berbentuk
lingkungan terdekat
descriptive dan procedure
untuk berinteraksi dengan 12.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan
lingkungan terdekat langkah retorika
dalam esei pendek sangat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk
descriptive dan procedure

Indikator :
• mengidentifikasi monolog teks procedure lisan
• mengidentifikasi jenis verbs dan relational process
• mengidentifikasi langkah retorika text procedure
• menemukan informasi factual tentang text procedure
• memahami makna / arti
• mengungkapkan makna monolog pendek text procedure
2. Uraian Materi

> Pengertian Procedural Text

Procedural text adalah sebuah text yang memberikan cara atau bagaimana melakukan
sesuatu melalui beberapa tahap tindakan atau langkah.

o Ciri-ciri "lexico-grammatical :

• Uses the simple presnt tense, often imperative senteces

• Uses the temporal conjunction, such as first, second, then, next, after that, finally, etc.

• the use of commands (i.e. the imperative form of the verb), e.g. 'put', 'don'tmixetc.

• the use of action verbs, e.g. 'turn', 'pick up', 'don't run'; etc.

• the use of precise vocabulary, e.g. 'whisk', 'lukewarm'; etc.

• the use of connectives to sequence the actions in time, e.g. 'then', 'while'; etc.

> Struktur generik (Generic structure) umum teks report terdiri dari :

• Goal / purpose : to give information what we need.

• Material : things that you need to make an object.
• Method / steps : the information about making an object.

S Namun ada procedure text yang hanya terdiri Goal dan Methods/steps.


Activity 1
Listen to your teacher. She will read how to make a birthday card for you. Take notes on
the steps.

Let's make a birthday card. Here is the paper for you to share. You can choose different
We will make the card first, then the envelope.
Let's start. Cut the paper.
You can draw a picture on it.
What picture do you like? A candle, balloon, or a flower
Next, we are going to make the envelope.
Take another piece of paper, and then fold.
Finished? Show me your envelope, please.
Then put some glue on your envelope.
Press it. Finish.

Activity 2

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 12.

1. What materials do you need to make a birthday card?
2. What is the first step you have to do?
3. Do you need colourful papers and beautiful pictures?
4. Do you need an envelope for the card?
5. What is the last step?


Activity 3
Practise the dialogues.

Dialogue 1
Salma :"An earthquake shook my hometown last night."
Boby : "Really? I didn't hear the news yet. Tell me more about it. "

Dialogue 2
Paidi : "Oh, my God! The expedition history team found the new Roman Temple. "
Parman: "how interesting!"

Dialogue 3

Marfuah : "Hi, Suyek. I heard that Mrs Januar found Mansyur was cheating in the last exam."
Suyekti : "What? I'd like to know more about it. Mansyur is a smart student."
> Expressions of asking facts

Middle Strong

• Can you tell me what's • I must know what

going on? happened.
• I need to know the facts.
• Tell me more about it.
• I'd like to know more
\ • How did it happen?
about it.
• How come?

Formal/Informal (Those can be used in both situation,

^ just add could or please to older people or a stranger.)

> Expressions of giving facts

- Here's the fact/ story ....

- Let me tell you .... /the fact ....

- Well the story is like this ....

Activity 4
Give your response to the following situations.
Examples are given.

1. I just lost my new Harry Potter novel Deathly Hollows.

Your response: How come?
2. I heard that Mr Sofyan lost one of his cars.
3. Dania lost all her money.
4. Can you tell me what's on the TV?
Your response: Here's the story, scientists have made a new robot.
5. Bento doesn't believe that Irna is cheating on the English exam.
6. I must know what happened with Belinda.
Activity 5
In pairs, make short dialogues based on the
situations. Use the expressions for giving facts.

1. The highest mountain in Java

2. Seven wonders of the world
3. How many Indonesian formers President there are.
4. How many provinces there are in Indonesia.
5. The capital city of Indonesia

Activity 6

Read the procedure text and pay attention to the generic structure.


(Makes 4 dozen)
1 / cups all purpose flour 2 eggs
H teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar
H teaspoons vanilla extract
1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside.
2. Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl until light-coloured.
3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture.
4. Drop the batter by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto a greased and
floured baking sheet. Set aside in a room temperature for 6 hours.
5. Bake at 350°F for 6 minutes.
6. Remove from baking sheet to a wire rack to cool.
Generic Structure



1 / cups all purpose flour 2 eggs

H teaspoons baking powder 1 cup sugar

H teaspoons vanilla extract

Step Directions:

1. Combine flour and baking powder, set aside.

2. Beat eggs, sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing

bowl until light-coloured.

3. Stir in the flour and baking powder mixture.

4. Drop the batter by teaspoonfuls about 2 inches

apart onto a greased and

floured baking sheet. Set aside in a room

temperature for 6 hours.

