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Proteksi Katodik (Cathodic Protection) adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan karat (korosi) pada logam dengan cara
menjadikan permukaan logam tersebut sebagai katode dari sel elektrokimia. Proteksi katodik merupakan cara yang efektif dalam mencegah
stress corrosion cracking (retak karena korosi), dengan cara membalikkan arah arus korosi untuk mengembalikan elektron-elektron yang
mengurai dari logam tertentu, yang bersifat kebal atau imun sehingga proses korosi pada logam dapat dikurangi atau ditiadakan (tidak sampai
hilang). Sistem proteksi katodik biasanya digunakan untuk melindungi baja, jalur pipa, tangki, tiang pancang, kapal, anjungan lepas pantai, dan
casing (selubung) sumur minyak di darat.

Prinsip dari proteksi katodik (Cathodic Protection) adalah menyediakan elektron untuk struktur logam yang akan dilindungi. Teori yang
mendasari adalah jika arus mengalir dari kutub positif ke kutub negatif (teori listrik konvensional) struktur akan terlindungi jika arus masuk dari
elektrode. Kebalikannya laju korosi akan meningkat jika arus masuk melalui logam ke elektrode.

Ditinjau dari sumber listriknya, Ada dua metode pada proteksi katodik, yaitu metode anoda korban (sacrificial anode) dan metode arus tanding
(impressed current).

1. Metode anoda korban (sacrificial anode)

Prinsip dari metode anoda korban ini adalah melindungi logam dengan cara mengorbankan logam yang lebih reaktif, dimana mekanisme
prosesnya adalah sama dengan proses korosi galvanik, yaitu perpindahan elektron dari logam yang lebih reaktif (potensial lebih negatif) ke
logam yang dilindungi (potensial lebih positif) melalui elektrolit yang korosif dengan penghubung konduktor. Dimana material anoda yang
bisa digunakan dalam metode anoda korban adalah logam-logam yang mempunyai potensial lebih negatif atau reaktif terhadap lingkungan
dari potensial baja, misalnya paduan aluminium, seng dan magnesium. Logam ini akan habis selama perlindungan logam karena itu disebut
anoda korban (sacrificial anode)

2. Metode arus tanding (impressed current)

Prinsip dari metode anoda arus tanding ini adalah melindungi logam dengan cara mengalirkan arus lisrtik searah yang diperoleh dari sumber
luar, biasanya dari penyearah arus (transformer rectifier), dimana kutub negatif dihubungkan ke logam yang dilindungi dan kutub positif
dihubungkn ke anoda. Dimana material anoda yang bisa digunakan dalam metode arus tanding adalah logam yang konduktif dan mempunyai
sifat inert atau semi consumable, Platina-titanium, Ferro silicon, baja karbon, ferro silicon chrom, PA-Ag, grafit.

Panduan Pustaka (Pathfinder) tentang Proteksi Katodik (Cathodic Protection) ini merupakan kumpulan koleksi yang dimiliki PDII-LIPI.
Memuat 242 entri, mencakup:
1. Koleksi Buku (Koleksi umum dan referensi), 1 entri
2. Koleksi Buku Digital, 10 entri
3. Koleksi Makalah, 7 entri
4. Koleksi Laporan Penelitian, Tesis, dan Disertasi, 4 entri
5. Koleksi Artikel Jurnal Indonesia, 23 entri
6. Koleksi Artikel Jurnal Asing (dalam format digital), 197entri

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Proteksi Katodik (Cathodic Protection) dapat dicari di:



1 Soil Resistivity Survey And Lembaga Ilmu 55 hal PDII-lip Buku ini membahas tentang survei dan
Design For Cathodic Protection Pengetahuan 621.8672 Sul s desain resistivitas tanah untuk proteksi
Of Natural Gas Pipeline From Indonesia, 1977 katoda pipa gas alam dari Sukatani ke
Sukatani To Jakarta/ Sulaiman, A. Jakarta. Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Ilmu
Pengetahuan Indonesia pada tahun 1977.
Lokasi koleksi berada di perpustakaan PDII-
LIPI koleksi khusus LIPI.



1 Metallurgical Factors Springer, 2016 Dalam buku: UPJ. PDII-LIPI Infomasi ini merupakan bagian dari chapter buku yang
Influencing the Cracking Serpong berjudul Cracking Phenomena in welds IV. Dijelaskan
Susceptibility of Phenomena bahwa Lapisan las logam yang tidak biasa (DMW) dari
Hydrogen Assisted in welds IV/ logam pengisi berbasis Nikel pada pipa baja paduan rendah
Cracking in Dissimilar Thomas digunakan di industri minyak dan gas bumi untuk
Metal Welds for Boellinghaus, menghilangkan kebutuhan penanganan panas las lapangan
Application Under John C. pasca (PWHT) pada lasan penutupan yang berdekatan.
Cathodic Protection Lippold, Carl Kegagalan rapuh telah dilaporkan di sepanjang beberapa
Edward antarmuka DMW ini, terutama pada kombinasi las AISI
Cross (eds.) 8630-IN625 selama layanan di bawah laut di bawah
perlindungan katodik (CP). Kegagalan ini disebabkan oleh
cracking dibantu hidrogen (HAC) karena embrittlement
hidrogen lokal dari mikrostruktur yang rentan terbentuk pada
batas fusi selama pengelasan dan PWHT. Pengujian di The
Ohio State University menggunakan uji retak hidrogen
tertunda (DHCT) telah menyimpulkan bahwa jenis HAC ini
sangat dipengaruhi oleh logam dasar / kombinasi logam
pengisi, dan oleh prosedur pengelasan dan PWHT. Faktor
pengendali ini menentukan mikrostruktur yang terbentuk
pada batas fusi. Perangkat lunak Thermo-CalcTM dan
DictraTM digunakan untuk mensimulasikan faktor-faktor
pengendali yang disebutkan di atas. Berdasarkan simulasi
yang dilakukan, konsentrasi karbon di dekat batas fusi
dipantau secara ketat. Hasil simulasi menghasilkan hasil
yang berkorelasi baik dengan eksperimen DHCT. Selain itu,
faktor pengendali HAC dapat dioptimalkan untuk
mengurangi akumulasi karbon pada batas fusi.
2 Corrosion control for Elsevier Inc. All 254 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Sebuah game changer variabel bagi perusahaan-perusahaan
offshore structures : rights reserved, Serpong yang beroperasi di lingkungan laut yang tidak bersahabat
cathodic protection and 2015 dan korosif, Corrosion Control for Offshore Structures
high-efficiency memberikan tip dan teknik pengendalian korosi yang
coating/ Ramesh Singh penting yang akan memperpanjang umur struktural sekaligus
menghemat jutaan biaya. Dalam buku ini, Ramesh Singh
menjelaskan ABC tentang memperpanjang umur struktural
platform dan jaringan pipa sekaligus mengurangi biaya dan
mengurangi risiko kegagalan.
Pengendalian Korosi untuk Struktur Lepas Pantai
menekankan pentingnya penggunaan katodik (CP) yang
populer dikombinasikan dengan lapisan efisiensi tinggi
untuk mencegah korosi bawah laut. Referensi ini dimulai
dengan ilmu dasar tentang korosi dan struktur dan kemudian
beralih ke topik yang lebih maju seperti perlindungan
katodik, dilapisi sebagai pencegahan korosi dengan pelapis
pelapis yang diterapkan, aplikasi lapangan, dan kelebihan
dan keterbatasan beberapa sistem pelapisan umum. Selain
itu, penulis memberikan wawasan ahli tentang sejumlah
standar NACE dan DNV dan praktik yang
direkomendasikan serta Metode Standar dan Uji ISO.
Dikemas dengan tabel, grafik dan studi kasus, Corrosion
Control for Offshore Structures adalah panduan berharga
untuk pengendalian korosi lepas pantai baik dari segi teori
dan aplikasinya.
3 Cathodic Protection Scrivener 341 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Buku ini mencakup aspek teoretis dari perlindungan katodik
Industrial Solutions for Publishing LLC. (5,6 MB) Serpong dan aplikasi praktis dari teknologi, termasuk proses dan teori
Protecting Against All rights paling mutakhir. Insinyur dan ilmuwan di berbagai disiplin
Corrosion/ Volkan reserved, 2013 ilmu dan industri akan menganggap ini sebagai terapi
Cicek (auth.) perlindungan katodik yang paling mutakhir. Referensi dan
penyegaran yang luar biasa pada kimia dan penggunaan
teknologi untuk insinyur di lapangan, buku ini juga
memberikan pengantar yang luar biasa untuk sains bagi
pendatang baru di lapangan.
4 Cathodic Protection of Taylor & 259 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Edisi kedua dari Proteksi Katodik Baja dalam Beton dan
Steel in Concrete and Francis Group, Serpong Masonry mencakup struktur beton dan batu bata yang
Masonry, Second LLCCRC Press diperkuat, menjelaskan secara rinci faktor desain
Edition/ Paul M. is an imprint of keseluruhan yang terlibat dalam perlindungan katodik (CP),
Chess, John P. Taylor & dan juga memberikan dasar teoritis mengapa ia bekerja. Ini
Broomfield Francis Group, mengacu pada standar Eropa yang baru EN 12696 untuk
an Informa perlindungan katodik.
business, 2013
5 Cathodic Protection NACE 342 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Buku ini memberikan prosedur langkah-demi-langkah rinci
Survey Procedures/ International Serpong untuk tes perlindungan di pantai termasuk pemeriksaan dan
Holtsbaum, W. Brian All rights pemecahan masalah penyearah, pengukuran potensi struktur-
reserved, 2009 ke-elektrolit (pengukuran dari pipa ke tanah), pengukuran
arus searah, pengujian diagnostik (pemecahan masalah
sistem perlindungan katodik), Survei penyesuaian,
commissioning sistem proteksi katodik, survei potensial
jarak dekat, pengujian arus nyasar, pengujian isolasi listrik,
pengujian isolasi casing jalan, tegangan berbahaya AC pada
jaringan pipa, dan pengukuran resistivitas tanah. Masing-
masing prosedur uji ini disiapkan sebagai modul yang bisa
digunakan independen satu sama lain. Teks ini akan sangat
berguna bagi teknisi perlindungan katodik dalam membantu
tes lapangan mereka, untuk ahli teknologi proteksi katodik
atau spesialis dalam analisis data pengujian dan untuk orang-
orang yang terlibat dalam pelatihan personil perlindungan
6 Designing Cathodic American 119 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Buku ini memuat tujuh makalah merangkum filosofi desain
Protection Systems for Society for Serpong utama untuk sistem perlindungan katodik untuk melindungi
Marine Structures and Testing and struktur dan kapal dari efek korosif air laut. Topiknya
Vehicles (ASTM Materials, West meliputi pendekatan parameter kemiringan dan
Special Technical 2007 penerapannya pada sistem terkini yang terkesan, hubungan
Publication, 1370)/ komponen kimia. Berikut judul makalah yang dirangkum
Harvey P. Hack dalam buku ini: The Slope Parameter Approach to Marine
Cathodic Protection Design and Its Application to Impressed
Current Systems; Design of Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection (ICCP) Systems for U.S. Navy Hulls;
Relationship of Chemical Components and Impurities of
Aluminum Galvanic Anodes Upon the Cathodic Protection
of Marine Structures; Cathodic Protection System Design for
Steel Pilings of a Wharf Structure; Cathodic Protection
Requirements for Deepwater Systems; Computational
Design of ICCP Systems: Lessons Learned and Future
Directions; Cathodic Protection Deployment on Space
Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
7 Cathodic Protection of E & FN Spon 203 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Proteksi Katodik pada Baja Beton memberikan ringkasan
Steel in Concrete/ Paul Chapter 6, Serpong paling komprehensif tentang teknik elektrokimia untuk
M. Chess Transport menangani korosi baja sampai saat ini. Berisi pemeriksaan
Research penyebab korosi dan tingkat percepatannya dan menjelaskan
Laboratory, metode penilaian.
8 Design and Operational Energy institute 261 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Petunjuk praktis untuk perancang, insinyur dan staf
Guidance on Cathodic retrieved from, Serpong operasional mengenai perancangan, pemasangan dan
Protection of Offshore 1990 pengoperasian sistem proteksi katodik di lepas pantai.
Structures, Subsea Publikasi ini merinci prinsip-prinsip proteksi korosi dan
Installations and katodik, persyaratan desain untuk berbagai jenis struktur
Pipelines/ de Prey, J; lepas pantai dan rincian sistem pemantauan dan survei untuk
Barrett, R.W.; sistem CP. Mengacu pada standar undang-undang dan juga
Wanklyn, J.N. mencakup tinjauan terhadap pengalaman di Laut Utara.
9 Pipeline Corrosion and Elsevier Science 177 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Pembaruan teks klasik Marshall Parker ini berisi informasi
Cathodic Protection/ (USA). 1988 Serpong "hands-on" terbaru untuk melakukan pengukuran dan
Marshall Parker; membuat perhitungan yang diperlukan untuk perlindungan
Edward G. Peattie katodik dari jalur pipa yang dikuburkan. Intinya adalah
manual lapangan praktis untuk teknisi korosi dan insinyur,
pengantar sederhana dan langsung untuk dasar-dasar subjek
yang kompleks. Isi meliputi survei resistivitas tanah, survei
potensial, arus garis, survei persyaratan saat ini, sistem
penyearah untuk garis dilapisi, desain dan pemasangan
tempat tidur, anoda galvanik pada garis dilapisi, proteksi hot
spot, perlindungan ikatan, elektrolisis arus tersengat,
gangguan, operasi dan Pemeliharaan, dan pemeriksaan dan
pengujian lapisan. Juga lampiran bermanfaat yang
menjelaskan dasar-dasar korosi bawah tanah, prinsip dasar
perlindungan katodik, tabel sifat logam, dan persamaan
atenuasi. Edisi Ketiga, menunjukkan bagaimana melakukan
pengukuran lapangan aktual dan menerapkannya untuk
merancang sistem yang terlindungi dengan baik.
10 Corrosion cathodic Harco 474 halaman UPJ. PDII-LIPI Buku ini memuat 38 judul tulisan tentang proteksi katodik,
protection and common technologies Serpong antara lain membahas dasar-dasar proteksi katodik; efek
sense/ B. Husock P.E. corporation all korosi pada perancangan jaringan pipa; proteksi katodik
rights reserved, untuk struktur pabrik; proteksi katodik Jalur pemanasan
1959 bawah tanah; cathodic protection rectifier handbook; metode
untuk aktifitas korosi pada jaringan pipa kosong; dll



1 Optimasi Sistem Proteksi 2004 Hal. D24 1-6 PDII – umu Chemistry, Technical - Congresses;
Katodik Korosi Perpipaan Di 660, Sem p Chemical engineering - Congresses;
Daerah Pasang Surut Delta Chemical reactions - Congresses;
Mahakam Samarinda/ Hirfan; Environmental engineering - Congresses
Yuwana, Minta
2 Perbandingan Efektifitas 2001 Seminar Nasional PDII – umu Chemical engineering - Congresses; Mass
Pemakaian Inhibitor Dengan Rekayasa Kimia dan 660 Sem p transfer - Congresses; Separation
Proteksi Katodik Dalam Proses 2001: (Technology) - Congresses; Sewage -
Lingkungan Asam Pada Korosi prosiding, Semarang, Purification - Congresses; Chemical
Logam Besi/ Dwi Astuti; Murni, 25-26 Jul 2001 reaction - Congresses; Biochemical
Sri Wahyu engineering - Congresses; Fuels -
Congresses; Materials - Congresses
3 Proteksi Katodik dengan 1998 Seminar Nasional PDII – umu Proteksi katodik merupakan salah satu
Sacrificial Anode Methode dalam Fundamental dan 660 Sem p metoda pengendalian laju korosi secara
Upaya Pengendalian Korosi Pada Aplikasi Teknik termodinamika dengan cara
Baja/ Komalasari. Kimia 1998: memperlakukan struktur logam sebagai
prosiding, Surabaya, katoda. Metode ini dilakukan dengan jalan
25-26 Nopember mengalirkan arus listrik searah melalui
1998 elektrolit ke logam sehingga potensial
antar muka logam-larutan elektrolit turun
menuju daerah immunnya atau sampai
nilai tertentu sehingga laju korosi logam di
perbolehkan/ minimum.
4 A Study On Current Density And 1997 The Asia Pacific PDII – umu Corrosion and anti-corrosions - Congresses
Polarization Amounts Of Steel Corrosion Control 620.11223 Asi
Bar In Concrete Under Cathodic Conference, 10th: p
Protection And Macro Cell proceeding book,
Corrosion/ Abe, Masami; Fukute, Bali, 27-31 Oct 1997

5 Cathodic Protection Of Iron/ 1997 The Asia Pacific PDII – umu Corrosion and anti-corrosions - Congresses
Zamrudy, B; Tech Windi Corrosion Control 620.11223 Asi
Conference, 10th: p
proceeding book,
Bali, 27-31 Oct 1997
6 Mathematical Modeling On 1997 The Asia Pacific PDII – umu Corrosion and anti-corrosions - Congresses
Corrosion Due To Stray Current Corrosion Control 620.11223 Asi
Resulting From Cathodic Conference, 10th: p
Protection System/ Kim, Y.S; proceeding book,
Jeong, G.J. Bali, 27-31 Oct 1997
7 Proteksi Katodik/ Nasoetion, 1996 Kursus Teknologi PDII – umu Corrosion and anti-corrosives -
Ronald. Pengendalian Korosi 620.11223 Kur Congresses; Natural gas pipelines -
pada Sistem Gas p Corrosion - Congresses
Bumi: prosiding,
Serpong, 27 Mar - 7
Jun 1996



1 Analisa Tekno Ekonomis Kinerja Lembaga 32 hal. PDII – Lap Proteksi katodik merupakan salah satu cara untuk
Beberapa Sacrificial Anode Pada Penelitian dan 08/2010 melindungi baja dari bahaya korosi Penelitian ini
Proteksi Katodik Di Bangunan Pengabdian bertujuan mengetahui kinerja dari beberapa jenis
Laut/ Pratikno, Herman; Titah kepada sacrificial anode yang digunakan pada proteksi
Masyarakat katodik di lingkungan laut. Salinitas yang digunakan
Institut Teknologi yaitu 33%o,35 %>, dan 37%o. Sacrificial anode yang
Sepuluh digunakan yaitu paduan alumunium, seng dan
Nopember, 2007 magnesium. Sedangkan katoda atau struktur yang
dilindungi adalah baja karbon. Kinerja yang diukur
adalah laju korosi yang terjadi dan pola korosi pada
masing- masing sacrificial anode dan katoda.
Lingkungan air laut pada penelitian ini berubah
sesuai dengan kelarutan dan komposisi kimiawinya.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan anoda
magnesium menunjukkan laju korosi terbesar .
Sedangkan besar laju korosi pada seng lebih besar
daripada laju korosi pada aluminium. Dengan foto
mikro tampak korosi yang terjadi yaitu korosi
lubang/pitting corrosion baik pada anoda maupun
2 Pengaruh Ion Klorida Di Fakultas 37 hal. PDII – lap Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
Lingkungan Air Terhadap Laju Matematika dan 03/1051 ion klorida di lingkungan air terhadap laju korosi
Korosi Baja Karbon Rendah Ilmu Pengetahuan baja karbon rendah yang diproteksi dengan metode
Yang Diproteksi dengan Metode Alam Universitas Impressed Current Cathodic Protection.
Impressed Current Cathodic Padjadjaran, 2002
Protection/ Rukiah; Liamita,
3 Percobaan Pembuatan Anoda Lembaga 59 hal. PDII – Lap
Seng Untuk Proteksi Katodik/ Metalurgi 01/1003
Lukman Nasional, 1983
4 Penelitian Terhadap Sistem Lembaga 32 hal., lamp. PDII – lap Tujuan penelitian untuk mengevaluasi sistem
Proteksi Katodik Di Petrokimia Metallurgi 94/1226 proteksi jaringan pipa air bawah tanah antara
Gresik/ Sulaiman, A; Abubakar, Nasional, 1982 Gunungsari Surabaya dan Petrokimia Gresik dan
Salim. dermaga secara keseluruhan. Data dikumpulkan
melalui survai dan pengukuran potensial pipa.Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem proteksi untuk
(1) bekerja kurang sempurna dimana masih terdapat
bagian pipa yang proteksinya kurang. Sistem proteksi
untuk (2) bekerja dengan baik (proteksinya
sempurna) tetapi ada gejala kerusakan dari anoda Ti-
pt.Disimpulkan bahwa sistem proteksi katodik masih
berfungsi melindungi struktur tiang pancang dan
pengendalian otomatisnya juga bekerja baik. Ada
gejala-gejala yang menunjukkan bahwa anoda telah
mengalami degradasi. Umur anoda yang pendek
disebabkan oleh: (a) kualitas anoda yang kurang
baik. (b) kondisi operasi yang kurang tepat.


