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Makalah Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Keperawatan Anak
Yang Di Bina Oleh Dyah Dwi Astuti, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep, Sp. Kep. An

Disusun Oleh :

Kelompok 6

1. Andi Safutra Suraya P27220020227

2. Denis Dwi Oktafianingtyas P27220020238
3. Efi Eka Nofitasari P27220020242
4. Eka Yulia Riska Nasution P27220020243
5. Muhammad Adib Sya’bani P27220020257
6. Putri Eriandri P27220020265
7. Rifqi Nurul Aini P27220020269
8. Titah Mustika Wati P27220020274
9. Uswatun Kasanah P27220020276



Puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah
memberikan berkat, rahmat, nikmat dan hidayah-Nya kepada kami sehingga kami
dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan makalah yang berjudul “Trend Program
Pemerintah Tentang Stunting” tepat pada waktunya. Makalah ini dibuat untuk
memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Keperawatan Anak yang diberikan oleh Ibu Dyah
Dwi Astuti, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep, Sp. Kep. An untuk mencapai kompetensi yang
diharapkan.Tak lupa pula sholawat dan salam kami haturkan kepada junjungan
Nabi besar Muhammad SAW, yang mana beliau telah membawa umatnya dari
alam yang gelap gulita kepada alam yang terang benderang dan penuh dengan
ilmu pengetahuan.
Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada teman-teman satu kelompok
yang telah membantu serta dosen yang membimbing kami dalam menyelesaikan
pembuatan makalah ini. Makalah ini disusun agar para pembaca bisa memahami
tentang trend program pemerintah tentang stunting.
Dalam pembuatan makalah ini, penulis menyadari masih terdapat
kekurangan dalam penulisannya. Oleh karena itu, kami meminta kritik dan saran
yang bersifat membangun sehingga dapat menyempurnakan makalah ini baik dari
pembimbing dan pembaca pada pembuatan makalah selanjutnya. Semoga dengan
tersusunnya makalah ini dapat memberikan manfaat pada pembaca umumnya dan
penyusun khususnya.

Surakarta, September 2020



SAMPUL .............................................................................................................. i

KATA PENGANTAR .......................................................................................... ii

DAFTAR ISI ........................................................................................................ iii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ..................................................................................... 1

A. Latar Belakang ................................................................................................. 1

B. Rumusan Masalah ............................................................................................ 3

C. Tujuan .............................................................................................................. 3

BAB II PEMBAHASAN ...................................................................................... 4

BAB III PENUTUP .............................................................................................. 16

A. Kesimpulan ...................................................................................................... 16

B. Saran ................................................................................................................. 16

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ........................................................................................... iv


A. Latar Belakang
Stunting (pendek) merupakan salah satu masalah gizi didunia (WHO
UNICEF-The World Bank, 2017).Stunting merupakan akibat dari kekurangan
gizi kronik yang terjadi dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan anak (WHO,
2017). Anak dibawah lima tahun dikatakan stunting jika sudah diukur
panjang badan menurut umur (PB/U) atau tinggi badan menurut umur (TB/U)
lalu dibandingkan dengan standar baku WHO-MGRS (Multicentre Growth
Reference Study) dan hasilnya berada dibawah -2 Standar Deviasi (SD).
Pada tahun 2016, diperkirakan anak balita yang mengalami stunting
didunia sebanyak 22,9% (155 juta) (WHO, 2017). Jika keadaan ini terus
berlanjut, diperkirakan 127 juta anak dibawah lima tahun mengalami stunting
pada tahun 2025 (WHO, 2017). Menurut WHO jumlah anak balita yang
mengalami stunting di Asia yaitu sebesar 56%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan
Afrika (38%), dan 17,5 % berada di Asia Tenggara (WHO, 2017). Sedangkan
dalam kawasan Asia Tenggara, angka kejadian stunting di Indonesia lebih
tinggi dari negara-negara lain, seperti Myanmar (35%), Philipina (34%) dan
Thailand (16%).
Menurut Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan
(TNP2K), stunting disebebkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti pola pengasuhan
yang kurang baik meliputi pemberian makan dalam 2 tahun pertama setelah
kelahiran, masih kurangnya akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan selama hamil
dan setelah melahirkan, kurangnya akses keluarga ke makanan bergizi, serta
masih terbatasnya akses air bersih dan sanitasi (TNP2K, 2017). Selain itu,
sosial ekonomi juga berpengaruh terhadap dengan kejadian stunting (Branca,
Pemerintah melakukan program untuk mencegah dan mengurangi
prevalensi kejadian stunting secara langsung (intervensi gizi spesifik) dan
secara tidak langsung (intervensi gizi sensitif).Upaya intervensi gizi spesifik


difokuskan pada kelompok 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK, yaitu ibu
hamil, ibu menyusui, dan anak 0-23 bulan.Intervensi gizi sensitif yang
dilakukan meliputi pada sanitasi dan lingkungan, jaminan kesehatan,
penanggulangan kemiskinan, keluarga berencana, dan pendidikan gizi bagi
semua kalangan. Realisasi dari upaya tersebut melalui pemeriksaan pada ibu
hamil berupa Antenatal Care (ANC) secara terpadu dan menerima standar
pelayanan minimal, Penetapan peraturan pemerintah mengenai Inisiasi
Menyusu Dini (IMD) dan ASI Eksklusif, posyandu. Suatu wilayah
mengalami masalah gizi khususnya stunting jika angka kejadiannya lebih dari
20% (Kemenkes, 2018). Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan intervensi secara
spesifik yaitu perbaikan gizi dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan, salah
satunya yaitu mendorong pemberian ASI eksklusif (TNP2K, 2017).
Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan salah satu faktor pemenuhan
kebutuhan nutrisi bagi baduta, karena ASI memiliki banyak sekali kandungan
hormon, nutrisi, faktor pertumbuhan dan kekebalan, yang diharapkan dapat
menurunkan prevalensi stunting.Program kebijakan pemberian ASI diatur
dalam PP Nomor 33 tahun 2012 pasal 6 dan Undang-Undang Kesehatan
Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 pasal 128 dan Pasal 129, yang menyimpulkan bahwa
setiap Ibu yang melahirkan harus memberikan ASI kepada anak yang
dilahirkannya usia 0-6 bulan. Sejalan dengan itu, pencanangan pemberian
ASI pada baduta semakin digalakkan dengan tujuan menekan peningkatan
prevalensi stunting. Pemerintah dirasa perlu untuk menggalakkan berbagai
program kebijakan kesehatan demi tercapainya penurunan angka baduta
stunting. Salah satunya dengan semakin gencarnya himbauan program
pemberian ASI kepada baduta menjadi salah satu program tercapainya TPB
(Tingkat Pembangunan berkelanjutan) bidang kesehatan.

B. Rumusan Masalah
Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah di atas maka rumusan masalah ini
1. Bagaimana analisis jurnal terkait trend program pemerintah tentang
stunting ?
C. Tujuan
Adapun tujuan dalam penulisan makalah ini sebagai berikut.
1. Untuk mengetahui analisis jurnal terkait trend program pemerintah tentang

1. Skenario Klinis
Perawat B merupakan mahasiswa ners Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta
yang melakukan penelitian di sebuah desa. Perawat B menemukan banyak
kasus balita stunting di daerah tersebut. Masalah yang sering muncul pada
balita di daerah ini adalah kejadian stunting yang cukup tinggi dikarenakan
pemberian ASI yang belum optimum. Setelah membaca beberapa jurnal
penelitian yang menjelaskan bahwa pemberian ASI secara optimum termasuk
intervensi dalam pencegahan stunting. Disini Perawat B ingin mengetahui
apakah ada pengaruh pemberian ASI secara optimum pada kejadian balita
yang mengalami stunting di daerah tersebut.
2. Pertanyaan Klinis
Bagaimana pengaruh optimalisasi ASI terhadap stunting pada balita?
3. Analisis PICOS
Population Balita
Intervention Pemberian ASI
Comparison -
Outcome Kejadian stunting
Study design Metode studi kasus kontrol

4. Strategi searching
Dilakukan pencarian literatur dengan mesin pencari jurnal ilmiah
sciencedirect dengan kata kunci: stunting, kebutuhan gizi, pertumbuhan balita
dan breastfeeding.
5. Evidence (Journal Article)
Dari hasil literature searching diatas, diperoleh jurnal yang relevan yang
berjudul Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition
conditions among children aged 0-3 Years in Pakistan.


6. Literature Review
Peneliti : Batool Syeda, Kingsley Agho, Leigh Wilson, Greesh Kumar Maheshwari,
dan Muhammad Qasim Raza
Judul: Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition
conditions among children aged 0-3 Years in Pakistan.
Jurnal : International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Tahun : 2020
Daring :
Tujuan: untuk menganalisis apakah ada hubungan antara lama menyusui
dengan stunting.
Metode dan Sampel : Data didapatkan dari Demographic and Health Survey
(DHS) Pakistan tahun 2013-2014. Metode sampling dengan two-staged,
stratified and cluster sampling. Sampel terdiri dari 14.000 rumah tangga yang
terdiri dari 6.944 rumah tangga yang tinggal diperkotaan dan 7.056 rumah
tangga yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan
pengisian kuisioner dan pengukuran antropometri pada anak.
Intervensi: Pengukuran dilakukan dengan 4 model kuisioner DHS yang
dimodifikasi berisi melek huruf, riwayat antenatal dan postnatal, riwayat
reproduksi, riwayat menyusui dan penyapihan, riwayat penyakit anak, dan
riwayat vaksinasi pada anak. Pengukuran antropometri pada anak dilakukan
dengan menggunakan alat SECA dari UNICEF. Anak dibawah 2 tahun
ditimbang dengan posisi terlentang dan anak berusia 2 tahun atau lebih diukur
dengan berdiri.
Hasil: Durasi menyusui memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan stunting
[AOR: 2,43, CI 95% ¼ (1,55, 3,79) untuk anak-anak 2 tahun dan AOR: 4,35,
CI 95% ¼ (2,01, 9,33) untuk anak-anak 3 tahun. Anak-anak yang menyusui
di usia 3 tahun memiliki peluang lebih tinggi terhadap kejadian stunting parah
[AOR: 6,19, CI 95% ¼ (3,31, 11,56)] di banding dengan anak-anak di tahun
kedua [AOR: 2.84, CI 95% ¼ (1.81, 4.46)]. Stunting juga memiliki hubungan
yang signifikan dengan persepsi ukuran kelahiran bayi, pendidikan ibu dan
frekuensi pemeriksaan antenatal ibu selama kehamilan.

Level evidence : V
7. Critical Appraisal Analyzes
a. Analisis
1. Faktor Ibu
Berdasarkan jurnal utama yang diambil, terdapat karakteristik ibu
mengenai stunting pada balita terjadinya yakni ibu bekerja berjumlah
243 (22,6%) dan ibu yang tidak bekerja berjumlah 829 (77,4%).
Kualifikasi pendidikan ibu yakni tidak sekolah berjumlah 584
(54,5%), sekolah dasar (kelas 5) berjumlah 194 (18,1%) dan
pendidikan lebih tinggi berjumlah 295 (27,5). Hal ini sejalan dengan
penelitian Myths (2014) yang berjudul “Belief Surrounding
Complementary Feeding Practices of Infants in India’ bahwa ibu yang
tidak berpendidikan tidak memiliki kesadaran tentang nutrisi anak
yang tepat dan cenderung percaya pada mitos yang berkaitan dengan
pemberian makanan pelengkap yang tidak aman bagi kesehatan anak-
anak. Ibu yang mengalami buta huruf berjumlah 587 (54,8%) dan
tidak buta huruf berjumlah 485 (45,2%). Suami yang bekerja sebagai
petani berjumlah 156 (14,6%) dan pekerjaan selain petani berjumlah
916 (85,4%). Untuk kualifikasi pendidikan suami yakni yang tidak
sekolah berjumlah 338 (31,5%0, sekolah dasar (kelas 5) berjumlah
195 (18,2) dan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi berjumlah 538 (50,3%).
Usia ibu saat hamil sekitar 16-25 tahun sebanyak 342 (31,9%), usia
26-35 tahun sebanyak 550 (51,3%) dan usia 36-50 tahun sebanyak
180 (16,8%). Ibu dengan BMI kurang atau sama dengan 18.5
sebanyak 198 (18.5%) dan lebih dari 18.5 sebanyak 873 (81,5).
Kelahiran anak pertama sebanyak 209 (19,5%), anak ke 2 sampai 4
sebanyak 567 (52,8%) dan anak ke 5 atau lebih sebanyak 296 (27,6%)
dan yang terakhir pada jarak kelahiran anak yakni tidak ada kelahiran
sebelumnya sebanyak 209 (19,6%), < 2 tahun sebanyak 301 (28,1%)
dan > 2 tahun sebanyak 559 (52,3%).

2. Faktor Anak
Pada jurnal utama menyebutkan bahwa pada balita usia 0-3 tahun
yang berjumlah 1072 didapatkan anak laki-laki berjumlah 544
(50,8%) dan anak perempuan 528 (49,2%). Ukuran lahir balita yakni
lahir kecil berjumlah 216 (20.2%), lahir dengan ukuran regular
berjumlah 792 (73,9%) dan ukuran lahir besar berjumlah 64 (5.9%).
Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian Ettyang G (2016) dengan judul
“Factors Associated With Stunting in Children Under age 2 in the
Cambodia and Kenya 2014” menjelaskan bahwa ukuran kelahiran
adalah prediktor valid dari pertumbuhan pada anak-anak dimana
persepsi ibu tentang ukuran lahir cenderung biar karena ukuran kecil
saat lahir merupakan tanda dari kekurangan nutrisi pada masa
kehamilan yang jika dilanjutkan maka akan menyebabkan stunting
pada anak. Balita yang memiliki riwayat diare sebanyak 323 (30,2%)
dan tidak memiliki riwayat diare berjumlah 749 (69,8%). Selain itu,
balita yang memiliki riwayat demam berjumlah 456 (42,%) dan tidak
memiliki riwayat demam berjumlah 616 (57,4%).

3. Faktor Rumah Tangga

Pada penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa pada indeks kekayaan
dimana rumah tangga dengan kekayaan miskin berjumlah 456
(42,6%), kekayaan menengah berjumlah 449 (41,8&) dan indek
kekayaan yakni terkaya berjumlah 167 (15,6%). Hal ini sejalan dengan
penelitian Myths (2014) yang berjudul “Belief Surrounding
Complementary Feeding Practices of Infants in India” bahwa ibu yang
tidak memiliki sumber daya untuk menyediakan makanan dengan
jumlah yang cukup dan kualitas makanan tambahan karena
ketidaktahuan atau kemiskinan. Ibu yang menggunakan TV mingguan
berjumlah 711 (66,4%) dan tidak menggunakan TV mingguan
berjumlah 873 (81,4%). Ibu yang menggunakan radio mingguan
berjumlah 199 (18,6%) dan tidak menggunakan berjumlah 873

(81,4%). Ibu yang membaca Koran berjumlah 254 (23,7%) dan tidak
membaca Koran berjumlah 818 (76,3%). Penggunaan sumber air
rumah tangga yang terlindungi berjumlah 458 (42,8%) dan tidak
terlindungi berjumlah 614 (57,3%). Fasilitas toilet di rumah tangga
yang tertutup berjumlah 605 (56,4%) dan tidak tertutup berjumlah 467
4. Faktor Komunitas
Pada penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa terdapat faktor komunitas
di mana komunitas yang tinggal di daerah perkotaan berjumlah 316
(29,5%) dan tinggal di daerah pedesaan berjumlah 756 (70,5%).
Daerah demografi Punjab berjumlah 660 (61,6%), Sindh berjumlah
275 (25,6%), KPK berjumlah 117 (10,9%) dan balochistan berjumlah
20 (1,9%).
5. Faktor Layanan Kesehatan
Pada penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa pemilihan tempat
kesehatan untuk berobat yakni di rumah berjumlah 506 (47,2%) dan
menggunakan fasilitas kesehatan berjumlah 566 (52,8%). Ibu yang
melahirkan secara normal berjumlah 907 (84,6%) dan melahirkan
secara caesarea berjumlah 165 (15,4%). Pada bantuan kesehatan yang
dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan professional berjumlah 575 (55,5%),
Dai (TBA) berjumlah 454 (43,8%) dan dilakukan oleh seseorang yang
tidak ahli berjumlah 8 (0,8%). Ibu yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan
antenatal yakni berjumlah 232 (21,6%), pemeriksaan antenatal yang
dilakukan sebanyak 1 sampai 3 kali berjumlah 425 (39,6%) dan
melakukan pemeriksaan lebih atau sama dengan 4 kali berjumlah 416
(38,8%). Perawatan antenatal yang tepat dapat menjamin
pertumbuhan anak yang sehat. Anak-anak yang ibunya sering
mengunjungi klinik antenatal selama kehamilan dapat menurunkan
kemungkinan kerdil dan wasting di kemudian hari. Hal ini sejalan
dengan penelitian Kuhnt & Vollmer dengan judul “Antenatal Care
and its Implication for Vital and Health Outcomes of Children” bahwa

wanita yang mengunjungi klinik antenatal mendapatkan pendidikan

kesehatan yang berharga tentang nutrisi anak yang tepat dari tenaga
medis untuk membuat pilihan makanan sehat kepada anak-anak
mereka. Selanjutnya, wanita yang tidak mencari perawatan antenatal
umumnya tidak memperhatikan pilihan makanan yang sehat. Riwayat
kunjungan ke pelayanan kesehatan setelah kelahiran berjumlah 664
(61,9%) dan tidak memiliki riwayat kunjungan berjumlah 408
6. Prevalensi Gizi
Berdasarkan penelitian ini, prevelensi gizi berdasarkan stunting
yaitu sebagian besar kekurangan gizi sebanyak 40% dan nutrisi parah
sebanyak 22,5%. Prevalensi gizi berdasarkan wasting sebagian besar
kekurangan gizi sebanyak 16% dan sebagian besar nutrisi parah
sebanyak 4%. Balita dengan berat badan kurang sebagian besar
kekurangan gizi sebanyak 33% dan balita dengan berat badan kurang
sebagian besar mengalami nutrsi parah sebanyak 12,5%.Korelasi
antara lama menyusui dengan stunting bisa disebabkan karena
keterlambatan pengenalan suplemen makanan untuk diet bayi baik
akibat ketidaksadaran pada sebagian ibu atau kurangnya sumber daya
dalam rumah tangga untuk menyediakan makanan pendamping untuk
bayi. Ini juga bisa karena pengenalan makanan tambahan ke dalam
pola makan anak tertunda dan akibatnya, anak tidak pernah bisa
tumbuh sehat.
b. Pembahasan
Fenomena stunting sudah banyak terjadi pada balita. Hipotesis
Barker dalam Aryastami dalam Tarigan (2017) menjelaskan bahwa efek
stunting berlanjut hingga dewasa dan menjadi faktor penyakit risiko
degeneratif. Sehingga pemerintah mengeluarkan program pencehagan
stunting. Hosain et al. (2017) menyebutkan intervensi yang dapat
dilakukan untuk pencegahan stunting terbagi menjadi 2 cakupan intervensi
gizi, yaitu spesifik dan sensitif. Intervensi gizi spesifik meliputi gizi dan

kesehatan; gizi ibu; optimalisasi pemberian ASI; makanan pendamping;

pencegahan dan manajemen penyakit; serta kedaruratan pangan. Intervensi
gizi sensitif meliputi agrikultur dan ketahanan pangan; keamanan jaringan
social; perkembangan anak usia dini; kesehatan mental ibu; pemberdayaan
wanita; perlindungan anak; pendidikan serta air, sanitasi dan kebersihan.
Gizi merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan tingkat
kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Gizi yang baik jika terdapat
keseimbangan dan keserasian antara perkembangan fisik dan
perkembangan mental orang tersebut. Terdapat kaitan yang sangat erat
antara status gizi dan konsumsi makanan. Tingkat status gizi optimal akan
tercapai apabila kebutuhan zat gizi optimal terpenuhi. Dalam mencapai
tumbuh kembang optimal, di dalam Global Strategy for Infant and Young
Child Feeding, WHO/UNICEF merekomendasikan empat hal penting
yang harus dilakukan yaitu: pertama memberikan Air Susu Ibu kepada
bayi segera dalam 30 menit setelah bayi lahir, kedua memberikan hanya
Air Susu Ibu (ASI) saja atau pemberian ASI secara Eksklusif sejak lahir
sampai bayi berusia 6 bulan, ketiga memberikan Makanan Pendamping
Air Susu Ibu (MP-ASI) sejak bayi berusia 6 bulan sampai 24 bulan, dan
keempat meneruskan pemberian ASI sampai anak berusia 24 bulan atau
Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Batool Syeda, Kingsley Agho,
Leigh Wilson, Greesh Kumar Maheshwari, dan Muhammad Qasim Raza
dengan judul “Relationship between breastfeeding duration and
undernutrition conditions among children aged 0-3 Years in Pakistan”
menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ASI pada tahun ke 2 dan ke 3 memiliki
hubungan yang signifikan dengan stunting. Hal tersebut menunjukkan
bahwa pemberian ASI yang optimum dan efektif dapat dilakukan mulai
dari bayi lahir sampai saat usia penyapihan untuk mencegah stunting. Hal
tersebut sejalan dengan peneliti dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh
Hosain et al. (2017) dengan judul “Evidence-based approaches to
childhood stunting in low and middle income countries: A systematic

review” yang menyebutkan bahwa intervensi yang dapat dilakukan untuk

pencegahan stunting terbagi menjadi 2 cakupan intervensi gizi, yaitu
spesifik dan sensitif. Intervensi gizi spesifik meliputi gizi dan kesehatan;
gizi ibu; optimalisasi pemberian ASI; makanan pendamping; pencegahan
dan manajemen penyakit; serta kedaruratan pangan. Intervensi gizi sensitif
meliputi agrikultur dan ketahanan pangan; keamanan jaringan social;
perkembangan anak usia dini; kesehatan mental ibu; pemberdayaan
wanita; perlindungan anak; pendidikan serta air, sanitasi dan kebersihan,
yang mana pemberian ASI optimum merupakan salah satu diantaranya.
Aryastami dalam Tarigan (2017) menjelaskan bahwa pemerintah
Indonesia telah berupaya mengadopsi dan mengimplemetasikan intervensi
gizi tersebut dalam upaya pencegahan stunting, pemerintah telah
mengeluarkan berbagai macam kebijakan yang diharapkan dapat
diimplementasikan dengan optimal. Adapun penelitian yang dilakukan di
Indonesia dan menjelaskan bahwa pemberian ASI dapat menjadi salah satu
upaya yang efektif dalam pencegahan stunting antara lain:
Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Endang Dewi Lestari, Faraissa
Hasanah, Novianto Adi Nugroho tahun 2018 dengan judul “Correlation
between non-exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting in
children” menjelaskan bahwa stunting pada anak balita memerlukan
perhatian khusus karena dapat menghambat perkembangan fisik dan
mental anak. Stunting dikaitkan dengan beberapa faktor, salah satunya
adalah pemberian ASI noneksklusif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada anak
usia 24-59 bulan yang berkunjung ke posyandu dan diambil secara
purposive sampling. Anak yang tergolong stunting dialokasikan pada
kelompok kasus, sedangkan anak dengan status gizi normal dialokasikan
pada kelompok kontrol. Orang tua mengisi kuisioner tentang riwayat
pemberian ASI eksklusif, berat badan lahir anak, pendidikan ibu, dan
status sosial ekonomi keluarga. Hasil Dari 60 subjek, kelompok kontrol
memiliki 30 anak normal dan kelompok kasus 30 anak stunting. Analisis
multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik menunjukkan korelasi yang

signifikan secara statistik antara stunting dan pemberian ASI noneksklusif

(OR disesuaikan untuk ASI eksklusif 0,234; 95% CI 0,061-0,894), serta
berat badan lahir rendah (OR 10,510; 95% CI 1,180 hingga 93,572 Nilai
tersebut mengimplikasikan bahwa pemberian ASI Eksklusif merupakan
salah satu faktor perlindungan terhadap stunting, artinya pemberian ASI
eksklusif mampu menurunkan prevalensi stunting pada balita.
Penelitian lain dilakukan oleh Baroroh Barir, Bhisma Murti, dan
Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari pada tahun 2019 dengan judul “The
Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding, Complementary Feeding,
and the Risk of Stunting in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Path
Analysis Evidence from Jombang East Java” menjelaskan bahwa stunting
pada anak menjadi masalah kesehatan yang mendapat prioritas dan harus
diutamakan ditangani segera. Perkembangan terlambat, penurunan fungsi
kognitif dan kekebalan tubuh fungsi dan risiko diabetes melitus, jantung
koroner, hipertensi dan obesitas merupakan faktor penyebab efek stunting.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan
dianalisis. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa stunting dipengaruhi
secara langsung dan negatif oleh panjang lahir ≥48 cm, berat badan lahir ≥
2500 g, ASI eksklusif, MPASI tepat waktu, selain itu stunting secara tidak
langsung dipengaruhi oleh keluarga pendapatan, usia ibu, sikap ibu, tinggi
badan> 150 cm, ibu bekerja, ibu pendidikan, dan pengetahuan ibu. Hal ini
berarti penelitian ini secara tersirat juga menjelaskan ASI sebagai salah
satu cara yang cukup efektif untuk mencegah terjadinya stunting.
Penelitian lain dengan judul “The risk factors of exclusive
breastfeeding on stunting among children under fivein one of the city in
Indonesia” yang dilakukan oleh Hemi Fitriani, Achamd Stya R., dan
Poppy Nurdiana pada tahun 2019. Penelitian tersebut menjelaskan bahwa
salah satu faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi stunting adalah ASI eksklusif.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus kontrol dilakukan pada ibu
yang memiliki anak pada usia antara 12- 59 bulan di Puskesmas Cigugur,
Cimahi. Teknik pengambilan sampel acak proporsional dan didapatkan

sebanyak 80 sampel yang terbagi menjadi 40 ibu balita stunting dan 40 ibu
dari anak non-stunting. Data diambil melalui observasi dan kuisioner.
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa sebanyak 67,5% kejadian stunting
terjadi pada anak yang tidak menyusui secara eksklusif, hal tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ASI Eksklusif memberikan pengaruh
yang krusial dalam mencegah stunting (p value: 0,001). Nilai OR sebesar
5,476 yang berarti anak yang tidak menyusui secara eksklusif cenderung
mengalami stunting sebanyak 5.476 kali, dibandingkan anak yang
menyusui eksklusif. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ASI adalah
pilihan nutrisi terbaik untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tulang dan
otak. Manfaat pemberian ASI Eksklusif ternyata dapat mencegah
terjadinya stunting.

