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SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut

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SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 1
A. Tujuan
Peserta diklat memahami perbedaan perbedaan antara teks dan nonteks,
mengungkapkan gagasan dalam kalimat, dan mengungkapkan gagasan
dalam paragraf dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Membedakan teks dan non teks.
2. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk kalimat.
3. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk paragraf.

C. Uraian Materi
Pada ke

giatan ini anda akan mempelajari berbagai hal tentang teks dan non teks,
mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk kalimat dan
mengungkapkan gagasan dalam bentuk paragraf.

1. Membedakan Teks dan Non Teks

Banyak yang beranggapan bahwa teks adalah tulisan yang dapat kita
baca. Namun sebenarnya teks tidak hanya berbentuk tulisan (written),
namun juga dalam bentuk lisan (spoken). Ketika kita berbicara dengan
orang lain, dapat dikatakan bahwa kita menciptakan teks untuk
menyampaikan makna. Begitu juga ketika kita menulis.

Istilah teks berasal dari bahasa Latin “textum” yang berarti menenun. Dalam
proses penyusunan teks, setelah kita memilah dan memilih kata-kata,
selanjutnya kita menyusun kata-kata tersebut menjadi sebuah “tenunan”
kata-kata yang bermakna kuat. Zaman dulu istilah teks hanya dipakai untuk
teks tertulis saja, namun konsep teks dalam linguistik sistemik fungsional
mengalami perkembangan yang mengacu pada

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penggunaan bahasa tulisan maupun lisan. Dan ini menjadi dasar dari
pendekatan genre-based. (Fairclough, 1992; dalam Emi Emilia, 2011)

Pada dasarnya teks seolah-olah ‘terbuat’ dari kata-kata saja, tetapi

sebenarnya teks tersusun atas makna. Menurut Halliday, teks adalah
satu “semantic unit”atau kesatuan makna. Selanjutnya Halliday
menggambarkan teks sebagai berikut:
The language people produce and react to, what they say and write, and
read and listen to, in the course of daily life. … . The term covers both
speech and writing … it may be language in action, conversation,
telephone talk, debate, … public notices, ... intimate monologue or
anything else (1975: 123).(Haliday dalam Emi Emilia, 2011)

Selanjutnya hal yang menjadi pertimbangan adalah apakah serangkaian

kata atau sepenggal kata itu bisa dianggap sebagai teks atau bukan.
Sebuah teks tidak bergantung pada ukuran atau panjang atau bentuk
dari bahasa itu, tetapi pada makna.

Contohnya sebagai berikut. Tulisan “STOP” yang sering kita lihat di jalan
atau tanda-tanda lain di tempat umum, seperti “ENTRY” atau “OUT”, bisa
dikatakan sebagai teks karena berada pada konteks situasi yang tepat,
sehingga memiliki makna yang utuh kepada pembacanya. Namun
sebaliknya, satu paragraf dari sebuah skripsi atau satu halaman dari
sebuah novel, walaupun lebih panjang dari kata “STOP”, tidak bisa
dianggap teks karena tidak bisa memberi pemahaman yang utuh kepada
pembacanya. (Emi Emilia, 2011)

Contoh berikutnya, jika ada dua orang sama-sama berbicara tetapi

masing-masing berbicara semaunya dan ‘tidak nyambung’ (misalnya
orang gila) maka apa yang mereka katakan sulit disebut teks karena
tidak terlihat hubungan semantisnya. Demikian pula kalau kita menulis
sepuluh kalimat lalu kita urutkan kalimat-kalimat tersebut secara acak
maka hasilnya sulit disebut teks sebab membingungkan pembacanya.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 3

Kesimpulannya, teks dapat ditemukan dalam bahasa dan media apa
pun, sepanjang dapat dipahami.

Teks tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks. Istilah konteks berasal dari
kata “teks” yang memperoleh awalan “con” yang berarti ditenun
bersama. Awalan con memiliki arti “being together” sehingga dapat
diartikan bahwa kata konteks mengacu pada elemen-elemen yang
menyertai teks.

Ada dua konteks yang berdampak pada penggunaan bahasa menurut

Halliday. Yakni konteks budaya dan konteks situasi. Konteks situasi
merupakan unsur yang paling kuat dampaknya terhadap penggunaan
bahasa, dan terdiri dari tiga aspek, yakni field, mode dan tenor.
Selanjutnya tiga aspek tersebut akan membentuk sebuah teks.
Hubungan antara konteks budaya, konteks situasi dan teks dapat dilihat
dari gambar berikut ini.

Konteks Budaya (genre)

Konteks Situasi


Field Genre Mode


Seperti terlihat dalam model yang menunjukkan hubungan konteks

budaya dan situasi di atas, konteks situasi memiliki tiga unsur yakni field,
tenor dan mode. Ketiga unsur ini mempengaruhi pilihan bahasa kita.

Field (medan/lokasi) mengacu pada apa yang sedang berlangsung atau

yang sedang dibicarakan. Berisi tentang apa, kapan, dimana,

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bagaimana dan mengapa sebuah proses sosial terjadi. Topik dari teks
bisa berkenaan kegiatan atau apa saja yang dipelajari, termasuk topik-
topik berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran di kelas.

Tenor (pelaku) berkaitan dengan siapa saja pelaku yang terlibat dalan
suatu proses sosial, yang mengarah kepada hubungan interpersonal
antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat atau who is involved. Tenor mengacu
pada channel simbolik atau wave length yang dipilih yang betul-betul
merupakan satu fungsi atau beberapa fungsi semiotik yang ditugaskan
kepada bahasa dalam situasi itu. Bahasa yang dipakai oleh penulis
kepada teman akan berbeda dengan bahasa yang dipakai untuk atasan
atau orang lain yang belum dikenal.

Mode atau channel (sarana) mengacu pada pertimbangan jalur

komunikasi bahasa yang dipakai, menggunakan bahasa lisan atau
tulisan, jarak antara orang yang berkomunikasi dalam ruang dan waktu,
apakah mereka bertemu muka atau terpisahkan oleh ruang dan waktu.

Text type/Genre (jenis text) juga didefinisikan sebagai ”the ways that we
get things done through language – the ways we exchange information,
and knowlegde and interact socially”. Genre juga diartikan sebagai
“proses sosial yang bertahap dan berorientasi pada tujuan”.

Dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia baik di tingkat SMA

maupun SMP yang menggunakan kurikulum 2013, materi
dikelompokkan menjadi materi jenis teks (genre), teks fungsional pendek
(short functional text) dan teks transaksional dan interpersonal
(transactional and interpersonal text).
Untuk tingkat SMP, text type (genre) yang diajarkan antara lain:
1) Procedure text
2) Descriptive text
3) Recount text
4) Narrative text

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5) Report text

Sedangkan untuk pada tingkat SMA / SMK, materi yang diajarkan adalah
seluruh jenis text yang diajarkan pada tingkat SMP ditambah text berikut
1) Spoof text
2) Analytical Exposition text
3) Hortatory Exposition text
4) News Item text
5) Explanation text
6) Discussion text
7) Review text

Selain materi jenis text diatas, diajarkan pula materi Teks Fungsional
Pendek (Short Functional Text). Teks Fungsional Pendek memiliki arti
dan tujuan sosial tertentu untuk dipergunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari. Teks ini tidak memiliki struktur teks dalam bentuk paragraf-paragaf
seperti dalam text types/genre text. Teks fungsional digunakan untuk
informasi sehari-hari. Hal ini disebut fungsional karena membantu Kita
melakukan sesuatu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sebagai contoh,
apabila ingin mengumumkan suatu hal penting untuk sekelompok
orang, maka Kita harus mengerti cara mengumumkannya. Adapun
berbagai macam short Functional Text dalam pembelajaran
Bahasa Inggris antara lain:
 Notice

 Announcement

 Greeting Card

 Short Message

 Label

 Invitation

 Advertisement

 Letter

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 Brochure

 Dan lain-lain

Teks transaksional dan interpersonal yang hendaknya tercakup dalam

mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs berdasar standar yang diberikan
BSNP adalah:
a) Teks Transaksional dan Interpersonal yang terkait dengan
lingkungan terdekat:
Teks Transaksional:
- Meminta dan memberi jasa
- Meminta dan memberi barang
- Meminta dan memberi fakta
- Meminta dan memberi pendapat
- Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka
- Meminta klarifikasi

Teks Interpersonal:
- Memberi dan merespon sapaan
- Memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain
- Mengucapkan terima kasih
- Meminta dan memberi maaf
- Menggunakan ungkapan kesantunan

b) Teks Transaksional dan Interpersonal yang terkait dengan

lingkungan sekitar
Teks Transaksional :
- Meminta, memberi, dan menolak jasa
- Meminta, memberi, dan menolak barang
- Mengakui, dan mengingkari fakta
- Meminta dan memberi pendapat
- Mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan
- Menyetujui, dan tidak menyetujui sesuatu

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- Meminta, memberi, dan menolak jasa
- Meminta, memberi, dan menolak barang
- Meminta, memberi, dan mengingkari informasi
- Meminta, memberi, dan menolak pendapat
- Meminta, menerima, dan menolak tawaran

Teks Interpersonal :
- Meminta, dan memberi persetujuan
- Memberi respon atas sebuah pernyataan
- Memberi perhatian terhadap pembicara
- Mengawali, memperpanjang dan menutup percakapan
- Mengawali, memperpanjang dan menutup percakapan telepon
- Memberikan pujian kepada orang lain atau atas sesuatu
- Memberi dan menerima ucapan selamat

c) Teks Transaksional dan Interpersonal yang terkait dengan interaksi

dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Teks Transaksional :
- Meminta dan memberi kepastian
- Meminta pengulangan
- Ungkapan kesantunan untuk meminta dan menerima suatu
bantuan atau tawaran
- Ungkapan kesantunan untuk mengulang sesuatu

Teks Interpersonal
- Mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan
- Menunjukkan perhatian
- Merespon ungkapan kekaguman
- Memberi berita yang menarik perhatian
- Memberi komentar terhadap berita
Selanjutnya apa pentingnya mempelajari jenis teks. Di negara Inggris,
anak-anak pun perlu belajar bagaimana berceritera tentang kejadian-

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kejadian nyata yang sudah dialami (recount) baik secara lisan maupun
secara tulis meskipun bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa asing. Mengapa
demikian? Karena untuk menjadi warga negara yang terdidik dan
beradab, anak perlu belajar berkomunikasi secara teratur. Untuk
berceritera secara tulis, misalnya, diperlukan langkah orientasi, diikuti oleh
urutan kejadian dan biasanya ditutup oleh re-orientasi atau twist (bagian
yang lucu). (Agustien, Helena, 2004)

Dengan menyadari adanya struktur teks semacam ini guru Bbahasa Inggris
akan lebih peka atau sensitif dalam memilih bacaan yang digunakan untuk
mengajar. Ini dimaksudkan agar siswa terbiasa dengan teks-teks yang
tersusun dengan baik atau yang disusun sebagaimana layaknya susunan
yang biasa digunakan penutur asli. Susunan semacam ini tidak hanya berlaku
bagi teks tulis tetapi juga pada teks lisan.

2. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk kalimat

Sebuah teks tersusun dari beberapa kalimat. Sedangkan kalimat berisi

sebuah klausa atau beberapa klausa yang digabung. Kalimat dapat
didefinisikan sebagai satuan bahasa berupa kata atau rangkaian kata-
kata yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan menyatakan makna yang lengkap.
Adapun menurut bentuknya (mode), kalimat dapat dibuat dalam bentuk
lisan maupun tulisan.

Sebagai pembelajar Bbahasa Inggris, siswa perlu untuk mengetahui

bagaimana menggabungkan kata-kata dan klausa untuk membuat kalimat
dan bagaimana menyusun berbagai macam tipe klausa dalam kalimat.
Oleh sebab itu, siswa perlu memahami apa itu klausa, frasa, kata dalam

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Klausa (clause) adalah satuan makna yang menyampaikan pesan. Pada
dasarnya, bisa dikatakan sebagai klausa apabila kumpulan kata tersebut
berisi subyek dan sebuah/sekumpulan kata kerja.

Frasa (phrase) terdiri dari potongan-potongan atau kelompok kata yang

memiliki fungsi tertentu, namun tidak terdapat subyek yang diikuti oleh
kata kerja.

Untuk lebih jelas, berikut ini adalah tabel yang membedakan antara teks,
kalimat, klausa, frasa dan kata yang diambil dari buku A New Grammar
Companion oleh Beverly Derewianka.
Text Level Alice caught the baby with some difficulty, as it was a queer‑shaped little
creature, and held out its arms and legs in all directions, ‘just like a star‑fish,’
thought Alice. The poor little thing was snorting like a steam‑engine when
she caught it. It kept doubling itself up and straightening itself out again, so
that altogether, for the first minute or two, it was as much as she could do to
hold it.

Sentence The poor little thing was snorting like a steam‑engine when she caught it.

Clause Level The poor little thing was snorting like a steam‑engine.

Group/phrase The poor little thing was snorting like a steam‑engine.


Word (lexical) The poor little thing was snorting Like a steam-engine

Kalimat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga jenis; simple sentence(kalimat

simpel), compound sentence(kalimat majemuk), complex
sentence(kalimat lengkap).

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 10

1) Simple Sentence (Kalimat simpel)
Simple Sentence (Kalimat simpel) adalah kumpulan kata yang
mengungkapkan satu pikiran utama. Kalimat simpel hanya memiliki induk
kalimat. Kalimat simple ini juga disebut klause (a clause), yaitu kalimat
yang hanya terdiri satu subyek (a subject) dan satu kata kerja (a verb).
It was Joe’s bad day. He got up late and found his door stucked.
The traffic to the station was heavy. Joe waited for the train. The train was
late. After arriving in the campus, his classmates greeted him, “Good bye,
Joe, the class is over.”

Kalimat “Joe waited for the train.” terdiri dari satu subyek yaitu Joe dan
satu kata kerja yaitu waited, maka kalimat tersebut termasuk Simple
Sentence.Bagaimana dengan kalimat lainnya?

2) A compound sentence (kalimat majemuk)

A compound sentence adalah kalimat yang memiliki setidaknya dua
klausa independen bergabung dengan koma, titik koma atau
bersamaan.Klausa independen adalah klausa yang memiliki subjek dan
kata kerja serta membentuk pikiran yang lengkap .

Contoh kalimat majemuk adalah,'This house is too expensive, and that

house is too small.', Kalimat ini adalah A compound sentence (kalimat
majemuk) karena memiliki dua klausa independen , ' 'This house is too
expensive,’ and ‘that house is too small.' dipisahkan oleh koma dan
hubungannya ' and .'

Contoh Kalimat Compound Sentence dengan Coordinate Conjunction:

Everybody looked happy in the party. But I didn’t see Mr. Smith. He didn’t
come last night, for he fell asleep.

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“He didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep.” adalah kalimat majemuk
yang terdiri dari dua klausa independen ( atau kalimat lengkap ) yang
terhubung dengan kata for yang merupakan coordinate conjunction,
sedangkan lainnya adalah:

- For
- And
- Nor
- But
- Or
- Yet
- So

3) Complex Sentences
Sebuah kalimat yang kompleks terdiri dari klausa independen dan satu
klausa dependen atau lebih. Sebuah klausa dependen mirip dengan
klausul independen, atau kalimat lengkap , tetapi tidak memiliki salah
satu elemen yang akan membuatnya menjadi kalimat lengkap . Contoh
klausa dependen seperti berikut ini :
- because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before
- while he waited at the train station
- after they left on the bus

Contoh klausa independen seperti berikut ini :

- I did not see them at the station.
- Joe realized that the train was late.
- Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at the train
Klausa dependen seperti yang di atas tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai
kalimat, tetapi mereka dapat ditambahkan ke klausa independen untuk
membentuk kalimat kompleks .

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Klausul dependen dimulai dengan mensubordinasi konjungsi . Di bawah
ini adalah beberapa subordinating conjuctions yang paling umum :
- after
- although
- as
- because
- before
Sebuah kalimat kompleks terbentuk dari klausa independen dengan satu
atau lebih klausa dependen.
Klausul dependen bisa muncul lebih dahulu dalam kalimat, kemudian
baru diikuti oleh klausa independen , seperti berikut :
- Because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon,
I did not see them at the station.
- While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was
- After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was
waiting at the train station.

Dengan dipadukannya klausul dependen terhadap klausul independen,

maka muncul sebuah makna yang padu, bukan? Klausul dependen yang
semula tidak dapat ditangkap maknanya, setelah dipadukan apakah juga
memiliki makna? Apakah terjadi penyatuan makna antara klausul
independen dan klausul dependen?

3. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk paragraf

Selanjutnya pada bagian ini akan kita bahas tentang bagimana

mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk paragraf. Paragraf
adalah rangkaian kalimat yang saling berhubungan dan membentuk satu
kesatuan pokok pembahasan. Paragraf hanya mengandung satu gagasan
utama atau satu pokok pikiran yang merupakan satuan bahasa yang lebih
besar daripada kalimat.

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Didalam sebuah paragraf terdapat main idea dan topic sentence. Main
idea adalah gambaran umum tentang isi bacaan, sedangkan topic
sentence adalah kalimat yang menggambarkan main idea /pokok pikiran
dari sebuah paragraph. Topik sentence biasanya ada pada awal
/akhir/kadang di tengah sebuah paragraph.

Menurut Egins dalam Emi Emilia, (Emi Emilia, 2011), sebuah teks dapat
membentuk satu kesatuan yang utuh apabila teks memiliki tekstur, yakni yang
mengikat setiap klausa dalam teks untuk membentuk satu kesatuan yang
utuh. Texture yang mengikat klausa tersebut terdiri dari dua dimensi penting,
yakni: Koheren (Coherence) dan Kohesi (Cohesion).

Koheren adalah keterpaduan hubungan makna antara bagian-bagian

dalam wacana. koheren mengacu pada cara sekelompok klausa atau
kalimat berkaitan dengan konteks. Koheren bisa dikelompokkan menjadi
dua, yakni: situational atau registerial coherence dan generic coherence.

Sebuah teks mempunyai situational coherence kalau pembaca bisa

mengenali situasi dimana klausa-klausa atau kalimat yang ada dalam teks
itu terjadi, yakni ketika pembaca bisa mengidentifikasi topik (field), cara
(mode) - apakah teks itu lisan atau tertulis, dan tenor (siapa penulis atau
pembicara dan kepada siapa) dari keseluruhan klausa yang ada dalam
teks itu.

Sementara itu, sebuah teks dikatakan mempunyai generic coherence

ketika kita bisa mengenali atau mengidentifikasi teks itu sebagai satu jenis
teks tertentu, seperti Recount, Narrative, Eksposition, Discussion, dan
mengenali struktur organisasi, dengan setiap elemen yang biasanya ada
dalam jenis teks itu.

Cohesion atau kohesi mengacu pada cara kita mengaitkan atau mengikat
setiap bagian dari wacana atau teks. Konsep utama di balik kohesi adalah

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bahwa “there is a semantic tie between an item at one point in a text and
an item at another point. The presence of the tie makes at least one of the
items dependent upon the other for its interpretation“(Eggins, 1994; dalam
Emi Emilia, 2011).

Kohesi terdiri atas dua macam unsur , yaitu unsur gramatikal dan leksikal.
Kohesi gramatikal artinya kepaduan bentuk sesuai dengan tata bahasa.
Kohesi gramatikal memiliki piranti antara lain referensi, substitusi, dan
konjungsi. Sedangkan kohesi leksikal artinya kepaduan bentuk sesuai
dengan kata. Kohesi leksikal memiliki piranti antara lain reiterasi
(pengulangan) dan kolokasi.

Untuk melihat ciri-ciri teks yang baik kita bisa melihat contoh-contoh
berikut, berdasarkan pembahasan yang diberikan Eggins. (Emi Emilia,

Contoh bahasa tulis:

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini, selanjutnya amati apakah kumpulan klausa

atau kata di bawah ini bisa membentuk teks yang koheren dan kohesif.

Contoh 1
1.Up road runs they. 2. To sign please form those page on. 3. Three
children Shirley have: boy two, girl (Eggins, 1994: 86).

Apabila kita amati, paragraph atau kelompok-klausa dan kata di atas tidak
bisa dikatakan sebuah teks yang baik karena grammarnya salah. Orang
tidak akan bisa memahami setiap klausa, apalagi teks secara
keseluruhan. Dengan demikian, di sinilah pentingnya siswa diajari
grammar karena tanpa grammar yang baik, mereka pun tidak bisa
mengungkapkan gagasannya dengan baik dan tujuan komunikasi pun
tidak akan tercapai.

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Selain itu, coba lihat Contoh 2 berikut:

Contoh 2
1. I’ve been learning English for two years. 2. He’s been playing the guitar
for six months. 3. They’ve been living in Sydney for one month. 4. We’ve
been working here for 3 years. 5. She’s been studying French for two
weeks. (Eggins, 1994: 86)

Selanjutnya apabila kita analisa paragraf diatas, kelompok klausa tersebut

tatabahasanyabetul, semua klausa polanyasama, dan bisa dikatakan
mempunyai grammatical parallelism. Tetapi, andaikata ditanya apakah
sekelompok klausa di atas bisa membentuk satu teks yang utuh, maka
jawabannya tidak, karena kita tidak bisa mengidentifikasi topik, siapa yang
berbicara kepada siapa, dan apakah dia berbicara secara tertulis atau
lisan. Jadi kumpulan klausa itu tidak mempunyai situational coherence
dan generic coherence.

Jadi, dari Contoh 2 di atas bisa dilihat bahwa teks yang baik itu tidak cukup
hanya ditulis dengan grammar yang benar, walaupun grammar
memainkan peranan yang sangat penting. Teks yang baik juga harus
mempunyai situational dan generic coherence.

Selanjutnya kita amati contoh teks yang berasal dari buku bahasa Inggris
SMA berikut ini.

At the Market

My mother and I are at the market. We go there on foot. It’s about 400 metres
from my house. We want to buy some food to celebrate my father’s birthday.
We go to the fruit stall to buy some oranges, melons and grapes. Then we go
to the greengrocer’s to buy some potatoes, cabbages and carrots. We also
buy some meat, fish and lobsters. We buy a

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kilogram of sugar. We do not buy any salt because we still have some.
We leave the market at about eight o’clock.

Pada teks diatas terdapat salah satu piranti kohesi yakni referensi. Kata
ganti (pronoun) ‘my mother and I’ muncul kembali pada kalimat lain
sebagai ‘we’. Ini menunjukkan bahwa‘we’ memiliki referensi yang jelas.
Kata ini digunakan berkali-kali dan pembaca tetap bisa mengerti bahwa
‘we’ berarti ‘my mother and I’.

Selanjutnya pada teks tersebut juga terdapat piranti kohesi yang lain yang
disebut lexical chain atau untaian leksikal. Pada teks diatas, penulis
menggunakan kata ‘food’ dan kata ini menghasilkan untaian kata yang
berhubungan seperti fruit, vegetables, meat, sugar dll. Penggunaan kata-
kata tersebut dengan tepat akan mempermudah pembaca memahami
teks yang dilahirkan oleh konteks di pasar.

Dalam teks lisan unsur-unsur teks juga sama bisa diidentifikasi dan teks
lisan yang kurang baik bisa dilihat dari contoh berikut.

A: 1. Have a chocolate, Lisa.

B: 2. The ferry just left.
A: 3. Thank you.
B: 4. Hallo (dikutip dari Eggins, dalam Emi Emilia, 2011)

Teks lisan di atas menunjukkan bahwa klausa yang satu dalam teks itu
tidak berkaitan dengan klausa yang lainnya. Kita bisa membayangkan apa
yang terjadi dalam sebuah dialog kalau setiap orang dalam dialog itu tidak
merespon lawan bicaranya dengan baik. Ketika si A dalam dialog di atas
menawarkan sesuatu, “Have a nice chocolate” maka biasanya si lawan
bicara, yakni B merespon dengan menerima atau menolak, tetapi dalam
hal ini tidak, malah mengatakan bahwa “The Ferry just left”. Demikian pula
klausa ketiga dan keempat. Ketika orang mengatakan “Thank you,”
mungkin seharusnya si lawan bicara meresponnya dengan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 17

mengatakan “My pleasure” atau “You’re welcome” atau “That’s OK” dan
bukan “Hallo”.

Dalam membuat suatu paragraf, seseorang perlu memiliki pengetahuan

tentang apa yang akan ditulis. Sebaiknya kita menulis suatu paragraf
berdasarkan bidang yang memang kita kuasai sehingga hasil tulisan
karangan kita jelas terbaca arah dan maksudnya.

Berikut ini adalah cara membuat paragraf atau karangan yang baik:
1. Menentukan tema yang akan ditulis
2. Pilih judul yang sesuai dengan karangan yang akan ditulis
3. Membuat kerangka karangan yang jelas, gagasan yang sesuai tema,
berisi pokok pikiran yang logis, serta konsisten terhadap tema dan
4. Selalu memperhatikan isi dari karangan
5. Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar.
6. Menguasai tema serta pokok bahasan yang akan kita tulis
7. Patuh pada kerangka karangan yang telah kita buat sebelumnya

Adapun ciri-ciri paragraf yang baik diantaranya sebagai berikut ini:

1) Kalimat pertamanya bertakuk/letaknya agak dalaman, ke dalam lima
ketukan spasi untuk jenis karangan yang biasa.
2) Paragraf memakai pikiran utama yang dinyatakan dalam kalimat
3) setiap paragraf memakai sebuah kalimat topik dan juga selebihnya
merupakan kalimat pengembang yang mempunyai fungsi
menjelaskan, menguraikan ataupun menerangkan pikiran utama
yang terdapat dalam kalimat topik.
4) paragraf memakai pikiran penjelas yang dinyatakan dalam kalimat
penjelas. Kalimat tersebut berisi mengenai detail-detail kalimat topik.
Paragraf bukanlah kumpulan kalimat topik. Paragraf hanya berisikan satu
kalimat topik dan juga beberapa kalimat penjelas. Setiap kalimat

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 18

penjelas berisi mengenai detail yang sangat spesifik serta tidak
mengulang pikiran penjelas lainnya.

Tips dalam menyusun kalimat agar menjadi suatu paragraf yang padu:
1. Perlu diperhatikan hubungan antar kalimat untuk mengetahui
susunan kalimat yang tepat. Ada dua jenis kalimat yaitu kalimat yang
diterangkan dan kalimat yang menerangkan. Kalimat yang
diterangkan sifatnya umum atau mayor dan kalimat yang
menerangkan bersifat lebih merinci atau minor. Peran ini tentu saja
menentukan posisi kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf. Kalimat yang
menerangkan terletak dibelakang kalimat yang diterangkan. Hal ini
dapat diketahui dari penggunaan kata ganti tertentu atau dari kata-
kata lain yang dapat menciptakan koherensi teks.
2. Urutan kegiatan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam menentukan
susunan yang tepat. Selain itu, kata-kata yang menunjukkan urutan
kejadian maupun urutan waktu penting untuk menjadi perhatian untuk
menentukan susunan kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf. Coba
perhatikan kalimat acak berikut ini, lalu tentukan susunan yang tepat
untuk membuat paragraf yang baik.

1. You can do this even before you meet him or her.

2. In 2050, everyone in the world will have a personal web page
with their information on it
3. You can check out someone's web page to learn about the
4. These web pages will use the five senses ; sight, touch, smell,
taste, and hearing.
Pembahasan :

Kalimat 1, 3, dan 4 tidak mungkin menjadi kalimat utama sebab mereka

menjelaskan kalimat yang lainnya. Hal ini dapat diketahui dari pemakaian
kata this way, his or her, dan these web. Kalimat pertama/ utama adalah
nomor 2 sebab kalimat itu masih bersifat umum.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 19

Kalimat 4 semestinya menerangkan kalimat nomor 2. Hal ini dapat
diketahui dari pemakaian kata these web. Jadi susunannya menjadi
2-4. Demikian juga kalimat nomor 1 semestinya menerangkan kalimat
nomor 3 karena adanya kata him or her yang merujuk pada kata
Berdasarkan analisis ini, maka susunan kalimat acak diatas menjadi
paragraf yang benar sesuai dengan urutannya yaitu 2-4-3-1 ;

"In 2050, everyone in the world will have a personal web page with
their information on it. These web pages will use the five senses; sight,
touch, smell, taste, and hearing. You can check out someone's web
page to learn about the person. You can do this even before you meet
him or her."

Apabila kita sering-sering berlatih membuat paragraf dengan memahami

mana kalimat pokok dan mana kalimat penjelas, maka ketika menghadapi
soal semacam itu pasti akan mudah kita kerjakan.

D. Aktifitas Pembelajaran

Pada bagian ini Anda akan melakukan kegiatan untuk menguasai materi
tentang lexical, sentence level dan paragraph dalam sebuahbacaan. Anda
disarankan untuk lebih memahami teori tentang lexical, sentence level
dan paragraph. Setelah itu anda akanmendapatkan sebuah kalimat
tunggal untuk menentukan key idea nya, kalimat komplek untuk
menentukan sentence level nya dan paragraph untuk menentukan main
idea dari paragraph tersebut. Berikut disajikan alokasi waktu untuk
mempelajari bagian ini.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 20

Tabel 1.1 :Alokasi waktu untuk mempelajari Introduction to text 3

No. Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1. Memahami teori tentang: 1jp
a. Text dan non text
b. Sentence level
c. Paragraph

2. 1. Menentukan teks dan non teks 1jp

2. Menentukan sentence level dari sebuah 1jp
kalimat panjang
3. Menentukan main idea dari sebuah 2jp

Total 5jp

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Setelah anda mempelajari pembahasan yang ada di dalam bab ini
dengan seksama, jawablah pertanyaaan berikut dengan tepat.
Soal pilihan ganda
1. Which of the followings is NOT a text?
A. The “P” symbol in office area.
B. The word “Ladies” on toilet door.
C. Musical notation in parking area.
D. A letter from a student for her parents

2. Look at this picture

Gambar 1

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 21

This picture is considered as text when?
A. On a newspaper page
B. On a mathematics book page
C. In front of a classroom
D. On a school yard

3. Which is not considered as a text?

A. Man : Excuse me Ma’am, how much does it cost?

Woman : It is Rp. 500.00

B. Man : It’s already midnight my dear!

Woman : Of course!

C. Man : Hi, you broke my umbrella!

Woman : Ups! Sorry!

D. Man : I will go to your home tonight.

Woman : Theywere good team.

4. Which of the following pictures is considered as

text? A.

Gambar 2


Gambar 3

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 22


Gambar 4


For question number 5 – 6, complete the following text with the suitable

5. You could go and play … you have done your homework.

A. before
B. after
C. although
D. that

6. Roger went swimming … it was raining.

A. after
B. since
C. although
D. that

For questions number 7 – 8 are based on this text.

"My favourite colour is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes
me. I often go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look into
the clear sky when I am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say my
favourite colour is blue."


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 23

7. What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Colour
B. Blue
C. Grass
D. Sky

8. What comment is the best related to this text?

A. This text has a good coherence
B. This text has a good cohesion
C. This text has a good coherence but has a bad cohesion
D. This text has a good coherence and cohesion

For questions number 9 – 10 are based on this text.

Cocroach Fun Facts

When you think of interesting animals, you probably don't picture the
common cockroach. However, although this insect isn't very pretty, it is
pretty amazing.
Cockroaches are good at getting around. They can squeeze into very tight
spaces, which comes in handy when they want to go through cracks in
walls. A baby cockroach can flatten itself as thin as a dime. They're fast-
moving bugs, too. Travelling at three miles an hour, a cockroach can easily
scurry out of the way of looming feet or bug swatters.
Cockroaches are also tought. They can survive a month without food and
a week without water. They can even survive for weeks without a head!
Next time you see a cockroach, show some respect for this common
household pest. After all, the species has been around far longer than
people-more than 280 million years, by some estimates. Now that's an
old bug!

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 24

9. What main idea is supported by the fact that a cockroach can
survive without its head?
A. Cockroaches are fast-moving
B. Cockroaches are tough
C. Cockroaches are common pests
D. Cockroaches are smart

10. Which of these tells one way that cockroaches and human are
A. Cockroaches can move faster
B. Cockroaches have longer lives
C. Cockroaches need food and water
D. Cockroaches have existed longer as a species

Soal essay
1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan “Text” dan “Nontext”
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan context?
3. Apakah istilah atau kata “teks” selalu mengacu pada teks tertulis?
4. Jelaskan mengapa pendidikan bahasa Inggris perlu
memperhatikan jenis-jenis teks yang dipelajari penutur asli?
5. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang paragraph, dan bagaimanakah

paragraph yang baik itu?

F. Rangkuman
Pada kegiatan ini anda telah mempelajari beberapa hal berkenaan
dengan teks dan non teks, kalimat dan paragraf. Teks tidak hanya
berbentuk tulisan ( written ), namun juga dalam bentuk lisan ( spoken ).
Ketika kita menciptakan makna , begitu juga ketika kita menulis.Sebuah
teks tersusun dari beberapa kalimat. Sedangkan kalimat berisi sebuah
klausa atau beberapa klausa yang digabung.Kalimat dapat didefinisikan
sebagai satuan bahasa berupa kata atau rangkaian kata-kata yang dapat

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 25

Di dalam sebuah paragaf terdapat main idea atau topic sentence. Main
idea adalah gambaran umum tentang isi bacaan, sedangkan topic
sentence adalah kaliamt yang menggambarkan main idea/ pokok pikiran
dari sebuah paragraf

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BAB 2 A. Tujuan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 27

Peserta mampu memiliki pengetahuan tentang berbagai aspek
kebahasaan dalam bahasa Inggris (wacana,sosiolinguistik dan strategis)
B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Menemukan makna kata leksikal, kalimat dan paragraf
2. Menemukan karakteristik paragraph yang baik
C. Uraian Materi
adjective of or relating to the words or vocabulary of a language.

