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ACH MOH ABD MUHSI (1609511097)


Proses diagnosis merupakan perpaduan antara kegiatan intelektual dan tindakan-tindakan
menipulatif, sehingga dapat ditentukan adanya suatu penyakit kulit. Diagnosis lesi kulit
melibatkan prinsip dan pendekatan yang sama seperti pada gangguan medis lainnya.Dalam
menegakkan diagnosis suatu penyakit kulit, diperlukan riwayat dermatologi yang pertinent
dan pemeriksaan fisik yang teliti, dibantu oleh prosedur diagnostik penunjang.Tentu saja
kunci diagnostik penyakit kulit adalah riwayat klinis dan pemeriksaan fisik yang teliti (“ask,
look, manipulate”), tetapi untuk mendapatkan suatu diagnosis yang tepat,kadang-kadang
diperlukan juga teknik-teknik dan tes tertentu untuk membantu menunjangsuatu diagnosis
penyakit kulit. Indikasi, limitasi, interpretasi, dan teknik-teknik prosedur diagnosis haruslah
dipahami dengan benar untuk memperoleh informasi yang bermanfaat dan reliable agar
diagnosis suatu penyakit kulit dapat ditegakkan. Dalam referat ini, akan dibahas tentang uji

Diascopy adalah tes untuk blanchability yang dilakukan dengan menerapkan tekanan
dengan jari atau kaca geser dan mengamati perubahan warna. Ini digunakan untuk
menentukan apakah lesi adalah vaskular (peradangan atau kongenital), nonvaskular (nevus),
atau hemoragik (petekie atau purpura). Lesi hemoragik dan lesi nonvaskuler tidak pucat
("diascopy negatif"); lesi inflamasi lakukan ("diascopy positif"). Diascopy kadang-kadang
digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi lesi kulit sarcoid, yang ketika diuji, mengubah warna jeli


Tujuannya untuk membedakan antara eritema (akibat vasodilatasi) dengan purpura

(akibat ekstravasasi eritrosit); juga warna apple jelly (kekuningan), dapat terlihat pada lupus


Kaca atau diascope plastik


Pertama potong bulu hewan pada daerah yang mengalami lesi setelah itu tekan menggunakan
kaca atau diascope plasttik kemudian amati perubahan yang terjadi

Jika lesi hemoragik dan lesi nonvaskuler tidak pucat ("diascopy negatif"); lesi inflamasi
lakukan ("diascopy positif").


Jayadi, Nana N. 2015. "LUPUS VULGARIS DENGAN LESI DISEMINATA." Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit
dan Kelamin.

Kang, Min-Hee. 2012. "Putative peanut allergy-induced urticaria in a dog." Case Report Rapport de cas.

Pérez-López, Daniel. 2016. "Clinical value of diascopy and other non-invasive techniques on differential
diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations: A systematic review." Diascopy and others on oral
pigmentation diagnosis .

Case Report  Rapport de cas

Putative peanut allergy-induced urticaria in a dog

Min-Hee Kang, Hee-Myung Park

Abstract — A 9-year-old, spayed male schnauzer dog was presented with vomiting, diarrhea, generalized erythema,
pruritic urticaria and conjunctival hyperemia after ingestion of peanut. The history, clinical signs, and histopathol-
ogy of the lesions were compatible with a hypersensitivity reaction. The clinical signs resolved rapidly after treat-
ment with prednisolone and antihistamine. This is the first report of urticaria caused by peanut ingestion in a dog.

Résumé — Urticaire putative induite par une allergie aux arachides chez un chien. Un chien mâle Schnauzer
stérilisé âgé de 9 ans est présenté avec des vomissements, de la diarrhée, un érythème généralisé, de l’urticaire
pruritique et une hyperémie conjonctivale après l’ingestion d’arachides. L’anamnèse, les signes cliniques et
l’histopathologie des lésions sont compatibles avec une réaction d’hypersensibilité. Les signes cliniques se sont
résorbés rapidement après le traitement avec de la prednisolone et des antihistaminiques. Il s’agit du premier rapport
d’urticaire causé par l’ingestion d’arachides chez un chien.
(Traduit par Isabelle Vallières)
Can Vet J 2012;53:1203–1206

F ood allergy, especially peanut allergy, can occur as a fatal

anaphylactic reaction in humans (1,2). Nausea, vomit-
ing, urticaria, angioedema, progressive respiratory symptoms,
response to the therapy and the urticaria worsened, the patient
was referred to our hospital.
Upon presentation, the dog was normothermic, tachypneic
hypotension, and dysrhythmias may develop within minutes (60 breaths/min), mildly dehydrated and had abdominal disten-
to a few hours after ingestion of the food (3). Food allergy may sion with pain. Systolic blood pressure was normal (138 mmHg,
cause various dermatologic and gastrointestinal signs in dogs but Cardell Model 9401; Sharn Veterinary, Tampa, Florida, USA).
the incidence is not known. Food allergy was first described in The abnormal skin lesions at presentation were generalized ery-
dogs in 1967 (4), and subsequent studies have identified many thema, pruritic urticaria, and conjunctival hyperemia (Figure 1).
food allergens (5,6). Beef, dairy products, lamb, fish, poultry, Diascopy was performed by applying pressure with a glass slide
egg, wheat, barley, and other foods have been identified as com- and blanched erythema revealed vasodilation (Figure 2). A
mon food allergens in dogs (5–10). In this report, we describe hemogram was normal and serum chemistry profiles showed
a dog with clinical signs of hypersensitivity accompanied by mild azotemia (urea nitrogen, 12.1 mmol/L; reference range
skin lesions, especially urticaria caused by ingestion of peanut. (RR): 2.9 to 3.3 mmol/L and creatinine, 176.8 mmol/L;
RR: 44.2 to 114.9 mmol/L), and elevated alanine transaminase
Case description (74 U/L; RR: 19 to 70 U/L) and aspartate aminotransferase
A 9-year-old spayed male schnauzer dog was presented with (63 U/L; RR: 15 to 43 U/L) activity. The dog had no recent
acute onset of vomiting, diarrhea, and severe urticaria the same vaccination or drug therapy. An 8-mm skin punch biopsy (KAI
day it had ingested peanut. The amount of peanut ingested by Sterile Dermal Biopsy Punch; Kai Industries Co., Seki City,
the dog was unknown. There were no known exposures to envi- Japan) was obtained on demarcated urticarial lesions at the
ronmental allergens, insect bites, or other food allergens. The right axillary area including adjacent normal skin. The biopsy
referring veterinarians treated the dog with an anti-inflammatory sample was fixed in 10% neutral formalin, processed for paraffin
dose of prednisolone and fluid for 2 d. Because there was no embedding, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for
histologic examination. Histology showed an edematous super-
ficial dermis with wide spaces between collagen fibers. Dermal
BK21 Basic & Diagnostic Veterinary Specialist Program lesions consisted of diffuse superficial perivascular inflammation
for Animal Diseases and Department of Veterinary Internal in the urticarial areas. Vessels in the dermis were mildly dilated
Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, and congested. Eosinophic and mastocytic inflammation were
Seoul, 143-701, South Korea. diffusely present in the superficial dermis (Figure 3). Based on
Address all correspondence to Dr. Hee-Myung Park; e-mail: the history, skin lesions, and histological findings, the dog was diagnosed with peanut allergy induced urticaria. Prednisolone
Use of this article is limited to a single copy for personal study. (Solondo, Yuhan Medica, Seoul, Korea), 1 mg/kg body weight
Anyone interested in obtaining reprints should contact the (BW), PO, q12h, chlorpheniramine (Peniramin; Yuhan Medica,
CVMA office ( for additional Seoul, Korea), 0.5 mg/kg BW, PO, q8h, and pentoxyfylline
copies or permission to use this material elsewhere. (Trental; Handog Pharm, Seoul, Korea), 10 mg/kg BW, PO,

CVJ / VOL 53 / NOVEMBER 2012 1203


Figure 1.  Generalized raised erythematous lesions developed as an acute urticarial reaction
associated with peanut allergy. Note the conjuctival hyperemia (A), well-dermarcated
erythematous lesions at the axillary area (B and D), and the inner thigh (C).

subcutaneously with the allergens in alum and intradermal skin

test, IgE immunoblotting to nut proteins, and oral challenges
with the nuts were performed. The authors demonstrated that
nut extracts elicited clinical responses in dogs that were simi-
lar to those in humans and that the peanut extract was more
allergenic than the other nut extracts (13). Peanuts (Arachis
hypogaea) belong to the legume family and 2S albumins, vicilins,
and legumins seed storage proteins are major allergens (1,13).
Specific IgE antibody produced in response to the allergen
results in degranulation of mast cells and release of histamine,
which is thought to be the major mediator of anaphlyaxis (14).
Figure 2.  Diascopy was performed on a dog diagnosed as Late-phase response to IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation
having peanut allergy. Blanching erythema was achieved by and type III hypersensitivity response to immune complexes
pressing with a glass slide. also contribute to cutaneous adverse food reaction (15). This
may be the cause of the eosinophilic infiltration and chronic
q12h treatment was initiated for 1 wk then tapered. The dog inflammation in cutaneous adverse food reaction (1).
was reevaluated weekly for 1 mo after presentation during which In this case, the dog showed immediate hypersensitivity reac-
the lesions had completely resolved without side effects and tion after ingestion of peanut. Diascopy performed to determine
recurrence (Figure 4). Treatment was discontinued and the dog whether the lesions were hemorrhagic or inflammatory showed
was assessed monthly for 2 more months; there was no evidence that there was vasodilation. Histopathological results were not
of recurrence. specific for urticaria with peanut hypersensitivity, and due to
Cutaneous adverse food reaction involving urticaria is uncom- ethical considerations a challenge was not conducted. However,
mon in dogs and is extremely rare in cats. The reaction is a other diagnoses such as folliculitis, vasculitis, erythema mul-
cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction that is manifested as an tiforme, and mast cell tumors were ruled out. Moreover, the
edematous skin disease (8–11). In humans, life-threatening history and clinical symptoms also support the diagnosis of
anaphylactic reactions due to peanut and other nut allergies peanut allergy in this dog. Management of this dog consisted
are well-known (3,12); however, there have been no clinical of glucocorticoids and antihistamines. Dramatic improvements
reports describing cutaneous adverse food reaction related to were achieved within a week and no recurrence was noted during
nut allergies in dogs and cats. Extracts of peanut, walnut, and a 3-month follow-up period.
Brazil nut have been tested for allergenic response in dogs as In conclusion, this is the first report of naturally occurring
a canine model of food allergy (13). The dogs were sensitized urticaria in a dog caused by peanut ingestion. A diagnostic

1204 CVJ / VOL 53 / NOVEMBER 2012

Figure 3.  Skin biopsy from an acute urticarial lesion in a dog with peanut allergy. A — Note the edematous
superficial dermis and interstitial dermatitis with mononuclear cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, and mast
cells [hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain; bar = 200 mm]. B — High power magnification of A (H&E stain;
bar = 50 mm).

