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I hereby declare this undergraduate program thesis entitled A System

Analysis and Design for Mobile Digital Business Traceability at A Food
Manufacturing is true of my work with the direction of the supervising commission
and has not been submitted in any form to any college. Sources of information
derived or quoted from published or unpublished works of other authors have been
mentioned in the text and included in the References at the end of this undergraduate
thesis. I hereby transfer the copyright from my paper to Bogor Agricultural
Bogor, July 2017

Muhamad Faqih Koswara

NIM F34130103
MUHAMAD FAQIH KOSWARA. Analisa dan Desain Sistem dari Mobile Digital
Business Traceability pada Pabrik Makanan. Dibimbing oleh TAUFIK DJATNA.

Interaksi bisnis secara digital dalam traceability, mencangkup identifikasi,

dokumentasi, dan penelusuran, dilakukan oleh aktor bisnis yang ada dalam rantai
pasoknya. Perusahaan X, salah satu produsen biskuit multinasional, memiliki
traceability yang sudah ditunjang Business Planning and Control System (BPCS).
Walaupun sudah mencangkupi upstream dan downstream rantai pasok, traceability
yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan masih dirasa kurang efektif. Hal ini dilihat dari hasil
evaluasi yang dilakukan perusahaan melalui prosedur mock recall. Penelitian
dengan metode analisa proses bisnis menggunakan Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN) terhadap sistem traceability, akan menemukan titik
permasalahan traceability dalam prosedur mock recall. Hasil yang didapat
menunjukkan bahwa traceability yang dimiliki masih kurang efektif karena
terdapat aktivitas yang dilakukan secara manual, serta memakan waktu yang
banyak. Oleh karena itu pada tahapan selanjutnya, dilakukan sebuah pengembangan
desain sistem mobile traceability. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan perhitungan
cosine similarity, serta dilakukan verifikasi model dan validasi black box.
Berdasarkan verifikasi dan validasi sistem terhadap kebutuhannya, menunjukkan
sistem mobile traceability mampu meningkatkan efektivitas traceability
perusahaan, serta dapat diterapkan dalam rantai pasok internal.

Kata kunci : analisa sistem, digital business, mobile system design, traceability,
pabrik makanan


MUHAMAD FAQIH KOSWARA. A System Analysis and Design for Mobile

Digital Business Traceability at A Food Manufacturing. Supervised by TAUFIK

Digital business interactions in traceability, including identification,

documentation, and tracing, are performed by business actors in the supply chain.
X co. as one of the multinational biscuit manufacturers, has a limited traceability
capability supported by Business Planning and Control System (BPCS). Although
it has covered upstream and downstream supply chains, the traceability of the
company is still considered ineffective. As seen in the results of the company's
evaluation through the mock recall procedure. Research with business process
analysis method using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) to
traceability system, gave result the point of traceability problem in mock recall
procedure. The results show that traceability is still less effective because there are
activities done manually, and takes a lot of time. Therefore, in the next stage, carried
out a development of mobile traceability system design. This system is developed
with cosine similarity calculation, and verification of model and validation of black
Based on the verification and validation of the system against its needs, shows the
mobile traceability system is able to improve the effectiveness of company
traceability, and can be applied in the internal supply chain.

Keywords: digital business, food manufacturing, mobile system design, system

analysis, traceability


Undergraduate Thesis
as part of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Agricultural Technology in
Department of Agroindustrial Technology



Praise and gratitude I convey to Allah SWT for his blessings and gifts, so that
I can finish this research to get a degree as a Bachelor of Agricultural Technology
in the Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural
Technology, Bogor Agricultural University. Shalawat and Salam I say to the great
Prophet Muhammad SAW, may blessings and gifts always accompany him, his
family, and his friends until the end of time.
My thanks go to Dr. Eng Ir Taufik Djatna as my supervisor in this research.
Through this Capstone research program, I learned a lot about the industrial world,
especially how to apply the knowledge of science that has been given to me in
lectures and how to applies them in real cases. Even through good and bad times, it
made me even better.
My thanks also go to Mr. Pandi Sopandi from X Co. as GM Production, which
has assisted me in Analyzing the industry in some way, as well as providing
information, data, and other matters related to this research. So this research can be
done smoothly, especially with company side.
Acknowledgments and affection I also say to my beloved parents, A.
Koswara and M Mintarsih, my sister Shifa Nurrainy K, and my grandmother Iyuk
Rukmini, who have always provided me supports, helps, advices, and loves to me
Both in light and dark. Because without them, I may not be able to finish this tasks
My thanks also uttered also for Januardi and Q Ahmad Riza Zakariyya, who
always help give suggestions and ideas in helping me writing this report, Guritno
AMA, Anan Purwaditama, Wishnu Wardhana, and Choirunnisa which always give
its own color especially when guidance for this study, as well as my friends at the
Mikroba, there are: Nyoman Budi Suryawan, Nadhira Faradhea, Zulfa Nadhifathul
Muna, Rachmat Abdillah Hakim, Muhammad Hafid Rosidin, and Sonia Fitria
Ulfah who always helped provide support, a place complaints, as well as giving
advice so that I am able to complete this research.
Last I say many thanks for the 50th Industrial Technology army , which is
called as Tincredibles, who has provided many stories, experiences, and learning
during lecture period and support in conducting this research. Without you guys,
there will be no incredibles army like this. Hopefully each of us can succeed in the
future and become people who stay solid.