Lexical dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah makna leksikal, yaitu yang berkaitan
dengan kata atau berkaitan dengan kosakata. Kata ‘lexical’ ini mulai digunakan
pada tahun 1836. Definisi leksikal ini juga dikenal sebagai definisi kamus, arti
dari istilah dalam penggunaan umum.
Kata-kata dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai leksikal atau nonlexical. Kata leksikal
adalah kata kata yang memiliki makna independen (seperti kata benda (noun),
kata ganti kata benda (pronoun), kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective),
keterangan (adverb), kata hubung (conjunction), ungkapan (interjections),
preposisi (preposition).
Nouns Boy, machine, beauty
Pronouns She, it, who
Adjectives Happy, three, both
Verbs Go, frighten, be
Prepositions In, under, with

Conjunctions And, because, if

Adverbs Happily, soon, often
Interjections Gosh, alas, coo

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 28

Definisi arti dari sebuah kata atau frase seperti itu digunakan untuk
berkomunikasi disebut makna leksikal. Dengan kata lain bahwa makna kata-
kata yang ada di dalam kamus adalah definisi leksikal. Sebagai sebuah kata
mungkin memiliki lebih dari satu makna, juga mungkin memiliki lebih dari satu
definisi leksikal.
Contoh makna leksikal dalam kata dan frase:

Makna leksikal tidak terlepas dari pemanfaatan kamus dalam proses

pembelajaran. Dalam perkembangannya, makna leksikal ini dipelajari
dalam ilmu lexicography.Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), James Murray
(1837-1915) dan Noah Webster (1758-1843) adalah tiga lexicografer yang
hebat yang menjadi pemrakarsa adanya kamus. James Murray inilah yang
menuliskan Oxford English Dictionary dan Noah Webster yang menuliskan
kamus Webster.Para lexicographer ini menuliskan ejaan, tata bahasa, dan
lexicon dalam kamusnya.Kamus bahasa Inggris dapat berupa kamus
bahasa Inggris-bahasa Inggris dan kamus bahasa Inggris-Bahasa

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 29

Mengapa kita perlu menggunakan kamus dalam proses pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris? Alasan untuk menggunakan kamus adalah alat yang
sangat penting bagi siapa saja yang belajar bahasa baru. Dengan kamus
yang baik Anda dapat melakukan hal berikut:
1. mencari arti dari kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang Anda baca atau
2. menemukan terjemahan bahasa Inggris dari kata bahasa Indonesia
3. memeriksa ejaan kata
4. memeriksa jamak dari kata benda atau lampau dari kata kerja
5. mengetahui informasi gramatikal lainnya tentang kata
6. menemukan sinonim atau antonim dari kata
7. melihat pada kolokasi dari sebuah kata
8. memeriksa bagian-bagian naskah pidato
9. mencari tahu bagaimana melafalkan kata
10. mencari tahu tentang daftar kata
11. menemukan contoh penggunaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris

Untuk menjadi seorang pengguna kamus yang baik, tidak cukup hanya
mengetahuikata-kata yang digunakan kamus. Anda juga harus menentukan
yang merupakan kamus terbaik yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Selain itu, Anda harus dapat menemukan apa yang Anda cari dengan
cepat; Anda harus yakin bahwa Anda telah menemukan apa yang Anda
cari; dan, yang paling penting,Anda perlu tahu kapan harus menggunakan
kamus Anda.
Selanjutnya, bagaimana menemukan makna kata dalam kamus dengan
cepat?Ini adalah keterampilan yang Anda perlu berlatih.Meminta

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 30

seseorang untuk menuliskan kata-kata dan melihat berapa lama waktu
yang diperlukan untuk menemukan mereka. Pertama, Anda perlu
mengetahui abjad Inggris dengan sempurna, sehingga memudahkan
Anda..Gunakan kata-kata panduan di bagian atas setiap halaman kamus;
dan terus berlatih sampai Anda dapat menemukan kata apapun dalam
waktu 10 detik.Anda juga harus berlatih menemukan kata-kata dalam
bahasa Anda sendiri dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia Anda. Jika Anda
menggunakan kamus elektronik, luangkan waktu di rumah untuk
mempelajari cara kerjanya dan, sekali lagi, praktek menemukan kata-kata
dengan cepat.
Demikian juga dalam makna kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Sebagai guru
bahasa Inggris, Anda sering membaca atau mendengar sebuah kata
bahasa Inggris baru, Anda menemukan di dalam kamus bahwa kata
tersebut memiliki lebih dari satu makna. Jika Anda tidak yakin mana yang
benar, inilah yang dapat Anda lakukan:Pertama, periksa melalui semua
makna dan menemukan salah satu yang paling masuk akal dalam konteks
di mana Anda menemukan kata.Kedua, jika Anda benar-benar ingin
memastikan, berpikir apa kata itu dalam bahasa Anda sendiri dan
mencarinya di kamus bahasa Inggris-bahasa Indonesia.. Pastikan bahwa
Anda telah menemukan makna yang tepat.
Menemukan terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat dari sebuah kata dalam
bahasa Anda
Ketika Anda mencari sebuah kata dalambahasa Anda sendiri dalam kamus,
Anda mungkin akan menemukan bahwa ada lebih dari satu terjemahan
bahasa Inggris. Jika Anda tidak yakin mana yang digunakan, Anda bisa
mencoba terjemahan kembali.Ini berarti bahwa Anda mencari terjemahan
bahasa Inggris satu per satu dalam kamus monolingual.Jika sebuah kata
memiliki definisi yang cocok kata dalam bahasa Anda, Anda aman untuk
Mengetahui kapan harus menggunakan kamus
Jika Anda mencari setiap kata baru Anda melihat atau mendengar, Anda akan
menghabiskan seluruh hari Anda dengan kamus di tangan Anda. Anda perlu
memilih kata yang tepat untuk memeriksa dan waktu yang tepat

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 31

untuk melakukannya.Hal yang perlu dilakukan sehingga Anda akan menjadi
pembelajar bahasa jauh lebih efisien. Bila Anda menemukan kata baru saat
membaca, menyelesaikan kalimat (baik: paragraf). Jika Anda belum
menebak makna dan masih tampak penting, maka Anda dapat
mencarinya.Untuk menghindari membaca terlalu lama, Anda harus
menemukan maknanya dalam bahasa Anda sendiri menggunakan kamus
bahasa Inggris- bahasa Indonesia.

Sentence Level
Sentence level adalah komponen yang terkait dengan tata bahasa, isi dan
tanda baca dalam suatu paragraf.
Tata bahasa sangat penting dalam penulisan kalimat.Mengapa demikian?
Penjelasan berikut ini memberikan pengetahuan bahwa dengan
memperhatikan tata bahasa, isi dan tanda baca sangat bermanfaat bagi
penulis itu sendiri (Donovan, 2014):

1. Keterbacaan
Tulisan yang baik dan benar akanmenyenangkan dan memudahkan
para pembaca untuk memahami bacaan

2. Komunikasi
Dengan memperhatikan tanda baca, dan semua komponen lain dari
bahasa dan tulisan yang berkaitan dengan tata bahasa yang baik, maka
tulisan tersebut menjadi alat komunikasi tertulis yang baik pula.

3. Berinvestasi pada Diri Sendiri

Belajar tata bahasa adalah cara untuk berinvestasi dalam diri Anda.
Diperlukan kemauan untuk mengasah kemampuan menulis Anda. Pada
awalnya, mungkin menjadi hambatan, tapi akhirnya, semua aturan-
aturan tata bahasa akan menjadi kebiasaan dan Anda akan menjadi
seorang penulis tingkat pertama.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 32

4. Kehormatan, Kredibilitas, dan Otoritas
Sebagai seorang penulis tingkat pertama yang telah menguasai tata
bahasa yang baik, Anda akan mendapatkan rasa hormat, kredibilitas,
dan otoritas.

5. Kesadaran Diri
Beberapa orang tidak memilikinya.Dengan demikian dengan adanya
tata bahasa yang baik, isi yang jelas dan tanda baca yang tepat akan
memberikan kesadaran kepada diri sendiri.
Terkait dengan penulisan kalimat, alangkah baiknya jika kita mereview
kembali materi tentang komponen kalimat itu sendiri yaitu

Dasar Struktur Kalimat

Subyek, Predikat, Obyek, Obyek langsung, Pelengkap

Setiap kata dalam kalimat melayani tujuan tertentu dalam struktur

kalimat tertentu.Menurut aturan tata bahasa, struktur kalimat kadang-
kadang dapat cukup rumit.
Dua bagian paling dasar dari kalimat adalah subjek dan predikat.Subjek
kalimat adalah orang, tempat, atau hal yang melakukan tindakan dari
kalimat. Subjek mewakili apa atau siapa kalimat adalah tentang. Subjek
sederhana biasanya berisi kata benda atau kata ganti dan dapat mencakup
memodifikasi kata, frasa, atau klausa.

Contoh Kalimat: The man builds a house.

The man

Subjek kalimat adalah orang, tempat, atau hal yang melakukan tindakan dari
kalimat. Subjek mewakili tentang apa atau siapa sebuah kalimat
diungkapkan. Subjek sederhana biasanya berisi kata benda atau kata ganti
dan dapat mencakup memodifikasi kata, frasa, atau klausa.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 33

builds a house

Predikat mengungkapkan tindakan atau keberadaansubyek dalam

kalimat.Predikat sederhana berisi kata kerja dan juga dapat berisi
memodifikasi kata, frasa, atau klausa.

The man builds

Subjek dan predikat membentuk dua bagian struktural dasar dari setiap
kalimat lengkap.Selain itu, ada unsur-unsur lain, yang terkandung dalam
subjek atau predikat, yang menambah arti atau rinci.Unsur-unsur ini
meliputi objek langsung, objek tidak langsung dan pelengkap
subjek.Semua elemen ini dapat diperluas dan selanjutnya digabungkan
menjadi sederhana, senyawa, kompleks, atau senyawa / kalimat

The man builds a house.

Objek langsung menerima tindakan dari kalimat.Objek langsung

biasanya kata benda atau kata ganti.

The man builds it.

Setelah Anda yakin menulis kalimat, maka perlu ditingkatkan pada

pengeditan sehingga para pembaca kalimat Anda menerima pesan yang
Anda sampaikan.Teknik ini dapat Anda lakukan untuk mengevaluasi
kalimat yang Anda tulis.Cobalah membaca kalimat dokumen Anda
dengan kalimat mundur.Sehingga jelas antara subyek, obyek dan
keterangan yang Anda tulis.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 34

Berdasar kamus Webster, paragraf adalah:
a : a subdivision of a written composition that consists of one or more
sentences, deals with one point or gives the words of one speaker, and
begins on a new usually indented line
b : a short composition or note that is complete in one paragraph

Berdasar pengertiannya, paragraf adalah kumpulan kalimat terkait satu sama

lain dalam satu topik. Paragraf yang baik membantu pembaca dalam mengikuti
tulisan. Anda memiliki ide-ide yang fantastis, tetapi jika ide-ide yang tidak
disajikan dalam cara yang baik, maka, Anda akan kehilangan pembaca Anda
dan gagal untuk mencapai tujuan Anda secara tertulis.
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah menjaga satu ide untuk satu
paragraf. Jika Anda mulai memiliki ide baru, itu termasuk dalam paragraf
baru. Cara sederhana untuk mengetahui apakah Anda berada di topik
yang sama yaitu. Anda dapat memiliki satu ide dan memberikan beberapa
kalimat pendukung dalam satu paragraf. Elemen paragraf

Untuk menjadi paragraf yang efektif, harus berisi masing-masing sebagai

berikut: kesatuan dalam organisasi, koherensi, kalimat utama dan kalimat
Kesatuan organisasi yaitu seluruh kalimat harus dalam satu topik dalam
setiap paragraf.Koherensi adalah sifat yang membuat paragraf dengan
mudah dimengerti untuk pembaca. Kalimat satu dengan kalimat yang lain
saling berhubungan. Topik kalimat adalah kalimat yang menunjukkan
secara umum ide atau tesis paragraf). Cara mudah untuk memastikan Anda
memahami topik paragraf adalah untuk menempatkan kalimat topik di awal
Selanjutnya dalam satu paragraf yang baik, karakteristiknya adalah adanya
pengembangan dari paragraf itu sendiri.Penjelasan dari topik kalimat dengan
kalimat penjelas yang memadai.Gunakan contoh, ilustrasi, data (fakta, statistik,
bukti, rincian, dan lain-lain). Anda juga dapat menggunakan
anekdot atau cerita, mendefinisikan istilah dalam paragraf,
membandingkan, menjelaskan sebab-akibat, menjelaskan efek dan
konsekuensi, menganalisa dan menjelaskan topik dan menceritakan suatu

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 35

Contoh paragraf:

Intensity of food production involves using the same area of land to grow
several crops within a year. This means that the land is being used to
cultivate one crop after another depending on the season, thus
increasing productivity. Productivity of farmland refers to the amount of
produce that can be obtained from a unit of land or manpower. There
are many factors that can affect the level of productivity of the Earth's
farmlands. These factors are interrelated and some are more important
than others in particular places or because of particular events. These
factors can be grouped into several broad categories physical, social,
economic, political and technological.
D.Aktivitas Pembelajaran
Setelah membaca bacaan diatas, Anda diminta membuat rangkumannya
dengan kalimat anda sendiri. Rangkuman ini akan memberikan pemahaman
atas makna leksikal, kalimat dan paragraf.

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
1. Carilah makna leksikal kata- kata berikut ini di kamus:
a. Wild
b. Growth
c. Genre
2. Bagaimana Anda menggunakan kamus secara efektif?
3. Jelaskan secara singkat 3 hal dalam sentence level!
4. Sebutkan beberapa karakteristik dari paragraf yang baik!

Lexical adalah kata yang tercantum dalam kamus bahasa.
Kamus adalah alat yang penting dalam proses pembelajaran.
Sentence level adalah hal yang terkait dengan tata bahasa, isi dan tanda
Paragraph adalah kumpulan beberapa kalimat yang saling berhubungan
dangan satu topik atau ide didalamnya.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 36


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 37
A. Tujuan
Peserta memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang berbagai
aspek kebahasaan dalam bahasa Inggris
(linguistik,wacana,sosiolinguistik dan strategis)

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Membedakan teks dan non teks
2. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk kalimat.
3. Mengungkapkan gagasan dalam teks berbentuk paragraf.

C. Uraian Materi
1. Text and Non text
Text is one of the main elements that play a significant role in
communication. People communicating in language do not do so simply by
means of individual words or fragments of sentences, but by means of texts.
We speak text, we read text, we listen to text, we write text, and we even
translate text. Text is the basis for any discipline such as law, religion,
medicine, science, politics, etc. Each of these is manifested in its own
language, i.e. it has its special terminologies. A text is above all a
multidimensional unit and as such is not liable to a simple unifying definition.
Werlich (1976: 23) defines text as follows:
A text is an extended structure of syntactic units [i.e. text as
super-sentence] such as words, groups, and clauses and
textual units that is marked by both coherence among the
elements and completion…. [Whereas] A non-text consists
of random sequences of linguistic units such as sentences,
paragraphs, or sections in any temporal and/or spatial

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 38

Whereas Beaugrande and Dressler (1981: 63) define the notion ‘text’ as:
A naturally occurring manifestation of language, i.e. as a
communicative language event in a context. The SURFACE
TEXT is the set of expressions actually used;
these expressions make some knowledge EXPLICIT,
while other knowledge remains IMPLICIT, though still
applied during processing.

In Addition, Halliday and Hasan (1976: 1-2) state the notion ‘text’
as: [A term] used in linguistics to refer to any passage-
spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a
unified whole [….] A text is a unit of language in use. It is
not a grammatical unit, like a clause or a sentence; and
it is not defined by its size [….] A text is best regarded as
a SEMANTIC unit; a unit not of form but of meaning.

A very comprehensive study of text is displayed in Halliday and Hasan’s

(1976) treatment of features of English texts (1976), and Halliday, in
Halliday and Hasan (1985). In their work Cohesion in English, Halliday
and Hasan (1976: 2) define the notion ‘text’ by saying:
Text is used in linguistics to refer to any passage, spoken
or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified
whole […]. A text is a unit of language in use. It is not a
grammatical unit, like a clause or a sentence; and it is not
defined by its size. A text is sometimes envisaged to be
some kind of super-sentence, a grammatical unit that is
larger than a sentence but is related to a sentence in the
same way that a sentence is related to a clause, a clause
to a group and so on […]. A text is best regarded as a
SEMANTIC unit; a unit not of form but of meaning.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 39

Adapted with some changes from Hand Out No 1 of “ Text-linguistics
for students of translation “ of King Saud University.

2. Expressing idea in a sentence : Simple, compound and

complex sentence:
Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex
A common weakness in writing is the lack of varied sentences. Becoming
aware of three general types of sentences--simple, compound, and complex-
-can help you vary the sentences in your writing.
The most effective writing uses a variety of the sentence types explained

1. Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has the most basic
elements that make it a sentence: a
subject, a verb, and a completed
Examples of simple sentences include the following:
1. Joe waited for the train.
"Joe" = subject, "waited" = verb

2. The train was late.

"The train" = subject, "was" = verb

3. Mary and Samantha took the bus.

"Mary and Samantha" = compound subject, "took" = verb

4. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus

station. "I" = subject, "looked" = verb

5. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited
until noon for the bus.


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 40

"Mary and Samantha" = compound subject, "arrived" and "waited"
= compound verb
Tip: If you use many simple sentences in an essay, you should
consider revising some of the sentences into compound or complex
sentences (explained below).
The use of compound subjects, compound verbs, prepositional phrases
(such as "at the bus station"), and other elements help lengthen simple
sentences, but simple sentences often are short. The use of too many
simple sentences can make writing "choppy" and can prevent the writing
from flowing smoothly.
A simple sentence can also be referred to as an independent clause. It
is referred to as "independent" because, while it might be part of a
compound or complex sentence, it can also stand by itself as a complete

2. Compound Sentences
A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of two independent
clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with
a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy
to remember if you think of the words "FAN BOYS":
 For

 And

 Nor

 But

 Or

 Yet

 So
Examples of compound sentences include the following:
1. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late.

2. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station, but they arrived
at the station before noon and left on the bus before I arrived.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 41

3. Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, and
they left on the bus before I arrived.

4. Mary and Samantha left on the bus before I arrived, so I did not
see them at the bus station.

Tip: If you rely heavily on compound sentences in an essay, you should

consider revising some of them into complex sentences (explained below).
Coordinating conjunctions are useful for connecting sentences, but
compound sentences often are overused. While coordinating conjunctions
can indicate some type of relationship between the two independent
clauses in the sentence, they sometimes do not indicate much of a
relationship. The word "and," for example, only adds one independent
clause to another, without indicating how the two parts of a sentence are
logically related. Too many compound sentences that use "and" can
weaken writing.
Clearer and more specific relationships can be established through the
use of complex sentences.

3. Complex Sentences
A complex sentence is made up of an independent clause and one or
more dependent clauses connected to it. A dependent clause is similar
to an independent clause, or complete sentence, but it lacks one of the
elements that would make it a complete sentence. Examples of
dependent clauses include the following:
 because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon

 while he waited at the train station

 after they left on the bus
Dependent clauses such as those above cannot stand alone as a
sentence, but they can be added to an independent clause to form a
complex sentence.
Dependent clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions. Below are
some of the most common subordinating conjunctions:

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 42

 after

 although

 as

 because

 before

 even though

 if

 since

 though

 unless

 until

 when

 whenever

 whereas

 wherever

 while
A complex sentence joins an independent clause with one or more
dependent clauses.
The dependent clauses can go first in the sentence, followed by the
independent clause, as in the following:
Tip: When the dependent clause comes first, a comma should be used to
separate the two clauses.
1. Because Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon, I
did not see them at the station.
2. While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late.
3. After they left on the bus, Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was
waiting at the train station.
Conversely, the independent clauses can go first in the sentence,
followed by the dependent clause, as in the following:
Tip: When the independent clause comes first, a comma should not be
used to separate the two clauses.
1. I did not see them at the station because Mary and Samantha arrived at
the bus station before noon.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 43

2. Joe realized that the train was late while he waited at the train station.
3. Mary and Samantha realized that Joe was waiting at the train station
after they left on the bus.
Complex sentences are often more effective than compound sentences
because a complex sentence indicates clearer and more specific
relationships between the main parts of the sentence. The word "before,"
for instance, tells readers that one thing occurs before another. A word such
as "although" conveys a more complex relationship than a word such as
"and" conveys.
The term periodic sentence is used to refer to a complex sentence
beginning with a dependent clause and ending with an independent clause,
as in "While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late."
Periodic sentences can be especially effective because the completed
thought occurs at the end of it, so the first part of the sentence can build up
to the meaning that comes at the end.
Taken from :

3. Expressing ideas in a paragraph.

Paragraphs and Topic Sentences
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and
are all related to a single topic. Almost every piece of writing you do that is
longer than a few sentences should be organized into paragraphs. This is
because paragraphs show a reader where the subdivisions of an essay
begin and end, and thus help the reader see the organization of the essay
and grasp its main points.
Paragraphs can contain many different kinds of information. A paragraph
could contain a series of brief examples or a single long illustration of a
general point. It might describe a place, character, or process; narrate a
series of events; compare or contrast two or more things; classify items into
categories; or describe causes and effects. Regardless of the kind of


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 44

information they contain, all paragraphs share certain characteristics. One
of the most important of these is a topic sentence.

4. Topic Sentences
A well-organized paragraph supports or develops a single controlling idea,
which is expressed in a sentence called the topic sentence. A topic
sentence has several important functions: it substantiates or supports an
essay’s thesis statement; it unifies the content of a paragraph and directs
the order of the sentences; and it advises the reader of the subject to be
discussed and how the paragraph will discuss it. Readers generally look to
the first few sentences in a paragraph to determine the subject and
perspective of the paragraph. That’s why it’s often best to put the topic
sentence at the very beginning of the paragraph. In some cases, however,
it’s more effective to place another sentence before the topic sentence—for
example, a sentence linking the current paragraph to the previous one, or
one providing background information.
Although most paragraphs should have a topic sentence, there are a few
situations when a paragraph might not need a topic sentence. For example,
you might be able to omit a topic sentence in a paragraph that narrates a
series of events, if a paragraph continues developing an idea that you
introduced (with a topic sentence) in the previous paragraph, or if all the
sentences and details in a paragraph clearly refer—perhaps indirectly—to
a main point. The vast majority of your paragraphs, however, should have
a topic sentence.

Paragraph Structure
Most paragraphs in an essay have a three-part structure—introduction,
body, and conclusion. You can see this structure in paragraphs whether
they are narrating, describing, comparing, contrasting, or analyzing
information. Each part of the paragraph plays an important role in
communicating your meaning to your reader.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 45

Introduction: the first section of a paragraph; should include the topic
sentence and any other sentences at the beginning of the paragraph that
give background information or provide a transition.
Body: follows the introduction; discusses the controlling idea, using facts,
arguments, analysis, examples, and other information.
Conclusion: the final section; summarizes the connections between the
information discussed in the body of the paragraph and the paragraph’s
controlling idea.

5. Coherence
In a coherent paragraph, each sentence relates clearly to the topic
sentence or controlling idea, but there is more to coherence than this. If
a paragraph is coherent, each sentence flows smoothly into the next
without obvious shifts or jumps. A coherent paragraph also highlights the
ties between old information and new information to make the structure
of ideas or arguments clear to the reader.
Along with the smooth flow of sentences, a paragraph’s coherence may
also be related to its length. If you have written a very long paragraph,
one that fills a double-spaced typed page, for example, you should check
it carefully to see if it should start a new paragraph where the original
paragraph wanders from its controlling idea. On the other hand, if a
paragraph is very short (only one or two sentences, perhaps), you may
need to develop its controlling idea more thoroughly, or combine it with
another paragraph.
A number of other techniques that you can use to establish coherence in
paragraphs are described below.
Repeat key words or phrases. Particularly in paragraphs in which you
define or identify an important idea or theory, be consistent in how you
refer to it. This consistency and repetition will bind the paragraph
together and help your reader understand your definition or description.
Create parallel structures. Parallel structures are created by
constructing two or more phrases or sentences that have the same

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 46

grammatical structure and use the same parts of speech. By creating
parallel structures you make your sentences clearer and easier to read.
In addition, repeating a pattern in a series of consecutive sentences
helps your reader see the connections between ideas. In the paragraph
above about scientists and the sense of sight, several sentences in the
body of the paragraph have been constructed in a parallel way. The
parallel structures (which have been emphasized) help the reader see
that the paragraph is organized as a set of examples of a general
Be consistent in point of view, verb tense, and number. Consistency in
point of view, verb tense, and number is a subtle but important aspect of
coherence. If you shift from the more personal "you" to the impersonal “one,”
from past to present tense, or from “a man” to “they,” for example, you make
your paragraph less coherent. Such inconsistencies can also confuse your
reader and make your argument more difficult to follow.
Use transition words or phrases between sentences and between
paragraphs. Transitional expressions emphasize the relationships
between ideas, so they help readers follow your train of thought or see
connections that they might otherwise miss or misunderstand. The
following paragraph shows how carefully chosen transitions
(CAPITALIZED) lead the reader smoothly from the introduction to the
conclusion of the paragraph.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 47

I don’t wish to deny that the flattened, minuscule head of the large-bodied
"stegosaurus" houses little brain from our subjective, top-heavy perspective,
BUT I do wish to assert that we should not expect more of the beast. FIRST
OF ALL, large animals have relatively smaller brains than related, small
animals. The correlation of brain size with body size among kindred animals
(all reptiles, all mammals, FOR EXAMPLE) is remarkably regular. AS we
move from small to large animals, from mice to elephants or small lizards to
Komodo dragons, brain size increases, BUT not so fast as body size. IN
OTHER WORDS, bodies grow faster than brains, AND large animals have
low ratios of brain weight to body weight. IN FACT, brains grow only about
two-thirds as fast as bodies. SINCE we have no reason to believe that large
animals are consistently stupider than their smaller relatives, we must
conclude that large animals require relatively less brain to do as well as
smaller animals. IF we do not recognize this relationship, we are likely to
underestimate the mental power of very large animals, dinosaurs in

Stephen Jay Gould, “Were Dinosaurs Dumb?”

Some Useful Transitions (modified from Diana Hacker, A Writer’s Reference)

To show addition:
again, and, also, besides, equally important, first (second, etc.),
further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, moreover, next, too
To give examples:
for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate
To compare:
also, in the same manner, likewise, similarly
To contrast:
although, and yet, at the same time, but, despite, even though,
however, in contrast, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the
other hand, still, though, yet
To summarize or conclude:

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 48

all in all, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, on the
whole, that is, therefore, to sum up
To show time:
after, afterward, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, before, during,
earlier, finally, formerly, immediately, later, meanwhile, next, since,
shortly, subsequently, then, thereafter, until, when, while
To show place or direction:
above, below, beyond, close, elsewhere, farther on, here, nearby,
opposite, to the left (north, etc.)
To indicate logical relationship:
accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason,
hence, if, otherwise, since, so, then, therefore, thus
Produced by Writing Tutorial Services, Indiana University, Bloomington,
taken from :


CLAIM, which it then explains, develops, or supports with evidence.

Paragraph sprawl occurs when digressions are introduced into an otherwise

focused and unified discussion. Digressions and deviations often come in
the form of irrelevant details or shifts in focus.

Read the following text

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 49

Irrelevant Details
When I was growing up, one of the places I enjoyed most was the
cherry tree in the back yard. Behind the yard was an alley and then
more houses. Every summer when the cherries began to ripen, I
used to spend hours high in the tree, picking and eating the sweet,
sun-warmed cherries. My mother always worried about my falling
out of the tree, but I never did. But I had some competition for the
cherries — flocks of birds that enjoyed them as much as I did and
would perch all over the tree, devouring the fruit whenever I wasn't
there. I used to wonder why the grown-ups never ate any of the
cherries; but actually when the birds and I had finished, there weren't
many left.

No sentence is completely irrelevant to the general topic of this

paragraph (the cherry tree), but the sentences Behind the yard was an
alley and then more houses and My mother always worried about my
falling out of the tree, but I never did do not develop the specific idea in
the first sentence: enjoyment of the cherry tree.
It is a fact that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. 2Statistics
show that in states with capital punishment, murder rates are the same
or almost the same as in states without capital punishment. 3It is also
true that it is more expensive to put a person on death row than in life
imprisonment because of the costs of maximum security.4Unfortunately,
capital punishment has been used unjustly. 5Statistics show that every
execution is of a man and that nine out of ten are black. 6So prejudice
shows right through.
Once again, no sentence in this paragraph (to the left) is completely
irrelevant to the general topic (capital punishment), but the specific focus of
this paragraph shifts abruptly twice. The paragraph starts out with a clear
claim in sentence 1: It is a fact that capital punishment is not a deterrent to
crime. Sentence 2 provides evidence in support of the initial claim: Statistics
show that in states with capital punishment, murder rates are the same or
almost the same as in states without capital

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 50

punishment. Sentence3, however, shifts the focus from capital
punishment as a deterrent to crime to the cost of incarceration: It is also
true that it is more expensive to put a person on death row than in life
imprisonment because of the costs of maximum security. Sentence 4
once again shifts the focus, this time to issues of justice:Unfortunately,
capital punishment has been used unjustly. Sentences 5 and 6, Statistics
show that every execution is of a man and that nine out of ten are black
and So prejudice shows right through, follow from 4 if one believes that
executing men and blacks is in fact evidence of injustice and prejudice.
More importantly, however, we are now a long way off from the original
claim, that capital punishment does not deter crime. The focus has
shifted from deterrence to expense to fairness

C. Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Exercise 1: Try to write only a topic sentence for this paragraph.
I hate lie. I always try not to tell lies and I want that from my friends, too. I think it
is the most important behavior. I can believe everything my friends say. In
addition, a good friend must say his ideas to me firstly. I mean, he shouldn't talk
about me with other people. Especially about the bad thing, he doesn't have to
talk because it might be wrong. Secondly, a good friend must help me. He must
do his best. He should ask help from me too. If we solve problems together, our
friendship will be better and it will become stronger. Thirdly, the talking time is
important. I can talk with my friends for a long time, and during that time I must
be happy. That's why we should like the same things. In conclusion, trust is the
basics of a friendship.

Exercise 2.Write your topic sentence in the box.

A good friend is a person who doesn't tell me lies, who helps me and let me
help him, and who I can talk to in trust.
Exercise 3. Read the information below

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 51

Development of the ideas: It means that every idea discussed in the paragraph

should be adequately explained and supported through evidence and examples.

We generally believe that people would easily understand us when we write.

Unfortunately, our use of language may not be perfect and our ideas may be
different. If we want our ideas to be understood, we need to explain them and
give specific examples of each. Listing our ideas is never enough. See the
example below:

Exercise 4: list the ideas from the following paragraph and read
the explanation below.

First of all, a friend mustn't tell lie. He must always tell me the truth and he
must be honest because if there is honesty between two friends, their
relationship will last until death. In addition to honesty, helping or being near a
friend on a bad day is very important. Another point to consider is that he must
criticize me if I make a mistake.
If we list the ideas, here is what we get:
A friend must:
not tell a lie
 be there for him on a bad day

 criticize when necessary
The list and the paragraph are the same length because the ideas in the
paragraph are also listed without explanation. This means, the ideas are not
developed. It also lacks a topic sentence. Let’s write the paragraph again creating
a topic sentence and some explanation of the ideas provided.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 52

Exercise 5.Let's read the original student paragraph below and read
the explanation:
Friends play a great role in our lives. They effect our lives negatifly or positifly.
We should choose them very carefully. First, we can look at his behaviors. If it is
OK, no problem but if it is not, we can't become a "Kanka". After that, we can
look at his activities. It is very important to do something together. We must
beware of people who has bad habits such as smoking, bad speaking, etc.
Some people don't think so but I think finally we should look at his phsical
aparians because if you have diffirentphsical aparianse than him, you can't be
relaxable. For example if you are taller than him, this generally does
unrelaxable to him. As a consequently, it is very important to choose a friend
according to your especialities.

Here it is the discusson .

First of all, "negatif" and "positif" are written in Turkish (or almost in Turkish
"pozitif"). We, Turkish learners of English, generally make this mistake both in
writing and in speaking (consider "psychology, sociology"). We may have similar
words in both languages; however, we must pay attention to their spellings and
Secondly, "Kanka" is a Turkish word. It is correct to highlight it either by using
double quotations or writing in italics, but does this explain what "Kanka" means?
Do all of us (including foreign instructors reading this writing) need to know this
word which is used mostly by teenagers? It is common practice to use foreign
words or expressions. If we use them, we need to make ourselves clear by
explaining their meanings.
Thirdly, we see many misspelled words. We can deduce what they are but do we
have to? Unless we write words correctly, we cannot expect others to understand us.
This attitude "This is how I write / talk. If they want to understand me, they should get
used to my style" would not help anyone, and should not be.
Now, let's get rid of the "Turklish" in the sample paragraph and write it again,
without changing the meaning much.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 53

Exercise 6.Read the text and define the coherence.

Coherence: It means that the sentences should be organized in a logical

manner and should follow a definite plan of development.

Exercise 7. Read the original student paper and

I live in a house in Izmit. It isn't old or modern. It's a normal Turkish house.
We can say it is near the sea. It takes about 10 minutes to go to the sea side on
foot. We have one bedroom, one living room. We also have two other rooms,
too. We use them as a dining room. Naturally, we have a kitchen, a bathroom,
and a toilet. I live with my parents. And our house has a little garden; my
parents spend their time there to grow vegetables and fruit.

Here it is the explanation.

First, let's see the order of the ideas:
1. Where the house is
2. Type of the house
3. The location
4. The rooms in the house
5. The fact that he lives with his parents
6. The garden

The paragraph is well organized until he says he lives with his parents. It looks
like this idea interrupted his description of the house. It should be put somewhere
else in the paragraph.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 54

Exercise 8. Read the explanation below and get the point of the
text. Coherence and Unity
Coherence refers to a certain characteristic or aspect of writing. Literally, the
word means "to stick together." Coherence in writing means that all the ideas in
a paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. With
coherence, the reader has an easy time understanding the ideas that you wish to
express. Consider the paragraph below:


My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First,

it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. On
either side of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are many willow trees
which have long branches that can move gracefully in the wind. In
autumn the leaves of thesetrees fall and cover the riverbanks like
golden snow. Second, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill,
which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it is steep,
climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks
along the sides that can be used as stairs. There are no trees around
this hill, so it stands clearly against the sky and can be seen from
many miles away. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree.
This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six
hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and
make my hometown a famous place.

Exercise 9.Read the explanation about Major

Connectors Major Connectors
Look at the words in bold font. Do you see how they help guide the reader? For
example, consider the words, First, Second, andThe third amazing feature. We
can call these words major connectors. Major connectors help organize the main
parts of your paragraph. This paragraph has three main parts: (1) a part about the
Wheaton River, (2) a part about Wheaton Hill, and (3) a part about the Big

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 55

Old Tree. Another way of saying this is that this paragraph has three main
points which are indicated by the major connectors. Using such major
connectors is an important way of providing coherence in a paragraph.

Exercise 10. Read the explanation about Minor Connectors.

What about the other words in bold, such as those appearing in the
phrases "these trees" and "this hill"? We can call these minor connectors.
Minor connectors provide coherence to a paragraph by connecting
sentences within each of the main parts of your paragraph. That is, when you
write about your main points, you can use minor connectors to link your details
to each main point.
Now, look at this paragraph. Can you identify the main points?

Each of the U.S. manned space exploration projects had specific

major goals. The Mercury project was designed to test whether or not
human beings could survive and function in outer space. The Mercury
project tested rockets with the new Mercury space capsule, which
could hold one person. The Gemini project was intended to find out
whether two people could work in the weightless environment of
space. Gemini astronauts took "spacewalks." They floated outside
their spacecraft in a spacesuit, connected to it by a tether. Gemini
astronauts tried out new flying skills. Some astronauts flew two
spacecraft extremely close together; this procedure was called
"rendezvous." On some Gemini flights, astronauts physically linked
two spacecraft together. Linking, or "space docking," was a major goal
of the Gemini program. The Apollo project, with three astronauts, was
intended to test spacecraft and skills so that people could actually fly
to the Moon and land on it. Performing scientific experiments on the
lunar surface and collecting rocks for study on Earth were goals.

Was this paragraph a little confusing to read? Now consider the same
paragraph with a few changes:

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 56

Each of the U.S. manned space exploration projects had specific major
goals. For example, the Mercury project was designed to test whether or
not human beings could survive and function in outer space. In addition, the
Mercury project tested rockets with the new Mercury space capsule, which
could hold one person. As another example, the Gemini project was
intended to find out whether two people could work in the weightless
environment of space. One way of doing this was by having Gemini
astronauts take "spacewalks." That is, they floated outside their spacecraft
in a spacesuit, connected to it by a tether. Gemini astronauts alsotried out
new flying skills.For example, some astronauts flew two spacecraft
extremely close together; this procedure was called "rendezvous." On some
Gemini flights, astronauts physically linked two spacecraft together. This
linking, or "space docking," was a major goal of the Gemini program.
Finally, the Apollo project, with three astronauts, had the goal of testing
spacecraft and skills so that people could actually fly to the Moon and land
on it. Other goals includedperforming scientific experiments on the lunar
surface and collecting rocks for study on Earth.

Do you see which of the connectors above are major and which are minor? The
major ones are For example in the second sentence, which introduces the first
supporting point (the Mercury program); As another example, which begins the
second main point (the Gemini program); and the word Finally, which introduces
the third and last main point (the Apollo moon program). (In the paragraph above,
all of the major connectors are underlined.)

As for the minor connectors, we can divide them into three groups. The first
group of minor connectors provides coherence for the first main point (the
Mercury program). There is only one minor connector in this first group, In
addition, although it is possible to have more than one, depending on how
many details you have to support your first main point.
The second group of minor connectors consists of That is, also, and also the

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 57

phrase For example in the sentence, "For example, some astronauts..." Notice
that this last minor connector is the same as the major connector at the beginning
of the paragraph. However, the function of each is different, depending on the
meaning of the sentences.

The third group of minor connectors in this particular paragraph also has one
member, which is Other goals included....

