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(Anatomi Reproduksi Betina dan Jantan)

Reproduksi Jantan pada Kuda

Gede Wiyasa Ardy Nugraha
Kelas B


TAHUN 2020

Puji syukur saya panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena dengan
rahmat dan hidayah-Nya saya dapat menyelesaiakan paper yang berjudul
“Reproduksi Jantan pada Kuda”.
Meskipun banyak rintangan dan hambatan yang saya alami dalam
proses pengerjaannya, tapi saya berhasil menyelesaikannya dengan baik. Adapun
paper ini dibuat guna memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Fisiologi dan Teknologi
Reproduksi Veteriner di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana.
Saya sebagai penulis mengucapkan rasa berterimakasih yang sebesar-
besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu saya sehingga dapat
menyelesaikan paper ini tepat waktu. Saya yakin paper ini masih jauh dari nilai
kesempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun sangat
diharapkan oleh penulis demi menjadikan paper ini bisa lebih baik lagi.
Semoga paper "Reproduksi Jantan pada Kuda" memberikan informasi yang
berguna bagi masyarakat serta bermanfaat untuk pengembangan wawasan dan
peningkatan ilmu pengetahuan bagi kita semua.

Denpasar, 15 Maret 2020



Kata Pengantar .................................................................................................... i
Daftar Isi ............................................................................................................ ii
Daftar Gambar................................................................................................... iii
Daftar Lampiran ................................................................................................ iv
Bab I Pendahuluan
1.1 Latar Belakang ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ....................................................................................... 2
1.3 Tujuan Penulisan ......................................................................................... 2
Bab II Tinjauan Pustaka
2.1 Penis ............................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Kelenjar bulbourethral ................................................................................ 5
2.3 Kelenjar Prostat ........................................................................................... 5
2.4 Vesikula Seminalis...................................................................................... 5
2.5 Kelenjar Ampula ......................................................................................... 6
2.6 Vas Deferens ............................................................................................... 6
2.7 Epididimis ................................................................................................... 7
2.8 Testis ........................................................................................................... 7
Bab III Penutup
3.1 Simpulan ................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Saran.......................................................................................................... 12
Daftar Pustaka .................................................................................................. 13


Gambar 2.1 Saluran reproduksi kuda jantan: representasi diagram ................... 3

Gambar 2.2 Saluran reproduksi kuda jantan setelah pemotongan dan
pembedahan, kelenjar aksesori tidak termasuk ................................................... 4
Gambar 2.3 Potongan melintang vas deferens kuda jantan ................................ 6
Gambar 2.4 Ilustrasi diagram penampang vertikal testis kuda jantan ................ 8
Gambar 2.5 Testis kuda yang dibedah menggambarkan jaringan testis,
epididimis, vas deferens dan pleksus pampiniformis .......................................... 9
Gambar 2.6 Jalur normal testis turun pada kuda jantan .................................... 10
Gambar 2.7 Bagian penampang melintang tubulus seminiferus dalam testis kuda
jantan, menggambarkan pembagian meiosis bertahap spermatogonia menjadi
spermatozoa ...................................................................................................... 11


Lampiran 1. Reproductive Physiology Of The Stallion. Vi. Seminal And

Behavioral Characteristics.
Lampiran 2. Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal
Cryptorchid Horse.
Lampiran 3. Equine Testicular Lesions Related to Invasion by Nematodes.


1.1. Latar Belakang

Kuda telah didomestikasi lebih dari 6.000 tahun yang lalu di daerah stepa
yang sekarang dikenal dengan daerah Rusia Selatan dan Ukraina. Sejak itu
kuda mempunyai banyak manfaat yang berhubungan dengan manusia.
Penduduk asli Indonesia telah beternak kuda sebelum kedatangan Eropa. Kuda
hidup pada saat itu di alam bebas dan sangat tergantung pada kebaikan alam
sehingga kuda yang dipelihara memiliki kualitas rendah. Kedatangan Portugis
dan Belanda ke Indonesia memiliki andil memperbaiki ras kuda lokal,
termasuk memperbaiki cara beternak seperti cara pemberian makan yang baik,
perawatan kuda, serta petunujuk-petunjuk lain yang berhubungan dengan kuda
(Putriana, 2011).
Ternak kuda termasuk komoditas ternak yang ada di Indonesia dan belum
mendapat perhatian yang proporsional baik oleh pemerintah maupun oleh
masyarakat. Keberadaan ternak kuda dinilai cukup strategis karena fungsinya
sebagai ternak kerja (salah satunya adalah kuda penarik andong) dan memiliki
nilai estetika yang menarik. Penelitian tentang ternak kuda sampai saat ini
belum banyak dilakukan oleh pakar di bidang peternakan bahkan publikasi
ilmiah tentang ternak kuda di Indonesia sangat langka, pembahasan dan diskusi
mengenai perkembanganya hampir tidak mendapat perhatian (Setyobudi,
Dewasa ini, terjadi penurunan jumlah kelahiran kuda dikarenakan masih
kurangnya tempat pembudidayaan kuda yang memenuhi standar, serta masih
kurangnya pengetahuan para peternak kuda tentang siklus reproduksi kuda. Hal
tesebut menyebabkan para peternak kuda tidak dapt menentukan masa kawin
atau musim kawin yang tepat bagi kuda sehingga jumlah kelahiran kuda tidak
mencapai titik optimal.
Karena hal tersebut maka perlu dipelajari tentang reproduksi pada kuda,
selain sebagai tugas mata kuliah fisiologi dan teknologi reproduksi veteriner,
juga menjadi tambahan pengetahuan umum dalam memahami sistem
reproduksi kuda.

1.2. Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dibuat dapat dibuat rumusan
masalah yaitu “Bagaimana anatomi dan fisiologi reproduksi dari kuda jantan?”

1.3. Tujuan Penulisan

Berdasarkan rumusan masalah diatas dapat dibuat tujuan penulisan yaitu
untuk mengetahu anatomi dan fisiologi reproduksi dari kuda jantan.


2.1. Penis
Penis kuda jantan dapat dibagi menjadi glans penis, body atau shaft dan
roots. Dalam posisi istirahat, kuda terletak masuk dan dilindungi dalam
preputium sehingga tidak terlihat dan dipegang dalam posisi ini oleh otot.
Preputium adalah penutup berlipat ganda pada penis, yang melipat kembali
dengan sendirinya untuk memberikan perlindungan dua kali lipat. Di dalam
lipatan dalam terletak ujung penis, glans penis (atau rose), memberikan
perlindungan tambahan area sensitif ini. Dengan tinggi 5 mm, dari pusat glans
penis, terletak pintu keluar uretra. Di sekitar tonjolan ini terletak fossa uretra
dan, di bawahnya, divertikulum dorsal, keduanya sering diisi dengan smegma,
sekresi merah-coklat dari kelenjar prepubital yang melapisi preputium dan
epitel debris. Daerah-daerah ini juga menyediakan lingkungan yang ideal untuk
bakteri, sering mengandung bakteri penyakit kelamin (VD), seperti Klebsiella
pneumoniae, Taylorella equigenitalis dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Gambar 2.1 Saluran reproduksi kuda jantan: representasi diagram.

Gambar 2.2 Saluran reproduksi kuda jantan setelah pemotongan dan pembedahan,
kelenjar aksesori tidak termasuk.

Penis kuda jantan melekat pada bagian bawah tulang panggul oleh dua
akar. Di sini pada asalnya penis dipegang pada posisinya oleh ikatan ligamen
pada pelvis. Uretra, dari kandung kemih, terhubung dengan vas deferens dan
di antara kedua akar sebelum memasuki tubuh penis. Body penis kuda
mengandung persentase besar ereksi, tidak seperti fibro, jaringan dan karena
itu disebut hemodinamik (bereaksi terhadap peningkatan tekanan darah).
Tubuh utama penis dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu corpus cavernosus
uretra bagian bawah dan penis corpus cavernosus bagian atas. Melalui corpus
cavernosus uretra melalui uretra, dikelilingi oleh beberapa trabekula (lembaran
jaringan ikat) yang menutupi area kecil dari jaringan ereksi, semua tertutup
dalam otot bulbospongiosus. Penis corpus cavernosus, yang merupakan bagian
terbesar dari penis, berisi jaringan padat trabekula, jaringan otot yang terkait
dan rongga yang tersebar, membentuk jaringan ereksi utama penis. Penis

corpus cavernosus terkandung dalam tunica albuginea, kapsul atau lembaran
fibroelastik, yang mempertahankan integritas penis tetapi masih
memungkinkan penggandaan ukuran yang terlihat saat ereksi. Akhirnya,
melalui di sepanjang bagian bawah penis adalah otot retractor, kontraksi yang
mengembalikan penis ke dalam preputium. Jaringan ereksi utama glans penis
adalah kelanjutan dari corpus cavernosus urethra, corona glandis. Jumlah besar
jaringan ereksi ini, yang tidak dibatasi oleh kapsul fibrosis penis corpus
cavernosus, memungkinkan perluasan yang lebih besar (hingga tiga kali) dari
area ini saat ejakulasi.

2.2. Kelenjar bulbourethral

Kelenjar bulbourethral, atau kelenjar Cowper, adalah kelenjar aksesori
yang terletak paling dekat dengan akar penis. Mereka berpasangan dan
berbentuk oval, sekitar 2 cm dan terletak di kedua sisi uretra. Sekresi mereka
jelas, encer dan berair dan membentuk bagian dari fraksi kaya sperma utama.
Mereka juga berkontribusi pada fraksi pra-sperma. Sebagai bagian dari fraksi
pra-sperma, mereka membantu membersihkan urin dan bakteri yang
dikumpulkan dalam uretra sebelum ejakulasi. Sekresi mereka juga dapat
bertindak sebagai pelumas, memudahkan perjalanan sperma.