5. Bake at 350°F for 6 minutes.

6. Remove from baking sheet to a wire rack to


Activity 7
Based on the text above (activity 7) answer the questions below.
1. What does the recipe tell you?
2. What do you need to make vanilla drops cookies?
3. How many steps are there to make vanilla drops cookies?
4. How long do you need to bake the cookies?
5. How long do you need to leave them in room temperature?
6. How many cookies will you get with the above recipe?

Activity 8

Activity 8
Read the following procedure text. Write the generic structure, lexico grammatical and answer
the question. _____ __________________________________ ______________________________
Structure lexico grammatical

Homemade Candy


powdered sugar 1 c. water

1 c. granulated sugar 1 c. light
corn syrup
1/2 tsp. peppermint oil or
other flavour


Step One : Sprinkle a thick

coat of powdered sugar on a
cookie sheet.

Step Two : Combine the

granulated sugar, light corn
syrup and water in a heavy


Step Three : Cook over

medium-high heat until the
hard-crack stage. (When the

candy caramel cracks, then

dip into cold water).

Step Four : Remove from


Step Five : Add the

peppermint oil or other
flavour. Stir well.

Step Six : Pour onto the

cookie sheet.

Step Seven : Sprinkle with

more powdered sugar.
Step Eight : Cut with a knife
as soon as cool enough to

1. What do you learn from the recipe?
2. What do you need to make it?
3. How many steps are there to make candy?
4. How long do you have to cook?
5. What is the flavour of the candy that you can make?
6. When can you cut the candy?

Write a procedure text about how to make fried tofu or how to make Gethuk.

I. Read the following instructions and choose the correct answer for every question below.
(1 serving)
/ of avocado
3 tbs. of condensed milk
1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings
some ice cubes
How to make it:
1. Cut the avocado into small pieces.
2. Put ice cubes into the glass.
3. Fill / of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings.
4. Add the sliced avocado.
5. Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado.
6. MIXED ICE is ready to be served.
Taken from:

1. The text tells you ....

a. about avocado
b. how to mix ice
c. now to make Mixed Ice
d. how to eat Mixed Ice

2. You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, EXCEPT..

a. avocado
b. ice cubes
c. condensed milk
d. sugar

3. How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?

a. 1 glass.
b. / glass.
c. / can.
d. H glass.

4. How many servings can you get form the recipe?

a. one.
b. two.
c. three.
d. four.

5. You need 3 tbs. of condensed milk. The underlined word is the abbreviation of ....
a. spoon
b. teaspoon
c. tablespoon
d. cup

II. Give your response to the following situations.

Examples are given.
1. I just lost my new Harry Potter novel Deathly Hollows.
Your response: How come?
2. I heard that Mr Sofyan lost one of his cars.
3. Dania lost all her money.
4. Can you tell me what's on the TV?
Your response: Here's the story, scientists have made a new robot.
5. Bento doesn't believe that Irna is cheating on the English exam.
6. I must know what happened with Belinda.
III. In pairs, make short dialogues based on the situations. Use the expressions for giving
1. The highest mountain in Java
2. Seven wonders of the world
3. How many Indonesian formers President there are.
4. How many provinces there are in Indonesia.
5. The capital city of Indonesia


- Indikator Mengidentifikasi monolog teks descriptive lisan.

- Menemukan informasi faktual.
- Membuat dialog sederhana secara lisan.
- Mengungkapkan asking and giving opinion.

A. Spoken Activities

Expression : Asking and Giving Opinion

Exercise 1.
Pay attention the expressions of asking and giving an opinion.
1. Putri This is my bedroom, Rizki, my favorite room in my house
Rizki O.... really?
Putri Yes. What do you think about my bedroom?
Rizki I think it is a nice bedroom.
Putri Do you think so Rizki?
Rizki I think so. Your room is clean and neat.
How many times a week do you clean it?
Putri I sweep it everyday. I change the bed sheets once a week.
2. Amir What do you think of this house?
Bani I think is very nice and beautiful
Amir Yes, I think so
3. Desi I think this room is clean and comfortable.
What is your opinion?
Dian I think so. I must say this room is nice and comfortable.

These are the expressions of asking and giving opinion:

Asking for Opinion Giving Opinion

- What do you think of.? - I think.
- What is your opinion about. ? - In my opinion.
- What would you say about.? - My opinion is.
- What are your feelings about.? - According to me.
- Do you think that.? - According to my opinion.

Exercise 2.
Complete the dialogues below with the right expressions.
1. Anita: hand phone?
Laila: .......... it is comfortable to use it. Is it your hand phone?
Anita: .......... Yes, it is. I just bought it yesterday
2. Sofyan:........... our new computer?
Yusuf :............ it is a good and nice computer.
3. Nayla : ............... my new jacket?
Nana : Whi ch j acket?
Nayla : The blue one. I just bought it yesterday
4. Nana O,the blue one. Well, your blue jacket is nice. But I like the red one.
ya : ......................... my new television?
Diana. :. . . .
Rasya : I just bought it last month.
Diana : Well, ...........