Here is a table of a few common connectors (also called transitions):

For example, As another example,

On the one hand,
For instance, Another example of
On the other hand,
One example of [xxx] is (that)
(this) is Finally,
..., but...also
First, Second, In conclusion,
Third, etc. To summarize,

Paragraph Unity
Unity is a very important characteristic of good paragraph writing. Paragraph
unity means that one paragraph is about ONLY ONE main topic. That is, all the
sentences -- the topic, supporting sentences, the detail sentences, and
(sometimes) the concluding sentence -- are all telling the reader about ONE main
topic. If your paragraph contains a sentence or some sentences that are NOT
related to the main topic, then we say that the paragraph "lacks unity," or that the
sentence is "off-topic."
Look at the following paragraph, which is similar to the paragraph that we have
studied above. Does it have perfect unity? Try to find the sentence that is off-
Each of the Russian manned space exploration projects had specific major
goals. For example, the Vostok project was designed to test whether or not

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 58

human beings could survive and function in outer space. For another example,
the Voshkhod project was intended to find out whether people could work in
the weightless environment of space. One Voshkhod cosmonaut experimented
with weightlessness by taking a "spacewalk." That is, he floated in a spacesuit
outside his Voshkhod spacecraft, connected to it by a tether. The cosmonaut
to do this was Alexei Leonov. Several weeks later, Leonov's spacewalk was
followed by that of U.S. astronaut Ed White. Finally, the Soyuz project, with
three cosmonauts, had goals of testing spacecraft and spaceflight skills so that
people could fly long missions in Earth orbit.

This paragraph is generally good, but the sentence, Several weeks later,
Leonov's spacewalk was followed by that of U.S. astronaut Ed White, does
not have anything to do with the major goals of the various Russian space
projects. That is, it is an "off-topic" sentence, so we can say that the
paragraph somewhat lacks unity. In order to improve the paragraph, we
should omit this sentence, even though it is historically accurate. Taken from

E. Latihan/ Kasus/ Tugas

Aktivitas pembelajaran berikut ini memberikan anda pengalaman
membedakan teks dan non-teks sekaligus mengasah keterampilan ada
dalam mengungkapkan gagasan dalam kalimat dan paragraf.


In the previous session, you have learned the definition of text and non-
text. These following activities will help you understanding more about text
and non-text.Read them enjoyfully and make a shot summary about
text and non text. Give three examples for each text and non text.

Stage 1 Observing text and non-text

Look at these following pictures! What do the pictures mean? In which
situation can you understand the meaning?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 59

Figure 1 gambar –gambar teks dan non teks
Read these following sentences! What do the sentences mean?

私は学生です。 Soy un estudiante. ममम Я студент.


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 60

If you can totally understand the meaning, you find a text! If you can
not understand the meaning, it means that you find a non-text!
Untuk mengecek pemahaman anda, kerjakan Exercise 1!

Stage 2 Asking and Exploring text/non-text

Find out many things that can be categorized as text and non-text!
Give the reasons why you can say the things you find as text and non-
text! Discuss with your friends!
To check your understanding, please do the exercises!


In the previous session, you have learned that something can be a text
if it is meaningful and put in certain situation. These following activities
will help you expressing your ideas in a sentence or sentences. Read
the instruction and make them done.

Stage 1 Observing Pictures

To express your ideas, you need something to represent your ideas.
Observe these pictures that guide you to make a sentence or sentences!
Write down a word below each picture!

... ...

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 61

... ...
Figure 2 gambar- gambar teks dan non teks 2

Stage 2 Asking and Exploring The Details!

Using the pictures and the words in the stage 1, make the details of
each picture! Look at the following example!

watermelon : red, fruit, fresh

Stage 3 Writing Sentences!

Based on the detail of each word you have made in the stage 2, make
the sentences! Study the following example!

watermelon: red, fruit, fresh

red: I like red watermelon
fruit: It is a fruit which is rich of Vitamin A.
fresh: The farmers bring the fresh watermelon to the market.

Agar anda dapat mengungkapkan gagasan dalam kalimat dengan

lebih baik, Exercise 2 dapat anda kerjakan!

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 62


You have been able to express ideas in word and sentence. Now you will

make a paragraph. Read the explanation and make some summary.

Stage 1 Determining a main idea

In Activity 2 you have expressed ideas in sentences. To write a paragraph,
you need to define your main ideas.

Stage 2 Making an outline of paragraph

You make an outline consisting the detail of your main idea. Your main
idea is reflected in your main sentence. Then, your details will be your
supporting sentences. Look at the example!

Outline Example
Main idea: watermelon
Supporting ideas: red, fruit, fresh

Sentence Example
Watermelon: Watermelon is my favourite fruit
red: I like red watermelon
fruit: It is a fruit which is rich of Vitamin A.
fresh: The farmers bring it fresh.

Paragraph Example
Watermelon is my favourite fruit. I like red watermelon. It is a fruit is
rich of Vitamin A. The farmers bring it fresh.

Pada kegiatan pembelajaran 2 ini, disajikan materi tentang fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang harus dikuasai dalam
mempelajari teks notice, announcement, dan letter.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 63

FungsiSosial StrukturTeks Ciri
(Social (Generic Kebahasaan
(Text Types)
Function) Structure) (Language Features)
Notice Melarang,   Kalim
(prohibition, memberi udul (title) at imperatif, positif
caution, peringatan,  dan negatif (Positive
guidance, panduan, dan eterangan and negative
informational pemberitahuan (explanation) Imperative
notice) informasi sentences) misalnya:
caution: watch your
step, No Smoking,
Announcem Memberi   Kosa
ent informasi embuka/ judul kata terkait dengan
tentang suatu pengumuman kejadian, peristiwa,
acara atau (opening/ title) dan hari-hari penting
peristiwa (event   Kalim
or ocassion) si at imperatif positif
Pengumuman dan negatif (positive
(content); and negative
 imperative
enutup sentences)
(closing)  Peng
gunaan nominal
singular dan plural
dengan atau tanpa a/
an, the, this, those,
my, their, dsb.
Letter Memberi pesan   Pres
(personal secara tertulis ead ent tenses (simple
letter, formal tentang suatu  present tense,
letter) informasi, alutation present continuous,

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 64

FungsiSosial StrukturTeks Ciri
(Social (Generic Kebahasaan
(Text Types)
Function) Structure) (Language Features)
maksud, atau  present perfect
berbagai hal ntroduction *) tense)
  Past
ody tense
ignature *)

dalam menulis
surat resmi
(formal letter)
Table 1 beragam jenis teks dan karakteristiknya masing- masing

Activity 4. Read the following explanation and make some summary.

Teks Fungsional Pendek (Short Functional Text)
Teks fungsional pendek (Short Functional Text)adalah teks pendek yang
yang berisi perintah, larangan, panduan, informasi, dan pesan tertentu
baik secara resmi maupun tidak resmi yang sering kita temukan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari. Teks fungsional pendek dapat kita temui di tempat-
tempat umum (public places) dalam bentuk larangan (prohibition),
peringatan (caution), panduan (guidance), undangan (invitation), Kartu
Ucapan (Greeting Cards), pesan pendek (short message), daftar belanja
(shopping list),dan informasi lain yang mengandung makna dan
digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.
Pada modul ini akan diulas secara singkat tentang teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice, announcement, dan letter.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 65

Notice adalah teks fungsional pendek (short functional text) yang
berfungsi untuk memberikan larangan, peringatan, panduan/ instruksi,
informasi serta ajakan kepada publik agar mentaati dan mengikutinya.
Notice dapat berupa tanda (symbol) atau tulisan yang bermakna
peringatan atau pengumuman.

Ada beberapa jenis teks fungsional berbentuk notice yang banyak

ditemui ditempat tempat umumseperti di rumah sakit, sekolah, jalanan,
pusat perbelanjaan, toko buku, tempat rekreasi, hotel, dsb.
a. Prohibition
Prohibition (larangan) dimaksudkan untuk memberikan
peringatan kepada publik untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu.
Biasanya prohition banyak ditemukan di tempat-tempat umum
seperti di taman, rumah sakit, lembaga pemerintahan, pusat
rekreasi, dsb.
Di bawah ini contoh prohibition dalam bentuk gambar atau simbol:



SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 66

b. Caution
Caution (peringatan) dimaksudkan untuk memberi peringatan
kepada publik untuk berhati-hati dalam melakukan atau
menangani sesuatu.
Caution (peringatan) sering ditemukan di tempat-tempat umum
seperti di rumah sakit, gedung-gedung perkantoran, dsb. Selain
itu, caution juga biasa kita temukan pada perangkat elektronik,
pemadam kebakaran, dan perangkat umum lainnya yang
memerlukan penanganan khusus. Apabila pengguna jasa/ alat
tidak mengindahkan peringatan ini, maka akan terjadi kerusakan
pada alat bahkan cedera pada penggunanya.
Berikut ini contoh caution dalam bentuk gambar atau simbol:



SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 67


Figure 3 beragam signs dan symbols

c. Informational notice
Informational notice (pemberitahuan informasi)bertujuan untuk
memberikan informasi yang akurat tentang suatu hal. Seperti
halnya caution, Informational notice sering kita temukan di tempat
umum seperti bandara, stasiun kereta api, terminal, hotel, pusat
pertokoan, dsb. informational notice dapatberbentuk lisan,
misalnya informasi tentang keberangkatan (departure) dan
kedatangan (arrival) di bandara, jadwal keberangkatan kereta api/
bus, berita kehilangan dan penemuan (lost and found), dsb.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh informational notice:

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 68

Figure 4 beragam notice


Selain berupa gambar atau simbol, notice sering kali kita temui
dalam bentuktulisan. Berikut ini contoh notice dalam bentuk tulisan:

Activity 6.Choose 5 pictures above randomly and make a dialog

context for each picture.

Activity 7.Choose 5 other pictures and describe or explain each picture

in a short paragraph.

Activity 8. Answer the following questions.

1. Based on your opinion, what is a text? What is a non-text?
2. Based on your experience, identify these following pictures into text
or non-text.
a) When the table is used in the context of business meeting, is
it categorized into a text or non text ?why ?
b) When the table is put on the announcement wall of public area,

is it categorized into a text or non text ?give the reason. !

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 69

Figure 5 beragam teks dan non teks

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 70

Activity 9
1. Observe these following words and find their meanings then make
a sentence for each word.
b. ignore
c. verify
d. valid
e. zero

2.Read the material about how to make sentence and paragraph

above and make an outline for the following topic:
a. my students
b. teacher quality
c. green school
3. Based on the outline in number 1, please develop a paragraph
from each outline!

Activity 10 .Identify these sentences by choosing (a) Simple, (b)

Compound or (c) Complex for each number.
1. The training rooms of these college athletes smell of grease and gasoline.


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 71

2. Their practice field is a stretch of asphalt, and their heroes make a
living driving cars.
3. Their tools are screwdrivers and spanners rather than basketballs
and footballs.
4. This new brand of college athlete is involved in the sport of auto racing
5. Most of the students are engineering majors, and they devote
every minute of their spare time to their sport.
6. Although the sport is new, it has already attracted six collegiate teams
in the Southeast
7. The students work on special cars designed for their sport.
8. The cars are called Legends cars, models of Fords and Chevys
from 1932 to 1934, and they are refitted by the students with 1200
cc motorcycle engines
9. Although their usual speed ranges from 50 to 90 miles an hour,
Legends cars can move up to 100 miles an hour on a straightaway
10. The Saturday morning races of the competing teams have attracted as
many as 3,500 fans, but the students concede they are no threat to the
nation's fastest growing sport of stock car racing.
Taken from :

F. Rangkuman
Orang saling bertukar pesan dengan menggunakan teks dan non teks. Kita
seyogyanya mengetahui bagaimana kata-kata, kalimat, dan paragraf bisa
menjadi teks atau non teks. Kata-kata, kalimat, dan paragraf itu bisa menjadi text
kalau memiliki makna utuh dan konteks yang jelas bagi pembacanya.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 72


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 73
A. Tujuan
Setelah mempelajari bagian ini, peserta diklat diharapkan dapat menentukan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaandari teks fungsional pendek
berbentuk Notice, Announcement, Personal Letter, Advertisementdengan

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Notice, Announcement, Personal
Letter, Advertisement.
2. Menentukan informasi rinci, informasi tertentu dan gambaran umum
dari teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Notice, Announcement, Personal
letter dan Advertisement.

C. Uraian Materi
Berdasarkan definisi genre dari Martin (1984), tujuan pendidikan bahasa
berbasis genre adalah membentuk kompetensi melaksanakan fungsi sosial
dengan menggunakan teks yang memiliki struktur dan unsur kebahasaan
yang tepat dan benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks komunikatifnya.
Karena kualitas teks ditentukan oleh tujuan dan konteks penggunaannya,
aktivitas berbahasa bukan hanya sekedar kebiasaan menggunakan kata-
kata, tetapi suatu kemampuan yang kompleks untuk senantiasa menentukan
dan memilih langkah komunikatif dan unsur kebahasaannya.
Fungsi sosial teks adalah maksud atautujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh
penulis melalui teks yang dibuatnya.
Struktur teks adalah urutan bagian-bagian teks secara logis dan runtut untuk
mencapai maksud atau fungsi sosialnya.
Unsur kebahasaan teks adalah ungkapan, kosa kata, dan tata bahasa yang
dipilih untuk mencapai maksud dan fungsi sosial teks

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 74

1. Teks Notice
a. Fungsi Sosial
Fungsi sosial dari teks Notice adalah:
 untuk memberikan petunjuk

 untuk memberikan peringatan

 untuk menyatakan larangan

b. Struktur Teks
Struktur teks Notice terdiri dari:
 Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan
untuk menarik perhatian pembaca, biasanya menggunakan kata
“Notice”, “Warning” atau “Caution”.

 Information yaitu informasi yang disampaikan.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan
Teks Notice biasanya berbentuk;
 Gambar, tanda, atau rambu

 Kata atau frasa

 Kalimat pernyataan positif maupun negative

 Kalimat imperatif positif atau negative

d. Contoh Teks.

Gambar 5

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 75

2. Teks Announcement
a. Fungsi Sosial
Fungsi sosial dari teks Announcement adalahuntuk
memberikan informasi kepada publik (orang banyak)
b. Struktur Teks
Struktur teks Announcement terdiri dari:
 Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan
untuk menarik perhatian pembaca, biasanya menggunakan kata

 Target yaitu kepada siapa pengumuman itu ditujukan.

 Information yaitu informasi yang disampaikan.

 Announcer yaitu siapa yang memberikan pengumuman.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan
Teks Pengumuman biasanya menggunakan Future Tense.

d. Contoh Teks


Please remain in your seat until the aircraft come to a

complete stop. The local time here is 11:30 a.m. All
passengers leaving the aircraft here are requested to
have their passport, vaccination certificates and
disembarkation cards ready for immigration. We hope
that you have enjoyed your trip.

3. Teks Personal Letter

a. Fungsi Sosial
Fungsi sosial dari teks Personal Letter adalah:
 untuk menyampaikan informasi

 untuk menceritakan pengalaman

 untuk meminta maafdan lain-lain

b. Struktur Teks

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 76

Struktur teks Personal Letter terdiri dari:
 heading atau kepala surat yang berisikan alamat dan tanggal.

 Greeting; biasanya dimulai dengan kata “Dear” dan
nama penerima serta tanda koma.

 Body yaitu isi surat.

 Closing atau penutup; biasanya berupa ungkapan pendek
seperti “Sincerely” atau “Love” yang diikuti tanda koma.

 Signature; tanda tangan yang dibubuhkan diatas nama pengirim.

c. Unsur Kebahasaan
Ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks Personal Letter adalah:
 Menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

 Kadang juga menggunakan Simple Past Tense jika yang
informasi yang disampaikan terjadi pada waktu lampau.
d. Contoh Teks

Clifton School
Newport, Gwent
15 September 2012
Dear Tia,
I don’t live in England, I live in Wales! Newport is a big town in the
south of Wales. It has got a population of 120, 000 people. My school
is in the north of the town. Near the school there are shops, offices
and cafes.
A lot of students like football. After school they play football in the
park near the sea. I don’t like football. I go to the swimming pool near
the bus station after school. I’m in the school swimming team. I live
about four kilometers from school. I don’t walk to school. I go on the
school bus. There are a lot of factories near my flat. My mother works
in one of the factories. My father doesn’t work.
On Saturday mornings I have guitar lessons in my teacher’s
house near the library and museum.
Write and tell me about your town and school.
Love, Anne

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 77

4. Advertisement
a. Fungsi Sosial
Fungsi sosial dari teks Advertisement adalah:
 untuk menawarkan atau mempromosikan suatu produk atau jasa

 untuk membujuk orang supaya membeli ataumenggunakan
suatu produk atau jasa

 untuk memberikan informasi tentang produk atau jasa

b. Struktur Teks
Struktur teks Advertisement terdiri dari:
 Attention Getter yaitu ungkapan atau kalimat yang bertujuan
untuk menarik perhatian pembaca.

 Information/product yaitu berisi materi informasi atau produk
yang akan dijual

 Advertiser yaitu pihak yang memberikan informasi
kepada pembaca

c. Unsur Kebahasaan
Teks Advertisement menggunakan gaya Bahasa yang persuasif.

d. Contoh Teks

Gagak Travel Fair 2015

3 days only. For 19 – 22 May 2015. Travel time in Dec 2015.
Special Travel Fare to domestic & international Destinations.
Organized by : raja Mice.COM
Official Contractor : Samudra
Official GDS : abacus
Broadband by : BIZNET
08124405865 (Geofrey)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 78

D. Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Activity 1
Read the following texts carefully! Then write down the kinds of the text
bellow it.

Gambar 6

1. ……………………………………………………

To: All Students of SMP Pemuda Bangsa

In the coming end of semester vacation, we are going to go camping

at Cibodas from December 30 to January 1.
The contribution is Rp. 150.000, for each participant. If you are
interested to join the activity please contact Miss Erda at
Registration will be opened starting from December 1 until 20.
For further information, please contact the committee.

Chairperson of the Student Union


2. ……………………………………………………

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 79

Gambar 7
3. ……………………………………………………

Jakarta, 14 February 2015

5th Avenue
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
CA 45623
Dear Annabelle,
How’s life? Hope it’s great. How was your last vacation? Here, I tell
you about my last vacation in Yogyakarta.
I went there with my roommate Shiela. We stayed there for 4 days
only. We visited many places. On the first day, we visited Parangtritis beach.
The scenery was very beautiful there. Then in the afternoon we continued our
journey to Keraton Yogyakarta. We saw many historical things there. The
second day, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo, and then continued to Prambanan
Temple. On our third day we went to Taman Sari and shopped at Malioboro
street market. On the last day we went to Mirota Batik class to learn how to
make batik. We went back to Jakarta in the evening by train. For me, that was
a beautiful experience. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit
Yogyakarta again.
I have told you my story. How about yours? Tell me about it. Please
also send my best regards to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Edward.

4. ……………………………………………………

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 80

Activity 2
Complete the tables below the texts with the suitable information from the
text above it.

To: All Students of SMP Pemuda Bangsa

In the coming end of semester vacation, we are going to go camping

at Cibodas from December 30 to January 1.
The contribution is Rp. 150.000, for each participant. If you are
interested to join the activity please contact Miss Erda at
Registration will be opened starting from December 1 until 20.
For further information, please contact the committee.

Chairperson of the Student Union


Attention Getter




SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 81


Jakarta, 14 February 2015

5th Avenue
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
CA 45623
Dear Annabelle,
How’s life? Hope it’s great. How was your last vacation? Here, I tell
you about my last vacation in Yogyakarta.
I went there with my roommate Shiela. We stayed there for 4 days only.
We visited many places. On the first day, we visited Parangtritis beach. The
scenery was very beautiful there. Then in the afternoon we continued our
journey to Keraton Yogyakarta. We saw many historical things there. The
second day, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo, and then continued to Prambanan
Temple. On our third day we went to Taman Sari and shopped at Malioboro
street market. On the last day we went to Mirota Batik class to learn how to
make batik. We went back to Jakarta in the evening by train. For me, that was a
beautiful experience. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Yogyakarta
I have told you my story. How about yours? Tell me about it. Please
also send my best regards to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Edward.





Signature& Name

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 82

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Latihan Soal.
Choose A, B, C, or D as the most appropriate answer!
Read the following text to answer question number 1.

Gambar 8

1. The purpose of the writer in writing the text is to ….

A. tell writer’s experience
B. ask the readers to do something
C. describe something specific
D. persuade people to buy a product

Read the text for question number 2-3.

All students of Year Ten are requested to gather in the school yard next Saturday at
08:00 a.m. There will be an opening ceremony of the extracurricular activities,
opened by the principal. Feel free to choose your favorite programs. Don’t miss it.

Thank you.

Dara Fajra
Chairperson of OSIS

2. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To promote the extracurricular activities.

B. To entertain the readers with extracurricular activities.
C. To describe the opening ceremony of the extracurricular activities.
D. To inform about the opening ceremony of the extracurricular activities.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 83

3. Who is requested to gather in the school yard?
A. The school principal.
B. The chairperson of OSIS.
C. The students of grade ten.
D. The participants of extracurricular activities.

Read the text for question number4-6.

From : Stella <
To : Deni Pandra <>

Hello Deni.
My name is Stella, 15 years old. I am from Australia. I saw your profile at We have many similarities especially on our hobby:
photography. I decided to contact you to offer a friendship. If you accept my
request, please reply this email. I will send you my photos and more about
me. I believe we can make good friends. Let distance not be a barrier but let
friendship connected, because friendship is a bridge connecting distance. I
am waiting for your email.
Best regards

Stella Hillary

4. The writer wrote the above email in order to ….

A. inform about herself
B. tell her own experience
C. inform about her hobby
D. invite the reader to Australia

5. What did Stella offer to Deni in her email?

A. Her profile
B. A photograph
C. A friendship
D. A bridge

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 84

6. “… request, please reply this email.”
The word underlined is closest in meaning to ….
A. sent
B. read
C. forward
D. answer

Read the text for question number7-8.

Gambar 9
7. The text is written to ….
A. describe a company
B. announce something
C. provide information about a service
D. to warn the readers about something

8. “Next session starts July 10th.”

The underlined word has similar meaning as ….
A. term
B. part

C. time
D. course

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 85

F. Rangkuman
1. Teks Notice
Fungsi sosial dari teks Notice adalahuntuk memberikan petunjuk,
peringatan atau larangan. Struktur teks Notice terdiri dari; Attention Getter
dan Information. Teks Notice biasanya berbentuk; Gambar, tanda/rambu,
Kata/frasa, Kalimat pernyataan positif maupun negative, serta Kalimat
imperatif positif atau negative.

2. Teks Announcement
Fungsi sosial dari teks Announcement adalahuntuk memberikan informasi
kepada publik. Struktur teks Announcement terdiri dari: Attention Getter,
Target, Information dan Announcer.Teks Pengumuman biasanya
menggunakan Future Tense.

3. Teks Personal Letter

Fungsi sosial dari teks Personal Letter adalahuntuk menyampaikan
informasi, menceritakan pengalaman, meminta maaf dan lain-lain
Struktur teks Personal Letter terdiri dari:heading, Greeting, Body, Closing
serta Signature and Name.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks Personal Letter
adalah: biasanya menggunakan Simple Present Tense, tapibisa juga
menggunakan Simple Past Tense jika yang informasi yang disampaikan
terjadi pada waktu lampau.

4. Advertisement
Fungsi sosial dari teks Advertisement adalah:untuk menawarkan atau
mempromosikan suatu produk atau jasa, membujuk orang supaya membeli
ataumenggunakannya dan memberikan informasi tentang produk atau
jasatersebut. Struktur teks Advertisement terdiri dari:Attention
Getter, Information/product dan Advertiser.Teks Advertisement
menggunakan gaya Bahasa yang persuasif.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 86

Notice and Announcement 1

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 87
3 Tujuan
Guru Pembelajar menguasai teks fungsional pendek berbentuk
Notice/Announcement lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan produktif dalam segala

aspek komunikatifnya (linguistik,wacana,sosiolinguistik dan strategis)

D. Indikator Pencapaian Materi

1. Menentukan gambaran Umum teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
Notice/Announcement dengan tepat
2. Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk Notice/Announcement dengan tepat
3. Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk Notice/Announcement dengan tepat
4. Menentukan makna kata yang terdapat dalam teks Announcement
sesuai konteks yang diberikan dengan tepat
5. Membuat teks Notice/Announcement sederhana
6. Mengumumkan / membacakan dengan nyaring teks Announcement

E. Uraian Materi
Pada bagian ini anda akan mempelajari tentang NOTICE dan ANNOUNCEMENT
Ada beberapa definisi tentang Notice antara lain:
Notice/caution: adalah salah satu tekt fungsional yang berupa
petunjuk agar seseorang melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.
Notice/caution ini dapat berupa frase (gabungan kata), clausa
(kalimat), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign.

Notice atau pemberitahuan adalah informasi singkat dan sederhana

yang ditujukan kepada orang lain. Notice harus mudah dipahami dan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 88

mudah dibaca, sehingga biasanya Notice atau pemberitahuan selalu
menggunakan kata-kata yang sederhana, ditulis dengan jenis huruf
(font) yang sederhana, dan huruf berukuran besar. Biasanya
diletakkan di tempat-tempat umum. Notice juga bisa berbentuk

Gambar 3 Gambar 2 Gambar 1

Gambar 4
1.2. Tujuan Notice
Notice mempunyai tujuan atau purpose antara lain:
1. to give an instruction/ to instruct people to…: untuk memberi petunjuk
2.To give direction: untuk memberi arahan.
3. To ask people to…: untuk meminta orang supaya…..
4. To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to…: untuk menganjurkan
orang supaya melakukan sesuatu.
5. To remind people to … : Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya…
6. To warn/to give warning: untuk memberi peringatan
7. To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to… : untuk melarang orang untuk….

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 89

Notice/caution menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi menjadi dua
8) Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.
Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasehat, arahan atau
petunjuk.Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.
Be silent


Contoh Notice arahan yang berupa gambar

Gambar 7 Gambar 5 Gambar 6

Notice yang berupa larangan.

Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau
berupa gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau
tanda silang (crossing).
Misalnya : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.
Contoh Notice larangan yang berupa gambar.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 90

Gambar 10 Gambar 9
Gambar 8

Di beberapa sumber Notice dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis, antara lain;

Command merupakan Notice yang berupa perintah, agar
pembaca melakukan

Keep The Door
Closed Slow Down
Keep the Room Clean

Gambar 12 Gambar 11 Gambar 13

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 91

b) Caution


Gambar 14
Gambar 15

c) Information:
For Staff Only
Rest Area
Bike Route

d) Prohibition
Pedestrians Prohibited
No Smoking
No Parking

No Littering

Gambar 17 Gambar 16

9 Warning
Warning: High Voltage

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 92

Warning: Keep Out Of Children Reach
Beware of Pickpocket

Gambar 18

Gambar 19
Gambar 20

1.4. Generic Structure Notice text
Generic structure pada semua short functional text pada umumnya
sama, yaitu;
d) Attention gather (optional)
e) Information
f) Closure (optional)

1.5. Linguistic features dari teks Notice

Ciri kebahasaan dari teks Notice antara lain;
- Imperative mood ( kata kerja yang membentuk suatu perintah
atau request)
Contoh :
Emptythe bin, John.(kataemptymerupakanimperative
mood.)Johnemptiesthe bin.(emptiesbukanimperative

The main verb (i.e., thefinite verb) in animperative

sentenceis animperative mood. In other words, it is a
command or a polite request.

Contoh kata kerja Imperative Mood

Get Out.


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 93

10 Declarative
reference Contoh:
Shut the door please.
Bring me some sugar.
Buy some bread.

11 Not neccessarily sequenced in time

12 Spoken / written language features

1.6. Arti sebuah Notice:

a. Jika Notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik
9 can/may : boleh
9 must/have to : harus
9 should : hendaknya, seyogyanya
9 allowed/permitted/let : diperbolehkan
9 suggested/recommended : dianjurkan
9 asked/hoped : diminta/diharapkan

b. Jika Notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik

¾ can’t/may not/must not : tidak boleh
¾ forbidden/banned/prohibited : dilarang
¾ not allowed/not permitted : tidak diperbolehkan
¾ not suggested/not recommended : tidak dianjurkan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 94

Berikut adalah contoh table penggunaan Notice sesuai fungsinya

Informative Notices Out of Order (for mechanic that is not working)

No vacancies ( There is no more room to rent in
a hotel)
Sold Out (The tickets has been sold)
Do This Please Queue other side

Keep right
Don’t do this No smoking
No littering
No parking
Don’t lean out of the window
Please do not disturb
Keep off the grass
Silence. Examination is in progress
Watch out Mind your head
Fragile (be careful, this will break easily)
Mind the step
Beware of fierce dog
Watch out. The rain is coming
Advice Take care, please
Be careful

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 95

2. Tempat – tempat Notice biasa dijumpai
Notice biasanya bisa anda jumpai di tempat-tempat umum atau di
kemasan obat dan lain-lain.

Gambar 24 Gambar 21
Gambar 23 Gambar 22

Gambar 26 Gambar 25
Gambar 27

Anda juga bisa menemukan Notice dibeberapa tempat lainnya, seperti di taman,
di kebun binatang, di pusat perbelanjaan, pusat layanan umum, dsb


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 96

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita sering mendengar atau membaca sebuah
pengumuman tentang kehilangan, kematian, orang hilang, dll. Tujuannya adalah
untuk menyampaikan informasi tertentu terhadap orang lain, baik individu maupun
kelompok. Announcement text biasanya berisi: jenis kegiatan/kejadian, tanggal dan
waktu, tempat, dan contact person (orang yang bisa dihubungi).
Media yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pengumuman sangat beragam,
antara lain televisi, handphone, internet, radio, koran, mading sekolah, spanduk
dan lain-lain.
Announcement text bisa kita jumpai di tempat-tempat umum, seperti bandara,
sekolah, supermarket, terminal, stasiun kereta, dan tempat-tempat lainnya.
Short functional text berbentuk pengumuman bisa berbentuk lisan atau tulisan.

Berdasarkan jenisnya, Announcement terbagi menjadi 2 seperti uraian singkat di

bawah ini:

12 Spoken Announcement (Pengumuman Lisan)

Dalam Spoken Announcement (pengumuman lisan), minimal memuat:
2) kepada siapa pengumuman tersebut ditujukan.
3) isi atau dimaksud dan pengumuman tersebut.
4) penutup yang berisi ucapan terima kasih.

Di bawah ini contoh pengumuman lisan yang sering kita dengar di stasiun
kereta api ditujukan bagi para penumpang kereta api:

Attention please:

To all passengers of Argolawilis train,

please get on board now. The train is going to

leave in 5 minutes.

Thank you.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 97

13 Written Announcement (Pengumuman Tertulis)
Written Announcement (pengumuman tertulis) memiliki struktur teks
sebagai berikut (Putra, Widodo Prima dan Rosa, Rusdi Noor: 2014):
Head / title (Judul)
Body (isi)
Closing (penutup)
Berikut adalah contoh pengumuman formal secara tertulis:

School Announcement


To : All Students of SMAN 6 Depok

There will be a welcoming ceremony next Monday, September

21, 2015, at 8. 00 A.M. in the school hall to welcome the guest
students from Japan. Please wear Batik uniforms and be there
at 7.30 A.M.


2.1. Pengertian Announcement

Beberapa pengertian tentang Announcement antara lain;
a. A written/spoken statement or formal words that tells people about
b. Announcement text adalah sebuah pernyataan singkat baik lisan
maupun tertulis yang bertujuan untuk mengumumkan hal penting.
4) The definition of Announcement relating to learning English functional
text is an official notification about something. So, publicly people
know what, when, and where is it about.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 98

Dari definisi tersebut, dapat kita sederhanakan bahwa Announcement
atau pengumuman adalah pernyataan atau tulisan resmi yang memberitahukan
atau mengumumkan kepada khalayak umum tentang sesuatu hal yang penting.

Perhatikan 2 contoh Announcement text berikut yang bisa anda jadikan referensi.

- Attention, please!

Due to some technical problems, the show

will be delayed for about one hour.
We apologize for the

inconvenience. Thank You.

- Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month. It is
intended to help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who
is interested in this activity, please join us. You are also invited to donate your used
clothes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as the
program coordinator at 081513153333 from 07.00 a.m – 03.00 p.m. on Monday to

2.2. Tujuan Teks Announcement

Teks ini berfungsi menyampaikan informasi tertentu kepada orang banyak

2.3. Generic Structure dari Announcement

- The title or type of event
- Date or time, place
- Contact person

Di beberapa sumber juga dikatakan general structure dari Announcement,

1. Stating Purpose : The text that contains what event will be held
2. Stating Day and Date and time : Day and Date realization. The text
that contains when the event will be held

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 99

- Stating Place : The text that contains where the event will be held
- Informing Sender : The text that contains name of the person who
will be contacted

Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan bagian – bagian pengumuman berikut ini

Tittle stating purpose Stating day, date and time

Informing sender

2.4. Ciri kebahasaan

Pada umumnya short functional text berbentuk Announcement menggunakan
simple present dan simple future tense. Perhatikan contoh kalimat yang sering
digunakan dalam teks pegumuman berikut ini;
- Due to some technical problems, the show will...
- We apologize for the inconvenience
- Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a fund Raising Activity next month
- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau
tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 100

4. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
5. Ejaan dan tanda baca (spoken)

2.5. Fungsi sosial Announcement

Fungsi sosial dari teks Announcement adalah menjalin kedekatan emosional
antar kerabat, rekan kerja, staf kantor, pengusaha dan pelanggan dsb. dengan
cara menulis pemberitahuan tentang peristiwa penting, seperti kegiatan sosial,
lomba, kelahiran, perkawinan, wisuda, pindah ke gedung baru, dsb.

Teks Announcement (pengumuman) dapat kita jumpai dibeberapa tempat

umum seperti ; di sekolah, di perkantoran, di pusat perbelanjaan, rumah sakit,

Perhatikan beberapa contoh teks Announcement berikut

ini Contoh short functional text Announcement di sekolah

Bentuk teks pengumuman diatas sering kita jumpai di sekolah-sekolah atau

area pendidikan. Tujuan dari teks di atas adalah untuk memberitahukan
kepada warga siswa SMA N 72 YK tentang kegiatan class meeting untuk
mencari atlit- atlit terbaik. Hal ini ditandai dengan kalimat :..during this week
we’re going to have class meeting to find our best atheletes.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 101

Stating day, date and time : setelah tanggal 27 Agustus 2007 sampai 1 minggu
kedepan. Hal ini dilihat dari tanggal pengumuman dan acara yang akan
diadakan selama minggu ini.
Pengirim dari pengumuman itu adalah the committee (Mr. Dwianto)

2.6. Beberapa Jenis Pengumuman

public service Announcements,
high school graduation Announcements,
college graduation Announcements,
engagement Announcements,
marriage and wedding Announcements,
pregnancy Announcements,
birth Announcements,
adoption Announcements,
baptism Announcements,
save the date Announcements,
moving Announcements,
business Announcements,
job Announcements,
promotion Announcements,
retirement Announcements,
funeral Announcements
lost and found

D. Aktivitas Pembelajaran
Pada kegiatan ini anda akan mempelajari tentang menentukan
gambaran umum teks Notice dan Announcement
Gambaran umum suatu teks Notice kadang tersurat dan tersirat.
Tersurat apabila gambaran atau isi dr suatu Notice tercantum dalam
Notice., sedangkan gambaran umum tersirat apabila anda harus
menyimpulkan gambaran umum dimaksud dalam gambar

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 102


Gambar 28

1. What does the Notice mean?

2. We are allowed to enter to Jack’s room
3. We are not allowed to enter to Jack’s room
4. Jack welcomes us to enter to his room
5. Jack will be happy if we enter to his room

Gambar 29

18 From the Announcement we know that Jacob and Mary ...

a. Jacob and Mary moved to the new house in the same city
b. Jacob and Mary moved to the new house in the different city
c, Jacob and Mary will move from Havana
d. Jacob and Mary still stay in Havana

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 103

C: Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk

Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund Raising Activity next month.
It is intended to help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday.
Everyone who is interested in this activity, please join us. You are also
invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her
house from 07.00 a.m – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


19 Which statement is NOT true based on the text?

a. We can donate our used clothes
b. Everyone can join the activity
c. The fund raising is intended to help the landslide victim
d. Maryam will answer our question about the activity everyday

3. Menentukan makna kata dan reference yang tepat sesuai konteks yang
20 Maryam as the chief program...the underlined word has the same meaning
b. Assistant
21.You are also invited to donate your used clothes. The underlined word
refers to...
a.the writer
b.The reader
c.The victim

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 104

4. Membuat teks Notice/ Announcement sederhana
22.Please write a simple Announcement about scouts meeting at school on
Saturday at 09.00 am for preparing the scouts’ camp week.