Bogor, July 2017

Muhamad Faqih Koswara



Background 1 
Problem Statement 2 
Research Objectives 3 
Research Benefits 3 
Research Scopes 3 
Framework 4 
Business Process Analysis 5 
Identification of Mobile System Components 6 
Designing Prototype of Mobile Traceability System 7 
System Verification and Validation 8 
Analysis of Mock Recall Procedures 9 
Component Design of Mobile Traceability 12 
Verification and Validation 15 
Advantages and Disadvantages 17 
Conclusion 17 
Recommendation 17 

1 Example of Documented Information in Incoming Department 13

2 Example of Documented Information in PPIC and Preparation 14
3 Example of Documented Information in PPIC and Preparation 14
4 Mock Recall Procedures Result in PPIC and Preparation Department 15


1 System Development Life Cycle (Kendall and Kendall 2011) 4

2 Research’s Framework 4
3 Core Subset of BPMN elements 5
4 System Entity Construction (Wasson 2016) 6
5 Recent Mock Recall Procedures Model 9
6 Proposed Mobile System Traceability’s Entity 10
7 A Fragment of Mobile Traceability System Process in Mock Recall 11
8 Component Design of Mobile Traceability System 12
9 Three Internal Codes for Traceability in Company 13
10 RM-PM Lot Number, SO Number, and FG Lot Number Integration 14
11 An Application Features Based on System Flow 16


1 BPMN 2.0 of Incoming Documentation 19

2 BPMN 2.0 Production Planning and Preparation Documentation 20
3 BPMN 2.0 of Production and Post-Production Documentation 21
4 Sample Database for Mobile Traceability System from BPCS Server 22
(For PPIC and Preparation Department)
5 Sample Database for Mobile Traceability System from BPCS Server 23
(For Production and Warehousing Department)
6 Manual Calculation of Traced Data from Table 4 using Cosine 24



According to Wasson (2016), system is an integrated set of interoperable

elements, each with explicitly specified and bounded capabilities, working
synergistically to perform value-added processing to enable a user to satisfy
mission-oriented operational needs in a prescribed operating environment with a
specified outcome and probability of success.
Mobile system is an integration of mobile digital interoperability elements, or
system that using the wireless network technology to integrate between digital
elements in it. Today, of course the mobile system is no longer a taboo with the
many uses on smartphones and other mobile devices. There are a lot of
implementation of the mobile system in everyday life, as the implementation of the
system in daily life. One of them is to support traceability in the food industry.
Traceability, according to Codex Alimentarius (Food and Agriculture
Organization/FAO 1990) is the ability to follow a food or object movement at every
stage including process, production, and distribution. This capability is based on
historical and location information from object’s movement in each stage. Of
course, this capability requires supply chain actors to know who the previous
supplier is, and will be sent to whom afterwards (Bosona and Gebresenbet 2013;
Mgonja et all 2013). With such mechanism, the movement defined before covers
two directions: upstream directions, start from suppliers to consumer, and
downstream directions, start from consumer to supplier (Food Marketing Research
and Information Center/FMRIC 2008).
The need for Traceability in industry arises because of the concerns of
consumers and governments on the product safety, especially on food products. A
good traceability system in a supply chain will produce real-time and accurate
information about the process history, composition, and location of the goods inside
(Olsen and Borit 2013). This information will be very useful for the actors involved
to make a decision. In the food manufacturing, a good traceability system will
support for issues such as: food safety incidents, risk assessment from food
exposure, food residue surveillance, and enforcement of labeling claims (Furness
and Smith 2006).
The technology applications within the traceability system is necessary to
improve the process of product identification, information collection, data storage,
and information integration (Ginantaka 2015). That processes are performed by
each business actors in the supply chain together internally and continuously. The
interactions between business actors is called business interaction.
Business interaction is an interaction between business actor to produce a
products or services and its value added to customer (Moore 1996). Industry itself
is one of the business actor or species that interact with other business species.
Interactions between business actor in common roles and capabilities are defined
as business ecosystem (Moore 1996).
Digital Business Ecosystem are the business concept that introduced in 2002,
by adding the word digital in front of the business ecosystem, as a unit of
information and communication technology (ICT) units in the business process