Penelitian lain dengan judul “ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir

berpengaruh terhadap stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten
Pesawaran” yang dilakukan oleh Apri Sulistianingsih dan Rita Sari pada
tahun 2018. Penelitian tersebut menjelaskan bahwa beberapa faktor yang
mempengaruhi kejadian stunting pada balita diantaranya adalah riwayat
ASI eksklusif dan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-
sectional yang dilaksanakan pada Maret-Mei 2017 di 12 Puskesmas
Kabupaten Pesawaran, Lampung dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 385 sampel.
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Balita dengan riwayat BBLR
(OR=12,30; CI 95%:3,663-41,299) dan riwayat ASI eksklusif (OR=0,122;
CI 0,075-0,199) berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian stunting pada
balita 2-5 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini juga menjelaskan riwayat ASI
eksklusif dengan nilai OR=0,108 (CI 95%:0,065-0,180) dan berat lahir
dengan nilai OR=17,063 (CI 95%: 4,892-59,511). Sehingga balita yang
memperoleh ASI eksklusif berisiko 9,3 kali lebih kecil untuk terjadi
stunting dibandingkan balita yang tidak memperoleh ASI eksklusif atau
ASI eksklusif memberikan efek proteksi terhadap terjadinya stunting pada

balita. Sebaliknya, pada berat bayi lahir, ditemukan bahwa balita dengan
riwayat BBLR berisiko 17,063 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami stunting
dibandingkan balita dengan riwayat berat lahir normal. Penelitian ini juga
secara tersirat menggabarkan betapa pentingnya ASI untuk mencegah
Hal ini juga sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh
Damayanti, dkk (2016) “Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi Dan
Riwayat Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Pada Balita Stunting dan Non Stunting”.
Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional pada 113 balita di
Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya
yang terdiri dari 27 balita stunting dan 86 balita non stunting. Besar
sampel dihitung dengan perhitungan proporsional sampling. Analisis
perbedaan tingkat kecukupan dan riwayat ASI eksklusif menggunakan uji
Chi Square dan Exact Fisher, analisis perbedaan jumlah asupan
menggunakan uji T-Sampel Bebas dan analisis besar risiko menggunakan
perhitungan Odds Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan
antara balita stunting dan non stunting dalam riwayat pemberian ASI
eksklusif (p = 0,001). Balita dengan ASI non eksklusif dan balita yang
memiliki tingkat konsumsi inadekuat, memiliki risiko lebih besar untuk
stunting (ASI non eksklusif = 16,5 kali, energi inadekuat = 9,5 kali,
protein inadekuat = 10,6 kali, zinc inadekuat = 7,8 kali, dan zat besi
inadekuat = 3,2 kali). Berdasarkan uji statistik diketahui bahwa ada
perbedaan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif antara balita stunting dengan
balita non stunting (p = 0,001). Balita dengan riwayat ASI non eksklusif
lebih berisiko untuk stunting karena hal ini berhubungan dengan kejadian
penyakit infeksi seperti diare yang lebih banyak terjadi pada bayi dibawah
6 bulan yang diberikan makanan selain ASI. Adanya penyakit infeksi
menyebabkan menurunnya nafsu makan, menurunnya penyerapan zat gizi
dan peningkatan katabolisme sehingga zat gizi tidak mencukupi untuk

c. Rekomendasi
Dari beberapa penelitian diatas, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan
bahwa pemberian ASI yang optimum efektif dalam mencegah stunting.
Pencegahan stunting ini tidak hanya dilakukan oleh satu sektor saja, tetapi
perlu perhatian dan kerja sama dari semua pihak, baik pemerintah dengan
kegiatan lintas sektoral maupun lintas program dan masyarakat pada
umumnya. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kepekaan
sosialnya agar dapat melakukan penanganan masalah gizi dengan benar,
memperhatikan peningkatan pendidikan masyarakat, membuka lapangan
kerja, serta peningkatan keadaan sosial ekonomi masyarakat kearah yang
lebih baik sehingga permasalahan gizi khususnya masalah stunting pada
anak balita dapat segera ditanggulangi. Perawat sebagai salah satu tenaga
kesehatan profesional diharapkan dapat ikut berparsitipasi aktif dalam
melakukan pencegahan stunting dengan memberikan edukasi dan promosi
kesehatan tentang manfaat pemberian ASI yang optimal dan dampaknya
terhadap stunting. Diharapkan ibu juga lebih meningkatkan asupan
makanan terutama makanan sumber zat gizi yang memiliki keterkaitan
dengan pertumbuhan linear pada balita yaitu makanan sumber protein,
zinc, dan zat besi serta lebih memperhatikan pemberian ASI eksklusif dan
MP ASI sesuai dengan usia balita.
A. Kesimpulan
Stunting adalah kondisi dimana tinggi badan seseorang lebih
pendek dibandingkan tinggi badan orang lain pada umumnya (yang seusia)
yang disebabkan kurangnya asupan gizi yang diterima oleh balita.
Pemerintah indoneia melakukan pencegahan dan pengurangan
prevelensi kejadian stunting secara langsung (intervensi gizi spesifik) dan
secara tidak langsung (intervensi gizi sensitif). Indonesia sudah
menerapkan program pemberian ASI dalam upaya pencegahan stunting.
Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan salah satu faktor pemenuhan
kebutuhan nutrisi bagi baduta, karena ASI memiliki banyak sekali
kandungan hormon, nutrisi, faktor pertumbuhan dan kekebalan, yang
diharapkan dapat menurunkan prevalensi stunting.
Dalam berbagai penelitian yang sudah dibahas menyatakan bahwa
pemberian ASI yang optimum dapat mencegah terjadinya kejadian
stunting. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ASI yang optimum
dan efektif dapat dilakukan mulai dari bayi lahir sampai saat usia
penyapihan untuk mencegah stunting.

B. Saran
Penulis menyadari akan kekurangan dalam penulisan makalah
diatas dimana masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Penulis akan memperbaiki
makalah tersebut sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dan kritik dari
pembaca mengenai trend program pemerintah tentang stunting.


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Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition

conditions among children aged 0-3 Years in Pakistan, International
Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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International Journal of Pediatrics and

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Original article

Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition

conditions among children aged 0e3 Years in Pakistan
Batool Syeda a, c, *, Kingsley Agho a, Leigh Wilson a, b, Greesh Kumar Maheshwari c,
Muhammad Qasim Raza d
Western Sydney University, School of Science and Health, Narellan Road, Campbelltown, NSW, 2570, Australia
University of Sydney, Faculty of Health Science, 75 East Street, Lidcombe, NSW, 2141, Australia
Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women, Department of Community Medicine, Hospital Road, Nawabshah, 67450, Pakistan
Medicine Unit 2, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Queens Road, Lahore, 54000, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: The World Health Organization recommends that a child should be breastfed up to 2 years
Received 15 September 2019 of age as it is essential for proper growth and development but population-based studies around the
Received in revised form world have found conflicting results on the subject. Our study aims to analyze whether there is a rela-
19 January 2020
tionship between the duration of breastfeeding and undernutrition among children aged from birth up
Accepted 21 January 2020
Available online xxx
to 3 years of age in Pakistan.
Methods: A secondary analysis of the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2013-2014 with 1072
children aged 3 years and under was conducted. The relationship between breastfeeding duration and
Breastfeeding duration
undernutrition status was estimated through multiple logistic regression analysis.
Underweight Results: The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight were 40.6%, 15.8% and 33.9% respectively,
Stunting while prevalence of severe stunting is at 22.5%; severe wasting at 4.5% and severe underweight at 12.2%
Wasting in children in our study. Odds of being stunted were significantly higher for children in their 3rd year of
Pakistan life [AOR: 4.35, CI 95% ¼ (2.01, 9.33)] compared to children being breastfed in their 2nd year of life [AOR:
2.43, CI 95% ¼ (1.55, 3.79) after being adjusted for maternal, child, demographic and healthcare access
variables. Similarly, children being breastfed in their third year of life were more susceptible to devel-
oping severe stunting [AOR: 6.19, CI 95% ¼ (3.31, 11.56)] in comparison to children in their second year
[AOR: 2.84, CI 95% ¼ (1.81, 4.46)]. There was no significant association between breastfeeding and
wasting/severe wasting, or between breastfeeding and underweight/severe underweight.
Conclusion: Breastfeeding in the 2nd and 3rd year of life was found to have significant relationship with
stunting and severe stunting. Mothers need to be educated about the risks of prolonged breastfeeding to
reduce the burden of undernutrition in the country.
© 2020 Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Faisal Specialist Hospital &
Research Centre (General Organization), Saudi Arabia. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (

1. Introduction Sub-Saharan Africa [1]. About 45% deaths around the world in
under 5 children can be attributed to undernutrition [[2,3] Stunting
Undernutrition conditions like stunting, wasting and under- is a relative height to age deficit and is responsible for delayed
weight children are some of the most important public health is- development, impaired cognitive function and increased suscepti-
sues in less economically developed regions like Southeast Asia and bility to infectious diseases in children. Wasting is severely low
weight for height and can lead to debilitating diseases like protein
energy malnutrition and is also a strong indicator of mortality [4].
Wasting is acute whereas stunting is chronic undernutrition con-
* Corresponding author. Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for
Women, Department of Community Medicine, Hospital Road, Nawabshah, 67450, dition. Globally, 149 million children have been reported to be
Pakistan. stunted and another 49.5 million are wasted [5]. Thirty-nine
E-mail address: (B. Syeda). percent of all stunted children in the world reside in less
Peer review under responsibility of King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research economically developed regions of South Asia including Pakistan,
Centre (General Organization), Saudi Arabia.
2352-6467/© 2020 Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (General Organization), Saudi Arabia. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition conditions among children aged
0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 B. Syeda et al. / International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

India and Bangladesh, which translates to 58 million stunted chil- childhood illness and vaccination history [7].
dren in the Indian subcontinent alone [5,6]. The 2012-2013 de-
mographic and health survey of Pakistan describes stunting rate at 2.2. Dependent variables
45%, wasting at 15% and underweight children at 31.5% of under 5
children in the country [7]. These rates are alarming and they prove Three indicators were examined to categorize children’s nutri-
that Pakistan is showing no progress and is off track in achieving its tion: (i) Underweight (ii) Wasting and (iii) Stunting as the essential
Global Nutrition Targets [8]. outcomes. Outcome variables were categorized as Class 0 [No
The period from birth to second year of life is crucial for optimal stunting/severe stunting, no wasting/severe wasting, no under-
growth and development [9,10]. Deprivation of proper nutrition weight/sever underweight, (>-2SD) (>-3SD) above cut off values].
during this time may lead to stunting which is why it is the key Class 1 [Stunting/severe stunting, wasting/severe wasting, un-
period for implementing any intervention strategy for control of derweight/severe underweight (<-2SD) (<-3SD) below cut off
undernutrition [1,11]. The World Health Organization (WHO) rec- values].
ommends that breastfeeding should be continued up to 2 years as it
aids growth and development by improving both height and
2.3. Independent variable
weight, protects against many infectious diseases and also in-
creases chances of survival for the child [12e14] Population based
Independent variable is breastfeeding duration, characterized
studies around the world have found conflicting results on the
as: “breastfeeding duration (both exclusive breastfeeding and
subject. Many researchers in developing countries have found little
supplementary feeding) among children born 3 years prior to the
to no association between breastfeeding and undernutrition
survey”. Breastfeeding duration was classified into 1st year, 2nd
[15,16], whereas some studies even found that breastfeeding de-
year and 3rd year of life.
presses growth if continued after the first year of life [17,18].
Possible explanations for these contradictory results can be effect
modification or uncontrolled confounding, but some researchers 2.4. Other variables
argue that this is because of reverse causality, meaning that it is not
breastfeeding that depresses growth but rather the depressed Potential variables and individual factors were also investigated
growth of the child which encourages the mother’s decision to such as specific characteristics of every child and parent. We
continue breastfeeding for longer than usual [19e21]. examined education and occupation of the parents, age and gender
The literature is full of studies on undernutrition and its relation of child, mother’s age and her status of marriage, nature and place
to breastfeeding but no research study has ever focused specifically of delivery and access to health facilities.
on the duration of breastfeeding and undernutrition in Pakistan. Household wealth index was developed by assessing variables
This highlights the importance of a country-wide, population- such as source of drinking water and possession of land or auto-
based study on the subject which can further improve our under- mobile. Household wealth was estimated by principal components
standing of the relationship between breastfeeding and the various analysis [22] which was used to classify households into five
forms of undernutrition. The study aims to examine the relation- quintiles (richest, rich, middle, poor, poorest). Settlement area
ship between duration of breastfeeding and undernutrition in the (either urban or rural) and geopolitical region were also included in
light of Pakistan demographic and health survey. This will help analysis.
policymakers and public health researchers in designing and
implementing appropriate intervention programs which are spe- 2.5. Statistical analysis
cifically tailored to accommodate the needs and requirements of
the country. The analysis was performed using Stata version 14.1 survey
commands [23] and was adjusted to control for sampling design,
2. Methods weights and standard error. In the first stages, frequency counts and
percentages were assessed for designated variables, after which
2.1. Data source undernutrition status was calculated i.e. stunting wasting and un-
derweight prevalence in children (0e3 years). Ninety-five percent
This study obtained data from the Pakistan Demographic and confidence intervals were projected using Taylor series lineariza-
Health Survey 2013-14 [7]. It uses a two-staged, stratified, cluster tion method.
sampling method. The sample is representative of the 4 provinces Logistic regression analysis, adjusted for design and weights,
of the country as well as Gilgit Baltistan but excludes FATA, Kashmir was used to examine any relationship between duration of
and other restricted areas. A sample size of 14000 households was breastfeeding and undernutrition in children less than three years.
established containing 6944 urban households and 7056 rural First, univariate logistic regression analysis was carried out to
households. investigate unadjusted odds ratio followed by multinomial logistic
Assessment was carried out through four model questionnaires regression analyses using a five-step model as explained in Fig. 1.
from measure DHS program which were modified to reflect rele- Initially, multiple logistic regression was performed on indi-
vant issues in the country. Sociodemographic information of the vidual characteristic variables to assess their relationship with
respondents required for this study as well as children eligible for outcome variables. Subsequently, a stepwise manual backward
anthropometric measurement were determined through the deletion analysis was performed and only variables with p value of
household survey. Complete anthropometric data was available less than 0.05 were kept. Afterwards, household variables were
from 3466 children, measured using SECA scales specially designed incorporated into these significant variables followed by healthcare
by UNICEF. Children under 2 years were measured by recumbent and community level factors. Finally, the independent variable e
length whereas standing length was taken for older children. In- breastfeeding duration, was added into the analyses and only var-
formation from ever married (15e49 years) was collected through iables of significance were retained. Association between duration
women’s questionnaire which was used in this study to obtain data of breastfeeding and undernutrition status in children 0e3 years
regarding their literacy, antenatal and postnatal history, repro- was calculated using odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI)
ductive history, breastfeeding and weaning history as well as obtained through the multiple regression model.

Please cite this article as: Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition conditions among children aged
0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
B. Syeda et al. / International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Figure 1. 5-step logistic regression model.

3. Results Forty percent children were stunted, around 16% were wasted
and almost 34% were underweight. Twenty-four percent, 4% and
3.1. Characteristics of the sample 14% had severe forms of stunting, wasting and underweight
respectively. Fig. 2 shows statistical differences between stunting,
Demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1. wasting, underweight and their severe forms.
Regarding paternal characteristics, fifty percent of fathers had
secondary or higher qualification while 85% had non-farming oc-
cupations. Nearly all women (99.2%) were presently married, 3/4th 3.3. Relationship between breastfeeding duration and
were unemployed and more than half were illiterate. More than undernutrition
80% of women had a BMI in or above normal range. Seventy-four
percent of children were apparently of normal size when born. Breastfeeding duration had significant association with stunting
Most children had no fever or diarrhoea 24 h preceding the survey. [AOR: 2.43, CI 95% ¼ (1.55, 3.79) for children in their 2nd year of life
and AOR: 4.35, CI 95% ¼ (2.01, 9.33) for children in their 3rd year]
(Fig. 3).
3.2. Prevalence of undernutrition Children breastfeeding in their third year of life had higher odds
of developing severe stunting [AOR: 6.19, CI 95% ¼ (3.31, 11.56)] in
Our study revealed that severely stunted and severely wasted comparison to children in their second year [AOR: 2.84, CI 95% ¼
forms of undernutrition were not as prevalent as stunting and (1.81, 4.46)] (Fig. 4).
wasting (Fig. 2). Our study did not find any association between duration of

Please cite this article as: Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition conditions among children aged
0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
4 B. Syeda et al. / International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Characteristics of children aged 0e3 years in Pakistan, 2013-14 (n ¼ 1072).
Characteristic N %
Characteristic N %
Demographic region
Maternal variables Punjab 660 61.6
Employment Sindh 275 25.6
Unemployed 829 77.4 KPK 117 10.9
Employed (past year) 243 22.6 Balochistan 20 1.9
Qualification Health services factors
None 584 54.5 Delivery site
Basic (grade 5) 194 18.1 House 506 47.2
Secondary or higher 295 27.5 Healthcare facility 566 52.8
Literacy Delivery mode
Illiterate 587 54.8 Normal delivery 907 84.6
Literate 485 45.2 C-Section 165 15.4
Husband’s job Delivery assistance
Non farming 916 85.4 Healthcare professional 575 55.5
Farming 156 14.6 Dai (TBA) 454 43.8
Husband’s qualification Unskilled person 8 0.8
None 338 31.5 Number of antenatal check ups
Basic (grade 5) 195 18.2 None 232 21.6
Secondary or higher 538 50.3 1 to 3 425 39.6
Maternal age 4 or more 416 38.8
16e25 years 342 31.9 Postnatal visit history
26e35 years 550 51.3 Positive 664 61.9
36e50 years 180 16.8 Negative 408 38.1
Marriage status
Presently married 1063 99.2
Previously married 9 0.8 breastfeeding and wasting/severe wasting, neither could we
BMI, kg/m2
establish any relationship between breastfeeding duration and
Less or equal to 18.5 198 18.5
Greater than 18.5 873 81.5 underweight/severe underweight. Only severe stunting and
Birth number stunting had significant association with duration of breastfeeding.
1st 209 19.5 They also had significant association with perceived birth size of
2 to 4 567 52.8 baby, maternal education and frequency of antenatal check-ups the
5 or above 296 27.6
mother had during pregnancy. Children who were perceived as
Birth spacing
No prior birth 209 19.6 large at the time of birth were less susceptible to stunting in later
<2 years 301 28.1 life than their counterparts [AOR: 0.20, CI 95% ¼ (0.07, 0.51)].
>2 years 559 52.3 Children perceived as having average size at birth were also less
Child variables
prone to develop severe stunting in comparison to children
Boy 544 50.8
perceived as small at birth [AOR: 0.54, CI 95% ¼ (0.32, 0.90)].
Girl 528 49.2 Mothers with secondary or higher qualification had decreased odds
Perceived birth size of having stunted children as opposed to uneducated mothers
Small 216 20.2 [AOR: 0.43, CI 95% ¼ (0.25, 0.77)]. On other hand, stunting was also
Regular 792 73.9
uncommon in children whose mothers had 4 antenatal check-ups
Large 64 5.9
Recent diarrhoea history during pregnancy, [AOR: 0.44, CI 95% ¼ (0.23, 0.85)] or severe
Negative 749 69.8 stunting [AOR: 0.45, CI 95% ¼ (0.27, 0.81)] in comparison to
Positive 323 30.2 mothers who had no antenatal checkups.
Fever history (2 weeks)
Negative 616 57.4
Positive 456 42.6
Household factors 4. Discussion
Wealth index
Poorest/poor 456 42.6 Our study observed the relationship between breastfeeding
Middle 449 41.8 duration and undernutrition status among children up to 3 years of
Richest/rich 167 15.6
Mother’s weekly TV use
age in Pakistan. In addition, we also observed other sociodemo-
Positive 711 66.4 graphic factors with any known association to undernutrition. This
Negative 361 33.6 study confirms that breastfeeding duration has a significant asso-
Mother’s weekly radio use ciation with stunting and severe stunting but does not seem to have
Positive 199 18.6
any significant relationship with wasting and severe wasting and
Negative 873 81.4
Mother’s newspaper reading undernutrition/severe undernutrition. Comparable study in
Positive 254 23.7 Botswana also had a similar conclusion [24]. Perceived birth size of
Negative 818 76.3 child, maternal education and antenatal checkup history were also
Water source found to ave significant association with stunting and severe
Not protected 614 57.3
Protected 458 42.8
Toilet facilities Other research studies have also established that breastfeeding,
Uncovered 467 43.6 if continued for more than 18 months, leads to an increased sus-
Covered 605 56.4 ceptibility to malnutrition [25,26] further supporting our conclu-
Community variables
sion that breastfeeding duration has a positive association with
Urban 316 29.5 stunting, and also that this association increases with age i.e. the
Rural 756 70.5 longer a child is breastfed, the more susceptible it is to stunting.
Children aged 2e3 years were more likely to stunted as well as

Please cite this article as: Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition conditions among children aged
0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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B. Syeda et al. / International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

Fig. 2. Prevalence of undernutrition status.

severely stunted with increased duration of breastfeeding in com- difficulties both of which may lead to a weak immune system and
parison to breastfeeding during infancy [18]. These findings are also impaired growth and development [17, 27]. Contrary to the above
in line with another study which proves that children being evidence, a few studies have also found prolonged breastfeeding to
breastfed in older ages were shorter than their counterparts who be protective against various forms of undernutrition [28,29] while
were weaned off early [20]. another found no association between breastfeeding and any form
The correlation between duration of breastfeeding and stunting of undernutrition [30].
may be because of delay in the introduction of supplementary A study in Senegal revealed that prolonged breastfeeding
foods to the baby’s diet either due to unawareness on the mother’s enhanced linear growth however it had no observed effect on being
part, or due to lack of resources in the household to provide com- underweight in children [31]. In contrast, our study observed that
plementary foods for the baby. This could also be because intro- children aged two or three years, who were subjected to longer
duction of supplementary foods into the child’s diet was delayed durations of breastfeeding had decreased linear height and better
and as a consequence, the child could never develop a healthy weight for age scores. Furthermore, our study establishes that the
appetite towards complementary feeding. This makes the child correlation between stunting and breastfeeding duration originates
over dependent on breast milk and may also bring about chewing from the fact that children being breastfed longer had initial low

Fig. 3. Impact of breastfeeding duration on Stunting, Wasting and Underweight in children aged 0e3 years in pakistan (Exposure variables adjusted for individual, Community,
Household and Healthcare services factors).

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6 B. Syeda et al. / International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Impact of breastfeeding duration on severe stunting Wasting and severe Underweight in children aged 0e3 years in pakistan (Exposure variables adjusted for individual,
Community, Household and Healthcare services factors).

stunting score which concludes that children did not develop Cambodia and Kenya [36] which also conclude that birth size is a
stunting because they were breastfed longer, rather it was the valid predictor of successive growth in children. Mothers percep-
child’s sub optimal growth which forced the mother to continue tion of birth size is prone to bias as small size at birth is a sign of
breastfeeding for longer than usual. Our study did not find any nutrition deprivation in the period of pregnancy which, if
relationship between breastfeeding duration and wasting/severe continued, will ultimately lead to stunting in children.
wasting. This is understandable as wasting is an acute malnutrition Our study results also found that there is a significant role of
condition and manifests only when there is absolute shortage of proper antenatal care in warranting healthy growth of the child.
food. Children breastfeeding during their 3rd year of life had lower Children whose mothers frequented antenatal clinics during
odds of developing wasting and severe wasting but the association pregnancy had decreased likelihood of being stunted and severely
was insignificant. The lack of association between underweight/ stunted later in life. This finding backed by studies in Ethiopia [37],
severe underweight can be explained by fact that milk, although Nigeria [38] and also a systemic review of 69 less economically
has high nutritive value but has low caloric value, and is not a developed countries [39]. This is probably because women who
suitable as a standalone meal after a certain age. It can also be due visit antenatal clinics gain valuable health education regarding
to the fact that weight change in 0e3 year children is greatly proper child nutrition from medical professionals which equips
influenced by illness and other behaviour and environmental fac- them to make healthy food choices for their children. Furthermore,
tors not explored by this study. women who do not seek antenatal care may generally have bad
Our study further concludes that undernutrition status has health seeking behavior or they might not be cared for by their
significant association with perceived birth size, mother’s qualifi- families enough to seek antenatal care for herself.
cation and regularity of antenatal visits at the time of pregnancy. Strengths of our study include; 1) Data analyzed in the study
Other studies have also found that mothers with secondary or was drawn from nationally representative Pakistan demographic
higher qualification had lower odds of having stunted children as and Health survey 2012e13, which has large sample size, moreover,
opposed to uneducated or minimally educated mothers [32,33]. standardized methods were employed to obtain high response rate
This might be explained by the fact that uneducated mothers do not and correct measurements and 2) suitable adjustment measure
have awareness about proper childhood nutrition and are also were taken in investigating the complex sampling design of the
more likely to believe in myths surrounding complementary PDHS 2012 - 13. However, the study has some possible limitations
feeding [34] which can be unsafe for the health of their children. which should be considered when comprehending our results. Due
They also may not have resources to provide sufficient quantity and to its cross-sectional nature, the study is limited in its ability to
quality of supplementary food because of ignorance or poverty. Our establish a causal relationship between the variables. Residual
study also found a significant relationship between perceived birth confounding because of unmeasured variable like food insecurity,
size of baby and stunting. Children perceived as “large” at the time micronutrient consumption cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, a
of their birth were less likely to develop undernutrition conditions few variables including breastfeeding duration information was
later in life in comparison to children perceived as “small” at birth. dependent on a mother’s memory of events which increases the
This is in agreement with other studies conducted in Pakistan [35], possibility of recall bias and social desirability bias.