Exercise 3.
Work in pairs, make a short and simple dialogue consists of expressions of asking and giving
Choose one of this five topics:
•TV. programs (dull/interesting)
•Your school (modern / old)
•Food in the canteen (good / bad)
•The English language (difficult / easy)
•Your teachers (boring / nice)

Exercise 4.
Try to make dialogues based on the situations given.
1. Your mother will buy a new refrigerator. She asks you for your opinion.
2. Your aunt buys a new washing machine. She thinks the old one is broken. So, your aunts ask
for your opinion. But you think the old washing machine is still useful.
3. Your father will buy a new television set. Your mother thinks that it will cost a lot of money.

Listening Activities

Exercise 1.
Observe the picture and answer these questions!
picture 1. Do you know this man?
Gbr sule
. 2 What is his name?

3. What is his hair like?

4. What is his body like?
5. Is he rich? How do you know?

Exercise 2.
Listen to the teacher and complete the data below!

Complete name : .................................................

Profession : .........................................................
From : ....................................
Hair : ....................................
Age : ....................................

Exercise 3.
Complete this dialogue below and practice with your partner.
A. : What is Sule's complete name?
B. : ...............................................................................................
A : What is his profession?
B : ....................................................................................................
A : What is his hair like?
B : ....................................................................................................
A. : Where is he from?
B : ....................................................................................................
A : How old is he?
B. :.................................................................................................

Exercise 4.
Complete the passage below with sule's data you have.
His full name is Entis Sutisna. People call him Sule.
He is a famous comedian in Indonesia. Sule was born on 15 November 1976 in Bandung,
West Java. He speaks Sundanese fluently. He also learns Javanese. Sule is very unique. His hair
is long with brown and yellow color. He has oval face, flat nose and slanting eyes.
People knows Sule as a ridiculous man and full of jokes. He is very funny. Sule plays in
several TV shows such as Opera Van Java (OVJ), Awas Ada Sule, PAS Mantab, and Saung
Sule. He can also sing very well. He has very famous song ,entitled Susis (Suami Sieun Istri).

b. Written Activity
Membaca : Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive
dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Menulis : Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.
Indikator : - Mengidentifakasi monolog teks descriptive tulis.
- Menemukan informasi faktual.
- Memahami makna kata/ kalimat.
- Menulis secara sederhana teks descriptive.
- Mengidentifikasi jenis verbs dan relational process.
- Menggunakan kalimat dalam bentuk present tense.


Exercise 1.
Study this pattern!
a. Subject + Verb + Object
Subject Verb Object
You Study
We English

She Studies

b Subject + don't / doesn't + verb + Object

Subject Don't / doesn't Verb Object

We Play Volleyball
She Doesn't

c. Do / Doest + Subject ^ + Verb + Object + ?

Do / Does Subj ect Verb Object
Do They
Play Volleyball

Exercise 2.
Choose the correct verb.
1) Abdullah (get up/gets up) at 5.00 a.m

2) He (eat/eats) his breakfast at 6.00 a.m

3) He (take/takes) a bath at 5.30 a.m

4) Abdullah and his sister (go/goes) to school at 6.30 a.m

5) His father (drive/drives) the car

6) The class (start/starts) at 7.30 a.m

7) Abdullah and his friends (play/plays) basketball at 8.00 a.m

8) They (have/has) their lunch in the canteen
9) The school (finish/finishes) at 1.00 p.m
10) The students (leave/leaves) the school happily

Exercise 3.
Arrange these jumbled words into proper sentences
1. want-to talk-they-to-you.
2. Vegetables-Mrs. Chandra-in the kitchen -cooks.
3. Lisa- the floor-sweeps-everyday.
4. always- to do-try-my homework- I.
5. speaks-our-English-teacher.

Reading Activities
My uncle, Bob is my mother's elder brother. He is my
favorite among my mother's brother. He is a very interesting man.
He lives quite near us with my aunt Barbara, my cousins Anne and
Andrew. I often go to his house.
He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good
looking. He is tall and well built. He has blue eyes and a strong
face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off
when he doesn't work.
Uncle Bob is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in
the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving
problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He
is visiting the firm's customers there.
He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He
goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay
with my cousins at their house on the coast. When my uncle Bob is
at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.

Exercise 4.
Answer the questions based on the text above.
1. Who is Uncle Bob?
2. How old is he?
3. What is his profession?
4. Where does he work?
5. What is he like?
6. How many children does he have?
7. Where does he go every weekend in summer?
8. Which paragraph talks about the physical description of Uncle Bob?