(Nachira et al 2007). Digital Business Ecosystem itself is an ecosystem that

supported by digital infrastructure, which is distributed peer to peer, to support
economic activities that performed in business process.
The application of ICT and enterprise software has been widely used in
industry, one of them is Business Planning and Control System (BPCS), an
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software from IBM operating system. BPCS
has the ability to manage manufacturing processes, ranging from production
planning, scheduling, and inventory control. BPCS itself is not applied as a whole,
but it is stand alone. This allows the company to choose which department will use
This research taking a place in X co., the biscuit company originally from
Australia. Entering the Indonesia’s region in 1995, this company has its first factory
in Bekasi area with total production line up to 12 lines. There are 7 types of biscuit
brands produced by this company, covers for local, seasonal, and export demands.
X co. itself, in worldwide, has a market share of up to 40% for biscuit products.
besides producing their own products, sometimes the factory owned by X co. is also
a third-party for other companies to produce other biscuit products.
BPCS are already applied in X co. ICT facilities such as Personal Computer
(PC) and online data storage are used as a place for this MRP (material requirement
planning) software. As one of the multinational level food producers, X co. of
course utilize BPCS as support for its traceability, especially within the scope of
the company.
X co. traceability always evaluated by mock recall procedures, an exercise
that will assess the effectiveness of the recall program to be performed by the
company. Recall itself emerged as a remedial action of the food safety incident by
recalling products that have been publicly distributed (Furness and Smith 2006).
The exercise will determine how quickly and how well the procedures can be done,
and these results will be used as material for evaluation and preparation for real
recall cases.
However, mock recall procedures with BPCS and ICT exist in facilities are
still considered less effective. It’s because traceability procedures are still done
paper-based and unit calculation still done manually. That problems make the
procedures take a long time. The implementation of a mobile system in the mock
recall procedure will change the process flow from Paper Based to Digital based,
so it is expected to make the procedure more effective.

Problem Statement

Traceability improvement using digital technology will gain some advantages

which have more significant relationship to effectiveness and human resource
(Scheer 2006). Even BPCS and ICT facilities has been applied, mock recall
procedures are expected to be more effective than before. To fulfill these
expectations, the development of system based on digital technology are required.
The mobile traceability system must meet the solution for mock recall
procedures, so requirement analysis is needed for identify the problems that existed
in mock recall procedures. After that, it’s needed to design the mobile application,
so the implementation can be evaluated to problems that generated. System

verification and validation with data sample from BPCS server is needed to evaluate
mobile system performances, so the mobile system can be applicable in company.

Research Objectives

According to company’s problem that has been delivered in backgrounds and

problem statement, the objectives of this research consist of: (1) to identify
requirement of mobile traceability system for mock recall procedures, (2) to design
component of mobile traceability system prototype based on android system, and
(3) to verify and validate the mobile traceability system and performances.

Research Benefits

The benefits of this study are specifically shown to x co. as a place to conduct
research. This research is expected to be the basis of the idea and help relevant
stakeholders in the company to implement and develop mobile traceability system
in existing mock recall procedures. These stakeholders include QA (Quality
Assurance) as well as employees in the company's internal supply chain facilities.
Besides that, this study is also expected to improve the effectiveness of mock recall
procedures, thereby increasing the level of consumer confidence in the company.

Research Scopes

The scope that used in this research divided into 3 points. First, this study
focuses on traceability and unit calculation that applicable on raw material of
internal supply chains. This means that mock recall procedures will also be focused
on raw material recall in internal supply chain. The Internal supply chain of X
Company including raw material and packaging material incoming department, raw
material preparation department, production processes, and finished good or post
production department.
Second, all processes modelling and accuracy based on current available data
from BPCS database. These processes applied to mobile traceability system design.
By applying data sample from BPCS, the design can be applicable in company.
Third, the external traceability by third party stakeholders are not included in
this research. Third party stakeholders of X company included suppliers,
warehousing, and distribution. These stakeholders are using the different systems
from company.



The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) by Kendall and Kendall (2011)
(as seen in Figure 1) was adapted in this research. There are many stages in System
Development life cycle, starts with identifying the problems, opportunities and
objectives of developed system, until implementing and evaluate the system. These
steps are adapted and placed on this research objectives. The adaptation of SDLC
are delivered in research’s framework as seen in Figure 2.

Figure 1 System Development Life Cycle (Kendall and Kendall 2011)

Figure 2 Research’s Framework


The first step of the framework is to analyze existing mock recall procedures
using Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). The analysis results are the
problem point in the procedures. This result will be the base for requirement of
mobile system. This requirement will be delivered as mobile system entities, and
then the mock recall procedures will be developed and delivered into BPMN based
on this entity. This section will meet the first objective of this study.
The second step of the framework is to develop a mobile system by applying
Cosine Similarity equations and designing system components based on the
Android system. Later in this section produced a prototype of the mobile system
traceability, so it can meet the second goal of this study.
In the third step, Mobile System Traceability will be evaluated by verifying
and validating the system with data sample from BPCS. Model verification is
shown to determine the expectation of the computation that applied in mobile
system (Sargent 2010). This verification will be applied to cosine similarity
equations as system computation. Validation stage itself will be done by Black Box
method, the method that only need to validate the system purely from point of view
of consumers/users desired (Nidhra and Dondeti 2012). The System validation will
be relying on system entities as requirement for mobile traceability system. By
verification and validation, this step will fulfill the third objective as well.