Figure 4.  Four weeks after therapy with prednisolone and chlorpheniramine, the dog’s gross lesions
(A — conjuntiva, B and D — axillary area, and C — inner thigh) had completely resolved.

and therapeutic approach to this dog was described. The dog Acknowledgment
responded well to the immunosuppressive and antihistamine This work was supported by the National Research Foundation
treatments; prevention by exposure avoidance is the first line of of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST)
management in peanut allergy. (No. 2010018275). CVJ

CVJ / VOL 53 / NOVEMBER 2012 1205

References 9. Gaschen FP, Merchant SR. Adverse food reactions in dogs and cats. Vet
Clin Small Anim 2011;41:361–379.
1. du Plessis K, Steinman H. Practical aspects of adverse reactions to 10. Martín A, Sierra MP, González JL, Arévalo MA. Identification of aller-
peanut. Curr Allergy & Clin Immunol 2004;17:10–14. gens responsible for canine cutaneous adverse food reactions to lamb,
2. Johnson RF, Peebles RS, Jr. Anaphylactic shock: Pathophysiology, recog- beef and cow’s milk. Vet Dermatol 2004;15:349–356.
nition and treatment. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2004;25:695–703. 11. Medleau L, Hnilica KA. Hypersensitivity disorders. In: Small
3. Sampson HA. Peanut allergy. N Engl J Med 2002;346:1294–1299. Animal Dermatology: A Color Atlas and Therapeutic Guide, 2nd ed.

4. Walton GS. Skin responses in the dog and cat to ingested allergens. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: WB Saunders, 2006:160–161.
Observations on one hundred confirmed cases. Vet Rec 1967;81: 12. Leung DY, Sampson HA, Yunginger JW, et al. Effect of anti-IgE therapy
709–713. in patients with peanut allergy. N Engl J Med 2003;348:986–993.
5. Jeffers JG, Meyer EK, Sosis EJ. Responses of dogs with food aller- 13. Teuber SS, Del Val G, Morigasaki S, et al. The atopic dog as a model
gies to single-ingredient dietary provocation. J Am Vet Med Assoc of peanut and tree nut food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002;110:
1996;209:608–611. 921–927.
6. Paterson S. Food hypersensitivity in 20 dogs with skin and gastro- 14. Untersmayr E, Jensen-Jarolim E. Mechanisms of type I food allergy.
intestinal signs. J Small Anim Pract 1995;36:529–534. Pharmacol Ther 2006;112:787–798.
7. Verlinden A, Hesta M, Millet S, Janssens GP. Food allergy in dogs and 15. Day MJ. The canine model of dietary hypersensitivity. Proc Nutr Soc
cats: A review. Crit Rev in Food Sci Nutr 2006;46:259–273. 2005;64:458–464.
8. Kennis RA. Food allergies: Update of pathogenesis, diagnoses, and
management. Vet Clin Small Anim 2006;36:175–184.

Answers to Quiz Corner

Les réponses du test éclair

1. d) Epidural anesthetics should not be used when there is 7. a) Hypovitaminosis A causes increased cerebrospinal fluid
trauma, bleeding, or infection at the injection site. pressure accompanied by papillary edema and at times
d) Les anesthésiques épiduraux ne devraient pas être utilisés central nervous system signs.
en présence de traumatisme, d’hémorragie ou d’infection a) L’hypovitaminose A cause une augmentation de la pression
au site d’injection. du liquide cérébrospinal accompagnée de l’œdème
papillaire et, parfois, de signes du système nerveux central.
2. c) Immature forms include band cells.
c) Les formes immatures comprennent les neutrophiles non 8. a) The unilateral and developmental nature of this lesion
segmentés. makes lymphosarcoma the most likely possibility.
a) La nature unilatérale et l’évolution de cette lésion
3. a) Omentum adheres to the intestinal incision rapidly, creat-
indiquent que le lymphosarcome constitue la possibilité
ing a fluid-tight seal.
la plus probable.
a) L’omentum adhère rapidement à l’incision intestinale,
créant ainsi un bouchon étanche contre les fuites. 9. a) Given the history and the signs, this is the most likely
diagnosis. Scrotal swelling is not marked in all stallions
4. a) The degree of callus formation is inversely related to the
with acquired inguinal or scrotal hernia.
stability of a fracture.
a) D’après l’anamnèse et les signes, la hernie inguinale est
a) Le degré de formation du cal osseux est inversement relié
le diagnostic le plus probable. L’enflure scrotale n’est pas
à la stabilité de la fracture.
marquée chez tous les étalons qui souffrent d’une hernie
5. a) This tumor secretes erythropoietin. inguinale ou d’une hernie scrotale.
a) Cette tumeur sécrète de l’érythropoïétine.
10. a) Inguinal herniorrhaphy is indicated to correct the problem
6. b) Clostridium piliforme (formerly Bacillus piliformis) causes and to prevent recurrence. Resection and anastomosis of
Tyzzer’s disease. small intestine may also be necessary.
b) Clostridium piliforme (anciennement Bacillus piliformis) a) La herniorraphie inguinale est indiquée pour corriger
cause la maladie de Tyzzer. le problème et empêcher une rechute. La résection et
l’anastomose d’une partie du petit intestin peuvent aussi
être nécessaires.

1206 CVJ / VOL 53 / NOVEMBER 2012


Nana N. Jayadi
Niken Ernaningtyas
Nurdjannah J. Niode
Marthen C. P. Wongkar

Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin
Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

Abstract: Lupus vulgaris (LV) is a chronic progressive form of paucibacillary cutaneous

tuberculosis. Lesion is usually solitary in the form of nodes or erythematous plaques with an
apple-jelly sign on diascopy. Disseminated LV is a rare form of cutanoeus tuberculosis with
multiple lesions in several body areas. We reported a male of 40 years old with a suppurative
wound on the left neck and reddish nodules on the face, neck, trunk, and limbs along with
fever, night sweats, weight loss, and history of previous TB infections. There were multiple
erythematous nodules and painful suppurating ulcers with enlargement of several lymph
nodes. Apple-jelly sign appeared on diascopy. The FNAB showed specific granulamatous
inflammation for TB with lymphocytes, epitheloid macrophages, and multinucleated giant
cells. The histopathological finding showed tubercles surrounded by macrophages and
lymphocytes. Anti-tuberculosis drugs category I were given for 6 months, ofloxacin, and open
wound care compressed with NaCl 0.9%. In the third month of observation, there was
significant improvement. Conclusion: This case was diagnosed as lupus vulgaris based on the
history of lymphadenitis TB and scrofuloderma, lesions in several body area with positive
diascopy test, the FNAB as well as the histopathologic result supporting the diagnosis of
tuberculosis, and there was significant improvement after treatment with antiTB drugs.
Keywords: lupus vulgaris, diseminata, tuberculosis, ofloksasin

Abstrak: Lupus vulgaris (LV) merupakan tuberkulosis (TB) kutis pausibasiler kronis dan
progresif. Lesi biasanya soliter, berupa nodus atau plak eritematosa dengan gambaran apple-
jelly pada diaskopi. Lupus vulgaris diseminata merupakan bentuk TB kutis yang jarang
ditemukan dengan lesi multipel pada beberapa area tubuh secara bersamaan. Kami melaporkan
seorang laki-laki, 40 tahun, dengan luka bernanah pada leher kiri dan benjolan-benjolan
kemerahan pada wajah, leher, badan, dan tungkai disertai demam, keringat malam, penurunan
berat badan dan riwayat infeksi tuberkulosis sebelumnya. Pada pemeriksaan fisik tampak
nodus eritematosa multipel disertai ulkus bernanah dan pembesaran beberapa kelenjar getah
bening. Gambaran apple-jelly tampak pada diaskopi. Pemeriksaan FNAB menunjukkan
gambaran radang granulomatik spesifik TB dengan adanya sel-sel radang limfosit, kelompok
makrofag epiteloid, dan sel-sel datia Langhans. Pemeriksaan histopatologis memberikan
gambaran tuberkel yang dikelilingi oleh makrofag dan limfosit. Terapi diberikan berupa OAT
kategori I selama 6 bulan, ofloksasin, dan kompres terbuka dengan NaCL 0,9%. Pada bulan
ketiga tampak perbaikan signifikan. Simpulan: Pada kasus ini, diagnosis lupus vulgaris
ditegakkan berdasarkan adanya riwayat limfadenitis TB dan skrofuloderma, lesi di beberapa
area tubuh sekaligus dengan pemeriksaan diaskopi positif, gambaran FNAB dan histopatologis
menunjang diagnosis TB, dan pengobatan dengan OAT memberikan perbaikan bermakna.
Kata kunci: lupus vulgaris, diseminata, OAT, ofloksasin

186 Jurnal Biomedik (JBM), Volume 7, Nomor 3, November 2015, hlm.185-194

Tuberkulosis kutis, seperti halnya Mantoux biasanya memberikan hasil positif

tuberkulosis paru yang disebabkan oleh kuat.3-5 Prinsip pengobatan pada umumnya
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. sama dengan TB paru yaitu dengan
tuberculosis) atau mikobakterium atipikal pengobatan kombinasi obat anti
lainnya, masih merupakan masalah tuberkulosis (OAT).
kesehatan terutama di negara berkembang.1
Berdasarkan data World Health LAPORAN KASUS
Organization (WHO) tahun 2009, Seorang laki-laki berusia 40 tahun,
Indonesia berada di posisi ke-5 dengan
suku Mongondow, datang ke Poliklinik
jumlah penderita tuberkulosis (TB) sebesar
Kulit dan Kelamin RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D.
429 ribu orang. Dari total seluruh TB,
Kandou Manado dengan luka bernanah
11.215 kasus merupakan kasus TB ekstra
pada leher kiri dan benjolan-benjolan
paru.2 Di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo
kemerahan pada wajah, leher, badan, dan
(RSCM), skrofuloderma merupakan bentuk
tungkai. Kelainan ini dialami sejak 3 bulan
yang paling sering ditemukan (84%),
disusul tuberkulosis kutis verukosa (13%). yang lalu, diawali dengan timbulnya
Lupus vulgaris yang dahulunya tidak benjolan-benjolan sebesar biji jagung di
ditemukan ternyata sekarang terdeteksi leher kiri yang kemudian berwarna
meskipun sangat jarang.1 Hingga saat ini, kemerahan, bergabung menjadi satu,
belum pernah dilaporkan kejadian kasus sebagian berisi nanah dan pecah
lupus vulgaris di RSUP Prof Dr. R. D. membentuk luka. Leher kiri bengkak,
Kandou Manado. terasa keras bila ditekan dan nyeri. Keluhan
Lupus vulgaris (LV) merupakan ini juga disertai demam, keringat malam,
bentuk TB kutis pausibasiler kronis dan dan penurunan berat badan. Dua bulan
progresif, ditemukan pada individu dengan kemudian, muncul benjolan-benjolan
imunitas sedang dan sensitivitas tinggi sewarna kulit lain yang tersebar di pipi
terhadap tuberkulin. Cara infeksi dapat kanan, leher kanan, dada, perut, punggung,
melalui inokulasi langsung, serta penjalaran dan kedua selangkangan. Pasien memiliki
hematogen dan limfogen.3 Lesi LV riwayat limfadenitis TB dan skrofuloderma
biasanya soliter, namun dapat ditemukan yang telah sembuh 3 tahun lalu. Riwayat
pada 2 atau 3 tempat secara bersamaan batuk-batuk lama dan trauma pada leher
berupa makula dan papul berwarna merah tidak ditemukan; riwayat pemakaian obat
kecoklatan dengan konsistensi lunak. Pada tidak diketahui; dan pasien sudah mendapat
pemeriksaan diaskopi tampak gambaran vaksinasi BCG sebelumnya.
apple-jelly. Lesi kemudian mengalami Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan
perkembangan yang ditandai dengan keadaan umum baik, berat badan 65 kg,
peninggian lesi, pelebaran ke arah perifer, kesadaran kompos mentis, tekanan darah
warna menjadi lebih kecoklatan, dan 110/70 mmHg, frekuensi nadi 82x/menit,
pembentukan plak; dapat pula terjadi erosi, frekuensi nafas 18 x/menit dan suhu
ulserasi, serta jaringan parut.3,4 36,7°C. Ditemukan pembesaran kelenjar
Lupus vulgaris diseminata adalah LV getah bening (KGB) submandibular dekstra
dengan lesi multipel, terdapat pada dan sinistra, servikalis dekstra dan sinistra,
beberapa area tubuh secara bersamaan aksilaris dekstra dan sinistra, inguinal
akibat penyebaran secara hematogen dari dekstra dan sinistra, berdiameter ±1-2 cm,
fokus tuberkulosis.3,4 Lesi LV diseminata, konsistensi lunak, mobilitas (-), nyeri tekan
seperti halnya lesi LV yang khas, dapat (-), dengan kulit diatasnya tampak normal.
dilihat dari gejala klinis dan adanya Hasil pemeriksaan jantung dan paru dalam
gambaran karakteristik apple-jelly. batas normal serta tidak dijumpai
Pemeriksaan penunjang lainnya yaitu pembesaran hati dan limpa.
pemeriksaan histopatologi, kultur, dan Pada pemeriksaan dermatologis regio
polymerase chain reaction (PCR).1,3,4 Tes perioralis dekstra tampak nodus
Jayadi, Ernaningtyas, Niode, Wongkar: Lupus vulgaris dengan lesi diseminata 187

