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Seminar Akuntansi
GENAP 2019/2020

Mata kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai konsep penyusunan karya ilmiah di
bidang akuntansi. Tahapan pertama, mahasiswa diajarkan untuk mengidentifikasi artikel ilmiah yang baik
dan unsur-unsur yang ada di dalamnya. Tahapan kedua mahasiswa mampu menemukan topik penelitian
berdasarkan studi literatur. Pada tahap berikutnya, mahasiswa diberikan pemahaman untuk menyusun
proposal karya ilmiah yang dimulai dari latar belakang, studi literatur, metodologi penelitian, analisis dan
kesimpulan. Pada akhir mata kuliah, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menyusun dan mempresentasikan
proposal karya ilmiah (penelitian/skripsi).


1. Jumlah SKS: 3 sks
2. Mata kuliah prasyarat untuk mata kuliah ini adalah
3. Mata kuliah ini akan diampu oleh :
a. Dr. Monika Palupi M,SE., MM (koordinator)
b. B. Linggar Nugrahaeni, Mcom., PhD., CA
c. Dr. Sansaloni Butar-butar, Msi
d. St. Vena Purnamasari, MSi., CPA., CPMA
e. Stefani Lily Indarto, SE.,MM, CPA, CMA

1. Verikaitė-Gaigalienė. 2015. A Guide to Writing a Thesis. Vilnius(VG)
2. Fraenkel, Wallen, Hyun. 2012.How To Design and Evaluate Research in Education. USA :
McGraw Hill(FWH)
3. Bailey, Stephen. 2011. Academic Writing : A Handbook for International Students. USA :
Routledge Publisher. Third edition(BS 2012)
4. Allen Blay, Jeremy Douthit, Bachman Fulmer III, Why don't people lie? Negative affect
intensity and preferences for honesty in budgetary reporting, Management Accounting
Research 42 (2019) 56–65 (AJB)
Elemen Penilaian: % Keterangan
Ujian tengah semester (UTS): 20% Me-review tugas individual berkaitan dengan
tata cara penyusunan proposal
Ujian akhir semester (UAS) 50% Mengumpulkan proposal indvidual
(proposal penelitian)
Tugas & Partisipasi 30% Partisipasi dalam kelas; Tugas Mingguan dan
Presentasi setelah UTS

Silabus Seminar Akuntansi 1

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1 Silabus, dan overview empirical dan applied research Silabus dan Artikel
2 VG p. 17-23,
Analisis artikel: Mengevaluasi Latar Belakang
3 VG p, 25-33,
Analisis artikel : Mengevaluasi Studi literatur dan FWH p. 37 – 59,
metodologi penelitian FWH part 4-7,
& Artikel
4 Menentukan topik penelitian dan menyusun Latar Belakang FWH p. 27-36
Penelitian (individu) Artikel
5 Menyusun Studi Literatur (individu) Artikel
6 Menyusun Metodologi Penelitian (individu) Artikel
7 Presentasi hasil kompilasi pertemuan 4,5,6 Artikel
8 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
9 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
10 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
11 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
12 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
13 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa
14 Presentasi Mahasiswa (proposal) Tugas Mahasiswa

1. Perkuliahan akan diselengarakan dengan metoda tutorial & diskusi dalam kelas. Jadi perkuliahan ini
mengharuskan keterlibatan mahasiswa secara aktif.
2. Mahasiswa yang berhak mengikuti perkuliahan adalah yang MEMBAWA materi/ bahan ajar lengkap
sesuai silabus dan TIDAK mengenakan kaos oblong dan/ sandal.
3. Sepanjang perkuliahan HP harus non-aktif.

CLASS PARTICIPATION Students are expected to adequately participate in discussions that take place in
discussion. Please note that mere attendance at class will not be considered when determining
student participation. Students must actively and voluntarily contribute to the discussions, which will
only be possible if students satisfactorily prepare for each tutorial.
The following information is a guide to student contributions:
 Outstanding contributor (Participation Bonus point = 5)
This person’s contribution reflects exceptional preparation, and the ideas offered are always
substantive and provide major insights and direction for the class. Bonus point give to the person in
the end of semester.
 Good contributor (Participation point = 3)
Contributions in class reflect thorough preparation. Ideas offered are usually substantive, provide
good insights and sometimes lead the direction of the class. Arguments are generally well thought
out and are often persuasive.
 Adequate contributor (Participation point = 2)
Contributions in class reflect satisfactory preparation. Ideas offered are sometimes substantive,
provide useful insights, but seldom offer a major new direction for the discussion.

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 Marginal contributor (Participation point = 1)

Contributions in class reflect some preparation. Ideas are only offered if prompted. The person that
give the good question in discussion is marginal contributor too.
 Non-participant (Participation point = 0)
This person has said very little or nothing in discussion to date. Hence, there is an inadequate basis
for evaluation.

Academic Misconduct
Please note that academic and non-academic misconduct of any kind will not be tolerated.
Severe penalties will be imposed and lead to an “E” as final result. Students are encouraged to
examine the following definitions of undesirable conduct and to discuss them with their
tutors/lecturers if necessary:
 Collusion occurs when two or more individuals combine their efforts in order to deceive the tutor
as to who is responsible for a particular piece of work;
 Co-operation may be permitted by a tutor in certain circumstances, where a joint study effort, class
presentation or group project forms an appropriate part of the overall assessment.
 Plagiarism occurs when students use the ideas, word sentences, diagrams and other forms of work
established prior to the particular student’s submission, without acknowledging the source of the
work used. This will include work, done by other students on previous occasions.

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