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Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X


Tell me about you

(Self Identity)




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TAHUN 2020

Syukur alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah S.W.T. yang telah

memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya serta kemudahan dalam proses penyusunan e-modul
yang berjudul “Tell Me About You!”.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

E-modul yang berjudul “Tell Me About YOu!”ini merupakan bahan ajar untuk
digunakan para peserta didik kelasa X pembelajar bahasa Inggris untuk semua program. E-
modul ini dibuat sederhana dengan penggunaan bahasa yang mudah agar dapat dipergunakan
para peserta didik dengan mudah sehingga indikator pencapaian kompetensi dapat dicapai
dengan baik.
Penulis menyadari tidak menutup kemungkinan e-modul ini masih terdapat kesalahan
dan kekurangan baik dari segi isi dan cara penyajian. Oleh karena itu, tegur sapa dan kritik
konstruktif sangat penulis harapkan dan nantikan demi kesempurnaan e-modul ini.
Semoga e-modul sederhana ini dapat bermanfaat bagi peningkatan mutu dunia
pendidikan, khusunya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Jogoroto, April 2020


Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X


Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Saat ini telah tersedia bahan
pembelajaran berupa e-modul untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Dalam e-modul ini
Kalian belajar tentang   Mendeskripsikan diri sendiri dalam bahasa Inggris. Setelah
menyelesaikan pembelajaran ini, diharapkan siswa dapat untuk menentukan, menganalisis,
menerapkan, dan menyusun interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
konteks. Penulis berharap kalian lebih memperhatikan dan mengenali tema dari lagu
berbahasa Inggris yang terkait kehidupan kalian remaja terutama yang bisa memotivasi hidup

Good luck!

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

COVER................................................................................................................................................. 1
KATA PENGANTAR...................................................................................................................... 1
PENDAHULUAN............................................................................................................................. 3
DAFTAR ISI...................................................................................................................................... 4
GLOSARIUM................................................................................................................................... 5
PETUNJUK UMUM........................................................................................................................ 6

A. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)...................................................................................................................... 7

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetesi (IPK).............................................................................................. 7

KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 1............................................................................................... 9
A. Uraian Materi.............................................................................................................................................9
B. Example....................................................................................................................................................10
C. Rangkuman..............................................................................................................................................11
D. Tugas........................................................................................................................................................11
KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 2............................................................................................ 12
A. Uraian Materi...........................................................................................................................................12
B. Rangkuman..............................................................................................................................................15
C. Tugas........................................................................................................................................................16
KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 3............................................................................................ 17
A. Uraian Materi...........................................................................................................................................17
B. Rangkuman..............................................................................................................................................19
C. Tugas........................................................................................................................................................19
KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 4............................................................................................ 21

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X


Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X


E-Modul ini mempelajari tentang bentuk-bentuk pronoun, simple present, dan

describing self dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kalian diharapkan tidak lupa mengerjakan
Latihan Soal, Penilaian Diri, sampai dengan Evaluasi yang terdapat dalam setiap
kegiatan belajar dalam e-Modul ini. Selain itu Kalian juga dapat belajar dari sumber
belajar lainnya.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

Good luck!

A. Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan : subjective, objective,

4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks.

B. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetesi (IPK)

Setelah mempelajari modul ini diharapkan Kalian bisa:
3.1.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective,
objective, possessive)
3.1.2 Menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective,
3.1.3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective,

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

3.1.3. Menganalisis teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

4.1.1. Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

“You and I are friends!”

Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi penggunaan To-Be, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Menentukan penggunaan To-Be, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Menerapkan penggunaan To-Be, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

A. Uraian Materi

Pernahkah kalian mendengar atau membaca atau mengucapkan kata “I am smart” atau
“You and I are friends”? Absolutely, yes!
Now, Do you know how to use it? And what is it?
Well, let’s discuss about it!

Pay attention to the following sentences;

Present Simple Examples
I am I am a student.
You are You are 15 years old.
He/She is He is 150 cm tall.
We are We are students.
You/Y’all are Y’ll are smart.
They are They are from Jogoroto

The words “am, are, and is” are usually called To-Be or linking verb. To-Be is used
to connect subject with the words that give information about the subject.
For example;
I am a student. (Saya adalah seorang pelajar)
I in this sentence is a subject of the sentence, while a student are words that give
information about I. And “am” is to-be which belong to pronoun I.

