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25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.




(Mengeucapkan Selamat dan memuji dalam bahasa Inggris)




NIP 19750311 200312 2 004


TAHUN 2020


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Syukur alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah S.W.T. yang telah memberikan
rahmat dan hidayah-Nya serta kemudahan dalam proses penyusunan e-modul yang berjudul
E-modul yang berjudul “Congratulation” ini merupakan bahan ajar untuk digunakan
para peserta didik kelasa X pembelajar bahasa Inggris untuk semua program. E-modul ini dibuat
sederhana dengan penggunaan bahasa yang mudah agar dapat dipergunakan para peserta didik
dengan mudah sehingga indikator pencapaian kompetensi dapat dicapai dengan baik.
Penulis menyadari tidak menutup kemungkinan e-modul ini masih terdapat kesalahan
dan kekurangan baik dari segi isi dan cara penyajian. Oleh karena itu, tegur sapa dan kritik
konstruktif sangat penulis harapkan dan nantikan demi kesempurnaan e-modul ini.
Semoga e-modul sederhana ini dapat bermanfaat bagi peningkatan mutu dunia
pendidikan, khusunya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Jogoroto, April 2020



25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG


Welcome to English E-Modul

Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Saat ini telah tersedia bahan
pembelajaran berupa e-modul untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Dalam e-modul ini Kalian
belajar tentang bagaimana memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji dalam bahasa Inggris.
Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran ini, diharapkan siswa dapat untuk mengidentifikasi,
memahami, dan mengimplemetasikan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dari memberikan
ucapan selamat dan memuji dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penulis berharap kalian lebih
memperhatikan dan memahami kata-kata yang umum digunakan oleh penutur asli bahasa
Inggris dalam memberikan sebuah ungkapan selamat dan memuji berbahasa Inggris sehingga
kalian bisa menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kalian dengan benar.

Good luck!


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG


COVER.................................................................................................................................................... 1
KATA PENGANTAR........................................................................................................................... 2
PENDAHULUAN.................................................................................................................................. 3
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................................................... 4
PETUNJUK UMUM......................................................................................................................................... 5
A. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetesi (IPK)................................................................................................... 5
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran............................................................................................................................... 5
C. Petunjuk................................................................................................................................................... 6

KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN....................................................................................................... 7
A. Uraian Materi.......................................................................................................................................... 7
CONGRATULATION...................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Definition of Congratulation............................................................................................................................7
2. Some utterances use in congratulating someone.............................................................................................8
3. Example of Congratulation..............................................................................................................................9
4. Let’s read the dialog.........................................................................................................................................9
B. Rangkuman............................................................................................................................................ 11
C. Tugas...................................................................................................................................................... 12
D. Penilaian Diri......................................................................................................................................... 14

KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 2.................................................................................................. 16

A. Uraian Materi 2...................................................................................................................................... 16
COMPLIMENT.............................................................................................................................................. 16
1. Compliment or Complement?........................................................................................................................16
2. How to accept a Compliment.........................................................................................................................17
B. Rangkuman............................................................................................................................................ 18
C. Tugas...................................................................................................................................................... 19

EVALUASI........................................................................................................................................... 20
DAFTAR PUSTAKA......................................................................................................................... 30


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG


E-Modul ini mempelajari tentang ungkapan yang digunakan dalam memberikan ucapan
selamat dan memuji dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kalian diharapkan tidak lupa mengerjakan
Latihan Soal, Penilaian Diri, sampai dengan Evaluasi yang terdapat dalam setiap
kegiatan belajar dalam e-Modul ini. Selain itu Kalian juga dapat belajar dari sumber
belajar lainnya.

A. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetesi (IPK)

Setelah mempelajari modul ini diharapkan Kalian bisa:
3.2.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan
selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
3.2.2. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan
selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.
3.2.3. Mengimplementasikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan
ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta menanggapinya, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.2.1. Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), dan
menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan pedagogik genre, saintifik, dan

CLIL dengan model pembelajaran penemuan (Discovery Learning),  peserta didik dapat
mengidentifikasi, memahami, dan mengimplementasikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

memberikan ucapan selamat serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

yang telah ditulis dengan rasa ingin tahu, kerja keras, tanggung jawab, bersikap bersahabat/
komunikatif selama proses pembelajaran.