Guiding to Descriptive : Talking about the generic structure

Teks deskriptif adalah jenis teks yang mendiskripsikan (ciri-ciri) seseorang, benda keadaan atau
tempat tertentu, bukan bersifat umum.
Ciri-ciri "lexico-grammatical :
- Dominasi oleh bentuk "The present form."
- Banyak menggunakan tobe : is, am, are.
- Banyak menggunakan verb : play, run, like, want, love, think, etc.
Struktur generik (Generic structure) umum descriptive text terdiri dari
a) Introduction / definition

b) Description of physical features

c) Description of purpose

d) Description of appearance

e) Etc.

1. Action verbs/material process:

Adalah "verbs" yang menunjukan aktivitas/ perbuatan tersebut dapat disaksikan.

Contoh: run, walk, jump, go, hit, read, write, eat, dan lain-lain

2. Mental process:

Adalah "verbs" yan menunjukan aktivitas pikiran, perasaan, persepsi, dan koknitif

Contoh: think, feel, know, dan lain-lain.

3. Relational process:
Adalah "verbs" sebagai perangkai antara subject dan unsur lain. (Linking verbs)
Contoh: to be (is, am, are, was, were), seem, have, etc, dan lain-lain
Exercise 5.
Read the text and answer the question based on the text.
My mother is a beautiful woman. She has a beautiful smile.
She is not short but tall. She has curly hair and brown. Her eyes are round, and her skin is
light brown.
She is a very kindly. She is very lovely, friendly and patient. I love my mom, because she
is a good woman. She loves being in the Mosque, and she likes singing and dancing, too.
She always takes care of her family. She likes her house to be clean and tidy. She is a very
perfect person, and all things in the house are in the right place.
She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. She always helps and gives
all her love to us.

1. What is the title of the text?

2. What kind is the text above?

3. Which paragraphs tell about my mother's identify?

4. What is the purpose of the text?

5. Mention the relational process of the text. What are they?

6. Is the writer's mother short?

7. Does she like singing?

8. What color is her hair?

Exercise 6.
Fill in the blanks by choosing the word in bracket!
Here is a woman's ..................... (face, fast, first ). Her .................... (eyes ,highs,
ice) are shut, but her ................. (mouse ,mouth, must) is open. You can see
her ................ (tongue, town, turn) between her ..................... (lamps, lips, lives). The
woman has a small ..................... (noise, nose, nurse ), and a long, thin .....................
(neck, nest next ). She has rings in her.............................. (ears, eyes, idea).
Her.................. ( checks, cheeks, chickens) are round, and her skin is soft
and ................... ( smell, s mile, smooth).

Listen to the teacher, then fill in the blanks.
David Holbe .. .1 ........... a good boy. His nickname is David. He is handsome.
His ...2 pointed and his skin is not black. His father is Guy Holbe and
Monique is his mother. They .3 ................ proud of him because he is clever and diligent. David is
in Indonesian now.
David Holbe .......... 4.. Indonesia because Indonesian people are kind. His hobbies
are reading and travelling. He .5 ................ to go to Jogjakarta. He would like to visit a museum and
Borobudur temples.

Who is this? Describe these pictures oraly.Look at the photos of famous people below. Choose
one of them whom you know well. Search as much as information about him or her.

Mrs Shofia is my Biology teacher. She is a good teacher. She likes teaching very
much. Mrs Shofia is rather tall. She is about 165cm tall. Her skin is white and she has wavy hair.
Mr Herman is Math teacher. He is fat and short. His skin is dark brown. He looks very fierce but
actually he is very good teacher. Most of the students like him.
1. How many persons are there in the text?
a. 4 c. 2
b. 3 d. 1

2. Does Mrs. Shofia have a white or black skin?

a. Yes, she does c. White skin
b. No, she does not d. Black skin
3. Who teaches Math?
c. The writer
a. Mr. Herman does d. the reader
b. Mrs. Shofia does
4. Is Mr. Herman a Math teacher? c. No, she is not
a. Yes, she is d. No, she does not
b. Yes, she does

Mr. Abraham is Malaysian. He is 42 years old. He is a staff of a big company. He has

a pointed nose and wears glasses. He lives at Mahatir street 14 Kuala Lumpur.
Mr. Harun is a Indonesian. He is 50 years old. He is a reporter of private TV station.
He is a bold headed man, with mustache. He lives at Kyai Mojo street 25, Semarang.
Fatimah is a student of SMP 1 Semarang. She is 13 years old, 150 cm tall. She has
long hair and lives at Kakap street 13, Semarang.
5. Who is from Malaysia?
a. Mr. Harun is c. Kiai Mojo is
b. Mr. Abraham is d. Fatimah is
6. Who is 50 years old?
a. Fatimah as c. Mr. Harun
b. Abraham as d. Fatimah is
7. How old Mr. Harun?
a. 42 years old c. 50 years old
d. 13 years old
b. 25 years old