Now, pay attention to the table below. It shows you what To-Be belongs to every
Pronoun Person To-Be
I First Singular Am
You Second Singular Are
She Singular
He Third Is

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

We First Plural
You Second Plural Are
They Third Plural

If you write or say “I am” or “She is” or “You are” it doesn’t mean anything.
Something called a sentence is a bundle of words that consist of “Subject + verb +
object”. Therefore, we need another word to complete and make it called a sentence.
It is called complement. It can be a noun (kata benda), an adjective (kata sifat), an
adverb (kata keterangan), or verb (kata kerja).
A sentence which consists of Subject + To-Be/linking verb + complement is called
NOMINAL SENTENCE. While a sentence consists of Subject + verb + object is
B. Example
To get more understand about the use of To-Be, let’s identify the following
a. Mr. Hosler is a great teacher. (Pak Hosler adalah guru yang terbaik)
This sentence is a nominal sentence where;
Mr. Hosler adalah Subject
Is adalah To-Be or linking verb
A teacher adalah noun (kata benda) yang berfungsi sebagai complement.

b. Mary writes a letter. (Mary menulis sebuah surat)

This is a verbal sentence where;
Mary is a subject.
Writes is a verb.
A letter is a noun as object.
C. Rangkuman
1. To-Be atau linking verb adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan subjek
dengan kata yang menjelaskan tentang subjek.
2. To-Be dalam kalimat simple present adalah is, am, are.
3. To-Be diletakkan setelah subjek lalu diikuti oleh complement.
4. Complement adalah kata pelengkap, seperti;
- Adjective (kata sifat)

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

- Noun (kata benda)

- Adverb (kata keterangan)
5. Kalimat yang terdiri atas; Subject + To-Be + Complement di sebut kalimat
NOMINAL. Sedangkan yang terdiri atas; Subject + verb + Object disebut kalimat

D. Tugas
A. Fill the blank with a proper To-Be!
Anna and Gina _____ best friends.
Jackson _____ a good partner.
The apples ____ delicious.
The computer ______ expensive.
The bags _____ on the table.
All students _____ in the hall.
The weather ____ nice today.
Anna ___ at home. Anna’s children ___ at school.
These shirts ____ dirty.
I ___ tired.

B. Write the true sentence by adding To-Be!

1. I/hungry.
2. It/warm today.
3. I/afraid of dogs.
4. My hands/cold.
5. Canada/a very big country.
6. Diamonds/expensive.
7. Denpasar/in Bali.
8. I/a student.
9. Everybody/at home.
10. Covid 19/frightening.


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Menentukan penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Menerapkan penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. @smanjogoroto11
Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

A. Uraian Materi
Pernahkah kalian mendengar atau membaca atau mengucapkan kata “This is my book.” atau
“Do you meet her?” atau “is it yours?”?Absolutely, yes!
Now, Do you know how to use it? And what is it?
Well, let’s discuss about it!

a. Intro to Pronoun As Subject

Setelah memahami apa dan bagaimana penggunaan To-Be atau Linking Verb, kalian akan
dikenalkan dengan yang dinamakan PRONOUN. Kalian tahu apa itu pronoun dalam
bahasa Indonesia? Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah KATA GANTI orang atau
As what we discuss in Kegiatan Pembelajaran 2, you have known the pronoun used in
Look at the example below!
Katie is a nice girl.
Mr. Rosyid is an excellent teacher.
Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri are an Indonesian teachers.
The computer is expensive.
The apples are very good.
In the examples above all subjects use the name of person or thing. Do you know how to
replace the subject without changing the meaning? What word should we use?
Excellent! Pronoun is the answer.

1. Katie is a nice girl. - She is a nice girl.

2. Mr. Rosyid is an excellent teacher. - He is an excellent teacher.
3. Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri are an - They are Indonesian teachers.
Indonesian teachers.
4. The computer is expensive. - It is expensive.
5. The apples are very good. - They are very good.