C. Petunjuk
1. Gunakan modul ini secara berurutan bagian per bagian
2. Bacalah pendahuluan modul ini, cermatilah isi modul
3. Ikutilah langkah-langkah aktivitas pembelajaran dan model atau teknik pembelajaran
yang digunakan pada setiap kegiatan pembelajaran dalam modul ini.


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi contoh percakapan mengucapkan selamat, dengan ucapan dan tekanan
kata yang benar.
2. Menentukan ungkapan yang tepat secara lisan/tukis dari berbagai situasi lain yang
3. Menerapkan penggunaan ungkapan selamat dalam interaksi dengan guru dan teman
secara alami di dalam maupun diluar kelas.

A. Uraian Materi

1. Definition of Congratulation
Kalian pasti sering sekali memberikan ucapan pada teman, saudara, atau ornag lain
ketika mereka mendapatkan sebuah hadiah atau menjuarai sebuah perlombaan. Seringkali
pula kaum muda menyampaikannya ucapan selamat dengan kata “congrat ya”. Tahukah
kalian bahwa ungkapan itu adalah ungkapan bahasa inggris? Ya, saya yakin kalian tahu
Tahukah kalian fungsi dari ungkapan congratulation? Dalam kamus bahasa inggris
ungkapan congratulation dijelaskan sebagai berikut;
Congratulation is what you offer when someone accomplishes something positive
or has a happy life event. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, ungkapan CONGRATULATION
diberikan ketika seseorang memperoleh/menyelesaikan/meraih suatu hal yang positif atau
sedang merayakan suatu kejadian yang menyenangkan seperti; pernikahan, mempunyai
bayi, dsb.
Dalam pengungkapan congratulation ada hal yang biasanya digunakan;
a. In the singular, congratulation is the action of congratulating. In the plural,
congratulations is what one offers to express pleasure in the success or good fortune
of another.
b. The preposition on is used when expressing one’s good wishes in the context of a
happy event:
For example;
Congratulations on your marriage!
Congratulations on your new baby!
Congratulations on your promotion!
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

c. Congratulations can be offered as praise for someone’s achievement. In that context,

the preposition to use is for:
For example;
Congratulations for completing 100 days without an accident!
Congratulations for leading the Scouts to safety!
Congratulations for saving the farm from foreclosure!
d. Congratulations can also be offered to someone.
For example;
The CEO offered congratulations to all her employees.
The townspeople offered congratulations to the utility company for the swift
restoration of power.
e. The word can also be used reflexively:
For example:
“Go ahead and congratulate yourself. You deserve it.”

2. Some utterances use in congratulating someone

Congratulating Responding
- I’d like be the first to congratulate you on… - It’s very good of you to say so.
- I’d like to congratulate you on … - How nice of you to say so.
- Please accept my warmest congratulations. - Thank you very much for saying so.
- May I congratulate you on … - I’m glad you think so.
- I must congratulate you. - Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
- It was great to hear about … - Thank you.
- Congratulations. - Oh, thanks.
- Congratulations on … - It’s very nice of you to say so.
- Congratulation for you. - How kind of you to say so.
- I’d like to congratulate you on your …
- Happy anniversary

3. Example of Congratulation

Berikut ini adalah contoh dialogue menggunakan ungkapan Congratulation menggunakan

preposisi “on”:


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Anna: Have you heard my good news?