1 Proteksi Katodik Metoda Jom UPJ. PDII-LIPI Struktur logam semakin banyak digunakan di industri
Anoda Tumbal Untuk FTEKNIK, Serpong modern. Tidak adanya kontrol terhadap sistem kontrol
Mengendalikan Laju 1(2) Oktober korosi, struktur logam yang secara langsung
Korosi/ Fitri Afriani S, 2014: 1-12 berhubungan dengan air akan mudah terkena korosi,
Komalasari, Zultiniar pencegahan korosi di lingkungan laut berdasarkan
prinsip proteksi katodik diperlukan. Prinsip katodik
adalah sistem proteksi pada permukaan logam dengan
cara arus searah yang memadai terhadap permukaan
logam dan mengubah seluruh luas permukaan anoda
menjadi daerah katodik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh proteksi korosi katodik,
menentukan dan memilih jenis anoda, ukuran anoda,
dan jumlah anoda yang efisien dalam penggunaan untuk
melindungi korosi. Rencana penelitian dilakukan
dengan mengambil variasi jenis anoda seperti campuran
aluminium dan campuran seng, variasi ukuran anoda
dan jumlah anoda yaitu anoda dan dua anoda untuk
melindungi satu anoda dalam sistem air laut dan air
gambut. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan
menggunakan perhitungan MPY. Dalam penelitian ini
untuk menurunkan laju korosi baja lebih baik
menggunakan dua jumlah anoda dari campuran
aluminium dibandingkan dengan menggunakan
campuran zink pada media air laut, demikian juga air
gambut. Tingkat korosi baja di air laut tanpa proteksi
katodik adalah 4.5657 MPY dan pada air gambut 3,9445
MPY. Tingkat korosi dapat diturunkan menjadi 1.0511
MPY dengan menggunakan dua jumlah campuran
aluminium dengan luas permukaan 49,6 cm 2 dan 1.7704
MPY dengan menggunakan dua jumlah campuran zink
dengan luas permukaan 49,6 cm2 pada air laut dan
0,6915 MPY Menggunakan dua jumlah campuran
aluminium dengan luas permukaan 49,6 cm 2, dan
1,0511 MPY menggunakan campuran zink dengan luas
permukaan 49,6 cm2 pada air gambut.
2 Desain sacrifical anode 2014 Swara patra: 665.505 Swa
cathodic protection pada majalah ilmiah
jaringan pipa distribusi pusdiklat
air minum Pusdiklat migas, 4(1)
Migas/ Ahmad Nawawi 2014 11-25
3 Investigasi korosi baja Lembaga Ilmu Metalurgi : 669.05 Met
tulangan beton sirip Pengetahuan majalah ilmu
dengan proteksi katodik Indonesia. Pusat teknologi,
arus tanding mengguna- Penelitian 29(3) 2014
kan anoda MMO-Ti Metalurgi, 2014 295-303
mortar konduktif/ Efendi
Mabruri; Arini Nikitasari
4 Analisa proteksi katodik Jurnal Teknik UPJ. PDII-LIPI Tugas akhir ini membahas tentang proteksi katodik
dengan menggunakan Pomits, 2 (1) Serpong dengan menggunakan anoda tumbal pada pipa bawah
anoda tumbal pada pipa 2014:1-6 tanah PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur Kaltim-2. Bahasan
gas bawah tanah dalam tugas akhir ini mencakup tentang luas pipa yang
PT.pupuk kalimantan diproteksi, keperluan arus proteksi, total berat anoda
timur dari stasiun yang dibutuhkan, jumlah anoda yang digunakan, jarak
kompressor gas ke pemasangan antar anoda, keperluan arus proteksi dalam
kaltim-2/ Asmauddin jarak pemasangan anoda, resistansi anoda, kekuatan arus
Putra; Imam Rochan; anoda, umur anoda, dan perbandingan antara kuat arus
dan Hasan Ikhwani. yang dibutuhkan dengan kekuatan arus anoda. Analisa
yang dilakukan didasarkan pada kriteria yang ditetapkan
oleh DNV RP B401 tentang Cathodic Protection Design
dan NACE RP 0169 tentang Control of External
Corrosionon Underground or Submerged Metallic
Piping System. Secara umum, perbandingan antara kuat
arus yang dibutuhkan dengan kekuatan arus anoda
menjadi tolak ukur pergantian anoda. Hasil dari
perbandingan tersebut, kuat arus yang dibutuhkan untuk
perlindungan proteksi katodik dalam dapat terpenuhi
sehingga dilakukan pergantian anoda tumbal. Anoda
tumbal awalnya menggunakan prepacked Magnesium
48 d5 diganti menggunakan GA-MG-9 H-1
5 Evaluasi Sistem Proteksi Universitas UPJ. PDII-LIPI Perencanaan dan evaluasi sistem proteksi katodik anoda
Katodik Anoda Korban Gadjah Mada Serpong korban pada umumnya masih bergantung kepada
pada Submersible Pump (UGM), pengalaman operator dan bersifat trial-and-error,
Menggunakan BEM-3D Yogyakarta, sehingga cacat perencanaan hanya akan diketahui
Domain Tak Berhingga/ 16-17 Oktober setelah sistem tersebut berjalan. Akibatnya banyak
Fonna1, Arismawan2, M. 2012:1-4 struktur akan tetap terkorosi, walaupun menggunakan
Ridha1, S. Huzni1 dan sistem proteksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
H.M. Zebua1 mengembangkan dan mengaplikasikan Boundary
Element Method (BEM) 3D domain tidak berhingga
untuk mengevaluasi sistem proteksi katodik anoda
korban. BEM dikembangkan dengan asumsi bahwa
pada elektrolit sistem proteksi tidak ada ion yang masuk
atau keluar, sehingga dapat dimodelkan sebagai domain
Laplace dengan struktur yang diproteksi dan anoda
korban sebagai kondisi batas. Nilai potensial dan
densitas arus diseluruh batas dapat diketahui dengan
menyelesaikan persamaan Laplace. Sistem proteksi
dapat dianalisa dengan menggunakan data potensial dan
densitas arus tersebut. BEM 3D yang dikembangkan ini
diaplikasikan pada sistem proteksi katodik anoda korban
submersible pump yang bekerja dalam lingkungan air
laut. Material pompa adalah besi cor dan dilindungi
dengan anoda jenis aluminium. Konduktivitas elektolit
untuk sistem proteksi tersebut sebesar 0,0357 S/m.
Sistem proteksi katodik ini dievaluasi dengan melihat
pengaruh jarak anoda korban terhadap distribusi nilai
potensial pada permukaan pompa. Hasil simulasi
menunjukkan bahwa BEM 3D domain tak berhingga
berhasil dikembangkan dan diaplikasikan untuk evaluasi
sistem proteksi katodik anoda korban.
6 Proteksi katodik dengan Akademi Teknik Perkapalan: 623.82005 P
arus tanding DC untuk Perkapalan jurnal sains
pemeliharaan konstruksi Veteran. Pusat dan teknologi,
beton bertulang/ Suyanto; Penelitian dan 1(2) 2011 39-
Oktoberity Pengabdian 54
Masyarakat, 2011
7 Rancangan dasar Pusat Penelitian Lembaran 665.505 Lem
perhitungan proteksi dan publikasi
katodik dengan Pengembangan Lemigas, 45(1)
menggunakan anoda Teknologi 2011 79-90
korban pada struktur baja Minyak dan Gas
anjungan minyak di Bumi Lemigas,
lingkungan air laut/2011
Abdoel Goffar
8 Pemakaian anoda paduan Universitas Teknomekanik 621.05 Tek
seng pada proteksi Negeri Padang. : jurnal teknik
katodik/ Mulianti Jurusan Teknik mesin, 2(2)
Mesin, 2010 2010 196-204
9 Cathodic protection with Univ. Pemba- Jurnal teknik 660.05 Jur k
sacrificial anode as steel ngunan Nasional kimia, 3(2)
corotion rate controller in Veteran Jawa Ti- 2009 190-193
environment/ Isni Utami mur. Jurusan Tek-
nik Kimia, 2009
10 Analisa perbandingan Universitas Kapal: majalah 623.805 Kap
pemakaian alumunium Diponegoro. jurnal ilmu
cathodic protection dan Program Studi S- pengetahuan
zinc cathodic protection 1 Teknik dan teknologi
pada pelat badan kapal/ Perkapalan, 2009 kelautan, 6(1)
Eko Julianto 2009 83-87
11 Proteksi katodik dengan Univ. Pemba- Jurnal teknik 660.05 Jur k
anoda tumbal sebagai ngunan Nasional kimia, 3(2)
pengendali laju korosi Veteran Jawa Ti- 2009 540-546
baja dalam lingkungan/ mur. Jurusan Tek-
Isni Utami nik Kimia, 2009
12 Proteksi katodik dengan Jurnal Teknik UPJ. PDII-LIPI Proteksi katodik merupakan salah satu metoda
anoda tumbal sebagai Kimia Vol.3, Serpong pengendalian laju korosi secara termodinamika dengan
pengendalian laju korosi No.2, April cara memperlakukan struktur logam sebagai katoda.
raja dalam lingkungan 2009:1-6 Metode ini dilakukan dengan jalan mengalirkan arus
aqueous/ Isni Utami listrik searah melalui elektrolit ke logam sehingga
potensial antar muka logam-larutan elektrolit turun
menuju daerah immunnya atau sampai nilai tertentu
sehingga laju korosi logam di perbolehkan/ minimum.
Proteksi katodik dengan metoda anoda tumbal diteliti
secara elektrokimia. Penelitian dilakukan pada baja
AISI SAE 1018 dalam lingkungan larutan NaCl 3,5%
dengan waktu pencelupan 168 s/d 840 jam dengan
anoda tumbal Al dan Zn.Dari data analisa dengan
metoda kehilangan herat,anoda Al mampu menurunkan
laju korosi baja sampai dengan 82 % dan Zn 50%
13 Pengaruh material anoda Universitas Jurnal kimia 540.5 ur k The researched have been performed on "Influence
yang berbeda terhadap Mulawarman Mulawarman, Usage of Different Anode Materials on Impressed
kinerja proteksi katodik Jurusan Kimia, 5(2) 2008 28- Current Cathodic Protection Effectivity". This research
metode arus tanding/ 2008 33 uses 3 anodes variation to protect the Iron cathode such
Abdul Kahar. as Zinc, Iron, and Copper. The potential protection is
measured on the system using Voltmeter with
silver/silver chloride reference anode which is measured
on time variation. The result shows that by using
different material of anodes on the Impressed Current
Cathodic Protection give different efficiency. The
difference system efficiency was indicated by the
different cathodes mass reduction, anodes mass
reduction, and the current protection value on the three
different material variations. Based on the corrosion rate
data it was found that the corrosion rate of cathode
without cathodic protection is 935.935 g.m -2. year-1.
This value is higher than those of cathode which are
protected on impressed current with several variation of
anode material such as zinc 619.563 g.m-2. year-1, Iron
400.348 g.m-2. year-1, and copper 76.652 g.m-2. year-1.
By using copper anode on impressed current system
produce the lowest cathode mass reduction, anode mass
reduction, and current protection value compared with
other anode materials. The cathodic protection
efficiency using copper anode is 91.81% it is the highest
value compared with iron anode 57.22 % and zinc anode
33.80 %.
14 Cathodic protection of a Revue des UPJ. PDII-LIPI Proteksi katodik digunakan secara intensif pada saluran
buried pipeline by solar Energies Serpong baja di industri minyak dan gas bumi. Ini adalah teknik
energy/ B. Laoun; K. Renouvelabl pencegahan terhadap korosi yang mengubah struktur
Niboucha; and L. Serir es Vol. 12 N°1 menjadi katoda sel korosi; Dua jenis sistem proteksi
(2008) 99 – katodik biasanya diterapkan: Sistem proteksi galvanik
104 menggunakan anoda galvanik, yang juga disebut anoda
99 korban, yang secara elektrokimia lebih elektronegatif
daripada struktur yang harus dilindungi, sistem lainnya
adalah dengan arus yang dipaksakan, didukung oleh
generator listrik dengan Output DC menuju struktur
yang harus dilindungi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
untuk merancang sistem proteksi katodik dengan arus
yang dipasok dengan panel energi surya yang diterapkan
pada jaringan pipa.
15 Pengujian karakteristik Lembaga Ilmu Korosi: 620.1122305 Unjuk kerja dari anoda korban Zn untuk proteksi
anoda seng untuk Pengetahuan Majalah Imu katodik tergantung dari besaran efisiensi arus, kapasitas
proteksi katodik/ Eddy Indonesia. Pusat Teknologi, arus dan laju konsumsi sebagai karakteristik anoda.
Dwi Tjahjono; Sutisna. Penelitian 16(1) 2007 1-7 Serangkaian pengujian dilakukan terhadap anoda kurban
Metalurgi, 2007 seng dengan paduan Zn-Al (bervariasi dan 0,10-0,50%)-
Cd (bervariasi dari 0,025-D,150%). Hasil pengujian
memperlihatkan masing-masing anoda Zn-0,20 Al-
0,075Cd dan Zn-0,40Al-0,075Cd mempunyai
penampilan yang terbaik dengan efisiensi arus 99,74%
dan 99,42%, kapasitas arus 814,69 Ah/kg dan 817,30
Ah/kg, laju konsumsi 10,75 kg/Ay dan 10,71 kg/Ay.
16 Pembuatan anoda korban Lembaga Ilmu Korosi : 620.1122305
untuk proteksi katodik Pengetahuan majalah ilmu Kor
berbasis aluminium/ Indonesia. Pusat teknologi,
Ronald Nasoetion; Eddy Penelitian 12(1) 2003 37-
D. Tjahjono Metalurgi, 2003 44
17 Pencegahan korosi pada Institut Teknologi Jurnal 628.05 Jur p Dengan semakin meningkatnya penggunaan logam di
bagian luar pipa yang Sepuluh Purifikasi, 1(4) bidang teknologi misalnya penggunaan pipa-pipa logam
ditanam di dalam tanah Nopember. 2000 211-216 sebagai pipa distribusi maupun pipa transmisi, maka
dengan proteksi katodik/ Jurusan Teknik diperkirakan bahwa korosi akan lebih sering dijumpai.
Theresia O.R.H. Lingkungan, 2000 Apabila proses korosi ini tidak segera dicegah maka
akan menimbulkan banyak kerugian. Salah satu metode
untuk mencegah terjadinya proses korosi adalah metode
proteksi katodik. Dari hasil pembahasan mengenai
metode proteksi katodik pada tugas akhir ini diperoleh
suatu kesimpulan bahwa proteksi katodik merupakan
suatu metode yang sangat vital untuk melindungi pipa
didalam tanah terhadap serangan korosi, baik pipa yang
tidak dicoating (dilapisi), maupun pipa yang dicoating
tapi tidak sempurna. (Pengarang)
18 Pengukuran potensial Pusat Pendidikan Lembaran 665.505 Lem Prinsip proteksi katodik adalah menurunkan potensial
pipa pada sistem proteksi dan Pelatihan publikasi, 8(2) logam ke daerah imun seperti dalam diagram pH-
katodik dan pemeriksaan Minyak dan Gas 2000 35-41 potensia. Karena sistem struktur yang diproteksi
lapis lindung/ Simbolon, Bumi, 2000 umumnya sangat kompleks, aplikasi proteksi katodik
Paisan menjadi ikut rumit. Proteksi katodik bisa bekerja dalam
lingkungan elektrolit jadi sistem ini tidak akan bekerja
diatas permukaan tanah. Untuk mengetahui kinerja
proteksi katodik perlu dilakukan pengukuran potensial
pada pipa. Menurut salah satu kriteria NACE (National
Association of Corrosion Engineers), proteksi katodik
dianggap berhasil jika potensial pada struktur atau pipa
lebih negatif dari 850 mV. Beberapa metoda
pengukuran survey (CIPS), Pearson survey, dan direct
current voltage gradient (DCVG). (Pengarang)
19 Studi penggunaan Lembaga Ilmu Korosi: 620.1122305 Proteksi katodik biasa digunakan untuk mencegah
proteksi katodik pada Pengetahuan majalah ilmu Kor terjadinya korosi pada konstruksi baja atau beton
beton bertulang dengan Indonesia. Pusat teknologi, bertulang. Namun untuk penggunaan proteksi dengan
sistem anoda korban/ Penelitian 10(1) 1999 56- sistem anoda korban di lingkungan atmosfir, sistem
Karjapradja, M. Fajar. Metalurgi, 1999 64 tersebut mempunyai beberapa kendala, seperti adanya
penurunan arus dan potensial yang disebabkan oleh
perubahan kelembaban didalam beton. Kondisi
kelembaban tersebut disebabkan oleh perubahan
kelembaban di lingkungan atmosfir. Dalam percobaan
ini benda uji disemprotkan lapisan perekat untuk
memperkuat ikatan antara beton dan anoda korban serta
diharapkan dapat mengurangi terbentuknya oksida
logam diantara lapisan anoda dan permukaan beton.
Anoda korban (Zn, Al dan Al-Zn) disemprotkan ke
permukaan benda uji dengan proses metal coating dan
dibentuk menjadi dua macam model sebagai variabel
anoda korban. Pengujian dilakukan di dalam ruang uji
hujan buatan dari air laut, dengan siklus dalam keadaan
kering dan hujan. Selama percobaan diamati besar arus
dan tegangan (potensial) yang diberikan oleh sistem.
Kemudian diamati pula polarisasi dari sistem yang
dibandingkan dengan karakteristik polarisasi untuk
beton yaitu 100 mV shift polarisasi, dan normal
polarisasi dari baja tulangan.
20 Studi Perbandingan Jurnal Teknik UPJ. PDII-LIPI Terdapat dua jenis paduan anoda korban yang
Kinerja Anoda Korban Mesin Vol. 1, Serpong digunakan untuk memproteksi struktur baja karbon di
Paduan Aluminium No. 2, Oktober lingkungan air laut, yaitu paduan aluminium dan paduan
dengan Paduan Seng 1999: 89 - 99 seng. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari kinerja dua
dalam Lingkungan Air jenis anoda korban tersebut dengan melakukan uji
Laut/ Juliana Anggono; korosi galvanik dalam lingkungan pengganti air laut.
Soejono Tjitro Kinerja yang diukur adalah potensial proteksi, arus
galvanik, kapasitas anoda, efisiensi anoda, laju
konsumsi anoda, waktu induksi, dan pola korosi anoda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan anoda korban paduan
aluminium menghasilkan arus galvanik dan kapasitas
anoda yang lebih besar daripada paduan seng. Demikian
pula efisiensi paduan aluminium lebih baik dan laju
konsumsinya lebih rendah daripada paduan seng.
Dengan foto makro tampak bahwa pola korosi yang
terjadi pada kedua jenis paduan menunjukkan anoda
korban tidak terkorosi secara merata, melainkan
terjadinya korosi pitting pada permukaannya.
21 Penerapan sistem Lembaga Ilmu Metalurgi: 669.05 Met Utamakan selamat dalam suatu kegiatan produksi sudah
proteksi katodik pada Pengetahuan majalah ilmu merupakan suatu keharusan apalagi kegiatan produksi
konstruksi lepas pantai Indonesia. Pusat teknologi, yang beroperasi di daerah lepas pantai rawan terhadap
Penelitian 13(2) 1998: serangan korosi dan kecelakaan seperti halnya sarana
Metalurgi, 1998 63-67 konstruksi lepas pantai. Proteksi katodik adalah salah
satu teknik melindungi struktur logam dari kerusakan
akibat serangan korosi yang dapat diandalkan. Karena
dapat dimonitor setiap saat sesuai disain waktu proteksi
yang diperlukan tanpa harus mengganggu kegiatan
produksi. Dengan memonitor kondisi sarana produksi
secara berkala dan berkelanjutan akan sangat membantu
terhadap berlangsungnya kegiatan produksi dan
keselamatan kerja yang akan memotivasi pekerja
meningkatkan produksi untuk kepentingan bersama bagi
penanam modal, pelaku bisnis dan pekerja. (pengarang).
22 Cathodic protection Persatuan Elektro 621.305, Ele Salah satu masalah utama pada peralatan dan struktur
system Insinyur Indonesia, yang terbuat dari baja adalah korosi. Salah satu
Indonesia. Badan 2(10) 1996: pencegahan terhadap korosi yang terkenal adalah sistem
Kejuruan Listrik, NULL perlindungan katoda (Cathodic protection system).
1996 Dalam tulisan ini dibahas masalah prinsip-prinsip,
peralatan, survey, dan desain dari cathodic protection
system. Perlengkapan untuk cathodic protection adalah
transformer rectifier, anoda, kotak distribusi anoda,
kotak test, banding box, thermo weed, cathodic
protection multimeter, insulating flange, dan soil
resistivity meter.
23 Desain sistem proteksi Jurusan Teknik UPJ. PDII-LIPI Telah dilakukan desain sistem proteksi katodik metoda
katodik untuk struktur Material dan Serpong anoda tumbal (sacrificial anode) untuk struktur above
above ground storage Metalurgi, ground storage tanks dilingkungan pantai. Struktur yang
tanks di lingkungan FTI-ITS No. dilindungi adalah bagian alas (bottom part) tangki yang
pantai/ Sutarsis 978-979- bersentuhan langsung dengan pondasi/tanah.
18342-0-9:1-4 Karakteristik tangki yang dilindungi meliputi: Struktur
tangki terbuat dari material SA-285 grade C, diameter
tangki rata-rata 35.997 m, sistem pondasi adalah pasir
yang dipadatkan dan dilapisi oleh aspalt, dan bahan
yang disimpan dalam tangki adalah premium, avtur,
kerosin, lilin crude, solar , slop oil. Beberapa parameter
disain ditetapkan sebagai berikut; Rapat arus proteksi 20
mA/m2; Coating breakdown 10% (NACE Standard),
umur desain 20 tahun, dan kriteria potensial proteksi –
0.85 Volt Vs Cu/CuSO4 Ref. electrode cell. Dari hasil
survei resistivitas tanah didapatkan harga rata-rata
tahanan tanah sebesar 5000 Ω cm. Metoda anoda tumbal
(sacrifial anode) dipilih karena beberapa alasan sebagai
berikut: (1) faktor keamanan, (2) biaya maintenance
rendah dan relatif mudah, dan (3) tidak memerlukan
supply power dari luar karena cukup sulit
penyediaannya dilapangan. Dari hasil studi lapangan
dan beberapa parameter desain diatas didapatkan hasil
kalkulasi desain untuk sistem proteksi katodik metoda
anoda tumbal bottom part tangki penyimpang bahan
bakar sebagai berikut: Anoda tumbal yang dipilih adalah
Magnesium anode jenis High Potential Alloy (high
purity, high potential circuit -1,75 V vs Cu/CuSO4)
karena resistivitas tanahnya cukup tinggi (5000 Ω cm),
jumlah anoda per-tangki 51 buah (berat anoda @ 7.7
kg), jarak antar anoda sebesar 2.58 meter dan jarak
anoda dengan tangki sebesar 3 meter



1 Optimization the quantity, Ocean Engineering, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In order to improve corrosion protection effect of semi-
locations and output currents of 113 (-), 1 February Serpong submersible crane vessel (SSCV), 3-D boundary element
anodes to improve cathodic 2016: 144-150 method combined with automatic movement of anodes and
protection effect of semi- (7 halaman) adjustment of currents is developed to optimize anode
submersible crane vessel/ quantity, location and output current of impressed current
S.H. Xing, et al cathodic protection system for SSCV. Numerical simulation
results show that protection potential of SSCV is obviously
smoothed after optimization. The protection effect of SSCV in
four different states is also predicted and simulation results
indicate that SSCV is well protected in the whole service life
when the protective coating on hull is repainted every seven
years. Finally, challenges associated with cathodic protection
providing for marine engineering equipment are discussed.
2 Transient numerical model for Materials & Design, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection can strongly affect the chemical and
crevice corrosion of pipelines 89 (-), 5 January Serpong electrochemical characteristics of the solution under a
under disbonded coating with 2016: 196-204 disbonded coating. In this work, a transient mathematical
cathodic protection/ Xu Chen, et (9 halaman) model was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of cathodic
al protection on the pipeline steel under a disbonded coating, and
the mechanism of cathodic protection for preventing crevice
corrosion was discussed. The model includes the temporal
evolution of the potential of the steel, pH, oxygen
concentration, and conductivity of the solution within a
crevice. The implicit finite difference method was used to
solve the complex set of mass-transfer equations that describe
the system. The chemical and electrochemical processes
inside the crevice were numerically analyzed, and the results
were compared with those obtained from the experimental
data. The results showed that the dissolved oxygen inside the
crevice is rapidly consumed, thereby inhibiting oxygen
corrosion; the alkaline environment, which is generated by
oxygen reduction, results in the formation of a passivation
environment. The cathodic current gradually flows into the
crevice by overcoming the solution resistance, and the steel is
completely electrochemically protected. As the local-solution
environment changes as a function of time and distance,
various mechanisms may synergistically act to protect the
metal inside the crevice from corrosion.

3 Mathematical model for cathodic Journal of Taibah UPJ. PDII-LIPI The corrosion of steel tubes in sea water was controlled by
protection in a steel-saline water University for Serpong cathodic protection. The impressed current technique was
system/ Khalid W. Hameed, et al Science, 10, (1), used. The rate of reaction was evaluated as a function of the
January 2016: 64-69 temperature, pH and solution velocity. In this technique, the
(6 halaman) polarization method was used to determine the protection
potential and current. The rate of zinc consumption, the
protection potential, and the protection current are highly
dependent on the variables of the study. The boundary
element technique was suitable for modelling corrosion
problems. The average percentage of error among the
experimental and theoretical data was 1.27%.
4 Understanding the effectiveness of Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Factors affecting the effectiveness of cathodic protection
cathodic protection under 186(-), 20 December Serpong under disbonded coatings were studied using a partially
disbonded coatings/ F. Varela, et 2015: 377-390 covered two dimensional electrode array that simulates a
al (14 halaman) crevice under a disbonded coating and allows for the mapping
of electrochemical currents under the influence of cathodic
protection (CP). This technique enabled the study of the
effects of major factors, including crevice gap size, solution
conductivity and applied CP potential on the distribution and
evolution of CP currents over the electrode array surface. The
effect of each of these factors on the overall current
distribution profile has been explained using a new
electrochemical model. This model suggests that, despite the
detrimental effect of cathodic shielding, the steel under
disbonded areas could still be protected, independent of the
crevice geometry and solution resistivity, by means of
concentration polarization instead of direct electrochemical
polarization. A set of conditions for maintaining CP potentials
more negative than −850 mVCSE along disbonded coating
areas was deduced from the proposed model and validated
against potential profiles available in the literature. The
possible practical implications of the current mapping
technique used in this study for developing in-situ CP
monitoring sensors has also been discussed.

5 Base material fatigue data for low International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI In air S–N fatigue data for forged low alloy steels as used in
alloy forged steels used in the of Fatigue, 80 (-), Serpong the subsea industry are presented in Part 1 of this paper. The
subsea industry. Part 2: Effect of November 2015: test scope in Part 1 included testing to quantify the effect of
cathodic protection/ Anders 496-508 the surface roughness, mean stress and material strength on
Wormsen, et al (13 halaman) the high cycle fatigue strength of low alloy steels with a
tensile strength in the range of 600–800 MPa. A method for
estimating the in air S–N curve from the tensile strength
(material grade), surface roughness (machining) and mean
stress (such as residual stresses, pressure testing, pre-load and
external loads) is presented in Part 1. In this Part 2, fatigue
test results for low alloy steels and one carbon steel tested in
seawater with cathodic protection with a potential of
−1050 mV versus an Ag/AgCl reference electrode are
presented. The fatigue testing has been performed using
smooth specimens. The tested smooth specimens have (actual)
tensile strengths in the range from 627 to 790 MPa. Penalty
factors for the tested smooth specimens in seawater with
cathodic protection with respect to in air performance (Part 1)
are presented and compared with penalty factors used in
fatigue design codes such as DNVGL-RP-0005 (former DNV-
RP-C203) and BS 7608. The obtained environmental
reduction factors are found to be in accordance with the
penalty factors used in BS 7608 provided that the maximum
stress in the cycle is less than 94% of the yield stress for the
material. The penalty factors used for forged steels in
DNVGL-RP-0005 are non-conservative compared to the test
outcome for the steel tested in an artificial 3.5% NaCl
seawater solution. For higher stress levels, larger penalty
factors than used in BS 7608 are required. It is found that the
obtained S–N based environmental reduction factors are of
similar magnitude as BS 7910 fatigue crack growth based
reduction factors for CP.
6 Study of cathodic protection Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, the cathodic protection (CP) shielding behavior
shielding under coating 99 (-), October 2015: Serpong of pipeline coatings, i.e., high density polyethylene (HDPE)
disbondment on pipelines/ Da 249-257 and fusion bonded epoxy (FBE), was investigated. While the
Kuang, et al (9 halaman) HDPE is a CP-shielding coating, the FBE is permeable to CP.
The structure of HDPE does not change upon CP permeating
test, and water molecules are not absorbed into the coating.
Conversely, there are obvious changes of the functional
groups in FBE. Water uptakes into the coating occur
continuously with time. The CP permeation through FBE
coating is time dependent. A more negative CP potential level
enhances the CP permeation.
7 Influence of soil moisture on the Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Carbon steel coupons buried in a sand soil with various
residual corrosion rates of buried 176 (-), 10 Serpong moisture conditions were left at open circuit potential during
carbon steel structures under September 2015: 14-17 days before to be subjected to cathodic protection for
cathodic protection/ D. Nguyen 1410-1419 78–90 days. Voltammetry was used to follow the corrosion
Dang, et al (10 halaman) rate with time. The residual corrosion rate under cathodic
protection was estimated via a mathematical adjustment of the
polarization curves with a theoretical kinetic law, which
allows the determination of the anodic part of the current. The
ohmic drop was corrected after measurement of soil resistance
with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. At open circuit
potential, a link between soil resistance and corrosion rate
revealed that these two parameters were mainly influenced by
the active area of the coupon. Thus, the various measured
corrosion rates (from 40 to 400 μm yr−1) mainly reflect
variations of the active area. Under cathodic protection, the
active area increases and the residual corrosion rates tend to a
unique value for all coupons. Average corrosion rates deduced
from voltammetry were consistent with weight loss
measurements. Analysis of the products formed on the
coupons illustrated the influence of aeration and water
content. The predominant compound was α-FeOOH in the
25%/saturation soil, carbonate green rust in the saturated soil.
8 Efficiency of a conductive Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI This article describes the research carried out regarding the
cement-based anodic system for 96 (-), July 2015: Serpong application of cathodic protection (CP) and cathodic
the application of cathodic 102-111 prevention (CPrev), in some cases with a pre-treatment of
protection, cathodic prevention (10 halaman) electrochemical chloride extraction (ECE), on representative
and electrochemical chloride specimens of reinforced concrete structures, using an anodic
extraction to control corrosion in system consisting of a graphite–cement paste applied as a
reinforced concrete structures/ coating on the surface. The aim of this research is to find out
J. Carmona ,et al the competence of this anode for the aforementioned
electrochemical treatments. The efficiency of this anode has
been clearly demonstrated, as well as its capability to apply a
combined process of ECE and after CP.
9 Enhanced photoelectrochemical Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, a H2O2-treated indium oxide (In2O3)
cathodic protection performance Coatings Serpong semiconductor material was prepared. The
of H2O2-treated In2O3 thin-film Technology, 266 (-), photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance and the
photoelectrode under visible light/ 25 March photoelectrochemical behaviors of the H2O2-treated In2O3
Mengmeng Sun, et al 2015: 79-87 were investigated. Under visible light illumination, the H2O2-
(9 halaman) treated In2O3 exhibits enhanced photoelectrochemical
conversion efficiency (the photoinduced current density was
increased by approximately 50%) and enhanced
photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance (the
photoinduced cathodic protection current density was
increased by approximately 81.8%). The concentrations of
adsorbed oxygen and oxygen vacancy in In2O3 were increased
after H2O2 treatment, resulting in the enhancement of visible
light absorption activity of the H2O2-treated In2O3. With the
increase of the concentration of oxygen vacancy, the Fermi
level of In2O3 negatively shifts, which promotes the
photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance of the
H2O2-treated In2O3. The increased surface adsorbed oxygen
groups is beneficial for capturing the photoinduced electrons,
resulting in the promotion of the separation efficiency of the
photogenerated electron–hole pairs and the electron transfer
capability, and hence leading to the increase of the
photoelectrochemical cathodic protection performance of the
H2O2-treated In2O3.
10 Photogenerated cathodic protec- Materials Letters, UPJ. PDII-LIPI ZnSe/TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) serving as photoanodes for
tion of 304ss by ZnSe/TiO2 NTs 143 (-), 15 March Serpong cathodic protection application were fabricated by cyclic
under visible light/ Liang Zhang, 2015: 116-119 voltammetry electrodeposition. The different cycles in
et al (4 halaman) deposition were studied for the effect of the protection of
304ss, and this composite material was compared with pure
TiO2 in cathodic protection property. The ZnSe/TiO2 NTs
were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-
ray diffraction. The performance of protection for 304ss was
examined using open-circuit potential (OCP) and Tafel
polarization curves. Results indicated that under visible-light
illumination, the OCP of 304ss coupled with ZnSe/TiO2 NTs
shifted to a more negative value than that when it was coupled
with pure TiO2. Moreover, the optimum photogenerated
cathodic protection property was achieved after 40 cycles of
11 Enhanced photoelectrochemical Journal of Alloys UPJ. PDII-LIPI Carbon nitride@Indium oxide (C3N4@In2O3) composite with
cathodic protection performance and Compounds, Serpong quasi-shell–core structure was successfully prepared in this
of the C3N4@In2O3 nanocompo- 618 (-), 5 January work. The photoinduced open circuit potential and current
site with quasi-shell–core 2015: 734-741 density results show that the C3N4@In2O3 composite with
structure under visible light/ (8 halaman) quasi-shell–core structure could provide the optimal
Mengmeng Sun, et al photoelectrochemical cathodic protection capability for 304
stainless steel under visible light when the adding amount of
C3N4 in the C3N4@In2O3 composite is 3 wt%. The light
absorption capability of the C3N4@In2O3 composite was
enhanced due to the synergistic effect of heterojunction
structure. According to the HRTEM images, photoinduced
Volt–Ampere characteristic curves and electrochemical
impedance spectra, the ultrathin coating layer of C 3N4 on the
surface of In2O3 helps to form a heterojunction electric field at
the interface between C3N4 and In2O3, which enhances the
separation efficiency of the photogenerated electron–hole
pairs. Excessive C3N4 will decline the photoelectrochemical
cathodic protection of this composite due to the lower intrinsic
electronic mobility and the lower photoelectric conversion
property of C3N4.
12 Corrosion and cathodic protection Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Carbon steel coupons were set in the tidal zone of a French
of carbon steel in the tidal zone: 90 (-), January 2015: Serpong seaport for 7 years with or without cathodic protection. The
Products, mechanisms and 375-382 average corrosion rates decreased from 90 μm yr−1 to
kinetics/ Ph. Refait, et al (8 halaman) 9 μm yr−1 under cathodic protection. The corrosion product
layers covering the unprotected coupons, characterized by
Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, were mainly made
up of magnetite and Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, with magnetite
being clearly predominant. The products of the residual
corrosion process under cathodic protection, similar to those
observed at open circuit potential, formed a thin layer on the
steel surface under the calcareous deposit.
13 A new approach on Journal of Loss UPJ. PDII-LIPI The aim of this paper is to suggest an effective procedure to
troubleshooting of cathodic Prevention in the Serpong eliminate a major deficiency in impressed current cathodic
protection: A case study/ Process Industries, protection (CP). Current work describes performed activities
M.H. Allahyarzadeh, et al 33 (-), January through jetty cathodic protection troubleshooting as a case
2015: 124-128 study. Although CP troubleshooting is straightforward,
(5 halaman) sometimes it is very complicated and confusing. To eliminate
the appeared imperfection, different procedures were carried
out; the root cause of the trouble in the system was shown to
be in reversed current. Here the current which passed
throughout installed junction were measured to survey
reversed current. Current work offers a new approach in CP
14 Light-weight cementitious Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper presents the results of a study of the effectiveness
conductive anode for impressed Building Materials, Serpong of lightweight conductive cementitious mortar as an anode
current cathodic protection of 71 (-), 30 November material for impressed current cathodic protection of concrete
steel reinforced concrete 2014: 167-180 structures. The anode is made up of pumice aggregate (fine),
application/ Mochammad Syaiful (14 halaman) carbon fibres and cement with MMO-Ti as a primary anode.
Anwar, et al Accelerated galvanic test, conductivity measurement, dry
density and compressive strength were carried out and
compared with the cement mortar without fibres. Results have
shown that the mortar at 20–30% replacement level of pumice
aggregate with 1.1% carbon fibre content is a percolation
threshold at which highest conductivity of 0.2 S/cm is
achieved. The weight of the anode was found to have reduced
to half of the weight of the conventional anodes. Polarisation
and impedance studies confirmed the possible use of this
material as an anode in cathodic protection of reinforced
concrete structures.