eritematosa, soliter, disertai ulkus dangkal dan laktat dehidrogenase menurun ringan.
di bagian tengah dengan diameter ±0,5 cm Tidak tampak adanya pertumbuhan jamur
disertai krusta kekuningan dan pus pada kultur jaringan. Pada kultur pus
(Gambar 1A). Pada regio mandibularis didapatkan adanya pertumbuhan kuman
dekstra, periaurikularis dekstra, torakalis Staphylococcus aureus yang sensitif
anterior et posterior, abdominalis, brakialis, terhadap amikasin dan fosfomisin serta
antebrakialis dekstra sinistra, inguinalis kuman Serratia marcescens yang sensitif
dekstra dan sinistra ditemukan papul dan terhadap amikasin, ampisilin sulbaktam,
nodus eritematosa dan sewarna kulit yang dan meropenem. Gambaran jantung dan
multipel (Gambar 1B). Tampak skar atrofik paru pada foto toraks dalam batas normal.
pada regio koli anterior bagian superior Hasil pemeriksaan FNAB pada leher
(Gambar 1C). Pada regio aurikularis, kiri menunjukkan adanya sel-sel radang
periaurikularis sinistra, koli sinistra, limfosit, kelompok makrofag epiteloid, dan
supraklavikularis sinistra ditemukan edema sel-sel datia Langhans. Pada pemeriksaan
dan nodus eritematosa multipel, pustul histopatologik dari nodus pada punggung
multipel, ulkus multipel dengan ukuran tampak epidermis yang berulkus. Pada
bervariasi sekitar 0,5x0,5x0,2 cm hingga 5x dermis di bawahnya tampak struktur
5x0,2 cm, tepi tidak teratur, dasar sebagian granuloma atau tuberkel dengan nekrosis
jaringan granulasi dan sebagian tertutup sentral dan bagian tepi terdiri dari sel-sel
pus disertai krusta kekuningan, serta tidak makrofag epiteloid, makrofag berbuih, dan
tampak adanya fistel (Gambar 1D). limfosit. Kesan dari pemeriksaan histo-
Pemeriksaan diaskopi pada lesi menunjuk- patologik ialah radang granulomatik
kan apple jelly sign. spesifik dengan infeksi sekunder.
Pemeriksaan pus dengan pewarnaan Gambaran histopatologik ini sesuai dengan
Ziehl Nielsen menunjukkan adanya sel lupus vulgaris.
PMN namun tidak ditemukan adanya basil Berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan
tahan asam (BTA). Pada pemeriksaan pus fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang, diagnosis
dengan pewarnaan Gram tampak adanya kerja pada pasien ini ialah lupus vulgaris
sel-sel PMN disertai kokus Gram positif (diseminata) dan limfadenitis TB. Pasien
dan negatif. kemudian dikonsulkan dan dirawat
Diagnosis banding pada pasien ini bersama dengan Bagian Penyakit Dalam.
ialah lupus vulgaris, skrofuloderma, Terapi awal yang diberikan berupa
mineralisasi kutan, misetoma, dan limfoma doksisiklin 2x100 mg, asam mefenamat
sehingga direncanakan beberapa pemerik- 3x500 mg, paracetamol 3 x 500 mg bila
saan penunjang lain berupa pemeriksaan demam, dan kompres terbuka dengan NaCl
hematologi rutin, laju endap darah, sediaan 0,9% 3x30 menit. Setelah diagnosis lupus
apus darah tepi, kimia darah, fungsi hati, vulgaris diseminata dan limfadenitis TB
fungsi ginjal, laktat dehidrogenase, ditegakkan diberikan terapi OAT berupa
kalsium, fosfat, elektrolit, urinalisis, feses fixed dose combination (FDC) 1 x 4 tablet
lengkap, kultur pus dan sensitivitas, foto yang terdiri dari rifampisin (R) 10
toraks, tes Mantoux, biopsi kulit, kultur mg/kgBB/hari, isoniazid (H) 5 mg/kgBB/
jamur, dan fine needle aspiration biopsy hari, pirazinamid 25 mg/kgBB/hari, dan
(FNAB) untuk menegakkan diagnosis pasti. etambutol (E) 15 mg/kgBB setiap hari
Dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium selama 2 bulan dan kompres terbuka
didapatkan kadar Hb yang menurun (10,6 dengan NaCl 0.9% 3x30 menit.
/DL), peningkatan LED (101,4 mm/jam), Pada kunjungan ulang (pengamatan
dan penurunan glukosa darah puasa (GDP hari ke-50 pengobatan), bengkak pada leher
61 mg/dL). Fungsi hati, fungsi ginjal, kiri pasien berkurang namun luka meluas
urinalisis, dan pemeriksaan feses dalam dan pus bertambah karena sebagian nodus
batas normal. Kadar asam urat dalam batas telah pecah (Gambar 2A). Nodus pada
normal, sedangkan kadar kalsium, fosfat sudut kanan bibir membesar dengan luka
188 Jurnal Biomedik (JBM), Volume 7, Nomor 3, November 2015, hlm.185-194

yang melebar (Gambar 2B). Nodus eritema reinfeksi tuberkulosis kutis sebelumnya
sewarna kulit pada badan dan ekstremitas dengan penjalaran secara hematogen,
sebagian telah mendatar, pecah dan limfogen, maupun penjalaran langsung
menimbulkan luka. Pada pemeriksaan setelah terjadi inokulasi.4,7,8 Lupus vulgaris
Gram dari pus pada luka didapatkan adanya diseminata merupakan bentuk LV dengan
sel-sel PMN serta kuman Gram positif dan lesi multipel atau terdapat di beberapa area
negatif. Pasien mengeluh adanya bengkak tubuh secara bersamaan sebagai
dan nyeri pada sendi jari-jari tangan setelah konsekuensi penjalaran hematogen dari
minum OAT. fokus tuberkulosis. Bentuk LV diseminata
Pasien kemudian dikonsulkan ke ini biasanya ditemukan pada individu
Bagian Penyakit Dalam dan akan dilakukan dengan TB paru aktif atau timbul beberapa
pemeriksaan Voluntary Counseling and lama setelah terjadi gangguan imunitas,
Testing (VCT), darah lengkap (DL), laju misalnya akibat terkena campak.3,4
endap darah (LED), fungsi hati, fungsi Sebagaimana halnya dengan TB paru,
ginjal, asam urat, dan FNAB pada nodul di maka LV sebagai salah satu TB kutis juga
atas bibir. Dari pemeriksaan laboratorium merupakan masalah kesehatan di negara
diperoleh hasil kadar Hb masih di bawah berkembang seperti Indonesia. Bentuk LV
normal, LED yang menurun dibanding jarang dijumpai pada negara tropis, lebih
pemeriksaan sebelumnya (dari 101,4 sering dijumpai pada wanita, dan dapat
mm/jam menjadi 49 mm/jam), dan mengenai semua umur.3
peningkatan kadar asam urat (15,0 mg/dL). Lupus vulgaris sebagai bagian dari TB
Pemeriksaan VCT pada pasien menunjuk- memiliki gejala lokal dan gejala sistemik.
kan hasil non-reaktif, dan tidak ditemukan Gejala lokal yang timbul sesuai dengan
tanda-tanda keganasan pada pemeriksaan organ yang terlibat. Gejala sistemik dapat
berupa demam, malaise, keringat malam,
FNAB. Terapi yang diberikan berupa
anoreksia dan berat badan menurun.10
pemberian sisipan HRZE selama 1 bulan,
Gambaran klinis LV berupa nodus atau
alopurinol 1x100 mg, ofloksasin 2 x 400
plak eritematosa yang berubah warna
mg dan kompres terbuka dengan NaCl
menjadi kuning pada diaskopi (apple-jelly
0,9% 3x30 menit.
sign). Nodi tersebut dalam perkembangan-
Pada pengobatan hari ke-80 pasien nya dapat berkonfluensi menjadi plak yang
kembali kontrol dan tampak perbaikan bersifat dekstruktif dan diikuti dengan
bermakna, dimana ulkus pada leher kiri ulserasi.1,9 Sekitar 90% lesi LV terdapat
mengering, pus berkurang, dan edema pada wajah dan leher. Biasanya lesi timbul
minimal (Gambar 3A). Nodus eritema pada di hidung, pipi, daun telinga atau kulit
area tubuh lain telah mendatar dengan kepala dan perlahan meluas ke area yang
ulkus yang sebagian juga telah kering lain.3
(Gambar 3B). Terapi yang diberikan Pasien seorang laki-laki berusia 40
berupa OAT fase lanjutan dengan RH 3 x tahun dengan benjolan-benjolan kemerahan
seminggu (rencana selama 4 bulan), disertai luka bernanah pada leher kiri yang
ofloksasin 2 x 400 mg, dan kompres terkadang terasa nyeri sejak 1 bulan.
terbuka dengan NaCl 0.9% 3x30 menit. Awalnya, benjolan-benjolan yang timbul
sewarna kulit dan berukuran sebesar biji
BAHASAN jagung, sebagian kemudian bergabung
Istilah lupus vulgaris (LV) pertama menjadi satu, berwarna kemerahan,
kali dikemukakan oleh Erasmus Wilson bernanah dan pecah menimbulkan luka.
pada tahun 1865.6 Lupus vulgaris adalah Beberapa minggu kemudian timbul
salah satu bentuk TB kutis yang kronik, benjolan-benjolan lain yang tersebar di pipi
progresif, ditemukan pada individu dengan kanan, leher, dada, perut, punggung dan
imunitas sedang, memiliki sensitivitas yang kedua selangkangan.
tinggi terhadap tuberkulin dan merupakan
Jayadi, Ernaningtyas, Niode, Wongkar: Lupus vulgaris dengan lesi diseminata 189