Let’s discuss the example sentences above!

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

1. Katie; Katie is usually used as name for a girl. Katie is someone that is talked, so
Katie is the third person and Katie is one, so it is called singular. The pronoun used
for the third singular person for a girl/woman is “SHE.” Therefore to change the
sentence; Katie is a nice girl, we just replace Katie with pronoun for third singular
person. It is SHE; She is a nice girl.
2. Mr. Rosyid; Mr. is initial used as for a man. Mr. Rosyid is someone that is talked, so
Mr. Rosyid is the third person and Mr. Rosyid is one, so it is called singular. The
pronoun used for the third singular person is “HE.” Therefore to change the sentence;
Mr. Rosyid is an excellent teacher, we just replace Mr. Rosyid with pronoun for third
singular person for a boy/man. It is HE; “He is an excellent teacher.”
3. Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri are more than one person. In English it is called Plural.
Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri are people that are talked, so Mrs. Suparmi and Mr.
Askuri, both of them is the third person. The pronoun used for the third plural person
is “THEY.” Therefore to change the sentence; Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri are
Indonesian teachers, we just replace Mrs. Suparmi and Mr. Askuri with pronoun for
third Plural person. It is THEY; They are Indonesian teachers.
4. The computer is a thing. In English. A thing, a fruit, or an animal can be replace with
“IT” as the pronoun. So, we can change the sentence by “It is expensive.”
5. The apples. The word “apple” is a countable noun. If it is added by s/es, it means the
thing is more than one. So, it is called plural. Therefore, if we want to change the
sentence “The apples are very good” we can write “They are very good.”
Sepertinya yang dibahas hanya third person saja? Bukankah kalau ada third person pasti
ada furst person and second person?
Excellent! Pronouns consist of;
- First person; it is the one who speaks. It is “I” for singular and “WE” for plural.
For example; I talk to you.
- Second person; it is the second one who the first speaker talks to. It is “YOU”. it is
used for both singular and plural has the same word.
For example; You talk to me.
- Third person. Third person has many pronouns. There are;
 She, for girl/woman
 He, for boy/man
 It, for a thing/animal/fruit/impersonal.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

In plural, a pronoun for third person is THEY

b. Intro to Pronouns as Object

Pronouns not only have function at the Subject; they also have function as Object.
Let’s analyze the following sentences:
I take a book from shelve.
The teacher gives the students some assignments.
Merriam gives me and you presents.
Kayla calls Elisa.
Do you know, what are the proper pronouns for the bold type words?
Let’s me explain to you!
- A book is a thing; it is same with pronoun as subject. It used “IT” as the pronoun. So
the sentence is “I take it from shelve.”
- The students are plural. It talks about persons being discussed. In pronouns as subject
it uses “THEY’ as pronoun but in object pronoun is change become “THEM”. So the
sentence must be “The teacher gives them some assignments.”
- Me and you. The number of persons talking more than one it means it is plural. Me is
the pronoun as object for first the person. Because the first person involve in the
number of persons, it is called the first plural person.
You and me can be change into “US” as object pronoun.
- Elisa is name of a girl. In subject pronouns use SHE but for object pronoun it uses
HER. While for boy in object pronoun it use HIM.

c. Intro to Pronoun as Possessive

Pronouns as possessive divided into 2 (two). They are POSSESSIVE PRONOUN and
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE. The differentiation of them is; Possessive Pronoun is
Independent. It doesn’t need any word to explain or to be explained. While Possessive
Pronoun, it need noun to be explained.
For example:
1. This is my pencil case.
2. This pencil case is mine.
The word “MY” in the example no. 1 is possessive adjective. “MY” cannot be written
alone. As it is an adjective it has function to modify a noun. “My” explains that “the
pencil case” belongs to the speaker. “MY” should be followed by a noun. In this case the
noun is pencil case.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

Different to “MINE” in the example no. 2. It is possessive pronoun. MINE is not followed
by any word. It has its own meaning. In Indonesia it means “kepunyaanku” refers to the
thing or the pencil case.
“This pencil case is mine” means tempat pensil ini kepunyaanku.