Please cite this article as: Syeda B et al., Relationship between breastfeeding duration and undernutrition conditions among children aged
0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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0e3 Years in Pakistan, International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
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Original article

Evidence-based approaches to childhood

stunting in low and middle income countries:
a systematic review
Muttaquina Hossain,1 Nuzhat Choudhury,1 Khaleda Adib Binte Abdullah,1
Prasenjit Mondal,1 Alan A Jackson,2 Judd Walson,3 Tahmeed Ahmed1

►► Additional material is ABSTRACT

published online only. To view Objective We systematically evaluated health and What is already known on this topic?
please visit the journal online
(http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ nutrition programmes to identify context-specific
archdischild-​2016-​311050). interventional packages that might help to
▸ A combination of nutrition-specific and
1 prioritise the implementation of programmes for
Stunting Research Platform, nutrition-sensitive interventions appears
Nutrition and Clinical Services reducing stunting in low and middle income
necessary in order to optimise programmes to
Division, ICDDR, Dhaka, countries (LMICs).
reduce stunting.
Bangladesh Methods Electronic databases were used to
Southampton General Hospital, systematically review the literature published between
Southampton, UK
3 1980 and 2015. Additional articles were identified from
Department of Global Health,
University of Washington, the reference lists and grey literature. Programmes were
What this study adds?
Seattle, USA identified in which nutrition-specific and nutrition-
sensitive interventions had been implemented for
Correspondence to children under 5 years of age in LMICs. The primary ▸ Nutrition education and counselling, growth
Dr Muttaquina Hossain, outcome was a change in stunting prevalence, estimated monitoring and promotion, immunisation,
Nutrition and Clinical Services water, sanitation and hygiene and social safety
as the average annual rate of reduction (AARR). A realist
Division, International Centre
for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, approach was applied to identify mechanisms net programmes appear to be the most
68 Shahid Tajuddin Ahmed underpinning programme success in particular contexts commonly included interventions of an effective
Sarani, Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, and settings. package in most low and middle income
Bangladesh; Findings Fourteen programmes, which demonstrated countries settings.
reductions in stunting, were identified from 19 LMICs. ▸ Single interventions reduced stunting only in
Received 18 April 2016 The AARR varied from 0.6 to 8.4. The interventions countries with specific disease burden.
Revised 21 September 2016 most commonly implemented were nutrition education ▸ Intervention worked best when country,
Accepted 2 December 2016 and counselling, growth monitoring and promotion, community and programme context were taken
Published Online First into account.
immunisation, water, sanitation and hygiene, and social
3 May 2017
safety nets. A programme was considered to have
effectively reduced stunting when AARR≥3%.
Successful interventions were characterised by a
combination of political commitment, multi-sectoral mortality and impacts negatively on both physical
collaboration, community engagement, community- growth and cognitive development; as well as
based service delivery platform, and wider programme increased risk of obesity and other metabolic com-
coverage and compliance. Even for similar interventions plications in later life. Separately and together these
the outcome could be compromised if the context lead to lower economic productivity, and con-
differed. strained social function.2 Thus, stunting appears a
Interpretation For all settings, a combination of direct impediment towards achieving the sustain-
interventions was associated with success when they able development goals.
included health and nutrition outcomes and social The most vulnerable period for the establishment
safety nets. An effective programme for stunting of lifelong stunting is the first 1000 days from con-
reduction embraced country-level commitment ception. Thereafter, it appears increasingly difficult
together with community engagement and programme to reverse adverse influences ultimately leading to
context, reflecting the complex nature of exposures of adults of shorter stature.3 In targeting the first
relevance. 1000 days, both global movements and regional
PROSPERO registration number programmes have sought to take nutrition interven-
CRD42016043772. tions to scale by supporting nutrition governance.4
However, these initiatives appear less successful
than anticipated in achieving the desired reduction
in stunting in LMICs.5
INTRODUCTION Globally, stunting has decreased at approximately
To cite: Hossain M,
Choudhury N, Adib Binte Stunting1 is the most common manifestation of 1.8% per year.6 indicating that it will only decrease
Abdullah K, et al. chronic undernutrition during childhood in low by 18% in the next 10 years, failing to achieve the
Arch Dis Child and middle income countries (LMICs). It has been goal set by the World Health Assembly.7 This is
2017;102:903–909. associated with increased risk of morbidity and consistent with data suggesting that scaling up

Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050    903

Original article

Figure 1 Definition of
nutrition-specific and
nutrition-sensitive interventions and
programmes (adapted from Ruel and

existing nutrition-specific interventions would reduce stunting interest was changes in stunting prevalence following a pro-
by about 20%.8 A combination of nutrition-specific and gramme intervention among children under 5 years of age.
nutrition-sensitive interventions appears necessary in order to
optimise reductions in stunting (figure 1).9 The population, intervention, comparators and outcomes
This review sought to identify studies from LMICs where framework
combined programmatic interventions have been evaluated. It
identifies the programmes and the components of nutrition Population Intervention Comparison Outcome
interventions in which there had been demonstrable success Children aged Nutrition-specific and Programmes other Stunting
between 0 and nutrition-sensitive than nutrition reduction
leading to a reduction in stunting. In addition, we sought to 59 months interventions implemented intervention
determine correlates of success among programmes for particu- either alone or in combination
lar contexts and settings by using the realist approach. The
purpose was to provide a synthesis of the available evidence that The reviewers/authors followed ‘Preferred Reporting Items
could assist policy makers and donors in prioritising the use of for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA)’ checklist
resources for implementation of interventions to prevent and during this review (see online supplementary appendix 2).11
control stunting in resource limited settings by considering of a Titles and abstracts were screened by two authors independently
mix of factors for the country, community and programme (MH and KABA). All titles and abstracts from each search were
contexts. examined, matched and then the relevant articles were obtained
for review (figure 2). To ensure consistency a calibration exercise
METHODS was conducted. The reviewers agreed on the criteria and
Data sources applied them to a sample of 20% of the retrieved studies to
A comprehensive search strategy was designed a priori and demonstrate adequate inter-examiner agreement (κ: 0.70–0.75).
applied to electronic bibliographic databases, including Medline The reviewers read each study independently and any disagree-
(Pub Med), WHO Regional databases, Google’s Scholar data- ments were resolved through discussion or, where necessary,
bases and the Cochrane Library with specific key words/con- through consultation with a third team member (PM).
cepts: ‘stunting’, ‘linear growth failure’, ‘stunting reduction
programme’, ‘intervention’, ‘approach’ and ‘low and middle Data extraction
income countries’ (see online supplementary appendix 1). The Two reviewers (MH and KABA) independently extracted both
search was limited to literature published between 1 January quantitative and qualitative data on: the number of programme
1980 and 31 March 2015. MeSH headings were used where components implemented, the baseline rate of stunting preva-
available. Published and unpublished references and grey litera- lence, the stunting prevalence following the period of the pro-
ture sources were searched electronically and manually. gramme intervention and the rate of stunting reduction over
time. They used standardised forms, checklists, note taking and
Study eligibility criteria annotation to compile the data from studies employing diverse
This review considered all studies involving human subjects interventional packages across multiple settings and geograph-
under 5 years of age (0–59 months), published in the English ical locations. During study selection and data extraction the
language. It had a focus on public health programmes that reviewers were not blinded to authorship, journal of publication
implemented nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interven- or the trial results.
tions to reduce stunting, mostly in a community-based setting9
in LMIC’s,10 and where there were data on baseline and Methodological quality assessment
follow-up or end line stunting status. Studies without any com- The quality of the individual studies that were included was
ponents of nutrition intervention, individual randomised con- assessed by two reviewers (MH and KABA) independently for
trolled trials (RCTs) and those in which linear growth or both experimental (RCT) and observational (cross-sectional)
stunting had not been measured were excluded. The outcome of studies. The possible risk of bias in RCT was assessed using the
904 Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050
Original article

Figure 2 Flow diagram for the

literature search.

Cochrane Collaboration tool12 and quality assessment of cross- the components had been implemented in the greater number
sectional studies was assessed with a modified version of the of effective programmes in order to provide an indication of the
Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.13 Judgments as to the possible risk of consistency with which the individual components appeared to
bias was rated as ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’ for the extracted infor- contribute to the reduction in stunting (see online
mation for each of the six domains of RCT (see online supplementary appendices 6 and 7). We applied the realist
supplementary appendix 3). The scale scores for observational approach in assessing the programme context and underlying
studies ranged from 0 (lowest grade) to 7 (highest grade). mechanisms which might explain the programme’s success in
Observational studies with scores at or above the median (equal reducing stunting.16 With further discussion and critical review
to or greater than 5) were classified as high quality studies (see of the programme evaluation reports and grey literature we
online supplementary appendix 4). Risk of bias across studies identified several contextual factors of probable relevance.
was assessed using the approach outlined by the ‘Grading of These were themed for the different underlying contexts into
Recommendations Assessment Development and Evaluation’ broad key concepts or connections, which were considered to
(GRADE) working group.14 The quality of evidence was assessed capture the likely mechanism(s) behind successful programme
as high, moderate and low or very low (see online supplementary outcome (stunting reduction) (figure 3).
appendix 5), and any disagreement was resolved by discussion or
where necessary by consultation with a third author. Protocol and registration
A full protocol for the study was completed by the authors
Data analysis prior to commencement of the study (see online supplementary
To enable comparisons to be made among the different studies, appendix 8) and can be accessed at http://www.crd.york.
the average annual rate of reduction (AARR) was derived, as
described in detail elsewhere.15 For the purpose of our investi- Registration no: CRD42016043772.
gation, we considered a programme to be effective if an AARR
for stunting that was equal to or greater than the median Role of the funding source
AARR. We further characterised the individual nutrition-related The funding institution had no role in the design and develop-
components of each specific programme to determine which of ment, data extraction, analysis and interpretation of the data, or
Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050 905
Original article

Figure 3 Realist review framework.

preparation, review, or approval of the paper. The correspond- (Malawi, Niger and sub-Saharan Africa) where there was high
ing author had full access to all the data in the study and had malaria prevalence. The majority of SSN programmes were
final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication. implemented in Latin American countries and targeted poor
beneficiaries. The AARR in these countries varied widely
RESULTS (between 2.2% and 6.7%), even when the individual compo-
Identification and selection of the literature nents for the intervention appeared similar (nutrition education
An initial search combining all key words yielded the titles of and counselling, vitamin A supplementation, immunisation,
6267 articles. The full text of 111 papers were screened and WASH, food security and SSN). Programmes which recruited
assessed for eligibility after removal of duplicates (based on younger children (0–36 months) from poor rural households
author name, article title, year of publication and journal name) and which were implemented in areas with no other health pro-
and clearly unrelated articles. A further 27 papers were identified grammes (Bangladesh, Peru and sub-Saharan Africa) reduced
from reference lists and the grey literature. After removal of ineli- stunting more effectively than others (Ethiopia, Haiti, India,
gible studies, 18 papers were included in the review (figure 2). In Malawi and Mexico) (table 1).
this way, 14 programmes were identified in 19 LMICs where
nutrition-specific approaches had been implemented, either Contextual factors behind programme outcome
alone or in combination with nutrition-sensitive interventions, to A realist approach was used to examine contextual factors
reduce stunting. which were considered to be the drivers for successful pro-
gramme outcome (reduction of stunting). We identified four key
Description of included studies and risk of bias assessment concepts underpinning the connection between programme
All but one of the studies were cross-sectional. Most studies tar- intervention and outcome. This analysis suggests that a stunting
geted children under 5 years of age living in poor households reduction programme becomes effective (AARR of stunting at
from rural areas. The programmes were implemented between least 3%) where there is an evidence of strong political commit-
1986 and 2010, from countries in Asia, Latin America and ment, multi-sectoral collaboration between government, non-
Africa. None of the programmes enabled comparison with a government, national and international organisation, active
true control area in which there had been no intervention. community engagement, and where the programme is delivered
Included studies generated evidence of moderate quality (11 out through community-based platforms with high coverage and
of 17 included observational studies and 1 RCT) with low risk compliance (≥5 out of 7 programme). These underlying factors
of bias (see online supplementary appendices 3–5). were clearly identified in five of seven programmes in which
stunting was effectively reduced (table 2).
Nutrition intervention programme and stunting reduction
The effect of the different interventions in reducing stunting DISCUSSION
varied widely across the studies, with decreases in the AARR of Summary of evidence
stunting ranging from 0.6 to 8.4 (median 3) percentage points This systematic review identifies that in order to achieve success
per year. Programmes with AARR of stunting of at least 3 with interventions designed to reduce stunting in LMICs
(median AARR) from baseline were considered to have been requires a combination of factors and components which
effective. We identified seven effective programmes. In Asia, together provide a suitable context. Nutrition education and
programmes in Bangladesh and Vietnam achieved AARR of counselling, GMP, immunisation, WASH, and SSN programmes
stunting of 4.5%. In Latin America, Brazil demonstrated the were the components most frequently included in the interven-
highest AARR of 8.4%. The Millennium Villages programme in tion packages. The programmes appear most successful where
nine sub-Saharan countries achieved AARR of 7%. For success- strong political commitment and multi-sectoral collaboration
ful programmes, both nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive between government, non-government, national and inter-
interventions were combined. These were found in three out of national organisations exist and where programmes are deliv-
seven programmes with interventions that included nutrition ered through community service delivery platforms with active
education and counselling, immunisation, growth monitoring community engagement.
and promotion (GMP), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Although nutrition is necessary, interventions that focus solely
and social safety net (SSN) interventions (see online on nutrition are likely to be insufficient in themselves for many
supplementary appendices 6 and 7). Programmes to prevent and of the global contexts where there is the need to reduce stunt-
treat malaria were implemented only in African countries ing. This review has shown that in most settings a combination
906 Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050
Table 1 Nutrition intervention/programmes in low and middle income countries
Geographic Study population and Time Effective
region Country Author, year Programme name Study design setting period Programme components AARR programme

Asia Bangladesh Smith et al17 Strengthening household ability Cross-sectional Children 6–24 months, 2006–2010 Nutrition education and counselling; GMP; Vit A and IFS; 4.5 Yes
to respond to development surveys poorest household immunisation; HFP, access to local health facilities;
opportunities (Shouhardo) sanitation; women empowerment; PFSA; SSN
Bangladesh Arifeen et al18 Integrated management of Cluster Rural children 0–59 months 2000–2007 Nutrition education and counselling; GMP; IMCI 2.9 No
childhood illness (IMCI) randomised trial
Cambodia Ikeda et al19 National nutrition programme Cross-sectional Children 0–59 months 2000–2010 IYCF; MNP; IMCI; parental education; HFP; WASH; 1.03 No
surveys reduction of maternal tobacco use
India Haddad et al20 Integrated child development Cross-sectional Children 6–24 months, 2006–2012 Nutrition education and counselling; IYCF; Vit A and IFS; 2.2 No
services programme surveys poorest household immunisation; IMCI; FF and FS; deworming; PFSA; SSN;
HFP; women empowerment, child psychosocial stimulation;
community kitchen and garden; telemedicine; WASH;
Nepal Bilukha et al21 The vita-mix-it distribution Pre–post design Bhutanese children 2007–2010 Nutrition education and counselling; MNP; FS; GMP; 4 Yes
programme 6–59 months, Nepal immunisation; deworming
refugee camps
Vietnam Khan et al22 National childhood malnutrition Cross-sectional Children 0–59 months 1990–2004 Immunisation; IMCI; PFSA; HFP; WASH 4.3 Yes
control programme surveys
Latin America Brazil Lima et al23; National health and nutrition Cross-sectional Children 0–59 months, poor 1986–2006 PFSA; SSN; IMCI; parental education; WASH; HFP 8.4 Yes

Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050

Monteiro et al24; programme surveys household
Victora et al25
Haiti Ayoya et al26 National health and nutrition Cross-sectional Children 0–59 months, poor 2006–2012 IYCF; Vit A and IFS; IMCI, immunisation; IMCI; FF; SSN; 1.05 No
programme surveys household HFP; WASH
Mexico Rivera et al27; Oportunidades programme Cross-sectional Children 0–24 months, poor 1988–2006 Nutrition education and counselling; immunisation, GMP; 2.9 No
Leroy et al28 surveys household FS and FF; SSN, women empowerment
Peru Lechtig et al29 The good start in life Before-and-after Rural poor children 2000–2004 Nutrition education and counselling; GMP; IYCF; Vit A and 4.3 Yes
programme design 0–36 months IFS; immunisation; FF; WASH, child psychosocial stimulation
Africa Ethiopia Fenn et al30 The child caring practices Cross-sectional Children 6–36 months, poor 2004–2009 Nutrition education and counselling; IYCF; MNP; IMCI; 2.42 No
project surveys household immunisations; SSN; HFP
Malawi Kalimbira et al31 Integrated community-based Cross-sectional Rural children 6–59 months, 1996–2005 Nutrition education and counselling; Vit A and IFS; FF; 2.4 No
micronutrient and health surveys poor household deworming; malaria prevention and treatment; WASH; HIV
programme testing and referral
Niger Amouzou et al32 Child survival programme Cross-sectional Children 0–59 months, poor 1998–2009 Malaria prevention and treatment 3.3 Yes
surveys household
Sub-Saharan Remans et al ; Millennium village Cross-sectional Rural children 0–24 months, 2006–2009 Nutrition education and counselling; GMP; IYCF; Vit A and 6.7 Yes
Africa Pronyk et al34 surveys poor household IFS; MNP; immunisations; IMCI; PFSA; access to local
healthcare; WASH; telemedicine; malaria prevention and
treatment, SSN
AARR, average annual rate of reduction; FF, food fortification; FS, food supplementation; GMP, child growth monitoring and promotion; HFP, health and family planning services; IYCF, infant and young child feeding; MNP, multiple micronutrient powder;
PFSA, Poverty and food security alleviation; SSN, Social safety net; Vit A and IFS, vitamin A and iron-folic acid supplementation; WASH, water, sanitation and hygiene.
Original article

Original article

Table 2 Key concepts/connections linked to programme context and outcome

Key concepts/ Derived from following No. of implemented No. of effective
connections context/theme Programme implemented in LMIC’s programmes programme (≥3 AARR)

Country level Economic growth Bangladesh, India, Brazil, Mexico, Cambodia 6 2

Strong political will Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Brazil, Haiti, Malawi, 10 6
Niger, Peru, sub-Saharan Africa
Budget allocation India, Vietnam, Haiti, Ethiopia, Niger, sub-Saharan Africa 6 3
Multi-sectoral collaboration Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Haiti, Peru, 10 5
Malawi, Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa
Community level Community engagement Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Haiti, Peru, Ethiopia, Malawi, 10 5
Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa
Programme level Community-based delivery platform Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Haiti, Peru, Ethiopia, Malawi, 10 5
Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa
Wider programme coverage Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico, Cambodia, 9 5
Malawi, Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa
Programme compliance Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Vietnam, Brazil, Mexico, Cambodia, 9 5
Malawi, Niger, Sub-Saharan Africa
Presence of other health/nutrition India, Nepal, Mexico, Ethiopia 4 1
Other Social media involvement Bangladesh, India, Niger 3 1
Environment (natural calamity, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Sub-Saharan Africa 4 3
disease outbreak, etc)
AARR, average rate of reduction; LMICs, low and middle income countries.

of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive approaches is policies,35 leading to the design and implementation of suitable
needed for best effect. Even though combined interventional large scale nutrition-related programmes. At the community
packages result in the greatest reductions in stunting (4.3–8.4 level, community engagement enables better community-based
AARR), there is not necessarily a fixed combination of interven- service delivery with wider coverage and beneficiary compli-
tions that consistently demonstrate greatest benefit in all con- ance, enabling programme level interventions to achieve greater
texts. Thus, for Bangladesh, Peru and nine sub-Saharan African degrees of stunting reduction.36 This review supports the
countries there was effective reduction of stunting with nutrition acknowledgement by WHO that programmes addressing the
education and counselling, vitamin supplementation, immunisa- contextual factors achieved better reductions in stunting, more
tion, WASH, food security and SSN programmes. However, the quickly.37
same combinations of interventions were not similarly effective
in Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Malawi or Mexico.20 26 28 30 31 The Strengths and weaknesses of this review
difference may be explained by the need for more secure target- There are several important strengths to this analysis. The
ing of younger children from rural household, and also the review was carried out systematically using established PRISMA
effects of other programmes or interventions in either the same and GRADE guidelines. A realist approach was adopted in
or a neighbouring community. It is clear that in addition to geo- evaluating underlying factors which could account for the mech-
graphical location, the organisation, administration and delivery anistic basis underlying programme success. This approach
of the intervention, as well as the population being targeted has further helped to structure the evidence to inform recommenda-
an effect on the overall effectiveness of the intervention. tions on stunting reduction in different programmes employing
However, there may be some settings in which a dominant risk diverse interventional packages across multiple settings and
factor accounts for much of the population attributable fraction geographies. Standardised methods were used to calculate the
of stunting and where a simple intervention can have profound AARR for all countries.
impact. For example, malaria prevention and treatment has The review does have limitations. We included studies pub-
shown significant benefit in reducing stunting in regions with lished in peer-reviewed journals and may have missed important
high malarial burden.32–34 unpublished data as a result of publication bias. Studies pub-
The available evidence would not support the suggestion that lished in languages other than English were not included, which
any one single intervention or fixed combination of interven- may have resulted in language bias. Finally, because many pro-
tions is likely to achieve universal success across all settings in grammes combined interventions, it was not possible to attri-
assuring consistent reductions in stunting. It also became clear bute the level of stunting reduction directly to the effect of any
during our analysis that when there was a seeming difference in single intervention.
the effect of individual components, it was likely that the
context for other related intervention components had changed, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
altering the overall balance of possible beneficial mechanisms. Programmes that combine nutrition-specific and nutrition-
The evidence supports the suggestion that programme managers sensitive interventions, particularly those with strong health
and policy makers should identify and implement context spe- access and safety net components, appear to be most effective in
cific intervention packages by addressing all three connections reducing stunting in LMICs. Given the complex nature of these
(country, community and programme) to achieve effective stunt- diverse intervention packages, strong political commitment,
ing reduction. At country level, Government’s strong political multi-sectoral collaboration, community-based service delivery
commitment and multi-sectoral collaboration between national platforms and wider programme coverage and compliance are
and international agencies provides a high level supportive all likely critical components of effective stunting reduction pro-
framework for the formulation and coordination of appropriate grammes. Programme managers and policy makers should
908 Hossain M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2017;102:903–909. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311050
Original article
consider specific contextual factors in order to determine the 13 Wells G, Shea B, O’connell D, et al. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for
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Acknowledgements This research study was funded by core donors who provide 2011;64:383–94.
unrestricted support to ICDDR for its operations and research. Current donors 15 UNICEF. Technical Note: How to calculate Average Annual Rate of Reduction
providing unrestricted support include: Government of the People’s Republic of (AARR) of Underweight Prevalence. 2007.
Bangladesh; Global Affairs Canada (GAC); Swedish International Development Note_AARR.pdf (accessed Jan 2015).
Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Department for International Development (UK 16 Pawson R, Greenhalgh T, Harvey G, et al. Realist review – a new method of
Aid). We gratefully acknowledge these donors for their support and commitment to systematic review designed for complex policy interventions. J Health Serv Res Policy
ICDDR’s research efforts. AAJ acknowledges support from NIHR Southampton 2005;10(Suppl 1):21–34.
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Contributors MH and TA conceptualised the paper. MH contributed to overall Development Evaluation?: The Impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO Project on Child
coordination, collating of data sources, data analysis, tables and figures. TA and NC Stunting in Bangladesh. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, 2011.
provided overall statistical and data analysis advice. MH, KABA and PM undertook 18 Arifeen SE, Hoque DM, Akter T, et al. Effect of the Integrated Management of
the systematic review of published studies searches and abstraction. MH, TA, JW and Childhood Illness strategy on childhood mortality and nutrition in a rural area in
AAJ provided input into the overall estimation process. All the authors reviewed and Bangladesh: a cluster randomised trial. Lancet 2009;374:393–403.
provided input to the manuscript. The authors alone are responsible for the views 19 Ikeda N, Irie Y, Shibuya K. Determinants of reduced child stunting in Cambodia:
expressed in this article and they do not necessarily represent the views, decisions, analysis of pooled data from three demographic and health surveys. Bull World
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20 Haddad L, Nisbett N, Barnett I, et al. Maharashtra’s Child Stunting Declines: What
Competing interests None declared.
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Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 21 Bilukha O, Howard C, Wilkinson C, et al. Effects of multimicronutrient home
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the fortification on anemia and growth in Bhutanese refugee children. Food Nutr Bull
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which 2011;32:264–76.
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, 22 Khan NC, Tuyen le D, Ngoc TX, et al. Reduction in childhood malnutrition in
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Kajian Kebijakan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Stunting di Indonesia ... (Ni Ketut Aryastami, dan Ingan Tarigan )

Kajian Kebijakan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Stunting di Indonesia


Ni Ketut Aryastami1, dan Ingan Tarigan2

Puslitbang Humaniora dan Manajemen Kesehatan, 2Puslitbang Sumber Daya dan Pelayanan

Kesehatan, Badan Litbang Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Jl. Percetakan Negara 29 Jakarta 10560, Indonesia

Submitted : 25-8-2017, Revised : 11-9-2017, Revised : 19-9-2017, Accepted : 23-10-2017

Stunting prevalence in Indonesia has been almost stagnant at 37% from year 2007 to 2013. With the cut-
off point greater than 20%, WHO classified Indonesia has a public health problem. The purpose of this
review is to analyze policy related problems and gaps that could be filled as a policy option. Policy analysis
was conducted through searching and analyzing legal documents, policy as well as programs following
the policy formulation. Finally, round table discussion inviting experts was conducted to construct a
recommendation. Stunting prevalence has barely reducing within the last ten year which was only 4%
from 1992 to 2013, though programs and budget allocation has been made, even scaling up nutrition is
mentioned in Presidential Regulation no.42/2013 through National Movement of First Thousand Days
of Life. Stunting has a long term effect that bring about non communicable diseases causing economic
burden, although stunting can be corrected. Serious integrated effort should be taken into account at
all levels as a policy recommendation. Mothers or future brides should be given information of healthy
pregnancy and nutrition. Exclusive breast feeding should be done mandatory to healthy delivery mothers.
In addition, proper complementary feeding should be well understood by mothers and health workers.