Gambar 1. Pengamatan saat pertama kali pasien datang berobat. A, nodus eritematosa, soliter,
disertai ulkus dangkal di bagian tengah dengan diameter ±0,5 cm disertai krusta kekuningan dan pus
pada regio perioralis dekstra. B, papul dan nodus eritematosa dan sewarna kulit yang multipel pada
regio mandibularis dekstra dan periaurikularis dekstra. C, skar atrofik pada regio koli anterior bagian
superior. D, edema dan nodus eritematosa multipel, pustul multipel, ulkus multipel pada regio
aurikularis, periaurikularis sinistra, koli sinistra, dan supraklaviularis sinistra


Gambar 2. Pengamatan hari ke-50 pengobatan. A, bengkak pada leher kiri berkurang namun luka
meluas dan pus bertambah karena sebagian nodi telah pecah. B, nodus pada sudut kanan bibir
membesar dengan luka yang melebar. Nodi eritema sewarna kulit pada badan dan ekstremitas
sebagian telah mendatar, pecah dan menimbulkan luka


Gambar 3. Pengamatan hari ke-80 pengobatan. A, ulkus pada leher kiri mengering, pus berkurang,
dan edema minimal. B, nodi eritema pada area tubuh lain telah mendatar dengan ulkus yang
sebagian juga telah kering
190 Jurnal Biomedik (JBM), Volume 7, Nomor 3, November 2015, hlm.185-194

Gejala sistemik yang dialami berupa skrofuloderma. Pada pemeriksaan diaskopi,

demam, keringat malam dan penurunan kelompok nodus eritema tersebut berubah
berat badan sebanyak 6 kg dalam 1 bulan warna menjadi kuning yang menandakan
terakhir. Riwayat batuk berdahak, riwayat apple-jelly sign positif. Skar atrofik akibat
trauma pada leher kiri dan riwayat asam lesi skrofuloderma sebelumnya ditemukan
urat disangkal. Pasien memiliki riwayat pada daerah submandibularis. Nodus
limfadenitis TB disertai skrofuloderma eritematosa dan sewarna kulit juga tersebar
pada tahun 2011. Pengobatan dengan OAT pada pipi kanan, di sekitar telinga kanan,
TB dijalankan pasien secara teratur dan dada, perut, punggung, serta kedua lengan
pasien telah dinyatakan sembuh. dan paha.
Menurut acuan pustaka, lesi LV pada Berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksa-
daerah kepala dan leher biasanya berhu- an fisik, kasus ini pada awalnya memiliki
bungan dengan limfangitis dan limfade- beberapa diagnosis banding yaitu: lupus
nitis.5 Pembesaran KGB pada kasus ini vulgaris, skrofuloderma, misetoma, minera-
ditemukan pada KGB submandibula lisasi kutan, dan limfoma. Dengan
dekstra dan sinistra, servikalis dekstra dan terdapatnya beberapa gejala sistemik TB,
sinistra, dan inguinal dekstra dan sinistra pembesaran KGB leher, riwayat limfade-
dengan diameter ± 1-2 cm, konsistensi nitis TB, dan riwayat skrofuloderma
lunak, mobilitas (-), nyeri tekan (-), tanpa sebelumnya maka LV dan skrofuloderma
disertai tanda-tanda radang pada kulit merupakan diagnosis banding. Pasien juga
diatasnya. bekerja sebagai petani jagung dan berisiko
Lesi LV biasanya timbul sebagai lesi tertusuk atau tergores tanaman sehingga
soliter di atas kulit normal, namun lesi risiko infeksi seperti misetoma cukup tinggi
dapat juga ditemukan pada daerah inokulasi meski disangkal oleh pasien. Limfadeno-
primer pada pembuatan tato, pada skar pati disertai nodus eritema generalisata
skrofuloderma, atau di tempat injeksi BCG. dapat ditemukan pada limfoma, sedangkan
Lesi yang multipel atau bentuk diseminata nodus sewarna kulit dapat dijumpai pada
dapat ditemukan pada pasien dengan TB mineralisasi kutan.
paru aktif.3,4 Gambaran klinis LV dapat Pemeriksaan diaskopi pada lesi
dibagi menjadi lima bentuk tergantung memberikan gambaran apple-jelly yang
pada respon jaringan lokal terhadap infeksi, merupakan karakteristik lesi LV, meski
yaitu: plak, ulserasi dan mutilasi, vegetasi, tidak selalu dapat ditemukan. Pada
tumor, dan papulonodular. Bentuk atipikal pemeriksaan laboratorium sederhana
juga semakin sering ditemukan.4 Mukosa dengan sediaan berupa pus dari ulkus di
dapat pula terlibat, ditandai adanya papul, leher pemeriksaan Ziehl Nielsen dan
ulkus, atau massa granuloma.3 Pada kasus pemeriksaan Gram dengan hasil pemeriksa-
ini, ditemukan limfadenitis TB disertai lesi an tidak ditemukan basil tahan asam (BTA)
kulit berupa kombinasi bentuk ulserasi dengan pewarnaan Ziehl Nielsen dan
pada leher dan bentuk papulonodular yang adanya sel PMN, kokus Gram positif dan
tampak tersebar di wajah, leher, badan, dan negatif dengan Pemeriksaan Gram. LV
ekstremitas tetapi tidak ditemukan lesi pada merupakan bentuk TB kutis pausibasiler
mukosa. Pada sudut bibir kiri tampak nodus sehingga BTA pada pewarnaan Ziehl
eritematosa soliter disertai ulkus dangkal di Nielsen dan kultur seringkali memberikan
bagian tengah dengan permukaan tertutup hasil negatif.4 Diperlukan beberapa
krusta kekuningan. Leher kiri, daerah di pemeriksaan penunjang lain untuk
sekitar telinga, dan daun telinga kiri tampak menyingkirkan diagnosis banding berupa
edema dan eritema disertai nodus pemeriksaan pemeriksaan hematologi rutin,
eritematosa, pustul, serta ulkus dangkal LED, sediaan apus darah tepi, kimia darah,
multipel yang sebagian tertutup pus dan fungsi hati, fungsi ginjal, laktat dehidro-
krusta kekuningan. Tidak tampak adanya genase, kalsium, fosfat, elektrolit,
fistel seperti yang sering dijumpai pada urinalisis, feses lengkap, kultur pus dan
Jayadi, Ernaningtyas, Niode, Wongkar: Lupus vulgaris dengan lesi diseminata 191

sensitivitas, foto toraks, tes Mantoux, khas berupa ditemukannya tuberkel-

biopsi kulit, kultur jamur, dan FNAB. Dari tuberkel yang sebagian menyatu, dengan
hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan atau tanpa nekrosis kaseosa, dikelilingi
kadar Hb yang menurun (10,6 /dL), oleh sel epiteloid dan sel datia Langhans
peningkatan LED (101,4 mm/jam), pada dermis. Limfosit di sekeliling tuberkel
penurunan GDP (61 mg/dL), fungsi hati, tampak jelas. Bakteri biasanya jarang
fungsi ginjal, urinalisa dan feses dalam ditemukan. Ulserasi, atrofi atau akantosis
batas normal. Kadar asam urat dalam batas dapat ditemukan pada epidermis
normal, kadar kalsium, fosfat dan laktat diatasnya. Gambaran histopatologi
dehidrogenase menurun ringan serta tidak skrofuloderma pada dermis berupa
tampak adanya pertumbuhan jamur pada pembentukan abses disertai ulserasi.
kultur jaringan sehingga diagnosis banding Tuberkel dan nekrosis kaseosa dapat
mineralisasi kutan, limfoma, dan aktino- ditemukan di perifer dengan bakteri dalam
misetoma dapat disingkirkan. jumlah banyak.4,13 Pemeriksaan histopato-
Pemeriksaan foto toraks diperlukan logi pada kasus ini berasal dari nodul pada
pada kasus TB kutis karena paru punggung dan memiliki gambaran
merupakan port d’entree lebih dari 98% histopatologi sesuai dengan gambaran
kasus infeksi TB.10 LV diseminata dengan lupus vulgaris. Dari pemeriksaan tersebut
lesi yang multipel juga seringkali tampak epidermis yang berulkus. Pada
berhubungan dengan TB paru aktif.3,4 dermis di bawahnya tampak struktur
Standar diagnosis TB kutis ialah granuloma atau tuberkel dengan sentral
pemeriksaan mikroskopik, kultur, dan nekrosis dan bagian tepi terdiri dari sel-sel
pemeriksaan histopatologi dari spesimen makrofag epiteloid, makrofag berbuih, dan
kulit. Tes Mantoux dan PCR juga dapat limfosit. Kesan dari pemeriksaan histo-
digunakan sebagai penunjang diagnosis.1 patologi ialah radang granulomatik spesifik
Pada kasus ini gambaran jantung dan dengan infeksi sekunder (menyokong suatu
paru pasien dalam batas normal. Kuman lupus vulgaris).
BTA pada sediaan pus dengan pewarnaan Pemeriksaan FNAB leher kiri juga
Ziehl Nielsen juga tidak ditemukan karena dilakukan pada kasus ini dengan hasil yang
LV merupakan TB kutis pausibasiler yang juga sesuai dengan gambaran TB berupa
berbeda dengan skrofuloderma yang ditemukannya sel-sel radang limfosit,
biasanya multibasiler. kelompok makrofag epiteloid, dan sel-sel
Tes Mantoux atau uji tuberkulin adalah datia. Pemeriksaan penunjang lain yang
tes dengan menggunakan komponen dapat dilakukan untuk menegakkan
protein kuman TB yang mempunyai sifat diagnosis TB kutis ialah dengan ditemu-
antigenik kuat. Jika disuntikkan secara kannya M. tuberculosis pada kultur dan
intrakutan pada seseorang yang telah polymerase chain reaction (PCR) namun
terinfeksi TB maka akan terjadi reaksi pada kasus ini kedua pemeriksaan tersebut
berupa indurasi di lokasi suntikan.12 tidak dilakukan karena media kultur dan
Hingga saat ini, uji tuberkulin masih PCR tidak tersedia.
mempunyai nilai diagnostik yang tinggi Diagnosis lupus vulgaris diseminata
terutama pada anak, namun kurang berarti pada kasus ini ditegakkan berdasarkan
pada dewasa atau pada seseorang yang adanya riwayat infeksi TB sebelumnya,
sebelumnya pernah memiliki riwayat gejala sistemik TB seperti demam, keringat
TB.10,12 Pada kasus ini pasien sudah malam dan berat badan menurun disertai
memiliki riwayat limfadenitis TB dan gejala lokal LV berupa timbulnya nodus-
skrofuloderma sebelumnya sehingga tidak nodus eritema dan sewarna kulit multipel
dilakukan uji tuberkulin karena meski pada beberapa area tubuh secara
hasilnya positif menjadi kurang bermakna. bersamaan, nodi di leher sebagian pecah
Lupus vulgaris memiliki gambaran dan mengalami ulserasi tanpa disertai
histopatologi yang bervariasi. Gambaran adanya fistel. Pemeriksaan diaskopi pada
192 Jurnal Biomedik (JBM), Volume 7, Nomor 3, November 2015, hlm.185-194