Bones: You haven't told me anything yet.
Anna: I got a promotion at work earlier this week.
Bones: Is that right?
Anna: It's the truth. I am really happy.
Bones: Congratulations on your promotion.
Anna: Thank you very much.
Bones: I am really excited for you.
Anna: Are you really?
Bones: I'm serious. You deserved this promotion.
Anna: Is that what you really think?
Bones: Yes, I do.
Dari percakapan diatas: kalian bisa pahami bahwa Anna mendapatkan promosi jabatan di tempat
kerjanya dan dia merasa sangat bahagia sekali. Kemudian Bones sebagai temannya ikut bahagia
dan menucapkan selamat dengan mengatakan “Congratulations on your promotion.” Lalu Anna
meresponnya dengan mengatakan “Thank you very much.” Nah, dari contoh tersebut kita bisa
memahami bahwa ketika seseorang mengucapkan selamat pada kita, maka respon yang tepat
adalah terima kasih dalam bahasa inggrisnya “Thank you very much.”
Semoga contoh dialog diats dapat menjadi referensi kalian dalam memahami menggunaan
ungkapan selamat dan responnya dalam bahasa Inggris yang nantinya akan kalian
implementasikan dalam kehidupan kalian sehari-hari.

4. Let’s read the dialog

Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan ungkapan selamat (Congratulation) dalam sebuah
percakapan, silahkan pahami contoh percakapan menggunakan ungkapan selamat
(congratulation). Tetapi sebelumnya, perhatikan kosa kata berikut ini. Kosa kata tersebut akan
membantumu memahami dialogue yang akan diberikan.

Helpful Words;
What’s up-apakabar? (informal) won-menang(masa lalu)
scholarship–beasiswa winner-pemenang
trophy –piala remember–mengingat
future-masa depan soon–segera
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Dialogue A

Fira : Hey Nurul, what’s up?

Nurul : Hey Fira. I’m so surprised!
Fira : Really? Why?
Nurul : My English teacher says I advanced in the “IndonesiaWrite On!” competition.
Fira : Wow! Congratulations, that’s great. But…what is “Indonesia Write On!”
Nurul : It is an English creative writing competition for Indonesian students. You can
enter it in January.
Fira : How much money is it?
Nurul : It is free, but you can win a scholarship to university. Tomorrow, I will meet
with my English teacher to discuss the competition.
Fira : Oh, I hope you win the competition. Where will you meet her? Can I join the
Nurul : We will meet in the office at 10:00am. I’m sorry, you can’t this join. The
competition is only for the story winners. You can join the English Debate
Fira : Yea, that’s a good idea. Good job on the story! See you later.
Nurul : Bye, see ya.

Dialogue B

Maulia : Hello Putri, how are you?

Putri : I’m very happy today! I have a trophy from the PMR competition.
Maulia : Oh, yea. I remember that competition. That’s great! Congratulations.
Putri : Thanks, Maulia. I really like PMR. I want to be a doctor in the future.
Maulia : Cool! So, where is your trophy? Can I see it?
Putri : It’s in the teacher’s office on Pak Joni’s desk. I can show you after I take it from
Maulia : Perfect! I want to see it. When is your next competition?
Putri : It is next month. Do you want to join?
Maulia : Yes, very much! I want to be a nurse. Can you ask Pak Joni about this?
Putri : Sure, let’s ask him tomorrow. He can explain it to us.
Maulia : Ok, thanks Putri.
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Putri : No problem. Well, class starts soon, see you later.

Maulia : Bye!

Nah, dari percakapan di atas apakah kalian bisa mengidentifikasi bagaimana mengucapkan
selamat dalam bahasa inggris dan bagaimana meresponnya kan? Apa yang sedang mereka
Penulis harap dengan mempelajari materi 1 dan kosa kata yang ada di dalam table bisa
membantu kalian lebih memahami bagaimana mengucapkan selamat dalam bahasa inggris dan
meresponnya dalam berbagai situasi sehingga berikutnya kalian bisa membuat percakapan yang
menggunakan ungkapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris.

B. Rangkuman
1. Congratulation adalah suatu ungkapan yang diberikan ketika seseorang
memperoleh/menyelesaikan/meraih suatu hal yang positif atau sedang merayakan suatu
kejadian yang menyenangkan seperti; pernikahan, mempunyai bayi, dsb.
2. Beberapa fungsi penggunaan ungkapan Cogratulation dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang
biasa digunakan:
a. The preposition on is used when expressing one’s good wishes in the context of a happy
b. Congratulations can be offered as praise for someone’s achievement. In that context, the
preposition to use is for
c. Congratulations can also be offered to someone
d. The word can also be used reflexively:

C. Tugas
Read the following dialogue, and then answer the questions given!
Task 1
Dialogue A

Fira : Hey Nurul, what’s up?