5.Mengumumkan / membacakan dengan nyaring teks Announcement

23) Write 5 Notices which suitable stick on the classroom wall.

E. Latihan/ Kasus/ Tugas

Latihan 1
Write down what you know about Notices/Announcements
3. Why do people create Announcement?
4. Why do people create Announcement?
5. How do people create a clear Notices?
6. How do people create a clear Announcement?
7. Where can you find written Notice? Mention at least five
8. Where can you find spoken Notice? Mention at least five
9. Where can you find written Announcement? Mention at least five

10. Where can you find spoken Announcement? Mention at least five.

Latihan 2.
Read the text carefully then answer the questioner

Keep The Room Clean

1. What does the Notice mean?

A. Do not throw rubbish in the room
B. Do not sleep in the room
C. Do not destroy everything in the room
D. Do not speak in the room

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 105

2. What will the people do after watching this Notice?

Gambar 30

A. The visitor should register people in the office

B. The visitors should go to the front office to inform their
C. The office will not accept the vositors
D. The visitors can enter to the offiice without registration


Gambar 31

Where do you usually find the sign above?

A. At a park
B. At home
C. At school
D. In the supermarket

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 106

4. Look at the picture

Gambar 32

Which of the following sentences explains best for the above sign?
A. The shoplifters are welcome
C. The shop is only for the shoplifter
D. If you steal any of the articles you should pay for it
E. If you steal any articles, the police will arrest you

English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new
members join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
Wayan (VIIA)
Anissa (VIIB)

5. When do the members have meeting ?

a. In the afternoon at three o’clock
b. On Thursday morning
c. On Thursday afternoon
d. In the morning.

6. Where do they have the meeting ?

a. In the ECC’s meeting room.
b. In the VIIA classroom.
c. At the school hall.
d. At the cafetaria.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 107

7. How long does the meeting last?
A. One hour.
B. .One and half hour.
C. Two hours
D. three hours.

Read the text carefully

This is new school year and there are many new
students arround. Please be friendly and help
them understand the rules of our school.
principal .

26 Why does the principal make the Announcement ?

a.To inform about the new school year.
b. To ask the students to contact their parents.
c. To let the students know that they have their junior.
d. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the new comers.

27 Who do you think reads the Announcement ?

a. New students.
b. Senior students.

28 ” Please be friendly….” . What is the meaning of the underlined word ?


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 108


Gambar 33

What does the notice mean?

A. Only adult can use it
B. Only a supervisor can use it
C. When children use it, he/she must be supervised by an adult
D.A supervisor needs to be employed


Gambar 34

What does the sign mean?

b. Burn easily
c. Very dangerous
d. Light and expensive


Gambar 35

The word waste has the same meaning as...

a. Rubbish
b. Poison
c. Vegetable
d. Wax

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 109

27 The word composting as the same meaning as ...


Gambar 36

Which statement is TRUE based on the notice?

A. We can keep a bottle of milk in the refrigerator
B. The refrigerator is not for food and drink except vegetables
C. We can store the medicine in the refrigerator
D. There are no food and drink in the refrigerator

Latihan 3
I. Read the text then decide whether the statement is True or False based on
the text SMP Santika Indah
Jl. Taman Jaya Indah No. 112 Jakarta
To : 8th Graders

Please remind your parents that next week there will be parent-teacher week. Your
parents are invited to visit and teach your class. As we know, this week’s theme is
water, so all activities should be related to water. For more details please contact
Mrs. Yuliana or check out the school website. Thank you.

Wiwik Supriyanah, M.Pd

Vice Principle


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 110

H. The students are asked to remind their parents about the parent-teacher week
I. During the program, parents may teach the students
J. The theme of the week is “ Earth”
K. To learn more about the program, parents and students should contact Mrs.
L. The Announcement is intended for all students of SMA Santika Indah

The following rules are for number 6 to 10

Gambar 37

Taken from:

1. Students are not allowed to run in the hall
2. Students can use the others’ stuff
3. Students must come early
4. Damaging the school property is permitted
5. Bullying others are bad behaviour

II. Now match these warnings with the situations given.

Warning Situation
1. Mind your steps, please. a. Your sister has just learned how to swim.
2.Keep swimming near the b. Your friend is cheating during the test.
seashore. c. Someone is standing in the middle of the
3. Beware of the pickpockets. street.
4. Be careful or the teacher will d. In a crowded supermarket.
catch you. e. Your grandma is standing on a escalator
5. look out! A car is behind.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 111

5. Read the text carefully then answer the
question The text is for number 1 to 4

Welcome back to Summerfield School after your long

holidays, just to remind you, tomorrow we are going

to make our school the cleanest place in the

29 What do the students have to bring?
30 Why do the students have to bring the equipment?
3. ...we are going to make ...the underlined word has the same meaning with
B Welcome back to summerfield school after your long holiday. The word
your refers to...
Carilah 3 teks Notice / Announcement di yang biasa ditemukan
di tempat-tempat umum
Analisis bagian-bagian dari Notice/ Announcement yang anda temukan
sesuai dengan general structurenya
Buatlah sebuah pengumuman tentang kegiatan study tour disekolah anda
dan buatlah Notice selama kegiatan study tour yang akan diadakan
disekolah anda

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 112

31 Rangkuman
Notice adalah salah satu jenis short functional teks berupa petunjuk agar
seseorang melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Notice/caution ini dapat berupa frase (gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat),

atau berupa gambar/tanda/ sign. Notice juga bisa berbentuk rambu-rambu.
Tujuan dari sebuah Notice untuk memberi petunjuk, arahan, meminta
agar..., menganjurkan, mengingatkan, memberi peringatan dan melarang.
Makna dari sebuah Notice adalah sebagai arahan dan larangan.

Announcement adalah sebuah pernyataan singkat yang bertujuan untuk

memberi informasi kepada masyarakat umum.

Generic Structure dari Announcement adalah the title or type of event, Date or
time, place, dan contact person. Sedangkan ciri kebahasaan yang dipakai dalam

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 113

Notice and Announcement 2

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 114
3. Tujuan
Peserta dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan
produktif dalam segala aspek komunikatifnya (notice and Announcement)

4. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice/Announcement.
Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice/Announcement.
Menentukaninformasi rinci tersirat teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice/Announcement.
Menentukan teks Announcement yang tepat sesuai konteks yang

5. Uraian Materi
Functional Text adalah tulisan yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu
pembaca menyelesaikan tugas sehari-hari. Beberapa contoh teks fungsional
adalah resep untuk memasak, petunjuk ke suatu lokasi, memo, jadwal acara
dan lokasi selama seminar, direktori alamat, nomor telepon atau alamat e-
mail, petunjuk sebuah tes dan lain-lain.

Teks fungsional digunakan untuk informasi sehari-hari. Disebut fungsional

karena teks tersebut membantu kita melakukan sesuatu dalam kehidupan
sehari- hari. Sebagai contoh, jika kita ingin tahu nomor telepon teman kita,
kita akan melihat dalam buku telepon. Jika guru bahasa Inggris kita
memberi ujian, kita perlu membaca petunjuknya.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 115

Beberapa contoh functional texts yaitu:

A. Notice
Notice yang sering juga disebut caution, adalah salah satu teks
fungsional yang berupa petunjuk atau pemberitahuan agar seseorang
melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Notice dapat berupa frase
(gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign.

Soal yang biasanya muncul berkaitan dengan Notice/caution:

34 Function/purpose of the text (fungsi / tujuan teks):
What is the function of the text?
What is the purpose of the Notice?

Functions of the Notice (fungsi/tujuan text Notice):

To give instruction/to instruct people (untuk memberi petunjuk).
To give direction (untuk memberi arahan).
To ask people to… (untuk meminta orang supaya…..)
To advice/to suggest/to recommend people
to…… (untuk menganjurkan orang supaya……)
To remind people to…: (Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya….)
To warn/to give warning (untuk memberi peringatan)
To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to... (untuk melarang orang

35 Meaning: arti/makna Notice tersebut.

What does the Notice mean?
The Notice means……

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 116

Notice/caution menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi
menjadi dua jenis:
1. Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.
Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasihat, arahan, atau
petunjuk. Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.

Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut:

Gambar 2.1 . Contoh notice

Be silent



SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 117

Contoh notice arahan dapat juga berupa gambar atau simbol.

Gambar 2.2. Contoh-contoh notice berupa simboll

37 Notice yang berupa larangan.

Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa
gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau tanda silang
Misalnya : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 118

Banyak juga contoh notice larangan yang berupa gambar.

Gambar 2.3 . Contoh notice larangan yang berupa gambar

Pemahaman makna/fungsi notice.

Dalam memahami makna dan fungsi notice perlu diperhatikan beberapa
hal, di antaranya adalah kata atau frasa yang digunakan dalam teks.

Coba Anda perhatikan hal-hal penting sebagai berikut ketika Anda

menemukan soal-soal berkaitan dengan NOTICE:

38 Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik

• can/may : boleh
• must/have to : harus

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 119

• should : hendaknya, seyogyanya

• allowed/permitted/let : diperbolehkan

2. suggested/recommended : dianjurkan
• asked/hoped : diminta/diharapkan

b. Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik

• can’t/may not/must not : tidak boleh
• forbidden/banned/prohibited : dilarang
• not allowed/not permitted : tidak diperbolehkan
• not suggested/not recommended : tidak dianjurkan

39 Dimana sebuah notice sering ditemukan.

Where can we usually find such a notice?
We usually find the notice in ….

Pelajarilah beberapa Notice dan artinya berikut ini.

1. Keep Door Closed!
Biarkan pintu tetap tertutup. Maksudnya adalah Anda diberi
informasi untuk menjaga agar pintu tetap tertutup. Apabila Anda
membuka pintu, diharapkan Anda menutupnya kembali.
2. Chemical Storage!
Bahan Kimia. Maksudnya adalah Anda dilarang membawa
makanan atau minuman karena tempat tersebut merupakan tempat
menyimpan bahan bahan kimia. Dengan adanya tanda seperti itu
diharapkan ketika masuk Anda tidak membawa makanan atau
minuman agar tidak keracunan.
3. Do Not Throw Trash in the Toilet
Jangan buang sampah di toilet. Maksud dari tanda ini adalah
Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk membuang sampah di dalam toilet. Hal
ini dimaksudkan agar anda menjaga kebersihan toilet biasanya Anda
bisa menemui tanda ini di toilet umum.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 120

4. Your Activities are monitored by CCTV
Aktivitas anda diawasi oleh kamera CCTV. Maksud dari tulisan
ini adalah Anda diperingatkan agar tidak melakukan tindakan
mencurigakan di ruangan tersebut. Tanda ini juga memberikan
peringatan agar kita tidak melakukan pencurian di dalam ruangan
tersebut karena semua kegiatan didalam ruangan tersebut dimonitor
atau direkam dengan kamera CCTV.

5. No Gun Allowed Here

Senjata dilarang berada disini. Maksud dari notice tersebut
adalah Anda diperingatkan untuk tidak membawa senjata api dan
sebagainya. Tanda ini biasanya bisa Anda temukan ditempat
pertemuan resmi dan sebagainya.

6. No Hunting!
Dilarang Berburu. Maksud dari tanda ini adalah Anda tidak
diperbolehkan memburu satwa di daerah tersebut. Biasanya tulisan ini
dapat ditemukan di Hutan Lindung yang berisi dengan hewan hewan
yang hampir punah.sehingga Anda dilarang untuk memburu hewan
hewan yang tinggal di hutan tersebut.

7. No Alcoholic Beverages!
Dilarang membawa minuman keras. Maksud dari tanda ini
adalah Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk membawa minuman keras ke
dalam daerah atau tempat tersebut. Hal dimaksudkan karena mungkin
tempat tersebut merupakan tempat pendidikan atau tempat umum.

8. Drive Slow. Children at Play.

Pelan-pelan, banyak anak bermain. Maksud dari tanda ini adalah Anda
diperingatkan untuk pelan pelan dalam mengendarai kendaraan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 121

Anda karena memasuki kawasan anak anak bermain. Dengan adanya
tanda ini diharapkan anda bisa mengurangi kecepatan Anda.

9. Hot Surface. Do not Touch

Permukaan panas, jangan disentuh. Maksud dari tanda ini adalah
Anda diperingatkan untuk tidak menyentuh permukaan dari suatu
barang karena permukaan benda tersebut panas. Bisa jadi ketika
anda menyentuh benda tersebut anda akan terluka.

D. Announcement (Pengumuman)
Announcement merupakan suatu teks dalam Bahasa Inggris baik
lisan maupun tertulis yang bertujuan untuk mengumumkan suatu
kegiatan atau acara kepada orang lain. Orang lain yang dimaksud
adalah khalayak umum, bukan orang pribadi. Jika sebuah teks
berbentuk pengumuman tetapi ditujukan kepada orang pribadi, bukan
kepada khalayak umum, maka itu teks tersebut lebih cocok masuk
kategori invitation.Biasanya isi pengumuman yang dicantumkan
dalam Announcement itu berisi tentang sebuah pemberitahuan untuk
menghadiri sebuah acara, penerimaan mahasiswa atau murid baru,
dan sebuah lowogan pekerjaan.

Struktur Teks Announcement.

Struktur teks Announcement adalah sebagai berikut:
40 Title
Pada bagian ini biasanya menjelaskan gambaran umum atau
sebuah kalimat yang mewakili semua isi yang akan disampaikan
dalam teksAnnouncement itu sendiri. Contohnya sebuah
teksAnnouncement berjudul "English Debate Competition" maka
secara otomatis kita dapat mengetahui isi dari pengumuman itu
pasti tentang lomba bebat Bahasa Inggris.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 122

3. Explanation
Bagian ini menjelaskan bagian detail atau lengkap dari sebuah
Announcement. Contohnya di mana tempat lomba debat akan
dilaksanakan, kapan waktu acara itu akan dillaksanakan, dan
berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mengikuti lomba debat
Bahasa Inggris dan lain-lain. Intinya bagian ini menjelaskan lebih
rinci apa apa saja yang berhubungan dengan judulAnnouncement

Pengumuman lisan minimal memuat:

2. Kepada siapa pengumuman tersebut ditujukan.
3. Isi yang dimaksud dalam pengumuman tersebut.
Pengumuman lisan biasanya singkat dan diakhiri dengan
ucapan terirna kasih.


Attention, please:

To all passengers of Argolawu train, please get on board now.

The train is going to leave in 5 minutes.

Thank you.

Bagian-bagian pengumuman tertulis (written Announcement)

Bagian-bagian dari pengumuman tertulis berbeda dengan
pengumuman lisan. Pada dasarnya bagian-bagian pengumuman
tulis ada 4, sebagai berikut:
a. Judul atau jenis kejadian (the title/type of event)
6. Tanggal dan waktu (date and time)
7. Tempat (place)
8. Orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/address)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 123


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 124

Tabel 2.10. Contoh cara mengajarkan functional text berbentuk
Noticedengan menggunakan scientific approach:

Langkah-langkah Deskripsi
1. Mengamati • Siswa mengamati contoh teks fungsional
berbentuk Notice yang diperlihatkan oleh
2. Menanya • Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 125

mempertanyakan hal-hal yang berhubungan
dengan Notice yang diamati (tentang fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan,
maupun format penyampaian/penulisannya).
3. Mengumpulkan data • Siswa mencari teks fungsional berbentuk
Noticedari berbagai sumber.
• Siswa secara berkelompok mendiskusikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan, maupun format penulisan teks
Notice yang ditemukan dari berbagai
4. Mengasosisasi • Siswa membandingkan teks Notice yang
diberikan oleh guru dengan yang dipelajari
dari berbagai sumber lain.
• Siswa mengerjakan latihan-latihan tentang
5. Mengkomunikasikan • Siswa membuat Notice secara berkelompok.
• Siswa menyampaikan pemberitahuan secara
tertulis dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai dengan konteks

D. Aktivitas Pembelajaran
Pada aktivitas pembelajaran ini, peserta diharapkan dapat mengikuti alur
kegiatan seperti yang tertera di bawah ini.
3. Kegiatan awal penjelasan tujuan pembelajaran dan indicator pencapaian
kompetensi tentang teks fungsional pendek, jenis Announcement.(10 menit)
4. Brainstorming mengenai struktur teks, language feature dari
teks Announcement. (20 menit)
5. Diskusi tugas mengerjakan latihan (90 menit)
6. Presentasi hasil kerja kelompok (20 menit)
7. Rangkuman dan refleksi atau umpan balik (20 menit)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 126

3. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Latihan 1.
Perhatikan teks berikut ini. Tentukan apakah teks tersebut adalah
Notice ataukah Announcement.




SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 127


5 This evening’s flight 334 to Chicago is delayed due to dangerous

. weather conditions. Flight 334 is expected to depart tomorrow morning
at 5.30 a.m. with a 7.45 a.m. arrival time in Chicago. Our gate agents
will be glad to assist you with making hotel arrangements for this

Latihan 2.
Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat.This text is for questions number 1 and 2.


Rules and Regulations for the camping participants:

Assemble at the school yard on Friday at 6 a.m. and report to
the committee.
Bring the camping kits needed.
Bring food and drinks as well as drugs/medicine.
Leave for the camping spot at 6.30 a.m.
Behave well either during the trip or at the camping spot.
Make good cooperation with the residents and the surroundings.
Keep the environment clean and healthy.
Follow the rules and regulations set by the committee.
Return to school on Sunday at 4 p.m.

5. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the Announcement

above? The camping participants should….
neglect the rules and regulations set by the committee
arrive punctually in agreement with the time arranged by the committee
bring everything they need during the camping the activity
maintain good relationship with the people around
show good attitude all the time

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 128

2. “Assemble at the school yard on Friday at 6 a.m.”
The underlined word means….
A. get D. disperse
B. gather E. separate


44 What is the social function of the text?

To announce the policy for the camping participants.
To tell the readers about the experience of having a camp.
To give information about the location of the camping site.
To explain how and why participants should follow the rules.
To convince the participants that they have to keep the environment

Latihan 3.
Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat.
Keep this room clean
What does the notice mean?
Do not throw rubbish in the room.
Do not destroy everything in the room.
Do not sleep in the room.
Do not speak in the room.
Do not clean the room.

4. What is the text about?

How to avoid accidents.
The way to block the sunlight.
How to close the lid.
The way to store medicine.
How to stay close to the light.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 129

3. Look at the following notice.


What does the notice above mean?

45 We are not allowed to walk near the place.
46 We are not allowed to come in the place.
47 We are forbidden to get out from the place.
48 We are forbidden to put something in the place.
49 We are not allowed to stay away from the place


Where do you usually find the sign above?

In the supermarket
In the garden
At the train station
At the airport
At the photo booth

4. Read the following notice. It is put on the glass door.


What does it mean?

47 We don't have children under 10 years old.
48 Children under 10 years old must enter the room
49 Children under 10 years old mustn't enter the room
50 There are no children under 10 years old in that room.
51 The children in the room should be more than 10.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 130

Keep off the grass

The warning above means that pedestrians should ... the grass.
A. not cut D. not walk on

B. not water E. not plant

C. not keep

7. Study the following notice!

What does the notice above mean?

48 We don't have to dry our hands.
49 We can't use our hand to dry something.
50 We should use the dryer to dry our hands.
51 We should use our hand to dry something.
52 We should take the dryer with the hands.

8. Where do you usually find the following caution?

In case of fire don't use lift

but use fire exit door

On the wall in a motel

On the lift in a building
Near the windows of the house
At the door in a small house
Near the exit door of a building

50 Look at the following traffic sign.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 131

The traffic sign abovemeans …
51 the road is windy.
52 the road is slippery.
53 the car may not enter this street.
54 there are a lot of winding turns.
55 the car should stop.


The text above means ... in the classroom.
53 don't make any noise
54 don't throw rubbish anywhere
55 put the books on the bookshelf
56 put the rubbish on the floor
57 don’t have the activities

Switch off all electronic appliances

When you don’t need them

We can find instruction in the following places, EXCEPT…

A. at home C. in the office

B. at school D. along the street

at the hospital

55 Look at the following sign.

Which of the following sentences best explains the sign above?

7. If you break any of the articles you should pay for it.
8. You don't have to buy articles that are broken.
9. In this section you will only find broken articles.
10. The shop sells special broken articles.
11. You are considered impolite if you break the article.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 132

57 Rangkuman
Notice yang sering juga disebut caution, adalah salah satu teks
fungsional yang berupa petunjuk atau pemberitahuan agar seseorang
melakukan atau tidak melakukan sesuatu. Notice dapat berupa frase
(gabungan kata), clausa (kalimat), atau berupa gambar/tanda/sign.

Functions of the notice (fungsi/tujuan text):

To give instruction/to instruct people (untuk memberi petunjuk).
To give direction (untuk memberi arahan).
To ask people to… (untuk meminta orang supaya…..)
To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to..
(untuk menganjurkan orang supaya……)
e. To remind people to…: (untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya….)
To warn/to give warning (untuk memberi peringatan)
To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to... (untuk melarang orang untuk….)

59 Notice digolongkan menjadi dua jenis; notice yang berisi perintah dan
notice yang berisi larangan.

60 Pertanyaan/soal yang berkaitan dengan notice/caution:

1. Function/purpose of the text ( fungsi/tujuan text ):
What is the purpose of the notice?
What is the function of the text?

Meaning: arti/makna notice tersebut

What does the notice mean?
The notice means ….

60 Announcement merupakan suatu teks dalam Bahasa Inggris baik lisan

maupun tertulis yang bertujuan untuk mengumumkan suatu kegiatan atau
acara kepada orang lain.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 133

Struktur teks Announcement adalah:
Title; berisi gambaran atau sebuah kalimat yang mewakili semua isi yang
akan disampaikan dalam teksAnnouncement itu sendiri.
Explanation; menjelaskan lebih rinci apa apa saja yang berhubungan
dengan judul.

Announcement diklasifikasikan menjadi 2 jenis; lisan dan tulis.

Spoken Announcement/pengumuman lisan minimal

memuat: a. Kepada siapa pengumuman tersebut ditujukan.
b. Isi atau dimaksud dan pengumuman tersebut.
Pengumuman lisan biasanya singkat dan diakhiri dengan ucapan terirna kasih.

Written Announcement/pengumuman tulis mempunyai 4, sebagai

berikut: a. Judul atau jenis kejadian (The title/type of event)
b. Tanggal dan waktu (date and
time) c. Tempat (place)
d. orang/alamat yang dapat dihubungi (contact person/address)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 134

Notice and Announcement 3

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 135
A. Tujuan
Guru Pembelajar menguasai teks fungsional pendek berbentuk
notice/Announcement lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan produktif dalam segala
aspek komunikatifnya (linguistik,wacana,sosiolinguistik dan strategis)

63 Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice/Announcement
Menentukan informasi rinci tersuratteks tertulis fungsional
pendek berbentuk notice/Announcement
Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat teks tertulis fungsional
pendek berbentuk notice/Announcement,
Menentukan teks Announcement yang tepat sesuai konteks
yang diberikan.

64 Materi
Pada bagian ini Anda akan mempelajari materi tentang notice dan
Announcement. Notice dan Announcement adalah dua hal yang berbeda.
Notice menurut Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary merupakan kata
benda yang berarti informasi atau peringatan yang diberikan untuk sesuatu
yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang. Berikut contoh notice.

Contoh notice

Be aware of pickpocket

Be careful! the building is under construction

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 136

Notice memiliki beberapa jenis, diantaranya:
64 Command
Command merupakan notice yang berupa perintah, agar pembaca
melakukan Contoh :
Keep The Door
Closed Slow Down
Keep the Room Clean

65 Caution
CAUTION wet floor
CAUTION Hot Surface

66 Information
For Staff Only
Rest Area
Bike Route

67 Prohibition
Pedestrians Prohibited
No Smoking
No Parking
Don’t littering

68 Warning
Warning High Voltage
Warning Keep Out Of Children
Reach Beware of Pickpocket

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 137

Announcement menurut Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary

adalah sesuatu yang disampaikan oleh seseorang secara resmi sebagai


Fungsi sosial Announcement

Menjalin kedekatan emosional antar kerabat, rekan kerja, staf kantor,
pengusaha dan pelanggan dsb. dengan cara menulis pemberitahuan
tentang peristiwa penting, seperti kelahiran, perkawinan, wisuda, pindah ke
gedung baru, dsb.

Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) .

Menyebutkan tujuan Announcement (pemberitahuan).
Menyebutkan informasi rinci dari Announcement (pemberitahuan).

Unsur kebahasaan
Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan Announcement
Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a,
the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
Ejaan dan tanda baca
Tulisan tangan

Hal hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat Announcement

Date atau tanggal kapan dibuat dan berlakunya pengumuman
Place merujuk pada tempat yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan dalam
Time merujuk pada waktu dilaksanakannya pengumuman
For whom adalah untuk siapa pengumuman ini dibuat
From Whom adalah siap yang membuat pengumuman
How bagaimana pengumuman ini dibuat.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 138

Beberapa Jenis Pengumuman
A. public service Announcements,
B. high school graduation Announcements,
C. college graduation Announcements,
D. engagement Announcements,
E. marriage and wedding Announcements,
F. pregnancy Announcements,
G. birth Announcements,
H. adoption Announcements,
I. baptism Announcements,
J. save the date Announcements,
K. moving Announcements,
L. business Announcements,
M. job Announcements,
N. promotion Announcements,
O. retirement Announcements,
S. funeral Announcements

Task 1: Observe the following functional texts, then decide whether they
are notice or Announcement.
1. Please identify the following functional texts. Is it notice or Announcement?

Functional text 1

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 139

2. Who makes this functional text?

3. Observe the functional text 2. Decide whether it is a notice or

an Announcement?

Functional text 2
4. What is it about?
5.Who creates this functional text?
6.Observe functional text 3. Decide whether it is an Announcement or a notice

Functional text 3

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 140

7. What is the above functional text about?

8. Observe the following functional text 4. Is it a notice or an Announcement?

Functional text 4
9. What should a driver do when he sees this sign?
10.Is functional text five a notice or an Announcement?

Functional text 5
11.What is it about?
12.Is functional text 6 a notice or an Announcement?
13.What is it about?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 141

Functional Text 6

Task 2. Answer the questions based on the above functional texts.

About functional text 1
1. Why does the writer publish functional text one?
2. What language feature is used there?
3. What information is available in the functional text one? (ex place, time, etc)

About functional text 2

1. Why does the writer publish functional text two?
2. What tense is used there?
3. What information is available in the functional text one?

About functional text 4

1. Why do they make functional text 4
2. What tense is used there?
3. What information is available in the functional text one?

About functional text 5

1. Why do they make functional text 4
2. What tense is used there?
3. What information is available in the functional text one?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 142

Task 3
1. Work in group of 4
2. Each member look for 2 other example of functional text like text 1 and 2,
and 2 other example of functional text like text 4, and 5.
3. Identify the social function why the writer publishes the functional text.
4. Identify the tense used

Task 4
Discuss, and compare the result of your note with your friend in group, then find:
1. The social function of notice
2. The kinds of tense used in creating notice.
3. The kinds of notice

Task 5
Discuss, and compare the result of your note with your friend in group, then find:
1. The social function of Announcement
2. The kinds of tense used in creating Announcement.
3. The kinds of Announcement

Task 6
1. Write a notice and an Announcement individually.
2. Perform your notice and Announcement in front of the class individually.

D. Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Pada aktivitas pembelajaran ini, peserta diharapkan dapat mengikuti alur
kegiatan seperti yang tertera di bawah ini.
Kegiatan awal penjelasan tujuan pembelajaran dan indicator
pencapaian kompetensi tentang teks fungsional pendek, jenis
Announcement.(10 menit)
Brainstorming mengenai struktur teks, language feature dari
teks Announcement. (20 menit)
Diskusi tugas mengerjakan latihan (90 menit)
Presentasi hasil kerja kelompok (20 menit)
Rangkuman dan refleksi atau umpan balik (20 menit)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 143

Anda akan melakukan serangkaian latihan pada bagian
ini. Situasi
Anda adalah seorang guru yang mendapat tugas untuk
mengelola renovasi gedung sekolah anda, tentukan sendiri
tanggal dan durasirenovasi, kemudian buatlah:
Notice untuk para siswa agar tidak mendekat ke lokasi
renovasi karena berbahaya.
Pengumuman tentang renovasi tersebut.

Read The following text, then answer the questions

Text 1

For all Students

On Friday, January 25, is the registration deadline for the spring semester. Complete
your registration form in the administrative office on the first floor between the hours of
08.30 A.M and 6.30 PM. Payment must be made at the time of registration, so bring
your administration receipts or you will not be accepted. No
late exceptions
Classes begin Monday, January 28
Classes offer the following subjects:

 Art

1. What is the Announcement about?
A. The registration form
B. The registration deadline
C. The registration payment
D. The administration receipt
E. The spring semester subjects

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 144

2. What is the requirement of registration?
A. late exceptions
B. the spring semester
C. the registration deadline
D. administration receipts of payment

art, history, language, economic, languages

Text 2

In compliance with BPMIGAS regulation No 007/PTK/VI/2004, Eni West Timor
Limited (“Eni”) and its Affiliates, as Production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS, hereby
invites your company to register in the following tender.
Title : 2D Onshore Seismic Survey Services
Ref.No : TNS 00132
Classification : General Consultancy
Sub-Classification : Survey
Qualification : Non-Small Company/Cooperative
Scope of work : Eni requires a Contractor to carry out
approximately 300 km 2D onshore geophysics
surveys and shall provide personnel,
equipment and services for such survey.
Registration schedule : 26 February 2009 up to 3 March 2009 at 15.00

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 145

Detailed requirements can be found on the tender announcement board at Eni
Office, Atrium Mulia 3rd Floor, Jl, H.R. rasuna Said Kav. B10-11, Jakarta.
Jakarta, 26 February 2009
(Taken from The Jakarta Post Thursday, February 26, 2009)

3. The text about ….

A. Tender Committee
B. Eni West Timor Limited
C. Tender Announcement
D. regulation No 007/PTK/VI/2004
E. Production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS

4. What is the purpose of publishing the text?

A. to show the detailed requirements
B. to publish Eni West Timor Limited
C. to introduce Onshore Seismic Survey Services
D. to announce Eni West Timor Limited and its affiliates
E. to officially request other firms to enroll the next tender

5. When will the tender probably be held?

A. During March
B. 3 March 2009
C. 26 February 2009
D. After March 3, 2009
E. 26 February 2009 up to 3 March

6. The following works are needed in the tender, except

A. providing personnel
B. providing equipment
C. providing services
D. requiring a contractor
E. 300 km 2D onshore geophysics surveys

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 146

7. Where can the contractors, who are interested in the program, get the
detail information about the tender?
A. At Tender Committee
B. At Non-Small Company/ Cooperative
C. At Eni Office, Atrium Mulia 3rd Floor.
D. At 2D Onshore Seismic Survey Services.
E. At Production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS

Text 3

Due to the rising production costs over the past year, it is with deep regret that we
announce an increase in our rates.
Beginning in March 1, the monthly subscription rate will be raised to Rp. 127.000 for
readers in Greater Jakarta (covering Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and
Rp.132.000 for readers in other parts of Indonesia. The retail price will be Rp. 6.500 per copy.
Subscriber will continue to get the benefit of the monthly publications of The Weekender and
Youths peak as part of the package.
We realize that these increases come at a very inopportune time, but they are
inevitable in order for the The Jakarta Post not only to maintain but also to strengthen our overall
services, including our editorial content.
We thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty and support of the

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 147

8. What does the Announcement tell us about?
A. The understanding of the Jakarta Post subscribers.
B. The increasing price of the Jakarta Post subscription
C. The price of subscribing The Jakarta Post in Greater Jakarta.
D. The subscribing price of the Jakarta Post will be Rp. 6.500 per month.
E. The reducing price of subscribing the Jakarta Post from Rp. 132.000
to Rp. 127.000 in Greater Jakarta.

9. … they are inevitable in order for The Jakarta Post not only to
maintain but also to strengthen our overall services, including our
editorial content The underlined world is the same meaning as ….
A. understandable
B. unavoidable
C. perceivable
D. noticeable
E. detectable

10. Why does the management rise the price?

A. To rise production costs
B. To satisfy the subscribers
C. To benefit The Weekender and Youths.
D. To cover the increasing production price
E. To increase the number of the subscribers.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 148

Text 4

NTEL PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana


Intel Corporation and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana (previously PT Panggung Electric

Corporation) are pleased to announce that the trade mark dispute involving the INTEL trade
mark has been amicably resolved.

Intel Corporation is the world leader in silicon innovation and develops technologies, products,
and initiate to continually advance how people work and live.

PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an integrated manufacturer of electrical and electronic

products spanning Audio Products, Video/Visual Products, Media, plastic Injection and
Electronic Furniture Products.
Legal Representative
Suryomurcitro& Co.
Suite 702 Wisma Pondok Indah 2
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda V-TA
Pondok Indah Jakarta 12310
Tel: +62 21 769 7333

11. What is the purpose of presenting the text to the readers?

A. To promote Intel Corporation and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana
B. To announce that the trade mark disagreement has been overcome.
C. To announce that Intel Corporation is the world leader in
silicon innovation.
D. To announce about the dispute between Intel Corporation and
PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana
E. To announce that PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an
integrated manufacturer

12. PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an integrated

manufacturer. The opposite of the underlined word is …
A. equitable
B. included
C. combined
D. separated
E. incorporated

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 149

13. How do they overcome their idea differences?
A. cruelly
B. cordially
C. sarcastically
D. unsuccessfully
E. in unfriendly manner

Text 5


Board of Directors of PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo (“Company”), domiciled in Jakarta, hereby announces
that the Company has sold and divested all of its shares in PT Jatis Solutions Ecom (“Ecom”) to Isaac
Sjahrir Djauhari Jenie and Jefri Nedi. All transactions related to the sale and divestment of shares in
Ecom had been completed as of the end of December 2008 and along with this announcement, the
Company states officially that Ecom is not subsidiary or affiliates of the Company and no longer being
a part of Jatis Group. The company further informs that all warrant, guarantees, and business / Clients
references given by the Company and / or its subsidiary to Ecom shall become null and void; and
that Ecom shall ceased to use the name, brand and trademark of “Jatis” by the end of March 2009

Any party who may concern and needs to have further information of such sale and divestment of
shares may contact us in written to

PT. Jati Piranti Solunsindo

Sona Topas Tower Lt.5
Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav.26
Jakarta 12920
Attn. Corporate Communication

This announcement is made in order to fulfill the stipulation under Article 133 (2) Law of
Republic Indonesia Number 40 year 2007 regarding Company Law.
Jakarta, 19 January 2009
Board of Director

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 150

14. What is the Announcement about?
a. The sale of shares of PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo
b. The sale and divestment Jatis Solutions Ecom
c. Law of Republic Indonesia Number 40 year 2007

d. The changes of name PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo into PT Jatis

Solutions Ecom.

e. The changes of name PT. Jatis Solutions Ecom into PT Jati


15. Who is/are the buyer/s of the shares?

A. Clients
B. PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo
C. PT Jatis Solutions Ecom
D. Attn.Corporate Communication
E. Isaac Sjahrir Djauhari Jenie and JefriNedi.

16. The following are the effects of this shares release, except…
A. The Company is no longer part of Jatis Group
B. Ecom does not affiliate of PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo
C. Ecom is not subsidiary of PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo.
D. All warrant, guarantees, and business to Ecom are
cancelled and revoked.
E. PT Jatis Solutions will be responsible for all information about
the share release.

17. When will Ecom use new name?

A. April 1, 2009.
B. 19 January 2009
C. by the end of March 2009
D. the end of December 2008
E. Soon after this Announcement published

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 151

18. If there is any group would like to get information about the
shares release, who will be responsible to answer?
a. PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo
b. PT Jatis Solutions Ecom
c. Attn.Corporate Communication
d. lients and Business References.
e.Isaac Sjahrir Djauhari Jenie and Jefri Nedi.


Notice adalah teks fungsional pendek (short functional text) yang berfungsi
untuk memberikan larangan, peringatan, panduan/ instruksi, informasi serta
ajakan kepada publik agar mentaati dan mengikutinya. Notice dapat berupa
tanda (symbol) atau tulisan yang bermakna peringatan atau pengumuman.