Business Process Analysis

The business proses analysis will be carried out using Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN). BPMN 2.0 is a standard graphical notation tool for
business process modelling that developed by Object Management Group (Stephen
and Miers 2008). BPMN is useful for business analysts to create initial designs, for
developers to implement technical details, and for stakeholders in business
processes to manage and monitor their business processes. Notations in BPMN are
showed in Figure 3 (Mendling and Weidlich 2012).

Figure 3 Core Subset of BPMN elements


The analyze of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for traceability and

mock recall procedures in this step will be initiate the business process analysis.
Then, in-depth interview and field observation to Production General Manager,
Quality Assurance Manager, and BPCS admin from each department in internal
facilities will be resulting information of the existing mock recall procedures that
will be illustrated in BPMN.
Analyze the business process using BPMN will become the base for
discussions of related Stakeholders in the procedures and the interactions created
(White and Miers 2008). The output of this analysis is to identify the results of
related stakeholder identification, the role of each stakeholder, interaction among
stakeholders, data movement, and other things that support in the business process
that occurs. The problems point of the mock recall procedures will be known based
on the results of this analysis.

Identification of Mobile System Components

Based on the results of the analysis of business processes in the previous

stages, this step will be determined component of the mobile traceability system.
Components of the system will be made into a system entity construction based on
entity system construction carried by Wasson 2016 (as seen on Figure 4). The
general model of a system entity is bounded in a box in which there are several
components of a system itself.

Figure 4 System Entity Construction (Wasson 2016)

Before this construction made, the components of a system only consist of
input, process, and output. However, from an analytical perspective, the diagram is
missing critical information that relates to how the system operates and performs
within its operating environment. Therefore, a diagram is developed as shown in
Figure 4 (Wasson 2016).
In this construction shown system components such as: desirable/acceptable
input, undesirable/unacceptable input, stakeholder, desirable/ acceptable output,

undesirable/unacceptable output, etc. This is shown as a key checklist to ensure that

the designing, and developing of a system (Wasson 2016).

Designing Prototype of Mobile Traceability System

The design of this mobile system will be adapted to the system components
in Android. The design of the mobile system itself will be focused on three main
system abilities: mobile system data capture, data tracing, and system computation.
The mobile system is expected to be integrated with BPCS.
The mobile system will capture data from BPCS server and stored into mobile
database management. By this design, the mobile system will capture tracing
information indirectly from internal supply chain. The mobile system itself are
designing to directly capture mock recall procedures data from related stakeholders.
The design for tracing information in mobile system database will use Java
system code for sorting and searching. A key for searching and sorting itself will
be based on three internal encodings owned by the company: raw Material and
packaging material lot number, sales order number, and finished good lot number.
By this design, the mobile system is expected to have same ability of tracing like
The computation that will be applied in the mobile system is Cosine
Similarity. Cosine Similarity is the equations of the cosine value of two vectors that
form one particular angle, and produces a similarity level of a vector to another
vector (Bradley et al 1999). The vectors elements are generated based on data
entered in the mock recall and data that already stored in the BPCS database.
The application of cosine similarity (as seen on Equation (1)) in mobile
traceability system will support the accuracy calculation of existing units in
facilities. It affects how accurate unit’s quantity that can recalled in mock recall
procedure. The number of units in the field will be used as vector data XI, while the
data number of units that already exist in the database will be used as vector XS.
Elements from vector XI and XS will be multiplied each other, divided by
multiplication of Euclidean Distance from each vector (as seen on Equations (2)).
Euclidean Distance is a calculation that will result the value of vector length, by
calculating the distance between the elements of the vector in it (Barret 2005). After
that, these two vectors will be calculated for cosine values from the angle formed
from both. This will result the similarity value from the vectors (Bradley et al 1999).
Unit’s quantity used in facilities, should be same with existing in the system.
If the facility’s units are less, it can still show from this cosine similarity equations.
However, if the facility’s units are more, this cosine similarity equations cannot
show it, because technically this calculation only assess cosine from vector angle
that formed.
Therefore, in mobile traceability, system is added constraint as on Equation
(3). This constraint makes the received data from facilities cannot be more than the
existing data in the system. That way, it can be used as a report material for
stakeholders to evaluate the number of units, especially in mock recall procedures.


sim(XI ,XS )= XI .XS ⁄‖XI ‖ ×‖XS ‖ (1)