2.3. Kelenjar Prostat

Kelenjar prostat adalah struktur bilobed dengan lubang keluar tunggal ke
uretra, terletak di antara kelenjar bulbourethral dan ampula. Sekresi prostat
pada kuda jantan bersifat basa dan tinggi protein, asam sitrat dan zinc.
Signifikansi ini tidak jelas. Sekresi kelenjar prostat memberikan kontribusi
yang signifikan terhadap fraksi pra-sperma.

2.4. Vesikula Seminalis

Kelenjar vesikular, atau vesikula seminalis, berpasangan dalam struktur
dan terletak di kedua sisi kandung kemih, panjangnya sekitar 16-20 cm.
Mereka lobed dan dapat dibandingkan dengan kenari besar dalam penampilan
luar. Mereka mengeluarkan sejumlah besar plasma mani, dengan konsentrasi

tinggi kalium, asam sitrat dan gel. Sekresi mereka membentuk bagian dari
fraksi pasca-sperma yang kaya sperma dan seperti gel. Fungsi mereka dan
karenanya volume sekresi tergantung pada konsentrasi testosteron yang
beredar. Dengan demikian, kontribusi mereka terhadap plasma mani menurun
secara signifikan selama musim tidak kawin.

2.5. Kelenjar Ampula

Kelenjar ampula terletak berpasangan keluar lipatan dari vas deferens
dimana bertemu uretra. Sekresi kelenjar ampula mengandung ergothionine
konsentrasi tinggi, agen antioksidan, melindungi bahan kimia yang rentan
dalam semen dari oksidasi. Sekresi ampula sebagian besar terkait dengan fraksi

2.6. Vas Deferens

Vas deferens menghubungkan epididimis ke uretra sebelum melewati
kelenjar aksesori dan masuk ke penis. Ia memiliki diameter 0,5-1 cm, dengan
dinding berotot tebal, terdiri dari tiga lapisan otot; oblique bagian dalam,
lingkaran tengah dan longitudinal luar. Lapisan otot ini secara aktif mendorong
sperma dan cairan di sekitarnya dari testis ke penis. Lumen duktus kecil dan
dilapisi lipatan, terutama di dekat epididimis, memaksimalkan luas permukaan
sehingga membantu penyimpanan sperma dan reabsorpsi cairan testis.

Gambar 2.3 Potongan melintang vas deferens kuda jantan.

Vas deferens, suplai saraf testis, pembuluh darah arteri dan vena dan otot
kremaster keluar dari rongga tubuh melalui kanalis inguinalis. Otot cremaster,
yang dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian internal dan eksternal, bertanggung
jawab untuk menarik testis ke arah tubuh sebagai respons terhadap dingin,
ketakutan, dll.

2.7. Epididimis
Epididimis pada kuda jantan terletak di atas testis. Ini terdiri dari tubulus
berbelit-belit panjang dan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian: kepala (caput); tubuh
(corpus); dan ekor (cauda). Kepala epididimis dihubungkan oleh beberapa
saluran ke rete testis, yang terus menuju ujung ekor, saluran ini bergabung dan
membentuk satu saluran yaitu vas deferens. Lapisan tubulus ini sangat terlipat,
sangat mirip dengan ujung epididimis vas deferens. Lipatan ini memiliki
mikrovili tambahan, meningkatkan luas permukaan lebih jauh dan
memfasilitasi reabsorpsi sekresi testis untuk memusatkan sperma dan
meningkatkan kapasitas penyimpanannya. Sangat penting bahwa semua
sperma menghabiskan periode waktu, hingga 7 hari, dalam epididimis untuk
menjadi dewasa. Pematangan tersebut sangat penting sehingga sperma yang
dilepaskan mampu berkembang lebih lanjut (kapasitasi) dalam saluran wanita,
memungkinkan mereka untuk membuahi sel telur yang menunggu. Jika mereka
tidak diteruskan ke vas deferens sebagai akibat dari ejakulasi, mereka
mengalami degenerasi dan diserap kembali, memungkinkan pasokan sperma
segar terus-menerus untuk mempertahankan tingkat pembuahan. Ujung ekor
vas deferens, oleh karena itu, bertindak sebagai tempat penyimpanan sperma
dan juga berkontribusi terhadap plasma mani dengan mengeluarkan
glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC).

2.8. Testis
Testis bersifat gametogenik (tempat produksi sperma) dan memiliki
fungsi endokrin. Testis menggantung di luar tubuh kuda jantan untuk menjaga
suhu sekitar 3 ° C di bawah suhu tubuh (mis. 35-36 ° C daripada 39 ° C).
Produksi sperma dimaksimalkan pada suhu yang lebih rendah ini. Peningkatan

suhu testis karena penyakit atau peradangan skrotum, testis atau epididimis
spermatogenesis mengalami penurunan yang signifikan. Ini sementara tetapi
durasi disfungsi testis terkait dengan durasi kenaikan suhu. Suhu testis biasanya
dikontrol melalui otot-otot kremaster, yang dapat menarik testis ke arah tubuh,
bersama dengan banyak kelenjar keringat pada skrotum dan mekanisme
pertukaran panas kontra-arus arteriovenosa yang disediakan oleh pleksus
pampiniformis. Pleksus pampiniformis memungkinkan arteri testis membelah
menjadi jaringan kapiler yang padat sebelum memasuki testis. Dengan
demikian, berhubungan erat dengan pasokan vena yang kembali, juga dibagi
menjadi jaringan kapiler. Darah memasuki testis, oleh karena itu testis
kehilangan panas ketika aliran balik ke vena. Pengaturan semacam itu
memastikan bahwa arteri testis menjadi dingin sebelum masuk ke dalam testis
dan vena testis dihangatkan sebelum masuk kembali ke tubuh.

Gambar 2.4 Ilustrasi diagram penampang vertikal testis kuda jantan.

Gambar 2.5 Testis kuda yang dibedah menggambarkan jaringan testis, epididimis,
vas deferens dan pleksus pampiniformis.

Testis terletak di dalam selubung kulit, disebut skrotum, di bawahnya

terdapat tunica vaginalis, yang kontinu dengan lapisan peritoneum rongga
tubuh naik melalui kanal inguinal. Pada janin, testis turun dari posisi dekat
ginjal, melalui kanalis inguinalis dan ke skrotum segera setelah lahir.
Kegagalan satu atau kedua testis untuk turun sepenuhnya mungkin tidak berarti
kuda jantan tidak subur, karena testis di dalam rongga tubuh masih dapat
menghasilkan sperma sehingga jumlah sperma, bagaimanapun, biasanya jauh
berkurang. Kuda jantan dengan hanya satu testis turun disebut cryptorchid atau
rig. Kondisi ini selanjutnya dapat didefinisikan sebagai unilateral, bilateral,
inguinal atau abdominal, tergantung pada apakah satu atau kedua testis telah
gagal turun dan seberapa jauh penurunan telah berkembang.

Gambar 2.6 Jalur normal testis turun pada kuda jantan

Testis kuda biasanya terletak dengan sumbu panjang horizontal kecuali

ditarik ke arah tubuh, ketika mereka mungkin sedikit berubah. Sumbu panjang
biasanya 6-12 cm dengan tinggi dan lebar masing-masing 4-7 cm dan 5-6 cm.
Testis dapat berbobot 300-350 g per pasang. Ukuran mereka meningkat secara
allometrik dengan pertumbuhan tubuh secara umum sampai ukuran tubuh akhir
telah tercapai, pada sekitar usia 5 tahun.
Di bawah tunica vaginalis, kapsul fibrosa, tunica albuginea, mengelilingi
setiap testis yang terpisah. Lembaran jaringan fibrosa ini memasuki tubuh testis
dan membaginya menjadi lobus. Setiap lobus adalah massa tubulus seminiferus
berbelit-belit dengan area antar tubulus. Setiap area sebagian besar
bertanggung jawab atas satu dari dua fungsi yaitu sitogenik (tubulus
seminiferus dan sel Sertoli) atau endokrin (jaringan antar tubular dan sel
Leydig). Sel-sel Sertoli yang melapisi tubulus seminiferus bertindak sebagai
sel perawat, memberi nutrisi dan membantu spermatozoa berkembang di lumen
tubulus. Selain itu, mereka juga fagosit, mencerna sel germinal yang
memburuk dan sisa tubuh. Mereka mengeluarkan cairan luminal dan protein,
dan juga membentuk penghalang testis-darah, memberikan perlindungan bagi
sperma dari penolakan imunologis dan komunikasi sel-ke-sel. Jumlah sel
Sertoli bervariasi sesuai musim, secara signifikan lebih besar selama musim
kawin, ketika mereka secara aktif terlibat dalam produksi sperma. Dengan

demikian, sel Sertoli memiliki kontrol dominan terhadap produksi sperma.
Peningkatan jumlah sel Sertoli ini disertai dengan peningkatan panjang tubulus
seminiferus yang sesuai.