Ada beberapa contoh notice yang sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari antara lain prohibition (larangan), caution (peringatan), dan
informational notice (pemberitahuan).

Announcement (pengumuman) merupakan suatu pernyataan yang berisi

informasi tentang suatu acara atau peristiwa. Announcement terdiri dari 2 jenis,
spoken Announcement (pengumuman lisan) dan written Announcement
(pengumuman tertulis). Keduanya, baik lisan maupun tulisan yang ditujukan
untuk memberikan informasi tertentu kepada orang banyak.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 152

Punctuation and Capitalization

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 153
A. Tujuan
Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta mampu menguasai materi, struktur,
konsep, dan pola piker keilmuan terkait penggunaan tanda baca dan ejaan
dalam teks Notice dan Announcement.

B. Indikator Pencapakaian Kompetensi

Menggunakan tanda baca dan ejaan dalam teks fungsional pendek
dengan benar.

C. Uraian Materi
Pengertian dan Macam Punctuation (Tanda Baca)

86 Pengertian Punctuation

Punctuation merupakan tanda baca yang harus diperhatikan dalam

menyusin teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Notice, letter maupun
Announcement. Punctuation terbagi menjadi 2, punctuation marks dan
capital letters.

English punctuation (tanda baca dalam bahasa Inggris) yang paling sering
digunakan antara lain: full stop (titik), comma (koma), ellipsis (titik-titik), colon
(titik dua), semicolon (titik koma), question mark (tanda tanya), exclamation mark
(tanda seru), quotation marks (tanda kutip), hyphen (tanda
sambung), slash (garis miring), parentheses (kurung), dan apostrophe.

2. Penjelasan dan Contoh Macam-Macam Punctuation

Beberapa macam punctuation beserta penjelasan singkat dan contohnya
adalah sebagai berikut.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 154

Punctuation Penjelasan dan Contoh

Full stop digunakan untuk mengakhiri kalimat yang

berupa pernyataan, digunakan dengan abbreviation
(singkatan), dan indirect question (pertanyaan tak
Full Stop
6. Contoh Penggunaan: That
woman is only about 5 ft. tall.
(Wanita itu hanya setinggi 5 kaki.)

Punctuation ini digunakan untuk memisahkan

tiga/lebih item berurutan, memisahkan non-essential
relative clause dari main clause, memisahkan
adverbial conjunction di dalam kalimat, dsb.
87 Contoh Penggunaan:
Tita invited her best friend,Lia, Esti and me, to
her graduation ceremony.
(Tita mengundang sahabat-sahabatnya, Lia, Esti,
dan kita ke wisudanya.)
Punctuation ini berguna untuk menunjukkan
adanya bagian yang hilang pada direct quotation
(kutipan langsung) dan untuk memutus suatu quot
speech (kutipan perkataan).

7. Contoh Penggunaan:
“Nobody can imagine…”, Lia said.
(“Tak seorangpun dapat membayangkan…”, Kata Lia.)

Colon berguna untuk memisahkan general statement

(pernyataan umum) dengan following specifics (rincian).
9. Contoh Penggunaan:
To make the delicious meatball, we need food
ingredients as follow: meat, flour, water, garlic, salt,
and pepper.
(Untuk membuat bakso lezat tsb, kita butuh bahan-


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 155

Punctuation Penjelasan dan Contoh

bahan makanan sebagai berikut: daging, tepung,

air, bawang putih, garam, dan lada.)
Punctuation ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua
independent clause yang sangat berhubungan
Semicolon menjadi satu kalimat.
; B Contoh Penggunaan:
It’s mine; it’s not yours.
(Itu milikku; itu bukan milikmu.)

Punctuation ini digunakan untuk mengakhiri

direct question, dan question tag.
Question Mark
G. Contoh Penggunaan:
You are not a liar, are you?
(Kamu bukan seorang pembohong kan?)

Exlamation mark berfungsi untuk

mengakhiri exclamatory sentence (kalimat seru).
Exclamation Mark
89 Contoh Penggunaan:
Shut the window!
(Tutup jendela!)

Punctuation ini berfungsi untuk menampilkan

kutipan, baik tulisan maupun ucapan orang lain.
Quotation Marks
1. Contoh Penggunaan:
“It wasn’t me!” Ferdi screamed.
(“Bukan kita!” jerit Ferdi.)

Punctuation ini digunakan untuk membentuk

makna yang utuh pada compound word (kata
majemuk; contoh: compound noun).

90 Contoh Penggunaan:
hand-in-hand, self-exteem, grand-aunt
Slash Slash digunakan untuk memisahkan pilihan,
/ menunjukkan periode waktu, merepresentasikan kata

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 156

Punctuation Penjelasan dan Contoh

“per”, menuliskan singkatan, dan

menunjukkan pergantian baris pada puisi.
91 Contoh Penggunaan:
The speed of the earth rotation is about
733.66 miles/hr.
(Kecepatan rotasi bumi sekitar 733.66 mil/jam.)

Punctuation ini berfungsi untuk menambahkan

materi yang dapat berupa informasi tambahan
Parentheses maupun komentar dari penulis.
( ) 92 Contoh Penggunaan:
That bag is (too!) expensive for high school student.
[Tas itu (terlalu!) mahal untuk anak sekolah.]

Punctuation ini berfungsi untuk membentuk

possessive form (kepemilikan), contraction
Apostrophe (penyingkatan), dan plural (menjamakkan).
‘ 93 Contoh Penggunaan:
Nisa’s bag, the men’s room, one’s book

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 157

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
A. From question no 1 to no.10, Please put capital letters in the
correct places as you rewrite these sentences.
1. have you seen mr. chen?

2. can i help with the cooking, mom?


3. we went to paris for a holiday.


4. “do you like my new car?” asked uncle david.

5. we visited new york to meet mrs. williams and saw the statue of liberty.

6. my friend doesn’t speak english.

7. they spent christmas in london.

8. were you born in june or july?


9. we went to national library on thursday.


10. have you read the lord of the rings by j.r.r.tolkien?


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 158

B. Select the sentence that uses commas correctly.
1. A. Jake and Fred eat too much sleep too much, and exercise too little.
B. Jake and Fred eat too much, sleep too much, and exercise too little.
C. Jake, and Fred eat too much, sleep too much, and exercise too little.

2. A. Well I'm sure,that there is an easier way.

B. Well, I'm sure that there is an easier,way.
C. Well, I'm sure that there is an easier way.

3. A. On December 2,1993 Dr. Ramirez and his family moved into the
old family home.
B. On December, 2,1993, Dr. Ramirez and his family moved into the
old family home.
C. On December 2,1993, Dr.Ramirez and his family moved into the
old family home.

4. A. Actors and dancers work under glaring,lights.

B. Actors and dancers work under glaring lights.
C. Actors and dancers, work under glaring lights.

5. A. Amanda by the way, has been learning judo.

B. Amanda, by the way has been learning judo.

C.Amanda, by the way, has been learning judo.

6. A. The fat lazy cat seems to do nothing, but eat and sleep.
B. The fat lazy cat seems to do nothing but eat, and sleep.
C. The fat, lazy, cat seems to do nothing but eat and sleep.

7. A. The office closes, I believe at 4:00P.M. on Fridays.

B. The office closes, I believe, at 4:00P.M. on Fridays.
C. The office closes I believe, at 4:00P.M. on Fridays.

8. A. The car has low mileage, new tires, and rubber bumpers.
B. The car, has low mileage, new tires, and rubber bumpers.
C. The car has low mileage new tires and rubber bumpers.,

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 159

C. Select the sentence that uses apostrophes correctly.
9. A. The ladies book club will meet on Tuesday's.
B. The ladies' book club will meet on Tuesdays.
C. The ladie's book club will meet'on Tuesday's.

10. A.Both of us make our' 7's that way.

B.Both of us make our 7’s that way.
C.Both of us make our' 7s that way.

11. A. Everybody's dues are in.

B. Everybodys' dues are in.
C. Everybody's dues' are in.

12. A. The dancers entered the building and began their warm ups.
B. The dancers entered the building and began their' warm ups.
C. The dancer's entered the building and began their warm ups.

13. A. Its' time for the game to begin.

B. Its time for the game to begin.
C. It's time for the game to begin.

14. A. You're not the first person to forget to bring tickets.

B. Your not the first person to forget to bring tickets.
C. Your'e not the first person to forget to bring tickets.

15. A. The mens team has a practice this Wednesday.

B. The men's team has a practice this Wednesday.
C. The mens' team has a practice this Wednesday.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 160

D.Select the sentence that uses quotation marks correctly.

16 . A. Mr. Smith said, “The Loch Ness monster doesn’t exist.” B.

Mr. Smith said: “The Loch Ness monster doesn’t exist.” C.
Mr. Smith said “The Loch Ness monster doesn’t exist.”

17. A. Nobody, "the teacher said", should ever ignore a fire alarm.
B. "Nobody, the teacher said, should ever ignore a fire alarm."
C. "Nobody," the teacher said, "should ever ignore a fire alarm."

18. A. “Please reconsider,” she said, “so you will not regret one day.”
B. “Please reconsider,” she said, so you will not regret one day.”
C. “Please reconsider,” she said, so you will not regret one day.

19. A. “I’ll be there next week.” Lia said.

B. “I’ll be there next week, Lia said.”
C. “I’ll be there next week,” Lia said.

20. A. “I’m studying now,” John said, “I’ll call you later.”
B. “I’m studying now.” John said, “I’ll call you later.”
C. “I’m studying now, John said I’ll call you later.”

E. Select the sentence that uses commas, colons, and semi-

colons correctly.
21. A. Murray missed work again on Monday, Tuesday he was fired.
B. Murray missed work again on Monday: Tuesday he was fired.
C. Murray missed work again onMonday; Tuesday he was fired.

22. A. I am making three desserts for the party: eclairs, strawberry tarts,
and chocolate cake.
B. I am making three desserts for the party, eclairs, strawberry tarts, and
chocolate cake.
C.I am making three desserts for the party; eclairs, strawberry tarts,
and chocolate cake.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 161

23. A. Caroline has never, as you know; been interested in sports.
B. Caroline has never; as you know, been interested in sports.
C. Caroline has never, as you know, been interested in sports.

24. A. The three winners of the contest were Ann, Lee, and Carlotta.
B. The three winners of the contest were: Ann, Lee, and Carlotta.
C. The three winners of the contest were; Ann, Lee, and Carlotta.

25. A. Ahn has always given one person credit for her success:,her father.
B. Ahn has always given one person credit for her success; her father.
C. Ahn has always given one person credit for her success, her father.

F. Select the correct punctuation mark for each situation listed.

Some'answers maybe used more than once.
A. Period
B. Comma(s)
C. Quotation marks
D. Italics(underlining)
E. Colon
G. Hyphen

H.Exclamation Point

26. (__) Used to join two sentences when acoordination conjunction is

not used.
27. (__) Used for the title of a short story or poem.
28. (__) Used after words or sentences expressing strong feeling.
29. (__) Used to enclose the exact words of a speaker.
30. (__) Used for the name of a newspaper or magazine.
31. (__) Used for the name of a work of art.
32. (__) Used to separate the part of an address from each other and from
the sentence.
33. (__) Used between two words that act as one description.
34. (__) Used between a complete sentence and a list that follows or
complete sentences.
35. (__) Used to indicate a song title.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 162

F. Rangkuman
Punctuation merupakan tanda baca. English punctuation (tanda baca dalam
bahasa Inggris) yang paling sering digunakan antara lain: full stop (titik), comma
(koma), ellipsis (titik-titik), colon (titik dua), semicolon (titik koma),
question mark (tanda tanya), exclamation mark (tanda seru), quotation marks
(tanda kutip), hyphen (tanda sambung), slash (garis miring), parentheses
(kurung), dan apostrophe.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 163


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 164
Dalam materi pembelajaran ini, Anda akan belajar berbagai variasi teks deskriptif,
generic structure teks deskriptif, dan tindak-tindak bahasa yang sesuai untuk teks
deskriptif. Selain itu akan dibahas pula fitur-fitur lexicogrammatical yang sesuai,
dan nilai-nilai sosiokultural yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif.
A. Tujuan
Setelah mempelajari teks deskriptif, diharapkan Anda akan mampu
meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan
yang mendukung pemahaman teks deskriptif dengan benar.

1. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk
deskriptif dengan tepat.
Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk deskriptif
dengan tepat.
Menentukan informasi perinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk
deskriptif dengan tepat.
Menentukan koherensi dan kohesi teks deskriptif tertulis dengan tepat.
Menentukan cara pengajaran teks deskriptif dengan tepat.

2. Uraian Materi
Fungsi sosial
Fungsi sosial teks deskriptif adalah membanggakan, menjual, mengagumi,
mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik
Unsur kebahasaan
A Kata benda yang terkait dengan orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan
bersejarah terkenal, dengan atau tanpa a dan the, plural (s), this, that,
those, my, his, dan seterusnya.
B Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di
rumah, sekolah, dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan
quite, very, extremely, dan seterusnya.
C Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan deskripsi tempat dalam
simple present tense.
D Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau
tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa
E Simple Past Tense untuk mendeskripsikan suatu tempat dan
keadaan di masa lalu

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 165

Menentukan koherensi dan kohesif
Koherensi atau dalam bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai coherence dan
cohesiveness adalah kesinambungan antara bagian yang satu dengan bagian
yang lain jika disatukan membentuk satu teks yang padu. Dalam teks
description ini, deskripsi yang disajikan harus memiliki kesinambungan dan
kesatuan dengan identification yang dibuat. Berikut ini disajikan contoh sebuah
teks deskripsi .

Teks Struktur teks

Greece today is a small country in Southern East Europe. Identification

The population is approximately nine million, and the capital city

is Athens
Description of parts
High mountains with rich, fertile land between them cover
northern Greece. The hilly southern part is a peninsula called the

Peloponnesus. Hundred of islands surround the mainland. The Decription of parts

largest island is Crete.

No part of the nation is far from water. The Ionian Sea and
the Aegean Sea carved deep bays and gulfs into the long Description of

coastline. Greece has been seafaring nation for centuries, and civilization
Greece is very well known for its shipping industry.
and language
More than three thousand years ago, the Greek people

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 166

developed a very sophisticated society. They had a great
civilization, one of the greatest that the Western world has ever
seen. Greek architecture, thinking and art influenced other
civilizations. Even the Greek language influenced other
languages, including English. For Example, the English words
alphabet, democracy, and arithmetic come from Greek.

Description of
Today, Greece is one of the most popular nations with the
tourists who visit Europe. Thousands of people are attracted to present
the country because of its beautiful scenery, magnificent ancient condition
buildings, and its excellent summer weather.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 167

Tabel 1: Struktur Teks Deskriptif

Pada contoh di atas semua deskripsi yang ditulis merupakan unsur

pendukung untuk memberi gambaran tentang negara Greece sehingga ketika
seseorang selesai membaca teks tersebut, ia akan memiliki gambaran lengkap
tentang negara Greece.

Teks Deskriptif
Ketika Anda ingin memberitahu teman Anda tentang teman baru Anda, mencari
sesuatu yang hilang, atau ingin mengetahui tempat tertentu, apa yang akan Anda
lakukan? Apakah Anda hanya akan menyebutkan nama orang/benda/tempat
tersebut, seperti „Saya punya teman baru. Saya sangat suka dia.‟ „Pak, saya
kehilangan dompet saya. Tahukah Bapak di mana dompet saya itu?‟ „Pantai Raja
Ampat.‟ Alangkah membingungkannya apa yang Anda ungkapkan itu. Pasti
orang yang Anda ajak bicara akan bertanya, ‟Seperti apakah teman baru Anda
itu? Apakah dia menyenangkan? Mengapa Anda menyukainya?‟ Demikian pula
ketika Anda sedang melaporkan dompet Anda yang hilang, pasti seseorang yang
Anda beri laporan minimal akan bertanya, ‟Apakah warna dompet Anda? Apa
saja isinya?‟ Siapa yang paham maksud Anda dengan mengatakan „Raja
Ampat‟? Apakah Anda bermaksud memberitahu seseorang tentang Raja Ampat
atau menanyakannya?

Untuk memperjelas semua itu, maka Anda perlu mendeskripsikannya.

Jika Anda ingin memberitahukan tentang teman baru Anda, maka sebaiknya
Anda mendeskripsikannya dengan jelas, seperti „Saya mempunyai teman
baru. Namanya ibu X. Dia mengajar di sekolah Y. Menurut saya, dia sangat
cantik dan baik. Dia tinggi, kulitnya bersih, dan wajahnya oval. Lesung pipitnya
menambah kecantikannya. Dia tidak hanya cantik, tapi juga ramah, suka
menolong, dan rajin. Dia selalu datang ke tempat kerjanya sebelum bel
berbunyi. Saya suka dengan orang seperti ini.‟ Jika Anda melaporkan dompet
Anda yang hilang, Anda jangan berharap orang lain pasti tahu tentang dompet
Anda, apa warnanya, bahannya, isinya, dan lain-lain. Minimal Anda harus
menggambarkannya, seperti „Pak, saya akan melaporkan dompet saya yang
hilang. Warnanya hitam, terbuat dari kulit. Isinya uang 5 juta rupiah, KTP, SIM
A, STNK Mobil No. Pol. H 9344 A, Kartu Askes, Kartu NPWP, 10 ATM Bank,
5 kartu kredit, dan lain-lain.‟ Demikian pula ketika Anda menyebutkan „Raja
Ampat‟. Anda harus membedakan, apakah Anda sedang menanyakan atau

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 168

memberitahu tentang Raja Ampat. Jika Anda bermaksud menanyakannya,
maka minimal Anda akan berkata,‟ Di manakah letak Raja Ampat?
Bagaimanakah kita bisa pergi ke sana? Berapakah biaya ke sana? Jika saya
berangkat dari Semarang, saya harus melalui mana saja? Di manakah saya
bisa menginap? Seperti apakah Raja Ampat? Apa yang perlu saya persiapkan
untuk pergi ke sana? Apa yang bisa saya nikmati di sana? Apa oleh-oleh khas
dari sana?‟ Lain lagi jika Anda bermaksud memberitahukan orang lain tentang
pantai Raja Ampat, maka sebaiknya Anda menggambarkannya.

Teks deskriptif menggambarkan apa yang kita maksud tentang

orang/benda/tempat tertentu. Kane (2000) menyebutkan bahwa teks
deskriptif adalah teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang, benda, atau
tempat tertentu untuk menggambarkan atau mengungkapkannya. Terwilliger
(2011) berpendapat bahwa teks deskriptif digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan
orang atau benda tertentu dengan menyampaikan kepada pembaca
bagaimana kelihatannya, suaranya, baunya, ataupun rasanya.

Untuk mendeskripsikan orang/benda/tempat tertentu, Anda perlu fokus

terhadap orang/benda/tempat tersebut saja. Gambarkan orang/benda/tempat tersebut
apa adanya. Jika Anda bermaksud menggambarkan Valentino Rossi, fokuslah pada dia.
Anda tidak perlu menggambarkan panjang lebar tentang motor yang digunakannya
untuk mengikuti balapan motor, apalagi menggambarkan rumahnya yang luas dan
bagus, misalnya „Valentino Rossi is a great MotoGP racer. His Movistar Yamaha is very
amazing. It runs very fast that makes him win the race. He looks more handsome with
his Movistar Yamaha.‟ Fokus deskripsi seperti ini sudah bergeser dari menggambarkan
Valentino Rossi ke motor Movistar Yamahanya.

Gunakanlah simple present tense jika Anda mendeskripsikan

orang/benda/tempat tertentu, kecuali Anda mendeskripsikan orang yang sudah
meninggal, atau mendeskripsikan orang yang sekarang tidak seperti dulu lagi.
Misalnya „Melly Goeslow is (bukan was) a very tallented song composer. She
composes hundreds of songs and most are listed as favorite ones. She used to
sing her own songs, but now she composes songs for other singers. She is full-
figured, but looks charming. Her voice is very nice. She will wait for her singers to
take the vocal patiently. She liked jumping when she sang a song, but now she just
moves around where she stands.‟

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 169

Beberapa fitur kebahasaan lain yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif adalah
„linking verbs’ dan „adjectives‟. Perhatikan beberapa kata yang dicetak tebal di
dalam teks di atas.

Teks deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena tentang kondisi

atau karakteristiknya apa adanya. Struktur generik teks deskriptif sangat sederhana,
hanya terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu identifikasi/pengenalan dan
deskripsi/penggambaran. Pada bagian identifikasi, kita mengenalkan siapa/apa
yang akan dideskripsikan. Sementara bagian deskripsi menggambarkan bagian,
kualitas atau karakteristik dari orang/benda/tempat yang dideskripsikan. Untuk
mendeskripsikan orang tertentu, kita bisa menambahkan kebiasaannya,
kesukaannya, dan kualitasnya melalui kepribadiannya. Sementara untuk
mendeskripsikan benda tertentu, kita bisa menambahkan dengan fungsi benda
tersebut untuk dideskripsikan. Untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik tempat tertentu,
kita bisa menggambarkan apa yang bisa/tidak bisa/tidak boleh dilakukan di tempat
tersebut, kalau perlu apa bahayanya jika kita tidak mematuhi apa yang seharusnya
kita lakukan/tidak lakukan di tempat tertentu, berapa tiket masuknya, jika harus
membayar, dan lain-lain.

Faktor kontekstual/konteks sosial jenis teks ini adalah suatu

pemerian/deskripsi benda, hewan, atau manusia yang khusus (sesuatu benda
tertentu, hewan peliharaan kita atau seseorang yang kita kenal baik), berbeda
dengan report, yang merupakan deskripsi sesuatu yang bersifat lebih umum
(misalnya suatu spesies hewan tertentu, jenis tempat layanan tertentu, dan
Kosakata yang sering digunakan dalam teks yang mendeskripsikan tempat
adalah kata-kata yang berkaitan dengan nama-nama tempat: lokasi, tujuan,
kegunaan, tampilan, dan bukti-bukti masa sekarang kalau diperlukan. Untuk
mendeskripsikan hewan, kata-kata yang digunakan adalah yang
mendeskripsikan klasifikasi, penampilan, habitat, perilaku, siklus hidup, dan
kegunaannya. Bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa netral/objektif.
Teks deskriptif sering menggunakan salah satu bentuk be dalam present mau pun
past tense dan salah satu bentuk have. Tense yang sering dipakai adalah present
tense, tetapi sesekali juga menggunakan past tense jika hal yang dideskripsikan
sudah tidak lagi ada. Bentuk pasif juga sering digunakan. Teks deskriptif juga
sering dilengkapi dengan foto, diagram, peta, dan lain-lain.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 170

Sebuah teks deskriptif yang menggunakan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
belum tentu bisa dipahami dengan baik jika tidak koheren dan kohesif. Maka
itu dalam menyusun sebuah teks deskriptif, kita perlu memperhatikan
koherensi dan kohesi dari teks.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 171

Berikut tujuan fungsional, struktur generik, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif.

Struktur Teks Unsur Kebahasaan

Fungsional Bagian Fungsi Penggunaan Fungsi

Mendeskripsikan Identifikasi/ Mengenalkan siapa/apa yang akan Nouns tertentu Berupa orang/benda/tempat tertentu yang akan
fenomena tentang Pengenalan dideskripsikan dideskripsikan, misalnya my teacher, my house,
kondisi atau Deskripsi my rabbit, dan sebagainya.
apa adanya

Menggambarkan bagian, kualitas atau Simple present Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran
karakteristik dari orang/benda/tempat tense umum, kebiasaan, dan kejadian/kegiatan di
yang dideskripsikan waktu sekarang.

Detailed noun Untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek,

phrase misalnya: She is a sweet young lady.

Adjectives Untuk mendeskripsikan, memberi nomor,

mengelompokkan, dan lain-lain, misalnya : two
strong legs, two white fangs, dan sebagainya.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 172

Relating verbs Untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek,
misalnya, My cat is realy cool, It has very thick
fur, dan sebagainya.

Thinking verbs Untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi

penulis tentang subjek, misal: Police believe the
suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal,
dsb. action verbs, misalnya Our new puppy bites
our shoes, dan sebagainya.

Adverbials Untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang

perilaku tersebut, misalnya fast, at the tree
house, dan sebagainya.

Bahasa figuratif Untuk menggambar obyek yang bersifat puitis,

seperti simile, metafor, misalnya John is white as
chalk, sat tight, dan sebagainya.

Tabel 2: Tujuan fungsional, struktur generik, dan unsur kebahasaan teks deskriptif

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 173

Contoh teks deskriptif

Generic Structure Text Language Features

Identification Vitamin C is a water-soluble Nouns tertentu

required by our body.

Description of function It is used for the formation of Simple present

connective tissue such as tense
collagen, necessary for the
formation of healthy skin,
bones, cartilage and teeth.
Vitamin C is also needed for
the synthesis of
hormones, such as thyroid
and sex hormones, and
carnitine needed for fatty
acid breakdown. Severe
deficiency causes scurvy.

Description of sources Vitamin C is found

particularly in citrus fruits and
green vegetables. It is
essential in maintaining
healthy connective tissue,
and is also thought to act as

an antioxidant. Passive voice

Tabel 3: Alur teks deskriptif

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 174

Read the text and answer the following questions.

Gambar 1: Burj Khalifa


Title Burj Khalifa

Identification Burj Khalifa is a megatall skycraper in Dubai, United Arab


Description of height It is the tallest artificial structure in the world, standing at 829.8
m (2,722 ft).

Description of the The construction of Burj Khalifa began in 2004, with the
construction exterior completed in 2009. The building was opened in 2010,
as part of the new development called Downtown Dubai.

Description of naming The building was named in honor of the ruler of Abu Dhabi and
the building president of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al

Description of the The design of Burj Khalifa is designed as the spiral minaret.
design The Y-shaped plan is designed for residential and hotel usage.
A buttressed core structural system is used to support the

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 175

height of the building, and the cladding system is designed to
withstand Dubai's summer temperatures. A total of 57
elevators and 8 escalators are installed, with the elevators
having a capacity of 12 to 14 people per cabin.

Description of the Critical reception to Burj Khalifa has been generally positive,
quality and the building received many awards. However, the labor
issues during construction have been controversial, since the
building was built primarily by workers from South Asia and
East Asia, who earned low wages and were reportedly housed
in poor conditions.

Description of what to You can enjoy many things there. With $30, you can enjoy
enjoy Dubai from the top point of the building. You can buy anything
you need or just windowshopping there. At New Year Eve,
people gather here to celebrate New Year. -

Tabel 4: Burj Khalifa


1 Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis esai berbentuk deskriptif

Gambaran umum isi bacaan berbicara tentang topik yang dibahas dalam
suatu teks. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan seperti ini, kita bisa melakukan hal-
hal sebagai berikut:

Lakukan skimming, yaitu membaca cepat keseluruhan teks tanpa

berhenti membaca walau menjumpai kata-kata sulit.
Baca setiap kalimat pertama dari tiap-tiap paragraf.
Amati kata-kata yang sering muncul
Simpulkan topik teks

Untuk menanyakan gambaran umum sebuah teks, biasanya diajukan

pertanyaan seperti berikut ini:

a. What is the topic of the text?

b. Where?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 176

c. When?
d. Who is the audience?

Contoh soal:

What does the text mostly talk about?

Burj Khalifa
The height of Burj Khalifa
The design of Burj Khalifa
The function of Burj Khalifa

Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk deskriptif

Sebuah kata atau teks akan memiliki makna yang berbeda apabila berada
pada konteks yang berbeda. Dalam kegiatan menemukan makna kata dapat
diartikan sebagai kegiatan mencari definisi kata, padanan kata (synonym)
atau mencari lawan kata (antonym) dari suatu kata tertentu.

Berikut ini contoh pertanyaan yang menanyakan makna kata:

1. What does the underlined word mean?

2. What does the underlined phrase mean?
3. What does the underlined sentence mean?
4. The underlined word/phrase/ sentence means …
5. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
6. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
7. What is the antonym of the underlined word?

Untuk menentukan makna kata tertentu dalam teks deskriptif, kita dapat
melakukan beberapa langkah kegiatan sebagai berikut:
1. Baca dan pahami pertanyaan dengan baik.
2. Baca dengan teliti bagian teks yang memuat kata tersebut.
3. Baca kalimat sekitar, sebelum, dan sesudah dari awal kalimat dimana
kata itu digunakan.
4. Tentukan makna dari kata tersebut.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 177

Contoh soal:

“It is the tallest artificial structure in the world, …” (paragraph 2)

What is the antonym of the underlined word?

A. Natural C. fabricated
B. Unnatural D. manufactured

Menentukan informasi perinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk


Informasi perinci tersurat baru bisa ditemukan setelah kita membaca teks
dengan rinci atau seksama. Kadang-kadang informasi ini tersebar di sana-sini
dan pembaca harus mengumpulkannya atau memperhatikan hubungan antar
informasi dari kalimat yang satu dengan yang lain dalam teks.

Berikut pertanyaan yang menanyakan informasi perinci tersurat:

1. Why … ?

2. Which of the following statements is true acording to the passage?

3.Which of the following statements are wrong based on the text?

4.How … ?

Contoh soal:

Which of the following statements is true acording to the passage?

A. The building was named in honor of the ruler of Abu Dhabi and president
of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
B. The building was named in honor of the president of Abu Dhabi and ruler
of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
C. The building was named in honor of the president of the United Arab
Emirates, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
D. The building was named in honor of the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Khalifa bin
Zayed Al Nahyan.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 178

Menentukan koherensi dan kohesi teks tertulis berbentuk deskriptif.
Sebuah teks memerlukan unsur pembentuk teks agar teks dapat berterima.
Kohesi merupakan salah satu unsur pembentuk teks yang penting. Brown dan
Yule (1983) dalam Rani (2004) menyatakan bahwa unsur pembentuk teks
itulah yang membedakan sebuah rangkaian kalimat itu sebagai sebuah teks
atau bukan teks. Sebuah teks harus memiliki keterpaduan bentuk (kohesi) dan
keterpaduan makna (koherensi). Kohesi adalah hubungan antar bagian dalam
teks yang ditandai oleh piranti kohesi (cohesion devices). Sedangkan koheren
adalah keterpaduan antar kalimat yang saling mendukung. Sebuah teks yang
kohesif belum tentu koheren. Namun teks yang koheren biasanya kohesif.

Piranti untuk menunjukkan kalimat/paragraph yang

kohesif: Tabel 5: Piranti kohesi

Meaning/ Function Examples Examples

Furthermore, too, While, never,

Moreover, also, Immediately,
in the second place, after,later, earlier,
again, in addition, always,
even more, next, when, soon,
further, last, lastly, whenever,
finally, besides, and, or, meanwhile,
nor, first, second, sometimes,
Addition secondly, etc. Time in the meantime,
afterwards, now,
until now, next
following, once
then, at length,
so far, this time

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 179

Meaning/ Function Examples Examples

Here, there, nearby, to illustrate

beyond, wherever to demonstrate
opposite to, adjacent to specifically
Place neighboring on, above, for instance
below as an illustration
e.g.(for example)

Yet, and yet,

in the same way
after all, but,
by the same token
however, though
similarly, likewise
Comparison Contrast otherwise,
in like manner
on the contrary
in similar fashion
in contrast
not withstanding
on the other hand
at the same time
that is to say because
in other words since
to explain on account of
i.e., (that is) Cause for that reason
to clarify
to rephrase it
to put it another way
Therefore, as a result, in order that
consequently, thus, so that, this end,
Effect accordingly, hence Purpose to that end, to
for this purpose

Almost, nearly, never Indeed, yes, no,

Probably, always, to repeat,
Qualification Intensification
Frequently, perhaps, by all means,
Maybe, although of course,

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 180

Meaning/ Function Examples Examples

certainly, in fact,
without doubt,
in fact, surely,

to summarize
to be sure in sum
granted in brief
Consession Summary
of course, it is true to sum up
in short
in summary
in conclusion this
to conclude Demonstrative those
finally actings these
Pronouns serving His, its, theirs, it, their,
as links to clearly your, her, they, our
refer to a specific
word or phrase

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 181

Berikut contoh paragraf yang kohesif.

Gambar 2: Sugar Glider.


Teks 1

My Pet

I have a pet. It is a sugar glider. I found it in my house yard. When I said „prik-
prik‟, it came to me. From that time on, I call it „Prik‟. Prik is a female sugar
glider. It‟s a nocturnal and marsupial animal.

Prik is a very cute pet. It has a pocket on its belly, web which connects its four
feet to fly, soft black brownish fur, wide black eyes and a long big tail.

It can bark like a dog. It‟s very obeidient to me, but very fierce to a foreigner.

Prik likes eating baby poridge and drinking milk.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 182

Contoh paragraf yang kohesif lainnya

Teks 2


A gold ring enscribed

with letter „A‟ was

Anyone finding this

ring, please hand it
to Ms. Asteria or one
of the teachers on


Untuk membentuk wacana yang baik, tidak hanya dibutuhkan hubungan kohesi.
Cook (1989) dalam Rani (2006) menyatakan bahwa penggunaan piranti kohesi itu
memang penting untuk membentuk wacana yang utuh, tetapi tidak cukup hanya
menggunakan piranti kohesi tersebut. Agar wacana yang kohesif itu baik, wacana
tersebut perlu dibuat koheren. Koherensi adalah kepaduan hubungan maknawi
antara bagian-bagian dalam wacana (Rani, 2006). Koherensi membuat wacana
menjadi memiliki makna yang utuh.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 183

Wacana kohesif berbeda dari wacana padu (coherent). Coba perhatikan contoh
berikut ini.

A. Paragraf yang kohesif dan koheren

My Favorite Song

I have a favorite song. It is „Katy Perry‟s Roar . I like this song because it
encourages somebody who is disregarded by others. For that reason, I use
this song to teach my students to encourage them, especially those who have
low motivation.
Paragraf di atas membentuk kohesi. Ada hubungan antar kalimat dalam paragraf
tersebut yaitu menggunakan kata ganti „it‟ seperti dalam kalimat „It is „ROAR‟ by
Katy Perry. I like this song because it encourages somebody who is
underestimated by others.‟ Selain itu, paragraf di atas juga menggunakan piranti
kohesi, yaitu berupa alasan, seperti dalam kalimat „For that reason, I use this
song to teach my students to encourage them, especially those who have low
motivation.‟ Kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut juga disusun secara
maknawi, sehingga bisa dikatakan padu/koheren.

Bandingkan paragraf di atas dengan paragraf berikut:

B. Paragraf yang kohesif tapi tidak koheren

My Favorite Song

I have a favorite song. It is Katy Perry„s Roar‟. I like this song because it
encourages somebody who is disregarded by others. Moreover, Katy Perry is
very beautiful. She has bright skin, nice teeth, beautiful hair, and slim. A lot of
people like her, including me. She will perform in Indonesia next month. My
friends and I will come to her concert. We plan to go earlier to get a cozy
position so that I can take pictures of her.

Paragraf di atas menggunakan kata ganti seperti „it, she, her, dan we‟ yang
menghubungkan kalimat dengan kalimat di depannya, tetapi tidak memiliki

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 184

keterpaduan secara maknawi. Kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf di atas tidak
membentuk paragraf yang padu. Ada beberapa topik yang masuk dalam
paragraf tersebut.

5) Menentukan cara pengajaran teks deskriptif

Cara mengajarkan teks deskriptif pada peserta didik dengan pendekatan
saintifik, langkah langkah pembelajarannya adalah sebagai berikut.