lesi memberikan gambaran apple-jelly yang kulit pada prinsipnya sama dengan TB pada
merupakan karakteristik LV. Pemeriksaan organ lain yaitu dengan OAT. Pengobatan
FNAB pada leher dan histopatologi pada TB dibagi menjadi dua tahap yaitu tahap
lesi di punggung sesuai dengan gambaran awal (intensif) dan lanjutan. Pada
LV sehingga diagnosis lupus vulgaris umumnya, lama pengobatan 6-8 bulan.
diseminata pada kasus ini dapat ditegakkan. Pada tahap awal diberikan kombinasi 4
Namun, penyebab terjadinya penyebaran macam obat yaitu rifampisin (R) 10
hematogen belum diketahui pasti karena mg/kgBB/hari, isoniazid (H) 5 mg/kgBB/
tidak ditemukan adanya TB paru dan hari, pirazinamid 25 mg/kgBB/hari, dan
riwayat adanya penyakit tertentu yang etambutol (E) 15 mg/kgBB setiap hari
dapat menyebabkan menurunnya imunitas selama dua bulan. OAT tahap lanjutan yang
sebelum timbulnya lesi disangkal oleh diberikan ialah rifampisin dan isoniazid 3
pasien. kali perminggu selama 4 bulan.10 Dalam
Terapi awal yang diberikan sebelum kasus ini, terapi yang diberikan kepada
diagnosis pasti lupus vulgaris diseminata pasien adalah FDC 1 x 4 tablet selama dua
ditegakkan berupa doksisiklin 2x100 mg, bulan dan vitamin B6 1x1 tablet. Pasien
asam mefenamat 3x500 mg, parasetamol 3 dianjurkan kontrol dua bulan kemudian.
x 500 mg bila demam, dan kompres Setelah 2 bulan menjalani pengobatan
terbuka dengan NaCl 0.9% 3x30 menit. tahap intensif, bengkak pada leher kiri
Berdasarkan International Standard for pasien berkurang namun luka meluas dan
Tuberculosis Care (ISTC), terapi antibiotik nanah bertambah karena sebagian nodus
awal pada pasien yang dicurigai TB telah pecah. Nodus pada sudut kanan bibir
sebaiknya tidak menggunakan golongan membesar dengan luka yang melebar.
kuinolon karena golongan kuinolon Nodus eritematosa sewarna kulit pada
merupakan obat TB lini kedua yang badan dan ekstremitas sebagian telah
digunakan pada kasus TB resisten OAT 9 mendatar, pecah dan menimbulkan luka.
dan TB kutis (lupus vulgaris dan Pada pemeriksaan Gram dari pus pada luka
skrofuloderma) merupakan salah satu didapatkan adanya sel-sel PMN serta
diagnosis banding pada kasus ini sehingga kuman Gram positif dan negatif. Pasien
penggunaan antibiotik golongan kuinolon mengeluh adanya bengkak dan nyeri pada
dihindari. Pada pemeriksaan Gram dari pus sendi jari-jari tangan setelah minum OAT.
ditemukan kokus Gram positif dan negatif Pasien kemudian dikonsulkan ke Poliklinik
dan diberikan doksisiklin untuk mengatasi Penyakit Dalam untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut
kemungkinan adanya infeksi sekunder pada dan dianjurkan untuk melakukan pemerik-
luka. Doksisiklin merupakan golongan saan VCT, DL, LED, fungsi hati, fungsi
tetrasiklin yang merupakan antibiotik ginjal, asam urat, dan FNAB pada nodul
dengan sifat bakteriostatik. Golongan ini diatas bibir. Pemeriksaan FNAB pada
memiliki spektrum antibakteri luas yang nodul diatas bibir perlu dilakukan untuk
meliputi kuman Gram positif dan negatif melihat apakah terdapat tanda-tanda
serta aerobik dan anaerobik.11 Terapi keganasan karena lesi LV dapat berkem-
simtomatis berupa analgetik asam bang menjadi suatu karsinoma terutama
mefenamat dan antipiretik parasetamol karsinoma sel skuamosa.3 Dari pemerik-
diberikan karena pasien mengeluh nyeri saan laboratorium diperoleh peningkatan
pada leher kiri dan demam. Kompres kadar asam urat (15,0 mg/dL) yang diduga
terbuka dengan NaCl 0,9% 3x30 menit disebabkan oleh pirazinamid yang memiliki
bertujuan untuk mengangkat pus dan krusta efek samping berupa hiperurisemia dan
sehingga luka bersih dan penyembuhannya nyeri sendi.10 Pemeriksaan VCT pada
lebih baik. pasien memberikan hasil non reaktif dan
Pengobatan TB pada pasien ini dimulai tidak tampak tanda-tanda keganasan pada
setelah diagnosis lupus vugaris diseminata pemeriksaan FNAB.
dapat ditegakkan. Prinsip pengobatan TB Terapi tambahan yang diberikan
Jayadi, Ernaningtyas, Niode, Wongkar: Lupus vulgaris dengan lesi diseminata 193

berupa alopurinol 1 x 100 mg, ofloksasin 2 patologik yang memberikan gambaran khas
x 400 mg, dan rencana pemberian sisipan LV. Terapi OAT yang diberikan terbagi
HRZE selama 1 bulan. Perbaikan klinis atas 3 fase, yaitu fase inisial HRZE selama
yang minimal setelah menyelesaikan tahap 2 bulan, dilanjutkan dengan sisipan HRZE
inisial selama dua bulan menimbulkan selama 1 bulan dan fase lanjutan HR yang
dugaan adanya resistensi terhadap OAT rencana diberikan selama 4 bulan.
yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan Pengobatan lain berupa ofloksasin 2x400
pemberian ofloksasin 2 x 400 mg dan mg, allopurinol 100 mg 1x1, vitamin B6
sisipan HRZE pada pasien ini meskipun 1x1 dan kompres luka dengan NaCl 0.9%
hasil kultur pus resisten terhadap 3x30 menit juga diberikan. Respon yang
ofloksasin. Menurut acuan pustaka, diduga baik terhadap terapi tampak pada bulan
terjadi resistensi obat bila setelah fase ketiga pengobatan.
inisial selesai tidak terlihat adanya respon
pengobatan secara klinis, pasien gagal DAFTAR PUSTAKA
pengobatan atau putus obat, dan kasus
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J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

Journal section: Oral Medicine and Pathology doi:10.4317/jced.53005

Publication Types: Review

Clinical value of diascopy and other non-invasive techniques on differential

diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations: A systematic review

Daniel Pérez-López 1, Maite Pena-Cristóbal 2, Eva-María Otero-Rey 3, Inmaculada Tomás 4, Andrés Blanco-
Carrión 5

PhD Student, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,
Postgraduate Student, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain
PhD, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Senior Lecturer, Oral Sciences Research Group, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Univer-
sidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Senior Lecturer, GI-1319, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain

Facultade de Odontoloxía, rúa Entrerríos s/n,
15782, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain Pérez-López D, Pena-Cristóbal M, Otero-Rey EM, Tomás I, Blanco-
Carrión A. Clinical value of diascopy and other non-invasive techniques
on differential diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations: A systematic
review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58.
Received: 28/01/2016
Accepted: 10/02/2016

Article Number: 53005

© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - eISSN: 1989-5488
Indexed in:
Pubmed Central® (PMC)
DOI® System

Objectives: To determine the diagnostic value of diascopy and other non-invasive clinical aids on recent differential
diagnosis algorithms of oral mucosal pigmentations affecting subjects of any age.
Material and Methods: Data Sources: this systematic review was conducted by searching PubMed, Scopus, Dentis-
try & Oral Sciences Source and the Cochrane Library (2000-2015); Study Selection: two reviewers independently
selected all types of English articles describing differential diagnosis algorithms of oral pigmentations and checked
the references of finally included papers; Data Extraction: one reviewer performed the data extraction and quality
assessment based on previously defined fields while the other reviewer checked their validity.
Results: Data Synthesis: eight narrative reviews and one single case report met the inclusion criteria. Diascopy
was used on six algorithms (66.67%) and X-ray was included once (11.11%; 44.44% with text mentions); these
were considered helpful tools in the diagnosis of intravascular and exogenous pigmentations, respectively. Surface
rubbing was described once in the text (11.11%).
Conclusions: Diascopy was the most applied method followed by X-ray and surface rubbing. The limited scope of
these procedures only makes them useful when a positive result is obtained, turning biopsy into the most recom-
mended technique when diagnosis cannot be established on clinical grounds alone.

Key words: Algorithm, differential diagnosis, flow chart, oral mucosa, oral pigmentation, systematic review.