8. How is Mr. Abraham?

a. He has pointed nose and wear glasses.
b. He has moustache.
c. He has long hair.
d. He is with bold headed man.
9. Where does Fatimah live?
a. Mahatir street c. Kakap street
b. Kiai Mojo street d. Malaysian
10. Andi : ....................
Fajar : He is very strong.
a. How is Mike Tyson like?
b. How does Mike Tyson like?
c. How are you like?
d. What is Mike Tyson like?
11. Mr. Hendi is not very kind . . . is my English Teacher.
a. She c. We
b. He d. They
12. Andre's nose is not pointed . . . is flat
a. It c. We
b. She d. They
13. Abdul and Ratna are my friends. . . . live near my house.
a. He c. They
b. We d. She

14. A man usually has . . . fingers in each hand.

a. ten c. seven
b. five d. four
15. One year consists of . . . months.
a. 12 c. 14
b. 11 d. 10
16. People usually hear with . . .
a. eyes c. nose
b. ear d. leg
17. The first month of the year is . . .
a. December c. January
b. February d. March
18. What is the fifth month of the year?
a. April c. July
b. June d. May
19. Every day Taufik Hidayat ..........badminton.
a. practice c. has practiced
b. is practicing d. practices
20. My mother is a good woman. She always the kitchen every morning.
a. cooks c. cook
b. is cooking d. cooked.
Write a short paragraph about the description one of your friends in your class.

My name is Andika and I am an pilot. I am from Jogjakarta. My sister's name is

Annisa. She is 22 years old and she is a student. Her university is in UNDIP, but she is in Jogja
now, because she is on holidays. She is very tall and her hair is black. My brother, Alfian, is a
doctor and he is 33 years old. He's at work now. He's short and fat. His eyes are brown. We are
a very happy family.
1. What is Andika?
2. How is Annisa?
3. What is Alfian?
4. How is he?
5. Are they happy?

A. Spoken Activities

Expression : Asking and giving Opinion.

Last week, my students talk about how to ask and give their opinion in English. And I want to
share you our activities in the classroom. Maybe this can help you improve your English.
Task 1. Read the following dialogue. It is an example of dialogue consists of expressions of
asking and giving opinion:
Chiko : Chica, what do you think of pop music recently? I mean, do you like them?
Chiko: Well, I'd say I don't really like them. I'd prefer jazz
Chiko : Why? I think pop music is very entertaining
Chica : In my opinion, jazz music is relaxing
Task 2. Try to answer the following questions based on the dialogue above.
1. Who are talking in this dialogue ?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Can you find any expressions of asking opinion? What are they?
4. Can you find any expressions of giving opinion? What are they?
5. What is Chica's opinion?
6. What is Chiko's opinion?
Look at the photos of famous people below. Choose one of them whom you know well.
Search as much as information about him or her. Write a descriptive text about him or her.

Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapa suka/tidak suka

Indikator Menunjukkan respon yang tepat dalam ungkapan suka/tidak suka
Menggunakan ungkapan suka/tidak suka dalam percakapan secara tepat
sesuai dengan konteksnya
Menunjukkan gagasan utama (Main idea teks procedure)
Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks procedure
Menyebutkan informasi rici dalam teks baik terurat maupun tersirat

A. Spoken activity

Exercise 1
Pay attention to the dialogue and observe the bold typed sentences/expressions.
Fina has a cough, Now, she has a consultation with her doctor. Listen to the
conversation between Fina and her doctor.
Doctor r How do you feel about an injection to cure your lever?
Fina : Well, to be honest, I don't really like it. 1 had a bad experience
Doctor : Oh, well, do you like pills?
Fina : No, 1 can't stand them.
Doctor : Mmrnm, what about fever syrup?
Finn : That sounds good.
Doctor : Alright. I'll write a prescription for the fever syrup you have to
Finn : Thank you very much.

1. Does Fina like an injection?
2. What expression does she use to show it?
3. Does she like pills?
4. WhaL expression does she use lo show it?
5. Does she like fever syrup?
6. What expression does she use to show it?
The following expressions below are some of the expressions that you can
use to express likes. Read them aloud with the correct pronunciation and

HarryPotter aeries are my favourite hooks.

The following expressions below are some of the expressions that you can
use to express dislikes. Read them aloud with the correct pronunciation ant
T hate spiders. Irm sick of homework.
I hate writing essays. I'm sick of going to the movies.
I don't like Spinach. I'm tired of vegetables.
I don't like being cold, I'm tired of being sick,
1 can't stand smoke, ... annoys me.
I can't stand being late,

Exercise 2
Observe the dialogue below, and then answer the questions orally.
Fredy is at Elizabeth's house. They are doing homework together.

Elizabeth : I'm tiled. Lef s take a lest for a while.

Fredy : OK. I'm tired, too.
Elizabeth : Would you like a glass of iced tea?
Fredy : Yes, please,
Elizabeth : Here you are.
Fredy : Oh, thanks.
Elizabeth : My mother made cookies this morning. Do you want some cookies?
Fredy : No, thanks. I don't like cookies.