Tabel 6: Pengajaran Teks Deskriptif

Tahapan dalam
Uraian Kegiatan
pendekatan saintifik
Mengamati Pada tahap mengamati, Saudara dapat meminta peserta didik
untuk membaca teks deskripsi, atau mendengarkan teks
deskripsi lisan, atau melihat tayangan film ilmiah pendek
tentang deskripsi.
Saudara juga disarankan untuk membuat pertanyaan tentang
isi teks, agar kegiatan peserta didik lebih terarah pada tahap
mengamati ini.
Menanya Setelah peserta didik memahami tentang isi, apa, kapan,
bagaimana dsb, maka Saudara dapat merangsang peserta
didik untuk menanyakan fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan, dan
ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang digunakan dalam teks deskripsi.
Saudara juga bisa mendorong peserta didik untuk
menanyakan tentang perbedaan antara teks explanation dan
description, dan juga perbedaan fungsi penggunaan antara
kalimat berpola past tense dan kalimat berpola present tense
dalam menyusun teks deskripsi. Present tense digunakan jika
binatang, benda atau orang yang dideskripsikan dalam teks
deskriptif masih ada. Sebaliknya jika sudah tidak ada, kalimat
berpola past tense yang digunakan
Mengumpulkan data Saudara bisa meminta peserta didik untuk bekerja dalam
kelompok kecil (misal 4 orang) lalu meminta mereka
menyiapkan masing-masing 2 teks deskripsi yang berbeda.
Selanjutnya Saudara dapat meminta para peserta didik untuk

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 185

membacakan teks deskripsi dalam kelompoknya, sementara
anggota lain dalam kelompok mencatat hal- hal penting seperti
fungsi sosial, tenses yang digunakan, Saudara juga bisa
meminta peserta didik untuk menuliskan apakah subyek yang
dideskripsikan masih ada atau sudah tidak ada.
Pada tahap ini Saudara bisa meminta peserta didik untuk
Mengasosiasi membandingkan dan mengelompokkan fungsi sosial, tenses
yang digunakan dalam teks deskripsi. Selanjutnya siswa dapat
berlatih untuk menggunakan kalimat dengan pola Past Tense,
dan Present Tense. Selanjutnya siswa dapat memulai
menyusun draf teks tertulis berbentuk deskripsi.
Mengomunikasikan Saudara dapat meminta peserta didik untuk menampilkan teks
deskripsi secara lisan, dapat juga meminta peserta didik untuk
menulis teks report/laporan.

D. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Pada bagian ini Saudara akan melakukan kegiatan untuk dapat menguasai
materi tentang deskripsi. Kegiatan yang sebaiknya Saudara lakukan adalah
yang pertama membaca ulang teori tentang deskripsi; fungsi sosial; unsur
kebahasaan dalam teks deskripsi; struktur teks deskripsi dan juga cara
mengajarkan teks deskripsi. Kedua Saudara juga disarankan untuk berlatih
untuk menentukan isi teks, pikiran utama paragraf tertentu, koherensi dan
kohesif pada teks tertulis berbentuk deskripsi. Adapun pengaturan waktu
adalah sebagai berikut:
No Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

1 Mempelajari teori, dan contoh contoh teks deskripsi 2 jam

2 Mengerjakan latihan (mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif 2 jam

dan menganalisisnya, mendiskusikan hasil analisis teks
deskriptif dengan anggota
kelompoknya,mempresentasikan hasil diskusi)

3 Membahas latihan (menyimpulkan dan merefleksi hasil 2 jam


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 186

4 Mempelajari cara mengajar teks deskripsi 2 jam

Total 10 Jam

Tabel 7: Kegiatan Pembelajaran dan Alokasi Waktu

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Lembar Read the text and choose one of the best answer. Question
number 1 and 2 refer to the following text.

Kerja 1 (LK 1)

Title My Younger Daughter

Identification This is my younger daughter. Her name is Ghea

Olivia. She is 22 years old. She went to
Tlogosari Kulon 06 elementary school. Then,
she continued to Junior High School 2 and
Senior High School 3 Semarang. She studies at
Semarang State Polytechnique.

Description In my opinion, she is a sweet girl. She has a bit dark skin,
of physical beautiful teeth, wide eyes, and a bit pointed nose. Her tall body
appearance makes her more perfect.

Description Ghea is a nice girl and has a loving personality. She never makes
of me sad. She loves children and likes helping others. She talks
personality less and does more.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 187

7 Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk
descriptive dengan tepat.

The text mostly is about … .

A. Ghea‟s physical appearance C. Ghea‟s study

B. Ghea‟s personality D. Ghea Olivia

9) Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk descriptive

dengan tepat.

“She has a bit dark skin, beautiful teeth, wide eyes, and a bit
pointed nose.”
The world in italic means …............................................................
having a sharpened or tapered tip or end
a dot or other punctuation mark, in particular a full stop
a single item or detail in an extended discussion, list, or text
(of a remark or look) expressing criticism in a direct and unambiguous

Read this text to answer questions number 3 and 4.

Title My Favorite Ring

Identification This is my favorite precious stone ring. I bought the

stone on line, and have the ring made by order.

Description of I love this very much. I like the color of the precious stone. People
parts,quality, call it Blue Saphire. I have the stone wrapped with very beautiful
and silver. The shape of the circle stone makes my ring finger looks
characteristics. beautiful. It is very precious so I keep it well in my jewelry pouch.

Menentukan informasi perinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk

descriptive dengan tepat.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 188

How is the ring?

It‟s … .

A. Silver C. a blue sapphire B. Precious D. Made by order

8 Menentukan koherensi dan kohesi dari teks descriptif teks tertulis berbentuk
descriptive dengan tepat.

“I love this very much.”

The underlined word refers to ……..................................................................

A. the stone C. the ring

B. the silver D. The jewellry
Menentukan cara pengajaran teks deskriptif dengan tepat.

Title Salib Putih

Gambar 3
Sumber: Identification Salib
Putih is one of the tourist attractions or destinations in Salatiga, Central Java. It is
on the slope of Merbabu mountain slope of 4 kms, or 15 minutes travel from Salatiga to
tourism spot. Salib Putih is named after the name of the village.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 189

Description This place comprises tea and coffee plantations, silk-cotton tree
of parts, plantation integrated with cows breeding. There are also some
quality, and social activities like an orphanage and nursing homes. To support
characteristi the activities, there are also Salib Putih Teenage Cottage with 50
cs. modern designed rooms, Salib Putih Camping Ground, and a
swimming pool.

People can enjoy Rawa Pening swamp and Salatiga city from
here, have training, outbound, seminar, reunion, and so forth.

You will teach a certain place, Salib Putih Agrotourism. How will you do it? These
are steps represented in each alphabet. The steps are not in the correct order.
Write the number showing the process/steps on the coloumn provided.

Alphabet Stages No.

Show a picture of Salib Putih Agrotourism and ask “Have you ever
been here? Or What place is it?”

Ask the students to describe them by mentioning nouns/noun phrase

referring to the place.

C Ask students to mention any adjective to describe the place.

D Ask students what to do in that place.

To start describing that place, make a group of 4 to rearrange the

jumbled sentences to make a coherence text.

F Ask some of the students to read the text loudly.

G Ask the students to answer the questions in group.

H Discuss the coherence text.

I Give the students assignment to find any places of interest they like

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 190


Ask the students which place they prefer visiting; a place around the
mountain or the beach.

Ask them how to go there. In case they do not have the ideas, you can
help them by giving clues/directions.

L Ask the students what tourism spot they have ever visited.

Tabel 7: Langkah-langkah pengajaran teks deskriptif

F. Rangkuman
Teks deskriptif menggambarkan orang/benda/tempat tertentu apa adanya
dengan menyampaikan kepada pembaca bagaimana kelihatannya,
suaranya, baunya, ataupun rasanya.
Struktur teks deskriptif terdiri atas:

c) Identifikasi/pengenalan, dan
d) Deskripsi/penggambaran

Ciri teks deskriptif yaitu:

e) Fokus pada deskripsi tertentu misalnya mengenai seseorang (ayah, ibu,

anak, teman, guru, idola), tempat (pantai tertentu, bank tertentu, mal
tertentu, dan lain-lain.), hewan dan tumbuhan (anjing saya, tanaman
tetangga saya, dan lain-lain.), dan benda (laptop saya, kantong kesukaan
saya, topi Justin Bieber, dan lain-lain.)

f) Menggunakan simple present tense, walau kadang menggunakan simple

past tense jika yang dideskripsikan sudah tidak ada, atau terjadi di waktu
lampau, judul teks menggunakan noun phrase tertentu (Kuta Beach, bukan
The Beach)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 191

Menggunakan kata sifat, misalnya a beautiful beach, a dirty place, a nice
person, the girl is smart, dan lain-lain, menggambarkan
orang/benda/tempat tertentu secara detail, baik mulai bagiannya,
kualitasnya, karekteristiknya, dan lain-lain

Menggunakan linking verbs, seperti to be (is, am, are), to have (have, has,
had) kata kerja yang diproduksi oleh panca indra (look, seem, appear,
sound, taste, smell, dan feel)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 192


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 193
Dalam materi pembelajaran ini, Anda akan belajar variasi teks deskriptif, kohesif
dan koherensi dari teks deskriptif. Selain itu akan dibahas pula fitur-fitur
lexicogrammatical yang sesuai, dan nilai-nilai sociocultural yang digunakan dalam
teks deskriptif.

A. Tujuan
Setelah mempelajari teks deskriptif, diharapkan Anda akan mampu
meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan
yang mendukung pemahaman teks deskriptif dengan benar.

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

D. Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk
deskriptif dengan tepat.
E. Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk deskriptif
dengan tepat.
F. Menentukaninformasi perinci tersurat teks tertulis fungsional berbentuk
deskriptif dengan tepat.
G. Menentukan koherensi dan kohesif teks tertulis berbentuk descriptive
dengan tepat.
H. Menentukan cara pengajaran teks deskriptif dengan tepat.

C. Uraian Materi
Pada bagian ini, selain pengetahuan tentang teks deskriptif, penting untuk
memiliki pengetahuan tentang teks yaitu dalam tataran kohesi dan koherensi.
Tujuannya untuk memberikan pengayaan pengetahuan terhadap teks
deskriptif yang harus dikuasai.

Teks merupakan satu kesatuan makna dan dipengaruhi oleh konteks situasi
dan konteks budaya. Ciri-ciri teks yang baik harus memiliki kelengkapan teks
yang sempurna. Teks terdiri dari dua dimensi penting, yakni koherensi
(Coherence) dan kohesi (Cohesion).

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 194

Coherence mengacu pada cara sekelompok klausa atau kalimat
berkaitan dengan konteks. Coherence bisa dikelompokkan menjadi dua,
yakni: situational atau registerial coherence dan generic coherence.

Sebuah teks mempunyai situational coherence kalau pembaca bisa

mengenali situasi dimana klausa-klausa atau kalimat yang ada dalam teks itu
terjadi, yakni ketika pembaca bisa mengidentifikasi topik (field), cara (mode)
- apakah teks itu lisan atau tertulis, dan tenor (siapa penulis atau pembicara
dan kepada siapa) dari keseluruhan klausa yang ada dalam teks itu.

Sementara itu, sebuah teks dikatakan mempunyai generic coherence ketika

kita bisa mengenali atau mengidentifikasi teks itu sebagai satu jenis teks
tertentu dan mengenali struktur organisasi, dengan setiap elemen yang
biasanya ada dalam jenis teks itu.

Koherensi berarti adanya keterkaitan antara ide-ide pada level gagasan,

sedangkan kohesi berarti adanya keterkaitan antara ide-ide pada level
kalimat. Pada dasarnya koherensi mengacu pada aspek makna, sedangkan
kohesi berfokus focus pada aspek gramatikal.
(From the ESL Student Handbook by Young Min, PhD)

Bacalah teks di bawab ini mengenai kohesi dan koherensi dari teks.
Teks 1

ESL: Coherence and Cohesion

From the ESL Student Handbook by Young Min, PhD

Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means
the connection of ideas at the sentence level. Basically, coherence refers to the
“rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which include developing and supporting your
argument (e.g. thesis statement development), synthesizing and integrating
readings, organizing and clarifying ideas. The cohesion of writing focuses on
the “grammatical” aspects of writing.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 195

One of the practical tools that can help improve the coherence of your writing
is to use a concept map. The concept map is also known as “reverse outline”
since you make an outline of your paper after you have finished the main ideas
of your paper. Write down the main idea of each paragraph—which is called
a topic sentence—on a blank piece of paper. Check to see if the topic
sentences are connected to the thesis statement of your paper or if you have
strayed from your main argument. As you repeat this process, it will help you
become more aware of how to develop your argument coherently and how to
organize your ideas effectively. Here is a concept map template you can use.

Cohesion is also a very important aspect of academic writing, because it

immediately affects the tone of your writing. Although some instructors may
say that you will not lose points because of grammatical errors in your paper,
you may lose points if the tone of your writing is sloppy or too casual (a diary-
type of writing or choppy sentences will make the tone of your writing too
casual for academic writing). But cohesive writing does not mean just
“grammatically correct” sentences; cohesive writing refers to the connection
of your ideas both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.

Here are some examples that illustrate the importance of connecting your
ideas more effectively in writing.

The hotel is famous. It is one of the most well-known hotels in the country. The
latest international dancing competition was held at the hotel. The hotel spent
a lot of money to advertise the event. Because the hotel wanted to gain
international reputation. But not many people attended the event. (The
connection of ideas is not very good.)
The hotel, which is one of the most well-known hotels in this region, wanted to

promote its image around the world by hosting the latest

international dancing competition. Although the event was widely
advertised, not many people participated in the competition. (The
connection of ideas is better than in the first example.)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 196

The latest international dancing competition was held at the hotel,
which is one of the most well-known hotels in this region. The hotel spent a lot
of money on advertising the event since it wanted to enhance its international
reputation; however, it failed to attract many people. (The connection of ideas
is better than in the first example.)
Created by Young-Kyung Min, PhD


Teks 2

Setelah Anda membaca materi mengenai kohesi dan koherensi dari suatu
teks, Anda dapat membaca tentang bagaimana mengajarkan kohesi dan
koherensi dari suatu teks. Setelah membaca, Anda dapat mendiskusikan
dengan para kolega Anda tentang pengajaran hal-hal dimaksud terhadap teks

Methodology: Coherence and cohesion

By Scott Thornbury

Type: Reference material

Can a cohesive text be incoherent? Is coherence subjective? Scott Thornbury

takes a look at the difference between coherence and cohesion and suggests
some practical ways that we can teach both in an EFL context.

What's the difference between coherence and cohesion? Also, what are some
practical ways to teach coherence and cohesion?

Thank you,

Hall Houston

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 197

Very briefly: a text is cohesive if its elements are linked together. A text is
coherent if it makes sense. It should be clear that these are not the same thing.
That is, a text may be cohesive (i.e. linked together), but incoherent (i.e.
meaningless). Here is one such (invented) text:

I am a teacher. The teacher was late for class. Class rhymes with grass. The
grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But it wasn't.

Each sentence is notionally linked to the one that precedes it, using both
lexical and grammatical means, but the text is ultimately senseless - to me
anyway (and I wrote it!).

The following (much quoted) exchange, however, is coherent to most people,

even though there are no obvious links between its parts:
- There's the phone.
- I'm in the bath.
13 OK.

It is coherent because we can easily imagine a context in which it would make

sense. Just as (albeit with more ingenuity perhaps) we can imagine a context
in which the following would make sense:
3. Whose hands are these?
4. They're your hands.
12 Good.

Put simply, then: cohesion is a formal feature of texts (it gives them their
texture), while coherence is "in the eye of the beholder" - that is to say, it is
the extent to which the reader (or listener) is able to infer the writer's (or
speaker's) communicative intentions. Thus, cohesion is objectively verifiable,
while coherence is more subjective. A text may be coherent to you, but
incoherent to me.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 198

The exact relationship between cohesion and coherence is a matter of
contention, however. While it is true that a sequence of unlinked utterances
can make sense, it is often the case that some form of linking, e.g. with
cohesive devices such as and, but, so, can make it easier for the reader (or
listener) to process and to make sense of what they read (or hear).
Nevertheless, a text which is basically poorly organised is not going to be
made more coherent simply by peppering it with moreover, however and
notwithstanding. The following text (devised by the writer on writing, Ann
Raimes) is an example of a text that is "over-egged" with cohesive markers,
and which is typical of the kind of texts that many students produce as a result
of an over-emphasis on linking devices at the expense of other ways of making
texts cohesive (of which probably the most important is lexis):

Louie rushed and got ready for work, but, when he went out the door, he saw
the snowstorm was very heavy. Therefore, he decided not to go to work. Then,
he sat down to enjoy his newspaper. However, he realized his boss might get
angry because he did not go to the office. Finally, he made another decision,
that he must go to work. So, he went out the door and walked to the bus stop.[i]

So, to return to the second part of the question, what are some practical ways
to teach cohesion and coherence?

The way that textual cohesion is achieved is best learned through paying close
attention to the way sentences are linked in texts. There are a variety of cohesive
devices, both lexical and grammatical, of which linkers (and, so ,but) are just one.
(For a comprehensive list, see the entry under cohesion in An A-Z of ELT,
Macmillan, 2006). Cutting (short) texts up and asking learners to order them is a
good way of drawing attention to the way that they are linked. I am fond of using
short articles from children's encyclopedias. Identifying lexical chains in texts - that
is, repetitions, the use of synonyms and hyponyms, and words from the same
lexical field - is also a useful way of alerting learners to the key role that lexis has
in binding a text together.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 199

Coherence is more elusive but it has a lot to do with the way that the
propositional content of texts is organised. If the content of a (written) text is
organised in such a way that it fulfills the reader's expectations, it is more likely
to achieve its communicative effect. This means that learners can be helped
to write coherent texts through the analysis of the generic features of particular
text types. This has long been the approach to teaching business, technical,
and academic writing. More important still, is second-guessing the intended
reader's questions, and then answering them. This means that it is important
that, when doing writing tasks, students have a clear idea both of the purpose
of the text, and of the intended readership. Good writers are able to "keep their
reader in mind". Keeping your reader in mind does not guarantee coherence,
but it would seem to be a prerequisite. (For more ideas on how to teach both
cohesion and coherence, see Chapters 2 and 3 of my Beyond the Sentence,
Macmillan, 2005).

Raimes, A. 1983. Anguish as a second language? Remedies for

composition teachers. In Freedman, A., Pringle, I., and Yalden, J. (Eds.),
Learning to write: First language/second language. Longman.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 200

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Lembar Kerja 2

Discuss on how to apply coherence and cohesiveness in teaching

descriptive texts in your class.

F. Rangkuman
Bagian ini membahas kohesi dan koherensi dari teks. Berdasarkan artikel
dari Young Min (t.t.) pada bacaan di atas, koherensi berarti hubungan
antargagasan pada tingkatan gagasan (ideas level) sedangkan kohesi
adalah hubungan antargagasan pada tingkatan kalimat. Koherensi mengacu
pada aspek retorika pada tulisan termasuk gagasan yang mendukung
argumen penulis. Contohnya pernyataan thesis, sintesis dan integrasi
bacaan-bacaan, organisasi dan klarifikasi gagasan-gagasan. Kohesi lebih
menitikberatkan pada aspek-aspek tata bahasa dari teks.

Menurut Thornbury (t.t.), perbedaan kohesi dan koherensi adalah kohesi

dalam suatu teks berarti apabila semua elemen berpadu dalam suatu teks.
Teks yang koheren itu bermakna yang sangat jelas bagi pendengar atau

Menurut Thornbury, pengajaran kedua hal tersebut memiliki strategi

tersendiri. Pengajaran kohesi tekstual dapat dilakukan melalui fokus pada
bagaimana kalimat bertautan satu dengan yang lain. Piranti-piranti kohesi


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 201

(cohesive devices) adalah melalui leksikal dan gramatikal. Teks tertulis yang
dipotong-potong dan pembelajar diminta untuk menyusun teks tersebut adalah
cara yang baik untuk mengajarkan teks yang kohesif. Dalam hal ini, pembelajar
akan memelajari rantai-rantai leksikal (lexical chains) seperti repetisi, sinonim
dan hiponim dan kosa kata-kosa kata dari suatu teks.

Sedangkan koherensi dari suatu teks adalah melihat organisasi atau isi yang
proposional dari suatu teks. Apabila isi dari teks itu memenuhi harapan para
pembaca, teks tersebut berarti memiliki aspek komunikatif. Dalam
pengajarannya, pembelajar dapat memelajari aspek-aspek generik atau
umum dari teks-teks tertentu. Hal ini diterapkan dalam pelajaran menulis
akademik (academic writing). Pembelajar dapat memelajari tujuan dari teks,
dan kepada siapa teks itu ditujukan (intended readership).

Diterjemahkan dan disarikan dari ESL: Coherence and Cohesion From the
ESL Student Handbook by Young Min, PhD dan Methodology: Coherence
and cohesion, Scott Thornbury

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 202


BAB 10 A. Tujuan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 203

Setelah mempelajari materi diklat dalam bab ini, peserta diharapkan mampu
meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan
yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu.

3 Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan gagasan umum dalam teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice, memo, announcement, advertisement.
Menentukaninformasi rinci tersurat dalam teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice, announcement dan advertisement.
Menentukaninformasi rinci tersirat teks tertulis fungsional pendek
berbentuk notice, announcement dan advertisement.
Mengidentifikasi advertisement yang tepat sesuai konteks yang diberikan.

4 Uraian Materi
Functional text adalah tulisan yang dimaksudkan untuk membantu
pembaca menyelesaikan tugas sehari – hari. Teks fungsional bisa berupa
notice, memo, announcement, advertisement, letter dll. Pelajari short
fungsional textberikut ;

1. Notice
Notice merupakan jenis teks yang berisikan sebuah himbauan, saran, ajakan,
maupun larangan namun tidak menimbulkan konsekuensi yang
berbahaya apabila dilanggar.

Contoh 1

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 204

Contoh notice d iatas menghimbau pada pengunjung untuk tidak melewati
rerumputan, dan apabila tetap melewatinya pengunjung tidak akan
mengalami sesuatu yang membahayakan dirinya atau orang lain, namun
konsekuensinya rumput akan menjadi rusak.


Contoh notice diatas menghimbau pada pengunjung untuk menggunakan

pengering tangan elektrik setelah mencuci tangan, dan apabila tidak
menggunakanya pengunjung tidak akan mengalami sesuatu yang
membahayakan dirinya atau orang lain.

2. Warning
Warning adalah teks yang berisikan peringatan untuk melakukan sesuatu hal
sesuai petunjuk atau larangan untuk melakukan sesuatu, dan apabila tidak
diindahkan akan menimbulkan bahaya baik bagi diri sendiri ataupun orang
Contoh 1HIGH VOLTAGE

Dari contoh text caution di atas jelas merupakan sebuah peringatan bagi
siapapun untuk tidak menyentuh atau memegang benda yang ada tanda
tersebut, dan apabila dilanggar maka akan menimbulkan bencana atau
membahayakan diri sendiri.


Contoh 2

Contoh text caution diatas juga sangat jelas merupakan sebuah peringatan
bagi siapapun untuk tidak memaksa masuk, karena apabila dilanggar maka
orang yang masuk akan berhadapan dengan anjing – anjing yang galak atau
buas (membahayakan diri sendiri).

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 205

Teks pengumuman (announcement) merupakan sebuah teks yang dibuat
untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada suatu kelompok tertentu, dan atau
khalayak umum.
Struktur Announcement Text
 Title

 Pada bagian ini biasanya menjelaskan gambaran umum atau sebuah
kalimat yang mewakili semua isi yang akan disampaikan dalam text
announcement itu sendiri. Contohnya sebuah text announcement berjudul"
Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris" maka secara otomatis kita dapat
mengetahui isi dari pengumuman itu pasti tentang Lomba Debat Bahasa

 Explanation

Bagian ini menjelaskan bagian detail atau lengkap sebuah announcement
text. Contohnya di mana tempat lomba debat akan dilaksanakan, kapan
waktu acara itu akan dillaksanakan, dan berapa biaya yang harus
dikeluarkan untuk mengikuti lomba debat bahasa inggris dll. Intinya bagian
ini menjelaskan lebih rinci apa-apa saja yang berhubungan dengan judul

Contoh 1
Attention, students.
Tonight we will have Earth Hour. Do you know what it means? Yes.
We will turn off the electricity for one hour, from eight thirty p.m. until
nine thirty p.m. Not only Indonesian people will turn off their electricity
at these hours, but also all people worldwide will do it. That’s why, we
suggest you turn off your electricity at these times.
Thank you.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 206

Contoh 2
Attention, please.
This announcement is for the economy class passengers. For
anyone who hasn’t eaten dinner, please proceed to the restaurant
on the second deck. Dinner is provided there. For passengers
who wish to shalat magrib or the evening prayers, the musala
is on the third deck. Thank you.

Advertisement adalah jenis teks yang ditulis dengan tujuan untuk
mempublikasikan kualitas suatu produk, pelayanan, bisnis, atau event yang
tujuannya untuk menarik orang lain agar membeli atau menggunakannya.
Contoh 1

Don’t miss this summer’s hottest concerts and art exhibition as Staten
Island’s Arts Council presents JUNEFEST, a series of free concerts and
free art exhibition during June.
Whatever your mood, Junefest has it. Heat up with a salsa concert in
the park, relax at a classical guitar concert or visit an amazing exhibition,
there are so many concerts and exhibits to choose from . . . best part––
they’re all free!
To get your Junefest calendar or to find out more about these great
summer events, call 718-447-3329 or visit us on the web at
That’s 718-447-3329.
Adapted from: How to Write Your Radio PSA, New York, Council on the Arts
& Humanities for Staten Island

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 207

Soal yang biasanya muncul berkaitan dengan Functional text:
4 Function/purpose of the text ( fungsi / tujuan text ):
What is the function of the text?
What is the purpose of the notice?
5 Meaning: arti/makna notice tersebut
What does the notice mean?
The notice means…
Certain information/ informasi tertentu
Who is the announcement for?
F. Detail information/informai rinci
Which of the following items are prohibited to be taken in passengers’ carry-
on bags?

1. Aktivitas Pembelajaran
Diskusikan dengan kelompok Anda teks-teks di atas untuk mencari gagasan
umum, informasi tersurat, informasi tersirat, tujuan komunikatif teks dan
stuktur teks.

E. Latihan / Kasus / Tugas

Kerjakan latihan soal berikut dengan menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan di
bawah ini

To : All students of SMA Gemilang Biak.

In the framework of National Education Day the student

Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English
Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

The program will be held on May 2nd 2016, started from 8 am until
1 p.m.

All classes must take part in the programs.

For detailed information, please contact Mr.Andi , the

coordinator of this program.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 208

 Soal :
6 What is the announcement about?
a. A Student Organization.
b. An English Speech Contest.
c. A National Day Celebration.
d. A Program of National Education Day Commemoration

7 Based on the announcement above, we know that …

a. the programs will last for 4 hours.
b. the program will be held in the morning.
c. there are two competitions will be held.
d. Mr.Andi is in charge to organize the programs.

8 What programs that students can do individually?

a. Debate.
b. Interesting program.
c. English speech contest.
d. Wall magazine competition.

Due to , at a teachers’ meeting at 11 a.m, the class will end at 10:30 a.m.. Please
write your unforgettable experience at least 500 words as an assignment from Mr.
Dodi. Submit it next English class. Thank you.

9. Whom is the announcement for?

a. The student’s parents.
b. The school staffs.
c. The teachers.
d. The students.

This text is for numbers to .

In accordance with the international security regulations, the following
items are never allowed to be taken onto a plane by passengers, either in

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 209

their carry-on bags or in their checked luggage: weapons, including
knives and guns, explosives, including dynamite and fireworks.

The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on
bags. Tools, including hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches, sport
equipment such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis and ski poles. When you
pass through the security line, all bags will through our X-ray machines and
some bags will be manually checked by personnel, as well. Thank you for
your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

10. What is the announcement about?

a. Prohibited items in carry –on bags.
b. International airport security regulation.
c. Some plane regulations for passengers.
d. Allowed items to place in checked luggage.

11. When you pass through the security line, ....”

The underlined word can be replaced by ....
a. long thin mark
b. long row
c. remark
d. sign

12. Which of the following items are prohibited to be taken in

passengers’ carry-on bags?
a. Hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches, and sport equipment
b. Weapons, dynamite, guns and wrenches.
c. Dynamite, fireworks, knives and guns.
d. Explosives, guns, dynamite, skis.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 210

13. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To give information about International airport security regulation.
b. To describe the situation in the security line.

c. To give general information about the X-ray machines.

d. To remind the passengers to check luggage.

The following text is for question

14. The caution means that ....

a. forklift should keep the aisles clear
b. the area must be cleared from the forklift
c. these aisles are always clear because of the forklift
d. the aisles must be cleared because the forklift is in operation

The following text is for question .

15. The notice means that ... during the exam period.
a. all the women are suggested to go to the toilet
b. only the women are allowed to use the toilet
c. the women are prohibited to use the toilet
d. the women are banned to go to the toilet

This text is for questions 16 to 17.

Do you have problems with your face? Try Harmony Facial at Sunset Road
no. 2. Get special cost for only only Rp99,000, for two hour facial on Monday to

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 211

Friday at 10 to 2 pm .

We provide high quality creams, steam, etc to treat your face and what’s more,
all our staff members have magic fingers that will make your face fresh and let you
return home in younger look..

Adapted from: Jakarta Post Weekender, June 2011

16. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To advertise something.
b. To describe something.
c. To announce something.
d. To invite people to do something.

Di dalam Short Functional text kita bisa menemukan gambaran umum,
informasi rinci tersurat dan tersirat

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 212


BAB 11
SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 213
B Tujuan
 Memahami pengertian teks advertisement.

 Memahami struktur dan unsur kebahasaanteks advertisement.

 Menangkap makna teks advertisement.

 Mengungkapkan makna teks advertisment

C Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
Setelah pelatihan, diharapkan peserta dapat:

Menjawab pertanyaan tentang pengertian teks advertisement

beserta tujuannya.

Melengkapi tabel tentang struktur dan unsur kebahasaan yang
digunakan dalam teks advertisement.

Melengkapi teks rumpang tentang advertisement text dengan kata
kerja yang tepat.

Menjawab pertanyaan tentang advertisement yang diberikan.

Menulis teks advertisement

- Uraian Materi
Pengertian teks Advertisement
Advertisement text adalah sebuah teks yang memiliki tujuan untuk
mengumumkan sesuatu secara menarik bagi banyak orang dan agar suatu
produk semakin dikenal masyarakat umum. Dalam teks ini terdapat
ungkapan-ungkapan yang bersifat ‘membujuk’agar masyarakat
menggunakan produk-produk yang dipromosikan tersebut.
Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk mengumumkan suatu produk kepada
masyarakat atau dalam kata lain untuk mengenalkan sebuah produk

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 214

kepada masyarakat agar mereka dapat membeli dan tertarik untuk membeli
produk yang diiklankan.
Advertisement text berisikan tentang apa isi dan segala informasi tentang
produk yang akan dipromosikan kepada masyarakat dan biasanya disertai
kata-kata menarik minat pengunjung. Advertisement text ini dapat ditemui
dalam bentuk banner, brochure dan juga mini iklan yang terdapat di printed
media seperti majalah atau Koran danjuga yang terpasang dalam tempat-
tempat umum sehingga dapat diamati oleh masyarakat luas.
Dalam hal ini Anda harus mampu membedakan advertisement text dan label
text. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu :
14 Label text hanya memuat informasi tertentu tentang suatu produk, misal
komposisi, informasi gizi, petunjuk penggunaan atau petunjuk
penyimpanan, sebuah produk.
15 Label text tidak memuat ungkapan ‘membujuk’ masyarakat untuk
menggunakan produk yang diiklankan.
16 Label text tidak dipasang di tempat-tempat umum karena label text
terdapat dalam suatu produk.

Perhatikan gambar berikut :

Spagetiku is the perfect base for

any pasta meal. With Spagetiku
you can create the most
delicious pasta dishes in no time
at all.

(Gbr.1 Label text)

Apakah Anda menemukan ungkapan membujuk dalam teks di atas?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 215

Sekarang perhatikan gambar berikut:

(Gbr.2 Advertisement text)

Ungkapan membujuk apa yang dapat Anda temukan dalam gambar tersebut di
Bentuk teks berupa iklan di koran. Orang membuat teks seperti ini untuk menjual
suatu produk. Pembaca diminta segera membeli produk laptop itu di “new
technology” terdekat karena stoknya sedikit. Jadi bila terlambat akan kehabisan.

Struktur Advertisement text:

Sebuah iklan yang baik harus memuat struktur yang terdiri dari attention, interest,
desire, dan action





SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 216

5. Attention

Iklan yang baik memiliki makna yang dapat menarik perhatian masyarakat
umum. Untuk dapat menarik perhatian maka sebuah iklan harus memiliki
logo, slogan ataupun jingle.

6. Interest
Sebuah iklan harus memiliki daya pikat publik yang akan menumbuhkan
minat masyarakat, maka sebuah iklan perlu memuat perasaan yang dapat
menggugah dan menularkan minat masyarakat, seperti perasaan bahagia,
senang dan sebuah iklan perlu memuat hal-hal yang dibutuhkan
masyarakat dan mengatasi masalah yang ada dalam masyarakat.
7. Desire
Sebuah iklan mampu merangsang kebutuhan masyarakat, mengetahui
apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dan apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat
dalam jangka waktu pendek dan panjang.
8. Action
Sebuah iklan mampu mengundang minat masyarakat dengan
mencantumkan nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi, alamat maupun
web internet yang memuat semua informasi tentang produk yang

Unsur Kebahasaandalam Advertisement Text

Advertisement text menggunakan present tense yang bersifat informative dan
penting. Selain itu, teks ini juga menggunakan kata kerja imperative seperti‘try’,
‘grab now’atau‘just do it’, yang sifatnya mengundang emosi masyarakat untuk
mencoba bahkan membeli produk yang diiklankan.

D. Aktivitas Pembelajaran:

Pada bagian ini anda akan melakukan kegiatan untuk dapat menguasai materi
tentang iklan. Kegiatan yang sebaiknya Anda lakukan adalah yang pertama
membaca ulang teori tentang definisi; fungsi sosial; hal hal yang perlu
diperhatikan dalam membuat iklan; struktur; dan unsur kebahasaan iklan. Yang
kedua Anda juga disarankan untuk berlatih menyusun iklan baik iklan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 217

untuk produk, jasa, maupun kegiatan. Setelah Anda yakin telah menguasai materi
tentang iklan, selanjutnya Anda dapat melangkah pada tahap berikut ini, tahap yaitu

13 Tugas/Kasus/Latihan
Bacalah dengan seksama materi tentang advertisement text.
Latihan 1 :Secara berpasangan diskusikanlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di
bawah ini:
What is the definition of advertisement text?

What is the purpose of advertisement text?

How can you differentiate between advertisement text and label text?

What is the generic structure and language features of advertisement

Secara bergantian, Anda diminta mengemukakan hasil diskusi yang
dilakukan dalam kelompok Anda. Akan lebih baik jika Anda kemukakan
pendapat dan hasil diskusi Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Anda diberikan Advertisement text dibawah ini :

Perhatikan advertisement text diatas dan amatilah dengan seksama.,

tuliskan bagian-bagian teks tersebut dan tuliskan pula makna tersirat yang
terdapat dalam teks tersebut.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 218

Elements Information





13 Dengan menggunakan teks tersebut tuliskanlah unsur kebahasaan yang

digunakan dalam teks tersebut.
14 Latihan 3:
Amatilah teks dibawah ini, pilihlah kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks

Six Revisions (1 offer/offers) attractive advertisement options to companies

needing to (2 reach/ reaches) a global audience consisting of designers,
developers, web startup owners, programmers, IT managers, IT
professionals, web design/development enthusiasts, and influential bloggers.
 Over 40.000 RSS subscribers

 1.5 million unique visitors and 2.5 million page views per month

 Over a quarter of million inbound links
Ad units available
3) 300 x 100 RSS feed Horizontal Banner (3 contact/
 125 x 125 Sidebar Banner (4 purchase / purchases) via BuysellAds

 234 x 60 half banner purchase via BuysellAds
Got questions?
We’d love to (5 answer/answers) any questions you might have about
launching your ad campaign on Six revisions. Contact the Founder and
Chief Editor, Jacob Gube via email at

14 Latihan 4:
Dengan menggunakan teks dalam latihan 3 jawablah pertanyaandi bawah

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 219

What is the text about?
What is the purpose of the text?

What things are the offered by the advertisement?

What will you do if you want to ask for more details about the

How can you purchase the offer?

- Latihan 5 :
Anda akan diberikan 2 topik tentang advertisement text danbuatlah
advertisement text. Anda tidak perlu focus dengan gambar yang akan
dibuat dalam advertisementtext Anda.
Imagine your school is up for sale. Write an advertisement that would
be likely to attract potential buyers
Your family car is for sale. Write an advertisement that would interest
- Presentasikan iklan yang telah Anda buat di depan forum individually.
- Penugasan: Carilah 5 iklan yang berbeda yang bisa Anda temukan dalam
kemasan sehari-hari, majalah, Koran atau internet. Tuliskan struktur dan
unsur kebahasaanyang digunakan dalam teks yang Anda temukan.
Presentasikan penjelasan tentang iklan tersebut di depan forum.