Gambar 2.7 Bagian penampang melintang tubulus seminiferus dalam testis kuda
jantan, menggambarkan pembagian meiosis bertahap spermatogonia menjadi

Sel-sel Leydig, yang ditemukan di ruang antar tubulus di sekitar tubulus

seminiferus, mengeluarkan hormon yang sebagian besar bertanggung jawab
untuk produksi sperma dan pengembangan karakteristik dan perilaku tubuh
pria secara umum.


3.1. Simpulan
Penis kuda jantan dapat dibagi menjadi glans penis, body atau shaft dan
roots. Tubuh utama penis dibagi menjadi dua bagian, yaitu corpus cavernosus
uretra bagian bawah dan penis corpus cavernosus bagian atas. Kelenjar
bulbourethral, atau kelenjar Cowper, adalah kelenjar aksesori yang terletak
paling dekat dengan akar penis. Mereka berpasangan dan berbentuk oval,
sekitar 2 cm dan terletak di kedua sisi uretra. Kelenjar prostat adalah struktur
bilobed dengan lubang keluar tunggal ke uretra, terletak di antara kelenjar
bulbourethral dan ampula. Kelenjar vesikular, atau vesikula seminalis,
berpasangan dalam struktur dan terletak di kedua sisi kandung kemih,
panjangnya sekitar 16-20 cm. Kelenjar ampula terletak berpasangan keluar
lipatan dari vas deferens dimana bertemu uretra. Vas deferens menghubungkan
epididimis ke uretra sebelum melewati kelenjar aksesori dan masuk ke penis.
Ia memiliki diameter 0,5-1 cm, dengan dinding berotot tebal, terdiri dari tiga
lapisan otot; oblique bagian dalam, lingkaran tengah dan longitudinal luar.
Testis bersifat gametogenik (tempat produksi sperma) dan memiliki fungsi
endokrin. Testis menggantung di luar tubuh kuda jantan. Testis terletak di
dalam selubung kulit, disebut skrotum, di bawahnya terdapat tunica vaginalis,
yang kontinu dengan lapisan peritoneum rongga tubuh naik melalui kanal
inguinal. Di bawah tunica vaginalis, kapsul fibrosa, tunica albuginea,
mengelilingi setiap testis yang terpisah. Lembaran jaringan fibrosa ini
memasuki tubuh testis dan membaginya menjadi lobus. Setiap lobus adalah
massa tubulus seminiferus berbelit-belit dengan area antar tubulus. Sel-sel
Leydig, yang ditemukan di ruang antar tubulus di sekitar tubulus seminiferus.

3.2. Saran
Saran dari penulis untuk penulisan ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna,
masih banyak sumber-sumber yang lebih compatible mengenai materi ini.
dimohonkan para pembaca tidak hanya menggunakan paper ini sebagai acuan
tetapi bisa mencari di tempat lain dengan informasi yang lebih lengkap.


M.C.G. Davies Morel, 2003, Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud
Management 2nd Edition, CABI Publishing, Institute of Rural Studies
University of Wales, Aberystwyt, UK

B. W. Pickett, L. C. Faulkner, G. E. Seidel, Jr., W. E. Berndtson and J. L. Voss,

1976, Reproductive Physiology Of The Stallion. Vi. Seminal And
Behavioral Characteristics, Journal Of Animal Science, Vol. 43, No. 3, hh

Ugolini, W, Santos, F, Costa, G, Oliveira, H, Folchini, N, Machado, T, Zannella, R

& Alves, L 2019, Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided
Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse, Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Vol. 47(Suppl
1): 409, hh 1-5.

Marino, G, Zanghi, A, Quartuccioo, M, Cristarella, S, Giuseppe, M, & Catone, G

2009, Equine Testicular Lesions Related to Invasion by Nematodes, Journal
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B. W. Pickett, L. C. Faulkner, G. E. Seidel, Jr., W. E. Berndtson

and J. L. Voss 2

Colorado State University, F o r t Collins 8 0 5 2 3

SUMMARY permit prediction- of reproductive character-

istics from individual testosterone values. Corre-
First and second ejaculates were collected
lations based on the pooled monthly means for
from five mature Quarter Horse stallions each
each stallion or calculated on a within-stallion
Tuesday for 13 months. Means and statistical
basis were similar in magnitude to simple
comparisons of the seminal characteristics for
260 first and second ejaculates were: gel-free correlations.
The relationship among these characteristics
semen (ml) 58.4, 49.6 (P<.05); gel (ml) 7.1, 2.0
is discussed in relation to potential fertility
(P>.05); total seminal volume (ml) 65.5, 51.6
(P<.05); spermatozoa/ml (106) 281, 170 evaluation of stallions.
(Key Words: Stallion, Semen, Behavior, Sper-
(P<. 01); spermatozoa/ejaculate ( 109 ) 14.7, 7.9
matozoa, First and Second Ejaculates.)
(P<.01); motility (%) 73, 74 (P>.05); pH 7.47,
7.59 (P<.01) and osmolality of seminal plasma
(m0s) 302, 300 (P>.05), respectively. Behav- INTRODUCTION
ioral characteristics of stallions associated with Potential fertility evaluation of stallions has
collection of first and second ejaculates were: been neglected due to failure to identify the
reaction time (sec) 211, 231 (P>.05) and factors responsible for the extreme variation in
mounts per ejaculate 1.8, 1.7 (P>.05). Signifi- seminal characteristics and the lack of informa-
cant (P<.01) stallion effects were found for all tion on the relationship among these factors
first and second ejaculate criteria except motil- and fertility. Season influences many of the
ity in first ejaculates and reaction time required physical and chemical characteristics of stallion
for second ejaculates (P<.05). Seasonal effects semen as well as blood hormone levels, sexual
(P<.01) for first ejaculates were observed for behavior and fertility of both sexes (Mann et
seminal volumes, spermatozoa/ejaculate, pH, al., 1956; Nishikawa, 1959; Osborne, 1966;
reaction time and mounts per ejaculate. Sea- Skinner and Bowen, 1968; Loy, 1970; Pickett
sonal effects on second ejaculate characteristics et al., 1970; Berndtson et al., 1974; Ginther,
were significant (P<.01) for gel volume (ml), 1974; Gebauer et al., 1976). Other factors
spermatozoa/ml (106) and spermatozoa/ejacu- affecting seminal characteristics are sexual stim-
late (109), pH and mounts per ejaculate. ulation, frequency o f ejaculation, age, testicular
Although a number of significant correlations size and method of seminal collection (Nishika-
among the reproductive characteristics studied wa, 1959; Bielanski, 1964; Pickett et al., 1970;
and plasma testosterone levels were obtained, 1974b; 1975b,c; Pickett and Back, 1973;
the coefficients of correlation were too small to Gebauer et al., 1974a,b,c; Swierstra et al.,
The purposes of this investigation were to
i Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Department of determine: 1) influence of stallion behavior on
Physiology and Biophysics. This investigation was
supported in part by grants-in-aid from American seminal characteristics, 2) relationship of semi-
Breeders Service, The Grayson Foundation and the nal characteristics of first and second ejaculates
National Association of Animal Breeders. Portions of collected throughout 13 months to permit
these data were presented at the "First International seminal evaluation, irrespective of season, and
Symposium Upon Equine Reproduction," Cambridge, 3) relationship between plasma testosterone
England, 1974, and appeared in J. Reprod. Fertil.
(Suppl.) 23:25. 1975. levels and seminal and behavioral character-
2Department of Clinical Sciences. istics,
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 43, No. 3 (1976)

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M A T E R I A L S A N D METHODS Patterns of sexual behavior, measured by

First and second ejaculates of semen were mounts per ejaculate and reaction time, are
collected from each of five Quarter Horse presented in figure 3. Highly significant (P<.01)
stallions ranging in age from 5 to 12 years each stallion effects were observed for all criteria in
Tuesday from April 1969 through May 1970. first and second ejaculates except that motility
Second ejaculates were collected one hour after of spermatozoa in first ejaculates and reaction
the first, or as soon thereafter as possible. The time for collection of second ejaculates were
artificial vagina (A.V.) used for seminal collec- significant at the 5% level of probability.
tion, techniques for preparation of the stallion, Significant (P<.01) seasonal effects for first
methods for measuring spermatozoan motility ejaculates were observed for seminal volumes,
and concentration and pH of semen and gel spermatozoa per ejaculate, pH, reaction time
have been described (Pickett and Back, 1973). and mounts per ejaculate. Seasonal effects on
Osmolality was determined with a Fiske os- second ejaculate characteristics were significant
mometer (Model G-66x) on 2.0 ml of seminal (P<.01) for gel volume, spermatozoa per ml
plasma obtained by centrifuging 3.0 ml of and per ejaculate, pH and mounts per ejaculate.
semen at 10,000 g for 3 minutes. The mean volume of gel-free semen in first
The influence of stallion and month on ejaculates was 58.4 compared to 49.6 ml in
sexual behavior was studied by measuring reac- second ejaculates (P<.05). Volume of first
tion time and number of mounts per ejacula- ejaculates ranged from 44.8 to 80.8 ml in
tion. Reaction time was the total time (see) the March and July, respectively; second ejaculates
stallion was in visual contact with the mare varied from 41.5 ml in April to 62.8 ml in June.
until the beginning of copulation. Mean volume of gel was 7.1 ml for all first
Of the 560 planned seminal collections, one and 2.0 ml for all second ejaculates (P>.05).
first and four second ejaculates were not However, in the 75 first ejaculates that con-
obtained. The five failures were ignored in the tained gel (29%), the mean gel volume was 27
statistical analyses. Data from the fifth Tuesday ml, while 29 second ejaculates (11%) contained
in any month were eliminated to equalize an average of 19 milliliters. It appeared that the
numbers. seminal vesicles, which secrete the gelatinous
The data for the seminal and behavioral fraction, were slower to replenish their secre-
characteristics were analyzed by the methods of tion than the other secondary sex glands. This
Snedecor and Cochran (1967). The data were may be due to an inability of certain stallions
subjected to factorial analyses of variance with to become sexually stimulated during certain
two fixed factors, months and first and second seasons or after an extended regimen of seminal
ejaculates, and one random factor, stallions. collection. Although no evidence was pre-
The degrees of freedom for months were sented, Nishikawa (1959) reported that gel
partitioned into linear, quadratic and cubic served as a bacteriostat. Regardless of the
effects. A n y seasonal trends should be reflected function of gel, semen from some stallions
in significant quadratic and/or cubic effects. rarely, if ever, contains gel, and yet, their
Correlations between plasma testosterone fertility appears normal. Thus, the presence Or
levels (Berndtson et al., 1974) and the other absence of gel in an ejaculate may not reflect
reproductive characteristics were computed af- the fertility of that ejaculate. Further, when
ter pairing the testosterone concentration of mares are bred utilizing artificial insemination
individual plasma samples with the value for (A.I.), the gel is a nuisance and is removed
each reproductive characteristic for the seminal during seminal collection (Pickett and Back,
collection of the previous day. Coefficients of 1973). Fertility of semen appeared to be
correlations were also determined after pooling normal (Pickett et al., 1974a), although the gel
individual values within stallions on a monthly was never mixed with the "sperm-rich" (Kosi-
basis. niak, 1975) fraction.
The gel must be removed during seminal
collection to obtain a representative sample for
estimation of spermatozoal concentration. The
Presented in figures 1 and 2 are the patterns gel can be removed after seminal collection, but
of seminal volume, motility, spermatozoal out- more spermatozoa are lost (Pickett et al.,
put, pH and seminal plasma osmolality of the 1974b). This is an important consideration
first and second ejaculates for 13 months. when the maximum number of spermatozoa are