Nurul : Hey Fira. I’m so surprised!
Fira : Really? Why?
Nurul : My English teacher says I advanced in the “IndonesiaWrite On!” competition.
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Fira : Wow! Congratulations, that’s great. But…what is “Indonesia Write On!”

Nurul : It is an English creative writing competition for Indonesian students. You can
enter it in January.
Fira : How much money is it?
Nurul : It is free, but you can win a scholarship to university. Tomorrow, I will meet
with my English teacher to discuss the competition.
Fira : Oh, I hope you win the competition. Where will you meet her? Can I join the
Nurul : We will meet in the office at 10:00am. I’m sorry, you can’t this join. The
competition is only for the story winners. You can join the English Debate
Fira : Yea, that’s a good idea. Good job on the story! See you later.
Nurul : Bye, see ya.
Answer the following questions based on the dialogue!
1. Who is surprised?
2. What is the“Indonesia Write On!”competition?
3. In line 9 Nurul says the word “her”. Who is “her”?
4. Where will Nurul meet his English teacher?
5. When is the meeting?

Task 2
Dialogue B

Maulia : Hello Putri, how are you?

Putri : I’m very happy today! I have a trophy from the PMR competition.
Maulia : Oh, yea. I remember that competition. That’s great! Congratulations.
Putri : Thanks, Maulia. I really like PMR. I want to be a doctor in the future.
Maulia : Cool! So, where is your trophy? Can I see it?
Putri : It’s in the teacher’s office on Pak Joni’s desk. I can show you after I take it from
Maulia : Perfect! I want to see it. When is your next competition?
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Putri : It is next month. Do you want to join?

Maulia : Yes, very much! I want to be a nurse. Can you ask Pak Joni about this?
Putri : Sure, let’s ask him tomorrow. He can explain it to us.
Maulia : Ok, thanks Putri.
Putri : No problem. Well, class starts soon, see you later.
Maulia : Bye!

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue!

1. What does Putri want to be?
2. Where is Putri’s trophy?
3. Why does Maulia wat to join the next competition?
4. In line 10, Putri says “us”. Who is “us”?
5. When will they ask Pak Joni?

Task 3
Setelah memahami dan mengidentifikasi percakapan yang menggunakan ungkapan
congratulation dan responnya,. Sekarang waktunya kalian mengimplementasikannya dalam
sebuah tulisan karya kalian.
Make up your own dialogue about:
a. Your sister has got a cute baby girl.
b. Tony won an English Contest.
c. Your friend got A for her/his English subject.
d. Your friend got a pair of shoes from her/his parent for her/his birthday.
e. Your friend has just moved to her/his a new big house.

D. Penilaian Diri
Setelah mempelajari materi 1 dan 2 pada e-modul ini;
Kegiatan 1 Sanga Setuju Cuku Kuran Tidak
t p g Setuju
setuju setuju setuju
 Saya memahami pengertian dari
 Saya mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi
sosial dari ungkapan congratulation


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

 Saya mampu memahami penggunaan

ungkapan congratulation dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Saya mampu mengimplementasikan
ungkapan congratulation dalam
sebuah dialog.


Read the following dialogue carefully, and then choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct
answer for each questions given!

