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How to maintain Mental Health

Mental health. . Good mental health leads to positive self-image and in turn,
satisfying relationships with friends and others. Having good mental health helps you
make good decisions and deal with life's challenges at home, work, or school.
. National statistics indicate that one in every five teens has some type of mental
health problem in any given year. The problems range from mild to severe. Sadly,
suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens.
Unfortunately, most young people with mental health problems don't get any
treatment for them. Research shows that effective treatments are available that can
help members of all racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.
If you broke your leg or came down with pneumonia, you wouldn't let it go untreated.
Often however, young people ignore mental health problems thinking they will "snap
out of it," or that they are something to be ashamed of. That kind of thinking prevents
people from getting the help they need. Sometimes getting help is a matter of
changing your mind

Kesehatan mental bisa menjadi masalah yang berbahaya dan kritis jika
diabaikan. Salah satu gangguan yang kerap dialami masyarakat kota besar
di era modern adalah depresi yang dapat berpengaruh pada gaya hidup,
pola tidur, pola makan, dan produktivitas seseorang.
Butuh dukungan dari orang yang dicintai untuk mengatasinya, bahkan
beberapa orang menggunakan obat antidepresan. Namun, ada enam
langkah sederhana yang bisa dicoba untuk mengalahkan depresi dan
memiliki kehidupan produktif, seperti diulas oleh laman Techsling.

Kesehatan mental. Begitulah cara pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku Anda

memengaruhi hidup Anda. Kesehatan mental yang baik mengarah ke citra diri yang
positif dan pada gilirannya, hubungan yang memuaskan dengan teman dan orang
lain. Memiliki kesehatan mental yang baik membantu Anda membuat keputusan
yang baik dan menghadapi tantangan hidup di rumah, tempat kerja, atau sekolah.

Tidak jarang remaja mengalami masalah kesehatan mental. Statistik nasional

menunjukkan bahwa satu dari setiap lima remaja memiliki beberapa jenis masalah
kesehatan mental pada suatu tahun tertentu. Masalahnya berkisar dari ringan
hingga berat. Sedihnya, bunuh diri adalah penyebab utama kematian ketiga di
antara remaja.

Sayangnya, kebanyakan anak muda dengan masalah kesehatan mental tidak

mendapatkan perawatan untuk mereka. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perawatan
yang efektif tersedia yang dapat membantu anggota semua kelompok ras, etnis, dan

Jika kaki Anda patah atau terkena pneumonia, Anda tidak akan membiarkannya
tidak diobati. Namun sering, orang muda mengabaikan masalah kesehatan mental
berpikir mereka akan "keluar dari itu," atau bahwa mereka adalah sesuatu yang
harus malu. Pemikiran semacam itu mencegah orang mendapatkan bantuan yang
mereka butuhkan. Terkadang mendapatkan bantuan adalah masalah mengubah
pikiran Anda

What is mental health?

It’s an expression we use every day, so it might surprise you that the term
‘mental health’ is frequently misunderstood.

‘Mental health’ is often used as a substitute for mental health conditions –

such as depression, anxiety conditions, schizophrenia, and others.
According to the World Health Organization, however, mental health is “a
state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own
potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively
and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
So rather than being about ‘what’s the problem?’ it’s really about ‘what’s
going well?'

''Mental health is about wellness rather than

To make things a bit clearer, some experts have tried coming up with
different terms to explain the difference between ‘mental health’ and
‘mental health conditions’. Phrases such as ‘good mental health’, ‘positive
mental health’, ‘mental wellbeing’, ‘subjective wellbeing’ and even
‘happiness’ have been proposed by various people to emphasise that
mental health is about wellness rather than illness. While some say this has
been helpful, others argue that using more words to describe the same
thing just adds to the confusion.

As a result, others have tried to explain the difference by talking about a

continuum where mental health is at one end of the spectrum –
represented by feeling good and functioning well – while mental health
conditions (or mental illness) are at the other – represented by symptoms
that affect people’s thoughts, feelings or behaviour.

The benefits of staying well

Research shows that high levels of mental health are associated with
increased learning, creativity and productivity, more pro-social behaviour
and positive social relationships, and with improved physical health and life
expectancy. In contrast, mental health conditions can cause distress,
impact on day-to-day functioning and relationships, and are associated with
poor physical health and premature death from suicide.
But it’s important to remember that mental health is complex. The fact that
someone is not experiencing a mental health condition doesn’t necessarily
mean their mental health is flourishing. Likewise, it’s possible to be
diagnosed with a mental health condition while feeling well in many aspects
of life.

Ultimately, mental health is about being cognitively, emotionally and

socially healthy – the way we think, feel and develop relationships - and not
merely the absence of a mental health condition.

Beyond Blue's vision is that everyone

achieves their best possible mental health
While Beyond Blue's primary focus is on the needs of people affected
by depression, anxiety and suicide, we also believe that a better
understanding of what we mean by mental health and how to achieve it will
help everyone in Australia reach their full potential. This will also contribute
to the prevention of mental health conditions, and support people who have
experienced these conditions to get as well as they can and lead full and
contributing lives.
Having social connections, good personal relationships and being part of a
community are vital to maintaining good mental health and contribute to
people's recovery, should they become unwell.

However, if you feel that you may be affected

by depression or anxiety remember they are treatable conditions and
effective treatments are available. The earlier you seek support, the better.

