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School Name : SMP Al Azhar Menganti

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VIII/2
Language Skill : Reading and Writing
Topic : Degree of Comparison
Time : 2 x 40 minutes

A. Core Competency
KI1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
KI2 : Menghargaidan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong),
santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan
pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
KI3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata
KI4 : Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai,
memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan
mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut
B. Basic Competence and Indicators
Basic Competence Indicators
3.9 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
3.9.1 Finding the social function and language
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
features about comparison degree
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi 3.9.2 Completing the adjective form related to the
dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan comparison in number and characteristics of
people, animals and things
jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai
3.9.3 Completing the simple dialogue related to
dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan comparison in number and characteristics of
unsur kebahasaan degree of comparison) people, animals and things

4.9 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan 4.9.1 Categorizing positive, comparative and
superlative of comparison degree in
tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
number and characteristics of people,
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta animals and things
informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat 4.9.2 Composing comparison sentences of
people’s numbers and characteristics of
orang, binatang, benda, dengan memperhatikan
people, animals and things
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
C. Objective of Learning
1. Students are able to finding the social function and language features about comparison degree
2. Students are able to complete the adjective form related to the comparison in number and characteristics
of people, animals and things
3. Students are able to complete the simple dialogue related to comparison in number and characteristics
of people, animals and things
4. Students are able to categorize the adjectives into positive, comparative and superlative category
5. Students are able to arrange the jumbled words related to comparison in number and characteristics of
people, animals and things
6. Students are able to compose comparison sentences of people’s numbers and characteristics

D. Learning Materials
1. Regular learning materials
Text 1

Rhinoceros beetles are the strongest animal in the world. They are stronger that camels
or even elephants. Camels can carry about 20% of their own weight on their backs. Elephants
can carry up to 25% of their own weight on their backs. But rhinoceros beetles can carry about
850 times their own weight.
Rhinoceros beetles are smaller than camels and elephant, but they are better at carrying
loads. They can carry more loads related to their own weight that any other animals in the
world. There is no doubt that rhinoceros beetles are the best animal at carrying loads.

Text 2
In my class there are 30 students, consist of 16 girls and 14 boys. The girls are more than
the boys. Andi is the tallest student in the class. Amanda is the shortest students in the class. So
Andi is taller than Amanda. Yoga loves playing football. I think he is as good as Evan Dimas. He
is the best player in our school. He always plays in field every week. Sometimes he plays football
in other city with his team. The furthest place is in Jakarta. Revaldo is the fattest student in the
class. His weight is about 100 kg. He loves eating. He can eat faster that anyone. He always looks
happier every day. We never find him sad. Our chief of the class is a girl. She is Vania. Vania is
the most beautiful girl in the class. She is also smarter than me.But the smartest student in the class
is Sinta.
The most interesting in our class is our different characters. Everyone is different but
always stick together. The teachers said that our class is the most unique class in the school.
Because the students are always have big spirit to have learning and teaching process.
 Social Function
To compare about number and characteristics of people, animals and things

 Text Structur

Regular comparison
Positive Comparative Superlative
Strong Stronger The strongest
Small Smaller The smallest
Tall Taller The tallest
Short Shorter The shortest
Fat fatter The fattest
Fast Faster The fastest
Happy Happier The happiest
Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful
Interesting More interesting The most interesting
Unique More unique The most unique

Irregular comparison
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good Better The best
Far Further The furthest

 Language/ grammatical features:

 Pronunciation
 Intonation
 Adjective
 WH questions
 Noun
 Vocabulary
 Action verbs using presents tense

E. Learning Methodology
Approach : Scientific approach

F. Learning Media
1. Media:
- Some of pictures about comparison degree
- PowerPoint Presentation of comparison degree
2. Tools/ Materials:
- Laptop
- Whiteboard
- Worksheets

G. Learning Resources

 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Bahasa Inggris, When English Rings The Bell,
SMP/Mts Kelas VIII,page 120 – 140
 Buku Guru Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018.