Dialogue 1
Dian : Hello Ms. Resti. I’m so happy to see you! Congratulations on your new baby
Ms. Resti : That’s very kind of you Resti, thank you.
Dian : No problem. So, what is his name?
Ms. Resti : His name is Dwi. He is 3 months old now, and he’s a very cute baby.
Dian : Awwww. Can you bring him to school one day?
Ms. Resti : Maybe when he is older. There is a lot of bacteria in the school.
By the way, does your class know all the new songs for this semester?
Dian : Yes, we practice the songs every day.
Ms. Resti : Great! Tomorrow in class, we can practice together.
Dian : Ok, sounds good. I can inform the class.
Ms. Resti : Thanks Dian, I will see you tomorrow.
Dia : Of course. See you tomorrow.
1. What is Ms. Restin’s son’s name?
2. How old is her son?
3. In line 5 Dian says “him”. Who is “him”?
4. What does Ms. Resti teach?
5. When will they practice together?

Dialogue 2
Eka : Hey Siti! Happy Birthday!


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Siti : Thanks, Eka!

Eka : Yea, no problem. How old are you?
Siti : I’m 16. You’re 16 too, right?
Eka : Yea, my birthday is in March so, you’re still younger. Hahahah.
Siti : Yea, yea, I know. By the way, you are coming to my birthday party tonight right?
Eka : Of course. I’m excited. Where is your house again?
Siti : I live in Sawi, next to the mosque. Can you bring your two older sisters too?
Eka : Yea, I can bring them. They miss you.
Siti : I miss them too. Ok, I am going home to prepare. See you later tonight.
Eka : See ya.

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue

1. How old are Eka and Siti?
2. Where is the birthday party?
3. Eka is child number?
4. In line 9, Eka says “them”. Who is “them”?
5. When is the party?


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:

4. /Mengidentifikasi contoh percakapan mengucapkan memuji compliment, dengan ucapan
dan tekanan kata yang benar.
5. Menentukan ungkapan memujiyang tepat secara lisan/tulis dari berbagai situasi lain
yang serupa.
6. Menerapkan penggunaan ungkapan memuji dalam interaksi dengan guru dan teman
secara alami di dalam maupun diluar kelas.


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

A. Uraian Materi 2

1. Compliment or Complement?
Pada kegiatan kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang Compliment. Apa itu
Compliment? Apa bedanya dengan Complement? Well, dalam bahasan 1 kita akan
mempelajari tentang perbedaan Compliment and complement.
“Compliment” dan “Complement” memang membingungkan karena keduanya
sama cara pengucapannya yaitu; “kum-pluh-muhnt” (noun) atau “kum-pluh-ment (verb).
Tapi meskipun kedengarannya sama, keduanya mempunyai makna yang berbeda.
Perhatikan table berikut ini: (

Compliment Complement
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan memuji Digunakan untuk mengatakan tentang 2 hal
atau mengatakan sesuatu yang bagus tentang yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain.
seseorang. "The sauce complemented the dish."
"We complimented the chef on the delicious (Saosnya menyempurnakan hidangan yang
dessert." ada).
(kita memuji Chef karena makanan Complement is similar to the word complete.
penutupnya yang lezat). Maknanya kata Complement mempunyai
kesamaan arti dengan complete (melengkapi).

2. How to compliment someone.

Well, setelah memahami perbedaan compliment dan complement, sekarang coba
kalian perhatikan dan pahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam memberi

Complimentin Appearance Work Talent Food Indirect

(Pujian terhadap)
Utterances - You look - You - You’re a - You - Your son
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

(ungkapan) nice today worked great make is a great

- I love very hard artist. great actor.
your new on this. - You’re so cookies. - Your
hairstyle - Nice good with - You’re Mom has
- That color work kids. such a the nicest
looks - Good - You have good garden.
good on job! a lovely chef. - I loved
you. - This is voice. - This your
- You look excellent. - pasta is sister’s
good in delicious. book.
- Your

3. How to accept a Compliment.

Setelah memahami ungkapan-ungkapannya, sekarang perhatikan bagaimana responnya:
- Thank you.
- Why, thank you! (with slight surprise/dengan ekspresi terkejut)
- Thank you for saying that.
- I appreciate that.
- I needed to hear that. (biasanya diungkpakan setelah mendapatkan musibah atau
merasa dibedakan dengan yang lain)
- I’ll tell her you said that.
- She’ll be happy to hear that.