15 Photo-generated cathodic Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, electrophoretic deposition (EPD) was employed
protection performance of Coatings Serpong to deposit TiO2 nanoparticles and graphene nanoplatelets
electrophoretically Co-deposited Technology, 258 (-), composite films onto stainless steel in order to fabricate a
layers of TiO2 nanoparticles and 15 November 2014: photo-generated cathodic protection layer. The colloidal
graphene nanoplatelets on steel 62-71. (10 halaman) suspension used for the EPD was characterized by the
substrate/ Ji Hoon Park, et al measurement of the zeta-potential of the solution using a
dispersion optical analyzer. The surface morphology of the
EPD layers was investigated using scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), and the relative composition of the EPD
layer was estimated from the peak intensities using an X-ray
diffractometer (XRD) with the distinct peak at 2θ = 26.5°.
Moreover, the photo-generated cathodic protection abilities
were characterized by measuring the open circuit potential
(OCP) and the transient photo-generated current density
response from the TiO2-graphene co-deposited samples with
and without exposure to UV light. The TiO2-graphene EPD
layer was found to be uniform, with no noticeable particle
homo-aggregation. As a result of the OCP measurement, it
was verified that the EPD layers efficiently provided photo-
generated cathodic protection to the stainless steel because the
potential of the photo-stimulated EPD layers was more
negative than the corrosion potential of the stainless steel.
When 10 wt.% graphene (vs. TiO2 nanoparticles) was used in
the EPD layer, the generated photo-current increased
significantly from 0.08 μA∙cm− 2 to approximately
0.15 mA∙cm− 2 due to the efficient separation of the electron-
hole pairs and the increased electron conductivity of the EPD
film. However, it was found that the excessive incorporation
of graphene nanoplatelets can impede the photocatalytic
activation of the TiO2 by reducing its light absorption
intensity in the UV range.
16 Method of sacrificial anode Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A magnesium anode driving system has been proposed. A
transistor-driving in cathodic 88 (-), November Serpong PNP driving transistor has been used. Electrochemical testing
protection system/ M. Narozny, et 2014: 275-279 in 3%NaCl, results and comparison of the driving system and
al (5 halaman) classic direct anode to cathode connection are presented. The
driving system reduced the protection current and stabilized
the working conditions of the anode. Higher anode efficiency
was achieved. Overprotection and hydrogen embrittlement
threats were prevented and the potential of the cathode met
the protection criterion. The expected anode operating time
has been prolonged.
17 Interface control of atomic layer Materials Chemistry UPJ. PDII-LIPI Sublayers grown with filtered cathodic arc deposition (FCAD)
deposited oxide coatings by and Physics, 147 Serpong were added under atomic layer deposited (ALD) oxide
filtered cathodic arc deposited (3), 15 October coatings for interface control and improved corrosion
sublayers for improved corrosion 2014: 895-907 protection of low alloy steel. The FCAD sublayer was either
protection/ Emma Härkönen, et al (13 halaman) Ta:O or Cr:O–Ta:O nanolaminate, and the ALD layer was
Al2O3–Ta2O5 nanolaminate, AlxTayOz mixture or graded
mixture. The total thicknesses of the FCAD/ALD duplex
coatings were between 65 and 120 nm. Thorough analysis of
the coatings was conducted to gain insight into the influence
of the FCAD sublayer on the overall coating performance.
Similar characteristics as with single FCAD and ALD
coatings on steel were found in the morphology and
composition of the duplex coatings. However, the FCAD
process allowed better control of the interface with the steel
by reducing the native oxide and preventing its regrowth
during the initial stages of the ALD process. Residual
hydrocarbon impurities were buried in the interface between
the FCAD layer and steel. This enabled growth of ALD layers
with improved electrochemical sealing properties, inhibiting
the development of localized corrosion by pitting during
immersion in acidic NaCl and enhancing durability in neutral
salt spray testing.
18 Optimal positioning of anodes and Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI The method of fundamental solutions (MFS) is used for the
virtual sources in the design of Analysis with Serpong solution of Laplace‫׳‬s equation, with nonlinear boundary
cathodic protection systems using Boundary Elements, conditions, aiming at analyzing cathodic protection systems.
the method of fundamental 46 (-), September In the MFS procedure, it is necessary to determine the
solutions/ W.J. Santos, et al 2014: 67-74 intensities and the distribution of the virtual sources so that
(8 halaman) the boundary conditions of the problem are satisfied. The
metallic surfaces, in contact with the electrolyte, to be
protected, are characterized by a nonlinear relationship
between the electrochemical potential and current density,
called cathodic polarization curve. Thus, the calculation of the
intensities of the virtual sources entails a nonlinear least
squares problem. Here, the MINPACK routine LMDIF is
adopted to minimize the resulting nonlinear objective function
whose design variables are the coefficients of the linear
superposition of fundamental solutions and the positions of
the virtual sources outside the problem domain. First,
examples are presented to validate the standard MFS
formulation as applied in the simulation of cathodic protection
systems, comparing the results with a direct boundary element
(BEM) solution procedure. Second, a MFS methodology is
presented, coupled with a genetic algorithm (GA), for the
optimization of anode positioning and their respective current
intensity values. All simulations are performed considering
finite regions in R2.
19 Cathodic protection: A new Synthetic Metals, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection, a conventional technique of protecting
strategy to enable the formation of 195 (-), September Serpong metal from corrosion, was used to enable the formation of
nanostructured polypyrrole on 2014: 97-101 polypyrrole (PPy) film on biodegradable metal magnesium
magnesium/ Xin Cui, et al (5 halaman) (Mg). The formation procedure was as follows: first, Mg
corrosion was suppressed by applying a negative potential to
the Mg cathode; second, oxidant nitrosyl ion (NO +) was
generated on Mg surface through a redox reaction that
obtained electron from Mg; third, pyrrole was oxidized to
polypyrrole on Mg by NO+. It was interesting to observe that
the formed PPy exhibited porous nanostructured morphology.
Subsequent corrosion tests showed that the PPy coating could
slow down the Mg corrosion in physiological saline, but could
not stop corrosion completely, which was especially useful for
a coating material of biodegradable metal implants.
20 Experimental studies of crevice Journal of Loss UPJ. PDII-LIPI Numerous fire and explosion accidents have occurred because
corrosion for buried pipeline with Prevention in the Serpong of pipeline ruptures through the corrosion area. Coatings
disbonded coatings under cathodic Process Industries, under cathodic protection (CP) have been recognized to
protection/ Wenhe Wang, et al 29 (-), May 2014: prevent/mitigate potential pipeline corrosion. In this work, a
163-169 wedge-shaped crevice assembly was developed to study the
(7 halaman) effect of cathodic protection on corrosion of 20# steel pipeline
with disbanded coatings. Polarization potential, current
density, solution pH value, and dissolved oxygen
concentration were measured by using the simulation of
crevice area with disbonded coatings. Results have
demonstrated that CP cannot reach the crevice bottom which
reduces the effectiveness of corrosion protection. This
effectiveness depends on the crevice geometry and could be
improved with the increase of crevice length and decrease of
its mouth size. A potential difference always exists between
the mouth area and inside crevice. The oxygen concentrations
drop significantly inside crevice whether CP is applied or not.
The solution pH values inside crevice increase with the time.
The solution pH values are higher when the applied CP
potentials are more negative. According to the experiments,
the effectiveness of cathodic protection could also be
improved through enhancement of the local solution
alkalinity. The research provides necessary information to
prevent potential pipeline ruptures due to crevice corrosion
and therefore mitigate potential losses for oil and gas
transportation in the process industries.
21 Service life and life cycle cost Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) of reinforcing steel has been applied
modelling of cathodic protection Concrete Serpong successfully to concrete structures with corrosion damage for
systems for concrete structures/ Composites, 47 (-), more than 25 years. Performance and maintenance data are
Rob B. Polder, et al March reported from an inventory of CP systems in The Netherlands
2014: 69-74 installed on about 100 structures between 1987 and 2010. The
(6 halaman) large majority provides corrosion protection for a long time.
Degradation of components and overall systems seems to
occur in limited numbers. Failure of components and total
systems as a function of age is quantified. On the average, the
time until minor repairs of parts is necessary is about 15 years.
Global failure of the anode, which necessitates near complete
replacement of the system, is rare. Based on the statistical
analysis of field data, the cost of maintaining a CP system is
predicted using a life cycle cost model.
22 Experimental and numerical Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, the effectiveness of cathodic protection (CP) at
studies of effectiveness of 78 (-), January 2014: Serpong corrosion defects on an X100 steel pipeline was investigated
cathodic protection at corrosion 162-171 both experimentally and numerically. A finite element model
defects on pipelines/ L.Y. Xu, et al (10 halaman) was developed to simulate distributions of local potential and
anodic/cathodic current density inside the defect. Results
demonstrated that there is a non-uniform potential and current
distribution at corrosion defects. The CP is shielded, at least
partially, at the defect, especially at its bottom. This effect is
enhanced with increasing depth and decreasing width of the
defect. Empirical equations are derived to enable calculation
of CP effectiveness at corrosion defects, providing industry
recommendations for accurate assessment of further corrosion
allowance and remaining life of pipelines in the field.
23 Electrophoretic deposition of Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Electrophoretic deposition (EPD) was employed to deposit
nano-ceramics for the photo- Coatings Serpong crystalline TiO2/WO3 nanoparticles onto stainless steel to
generated cathodic corrosion Technology, 236 (-), fabricate a photo-generated cathodic protection layer. The
protection of steel substrates/ 15 December 2013: electrophoretic mobility of the colloidal particles was
Ji Hoon Park, et al 172-181 determined by measuring the zeta-potential of the particles in
(10 halaman) the suspension. The surface morphology of the EPD layers
was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and
the composition of the EPD layer was determined from the
peak intensity using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD).
Furthermore, the open circuit potential (OCP) of the TiO 2–
WO3-deposited sample was measured under UV irradiation to
evaluate the photo-generated cathodic protection ability of the
EPD layers on stainless steel. Through the zeta-potential
measurement, it was verified that the TiO2 particle was
effectively charged by phosphoric acid di-butyl ester in iso-
propanol, but the WO3 particle was slightly negatively
charged because of the different zero point of charge.
However, TiO2 and WO3 particles were deposited
simultaneously via an EPD process at the same rate despite
their different electrophoretic mobilities in the suspension.
The TiO2–WO3 co-deposited layer was uniformly deposited,
and no noticeable homo-aggregation of the same type of
particle was observed. Using the OCP measurement, it was
also found that stainless steel was cathodically protected from
corrosion by UV light irradiation because the potential of the
photo-stimulated EPD layers was more negative than the
corrosion potential of stainless steel. Because the WO 3
contents in the EPD layer were increased, the time of potential
recovery was gradually delayed. Moreover, the addition of
binders enhanced the adhesion strength between the metal and
the layer that hindered the delamination and improved the
cathodic protection performance. The potential recovery time
of the EPD sample containing 40% TiO2–60% WO3 was
approximately 6 h after 3 h of light irradiation, which implied
that the steel was cathodically protected for 6 h in dark
24 Estimation of residual corrosion Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Steel coupons were buried in soil for 2 months under cathodic
rates of steel under cathodic 73 (-), August 2013: Serpong protection. Their residual corrosion rates were deduced from
protection in soils via 222-229 voltammetry and weight loss measurements. In aerated soils,
voltammetry/ M. Barbalat, et al (8 halaman) the current density due to O2 reduction, jK,O2, was modelled
with a mixed activation–diffusion controlled kinetic. The
anodic part jA of the current density j, computed as
jA = j − jK,O2, obeyed Tafel law. Its extrapolation to the
protection potential gave a corrosion rate (∼7 μm yr−1)
consistent with that obtained from weight loss measurements.
With a deficient protection, corrosion rates remained at
∼80 μm yr−1, a value given by both methods.
25 Application of cathodic protection Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper examines the effect of macrocell corrosion on the
for controlling macrocell Building Materials, Serpong current distribution in cathodic protection. The
corrosion in chloride 45 (-), August 2013: electrochemical corrosion process involved in typical
contaminated RC structures/ 199-207 chloride-induced steel corrosion is numerically simulated by
Moe M.S. Cheung, et al (9 halaman) employing the finite element method. The modeling results
show that the protection current tends to flow into the more
positive cathodes (passive zone) and reduces the galvanic
macrocell current between the active and passive steel.
Macrocell corrosion may also increase the non-uniformity of
cathodic protection around the steel–concrete interface. Patch
repairs containing zinc sacrificial anodes have been found to
be rather effective in inhibiting the ring-anode macrocell
corrosion effect around the substrate–patch interface.
26 Electrochemical formation and Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Carbon steel coupons were permanently exposed to seawater
transformation of corrosion 71 (-), June 2013: Serpong in the low water zone of two French harbors for 5 years before
products on carbon steel under 32-36. (5 halaman) to be subjected to cathodic protection (potential about −0.95 V
cathodic protection in seawater/ vs. Ag/AgCl/seawater) for 1 year. The application of cathodic
Ph. Refait, et al polarization to the previously unprotected coupons induced
the transformation of GR( SO42-) into GR( CO32).
Other coupons were permanently protected by cathodic
protection during the 6 years immersion. A thin film of green
rust and mackinawite was observed on the steel surface. This
film was covered by a thicker layer of calcareous deposits.
27 The effects of zinc ions on the Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI This work aimed to address the issues that arise when
performance of epoxy coated mild Coatings, 76 (4), Serpong cathodic protection is applied to a coated structure. The use of
steel under cathodic protection April 2013: 548-554 zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a corrosion inhibitor was suggested;
(CP)/ Elsadig O. Eltai, et al (7 halaman) the idea was to bridge the weakly cross linked areas on the
coating by depositing a film of zinc compounds in order to
seal them from the corrosive environment. It was shown that
the addition of 300 ppm ZnCl2 to 0.6 M KCl has an impact on
the performance of the coating under the two different levels
of potential that were used (−0.78 V and −1.1 V SCE) by
maintaining the resistance of the coating above the border line
between fair and poor coating for a period of 35 days; this was
attributed to the deposition of zinc oxide (ZnO) at the base of
the weakly cross linked areas. EDAX examination has
confirmed the presence of zinc ions on the metal surface after
immersion; this result was supported by the detection of ZnO
using XRD technique.
28 Photogenerated cathodic Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Sodium polyacrylate/TiO2 hybrid films that served as
protection of stainless steel by 68 (-), March 2013: Serpong photoanodes for cathodic protection application were prepared
liquid-phase-deposited sodium 214-222 by liquid phase deposition. Under white-light illumination, the
polyacrylate/TiO2 hybrid films/ (9 halaman) open-circuit potential of the hybrid films coupled with
Caixia Lei, et al SUS304 stainless steel could shift to a more negative value
and offer an effective photogenerated cathodic protection for
stainless steel. Moreover, the hybrid films also exhibited
stronger photocurrents in both the ultraviolet-light and visible-
light regions compared to that of control TiO2 films. In
summary, the addition of sodium polyacrylate could greatly
improve the photogenerated cathodic protection properties of
the liquid-phase-deposited TiO2 films.
29 Tantalum oxide nanocoatings Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A comparative study by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ions Mass
prepared by atomic layer and 90 (-), 15 February Serpong Spectrometry and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, i–E
filtered cathodic arc deposition for 2013: 232-245 polarization curves and Electrochemical Impedance
corrosion protection of steel: (14 halaman) Spectroscopy of the corrosion protection of low alloy steel by
Comparative surface and 50 nm thick tantalum oxide coatings prepared by low
electrochemical analysis/ temperature Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and Filtered
Belén Díaz, et al Cathodic Arc Deposition (FCAD) is reported. The data
evidence the presence of a spurious oxide layer mostly
consisting of iron grown by transient thermal oxidation at the
ALD film/substrate interface in the initial stages of deposition
and its suppression by pre-treatment in the FCAD process.
Carbonaceous contamination (organic and carbidic) resulting
from incomplete removal of the organic precursor is the major
cause of the poorer sealing properties of the ALD film. No
coating dissolution is demonstrated in neutral or acid 0.2 M
NaCl solutions. In acid solution localized corrosion by pitting
proceeds faster with the ALD than with the FCAD coating.
The roles of the pre-existing channel defects exposing the
substrate surface and of the spurious interfacial oxide
promoting coating breakdown and/or delamination are
30 Throwing power of localised Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Advantages of cathodic protection, such as the possibility of
anodes for the cathodic protection Building Materials, Serpong preserving non-protective concrete and of reducing the
of slender carbonated concrete 39 (-), February invasiveness of the repair intervention, could be further
elements in atmospheric 2013: 95-104 improved by using small localised anodes, that do not affect
conditions/ Elena Redaelli, et al (10 halaman) the shape and surface of the element. However, the
effectiveness of localised anodes needs to be verified, in
particular in relation to current distribution issues that may be
critical in slender and carbonated elements exposed to
atmospheric conditions. This paper presents experimental
results obtained on a real-size specimen aimed at investigating
the possibility of using localised anodes (either with
impressed current or galvanic) to protect steel in slender
carbonated elements.
31 The selection and use of cathodic Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) is an electrochemical repair
protection systems for the repair Building Materials, Serpong technique that has increasingly been used for the repair of
of reinforced concrete structures/ 39 (-), February reinforced concrete structures in the UK and worldwide.
Keir Wilson, et al 2013: 19-25 Cathodic protection generally works by the passing of a small
(7 halaman) electrical current from the anode to the corroding steel
reinforcement thereby protecting it from further deterioration
by increasing the hydroxyl ions locally. This paper has looked
at the advantages and disadvantages of using the two types of
cathodic protection systems, namely sacrificial anode and
impressed current CP, and highlighted some of the design
considerations and challenges faced on a number of case
histories that Mouchel have undertaken. From our experience
the decision whether to use an impressed current CP system or
a sacrificial anode CP system is influenced by a number of
factors including but not limited to the condition (the level
and extent of deterioration) of the structure, the client’s
budget and the anticipated life expectancy of the structure
following the repairs. Experience at Mouchel indicates that
the circumstances where SACP is most suitable includes small
and targeted repairs, repairs where budget costs are limited
and repairs where the life expectancy is anticipated to be
around 10 years. On the other hand, ICCP is generally used to
address significant corrosion problems to large structures and
surface areas, where life expectancy is expected to be more
than 25 years and where access and traffic management are
challenging and very costly.
32 Effect of alternating current on Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, the effects of alternating current (AC) on the
cathodic protection on pipelines/ 66 (-), January 2013: Serpong performance of cathodic protection (CP) and the CP potential
L.Y. Xu, et al 263-268 readings were investigated on a 16Mn pipeline steel in a
(6 halaman) simulated soil solution. The presence of AC interference
decreases the CP effectiveness to protect the steel from
corrosion. Only when CP potential is sufficiently negative, the
steel is under a complete protection even when the AC current
density is 400 A/m2. Moreover, the AC would shift CP
potential from the designed value. The effect of AC on the CP
performance depends on the cathodic potential applied on the
33 Self-assembly of ordered Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, the ordered mesoporous TiO2 thin films that
mesoporous TiO2 thin films as 87 (-), 1 January Serpong served as photoanodes for cathodic protection of SUS304
photoanodes for cathodic 2013: 245-249 stainless steel (304SS) were prepared through the sol–gel and
protection of stainless steel/ (5 halaman) evaporation-induced self-assembly method. The as-prepared
Cai-Xia Lei, et al TiO2 thin films were calcined at 350 °C and 500 °C, and then
characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the
small-angle X-ray diffraction (SAXD) as well as the wide-
angle X-ray powder diffraction (WAXD). Moreover, the
photoelectrochemical properties of the mesoporous TiO2 thin
films such as the open circuit potential (OCP), the
photocurrent spectra as well as the Tafel polarization curves
were also measured. The results showed that the more
negative photopotential was observed for the mesoporous
TiO2 films compared to the TiO2 films without mesoporous
structures. Besides, the mesoporous TiO2 films calcined at
500 °C exhibited the more negative photopotential and larger
photocurrent than that calcined at 350 °C. In conclusion, the
mesoporous TiO2 films could provide the effective
photogenerated cathodic protection for 304SS.
34 Effect of liquid-phase-deposited Journal of Alloys UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, the TiO2 films were prepared at different
parameters on the photogenerated and Compounds, Serpong deposition parameters by the liquid phase deposition (LPD)
cathodic protection properties of 542 (-), 25 method. The photoelectrochemical properties of the LPD-
TiO2 films/ C.X. Lei, et al November 2012: derived TiO2 films such as the open circuit potential (OCP)
164-169 and the photocurrent spectra were also investigated. The
(6 halaman) results showed that the liquid-phase-deposited parameters had
a significant influence on the photogenerated cathodic
protection properties of the LPD-derived TiO2 films. It was
observed that the most effective photogenerated cathodic
protection for type 304 stainless steel (304SS) could be
achieved when the TiO2 films were prepared from the
solutions containing 0.03 M (NH4)2TiF6 and 0.09 M H3BO3
with the pH value of 2.90 at 80° C for 3 h.
35 The effects of different ionic Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI The effects of the migration of sodium, calcium, and
migration on the performance of Coatings, 75, Serpong potassium ions through epoxy coated mild steel was
intact unpigmented epoxy coated (1–2), September– investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
mild steel under cathodic October 2012: 79-85 (EIS), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX), and
protection/ Elsadig O. Eltai, et al (7 halaman) visual inspection. It has been demonstrated that the
application of cathodic protection (CP) has affected the
protective properties of the coating in all immersion
conditions. It has also demonstrated that CP application
influenced water penetration, and the mobility of Na +, Ca2+,
and K+ cations through the coating. The migration of these
cations was shown to increase in the order Ca 2+ < Na+ < K+.
The deterioration of the coating was found to increase in the
same order. A correlation was found between the mobility of
the hydrated cations through the coating and the performance
of the coating.
36 Chromium and tantalum oxide Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Combined analysis by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass
nanocoatings prepared by filtered Coatings Serpong Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
cathodic arc deposition for Technology, 206 (XPS), polarization curves and Electrochemical Impedance
corrosion protection of carbon (19–20), 25 May Spectroscopy (EIS) of the relation between chemical
steel/ Belén Díaz, et al 2012: 3903-3910 architecture of thin (10 and 50 nm) chromium and tantalum
(8 halaman) oxide coatings grown by filtered cathodic arc deposition
(FCAD) on carbon steel and their corrosion protection
properties is reported. Pre-etching in the deposition process
allows reducing the substrate native oxide layer to traces of
iron oxide. A carbidic interlayer is then formed by reaction
between the first deposited metallic particles and the residual
carbon surface contamination of the alloy. The bulk coatings
mostly consist of Cr2O3 or Ta2O5 with no in-depth variation of
the stoichiometry. Surface and bulk of the coatings are
contaminated by hydroxyl and organic groups. The 50 nm
coating has a relatively large porosity assigned to a columnar
growth preventing good sealing at grain boundaries. The
duplex structure (Ta/Ta–C) of the carbidic interlayer promotes
a less defective growth of tantalum oxide than the single Cr–C
interlayer for chromium oxide, thereby improving the sealing
properties. The dielectric constants suggest poor insulating
properties in line with a defective and porous nanostructure of
the coatings. No dissolution was observed for both oxide
nanocoatings in neutral 0.2 M NaCl. Penetration of the
electrolyte and access to the interface with the carbon steel
surface cause the dissolution of the Cr–C interlayer, but not
that of the Ta/Ta–C interlayer, and a more rapid initiation of
localized corrosion.
37 Crack analysis in thermite Nuclear Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI For protection of steel pipes that are exposed to corrosion,
welding of cathodic protection/ and Design, 246 (-), Serpong cathodic protection is commonly used. Joint between steel
Marjan Suban, et al May 2012: 123-127 surface and copper conductor is done by thermite welding.
(5 halaman) During the welding process and due to the nature of it, steel
surface in the solid state comes in contact with liquid copper.
Contact of steel with liquid metal (copper, zinc) in some cases
cause phenomenon known as the liquid–metal embrittlement
or LME. Phenomenon was previously studied in cases such as
soldering or hot-dip galvanizing but for thermite welding no
records were found in accessible literature. The purpose of
this paper is to draw attention to some irregularities and
consequences arising from it, which in this type of welding
can occur. At the end of article some measures to reduce these
risks are given.
38 Visible-light-driven photogenera- Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The liquid-phase-deposition (LPD) method was developed to
ted cathodic protection of stainless 68 (-), 30 April Serpong prepare N–F-codoped TiO2 films that served as photoanodes
steel by liquid-phase-deposited 2012: 134-140 for the cathodic protection of SUS304 stainless steel (304SS).
TiO2 films/ Cai-Xia Lei, et al (7 halaman) The as-prepared LPD-TiO2 films were characterized by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
Photoelectrochemical properties, such as open-circuit
potential (OCP), photocurrent spectra, Tafel polarization
curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of
the LPD-TiO2 films, were also measured. The results indicate
that the LPD-TiO2 films showed a visible-light response in the
wavelength range of 600–750 nm. The photocurrent
intensities in both the ultraviolet (UV)-light and visible-light
regions were enhanced as the heat treatment (HT) temperature
increased. However, the as-prepared LPD-TiO2 films
exhibited the most negative photopotential under both visible-
light and white-light illumination. In conclusion, the as-
prepared LPD-TiO2 films would provide the most effective
photogenerated cathodic protection of 304SS.
39 Utilization of cathodic protection Renewable Energy, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this study, we analyzed the application of photovoltaic
for transmission towers through 40 (1), April 2012: Serpong solar energy as a source of cathodic protection in metallic
photovoltaic generation/ 150-156 structures foundations on transmission lines towers. As
C. Tiba, et al (7 halaman) preliminary studies concerning the need for cathodic
protection of the structure, we have measured the resistivity of
the soil, the pH and the natural corrosion potential. After the
verification of the need for protection against corrosion, the
cathodic protection system (CPS) was designed calculating
the current to be injected, the PV system and a monitoring
system. For analyzing the efficacy of the CPS, a comparison
was made between the measurements done in two towers very
close to each other, one with a CPS and the other acting as a
witness. By comparing the loss in masses of the carbon steel
coupons installed around the base of both towers and the
measurements of the potentials reached due to the injected
current, the efficacy of this system was experimentally
demonstrated. In the protected tower, the rate of mass loss
experienced a decrease by a factor equal to 2.5. Finally, the
economical analysis using the LCC, showed that the usage of
CPS has a significant and clear advantage regarding
traditional methods.
40 Liquid phase deposition (LPD) of Journal of Alloys UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, the liquid phase deposition (LPD) technique was
TiO2 thin films as photoanodes for and Compounds, Serpong developed to prepare TiO2 thin films on ITO conducting glass
cathodic protection of stainless 513 (-), 5 February applied to the photogenerated cathodic protection of SUS304
steel/ C.X. Lei, et al 2012: 552-558 stainless steel (304SS). The results showed that a dense and
(7 halaman) crack-free anatase TiO2 film with a thickness of 800 nm was
prepared from the LPD process at 80 °C for 3 h. Moreover,
the TiO2 films exhibited a decrease in crystal preferential
orientation and an increase in optical band gap energy when
heat treated at 300 °C and 500 °C. In addition, the results of
the photoelectrochemical measurements showed that the
photopotential of the as-deposited TiO2 film was stabilized at
about −200 mV, whereas those of the films subjected to heat
treatment at 300 °C and 500 °C were stabilized at −400 mV
and −460 mV, respectively. It was indicated that both the as-
deposited and the heat treated LPD-derived TiO2 films
exhibited sufficiently negative electrode potential under
illumination, which could serve as the photoanodes for
effective cathodic protection of 304SS.
41 Electrochemical study of the Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Steel coupons were buried in soil boxes for 2.5 months, with
corrosion rate of carbon steel in 55 (-), February Serpong or without cathodic protection. A soil from the field was used
soil: Evolution with time and 2012: 246-253 and moistened by demineralized water or 5 g L−1 Na2SO4
determination of residual (8 halaman) solution. Instantaneous corrosion rates were deduced from
corrosion rates under cathodic voltammetry experiments while average values were obtained
protection/ M. Barbalat, et al by weight loss measurements. A detailed analysis of the
polarization curves led to an estimation of residual corrosion
rates (τrc) of coupons under cathodic protection. This residual
phenomenon could be followed with time and it was observed
that τrc decreased down to ∼10 μm yr−1. Cathodic protection
could be optimised with this methodology.
42 Effect of cathodic protection on Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) is a widely used
steel–concrete bond strength using Concrete Serpong method to protect steel reinforcements against corrosion.
ion migration measurements/ Composites, 34 (2), Bond degradation between concrete and steel at protection
J. García, et al February 2012: 242- and overprotection levels was studied. Two types of materials
247. (6 halaman) were tested: an ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and a mixture
of 85% OPC and 15% fly ash (OPC/FA). Concrete specimens
were immersed in a 3.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) solution.
Chemical analysis of sodium, potassium and hydrogen ions
was performed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry
(AAS). Hydrogen ion content was monitored using
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Mechanical
behaviour was analysed by means of pullout tests, and
microstructure characterisation was carried out using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). Sodium, potassium and hydrogen
ions were found at the concrete–steel interface. The
mechanical properties of the specimens were poorer at
overprotection level than at protection level.
43 Protective properties of intact Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) has been used
unpigmented epoxy coated mild Coatings, 73 (1), Serpong to characterise intact unpigmented epoxy coated mild steel
steel under cathodic protection/ January 2012: 8-13 with and without the application of cathodic protection (CP).
Elsadig. O. Eltai, et al (6 halaman) Coated specimens were exposed to 0.6 M NaCL solution.
Cathodic protection was applied at −0.78 V and −1.1 V
(SCE). Coated specimens were also tested at Open Circuit
Potential (OCP). The application of cathodic protection at
−1.1 V was shown to affect the protective properties of the
coating, causing the coating resistance to fall below the border
line between fair and poor coating. The coating maintained a
resistance in the order of 1 × 106 Ω cm2 when CP was applied
at −0.78 V but a resistance of 1 × 105 Ω cm2 when CP was
applied at −1.1 V. It was shown that water uptake by the
coated specimens was considerably affected by the application
of CP. The water uptake by the coated specimens was
increased as a result of increasing the level of CP. The
application of CP at −0.78 V, and −1.1 V was found to reduce
the extent of corrosion on the coated specimens.
44 Characterization of the Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, the permeability of a high performance
permeability of a high Coatings, 72 (3), Serpong composite coating (HPCC) and its component layers, fusion
performance composite coating to November 2011: bonded epoxy (FBE) and medium-density polyethylene
cathodic protection and its 423-428. (MDPE), to cathodic protection (CP) was investigated by
implications on pipeline integrity/ (6 halaman) various electrochemical measurements. Results demonstrate
A.Q. Fu, et al that the permeability of the coatings to water is ranked as
FBE > MDPE > HPCC. Compared to FBE, MDPE, as a
highly non-polar coating, plays a key role in protecting the
HPCC from the water permeation. HPCC is impermeable to
CP, and shows a pure capacitive behavior, with ultra-high
low-frequency impedance at the order of 1010 Ω cm2 during
the test period. Both FBE and MDPE coatings are permeable
to CP, which will make up the degradation of the coatings due
to the water-uptaking. Therefore, under an appropriate CP
application, the two coatings are capable of maintaining the
pipeline integrity. HPCC provides an excellent alternative to
maintain the pipeline integrity in the soil environment.
45 A photoelectrochemical study of Thin Solid Films, UPJ. PDII-LIPI An electrodeposited CdS nanoparticles-modified highly-
CdS modified TiO2 nanotube 519 (16), 1 June Serpong ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays (CdS–TNs) photoelectrode and
arrays as photoanodes for cathodic 2011: 5494-5502 its performance of photocathodic protection are reported. The
protection of stainless steel/ (9 halaman) self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays are fabricated by
Jing Li, et al electrochemical anodization in an organic–inorganic mixed
electrolyte and sensitized with CdS nanoparticles by
electrodeposition via a single-step direct current. The
morphology, crystalline phase, and composition of the CdS–
TNs films were characterized systematically by scanning
electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy, and ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy,
respectively. The photoelectrochemical performances of the
CdS–TNs film under illumination and dark conditions in
0.5 M NaCl solution were evaluated through the
electrochemical measurements. It is indicated that the TNs
incorporated by CdS effectively harvest solar light in the UV
as well as the visible light (up to 480 nm) region. It is
supposed that the high photoelectro-response activity of the
CdS–TNs is attributed to the increased efficiency of charge
separation and transport of electrons. The electrode potentials
of 304 stainless steel coupled with the CdS–TNs is found to
be negatively shifted for about 246 mV and 215 mV under
UV and white light irradiation, respectively, which can be
remained for 24 h even in darkness. It is implied that the CdS–
TNs are able to effectively function a photogenerated cathodic
protection for metals both under the UV and visible light
46 Functional relationship between Advances in UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper we analyze functional correlation of the
cathodic protection Engineering Serpong attenuation of protection current/potential in cathodic
current/potential and duration of Software, 42 (6), protection (CP) systems over the time. Our aim is to define
system deployment in desert June 2011: 359-367 protection current/potential function in correlation to CP
conditions/ A. Muharemovic, et al (9 halaman) system exploitation time, based on long term measurements of
the current/potential. Correlation of the attenuation of the
protective current/potential over the time period is established
by comparison of the experimental data and data obtained
from our analytical model. The analytical model allows
prediction of the changes in the changes in the
current/potential over the time and thus prediction and
verification of the CP. Our data are collected for cathodic
protection PCCP (Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe) in
desert conditions. Usage of our model for the attenuation of
protective current/potential over time of exploitation of a CP
system significantly simplifies operational procedures and
saves on time, equipment and measurements. Application of
proposed mathematical model, make it is possible, without
long-lasting measurements, reliably envisage evolution in
time of a cathodic protection system.
47 Low-temperature liquid phase Applied Surface UPJ. PDII-LIPI The low-temperature synthesis of anatase TiO2 films was an
deposited TiO2 films on stainless Science, 257 (16), 1 Serpong imperative requirement for their application to corrosion
steel for photogenerated cathodic June 2011: 7330- prevention of metals. In this paper, a liquid phase deposition
protection applications/ 7334 (LPD) technique was developed to prepare TiO2 films on
C.X. Lei, et al (5 halaman) SUS304 stainless steel (304SS) at a relatively low temperature
(80 °C). The as-prepared films were characterized using
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction
(XRD), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photon spectroscopy
(XPS). It was observed that a dense and crack-free anatase
TiO2 film with a thickness about 300 nm was obtained. The
film contained some fluorine and nitrogen elements, and the
amounts of these impurities were greatly decreased upon
calcination. Under the white light illumination, the electrode
potential of TiO2 coated 304SS rapidly shifted to a more
negative direction. Moreover, the photopotential of
TiO2/304SS electrode showed more negative values with
increased film thickness. In conclusion, the photogenerated
cathodic protection of 304SS was achieved by the low-
temperature LPD-derived TiO2 film.
48 Electrochemical studies on the Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI A type of conductive overlay material made of carbon fibre
performance of conductive Building Materials, Serpong filled cementitious mortar has been proposed for cathodic
overlay material in cathodic 25 (5), May 2011: protection of reinforced concrete structures. It possesses
protection of reinforced concrete/ 2655-2662 advantages over many other anode materials. To evaluate its
Xu Jing, et al (8 halaman) potential application in practice, the mechanical, electrical,
and electrochemical properties of the material have been
investigated. The addition of carbon fibres enhances the
strength and toughness of the mortar, as well as the electrical
performance. Accelerated anodic polarisation tests and
impedance measurements were employed to study the
electrochemical behaviour. Both of the fibre content and pore
solution composition influence the electrochemical property
and, in particular, chloride ions have been shown to have a
negative effect on the material. Results indicate that the
optimum fibre content should be above but in the vicinity of
the percolation threshold. The work confirms the possible
utilization of this type of anode material in cathodic protection
of reinforced concrete.
49 Cathodic protection system of Desalination, 270 UPJ. PDII-LIPI Rate of zinc consumption during the cathodic protection of
copper–zinc–saline water in (1–3), 1 April 2011: Serpong copper pipeline which carries saline water was measured by
presence of bacteria/ Aprael S. 193-198 weight loss technique in the absence and presence of bacteria.
Yaro, et al (6 halaman) Variables studied were solution flow rate, temperature, time
and NaCl concentration. It was found that within the present
range of variables; the rate of zinc consumption increases with
the increase of all operating conditions. The presence of
bacteria increases the zinc consumption. Fourth order multi-
term model and one-term model were suggested to represent
the consumption data. Nonlinear regression analysis was used
to estimate the coefficients of these models, while statistical