J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

Introduction lesions in several related review articles were taken into

Oral mucosal pigmentations are relatively common in account (2,3,14,15), to which haemangiolymphangio-
daily dental practice and usually mean a diagnostic cha- ma, peripheral giant cell granuloma and thrombus were
llenge for clinicians (1-3). added based on the authors´ experience (Table 1). Fur-
In this sense, diascopy has been proposed as a possible thermore, non-English papers were excluded (16) and a
diagnostic tool for this type of conditions, being defined 15-year period was established to conduct the review.
as a procedure of removing the camouflaging effect of
congested blood to reveal the true colour of underlying Table 1. Oral pigmentations considered on study screening.
lesions (4). This is done by means of a glass or plastic
diascope, usually a microscopic slide, pressed against a pigmentations
cutaneous or mucous lesion (4-6). Its characteristic blan- Non-melanin-related lesions
ching effect is due to the phenomenon of blood dissipa- Melanin-related lesions Vascular
ting intravascularly under compression, giving the tissue Melanotic Extravascular conditions
a pale appearance (4,7,8). Even though dermatologists Physiologic pigmentation Petechia
Post-inflammatory Ecchymosis
regularly use epiluminescence microscopy in the early
Smoker´s melanosis Hematoma
diagnosis of malignant melanoma and pigmented skin Oral melanotic macule Peripheral giant cell
lesions, magnified or unmagnified diascopy is someti- Endocrine disorders granuloma
mes applied on large cutaneous pigmentations (5,6,9- Addison´s disease Kaposi´s sarcoma
12). In dentistry, its most common application consists Addisonian pigmentation Intravascular conditions
of obtaining a positive result for blanchability to poten- Melasma Haemangioma
Hyperthyroidism Vascular malformation1
tially identify the intravascular nature of oral pigmented Syndromes Telangiectasia2
lesions; however, not all intravascular conditions seem Peutz-Jeghers syndrome Varix/thrombus
to comply with this rule (4). This is of utmost importan- Multiple
Lymphatic or
ce for an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate mana- neurofibromatosis
Albright syndrome lymphatic/vascular
gement of oral pigmentations. In view of the lack of any Lymphangioma
study that has methodologically assessed the current cli- Laugier-Hunziker
syndrome Haemangiolymphangioma
nical value of diascopy and other non-invasive clinical HIV melanosis Salivary
aids on this kind of lesions, this new systematic review Mucocele
has been conducted to provide scientific evidence on this Melanoacanthoma Ranula
field. Nevi Systemic-related
-The following objectives were addressed: Lentigo pigmentations
•Primary: to determine the current diagnostic value of Melanoma (vascular/melanotic)
diascopy on the differential diagnosis of oral mucosal Hemochromatosis
pigmentations, all types of recently published articles Exogenous pigmentations
that described a differential diagnosis algorithm about Amalgam tattoo Heavy metal pigmentation
such lesions in which this diagnostic technique was Other foreign bodies Drug-induced pigmentation
present were reviewed, against those that did not use it, tattoos
Considering Sturge-Weber syndrome; 2 Considering Rendu-Osler-
aimed at subjects of any age affected by these oral con-
Weber and CREST syndromes.
•Secondary: to determine the diagnostic value of other
non-invasive clinical aids on the previously mentioned Types of participants: subjects of any age affected by
differential diagnosis flow charts, as well as the most re- oral mucosal pigmentations.
commended method to reach a definitive diagnosis. Types of intervention: application of diascopy or other
non-invasive clinical aids on oral mucosal pigmenta-
Material and Methods
Types of comparator: no application of diascopy or other
- Protocol
non-invasive clinical aids on such lesions.
This systematic review was conducted according to a
Types of outcome measures: 1. Primary: the diagnostic
previously established protocol. Likewise, the PRISMA
value of diascopy on current differential diagnosis pro-
Statement recommended items were addressed whene-
tocols of oral mucosal pigmentations; 2. Secondary: the
ver possible (13).
diagnostic value of other non-invasive clinical techni-
- Eligibility criteria
ques on these protocols and the most recommended me-
Types of studies: all kind of recently published articles
thod to achieve a definitive diagnosis.
describing differential diagnosis flow charts of oral mu-
- Information sources
cosal pigmentations, including diascopy or not as a diag-
Four electronic databases were searched: PubMed (Na-
nostic step were considered. Only the most mentioned
tional Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. Natio-
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

nal Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health), - Data items

Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source, DOSS (EBSCO Information was extracted from each included study on:
Host), and the Cochrane Library (Wiley Online Library) 1) Study design: justification, aims, type of study accor-
and Scopus (Elsevier). A time filter was imposed from 1 ding to previously reported classification (17), type and
January 2000 to 25 May 2015 and all the databases were language of cited documents, and funding.
researched up to 1 June 2015 (a total period of 15 years 2) Participants: features of the population for which the
and five months). No language filter was imposed in this differential diagnosis protocol was developed, type of
phase. Reference checking of finally included articles was included lesions, and features of case reports, if present.
also performed. Additionally, authors of these finally se- 3) Intervention/comparator: main aspect that determines
lected papers were contacted to clarify doubtful informa- the first step on the differential diagnosis protocol; pre-
tion, absent data and confirm the extracted evidence. The sence of diascopy, at which level and type of lesions;
search protocol was developed and conducted by one of and presence of other clinical diagnostic techniques, at
the reviewers (DPL), once it was validated by the group. which level and type of lesions.
- Search 4) Outcomes: diagnostic value of diascopy and other
The following search terms were used to search the four non-invasive clinical techniques applied on the included
databases: oral cavity, oral mucosa, pigmented, pigmen- protocols, as well as the most recommended method for
tation, pigmentations, vascular, discoloration, discolo- reaching a definitive diagnosis, and other conclusions.
rations, discolouration, discolourations, hyperpigmen- As already reported, the data extraction sheet was de-
tation, hyperpigmentations, lesion, lesions, diagnosis, veloped a priori, but three additional items were added
flow chart, protocol, differential diagnosis, algorithm, after reading the finally included articles. It was decided
and guide. The search strategy for each database was to include the type and language of the documents cited
previously specified in the systematic review protocol. on finally included papers to provide information about
- Study selection what kind of data they were based on. Likewise, the as-
Once the articles were retrieved from each of the four sessment of the main aspect or procedure that determi-
databases and the duplicates were dismissed by one of ned the first step on each of the differential diagnosis
the reviewers (DPL), the eligibility assessment of all protocols was introduced since it was considered to be a
the references was independently carried out by two re- very useful contribution to daily dental practice.
viewers (DPL and MPC). As a first step, the titles and - Quality assessment
abstracts were screened by language and inclusion cri- Since the finally included studies were expected to
teria. Then, the full texts of potentially relevant studies mainly consist of narrative reviews, risk of bias as-
were examined for inclusion criteria compliance. Re- sessment was not considered. For this reason, their
ference checking of finally included studies was first “quality” was assessed through a self-designed checklist
performed by title; if the corresponding abstracts were based on six parameters that were considered important
considered suitable, the full texts were examined. When for their clinical application. Based on the authors’ cli-
titles and abstracts did not provide enough information nical experience, three features related to the algorithm
to make a decision or the abstracts were not available per se and another one focused on the article text were
but the titles were considered suspicious of being related initially proposed for the quality appraisal: one classi-
to the purposes of the review, the respective full arti- ficatory aspect per step (to allow establishing a hierar-
cles were assessed. Reasons for exclusion were stated chical diagnostic process), self-explanation of each step
at each stage, except for title selection during reference (clearly described clinical aspects or techniques to ease
checking. Disagreements between reviewers were sol- its implementation), presence of distinctly specified le-
ved by consensus at each step. If the two reviewers did sions (to clarify which types of lesions clinicians should
not agree, a third investigator (IT) was contacted. mainly consider with each protocol) and description of
- Data collection process outstanding malignancies in text (to alert clinicians to
A data extraction sheet based on a priori established data base the differential diagnosis on their exclusion). This
items was developed and accordingly modified after pi- checklist was modified after completely reading the arti-
lot-testing it on three of the finally included studies. On cles selected by screening titles and abstracts, with two
this occasion, only one of the reviewers (DPL) extracted more text parameters added: thorough explanation of the
the data from the corresponding studies while the other algorithm (to reinforce its understanding and solve any
reviewer (MPC) checked its validity. Again, disagree- doubt from its isolated assessment) and clearly stated al-
ments were solved by consensus. If no agreement could gorithm limitations (to become aware of its scope).
be reached, a third investigator (IT) was consulted. As in the data collection process, the quality assessment
As stated, authors of the finally included articles were was performed by one of the reviewers (DPL), while the
contacted to obtain ambiguous or absent data, as well as other reviewer (MPC) checked its validity. In the case of
to confirm the performed data extraction. several flow charts, only algorithms based on oral pig-

J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

mentations were considered. Disagreements were solved 137 studies were discarded after reviewing their titles
by consensus. If no agreement could be reached, a third and abstracts since it was considered that they did not
investigator (IT) took part. meet the inclusion criteria. The exclusion criteria in this
- Summary measures and synthesis of results phase were classified into four groups: group 1 (n= 41),
A descriptive data analysis was performed. The fo- involving studies that mentioned the previously reported
llowing aspects were considered: the percentage of stu- included lesions without evidence of a differential diag-
dies applying diascopy or other non-invasive clinical nosis flow chart; group 2 (n= 26), in relation to studies
techniques (either in protocols or in protocol/text com- that described other oral lesions (distinct from caries);
bination), the most recommended method for a defini- group 3 (n= 60), comprising studies of other medical
tive diagnosis and its percentage of use (regardless of disciplines, congress abstracts, articles related to caries
its place of mention), and the different main aspects or or not focused on differential diagnosis (regardless of
procedures that determined the first step in the several the type of lesions assessed), lesions beyond the limits of
algorithms and their prevalence (either individually or the oral cavity, and miscellaneous; and group 4 (n= 10),
coupled with others) (Table 2). concerning non-English studies. Thus, 18 studies were
selected for the full texts to be read. It appeared that ten
Results studies did not meet the inclusion criteria and another
- Study selection one could not be retrieved, so seven articles were inclu-
A total of nine studies were finally included in the review. ded in the systematic review from the database electro-
The searches of PubMed, Scopus, DOSS and the Co- nic search. Additionally, seven studies were also consi-
chrane Library databases provided a total of 172 studies. dered for full text reading by checking the references of
After adjusting for duplicates, 155 remained. Of these, the seven studies mentioned above; five of them were

Table 2. Results of individual studies and synthesis, in chronological order.

Included studies Diascopy Other clinical aids Definitive 1st aspect/procedure
Flaitz, 2000 (18) Yes No Biopsy Colouration

Carpenter and Rudd, 2000 Yes X-ray1 Biopsy Colouration


Rudd et al., 2001 (4) Yes No Biopsy Colouration2

Coleman et al., 2002 (20) Yes No Biopsy Colouration/distribution

Kauzman et al., 2004 (21) Yes X-ray Biopsy Distribution

Meleti et al., 2008 (22) No X-ray Biopsy Medical history/colouration3

Müller, 2010 (1) No X-ray Biopsy Distribution

Vachiramon and Yes4 No Biopsy Colouration/diascopy4

McMichael, 2012 (23)

Pai et al., 2012 (24) No Surface rubbing Biopsy Medical history

Colouration alone: 3/9 (33.33%),
X-ray1: 1/9 and combined: 6/9 (66.67%)
TOTAL Yes: 6/9 (11.11%), and Distribution alone: 2/9 (22.22%),
Biopsy: 9/9
(66.67%) combined: 4/9 and combined: 3/9 (33.33%)
(44.44%) Medical history alone: 1/9
Surface rubbing: 1/9 (11.11%), and combined: 2/9
(11.11%) (22.22%)
Combined diascopy: 1/9
Combined: sum of times a specific procedure or clinical aspect is considered, either alone or together with others.
The unique “X-ray” mentioned in an algorithm. The remaining “X-ray” and surface rubbing were included in the respective
Information assumed from the text, but not confirmed.
Information provided by the authors, who were contacted by email.
Information provided by Dr Vasanop Vachiramon, who was contacted by email.