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Figure 1. Monthly means of seminal characteristics of first and second ejaculates from April 1969 through
May 1970 (N = 260). Shaded areas indicate the breeding season.

needed for A.I. istic is probably of least importance, since

The mean total seminal volume was 65.5 and excellent fertility can be obtained by A.I. with
51.6 ml (P<.05) for first and second ejaculates, 1.5 ml of raw semen, and as little as .6 ml may
respectively. The range for first ejaculates was be adequate (Pickett et al., 1974a, 1975a). In
45.4 ml in January to 103.8 in June; the range addition, up to 100 ml of semen can be
for second ejaculates was 41.5 ml in April to obtained without the occurrence of complete
67.8 ml in June. The total volume of first and ejaculation (Pickett and Voss, 1975). Further,
second ejaculates increased 38 and 21%, respec- when stallions were used as teasers, gel volume
tively, from winter to spring. Total seminal increased from an average of 8 to 23 ml, and
volume, generally including gel, is the most mean gel-free seminal volume increased from 37
commonly reported seminal characteristic to 63 mt without an increase in spermatozoal
(Pickett, 1968, 1970). However, this character- output (Pickett and Voss, 1972).

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Figure 3. Monthly means of reaction time and

number of mounts required to collect first and second
ejaculates from April 1969 through May 1970 (N =
260). Shaded areas indicate the breeding season.

Stallion spermatozoa tend to clump or agglu-

tinate (Skinner and Bowen, 1968; Pickett et al.,
Figure 2. Monthly means of seminal pH and 1970, 1974a). To reduce the influence of
seminal plasma osmolality of first and second ejacu- clumping on motility, semen was extended in a
lates from April 1969 through May 1970 (N = 260). Tris-egg yolk diluent that prevented clumping
Shaded areas indicate the breeding season. The X (Pickett et aL, 1974a). Mean motility of sper-
indicates the mean pH for May, 1970. matozoa from first ejaculates was 73%, with a
range of 70 to 75%; mean motility in second
The relationship between seminal volumes in ejaculates was 74% and ranged from 70 to 77%
first and second ejaculates in this study is (P>.05). No influence of season on motility
reasonably consistent with other investigations was observed for first or second ejaculates.
(Pickett et al., 1970, 1975c). However, low first Motility of spermatozoa from first ejaculates is
ejaculate volume followed by a high second occasionally lower than motility of spermato-
ejaculate volume is not u n c o m m o n when semen zoa in second ejaculates. This difference gener-
is collected from inexperienced 2- or 3-year-old ally disappears when the frequency of ejacula-
stallions. The first may serve as a stimulus for tion is sufficient to prevent excessive spermato-
the second ejaculate. zoal accumulation (Pickett and Voss, 1975).

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This may mean that differences i n spermato- ly 50% of the total number of spermatozoa in
zoan motility between first and second ejacu- the first ejaculate, one of the following must be
lates could be due to spermatozoal accumula- suspected: 1) one of the ejaculates was incom-
tion in the excurrent ducts. However, when plete, 2) the stallion's extragonadal spermato-
semen was collected from normal stallions, zoal reserves (EGR) had been depleted, 3)
there was no difference in motility between excessive spermatozoa had accumulated in the
first and second ejaculates when ejaculates were excurrent ducts (Pickett and Voss, 1975), 4)
collected weekly. Moreover, frequency of col- the excurrent ducts are incapable of storing
lection (from 1 to 6 per week) did not affect large quantities of spermatozoa, or 5) the
the motility of spermatozoa (Pickett et al., stallion was sexually immature. This approxi-
1970, 1975c). mately 50% relationship (5.9 vs 11.7 x 109)
Since no differences were observed in sper- was also observed when one ejaculate per day
matozoan motility (figure 1) and in only a few was collected at intervals of six times per week
of the chemical constituents of spermatozoa compared to three times per week after the
(Gebauer et al., 1976) due to season, it is EGR had been stabilized (Pickett et al., 1975c).
tempting to suggest that any seasonal variation Although Nishikawa (1959) and Skinner and
in stallion fertility might be due to the female Bowen (1968) found no difference in spermato-
or to a reduced daily spermatozoal o u t p u t zoal output due to season, Pickett et al. (1970)
(DSO) and/or libido rather than a decrease in reported a 52.0 and 46.2% reduction in sper-
fertility of the individual spermatozoon. matozoal output from the highest to the lowest
First ejaculates contained 281 x 106 sper- month in first and second ejaculates, respective-
matozoa per ml compared to 170 • 106 per ml ly. In this study, corresponding reductions
in second ejaculates (P<.01). Mean monthly averaged 46.2 and 42.4% (figure 1). This
concentration of spermatozoa in first ejaculates dramatic decrease in spermatozoal output prob-
ranged from 224 to 321 x 106/mi in December ably represents a true decrease in spermato-
and August, respectively; second ejaculates genesis. Since season influenced (P<.01) sper-
ranged from 111 in December to 234 • 106/mt matozoal numbers for both ejaculates, season
in May 1969 (figure 1). First ejaculates con- must be considered when stallions are evaluated
tained a mean of 14.7 • 109 spermatozoa; for breeding soundness.
second ejaculates contained 7.9 x 109 (P<.01). Daily spermatozoal production (DSP) in the
First ejaculates ranged from 10.2 • 109 in stallion was 8.0 x 109 and daily spermatozoal
January to 22.1 x 109 in July. Second ejacu- o u t p u t (DSO) accounted for 87% of DSP
lates ranged from 5.0 to 11.8 • 109 in (Gebauer et al., 1974a). Since DSP was 8.0 •
December and July, respectively. The differ- 109 spermatozoa and mean extragonadal transit
ence in mean total spermatozoa per ejaculate time was 7.5 to 11.0 days, EGR should range
between first and second ejaculates was 53.7%, from 60 to 88 x 109. The EGR of 11 stallions
and the difference in monthly means between 24 hr after the last ejaculation was 58.6 x 109
the ejaculates ranged from 46.9 to 56.9%. (Gebauer et al., 1974b). When one ejaculate of
In a previous 12-month study (Pickett et al., semen was collected from each of nine stallions
1970), the difference between the means of the at frequencies of 1, 3 and 6 times/week, mean
170-paired first and second ejaculates was numbers of spermatozoa per ejaculate were
4 9 . 8 % . When the ejaculation frequency was 13.5, 12.7 and 7.2 • 109, respectively (Pickett
doubled to two ejaculates twice per week, the et al., 1974c). Therefore, if the number of
percentage of spermatozoa in second ejaculates spermatozoa per ejaculate is more than 2 to 3
was 45.8% of the total in first ejaculates days DSP, it is suspected that the stallion is
(Pickett et al., 1975c). Bielanski (1964) re- accumulating spermatozoa in the excurrent
ported that. second ejaculates contained 60.8% ducts.
as many spermatozoa as in first ejaculates. The When time is critical, two ejaculates col-
relationship of spermatozoal numbers in first lected one hour apart are minimal for a seminal
and second ejaculates was so consistent that the evaluation. Ideally, DSP should be determined,
second ejaculate could be used to determine which can be predicted from DSO (Gebauer et
how representative the first ejaculate was o f a al., 1974c). To obtain DSO, semen must be
normal ejaculation. If a stallion has been collected daily for approximately 1 week, and
sexually rested for at least four days and the DSO is dependent upon events initiated approx-
second ejaculate does not contain approximate- imately two months prior to seminal collection