In which:
XI = Vector of Inputted Data
XS = Vector of Stored Data
||X|| = Euclidean Distance norm from Vector X

‖X‖= x21 +x22 +…+x2p (2)

In which:
x1, x2, ..., xp= Vector Element of X
p = Total Element inside vector X

XI - XS ≤ X0 (3)
In which:
XI = Vector of Collected and Inputted Data
XS = Vector of Stored Data
X0 = Vector with zero value

System Verification and Validation

Model verification is the processes to make sure the equations that applied in
digital application are correct as well as the implementation (Sargent 2010). This
verification was applied to mobile system to evaluate how the mobile system will
behave, especially in performing the equations. If the result from mobile application
are incorrect to mathematical calculations, then the Java codes or mathematical
model would be fixed.
Black Box testing validation are applied to mobile system traceability to
evaluate system performances, especially for the behavior of the system to fulfill
the system requirement (Meyer et al 2007). This test performed only to observe the
results of execution by testing functionally. This testing will depend on the user's
desire and satisfaction, which in this case is X co. as a place this research is
conducted (Nidhra and Dondeti 2012). By relying on previous method, this
validation steps will be comparing the mobile system to mobile system entities that
have been made before. The Black Box Method are defined as follow:
1. Checking simulation and investigate system behavior.
2. Documenting output of the investigation in order to testing, recognize and
eliminate error in several parts, such as: In the software program, itself; In the
program run; In the user interface, and in the original real-world system
3. Evaluate and comparing to the real-world system are taken concerning the goal
of the project.
4. Provide recommendations for the investigated system based on the simulation


Analysis of Mock Recall Procedures

Traceability is the ability of company to trace material or goods along its

supply chain based on recorded information. To achieve this capability, there are
some activities that need to be done within the company's supply chain, such as:
identifying the product, gathering and integrating information, and storing all the
information. To conduct an evaluation of these traceability, the company performs
mock recall procedures.
Mock recall procedures is an exercise that will assess the effectiveness of the
recall program to be performed by the company. This procedure consists of two
main stakeholders: (1) recall initiator, is stakeholders of QA department who
initiate mock recall procedures within the company, (2) recall coordinator, is
workers in supply chain facilities and designated QA department to perform mock
recall procedures.
The procedures itself consists of two core activities, namely: Document
tracing of raw materials to be recalled, from BPCS server and printed document;
and Calculation and verification of raw materials to be recalled in the field, by
comparing it to data printed from the system. The Process model of the mock recall
procedure is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Recent Mock Recall Procedures Model


Whole activities from this procedure (as illustrated in Figure 5) should be

finished as soon as QA department initiated. Recall team need 3-4 hours to finish
only for one type of mock recall. Besides its takes time to find units within the
manufacture facilities, stakeholders need to collect paper-based documents and
calculate the results of the procedures manually. The BPCS ability cannot support
these problems, and make the procedures ineffective.
If both activities can be done using ICT in the form of mobile devices, it will
improve the effectiveness of the mock recall procedure itself both in terms of
searching, also in the calculation of unit accuracy in the internal supply chain
facilities (Furness and Smith 2006). The mobile system must make both core
activities change from paper-based to digital-based. Entities of the mobile system
and BPMN development of the mock recall procedure will be based on the results
of this Analysis.
Based on the results of the business process analysis, it is known that the main
problem of the procedures is the calculation that still done manually and the need
of printing and collecting of documents to perform the tracing in the procedures.
the system must be able to covers the problems, so the implementation of this
mobile system will be affecting on procedures effectiveness. Figure 6 will illustrate
the proposed mobile system traceability’s entity as a solution for these problems.

Figure 6 Proposed Mobile System Traceability’s Entity

From the result of mock recall procedures analysis, BPCS abilities cannot
cover the problems in procedures. This could be an opportunity for developing a
mobile traceability system. Therefore, the mobile traceability system must fulfill
the objectives described in Figure 6, in order to meet the existing opportunities, and
can overcome the problems that exist in the mock recall procedures.
This mobile system will be affecting the recall team, the Recall Initiator and
the Recall Coordinator. This mobile system will receive input such as raw material
and packaging material lot number for tracing the information, and raw material or

packaging material unit’s quantity based on recall’s team observation in internal

However, this input can be manipulated by the Recall Coordinator, so it is
likely to be a threat for the mobile system itself. The manipulation while inputting
data will make the accuracy report become wrong, and cannot be reported as the
result of procedures.
The main resources of this mobile system are database from BPCS. This
related to integration of mobile traceability system with BPCS. By taking the
database from BPCS, the mobile traceability system will have the same abilities as
BPCS has, especially in traceability. Besides that, this application becomes concise,
because it does not need to do data record again. This will make the application
doesn’t need a lot of space in mobile phone’s memory.
This Figure 7 which illustrated how the mobile traceability system will be
implemented in a business process in mock recall procedures. The mobile system
illustrated in the drawing already has a system component of Figure 6. This
illustration shown the developing of digital business ecosystem in company.