Keywords: stunting, policy analysis, Indonesia

Prevalensi stunting di Indonesia memiliki angka cukup stagnan dari tahun 2007 hingga 2013. WHO
menetapkan batasan masalah gizi tidak lebih dari 20%, sehingga dengan demikian Indonesia termasuk
dalam negara yang memiliki masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji
kebijakan dan kesenjangan yang dapat dipecahkan melalui opsi kebijakan melalui analisis dokumen
legal dan literatur lainnya serta program yang telah dikembangkan. Kemudian dilakukan forum diskusi
dengan melibatkan pakar dalam menyusun hasil sebagai opsi kebijakan. Penurunan angka stunting
hanya mencapai 4% antara tahun 1992 hingga 2013. Perpres no. 42/2013 telah menetapkan Gerakan
Nasional Seribu Hari Pertama Kehidupan dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi balita yang diikuti oleh
pengembangan program termasuk anggarannya. Stunting memiliki risiko panjang yakni PTM pada usia
dewasa, walaupun masih dapat dikoreksi pada usia dini. Upaya penurunan masalah gizi harus ditangani
secara lintas sektoral di semua lini. Ibu dan calon pengantin harus dibekali dengan pengetahuan cukup
tentang gizi dan kehamilan, ASI Eksklusif pada ibu bersalin yang sehat. Selanjutnya MPASI harus
dipahami oleh para ibu dan tenaga kesehatan secara optimal.

Kata kunci: stunting, policy analysis, Indonesia

Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, Vol. 45, No. 4, Desember 2017: 233 - 240

PENDAHULUAN pendamping ASI yang tidak optimal.8,9

Pertumbuhan Stunting yang terjadi pada
Stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis usia dini dapat berlanjut dan berisiko untuk tumbuh
yang disebabkan oleh multi-faktorial dan bersifat pendek pada usia remaja. Anak yang tumbuh
antar generasi. Di Indonesia masyarakat sering pendek pada usia dini (0-2 tahun) dan tetap pendek
menganggap tumbuh pendek sebagai faktor pada usia 4-6 tahun memiliki risiko 27 kali untuk
keturunan. Persepsi yang salah di masyarakat tetap pendek sebelum memasuki usia pubertas;
membuat masalah ini tidak mudah diturunkan sebaliknya anak yang tumbuh normal pada usia
dan membutuhkan upaya besar dari pemerintah dini dapat mengalami growth faltering pada usia
dan berbagai sektor terkait. Hasil studi 4-6 tahun memiliki risiko 14 kali tumbuh pendek
membuktikan bahwa pengaruh faktor keturunan pada usia pra-pubertas.10 Oleh karena itu, intervensi
hanya berkontribusi sebesar 15%, sementara untuk mencegah pertumbuhan Stunting masih tetap
unsur terbesar adalah terkait masalah asupan dibutuhkan bahkan setelah melampaui 1000 HPK.
zat gizi, hormon pertumbuhan dan terjadinya Fenomena tersebut diatas menarik untuk
penyakit infeksi berulang.1,2 Variabel lain dalam dikaji mengingat masalah Stunting memiliki
pertumbuhan stunting yang belum banyak disebut dampak yang cukup serius; antara lain, jangka
adalah pengaruh paparan asap rokok maupun polusi pendek terkait dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas
asap juga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan pada bayi/Balita, jangka menengah terkait dengan
stunting.3 intelektualitas dan kemampuan kognitif yang
Periode 1000 hari pertama kehidupan rendah, dan jangka panjang terkait dengan kualitas
(1000 HPK) merupakan simpul kritis sebagai awal sumberdaya manusia dan masalah penyakit
terjadinya pertumbuhan Stunting, yang sebaliknya degeneratif di usia dewasa.
berdampak jangka panjang hingga berulang dalam
siklus kehidupan. Kurang gizi sebagai penyebab BAHAN DAN METODE
langsung, khususnya pada balita berdampak jangka
pendek meningkatnya morbiditas. Bila masalah ini Analisis kajian dilakukan melalui review
bersifat kronis, maka akan mempengaruhi fungsi literatur terkait masalah gizi, pertumbuhan dan
kognitif yakni tingkat kecerdasan yang rendah dan outcomenya yakni tumbuh dibawah kurva standar
berdampak pada kualitas sumberdaya manusia. anthropometri WHO (<-2 standar deviasi).
Pada kondisi berulang (dalam siklus kehidupan) Kecenderungan pertumbuhan stunting (pendek)
maka anak yang mengalami kurang gizi diawal dipelajari dari berbagai literatur dan hasil-hasil
kehidupan (periode 1000 HPK) memiliki risiko studi sebelumnya yang terkompilasi dari berbagai
penyakit tidak menular pada usia dewasa.4,5 survey sejak tahun 1992 (Survey Vitamin A) hingga
Stunting merupakan masalah kesehatan Riskesdas 2013.
masyarakat yang harus ditangani secara serius. Literatur review dilakukan dari berbagai
Hasil-hasil Riskesdas menunjukkan, besaran sudut pandang; teori dan jurnal untuk mempelajari
masalah Stunting yang relatif stagnant sekitar 37% determinan dan faktor risiko terkait variabel
sejak tahun 2007 hingga 2013 Dari 33 provinsi outcome (stunting). Kajian hasil analisis data
yang ada di Indonesia, lebih dari separuhnya Riskesdas 2013 merupakan salah satu informasi
memiliki angka prevalensi diatas rata-rata nasional. berbasis masyarakat yang digunakan dalam
Kesenjangan prevalens Stunting antar provinsi menganalisis determinan terkait kejadian .
yang masih lebar antara DIY (22,5%) dan NTT Informasi terkait kebijakan dan program diperoleh
(58,4%) menunjukkan adanya ketimpangan dan dari sektor-sektor terkait antara lain Bappenas dan
pembangunan yang tidak merata.6 Kementerian Kesehatan. Kebijakan global terkait
Prevalensi BBLR menurut Riskesdas gizi diperoleh dengan cara mengunduh dari situs-
11,1% (2010) dan 10,2% (2013); Proporsi lahir situs dunia (WHO, Unicef, dll) melalui teknologi
pendek (<48 cm) sebesar 20,2% (2013). Proporsi internet.
pemberian ASI secara ekslusif selama enam bulan Penyusunan draft kajian dilakukan bersama
masih rendah (15,3%). Dari penelitian terdahulu team peneliti melalui berbagai diskusi, presentasi,
dinyatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan konsultasi dengan pakar. Hasil kajian selanjutnya
kejadian stunting dengan berat badan lahir7 dipresentasikan dan didiskusikan melalui seminar
dan pemberian ASI serta pemberian makanan terbuka di Badan Litbangkes dengan melibatkan

Kajian Kebijakan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Stunting di Indonesia ... (Ni Ketut Aryastami, dan Ingan Tarigan )

pembahas dari Universitas Indonesia, Direktorat Undang tentang Pangan nomor 18 tahun 2012 yang
Bina Gizi Kementerian Kesehatan, Bappenas, menetapkan kebijakan di bidang pangan untuk
wartawan. Seminar juga dihadiri oleh mahasiswa, perbaikan status gizi masyarakat. Pemerintah
peneliti dan organisasi lainnya yang bergerak dan Pemerintah Daerah menyusun Rencana Aksi
dibidang penanggulangan masalah gizi. Pangan dan Gizi setiap 5 (lima) tahun.
Round Table Discussion (RTD) dilakukan Dari ketiga undang-undang tersebut
untuk memaparkan hasil studi dan mendapatkan selanjutnya diterbitkan Perpres N0. 5/ 2010 tentang
pandangan dari para stake holders dan pakar Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah (2010-
terkait solusi dan rekomendasi yang mungkin 2014) menyebutkan, arah Pembangunan Pangan
dikembangkan untuk perencanaan dimasa yang dan Gizi yaitu meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan
akan datang. status kesehatan dan gizi masyarakat. Selanjutnya,
Inpres No. 3/2010 menegaskan tentang penyusunan
HASIL Rencana Aksi Nasional Pangan dan Gizi (RAN-
Kebijakan Penanggulangan Stunting PG) 2011-2015 dan Rencana Aksi Daerah Pangan
dan Gizi (RAD-PG) 2011-2015 di 33 provinsi.
Upaya percepatan perbaikan gizi merupakan Peraturan Presiden nomor 42/2013 tentang
upaya Global, tidak saja untuk Indonesia, melainkan Gerakan Nasional Perbaikan Gizi diterbitkan untuk
semua negara yang memiliki masalah gizi stunting. mendukung upaya penggalangan partisipasi dan
Upaya ini diinisiasi oleh World Health Assembly kepedulian pemangku kepentingan secara terencana
2012.11 Adapun target yang telah ditetapkan dalam dan terkoordinir untuk percepatan perbaikan gizi
upaya penurunan prevalensi stunting antara lain: dalam 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (1000 HPK).
menurunnya prevalensi stunting, wasting dan Dengan demikian, instrumen pendukung kebijakan
dan mencegah terjadinya overweight pada balita, dalam percepatan perbaikan gizi sudah cukup
menurunkan prevalensi anemia pada wanita usia lengkap, dan membutuhkan upaya implementasi
subur, menurunkan prevalensi bayi berat lahir yang terorganisir dan dapat diterapkan disetiap
rendah (BBLR), meningkatkan cakupan ASI tingkatan oleh setiap elemen yang terlibat. Dengan
eksklusif. Sebagai negara anggota PBB dengan terbitnya Perpres ini, dibutuhkan upaya yang
prevalensi stunting yang tinggi turut berupaya dan lebih konkrit, fokus pada 1000 HPK dan integrasi
berkomitmen dalam upaya percepatan perbaikan kegiatan secara lintas program (upaya spesifik)
gizi ‘scaling up nutrition (SUN)’ masyarakat. maupun lintas sektoral (upaya sensitif) oleh semua
Upaya tersebut tidak terlepas dari rencana jangka stakes holders.
panjang, menengah dan jangka pendek dengan
mengacu kepada undang-undang yang telah Masalah Balita Stunting di Indonesia
ditetapkan oleh Badan Legislatif. Prevalensi Balita stunting di Indonesia
Undang-Undang nomor 17/2007 tentang cukup tinggi. Distribusinyapun tidak merata,
Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (2005- antara desa kota maupun antar provinsi. Hasil-
2025) menyebutkan, pembangunan pangan dan hasil survey yang pernah dilakukan di Indonesia
perbaikan gizi dilaksanakan secara lintas sektor dari tahun 1992 hingga 2013, atau selama sekitar
meliputi produksi, pengolahan, distribusi, hingga 20 tahun, penurunan prevalensi stunting hanya
konsumsi pangan dengan kandungan gizi yang sebesar 4%. Bahkan proporsi sekitar 37% tampak
cukup, seimbang, serta terjamin keamanannya. stagnan dari tahun 2006 hingga 20136. Tabel 1
Selanjutnya, Undang-Undang Kesehatan nomor memberikan gambaran prevalensi secara lebih
36 tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan menyebutkan, spesifik berdasarkan hasil survey.
arah perbaikan gizi adalah meningkatnya mutu gizi Menurut hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013,
perorangan dan masyarakat melalui, perbaikan kesenjangan antar provinsi tampak cukup lebar,
pola konsumsi makanan yang sesuai dengan gizi yakni proporsi 20% (Yogyakarta) hingga 48%
seimbang; perbaikan perilaku sadar gizi, aktivitas (NTT). Stunting sebagai masalah gizi yang bersifat
fisik, dan kesehatan; peningkatan akses dan mutu kronis tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan masalah gizi
pelayanan gizi yang sesuai dengan kemajuan kurang secara umum. Masalah gizi kurang (BB/U
ilmu dan teknologi; dan peningkatan sistem <-2 SD) menurut data Riskesdas menunjukkan
kewaspadaan pangan dan gizi. Sejalan dengan proporsi yang cukup stagnan, yaitu 18,4% (2007);
kedua undang-undang tersebut, terbit Undang- 17,9% (2010); dan 19,6% (2013). Masalah stunting

Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, Vol. 45, No. 4, Desember 2017: 233 - 240

tidak hanya terkait dengan faktor asupan gizi, tetapi di Indonesia yang cukup tinggi, yaitu 10,2%
faktor lain seperti pola asuh, penyakit infeksi dan (2010) dan 11,1% (2013). Riskesdas 2013 juga
kesehatan lingkungan. menunjukkan tingginya proporsi dan kesenjangan
Keterlambatan pertumbuhan fisik (growth bayi yang lahir pendek (<48 cm), yaitu 28,7%
faltering) bayi di Indonesia sudah mulai tampak (NTT) dan 9,6% (Bali), dengan rata-rata nasional
pada usia 3-6 bulan12). Pertumbuhan bayi lahir sebesar 20,2%. Selanjutnya proporsi bayi yang
hingga usia 3 bulan tampak sesuai dengan kurva lahir BBLR (<2500 gram) dan pendek (<48 cm)
pertumbuhan WHO-Anthro. Meskipun tampak nasional sebesar 4,3%, dan tertinggi di Papua
ada penurunan prevalensi stunting sebesar 5% (7,6%).
antara tahun 1989 dan 2005, hasil-hasil Riskesdas
menunjukkan, prevalensinya tampak hampir Masalah efek sisa dalam pertumbuhan
stagnan sebesar 37% hingga tahun 2013. Hasil penelitian longitudinal data Indo-
nesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) menunjukkan
Tabel 1. Prevalensi Balita Pendek / Stunted di perubahan Z-score pertumbuhan pada usia dini
Indonesia hingga usia pra-pubertas; pendek pada usia dini dan
STUNTING tidak berhasil mengejar (catch up) pertumbuhannya
(≤ -2SD) pada usia Balita sebanyak 77% akan tetap pendek
Suvita (Survei Nasional Vit. A), Tahun 1992 41,4 pada usia pra-pubertas. Sebaliknya, anak yang
(15 Provinsi) pendek pada usia dini dan berhasil mengejar
IBT (Indonesia Bagian Timur), Tahun 1991 44,5 pertumbuhannya pada usia Balita, sebanyak
(4 Provinsi)
84% akan tumbuh normal pada usia pra-pubertas
SKIA (Survei Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak) 45,9
(Aryastami, 2015). Oleh karena itu upaya perbaikan
Nasional Tahun 1995
dan intervensi untuk mencegah stunting tetap
JPS (Jaring Pengaman Sosial) 43,8
dibutuhkan pada usia balita. Untuk lebih jelasnya,
Survei masalah gizi di 7 Provinsi 36,3
(Puslitbang gizi 2006)
perubahan pertumbuhan (pengukuran melalui
Riskesdas 2007 (Badan Litbangkes) 36,8
Z-score pertumbuhan) pada usia dini hingga usia
pra-pubertas tampak seperti dalam tabel 3.
Riskesdas 2010 (Badan Litbangkes) 35,6
Riskesdas 2013 (Badan Litbangkes) 37
Tabel 3. Perubahan Z-score Pertumbuhan Anak
Hasil analisis mendalam terhadap data
Usia Dini hingga Usia Pra-opubertas
Riskesdas dan hasil studi kohort di Kota Bogor
Karakteristik Persen TB/U (Z-score) Usia 7-9 tahun
untuk pertumbuhan anak hingga usia 24 bulan Pertumbuhan <-2 SD ≥-2 SD Total
ditunjukkan dalam tabel 2. (n=301) (%) (%)
02N – 46N 10,1 89,9 138
Tabel 2. Proporsi Pertumbuhan Stunting pada Usia 02P – 46P 77,1 22,9 70
02N – 46P 59,5 40,5 42
02P – 46N 15,7 84,3 51
6 bulan 22,4
TOTAL 33,6 66,4 301
1 tahun 27,3 Studi Kohort Tumbuh Kem-
bang Bogor, 2015 (n=220)
2 tahun 36,1
• 02 dan 46 = kelompok umur usia 0-2 dan 4-6 tahun
3 tahun 40,9
• N = pertumbuhan normal P = pertumbuhan pendek
0-11 bulan 20,2 Riskesdas 2013 (n=14.956)
12-23 bulan 40,4 Riskesdas 2010 (n=3.024)
Gangguan pertumbuhan dapat berawal
0-23 bulan 32,9 Riskesdas 2013 (n=30.933)
dari dalam kandungan. Janin yang tumbuh dalam
kandungan ibu yang mengalami kurang gizi kronis
Terdapat hubungan pertumbuhan stunting (KEK) akan beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya.
dengan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Stunting Penyesuaian pertumbuhan janin tersebut
berhubungan dengan pengaruh gizi dalam siklus menyebabkan pertumbuhan yang tidak optimal atau
kehidupan yang berulang dari generasi ke generasi. retardasi yang dikenal dengan istilah intra uterine
Hasil Riskesdas menunjukkan, prevalensi BBLR growth retardation (IUGR).13

Kajian Kebijakan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Stunting di Indonesia ... (Ni Ketut Aryastami, dan Ingan Tarigan )

Anemia ibu hamil juga sering dihubungkan Masalah retain effect (efek sisa) dapat
dengan kelahiran prematur dan BBLR. Selain berlanjut dari dalam kandungan hingga posnatal,
pengaruh KEK pada kehamilan, hasil Riskesdas bahkan hingga usia dewasa. Hipotesis Barker
2013 menunjukkan proporsi ibu hamil dengan tentang fetal programming menyatakan,
anemia di Indonesia mencapai 37,1%. Kondisi konsekuensi masalah gizi didalam kandungan
ini tentunya akan memperparah resiko BBLR dapat berlanjut hingga dewasa, yang dapat menjadi
dan pertumbuhan stunting pasca lahir. Berbagai faktor risiko penyakit .
program telah dikembangkan untuk menjaga degeneratif.14 Penelitian melalui hewan
kesehatan ibu hamil dan janin, diantaranya adalah coba menunjukkan, resistensi insulin sebagai pre-
pemberian tablet tambah darah (TTD). Sayangnya, disposing faktor terjadinyua penyakit degeneratif
hasil Riskesdas 2013 kembali menunjukkan akibat gangguan pertumbuhan sel organ yang
bahwa cakupan konsumsi TTD pada ibu hamil belum mencapai puncaknya ketika lahir.15
hanya mencapai 33,2%, atau dengan kata lain,
Efek sisa pertumbuhan anak pada usia dini
hanya 1 dari 3 ibu hamil mengkonsumsi cukup
terbawa hingga usia pra-pubertas. Peluang kejar
tablet tambah darah. Hasil studi kohort di Bogor
menunjukkan, pertambahan berat badan ibu selama
tumbuh melampaui usia dini masih ada meskipun
kehamilan <9,1 kg mencapai 22,7%. Studi ini juga kecil. Ada hubungan kondisi pertumbuhan (berat
menunjukkan, pada ibu hamil dengan usia kurang badan lahir, status sosial ekonomi) usia dini
dari 20 tahun proporsi pertambahan berat badannya terhadap pertumbuhan pada anak usia 9 tahun.16
semakin rendah pada usia kehamilan yang semakin Anak yang tumbuh normal dan mampu mengejar
tua; artinya, terjadi perebutan zat gizi antara ibu pertumbuhannya setelah usia dini 80% tumbuh
dan janin yang dikandungnya, sehingga bayi akan normal pada usia pra-pubertas.
mengalah dan tumbuh tidak optimal. Tingginya masalah stunting di Indonesia
Hasil-hasil Riskesdas menunjukkan, status tidak semata-mata karena faktor BBLR yang
kesehatan reproduksi di Indonesia masih rendah. memiliki prevalensi sebesar 10,2%, tetapi panjang
Bila hal ini dihubungkan dengan masalah gizi badan lahir yang tidak optimal (<48 cm) yang
dalam lingkaran kehidupan, maka sangat beralasan mencapai 20,2%. Pendek pada usia dini berisiko
bila masalah stunting sulit untuk diturunkan dan 4,5 kali stunting pada usia 4-6 tahun dan 3,8 kali
stagnan selama periode 2007 hingga 2013. Pendek pada usia pra-pubertas.
merupakan kondisi yang tidak dapat diperbaiki lagi
ketika usia sudah dewasa. Pertumbuhan mengalami
puncak pertumbuhannya pada usia remaja (pada Tabel 5. Efek Sisa Pertumbuhan Usia Dini terhadap
wanita usia 10-12 tahun pada laki-laki usia 12-14 Usia Pra-pubertas
tahun). Pertumbuhan setelah usia tersebut masih TB/U (Z-score) TB/U (Z-score) <-2 SD
terjadi, tetapi melambat dan hampir terhenti setelah Usia 0-2 tahun Usia 4-6 tahun Usia 7-9 tahun
melampaui usia 20 tahun. Tinggi badan kurang dari (n=301) Usia 4-6 tahun Usia 7-9 tahun
150 cm pada ibu hamil berisiko untuk melahirkan • Pendek 62,5 61,4
anak BBLR terkait plasenta dan pinggul ibu yang • Normal 26,9 29,5
OR 4,51 3,79
Selanjutnya, kurang energi kronik tampak
95% CI (2,74-7,43) (2,29-6,28)
sudah memiliki proporsi tinggi pada WUS yang
tidak hamil; sementara pada ibu hamil proporsinya p 0,000 0,000
hampir mencapai 40%. Demikian juga dengan Sumber : Aryastami, 2015
proporsi anemia (Tabel 4).
Selanjutnya, dibandingkan dengan mereka
Tabel 4. Status Kesehatan Reporoduksi di Indonesia yang tumbuh normal pada usia dini hingga usia
(Riskesdas 2013) pra-pubertas, risiko pertumbuhan pendek pada
Ibu Hamil Wanita Usia Subur usia dini dan tetap pendek pada usia 4-6 tahun
(%) (%)
berisiko 27 kali untuk tumbuh pendek pada usia
Pendek (< 150 cm) 31,3 NA
pra-pubertas dan pertumbuhan normal pada usia
KEK (IMT <18,5) 38,5 46,6
Risiko KEK (LILA 24,2 20,8
dini dan pendek pada usia 4-6 tahun berisio 14 kali
<23,5 cm) pendek pada usia pra-pubertas. Bila pencegahan
Anemia 37,1 19 stunting pada periode emas tidak terkejar, maka

Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, Vol. 45, No. 4, Desember 2017: 233 - 240

pencegahan stunting pra-pubertas tetap harus cukup lebar. Hasil studi di Ghana menyebutkan,
dioptimalkan hingga usia 5 tahun. kemiskinan dan karakteristik wilayah sebagai
penyebab kesenjangan dalam masalah gizi pada
PEMBAHASAN anak balita.22 Namun demikian, hasil studi dari
negara-negara miskin dan sedang berkembang
Di Indonesia, kebijakan Scaling up Nutri- membuktikan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara
tion telah diterjemahkan kedalam Gerakan Nasio- laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan masalah
nal Seribu Hari Pertama Kehidupan. Mengingat gizi kurang pada usia dini.23 Dengan demikian
masalah gizi merupakan masalah yang memiliki dibutuhkan upaya yang serius dalam penangan
variabel multi faktorial, maka implementasinyapun masalah gizi stunting pada usia dini bahkan dalam
membutuhkan keterlibatan lintas sektor. Studi 1000 hari pertama kehidupan sebagai periode emas
mengenai keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan dalam pencegahan pertumbuhan stunting.24,25
penurunan masalah gizi melalui berbagai metode Pertumbuhan tidak optimal dalam masa
(sistematik review, kuantitative riset, semi kualitatif janin dan atau selama periode 1000 HPK memiliki
interview, analisis pohon masalah) menunjukkan dampak jangka panjang. Bila faktor eksternal
bahwa implementasi kebijakan penurunan masalah (setelah lahir) tidak mendukung, pertumbuhan
gizi secara global tidak mudah. Setidaknya terdapat stunting dapat menjadi permanen sebagai remaja
delapan kelemahan variabel yang masih menjadi pendek. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan
kendala, antara lain: masalah koordinasi yang sulit, bahwa mereka yang memiliki ukuran lebih
strategi yang tidak cukup kuat, minat yang kurang kecil atau stunting ketika lahir, secara biologis
dari stake holders, jaringan antar stake holders memiliki ukuran yang berbeda dari mereka yang
yang tidak kuat, masih lemahnya power dalam lahir dengan ukuran lebih besar.26-28 Masalah
merekat kebijakan, struktur dalam kolaborasi yang pertumbuhan stunting sering tidak disadari oleh
tidak sama, sumberdaya manusia yang terbatas, masyarakat karena tidak adanya indikasi ‘instan’
tidak terjaminnya ketersediaan anggaran.17 seperti penyakit. Tumbuh pendek seringkali
Sebagai negara anggota Perserikatan dianggap sebagai pengaruh genetik, padahal
Bangsa- Bangsa, Indonesia telah berkomitmen faktor genetik hanya menjelaskan 15% variasi
untuk turut menurunkan prevalensi stunting dibandingkan faktor gizi.29 Efek sisa pertumbuhan
yang masih menjadi masalah dalam kesehatan dapat menjadi predisposing terjadinya penyakit
Masyarakat. Terbitnya Perpres no. 42/2013 kronik pada usia dewasa; upaya memperbaiki
merupakan salah satu strategi dalam SUN dengan lingkungan pertumbuhan masa janin dapat
melibatkan lintas sektor. Perpres ini menjadi penting sekaligus mengurangi risiko penyakit degeneratif
seperti telah disebutkan dalam berbagai dokumen diusia dewasa.30,31 Oleh karena itu, penanggulangan
dan penelitian bahwa stunting berhubungan dengan masalah stunting harus dimulai jauh sebelum
kemiskinan, pendidikan rendah, beban penyakit, seorang anak dilahirkan (periode 100 HPK) dan
pemberdayaan perempuan yang masih rendah.18,19 bahkan sejak masa remaja untuk dapat memutus
Prevalensi stunting yang cukup stagnan rantai stunting dalam siklus kehidupan.
selama lebih dari lima tahun di Indonesia tidak
sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan KESIMPULAN
pembangunan yang semakin membaik. Secara
teoritis kemiskinan dituduhkan sebagai penyebab Untuk mencegah masalah stunting
mendasar masalah gizi.20 Studi di Bangladesh dibutuhkan upaya yang bersifat holistik dan saling
menunjukkan hubungan kemiskinan dengan terintegrasi. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 42 Tahun
masalah gizi kurang dan buruk ditemukan pada 2013 harus disikapi dengan koordinasi yang kuat
ibu yang buta huruf, pendapatan rumah tangga di tingkat pusat dan aturan main dan teknis yang
yang rendah, memiliki saudara kandung yang lebih jelas di tingkat provinsi, kabupaten/kota, hingga
banyak, memiliki akses pada media yang lebih pelaksana ujung tombak. Diseminasi informasi
rendah, asupan gizi yang lebih buruk, serta sanitasi dan advocacy perlu dilakukan oleh unit teknis
dan kesehatan lingkungan yang lebih rendah.21 kepada stake holders lintas sektor dan pemangku
Namun demikian, kesenjangan pembangunan kepentingan lain pada tingkatan yang sama. Untuk
antar wilayah di Indonesia tampaknya berpengaruh jajaran struktural kebawahnya perlu dilakukan
terhadap disparitas prevalensi stunting yang knowledge transfer dan edukasi agar mampu