1. Where is Fredy?
2. What are they doing?
3. What does Elizabeth say to ofter a glass ot iced tea?
4. What is Fredy's response ?
5. Does Fredy want cookies"' Why?

In the dialogue, you find the following
• Would you like a glass of iced tea?
The expression is used to offer something.
You also find tins expression:
• Yes, please.
It is used to accept an offer.
There is also an expression like "No, thanks, It is used to decline ail offer.
Here are some other expressions you can use to offer something, accept or
decline an offer:

To offer something you can say:

- Will you have .............. ?
- What can I get you?
To accept ail offer you can say:
- Thanks,
- Td like ...... very much, (please).
To decline an offer you can say:
- Not this tune, thanks.
- No, I really won't, thank you.

Exercise 3.
Read the dialogues carefully, and then complete the spaces with the expressions of like/dislike.
1. Dedi Hi, Bayu. What are you doing?
Bayu Ouh, I'm finishing my drawing. It's about a small island.
Dedi That's a nice picture. ... (1) .. ?
Bayu Yes, I do. I like drawing very much.
2. Maya Den, is this your lunch box?
Deni Yes, it is. Where is yours?
Maya Here it is. My mother cooks me fried noodle with scramble eggs. It's my
favorite. What about you?
Deni Hum. . I (2) .. eggs and noodle. For me vegetables are healthier. I bring
cassava leaves soup and fried bean cake. They are very delicious. Just try it.
Maya : Okay... Hum... that's right.
3. Sinta : Look at that dancer. She's so beautiful. ...(3). dancing very much. I want to
be a famous dancer just like her.
Santi : Not for me. ..(4) ... dancing but I prefer reading. It gives me a lot of benefits.
4. Hendro : Is Mathematics your favorite subject, Har?
Harni : Oh, No, not at all. I .. (5). However, English is the subject ..(6).. very
much. I want to be an English teacher when I've grown up.
Hendro : So do I. I ..(7).. English, too. It's so interesting and fun for me.
5. Frida : ..(8).. Mrs. Santi, Mega?
Mega : Yes, I do. She teaches clearly and patiently. I understand her lesson very
well. What about you? .. (9).. her?
Frida : Yes, I'm with you. I ..(10) .. her class very much. It's so alive.
Exercise 4.

Food and drinks I like Food and chinks I don't like

fried chicken • milk

Exercise 5
Tell one .mother food and drinks that you like and dislike. Write three
things your classmate likes and three tilings your classmate dislikes.

1. Budi likes oranges, fried rice, and milk.

2. Fie doesn't like apples, tea, and soup.
Exercise 6.
Complete the dialogues with the appropriate
1. Citra expressions.
a banana?
Xia : Yes, please.

2. Em
. oranges:
Demi : Yes, I do.

3. Risa . a glass of milk?

Budi : I'll have a glass, please.

4. Tony : ______________________ some pizza7

Adi : No, thanks. I don't like pizza.

o. Ayu : ______________________ ice cream?

Lusi : No, I don't.

Exercise 7. Ask your friends if they like/dislike about the following things.

Picture 9-L6
Picture 9. IS

Picture 9.17
Picture 9.19

Picture 9.20 Picture 9.21

fRcture 9.22
B. Written Activity
Exercise 1.
Pay attention to the following text.

Oreo Milkshake Recipe

• vanilla ice cream
• milk

« about 50 oreo cookies

Put a few scoops of ice cream into the blender.
Blend with enough milk to make the mixture thick, but fairly liquid.
Add the remaining ingredients and blend.

Selves: 4
Adapted from hid1 J/sn.n-ifrt?cnjks.orzkyiki/Cookbcok:Milkshake

Read the text again and then answer the questions. Compare your
answers with a classmate's.

1 What does the text tell vou''

Materials (Bahan-bahan)

• 1 avocado

• A half glass of water

• Some sugar

• Several ice cubes

Steps (Langkah-langkah)

1. First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender.

2. Then, add a half glass of water.

3. Add enough sugar.

4. Mix it or blend it.

5. Pour the juice in a tall glass.

6. Finally add several ice cubes.

7. The avocado juice is ready to serve.

Exercise 3

Based on the text above, answer the questions below.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What are the materials needed to make avocado juice?
3. What will we do with the spoon/
4. When will we pour the avocado juice?
5. What is the last step of the text?
Exercise 4.
Based on your own experience, try to make a procedure text about how to make a cup of tea.