Figure 7 A Fragment of Proposed Mobile Traceability System Process in Mock

Recall Procedures

As shown in Figure 7, the mobile traceability system will become a new

stakeholder in mock recall procedures. Mobile traceability system will interact
directly with recall coordinator by their mobile phone. However, this mobile system
still effecting the recall initiator as part of the recall team, with the accuracy report
generated in the end of application usages. Thus, make the digital business
ecosystem of the company can be developed in the presence of this mobile system.
The mobile traceability system will also handle two core activities performed
by the Recall coordinator in mock recall procedures, there are document tracing and
unit verification using cosine similarity equations and constraints (as described in
equation (1), (2), and (3)). By handling this, mobile traceability can make mock
recall procedures faster, about 30 minutes-1 hours, depends on how the recall
coordinator can find the traced units within the facilities.

Component Design of Mobile Traceability

In order to meet the expectations of the entity system and the proposed
business process, the mobile traceability system must have component that
illustrated in Figure 8. The components of the mobile traceability system are
adjusted to Android application. Beside that, components are also adapted to
suitability between BPCS and android system.

Figure 8 Component Design of Mobile Traceability System

From the illustration shown the integration between mobile traceability
system with BPCS. Data that has been captured BPCS on the internal supply chain
department will be stored in the BPCS database. Then the database integrated with
SQLite database management, which is an open source database that have been
built into the android system (Aditya and Karn 2014).
It’s easy to integrate between BPCS and SQLite database management. It’s
because BPCS has the same database structure with the SQLite, the Structured

Query Language (SQL). Thus, make BPCS easily to develop with the Android
By integrating these two databases, it’s expected that the mobile traceability
system has the same data storage as BPCS. This makes the traceability of mobile
traceability system will equivalent with BPCS. It’s also optimize the sources of
recent systems, and make it more effective.

Mobile System Traceability

BPCS itself, in tracking raw materials and products within the company relies
on three internal coding, namely: Raw material and Pacakging Material Lot
Number, that made manually based on SOPs in Incoming department; Sales Order
Number that generated by BPCS in PPIC (Production Planning and Inventory
Control) department; And Finished Good Lot that made manually based on SOPs
in post production department.
These three uniques code are applied to make the tracing of spesific material
for each code zone more effectives (as seen on Figure 9). These codes are
documented to BPCS in each department where the code generated, following by
information that related to the codes and object.

Figure 9 Three Internal Codes for Traceability in Company

Appendix 1 shows business process of information captured and documented
in Incoming department. The sample of information that documented in this
department are shown in Table 1. Based on process and documented information,
RM-PM Lot Number is made on the company's Incoming department in accordance
with the company's SOPs manually and inputted into the BPCS along with
information from the received raw materials.

Table 1 Example of Documented Information in Incoming Department

Description Receive Expired
Lot Number Supplier Qty
Date Date
Chocolate Permata
COC1217J51 17-10-2013 2 Ton 20-01-2014
Pasta Dunia
Butter for
BUT1321F52 Angel 21-06-2013 4 Ton 30-12-2014

RM-PM Lot Number is also re-entered into BPCS in the preparation section
to know which raw materials will be used for production process (as illustrated in
Appendix 2). In this way, existing information from the Incoming section and PPIC
sections and preparations can be traced either upstream or downstream.
Appendix 2 is also show the business process of information captured and
documented in Preparation and PPIC department. The sample of information that
captured in this department are shown in Table 2. Based on processes documented
information, Sales Order Number (SO Number) in the PPIC section is automatically
created by the BPCS system for each product registration to be processed at a

certain time, and will be documented along with the product and BOM (Bill of
Material) desired by the PPIC department.

Table 2 Example of Documented Information in PPIC and Preparation department

SO Number 31617
Code Product Qty (crt)
MBC029 Choc Biscuit 126
Material List Qty (kg) Lot Number
Flour 60 Mesh 200 FLO17 GT001
Sugar Cane 80 GUL01 E112P
Chocolate Pasta 150 COC12 17J51

SO Number itself will be re-documented in Post-production, so information

from PPIC department and Preparation with Production and Post-Production
section can be traced both upstream and downstream. The information re-
documented process in this department are shown in Appendix 3.
Appendix 3 is also shown the business process of how information captured
and documented in post-production department. The sample of information that
documented in this department are shown in Table 3. Based on processes and
documented information, Finished Good Lot Number are made manually in
accordance with SOPs and inputted into BPCS system to help search later in
warehousing in this department.

Table 3 Example of Documented Information in PPIC and Preparation department

No. SO 31617
Output Production Lot Number
Item Description Exp. Date
(Carton) Date (FG)
MBC029 Choc Biscuit 126 15-01-14 15-01-15 H16A11OD3

Figure 10 will illustrate how the information in internal supply chain are
integrated. Like described before, it relies on these three internal codes. With such
traceability in the BPCS, the company has been able to scope the searching of
upstream and downstream directions. By the system design like Figure 8, the
mobile traceability system will have the same ability in tracing as BPCS has.