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(Swierstra et al., 1974). the occurrence of ejaculation, or at least with-

The number of spermatozoa necessary for out a contribution from the epididymides
maximum reproductive efficiency in horses has (Pickett and Voss, 1975). This postulation is in
not been established. No difference in fertility excellent agreement with Seidel and Foote
was found between 100 and 500 • 106 motile (1970) who calculated that the bull epididy-
spermatozoa when mares were inseminated mides contributed 31 to 36% to the seminal
every other day of estrus beginning on day 2 or volume of first ejaculates compared to 19% to
3 (Demick et al., 1976). second ejaculate volume. Therefore, when pH
Testicular size determined by scrotal circum- of a first ejaculate is higher or equal to the pH
ference permits relatively accurate estimation from a corresponding second ejaculate, particu-
of spermatozoal output in bulls (Hahn et al., larly if the normal relationship in spermatozoal
1969). Stallion testicular weight was signifi- output is altered, the first ejaculate must be
cantly correlated with DSP and DSO (.77), as considered incomplete or abnormal.
expected since 21 • 106 spermatozoa were We believe the percentage contribution to
produced per gram of testicular parenchyma volume is higher from the accessory sex glands
(Gebauer et al., 1974b,c). However, in vivo of the stallion and less from the epididymides
testicular measurements accounted for only in second ejaculates than in the bull, primarily
32% of the variation in DSO (Gebauer et al., because the volume of the second ejaculate
1974c). In spite of the relatively poor correla- does not change, in relation to first ejaculates,
tions, the testes should be palpated and mea- as dramatically as spermatozoal output. Second
sured during a routine breeding soundness ejaculates from bulls usually contain 56.2 to
examination, because a stallion with small 91.6% of the number of spermatozoa found in
testes is a potentially poor producer of sper- first ejaculates (Kirton et al., 1964; MacMillan
matozoa. The number of mares that can be et al., 1967; Pickett and Komarek, 1967). The
bred utilizing A.I. or natural service, to a lesser stallion ejaculate, after three days sexual rest,
extent, is dependent upon the number of normally contains more total spermatozoa than
spermatozoa available for ejaculation. the bull ejaculate. Further, the ductuli defer-
Illustrated in figure 2 are the monthly entia and ampullae contain sufficient spermato-
changes in pH. The mean pH of gel-free semen zoa for a complete ejaculate (Gebauer et al.,
from first ejaculates was 7.47 compared to 7.59 1974b), whereas the corresponding structures
for second ejaculates (P<.01). The range for in the bull contain too few spermatozoa for a
first ejaculates was 7.36 to 7.57 (P<.01) while complete ejaculate (Bialy and Smith, 1958).
the range for second ejaculates was 7.46 to 7.70 The seminal vesicles contribute significantly
(P(.01). The pH is a useful diagnostic tool for to the bovine ejaculate, which must correspond
seminal evaluations, because in a "normal situa- to the bulbo-urethral glands in the stallion,
tion" the pH of second ejaculates was always because the seminal vesicles in the stallion
higher than corresponding first ejaculates (Pick- secrete gel (Mann, 1964). The gel has a higher
ett et al., 1970, 1975c), regardless of season. pH than gel-free semen (figure 2), but probably
When the pH of a second ejaculate is lower contributes very little to the seminal pH since it
than the corresponding first ejaculate, the first is removed during collection. For pH to be of
ejaculate must be considered incomplete or diagostic value, the gel must be separated from
abnormal. The pH of accessory sex gland fluid, the "sperm-rich" fraction because: 1) the pH of
devoid of epididymal contributions will be gel-free semen in the first ejaculate is lower that
approximately 8.0. Kirton et al. ( 1 9 6 4 ) c o l - that of second ejaculates, 2) pH of gel is higher
lected four consecutive ejaculates of semen than that of gel-free semen, 3) there is a greater
from bulls within 1 hr and found that pH quantity of gel secreted in first than in second
increased from 6.26 to 6.92. These investigators ejaculates, and 4) if the gel and "sperm-rich"
postulated that the contributions of the seminal fractions mix during collection, the difference
vesicles to the ejaculate was relatively constant, in seminal pH beteen first and second ejaculates
but the contributions of the epididymides would be greatly reduced.
decreased with repetitive ejaculation. This is an Mean osmolality of seminal plasma from
extremely important observation in relation to first and second ejaculates was 302 and 300
potential fertility evaluation of stallions, since m0s, respectively. There was no difference
it is possible to obtain relatively large quantities between ejaculates or differences due to season
of seminal fluid and some spermatozoa without for either ejaculate. The range by month was

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297 to 312 m0s for first and 297 to 305 m0s sufficiently large (r = .50 or less) to permit
for second ejaculates. accurate prediction of reproductive character-
Although most of the variation in osmolality istics from testosterone levels in plasma sam-
was due to stallion (P<.01), for both ejaculates, ples. These results were unexpected since the
the value of this measuremefit in potential seasonal changes in many of these character-
fertility evaluation of stallions is unknown. For istics appeared to parallel the seasonal changes
storage of stallion semen, either liquid or in the plasma testosterone levels of these
frozen, the diluent must be compatible with the (Berndtson et al., 1974) and other stallions
spermatozoa. Unfortunately, the optimal osmo- (Weisner an d Kirkpatrick, 1975).
lality for a stallion seminal extender has not The magnitude of these correlations does
been established. Pickett et al. (1974a) have not negate the possibility that seasonal changes
shown that a cream-gel extender, with an in reproductive characteristics are modulated
osmolality of 347.6 m0s will provide fertility via alterations in testosterone secretion. Rather,
equal to raw semen if used immediately after the lack of meaningful correlations may have
dilution. However, after storage for 24 hr there resulted because: 1) levels for many of these
was a significant decrease in fertility (Demick et variables, including testosterone in plasma, en-
al., 1976). Rajamannan et al. (1968) reported a compass a rather broad range among stallions
range of 290 to 310 m0s for stallion seminal with " n o r m a l " reproductive function, 2 ) w i d e
plasma, but found that an extender with an fluctuations in many of these variables occur at
osmolality of 330 provided superior survival of relatively brief intervals, 3) other androgens
equine spermatozoa after thawing. may be important in regulating reproductive
Even though seminal quality may be excel- function, and 4) the various target organs may
lent, if libido is poor, fertility may be seriously require only threshold levels of testosterone for
reduced. Thus, a thorough knowledge of sexual normal function, which may have been ex-
behavior is essential for treating impotence and ceeded in all stallions studied.
other forms of abnormal sexual behavior (Pick- Episodic secretion of testosterone occurs in
ett and Voss, 1975). Mean reaction time was the males of many species (Katongole et al.,
211 sec for first ejaculates compared to 231 for 1971; Bartke et al., 1973). In the present study,
second ejaculates (P>.05). First-ejaculation re- as much as a 4.5-fold difference in plasma levels
action time ranged from 47 sec in May 1969 to of testosterone was observed among samples
721 in December; the range for second ejacu- taken from an individual stallion within a given
lates was 40 to 957 sec in May 1969, and month (Berndtson et al., 1974). Further, differ-
January 1970, respectively. Because of ex- ences of as much as 23 ng o f testosterone per
treme variation, differences due to season were milliliter in plasma were observed among sam-
significant (P<.01) for only first ejaculates. The ples taken from the same stallion at 20-rain
fact that semen was collected from these intervals for 1 hr (W. E. Berndtson, u n p u b l i s h e d
stallions twice per week, starting in May, might data). Thus, a single sample of blood may not
have caused an increase in reaction time in the represent the modal testosterone concentration
fall and winter. However, as the breeding season available to the target organs.
approached, reaction time decreased, which Many seminal and behavioral characteristics
appeared to be related to testosterone levels in of stallions also exhibit marked fluctuations
the peripheral plasma (Berndtson et al., 1974). from one sampling period to the next. Such
Mean number of mounts/first ejaculate was changes are undoubtedly influenced by a vari-
1.8 compared to 1.7 for second ejaculates ety of extraneous factors, such as the degree of
obtained approximately 1 hr later (P>.05). The sexual stimulation, distractions by other ani-
high and low months for both first and second mals or handlers, the temperature of the artifi-
ejaculates followed similar patterns (figure 3), cial vagina, etc. (Hale and Almquist, 1960;
and fewer mounts were required during the Pickett and Voss, 1975). Although an a t t e m p t
breeding season. This must be considered when was made to provide maximal stimulus pressure
examining a stallion for breeding soundness for seminal collection and to provide a uniform
during the nonbreeding season. degree of sexual preparation, such factors un-
Simple correlations between plasma testos- doubtedly contributed to the variation in be-
terone concentrations and the other reproduc- havioral and seminal characteristics.
tive characteristics were highly significant in To minimize the influence of rapid, short
many cases, but no correlation coefficient was term fluctuations of testosterone concentration

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Demick, D. S., J. L. Voss and B. W. Pickett. 1976. preparation, collection, evaluation and insemina-
Effect of cooling, storage, gtycerolization and tion of stallion semen. Colorado State Univ. Exp.
spermatozoal numbers on equine fertility. J. Anim. Sta. Anim. Reprod. Lab. Gen. Series 935.
Sci. (In press). Pickett, B. W., D. G. Back, L. D. Burwash and J. L.