How to make a cup of tea.

a. The Material :

b. The steps

Indikator :
• Menjelaskan makna kata atau ungkapan klarifikasi
• Menunjukkan respon yang tepat dalam ungkapan klarifikasi
• Menggunakan ungkapan klarifikasi dalam percakapan secara tepat
sesuai dengan konteksnya Menunjukkan gagasan utama (Main idea teks

• Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks deskriptif

Pay attention to the dialogue below, and observe the italic expressions.
/VIin m i t i t ! f t A-lt ■!/ ! .in(<sr tin • n.eig}ilnoinr&. ± jury/ tire tnlAiiig in. I/if
A itcT iej i.
Marni : L/>id you etill me last night?
Mey Ling : T\T<. > . I cl i <_1 n' t .

Miami : V\ n • i / o n s u r e " ?
Mey Ling : \'os, I'm sure. M aylie it Vi'as so me,> 11e else.
By the v-vSIy, S;ni"i Intr> t-twetii my new novel.
r\i t i m i : [""-Jo, sine didn't.
Mey Ling : l^eo/iy?
IN. ! ti m i : . It was me.
• The italic expressions are the expression of asking clarification.
• We use the expressions if we are not sure about something.
• Observe the table below on how to ask and give respond of clarification.
F carnal / Informal Are you sure?
(Those can be used in both Excuse me, Sir/Ma'am. Is that right that ....
situation, just add excuse_
Responses to Someone Asking for Clarification
me to older people or a
stranger.) Yes, I'm sure.
Asking for Someone's Yes, that's right.
Clarification Yes, that's correct.
Is it true/right that...? Exactly.
Is that right? I didn't do it. (Mention the reason)
Is ... correct? I don't like watching cartoons. (Mention the reason)
Really? I'm not a basketball player. (Mention the reason)

Exercise 1.
Complete the dialogue with the expression in the box, the perform the dialogue with your

A swimming pool? That's great. Really?

Wulan : Hi, Donny.

Domiy : Hi, Wulan. How are you?
Wulan : Fine, thanks. Hey, tell me about your new house, Donny.
Donny : Well, it is a big house.
Wulan : (1) ______________
Donny : It has five bedrooms, a big living room and a small garage.

Wulan : (2) ________________ . Do you have a garden?

Donny : Yes, we have a small garden and also a swimming pool.
Wulan : (3) __________ Do you mean a pond? We don't have a swimming pool
at home. Only a small pond.
Donny : It is a swimming pool. It's big. You may come over to my house and
swim anytime.
Wulan : Thanks.
Exercise 2
Study the following dialogue. Then, put a tick (v ) in the column if the
statement is hue and put a cross (X) in the column if the statement is
Sinta and Aji are talking about Sinta's bedroom.

Sinta : Guess what!

Aji : What?
Sinta : I have a nice bedroom now.
Aji : Really? Tell me about it.
Sinta : Well, it has light blue wall. There is a wardrobe for my clothes. There
is also a shelf full of books and dolls and a cage of my hamster.
Aji : A cage in your bedroom? Are you positive?
Sinta : Absolutely. I love my hamster so much that I want to be with him ev<
Aji : Are you sure it is clean?
Sinta : Of course. I clean it everyday, both my hamster and the cage.
Aji : Is there a bathroom in your bedroom?
Sinta : Yes, there is.
Aji : Are there any posters on your bedroom wall?
Sinta : No. My father won't let me. I hang some of my pictures instead.
Aji : I see.

No Statement True False

1 Sinta's bedroom has blue wall.
2 There is not a wardrobe in Sinta's room.
3 There is a bookshelf in Sinta's room.
4 There is a cage in Sinta's room.
5 The cage is very dirty.
6 Sinta cleans the hamster and the cage everyday.
Exercise 3
What do you say to clarify or give clarification in the following
1. Your friend says, "You know, I've got a bathtub in my private bathroom."
You say, " __________________________________________________________________ /

2. You say, "You know what, I keep a pet snake in my bedroom."

Your friend says, "Are you positive?"
You say, " _________________________________________________________________

3. Your friend says, "My family moves to a new house. It has got three floors."
You say, " _________________________________________________________________ ."

4. You say, "Guess what! We have a new car! It costs one billion rupiahs."
Your friend says, "Are you saying one million rupiahs?"
You say, " _______________________________________________________________

5. Your sister says, "Daddy says I can keep a pet puppy inside the house."
You say,"

Observe the text below.
My House

My house is on JL Kartini. It is big and nice.

It has two floors. It has a living room, a small kitchen,

and a bathroom on the first floor. On the second floor
there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. My parents'
bedroom is big. My brother's room is next to my room.
My room is small but I like it. It has light green wall.
There is a desk with a computer on it. I do homework
there. There is aiso a nice garden in front of my house
and I often play in the garden. We love our house.


It is the example of descriptive text about certain place.

Characteristics of Descriptive Text

• A descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place.