Figure 10 RM-PM Lot Number, SO Number, and FG Lot Number Integration


Mobile Traceability Formulation and Report

As in Figure 8, the mobile traceability system will provide two outputs of the
system gradually. The first output is the tracing information based on the lot number
that will be inputted by the Recall Coordinator. This output will show the
information to help recall the coordinator looking for related units. That way, the
Coordinator takes no time to print and collect search-related documents.
Next, the coordinator will input the quantity data for each unit that listed as
traced item in department's facilities. This data will be calculated and compared
with the existing data in the system. This calculation uses cosine similarity
equations and constraints (as described in Equation (1), (2), and (3)).
The result of the calculation is accuracy report, a description of similarity
value between received data from coordinator and existed data in the system. This
report will be reported by the coordinator to the recall initiator along with the time
required to complete the procedures. This report will be an evaluation object for
Quality Assurance (QA) department to improve traceability and recall procedures
on the company.

Verification and Validation

For the verification steps, the mobile traceability system has been completed
with sample data taken from the BPCS database (as in Appendix 4 and 5). There
are two groups of data applied to this application, each from the PPIC and
preparation department, and the post-production and warehouse department. Both
departments are the most likely place to perform the raw material mock recall
In this verification steps, the system is attempted to search the PPIC and
Preparation department. Raw material lot number that attempted to try, according
to the database that has been applied, is COC1217J51 to mock recall Cocoa Powder
60 mesh. The quantity data that is input here is dummy data. Search results from
COC1217J51 code are shown in table 4.

Table 4 Mock Recall Procedures Result in PPIC and Preparation Department

Lot Number COC1217J51
Description Cocoa Powder 60 Mesh
Product Product
SO Number BPCS
Code Description Input (KG)
262876 MGP10 GT Choco chip 60 90
TT Biscuit
MBC209 100 120
262760 Long
262675 MBC314 TT Biscuit 90 103

Based on data shown in Table 4, the mobile traceability applications

generated 99.5% as accuration report. That means, if within the PPIC and
Preparation facilities there are units of quantity in accordance with the input data
same as Table 4, then the mock recall procedures with the code COC1217J51 only

able to withdraw 99.5% from data recorded by the system. The value is high enough
for mock recall procedures, but if that happens, its still will be evaluated because
the ideal target of mock recall procedures is 100%.
In terms of calculations, the 99.5% value generated by the mobile traceability
system (shown in figure 11) have the same result with the manual calculations (as
in Appendix 6). It shows that cosine similarity in the system is in accordance with
expectations and verified.
Based on verification results, cosine similarity that is used as equations in the
system still has disadvantages. Cosine similarity can only measure the similarity of
the data generally, so the accuracy report generated can be said to be still in general
from the overall data compared. However, the accuracy report of this application
can still be considered in evaluating mock recall procedures.

Based on the validation stages performed on the application, using Black Box
testing, the mobile traceability system has fulfilled the requirement from QA
department to improve the mock recall procedures for raw materials on the internal
supply chain. This can be seen from the application feature (as in Figure 11) that
has fulfilled the system entities (as in Figure 6). Fulfillment of system requirements
is viewed from the components of mobile traceability systems, such as: input,
stakeholders, objectives, process, sources, and output. Based on this fulfillment, the
application can be considered valid and applicable to mock recall procedures.

Figure 11 An Application Features based on System Flow


Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on the results of the discussion of this research, the advantages are as
follows: (1) Problems in Mock Recall Procedure have been succeeded to identify
based on Business Process Analysis; (2) Approved Mobile Traceability System
with Verification and Validation, which applicable to Internal Supply Chains.
However, behind the advantages of this research, there are some
disadvantages of this research: (1) Although the solution of the problem has been
found, but the solution has not been applied in real cases of company, (2) The real-
time integration BPCS database is not completed.



In this research, the problem of ineffective mock recall procedures has been
found, through business process analysis with two main stakeholders of mock recall
procedures. These problems consisted of: (1) the information collection from
tracing results is still done in paper based, (2) verification of the field in the data
that exist in the system is still done manually. These results form the basis for the
requirement to construct mobile traceability systems for mock recall procedures.
The mobile traceability system design should be adjusted to the condition of
companies. Mobile traceability system successfully designed to be integrated with
database inside BPCS. This makes tracing capabilities possessed by the mobile
traceability system similar to BPCS capabilities. Besides, the mobile traceability
system successfully covered BPCS weaknesses in conducting unit verification in
the field, by applying cosine similarity equations.
The application prototype of the mobile system has been successfully
implemented as a support, especially for the Recall Coordinator who performs
traceability and calculation of raw materials that can be recalled from the internal
supply chain facilities. It also developed the digital business ecosystem in company.
Mobile system itself has been verified and validated in performances and behavior,
thus make this system implementable for company’s problem.