Below is the PRONOUNS CHART. Observe it carefully, so you will understand the usage of
Subject Object Possessive Possessive
Adjective Pronouns

B. Rangkuman
1. Pronouns adalah kata ganti orang, benda,atau binatang.
2. Pronouns dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) bentuk:
- Kata ganti orang pertama (first person)
- Kata ganti orang kedua (second person)
- Kata ganti orang ketiga (third person)
3. Pronouns dibagi dalam beberapa fungsi, antara lain:
a. Sebagai Subjek; I, You, She, He, It, We, You, They.
b. Sebagai objek; Me, You, Her, Him, It, Us, You, Them.
c. Sebagai possessive adjective atau kata ganti kepemilikan yang membutuhkan kata
benda yang diterangkan; my, your, her, his, its, our, your, their.
d. Sebagai possessive pronouns atau kata ganti kepemilikan yang berdiri sendiri;
mine, yours, hers, his, its, ours, yours, theirs.

C. Tugas
A. Fill up the blank with a proper pronoun!
Look at this picture. This is my family.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

___ name is Sarah.

___ was born in Jombang, but ___ father was born in Blitar.
___ have a sister and a brother.
___ are very kind to me.
___ brother is an engineer.
____ lives in Jakarta because ___ office is in Jakarta.
I like when he back home because ____ often give ___ a present.
I love ___ much.
___ sister is a student.
____ lives in Surabaya. Airlangga University is ___ Campus.
____ usually gathered in idul Fitri.
____ family live happily.

B. Change the bold italic underlined word with a proper pronoun.

Once upon a time, there were a farmer and a farmer’s wife. The farmer and the
farmer’s wife had a cow. The cow was the only wealthy the farmer and the farmer’s
wife had.
One day, the farmer and the farmer’s wife needed some money for living. The farmer
and the farmer’s wife had nothing to earn money. Then, the farmer said the the farmer’s
wife, “Honey, The farmer want to sale the farmer and farmer’s wife’s cow to buy our
need.” “But the cow is too old to sell. Nobody will buy the cow, Honey.” replied the
farmer’s wife.
Next morning the farmer’s wife found the cow was died. The farmer and the farmer’s
wife were very sad.

Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:
4. Mengidentifikasi penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
5. Menentukan penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
6. Menerapkan penggunaan pronoun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

Pada pembelajaran ini kalian akan mempelajari tentang Simple present Tense. Setelah
mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran 3 ini Kalian diharapkan dapat Menentukan, menganalisis,
dan menerapkan simple present tense dalam sebuah teks interaksi transaksional.

A. Uraian Materi
a. Simple present tense
Let’s start the lesson by answering the following questions:
- When do you have breakfast?
- When do you get up in the morning?
- Where do you live?
- When do you come to school?
I am sure you can answer it well!
Yeah, the answer is:
- I have breakfast at 6 o’clock.
- I usually get up at 3:30 in the morning.
- I live in Bandung.
- I come to school at 6:25.
The sentences above are the example of simple present tense in positive form.
Simple Present tense has some forms;
1. Positive Form
2. Negative form
3. Interrogative form
In a sentence simple present uses verb 1 such as, live, have, get, go, etc.
For example:
1. Positive form
I live in Bandung. The form is SUBJECT + VERB 1 + OBJECT
I is a subject pronoun
Live is a verb
Bandung is an adverb of place that explain the place where I live.

2. Negative Form
In negative form, simple present tense needs auxiliary DO/DOES + NOT after
Subject before the verb.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

For example:
I do not live in Bandung.

3. Interrogative Form
It has the same with the negative form. In this form, the sentence also needs auxiliary
DO/DOES but it is take place before the subject.
For example:
Do you live in Bandung?

Something to remember, Do and DOES are used in different pronoun.

Simple present tense is a tense that use in many ways in present time.
1. (Hewings, 2002)to express the events or situation that happen now.
For example:
- It takes me ten minutes to get to my office.
- Elisa plays guitar brilliantly.
- Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

2. To talk about event or situation that exists always, usually, and habitually. The situation
exists now, have existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future.
For example:
- I leave work at 3:30 most days.
- Each July we go to Malang for a holiday.
- It snows in Alaska.
- Ayla Watches television every day.