H. Steps
Pre teaching
Learning steps Learning activity Time
1. Orientation  The teacher says greeting the students 10 minutes
and leading the students to pray
together (spiritual)
 The teacher checks student’s
attendance list
 The teacher checks students’ physical
and mental preparation for learning
2. Appreciation  The teacher relates the material to the
previous meeting.
 The teacher associates the material to
the daily life.
3. Motivation  The teacher gives leading questions
about material that will be learn:
a. Look at the pictures, what do you
b. Can you find differences between the
 The teacher associates the material to
the daily life and tells the students the
benefit of this topic in the daily life
 The teacher outlines the scope of the
 The teacher explains the learning
objectives or competencies to be
Whilst teaching/ Main Activities
1. Observing  The students observe the text, they are
asked to underline adjectives which they
find in the text
2. Questioning  The students ask questions about the text

3. Experimenting  The students are divided to five or six

 The students discuss about the social
function, structure text and language
feature of comparison degree
 The students study about comparison
degree in table
 The students complete sentences of
comparison degree in numbers and
characteristics of people, animals and
 The students complete the simple dialogue
related to comparison in number and
characteristics of animals and things

4. Associating  The students categorize the adjectives into

positive, comparative and superlative

5. Communicating  In group, the students compose dialogue

based on pictures using degree of
comparison (positive, comparative and
Post teaching
 Trigger students to follow up today’s 10 minutes
 Summarize the materials
 Do reflection and give feedback
 Tell the students the next materials
 The teacher and students pray together to
end the class

Note : During the activities teacher observes the characters of students. They are responsible,
cooperative and work hard
I. Learning Assessment
Indicators Students activity Scoring Technique Time
3.9.1 Finding the social Task 1.1 Find and observation During the activity of
function and language underline the teaching and learning
features about adjective of the texts process
comparison degree
Task 1.2 Find and
discuss about social
function and language
feature of comparison
degree by answering
the questions

3.9.2 Completing the Task 2 observation During the activity of

adjective form related Complete these teaching and learning
to the comparison in following adjective process
adding –er and -est
number and
characteristics of
people, animals and

3.9.3 Completing the Task 3 observation During the activity of

simple dialogue - Complete the teaching and learning
related to comparison dialogue using process
in number and comparative or
characteristics of
people, animals and - Filling the
things missing words

Achievement Indicators Questions indicators Scoring Technique Time Execution
4.9.1 Categorizing positive, Task 4 observation During the activity of
comparative and Categorize these teaching and learning
superlative of sentences into process
positive degree,
comparison degree in comparative degree
number and or superlative degree
characteristics of
people, animals and

4.9.2 Composing Task 5 Written During the activity of

comparison sentences Compose 10 teaching and learning
of people’s numbers sentences using process
degree of comparison
and characteristics

1. Affective
No Name of student Responsible Cooperative Work hard Note
(1-4) (1-4) (1-4)









Score : 4 : Excellent
3 : Good
2 : Enough
1 : Poor

2. Writing Scoring Rubric

No Assessment aspect Score
1 2 3 4
1. Grammar

2. Tenses

3. Structure

4. Content
5. Handwriting tidiness

Score : given score x 100


Mengetahui: Jember, 20 Maret 2019

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Rohmatul Amri, M.Pd. Tuhu Sucining Puji Lestari , S.Pd


Task 1.1 Find and underline the adjective of the texts

Text 1

Rhinoceros beetles are the strongest animal in the world. They are stronger that camels or even
elephants. Camels can carry about 20% of their own weight on their backs. Elephants can carry up to 25%
of their own weight on their backs. But rhinoceros beetles can carry about 850 times their own weight.
Rhinoceros beetles are smaller than camels and elephant, but they are better at carrying loads. They
can carry more loads related to their own weight that any other animals in the world. There is no doubt that
rhinoceros beetles are the best animal at carrying loads.