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Voss. 1974a. The effect of extenders, spermatozoal characteristics and spermatozoal output. J. Anita.
numbers and rectal palpation on equine fertility. Sci. 40:917.
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47. management of the stallion. Proc. 18th Ann. Cony.
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Back. 1975a. Effect of seminal extenders on Pickett, B. W. and J. L. Voss. 1975. Abnormalities o f
equine fertility. J. Anita. Sci. 40:1136. mating behaviour in domestic stallions. J. Reprod.
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1970. Effect o f month and stallion on seminal Rajamannan, A. H. J., R. Zemjanis and J. Ellery.
characteristics and sexual behavior. J. Anim. Sci. 1968. Freezing and fertility studies with stallion
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Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2019. 47(Suppl 1): 409.


Pub. 409

Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse

Lays Wouters Ugolini1, Fernanda Carlini Cunha dos Santos1,2, Gabriela Vicensi da Costa1, Henrique Ramos Oliveira1,
Natália Folchini1, Tanise Policarpo Machado3, Ricardo Zannella1 & Leonardo Porto Alves1


Background: Cryptorchidism is characterized by the incomplete descent of one or both testicles to the scrotum, being
a hereditary alteration and frequently an unilateral condition. Besides the sexual and aggressive behaviour, the retained
testicle is commonly located in abdominal cavity, being considered a risk factor for neoplasm development. The most
common testicular neoplasm reported in mammalian species are Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, seminomas and
teratomas. A presumptive diagnosis of testicular tumor can be achieved by ultrasonography, although the definitive di-
agnosis is obtained only by histopathology. In this report, we are presenting a case of testicular teratoma in an unilateral
abdominal cryptorchid horse.
Case: A 3 year-old stallion, American Quarter Horse, was attended and presented a right testicle retained inside the abdo-
men and a left testicle in the scrotum. Transrectal palpation was used to identify a round and firm structure, presumably
the right testicle, lateral to the urinary bladder and located inside abdomen. Further, a transrectal ultrasound examination
showed a complex, round mass with irregular edges containing both cystic and solid structures, hypoechoic fluid-filled
cavities separated by linear hyperechoic septa. After a clinical examination, the animal was diagnosed with cryptorchidism
and was submitted to orchiectomy and cryptorchidectomy by inguinal approach. Surgery was performed under general
anesthesia and postoperative care included cold shower, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic therapy. Testicles were surgically
removed and further sent for histopathological examination. The visual appearance of the right undescended testicle showed
multiple round, cystic, and solid structures on outer surface, while the left descended testicle was apparently normal. The
macroscopic evaluation showed that the affected testicle consisted of a firm solid mass with multiple fluid-filled cystic
areas. Microscopically, the testicular architecture was replaced by cysts, fibrous tissue, adipose tissue, glandular structures,
and foci of calcification. The histology revealed that the retained testicle had a testicular teratoma.
Discussion: Reproductive disorders are common in horses and represent a significant part of the equine practitioner
routine. Equine cryptorchidism is the most common non-lethal developmental defect of stallions. Surgery is the best
treatment, since this alteration is hereditary. Teratomas have been reported more often in cryptorchid testicles, being usu-
ally just diagnosed as an incidental finding during surgical procedure. Under field conditions, usually the testicles are not
sent for histopathological evaluation and this fact can contribute to underdiagnoses. Ultrasonography allows clinicians to
determine testis location, morphological changes in the testes, as well as to elaborate a presumptive diagnose of testicular
neoplasm. Histopathology is the best exam to achieve definitive diagnoses in the presence of testicular alterations. In our
report, diagnosis of testicular neoplasia was not made before surgery and testicular mass was an incidental finding during
pre-surgical examination. In the presence of testicular enlargement or presence of testicular mass, neoplasia should be
included in the differential diagnosis. In conclusion, although rare, teratoma should be included in differential diagnoses
of retained testicles, especially those with morphological alterations.
Keywords: andrology, neoplasm, cryptorchidism, stallion, testis.

DOI: 10.22456/1679-9216.93609
Received: 5 April 2019 Accepted: 8 July 2019 Published: 7 August 2019
Setor de Grandes Animais, Hospital Veterinário & Laboratório de Patologia Animal, Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil. & 3Pro-

grama de Pós-graduação em Medicina Animal: Equinos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS. CORRESPONDENCE:
F.C.C. Santos [ - Tel.: +55 (54) 3316-7486]. Setor de Grandes Animais, Hospital Veterinário - UPF. Bairro São José. Rodovia BR
285, Km 292 s/n. CEP 99052-900 Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.

L.W. Ugolini, F.C.C. Santos, G.V. Costa, et al. 2019. Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 47(Suppl 1): 409.

INTRODUCTION The right testicle was not found during visual

In horses, testicular descent generally occurs inspection and palpation. Transabdominal ultrasono-
30 days prior to and up to 2 weeks after birth [4], when graphy confirmed the presence of a normal left testicle
there is an incomplete descent of one or both testicles, and the absence of the right testicle in the scrotum or
the animal is considered a cryptorchid [15,18]. Cryp- within inguinal region. Transrectal palpation was used
torchidism is a hereditary disorder with moderated to to identify a round and firm structure, presumably the
high heritability of 0.12 to 0.32 in horses [7] and fre- right testicle, lateral to the urinary bladder and located
quently unilateral [6,18]. Cryptorchidism is common in inside the abdomen. Further, a transrectal ultrasound
companion animals, pigs, humans (2-12%) [1], cattle examination showed a complex, round mass with irre-
and sheep (1%) [1], stallions (2-8%) [6,13,14]. gular edges containing both cystic and solid structures,
Besides the sexual/ aggressive behavior of hypoechoic fluid-filled cavities separated by linear
cryptorchid animals, this condition is considered a hyperechoic septa.
risk factor for testicular tumors development when the Based on clinical examination and ultrasono-
undescended testes is inside the abdomen [13,14,17]. graphy, the horse was diagnosed as cryptorchid.
Testicular neoplasms are usually benign [14], have Treatment was based on cryptorchidectomy
been seen in descended and undescended testes [5,12], and orquiectomy. For surgical removal of the testicles,
are asymptomatic [3] and can and rarely cause abdo- the animal underwent general intravenous anesthesia.
minal pain [6]. The most common tumors reported in Before the surgery, a combination of procaine penicillin,
mammalian species are Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell benzathine penicillin, dihydrostreptomycin sulfate and
tumors, seminomas and teratomas [14,15,17]. Terato- piroxicam1 (20.000 UI/kg IM) was administered. Xyla-
ma is quite rare in horses [2,5], however, it is the most zine2 (1.1 mg/kg IV) was the premedication used, and
frequent testicular tumor reported in young stallions, induction was performed with a combination of diaze-
between 1 and 5 years-old [14,15,17]. pam3 (0.04 mg/kg IV) and ketamine2 (2.2 mg/kg IV). A
Ultrasonography is a useful tool for the diagnosis constant rate infusion (0.05 mL/kg/min) of a combination
of abdominal cryptorchidism in horses [3,5]. A presump- of eterglicerilguaiacol4 (50 mg/mL), lidocain without
tive diagnosis of testicular tumor can be achieved by ultra- vasoconstrictor5 (250 mg), ketamine2 (2 mg/mL) and
sonography, however, a definitive diagnosis of testicular xylazine2 (1 mg/mL) was maintained during surgery
teratoma can only be obtained with histopathology [3]. Before the testes were surgically removed, intratesticular
The aim of this study is to report a case of tes- anesthesia with lidocaine5 was used. During the surgery,
ticular teratoma in an unilateral right-sided abdominal the patient received a single dosis of anti-tetanus serum6
cryptorchid horse, with the description of ultrasono- (5.000UI IM) and flunixin meglumine1 (1.1 mg/kg IV).
graphy evaluation, surgical approach, macroscopic and The horse was placed in dorsal recumbence, and
microscopic alterations in the testis. the area was aseptically prepared with 2% chlorhexidine
detergent and 0.5% chlorhexidine alcohol solutions. The
surgical technique for cryptorchidectomy by inguinal
A 3-year-old, 350 kg, American Quarter Horse approach was conducted as described by Hendrickson
was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital at the Universida- [10], except for the use of a grasping forceps. The guber-
de de Passo Fundo, Brazil, for elective surgical castration. naculum was not found, and the abdominal cavity was
The animal presented excessively unruly, masculine manually inspected until the right undescended testicle
behavior, and had no history of a previous castration. was found. The contralateral left testis was removed by
On visual inspection, the left testis was loca- orchiectomy as described by Hendrickson [10]. Testicles
ted inside the scrotum, however no right testicle was were referred to histopathological evaluation.
located. A protocol was followed in order to conduct a Postoperative care included flunixin meglu-
clinical diagnosis of cryptorchidism: visual assessment mine1 (1.1 mg/kg IV q24 h) for 5 days, association of
of the scrotum; palpation of the scrotum; palpation of procaine penicillin, benzathine penicillin, dihydros-
the inguinal rings; transabdominal ultrasonography treptomycin sulfate and piroxicam1 (20.000 UI/kg IM
of the inguinal rings with a convex probe, transrectal q48 h) for 3 times, and cold showers for 20 min (2x a
palpation; and transrectal ultrasonography. day) for 10 consecutive days.

L.W. Ugolini, F.C.C. Santos, G.V. Costa, et al. 2019. Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 47(Suppl 1): 409.