Following the death of Linkin Park’s vocalist Chester Bennington, which was ruled a
suicide, it may be time for us to take a serious look at our awareness of suicide and
mental health in general.

The World Health Organization reported in 2015 the number of suicides in Indonesia
as 2.9 cases per 100,000 population. At first glance, this is much lower than Thailand
(16 suicides per 100,000 population), but the problem is that there are many
unreported cases.

Many suicides are unreported because of social stigmas and taboos – not just in
Indonesia, but around the world – that hinder people from talking openly about
suicide. In a country where every citizen must have a religion, ending one’s own life
is considered a sin, and may cause a family to be reluctant about reporting a
relative’s death as suicide. This condition also makes it hard for psychologists,
psychiatrists and mental health researchers to obtain accurate data and worse, to
reach out to a person who may be at risk of suicide to assess their state of mental
health and provide necessary treatment.

Another factor is negative public response toward suicide and mental health in
general. In March, a man from South Jakarta hanged himself and posted it on
Facebook Live. The video went viral, but many comments from netizens mocked him
as an attention-seeker.

One of the biggest challenges in Indonesia is the public lack of awareness on mental
health. Many of us have a tendency to mock or even bully people who express their
frustrations, labeling them weak or simply lebay (overreacting), exacerbating the
situation and possibly their condition – sometimes causing irreparable and harmful
consequences. There are still many people who are not aware that severe depression
can cause paranoia and other mental disorders, and provoke thoughts of ending
one’s life.
Depression is a mental illness. And like any illness, it does not discriminate. It does
not care about age, race, nationality, gender or social status. Even celebrities who
seemed to “have everything” – like Chester Bennington or Chris Cornell – suffered
from depression. Mental illness is a serious health condition of which awareness
needs to be spread, especially among teenagers and millennials who have a bigger
risk of depression because of the massive penetration of internet and social media in
their lives.

As a survivor of depression and thoughts of suicide myself, here are some ways that
you can help yourself and others. Above all, if you suspect that you – or someone
you know – might be suffering from depression, please seek professional help. You
are loved.


To help yourself:

Talk to a person you trust

You have friends and/or family who will listen to you. Surround yourself with the
people who love you. Talk to them, tell them about your thoughts and feelings, let
them know that you need their support. If you’ve tried this or can’t think of who to
speak to, talk to a school counselor, psychiatrist or even your family doctor about
your feelings and thoughts.

Avoid social media

According to a study by public health researchers at Brown University, the risk of

depression among avid social media users is 3.2 times greater than those who don’t
use social media.

Go on a digital diet and shut down your social media accounts for a couple of
months. Many big-name stars like Jennifer Lawrence and Daniel Radcliffe won’t even
go near social media. Shutting down social media will give you a chance to enjoy
real-life moments with real-life people who care about you.

Be with people, exercise

You are not alone. Loneliness can foster depression and negative thoughts. Based on
my experience, one way to stop feeling isolated is by joining activities. Try signing up
for an internship, enter a competition, or volunteer at a local organization.

Regular exercise also helps regulate your mood and encourage positive thoughts.
Physical activity increases blood circulation as well as the production of
neurotransmitters: dopamine, which is linked to happiness and pleasure, and
serotonin, which helps stabilize mood.
Talk to a professional

If you’ve already done these things but still don’t feel better, talk to a professional.

If you’re not ready to talk to a counselor, psychologist or other specialist in person,

you can start by talking anonymously through free online psychology consultations.

To help others:

Just listen

Sometimes, all someone needs is a friendly ear. Just listen to them, and give advice
only when they ask for it. Sometimes the issue is not about how difficult the problem
is, but how badly it’s hurting them. Show that you are concerned, that you take them
seriously, and that is okay for them to share their pain with you.

Be compassionate, patient, calm and accepting. Give comforting and encouraging

responses like: “What can I do to help you?”, “I understand”, or “I’m always here to
listen.” Let the person know you care about them, that they are not alone.

Don’t judge

One reason why some people might be reluctant to share their thoughts and feelings
is because they are afraid of being judged.

Keep in mind that this is about them. Listen to what they feel and think, and don’t lay
down any blame. It’s about how they feel and think, and how this is affecting the way
they see themselves.

Suggest professional help

If the person doesn’t feel any better, gradually suggest getting professional help.
Reassure the person that such help is available and their negative feelings are
temporary. Let the person knows that they are important to you. Offer to go with
them, if this makes them feel more comfortable about the idea.

Prevent bullying

Bullying is abuse; it is not acceptable. If you encounter any form of bullying, including
cyberbullying and body shaming, step in and speak up, try to get others to do the
same or report it to a parent, teacher, university dean or other authority figures.


Every year, millions of people around the world face the reality of living with a
mental health condition. This can affect our friends, family, loved ones, colleagues
and even ourselves. Keep informed and learn how to recognize warning signs and
know who you would go to for help if you suspect you or someone you know might
be experiencing depression.

Mental health awareness is a major factor to creating an open and positive

environment that could save many lives. Imagine if talking about mental health was
as common as talking about our health or diet, even shopping: people would be
speaking openly about their personal battles. Whether it’s about the latest treatment
or how mental health affects your life or the life of someone you love, sharing our
experiences can only empower us and others.

To borrow the words of Kim Kirkup, a licensed American counselor: “Suicide doesn’t
take away the pain. It just passes it on to someone else.” (dev/kes)

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