- Rangkuman:
Advertisement text adalah teks iklan yang bersifat membujuk dan menarik
minat masyarakat untuk menggunakan produk yang diiklankan.
Tujuan dari advertisement text adalah untuk membujuk (to persuade)
masyarakat untuk menggunakan produk yang diiklankan.
Struktur advertisement text adalah attention, interest, desire dan action.
Unsur kebahasaan yang digunakanadalah present tense yang bersifat
imperative dan penting.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 220


BAB 12
SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 221
A. Tujuan
Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan, reseptif dan produktif dalam
segala aspek komunikatifnya (linguistik,wacana,sosiolinguistik dan strategis)

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
menentukan informasi tertentuteks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
menentukan gambaran umumteks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
menentukan makna katateks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk
Menentukan teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk advertisement yang
tepat sesuai dengan konteks yang diberikan .

6. Uraian Materi
Pada bagian ini Anda akan mempelajari materi tentang iklan. Diharapkan
Anda memahami tujuan komunikatif, fungsi sosial, gambaran umum, makna
kata dan menentukan iklan yang tepat dengan situasi tertentu.

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary iklan adalah sebuah gambar, film

pendek, lagu dan sebagainya yang mempersuasi orang untuk membeli
sebuah produk atau service. Iklan dapat dilakukan secara lisan dan tertulis.

Iklan dapat berbentuk gambar saja; kata kata berupa frasa atau kalimat; dan
dapat pula berbentuk gabungan antara gambar dan kata-kata.

Berdasarkan peruntukan, iklan dapat untuk menyajikan hasil produk, kegiatan

atau event, dan jasa

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 222

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat iklan adalah

Iklan menyatakan produk, jasa atau kegiatan yang diiklankan

Iklan menyatakan mengapa anda membutuhkan produk, jasa atau
kegiatan yang diiklankan
Iklan meyakinkan bahwa produk, jasa atau kegiatan yang diiklankan
benar benar lebih baik dari yang lain
Iklan menginspirasi Anda untuk berbuat membeli atau melakukan sesuatu
Iklan juga menyajikan waktu, tempat, untuk membeli atau melakukan
sesuatu dan juga harga.
Iklan harus mudah diingat, mudah dilihat danmenggunakan kata-kata
yang efektif.
Apapun bentuknya iklan harus menyakinkan pelanggan bahwa produk,
jasa atau kegiatan berbeda dengan yang lain.

Fungsi Sosial Iklan

Iklan memiliki fungsi sosial untuk mempersuasi orang untuk membeli sebuah
produk atau jasa; atau untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.

Unsur Kebahasaan
1. Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan iklan barang, jasa,
dan kegiatan (event) di media massa
2. Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau
tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb dalam frasa nominal.
3. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
4. Ejaan dan tanda baca
5. Tulisan tangan

Struktur Text
Struktur teks dalam pembuatan iklan berupa adanya informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu tentang produk, jasa atau kegiatan yang diiklankan.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 223

Contoh Iklan produk
Berikut disajikan beberapa iklan produk yang merupakan gabungan
antara gambar dan kata kata.
Gambar 2.4. gambar Iklan Produk

Dari :
Gambar 2.5 Iklan Produk

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 224

Dari :

Berikut disajikan contoh-contoh iklan jasa

Gambar 2.6. Iklan jasa

Gambar 2.7. Iklan jasa

Dari :

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 225

Berikut disajikan contoh contoh iklan kegiatan yang diunduh dari internet
Gambar 2.8 . Iklan Kegiatan

Gambar 5.9. Iklan Kegiatan

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 226

Berikut disajikan iklan yang berupa lowongan pekerjaan


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Proven working knowledge of multiple human resources disciplines.
Ability to make recommendations to effectively resolve problems or issues by using
judgment that is consistent with standards practices, policies, procedures,
regulation of government law.
Excellent relationship management skills.
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia.
Excellent written and spoken English
High level professional credibility and integrity.

Full Job Description for the position is available at

under “JOB OPPORTUNITIES”. Please submit CV and your cover letter via
the website listed no later than 7 December 2014.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Only qualified candidates will be shortlisted.

Taken from Kompas November 29, 2014.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 227

D. Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Pada bagian ini anda akan melakukan kegiatan untuk dapat menguasai
materi tentang iklan. Kegiatan yang sebaiknya Anda lakukan adalah yang
pertama membaca ulang teori tentang definisi; fungsi sosial; hal hal yang
perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat iklan; struktur; dan unsur kebahasaan
iklan. Yang kedua Anda juga disarankan untuk berlatih menyusun iklan
baik iklan untuk produk, jasa, maupun kegiatan. Setelah Anda yakin telah
menguasai materi tentang iklan, selanjutnya Anda dapat melangkah pada
tahap berikut ini, tahap yaitu latihan.

Buatlah iklan untuk situasi di bawah ini.
Anda memiliki sebuah perusahaan di bidang garmen yang saat ini sedang
berkembang dengan baik. Anda baru saja melakukan sebuah inovasi
dalam merancang busana. Dan mengasilkan busana dengan trend terbaru.
Anda bermaksud mengadakan lomba peragaan busana dalam rangka
meluncurkan produk baru anda. Anda juga membutuhkan
karyawan yang bisa menjadi tenaga administrasi keuangan yang
bersangkutan harus lulus dari fakultas ekonomi jurusan akuntasi dengan
IP minimal 2,75; tenaga pemasaran, yang bersangkutan harus lulusan
fakultas ekonomi jurusan manajemen dengan IP minimal 2,75; dan juga
sopir yang minimal lulusan SMA untuk melakukan pengiriman produk
produk anda. Untuk situasi tersebut di atas buatlah:
8. Iklan untuk produk busana Anda, nama perusahaan dan alamat dapat
anda pilih sendiri.
9. Iklan untuk lowongan pekerjaan dengan ketentuan yang telah disajikan
di atas.
10. Iklan sebuah lomba peragaan busana yang tanggal dan tempat and
tentukan sendiri.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 228

Read the texts and answer the questions that follow.

Text 1


GRM International is a leading international development management

company specializing in the provision of project design, management expertise
and technical assistance to development projects for bilateral and multilateral
funding agencies, governments, and corporations. For more than 45 years,
GRM has been bringing expertise in managing large-scale projects, and
sourcing and managing high quality experts covering all disciplinary skills
required to implement development projects.

We are currently looking for an HR Business Partner (HR manager) to assist the
Sr. HRBP to plan, develop, and implement HR services, programs, and activities
to support the growth of our Indonesian operations.

HR Business Partner

1. Relevant HR of business related qualification
2. Minimum 5 years experience in HR.
3. A deep understanding of Indonesia’s manpower act and labor law.
4. Proven working knowledge of multiple human resources disciplines.
5. Ability to make recommendations to effectively resolve problems or issues
by using judgment that is consistent with standards practices, policies,
procedures, regulation of government law.
6. Excellent relationship management skills.
7. Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia.
8. Excellent written and spoken English
9. High level professional credibility and integrity.

Full Job Description for the position is available at

under “JOB OPPORTUNITIES”. Please submit CV and your cover letter via
the website listed no later than 7 December 2014.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Only qualified candidates will be shortlisted.

Taken from Kompas November 29, 2014.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 229

21 What does GRM international provide?
a. Expertise in managing large-scale projects, and sourcing and
managing high quality experts covering all disciplinary skills
b. Bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, governments, and
corporations to development projects.
c. Plan, develop, and implement HR services, programs, and activities to
support the growth of our Indonesian operations
d. Job opportunities for Relevant HR of business related qualification
e. Project design, management expertise and technical assistance.

22 What are the duties of the HR Partner needed by GRM?

a. To assist the Sr. HRBP to plan, develop, and implement HR services,
programs, and activities.
b. To make recommendations to effectively resolve problems or issues by
using judgment.
c. To development projects for bilateral and multilateral funding
d. To have A deep understanding of Indonesia’s manpower act and
labour law
e. To implement development projects.

23 What is the achievement of GRM International?

a. Excellent written and spoken English.
b. Excellent relationship management skills.
c. High level professional credibility and integrity.
d. GRM has been bringing expertise in managing large-scale projects, and
sourcing and managing high quality experts.
e. Ability to make recommendations to effectively resolve problems or
issues by using judgment that is consistent with standards practices,
policies, procedures, regulation of government law.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 230

24. “Ability to make recommendations to effectively resolve problems or
issues by using judgment that is consistent with standards practices,
policies, procedures, regulation of government law”

What word can replace the word consistent?

a. Relevant
b. Effectual
c. Efficient
d. Extensive
e. Significant

25. Why should the candidate have a deep understanding of

Indonesia’s manpower act and labor law?
a. Because he must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia.
b. Because he is Excellent written and spoken English
c. Because he supports the growth of GRM’s Indonesian operations
d. Because he must have excellent relationship management skills.
e. Because he needs high level professional credibility and integrity.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 231

Text 2

The Most International Life ENTRANCE TEST

Sciences Institute in Indonesia FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Based on DIKTI license June 2013


Open enrolment
For undergraduate program 2015-2016
Sanjeevini Pertiwi
Springfield International

I choose iBL because I believe this is the

place where I can receive the best
education and learn how to become a
future leader in my field.

Biomedicine Food Technology

By studying in iBL, it has presented me with
the opportunities to engage with global
researchers, a chance to work in top class
laboratories and create important network
which will help me with my future career.
Bio-technology Bio-entrepreneurship
With the help of iBL, I hope I can achieve
my dream of working at an international
health institute as an infectious disease
research expert with global competency.

Open day
February 14th 2015
(12.00 pm- 5.00 pm )
Jl. Pulomas Barat Kavling 88 Jakarta Timur, 13210, Indonesia
6221 67899

26. What is the advertisement about?

a. Biomedicine
b. Sanjeevini Pertiwi
c. Springfield International
d. iBL educational institution.
e. Undergraduate program entrance test.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 232

27. What is Sanjeevini Pertiwi
a. A doctor at iBL
b. A Biomedicine doctor.
c. A Biomedicine student.
d. Springfield International director
e. Marketing manager of Biomedicine.

28. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. The believe of the statement maker.
b. The reason of statement maker why she selects iBL
c. The way how to become a future leader in someone’s field.
d. The place where the writer can receive the best education and learn.
e. The place where the writer can teach biomedicine ffor best education.

29. What is the main idea of paragraph the last paragraph?

a. The help of iBL to get global competency
b. International health institute as an infectious disease research expert.
c. The expectation of Sanjeevini Pertiwi to work at international
health institute.
d. Sanjeevini Pertiwi works at international health institute as an
infectious disease research expert.
e. Sanjeevini Pertiwi works at international health institute as an
infectious disease research supervisor.

30. What is the social function of the advertisement?

a. To inform reader about iBL educational institution
b. To persuade readers to study at iBL educational institution.
c. To describe the kinds of education at iBL educational institution
d. To explain about the kinds of education at iBL educational institution
e. To entertain the readers with the kinds of education at iBL educational

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 233

Text 3
Fun About Gold Coast

4D3N Gold Coast Free and


Package includes: Hotel

accommodation and return
airport transfer on SIC
basis. From USD 225

4D3N Ballooning and Nature

Other cities packages:
Highlights : crumbs in and
paradise jet boating, hot air
balloon ride, O’Reilly’s
4D3N Sydney Free and Easy Vineyard Champagne
breakfast. From USD 495
From USD 210

4D3N Perth Free and Easy

5D4N Dolphin, Sand and Fun
From USD 279
Highlights: Dolphin Feeding +
Island Activities, Dreamworld
+ Whitewater + Sky Point
Admission, Movie world. From
USD 579 Taken from :

Jakarta Bogor

Best Tour : 021 260 1888 Jos Travel Bogor : 0251 831
Monas Tour : 021 630 5642
Surabaya : 031 563
Kompas Friday 17 April 2015

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 234

31. What is being advertised?
a. Holiday packages
b. Hotel accommodation
c. Sydney Free and Easy

d. Surf right up to the doorstep

e. O’Reilly’s Vineyard Champagne

32. What activities can be enjoyed by customer with 5D4N Dolphin,

Sand and Fun?
a. Hotel accommodation and return airport transfer on SIC basis.
b. Hotel accommodation and return airport transfer on SIC basis; surf
right up to the doorstep.
c. Crumbs in and paradise jet boating, hot air balloon ride, O’Reilly’s Vineyard
Champagne breakfast.
d. Dolphin Feeding and Island Activities; Dream world; Whitewater; Sky
Point Admission, and Movie world.
e. Hotel accommodation and return airport transfer on SIC basis,
Dolphin Feeding and Island Activities; Dream world; Whitewater;
Sky Point Admission, and Movie world.

33. “Where you can surf right up to the doorstep” What does the
expression mean?
a. You can surf by using door
b. You can surf without opening the door
c. You can surf on the right side of the door
d. You can surf near the hotel where you stay
e. Your surfing area is far from the hotel where you stay

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 235

Text 4
D1 –BP Fuel Crops is a fast growing Jatropha based Bio Fuel company. In line
with our rapid expansion of operation activities, we are seeking suitable, qualified,
talented, high achievers, and dynamic Indonesians that would like to grow with us
to apply for the following position:


  Responsible for field audits of company’s plantation activities.
 Propose recommendation for improvement in company’s operational and
 internal control procedures and process.
 Management of casual and contract employees working in the operational
audit department.

 Minimum bachelor degree educated.
 This position is for local resident.

 Minimum three years’ experience as Internal Auditor or Public Accounting
Auditor or in an agronomy related position. Candidates with plantation audit
 experience will be particularly favored.
Successful candidate must be willing to travel throughout East Java extensively
Previous working with multinational company is an advantage
Having ability in reading, writing and verbal English
Send the application to stating current salary and
expected salary by March 9, 2014

34. What does the text tell us about?

a. BP Fuel Crop’s promotion
b. BP Fuel Crop hires operational auditor’s officer
c. BP Fuel Crop hires operational auditor’s officer
d. BP Fuel Crop requires operational auditor’s officer
e. BP Fuel Crop promotes its operational auditor’s officer.
35. Why does the company put this ad?
a. to invite bidders
b. to organize new officer
c. to promote the company
d. to look for new operational auditor
e. to show the responsibility of the new officer

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 236

36. What is the scope of the work?
a. Auditing company’s plantation, proposing improvement
recommendation and managing employees.
b. Suitable, qualified, talented, high achievers, and dynamic
Indonesians that would like to grow with the company.
c. Three years experience as Internal Auditor or Public Accounting
Auditor or in an agronomy related position.
d. Previous working with multinational company is an advantage.
e. Candidate must be willing to travel throughout East Java
extensively (90%)
37. What is the social function of the advertisement?
a. To inform tell about job vacancies at D1 –BP Fuel Crops
b. To inform readers about job vacancies at D1 –BP Fuel Crops
c. To explain readers about job vacancies at D1 –BP Fuel Crops
d. To describe readers about job vacancies at D1 –BP Fuel Crops
e. To persuade readers to apply for job vacancies at D1 –BP Fuel

Text 5

If you are a highly caliber person, We as a leading bank in China and has
expanding its business in Indonesia, PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia is seeking for highly
talented candidates.


AREA Your jobs and responsibilities are:
To plan annual work and stipulate work target for every unit under
his/her supervision and ensure the achievement of branches
profit target.
To develop and improve Bank’s image in business groups on
regional government institution s as well as maintain and expand
the network in order to support marketing activity for financial
To control monthly expenses and approves expenses in order
that expense budget according to the budget.

Formal education : Bachelor’s Degree or above
5 (five) years experience in the same position
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English (verbal and Writing)
Able to work under pressure
Strong Communication

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 237

Application should be sent on/before February 22nd, 2014 with a recent

We apology that only short listed candidates will be notified and no telephone
enquiries will be entertained.
Send your application to the address below
TCT-ICBC Tower Jl. MH Tamrin 81 32nd Floor Jakarta Pusat 10310

38. What is the text about?

a. A leading bank in China
b. Branch manager in Surabaya
c. Jobs and responsibilities of new officers
d. Vacancy of Branch manager in Surabaya
e. Qualification of Branch manager in Surabaya
39. Which is true about the qualification of the candidates?
a. He/she must be able to write both Bahasa Indonesia and English
b. He/she must be able to read both Bahasa Indonesia and English
c. He/she must be able to read and write both Bahasa Indonesia and
d. He/she must be able to listen and write both Bahasa Indonesia and
e. He/she must be able to speak and write both Bahasa Indonesia and
40. To control monthly expenses and approves expenses in order that expense
budget according to the budget
What does the double underlined expression mean?
a. The cost is more than the budget.
b. The cost is higher than the budget.
c. The cost is greater than the budget.
d. The cost is in accord with the budget
e. The cost is more enormous than the budget

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 238

41. “We apology that only short listed candidates will be notified and no
telephone enquiries will be entertained”. What does the word notified mean?
a. Inquiry
b. Induced
c. Informed
d. Increased
e. Entertained

Text 6


The Four Winds of Senayan, Jakarta’s most impressive and

exclusive contemporary place to call home.

Just a whisper away from the international cosmopolitan Senayan area,

fine restaurants, a heart pounding night-life, and world-class shopping including
top international and local fashion brands, top food stores abound, international
schools surround.


Jalan Permata Hijau

Raya no. 1 021 - 9197 0077
Jakarta 12210, Indonesia 021 - 9197 0088

Available for viewing by

appointment only

Taken from Kompas, Friday 17 April 2015, page 16.

M. What is the advertisement about?

The four winds
Marketing gallery
The winds of change
An international school.
N. What is the advantage of the place in the text?
Available for viewing.
It is near some public places
Jakarta’s most impressive and exclusive.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 239

Local fashion brands, top food stores abound, international schools
Senayan area, fine restaurants, a heart pounding night-life, and world-
class shopping.

42. “Just a whisper away from the international cosmopolitan Senayan

area,…”What does the word a whisper away mean?
a. Near
b. Far away
c. Murmuring
d. Many people are whispering
e. A man is whispering to his friend.
43. If a customer would like to see the place, what should he do?
a. Look at surround it.
b. Make an appointment.
c. Directly come to the place
d. Browse at
e. Browse at

Text 7

Th New Building Products for Builders and Renovators

HomeWorks is an innovative visualization tool that

will change the way homeowners, contractors, and builders
plan their remodeling projects. HomeWorks lets you apply
new BeautiTone paint colors, flooring, siding, roofing, windows, doors, and many
other quality materials to actual photos of your customer’s homes. It includes
over 2500 quality products to choose from. Take the guesswork out of home
remodeling and see the full potential of your renovations BEFORE you lift a
hammer! HomeWorks is available exclusively at Home Hardware Building
Centre, Home Building Centre and Home Furniture Stores for only $24.97.
Includes a $25.00 gift card offer on purchases over $ 450.00. For more
information, contact Home Hardware www.homehardware.caMore Computer,
Technology and Education.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 240

44. What is the text about?
a. An innovative visualization tool.
b. Exclusively at Home Hardware Building Centre
c. Home Building Centre and Home Furniture Stores.
d. The New Building Products for Builders and Renovators.
e. The way homeowners, contractors, and builders plan their
remodeling projects.
45. What is being advertised?
a. Builders
b. Contractors
c. HomeWorks
d. New building products
e. Home remodeling designs.
46. “HomeWorks is an innovative visualization tool that…”. The word
innovative is the same meaning as …
a. Creative
b. new
c. Incentive
d. Preservative
e. Collaborative
47. “It includes over 2500 quality products to choose from”. What does the word it
refer to?
a. Builders
b. Contractors
c. HomeoWorks
d. New building products
e. Home remodeling designs.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 241

Text 8

Give your back a break on the Carmichael Drum Throne

Our patent pending seat design provides hours of comfort by

relieving pressure to the spine, tailbone, prostate and other sensitive areas
allowing you to
rehearse, gig and record for longer periods of time and with more energy and
After all, the most important part of the drum kit is YOU! Rock on in
comfort and style on the Carmichael Drum Throne
Enjoy the benefits

“Thanks for a fantastic product that really works”

-Sean O’Rouke

Taken from downloaded on

April 19 2015

48. What is being advertised?

a. Drum
b. Seat
c. Energy
d. Comforts
e. The drum kit.
49. What is the advantage of the product?
a. It is a renewable product
b. It is a fantastic product that really works.
c. It is the most important part of the drum kit.
d. It relieves pressure to the spine, tailbone, prostate and other sensitive
e. It can be resold to drummer and can be used for holding a concert.
50. What can the user do by using the product?
a. Play music by using drum stick.
b. Hold a concert in a public place.
c. Rehearse, gig and record for longer periods of time.
d. Buy, use then resell the product for getting benefits
e. Have more energy, play in a concert, and then resell the product.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 242

Text 9
A is for Apple
It is the first thing you shoud know about personal computer.
Discover the special thrill of personal computing-with Apple. It is a home
computer, a bussiness computer, a classroom computer, your computer. No
wonders tens of thousand have already choosen Apple. Join the excitement in
your local computer store. Call for the one nearest you. 800-538-9696.

Apple computer
10260 Bandley Drive Cupertino, CA 95014

Taken from downloaded on

April 19 2015

51. What is being advertised?

a. Special thrill
b. Apple fruit
c. Computer
d. An apple market
e. A computer service.
52. “Discover the special thrill of personal computing-with Apple” Which of the
following words can replace the word thrill?
a. Unusual
b. Particular
c. Excitement
d. Individual
e. Extraordinary
53. “No wonders tens of thousand have already choosen Apple.” What does
the word tens of thousand refer to?
a. Apples
b. Computers
c. The Apple sellers
d. The computer users
e. The readers of the ads.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 243

F. Rangkuman
Berikut disajikan rangkuman atas materi iklan
Iklan adalah sebuah gambar, film pendek, lagu dan sebagainya yang
mempersuasi orang untuk membeli sebuah produk atau service. Iklan
dapat dilakukan secara lisan dan tertulis.
Iklan dapat berbentuk:
gambar saja;
kata kata berupa frasa atau kalimat;
berbentuk gabungan antara gambar dan kata-kata.
Berdasarkan peruntukan,
iklan dapat untuk menyajikan hasil produk
iklan dapat untuk menyajikan kegiatan atau event,
iklan untuk menyajikan jasa
Fungsi sosial untuk mempersuasi orang untuk membeli sebuah produk
atau service; atau untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan
Unsur kebahasaan
Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang lazim digunakan iklan barang, jasa, dan
kegiatan (event) di media massa
Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau
tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsbdalam frasa nominal.
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
Ejaan dan tanda baca
Struktur teks dalam pembuatan iklan berupa adanya informasi rinci dan
informasi tertentu tentang produk, jasa atau kegiatan yang diiklankan.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 244

Discussion Text 1

BAB 13
SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 245
 Tujuan
Meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan
yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu.

 Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan gambaran umum teks tertulis berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat teks tertulis berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan informasi tertentu teks tertulis berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan informasi tersirat teks tertulis berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan makna kata teks tertulis berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan coherence dan cohesiveness teks tertulis
berbentuk discussion.
Menentukan cara pengajaran teks discussion.

 Uraian Materi
Definition of Discussion
Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem
will be discussed from different viewpoints; the for and against, the
positive and negative, or the good and bad points. Discussion is
commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.It can be in oral
or written form.

Discussion is a process to find the meet point between two different ideas. It
is important to to get the understanding between the two differences. In many
social activities, discussion is the effective way to calm down any friction and
difference in thought, perception and recommendation.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 246

 Generic Structure of Discussion Text

6 Issue:
Arguments for (supporting points):
point or main idea
Arguments against (contrasting points) of differing points of view:
point or main idea
Conclusion or Recommendation: stating the writer' s
recommendation of the discourse

 Language Features of Discussion

Focus on generic participant

Use of material processes (has produced, have developed, to feed)
Use of relational process (is, could have, cause, are)
Use of mental process (feel,hope, believe, etc)
Using additive, contrastive, and causal connection; similarly, on
the other hand, however, etc
Using modalities; must, should, could, may, etc
Using adverbial of manner; deliberately, hopefully, etc
Use of comparative: contrastive adn consequential conjunctions
Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns (abstraction)

 Contoh Teks Discussion

Perhatikan contoh teks discussion dibawah ini, amatilah generic

structure dan lexico grammatical features dari teks tersebut.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 247

The Advantages and Disadvantages of
passive voice Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is generated by using

uranium which is a metal mined in various
parts of the world. The first large scale of
Issue nuclear power station was opened at Calder
Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956.

Some military ships and submarines

have nuclear power plant for engine.
Nuclear power produces around 11% of the
world's energy needed, and produces huge
amounts of energy. It causes no pollution
present tense as we would get when burning fossil fuels.
The advantages of nuclear plant are as
• It costs about the same coal, so it is
Argument for not expansive to make.
(Supporting Point) • It does not produce smoke or carbon
dioxide, so it does not contribute to the
greenhouse effect.
• It produces huge amounts of energy
from small amount of uranium.
• It produces small amount of waste.
• It is reliable.

On the other hand, nuclear power is very,

contrasting very dangerous. It must be sealed up and
conjunction buried for many years to allow the
radioactivity to die away. Furthermore,
Argument against
although it is reliable, a lot of money has to
(Contrasting Point)
be spent on safety because if it does go
wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major
additional accident.

Conclusion People are increasingly concerned about

or Recomendation this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power
was the fastest growing source of power in
many parts of the world.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 248

The example of discussion text above presents the two poles, between
the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear plant to fulfill the energy
needed. It is a case which needs to be talked and discussed from two points.
They are represented in the generic structure which is used:

Stating the Issue: In the first paragraph, it is stated that using nuclear power
can be the choice in fulfilling the needed energy.

Arguments for/Supporting Point: In the second paragraph, it is presented the

advantages of nuclear power plant to be used as the source of the world’s
energy needed

Argument against/Contrastive Point: The third paragraph shows the balance.

It gives the contradictory idea in using nuclear power plant as the resource of
Recommendation: This text is ended with a similar recommendation on how
people should concern in the matter of nuclear energy.

Examples of discussion texts include:

talkback radio
current affairs interviews
letters to the editor
newspaper articles

Aktifitas Pembelajaran

Silakan Anda cermati contoh teks discussion di bawah ini kemudian kerjakan
2 Tuliskan bagian-bagian paragraf di bawah ini sesuai generic structure-
dalam teks !

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 249

Text Structure
Twitter is an online social networking
service and micro blogging service that enables its users
to send and read text-based messages of up to ..................
140 characters, known as "tweets".
Some people believe that Twitter can be used to
gather people and their enthusiasm for the event
together. All participants in the conversation were able
identify one another on some level from recognizing ..................
tweets an athlete or celebrity wrote to pinpointing which
fans/followers get the opportunity to discuss in real-time.
However, some others think that news/messaging
taken-in by participants in the discussion can be
unverified/false. Rumors can develop and spread quicker
as well. Events can escalate quickly with many fans
jumping on the bandwagon, for better or worse. Fans and ..................
followers may lose some of the excitement in watching or
learning about the real-time event due to hearing event
In conclusion, Twitter has good and bad points. ..................
Having and learning how we want to present ourselves,
our brands, and participation in conversations locally,
nationally, and internationally is still a process we are
discovering. Whether that’s a positive thing is for you to

Analisislah bacaan di atas. Carilah kata/frasa/kalimat yang menunjukkan:

- generic participant
- material processes
- relational process
- mental process
- additive,
- contrastive
- causal connection
- modalities
- adverbial of manner

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 250

Cara Mengajarkan Teks
Table 6.g.1: Cara mengajarkan teks

Pendekatan Saintifik Kegiatan Belajar

Mengamati Anda dapat menayangkan video orang yang
sedang berdebat. Mintalah siswa untuk mengamati
topik yang diperdebatkan beserta argumen yang
disampaikan. Mintalah siswa untuk mencatat hal-
hal yang penting.
Menanya Doronglah siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan
seputar topik yang diperdebatkan. Diskusikan
Mengumpulkan Informasi Mintalah siswa untuk berkelompok mendiskusikan
beberapa bacaan discussion dan membuat tabel
Mengasosiasi Mintalah siswa untuk membandingkan
Hasil diskusi kelompoknya dengan kelompok lain
Mengomunikasikan Mintalah siswa untuk berpasangan
memperdebatkan suatu topik, siswa yang satu
menjadi pihak yang pro dan yang lainnya menjadi
pihak yang kontra.

E. Latihan/Kasus/Tugas
Choose the best answer by crossing either A, B, C, D, or E.
Text 1.

Beggars have become a big problem for us today. They come as street
musicians, street boys, "sick" people, "lost" people, or just beggars. As their
number is getting bigger, the municipal government feels the need to set a
regulation to ban beggars. Many people support this.
They say that begging makes people lazy and bad survivors. They are
like parasites. Criminals take advantage of their existence. Car drivers are
strong-armed in crossroads, motorbikes are seized, trucks are

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 251

hijacked, etc. A man in a rural area takes them to the city with his truck in the
morning and pick them up in the afternoon. They have made an agreement to
share what they get. Some children are reported to have been kidnapped not
for ransom. They are forced to be beggars.
Some people, however, say that we must help beggars. They become
beggars because they have no choice. What they get everyday is only enough
for buying food. Being a beggar is better than being a thief or a robber. So it is
a high time to apply their religious teaching to care for others. In addition, what
they do is to help the government to check crime-rates.
Despite the controversy of their existence, beggars continue to color the
life of urban people.

1. Where are beggars mostly found?

a. In cities.
b. In rural areas.
c. In small towns.
d. In country sides.
e. In small villages.

2. Why do some people disagree to help beggars?

a. They are rich.
b. They are not criminals.
c. They are mostly villagers.
d. They are lazy and bad survivors.
e. They only make use of their time.

3. What does the writer think about the man who transports beggars from
their villages to the city?
a. He is generous.
b. He is exploitative.
c. He is very helpful.
d. He is their protector.
e. He is doing business.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 252

Text 2
GM foods have called ”Frankenfoods” after the scientist in Mary Shelley’s
novel Frankenstein. In the book, Frankenstein creates a monster that turns
against him and his family. Off all the things genetic engineering can do, GM
(genetically modified ) foods are probably the most talked about. GM foods could
help and end hunger around the word, but many people worry about how safe
they are.
The GM foods people eat have all been tested for safety. Millions of people
have already eaten GM foods. For example, to make GM tomatoes, some
tomatoes have had their genes altered to stop them from going soft while they
are growing. For several years they were widely sold in tomato paste.
However, many people protest against GM foods. They often imagine GM
foods are weird combinations of different species although, in fact, the foods
usually look exactly like normal foods. They are still afraid that the food could be
bad for them in ways they do not yet understand.
Due to the controversies, many shops have stopped selling them.

Adopted from: Anna Claybourne, Introdution to genes 7 DNA, London, Us

borne Publishing Ltd, 2003
4. Why do people protest against DM foods?
a. They are not safe for health.
b. They have uninteresting forms.
c. They imagine GM foods as weird combination of different species.
d. GM foods have their genes to remain fresh.
e. They have not been tasted for safety.

5. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

a. Arguments pro GM foods
b. Arguments against GM foods
c. The consequence of the pros and cons of GM foods
d. The advantages of GM foods
e. Another name of GM foods

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 253

6. “....while they are growing”. (
Paragraph 2) The underlined word
refers to ......
a. the genes
b. the foods
c. the people
d. the tomatoes
e. another name of GM tomatoe

Text 3
Most people agree that the family planning programme is desirable for the
good of family and society. But individuals and religious groups differ sharply on
the methods of birth control that they consider moral and acceptable.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want
to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often
postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples
space their children so they can give each as much attention as possible. Some
women are advised by their doctor to avoid pregnancy for health reasons. In many
countries with rapidly growing populations, the government encourages couples
to limit the number of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the
practice is continuous. Some people fear that birth control encourages sexual
outside marriage or that government might impose birth control. Some
religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds.
Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are
immoral because they separate the purposes of intercourse in marriage-
conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial
birth control, they consider natural family planning to be acceptable.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 254

7. Some religious groups refuse to use … birth control because of moral values.
a. home-made
b. man-made
c. natural
d. original
e. high quality

8. Paragraph two tells us about …

a. the government’s encouragement for happy family.
b. the reasons why a woman avoids to have baby.
c. the reasons why couples do birth control.
d. the postponement to having children.
e. the small and big families.

9. We learn from the text that …

a. all couples want to limit their children.
b. most couples want to postpone giving birth.
c. people space children to give them less attention.
d. not everybody agrees with the birth control methods.
e. women avoid being pregnant because of economic problems.

Text 4
Male chauvinism (men's believe in male superiority) extends even into the
area of automobile driving, it seems. They believe that they are far better drivers
than women. Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even
dangerous behind the wheel.
However, statistics proves that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men.
For example, insurance rates for women are 20 percent than they are for men.
Another proof is that more accidents are caused by male drivers between the
ages of 18 and 25 than by any other groups. Also the greater percentage of
accident involving death is caused by men. Although women are criticized for
being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 255

The reason for women driver's safer habits can perhaps be found in the
differing attitudes of sexes toward automobiles as a convenience, like a washing
On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their
egos. Using it as a weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or using it as a
status symbol.
In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to
become safe drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely a

10. The text is about ….

a. road accidents
b. women attitude towards automobile
c. male superiority in automobile driving
d. a comparison between men and women drivers
e. statistics about the number of road accidents

11. In term of car accidents, the statistics proves that car accidents caused by ….
a. men are higher than those of women
b. men are lower than that of women
c. men are as high as that of women
d. women are equal to that of men
e. women are the same as that of men

12. Which of the following you don’t agree with men drivers?
a. They are safe and careful drivers.
b. They cause more accidents than women.
c. They consider themselves to be competent drivers.
d. They feel that using a car shows status symbol.
e. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 256

13. We can understand from the text that ….
a. men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude
b. women show their egos by aggressive driving
c. the statistic shows women drive the car carelessly
d. young women drivers get many accidents
e. men underestimate women

14. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive, and even

dangerous behind the wheel. (Paragraph 1).
The underlined word means ….
a. intent
b. furious
c. watchful
d. careless
e. indiscipline

Text 5
The government has decided to submit the draft of the bill against
pornography and pornographic acts. The bill states that anyone engaging in
pornography is punishable by law. This includes public acts such as spouses
kissing and people sunbathing in bikini or swimwear. As a consequence, the bill
causes controversy.
The government argues that the bill is made to protect women’s right.
Women have so far been the object of exploitation in mass media and this only
gives more benefits to the owner of the business.
Woman activists, on the other hand, argue that the bill will limit women’s
freedom. They believe the bill will dictate what women should wear on and how
to dress and behave. If they fail following the rule they will get penalties between
Rp50 million and Rp1 billion.
Nevertheless, I do support the bill against pornography and pornographic
acts. I believe that the bill can decrease the rampant pornography shown or
written in mass media that gives bad effects on young generations.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 257

15 What is the social function of the text?
a. to persuade people that the bill against pornography is necessary
b. to describe the bill against pornography and pornographic
c. to present two points on of view about the bill against pornography
d. to explain the process involved in the draft-making of the bill against
e. to inform the reader about the bill against pornography

16 Why did woman activists object to the bill?

a. because it protects women from exploitation
b. because the freedom of women will be limited
c. because women will get more benefits
d. because women cannot wear sexy clothes
e. because the bill will give bad effect on young generation

17.What is the first paragraph called?

a. Issue
b. Orientation
c. Argument
d. Preview
e. Conclusion

18. “... that the bill can decrease the rampant pornography…”
(paragraph 4) The underlined word means …..
a. violent
b. extreme
c. dangerous
d. uncontrolled
e. controlled

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 258

F. Rangkuman

Discussion Text

- Tujuan Komunikasi Teks/The Communicative Purpose of the

Text: ”to present two different points of view about an issue” .