Kajian Kebijakan dan Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi Stunting di Indonesia ... (Ni Ketut Aryastami, dan Ingan Tarigan )

menjelaskan dan melakukan pemberdayaan dalam selaku team pakar. Akhirnya, terimakasih kepada
meningkatkan status gizi masyarakat. Dr. Atmarita, MPH sebagai tim peneliti yang telah
Selanjutnya, perlu penguatan sistem agar memberikan banyak masukan dalam penulisan
1000 HPK dapat menjadi bagian dari budaya kajian ini.
dan kehidupan sosial di masyarakat (misal: ibu
merasa malu bila tidak memberikan ASI secara DAFTAR RUJUKAN
eksklusif kepada bayinya). Selanjutnya, informasi
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memungkinkan untuk memberikan daya ungkit. Akhter, N., Kraemer, K., Semba, R.D. Higher
Kursus singkat menjelang perkawinan harus Household Expenditure on Animal-Source and
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Paediatrica Indonesiana
p-ISSN 0030-9311; e-ISSN 2338-476X; Vol.58, No.3(2018). p. 123-7; doi:

Original Article

Correlation between non-exclusive breastfeeding and

low birth weight to stunting in children
Endang Dewi Lestari, Faraissa Hasanah, Novianto Adi Nugroho

Abstract tunting is a chronic nutritional deficiency
Background Indonesia is ranked fifth in the world for the problem caused by inadequate nutritional intake
of stunting. Stunting in children under the age of five requires for an extended period, due to improper
special attention, due to its inhibiting effect on children’s physical
and mental development. Stunting has been associated with several
feeding. Chronic nutritional deficiency will
factors, one of which is non-exclusive breastfeeding. influence the body length.1,2 Stunting is defined as
Objective To determine the correlations between non-exclusive a Z-score of <-2 SD for body height to age ratio
breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting in children aged (BH/A) or body length to age ratio (BL/A), according
2-5 years.
Methods This case-control study was conducted in October to to the World Health Organization (WHO) Child
November 2016 in multiple integrated health service clinics (po- Growth Standard.3 Indonesia is currently one of
syandu) in Sangkrah, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. Subjects 117 countries worldwide with three highly prevalent
were children aged 24-59 months who visited the posyandu and nutritional problems in toddlers: stunting, wasting, and
were included by purposive sampling. Children classified as stunted
were allocated to the case group, whereas the children classified
overweight, as reported in the 2014 Global Nutrition
with normal nutritional status were allocated to the control group. Report of Indonesia.4,5 The Indonesian Ministry of
Parents filled questionnaires on history of exclusive breastfeeding, Health 2013 Basic Health Data (Riskesdas) reported a
child’s birth weight, maternal education, and family socio-economic 37.2% prevalence of stunting in children under the age
Results Of the 60 subjects, the control group had 30 normal of five in Indonesia, which had increased compared
children and the case group had 30 stunted children. Multivariate to 2007 (36.8%), and 2010 (35.6%).4
analysis by logistical regression test revealed statistically significant Stunting in children under the age of five
correlations between stunting and non-exclusive breastfeeding requires special attention due to inhibiting effects
(adjusted OR for exclusive breastfeeding 0.234; 95%CI 0.061 to
0.894), as well as low birth weight (adjusted OR 10.510; 95%CI on physical and mental development. Stunting at
1.180 to 93.572) This value implies that exclusive breastfeeding is early ages can increase the risk of mortality and
a protecting factor against stunting, which means exclusive breast- morbidity, as well as suboptimal body posture as
feeding is able to decrease the prevalence of stunting in children adults. 1 The WHO/UNICEF global strategy on
under the age of five.
Conclusion In children aged 2-5 years, the histories of non-exclu-
sive breastfeeding and low birth weights are significantly correlated
sith stunting. [Paediatr Indones. 2018;58:123-7; doi: http:// From the Department of Child Health, Sebelas Maret University Medical]. School/Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.

Reprint request to: Endang D. Lestari. Department of Child Health,

Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding; stunting; Sebelas Maret University Medical School/Dr. Moewardi Hospital. Kolonel
children 24-59 months Sutarto Street, No. 132, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java 57126, Indonesia.
Tel. +628122659230. Email:

Paediatr Indones, Vol. 58, No. 3, May 2018 • 123

Endang Dewi Lestari et al.: Correlation between non-exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting

feeding infants and young children recommends economic level was defined as family income of less
four important points to achieve optimal growth and than the minimum regional wage of Surakarta in 2016,
development: early breastfeeding initiation (EBI) in which was rounded up to Rp 1,400,000. Education
the first 30 minutes of life, exclusive breastfeeding level was defined as the length of education less than
for the first 6 months of life, giving complementary 9 years and higher than 9 years. Body height was
food accompanied by breastfeeding at 6-24 months measured three times, using a microtoise with 0.1cm
of age, and continuous breastfeeding for 2 years or accuracy, and mean values were calculated. The
more.6,7 Growth and development during infancy measurements were conducted on the same day or
requires balanced nutrition, as the toddler’s intestinal within three days at most of the interview.
system is still in the process of maturing. Breast milk The dependent variable of this study was stunted
contains numerous factors that meet the nutritional nutritional status, while the independent variable
needs of infants according to their age.8 Also, breast was the history of exclusive breastfeeding. External
milk also contains immunological substances that variables were the maternal educational status, socio-
can prevent infections in infants. Yet, the latest data economic status, and history of low birth weight.
have shown that exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Chi-square test was used for bivariate analysis
the first 6 months of life remains inappropriately with and logistical regression test was used for multivariate
the recommendation.5-7 The 2015 WHO/UNICEF analysis, using statistical product and service solution
Data on Infant and Young Child Feeding showed that (SPSS) 24.0 for Mac, with significance of P<0.05.
only 39% of babies in developing countries received The Research Ethics Committee of Sebelas Maret
exclusive breastfeeding from 0-5 months.6 Hence, University Medical School, Surakarta, approved this
we aimed to determine the correlation between non- case control study.
exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting
in children aged 2-5 years.
Methods Table 1 shows that the case group had a rather balanced
sex ratio, with 15 children of each sex. The control
This observational analytic study with a case-control group consisted of 14 boys (46.7%) and 16 girls (53.7%).
approach was done in October – November 2016 to The independent variable of exclusive breastfeeding
analyze for a relationship between a history of exclusive was differentiated into exclusively breastfed or not
breastfeeding and stunting in children aged 2-5 years. exclusively breastfed. In the case group, 17 children
Subjects were patients aged 24-59 months at multiple (56.7%) were exclusively breastfed, while 13 children
integrated health service clinics (posyandu) under the (43.3%) were not exclusively breastfed in other words,
auspices of the primary health care integrated service they receved infant formula or complementary foods. In
unit in Sangkrah, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. the control group, 26 children (86.7%) were exclusively
Children’s nutritional status was assessed by way of breastfed, and 4 children (13.3%) were not exclusively
body height/age (BH/A) index. Stunted children breastfed. There were 6 children in the case group and
were allocated to the case group and children without one in the control group who did not receive breast
stunting were allocated to the control group. Subjects’ milk the first day of life.
parents provided written informed consent. Children Low birth weight was defined as birth weight <
with infection or other chronic conditions at the time 2500 grams. The case group had 9 children (30%)
of the study were excluded. with a history of low birth weight and 21 children
Sixty children were included by purposive (70%) with normal birth weight. In the control group,
sampling, to which the rule of thumb was applied, 1 child (3.3%) had a history of low birth weight, while
resulting in 30 subjects per group.9 Data on exclusive 29 children (96.7%) had normal birth weight.
breastfeeding, birth weight, maternal education, and Maternal education was classified as either low
socio-economic status based on Surakarta's minimum (less than 9 years) or high (more than 9 years). In
wage were collected using questionnaires. Low socio- the case group, 10 subjects (33.3%) had low, while

124 • Paediatr Indones, Vol. 58, No. 3, May 2018

Endang Dewi Lestari et al.: Correlation between non-exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting

20 (66.7%) had high maternal educational status. In Multivariate analysis by logistical regression test
the control group, 14 subjects (46.7%) had low and 16 similarly revealed statistically significant correlations
(53.3%) had high maternal educational status. between stunting and non-exclusive breastfeeding
Socio-economic status was classified as low (adjusted OR for exclusive breastfeeding 0.234;
(< IDR 1400000 monthly income) or high (> IDR P=0.034), as well as low birth weight (adjusted OR
1400000 monthly income). In the case group, 21 10.510; P=0.035) (Table 3).
children (70.0%) had low and 9 children (30.0%)
had high socio-economic status. In the control group, Table 3. Multivariate analysis
24 children (83.3%) had low and 6 children (16.6%) Variables Adj OR P value 95%CI
had high socio-economic status. Overall, 45 children Eclusive breastfeeding 0.234 0.034 0.061 to 0.894
(75%) had parents with low socio-economic status Low birth weight 10.510 0.035 1.180 to 93.572
and 15 children (25.5%) had parents with high socio-
economic status (Table 1).
Table 1. Characteristics of subjects
Characteristics Case group Control group
There was a significant relationship between non-
(n=30) (n=30) exclusive breastfeeding and stunting in children
Sex, n (%) aged 24-59 months. More children with normal
Male 15 (50.0) 14 (46.7) nutritional status received exclusive breastfeeding
Female 15 (50.0) 16 (53.3)
(86.7%) than stunted children (56.7%). Bivariate
Exclusive breastfeeding, n (%) analysis showed that exclusive breastfeeding was a
Yes 17 (56.7) 26 (86.7)
No 13 (43.3) 4 (13.3) protective factor against stunting, with OR 0.201.
Birth weight, n (%) Furthermore, multivariate analysis revealed that
Low 9 (30.0) 1 (3.3) exclusive breastfeeding was still a protective factor,
Normal 21 (70.0) 29 (96.7) with OR 0.234 (95%CI 0.061 to 0.894). A 2010
Maternal education, n (%) study in Banda Aceh similarly reported that stunting
Low 10 (33.3) 14 (46.7)
High 20 (66.7) 16 (53.3)
in children under the age of five was associated with
Socio-economic status, n (%)
non-exclusive breastfeeding, with a 5 times higher risk
Low 21 (70.0) 24 (83.3) of stunting than children under five who had received
High 9 (30.0) 6 (16.6) exclusive breastfeeding.10
According to interviews, most mothers gave
their children formula in addition to breast milk. Their
Table 2 shows the bivariate statistical analysis reasons variations in breast milk production, infant lack
results. Chi-square test revealed that stunting had of appetite for breast milk, and maternal work outside
significant correlations with non-exclusive breastfeeding the home. Feeding of formula and breast milk can satisfy
(OR for exclusive breastfeeding: 0.201; P=0.010) and the nutritional requirements of the child, but formula
low birth weight (OR 12.429; P=0.006). There were lacks antibodies. As such, the child would be prone to
no significant correlations between stunting and sex diseases.11 Breast milk contains numerous immunological
(P=0.796), maternal education (P=0.292), or socio- substances not found in formula, such as immunoglobins
economic status (P=0.371). that can prevent disease, secretory substances that can

Table 2. Bivariate statistical analysis

Variables OR 95%CI P value
Sex 0.875 0.318 to 2.410 0.796
Exclusive breastfeeding 0.201 0.056 to 0.721 0.010
Maternal education 1.750 0.616 to 4.97 0.292
Low birth weight 12.429 1.461 to 105.737 0.006
Socio-economic status 1.714 0.371 to 5.621 0.523

Paediatr Indones, Vol. 58, No. 3, May 2018 • 125

Endang Dewi Lestari et al.: Correlation between non-exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting

neutralize pathogenic E. coli and multiple viruses of the significant relationship between stunting and maternal
digestive track, as well as lactoferrin, an immunological educational level (P=0.292). Similarly, Nasikhah
substance that binds iron from the digestive track and (2012) in East Semarang reported that bivariate and
has bactericidal properties.12 Breast milk also contains multivariate analyses revealed no statistical significance
a 65:35 ratio of whey to casein, while formula has a between stunting and maternal educational level.19
ratio of 20:80. As such, proteins and other substances This finding may have been due to the mothers with
in breast milk tend to be more easily absorbed compared high educational status giving their infants formula,
to formula milk.12 because they work outside home and cannot breastfeed
More children with history of low birth weight their children. Working mothers have less time for their
were in the case group than in the control group. We children, perhaps leading to malnutrition in a later stage
found that history of low birth weight increased the risk and influencing growth and development.20
of stunting more than 12 times compared to those with In conclusion, there is a significant relationship
normal birth weight. A Zimbabwe study also found that between non-exclusive breastfeeding and stunting.
more infants with history of low birth weight (41.4%) Breastfeeding may be a protective factor against
experienced stunting.13 The effect of birth weight on stunting in children under the age of five. Low birth
stunting happens in the first 6 months of life, then weight infant also have a significant relationship
decreases until the age of 24 months. As such, if infants with stunting. Further study should include not yet
can catch up in their growth in the first 6 months investigated variables, a larger sample size, and larger
of life, there is a higher chance for them to achieve population coverage.
normal body height.14 Infants with history of low birth In light of our findings, we suggest that health
weight have been shown to have growth retardation workers, promote breastfeeding to mothers during
in utero, both acutely and chronically. Hence, these pregnancy and after delivery. Mothers should be
children are prone to infections such as diarrhea and informed of the recommended practice of breastfeeding
lower respiratory tract infections, as well as increased from childbirth to the age of 6 months, and about
probability of icterus, anemia, chronic lung problems, factors affecting the nutritional status of children
exhaustion, and loss of appetite compared to children aged 24-59 months, specifically to prevent stunting. In
with normal birth weight.15 In our study, 70% of those addition, expecting and new mothers should educate
in the case group had a history of normal birth weight. themselves on the nutritional requirements of infants,
This may have been due to inadequate nutrition in and early detection of stunting, so that they can lower
these otherwise normal infants, which caused growth the risk in their toddlers.
faltering (failure to thrive).16
We found no significant relationship between
socio-economic status and stunting (P=0.371). Low Conflict of Interest
socio-economic status was noted in 70% of the case
group, and 83.3% of the control group. In contrast, None declared.
a study in the North Moluccas reported a significant
relationship between stunting/severe stunting and low
socio-economic status in children aged 0-59 months.17 Funding Acknowledgment
The food consumed by low income families is less The authors received no specific grant from any funding agency
varied and lower in quantity, particularly in terms of in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
nutrition required for childhood growth, such as sources
of protein, minerals, and vitamins. As such, there is a
higher risk of malnutrition in these children.18 The References
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Endang Dewi Lestari et al.: Correlation between non-exclusive breastfeeding and low birth weight to stunting

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Health, UNS-Moewardi Hospital. 2018. p.18-34. 14. Adair LS, Guilkey DK. Age-specific determinants of stunting
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Paediatr Indones, Vol. 58, No. 3, May 2018 • 127

Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(6): 486-498

The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding,

Complementary Feeding, and the Risk of Stunting
in Children Under Five Years of Age: A Path
Analysis Evidence from Jombang East Java

Baroroh Barir1), Bhisma Murti2), Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari3)

1)MastersProgram in Nutrition, Universitas Sebelas Maret

2)MastersProgram in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret
3)Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret


Background: Stunting in children becomes a health problem that gets priority and must be
addressed immediately. Delayed development, a decrease in cognitive function and immune
function and the risk of diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension and obesity are the
effects of stunting. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of stunting in children aged 2-3
years in Jombang, East Java.
Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. The
study was carried out at Plandaan and Kabuh community health centers, Jombang, East Java, from
March to April 2019. A sample of 200 children aged 2-3 years old was selected by fixed disease
sampling. The dependent variable was stunting. The independent variables were maternal age,
maternal height, maternal attitudes, maternal occupation, birth length, infant birth weight,
exclusive breastfeeding, breastfeeding, family income, mother's education, and mother's know-
ledge. The data collection was done using questionnaires and analyzed with path analysis.
Results: Stunting was directly and negatively affected by birth length ≥ 48 cm (b= -2.37; 95% CI=
-3.25 to -1.50; p <0.001), infant birth weight ≥ 2500 g (b= -1.43; 95% CI= -2.53 to -0.32; p= 0.011),
exclusive breastfeeding (b= -1.09; 95% CI= -1.90 to -0.28; p= 0.008), and timely complementary
feeding (b= -1.09; 95% CI= -1.94 to -0.24; p= 0.012). Stunting was indirectly affected by family
income, maternal age, maternal attitude, maternal height >150 cm, employed mother, maternal
education, and maternal knowledge.
Conclusion: Stunting is directly and negatively affected by birth length ≥48 cm, birth weight ≥
2500 g, exclusive breastfeeding, timely complementary feeding. It was indirectly affected by family
income, maternal age, attitude, maternal height >150 cm, employment, education, and knowledge.

Keywords: stunting, determinants, path analysis

Baroroh Barir. Masters Program in Nutrition, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A,
Surakarta 57126, Central Java. +6281331940865.

BACKGROUND pays attention to stunting in children under

One of the goals in the health sector, the the age of 2-3, one of which is through the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) national and international nutrition move-
mentions the target of community nutri- ment, namely the Scaling Up Nutrition
tion, namely in 2030, ending all forms of (SUN) movement (Singh, 2016). Stunting
malnutrition, including achieving the inter- events in the world are estimated at around
national target of 2025 for reducing 22.2% of children under five. The results of
stunting and wasting for children under five basic health research (2018) in Indonesia,
(Ministry of Health, 2015). The government in 2013 around 37.2% of children under five

486 e-ISSN: 2549-0257

Barir et al./ The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding

were stunting and dropped to 30.8% with 3. Study Variables

the fifth largest prevalence of stunting. The dependent variable was stunting. The
Stunting will have an impact on the level of independent variables were maternal age
intelligence and be more vulnerable to during pregnancy, maternal height, atti-
disease and increase poverty and widen tude, employment status, birth length, birth
inequality (Kusumawati et al., 2015). weight, exclusive breastfeeding, comple-
Stunting is influenced by low mater- mentary feeding, family income, maternal
nal education factors, height <145 cm, age education, and maternal knowledge.
<20 years and ≥ 35 years, lack of know- 4. Operational Definition of variables
ledge and negative maternal attitudes. Stunting. Stunting was the value of calcu-
Armstrong et al (2011) stated that the level lating height for children aged 2 - 3 years
of education caused stunting because of the according to age which is expressed by
lack of the ability of mothers to receive standard deviation, in which the value of Z-
information about nutrition. Other factors score <- 2 SD, measured by microtoise.
were maternal height <150 cm due to Maternal age. Maternal age was age
pathological conditions such as deficiency based on date of birth on birth certificate
of plant hormones and increased chances of when retrieving data in years, measured by
inheriting these genes so that children grow questionnaire.
into stunting (Onis and Branca, 2016). Maternal height. Maternal height was
Huda et al. (2017) explained that the height based on anthropometric measure-
lack of maternal knowledge related to ments, measured by microtoise.
health behavior and environmental hygiene Birth length. Birth length was the length
had an effect on the occurrence of infec- measured after birth and recorded in the
tious diseases as well as mothers who work- maternal and child health book.
ed at risk of having stunting children Birth weight. Birth weight was a measure
because of the lack of maternal attention to of a child's weight weighed shortly after
children's nutritional needs. Akram et al birth and recorded in maternal and child
(2018) also explained that stunting is health book.
affected by the administration of MP-ASI Exclusive breastfeeding. Exclusive
too early. breastfeeding was breastfeeding without
the addition of any food or drink to children
SUBJECTS AND METHOD from birth to age 6 months. It was mea-
1. Study Design sured by questionnaire.
This was an analytic observational study Family income. Family income was the
with case control design. The study was average amount of fixed and side income
conducted at Plandaan and Kabuh commu- from the family head, mother and other
nity health centers, Jombang, East Java, family members in the last 1 month. It was
from March to April 2019. measured by questionnaire.
2. Population and Samples Maternal education. Maternal education
The source population in this study was was the last formal education attained by
from all stunting children aged 2-3 years at mother. It was measured by questionnaire.
Plandaan and Kabuh community health Maternal knowledge. Maternal knowledge
centers, Jombang, East Java. A sample of was maternal ability to answer questions
200 children aged 2-3 years old was about good nutrition for pregnant women.
selected by fixed disease sampling. It was measured by questionnaire.

e-ISSN: 2549-0257 487

Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(6): 486-498

Maternal attitude. Maternal attitude was 2. Bivariate Analysis

the response of the beliefs held by pregnant Bivariate analysis was used to see the
women to nutritional intake that must be correlation between independent variables
consumed and fulfilled, during pregnancy of maternal age, maternal height, maternal
in the form of positive or negative response. attitude, maternal occupation, birth length,
It was measured by a questionnaire. infant birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding,
Maternal occupation. Maternal occupa- breastfeeding, family income, maternal
tion was a form of activity carried out by education and knowledge of mothers with
the subjects to earn income. It was mea- dependent variable stunting based on the
sured by a questionnaire. results in Table 2.
5. Data Analysis Table 2 shows the results of bivariate
Univariate analysis was performed to see analysis. Table 2 shows that birth length ≥
the frequency distribution and the per- 48 cm (OR = 0.07; p <0.001), birth weight
centage of the characteristics of the study ≥ 2500 g (OR = 0.14; p <0.001), exclusive
subjects. Bivariate analysis was conducted breastfeeding (OR = 0.22; p <0.001), timely
to study the relationship between stunting complementary feeding (OR= 0.35; p=
and independent variables using chi- 0.002), family income (OR= 0.05; p=
square. Multivariate analysis carried out 0.041), positive attitude (OR= 0.33; p=
using path analysis run on Stata 13. Step of 0.001) reduced the risk of stunting.
of path analysis was model specification, Age at high risk of pregnancy (OR =
model identification, model fit, parameter 0.76; p = 0.500), working outside the home
estimation, and model re-specification. (OR = 1.13; p = 0.722), good maternal
6. Research Ethics knowledge (OR= 0.90; p = 0.743), high
Research ethics included informed consent, maternal education (OR= 1.00; p = 1,000),
anonymity, confidentiality, and research maternal height >150 cm was statistically
ethics. Research ethics was obtained from not significant with stunting.
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas 3. Path Analysis
Maret, Surakarta with number 114/ UN27.- Figure 1 shows the structural model after
06/KEPK/2019. estimation using STATA and shows the
suitability of the path analysis model as
RESULTS follows:
1. Sample Characteristics Table 3 shows that there was a direct
The study subject was 200 children aged 2- and negative influence on birth weight on
3 years old in Jombang, East Java. Sample stunting, and the effect was statistically
characteristic was described in Table 1. significant. Children who were born at
Table 1 shows that almost all of 155 gram 2500 grams had logods for stunting
subjects or 87.5% had birth lengths ≥ 48 of 1.43 units lower than those with birth
cm, birth weight ≥2,500 g (87.5%), exclu- weight <2500 grams (b = -1.43; 95% CI -
sive breastfeeding (61.0%), timely comple- 2.53 to -0.32; p = 0.011). There was a direct
mentary feeding was 136 children (68.0%). and negative influence on birth length on
As many as 159 mothers (79.5%) were at stunting, and the effect was statistically
healthy reproductive age (<20 or >35 years significant. Children whose birth length ≥
old). Half of the study subjects had low 48 cm had a logodd for stunting of 2.37
income (50.5%). Mostly (93.5%) of mater- units lower than children with birth length
nal height was >150 cm. <48 cm (b = -2.37; CI 95% -3.25 to -1.50; p

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Barir et al./ The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding

<0.001). There was a direct and negative stunting 1.09 units (b= -1.09; 95% CI= -
effect of timely complementary feeding on 1.90 to -0.28; p= 0.008). There was an
stunting. Timely complementary feeding indirect and positive effect of family income
reduced logodd of stunting 1.09 units (b= - on stunting through infant birth. Children
1.09; 95% CI= -1.94 to -0.24; p= 0.012). with high family income had logodd to
There was a direct and negative effect of experience normal birth weight of 1.01 units
exclusive breastfeeding on stunting. Exclu- higher than low family income (b= 1.01;
sive breastfeeding decreased logodd of 95% CI= 0.08 to 1.95; p= 0.033).
Table1. Subjects Characteristics
Characteristics Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Birth Body Length
< 48 cm 45 22.5
≥ 48 cm 155 87.5
Infant Birth Weight
< 2500 gram 25 12.5
≥ 2500 gram 175 87.5
Exclusive breastfeeding
No 78 39.0
Yes 122 61.0
Complementary feeding
Not on time 64 32.0
On time 136 68.0
No Stunting 150 75.0
Stunting 50 25.0
Maternal Age
≥ 20-35 years 159 79.5
< 20 years or > 35 years 41 20.5
Maternal education
Low (<Senior high school) 112 56.0
High (≥Senior high school) 88 44.0
Maternal occupation
Working at home 140 70.0
Working outside the house 60 30.0
Family Income
Low (< Rp 1,800,000) 101 50.5
High (≥Rp 1,800,000) 99 49.5
Maternal height
<150 cm 13 6.5
>150 cm 187 93.5
Negative 69 34.5
Positive 131 65.5
Maternal knowledge
Poor 92 46.0
Good 108 54.0

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(6): 486-498

Table2. BivariateAnalysis
Independent Variables No Yes OR p
N % N % N %
Birth height
< 48 cm 15 33.3 30 66.7 45 100 0.07 <0.001
≥ 48 cm 135 87.1 20 12.9 155 100
Birth weight
< 2500 g 9 36.0 16 64.0 25 100 0.14 <0.001
≥ 2500 g 141 80.6 34 19.4 175 100
Exclusive breastfeeding
No 45 57.7 33 42.3 78 100 0.22 <0.001
Yes 105 86.1 17 13.9 122 100
Complementary feeding
Late 39 60.9 25 39.1 64 100 0.35 0.002
Timely 111 81.6 25 18.4 136 100
Family Income
Low (<Rp 1,800,000) 68 68.7 31 31.3 99 100 0.051 0.041
High (≥Rp 1,800,000) 82 81.2 19 18.8 101 100
Maternal Age
Healthy Reproduction Age 113 73.9 40 26.1 153 100 0.76 0.500
High Risk Age 37 78.7 10 26.1 47 100
Maternal Attitude
Negative 42 60.9 27 39.1 69 100
Positive 108 82.4 23 17.6 131 100 0.33 0.001
At home 106 75.6 34 24.3 140 100
Outside of home 44 73.3 16 26.7 60 100 1.13 0.722
Poor 68 73.9 24 26.1 92 100
Good 82 75.9 26 24.1 108 100 0.90 0.743
Low (< SHS) 84 75 28 25.0 112 100 1000 1000
High (≥ SHS) 66 75.0 22 25.0 88 100
Maternal Height
< 150 cm 30 71.4 12 28.6 42 100 0.79 0.548
> 150 cm 120 75.9 38 24.1 158 100

There was an indirect and negative complementary feeding and exclusive

effect of maternal age on stunting through breastfeeding, and the effect was statistically
infant birth weight, and the effect was significant. Children with positive maternal
statistically significant. Children of maternal attitudes had logodd to experience timely
age who were at high risk of having logodd complementary feeding of 0.79 units higher
to experience a normal baby's birth weight than negative maternal attitude (b= 0.79;
are 1.10 units lower than the age of mothers 95% CI= 0.17 to 1.40; p= 0.012). Children
who had healthy reproductions (b= -1.10; with positive maternal attitude had logodd
95% CI= -2.00 to -0.19; p= 0.018). There for experience exclusive breastfeeding of
was an indirect and positive influence of the 0.75 units higher than negative maternal
mother's attitude towards stunting through

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Barir et al./ The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding

attitude (b= 0.75; 95% CI= 0.14 to 1.34; p= 0.014).