The macroscopy of the testicles showed that

the left testicle was apparently normal (Figure 1a)
while the right testis was round, had cystic and solid
structures detected on palpation (Figure 1b).
Left testis measured 13.0 x 6.0 x 5.3 cm. There
was edema of the tail of the epididymis and no altera-
tions in the testicular parenchyma on cut surface (Figure
2a). Right testis measured 8.0 x 6.5 x 6.3 cm, was firm,
had multiple cysts with brownish fluid, with calcified
areas alternating with firm white areas (Figure 2b).
Both testes were submitted for histopathologi-
cal examination. No microscopic lesions were found in
the left testis, which had preserved spermatogenesis.
Figure 1. a- Descended left testis. b- Cryptorchid, undescended right testis. Parenchyma of the right testis was necrotic and had de-

Figure 2. a- Descended left with no alterations in the testicular parenchyma on cut surface. b- Cryptorchid right testis. Testicular architecture is obliter-
ated by the teratoma (red circle indicates cystic formations).

Figure 3. Microscopic findings in the retained testis. a- Degenerated glandular tissue [Obj.×400; Bar= 40 µm]. b- Presence of bone trabeculae (bone
tissue) (asterisk). [Obj.×200; Bar= 100 µm].

L.W. Ugolini, F.C.C. Santos, G.V. Costa, et al. 2019. Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 47(Suppl 1): 409.

generated glandular structures (Figure 3a), fibrous tissue, such as enlargement of the gonad possibly caused by
cystic areas alternated with bone trabeculae (Figure 3b), neoplasia [3,9]. As ultrasound imaging depicts the
adipose tissue, areas of calcification, moderate multifocal morphology of the examined tissues, veterinarians may
hemorrhage, and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. A diag- be able to narrow down the diagnosis significantly [3].
nosis of testicular teratoma was made by histopathology. If more information is needed, then a testicular biopsy
should be performed and the sample submitted for
histopathological evaluation to provide a definitive
Reproductive disorders are common in horses diagnosis. Histopathology analysis is more accurate
and represent a significant part of the equine practi- than macroscopic inspection and clinical examination
tioner work load [8]. Equine cryptorchidism is the of the testis.
most common non-lethal developmental alteration In the present study, a presumptive diagnosis
in stallions and surgical removal of testes is the best of testicular tumor was made based on the ultrasound
treatment, since the hereditary aspect and the risk of findings and macroscopic appearance of the surgi-
neoplasm development. cally removed testis. Seminoma, Sertoli cell tumor,
Abdominal cryptorchid humans have higher Leydig cell tumor, teratocarcinoma, and embryonal
risk of developing testicular neoplasms than inguinal carcinoma are the testicular neoplasms that should be
cryptorchid patients. The relative position of the cryp- included in differential diagnoses of teratoma [5]. The
torchid testis and the severity of environmental insults definitive, final diagnosis, in our case was based on
on the gonads, e.g. heat, likely play a role in the occur- the microscopical findings in the surgically removed
rence and prevalence of these neoplasms [6]. Precursor undescended testis.
cancer cells are generally pluripotent germ cells, which Teratomas are formed by various different
are derived from primordial germ cells, that continue types of mature tissues originating from different ger-
to proliferate or undergo improper differentiation [16]. minal layers and which embryonic origin differs from
The presence of an abnormal testis dramatically alters the affected organ [5,12,14,17]. Tumor size varies gre-
the function of somatic cells, providing the niche for atly and many are cystic or polycystic [15], and usually
spermatogonial steam cells self-renewal and diffe- grey to yellow [14,15]. Usually the retained testis is
rentiation. In humans, a possible explanation is that smaller than the scrotal testis. In our case, fibrous tis-
the ectopic testis itself is directly responsible for the sue, cysts, bone, adipose tissue, and mineralized areas
infertility and germ cell tumorigenesis [13]. Althou- were found by light microscopy. A variety of tissues
gh rare, teratomas have been reported more often in can be identified in teratomas including skin, muscle,
cryptorchid testicles inside abdominal cavity [12] and tooth, hair follicles, bone, and cartilage [2,12,14,15].
occurs sporadically in young stallions [3,6,8,12,14,15], The actual prevalence of testicular teratoma in global
similar to present case report. equine population is difficult to estimate without large
In the present case, careful clinical examination retrospective and prospective studies, because most
of the stallion allowed to find the retained, undescen- stallions are castrated at an early age. Since testicular
ded testes, located intra-abdominal. During physical teratomas rarely cause clinical signs, the tumor is of-
examination, the testes are carefully palpated, and ten detected during preoperative assessment, during
the size, symmetry and consistency of the gonad and surgery or at necropsy, as an incidental finding. Under
surrounding structures are the parameters assessed. field conditions, few veterinarians submit the retained
Inguinal and transrectal palpation are reliable tools to undescended surgically removed testes for histopatho-
locate the testes [11]. If there is any abnormality during logy, unless when significant morphological alterations
the physical examination, then the use of ultrasound are noted. Possibly these factors contribute to the
should be considered. In our case, morphological underdiagnoses and missdiagnoses of this neoplasm.
changes were detected in one of the testis during In our report, diagnosis of testicular neoplasia
transrectal ultrasound, but we were unable to accura- was not made before surgery and testicular mass was an
tely identify this structure as testis. Ultrasonography incidental finding during the pre-surgical examination.
allows clinicians to determine testis location as well as Before testicular enlargement or presence of testicular
morphological changes in the testicular parenchyma, mass, neoplasia should be included in the differential

L.W. Ugolini, F.C.C. Santos, G.V. Costa, et al. 2019. Testicular Teratoma in a Unilateral Right-Sided Abdominal Cryptorchid Horse.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae. 47(Suppl 1): 409.

diagnosis. Testicular teratomas are rarely reported in MANUFACTURERS

the veterinary literature and possibly underdiagnosed 1

MSD Saúde Animal. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Vetnil Ind. e Com. de Produtos Veterinários Ltda. Louveira, SP,
in cryptorquid stallions. Brazil.
União Química Farmacêutica Nacional. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Declaration of interest. The authors report no conflicts of 4
JA Saúde Animal. Patrocínio Paulista, SP, Brazil.
interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and 5
Novafarma Indústria Farmacêutica Ltda. Anapolis, GO, Brazil.
writing of the paper. 6
Venco Saúde Animal. Londrina, PR, Brazil.


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4 Bergin W.C., Marion G.B. & Coffman J.R. 1970. A developmental concept of equine cryptorchism. Biology of
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11 Huppes T., Stout T.A.E. & Ensink J.M. 2017. Decision Making for Cryptorchid Castration: a Retrospective Analysis
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Equine Testicular Lesions Related to Invasion
by Nematodes
G. Marino,a A. Zanghi,a M. Quartuccio,a S. Cristarella,a M. Giuseppe,a
and G. Catoneb

in the genital organs of the stallion. They may be detected

in the testicular parenchyma and epididymis of retained tes-
Nematodes of the genuses Strongylus and Setaria are tes and, rarely, in the vaginal cavity of scrotal gonads, par-
able to erratically migrate to the equine testis and pro- ticularly in young horses.1-4 It has been hypothesized that
voke characteristic inflammatory changes. Moreover, parasites reach the testis through the spermatic artery or di-
the presence of living parasites in scrotal testes is a scarce rectly from the peritoneum, moving under the tunica vag-
finding in which only the tracts and related lesions may inalis of the testicular cord.1,3,5 If the parasite dies in these
be observed. In a 20-year experience of equine testes aberrant districts, a granulomatous reaction develops, as
observed in abattoirs, 13 cases of atypical inflammatory demonstrated in the bull by an experimental infection of
lesions in scrotal testes were collected. On opening of testes with dead larvae of Setaria labiatopapillosa.6 Most
the vaginal cavity, hydrocele was consistantly observed, infestations are not clinically manifested, with the excep-
and the Morgagni’s appendix was enlarged, prominent, tion of massive ones that cause an increase in testicular
and reddish. Large, elongated, or irregular prominent size.7 In addition, Strongylus spp larvae have been indicated
red to yellow areas were visible on the testicular or epi- as the causative agent in cases of acute orchitis, epididymi-
didymal serosa. Edematous enlargement of the epididy- tis, and sperm granuloma.3,7,8 In one study, Strongylus spp.
mal head or tail was occasionally observed. In two cases, larvae were detected in the testes of 11 stallions between 2
the described lesions were detected together with nem- and 7 years old.5 One was bilaterally cryptorchid with lar-
atodes of the species Setaria equina, free and viable or vae in both testes, whereas the others had only one affected
encapsulated in the visceral and parietal layers of the gonad, which was abdominal in seven cases, inguinal in
tunica vaginalis, confirming the hypothesized cause. two, and scrotal in one case. The larvae and their tracts
Histologically, the serosal lesions were interpreted as were observed in the testicular cord and in the testis,
parasitic tracts, characterized by hemorrhage and leuko- from the tunica albuginea to the center of the parenchyma.
cyte infiltrates in recent lesions or by granulation tissue The tracts consist of channels approximately 2 mm wide
with numerous macrophages in elderly ones. In the lat- containing leukocytes, with many eosinophils, and hemor-
ter, areas of squamous metaplasia could be observed in rhage that may extend to adjacent parenchyma.3 There are
the appendix testis and in the epididymal duct. Associ- often no other signs of the parasite invasion in scrotal tes-
ated microscopic lesions included diffuse periorchitis, tes.2 Sometimes, parasites invade the appendix testis, caus-
lymphocytic interstitial orchitis with mild to severe ing hemorrhagic lesions, severe inflammation, and foci of
degeneration of seminiferous tubules, and vasculitis, squamous metaplasia (SM) of the ductal epithelium.2
epididymitis, and sperm granuloma. Even some cases of focal lymphocytic orchitis associated
with arteritis and testicular degeneration of seminiferous
Keywords: Stallion; Scrotal testes; Nematode; Patho- tubules have been related to migration of Strongylus spp.
logic lesions larvae.2,3 This study aimed to describe some testicular
lesions related to invasion by nematodes.