analysis was used to determine the effect of each coefficient.
Both models were representing the data successfully.
50 A highly efficient ZnS/CdS@TiO2 Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Shell–core nanostructured ZnS/CdS quantum dots (QDs) were
photoelectrode for photogenerated 55 (28), 1 December Serpong assembled uniformly on the surface of TiO2 nanotube arrays
cathodic protection of metals/ 2010: 8717-8723 by sequence chemical bath deposition (CBD) of CdS and ZnS
Ze-Quan Lin, et al (7 halaman) in alcohol solution system. The morphology and chemical
composition of the obtained composite thin films were
characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission
electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray
spectroscopy. The effect of solvent and immersion cycles for
the photoanode preparation on the photoelectrochemical
activity and photogenerated cathodic protection property was
investigated. It is found that the nanostructured CdS QDs (20
cycles) coated on TiO2 nanotube arrays show a remarkably
enhanced photoelectrochemical activity. The coating of ZnS
QD shells (5 cycles) is able to improve the stability of the
CdS@TiO2 photoanode under white-light irradiation. After
the irradiation light is turned off, the photogenerated cathodic
protection of 403 stainless steel (403SS) can be remained for
several hours
51 Photogenerated cathodic Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Flower-like, nanostructured, N-doped TiO2 (N-TiO2) films
protection of flower-like, Coatings Serpong were fabricated using a low-temperature hydrothermal
nanostructured, N-doped TiO2 Technology, 205 method. The morphology, crystalline phase, and composition
film on stainless steel/ Jing Li, et (2), 15 October of these flower-like nanostructured films were characterized
al 2010: 557-564 systematically by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray
(8 halaman) diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV–vis
spectroscopy. The photoelectrochemical properties of N-TiO2
films in 0.5 M NaCl solution were evaluated under
illumination and in the dark through electrochemical
measurements. Flower-like nanostructured TiO2 films
exhibited a drastically enhanced photocurrent in the UV light
region and a notable absorption in the visible light region
(600–700 nm). The negative shifts of the electrode potentials
of 316L stainless steel coupled with N-doped TiO2
photoanodes are 470 and 180 mV under UV and visible light
irradiation, respectively. The flower-like, nanostructured, N-
doped TiO2 films were able to function effectively as
photogenerated cathodic protection for metals under UV and
visible light illumination. Such photogenerated cathodic
protection could last a period of 5.5 h even in darkness.
52 Assessing the efficiency of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The efficiency of cathodic protection implemented through
galvanic cathodic protection 52 (9), September Serpong magnesium anodes has been investigated inside a 100 L
inside domestic boilers by means 2010: 3023-3032 domestic boiler, as a function of temperature (18–60 °C) and
of local probes/ T. Bellezze, et al (10 halaman) of water conductivity (50–500 μS/cm). Continuous
monitoring of potentials and partial currents, corresponding to
all metallic parts of the boiler and to six local probes, installed
on the critical points of the tank, has been carried out.
Cathodic protection is more efficient increasing water
conductivity (500 μS/cm) and further low conductivities
(50 μS/cm) tend to increase the probability of tank failure in a
relatively short time, even in presence of magnesium anodes
53 Assessing the long term benefits Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI This experimental field study interrupted the protection
of Impressed Current Cathodic 52 (8), August 2010: Serpong current offered by Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
Protection/ C. Christodoulou, et al 2671-2679 (ICCP) to ten in-service reinforced concrete structures. The
(9 halaman) study aimed to identify the long-term effects of ICCP after it
was recognised that some of the systems are now reaching the
end of their design life and require a significant level of
maintenance. It was found that after five or more years of
ICCP, the steel remained passive for at least 24 months after
interrupting the protection current despite chloride
contamination that would represent a corrosion risk.
54 Simulation of cathodic protection Journal of Petroleum UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic Protection (CP) is the most effective method for
potential distributions on oil well Science and Engi- Serpong mitigating corrosion on oil well casings. CP systems are
casings/ M.H. Parsa, et al neering, 72 (3-4), commonly designed by estimating the overall current demand
June 2010: 215-219. and then developing an anode configuration to protect the
(5 halaman) structure. Potential and current density distributions on the
casing, which determine the level of protection, are usually
measured by an expensive and difficult procedure such as
downhole tools. To diminish these difficulties mathematical
models and computer software are used. In this study a
computer software with finite element capability has been
used for evaluation of the design of cathodic protection
systems. The similarities between heat transfer and corrosion
equations were the basis of this simulation. The effect of
electrical conductivity of soil and impressed current density
on the potential distribution was investigated. The results
showed that the conductivity of soil and its variety strictly
affected the potential distributions. Furthermore the optimum
impressed current density was determined for different soil
55 Calcareous deposit formed under Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The influence of marine sediments on calcareous deposit
cathodic protection in the 52 (6), June 2010: Serpong formed on carbon steel samples was studied in natural
presence of natural marine 2206-2218 seawater during 12 months. The calcareous deposit formation
sediments: A 12 month (13 halaman) is highly delayed compared to those formed under controlled
experiment/ C. Rousseau, et al laboratory conditions with artificial or natural seawater.
Moreover, the deposit formed is essentially composed of
monohydrocalcite, which is detected for the first time in
calcareous deposit study. These differences seem to be related
to natural conditions: the presence of sediment and organic
compounds could explain the diminution of the active surface,
as well as the nature of the calcareous deposit and the delay of
its formation.
56 Optimizing the electrode position Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, a sacrificial anode cathodic protection problem
in sacrificial anode cathodic 52 (3), March 2010: Serpong of 2D steel storage tank was simulated using boundary
protection systems using boundary 678-687. element method. The tank was protected by a zinc anode
element method/ O. Abootalebi, et (10 halaman) located directly on structure wall. Data obtained from
al potentiodynamic measurements were used as boundary
condition. In this study, optimum location of the anode was
determined, and the influence of anode length and paint defect
on the level of protection provided by system were
investigated. This study showed that boundary element
method is beneficial in modeling and analyzing cathodic
protection systems and calculated results were consistent with
expectations from the basic corrosion concepts.
57 Corrosion protection behavior of Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI As an alternative process to phosphate and chromate
AZ31 magnesium alloy with Coatings, 66 (4), Serpong conversion coatings, silane pretreatment was used to improve
cathodic electrophoretic coating December 2009: the performance of cathodic electrophoretic coating (E-coat)
pretreated by silane/ Jin Zhang, et 387-392. on AZ31 Mg alloy in this study. The galvanic corrosion
al (6 halaman) behavior of AZ31 Mg alloy with E-coat coupled with Q235
steel was investigated. Compared to bare Mg alloy and Mg
alloy with conventional painting, the corrosion properties of
the AZ31 Mg alloy pretreated with silane and subsequently E-
coated were studied during salt solution immersion and salt
spray testing. The surface morphologies of the Mg alloy were
examined in detail after immersion in NaCl solution for
different times using digital photography and scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). The corrosion current density of
the specimens was characterized by DC polarization tests. It
was found that silane pretreatment of AZ31 Mg alloy
followed by subsequent E-coat led to much better corrosion
protection than that without silane treatment. The silane
pretreatment and E-coat delayed the galvanic corrosion of Mg
alloy coupled with 235 steel bolts.
58 Influence of conductivity on Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) is considered to be the only
cathodic protection of reinforced 51, (12), December Serpong rehabilitation method for chloride-induced rebar corrosion in
alkali-activated slag mortar using 2009: 2857-2862 reinforced concrete structures. The protection current
the finite element method/ (6 halaman) distribution depends on several parameters, such as the
R. Montoya, et al geometry and number of rebars and the concrete resistivity. In
order to investigate the influence of concrete resistivity on the
possibilities and limitations of rebar protection, this paper
presents a numerical approach based on the finite element
method (FEM) in conjunction with laboratory results to
determine its impact on the CP of alkali-activated slag mortar.
An ordinary Portland cement was also tested for comparative
59 Cathodic protection of carbon Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection of metals in seawater is known to be
steel in natural seawater: Effect of 54 (26), 1 November Serpong influenced by chemical–physical parameters affecting
sunlight radiation/ Alessandro 2009: 6472-6478 cathodic processes (oxygen discharge, hydrogen evolution and
Benedetti, et al (7 halaman) calcareous deposit precipitation). In shallow seawater, these
parameters are influenced by sunlight photoperiod and
photosynthetic activity. The results presented here represent
the first step in studies dedicated to cathodic protection in
shallow photic seawater. This paper reports on carbon steel
protected at −850 mV vs. Ag/AgCl (oxygen limiting current
regime) in the presence of sunlight radiation but in the
absence of biological and photosynthetic activity, the role of
which deserves future research. Comparison of results
obtained by exposing electrochemical cells to daylight cycles
in both biologically inactivated natural seawater and in NaCl
3.5 wt.% solutions showed that sunlight affects current
densities and that calcareous deposit interfere with light-
currents effects. Sunlight radiation and induced heating of the
solution have been separated, highlighting results not
otherwise obvious: (1) observed current waves concomitant
with sunlight radiation depend fundamentally on solar
radiation, (2) solar radiation can determine current
enhancements from early to late phases of aragonite crystal
growth, (3) a three-day-old CaCO3 layer reduces but does not
eliminate the amplitude of the current waves. Theoretical
calculations for oxygen limiting currents and additional field
tests showed that sunlight, rather than bulk solution heating, is
the main cause of daily current enhancements. This was
confirmed by polarizations performed at −850 and −1000 mV
vs. Ag/AgCl (constant bulk temperature), during which the
electrode was irradiated with artificial lighting. This test also
confirmed O2 discharge to be the cathodic process involved. A
mechanism of radiation conversion to heat in the oxygen
diffusion layer region is proposed.
60 Application of nickel-coated Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The present paper reports the results of a preliminary study on
carbon fibre material in cathodic 51 (11), November Serpong potential suitability of a chopped nickel-coated carbon fibre
protection of underground-buried 2009: 2605-2609 (NiCCF) material to an impressed current, cathodic protection
steel structures/ Boguslaw (5 halaman) (CP) system, for an underground-buried steel structure. A
Pierozynski, et al primary role of a conductive NiCCF filler (Toho-Tenax®-J
MC HTA-12K A302 fibre) was to enhance distribution of a
protective current, by significantly lowering the corrosion
environment’s resistivity. Initially, the resistivity of sand-
based soil (with humidity of ca. 20%) was optimized through
addition of small amounts of chopped (15 ± 3 mm long)
pieces of Toho-Tenax fibre. An operational efficiency for two
laboratory CP setups (in the presence and absence of NiCCF
soil modifier) was then monitored, over a period of 30 days.
Each cathodic protection setup consisted of a protected
structure (simulated by a steel rebar: ϕ = 10 mm and length
0.5 m) and a DSA (Ti/MMO: ϕa = 95 mm) anode. Obtained
results demonstrated a continuous increase of the soil
resistivity parameter during a preliminary, 30-day cathodic
polarization cycle, for the NiCCF-modified CP setup.
61 On the cathodic protection of Engineering Failure UPJ. PDII-LIPI Thermal insulation and corrosion protection of heated
thermally insulated pipelines/ Analysis, 16 (7), Serpong pipelines used in moving oil/gas and heated products are
El-Sayed A. Rassoul, et al October 2009: 2047- accomplished industry-wide by using protective and
2053. (7 halaman) insulating coatings supplemented by cathodic protection to
protect any defected coating areas. A series of tests are carried
out to study how the resistivity of the applied insulating layer
polyurethane (PUR) can be affected by its specific gravity (as
function of its porosity), as well as, the salt (NaCl)
concentration in the surrounding electrolyte (water). The
current densities required for cathodic protection of insulated
steel pipe at the worst condition (i.e., lower resistivity of the
insulating material) at ambient and elevated temperatures
were determined. The results have showed: that a lower PUR
foam density has lower percentage closed cells which lead to
a decrease in the PUR foam resistivity. An increase in the salt
concentration up to about 3.5% NaCl leads to about 40%
increase in the current intensity required for CP of the
insulated steel sheets. In this investigation zinc wire of
diameter 5 mm was used as a sacrificial anode in two different
manners parallel and spiral. The sacrificial anode was fixed
adjacent directly to the electrical insulation under the PUR
foam shows a complete protection of the pipes, i.e., about –
920 mV vs. Cu/CuSO4, in the salty water with about 3.5%
NaCl; this method guarantees optimum protection. The
experiments performed at different temperatures up to 60 °C
showed that increasing the temperature has a slight positive
62 Disbonding of underwater-cured Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic disbonding of the underwater-applied, ultra-thick,
epoxy coating caused by cathodic 51 (10), October Serpong solvent free epoxy coating subjected to various levels of
protection current/ Sanja 2009: 2253-2258 cathodic protection was investigated during the period of the
Martinez, et al (6 halaman) coating cure. The results indicate that the partially cured
coating was of low resistivity, between 103 and 105 Ω cm2 for
the cathodic polarization of on-potentials between −0.98 and
−1.4 VAg/AgCl/sw. The coating was shown to be capable of
withstanding normal levels of cathodic protection between
off-potentials of −0.8 and −1.1 VAg/AgCl/sw while the IR drop,
introduced by the coating in the same potential range,
increased from 0.06 to 0.1 V and has to be taken into account
at the design stage of the cathodic protection system.
Beneficial influence of calcareous deposit formation on the
cathodic protection current was confirmed, particularly for the
failed coating. The initial period (1 week) of coating cure was
shown as the most critical for disbonding processes caused by
the excessive cathodic polarization.
63 Effect of cathodic protection on Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, a test rig was developed to study the effect of
corrosion of pipeline steel under 51 (9), September Serpong cathodic protection (CP) on corrosion of X70 pipeline steel in
disbonded coating/ X. Chen, et al 2009: 2242-2245 the crevice area under disbonded coating through the
(4 halaman) measurements of local potential, solution pH and dissolved
oxygen concentration. Results demonstrated that, in the early
stage of corrosion of steel, CP cannot reach the crevice bottom
to protect steel from corrosion due to the geometrical
limitation. Corrosion of steel occurs preferentially inside
crevice due to a separation of anodic and cathodic reaction
with the depletion of dissolved oxygen in the crevice solution.
The main role of CP in mitigation of sequential corrosion of
steel in crevice under disbonded coating is to enhance the
local solution alkalinity. With the increase of distance from
the open holiday, a high cathodic polarization is required to
achieve appropriate CP level at crevice bottom. A potential
difference always exists between the open holiday area and
inside crevice, reducing the CP effectiveness.
64 Cathodic protection by zinc Journal of UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection by sacrificial zinc anodes is often applied
sacrificial anodes: Impact on Hazardous Serpong to prevent immerged metallic structures from corrosion. But
marine sediment metallic Materials, 167 (1-3), this technique induces the zinc anodes dissolution, which can
contamination/ C. Rousseau, et al 15 August 2009: induce marine sediments and seawater contamination. A large
953-958 scale experiment, in natural seawater, was conducted during
(6 halaman) 12 months, in order to evaluate the potential environmental
impact of this continuous zinc dissolution, and of some
necessary cleaning operations of the anodes surfaces. The
heavy metal (Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) concentration in water and
sediment samples was monitored. A sequential extraction
procedure was applied on sediment samples to differentiate
the zinc mobile fractions from the residual one. A significant
increase of zinc concentration was observed in water as well
as in the surface sediments under the specific operating
conditions. Sediments then become a secondary pollution
source, as the sorbed labile zinc can be remobilized to
65 Electrochemical characteristics of Transactions of UPJ. PDII-LIPI Stainless steels such as STS 304, 316 and 630 are frequently
stainless steel using impressed Nonferrous Metals Serpong used as shaft materials in small fiber reinforced polymer
current cathodic protection in Society of China, 19 (FRP) fishing boats. If the shaft material is exposed to a
seawater/ Seok-Ki JANG, et al (4), August 2009: severely corrosive environment such as seawater, it should be
930-934 protected using appropriate methods. The impressed current
(5 halaman) cathodic protection was used to inhibit corrosion in shaft
materials. In anodic polarization, passivity was remarkably
more evident in STS 316 stainless steel than in STS 304 and
STS 630. The pitting potentials of STS 304, 316, and 630
stainless steels were 0.30, 0.323, and 0.260 V, respectively.
The concentration polarization due to oxygen reduction and
activation polarization due to hydrogen generation were
evident in the cathodic polarization trends of all three stainless
steeds. STS 316 had the lowest current densities in all
potential ranges, and STS 630 had the highest. Tafel analysis
showed that STS 316 was the most noble in the three. In
addition, the corrosion current density was the lowest for STS
66 Current distribution in reinforced Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI The current distribution was studied in a designed three-layer
concrete cathodic protection Building Materials, Serpong reinforced concrete cathodic protection (CP) system, with
system with conductive mortar 23 (6), June 2009: carbon fibre reinforced cement (CFRC) as the conductive
overlay anode/ Jing Xu, et al 2220-2226 mortar overlay anode. The influence of steel bars’ initial
(7 halaman) corrosion state, concrete resistivity and magnitude of
impressed current density on the current distribution was
discussed, respectively. Testing results show that the initial
corrosion rate of steel has a great effect on the protection
current distribution. In addition, there exists a threshold for
corrosion rate, beyond which the uniformity of protection
current distribution worsens markedly. Higher concrete
resistivity not only deteriorates the current distribution, but
also has an adverse effect on the rebars far away from the
anode. However, the magnitude of impressed current density
only affects the uniformity of current distribution to some
extent when the rebars are corroding. This study could be
useful to the cathodic protection of reinforced concrete
structures in field condition.
67 On the extension of CP models to Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection models for pipeline and other metallic
address cathodic protection under 51 (5), May 2009: Serpong structures developed to address the presence of coating flaws
a delaminated coating/ Kerry N. 962-970 or holidays do not account explicitly for the presence of a
Allahar, et al (9 halaman) delaminated region surrounding a holiday. The potential drop
in the delaminated region was obtained by solving the
coupled, non-linear, partial differential, governing equations
that describe transport and electrochemical reactions within
the delaminated region. The results were used to develop an
analytic expression for the potential drop across the
delaminated region as a function of delaminated region length
and the resistivity of the bulk environment exterior to the
holiday. Expressions developed using this approach can be
utilized by existing cathodic protection models to deliver
improved potential distributions along protected metallic
surfaces. The simulations were used to test the commonly
employed assumption that transport by diffusion can be
neglected in the delaminated region. The influence of
diffusion on current was shown to be significant.
68 Role of sulphate ions on the Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection of steel in seawater could be optimized by
formation of calcareous deposits 54 (13), 1 May 2009: Serpong taking into account the calcareous deposits forming on the
on steel in artificial seawater; the 3580-3588 steel surface. The aim of this work was to study the influence
formation of Green Rust (9 halaman) of sulphate ions on the kinetics and mechanisms of formation
compounds during cathodic of these deposits. The experiments were performed at 20 °C,
protection/ Ch. Barchiche, et al with an applied potential of −1.0 V/saturated calomel
electrode (SCE), in artificial seawater-like solutions with
various SO42− concentrations. The deposition was monitored
by chronoamperometry and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS). Micro-Raman analyses were performed in
situ in a specific electrochemical cell to identify the solids
forming on the steel surface. It could be demonstrated that
sulphate ions had an important effect on the formation of both
Ca(II)- and Mg(II)-containing phases. In the solution enriched
with sulphate ions, the deposition of CaCO3 was almost
totally inhibited. Experiments performed in Ca 2+-free
solutions demonstrated that the Mg-based deposit was, in
contrast, favoured by the increase of the sulphate
concentration. In situ Raman spectra of the solid forming at
the early stages of the cathodic protection proved to be
characteristic of Green Rusts (GRs). This compound was
favoured by the presence of Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ cations, and is
more likely a GR-like M(II)-Fe(III) hydroxysulphate, with
M = Fe, Mg and Ca.
69 Influence of hydrogen from Engineering Fracture UPJ. PDII-LIPI Laboratory experiments and cohesive zone simulation of
cathodic protection on the fracture Mechanics, 76(7), Serpong Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking in SENT tests specimens
susceptibility of 25%Cr duplex May 2009: 827-844 of 25%Cr duplex stainless steel have been performed. A
stainless steel – Constant load (18 halaman) polynomial formulation of the traction separation law and
SENT testing and FE-modelling hydrogen dependent critical stress was applied. Best
using hydrogen influenced agreement with the experiments was found for an initial
cohesive zone elements/ Vigdis critical stress of 2200 MPa and a critical separation of
Olden, et al 0.005 mm. Proposed threshold stress intensity factor and
lower bound net section stress is 20 MPa√m and 480 MPa.
High crack growth rates and typical hydrogen influenced
fracture topography suggest large influence of the stress and
strain in the fracture process zone on the hydrogen diffusion
70 Localized EIS characterization of Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS)
corrosion of steel at coating defect 54 (2), 30 December Serpong technique was used to investigate localized corrosion of steel
under cathodic protection/ C.F. 2008: 628-633 at defect of coating and, furthermore, to determine the effects
Dong, et al (6 halaman) of cathodic protection (CP) on local electrochemical
environment and the resultant corrosion reaction at the base of
coating defect. The results demonstrated that corrosion of
steel is dependent on CP potential and the defect geometry.
For coated steel containing defect under appropriate CP
potentials, cathodic reaction is dominated by reduction of
oxygen. Mass-transfer of oxygen through solution layer and
the defect with a narrow, deep geometry (the depth/width ratio
is about 5.5) is the rate-limiting step for the corrosion process
of steel. Even at a very negative potential, e.g., −1200 mV
(SCE), the measured impedance spectroscopy is still
associated with the diffusion-controlled charge-transfer
reaction of steel at the base of defect. It is attributed to the fact
that the applied CP is partially shielded by the defect with a
narrow, deep geometry. With the negative increase of
cathodic potential, charge-transfer resistance and the local
impedance of electrode increase. It is attributed to the
elevation of local alkalinity at the base of defect when the
coated steel is under CP. This conclusion is subject to the
condition that a significant cathodic disbonding of coating has
not occurred. Furthermore, with the increase of test time, the
charge-transfer resistance increases, which is attributed to the
enhancement of the alkaline environment at the base of defect
under CP with time.
71 Cathodic protection of steel in Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Corrosion of steel embedded in concrete structures and
concrete using magnesium alloy 50 (12), December Serpong bridges is prevented using cathodic protection. Majority of the
anode/ G.T. Parthiban, et al 2008: 3329-3335 structures protected employ impressed current system. Use of
(7 halaman) sacrificial system for the protection of steel in concrete is not
as widely employed. The use of magnesium anodes for the
above purpose is very limited. This study has been carried out
with a view to analyse the use of magnesium alloy anode for
the cathodic protection of steel embedded in concrete.
Magnesium alloy anode, designed for three years life, was
installed at the center of reinforced concrete slab, containing
3.5% sodium chloride with respect to weight of cement, for
cathodic protection. Potential of the embedded steel and the
current flowing between the anode and the steel were
monitored, plotted and analyzed. Chloride concentration of
concrete at different locations, for different timings, were also
determined and analyzed. The magnesium anode was found to
shift the potential of the steel to more negative potentials
initially, at all distances and later towards less negative
potentials. The chloride concentration was found to decrease
at all the locations with increase in time. The mechanism of
cathodic protection with the sacrificial anode could be
correlated to the removal of corrosive ions such as chloride
from the vicinity of steel.
72 Modeling pipeline crevice Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Underground steel pipelines are protected by coatings and
corrosion under a disbonded 50 (1), January Serpong cathodic protection (CP). The pipeline corrosion occurs when
coating with or without cathodic 2008: 70-83 the coating is disbonded away from a defect or holiday to
protection under transient and (14 halaman) form a crevice and the corrosion rate varies temporally and
steady state conditions/ F.M. spatially in the crevice. In the presence of dissolved oxygen
Song, et al (O2) in soil ground water, a differential O2 concentration cell
may develop in the crevice because O2 diffuses more readily
into the crevice through the holiday than through the
disbonded coating. CP can decrease or eliminate the O2
concentration cell depending on the potential applied at the
holiday. Since the coatings are usually non-conductive, CP is
unable to protect the steel surface deep inside the crevice. The
transport of dissolved O2, and that of dissolved carbon dioxide
(CO2) if present, into the crevice through holiday can be key
to determining the crevice corrosion rate. In this work, the
transient and steady state behavior of the corrosion process is
investigated. The effect of the cathodic portion of iron vs.
ferrous ion redox reaction on the crevice corrosion rate, which
is often neglected traditionally, is further studied. At steady
state, the effect of dissolved O2 on the crevice corrosion rate
and the added effect of dissolved CO2 are mathematically
73 SVET and SECM imaging of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The mechanism of cathodic protection of an aluminium
cathodic protection of aluminium 49 (10), October Serpong substrate by a Mg-rich coating was investigated using
by a Mg-rich coating/ A.M. 2007: 3838-3849 localized techniques. Both scanning vibrating electrode
Simões, et al (12 halaman) techniques (SVET) and scanning electrochemical microscopy
(SECM) were used to investigate the processes occurring at
the surface of exposed metal when electrically connected or
disconnected in a galvanic couple with the Mg-rich coating.
The SVET has shown the evolution of the pit activity with
time under conditions of sacrificial protection, whereas the
SECM allowed indirect sensing of the cathodic activity above
the electrodes. It was shown that the cathodic protection
provided by magnesium to aluminium substrates acts by both
preventing pit nucleation and inhibiting the growth of the pre-
existing pits.
74 Prolonging the lives of buried Applied Energy, 84 UPJ. PDII-LIPI In Nigeria, a major problem is the corrosion of the external
crude-oil and natural-gas pipelines (9), September 2007: Serpong surfaces of such pipelines, which are not usually adequately
by cathodic protection/ M.T. Lilly, 958-970 safeguarded during construction. A cathodic protection system
et al (13 halaman) should be applied to the pipeline before this period.
75 Dual boundary element Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, a boundary element formulation is developed
formulation for half-space Analysis with Serpong and used for the analysis of cathodic protection systems of
cathodic protection analysis/ Luiz Boundary Elements, buried slender structures. The slenderness of the structure
Alkimin De Lacerda, et al 31 (6), June 2007: brings numerical difficulties into the classical boundary
559-567 element method. To avoid this problem, the dual boundary
(9 halaman) element method is implemented: combination of standard and
hypersingular integral equations to form a system of equations
free from the singularity behavior of the standard approach
when the thickness of the body tends to zero. Regularity
conditions in infinite domains are analyzed for both standard
and hypersingular equations. Besides numerical tests to
validate the formulation, a simple experiment is carried out
where a galvanized metallic sheet is buried alongside two
copper electrodes, in parallel, with the objective of simulating
a two-dimensional problem. The soil resistivity properties are
measured along the depth and the relation between the current
density and the electrochemical potential at the metallic sheet
is investigated. The proposed dual approach is applied to
model the experiment and results are compared with potential
measurements at the ground surface.
76 Factors affecting cathodic- Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI A 3D theoretical simulation and analysis of DC stray-current
protection interference/ I.A. Analysis with Serpong corrosion (SCC) is introduced. The use of boundary element
Metwally, et al Boundary Elements, analysis system (BEASY) has allowed cathodic protection
31(6), June 2007: (CP) interference to be assessed in terms of the normal current
485-493 density, which is directly proportional to the corrosion rate.
(9 halaman) Different real structures consisting of pipelines and/or well
casings are simulated to investigate the factors affecting four
types of CP interferences, namely, anodic, cathodic, combined
and induced, with special emphasis on the cathodic one. The
results reveal that the application of impressed current CP
systems creates DC SCC on other nearby unprotected
structures. This is an inherent potential problem with the
application of such systems which dominates with decreasing
soil conductivity, and/or increasing the anode current density
and its proximity to the protected structures. On the contrary,
SCC can be reduced by using multi-groundbed anodes. In
addition, it is found that the cathodic interference is more
serious than anodic one, and the combined and induced
interferences can also cause severe corrosion. Finally, it can
be concluded that the BEASY software is a very helpful tool
for future planning before installing any structure, where it
gives the possible CP interferences on any nearby unprotected
metallic structures.
77 Study of carbon-supported Au Journal of Power UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this paper, it is reported for the first time that a carbon-
catalyst as the cathodic catalyst in Sources, 167 (2), 15 Serpong supported Au (Au/C) catalyst for the cathodic catalyst in a
a direct formic acid fuel cell May 2007: 315-318 direct formic acid fuel cell (DFAFC) was prepared using a
prepared using a polyvinyl alcohol (4 halaman) polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) protection method. The results
protection method/ Wei Chen, et indicated that for oxygen reduction, the electrocatalytic
al activity of the Au/C catalyst prepared with the PVA protection
method is much better than that of a Au/C catalyst prepared
with the pre-precipitation method. This is due to the small
average size and low relative crystallinity of the Au particles
in the Au/C catalyst prepared by the PVA protection method,
compared to that of the Au/C catalyst prepared by the pre-
precipitation method, illustrating that the average size and the
relative crystallinity of the Au particles has an effect on the
electrocatalytic activity of the Au/C catalyst for oxygen
reduction. In addition, because Au has no electrocatalytic
activity for the oxidation of formic acid, the Au/C catalyst
possesses a high formic acid tolerance. After the
electrocatalytic activity of the Au/C catalyst for the oxygen
reduction is improved, it is suitable to be used as the cathodic
catalyst in DFAFC.
78 Répartition des métaux lourds Comptes Rendus UPJ. PDII-LIPI A large-scale experiment, with natural seawater and
dans les différentes fractions des Geoscience, 339, Serpong sediments, was conducted during one month to evaluate the
sédiments marins : influence de la (1), January 2007: possible interaction of cathodic protection (E = – 1 V/Ag–
protection cathodique/ Lydia 31-39 AgCl) on the distribution patterns of trace elements present in
Leleyter, et al (9 halaman) the sediments. No influence on metals’ lability and
distribution within marine sediments was observed.
Nevertheless, the sacrificial anode's dissolution induces a
significant zinc concentration increase in the superficial
sediments. This accumulated zinc is mainly scavenged in
labile fractions (acido-soluble and reducible) of the sediments.
79 Structural integrity of aging Engineering Failure UPJ. PDII-LIPI Some features of the problem of pipeline materials
buried pipelines having cathodic Analysis, 13 (7), Serpong degradation and failure under in-service conditions, including
protection/ Sergei A. Shipilov, et October 2006: 1159- environmentally assisted cracking, are examined. As the
al 1176 practice of cathodic protection results in hydrogen charging of
(18 halaman) carbon steels used as components of oil and natural gas
transmission pipelines, close attention is paid to the role of
hydrogen embrittlement (hydrogen-induced cracking) in
pipeline safety and reliability.
80 Zinc Coatings: Steel's Corrosion Metal Finishing, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Zinc coatings have been used to protect steel for more than
Inhibitor: Multifaceted finish 104 (10), October Serpong 250 years. Zinc's first use in construction (roofing) was in
serves dual purpose in shielding 2006: 28-37 1811 in Belgium. However, it wasn't until 1829 that the
steel substrates from atmospheric (10 halaman) galvanic action of zinc protecting iron was discovered. In an
exposure while offering cathodic experiment by Michael Faraday, he found that zinc protects
protection/ John W. Krzywicki iron by sacrificially corroding when the two are in contact in
the presence of an electrolyte. This phenomenon would later
be known as cathodic protection and would be the driving
force in the development of multiple coating technologies that
benefit from the dual protection zinc metal provides--barrier
and cathodic protection.
81 Cathodic protection revisited: Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) has been found as one of the most
Impact on structural morphology Concrete Serpong viable techniques for inhibiting chloride induced corrosion of
sheds new light on its efficiency/ Composites, 28 (8), steel in concrete structures. This contribution specifically
D.A. Koleva, et al September 2006: pursues exploring the morphological alterations of corrosion
696-706 products in reinforced mortars under cathodic protection. For
(11 halaman) this purpose, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques
are combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA)
and X-ray diffraction (XRD) for microstructural analysis and
quantification of the corrosion products. The combined
characterisation provides important insight into the structural
alterations induced by cathodic protection, and therefore, help
to explain the efficiency of CP techniques. Furthermore,
electrochemical measurements are employed to monitor the
electrochemical process at the steel–paste interfaces. The
beneficial microstructural alterations result in better corrosion
resistance of the protected specimens, and turn out to be the
mechanisms underlying the efficiency of CP techniques.
82 Electrochemical studies on the Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Alternating current (AC) corrosion of mild steel in marine
alternating current corrosion of Volume 51, (25), 28 Serpong environments under cathodic protection (CP) condition was
mild steel under cathodic July 2006: 5259- studied. Electrochemical studies at the two protection
protection condition in marine 5267. (9 halaman) potentials namely −780 and −1100 mV versus SCE were
environments/ Dae-Kyeong Kim, examined by different techniques. DC polarization study was
et al carried out for mild steel in natural seawater and 18.5 g/L
NaCl solution to evolve corrosion current density. The
corrosion rate determination, pH of the end experimental
solution and surface morphology of the mild steel specimens
under the influence of different AC current densities were
studied. The amount of leaching of iron into the solution was
estimated using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. All
these techniques revealed that AC influences the corrosion of
mild steel in the presence of marine environments even
though CP was given. Surface micrographs revealed that
spreading of red rust products noticed on the mild steel
surface. At −780 mV CP, red rusts are visually seen when the
AC source was above 10 A/m2 in both the media but red rusts
are appeared after 20 A/m2 in the case of −1100 mV CP.
Weight loss measurements coupled with surface examination
and solution analysis is a effective tool to characterize and
quantify the AC corrosion of mild steel in marine
83 Sacrificial Mg film anode for Scripta Materialia, UPJ. PDII-LIPI An Mg film was coated on one side of an Mg–9 wt.%Al–
cathodic protection of die cast 54 (7), April 2006: Serpong 1 wt.%Zn (AZ91D) sample to form a galvanic couple in NaCl
Mg–9 wt.%Al–1 wt.%Zn alloy in 1253-1257 aqueous solution. The sacrificial Mg film anode cathodically
NaCl aqueous solution/ Bing-Lung (5 halaman) protected the AZ91D substrate, because the mixed potential of
Yu, et al the Mg coating/AZ91D couple was more anodic than the
corrosion potential of the substrate.
84 EIS characterization of thick Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to
flawed organic coatings aged 51 (12), 25 February Serpong monitor, up to 20 months, the degradation kinetics of four
under cathodic protection in 2006: 2491-2502 thick organic coatings under cathodic protection in seawater.
seawater/ Q. Le Thu, et al (12 halaman) EIS experiments were realized onto a flawless zone, which
surrounds an artificial hole of the coating using the Luo's cell
or a removable cell. EIS spectra were analyzed first with
classic equivalent circuits and then with an approach
involving the dipolar relaxation of polymer layer. These two
models were unable to explain the experimental data,
especially for a long immersion experiments. Taking into
account the presence of vacuoles, namely pre-existing air
pockets that will be then filled by electrolyte, modified
equivalent circuits were used and a good representation of
experimental data was obtained. The parameters extracted
allowed the coating degradation to be followed. It was found
that a solvent-free coating exhibited the best compatibility
with cathodic protection.
85 Evaluation of environmental International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI Crack growth rates of small fatigue cracks in a high strength
effects on fatigue crack growth of Fatigue, 28 (2), Serpong steel tested in 3.5% NaCl solution with cathodic protection are
behaviour of a high strength steel February 2006: 124- analysed in the Paris regime through the comparison with the
in a saline solution with cathodic 131. (8 halaman) corresponding results obtained in air or in high vacuum.
protection/ Bertrand Huneau, et al Environmental effects in the saline solution are due to
hydrogen produced by cathodic polarisation, which causes
intergranular and transgranular brittle fracture surfaces. By
comparison to fatigue crack growth rates obtained in air, it
could be concluded that hydrogen effects are negligible at low
ΔK and then increase with ΔK. But in fact, when compared to
results obtained in a non-active media such as high vacuum,
hydrogen effects in the saline solution are very high at low ΔK
and decrease slightly when ΔK increases. In air, adsorption of
the different gaseous species as well as hydrogen effects due
to water vapour dissociation strongly enhance crack growth
rate compared to vacuum especially for low ΔK.
Consequently, a comparison with fatigue crack growth results
obtained in air does not allow to quantify properly
environmental effects due to another active environment such
as the saline solution with cathodic protection considered in
the present work.
86 Hydrogen embrittlement of duplex Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI By slow strain rate technique, hydrogen embrittlement (HE)
stainless steel under cathodic 48 (2), February Serpong of a 2205 duplex stainless steel was studied in deaerated
protection in acidic artificial sea 2006: 522-530 acidic (pH 6.5) artificial sea water, in the absence and in