Figure 1. Structural Model of Path Analysis

Table 3. The results of path analysis

IndependentVariabel b Lower Upper p
Limit Limit
Direct Effect
Stunting  Birth weight (≥ 2500 gram) -1.43 -2.53 -0.32 0.011
 Birth length (≥48 cm) -2.37 -3.25 -1.50 <0.001
 Timely complementary feeding -1.09 -1.94 -0.24 0.012
 Exclusive breastfeeding -1.09 -1.90 -0.28 0.008
Indirect Effect
Birth weight  Family Income (≥Rp 1,800,000) 1.01 0.08 1.95 0.033
Maternal age (<20 or ≥35 year old -1.10 -2.00 -0.19 0.018
Timely comple-  Maternal attitude (positive) 0.79 0.17 1.40 0.012
mentary feeding
Exclusive  Maternal attitude (positive) 0.75 0.14 1.34 0.014
Family Income  working outside of house 0.70 0.09 1.32 0.025
Attitude  good knowledge 1.41 0.79 1.32 <0.001
Occupation  Education (≥Senior high school) 0.79 0.02 1.25 0.041
Knowledge  Education (≥Senior high school) 0.79 0.21 1.36 0.007
Birth length Maternal height (> 150 cm) 1.87 0.70 3.04 0.007
N Observation = 200
Log likehood=-10009
BIC= 2135.81

There was an indirect and positive income, and the effect was statistically
effect of work on stunting through family significant. Children with mothers who

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(6): 486-498

work outside the home have logodd to Infants with low birth weight since
experience high family income of 0.70 units the womb had experienced inter-uterine
higher than maternal work in the home (b= inter-growth retardation and could con-
0.70; CI 95%= 0.09 to 1.32; p= 0.025). tinue until the next age after birth that is
There was an indirect and positive effect of experiencing slower growth and develop-
knowledge on stunting through attitudes, ment than those born to normal, and had
and the effect was statistically significant. an impact on failure to grow and develop
Children with positive maternal attitudes according to age. Based on studies con-
had logodd to experience good maternal ducted, it was shown that low birth weight
knowledge of 1.41 units higher than nega- babies had a risk of 10.51 times for stunting
tive attitudes (b= 1.41; 95% CI= 0.79 to compared to normal birth weight (Lestari et
1.32; p <0.001). al., 2018).
There was an indirect and positive 2. The effect of birth length on stunt-
effect of education on stunting through ing in children aged 2-3 years
work and knowledge. Children with high The results showed that there was a signi-
maternal education had logodd to expe- ficant effect between birth length on the
rience working mothers outside the home incidence of stunting. Stunting reflects the
by 0.79 units higher than low maternal inability to achieve optimal growth caused
education (b= 0.79; 95% CI= 0.02 to 1.25; by health status and / or suboptimal nutri-
p= 0.041) and children with high maternal tional status (Rahmadi, 2016). Short birth
education had logodd to experience know- length will have an impact on the child's
ledge women with a total of 0.79 units were height in early childhood and adulthood
higher than low maternal education (b= (Dorelien, 2016).
0.79; 95% CI= 0.21 to 1.36; p= 0.007). Short-born body lengths have a 2.4
There was an indirect and positive effect of times risk for stunting at ages 6-12 months
maternal height on stunting through birth compared to children who have normal
length, and the effect was statistically birth lengths (Rahayu, 2011). Rahmawati et
significant. Children with maternal height al (2018) explained that body length ≥ 48
>150 cm had logodds to experience birth cm had a risk of 0.90 times for not expe-
length >48 cm at 1.87 units higher than riencing stunting compared to birth length
maternal height <150 cm (b = 1.87; CI 95% <48 cm.
0.70 to 3.04; p = 0.007). 3. The effect of complementary feed-
ing on stunting in children aged 2-
1. The effect of infant birth weight on The results showed that there was a signi-
stunting in children aged 2-3 years ficant influence between timely comple-
The results showed that there was a signi- mentary feeding on stunting. Timely com-
ficant effect of infant birth weight on the plementary feeding was one of the factors
incidence of stunting. Birth weight is one of that influence the incidence of stunting
the determinants of stunting factors (Ministry of Republic of Indonesia, 2012).
(Rahayu et al., 2018). Low birth weight Akram et al. (2018) explained that stunting
influenced the growth and development of is influenced by the administration of
a baby that was slower than the baby born complementary feeding too early (infants
with normal weight. less than 6 months) and the occurrence of
infectious diseases (diarrhea). Giving food

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Barir et al./ The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding

and drinks other than breast milk in infants have the ability to meet nutritional needs
aged 0-6 months caused babies to expe- and choose good health services for
rience digestive disorders one of which was children so that they will prevent infectious
diarrhea and if the treatment was not good diseases that cause stunting.
it can lead to stunting in children. Nshimyiryo et al. (2019) explained
According to Uwiringiyimana et al. that family income has an important role in
(2019) explained that the timely comple- providing an effect on the welfare and
mentary feeding reduces the incidence of health-oriented standard of living, thereby
stunting. Giving complementary feeding by reducing the possibility of stunting.
giving zinc supplements has the possibility 6. The effect of maternal age on
of 1.89 to increase body weight seen from stunting in children aged 2-3 years
the z-score compared to those not given The results showed that there was a
supplements. significant influence between the age of the
4. The effect of exclusive breastfeed- mother during pregnancy on the incidence
ing on stunting in children aged 2- of stunting. According to Jiang (2015),
3 years pregnant women over the age of 35 have a
The results showed that there was a signi- risk of giving birth to stunting children 2.74
ficant effect between exclusive breastfeed- times compared to mothers who give birth
ing on the incidence of stunting. Failure of at the age of 25-35 years.
growth after birth is a reflection of exclusive Asiyah et al. (2010) also explained
breastfeeding that is less precise and causes that pregnancies with a gestational age of
stunting (Rahmadi, 2016). The effort to 20-35 years are a safe period because of the
reduce the incidence of stunting is to maturity of the reproductive and mental
optimize exclusive breastfeeding for 6 organs for pregnancy and childbirth. A
months. study conducted by Fall et al. (2015)
Proper exclusive breastfeeding can showed that children from mothers less
provide protection against gastrointestinal than 19 years old have higher risk of
infections that can cause nutritional deple- experiencing impaired growth so that they
tion that causes stunting (Kramer and are quite short in age at 2 years by 30-40%.
Kakuma, 2012). Lestari et al. (2018) 7. The effect of maternal attitude on
explained that exclusive breastfeeding can stunting in children aged 2-3 years
reduce the incidence of stunting which has The results showed that there was a signi-
a 0.23 times probability of not stunting ficant effect between maternal attitudes
compared to those who are not given toward the incidence of stunting through
exclusive breastfeeding. complementary feeding and exclusive
5. The effect of family income on breastfeeding. According to Mardewi et al
stunting in children aged 2-3 years (2016), a positive attitude is one of the
The results showed that there was a determinants of factors that influence
significant effect between family income on exclusive breastfeeding.
the incidence of stunting. The results of the study of Astuti and
Family income during pregnancy Isroni (2013) showed that there was a rela-
increases development in children through tionship between attitude and exclusive
the birth weight of the child, thereby breastfeeding behavior. Mothers with posi-
reducing the incidence of stunting (Conant tive attitudes towards exclusive breastfeed-
et al., 2017). Families with high income ing have the possibility to give exclusive

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Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2019), 4(6): 486-498

breastfeeding compared to mothers who on the incidence of stunting. Kamiyaet al

are negative (Vijayalakshmi et al., 2015). (2018) explained that negative maternal
Kismul et al. (2018) exclusive breastfeeding attitudes related to food had an effect on
can reduce stunting because the calcium negative maternal actions and behaviors
content in breast milk is more efficiently which had an impact on children's nutri-
absorbed. Indicators that need to be con- tional problems, one of which was stunting.
sidered in the administration of comple- According to Zainudin (2014), poor
mentary feeding are the age of giving com- nutrition knowledge of mothers is influ-
plementary feeding, the type of comple- enced by the attitude of lack of care about
mentary feeding, the frequency of comple- nutrition, so that it will have an impact on
mentary feeding, the portion complemen- the growth and development of their
tary feeding, and the provision of comple- children. Based on the results of the study,
mentary feeding in early stages (Lestari, it was found that there was a direct influ-
2014). Tessema (2013) explained that ence on birth length, infant birth weight,
mother's positive attitude towards comple- exclusive breastfeeding and MP-ASI and
mentary feeding provides an important role was directly influenced by family income,
for fulfilling infant nutrition and is able to maternal age, maternal attitudes, maternal
stimulate eating skills and self-confidence height, occupation, education, and
in infants. knowledge.
8. The effect of maternal occupation 10. The effect of maternal education
on stunting in children aged 2-3 on stunting in children aged 2-3
years years
The results showed that there was a signi- The results showed that there was a signi-
ficant effect between the occupation of ficant influence between education on the
mothers on the incidence of stunting. incidence of stunting through work and
Mardiyanti and Kurniawati (2014) explain knowledge. Alfianrisa et al (2017) explained
that highly educated women are usually that high education is related to the occu-
busy with activities outside the home pation of mothers outside the home,
because of work, but by working, mothers thereby reducing exclusive breastfeeding
are able to increase family income so that and increasing the risk of stunting. Accord-
the tendency to meet family food needs is ing to Garti et al (2018) mothers who work
better. The higher the family income, the at home can apply more time to provide the
mother tends to switch to formula milk so best parenting style and mothers can focus
that the mother no longer gives ASI to her more on caring for children and influencing
baby (Susiloretni, 2014). Illahi (2017) better child development. Mothers who
explains that mothers who work outside the work outside the home have 5.38 times the
home can cause children to be poorly cared risk of stunting compared to housewives.
for so that the pattern of parenting will be Maternal education is useful in receiving
affected and fulfill the child's nutritional information about nutrition and external
needs thereby increasing the chances of health problems so that the mother is able
stunting. to choose and serve food for the family and
9. The effect of knowledge on stunt- reduce the incidence of stunting (Makoka
ing in children aged 2-3 years and Masibo, 2015).
The results showed that there was a signi- A study conducted by Abuya et al
ficant effect between maternal knowledge (2015) shows that low education <high

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Barir et al./ The Associations between Exclusive Breastfeeding

school had a risk of 1.28 times the occur- CONFLICT OF INTEREST

rence of stunting compared to children There is no conflict of interest.
whose mothers are highly educated.
11. The effect of maternal height on ACKNOWLEDGMENT
stunting in children aged 2-3
We would like to thank Bhisma Murti and
Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari who reviewed
The results showed that there was a
this study. We also thank the public health
significant effect between maternal height
centers for helping with the study and the
on the incidence of stunting in children
participating mothers and children who
aged 2-3 years. The determinant of the
were willing to be the subjects.
factors that influence birth length is one of
them is maternal height (Addo et al., 2013).
According to Sinha et al (2018) birth Abuya BA, Ciera J, Kimani-Murage A
length is influenced by maternal height (2012). Effect of Mother’s Education
because it is based on biological aspects On Child’s Nutritional Status in The
associated with internal factors, namely Slums of Nairobi. BMC Pediatrics. 12:
factors from the mother (genetic factors) so 80.
that it is associated with the incidence of 12-80.
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with the study conducted by Indriyani et al Guntupalli AM, Horta BL, Kuzawa
(2018) showing that mothers with <150 cm CW et al(2013). Maternal Height and
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498 e-ISSN: 2549-0257

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3rd ISGH)
Technology Transformation in Healthcare for a Better Life
ISGH 3 | Vol 3. No. 1 | Oktober 2019 | ISSN: 2715-1948



Hemi Fitriani*, Achamd Stya R., Poppy Nurdiana

Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Indonesia


Background The prevalence of stuntingis significantly increased in Indonesia. It reached to 27,52% in 2016
andit gradually increased to 29,6 % in 2017. The highest prevalence occurred in 2018 as much as 30,8%
especially in West Java. This province exceeds the national rate of the prevalence of stunting that almost
reached to 31,1% in 2018. Cimahi had a high prevalence of stunting that reached to 27.78% and 573 stunted
children found in the Primary Health Center of Cigugur, Cimahi. One of the risk factors influenced to stunting
is exclusive breastfeeding.
Objectives The study aims to determine the correlation between exclusive breastfeeding and stunting.
Methods Case control study design was conducted among mothers who have children at the age between 12-
59 months in the Primary Health Center of Cigugur, Cimahi. Proportional random sampling technique was
used to select the participants. A total of 80 samples which divided to 40 mothers of stunted children and 40
mothers of non-stunted children were included in this study. The data were taken from 27th April to 3rd Mei
2019 through observation and questionare. Univariate analysis used frequency distribution while bivariate
analysis used chi-square test. Ethical consideration was obtained from The Health Research of Ethics
Committee of Institute of Health Science of JenderalAchmadYaniCimahi No. 49/KEPK/V/2019.
Results A total of 67,5% stunting incidence occurred to children who did not breastfeed exclusively. The results
shows that exclusive breastfeedingsignificantly gives a crucial impact that prevent stunting (p value : 0,001).
The OR value is 5,476 which means children who did not breastfeed exclusively were more likely to be stunted
as much as 5,476 times, than children who breastfeed exclusively.
Conclusions/ ImpartanceBreast milk is the best nutritionalchoice for bone and brain growth and development.
Nurses carry out of stunting prevention by giving an education and health promotion about the advantages of
exclusive breastfeeding and its impact to stunting.

Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, Case control, Indonesia, Stunting.

INTRODUCTION Cigugur District has the different population

Stunting becomes a major public health characteristics filled by migrants.Many of them are
concern in Indonesia compared to the other health productive agewith low education level worked as
problems. The prevalence of stunting increased in labors and small traders with limited income to
2016 and it reached to 30,8% in 2018. It is further Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) of Cimahi. There
from the stunting target that is only reached 20%. are many young families lived with more than one
As the one of Indonesian’s province, West Java is child (especially children under five). They prefer to
determined as the highest prevalence of stunting. As give infant formula milk than breastfeed
much as 15,1% of stunting incidence occurred exclusively.The minimum income with a large
among children at the age between 0-59 months and number of family members causes low purchasing
it increased to 31,1% (Ministry of Health of the for infant formula milk. It forces them to give less
Republic of Indonesia, 2018). Cimahi is one of the infant formula than its necessary to save the supply
industrial cities in West Java with a high prevalence of formula milk without considering the
of stunting at the age between 0-59 months which optimalnutritional needs.
reached to 27,78% in 2017. A total of 573 stunted Infants (0-6 months) need the best nutrient
children found in The Primary Health Center of supply, especially in the right amount of macro and
Cigugur, Cimahi. micronutrients to support their brain and bone
growth and development. The lower of infant
formula milk given to the baby causes the lack of

School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Page 186

Jenderal Sudirman Canal Road – Cimahi 40533 Phone: +62-22-6631622 - 6631624
The Risk Factors of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting Among
Children Under Fivein One of The City in Indonesia

nutrient supply and it continues to exclusively. The correlation between exclusive

developmental disorders.When it is occurred, it will breastfeeding and stunting can be found in Table 2,
significantly influence their health and it cannot be
fixed in the next phase (Soetjiningsih, 2015). Table2.The Correlation between Exclusive
Furthermore, infant malnutrition is highly Breastfeeding and Stunting among Children under
contributed to the riks factors of stunting. Five in the Primary Health Center of Cigugur,
Exclusive breastfeeding is the best and optimal Cimahi 2019
nutritional choice for every infant. Breast milk
Variable Stunted Non-Stunted P OR
contains a higher amount of protein, mineral, and N % N % value (CI 95%)
vitamin that support healthy brain and bone growth. Formula Milk 27 67,5 11 27,5 5,476
It also contains antibodies that protect the illness (CI 95% :
0,00 2,099 –
and infections by neutralizing bacteria and viruses. Exclusive
Therefore, it significantly gives a crucial impact for Breastfeeding 13 32,5 28 72,5 14,284),
preventing stunting. Total 40 100 40 100
The study aims to determine the correlation
between exclusive breastfeeding and stunting in The Table 2 shows that Chi-square statistical test
Primary Health Center of Cigugur, Cimahi. resulted in Continuity Correction test with (p value
= 0.001) pvalue<α (α= 0.05). Therefore, exclusive
METHODS breastfeeding is significantly related and give the
Case control study design was conducted crucial effect to prevent stunting.OR (Odds Ratio)
among 80 mothers who divided to 40 mothers of value is 5,476 (CI 95% : 2,099 – 14,284) which
stunted children and 40 mothers of non-stunted means that children who did not breastfeed
children.Proportional random sampling technique exclusively were more likely to be stunted as much
was used to select the participants. A total of as 5 times, than children who breastfeed
sampleswere selected by unpaired categorical exclusively.
formulas by Dahlan (2010).The data were taken
from 27th April to 3rd Mei 2019 in the Primary DISCUSSION
Health Center of Cigugur, Cimahithrough There are still a large number of children who
observation and questionare. The data of stunting did not breastfeed exclusively compared to those
was determined by measuring children height with who are exclusively breastfed. The reason for the
a microtoise.Univariate analysis used frequency lower exclusive breastfeeding rate in Indonesia is
distribution while bivariate analysis used chi-square the lack of knowledge of the mothers, family, and
test. Ethical consideration was obtained from The community about the importance and the benefit of
Health Research of Ethics Committee of Institute of exclusive breastfeeding. Therefore, mothers are not
Health Science of JenderalAchmadYaniCimahi No. able to fend off the promotion of infant formula
49/KEPK/V/2019. milk and they indirectly can not support exclusive
breastfeeding program (MOH, 2011).
RESULTS The conditions of the people in the Primary
The percentage of exclusive breastfeeding in Health Center of Cigugur are generally middle to
stunted and non-stunted group in RW 13, RW 14, low economic group. The majority of their jobs are
RW 19 in the Primary Health Center of Cigugur, labors and hawkers. The level of education is
Cimahi can be seen in Table 1, generally middle-low categories.Breastfed mothers
revealed that they rarely get and did not actively
Table 1. The Frequency Distribution of seek the information about the benefits and methods
Exclusive Breastfeeding in Stunted and Non-Stunted of exclusive breastfeeding. Therefore,they are not
Group in RW 13, RW 14, RW 19 in the Primary motivated to breastfeed their children exclusively.
Health Center of Cigugur, Cimahi 2019 They spontaneously give the infant formula milk
Stunting Infant Eksklusive Total when having difficulty in breastfeeding.Since infant
Formula Breastfeeding
formula milk is unaffordable, they generally give it
N % N % N %
less with its necessary that it does not reach the
Stunted 27 67,5 13 32,5 40 100
Non-Stunted 11 27,5 29 72,5 40 100 nutritional adequacy of children. They also stated
that their babies are fed less than six months for
The Table 1 shows stunting are almost reasons of lack of milk production.
occurred to the baby who did not breastfeed The result shows that exclusive breastfeeding
is significantly relatedto stunting. In fact,children

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3rd ISGH) Page 187

Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
The Risk Factors of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting Among
Children Under Fivein One of The City in Indonesia

who are not exclusively breastfed have a higher risk content (Sari, et al. 2016). So, children are at the risk
of stunting as much as five times compared to those of stunting.
who are exclusively breastfed. This study is Another factor contributed to stunting is
appropriate with the research of Nurkarimah, et al infections. The immune system of the infants is
(2018) which states that there is a correlation underdeveloped, so baby is very susceptible from
between the duration of exclusive breastfeeding and infection. Breast milk is very beneficial in
stunting with p 0,000. Larasati, et al (2018) stated immunological aspects. It contains many substances
that non-exclusive breastfeeding is also related to in immunity including nucleotides, vitamin A and
stunting (OR = 3.23). Therefore, children who are beta carotene, immunoglobulin A (Ig.A),
not exclusively breastfed will increase the risk of lactoferrin, lysosimfor 300 times more than infant
stunting. formula milk, enzymes that protect baby against
A baby’s bone starts growing and developing bacteria (E. coli and salmonella) and viruses,
after they born. The epiphyseal plate on the long Brochus- AsociatedLympocyte Tissue (BALT)
bone which is the center of growth longitudinally respiratory antibodies, Gut AsociatedLympocyte
becomes actively growing.This process requires Tissue (GALT) respiratory tract antibodies, and
macronutrients and micronutrients as the main Mammary AsociatedLympocyte Tissue (MALT)
nutrition for bone formation. The main antibodies to the breast, bifidus factors, (MOH RI,
macronutrients are protein while the main 2001). The result of the study suggests that infants
micronutrients are calcium, phosphorus, zinc and who are breastfed exclusively are associated with a
vitamin D (Sari, E.M, et al., 2016). Baby needsthe reduced risk of acute otitis media, non-specific
calcium about 140 mg / day and zinc of 0.4 mg / day gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, necrotic enter
for bone growth (Wiyono 2016). All of the nutrient colitis and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Ip,
supply must be sufficient to support bone growth Chung, Raman, Chew, Maqula, Devine,
and development. Trichalinos& Lau , 2007).
Breast milk contains all of the nutrients for Low calcium resulted in low mineralization of
proper bone growth and development. It is high in new bone deposit matrix and osteoblast
protein, especially containsmore whey protein dysfunction. Calcium deficiency will affect to linear
which is more easily absorbed by the baby's growth if it less than 50% of normal content (Sari,
intestine. Whereas,infant formula milk contains et al. 2016). Likewise, zinc deficiency will be
more protein casein which is more difficult to digest suspectible to infectious disease and growth
by the baby's intestine. The quality of breast milk disorders. It has an important role in the enzyme
protein is better than formula milk because of its system that regulates to the process of major
amino acid composition (Boutwell, B. B., Beaver, metabolism in the body (Dewi, et al. 2017)
K. M., &Bames, J. C., 2012). Calcium requirements The result shows thatsome infants prevent from
of children at the aged 0-6 months are close to the stunting even they are notexclusively brastfed since
amount of calcium contained in breast milk (280 mg the composition of infant formula milk is sufficient
/ day) with an average milk production of 70 ml / and successfully meet their nutritional needs as
day. The results of a meta-analysis stated that healthy infants. Moreover, the right way in
calcium supply from breast milk is sufficient for sterilizing the nipple bottle, preparing clean and
bone mineralization in infants up to 6 months or 24 hygienic infant formula milk will avoid the bacterial
months. Zinc contained in colostrum is very high at exposurewhich causes diarrhea and other infectious
280 mg / l while in mature breastmilk is only 3-5 mg diseases.When baby suffers from diarrhea (more
/ l. Zinc contained in breast milk has high than 4 days) and did not treated appropriately, they
bioavailability, so the absorption of zinc is higher will experience nutrient malabsorption and lost
than infant formula milk. Breast milk is the best good nutrient supply impacted to developmental
nutritional choice for bone growth. disorders. Malnutrition children have a low immune
Infants who did not breastfeed exclusively are system, so they are suspectible to infectious disease
at the risk of deficient protein, calcium, phosphorus such as diarrhea or URI (Upper Respiratory Tract
and zinc. Moreover, the nutrient supply will not be Infection) affected to children’s cognitive
sufficient for the baby's needs if infant formula milk development and growth disorder (Dewi, et al.
is not given at the proper amount. Low calcium can 2018).
result in low mineralization of new bone deposit
matrix and osteoblast dysfunction. Calcium CONCLUSION
deficiency will affect to linear growth if the calcium Exclusive breastfeeding is the best nutritional
content in the bones is less than 50% of the normal choice for infant to prevent stunting.Nurses carry

Third International Seminar on Global Health (3rd ISGH) Page 188

Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
The Risk Factors of Exclusive Breastfeeding on Stunting Among
Children Under Fivein One of The City in Indonesia

out of stunting prevention by giving an education Dinas Kesehatan Kota Cimahi.(2018).Profil Dinas
and health promotion about the advantages of Kesehatan Kota Cimahi.Cimahi :Dinkes Kota
exclusive breastfeeding to prevent stunting. Cimahi
Ip, S., Chung, M., Raman, G., Chew, P., Maqula,
REFERENCES N., Devine, D., rikalinos, T., & Lau, J. (2007).
Anggraini, Y. (2013). Pengaruh Demografi Dan Breastfeeding and maternal and infant health
Sosioekonomi Pada Kejadian Kekurangan outcomes in developed countries. Evid Rep
Energy Kronik Ibu Hamil Di Kota Metro Technol Assess. 153: 1-186.
Provinsi Lampung. Jurnal Kesehatan. Vol. Kementrian kesehatan RI.2018.
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cognitive development: a propensity score Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Balita Di
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Third International Seminar on Global Health (3rd ISGH) Page 189

Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
Apri Sulistianingsih, dkk: ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir berpengaruh terhadap stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran
Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia
Vol 15 No 2 - Oktober 2018 (45-51)
ISSN 1693-900X (Print), ISSN 2502-4140 (Online)
Online sejak Januari 2016 di

ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir berpengaruh terhadap stunting pada

balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran
Exclusive breastfeeding and birth weight have an effect on stunting in children 2-5 years in Pesawaran Regency
Apri Sulistianingsih1, Rita Sari2

Program Studi DIII Kebidanan STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu
Program Studi Ners STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu

Background: Stunting cases in infants in Indonesia continue to be a maternal and child health problem. Stunting cases in Pesawaran
District increase every year. Some of the factors that influence the incidence of stunting in children include the history of exclusive
breastfeeding and low birth weight (LBW). Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of exclusive breastfeeding and birth
weight on stunting in children 2-5 years cases in the Pesawaran District. Method: This research used observational analytics
with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted in March-May 2017 in 12 Puskesmas on Pesawaran Lampung
District. The number of samples was 385 samples. The variables studied in this study were the incidence of stunting, history of
LBW and history of exclusive breastfeeding. Analysis and present data using the Chi-Square test and multiple logistic regression.
Results: Children with a history of LBW (OR=12.30; 95% CI:3.663-41.299) and exclusive breastfeeding history (OR=0.122;
95% CI:0.075-0.199) were significantly associated with the incidence of stunting. The multivariate analysis explained the history
of exclusive breastfeeding with OR=0.108 (CI 95%: 0.065-0.180) and birth weight with OR=17.063 (CI 95%: 4.892-59.511).
Conclusion: Children with exclusively breastfeeding 9.3 times less risk for stunting than children non-exclusive breastfeeding or
exclusive breastfeeding provides a protective effect against stunting in children 2-5 years. Children with an LBW history had a
risk of 17.063 times greater for stunting than children with normal birth weight.