J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

excluded for not providing a differential diagnosis flow that may appear in the oral cavity and their challenging
chart. Therefore, a total of nine studies were finally in- differential diagnosis, with the main purpose of helping
cluded in our review (Fig. 1). clinicians identify and manage them. Within these stu-
dies, the greatest part of the cited documents was in En-
glish and mainly comprised of published articles on the
global calculation; nonetheless, some papers individua-
lly showed the same or greater number of book citations
than published articles (4,18-20). Only one study had a
funding source (20).
With the exception of two articles (18,22) that were res-
pectively focused on children and adolescents and on
subjects from an outpatient clinic of Oral and Maxillo-
facial Surgery, the remaining papers (1,4,19-21,23,24)
did not specify the features of the population beneficiary
of the differential diagnosis protocols beyond subjects
affected by the corresponding included oral lesions.
Lesions included in the algorithms varied from just oral
pigmentations, either focal or multifocal/diffuse, mela-
nin or non-melanin related (1,4,19,21-24), to oral pig-
mentations coupled with white lesions, ulcerative condi-
tions and tissue enlargements (18,20).
As already mentioned, one article reported three cases of
oral pigmentations histopathologically diagnosed as com-
pound nevus, melanoacanthoma and melanoma, in a 28-
year-old East Indian man, a 13-year-old East Indian male
and a 77-year-old Asian man, respectively (21). Additio-
nally, another article reported a case of malignant mela-
Fig. 1. Flow of information through the different phases of the sys- noma in a 58-year-old man diagnosed through its clinical
tematic review. *Comprising studies of other medical disciplines,
congress abstracts, articles related to caries or not focused on differ-
appearance, fine needle aspiration cytology of the left
ential diagnosis (regardless of the type of lesions assessed), lesions submandibular lymph node, orthopantomograph, compu-
beyond the limits of the oral cavity, and miscellaneous. ted tomography and a complete haemogram (24).
Diascopy was used in six protocols (4,18-21,23), while
Eight authors of the included articles were contacted only one algorithm reported the use of X-ray as a non-
by email for further information, mainly related to the invasive clinical aid (19); nonetheless, the use of X-ray
funding source, population features and the main aspect was mentioned more in text (1,21,22). Likewise, surface
or procedure that determined the first step in the diffe- rubbing was mentioned once in the text in the diagnosis
rential diagnosis algorithms. Likewise, the same authors of oral malignant melanoma (24). Colour determination
were contacted to verify the accuracy of the extracted was the most frequently described first step amongst al-
data by sending them a copy of the respective draft chart gorithms, either alone or combined (4,18-20,22,23).
by email. All authors responded, with one exception •Outcomes
that provided the first-stage information without subse- •Primary
quently confirming the data extraction. The whole pro- Three articles stated briefly the diagnostic value of
cess was performed by one of the reviewers (DPL). diascopy (4,19,21), while the other three studies that in-
- Study characteristics (Table 3, Table 3 continue, Table cluded this technique in their algorithms did not state its
3 continue-1) value anywhere (18,20,23).
•Study design •Secondary
The nine studies finally selected for the qualitative as- Two articles briefly described the clinical value of X-
sessment consisted of eight narrative reviews (1,4,18- ray (19,21), while the other two that mentioned its use
23) and one single case report (24). One narrative review did not state its value (1,22). Biopsy was recommended
was followed by a case series of three melanin-related everywhere to reach a definitive diagnosis (1,4,18-24).
oral pigmentations (21) and the oral melanoma case re- - Quality assessment (Table 4)
port was followed by a narrative review mainly based Only one study met all of the parameters assessed (21).
on this entity (24). Almost all of the included studies One study met five of them (19) and the other two fulfi-
arose from the large variety of mucosal pigmentations
Table 3 . Characteristics of the included studies, in chronological order.

Source Study design Participants Intervention/Comparator Outcomes

Justification: extensive DD of OML, best Population features: children and adolescents with Main aspect or procedure in dark Diascopy: although any explicit
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58.

summarised with the use of flow charts. included lesions. lesions: the exact colouration (red or assessment is reported, in this study this
Aims: to draw attention to both common Included lesions: white, dark and ulcerative OML. blue vs. pigmented2 brown, grey or technique is used as a diagnostic
and unusual diseases with a paediatric Dark OML: flat or elevated, focal (vascular, epithelial black). procedure for distinguishing between
Flaitz, 2000 (18) onset. thinning, malignancies, reactive, cystic, melanin-related Diascopy: 1st step on focal and intravascular and other non-blanchable
Type of study: narrative review. and exogenous) and multifocal/diffuse (vascular, multifocal or diffuse, red or blue lesions conditions, on focal and multifocal or
Cited documents: 7 (6 B, 1 PA). infectious, immunologic, reactive, malignancies, (intra vs. extravascular and other type of diffuse, red or blue lesions.
Cited documents language: English. syndromes, melanin-related and exogenous) (different lesions). Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.
Funding: none1. algorithms). Other clinical aids: not reported. Other: erythroplakia does not blanch.
Case reports: none. Illustrative images shown.
Justification: risk of malignancy, and Population features: not directly specified. All people Main clinical aspect: the exact Diascopy may often be helpful to
importance of identification and proper with the included lesions. colouration (red, blue or purple vs. distinguish intra from extravascular
management of focal, flat POM. Included lesions: flat POM, mainly focal (vascular, brown or black). lesions, but the former may not blanch
Aims: to assist the clinician in establishing epithelial thinning or dysplasia, endogenous4 and Diascopy: 1st step on red, blue or purple -large number of feeder vessels or small
Carpenter and Rudd, a clinical approach to the diagnosis of exogenous) (in the algorithm). focal, flat POM (intra vs. extravascular, vascular lumens- (haemangioma or

2000 (19) focal, flat POM. Case reports: none. Illustrative images shown. epithelial thinning or dysplasia). Kaposi´s sarcoma).
Type of study: narrative review. Other clinical aids: X-ray: 1st step on X-ray may be useful for differentiating
Cited documents: 15 (7 B, 7 PA, brown or black focal, flat POM endogenous from exogenous
1 submitted). (endogenous vs. exogenous pigmentations, but the latter may not be
Cited documents language: English. pigmentations). detected -small particles-.
Funding: none3. Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.
Other: erythroplakia does not blanch.
Justification: dentists can quickly Population features: not directly specified. All people Main clinical aspect: the exact Diascopy can be a valuable adjunct to
determine the vascular nature of many with the included lesions. colouration (red, bluish or purple vs. distinguish between erythema and
OML by applying diascopy. Included lesions: focal POM of a vascular nature (in the non-vascular)5. purpura, although the former may not
Aims: to describe the circumstances in algorithm). Diascopy: 1st step on POM of a vascular blanch -large number of small channels-
Rudd et al., 2001 (4) which diascopy can be used in dental Case reports: none. Illustrative images shown. nature (intravascular vs. extravascular (haemangioma) and to screen lesions for
practice and what useful information it blood). malignancy (Kaposi´s sarcoma,
provides. Other clinical aids: not reported. melanoma and erythroplakia do not
Type of study: narrative review. blanch). Limited scope.
Cited documents: 5 (3 B, 2 PA). Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.
Cited documents language: English.
Funding: none3.
Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis
Table 3 continue. Characteristics of the included studies, in chronological order.
Justification: the diagnosis of OSTL is a Population features: not directly specified. All people Main clinical aspect in dark lesions: the Diascopy: although any explicit
daily challenge for dentists and DD is the with the included lesions. combination of colour and distribution assessment is reported, in this study
most effective approach. Included lesions: white and dark OML, loss of mucosal (isolated and multiple or diffuse red vs. diascopy is used as a diagnostic
Aims: to provide a conceptual framework integrity, and soft tissue enlargements. isolated and multiple or diffuse technique for distinguishing between
for understanding the DD strategy of Dark OML: focal (vascular, epithelial thinning or pigmented2 brown, bluish or black). intravascular and other type of non-
OSTL, that is the basis of a designed DD dysplasia, melanin-related and exogenous) and multiple Diascopy: 1st step on isolated and blanchable OML.
Coleman et al., 2002 (20)
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58.

computer program. or diffuse (vascular, epithelial thinning, infectious, multiple red OML (intra vs. Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.
Type of study: narrative review. immunologic, nutritional, melanin-related and extravascular, epithelial thinning or Other: Kaposi´s sarcoma and
Cited documents: 6 (5 B, 1 PA). exogenous) (different algorithms). dysplasia, and malignancy). erythroplakia do not blanch.
Cited documents language: English. Case reports: none. Other clinical aids: not reported.
Funding: the Texas Cancer Council, the
Dental Oncology Education Program and
the Texas Dental Foundation.
Justification: POM are common, and the Population features: not directly specified. All people Main clinical aspect: distribution (focal Diascopy and X-ray are clinical tests
understanding of their causes and the with the included lesions. vs. diffuse or bilateral). that can be used to confirm a clinical
appropriate evaluation of the patient are Included lesions: focal POM (vascular, melanin-related Diascopy: 1st step on focal red, blue or impression and occasionally reach a
essential. and exogenous) and diffuse or bilateral (melanin- purple OML (intra vs. extravascular). definitive diagnosis, but neither all
Aims: to present an algorithm to guide the related, vascular and exogenous) (in the algorithm). Other clinical aids: X-ray on focal blue intravascular lesions blanch (thrombus,
assessment of POM. Case reports (3). Subjects referred to an Oral Pathology or grey lesions (amalgam tattoo) (in the haemangioma) nor amalgam tattoos are
Kauzman et al., 2004 Type of study: narrative review/case series. practice for consultation of a pigmented lesion5. A: 28- text). radiopaque in X-ray -small particles-.
(21) Cited documents: 33 (2 B, 31 PA). year-old East Indian man, focal dark brown lesion on Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.

Cited documents language: English, right buccal mucosa, HD as compound nevus. B: 13-
1 French. year-old East Indian male, multiple brown-black
Funding: none6. macules on both labial and buccal mucosae, and on the
anterior tonsillar pillars, HD as melanoacanthoma. C:
77-year-old Asian man, irregular greyish-black patch on
the buccal and distal maxillary gingiva, HD as
melanoma. Illustrative images shown.
Justification: wide range of lesions Population features: population from an outpatient Main aspect or procedure: medical Biopsy or referring to a specialist is
featuring a change of colour of oral clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in the history and colouration6 (melanocytic indicated when:
tissues. Netherlands7. blue, brown or black vs. non- -History does not allow distinguishing
Aims: to discuss two groups of POM Included lesions: melanocytic and non-melanocytic melanocytic). between melanocytic and non-
(melanin-related and caused by other POM (non-specified in the algorithm). Focal and Diascopy: not reported. melanocytic lesions.
pigments), and present a diagnostic flow diffuse or multifocal POM (melanin-related, vascular Other clinical aids: X-ray on focal blue, - A malignant melanocytic lesion is
Meleti et al., 2008 (22) chart to help the clinician. and exogenous) (in the text). grey or black (amalgam tattoo) (in the suspected.
Type of study: narrative review. Case reports: none. Illustrative images shown. text). - A melanocytic lesion with no or low
Cited documents: 89 (4 B, 1 letter, 84 PA). suspicion of malignancy or a non-
Cited documents language: mainly melanocytic lesion cannot be diagnose
English, 1 German, 1 Dutch, 1 French, on clinical grounds alone.
1 Spanish.
Funding: none7.
Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis
Table 3 continue-1. Characteristics of the included studies, in chronological order.
Justification: POM are common and the Population features: not directly specified. All people Main aspect or procedure: the Biopsy or referring to specialist if
DD is broad, so developing a DD is with the included lesions. distribution (focal vs. diffuse). diagnosis cannot be made on clinical
imperative for a clinician faced with Included lesions: focal POM (melanin-related, vascular Diascopy: not reported. findings alone.
these lesions. and exogenous) and diffuse (melanin-related, Other clinical aids: X-ray on focal blue
Aims: to develop a DD for the most exogenous and vascular) (in the algorithm). or grey lesions (amalgam tattoo) (in the
Müller, 2010 (1) common melanin-pigmented lesions of Case reports: none. Illustrative images shown. text).
the OM and present an algorithm to help
clinicians manage the various POM.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58.

Type of study: narrative review.