Setelah memahami ungkapan-ungkapan atau utterance dari compliment dan responnya, sekarang
perhatikan dialog dan identifikasi percakapan berikut ini;

Atika : You look really nice today.


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Beauty: Thank you. I just got this outfit the other day.
Atika : Really, where did you get it?
Beauty: I got it from Macy's.
Atika : It's really nice.
Beauty: Thanks again. You look nice today, too.
Atika : Thank you. I just got these shoes today.
Beauty: Really? What kind of shoes are they?
Atika : These are called All Star Chuck Taylors.
Beauty: I really like those. How much did they cost?
Atika : They were about forty dollars.
Beauty: I think I'm going to go buy myself a pair.

Didalam percakapan diatas Atika mengatakan “You look really nice today” kata yang
diungkapkan Atika tersebut mengandung makna memuji yaitu; “Kamu terlihat bagus hari ini.”
Kemudian,Beauty meresponnya dengan mengatakan “Thank you.” Nah, begitulah cara untuk
memuji orang lain dan merespon pujian tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris.
Semoga penjelasan dan contoh diatas bisa kalian pahami dengan baik.

B. Rangkuman
1. Compliment adalah sebuah pujian yang berikan kepada orang lain terkait dengan
penampilan, pekerjaan yang telah dilakukan,bakat, makanan, atau memuji keluarganya.
2. Ungkapan atau utterance dan respon yang biasa digunakan adalah;

Compliment Respon
- You look nice today - Thank you.
- I love you new hairstyle - Why, thank you!
- That color looks good on you. - Thank you for saying that.
- You look good in blue. - I appreciate that.
- Your dining room looks beautiful - I needed to hear that.
- You worked very hard on this. - I’ll tell her you said that.
- Nice work - She’ll be happy to hear that.
- Good job!
- This is excellent.
- Etc
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Untuk lebih luas lagi kalian bisa mencari dari berbagai sumber yang ada.

C. Tugas
A: I absolutely love what you're wearing today.
B: You do? I just bought this outfit a couple days ago.
A: Seriously, it looks really nice on you. Where did you buy it from?
B: I bought it from the Macy's at the Santa Anita mall.
A: I really like that outfit.
B: Thanks. I think you look nice today, too.
A: Thank you. I just bought these new shoes earlier today.
B: Those are nice. What are they?
A: These are some Chucks.
B: Those are great. How much were they?
A: I got them for forty.
B: I think I might go and find me my own pair of Chucks.
1. What is the speakers talk about?
2. Why does Anita love Bianca’s appearance?
3. Why does Bianca impress on Anita’s shoes?
4. If you are Anita’s friend and you likes Anita’s outfit, what will you say to Bianca?
5. If your friend love your appearance and give you a compliment, what will you say?

Dialogue 2
A: I think that you look very cute today.
B: Is that right? This is a brand new outfit.
A: What store did you get it from?
B: I went to Macy's and picked it out.
A: I love your outfit right now.
B: Well, I think you look nice today too.
A: Thanks. I found these new shoes earlier at the store.
B: I think that those are some really nice shoes. What kind are they?
A: These are Chucks.
B: Your shoes look really nice. How much did you get them for?
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

A: They only cost me about forty dollars.

B: I'm going to go get a pair for myself.

D. Penilaian Diri
Setelah mempelajari materi 1 dan 2 pada e-modul ini;
Kegiatan 1 Sanga Setuju Cuku Kuran Tidak
t p g Setuju
setuju setuju setuju
 Saya memahami pengertian dari
 Saya mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi
sosial dari ungkapan compliment
 Saya mampu memahami penggunaan
ungkapan compliment dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
 Saya mampu mengimplementasikan
ungkapan compliment dalam sebuah


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Read the following dialogue carefully and then choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct answer.
Dialogue 1
Shinta : “I heard you won the first prize for your short stroy. .... (1)”
Wulan : “ ... (2).”
Shinta : “As your fried I’m ... (3).”
Wulan : “Thank you.”
Shinta : “You deserve it because it’s a very good story.”
Wulan : “... (4)”
a. Congratulations
b. Very proud of you
c. What are you doing?
d. Thank you
e. Really!