KEY WORDS: exclusive breastfeeding; LBW; stunting

Latar belakang: Kasus stunting pada balita di Indonesia masih menjadi masalah kesehatan ibu dan anak. Kasus stunting di
Kabupaten Pesawaran meningkat setiap tahunnya. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian stunting pada balita diantaranya
adalah riwayat ASI eksklusif dan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir terhadap stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran. Metode: Penelitian observasional
analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional yang dilaksanakan pada Maret-Mei 2017 di 12 Puskesmas Kabupaten Pesawaran
Lampung dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 385 sampel. Variabel yang diteliti adalah kejadian stunting, riwayat BBLR, dan riwayat ASI
eksklusif. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil: Balita dengan riwayat BBLR (OR=12,30;
CI 95%:3,663-41,299) dan riwayat ASI eksklusif (OR=0,122; CI 0,075-0,199) berhubungan signifikan dengan kejadian stunting
pada balita 2-5 tahun. Demikian juga dengan hasil analisis multivariat yaitu riwayat ASI eksklusif dengan nilai OR=0,108 (CI 95%:
0,065-0,180) dan berat lahir dengan nilai OR=17,063 (CI 95%: 4,892-59,511). Simpulan: Balita yang memperoleh ASI eksklusif
berisiko 9,3 kali lebih kecil untuk terjadi stunting dibandingkan balita yang tidak memperoleh ASI eksklusif atau ASI eksklusif
memberikan efek proteksi terhadap terjadinya stunting pada balita. Sebaliknya, pada berat bayi lahir, ditemukan bahwa balita dengan
riwayat BBLR berisiko 17,063 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami stunting dibandingkan balita dengan riwayat berat lahir normal.

KATA KUNCI: ASI eksklusif; BBLR; stunting

Korespondensi: Apri Sulistianingsih, STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Jl. Makam KH. Ghalib No.112, Pringsewu Utara, Kec. Pringsewu, Kabupaten Pringsewu,
Lampung 35373, Indonesia, Telp. 0822-8021-9225, e-mail:

Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oktober 2018: 45-51

PENDAHULUAN memengaruhi terjadinya stunting. Tingkat keparahan

stunting menunjukkan kecenderungan menurun pada
Secara global, diperkirakan 26% balita mengalami
anak yang diberikan ASI eksklusif (10).
stunting (1). Menurut data riset kesehatan dasar
Kabupaten Pesawaran merupakan kabupaten yang
(Riskesdas) tahun 2013, kasus balita pendek (stunting)
tergolong baru karena diresmikan pada tahun 2007.
di Indonesia sebesar 37,2% sedangkan prevalensi di
Selama 10 tahun pemerintahan, belum banyak penelitian
Provinsi Lampung yaitu sebesar 42,6% (2). Bahkan,
terkait dengan faktor penyebab stunting di Kabupaten
prevalensi balita pendek di Kabupaten Pesawaran
Pesawaran, terutama yang berkaitan dengan BBLR dan
mencapai 50,81%. Menurut laporan pemantauan status
ASI eksklusif. Padahal prevalensi balita stunting cukup
gizi (PSG) tahun 2015, kejadian balita pendek di
tinggi dan meningkat setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan
Kabupaten Pesawaran sebesar 24,4% yang mengalami
data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi stunting
peningkatan menjadi 26,7% pada tahun 2016 dan 35,5%
di Kabupaten Pesawaran masih menjadi masalah.
pada tahun 2017 (3-5).
Dengan demikian, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
Balita pendek (stunting) merupakan suatu kondisi
menganalisis pengaruh faktor ASI eksklusif dan berat
kekurangan gizi kronis yang dimulai sejak 1000
lahir terhadap kejadian stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di
hari pertama kehidupan (1). Pada kajian penelitian
Kabupaten Pesawaran.
sebelumnya, bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR), riwayat air
susu ibu (ASI) eksklusif, dan prematuritas merupakan
faktor yang berhubungan dengan stunting di Indonesia BAHAN DAN METODE
(1,6). Dampak dari stunting dapat mempengaruhi
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif
keterlambatan dalam berpikir dan perkembangan pada
observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional
masa balita hingga berdampak pada masa dewasa dengan
yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Mei 2017 di 12
membatasi kapasitas kerja karena berkurangnya massa
Puskesmas Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung. Populasi
otot dan meningkatkan risiko obstetri pada wanita (7).
penelitian ini adalah pasangan ibu dan anak balita yang
Berat lahir berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan
berada di 12 wilayah Puskesmas Pesawaran. Besar sampel
dan perkembangan di masa yang akan datang (8). Kasus
ditentukan dengan menggunakan rumus uji beda dua
BBLR di Indonesia mencapai 10% (2) sedangkan
proporsi yang diperoleh sebanyak 385 sampel. Metode
di Kabupaten Pesawaran, BBLR pada tahun 2016
sampling yang digunakan adalah proportional cluster
sebanyak 7,9% (8). Bayi dengan BBLR akan mengalami
sampling untuk 12 Puskesmas. Setiap puskesmas diambil
gangguan pertumbuhan karena risiko komplikasi pada
datanya sesuai dengan jumlah balita yang terdaftar di
masa kelahirannya. Hasil kajian pada studi sebelumnya
wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pesawaran kemudian jumlah
menjelaskan bahwa anak-anak dengan berat badan lebih
balita tersebut dibagi sesuai dengan jumlah sampel yaitu
dari 3000 gram berisiko lebih rendah untuk menjadi
385 subjek. Kriteria inklusi yang ditetapkan pada penelitian
stunting (OR=0,25; CI 95%:0,11-0,54) (7). Penelitian
ini adalah ibu dan balita usia 2-5 tahun yang berada di 12
menunjukkan bahwa bayi BBLR memiliki cadangan gizi
wilayah Puskesmas Pesawaran dan bersedia menjadi subjek
mikro untuk pertumbuhan yang rendah seperti vitamin A,
penelitian. Sementara itu, kriteria eksklusi pada penelitian
seng, dan zat besi sehingga sangat bergantung pada ASI
ini adalah balita dengan riwayat cacat bawaan dan menderita
untuk menutupi kekurangan gizi (9). Namun, di sisi lain
penyakit serius pada saat penelitian.
ternyata cakupan ASI di Indonesia masih rendah. Data
Variabel yang diteliti adalah kejadian stunting pada
saat ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya 27,1% penduduk
balita sebagai variabel dependen serta riwayat BBLR
Indonesia yang menyusui secara eksklusif. Persentase
dan riwayat ASI eksklusif sebagai variabel independen.
cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Kabupaten
Variabel stunting merupakan hasil pengukuran tinggi
Pesawaran tahun 2016 masih rendah yaitu 49,7%. Hasil
badan menurut umur (TB/U) yaitu apabila nilai z score
studi sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa durasi menyusui
kurang dari -2 (z score TB/U< -2 SD) sedangkan nilai
dan durasi pemberian ASI eksklusif secara signifikan

Apri Sulistianingsih, dkk: ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir berpengaruh terhadap stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran

z score lebih dari atau sama dengan -2 (z score TB/ menentukan status gizi dilakukan sebanyak 1 kali
U≥ -2 SD) dikategorikan normal (1). Variabel riwayat pengukuran. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-Square
BBLR diketahui dari catatan riwayat persalinan di buku dan regresi logistik ganda.
Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) dengan kategori BBLR
jika berat badan lahir kurang dari 2.500 gram (1). Variabel HASIL
riwayat ASI eksklusif diketahui melalui wawancara
Karakteristik responden pada Tabel 1 menunjukkan
individu menggunakan kuesioner Riset Kesehatan
bahwa sebagian besar pendidikan orang tua responden
Dasar (2013). Bayi yang tidak diberikan makanan atau
tergolong berpendidikan menengah/tinggi (65%) dan
minuman selain ASI sejak lahir sampai dengan usia
penghasilan di atas Upah Minimum Regional (UMR)
6 bulan maka dikategorikan ASI eksklusif sedangkan
(57,7%). Lebih lanjut, mayoritas responden tidak
apabila bayi diberikan makanan sebelum mulai disusui
diberikan makanan prelaktal (53,5%). Namun, mayoritas
atau diberikan makanan selain ASI sebelum usia 6 bulan
usia awal pemberian makanan selain ASI yaitu kurang dari
maka dikategorikan tidak ASI eksklusif (2).
6 bulan (66,7%) dengan jenis makanan yang pertama kali
Proses penelitian diawali dengan melakukan
diberikan setelah ASI yang terbanyak secara berurutan
survei catatan balita di puskesmas dan desa termasuk
adalah bubur nasi (23,1%); bubur formula (21,0%);
data balita yang tidak aktif di posyandu, kemudian
pisang dihaluskan (19,5%); dan lain-lain (19,0%).
peneliti melakukan sampling sesuai teknik yang telah
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada Tabel 2 diketahui
ditentukan. Peneliti memberikan penjelasan kepada
bahwa dari 385 balita di 12 Puskesmas Kabupaten
subjek penelitian tentang tata cara dan etika penelitian
Pesawaran ditemukan balita pendek (stunting) sebanyak
kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penandatangan surat
46% sedangkan balita normal sebanyak 54%. Sebagian
kesediaan menjadi responden. Proses pengambilan data
besar balita tidak mendapatkan ASI eksklusif (66,2%)
dilakukan oleh peneliti beserta enumerator. Enumerator
sedangkan balita yang memiliki riwayat ASI eksklusif
merupakan bidan puskesmas yang bertugas di wilayah
hanya 33,8%. Mayoritas balita memiliki berat lahir
binaan dengan minimal pendidikan diploma tiga.
normal (92,2%) sedangkan sejumlah kecil balita memiliki
Wawancara dan pengukuran tinggi badan anak untuk
riwayat BBLR (7,8%). Tabel 2 juga menunjukkan adanya
hubungan antara riwayat ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir
Tabel 1. Karakteritik responden dengan kejadian stunting pada balita. Balita dengan
riwayat ASI eksklusif berhubungan signifikan dengan
Variabel n %
Pendidikan orang tua kejadian stunting (p<0,001; OR=0,122; CI 95%: 0,075-
Dasar (SD/SMP) 127 33,0 0,199). Demikian juga balita dengan riwayat BBLR
Menengah/tinggi 258 67,0 (p<0,001; OR=12,30; CI 95%: 3,663-41,299).
Penghasilan orang tua Hasil analisis pada Tabel 3 menunjukkan
<UMR 198 51,4 permodelan uji regresi ganda yaitu hasil riwayat ASI
≥UMR 187 48,6
eksklusif dengan nilai OR=0,108 (CI 95%: 0,065-
Makanan prelaktal
Ya 179 46,5 0,180) dan berat lahir dengan nilai OR=17,063 (CI
Tidak 206 53,5 95%: 4,892-59,511). Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa balita
Usia mulai diberikan makanan selain ASI yang memperoleh ASI eksklusif berisiko 9,3 kali lebih
< 6 bulan 225 66,2 kecil untuk terjadinya stunting dibandingkan balita yang
≥ 6 bulan 130 33,8
tidak memperoleh ASI eksklusif atau ASI eksklusif
Jenis makanan selain ASI yang pertama kali diberikan
memberikan efek proteksi terhadap terjadinya stunting
Susu formula 67 17,4
Bubur formula 81 21,0 pada balita. Sebaliknya pada berat lahir, ditemukan bahwa
Pisang dihaluskan 75 19,5 balita dengan riwayat BBLR berisiko 17,063 kali lebih
Bubur nasi 89 23,1 besar untuk mengalami stunting dibandingkan balita
Lain-lain 73 19,0 dengan riwayat berat lahir normal.

Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oktober 2018: 45-51

Tabel 2. Hubungan riwayat ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir dengan stunting pada balita 2-5
tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran

Status gizi
Total OR
Variabel Normal Stunting p
(CI 95%)
n % n % n %
Riwayat ASI eksklusif
ASI eksklusif 29 22,3 101 77,7 130 33,8 <0,001 0,122
Tidak eksklusif 179 70,2 76 29,8 225 66,2 (0,075-0,199)
Total 208 54,0 177 46,0 385 100
Berat lahir
Normal 205 57,7 150 42,3 355 92,2 <0,001 12,300
BBLR 3 10,0 27 90,0 30 7,8 (3,663-41,299)
Total 208 54,0 177 46,0 385 100

Tabel 3. Analisis multivariat pengaruh riwayat ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir terhadap stunting
pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran

Variabel Koef ß SE (ß) p POR*Adj (CI 95%)

I. Model awal dan akhir
Riwayat ASI eksklusif -2,222 0,260 <0,001 0,108 0,065-0,180
Berat lahir 2,837 0,637 <0,001 17,063 4,892-59,511
Konstanta 1,142 0,213 <0,001

BAHASAN balita yang tidak rutin ke Posyandu di wilayah kerja

12 Puskesmas Kabupaten Pesawaran untuk mengukur
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kejadian
tinggi badan dan berat badan. Menurut Buku Kesehatan
stunting pada balita di Kabupaten Pesawaran masih tinggi
Ibu dan Anak (KIA), pemantauan status gizi balita dapat
yaitu sebesar 46% dari 385 balita yang menjadi subjek
dilihat dari pertumbuhan berat badan menurut umur,
penelitian. Hasil ini masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan
berat badan menurut tinggi badan, dan tinggi badan
laporan Riskesdas (2013) di Provinsi Lampung yaitu
menurut umur. Pemantauan ini sebaiknya dilakukan
42,6% dan laporan Pemantauan Status Gizi (PSG) di
setiap bulan dan dituliskan di dalam buku KIA. Namun
Kabupaten Pesawaran tahun 2017 yaitu 35,5% (2,8).
pada kenyataannya, kader Posyandu hanya rutin mencatat
Stunting merupakan kasus pada balita yang memiliki tinggi
pemantauan berat badan menurut umur, sedangkan kurva
badan dibandingkan usia dengan nilai z-skor kurang dari
pemantauan tinggi badan menurut umur dan berat badan
dua standar deviasi (<2 SD) di bawah median (11). Tinggi
menurut umur belum menjadi agenda rutin pencatatan.
badan menurut umur diketahui sebagai salah satu indikator
Oleh karena itu, kasus stunting belum dapat dideteksi
pertumbuhan pada masa balita. Tinggi badan menurut umur
secara dini, padahal pada buku KIA telah terdapat kurva
juga dapat menggambarkan kecukupan nutrisi pada masa
pemantauan yang terbagi berdasarkan umur 0-6 bulan,
balita. Balita yang tidak terpenuhi kebutuhan nutrisinya
6 bulan-2 tahun, dan 2-5 tahun yang seharusnya rutin
dapat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan, perkembangan,
dicatat setiap bulan (12).
dan kecerdasan. Apabila kondisi ini terus berlanjut maka
Kasus riwayat BBLR pada penelitian ini ditemukan
akan berdampak pada daya saing yang rendah pada masa
sebanyak 7,8%. Prevalensi ini hampir sama dengan
dewasa. Kejadian stunting juga berkaitan dengan beberapa
prevalensi di tingkat Provinsi Lampung yaitu 8% dan
faktor diantaranya adalah berat lahir, usia ibu, dan cakupan
lebih rendah dari prevalensi nasional yaitu 10%. Faktor
ASI eksklusif (7).
risiko BBLR di Indonesia diantarnya adalah faktor
Tingginya kejadian stunting pada penelitian
lingkungan (paparan asap rokok dan tempat tinggal),
ini karena peneliti juga melakukan penelitian pada

Apri Sulistianingsih, dkk: ASI eksklusif dan berat lahir berpengaruh terhadap stunting pada balita 2-5 tahun di Kabupaten Pesawaran

sosiodemografi (usia dan sosio-ekonomi), dan faktor ibu Pemberian ASI eksklusif bersifat protektif terhadap
(anemia, plasenta abnormal, status gizi ibu, pemeriksaan kejadian stunting. Namun, pada jangka pendek, ASI
antenatal, pre-eklampsia, paritas, dan komplikasi pada eksklusif memberikan perlindungan pada infeksi diare
kehamilan). Anemia dan status gizi menjadi faktor dan pernapasan (18) yang telah banyak bukti bahwa
dominan yang mempengaruhi BBLR (11). infeksi berkepanjangan menyebabkan balita stunting.
Pada penelitian ini diketahui adanya riwayat ASI Pada jangka panjang, ASI eksklusif memberikan
eksklusif pada balita sebanyak 33,2%. Cakupan pemberian perlindungan terhadap penyakit tidak menular seperti
ASI eksklusif secara nasional di Indonesia hanya 27,1% diabetes, tekanan darah, dan kolestrol serta obesitas (19).
(13). Rendahnya cakupan ASI eksklusif berdampak pada Menyusui adalah cara terbaik dalam menyediakan
masih tingginya kasus malnutrisi di Indonesia. Hasil makanan yang ideal untuk pertumbuhan dan
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa riwayat BBLR dan dan perkembangan bayi. Lebih dari dua pertiga angka
riwayat ASI eksklusif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kematian pada balita terkait dengan praktik pemberian
kejadian stunting di Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung. makan yang tidak tepat selama tahun pertama kehidupan.
Bayi berat lahir rendah merupakan faktor predisposisi Hasil studi pada Empowered Action Group (EAG) States
pencapaian pertumbuhan setelah lahir. Bayi berat lahir di India menyatakan bahwa pemberian ASI eksklusif
rendah berhubungan dengan kelahiran prematur dan atau merupakan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi status
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Hasil studi gizi anak. Dengan demikian, intervensi tunggal yang
membuktikan bahwa BBLR menjadi penentu utama paling hemat biaya untuk mengurangi kematian bayi di
terjadinya stunting (1). Retardasi pertumbuhan dini negara-negara berkembang adalah promosi pemberian
bersamaan dengan perkembangan kognitif yang kurang ASI eksklusif (10).
optimal dan terhambatnya pertumbuhan organ internal Lebih lanjut, pemberian ASI dipengaruhi oleh
dapat mengakibatkan kemampuan kognitif yang rendah faktor keluarga dan motivasi ibu. Sebagian besar kasus
dan meningkatkan risiko penyakit kronis di kemudian menunjukkan bahwa ibu yang menyusui juga mengalami
hari (14). kondisi kurang gizi, yang mengakibatkan rendahnya
Hasil penelitian ini didukung oleh studi di Amazon produksi ASI dan pada akhirnya dilakukan pengenalan
yang menunjukkan bahwa BBLR merupakan faktor makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) kepada bayi
determinan terjadinya stunting pada anak di bawah 5 sebelum berusia 6 bulan. Beberapa kajian penelitian juga
tahun, kemudian disusul dengan riwayat infeksi kronis menyatakan bahwa berat badan lahir, status menyusui,
seperti diare (15). Selain itu, penelitian di Iran juga usia ibu, besar keluarga, status sosial ekonomi, dan urutan
menjelaskan bahwa kasus BBLR dapat meningkatkan kelahiran berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada
kejadian stunting pada balita (7). Bayi dengan BBLR anak (7,10,20). Hasil penelitian lain juga menyebutkan
akan mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan sejak awal bahwa stunting secara signifikan terkait dengan status
kehidupannya. Stunting pada anak-anak, khususnya dalam ekonomi miskin (21). Temuan ini sesuai dengan hipotesis
2 tahun pertama kehidupan memiliki efek jangka panjang umum bahwa kemiskinan mengarah pada asupan gizi
pada tinggi badan saat dewasa, pencapaian sekolah, yang kurang pada kehamilan yang dapat menyebabkan
pendapatan, hingga kecenderungan penyakit kronis saat BBLR. Sementara itu, BBLR juga menyebabkan
dewasa (16). Studi di Afrika juga menunjukkan bahwa komplikasi pada masa kelahiran yang mengganggu
balita yang mengalami stunting, akan berisiko mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sehingga menyebabkan
gangguan ekonomi, gangguan reproduksi, dan penurunan stunting (15).
kognitif pada masa dewasa (17). Keterbatasan dan kelemahan pada penelitian
Hasil analisis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ini terletak pada desain penelitian cross-sectional
balita dengan riwayat ASI eksklusif dapat menurunkan yang kurang mampu untuk menjelaskan secara tepat
risiko menjadi stunting sampai 9,3 kali lebih kecil hubungan riwayat ASI eksklusif dan BBLR dengan
dibandingkan pada balita tanpa riwayat ASI eksklusif. kejadian stunting. Penelitian ini tidak menganalisis faktor

Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, Vol. 15, No. 2, Oktober 2018: 45-51

sosiodemografi yang menjadi latar belakang terjadinya UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH

kasus stunting. Penghasilan yang rendah cenderung
Penulis menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih
memiliki variasi makan yang monoton seperti nabati,
kepada Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi Pendidikan
sayuran, dan buah yang mungkin terbatas dibandingkan
tinggi yang telah mendukung terlaksananya penelitian
dengan rumah tangga berpenghasilan lebih tinggi (20).
ini melalui program hibah dosen.
Peneliti juga tidak melakukan eksplorasi terhadap pola
makan yang merupakan faktor langsung penyebab
kejadian stunting. Oleh karena itu, peneliti kemudian Pernyataan konflik kepentingan
melakukan penggalian data tentang BBLR menggunakan Tidak ada konflik kepentingan dalam penelitian ini.
riwayat kelahiran dalam buku KIA. Pada riwayat
ASI eksklusif, peneliti melakukan pengkajian dengan
menanyakan riwayat pemberian ASI termasuk makanan
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Retty Anisa Damayanti1, Lailatul Muniroh2, Farapti3
1Program Studi S1 Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
2Departemen Gizi Kesehatan, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya


Stunting merupakan proses akumulatif dari kurangnya asupan zat-zat gizi dalam jangka panjang. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat kecukupan zat gizi dan riwayat pemberian ASI (Air Susu Ibu)
eksklusif pada balita stunting dan non stunting. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional pada 113 balita
di Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak Kecamatan Mulyorejo Kota Surabaya yang terdiri dari 27 balita stunting dan
86 balita non stunting. Besar sampel dihitung dengan perhitungan proporsional sampling. Analisis perbedaan tingkat
kecukupan dan riwayat ASI eksklusif menggunakan uji Chi Square dan Exact Fisher, analisis perbedaan jumlah asupan
menggunakan uji T-Sampel Bebas dan analisis besar risiko menggunakan perhitungan Odds Ratio. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan antara balita stunting dan non stunting dalam jumlah konsumsi energi, protein, zinc,
dan zat besi (p = 0,000). Terdapat perbedaan pula pada tingkat kecukupan energi (p = 0,000), protein (p = 0,042), zinc
(p = 0,000), dan zat besi (p=0,009) serta perbedaan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif (p = 0,001). Balita dengan ASI
non eksklusif dan balita yang memiliki tingkat konsumsi inadekuat, memiliki risiko lebih besar untuk stunting (ASI
non eksklusif = 16,5 kali, energi inadekuat = 9,5 kali, protein inadekuat = 10,6 kali, zinc inadekuat = 7,8 kali, dan
zat besi inadekuat = 3,2 kali). Saran yang dapat diberikan, diharapkan ibu lebih meningkatkan asupan makanan pada
balita terutama makanan sumber protein, zinc dan zat besi serta diharapkan ibu lebih memperhatikan pemberian ASI
eksklusif dan MP ASI sesuai dengan usia balita.