water in the presence of sulphide (9 halaman) presence of sulphide ions (1–30 ppm). Strain rate tests
ions/ F. Zucchi, et al (1 × 10−6 s−1) were performed on specimens polarized at −0.9;
−1.0 and −1.2 VSCE at 25 ± 0.1 °C. HE was evaluated by R,
the ratio between the % elongation to fracture in the
aggressive solution and in air. Duplex stainless steel were
subjected to HE in acidic artificial sea water at −0.9 VSCE. HE
increased at −1.0 VSCE but it was reduced at −1.2 VSCE. This
decrease was attributed to the influence of a calcareous
deposit. Sulphide ions at 1 ppm were sufficient to stimulate
HE of duplex stainless steel. The higher the sulphide amount
and the more negative the cathodic potential, the higher HE
was. In the presence of S2−, the shielding effect of the
calcareous deposit was not evident.
87 Optimising the location of anodes Advances in UPJ. PDII-LIPI Since cathodic protection (CP) systems were first applied,
in cathodic protection systems to Engineering Serpong engineers have used experience and intensive monitoring to
smooth potential distribution/ E. Software, 36 (9), optimise their design to prevent corrosion. The use of
Santana Diaz, et al September 2005: sacrificial and impress anodes on ship's hull, offshore
591-598 structures and pipelines has become standard practice in order
to preserve the structure and to protect coatings. However, the
correct position and current of the anodes is a subject of vital
importance to the performance of the CP system as a whole.
Wrong currents and positions would lead to unprotected or
overprotected areas. Optimisation methods combined with the
Boundary Elements Technology have become a useful
technique to analyse this situation. Up to now, studies have
been carried out using few anodes to optimise their current
and positions on flat surfaces. Since the real structure of a
vessel, for instance, is not flat, it becomes necessary a tool
which allows for the optimisation of the position and the
current no matter the shape of the model. The surface could be
made of curve elements and even so the optimisation would
give correct results. In this paper, the development of this tool
and its performance is analysed on the studies of the hull of a
88 Cathodic protection of cooling Journal of Materials UPJ. PDII-LIPI The current article focuses mainly the necessity, types of
water systems and selection of Processing Serpong cathodic protection and anodes available apart from a brief
appropriate materials/ I. Gurrappa Technology, 166 review on sacrificial and impressed current cathodic
(2), 1 August 2005: protection (ICCP) anodes. Further, the advantages and
256-267 disadvantages of each are also discussed. The necessity of
(12 halaman) designing of an effective cathodic protection system for
cooling waters pipelines has been emphasized. In addition, the
economics of cathodic protection has been highlighted with an
example. After installation of CP system, operation and
maintenance part has also been mentioned. Finally, the
selection of suitable materials and design for various
applications has been highlighted.
89 Corrosion and impressed current Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A bimetallic rotating cylinder electrode (having individual
cathodic protection of copper- 47, (7), July Serpong electrode areas of 10 cm2 and rotating at 200–1400 rpm) has
based materials using a bimetallic 2005:1694-1705 been used to examine the corrosion and protection
rotating cylinder electrode (12 halaman) characteristics of copper/nickel aluminium bronze and 90–10
(BRCE)/ G. Kear, et al copper–nickel/nickel aluminium bronze galvanic couples in
filtered seawater at 25 °C. The flow-influenced
electrochemistry of the systems was determined using zero
resistance ammetry, corrosion potential measurements and a
potential step current transient technique. In each case, the
galvanic corrosion potential and corrosion rate displayed a
Reynolds number dependency where mass transport control of
the anodic dissolution reaction partially controlled the reaction
rate. Bimetallic impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)
has also been demonstrated for a range of applied protection
potentials and Reynolds numbers. A comparison has been
made between the directly measured bimetallic ICCP current
demand and that determined from independent, single-metal
rotating cylinder electrode measurements. In this case, the
mixed charge and mass transport controlled rate of oxygen
reduction was examined.
90 Modified TiO2 coatings for Science and UPJ. PDII-LIPI A bilayered electrode bearing the configuration SnO2|TiO2
cathodic protection applications/ Technology of Serpong over a substrate like transparent conducting Indium Tin Oxide
Raghavan Subasri, et al Advanced Materials, coated glass was found to store the charge accumulated during
6 (5), July 2005: ultraviolet illumination. Photogenerated electrons from TiO 2
501-507 are transferred to SnO2 that store the excess charge via cation
(7 halaman) intercalation. A red shift in the absorbance of the coating was
observed due to the reduction of the valence state of Sn during
charging and a high capacitance in the bilayer electrode was
detected by ac impedance measurements. The charge storage
property of SnO2|TiO2 electrode makes it a candidate material
to be used as an anode for improved photocathodic protection
of metals and/or steels.
91 Evaluation of thick organic Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI Organic coatings are often associated with cathodic protection
coatings degradation in seawater Coatings, 52 (4), 1 Serpong to fight against the corrosion of metallic structures when
using cathodic protection and April 2005: 311-319 immersed in seawater. However, cathodic protection leads to
thermally accelerated tests/ S. (9 halaman) the generation of a strong alkalinity at the metal/coating
Touzain, Q. Le Thu, et al interface, which causes the degradation of the coating. It is
then necessary to develop a reliable method to evaluate the
compatibility between organic coatings and the application of
cathodic protection. On one hand, cathodic disbonding tests
(ASTM G-8 and G-80) can be driven with an artificial defect
but this defect is mainly responsible for the electrochemical
response. In addition, calcareous deposit rapidly forms onto
the defect zone when cathodic protection is applied which can
make difficult the evaluation of coating delamination. On the
other hand, immersion of defect-free specimens requires very
long testing periods (several months or even years) in order to
detect the coating degradation. In this work, an attempt to
accelerate the coatings degradation by imposing a high
temperature and thermal cycles were made in order to
decrease the test-time duration. The influence of the applied
cathodic potential was also investigated. The coating
degradation was evaluated by EIS, considering the defect-free
zone of coatings. It was shown that the coating degradation is
faster in the presence of a defect and for high temperature
(45 °C). Moreover, thermal cycles allow to greatly accelerate
the degradation of defect-free coatings and then to compare
the compatibility of both coatings with cathodic protection.
92 A mathematical model for the Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A mathematical model previously developed for predicting
cathodic protection of tank 47 (3), March 2005: Serpong the cathodic protection of pipeline networks is extended to
bottoms/ Douglas P. Riemer, et al 849-868 treat cathodic protection of the bottoms of cylindrical above-
(20 halaman) ground storage tanks. A single tank was modeled for which
protection was provided by an anode located infinitely far
from the tank bottom, by a series of anodes distributed around
the circumference of the tank, and by an anode grid laid
directly underneath the tank bottom. The influence of an
insulating barrier associated with secondary spill containment
was also modeled for the arrangements in which anodes are
placed adjacent to the tank bottom. The performance
predictions are strongly dependent on anode placement, the
oxygen content of the soil, and the presence of insulating
barriers associated with secondary spill containment.
93 Modified wire beam electrode: a Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI Thick organic coatings are often associated with cathodic
useful tool to evaluate Coatings, 52 (2), 1 Serpong protection against the corrosion of metallic structures
compatibility between organic February 2005: 118- immersed in seawater. Thus, it is possible to reduce the
coatings and cathodic protection/ 125. (8 halaman) current demand for the protection by limiting the exposed
Q. Le Thu, et al metal surface and to ensure a protection for the uncoated
metal surface parts. Cathodic protection decreases the rates of
anodic reactions but increases the rates of cathodic ones,
which favors the development of a strong alkalinity, which
can lead to a delamination of the coating. It is then necessary
to develop an efficient method to evaluate the compatibility
between organic coatings and cathodic protection. According
to ASTM G-8, cathodic disbonding tests can be driven with an
artificial defect within the coating under cathodic polarization;
inspection is visual and may be subjective. However, the
defect zone is mainly responsible for the electrochemical
response and coating properties are difficult to estimate. Then,
it can be proposed to develop non-destructive methods which
consider the intact part of the coating near the defect. In such
conditions, the possibility to get electrochemical response by
placing electrodes under the film seems interesting and was
first developed using the wire beam electrode. In this work, an
experimental probe, constituted of 210 mini-electrodes,
named modified wire beam electrode, was prepared in order
to follow the processes of the local coating delamination
under cathodic protection conditions. Measurements of the
galvanic corrosion current between microelectrodes and of the
cathodic protection current were realized. Non-uniformity of
the coating was easily shown and the delamination rate near
the artificial defect was estimated.
94 Steel cathodic protection afforded Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Zinc has traditionally been the metallic material most widely
by zinc, aluminium and Coatings Serpong used to protect steel against atmospheric corrosion due to its
zinc/aluminium alloy coatings in Technology, 190 (2- ability to afford cathodic protection to steel in all types of
the atmosphere/ Z. Panossian, et 3), 21 January 2005: natural atmospheres. In recent decades, aluminium and
al 244-248 zinc/aluminium alloy coatings have been used instead of zinc
(5 halaman) in certain atmospheric applications. Although these coatings
present some advantages over zinc, they are not able to
cathodically protect steel substrates in all types of natural
atmospheres. The present paper assesses the cathodic
protection afforded by Al (flame spraying), Al/13 Si (hot
dipping), 55Al/Zn (hot dipping), Zn/15Al (flame spraying),
Zn/5Al (hot dipping), Zn (hot dipping), Zn (discontinuous hot
dipping) and Zn (electroplating). Aluminium and aluminium-
rich alloy coatings (55%Al/Zn) provide cathodic protection to
the steel substrate only in atmospheres that are highly
contaminated with chloride ions (>100 mg Cl − m−2 day−1)
where these coatings become active.
95 Geometric details and modeling Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI In any computational approach it is necessary to idealize the
accuracy requirements for Analysis with Serpong structure modeled to some extent. In much of the work
shipboard impressed current Boundary Elements, completed to date using boundary element methods to model
cathodic protection system 29 (1), January shipboard impressed current cathodic protection systems
modeling/ V.G. DeGiorgi, et al 2005: 15-28 (ICCP) propellers have been idealized as solid disks. While
(14 halaman) this simplified geometry may capture the shadowing nature of
the component it may not capture essential features of the near
hull potential field in the vicinity of the propeller. Earlier
work utilized the disk representation of propellers as a
required compromise between modeling and problem size
limitations. Advances in computing power coupled with
advances in model generation programs have resulted in the
ability to readily create complex geometries without
significant concerns related to mesh size. In this work three
different representations of propellers are evaluated. The first
method for modeling the propellers is the disk model used in
past analyses. In the second case, the propeller is modeled in
detail including individual blades. In the third detailed
approach, a propeller is modeled as a solid that is shaped to
simulate the complex geometry of a rotating assembly.
Calculated potential fields for these two advanced geometric
representations are compared with results based on the solid
disk representation. The hull geometry used in all cases is that
of the US Navy CVN aircraft carrier class.
96 Electrochemical investigations of Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Results of electrochemical measurements of conductive
conductive coatings applied as Concrete Serpong coatings, based on the mixing of pigmentary graphite in a
anodes in cathodic protection of Composites, 26 (6), polymer matrix are presented in this work. Electrochemical
reinforced concrete/ J Orlikowski, August 2004: 721- parameters are determined for the investigated coatings during
et al 728. (8 halaman) long-term anodic polarisation on reinforced concrete. Based
on impedance measurements the electrochemical parameters
of conducting coatings are calculated. It is shown that the
investigated coatings can be used in cathodic protection of
reinforced concrete. The investigations show that the optimum
graphite contents in coatings used for protection of concrete
should be in the range from 40% to 45%.
97 Effectiveness of a conductive Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI The paper reports a study on the behaviour of a cementitious
cementitious mortar anode for Concrete Research, Serpong conductive overlay anode used for cathodic protection (CP) of
cathodic protection of steel in 34 (4), April 2004: steel in concrete. The anode is made of nickel-coated carbon
concrete/ Luca Bertolini, et al 681-694 fibres in a cementitious mortar. Tests were carried out on
(14 halaman) concrete specimens with two layers of rebars that simulated
reinforced concrete slabs. Anodic current densities in the
range 10–100 mA/m2 with respect to the anode surface were
imposed. Steel and anode potentials, as well as feeding
voltage, were monitored. Four-hour decay and the distribution
of current and potential were regularly measured.
Galvanostatic polarisation tests were also carried out on the
anode material immersed in saturated calcium hydroxide
solutions. The maximum anode current output was evaluated.
The effectiveness of patch repair of the anode, on areas
damaged by excessive current output, is also discussed.
98 Genetic algorithms for inverse Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) is a corrosion prevention technique
cathodic protection problems/ Analysis with Serpong which uses electrochemical properties of metals to insure that
Luiz C Wrobel, et al Boundary Elements, the structure to be protected becomes the cathode of an
28 (3), March 2004: electrolytic cell. The technique is commonly used for
267-277 protecting metallic structures placed in aggressive
(11 halaman) environments, e.g. ship hulls, offshore structures and
underground pipelines. Mathematical models of CP problems
require appropriate boundary conditions given by a
polarization curve, which is a non-linear relationship between
the electrochemical potential and current density. However,
information on the polarization curve is not always available
and strongly depends on the time history of the system.
Another important problem in corrosion engineering is the
identification of coating holidays, i.e. parts of the structure
which have lost their protective coating and became anodic
and prone to strong localized corrosion. The purpose of this
paper is to present a boundary element methodology coupled
to genetic algorithms for inverse problems in corrosion
engineering. The problems studied include the identification
of parameters characterizing the polarization curve, the
identification of coating holidays and the optimization of
anode positioning and their impressed current. Several results
of applications are discussed, including CP studies of practical
three-dimensional engineering problems.
99 Unique application of large-scale, Desalination, 158 UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper describes the main features and performance of a
cathodic-protection system on an (1–3), 1 August Serpong retrofitted cathodic protection (CP) system on six, 5.2 MGD
MSF plant/ 2003: 23-28 multistage flash (MSF) units which has operated satisfactorily
(6 halaman) for an extremely long period. The installation of the CP
system was precipitated by experience of severe corrosion on
many carbon-steel components within months of commencing
operation of the MSF units. An extensive impressed-current
CP system was fitted to the internal surfaces of painted
carbon-steel pipes, rubber-lined water☐es and other
components. After one year of operation, it was found
possible to drastically reduce the number of anodes and,
almost two decades later, the CP system continues to
successfully control corrosion on the components. The paper
describes the CP system and presents evidence from internal
inspections of its effectiveness. The important features
contributing to the performance of the CP system, in terms of
operating parameters and economics, are discussed. In this
respect, evidence is presented of the crucial role, in the
corrosion-control process of the concurrent deposition of
calcareous scale during operation of the CP system.
100 Conducting coatings as anodes in Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI The results have been presented of electrochemical
cathodic protection/ K. Darowicki, Coatings, 46 (3), Serpong measurements of conducting coatings, based on the mixing of
et al May 2003: 191-196 pigmentary carbon in a coating polymer matrix. On the basis
(6 halaman) of impedance measurements electrochemical parameters of
conducting coatings have been calculated. Simultaneously
electric and electrochemical parameters have been determined
of investigated coatings during long-term anodic polarisation.
The results were subjected to statistical analysis and the
scatter level of the experimental results was determined. It has
been shown that investigated coatings can be used in cathodic
protection of objects whilst maintaining assigned electric and
electrochemical parameters.
101 Fatigue behavior of a high Materials Science UPJ. PDII-LIPI Fatigue resistance of the high strength steel SE702 (A517
strength steel in vacuum, in air and Engineering: A, Serpong type) in air and in 3.5% NaCl solution under cathodic
and in 3.5% NaCl solution under 345 (1–2), 25 March protection is compared with the fatigue resistance in high
cathodic protection/ B Huneau, et 2003: 14-22 vacuum in order to identify the effects of the environment on
al (9 halaman) the fatigue damage processes. Fatigue lifetimes, obtained in
air and in vacuum, reveal a strong influence of the gaseous
environment and a significant effect of the test frequency in
air. Experiments performed in aqueous environment under
cathodic protection exhibit an additional reduction of the
fatigue resistance relative to results obtained in air. Interrupted
fatigue tests show that both ambient air and NaCl solution
reduce initiation and propagation stages compared with
vacuum. The gaseous environment tends to accelerate
transgranular cracking whereas the NaCl environment
strongly favors ‘intergranular’ propagation, enhancing the
crack growth rate relative to air. In some conditions, the air
appears to be more detrimental than the NaCl solution with
cathodic protection on the initiation stage. This work confirms
the key role of hydrogen in NaCl solution and the main role of
water vapor in air. But it also shows that the role of oxygen
can not be neglected in air and especially for the crack
initiation stage.
102 Rate of zinc consumption during Desalination, 153 UPJ. PDII-LIPI Rates of zinc consumption during cathodic protection of a
sacrificial cathodic protection of (1–3), 10 February Serpong copper pipeline carrying saline water were measured by the
pipelines carrying saline water/ 2003: 223-226 loss in weight technique. Variables studied were solution flow
A.H Konsowa, et al (4 halaman) rate, temperature and NaCl concentration. It was found that
within the present range of conditions the rate of zinc
consumption increases with increasing solution flow rate,
temperature and NaCl concentration. Results were explained
on the basis that cathodic protection in saline water is
controlled by the rate of diffusion of dissolved oxygen
towards the walls of the copper tube. Implication of the
present results for protecting heat exchangers used in the
desalination industry and coolers employing seawater as a
coolant was highlighted. Under the present range of
conditions the rate of Zn dissolution during cathodic
protection of copper ranged from 9.96×10−3 to
103 Calcareous scales formed by Journal of Crystal UPJ. PDII-LIPI An electrochemical technique using the assessment of the rate
cathodic protection—an Growth, 243 (3–4), Serpong of oxygen reduction at a rotating disk electrode has been used
assessment of characteristics and September 2002: in conjunction with surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron
kinetics/ Anne Neville, et al 490-502 spectroscopy to study the first layer formation of calcareous
(13 halaman) deposits under cathodic protection in various solutions. The
study has shown that the electrochemical technique is an
effective means of monitoring scale formation and that the
existing models which predict scale formation by a basal layer
of Mg(OH)2 followed by CaCO3 are over-simplified. The
advantages of using an integrated approach of electrochemical
analysis and a surface sensitive analysis technique in
characterising the initial scale as a function of the solution
composition are presented and discussed and revised models
describing the temporal development of calcareous layers in
saline solutions are suggested.
104 Membrane-based cathodic Membrane UPJ. PDII-LIPI A cathodic protection system for corrosion protection of
protection system Technology, 2002 Serpong metallic structures in contact with aqueous solutions such as
(8), 1 August 2002: salt water and calcium chloride brine is covered by this patent.
12 The system employs anode chambers, containing hydroxide
(1 halaman) anolytes segregated from an electrolyte containing chloride by
an ion-exchange membrane. The anode and the structures to
be protected are coupled to voltage and current sources
impressing a current at the immersed surfaces of the metallic
structures in order to maintain these surfaces close to an
equipotential, and are covered with a bound layer of polarized
hydroxide. The preferred embodiment is used in connection
with stainless steel holding tanks and associated equipment.
When the brine and the anolyte contact the membrane, a bi-
ionic potential forms across the membrane that drives the
counter-directed transport of ions through the membrane,
thereby preventing the anodic production of 12C. Additionally,
pH control is employed and a controller is coupled to one or
more of a series of reference electrodes used to monitor the
potential differences between the electrodes and the metal
surfaces to be cathodically protected. If the potential
difference falls outside of a predetermined range, because of
changing exposure conditions and/or operating parameters,
the applied voltage is adjusted so that the current from the
anode produces a polarized and alkaline protective film at the
metallic surfaces of the holding tank and associated
equipment so as to counteract and overcome the corrosive
properties of the brine.
105 Novel coating systems produced Surface and UPJ. PDII-LIPI CrN/NbN, TiAlCrYN and TiAlYN/CrN coatings were
by the combined cathodic Coatings Serpong deposited onto aerospace titanium alloy TIMETAL 834 using
arc/unbalanced magnetron Technology, Volume combined cathodic arc/unbalanced magnetron sputtering.
sputtering for environmental 155 (2–3), 17 June Specimens were Nb- and Cr-ion etched before coating
protection of titanium alloys/ C 2002: 103-111 deposition, respectively. Isothermal and cyclic oxidation tests
Leyens , et al (9 halaman) were performed in air at 750 °C for 1000 h. While CrN/NbN
coatings as well as metal ion etching alone did not improve
oxidation resistance of the substrate alloy, monolithically
grown TiAlCrYN and superlattice TiAlYN/CrN coatings
demonstrated enhanced oxidation resistance. TiAlCrYN
provided improved oxidation resistance compared with
commercial γ-TiAl alloy Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb. Careful post-
oxidation microstructural investigations using SEM, EDS,
Raman spectroscopy, and TEM revealed that the TiAlCrYN
and TiAlYN/CrN formed a thin protective alumina scale
which was interrupted by titania agglomerations originating
from substrate oxidation that dominated oxidation behaviour
after extended exposure times. Despite the presence of coating
defects leading to substrate attack, these novel coatings are
considered as promising candidates for oxidation protection of
titanium alloys.
106 Evaluation of perfect paint Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI Computational modeling often involves making assumptions;
assumptions in modeling of Analysis with Serpong assumptions about geometric features, material
cathodic protection systems/ V.G Boundary Elements, characterizations or loading conditions. The validity of these
DeGiorgi 26 (5), May 2002: assumptions will directly impact accuracy. It is an accepted
435-445 practice in computational modeling of impressed current
(11 halaman) cathodic protection (ICCP) systems to define painted surfaces
as perfectly insulated (‘perfect paint’). While many paint
systems have a high resistance, the resistance is finite rather
than infinite. In this work, painted surfaces are defined with
varying material properties ranging from relatively high
resistance (0.0001 of the polarization response of steel) to
relatively low (steel). These different material properties are
assigned to the painted surfaces of a previously validated
shipboard ICCP system model. All other boundary conditions
are held constant. A comparison of results quantifies the
effects of large but finite paint resistance on computational
results and validates use of the perfectly insulated surface
assumption for painted surfaces.
107 A study on cathodic protection Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Potential and current distributions in a cathodically protected
against crevice corrosion in dilute 44 (4), April 2002: Serpong crevice between a simulated coating and segmented mild steel
NaCl solutions/ Zhengfeng Li, et 689-701 electrodes were measured in dilute NaCl solutions. The
al (13 halaman) distributions became more uniform with time due to an
increase in solution conductivity and depletion of dissolved
oxygen in the crevice. Generally, a negative shift of control
potential and an increase in initial solution conductivity and
crevice thickness resulted in a higher polarization level on the
steel. However, if the control potential is too negative, the
polarization level may be lower than that under a suitable
control potential because of hydrogen evolution. On the basis
of these results, a mechanism of cathodic protection against
crevice corrosion in high-resistivity environments was
108 A study of the bond degradation Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Bond degradation of rebar embedded in concrete due to
of rebar due to cathodic protection Concrete Research, Serpong impressed cathodic protection current was studied and is
current/ J.J. Chang 32 (4), April 2002: reported in this paper. Different mix designs of concrete are
657-663 found to have influence on the degradation percentage of bond
(7 halaman) strength. More specifically, bond strength degradation
percentage with higher water-to-cement (w/c) ratio is found to
be larger than that with lower w/c ratio. The microstructure
scanning electron microscope (SEM) photos of the concrete
near the rebar–concrete interface showed that a loose structure
with larger microvoids existed in the interface zone. Further,
microhardness tests on the concrete near the interface and
chemical titration to determine contents of potassium and
sodium ions were performed to ensure that the main cause of
bond degradation is the softening effect of concrete. A unified
parameter, which combined the effects of cathodic current
density and polarization time, is used to build up the
relationship between experimental data. This concept allows
engineers to quickly obtain design information from the
experimental data of accelerated tests.
109 Corrosion protection of ion vapor Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI DC cathodic polymerization of trimethylsilane (TMS) and its
deposition (IVD) Al-coated Al Coatings, 44 (1), Serpong mixtures with argon was conducted in a closed reactor system.
alloys by low-temperature plasma March 2002: 37-47 The TMS deposition behavior and plasma parameters were
interface engineering: Part III— (11 halaman) examined with discharge time during the deposition process.
DC cathodic polymerization in a The chemical composition of TMS plasma polymers was
closed reactor system/ Qingsong investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
Yu, et al analysis. It was found that the TMS plasma coatings obtained
under such operations have a distinct chemical structure that
gradually changes from silicon rich at the interface with the
substrate to carbon rich at the top surface. The coating
characteristics of TMS plasma polymers were evaluated in
terms of refractive index, linear polarization resistance, and
adhesion performance to subsequent spray paint primers.
Experimental data indicated that DC cathodic polymerization
of TMS in a closed reactor system produced plasma coatings
with superior-coating properties, such as higher refractive
index and stronger primer adhesion, to those obtained in a
flow reactor system as employed in parts 1 and 2 of this
series. As a result, the plasma interface engineered-coating
systems of IVD/plasma polymer/non-chromated primer
obtained under such an operation showed excellent corrosion
protection of IVD Al-coated Al alloys which outperformed
the chromate conversion-coated IVD controls after 4 weeks of
SO2 salt spray and 12 weeks of Prohesion salt spray tests.
110 Protection current distribution in Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Current distribution from a surface mounted anode to steel
reinforced concrete cathodic Concrete Serpong reinforcement in atmospherically exposed concrete is
protection systems/ A.M. Composites, 24 (1), modelled as a function of the condition of the steel, the
Hassanein, et al February 2002: 159- resistivity of the concrete and anode-steel geometry. The
167. (9 halaman) boundary conditions at the steel have a significant effect on
current distribution with more uniform distribution arising at
low steel corrosion rates. In a typical situation the surface of a
steel bar facing the anode may receive 50% more current than
the opposite surface. As cathodic protection has proved to be
effective in these cases, a basis for many design decisions that
influence current distribution is that their effect is small by
comparison. When more than one layer of reinforcement is
present the current distribution is significantly worse. In this
case a surface anode may not be enough and discrete anodes
may be necessary to improve current distribution. An increase
in the concrete resistivity, cover and the anode to cathode area
ratio at a constant anode current density will increase the
voltage drop through the concrete inducing an improvement in
the environment at the steel that promotes steel passivity.
111 Corrosion protection of ion vapor Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI DC cathodic polymerizations of trimethylsilane (TMS) were
deposition (IVD) Al-coated Al Coatings, 43 (4), Serpong carried out in a bell-jar reactor without using an anode
alloys by low-temperature plasma December 2001: assembly, i.e., under the conditions similar to ion vapor
interface engineering: Part II. DC 243-250. deposition (IVD) operation. In order to initiate the DC glow
cathodic polymerization under (8 halaman) discharge, a negative potential was applied to IVD Al-coated
conditions of IVD (without using aluminum panels, the cathode, and grounded reactor wall, the
anode assembly)/ Qingsong Yu, et anode. TMS plasma coatings obtained under such operation
al was studied in terms of refractive indices, linear polarization
resistance, and adhesion performance to subsequent spray
paint primers. Experimental results indicated that the TMS
plasma coatings obtained without anode assembly have
similar coating characteristics to those obtained by anode
magnetron plasmas as used in Part I of this series, which
showed excellent corrosion protection of IVD Al-coated
aluminum alloys. As a result, the plasma interface engineered
coating systems of IVD/plasma polymer/non-chromated
primer obtained under such operation showed excellent
corrosion protection of IVD Al-coated aluminum alloys,
which outperformed the chromate conversion-coated IVD
controls after 4 weeks of SO2 and 12 weeks prohesion salt
spray tests.
112 Cathodic protection criteria of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The effect of temperature on the cathodic protection criteria of
thermally insulated pipeline 43 (11), November Serpong a pipeline steel under insulation was studied in the
buried in soil/ Jung-Gu Kim, et al 2001: 2011-2021 temperature range 25–95°C in synthetic ground water.
(11 halaman) Sufficient protection could not be obtained at −0.85 V CSE at
elevated temperatures, while more negative potential than
−0.85 VCSE was required to obtain satisfactory protection. The
anodic Tafel lines were used to determine the protection
potential at each temperature. The protection potential was
shifted to the more negative value as the temperature
increased. The most negative potential was measured at 80°C,
which decreased to −1.346 VSCE. Acceptable corrosion rates
were achieved when the potential was held at −1.346 V SCE
over the temperature range studied.
113 Characterization of deposits by Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A new device is proposed where the electrode is a transparent
direct observation and by 46 (24–25), 15 Serpong electrode in modified SnO2. With this new electrode the
electrochemical methods on a August 2001: 3851- reduction of oxygen occurs in a way similar to a gold
conductive transparent electrode. 3857. (7 halaman) electrode. Simultaneously the oxygen current is recorded
Application to biofilm and scale versus time and picture of the interface itself is taken with a
deposit under cathodic protection/ digital camera through the electrode. An image analysis is
H Cachet, et al performed to determine the coated area and the number of
objects by surface unit. Under cathodic protection, the
reduction of oxygen induces an increase of the interfacial pH
and then formation of scale deposit. The usual
chronoamperometric analysis was completed by an in situ
observation of the scale deposit. In natural water the biofilm
development was studied by electrochemical method to
determine the biofilm thickness and this analysis is completed
by a direct observation through the electrode. A good
correlation between the two techniques was found.
114 Influence of the level of cathodic Marine Structures, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Existing guidance on the design and construction of offshore
protection on the corrosion fatigue 14 (4–5), 10 July Serpong installations does not define the optimum level of cathodic
properties of high-strength welded 2001: 397-416 protection (CP) and notes that the effectiveness of CP has not
joints/ Christopher Lindley, et al (20 halaman) yet been proven for structural steels with a yield stress above
400 MPa. There is clearly a need to establish the optimum and
safe working limits of CP in realistic environments if higher
strength steels are to be more widely employed in offshore
structures. Corrosion fatigue endurance tests have been
conducted on welded T-joints of a quenched and tempered
steel, with a yield strength of 500 MPa, over a range of
cathodic protection potentials between −850 and −1000 mV
Ag/AgCl. Testing was at constant amplitude in artificial
seawater at 5°C using a frequency of 0.2 Hz. Fatigue crack
initiation and growth were monitored by an automated ACPD
technique. The results were compared to those obtained from
normalised steel (350 MPa yield stress). In addition fatigue
crack growth rates and thresholds were determined, using
standard fracture mechanics techniques, under equivalent
environmental conditions, to further define the effects of
cathodic protection potentials. The results showed that whilst
the fatigue endurance of both higher and lower strength steels
was reduced by 50% under free corrosion conditions, the
effectiveness of CP was found to vary between the two steels
with both applied stress and level of potential having an
influence. In particular stresses over 100 MPa and potentials
more negative than −950 mV Ag/AgCl could be non-
conservative. It is considered that additional constraints
should be included within the HSE Guidance Notes and
BS7608 restricting stresses and cathodic protection potentials
for high-strength welded joints.
115 Cathodic protection afforded by Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this work, intermittent cathodic protection was applied to
an intermittent current applied to 43 (6), June 2001: Serpong chloride contaminated reinforced concrete exposed to
reinforced concrete/ G.K. Glass, et 1111-1131 simulated tidal zone conditions. It was observed that an
al (21 halaman) integrated protection current of just 6 mA/m2 induced the
passivation of steel exhibiting an initial corrosion rate of 60
mA/m2 in conditions characterised by weakly polarised
cathodic reaction kinetics. This provides the first direct
laboratory evidence that protection may be achieved with a
cathodic current that is small compared to the corrosion rate.
In this case the protective effects of a negative potential shift
may be ignored; it is the changes in the environment at the
cathode that induce passivation and provide the basis for
cathodic protection. Such changes occur slowly and do not
give the instantaneous protection offered by a large negative
potential shift. A large potential shift combined with a
reducing environment may be generated in saturated
conditions characterised by strongly polarised cathodic
reaction kinetics. Both passivating and reducing environments
at the steel will persist following current interruption. The
dominance of these persistent effects suggests that the
integrated value of the current required for protection will be
insensitive to current variations. Positive trends in open circuit
potentials or sustained negative potentials are indicative of
passivating and reducing conditions respectively, although an
intermittent current complicates non-destructive performance
116 Corrosion protection of ion vapor Progress in Organic UPJ. PDII-LIPI Anode magnetron enhanced DC cathodic plasmas were used
deposition (IVD) Al-coated Al Coatings, 42 (1–2), Serpong to treat ion vapor deposition (IVD) aluminum-coated 2024-T3
alloys by low-temperature plasma June 2001: 100-109 and 7075-T6 Al alloys for the creation of plasma interface-
interface engineering: Part I. DC (10 halaman) engineered systems of IVD/plasma polymer/primer. Cathodic
cathodic polymerization with electrocoat (E-coat) and three kinds of spray paints were
anode magnetron enhancement/ employed as primers. Plasma treatment and polymerization on
Qingsong Yu, et al IVD Al-coated Al alloys provided an excellent adhesion base
for succeeding primer coatings; extremely strong, water-
insensitive adhesion was obtained between the plasma-treated
IVD Al-coated Al alloys and primers. When evaluated by SO2
and prohesion salt spray tests, these plasma interface-
engineered IVD/plasma polymer/primer systems showed
excellent corrosion protection characteristics. After 4 weeks
of SO2 salt spray testing, these plasma coating systems
outperformed the two types of controls used in this study, i.e.,
chromate conversion coated and then cathodic electrocoated
(BASF E-coat) or chromated primer (Deft 44-GN-36) coated
IVD Al alloys. After 12 weeks of Prohesion salt spray testing,
the plasma interface-engineered IVD/plasma polymer/primer
systems showed corrosion test results comparable to the Deft
primer-coated controls and outperformed the BASF cathodic
electrocoated controls.
117 Design of a solar photovoltaic- Solar Energy UPJ. PDII-LIPI A mini cathodic protection (CP) system based on solar
powered mini cathodic protection Materials and Solar Serpong photovoltaic power source has been designed and tested in the
system/ P.R Mishra, et al Cells, 61 (4), 1 April field. It is concluded that such modular systems are well
2000: 383-391 suited for CP applications especially in remote and hilly
(9 halaman) terrains.
118 Green's functions for the Laplace Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI We report in this paper a set of nine Green's functions for the
equation in a 3-layer medium, Analysis with Serpong Laplace equation for an infinite 3-layer medium in which a
boundary element integrals and Boundary Elements, layer of finite width is sandwiched between two semi-infinite
their application to cathodic 23 (9), October domains. Typical 3D plots of these Green's functions are
protection/ V.S. Ramanan, et al 1999: 777-786 computed and presented. Taking an offshore platform as a
(10 halaman) prime example of a structure in a 3-layer medium
(atmosphere, ocean and soil), we work out the boundary
element integrals using macro elements such as the tubulars.
Constant elements reduce several of these boundary integrals
to analytical forms. As an application, we discuss the cathodic
protection modelling of offshore structures using the
‘boundary element method’.
119 A solution technique for cathodic Advances in UPJ. PDII-LIPI This article is concerned with the application of the Boundary
protection with dynamic boundary Engineering Serpong Element Method to cathodic protection problems of
conditions by the boundary Software, 30 ( 9- submerged structures using polarization curves depending
element method/ J.A.F. Santiago, 11), September- upon time and formation potential. These curves have been
et al November 1999: adjusted from potentiostatic data obtained from in-situ
663-671 experiments, yielding a nonlinear functional representation.
The solution technique adopts stepwise linearized polarization
curves and is employed for sufficiently small time steps. The
influence of varying formation potential is introduced into the
analysis under two alternative hypotheses here designated
fictitious time and fictitious potential.
120 Evaluation of the effect of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Results have been presented of potentiodynamic and
ruthenium oxide on the properties 41 (6), 1 June 1999: Serpong impedance investigations of conducting polymeric composites
of composite electrodes used in 1165-1173 based on the polyethylene matrix with addition of DuPont
cathodic protection/ Kazimierz (9 halaman) vinyl acetate (Elvax 450). High conducting carbon black was
Darowicki, et al the main conducting component of investigated polymeric
composites. Improvement of the current output of composite
electrodes was realised by introduction of active ruthenium
dioxide. Statistical analysis was carried out of
potentiodynamic dependencies allowing determination of
relations of the current output of designed electrodes in the
function of the percentage of introduced oxide. An
improvement of electrochemical parameters has been shown
characterising polymeric composites with increase of the
percentage of ruthenium oxide.