- Struktur Teks/Generic structure

Arguments for (supporting points):
point or main idea
Arguments against (contrasting points of differing points of view):
point or main idea
Conclusion or Recommendation: stating the writer'
s recommendation of the discourse

- Ciri Kebahasaan teks discussion menggunakan:

general nouns untuk menyatakan kategori, misalnya
uniforms, alcohol, dsb,
relating verbs untuk memberi informasi tentang isu yang
didiskusikan, misalnya smoking is harmful, dsb.
thinking verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi
penulis, misalnya feel, believe, hope, dsb.
additives, contrastives dan causal connectives untuk
menghubungkan argumen, misalnya similarly, on the hand,
however, dsb.
detailed noun groups untuk memberikan informasi secara
padu, misalnya the dumping of unwanted kittens, dsb.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 259

modalities, seperti perhaps, must, should, should have been,
could be, dsb.
adverbials of maner, misalnya deliberately, hopefully, dsb.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 260

Language Expression and Modality

BAB 13
SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 261
A. Tujuan
Peserta dapat meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur, konsep, dan

pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menggunakan ragam bahasa dengan kepantasan, kesopanan, dan
atau ragam fomal/ informal berdasarkan situasi penggunaan
bahasa tertentu
Menetukan modality yang tepat sesuai konteks

Uraian Materi
Sesuai maknanya functional language adalah kemampuan memahami
bahasa sesuai dengan fungsinya. Functional language dalam
pemakaiannya disesuaikan dengan fungsinya. Sebagai contoh; “If I were
you…” atau “my suggestion is…” digunakan dalam giving advice
(memberikan nasehat). Sementara “it was my fault” atau “please forgive
me” digunakan dalam apologizing (permintaan maaf).

Functional language dalam komunikasi antara lain berfungsi sebagai

a. Expressing request, permission, and offer (permohonan, izin, dan
b. Expressing sympathy (rasa ikut bersedih)
c. Expressing prohibition (larangan)
d. Expressing invitation (mengundang), accepting (menerima) dan
declining (menolak)
e. Expressing suggestion/recommendation/advice
f. Expressing frustration or annoyance

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 262

g. Expressing unfulfilled or unrealized actions or events

Masih banyak ungkapan lain yang bisa digunakan. Anda dapat mencari
ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dengan membaca beberapa teori tentang hal
itu dari sumber-sumber yang lain.


1. Expressing greeting

Ungkapan greeting biasa dipakai jika bertemu dengan seseorang baik

yang sudah dikenal sebelumnya atau yang baru pertama bertemu.
Beberapa contoh ungkapan yang bisa dipakai antara lain;
Hi, can I help you?
Hello, how are you doing?
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
Hi, it is nice to see you here.

2. Expressing Request (permohonan)

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Anda tidak pernah lepas dari campur

tangan orang lain. Mengingat Anda tidak hidup sendirian dan tidak akan
mungkin dapat melakukan segala sesuatu sendirian, maka Anda
memerlukan bantuan orang lain. Ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai untuk
melibatkan orang lain dalam kehidupan sangat penting untuk diketahui.
Anda dapat memperhatikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini;
Can you help me?
Would you please ……..for me?
Could you do me a favor?
Could you ……?
Would you mind …?
Is it alright if I use this pen?

Waiter : Can I take your order, Sir?

Mr.X : Haddock and chips for me, please.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 263

Waiter : May I take your order, Sir?
Mr. N : Yes, I’d like to try the steak, please.

Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk mempelajari kata-kata yang

mempunyai fungsi hampir sama.

Polite Can/Could/May/Might • Could I get a price list,

request please?
• Would you drop off the
flowers tomorrow, please
Permission May/Might/Can/Could • May I use your computer,
(Asking for permission) please?

May/Can/Can’t/Could • You can attend Mr. Tom’s

(Giving or refusing lecture even if you don’t
permission) like his subject.
Offers Can/Could (statement) • I could help you translate
your paper if you’re
having trouble making it.

May/Can/Could • May I drive you home

(Question) after the meeting/
Adapted from The Advanced Grammar Book 295

Berikut ini contoh lain yang ungkapan yang lazim digunakan untuk
menawarkan sesuatu kepada orang lain;
1. Would you like some coffee?
2. What can I do for you?
3. What would you like to have for dinner?
4. Do you need a hand?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 264

Catatan khusus

Dalam hal request perlu diperhatikan siapa yang melakukan tindakan
atas suatu permohonan.

May close the door?

Can I close the door?
May I close the door? The speaker closes the door.
Would you mind if I closed the door?
(Never use would I for a request.

Could you close the door?

Can you close the door? The listener closes the door.
Would you close the door?
Would you mind closing the door?

4. Expressing Sympathy

Ungkapan sympathy ini digunakan dalam situasi ketika orang lain

tertimpa musibah atau mendapat hal yang tidak menyenangkan.

Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

That’s too bad.
How poor.
Oh sorry about it.

9. : Hi, why are you in hurry?
10. : I have to go home now.
43 : Why? What’s going on?
44 : I got a call that my grandma is sick and we have to go to hometown.
8. : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your grandma will be okay soon.
9. : Thanks.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 265

4. Expressing Prohibition

Untuk tujuan melarang atau menyarankan untuk tidak melakukan

sesuatu, Anda dapat menggunakan kalimat larangan.

Don’t do that!
Keep silent!
Would you please not smoke here?
I’m afraid not!
No you can’t

5. Expressing invitation
Ketika Anda ingin mengundang seseorang kesuatu acara maka sebaiknya
Anda juga menyebutkan nama, acara, jam, dan tempat serta pernyataan
I want to celebrate my birthday party tomorrow at 7 in my house,
would you like to come?
There is an important seminar on IT at Graha Hall at 8 in the
morning. Do you want to come with me
The movie “The Boy in the Stripped Pijamas” will be released in
cinemas tonight, would you like to come with me there?


Ludi Invites Maya to go to a Movie

Ludi : Hi, Maya. There will be a great film tonight. It’s about vampire.

Would you like to go to the movie with me?

Maya : Yes, I’d like to very much. When will you pick me up?

Ludi : I’ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK!

Maya : Alright.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 266

6. Accepting an Invitation
Untuk menerima suatu undangan Anda dapat menggunakan ungkapan
yang ada pada contoh dibawah ini;
That’s a good idea.
I’d love to. What time shall we go?
That sounds nice.
Okay, I’ll go with you
That’s great. I can’t wait to go


Indra : Hi, Anya. Have you seen The Conjuring movie?

Anya : Hi, Indra. I have not seen that movie. Why?
Indra : Would you like to see The Conjuring movie with me tonight?
Anya : Unfortunately. I can’t because I am scared horror movie.
Indra : Okay if you are scared horror movie. Shall we come to
fireworks party in the downtown?
Anya : When it happen?
Indra : Tonight, dear. How?
Anya : Really?
Indra : Yeah, if you can.
Anya : With pleasure, Ndra. I like fireworks very much.
Indra : Okay, I will pick you up at 8 pm.
Anya : Thank you, Ndra.

7. Declining an Invitation
Jika Anda ingin menolak suatu undangan jangan lupa untuk memberikan
That’s sound good, but I have another thing to do tonight.
I’m sorry I can’t. I have to stay at home for my parents out of town.
I’d love to but I don’t like it.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 267

Tika : Hi, Mit.
Mita : Hi, Tika. What’s up?
Tika : By the way, are you free next Saturday?
Mita : I think so. What’s going on?
Tika : I have a plan to visit my grandmother in Malang for a day and I
don’t have a friend to chat in the journey. How would you like to
join me?
Mita : That sounds nice. But I have to ask my parents for permission.
Tika : That’s good then. Okay, I’ll wait the news from you
Mita : Bye…

8. Expressing suggestion/advice

Berikut ini adalah contoh ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipakai untuk

memeberikan saran:

You should see a doctor.

You ought to go to school earlier.
You had better leave after the rain stops.
You should lock the door before leaving home.
You should reconsider before you choose such an expensive
wedding ring.

Expressing frustration or annoyance

Untuk mengungkapkan rasa frustrasi atau kebencian atas suatu

permasalahan, Anda dapat menggunakan modal seperti: has to/had to,
must, would atau would have to. Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh
ungkapan yang dapat Anda gunakan:

45 They had to lower the tax deduction for married couples, didn’t

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 268

Must the media print every detail about the lives of the rich and
You would show up at this party!
The teacher would have to announce my engagement to class.
Of course, since we’re having he reception outside, it has to rain.


Dari contoh-contoh ungkapan diatas Anda dapat mengenali penggunaan


Di antaranya adalah;


Untuk menunjukkan tingkat kesopanan dalam berbahasa modal yang

sering dipakai adalah (could dan would). Pembahasan tentang modal itu
sendiri secara detail dapat Anda pelajari di bab Grammar Usage. Berikut
adalah contoh-contoh dialog dengan bentuk modal di dalamnya

Dialog 1

5. : Will I meet your family?

6. : No. They won’t be here this week.
50 : When can I meet them?
51 : Next week.
4. : I can’t meet them next week.
5. : Why not?
5. : I must be in New York next week.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 269

Dialog 2

5. : What do you think I ought to see in London first?

6. : Well, historical places, I think. You should go to Westminster
Abbey, and if you can, go to the Houses of Parliament and the
National Gallery.
48 : And what about the British Museum? I was told one ought to see it.
49 : I suppose you must go there. There you can find masterpieces
of the world’s best artists.
53 : How can I get to the centre?
54 : I think you can go by steamer down the Thames from Westminster
to Tower Bridge. That’s a very pleasant way to travel, and you can
see London bridges and quite a number of buildings on the way.

Dialog 3

50 : Excuse me. Could you tell me where South Street is, please?
B : Take the second turning on the left and then ask again.
A : Is it far?
B : No, you can walk it under ten minutes.
A : Thanks very much.
B : It’s a pleasure.

Dialog 4
A : Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the
town centre?
51 : First right, second left. You can’t miss
it. A : Thank you.
B : That’s OK.

Dialog 5
56 Does this bus go to the station?
57 No, you’ll have to get off at the bank, and take 178.
53 Can you tell me where to get off?

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 270

B: It’s the next stop.

Dialog 6
58 Is this the right bus for the Town Hall?
59 No, you should have caught a 12. Get off at the bridge and get
one there.
Could you tell me when we get there?
It’s the next stop but one.

Dialog 7

55 Let’s go shopping. I have got quite a number of things to buy, and I

believe I can getthem all in this shop. You see, I ought to buy a
present for my friend. She has invited me to her birthday. What shall
we look at first?
56 Gloves, I think. They must be on the ground floor. Yes, here we
are, and I can see just the kind I want.
56 Well, that didn’t take us long, now let’s go up by the escalator to
the third floor.
57 We’ll just take a quick look around to see if there is anything we could
take back as presents for the family.
12. I like these books, and do you? Shall we ask how much they are?
13. I want to get a comb and some hair clips. Where do you
think I can find them?
56 Oh, you must go to the haberdashery department. That’s on a
lower floor, I believe. We’ll get them on our way out.
57 How do you like those white shoes just over there, on the right?
58 I like them very much, indeed. They are perfect for summer wear.
59 Do you think they’re my size? They look just about right.
A: You should try them on.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 271

D. Aktifitas Pembelajaran
Dalam modul ini peserta mempelajari ulasan teori tentang language
expression dengan tujuan peserta dapat menggunakannya dalam berbagai
situasi sesuai konteks sebagai ukuran dari indikator pencapaian dalam
modul ini.

Dari ulasan teori tersebut diharapkan juga peserta mampu

menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait dengan apa yang sudah
dipelajari sebelumnya

E. Latihan/Tugas/Kasus
The following exercises refer to the previous theory of language
expressions given.
Exercise 1
61 Mention the various kinds of language expressions known beyond
the laguage expressions you learned in this section!
62 Give example in the form of dialog the language expression you found!
63 Read carefully the following dialogs:

Dialog 1
Amin : Another piece of cherry pie?
Budi : No, thanks. I’m on a diet.
Amin : Please, do. You’ve hardly eaten anything.
Budi : It’s delicious, but I don’t think I ought to.

61 The expressions used on dialog 1 are ...

62 Write Modal Verbs found on dialog 1 above!

Dialog 2
Asti : Can Tom go out to lunch?
Bimo : No, he can’t.
Asti : Why can’t he go to lunch?
Bimo : He must go to the doctor.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 272

Asti : The doctor? Is he sick?
Bimo : No. He must get a physical

Answer the following questions based on dialog 2

61 The expressions used on dialog 1 are ...
62 Write Modal Verbs found on dialog 1 above!

Choose the right answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, D, or E!
1. Inta : Hi, Ndra. What’s your result for the English test?
Indra : Not too bad. I got 90.
Intan: What! You said it is not bad. It’s really good mark you know. Well
done guys.
In the underline sentence above Intan shows her expressions of…

65 Irham: Hi. I heard that you’ve been accepted in one of the best school in
Yuli : Yeah, that’s right. It makes me so nervous before. But, I’m
relief now.
Irham: Congratulation on that.
Yuli : Thanks anyway.
The underline phrase in the dialogue shows the expression of…
A. compliment. C. agreement. E. surprise.
B. congratulation. D. like.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 273

3. Isfa : Congratulation, Vika! You’re really the best Javanese dancer.
Vika : No, not at all. I just want to share what I know.
The underlined expression means that Vika….
A. can’t deny that D. wanted to say that Isfa was wrong
B. didn’t believe Isfa E. really wished to become a good
C. agreed with Isfa dancer

4. Suci : Hey you look nice with that dress.

Ami : Thanks. I made it by myself.
Suci : Really. What a wonderful dress. You are such a talented tailor
The underlined sentence in the dialogue above shows the expression of…

A. like D. giving attention C. Complement B. gratitude E. Pleasure

5. Bintang : Sorry, I came late.

Firda : You look pale. What’s the matter with you?
Bintang : My head is a little bit dizzy.
Firda : That’s bad. I’m sorry for asking you to come. Should I take you
to see a doctor?
Bintang :________________________

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Sorry, I can’t.
B. Thanks for your help.
C. Are you sure about it?
D. That’s a terrible thing.
E. No, thanks. I’ll be just fine.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 274

6. Mirna : What’s wrong with you? You look unhappy today.
Sinta : I lost my purse this morning.
Mirna : Oh, how awful! I’m sorry to hear that.
The underlined sentence shows the expression of …
A. gratitude. D. giving attention.
B. congratulation. E. disappointment.
C. compliment.

7. Son : Dad, I will join football competition next week, but I’m so nervous.
Father: Take it easy, Son. I believe you can handle it. You have good ability
in football.
The underlined utterance shows that his father is ….
A. giving encouragement D. asking suggestion
B. warning his son E. giving opinion
C. praising his son

The following text is used to answer no. 8, 9, and 10


I think children should go to school. It is a place where they can learn,

make friends and have fun.
If they don’t go to school children may never learn to read and write.
This means that they might not get a good job or any job at all
At school children can learn about lots of different things like maths,
science, famous people and different countries. At school you can also play
sport and go on excursions to visit interesting places.
That’s why children should go to school.
Adopted from Knapp and Watkins, 2005

8. The modal verb which indicates ability is found in ...

a. paragraph one and two
b. paragraph one and three
c. paragraph two and four
d. paragraph three and four
e. paragraph two and three

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 275

9.The followings are the function of modal verbs which is found in the text
except ...
a. expressing possibility
b. expressing invitation
c. expressing suggestion
d. expressing ability
e. expressing necessity

10.The modal verb of “can” can be used to express ...

a. ability, offer, invitation, possibility, necessity
b. ability, offer, invitation, possibility, prohibition
c. ability, offer, invitation, possibility, acceptance
d. ability, offer, invitation, possibility, refusal
e. ability, offer, invitation, possibility, suggestion

F. Rangkuman
Sesuai maknanya functional language adalah kemampuan memahami bahasa
sesuai dengan fungsinya. Functional language dalam pemakaiannya
disesuaikan dengan fungsinya seperti, “If I were you…” atau “my suggestion
is…” digunakan dalam giving advice (memberi nasehat) dan “it was my fault”
atau “please forgive me” digunakan dalam apologizing (permintaan maaf).

Beberapa fungsi komunikasi dalam functional language tersebut antara lain

sebagai berikut:
1. Expressing request, permission, and offer (permohonan, izin, dan
2. Expressing sympathy (rasa ikut bersedih)
3. Expressing prohibition (larangan)
4. Expressing invitation(mengundang), accepting (menerima) dan declining
5. Expressing suggestion/recommendation/advice
6. Expressing frustration or annoyance
7. Expressing unfulfilled or unrealized actions or events

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 276

Introduction to Social Function, Organization Structures, and
Language Features

BAB 14
SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 277
A. Tujuan

Peserta program Guru Pembelajar dapat meningkatkan penguasaan materi, struktur,

konsep, dan pola pikir keilmuan yang mendukung mata pelajaran yang diampu.

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Menentukan fungsi sosial teks.

Menentukan struktur teks
Menentukan language features dalam konteks

Uraian Materi

Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris anda dituntut untuk memiliki keterampilan

mendengarkan, berbicara,membaca, , dan menulis. Empat keterampilan tersebut
harus dikuasai secara integrated sehingga menghasilkan guru yang profesional dalam
penguasaan akademik dari mata pelajaran yang diampu. Keterampilan tersebut bisa
dilakukan salah satunya melalui teks lisan dan tulis. Teks adalah rentetan kalimat-
yang berkaitan dan menghubungkan proposisi yang satu dengan lainnya.Teks
merupakan satu kesatuan ide sehingga terbentuklah makna yang serasi diantara
rentetan kalimat tersebut. Teks lisan adalah teks yang diperdengarkan sedangkan
teks tulis adalah teks sebagai bahan bacaan. Ada banyak jenis teks yang dibedakan
berdasarkan fungsi sosial dari masing masing teks.

Di dalam kurikulum 2013, peserta didik diharapkan menguasai fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan ciri kebahasaan.
Fungsi sosial sebuah teks adalah untuk menyampaikan tujuan komunikatifnya
kepada pendengar atau pembaca. Jika dilihat dari sudut tujuan komunikatif,
setiap bentuk penggunaan bahasa, baik lisan maupun tulis, memiliki tujuan untuk
meminta dan memberi informasi dan aksi.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 278

Fungsi komunikasi (communicative function) mencakup (1.) ideational function
dan (2.) interpersonal function. Ideational function adalah penggunaan bahasa
Inggris oleh seseorang sebagai sarana untuk mengungkapkan informasi yang
objektif atau untuk mengungkapkan realitas. , yang kebenarannya berasal
dariluar diri seseorang. Fungsi ini diwujudkan melalui pemilihan dan penggunaan
kata kerja (predicate)yang tepat misalnya: study, write, listen, eat dan lain lain,
sedangkan interpersonal function adalah penggunaan bahasa Inggris sebagai
sarana mengungkapkan informasi subyektif atau maksud hati dari diri seseorang.

Fungsi ini diwujudkan melalui pemilihan dan penggunaan:

 Subject : the people, they, she, I you etc.
 Finite : do, does, is, am, are,(present), did, was, were(past).
 Modal : will, would, could etc
 Mood adjunct : always, usually, really.
Fungsi sosial teks berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Berikut ini adalah
jenis teks dan fungsi sosialnya:

Tabel 1 : Tabel Fungsi Sosial Jenis-jenis Teks

No. Text type Social Function

Procedure To help us do a task or make something.

They can be set of instruction or directions.

To describe how something is accomplished

through a sequence of actions or steps.
Recount To retell events for the purpose of informing
or entertaining
Report To describe the way things are, with
reference to a range of natural man-made
and social phenomena in our environment.
Discussion To present (at least) two points of view
about an issue
Explanation To explain the processes involved in the
formation or working of natural or socio
cultural phenomena
Exposition To persuade the reader or the listener that
(analytical) something is the case
Exposition To persuade the reader or listener that
(hortatory) something should or should not be the case.
News item To inform the reader, listeners or viewers
about events of the day which are

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 279

considered newsworthy or important.
Anecdote To share with others an accounts of an
unusual or amusing incident.
Narrative To amuse, to entertain, and to deal with
actual or vicarious experience in different
ways ; Narratives deal with problematic
events which lead to a crisis or turning point
of some kind, which in turn finds a
Description To describe a particular person, place, or
Review To criticisean art work, event for public
audience, such as movies, TV shows, plays,

operas, recording, exhibitions, concerts, and

Source: Emilia, E. (2010). Teaching Writing: Developing Critical Learner

7 Struktur Teks

Jenis teks atau genre dalam konteks komunikasi lisan dan tulis memiliki
bagian-bagian yang terstruktur.. Genre diibaratkan suatu budaya, adab, atau
sopan santun dalam berkomunikasi. Tanpa bagian-bagian tersebut
dapatdipastikan infomasi yang diterima pendengar tidak akan efektif .
Komunikasi lisan dan tulismencakup dialog dan monolog.

Dalam konteks dialog, terdapat tata-cara atau budaya setempat yang

berlaku. Setiap konteks perbincangan lisan (dialog) dalam berbagai
macam topikselalu memiliki rhetorical element, yaitu :

Opening/ greeting
Talk discussion
Ending / closing

Konteks monolog berbeda dengan konteks dialog. Target untuk setiap

bentuk monolog adalah efektivitas, yaitu penyampaian informasi atau
pesan secara efektif oleh pembicara atau penulis sehingga dapat
diinterpretasikan oleh pendengar atau pembaca. Agar lebih efektif, sebuah
teks harus dikemas dengan genre tertentu berdasarkan fungsi sosial yang
sudah di tentukan.
Contoh :

Jika ingin memberikan informasi tentang aktivitas yang anda lakukan
dimasa lalu atau informasi mengenai suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 280

lalu maka informasi tersebut harus dikemas dalam bentuk teks recount
dengan social function: to retell the reader about past events through

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 281

sequence of events dengan tetext organization: (1) orientation,(2) series
of events, (3) re-orientation.

Berikut ini adalah tabeljenis teks dan text organization-nya.

Tabel 2 : Tabel Organisasi Teks

No Text Type Text Organization

Recount a. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces
b. Series of events : tell what happened through
sequence of events
c. Re-orientation: optional closure of events.
Report a. General Classification: tell what the phenomenon
under discussion is.
b. Description: tells what the phenomenon under
discussion isin terms of (1) parts, (2)
qualities, (3) habit or behaviors, if
living; uses, if non-natural.
Discussion a. Issue :opening statement and preview
b. Arguments or evident for different points of view,
argument for and argument against.
The arguments include point and
c. Conclusion or recommendation.
explanation a. General statement to position the reader.
b. Sequenced explanation of why or how something
Exposition a. Thesis :
(analytical) 1. position : introduces topic and
indicates writer‟s position.
2. Preview : outlines the main arguments to be
b. Arguments
1. Point : restates main arguments
outlined in preview.
2. Elaboration : develops and supports
each points/argument
c. Reiteration : restates writer‟s position.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 282

Exposition a. Thesis : announcement of an issue concern.
(hortatory) b. Arguments : reasons for concerns,
leading to recommendation.
c. Recommendation : statement of what
ought or ought not to happen.
News Item a. Newsworthy event(s) : recounts the
events in summary form.
b. Background events : elaborate what happened, to
whom, in what circumstances.
c. Sources : comments by participants in,
witnesses to and authorities
expert on the event.
Anecdote a. Abstract : signals the retelling of unusual
b. Orientation : sets the scene
c. Crisis : provides details of the unusual
d. Reaction : reaction to crises
e. Coda : optional reflection on or
evaluation of the incident
narrative a. Orientation : sets the scene and
introduces the participants.
b. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate
the plight.
c. Complication : crisis arises
d. Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for
better or for worse
e. Re-orientation : optional
Procedure a. Goal
b. Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
c. Steps
Description a. Identification : identifies phenomenon to
be described.
b. Description : describes parts, qualities,
Review a. Orientation :places the work in its general and
particular context
b. Interpretative recount :summaries the plot
c. Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work
d. Evaluative summation : provides a punch line
which sums up the reviewer‟s
opinion of the art.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 283

2.Language features

Dalam setiap teks lisan dan tulis bahasa Inggris selalu memiliki gambaran unsur
kebahasaan. Gambaran unsur kebahasaan dalam teks lisan dan tulis bahasa Inggris
disajikan pada tabel 2.3 berikut ini.

Tabel 3: Tabel Language Feature of Text

No Text Type Language Features of text

 Focus on specific participants
 Use of material process
1. Recount  Circumstances of place and time
 Past tense
 Focus on temporal sequence
 Focus on generic participants
 Use of relational processes to state
2. Report what is and which it is
 Use of simple present tense
 No temporal sequence
 Focus on generic human and non
human participants
 Use of relational processes
 Use of material process
3. Discussion  Use of comparative contrastive
and consequential conjunction
 Reasoning expressed as verb
and nouns
 Focus on generic non human
 Use of relational processes to state
4. Explanation what is and which it is
 Use of material process
 Use of conjunction
Some use of passive voice
 Focus on generic human and non
human participants
 Use of simple present tense
5. Exposition (analytical)  Use of relational processes
 Use of internal conjunction to
state argument
 Reasoning through causal

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 284

conjunction or
 Focus on generic human and non-
human participants
 Use of relational processes
Exposition (hortatory)
6.  Use of material process
 Use of mental process
 Use of simple present
 Use of past tense
 Use of passive voice
7. News Item  Use of conjunction to show sequence
 Action verb
 Use of participants
 Use of material process
 Use of temporal conjunction
8. Anecdote  Use of rhetorical questions,
 Focus on specific participants
 Use of past tense
9. Narrative  Use of material process
 Use of relational process
 Use of temporal conjunction
 Focus on generalized special agent
 Use of present tense
10. Procedure  Use of material process
 Use of relational process
 Use of temporal conjunction
 Focus on specific participant
11. Description  Attributive and identifying prodcess
 Use simple present tense.
(Sumber: Standar Kompetensi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA dan Madrasah Aliyah, Depdiknas tahun 2003)

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 285

Berikut Anda bisa membaca berbagai contoh jenis teks yang sudah disebutkan

Teks1 (Contoh teks Recount)

Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our
bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometers from where I live. When we arrived
at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a
quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not
many people there. It was also quite windy.

After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down
the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us
and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the
long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down
for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us
that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned
some good lessons that day.

Teks2 (Contoh teks narrative)

Once upon a time, there lived a kind hearted man and his wife. One morning, his
wife found a poor little sparrow. She took it gently and fed it. To show its gratitude, the
sparrow stayed with them and sang every morning. But there was an ill-tempered old
woman who didn't like the sparrow. She cut the sparrow's tongue. That's why the bird
flew away to its previous nest.
Knowing that their sparrow flew away, the kind man and his wife looked for the
sparrow. They walked a long way, crossed the bridges, climbed the mountains and
passed the woods.
At last, they could find the sparrow's nest. The sparrow welcomed them and
provided a feast for them. Before they went home, the sparrow brought two baskets;
one was large and looked heavy, and the other one was small and light. The sparrow

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 286

asked them to choose only one. They chose the small and that was the best choice.
There were many rolls of silk and piles of gold in it.
Being jealous, the ill-tempered old woman did the same thing as the kind man and
his wife did. She chose the big basket which actually contained wasps and venomous
crawlers, such as scorpions, centipedes, and other horrible creatures. Finally, they
stung and bit her to death.

Teks3 (Contoh teks Explanation)

How a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term "cellular
telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are
networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-
cables, or microwave.
Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is
directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are pick up by the
towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based
telephone network.
The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can
receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more
distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area
so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic.

Teks 4 (Contoh teks Analytical Exposition)

Learning a foreign language is an investment for the future that can produce many
benefits whether it is for one’s career, travel adventures or personal growth.
Learning a foreign language can take many months of dedication, however the venture
will more than likely open the door to many opportunities. Learning a foreign language
takes time, patience and sometimes money. Nevertheless, French, Arabic and
Mandarin Chinese, among many others, are all languages that can provide great
improvement to career, travel or intellect.

Firstly, learning a foreign language can be advancement in our career.The 21st

century trend in progress is globalization, and with improvement in technology

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 287

that provides the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere, more and more
companies are working internationally. Employers will be looking for a valuable
employee, one that can correspond with an international partner, investor, customer,
etc. The fact that one is fluent in a foreign language will give an edge on their resume,
which can make a stand out applicant. In other words, many companies will actually
increase pay for those who can speak a foreign language and have used their skill
towards increasing career performance.

Secondly, learning foreign language can also enhance travel experience.

Always dreamed of going to China, Egypt, Italy or Croatia? A dream vacation can be
even better if one knows the language of the locals. By knowing the language of the
land, one can increase their travel experience by being able to explore freely. An
individual who is fluent in a specific foreign language is able to speak to the local
people, shop, dine and respectfully enjoy a foreign land.

Thirdly is, it can expand our intellect. Learning a language can be ultimately
good for the mind. Through engaging in a foreign language, one is able to increase
vocabulary, pushing the brain to its fullest capacity. Learning a foreign language also
exercises the memory. Learning a foreign language can help to increase mental power
by being able to speak and think in another language.

Again, learning a foreign language is an investment of time and money,

depending on the route chosen. However, the benefits of learning a foreign language
are superior and can improve many aspects of a person's life greatly. Whether it is for
a career opportunity, a dream vacation or personal growth, a foreign language is a
fantastic asset.

Adapted from;


SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 288

Text 5 (Contoh Hortatory Exposition)

In advanced countries around the world, reading is encouraged in children from

an early age. It is an essential thing for younger generations to compete in the global
marketplaces of the future.

Based on the observation done in Indonesia, statistics show that the reading
interest and reading habit in Indonesia still low. From 41 countries observed Indonesia
was in the 39th than other ASEAN countries. It was approved by the study done by
Vincent Greanary that the sixth grade of Elementary students’ reading ability in
Indonesia was at the last rank (51,7). In view of these statistics, it is obvious that
Indonesians are not reading enough and steps must be taken to promote the reading

For one thing, the reading habit has to be cultivated from a young age.
Children must be made aware that reading can expand the imagination, improve
vocabulary and increase knowledge. From this stepping stone, children should grow
to appreciate reading as natural and not a chore.

Furthermore, parents should set the example by reading at home, be it

newspaper, magazines or story books. Children should be brought up in an
environment where books and other reading materials constitute part of their daily
lives. Home libraries could also provide this conducive environment. All homes should
have a library, no matter how small, to encourage family members to read and to make
reading a passion. Children should also be given books as presents, taken regularly
to bookshops and public libraries, and encourage to read during their leisure hours.
Children should look upon books as ultimate prizes when they achieve excellent
results in schools. In fact, libraries should be established in housing estates in town,
and mobile libraries should travel to the rural areas. More reading campaigns should
be organized at the state and districts level.

Undoubtedly, steps should also be taken to reduce the prices of imported

books. The prices of such books have increased by as much as 40 percent and that
puts them beyond the budget of the average Indonesian.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 289

As the country is marching into the era of science and technology, it is
necessary for all Indonesians, especially students, to gain greater knowledge and
hone their thinking skills through reading. Therefore, it is certain beyond any doubt,
that the reading habit has to be cultivated among Indonesians.

[Adapted from Focus SPM English]

G. Aktivitas Pembelajaran

Pada bagian ini Anda akan melakukan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan social
function of text, organization of text, dan language feature of text. Sebelumnya
Anda harus memahami teori tentang kegiatan diatas. Dengan membaca ulang
teori tersebut. Anda akan membaca berbagai teks dan diharapkan mampu
menentukan social function of text, organization of text dan language feature of

H. Latihan/ Kasus/Tugas

Identifikasi Jenis dan Fungsi Sosial teks-teks di bawah ini.

Teks 1

The Return of Dracula

There were two little boys who loved horror movies very much. They said, “Scary
movies give us a lot of excitement and pleasure.”

One night both of them watched the Return of Dracula on cable TV at their
grandmother‟s house. Their grandmother asked, “Aren‟t you frightened by horror

“No! We have grown up. All those wolves and Draculas are a bluff and don‟t scare us
anymore, Grandma,” both replied.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 290

Throughout the movie, Dracula appeared as an ugly bloodthirsty vampire, who always
preyed upon lonely men, women and children. Watching Dracula, the children felt the
same fear as what the victims in the movie really felt.

When the movie came to an end, one of the boys wanted to go to the bathroom door,
they were shocked to see someone sitting on the toilet seat. Affected by the movie
they had just seen, the boys believed that they had seen a Dracula. When the
“Dracula” gave a broad grin, the two boys realized suddenly that they were frightened
and ran towards the grandmother‟s room.

The two little boys got into the bed, then cuddled up together under the blanket. A few
minutes later, their grandmother awoke because she felt the bed shaking violently. It
turned out that the two little boys were trembling with fear. The grandmother asked,
“What‟s wrong?”

“We wanted to go to the bathroom, but we saw Dracula sitting on the toilet seat,” the
boys replied.

“Boys! I thought you have grown up. That was your grandpa, not Dracula,” their
grandmother laughed hysterically.

Ever since that night, the boys chose their TV program wisely. They only watched
programs that were suitable for them.

Jenis teks di atas adalah ____________________________________________

Fungsi sosial teks di atas adalah ______________________________________

Teks 2

Spiders are predatory invertebrate animals. They are not classified in the class of
insect. A spider has eight legs while an insect never has more than six legs.

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 291

Spiders have a body with two main divisions, four pairs of walking legs
and two other pairs of abdominal spinnerets for spinning threads of silk.
This silk can be used to aid in climbing, build egg sacs and catch prey.

Spiders kill so many insects, but they never do the least harm to man‟s
belonging. Spiders are busy for at least half of the year killing insects. It
is impossible to find out how many insects they kill, since they are hungry
creatures which cannot be content with only three meals a day.

[Taken from TOPS Siap UN Bahasa Inggris by Eudia Grace, Th. M. Sudarwati. Sri
mulyati. Penerbit Erlangga. 2008]

Jenis teks di atas adalah ____________________________________________

Fungsi sosial teks di atas adalah ______________________________________

Teks 3

What Causes Weather

Weather is the physical condition of the atmosphere at a particular time. It

includes temperature, air pressure and water content.

Weather is produced when air moves from place to place. This moving air
is known as wind. Winds are caused by warm air rising and cooler air
moving to replace it. Warm air is usually less dense than cool air; therefore,
it creates low air pressure. Cool air is more dense and creates high air

Usually we have fine weather when the air pressure is high, and we will
have clouds, rain or snow when air pressure drops.

[Taken from TOPS Siap UN Bahasa Inggris by Eudia Grace, Th. M. Sudarwati. Sri
mulyati. Penerbit Erlangga. 2008]

Jenis teks di atas adalah ____________________________________________

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 292

Fungsi sosial teks di atas adalah ______________________________________

Teks 4

Integrated Pest Management

There is no one best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides are
commonly used, but this may cause many problems.

First, the chemicals in pesticides may build up as residues in the

environment. This reduces the quality of farm‟s products. As well, pests
can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and
stronger ones have to be developed. Some pesticides also affect non target
animals such as a fish and bees. This affects natural balance

To wipe out agriculture pests completely may be very expensive.

Sometimes, pests damage costs less than the method of control.

Finally, understanding the ecology of the area will help a lot in a pest
control. Natural enemies can be used to control pests. IN other words, it
can be said that an integrated pest management is safer and more effective
to be used as a solution to deal with pests in agriculture

[Taken from TOPS Siap UN Bahasa Inggris by Eudia Grace, Th. M. Sudarwati. Sri
mulyati. Penerbit Erlangga. 2008]

Jenis teks di atas adalah ____________________________________________

Fungsi sosial teks di atas adalah ______________________________________

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 293

Text 5

“Cire Perdue” is French words of Lost Wax. It is a process of wax casting

used in making metal sculpture.

First, a model is coated with wax. The solidified wax is encased in a two
layer mold of plaster or clay. It is then melted or otherwise removed from
the mold, and metal is poured into the space where the wax had been. After
cooling, the mold is broken to free the metal object.

This ancient method is used to produce sculpture, jewelry, and utilitarian

products such as dentures.

[Taken from: Look Ahead 3 dalam TOPS Siap UN Bahasa Inggris by Eudia Grace,
Th. M. Sudarwati. Sri mulyati. Penerbit Erlangga. 2008]

Jenis teks di atas adalah ____________________________________________

Fungsi sosial teks di atas adalah ______________________________________

F. Rangkuman

Dalam mempelajari sebuah teks, ada beberapa factor yang perlu dipahami
yaitu social function of the text, organization of the text, dan language
feature of the text tersebut. Masing masing factor sudah dijelaskan diatas.
Setiap jenis text selalu memiliki fungsi sosial yang berbeda namun ada
beberapa teks yang memiliki unsure kebahasaan yang sama

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 294

SMAS Ciledug Al-Musaddadiyah Garut 295

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