Cited documents: 26 (1 B, 25 PA).
Cited documents language: English.
Funding: none8.
Justification: lip hyperpigmentation is Population features: not directly specified. All people Main clinical aspect: the exact Biopsy for a definitive diagnosis.
common and it is associated with a wide with the included lesions. colouration and diascopy (red, blue or Other:
variety of situations. Included lesions: focal (melanin-related and vascular) purple blanchable vs. non-vascular)9. - Focal lesions: colour and morphology.
Vachiramon and Aims: to provide a clinical approach to and multiple or diffuse (vascular, melanin-related and Diascopy: 1st step together with colour - Multiple or diffuse lesions: age of
McMichael, 2012 (23) lip hyperpigmentations. exogenous) lip hyperpigmentations. on focal POM (vascular vs. non- onset and associated findings.
Type of study: narrative review. Case reports: not reported. Illustrative images shown. vascular)9.
Cited documents: 48 PA. Other clinical aids: not reported.
Cited documents language: mainly
English, 1 French, 1 Italian, 2 Japanese.
Funding: none.

Justification: not specified. Population features: not directly specified. All people Main aspect or procedure: medical Biopsy if diagnosis is not justified on
Aims: to present a case of oral MM and with the included lesions. history (focal melanin-related vs. history.
flow charts for diagnosis and treatment Included lesions: focal and multiple or diffuse POM multifocal or diffuse melanin-related,
of POM. (vascular, melanin-related and exogenous) (in the vascular or exogenous).
Pai et al., 2012 (24) Type of study: single case report/ algorithm). Oral MM (in the text). Diascopy: not reported.
narrative review. Case reports: 1. A 58-year-old man, greyish black Other clinical aids: rubbing the surface
Cited documents: 23 PA. exophytic growth in the anterior maxilla, enlarged left of the lesion to help diagnose MM (in
Cited documents language: English. submandibular lymph node (FNAC: suggested the text).
Funding: none10. metastatic MM), HIV (-). Final diagnosis of primary
oral MM.
POM: pigmentations of the oral mucosa (including lips); B: books; PA: published articles; DD: differential diagnosis; OML: oral mucosal lesions; OSTL: oral soft tissue lesions; HD: histopathologically
diagnosed; MM: malignant melanoma; FNAC: fine needle aspiration cytology.
Information provided by Dr Catherine Flaitz, who was contacted by email.
Pigmented mucosal lesions = melanin-related or exogenous.
Information provided by Dr William Carpenter, who was contacted by email.
Endogenous pigmentations = melanin-related.
Information assumed from the text, but not confirmed.
Information provided by Dr Kauzman, who was contacted by email.
Information provided by the authors, who were contacted by email.
Information provided by Dr Susan Müller, who was contacted by email.
Information provided by Dr Vasanop Vachiramon, who was contacted by email.
Information provided by the authors, who were contacted by email.
Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

Table 4. Quality assessment of included studies, in chronological order.

STUDIES Flaitz, Carpenter Rudd et al., Coleman et Kauzman et Meleti et Müller, Vachiramon Pai et al., TOTAL
2000 (18) and Rudd, 2001 (4) al., 2002 al., 2004 (21) al., 2008 2010 (1) and 2012 (24) advantages/
2000 (19) (20) (22) McMichael, limitations

One classificatory
aspect per step in the 9 9 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 4/9

Self-explanatory steps
in the algorithm 9 9 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 4/9

Distinctly specified
lesions in the 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 8/9

Algorithm thoroughly
explained in the text 8 9 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 4/9

Clearly stated
algorithm limitations 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 2/9

Described outstanding
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9/9

advantages/limitations 4/6 5/6 3/6 3/6 6/6 2/6 2/6 4/6 1/6

lled four (18,23). The remaining articles complied with ported that exogenous pigmentations may not be detec-
three (4,20), two (1,22) or one aspect (24). ted by X-ray (19,21).
All of the studies reported outstanding malignancies Likewise, one article (11.11%) described in its text the
(1,4,18-24) and almost all of them included distinctly procedure of surface rubbing in the diagnosis of oral
specified lesions in their algorithms (1,4,18-21,23,24). malignant melanoma, without evaluating its diagnostic
The less incorporated parameter was the statement of value (24).
algorithm limitations (21,23). Biopsy was recommended without exception to reach a
- Results of individual studies and synthesis (Table 2) definitive diagnosis when this cannot be made on clini-
As has already been commented upon, the main aspect cal grounds alone (100%) (1,4,18-24).
or procedure that determined the first step in the diffe- Colour determination was the main clinical aspect that
rential diagnosis protocols was added to the results rela- determined the first step in three of the nine (33.33%)
ted to the already known review outcomes. included differential diagnosis protocols (4,18,19). The
Diascopy was used on six of the nine included protocols distribution of lesions was the main clinical aspect in
(66.67%), being mainly applied to red, blue or purple, two of them (22.22%) (1,21), the combination of colour
focal and multifocal/diffuse oral pigmentations, to dis- and distribution in one (11.11%) (20), colour and me-
tinguish between intravascular conditions and other type dical history in another (11.11%) (22) and colour and
of lesions (4,18-21,23). Of these, only three studies brie- diascopy in the other (11.11%) (23). The remaining
fly stated the clinical value of diascopy, considering it a protocol seemed to be based on medical history alone,
helpful and valuable tool for the previously reported ob- without mentioning any specific clinical aspect (24).
jective and to screen lesions for malignancy, confirming Results from combined data (sum of times in which a
a clinical impression and sometimes reaching a definiti- clinical aspect or procedure was applied as a first step,
ve diagnosis. However, it was stated that not all intravas- either alone or together with other aspects or techni-
cular conditions blanch under pressure (4,19,21). ques) were: colouration (6/9, 66.67%), distribution (3/9,
Only one of the nine algorithms (11.11%) reported the 33.33%), medical history (2/9, 22.22%) and diascopy
use of X-ray on brown or black focal lesions (19). No- (1/9, 11.11%).
netheless, in the text of the other three articles (44.44%
with the previous one), the use of this technique was Discussion
described in the diagnosis of isolated blue or grey le- Many narrative reviews have been published describing
sions with the same purpose (1,21,22). Similar to before, large sets of oral pigmented lesions without providing a
only two articles punctually assessed the clinical value differential diagnosis flow chart (2,3,14,15,25-31). Only
of X-ray, considering it a helpful tool for differentiating some of them have considered vascular lesions to be
melanin-related conditions from exogenous pigmenta- true oral pigmentations (3,14,25,27,30,31) and the use
tions, confirming a clinical impression and sometimes of diascopy has been proposed in these cases with the
reaching a definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, it was re- same aforementioned purposes (3,14,25,27). Likewise,
J Clin Exp Dent. 2016;8(4):e448-58. Diascopy and others on oral pigmentation diagnosis

this technique has been coupled with the so-called “head literature and its value has been questioned (45).
lowering manoeuvre with abdominal compression” in As expected, histopathology assessment has elsewhe-
the diagnosis of eight oral capillary haemangiomas, re been considered the gold standard method for rea-
considering clinical appearance combined with a posi- ching a definitive diagnosis in oral pigmented lesions
tive result in at least one of the previous procedures a (2,3,14,15,25-28,30,31).
sufficiently reliable method for their identification and Our study has several limitations. Regarding the study
treatment (32). Despite the lack of evidence in this re- and review level, the search retrieved results were scree-
gard, the reported positive result for blanchability in ned for just including English-language publications and
Kaposi´s sarcoma in one of our included studies (19) only studies published in the last 15 years were conside-
seems not to be supported by histological data since red red. Additionally, the set of included lesions may have
blood cells extravasation is an almost constant feature obviated some conditions that could have led us to other
in all stages of the lesion and in almost all of its mi- diagnostic flow diagrams. Likewise, the performed title/
croscopic variants, although it may not be as evident in abstract search restriction was applied to best focus on
early patches (33-37); nonetheless, a negative blanching potentially eligible papers since it was assumed that ar-
result even in these initial lesions has been stated (38). ticles without including any of those words would not
Colour interpretation is a subjective procedure; small be selected. In relation to the quality assessment, the
differences may be difficult to notice and the final co- evaluated parameters were based more on the applica-
louration is conditioned by the amount and location of bility of the diagnostic flows than on their quality, so the
the pigment within the mucosa (1,21). In spite of the fre- punctuations are not directly associated with the latter.
quent use of this visual sign, there is some heterogeneity Finally, the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
amongst algorithms and texts in this regard; for instance, does not currently consider narrative reviews or single case
blue may be considered to represent either a vascular reports on its Levels of Evidence Table (46). In this sense,
lesion, a foreign-body tattoo or a melanin-related con- the articles included in this review would probably be clas-
dition (19-21,23). Although clinicians should know that sified into Level 5 regarding the rather well-recognised evi-
some colours are more related to vascular or melanin dence weakness of these study types. Moreover, the high
conditions, based on the frequent colour superimposi- presence of case reports, case series and narrative reviews
tion, we recommend using diascopy on all dark oral pig- cited in them and not directly related to the previously as-
mentations, mainly focal and regardless of colour, when sessed diagnostic techniques makes establishing a defini-
the possibility of a vascular lesion is being considered tive evidence level demanding. Nonetheless, in this parti-
and the technique can be applied due to location. Only a cular case, better evidence about the previously addressed
complete or significant positive result for blanchability topics is not expected to appear. Taking this into account, as
will be useful in clinical practice, since a semi- or non- well as the corresponding benefits and harms of the repor-
blanchable result will make the clinician feel unsure of ted procedures, the recommendations stated in this review
the diagnosis and a biopsy should be considered. are considered to be evidence-supported enough for their
In relation to X-ray, amalgam tattoo is more present on implementation in daily dental practice.
oral pigmentation-related reviews and the application of Based on this evidence, it was finally concluded that
this technique has been well-mentioned on its differential diascopy was the most applied diagnostic technique on
diagnosis (3,14,15,26,30,31); nonetheless, it has been re- the recent differential diagnosis algorithms of oral pig-
ported that fewer than 25% of these entities will be seen mented lesions, followed by X-ray and surface rubbing.
as radiopaque on radiographs (26). For the same reported The limited scope of these techniques only makes them
reasons, we recommend using X-ray on all focal flat or useful when a positive result is obtained and turns biop-
slightly raised blue, brown, grey or black oral mucosal sy into the most recommended procedure when a diag-
lesions, trying to rule out an exogenous pigmentation. If a nosis cannot be made on clinical grounds alone.
negative result is obtained, a biopsy should be performed Interested authors are encouraged to clearly state all of
if the possibility of an oral malignant melanoma cannot be the clinical techniques applied on their case report and
dismissed on clinical findings alone. case series studies, as well as the respective obtained re-
Despite the frequent presence of oral melanoma in many sults, also providing a histopathological diagnosis. Such
narrative reviews, surface rubbing is not described as a information will allow investigators and clinicians to ac-
clinical tool on its diagnosis (2,3,14,15,25-31). This pro- curately assess the diagnostic value and limits of those
cedure was first applied on 13 subjects with a clinical applied procedures and their relation to different types
suspicion of oral primary melanoma and a positive result of lesions and their variants.
was achieved on 11 of the finally 13 histopathologically
diagnosed melanomas (39). Since then, some authors References
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