The generic structure of the text is :

• Introduction is the part of the paragraph that introduces the character.
Example : Paragraph 1
Tokyo is one of the world's biggest and most crowded cities.
• Description is the part of the paragraph that describes the character.
Example : Tokyo is located on the east coast of Honshu, the largest of Japan's four main

The Language feature of the text :

• Focus on specific Participants
• Use of Attributive and identifying Processes
• Frequent use of Epithets and Classifiers in nominal groups.
• Use of simple present tense

Exercise 1

Read the text below then answer the questions.

My School

My school, State Junior High School 8 of Yogyakarta, is at 20 Jl. Diponegoro in the

centre of the city.

My school is big. It has 18 clean classrooms, ten clean toilets, three laboratories, a
big library, a teacher room and a headmaster room. It has a beautiful school park in
the centre of the school.

The computer room is next to the library and the sports hall is behind the computer
room. There is a large parking area beside the sports hall. There are notice boards in
every classroom. There is also a beautiful mosque in front of the teacher's room.


1. What is the school located?

2. Is the school small?
3. 1 low many classrooms does the school have?
4. How are the classrooms?
3. How nLtiiiy toilets does the school have?
6. What are the toilets like?
7. Where is the parking area?
5. Is the mosque hig or small?

Exercise 2.

Read the text below, then complete the missing words by using the words provided in the box.

The Statue of Liberty is a giant .. .(1) ... of a .. .(2)... dressed in flowing robes and wearing a
spiked .(3) .... Her right hand holds a gold .(4) ... high above her head. Her left arm holds a
.(5) ... of law with the date July 4, 1776, the date .(6) ... declared their ... (7) ... from
Britain. The .(8) ... from base to torch is 305. (9). or (93 meters) high. The .(10) .
herself stands 151 feet (46 meters) tall.

Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

a. lady f. statue
b. sculpture
g. woman
c. book h. torch

d. crown i. Americans

e. independence j. feet
Exercise 3

Read the descriptive text below then find the meaning of the underlined words or phrases by
matching the words or phrases from the column A with the meanings in column B.

Mr. John's House

Mr. John's house is big and clean. There is a large yard in front of the house and a garden
behind the house.

The house has a large living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining
room, a small library and a garage.

There are two sets of sofa in the living room. It has a beautiful painting on the wall. In
each bedroom, there is a bed, a wardrobe, shelf, dressing table and a desk. There is a TV set on
the shelf.

There are dining table and six chairs in the dining room. There is also a refrigerator and
cupboard, There is a small table and magic jar on it.

There are kitchen utensils in the kitchen, such as gas stove, frying pans, pans, etc. there is
bathtub and a shower in the bathroom.

1. house a. a place where books are kept
2. large b. an electrical appliance to keeps food and drinks cool and
3. library c. a kind of furniture to keep or store food items or
domestics things
4. garage d. a building made for people to live in.
5. beautiful e. comparatively big in size, quantity
6. wardrobe f. a low table with mirror and drawer for having a make up.
7. dressing table g. a building for storing or keeping motor vehicles.
8. refrigerator h. large closet or freestanding cupboard for keeping clothes.
9. cupboard i. an electrical device for cooking rice and keeping it warm.
10. magic jar j. very pleasing and impressive to look at.

Exercise 4

Give the synonym of these words.

1. enjoyable =

2. appliance =

3. beautiful =

4. wardrobe =

5. large =

6. keeping =

7. refrigerator =

8. comfortable =

9. clean =

10. domestics =


• To describe the location of something or someone, we ca use prepositional phrases.
There are some prepositional phrases we should understand, namely:

a. in = di dalam, The books are in in the bag.

b. on = di atas. The lamp in on the table.

c. between = di antara. The table is between the sofa.

d. above = di atas. The bridge is above the river.

e. beside = di sebelah. The man sits beside the woman.

f. under = di bawah. The cat sleeps under the table.

g. at the back = di belakang. Joko sits at the back.

h. behind = dibelakang. Gunawan hides behind the door.

i. and many others.

Exercise 1

Observe the picture, and then answer the questions.

1. Where is the television?

2. Where is the glasses?

3. The umbrella is ... the sofa.

4. The suitcase is ... the backpack.

5. Where is the newspaper?

Exercise 2.

Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions provided in the box.
1. There are twenty five students ... the classroom.
2. The fly flies ... my head.

3. The mirror is ... the wall.

4. Fenny, my sister stands ... Wanda and Hesti.

5. The shy girl stands ... her mother.

6. They play football ... school.

7. Mrs Aminah walks slowly to school ... the shady trees.

8. Guntur is very tall, so he sits ....

9. The students say the prayer ... the lesson begins.

10. The boy's house is ... to my house.

a. after d. before g. on

b. next e. above h. behind

c. under f. between i. at the back

j in
2. What ingredients are needed to make an oreo milkshake?
3. What are the steps to make oreo milkshake?

Exercise 2

Compare with the text below, and then analyze the similarity of the two texts.

How to make an avocado juice.

Aim/goal Tujuan)
• Make an avocado juice

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