Among strongyloidae, larvae of Strongylus edentatus and MATERIALS AND METHODS
adults of Setaria equina have been occasionally reported In a 20-year experience of equine testes collected at slaugh-
ter or castration, 13 scrotal testes of 1- to 7-year-old
From the Department of Veterinary Public Health, University of Messina, Messina, (mean, 5  2 years) stallions of different breeds were
Italy; and the a Department of Veterinary Science, University of Camerino,
Camerino, Italy.b selected. The period of collection ranged from February
Reprint requests: Mazzullo Giuseppe, Department of Veterinary Public Health, to July. Criteria for selection included presence of atypical
University of Messina, Messina, Italy. inflammatory changes on the serosa and near the appendix
0737-0806/$ - see front matter
Crown Copyright Ó Published by 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. testis associated or not with free or encapsulated worms.
doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2009.08.004 Testes were grossly examined, and specimens from the

728 Journal of Equine Veterinary Science  Vol 29, No 10 (2009)

G Marino et al  Vol 29, No 10 (2009) 729

Table 1. Testicular gross lesions observed in the case series

N Testis Periorchitis Appendix Involvement Serosal Tracts Testicular Tracts Epididymal Changes Parasites
1 Right Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y
2 Right Y Y Y
3 Right Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y
4 Right Y Y
Left Y Y Y
5 Right Y Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y
6 Right Y Y Y
7 Right Y Y Y
8 Right Y Y Y
9 Right Y Y
Left Y Y
10 Left Y Y
11 Left Y Y
12 Right Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y
13 Right Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y Y

Fig. 1. Prominent reddish formation involving the Fig. 2. Hemorrhagic tracts (arrows) in the testicular
appendix testis in relation to two specular testicular and parenchyma at section.
epididymal tracts (arrow).

with a moderate amount of yellow to pinkish fluid was ob-

testis, epididymis, and testicular cord were fixed in 10%
served. The parietal and visceral tunicae vaginalis were
buffered formalin, paraffin-wax embedded, and stained
thickened, and several fibrinoid or fibrous adhesions were
with hematoxylin-eosin. When free worms were detected,
present. Large (up to 3–4 cm), elongated or irregular,
they were fixed in 70% ethanol, clarified in lactophenol,
bloody or orange to yellowish, and slightly prominent areas
and identified under a light microscope.
could be observed on the surface of the testis and epididy-
mis, particularly at the cranial pole. The appendix testis ap-
RESULTS peared enlarged, hypertrophic, and congested, occasionally
The observed gross lesions are summarized in Table 1. On included in the serosal lesions described (Fig. 1). The epi-
opening the vaginal cavity of the affected testes, hydrocele didymal head and tail could be enlarged with gelatinous
730 G Marino et al  Vol 29, No 10 (2009)

Fig. 3. Irregular hemorrhagic areas on the visceral

tunica vaginalis associated with a free nematode (Setaria
equina) (arrow).

Fig. 4. Two parasites (Setaria equina) encapsulated in

the visceral tunica vaginalis associated with chronic
edema. The sectioned testes were mostly unaffected or periorchitis.
contained mild fibrotic areas; in one case, 2-mm hemor-
rhagic channels were observed in different areas of the tes-
ticular parenchyma (Fig. 2). In two cases, comparable
had a hemorrhagic stroma with inflammatory infiltrates.
lesions were detected together with nematodes. In the first
Chronic lesions included hyperplasia or SM of the epithe-
case, three free adult worms were collected from the vagi-
lium of its tubular structures (Fig. 9). In most cases, the
nal cavity (Fig. 3) associated with periorchitis with elon-
testicular parenchyma displayed normal spermatogenesis;
gated hemorrhagic areas and edematous enlargement of
however, mild to severe degeneration, peritubular edema,
epididymis. In the second case, two adult worms were lo-
and focal interstitial lymphocytic infiltrates (focal lympho-
cated under the visceral layer of the right testis surrounded
cytic orchitis) could be observed (Fig. 10). The epididymis
by a reddish area (Fig. 4), whereas a third worm was encap-
showed mild to severe lesions, such as interstitial edema,
sulated in the parietal tunica vaginalis of the contralateral
inflammatory infiltrates, sperm granulomas, hyperplasia,
testis. The inflammation of the appendix testis was clearly
and cysts of the ductal epithelium. In case 12, SM of the
detectable in both testes. On the basis of morphologic
epididymal epithelium was observed, with lesions from
characteristics, the parasites were identified as S. equina.4
focal to diffuse releasing keratin debris into the lumen
The histologic findings are summarized in Table 2. The tu-
(Fig. 11).
nicae vaginalis showed proliferation of connective tissue
with abundant smooth muscle fibers and included several
microgranulomatous foci consistent with chronic inflam-
mation. The serosal lesions and the testicular channels ap- DISCUSSION
peared as hemorrhagic tracts in a developing granulation The presence of nematode species S. edentatus and S.
tissue. Acute lesions were characterized by abundant hem- equina has been described in retained testes but rarely in
orrhage invading surrounding structures. Frequent vascu- scrotal ones.2,4,5 The parasites have limited access to the
litis and perivasculitis were observed together with vaginal cavity because of the distance, the narrow inguinal
infiltrates of lymphocytes, hemosiderin-filled macro- rings, and the unsuitable temperature. For these reasons, in
phages, mast cells, and eosinophils. The chronic lesions, scrotal testes only traumatic injuries or granulomatous
orange to yellowish, were made up of perfused fibrous con- lesions may be detected2,3 as signs of the transitory invasion
nective tissue with modest infiltrates of macrophages cov- of these nematodes or as a consequence of their death in
ered by a metaplastic multilayer epithelium (Figs. 5 and this aberrant district. Despite the absence of worms, the
6). When parasite bodies were found encapsulated in the traumatic or phlogistic changes occurring in 11 cases are
tunics, a large granulomatous reaction developed that in- too specific and unlikely to be attributable to another
cluded epithelioid cells and numerous eosinophils (Figs. cause, as suggested in other reports.2,3 In our cases, the de-
7 and 8) The appendix testis during acute inflammation tection of comparable lesions in conjunction with parasites
G Marino et al  Vol 29, No 10 (2009) 731

Table 2. Histopathologic findings in the case series

Appendix Testis Tracts Testis
N Testis Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Degeneration Orchitis Epididymitis
1 Right Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y
2 Right Y Y
3 Right Y Y
Left Y Y
4 Right Y
Left Y Y
5 Right Y Y Y
Left Y
6 Right Y Y Y
7 Right Y Y
8 Right Y Y
9 Right Y
Left Y
10 Left Y Y
11 Left Y
12 Right Y Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y
13 Right Y Y Y Y
Left Y Y Y Y

Fig. 6. Transitional area (arrow) between the

unaffected testicular albuginea and the organized tract
Fig. 5. An elderly tract with SM (left) close to the covered by a metaplastic epithelium. HE, original
appendix testis (right). HE, original magnification magnification 100.

confirmed the close relationship of the two events. The enclosing the Morgagni’s appendix, reveals the tendency
shape of the tracts, often elongated, could be related to of these worms to penetrate its tubular structures.2 The
the morphology of the parasites. The location of the tracts, hemorrhagic areas within granulation tissue indicate a me-
generally at the cranial pole of the testis and sometimes chanical trauma at the time of penetration and transit of the
732 G Marino et al  Vol 29, No 10 (2009)

Fig. 7. Granulomatous reaction developed around Fig. 9. SM of deep tubular structures of the appendix
a parasitic body in the wall of tunica albuginea. HE, testis. HE, original magnification 200.
original magnification 100.

Fig. 8. A parasitic granuloma in the parietal tunica Fig. 10. Interstitial lymphocytic orchitis and testicular
vaginalis. HE, original magnification 100. degeneration. HE, original magnification 100.

parasites. The type of inflammatory infiltrate, which in- epididymis, leading to epididymitis and sperm granu-
cludes many lymphocytes, eosinophils, and mast cells, loma.2,3 The SM of the epididymal duct observed in one
characterizes these lesions immunologically, demonstrat- case, with no precedent in the literature, could be another
ing the biologic nature of the trauma. The SM, frequently pathologic feature of this parasitic invasion. In our series,
found in the tubular structures of Morgagni’s appendix we identified S. equina as the nematode mainly responsible
and superficially in the organized tracts, has no other path- for periorchitis and serosal tracts in the equine testis. S.
ogenetic interpretation in report. This is a slowly evolving edentatus may be involved in the tracts specifically localized
lesion, but it is likely that a massive parasitization may cause adjacent to the appendix testis and into the testicular pa-
severe phlogosis, and abnormal temperature and clinical renchyma, as indicated in report,2,3 but no worms belong-
signs are detectable.7,8 Invasion of the tunica vaginalis ing to this species were found in this study. On the basis of
causes a periorchitis; the inflammatory process may extend these findings, pathologists have to consider the occasional
to the testis, leading to focal lymphocytic orchitis, degener- migration of nematodes as causative agents of atypical asso-
ation of seminiferous tubules, and vasculitis, and to the ciations of periorchitis, orchitis, or epididymitis with recent
G Marino et al  Vol 29, No 10 (2009) 733

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