Based on the disadvantages of this research, it is strongly recommended to

develop BPMN from supply chain that has been studied. It is intended that the
application of the mobile system can covers internal and external supply chain of a
company. Besides that, it is recommended to perform matching and integrate with
the company database for the mobile system.


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Appendix 1 BPMN 2.0 of Incoming Documentation


Appendix 2 BPMN 2.0 Production Planning and Preparation Documentation


Appendix 3 BPMN 2.0 of Production and Post-Production Documentation


Appendix 4 Sample Database for Mobile Traceability System from BPCS

Server (For PPIC and Preparation Department)

Appendix 5 Sample Database for Mobile Traceability System from BPCS

Server (For Production and Warehousing Department)

Appendix 6 Manual Calculation of Traced Data from Table 4 using Cosine


Based on Contraint (3)

XI - XS ≤ X0

60 90 0
100 - 120 ≤ 0
90 103 0
30 0
20 0
13 0

Data from Table 4 are fulfilled the constraint (3), so the equations can be continued

From Equations (1) and (2)

sim(XI ,XS )= XI .XS ⁄‖XI ‖ ×‖XS ‖

sim(XI ,XS )=
√ √

sim(XI ,XS )=
√ √

sim(XI ,XS )=
√ √

sim(XI ,XS )=

sim(XI ,XS )=0.995

sim(XI ,XS )=99.5 %

The result from Equations (1) and (2) is 0.995 or 99.5%



Business Process Model and Notation A modeling interaction formed

(BPMN) between actors a business process that
poured in a visual form to facilitate in
terms of discussion

Cosine Similarity The calculation of the Cosines

value of two vectors is considered to
form each other angle, to determine the
level of similarity between these two
Database A collection of data stored in a
place digitally by a system, which will
then be taken to be processed or made
into an input

Digital Business Ecosystem A business ecosystem formed

from business interactions that occur
between individuals and certain
business communities and is supported
by ICT (digital) infrastructure
System Development Life Cycle a process for planning, creating,
testing, and deploying an information

Traceability The ability to follow historical

and specific information of a particular
object in the stages of process,
production, and distribution in industry

Model representation of an event or a

case that exists in the real world,
becomes a media that is easier to

Task (BPMN 2.0) Representing the steps of working

activity in a business process. This
notation is usually required some type
of input, and will usually produce
some sort of output.
Gateway (BPMN 2.0) Showing about how the Process diverges
or converges. This notation separates or
connects a process through sequence

Interoperability The ability of computer systems or

software to exchange and make use of

Information and Communication Technologies that provide access to

Technology (ICT) information through telecommunications.
Its focusses on communications
technology. One of them is Internet,
Wireless networks, and cell phone
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) A set of step-by-step instructions
compiled by an organization to help
workers carry out routines operations

System Entity An architectural pattern that mostly used

for system development. It consists one or
many systems component, based on
system objectives or case assessed
Vector In mathematics, vector is a matrix with
one column or one row.


Muhamad Faqih Koswara, or commonly called as

Faqih, was born in Garut on Tuesday, June 13th, 1995.
He was the first child of two siblings of the couple A.
Koswara and M. Mintarsih. He, who born with 178 cm
tall, has finished his junior high school in SMPI Al-
Azhar 8 Kemang Pratama. During his junior years, he
has earned several achievements, including having
attended English Bekasi City Speech contest, and has
been awarded for 3 levels above his grade level in
Kumon Mathematics lessons. Besides that, he is also
active in the Visual Communication Design
extracurricular in his school.
After that, he continued Senior High School in SMAN 1 Bekasi. During high
school, he actively participates in Cyber Community Extracurricular and Trickster
Flag Football. Although not many achievements are inscribed during high school,
but he managed to get into the Bogor Agricultural University in 2013 through the
During the lectures at IPB, he had been a practicum assistant at the Computer
Application Courses in the 5th semester, Operational Research Courses in the 7th
semester, and Systems Analysis and Decision-Making Courses in the 8th semester.
He has also joined the Pregnajoy team who get Top 7 favorites team from RAMP
in Innovation Acceleration Forum. Beside education, Faqih is also active in student
organizations. He once joined the staff at the Department of Public Relations
Himalogin period 2015-2016. Besides, he has been a staff of the Division of
Publications, Decorations and Documentation (PDD) division in HAGATRI 2015,
staff of Agroindustrial Fair PDD division 2015, head of PDD division at Hi-Gath
2015, field division head of Fieldtrip TIN-50 2016, and chairman of PDD division
Together 2015. Besides, he has filled out design training for Himalogin in 2016 and
2017. Besides that, he also once became the second winner in the contest of Design
Poster Fateta Art Contest 2016.

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