121 About coatings and cathodic Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Two aspects related to the deterioration process of organic
protection: Properties of the 44 (2–3), 15 Serpong coated structures under cathodic protection, detected in a
coatings influencing delamination September 1998: previous work, are analysed: (i) why the size of failures
and cathodic protection criteria/ 363-371 exposing the metallic substrate can influence the level of
Isabel C.P Margarit, et al (9 halaman) delamination and (ii) if there is a failure exposing the metallic
substrate, why the appearance of blisters is fostered even
away far from the original failure. The results show that an
improvement of laboratory procedures for coatings selection
can contribute to the development of coating/cathodic
protection technology. Finally, the limitations of usual
cathodic protection criteria are discussed considering the
impedance measurements of samples with electrodes placed at
the coating/metal interface.
122 Scale effects and verification of Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI The impressed-current cathodic protection system designed
modeling of ship cathodic Analysis with Serpong for a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is evaluated using boundary
protection systems/ V.G. Boundary Elements, element techniques. Geometric scaling is introduced by the
DeGiorgi, et al 22 (1), July 1998: inclusion of relatively smaller features, such as a bilge keel.
41-49 The ship is modeled using guidelines developed for a smaller
(9 halaman) craft. Increases in geometric size result in increases in
electrical current demand. Effects of time in service and speed
are incorporated by paint damage patterns and use of
polarization responses obtained under increased velocity used
to simulate ship dynamic conditions. Physical scale modeling
of experimental results are used as the basis for evaluation of
model accuracy. Detailed comparisons of computational and
experimental results show good agreement. As in previous
work, model simplification and material characterization
accuracy are observed to have a major influence on overall
analysis accuracy.
123 Evaluation of the current output of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Statistical analysis has been presented of potentiodynamic
polymer anodes used in cathodic 40 (6), 1 June 1998: Serpong measurements of composite anodes based on the ethylene-
protection/ K Darowicki, et al 931-937 propylene terpolymer binder. A series of 20 potentiodynamic
(7 halaman) measurements has been carried out of three composite
samples differing in the content of carbon black, an electric
conducting component. Statistical analysis has been carried
out of current density values for seven assumed potentials.
The distribution function has been determined for obtained
values, as well as the standard deviation and the absolute error
range. It has been shown that the presented methodology can
be used for evaluation of electrochemical properties of
conducting composites and an advantageous effect of the
highly conducting carbon black has been stated.
124 Cathodic protection for Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Recently, corrosion of prestressing steel in concrete has been
prestressed concrete structures/ Building Materials, Serpong reported. One of the effective countermeasures to stop
K Ishii, et al 12 (2–3), 1 March corrosion is cathodic protection. Cathodic protection has been
1998: 125-132 applied to reinforced concrete structures so far. However,
(8 halaman) there are several uncertainties especially associated with
applicability to prestressed concrete structures. The authors
conducted a series of experiments using cathodic protection
system on prestressed concrete structures in order to establish
the reliable cathodic protection systems. This article indicated
some experimental results on susceptibility of prestressing
steel to hydrogen embrittlement and mechanical behavior of
pretentioned beams subjected to current supply.
125 Monitoring the passivation of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI This work examines the applicability of mixed potential
steel in concrete induced by 39 (8), August 1997: Serpong theory to predict the corrosion rate of steel in concrete using
cathodic protection/ G.K. Glass, et 1451-1458 the negative potential shift induced by a known cathodic
al current density. Under atmospherically exposed conditions the
kinetics of the cathodic reaction often exhibit activation
controlled behaviour. It is shown that in these conditions the
corrosion rates estimated from a large negative potential shift
are very similar to those determined using the more widely
acceptable polarisation resistance method. This provides the
basis for an improved reinforced concrete cathodic protection
criterion in which a conservative estimate of the potential
shift, given by the potential decay on interrupting the current,
is combined with a knowledge of the local applied current
density to determine the unpolarised corrosion rate. Such a
criterion may be used to monitor the development of steel
passivity induced by a cathodic protection system.
126 Cathodic protection of steel Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Due to the decrease in volume electrical resistivity associated
reinforced concrete facilitated by Concrete Research, Serpong with carbon fiber addition (0.35 vol.%) to concrete
using carbon fiber reinforced 27 (5), May 1997: (embedding steel rebar), concrete containing carbon fibers and
mortar or concrete/ Jiangyuan 649-656 silica fume reduced by 18% the driving voltage required for
Hou, et al (8 halaman) cathodic protection compared to plain concrete, and by 28%
compared to concrete with silica fume. Due to the decrease in
resistivity associated with carbon fiber addition (1.1 vol.%) to
mortar, overlay (embedding titanium wires for electrical
contacts to steel reinforced concrete) in the form of mortar
containing carbon fibers and latex reduced by the 10% the
driving voltage required for cathodic protection, compared to
plain mortar overlay. In spite of the low resistivity of mortar
overlay with carbon fibers, cathodic protection required
multiple metal electrical contacts embedded in the mortar at a
spacing of 11 cm or less.
127 Optimization of cathodic Engineering UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper presents a boundary element application to
protection system by BEM/ Analysis with Serpong determine the optimum locations of electrodes and the
Shigeru Aoki, et al Boundary Elements, optimum impressed current to each electrode in a cathodic
19 (2), March 1997: protection system. The problem is reduced to minimizing the
147-156 power supply under the protecting condition which is taken
(10 halaman) into account by the penalty function method. First, the
cathodic protection system where the electrodes have to be
located directly on the wall of a structure is considered. To
avoid remeshing, which is necessary in each iteration in
standard optimization procedures, the boundary integral
equation is modified in such a way that the design variables
become independent of the boundary element mesh. Next, the
cathodic protection system where the electrodes are located in
the electrolyte is considered. To reduce computational time,
an effective sensitivity analysis method for 3D problems is
presented, and to cope with the multipeaked cost function a
genetic algorithm combined with a clustering technique and a
gradient method is applied.
128 Microprocessor based control of Energy Conversion UPJ. PDII-LIPI The objective of a cathodic protection system (CP) is to
photovoltiac cathodic protection and Management, Serpong protect the buried metallic structure against corrosion caused
system/ Abd El-Shakour, et al 38 (1), January by chemical reaction between the buried structure and the
1997: 21-27 surrounding medium, such as soil. Due to rains and humidity
(7 halaman) variations, soil resistivity varies, and consequently, the current
supplied by a d.c. supply changes. To resolve this problem in
conventional systems, the d.c. voltage of the supply is
adjusted manually from time to time to keep a constant d.c.
current. An elaborate automatic control system using a
microprocessor is proposed in this work. Two alternative
techniques are discussed. The first technique, like the
conventional system, depends on measuring the voltage
between the buried structure and a copper-copper sulphate cell
at the assigned test points. The microprocessor controlled
system proposed keeps the maximum and minimum voltages
at the assigned test points within the allowed limits by
changing the d.c. supply voltage. The second technique
depends on sensing the d.c. load current. If the current
changes due to environment variations, the microprocessor
system adjusts the d.c. supply voltage in such a way that the
d.c. load current is kept constant, regardless of environmental
129 Optimal control of impressed Applied UPJ. PDII-LIPI The protection of propellers and painted hull from corrosion
cathodic protection systems in Mathematical Serpong in a ship is formulated as an optimal control model. We use a
ship building/ W. Sun Modelling, 20 (11), Gauss-Newton algorithm for solving the nonlinear model, and
November 1996: boundary element methods are employed for the numerical
823-828 calculation.
(6 halaman)
130 Cathodic protection and cathodic Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Developments in cathodic protection for aerial concrete
prevention/ Pietro Pedeferri Building Materials, Serpong structures are described. The principles on which the
10 (5), July 1996: technique is based and the various protecting effects induced
391-402 by the cathodic polarization of reinforcement are illustrated;
(12 halaman) the differences between the cathodic protection applied to
control corrosion rate of chloride contaminated constructions
and that applied to improve the corrosion resistance of the
reinforcement of new structures expected to become
contaminated are underlined; and the negative consequences
of the method and the way to control them are shown. The
operating conditions as far as potential and current are
concerned and the problems regarding throwing power, the
possibility to reach a condition of protection without running
the risk of hydrogen embrittlement in the case of prestressed
structures are discussed. Examples of cathodic protection and
cathodic prevention design, execution, operation and
monitoring are given.
131 In-situ monitoring of the Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In the course of applying cathodic protection on concrete
efficiency of the cathodic 41 (7–8), May-June Serpong structures exposed to chloride contamination (sea-water or de-
protection of reinforced concrete 1996: 1233-1238 icing salt), characterization of the effectiveness of the
by electrochemical impedance (6 halaman) protection procedure is a most important point. This
spectroscopy/ F. Pruckner, et al effectiveness is related with the removal of aggressive ions
and with the rebuilding of the passive layer on the steel
surface. The measuring-procedure applied until now is based
on the measurement of the change with time of the potential
difference between the reinforcement and (normally
embedded) reference electrodes after switching off the
protection current. The criterion defined by NACE (National
Association of Corrosion Engineers) for a sufficient working
of a cathodic protection installation is based on empirically
evaluated values. The workability of an improved cathodic
protection equipment, using recently developed anodic
materials[1], was monitored by impedance spectroscopic
techniques. A strong dependence of the charge transfer
resistance (Rct) values of the corrosion reaction on the
cathodic charge consumed during the protection procedure
was found. Results from linear polarization and corrosion
potential measurements are well comparable with the
impedance data. The main advantage of the impedance
technique is the capability of a fast and automatic measuring
procedure and of the possibility of on-line monitoring.
132 Societies, standards and working Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI The concrete restoration techniques of cathodic protection,
parties — the present position in Building Materials, Serpong realkalization, chloride extraction and, by contrast, the more
European standards for cathodic 10(1), February conventional forms of concrete repair, are distinguishable
protection of concrete structures/ 1996: 101-107 both in terms of market size, areas applied, technical
D.C. Pocock (7 halaman) acceptance or reliability, and recognition in terms of industry
bodies and standards. The situation is further complicated by
variations in all these respects, both around Europe and
further afield. In an attempt to clarify the position, and, no
doubt, at risk of adding to the apparent complexity, this paper
compares these techniques in terms of their progress towards
European standards, and by reflecting on the likely ‘routes
through the standards’ when applying the techniques.
Acknowledgement is made to the Society for Cathodic
Protection of Reinforced Concrete, Concrete Repair
Association, Concrete Society, Institute of Corrosion, British
Standards Institution, and Comite´Europe´enne de
Normalisation (CEN), to all of whose activities reference is
made, but whose views are not necessarily those expressed by
the author.
133 Cathodic protection system and a Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI
coating and coating composition Concrete Serpong
therefore/ J Moreland Peter, et al Composites, 18 (6),
1996: 459
(1 halaman)
134 Design of control circuit of solar Solar Energy, 55(5), UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) system objective is to protect
photovoltaic powered regulated November 1995: Serpong metallic structures against corrosion caused by chemical
cathodic protection system/ 363-366 reaction between metallic structures and surrounding medium
Wagdy R. Anis (4 halaman) such as soil or water. To overcome such a problem a
sacrificing anode is connected to the protected structure
(which acts as a cathode) through a d.c. power supply. The
d.c. power required for CP systems is characterized by low
voltage and high current. This power may be obtained from
a.c. power source, if available, and a rectifier. The second
alternative is to use a diesel generator and a rectifier, but this
system requires frequent fuel addition and maintenance. If the
location of the system is remote, maintenance and fuel
transport become costly. Recently solar photovoltaic (PV)
systems are used to provide cathodic protection systems in
remote areas by d.c. power. Solar PV systems are modular so
that they may be designed to operate at the required voltage
and current easily. PV systems are maintenance free. To stop
the corrosion entirely, the protected structure is to be fed by a
constant current determined by structure's metal, area and the
surrounding medium. The major difficulty to achieve this goal
is the variations of the surrounding medium resistivity due to
climatic conditions changes. Conventional CP systems resolve
this problem by periodical manual adjustment of the d.c.
voltage to obtain a constant current. Such adjustment depends
on the experience of the technician and the accuracy of the
measuring equipment used. Moreover if the interval between
two successive adjustments is relatively long, an appreciable
corrosion may take place because of the non accurate d.c.
voltage applied to the system. To overcome this difficulty, an
automatically regulated CP system is discussed by Anis and
Alfons [Solar Energy, 53(2), pp. 211–214, 1994]. The
proposed system senses the variations of surrounding medium
resistivity and adjusts the d.c. voltage of the system
automatically so that the d.c. current is kept almost constant at
the required level regardless of soil resistivity variations. In
this work the design of the electronic control circuits of the
regulated CP system is thoroughly investigated.
135 Electrochemical investigations of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Results have been presented of investigations of the anodic
conducting polymer composites 37 (7), July 1995: Serpong properties of polymeric composites for cathodic protection.
for cathodic protection—II/ J. 1143-1150 Composites based on EPDM have been tested during long-
Walaszkowski, et al (8 halaman) lasting galvanostatic polarization in 0.1 M Na2SO4, during
which periodically impedance spectra were taken. The
possibility of using EIS has been shown to trace changes of
composite properties during work in cathodic protection
systems. It has been stated that the partial resistance of the
anodic reaction does not change significantly. On the other
hand, depending on the contents of black in the composite and
the density of the polarization systems, the electrical
properties of the anode may deteriorate. Application of EIS
for long-lasting polarization investigations enables elaboration
of new composites, containing modified conducting
components, limiting oxidation of carbon.
136 Carbon fiber reinforced mortar as Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI For a joint between old plain mortar and new mortar (which
an electrical contact material for Concrete Research, Serpong serves as an electrical contact material for cathodic protection
cathodic protection/ Xuli Fu, et al 25 (4), May 1995: of steel-reinforced old mortar), short carbon fiber addition to
689-694 the new mortar was found to decrease both the contact
resistivity and the new mortar's volume resistivity. Whether
the new mortar contained fibers or not, the contact resistance
was higher than the new mortar's volume resistance
perpendicular to the contact and was lower than the new
mortar's volume resistance parallel to the contact. In the
presence of latex, the volume resistivity was 3.1 × 10 5, 1.4 ×
103 and 1.2 × 102 Ω.cm and the contact resistivity was 5.9 ×
106, 2.7 × 105 and 2.6 × 104 Ω.cm2 at fiber contents of 0, 0.53
and 1.1 vol. % respectively. Latex addition alone to the new
mortar increased slightly both contact resistivity and new
mortar's volume resistivity. All resistivities increased very
slightly with curing age.
137 Electrochemical investigations of Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Results are presented of a comparison of polarization and
conducting polymer composites 37 (4), April 1995: Serpong impedance investigations of conductive composites based on
for cathodic protection—I/ J. 645-655 ethylcne-propylene-diene-monomer (EPDM). These
Walaszkowski, et al (11 halaman) composites are assigned as the material for the production of
polymeric anodes. It has been shown that anodic properties of
the composites depend, amongst others, on the type and
amount of admixed carbon black. Electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) has been proposed for the determination of
electrical and electrochemical properties of polymeric
composites. Choice of electrical equivalent circuit and
analysis of obtained spectra allow the determination of the
resistance of the composite and the resistance of the anodic
process occurring on the surface of the polymer. EIS can be
used in investigations of conductive polymeric composites
developed for cathodic protection needs.