a. Thank you
b. Congratulations
c. I’m very proud of you
d. That’s pity
e. Very proud of you

a. very proud of you
b. thank you very much
c. really
d. Thanks
e. Sure
a. Really?
b. Thank you


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

c. No problem
d. Of course
e. Sure
Dialogue 2
Kim : Manager, Is there something wrong with my work?
Manager : None. ...........................
Kim : That’s very kind of you boss.
4. a. You're fired
b. Your work is all wrong
c. You did a great job. How diligent you are
d. Hurry go
e. Really

Dialogue 3
Siska : Your voice is very sweet.
Greta : ...
Siska : can you sing it once again for me?
Greta : Sure, I'll sing for you.
5. a. But, can you stop singing?
b. Thanks for your complementing!
c. Not bad right?
d. of course. I won in a singer competition once
e. That’s a pity

Dialogue 4
Syifa : ...
Grace : Thanks. My pleasure to have your compliment..
Syifa : Can you show me the steps how to bake that?
Grace : Yes, sure.
6. a. You’re really good at cooking! I like your cookies.
b. quite bad
c. This is suck!
d. What an awful. This is a fail dish!
e. I’m very proud of you
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Dialogue 5
Alya : What are you going to do tonight?
Nadia : perhaps, I’ll make a bread..
Alya : In the night? Wow...
Nadia : Yeah..
Alya :…
Nadia : oh thanks..
7. a. you’re very good at cooking you know?
b. That’s crazy brats!
c. Go away you!
d. Sugar honey ice tea
e. Thank you

8. Your friend, Dian, has awarded as the best hijab designer of the year. What will you say?

a. You must be kidding me

b. Really?
c. Congratulation! You really deserve it
d. I'm sorry to hear that
e. That’s awful

9. Ed has just won a Grammy Award. What would you say as his friend?


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

a. Well done, Ed!

b. I'm glad you think so
c. It's nothing special
d. Thank you
e. It is odd
10. The best expression suitable with the picture is....

a. Happy anniversary.
b. I Wish I were you.
c. Have a blessed Wedding!
d. Many happy return of the day!

Dialogue 6
Girl : Did you attend the dance competition yesterday ?
Boy : Yes, I did.
Girl : How was the result?
Boy : I won.
Girl : Wow, that’s great! Congratulations!
Boy : Thank you.

11. What is the topic of conversation?

a. Greeting a friend
b. Compliment a friend
c. Welcoming a friend
d. Expressing gratitude
e. Congratulating a friend


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Dialogue 7
Boy: I have uploaded my poem in my blog. Have you read it ?
Girl : Yes, I have.
Boy : What do you think of it ?
Girl : I think it is good. You were so poetic. You have also placed animation and make your
poem more interesting.
Boy : Thank you. Anyway, I’m going to upload my articles too.
Girl : That’s good ! I’m waiting for them.

12. What are the speakers talking about?

a. The boy's blog.
b. The boy's articles.
c. The boy's poem.
d. The boy's animation.
e. The boy's poetic words.

Dialogue 8
Girl : Are they your new shoes ?
Boy : Yes, they are.
Girl : Cool. They really suit you.

13. How will the boy most likely reply with?

a. Thank you.
b. Those are my shoes.
c. What a nice shoes.
d. They are for you.
e. I bought these two days ago.

Dialogue 8
Girl : Congratulations on your third time winning the skateboarding competition.
Boy : Thanks. Did you watch the performance ? Why did I not see you.
Girl : I watched on live streaming since I was unwell.
Boy : I’m sorry to hear that. How do you feel now ?
Girl : I’m fine.
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

14. Where did the girl watch the competition?

a. At the boy's house.
b. At the skate park.
c. On TV.
d. At school.
e. At home

Dialogue 9
Girl : Is this paint for your art project ?
Boy : Yes. But I haven’t finished it yet. It still need more details.
Girl : I think you’re very talented.