Text 2
In my class there are 30 students, consist of 16 girls and 14 boys. The girls are more than the boys.
Andi is the tallest student in the class. Amanda is the shortest students in the class. So Andi is taller than
Amanda. Yoga loves playing football. I think he is as good as Evan Dimas. He is the best player in our school.
He always plays in field every week. Sometimes he plays football in other city with his team. The furthest
place is in Jakarta. Revaldo is the fattest student in the class. His weight is about 100 kg. He loves eating. He
can eat faster that anyone. He always looks happier every day. We never find him sad. Our chief of the class
is a girl. She is Vania. Vania is the most beautiful girl in the class. She is also smarter than me. But the
smartest student in the class is Sinta.
The most interesting in our class is our different characters. Everyone is different but always stick
together. The teachers said that our class is the most unique class in the school. Because the students are
always have big spirit to have learning and teaching process.

Task 1.2 Find and discuss about social function and language feature of comparison degree by answering
the questions

1. What is the purpose of the texts?

2. Can you find adjective based on the texts? Mention 5 of them
3. Can you find preposition based on the texts? Mention 5 of them
4. Can you find conjunction based on the texts? Mention 5 of them
5. Can you find action verb based on the texts? Mention 5 of them
TASK 2 Complete these following adjective adding –er and –est
TASK 3.1 every group will get a dialogue. Complete the dialogue using comparative or superlative correctly.

Dialogue 1
A: Is Ali a rich man?
B: Yes, he is.
A: Is Ali _________than Amir?
B: No, he is not. Amir is _________ than Ali.
A: Is Amir ___________ man in this village?
B: Yes, he is.

Dialogue 2
A: Is Tati fat?
B: Yes, she is.
A: Is Tuti ________ than Mira?
B: No, she isn’t. Mira is ________ than Tuti.
A: Is Mira __________ girl in this class?
B: Yes, she is.

Dialogue 3
A: Is Evy thin?
B: Yes, she is.
A: Is Evy_________ than Ely?
B: No, she isn’t. Ely is _________than Evy.
A: Is Ely ___________ in this class?
B: Yes, she is.

Dialogue 4
A: Is your car, expensive?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Is your car __________ than John’s car?
B: No, it is not. John’s car is __________ than my car.
A: Is John’s car _____________ car at present?
B: Yes, it is.

Dialogue 5
A: Is Amir a good student?
B: Yes, he is.
A: Is Amir _______ than Hasan?
B: No, he is not. Hasan is ________than Amir.
A: Is Hasan __________ student in this class?
B: Yes, he is.

Dialogue 6
A: Wow that mountain is very high
B: I think so, but do you know __________ mountain in the world?
A: yes I know that is Mount Everest.
B: what about Jaya wijaya and Rinjani Mountain? Which one is ________?
A: Jaya wijaya is _________ than Rinjani Mountain.
TASK 4 Categorize these sentences into positive degree, comparative degree or superlative degree into chart

1. Mary is as intelligent as other students

2. The weather in Bandung is as cold as in Bedugul
3. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world
4. Tina’s money is not as much as Sindy’s money
5. Who is the oldest student in the class?
6. Dina’s house is as large as Tom’s
7. This chair is more comfortable than that one
8. Christiano Ronaldo is the best football player
9. Is the new car more expensive than the old one?
10. Kalimantan is the largest island in Indonesia
11. My father is older than my uncle
12. Tina is as tall as Mira
13. This film is more interesting than the one you wanted to see
14. I think Raisa is the most beautiful singer in Indonesia
15. The journey is longer than I thought
16. My living room is cleaner than my bedroom
17. The internet connection in my office is slower than hers
18. The math test is more difficult than the English test
19. My brother is the tallest person in my family.
20. Lamborghini is the most expensive car in the world

Positive degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree

TASK 5 in group, Compose dialogue based on pictures using degree of comparison (positive, comparative
and superlative)





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