138 Microprocessor-based cathodic Applied Energy, 52 UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) is a means of rendering a metal
protection system using (2–3), 1995: 299-305 Serpong immune from corrosive attack by utilizing an external direct
photovoltaic energy/ H. El (7 halaman) current to oppose the discharge of corrosion current from the
Ghitani, et al anodic areas of the metallic structure. The variation of the
surrounding medium's resistivity due to changes in climatic
conditions makes it difficult to stop the corrosion completely.
So, the development of an automatic CP system is necessary
to overcome this difficulty. This work aims to automate the
conventional manually used impressed current method for
buried steel pipelines. The CP pipeline-to-soil potential
difference will be adjusted automatically and continuously
using an electronic control system. This system will
manipulate the measured data concerning the CP and generate
the required compensating current to stop the corrosion. The
energy required for the electronic system will be obtained
using photovoltaic arrays. In the present paper, a complete
design of a microprocessor-based CP system using
photovoltaic energy is given. The system consists of: a
photovoltaic (PV) array which generates DC power from solar
radiation, a storage battery of size sufficient to support the
system by the required energy for at least two successive days,
a charge controller to protect the battery against overcharging,
and a microprocessor-controlled circuit which enables one to
make automatic adjustments for the CP current according to
the state of corrosion of the pipeline.
139 An investigation into the Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The influence of a cathodic current on the corrosion behaviour
mechanisms of protection 36 (12), December Serpong of mild steel exposed to both dilute sodium nitrate solutions
afforded by a cathodic current and 1994: 2193-2209 and chloride contaminated concrete has been examined. In
the implications for advances in (17 halaman) both cases the formation of passive films was promoted by
the field of cathodic protection/ stimulating a cathodic reaction on the metal surface, the
G.K. Glass, et al cathodic kinetics being under activation control in the near
passive region. The sodium nitrate solution was not capable of
supporting a passive film on its own and it is suggested that,
in this environment, film formation is promoted by the
production of inhibitors (hydroxyl ions, free radical
intermediates and metal oxide intermediates) resulting from
the cathodic reduction reaction. In chloride-contaminated
concrete an additional effect is the removal of aggressive
anions via the flow of negative ionic current away from the
metal surface. These passivating effects of the cathodic
current provide persistent protection and may be harnessed to
develop intermittent cathodic protection for use in areas such
as the tidal zone where an electrolyte is not always present.
The improvement in the local environment at the steel surface
may facilitate a reduction in the protection current density, a
factor which may be used to reduce the risk of overprotection
when cathodic protection is applied to prestressing steel. The
use of potential depolarisation and current density related
criteria may be more appropriate than the achievement of a
predetermined absolute potential in cases where the purpose
of the cathodic protection system is to induce
140 Photovoltaic powered regulated Solar Energy, 53 (2), UPJ. PDII-LIPI The cathodic protection (CP) system objective is to protect
cathodic protection system/ August 1994: 211- Serpong metallic structures against corrosion caused by chemical
Wagdy R. Anis, et al 214. (4 halaman) reaction between metallic structures and surrounding
mediums, such as soil or water. To overcome such a problem,
a sacrificing anode is connected to the protected structure
(which acts as a cathode) through a DC power supply. As a
result, a current passes from the sacrificing anode to the
protected cathode. This leads to anode corrosion rather than
causing the cathode (protected structure) corrosion. To stop
the corrosion, the protected structure requires a constant
current determined by structure metal, area, and the
surrounding medium. The major difficulty in achieving this
condition is the variation of surrounding medium resistivity
due to climatic condition changes. For example, rains as well
as humidity decrease soil resistivity, and as a result the DC
current increases and a harmful overprotection may take
place. Both corrosion and overprotection are harmful for the
metallic structure. Conventional CP systems resolve this
problem by manual adjustment of DC voltage periodically to
obtain a constant current. Such adjustment depends on the
personal experience of the technician and the accuracy of the
measuring equipment used. Accordingly, the adjustment is
subject to personal and measuring equipment errors.
Moreover, if the interval between two successive adjustments
is relatively long, structure corrosion becomes significant,
which may have drastic consequences. To overcome the
aforementioned difficulties associated with the conventional
CP system, an automatically regulated CP system is discussed
in this article. The proposed system senses the variations of
the surrounding medium resistivity and adjusts the DC voltage
of the system automatically so that the DC current is kept
constant at the required level. The design of a solar
photovoltaic system to supply the CP system by the required
DC power is also discussed.
141 Photovoltaic-powered regulated Journal of Power UPJ. PDII-LIPI The objective of a cathodic protection system is to protect
cathodic-protection system/ Sources, 50 (1–2), Serpong metallic structures against corrosion. To achieve this, a
Wagdy R. Anis, et al May–June 1994: 27- sacrificial anode is connected to the protected structure (which
32. (6 halaman) acts as a cathode) through a d.c. power supply. To stop the
corrosion, the protected structure requires a constant current.
The current is determined by the metal and area of the
structure, as well as the surrounding medium. The major
difficulty in achieving a constant current is the variation in the
resistivity of the surrounding medium that is caused by
changes in the climatic conditions. Conventional cathodic-
protection systems resolve this problem by manual adjustment
of the d.c. voltage periodically to obtain a constant current.
Such adjustment depends on the experience of the technician
and the accuracy of the measuring equipment. Moreover if the
interval between successive adjustments is relative long, the
corrosion could become excessive. To overcome such
difficulties, an automatically regulated system has been
developed. The proposed system senses variations is the
resistivity of the surrounding medium and adjusts the d.c.
voltage accordingly so that the current is kept constant at the
required level. The design of a solar photovoltaic system to
supply the required d.c. power is discussed in this
142 Cathodic protection and International UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection, using sacrificial anodes or impressed
microbially induced corrosion/ Biodeterioration & Serpong current, has been recognized for a long time as an effective
J.G. Guezennec Biodegradation, 34 way to prevent marine corrosion. Cathodic polarization leads
(3–4) 1994: 275-288 to the formation of a protective calcareous layer on the
(14 halaman) surfaces. It is well documented that the attachment of bacteria
to metal surfaces and subsequent biofilm formation changes
some physical and chemical parameters at the interface and
influences the corrosion process. The objective of this study
was to determine whether there is a relationship between
cathodic polarization and development of biofilms on surfaces
exposed to both synthetic and natural seawater. Experiments
were conducted on clean surfaces, biofilmed surfaces, in
natural or synthetic seawater using bacterial monocultures and
cocultures. In marine sediments, cathodically produced
hydrogen encouraged growth of hydrogenase-containing
sulphate-reducing bacteria while in aerated seawater biofilms
competed with the magnesium and calcium deposition. Both
low pH induced by bacterial metabolism and exopolymers
affect the deposition process and the stability of the calcareous
143 A comparison of two methods for Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI This Note presents the theory and application of two methods
resistivity measurements on repair Concrete Research, Serpong for measuring the electrical resistivity of repair mortar for use
mortar for cathodic protection 23 (5), September in cathodic protection systems. One method employs the use
systems/ W.J. McCarter, et al 1993: 1178-1184 of steel pins embedded within the sample and the other uses
(7 halaman) external steel plates placed on the sides of the sample. It is
shown that, if the correct geometry of pin arrangement is
chosen, the results obtained using both methods compare
144 A Boundary Element Model of Journal of UPJ. PDII-LIPI An efficient boundary element method was developed to
Cathodic Well Casing Protection/ Computational Serpong study cathodic protection of a well casing in a formation with
S.H. Lee, et al Physics, 107 (2), layered conductivities. Even though the electrical potential in
August 1993: 338- soil is governed by the linear Laplace equation,
347. (10 halaman) electrochemical reactions at the well casing introduce
complex, nonlinear boundary conditions. Furthermore, the
complexity of boundary geometries makes the numerical
computation nontrivial. Use of Green's function allows a
general solution of the Laplace equation to be expressed in the
form of a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The
present formula employs a fundamental solution that
eliminates the discretization of the top ground surface.
Because the potential distribution within the well casing metal
greatly affects the current distribution, the model includes the
potential change along the axial direction of the well casing. A
Newton-Raphson method was employed to estimate
iteratively the current distribution at the well casing, and then
the integral equations of the boundary element method were
numerically solved by a collocation technique. This boundary
element model was used to investigate the effects of soil
conductivities, well casing geometry, well casing resistivity,
and the location of a current source on the current and
potential distribution at the well casing.
145 Cathodic protection of steel in Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection of reinforced concrete has been developed
concrete/ B.S. Wyatt 35 (5–8), 1993: Serpong by a combination of trial and error, fundamental research,
1601-1615 applied research and transfer of technology from related
(15 halaman) fields. These developments have been underway for 35 years
and have been progressed by civil engineers, concrete
technologists, corrosion scientists and cathodic protection
engineers. In the past 6 years in the U.K. the investment in
repairs to reinforced concrete structures incorporating
cathodic protection has grown from a minimal £100,000 p.a.
to some £20 million p.a. This paper reviews the developments
in cathodic protection of reinforced concrete during the last 35
years with particular emphasis on developments during the
last decade. The critical areas of this multi-discipline
technology in respect of system performance and future
development are anode systems, anode overlays and
assessment of cathodic protection performance. These critical
areas are addressed in detail and some requirements for future
work are highlighted.
146 Cathodic protection of new and Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Current and potential distributions measured on concrete slabs
old reinforced concrete structures/ 35 (5–8), 1993: Serpong and simulated by computer modelling are discussed in relation
L Bertolini, et al 1633-1639 with the application of cathodic protection to new reinforced
(7 halaman) structures as a corrosion preventive method. The results show
high penetration of cathodic protection over the depth of
uncontaminated concrete, so that even a rebar relatively
distant from the anode can be polarized, whereas the
penetration is limited to the rebars near to the anode in
chloride contaminated slabs with corroding rebars. The great
throwing power and the wide range of protection potentials
for uncorroding concrete structure enable safe application of
the cathodic protection even to new prestressed structures.
147 Problems associated with cathodic Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper describes a laboratory program undertaken to
protection of prestressed concrete 35 (5–8) 1993: 1641- Serpong investigate the practicality and safety of applying cathodic
structures/ Brian B. Hope,et al 1647 protection to prestressed concrete structures. Tests were
(7 halaman) carried out on two full size laboratory specimens simulating
typical pretensioned and post-tensioned bridge members.
Current and potential distribution were examined as cathodic
protection was applied to the specimens. Both embedded
probes and surface half cells were used to monitor the beams.
Test results indicate that cathodic protection of the deck steel
in the post-tensioned beam had no adverse effect on the post-
tensioning strands under normal operating conditions. It was
found that cathodic protection could not be used to protect the
post-tensioning strands in a post-tensioned beam when the
jointed metal duct containing the strands was electrically
connected to the reinforcing steel. With anode installed on the
surface of the pretensioned beam and at applied current
densities less than 20 mA m−2 of the concrete surface, the
maximum potential shifts measured on the prestressing steel
were not more than 200 mV (CSE). Current distribution was
not uniform along the tendon length and the shielding effect
of the reinforcing steel was much more evident near the beam
ends where the shear reinforcement was concentrated.
148 An economic solution for the Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Corrosion and spalling of reinforced concrete columns
cathodic protection of concrete 35 (5–8) 1993: 1649- Serpong particularly in tidal seawater zones is a major concern
columns using a conductive tape 1660. (12 halaman) worldwide. A greater emphasis is being given to the
system/ I. Solomon, et al maintenance and preservation of existing structures rather
than the expensive alternative of replacement. Cathodic
protection has been identified as one of the most effective
means of arresting corrosion on steel reinforcement. This
paper describes a newly developed technique of applying
cathodic protection to steel reinforced concrete. The
components comprise of conductive tape and mixed metal
oxide coated titanium mesh anode (CAT) system. Protection
is provided with an even current distribution over the surface
via the conductive tape. An extremely long system life is
predicted due to the low current densities involved and the
elimination of shotcrete type cementitious overlays which
tend to be the weak link. A major advantage of the CAT
system is that it does not require the use of specialised
equipment and that installation time is minimal. Two trials
performed on road bridges in Victoria and Queensland,
Australia are described in detail. The CAT systems were
installed to protect the tidal zones and above. Polarisation
effects and the possibility of current “dumping” in submerged
zones were investigated. The long term evaluation and
assessment of the performance of the system is an ongoing
process. Monitoring will be performed on a regular basis over
the next few years.
149 Cathodic protection for Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI In Japan, concrete structures exposed to marine environments
reinforced-concrete and 35 (5–8) 1993: 1617- Serpong are deteriorating due to corrosion of reinforcement. Since this
prestressed-concrete structures/ 1623, 1625-1626 deterioration advances rapidly and seriously, effective
Kohji Takewaka (9 halaman) corrosion protection must be considered for both new
construction and damage-repair. Cathodic protection is
expected to be a practical corrosion protection system for all
concrete structures in marine environments In this study, the
following were considered for the establishment of high
reliability for cathodic protection of concrete structures: (1)
developing the criteria for cathodic protection on concrete
structures. (2) examining over-protection problem on
prestressed-concrete structures. For the laboratory
experiments, reinforced and prestressed-concrete speciments
were used and the following results obtained: (1) criteria for
cathodic protection: -100 mV depolarization is not sufficient
for corrosion protection of reinforcements in concrete in
marine environments, especially in atmospheric moisture and
dry cyclic conditions. Depolarization to 150–200 mV may be
necessary to stop the corrosion completely. (2) Cathodic
protection on prestressed-concrete structures: the possibility
of reduction of strength of a prestressed-concrete strand is
found at over-protection-level current density. Additionally,
cracking of the concrete along the strands occurred at higher
current densities, due to the high pressure of hydrogen
150 Cathodic protection by impressed Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper models the pH changes which occur when occur
DC currents for construction, Building Materials, Serpong when reinforced concrete structures are cathodically protected
maintenance and refurbishment in 7 (2) 1993: 85-93 by an externally applied DC current. It is shown that the
reinforced concrete/ H. McArthur, (9 halaman) cathodic area is initially made very alkaline immediately after
et al switch-on, and the anodic area becomes acidic in nature. This
acidic area spreads out from the anodic electrode towards the
cathodic area. It is found that this alkalinity is produced at the
cathodically impressed rebar as the impressed current (a) uses
up the dissolved oxygen; (b) requires the hydroxyl ions to
carry the ionic current; (c) produces hydrogen. In conclusion,
for cathodic protection to work effectively there must be a
way for oxygen to diffuse to the cathodic area, so that it takes
part in the cathodic reaction. The anodic area becomes acidic
and the alkaline OH - ions are moved away from the rebar as a
requirement for continuous current flow.
151 Solar power for cathodic Solar Energy, 51 (5) UPJ. PDII-LIPI In this study, 4.5 km long fuel pipeline, located on 41° N
protection of steel pipeline/ Hayri 1993: 415-418 Serpong latitude (Istanbul, Turkey) was cathodically protected with
Yalçin, et al (4 halaman) solar energy. Four commercial photovoltaic modules of a 12
V version were used. Insolation data were collected by the aid
of Florya Meteorological Station. The cathodic protection was
applied for three years and kept under control during this
period of time. Project criteria and reliability of the protection
have been investigated. Better protection than the available
criteria for steel pipeline was achieved even in winter solstice
152 Effect of marine biofilms on International UPJ. PDII-LIPI Catholic protection is the most important method used for
cathodic protection/ Stephen C. Biodeterioration & Serpong controlling marine corrosion, and the economics of the
Dexter, et al Biodegradation, 29 process are most favorable when calcareous deposits form on
(3–4), 1992: 231-249 the metal surface. Films of marine bacteria were formed on
(19 halaman) stainless alloy surfaces, and the interactions between these
films and calcareous deposits were investigated as a function
of the applied current density. A pre-existing bacterial film
made the calcareous deposit more uniform at all current
densities. The combined bacterial/calcareous film acted as a
beneficial diffusion barrier at high current density, but the
film acted as a detrimental cathodic depolarizer, increasing the
current necessary for protection at low current density. The
implications for cathodic protection under various conditions
are discussed.
153 Interactions between cathodic International UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection (CP) is a widely utilised method of
protection and bacterial settlement Biodeterioration & Serpong corrosion prevention in aqueous systems. There is evidence
on steel in seawater/ R.G.J. Biodegradation, 29 that the electrochemical changes it produces on a metal
Edyvean, et al (3–4), 1992: 251-271 surface influence the chemistry of the water and the settlement
(21 halaman) of fouling organisms. The interaction is in both directions, and
fouling organisms and their products have an influence on the
CP and on calcareous deposits formed on the metal in marine
environments. The studies described show that on both
stainless and nonstainless steels, CP retards the development
of aerobic bacterial fouling. Increasing the CP decreases the
number of bacteria. Additionally, the presence of organic
material affects both the current required to maintain CP and
the nature of the calcareous deposits formed. The results are
discussed in relation to the electrochemistry of the system.
154 Cathodic protection of reinforced Construction and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Reinforced concrete is subject to deterioration when
concrete/ N.C. Webb Building Materials, 6 Serpong reinforcing bars corrode as a result of chloride contamination
(3) 1992: 179-183 and/or carbonation. Conventional patch repair methods are
(5 halaman) often inadequate, particularly for chloride-related problems.
Cathodic protection provides a reliable long term
reinstatement procedure which can be applied to most
concrete structures. Reinforcing bar corrosion is becoming a
significant problem in coastal areas of South Africa and the
first trial installations of cathodic protection have been
successfully commissioned in Richards Bay.
155 Migration of ions in concrete due Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI Four constant current densities of 32.3, 108, 215 and 538
to cathodic protection current/ Concrete Research, Serpong ma/m2 (03, 10, 20 and 50 ma/ft2) at the steel surface area were
Mohammad Golam Ali, et al 22 (1), January used in the test program which also included chloride content
1992: 79-94 of concrete as the second variable. These four current
(16 halaman) densities were maintained in steel of reinforced concrete
specimens for an activation period of 14 months. At the end of
the activation period, concrete powder samples were obtained
from three locations of a particular specimen; near the steel,
near the anode and the midpoint of steel and anode. These
samples were then analyzed for Cl− , Na+ , K+ , Ca++ and Mg++
ion concentrations. It is observed that cathodic protection (CP)
current drives away Cl− ions from near the steel to a short
distance away. Due to the negative polarity of steel in a
cathodically protected reinforced concrete structure, Na + , K+ ,
and Ca++ ions from the concrete pore solutions get
accumulated near the steel surface. K+ ions migrate towards
the steel surface at a higher percentage when compared with
the migrations of other cations. The effect of CP current on
the migration of Mg++ ions towards the steel in reinforced
concrete specimen is not clear from the results obtained in the
test program.
156 The protection of iron against Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Polymer films were prepared by cathodic polymerization of
corrosion with polymer films 30 (6–7), 1990: 603- Serpong halogenated xylenes at an iron electrode in a non-aqueous
prepared by cathodic 615. (13 halaman) electrolyte solution. The ability of the films to protect against
polymerization of halogenated corrosion was examined in an aerated 0.5 M Na 2SO4 solution
xylenes/ Hiroki Ohno, et al by polarization measurements of an iron rotating disk
electrode uncoated and coated with the polymers. The best
protection of the electrode was obtained with a polymer film
prepared by cyclic sweeps of potential in an oxygen-saturated
acetonitrile solution of α,α′-dibromo-p-xylene. Mechanisms of
the corrosion protection were investigated on the basis of the
Koutecky-Levich equation. Diffusion of oxygen in the
aqueous bulk solution was not a rate-determining step in the
corrosion process of the iron electrode coated with the
polymer film. Rate constants of anodic and cathodic charge
transfer reactions and diffusion coefficients of oxygen and
ferrous ion through the film, obtained by computer simulation
of the polarization curves, provide evidence for the protective
157 Effect of stress ratio on the cyclic International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI Steel conforming to BS970:976M33 has been fatigue tested in
tension corrosion fatigue life of of Fatigue, 11 (6), Serpong notched form in air and in synthetic sea water, both freely
notched steel BS970:976M33 in November 1989: corroding and cathodically protected at −1050 mV with
sea water with cathodic 417-422 respect to the saturated Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The
protection/ W.J.D. Jones, et al (6 halaman) cyclic and mean stresses were varied to study the effects of
changes in the stress ratio, R(σmin/σmax), from 0.05 to 0.75, on
the fatigue life response. Compared with the fatigue
performance obtained in air at R=0.05 free corrosion lowered
the fatigue strength at 106 cycles to failure from 430 MPa to
135 MPa and cathodic protection changed it to 270 MPa. In
each condition changes in R from 0.05 to 0.5 lowered the
fatigue strength in the short life range by approximately 50%
but had a much smaller effect, of approximately 10%, at a
fatigue life of 106 cycles.
158 Statistical behaviour of fatigue Engineering Fracture UPJ. PDII-LIPI This paper deals with fatigue crack growth data for various
crack growth for HY-80 steel Mechanics, 34 (4) Serpong weldments of HY-80 steel plate in seawater and a statistical
plate and its weldments under 1989: 785-802 method for using this data in life predictions and deviations
cathodic protection in seawater (18 halaman) from mean life estimates. Typical results of crack growth
and in air/ J.R. Matthews, et al behaviour with crack length and examples of the effect of
averaging increment on variability of crack growth data are
given. The standard deviation for incremental crack growth
rates are determined. Use of the data in the calculation of
confidence limits in life cycle determination are discussed.
The A and N data, from which crack growth data were
obtained, were generated on HY-80 base plate and HY-80
weld containing compact tension specimens. They were
fatigue-tested either in air at 23°C or in seawater at 23°C.
Specimens tested in seawater were also galvanically protected
with zinc electrodes. Fatigue loading was at constant ΔK andR
= 0.1 or 0.5. Frequency of loading was 0.3 Hz.
159 Improving the performance of Wear, 127 (3), 1 UPJ. PDII-LIPI The tool wear enhancing characteristic, commonly observed
aqueous cutting fluids by November 1988: Serpong with aqueous cutting fluids, appears to arise primarily from
galvanic-cathodic protection of 241-251 electrochemical corrosive wear due to galvanic action which,
cutting tools/ T. Kurimoto (11 halaman) combined with other wear mechanisms, results in an overall
increase in the rate of tool wear. As a counter measure against
such a detrimental effect, galvanic-cathodic protection is
proposed, comprising an auxiliary anode attached to a cutting
tool. Results from the tool wear tests conducted using a zinc-
coated high speed steel tool indicate that such protection may
prove remarkably effective in reducing the detrimental
characteristics of aqueous cutting fluids, thereby improving
their general performance.
160 Boundary element simulation of Applied Mathema- UPJ. PDII-LIPI The paper deals with the computer simulation of the cathodic
the cathodic protection system in a tics and Computa- Serpong protection systems used for corrosion prevention. The
prototype ship/ N.G. Zamani tion, 26 (2), May boundary element method is employed to discretize the
1988: 119-134 governing mathematical model. This model consists of the
(16 halaman) exterior potential problem subject to nonlinear boundary
conditions. The above methodology is then applied to a
prototype ship, and the potential measurements are compared
with the results of computer simulation.
161 Some computational aspects of Applied Mathema- UPJ. PDII-LIPI This article discusses the concept of multiple domain and the
BEM simulation of cathodic tical Modelling, 11 Serpong iterative solution of equations arising in the BEM simulation
protection systems/ J.M. Chuang, (5), October 1987: of cathodic protection systems. The conclusions of the paper
et al 371-379. are verified by several benchmark problems.
(9 halaman)