15. How will the boy response?

a. I will have a painting class tomorrow.
b. You know a lot about painting.
c. Your painting is really beautiful.
d. That's nice to hear. Thank you.
e. Would you like to join the art class?

Dialogue 10
Girl : Who design this dress?
Boy : I did.
Girl : WoW. You’re so talented. You have designed a nice dress.
Boy : Thanks. I like designing clothes.
Girl : I see. Well then, may I see the other designs ?
Boy : Sure. Here they are.
Girl : Wow. Beautiful. I believe you will be a famous designer. Always develop your talent!
Boy : Sure, thanks.

16. What is the conversation about?

a. Criticizing.
b. Complimenting.
c. Thanking.
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

d. Showing intentions.
e. Congratulating.

Dialogue 11
Boy : I am sorry I haven’t watched your short documentary film at your blog. How many
viewers have watched your film?
Girl : More than one thousand. I’m glad it has been viewed hundreds.

17. What is the man best response to the woman statement ?

a. That's great ! Congratulations !
b. I have watched it and I like it.
c. It is really a recommended blog.
d. You'd better watch the film again.

Dialogue 12
Man : You look very happy today. Any good news ?
Girl : Yes, Dad. I was finally appointed to OSIS’s chairperson this year.

18. What is the man best response to the girl’s statement?

a. Yes darling. That's right.
b. I hope you win the election.
c. I'm sorry, I can't go with you.
d. Superb ! You deserve it darling.

Dialogue 13

Girl : Have you seen the announcement for new college student ?
Boy : I have. I am so happy because I accepted to my favorite major.

19. What is the girl probably say to the boy ?

a. Thank you so much.
b. A moment please.
c. I'm sorry to hear that.
d. Congratulations!
25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Dialogue 14

Rahel : Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your team go home
with the trophy?
Daniel : Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.
Rahel : ...
Daniel : Thank you very much for saying so. So, how about you and your team in astronomy
Rahel : Unfortunately, I and my team didn’t get the first place. We got the third place but I was
really happy since we had won over many other teams and gone that far.
Daniel : That’s the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well. I congratulate
you on your great success.
Rahel : Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the first like your teams
Daniel : Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!

20. What is the next conversation after Daniel said his team on succeeded?
a. It’s so bad news from you
b. How you can won in this comeptition?
c. Wow, I don’t believe you Daniel.
d. Wow that’s a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!

Farhan : So, how long has it been since the first publishing of your first novel?
Yola : It’s been 3 weeks since then.
Farhan : So, how many copies have been sold this far?
Yola : Thank God. Many people seem to like it very much. Since the first publishing 3 weeks
ago, there have been over 500 copies sold.
Farhan : Splendid! I’d like to congratulate you on your success at your first time publishing
your novels.
Yola : ....
Farhan : Keep the good work, Yola. I know you could be a great author someday.

25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

What Yola said after get a compliment from Farhan?

Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. It’s very kind of you to say so
I feel this is make me very shocked
Thank you very much, Mr.Farhan. it’s very bad of you to say so
Thank you very much, Mr. Farhan. My dress is created by Muflika.
Melkah: Hello Fatimah!
Melkah: Thank you very much. Yesterday I went to the salon and I decided to get a haircut.
Fatimah: It’s a good style for you. Which salon you visit yesterday?
Melkah: Johny Andrean’s salon in Bintaro.

What fatimah said after Melkah greeting her?
Hello Melkah! Oh my god! You hair is so cute
Hello Melkah! How are you?
Hello Melkah! How think about my new hair?
Hello Melkah! Let’s go to the salon now
You've worked hard to get this promotion, but your efforts were completely worth it. Now, one
of your great desires has become real! Congratulations! Wishing you best of luck in your new

What is the text about?
A compliment message on the high-quality work.
A congratulation message on the promotion.
An appointment to a new position.
An order to start a new project.
[ CITATION Rin18 \l 1033 ]


25, Indah Bayu Ningish, S.Pd, BIG

Rina160871_74422. (2018). congratulation and compliment test. Quizizz.


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