Kata kunci: ASI eksklusif, balita, stunting, tingkat kecukupan zat gizi

Stunting is an accumulative process of inadequacy number of nutrients in a long period of time. The purpose of
this research was to analyse the difference of nutrients adequacy and the history of exclusive breastfeeding between
stunting and non stunting toddler. This cross sectional research was done in 113 toddler who is categorized to 27
stunting toddler and 86 non stunting toddler at Kejawan Putih Tambak village, Surabaya. The number of sample was
calculated with proportional sampling. To compare the nutrients adequacy and the history of exclusive breastfeeding,
Chi-square test and Exact Fisher were used, to compare amount of intake, Independent T-test and Odds Ratio were
calculated. As a result, there was a difference in energy, protein, zinc and iron consumption, and there was also a
difference in history of exclusive breastfeeding between stunting and non-stunting toddler (p = 0.000), Non stunting
toddler have a higher intake of energy, protein, zinc, and iron than stunting toddler. Toddler with non exclusive
breastfeeding have a higher risk to be stunting than toddler with exclusive breastfeeding, and toddler who have
inadequate energy, protein, zinc, and iron intake have a higher risk to be stunting than toddler with adequate energy,
protein, zinc and iron intake (non-exclusive breastfeeding = 16.5 times, inadequate energy = 4.84 times, inadequate
protein = 3.4 times, inadequate zinc = 3.72 times, inadequate iron = 2.36 times). Advice that can be given is that
mother should increase food intake of toddler, especially food that contain protein, zinc, and iron and mother should
give also more attention to the exclusive breastfeeding and complementary feeding which is suitable with the toddler’s

Keywords: exclusive breastfeeding, toddler, stunting, nutrient adequacy

62 Media Gizi Indonesia, Vol. 11, No. 1 Januari–Juni 2016: hlm. 61–69

PENDAHULUAN et al., 2010). Pemberian ASI eksklusif dapat

Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan menurunkan risiko kejadian stunting karena ASI
linier yang tidak sesuai dengan umur yang mengandung antibodi dan kandungan kalsium
mengindikasikan kejadian jangka panjang pada ASI mempunyai bioavailabilitas yang tinggi
serta merupakan dampak akumulatif dari sehingga dapat diserap dengan optimal terutama
ketidakcukupan konsumsi zat gizi, kondisi dalam fungsi pembentukan tulang (Almatsier,
kesehatan yang buruk dan pengasuhan yang tidak 2009).
memadai (Aridiyah, et al., 2015). Faktor penyebab Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar
langsung dari stunting adalah asupan makanan (Riskesdas) prevalensi stunting di Indonesia
tidak adekuat, karakteristik balita meliputi usia, adalah 36,8% (2007), 35,6% (2010), dan 37,2%
jenis kelamin, berat badan lahir dan pajang badan (2013). Di Jawa Timur, prevalensi stunting
lahir serta adanya penyakit infeksi yang berulang. menunjukkan kecenderungan adanya penurunan
Faktor penyebab tidak langsung dari stunting yaitu 34,8% (2007), 35,8% (2010), dan 26,1%
adalah ketersediaan pangan, pola pengasuhan (2015). Untuk Kota Surabaya, prevalensi stunting
serta jangkauan dan mutu pelayanan kesehatan tahun 2015 adalah 19,3%. Kecamatan Mulyorejo
masyarakat (Shrimpton, 2006). merupakan wilayah Kota Surabaya yang prevalensi
Pemenuhan gizi pada masa balita akan stuntingnya cenderung mengalami peningkatan
menentukan berbagai aspek kehidupan di masa yaitu 12,13% (2013), 15,6% (2014), dan 18,7%
depan. Stunting pada balita akan berdampak pada (2014).
nilai sekolah yang rendah, tinggi badan yang lebih Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak yaitu salah
pendek, dan kurangnya kemampuan motorik pada satu kelurahan di wilayah Kecamatan Mulyorejo
usia sekolah serta produktivitas yang rendah dan dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian karena adanya
risiko terjadinya penyakit degeneratif pada usia peningkatan prevalensi stunting setiap tahun
dewasa (Hoddinott, et al., 2013) yaitu 12,7% (2013), 14,2% (2014), dan 20%
Kekurangan energi pada seseorang (2015). Prevalensi stunting di Kelurahan Kejawan
merupakan indikasi kekurangan zat gizi lain. Putih Tambak pada tahun 2015, lebih tinggi dari
Apabila kondisi ini dibiarkan dalam jangka waktu prevalensi stunting di Kota Surabaya.
lama, maka akan mengakibatkan penurunan Usia 2 – 5 tahun merupakan usia rawan
berat badan. Penurunan berat badan selanjutnya terjadinya kurang gizi karena pada usia ini ASI
akan menyebabkan keadaan gizi kurang yang sudah tidak diberikan sehingga zat gizi yang
mengakibatkan terhambatnya proses pertumbuhan diterima oleh balita hanya berasal dari diet saja.
tinggi badan (Almatsier, 2009). Kekurangan Pada usia ini, balita sudah mampu memilih
protein menyebabkan retardasi pertumbuhan dan makanan sendiri, pendidikan gizi ibu yang kurang
kematangan tulang karena protein adalah zat gizi menyebabkan balita memilih makanan yang miskin
yang essensial dalam pertumbuhan. Meskipun zat gizi sehingga terjadi kondisi kekurangan zat
asupan energi cukup, apabila asupan protein kurang gizi (Sunarti dan Nugrohowati, 2013).
maka akan menghambat pertumbuhan pada balita Cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif di
(Oktarina dan Sudiarti, 2013). Pada defisiensi zinc, Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak paling rendah
efek metabolit GH (Growth Hormone) dihambat dibandingkan kelurahan lainnya di Kecamatan
sehingga sintesis dan sekresi IGF-1 (Insulin Mulyorejo yaitu 60% (2013), 76% (2014) dan
Like Growth Factor 1) berkurang. Berkurangnya 80% (2015), serta prevalensi stunting yang paling
sekresi IGF-1 menyebabkan stunting (Adriani tinggi yang mengindikasikan adanya kondisi
dan Wirjatmadi, 2012). Defisiensi zat besi dapat kekurangan gizi kronis. Oleh karena itu, tujuan
menyebabkan gangguan pada sistem kekebalan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan,
tubuh. tingkat kecukupan zat gizi terutama zat gizi yang
Balita yang sering mengalami sakit akan berhubungan dengan pertumbuhan linear yaitu
berpengaruh pada pertumbuhannya karena adanya protein, zinc, dan zat besi serta perbedaan riwayat
sakit akan diikuti nafsu makan menurun (Malde, pemberian ASI eksklusif antara balita stunting dan
Retty Anisa Damayanti, dkk., Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi… 63

non stunting usia 2-5 tahun di Kelurahan Kejawan Tabel 1. Besar Sampel masing-masing Kelompok
Putih Tambak Surabaya Kelompok Besar Populasi Besar Sampel
Stunting 45 45/186 × 113 = 27
Non stunting 141 141/186 × 113 = 86
Total 186 113
Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
observasional dengan menggunakan desain
penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian dilaksanakan dihitung dengan AKG yang dikonversikan dengan
pada bulan Februari-Mei tahun 2016 di Kelurahan EAR (Estimated Average Requirements). AKG zinc
Kejawan Putih Tambak Kecamatan Mulyorejo, balita usia 2-3 tahun adalah 4 mg/hari dengan EAR
Kota Surabaya. 1,2, setelah dikonversikan menjadi 3,3 mg/hari.
Sampel penelitian adalah 113 balita berusia AKG zinc balita usia 4–5 tahun adalah 45mg/hari
2–5 tahun yang terdiri dari 27 balita stunting dan dengan EAR 1,2, setelah dikonversikan menjadi
86 balita non stunting. Besar sampel masing- 4,16 mg/hari. Konversi dilakukan dengan cara
masing kelompok ditentukan dengan perhitungan membagi angka AKG dengan angka EAR. Tingkat
proportional sampling dengan rumus n/N × T kecukupan zinc masuk dalam kategori adekuat jika
(n = besar sampel masing-masing kelompok, N = ≥ 3,3 mg pada balita usia 2–3 tahun dan ≥ 4,16 mg
besar populasi, T = besar sampel total) (Amanda, pada balita usia 4–5 tahun.
2014). Peneliti melakukan pengukuran antropometri
Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan indikator TB/U. Balita dengan z-score
karakteristik balita (usia, jenis kelamin, berat <-2SD termasuk dalam kelompok stunting
badan lahir, dan panjang badan lahir), tingkat sedangkan balita dengan z-score ≥-2SD
kecukupan (energi, protein, zinc, dan zat besi), termasuk dalam kelompok non stunting, z-score
jumlah konsumsi (energi, protein, zinc dan zat dihitung dengan menggunakan software WHO-
besi), pola asuh (riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif Anthro. Selanjutnya, ibu diwawancarai dengan
dan Makanan Pendamping ASI/MP ASI) serta menggunakan kuisioner dan form food recall
status gizi Tinggi Badan menurut Umur (TB/U). 2 × 24 hours.
Berat badan lahir dikategorikan menjadi Untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat
BBLR dan normal sedangkan panjang badan lahir kecukupan energi, protein, zinc, dan zat besi serta
dikategorikan pendek dan normal. Balita masuk riwayat pemberian ASI antara balita stunting
dalam kategori BBLR (Berat Badan Lahir Rendah) dan non stunting menggunakan uji Chi Square
jika memiliki berat badan lahir kurang dari 2500 2 × 2 karena skala data adalah nominal, jika tidak
gram sedangkan kategori panjang badan lahir memenuhi syarat maka digunakan uji Exact Fisher
kategori pendek jika balita memiliki panjang badan (Pahlevi, 2012). Untuk menganalisis perbedaan
lahir kurang dari 48 cm (Ngaisyah, 2016) jumlah konsumsi energi, protein, zinc, dan zat
Tingkat kecukupan energi dan zat gizi besi antara balita stunting dan non stunting
dikategorikan menjadi adekuat dan inadekuat. menggunakan Uji-T Sampel bebas karena skala
Menurut Gibson (2005), tingkat kecukupan energi, data adalah rasio, jika data tidak berdistribusi
protein, dan zinc dikatakan adekuat jika ≥ 77% normal menggunakan uji Mann Whitney, dan untuk
AKG (Angka Kecukupan Gizi). AKG energi untuk uji normalitas menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-
balita usia 2–3 tahun adalah 1125 kkal/hari, AKG Smirnov (Suiraoka, 2011). Analisis besar risiko
protein 26 gr/hari dan AKG zat besi 8mg/hari. menggunakan perhitungan OR (Odds Ratio) karena
Untuk balita usia 4–5 tahun, AKG energi adalah perhitungan OR digunakan untuk penelitian dengan
1600 kalori/hari. AKG protein 35 gr/hari dan AKG desain cross sectional (Lestari, et al., 2014).
zat besi 9 mg/hari. Untuk tingkat kecukupan zinc
64 Media Gizi Indonesia, Vol. 11, No. 1 Januari–Juni 2016: hlm. 61–69

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Balita BBLR cenderung mengalami stunting

Karakteristik Balita yaitu sebesar 83,3%. Berdasarkan nilai Odds Ratio
dapat dinyatakan bahwa balita dengan riwayat
Karakteristik balita merupakan faktor BBLR memiliki risiko stunting 19,3 kali lebih
penyebab langsung dari kejadian stunting. besar dibandingkan dengan balita dengan riwayat
Karakteristik balita yang diteliti dalam penelitian berat badan lahir normal. Hal ini sejalan dengan
ini adalah usia, jenis kelamin, berat badan lahir dan penelitian Adel (2014) pada balita usia 1–2 tahun
panjang badan lahir. di Libya yang menyimpulkan bahwa berat badan
Berdasarkan tabel 2, pada balita usia 24–59 lahir rendah mempengaruhi kejadian stunting pada
bulan Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak Surabaya, anak usia 1–2 tahun (p < 0,05, OR = 1,58). Balita
balita stunting paling banyak ditemukan pada BBLR lebih berisiko untuk menjadi stunting karena
kelompok usia 36–47 bulan yaitu sebesar 31,4%. balita BBLR memiliki kerentanan yang lebih
Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian Bahmat (2015) tinggi terhadap penyakit infeksi, seperti diare dan
di Nusa Tenggara yang menyimpulkan bahwa infeksi saluran pernafasan bawah serta peningkatan
balita stunting paling banyak pada usia 36–47 risiko komplikasi termasuk sleep apnea, ikterus,
bulan. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena mulai tahun anemia, gangguan paru-paru kronis, kelelahan,
kedua kehidupan, laju pertumbuhan melambat dan hilangnya nafsu makan dibandingkan dengan
dan terjadi perubahan bentuk tubuh balita menjadi anak-anak dengan berat badan lahir yang normal
lebih berotot. sehingga mengakibatkan pertumbuhan fisik yang
Stunting lebih banyak terjadi pada balita tidak optimal (Rahman, et al., 2016).
berjenis kelamin laki-laki yaitu 25,0%, sedang Proporsi balita dengan riwayat panjang badan
pada balita perempuan sebesar 22,6%. Hal ini lahir pendek lebih banyak pada kelompok stunting
sesuai dengan penelitian Roscha, et al. (2013) yang yaitu sebesar 43,8% dan pada anak yang lahir
menganalisis data Riskesdas menyatakan bahwa dengan panjang badan normal sebesar 20,6%.
balita stunting lebih banyak berjenis kelamin laki- Balita dengan riwayat panjang badan lahir
laki (39,5%). pendek memiliki risiko stunting 2,9 kali lebih
Lebih banyaknya prevalensi stunting pada besar dibandingkan dengan balita dengan riwayat
balita laki-laki disebabkan karena laki-laki lebih panjang badan lahir normal. Hal ini sejalan dengan
berisiko untuk mengalami kekurangan gizi akibat penelitian Meilyasari dan Isnawati (2014) yang
lebih banyaknya kebutuhan energi protein pada menyimpulkan bahwa panjang badan lahir pendek
laki-laki. Jenis kelamin menentukan besar kecilnya memiliki pengaruh paling besar dengan kejadian
kebutuhan energi protein seseorang (Bahmat, stunting. Menurut Meilyasari dan Isnawati
2010). (2014), balita dengan riwayat panjang badan lahir

Tabel 2. Karakteristik Balita

Stunting Non stunting Total

Variabel OR
n % n % N %
24–35 8 19,0 34 81,0 42 100
36–47 11 31,4 24 68,6 35 100 1,9
48–59 8 22,2 28 77,8 36 100
Jenis Kelamin
Laki-laki 15 25,0 45 75,0 60 100 1,1
Perempuan 12 22,6 41 77,4 53 100
Berat Badan Lahir
BBLR 5 83,3 1 16,7 6 100 19,3
Normal 22 20,6 85 79,4 107 100
Panjang Badan Lahir
Pendek 7 43,8 9 56,2 16 100 2,9
Normal 20 20,6 77 79,4 97 100
Retty Anisa Damayanti, dkk., Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi… 65

pendek merupakan indikasi terjadinya kekurangan penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tingkat asupan
pemenuhan zat gizi ibu selama kehamilan dan energi, protein, zinc dan zat besi yang inadekuat
indikasi adanya gangguan pertumbuhan dalam akan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya stunting pada
uterus yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan linear balita.
menjadi tidak optimal. Kekurangan gizi sejak Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
dalam kandungan berpengaruh terhadap organ proporsi balita yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan
dan pertumbuhan janin. Bayi yang mengalami energi inadekuat lebih banyak pada kelompok
kekurangan gizi selama masa kehamilan masih stunting (54,5%) dan balita yang memiliki tingkat
dapat diperbaiki dengan asupan yang baik sehingga kecukupan energi inadekuat memiliki risiko
dapat melakukan tumbuh kejar sesuai dengan stunting 9,5 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan
perkembangannya. Namun, apabila intervensinya balita yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan energi
terlambat dapat mengalami gagal tumbuh. adekuat. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian Oktarina
dan Sudiarti (2013) yang menyebutkan bahwa
Tingkat Kecukupan Energi dan Zat Gizi balita dengan asupan energi rendah mempunyai
Asupan makan yang tidak adekuat merupakan risiko 1,28 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami
penyebab langsung terjadinya stunting pada stunting dibandingkan dengan balita yang memiliki
balita. Kurangnya asupan energi dan protein tingkat kecukupan energi cukup.
menjadi penyebab gagal tumbuh telah banyak Proporsi balita yang memiliki tingkat
diketahui. Kurangnya beberapa mikronutrien kecukupan protein inadekuat lebih banyak pada
juga berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya retardasi kelompok stunting (75%) dan dapat diketahui pula
pertumbuhan linear. Kekurangan mikronutrien bahwa balita yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan
dapat terjadi karena rendahnya asupan bahan protein inadekuat memiliki risiko stunting 10,6
makanan sumber mikronutrien tersebut dalam kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan balita yang
konsumsi balita sehari-hari serta disebabkan memiliki tingkat kecukupan protein adekuat.
karena bioavailabilitas yang rendah (Mikhail, Penelitian oleh Nungo (2012) pada balita usia 1–5
et al., 2013). tahun di Kenya dan Hidayati, et al. (2010) pada
Asupan makanan yang diteliti dalam penelitian balita usia 1-3 tahun di Surakarta menyimpulkan
ini terdiri dari tingkat kecukupan serta jumlah bahwa balita yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan
konsumsi energi dan zat gizi lainnya yaitu protein, protein tidak adekuat mempunyai risiko 3,46 kali
zinc, dan zat besi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan akan menjadi stunting dibandingkan dengan balita
bahwa proporsi balita yang memiliki tingkat dengan asupan protein adekuat.
kecukupan energi, protein, zinc, dan zat besi Kecukupan protein hanya bisa terpenuhi jika
inadekuat lebih banyak pada kelompok stunting asupan energi tercukupi. Apabila asupan energi
dibandingkan kelompok non stunting. Hasil kurang, asupan protein akan digunakan untuk

Tabel 3. Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi

Stunting Non Stunting

Variabel P-value OR
n % n %
Tingkat kecukupan energi
Inadekuat 18 54,5 15 45,5 0,000 9,5
Adekuat 9 11,2 71 88,8
Tingkat kecukupan protein
Inadekuat 3 75,0 1 25,0 0,042 10,6
Adekuat 24 22,0 85 78,0
Tingkat kecukupan zinc
Inadekuat 12 60,0 8 40,0 0,000 7,8
Adekuat 15 16,1 78 83,9
Tingkat kecukupan zat besi
Inadekuat 16 37,2 27 62,8 0,009 3,2
Adekuat 11 15,7 59 84,3
66 Media Gizi Indonesia, Vol. 11, No. 1 Januari–Juni 2016: hlm. 61–69

memenuhi kebutuhan energi. Pertumbuhan balita makan dan hiposmia atau kehilangan indra bau
membutuhkan tambahan protein. Ketidakcukupan (Almatsier, 2009). Zinc berperan dalam proses
asupan protein dapat menghambat laju pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada balita,
pertumbuhan (Adriani dan Wirjatmadi, 2012). zinc membantu melawan infeksi dan membantu
Pertumbuhan pada balita akan meningkatkan kerja hormon pertumbuhan. Pada defisiensi zinc,
jumlah total protein dalam tubuh sehingga kerja dari hormon pertumbuhan akan dihambat
membutuhkan protein lebih besar daripada orang (Aridiyah, et al., 2015).
dewasa. Protein memegang peranan esensial Proporsi balita yang memiliki tingkat
dalam mengangkut zat-zat gizi dari saluran cerna. kecukupan zat besi inadekuat lebih banyak pada
Kekurangan protein akan mengganggu berbagai kelompok stunting (37,2%) dan balita yang
proses dalam tubuh dan menurunkan daya tahan memiliki tingkat kecukupan zat besi inadekuat
tubuh terhadap penyakit (Almatsier, 2009). memiliki risiko stunting 3,2 kali lebih besar
Kuantitas dan kualitas protein yang dibandingkan dengan balita yang memiliki tingkat
dikonsumsi mempengaruhi kadar plasma Insulin kecukupan zat besi adekuat.
Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) yang merupakan Penelitian Hidayati, et al. (2010)
mediator hormon pertumbuhan. Protein juga menyimpulkan bahwa asupan zat besi inadekuat
mempengaruhi pertumbuhan matriks tulang yang meningkatkan risiko stunting 3,46 kali lebih besar
memiliki peran penting dalam pembentukan tulang pada balita. Balita dengan defisiensi zat besi
(Mikhail, et al., 2013). akan mengalami penurunan terhadap kekebalan
Proporsi balita yang memiliki tingkat tubuh sehingga memiliki risiko lebih besar
kecukupan zinc inadekuat lebih banyak pada untuk mengalami penyakit terutama penyakit
kelompok stunting (60%) dan balita yang memiliki infeksi. Adanya penyakit infeksi dan anoreksia
tingkat kecukupan zinc inadekuat memiliki risiko akan menghambat pertumbuhan linear karena
stunting 7,8 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan menurunkan intake makanan, mengganggu
balita yang memiliki tingkat kecukupan zinc absorpsi zat gizi, dan menyebabkan hilangnya
adekuat. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian Gibson, zat gizi (Mikhail, et al., 2013). Berdasarkan hasil
et al. (2007) yang menyimpulkan bahwa defisiensi penelitian diketahui bahwa balita non stunting
zinc menghambat pertumbuhan linear pada anak memiliki jumlah rata-rata konsumsi energi, protein,
usia 6-13 tahun di NE Thailand. Arsenault, et al. zinc dan zat besi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan
(2008) pada penelitiannya juga menyimpulkan dengan balita stunting.
bahwa balita yang menerima suplementasi zinc Berdasarkan uji statistik juga diketahui ada
memiliki pertumbuhan yang lebih baik karena perbedaan jumlah konsumsi energi, protein, zink,
konsumsi zinc dapat menstimulasi nafsu makan, dan zat besi antara balita stunting dan non stunting
meningkatkan asupan energi serta meningkatkan di Kelurahan Kejawan Putih Tambak Surabaya.
massa bebas lemak pada tubuh. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan
Zinc berfungsi dalam pembentukan antibodi, oleh Suiraoka, et al. (2011) pada balita usia 2-5
berperan dalam fungsi indera pengecap dan tahun di Denpasar yang menyimpulkan bahwa ada
hormon pertumbuhan. Kekurangan zinc dapat perbedaan bermakna jumlah rata-rata konsumsi
mengakibatkan hipogeusia atau penurunan nafsu energi dan protein per hari pada kelompok balita

Tabel 4. Perbedaan Jumlah Konsumsi Zat Gizi

Variabel Stunting Non Stunting P-value
mean ± SD mean ± SD
Energi (kkal) 847,6 ± 224,12 1.116,2 ± 196,4 0,000
Protein (gr) 37,8 ± 14,6 51,9 ± 11,0 0,000
Zinc (mg) 3,8 ± 1,6 5,7 ± 1,7 0,000
Zat besi (mg) 5,4 ± 3,5 8,5 ± 3,5 0,000
Retty Anisa Damayanti, dkk., Perbedaan Tingkat Kecukupan Zat Gizi… 67

normal dan kelompok balita stunting dengan dengan kejadian penyakit infeksi seperti diare
jumlah rata-rata konsumsi energi dan protein balita yang lebih banyak terjadi pada bayi dibawah 6
non stunting lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan bulan yang diberikan makanan selain ASI. Adanya
balita stunting. Penelitian ini juga sejalan dengan penyakit infeksi menyebabkan menurunnya nafsu
penelitian Hidayati, et al. (2010) pada balita usia makan, menurunnya penyerapan zat gizi dan
1-3 tahun di wilayah perkotaan kumuh Surakarta peningkatan katabolisme sehingga zat gizi tidak
yang menyimpulkan bahwa kekurangan asupan mencukupi untuk pertumbuhan (Lestari, et al.,
zinc dan zat besi pada balita menyebabkan balita 2014).
mempunyai risiko lebih besar terhadap kejadian Sebagian besar balita memiliki riwayat
stunting. mendapatkan MP ASI terlalu dini (<6 bulan).
Proporsi balita yang mendapatkan MP ASI
Riwayat Pemberian ASI dan MP ASI dini lebih besar pada kelompok balita stunting.
Pola asuh merupakan faktor tidak langsung Berdasarkan uji statistik diketahui bahwa ada
yang mempengaruhi terjadinya stunting pada perbedaan usia pemberian MP ASI balita stunting
balita. Pola asuh yang diteliti dalam penelitian dengan balita non stunting (p = 0,000). Balita
ini adalah riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan riwayat mendapatkan MP ASI dini memiliki
dan riwayat usia pertama pemberian MP ASI. risiko stunting 9,9 kali lebih besar dibandingkan
Pemberian ASI dikatakan eksklusif jika balita dengan balita dengan riwayat mendapatkan MP
hanya mendapatkan ASI saja tanpa tambahan ASI non dini. Hal ini sesuai dengan penelitian
makanan atau minuman apapun mulai dari lahir Aridiyah, et al. (2015) pada balita di Jember yang
sampai usia 6 bulan (Zogara, et al., 2014). menyimpulkan bahwa pemberian ASI eksklusif
Pada penelitian, diketahui ada 16 balita dan usia pertama pemberian MP ASI merupakan
yang tidak pernah mendapatkan ASI dengan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting
alasan ASI tidak bisa keluar dan ibu sakit pada pada balita. Pemberian makanan terlalu dini dapat
saat melahirkan. Proporsi balita yang tidak mengganggu pemberian ASI eksklusif serta
mendapatkan ASI non eksklusif lebih banyak menjadikan bayi rentan terhadap penyakit karena
pada kelompok stunting. Berdasarkan uji statistik enzim pencernaan pada bayi belum mencapai
diketahui bahwa ada perbedaan riwayat pemberian jumlah yang cukup untuk mencerna makanan kasar
ASI eksklusif antara balita stunting dengan balita sampai usia 6 bulan. Kebersihan yang kurang pada
non stunting (p = 0,001). Balita dengan riwayat pemberian MP ASI juga berisiko mengakibatkan
mendapatkan ASI non eksklusif memiliki risiko diare (Zogara, et al., 2014).
stunting 16,5 kali lebih besar dibandingkan balita
dengan riwayat mendapatkan ASI eksklusif. Hal KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN
ini sejalan dengan penelitian Lestari, et al. (2014)
Kesimpulan yang bisa diambil dari penelitian
di Aceh yang menyimpulkan bahwa bayi dengan
ini adalah balita dengan riwayat BBLR dan/
ASI non eksklusif memiliki risiko lebih besar
panjang badan lahir pendek memiliki risiko
untuk mengalami stunting (OR = 6,54).
lebih besar untuk mengalami stunting. Terdapat
Balita dengan riwayat ASI non eksklusif lebih
perbedaan tingkat kecukupan energi, protein, zinc,
berisiko untuk stunting karena hal ini berhubungan

Tabel 5. Riwayat Pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan MP ASI

Stunting Non stunting Total

Variabel P-value OR
n % n % N %
Riwayat Pemberian ASI
Non Eksklusif 17 29,8 40 70,2 57 100 0,001 16,5
Eksklusif 1 2,5 39 97,5 40 100
Usia Pemberian MP ASI (bulan)
<6 25 34,2 48 65,8 73 100
0,000 9,9
≥6 2 5 38 95 40 100
68 Media Gizi Indonesia, Vol. 11, No. 1 Januari–Juni 2016: hlm. 61–69

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