162 Cathodic protection: Theory and Electrochimica Acta, UPJ. PDII-LIPI
practice : Edited by V. Ashworth 32 (5), May 1987: Serpong
and C. J. L. Booker Ellis Horwood 833
Ltd, 1986 £42.50/ R.N. Parkins (1 halaman)

163 Computer aided design of Applied Ocean UPJ. PDII-LIPI

cathodic protection systems/ R.A. Research, 8 (4), Serpong
Adey, et al October 1986: 209-
222. (14 halaman)
164 Cathodic protection of offshore Materials & Design, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The paper outlines the basic options for cathodically
structure materials - problems and 7 (3), May–June Serpong protecting (CP) offshore structures i.e. impressed current or
solutions/ D.N.C. Robson 1986: 134-142 sacrificial anodes. Some of the problems encountered by these
(9 halaman) systems are described with specific examples experienced by
Britoil structures being given. Various methods for
overcoming the problems are discussed and comparisons
made of their respective costs and ease of implementation.
Some Britoil solutions are described with emphasis on the
difficulties in implementation.
165 Comparison of hydrogen charging Scripta Metallurgica, UPJ. PDII-LIPI
of structural steel by crack tip 20 (3), March 1986: Serpong
processes and by bulk reactions in 365-369
the cathodic protection of (5 halaman)
corrosion fatique cracks/ A

166 Cathodic protection: Theory and Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI

practice: Edited by V. ASHWORTH 26 (11), Serpong
AND C. J. L. BOOKER, published 1986: 983-984
by Ellis Horwood Ltd, Chichester, (2 halaman)
for the Institution of Corrosion
Science and Technology, 357 pp.,
£42.50/ P.A. Brook

167 Design of a solar photovoltaic- Fuel and Energy UPJ. PDII-LIPI
powered mini cathodic protection Abstracts, 41 (5), Serpong
system September 2000:
301. (1 halaman)
168 A method for calculating the Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI A simple procedure for calculating how galvanic corrosion
extent of galvanic corrosion and 23 (8), 1983: 801- Serpong and cathodic protection effects are distributed within metallic
cathodic protection in metal tubes 832. (32 halaman) tubular systems carrying electrolytes is described. The
assuming unidirectional current procedure involves the use of equations which are analytical
flow/ D.J. Astley solutions and, in some instances, equations which require
numerical solutions which can easily be effected using
microcomputers. The equations arc based on an assumption of
unidirectional flow of electric current which is shown to be
valid for appreciably conducting electrolytes, such as
seawater. Various combinations of linear polarisation kinetics,
Tafel law polarisation kinetics and totally diffusion-controlled
kinetics can be used. Experimental verification of the
procedure has been obtained using synthetic seawater for
titanium and Cu-30Ni tubes in galvanic contact and for
cathodically protected Cu-30Ni tube. It is proposed that the
procedure could find useful application at the design stage of
plant involving two or three different metals, or of
cathodically protected pipework, when any necessary
preventative measures indicated by an analysis could be
adopted. Plant containing two or three metals can be, for
example, in the form of heat-exchangers, pipe to plate
combinations or pipework systems connected by plastic
sections. Useful design data relating to cathodically-protected
pipework can be obtained for systems based on either
sacrificial protection or impressed current.
169 Cathodic protection system for a Cement and UPJ. PDII-LIPI
steel-reinforced concrete Concrete Serpong
structure/ E Bennett John, et al Composites, 21 (3),
1999: 244
(1 halaman)

170 Cathodic protection in corrosion Journal of UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection has not integrated easily into corrosion
control/ J.H. Morgan Electroanalytical Serpong control. Its use is often a last resort decision. Differences in
Chemistry and the disciplines seem initially to blame. There is a similar rift
Interfacial in the cathodic protection industry between sacrificial anodes
Electrochemistry, and impressed current. The advantage to be gained from a
118 (-), 10 February combination of these techniques is discussed.
1981: 251-258
(8 halaman)
171 The failure of cathodic protection Electric Power UPJ. PDII-LIPI The paper reports on a study into the operational behaviour of
equipment during lightning Systems Research, 4 Serpong pipeline cathodic protection schemes in areas of high
storms/ T. Ridley, J.R. Smith, et al (1), January 1981: lightning activity. The work is supported by an on-site
51-58. (8 halaman) investigation of recorded failures and complemented by
laboratory based lightning simulation tests on test pieces
removed from service. The ageing effect of semiconductor
rectifiers, owing to repeated high surge voltages, is discussed
a and design recommendations are made for future protection
units so as to reduce the incidence of failure.
172 Retention of configuration in Tetrahedron Letters, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The double bond can be mildly protected by bromination with
double bond protection- 22 (7), 1981: 623- Serpong PyrHBr3; deprotection is achieved by cathodic reduction at
deprotection by bromination- 624 −1.4 V. The overall yields range from 68 to 99 %, the
cathodic debromination/ Urda (2 halaman) configuration of the double bond is retained with at least 96
Husstedt, et al %.

173 Cathodic cleavage of the tritylone Tetrahedron Letters, UPJ. PDII-LIPI

group from protected alcohols 20 (8) 1979: 643- Serpong
selective protection of the primary 2646. (4 halaman)
or secondary hydroxyl group in
1,4-pentane diol/ Claus van der
Stouwe, et al

174 The role of surface free energy Surface Technology, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The enhanced cathodic protection characteristic of Al-Zn-Hg
and lattice structure in the 7 (3) August 1978: Serpong compared with aluminium or Al-Zn alloy has been looked at
cathodic protection of Al-Zn-Hg 39-245 from a structural point of view. The surface free energies of
alloy/ Sandip Roy, et al (7 halaman) these metals and alloys have been calculated from their atomic
spacings and Young's moduli. Atomic spacings were obtained
from Debye-Scherrer powder diffraction studies and Young's
moduli from stress-strain curves. It has shown that al-Zn-Hg
has the lowest surface free energy, leading to a film with
reduced thickness and reduced metal/oxide bond strength.
These factors in turn result in the better cathodic protection
properties of Al-Zn-Hg alloy.
175 Electrode arrangement to be used Biotechnology UPJ. PDII-LIPI
in the cathodic protection of Advances, 15 (1) Serpong
concrete structures and a fixing 1997: 89
element : Pulliainen Martt; (1 halaman)
Haapamaki Tarja Anttola, Finland
assigned to Savcor-Consulting Oy
176 Concentration changes due to Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI By solving the appropriate diffusion equations the
cathodic protection/ P.J. Gellings 18 (12) 1978: 1075- Serpong concentration changes are calculated in the environment of
1081 underground structures protected cathodically. It is shown that
(7 halaman) these changes are negligible under all practical circumstances.
177 Cathodic protection of steel in Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI
concrete/ B.W. Cherry, et al 18 (12) 1978: 1091- Serpong
1094. (4 halaman)
178 96/02842 - Design of control Fuel and Energy UPJ. PDII-LIPI
circuit of solar photovoltaic Abstracts, 37 (3) Serpong
powered regulated cathodic May 1996: 99
protection system/ W.R. Anis (1 halaman)

179 Microprocessor-based cathodic Fuel and Energy UPJ. PDII-LIPI

protection system using Abstracts, 37 (1) Serpong
photovoltaic energy January 1996: 5
(1 halaman)

180 Cathodic protection of a Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI

distillation plate/ T.K. Ross, 16 (8) 1976: 61-566 Serpong
(6 halaman)

181 The change of pH under a paint Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The diffusion of OH−-ions and H2 formed during cathodic
film due to cathodic protection/ 15 (6–12) 1975: 29- Serpong protection through a paint film is studied. The diffusion
P.J. Gellings, et al 535. (7 halaman) equation is solved for non-stationary conditions and from this
the steady state is also derived. It is shown that under usual
operating conditions of cathodic protection of ships the
stationary state is reached in about 15 days. The danger of
paint deterioration through high alkalinity and blistering is
found to increase with current density and paint film thickness
and with decreasing diffusion coefficient in the paint. For
practical calculations a better knowledge of diffusion
coefficients in paints is needed.
182 Cathodic protection studies on Fuel and Energy UPJ. PDII-LIPI
coal tar epoxycoated concrete Abstracts, 36 (3) Serpong
pressure pipe 1995: 15.
(1 halaman)
183 Measurements of double layer Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The differential capacity of AlMg-, AlMn- and AlZn-alloys
capacity as a criterion of 13 (10) 1973:707- Serpong during corrosion in sea-water, with and without addition of
efficiency of corrosion inhibition 716. (10 halaman) inhibitors, was determined by means of a specially made
on light metals in sea-water and corrosion cell using an impedance bridge. Observations were
salt solutions with and without made on the surfaces of alloys, with and without protective
cathodic protection/ P. Kirkov, et cathodic polarization immediately after immersion and after
al being allowed to stand in aerated sea-water, for 1, 10, 100,
300 and 1000 d. The values obtained for the differential
capacity are compared to those obtained for the corrosion rate.
It was found that decreasing differential capacity, also causes
the decrease of the corrosion rate. This effect can be produced
either by the addition of the inhibitor or by cathodic
protection. The correlation between double layer capacity and
the efficiency of inhibitors and cathodic polarization is
interpreted as due to the formation of passive layers with
adsorbed inhibitors and oxide hydrates. Thus, it has been
shown that by measuring differential capacity it is possible to
determine the inhibitor efficiency and cathodic
prepolarization, as well as the rate of corrosion processes.

184 Fatigue performance of nine bolt International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
materials in air and in seawater of Fatigue, 16 (7) Serpong
with cathodic protection: Slind, T., 1994: 18
Eggen, T.G., Bardal, E. and (1 halaman)
Haagensen, P.K. Acom (1993) (1),
185 Effect of stress amplitude International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
transient on fatigue crack of Fatigue, 15 (6) Serpong
initiation and propagation of high November 1993: 32
strength steel in synthetic sea (1 halaman)
water under cathodic protection:
Maruyama, N. and Sumita, M.
Tetsu-to-Hagane (J. Iron and Steel
Inst. Jpn) (Apr. 1992) 78 (4) 640–
646 (in Japanese)/
186 The nature of the contact in Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The behaviour of steel and Mg electrodes during contact in an
cathodic protection by means of 12 (4) 1972: 383-386 Serpong aqueous electrolyte was studied by means of an oscilloscope.
dispersed anodes/ T.K. Ross, et al (4 halaman) The use of previously suggested particular solutions to Fick's
second law of diffusion has permitted the calculation of the
pH changes and the protection times associated with cathodic
polarization and an attempt has been made to analyse the
oscilloscope traces in terms of the various electrochemical
processes involved.
187 The application of electrode Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI The principles of electrode kinetics have been utilized to
kinetics to the theory and practice 11 (6) June 1971: Serpong provide a better fundamental understanding of the theory and
of cathodic protection/ D.A. Jones 39-451. practice of cathodic protection. It is demonstrated that kinetics
(13 halaman) of the anodic dissolution process determine the cathodic
polarization required for adequate protection. This may
provide a basis for more fundamental cathodic protection
criteria. The usefulness of this approach is further
demonstrated by discussions of sacrificial anodes, resistance
interferences, and constant potential cathodic protection.
188 Method of installing a cathodic Composites, 22 (6) UPJ. PDII-LIPI
protection system for a steel- November 1991: 79 Serpong
reinforced concrete structure : (1 halman)
Bennett, J.E., Pohto, G.R. and
Mitchell, T.A. (Eltech Systems
Corporation, Boca Raton, FL,
USA) US Pat 4 900 410 (13
February 1990)/
189 Corrosion fatigue strength of International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
notched high-tension steel of Fatigue, 13 (3) Serpong
specimens under cathodic May 1991: 78
protection in synthetic seawater: (1 halaman)
Okada, T., Hattori, S. and Asai,
Y.JSME Int. J. I July 1990 33, (3),
190 Effect of cathodic protection on International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
fretting fatigue of high-strength of Fatigue, 13 (3) Serpong
steels in seawater: Nakazawa, K., May 1991: 78
Sumita, M. and Maruyama, N. (1 halaman)
Tetsu-to-Hagane (J. Iron Steel
Inst. Japan) Sept. 1990 76, (9),
1552–1558 (in Japanese)/
191 Statistical behaviour of fatigue International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
crack growth for HY-80 steel of Fatigue, 12 (3) Serpong
plate and its weldments under May 1990: 25
cathodic protection in seawater (1 halaman)
and in air: Matthews, J. R.,
Betancourt, T. and Robicheau,
M.Eng. Fract. Mech. 1989 34, (4),
192 Cathodic protection of aluminum Deep Sea Research UPJ. PDII-LIPI
in seawater: Gundersen, R. and K.
Part B. Oceanogra- Serpong
Nisancioglu, 1990. Corrosion, phic Literature
46(4):279–285. CorrOcean A/S, Review, 37 (12)
N-7001 Trondheim, Norway/ 1990: 04
(1 halaman)
193 Corrosion protection of drying Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cast iron drying cylinders in paper-making machines often
cylinders in paper-making 6 (5) 196: 205-225 Serpong suffer seriously by corrosion because of the chemicals present
machines by cathodic (21 halaman) in the pulp. The investigation introduces a system of corrosion
polarization/ A. Almar-Naess protection, by which such cylinders can be fully protected.
The system is however generally applicable to any rotating
cylinder with a reasonably smooth surface and with a
comparable speed of rotation. It may be applied in NaCl and
Na2SO4 solutions at temperatures up to boiling point, and
probably in a number of other neutral solutions at
corresponding temperatures. The system is characterized by
cathodic polarization and subsequent oxidation by reduction
of dissolved oxygen, and the protection mechanism probably
is a combination of true cathodic protection and passivity.
194 Automation in cathodic Corrosion Science, UPJ. PDII-LIPI
protection/ W. Matthewman 6 (8) 1966: 85-388 Serpong
(4 halaman)
195 Effect of cathodic protection on International Journal UPJ. PDII-LIPI
fracture behaviour of low-alloy of Fatigue, 11 (4) Serpong
steels in seawater: Zheng, W., July 1989: 80
Zhu, X. and Su, L. Acta Metall. (1 halaman)
Sin (China) Aug. 1988 24, (4),
A276–A281 (in Chinese)/
196 The use of coatings to supplement Deep Sea Research UPJ. PDII-LIPI
cathodic protection of offshore Part B. Serpong
structures : Thomason, W.H., S.E. Oceanographic
Pape and Sheldon Evans, 1987. Literature Review,
Mater. Perform., 26(11): 22–27 35 (6) 1988: 43-544
(2 halaman)
197 Cathodic protection by means of Corrosion Science, 2 UPJ. PDII-LIPI Cathodic protection has limited application in chemical plant
dispersed anodes/ T.K. Ross (4) 1962: 75-280 Serpong because of the difficulty of locating anodes at suitable
(6 halaman) positions. The problem may be overcome by dispersing
sacrificial anodes on the cathodic portions of the surface, and
the paper describes two applications of this principle.
Preliminary results are presented in which the action of
anodes in fixed and flowing systems are examined. The
effectiveness of sacrificial anode action is discussed, and
some measurements reported.


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