B. Rangkuman
1. Simple Present is talking about:

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

a. A situation or event that exists now, have existed in the past, and probably will
exist in the future.
b. Always true
c. habitual
2. The time words used are; everyday, usually, always, sometimes, rarely.
3. Simple present tense uses verb 1 such as get, go, talk, ect.
4. Simple present tense needs an auxiliary “DO/DOES” in negative and positive

C. Tugas
A. Change the verbs in the bracket with an appropriate verb in simple present tense.
1. I usually _____ (get up) at six o'clock.
2. How often _____ (she go) to the gym to workout?
3. They _____ (be) from Holland.
4. Jack _____ (not work) in the city.
5. Where _____ (he live)?
6. Alison _____ (visit) her friends on Saturdays.
7. They _____ (not eat) meat on Fridays.
8. _____ (you play) tennis?
9. Susan often _____ (drive) to the beach when the weather is nice.
10. Eric _____ (not read) in Japanese.
11. When _____ (she have) dinner?
12. I _____ (take) a shower before I leave for work.
13. How _____ (you start) this machine?
14. He _____ (not work) on Sundays.
15. Sharon rarely _____ (watch) TV.
16. We occasionally _____ (take) the train to Seattle.
17. Peter _____ (not like) buying food in supermarkets.
18. Why _____ (they leave) work so late on Fridays?
19. You sometimes _____ (do) housework.
20. _____ (she speak) Russian?

B. Choose the correct time expression used with the simple present tense.
1. I sleep in late on (Saturday / Saturdays).
Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

2. How (much / often) do you visit your friends in Chicago?

3. Jennifer doesn't catch the bus (in/at) 8 in the morning.
4. Henry enjoys playing golf (in/at) the afternoon.
5. Do they eat fish (in/on) Fridays?
6. I usually have my meetings (on/at) 10 am.
7. Susan doesn't like going out (at/on) Fridays.
8. Our class (usually/usual) takes tests on Tuesdays.
9. The teacher gives us notes (after/while) class.
10. Sharon doesn't go to be before 11 pm (in/at) night.
11. Where do they usually hold meetings (at/in) the morning?
12. Tom (rare/rarely) gets up early on Sundays.
13. We don't enjoy eating breakfast before six (at/in) the morning.
14. Our parents (occasion/occasionally) catch a train to the city.
15. She doesn't use a computer (at/in) night.
16. Alexander has lunch (on/at) noon.
17. David doesn't work (at/on) Tuesdays.
18. They listen to classical music (in/at) the afternoon.
19. Mary answers her e-mail on (Friday/Fridays).
20. How often do you travel (in/on) Tuesdays?

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X


Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran ini Kalian dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, dan struktur teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan
hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Menentukan fungsi sosial, dan struktur teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan
hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, dan struktur teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan
hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

A. Uraian Materi

Have you ever introduce yourself to other or you listen to someone introduce herself/himself
in English? Well, introduction is needed to connect with a new acquaintance/friend so they
can learn the essential details about who we are and you can make a positive impression on
the person you are speaking to.
Introducing yourself is not only saying your name but you need to tell more about you such as
your family, your occupation, and the good thing of your side that will help you make an
impression on the person you are speaking to. Sometimes introducing self is depend on the
situation (a job interview, a seminar/workshop, etc)

How to have a good introduction?

Well, here the good organization for introduction ourselves are;
1. Name
2. Family
3. Education
4. Work experience
5. Hobbies
6. Hopes/future

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

B. Example
Take a look at the following examples!

“My name is Matt. I am a teacher. I am from Mississippi.

I live in Jogoroto. I am an English teacher in SMAN
Jogoroto. I am a peace corps Volunteer for SMAN
Jogoroto for two years. I am smart and friendly. I am also
funny but sometimes I am serious. I have one brother. I
like dogs. I like to play ping pong. I like rawon, but I
don’t like fish.”
My name is Indah. I am from Peterongan Jombang, East
Java. Now, I live in Bandung Kencur also in Jombang.
But my parents live in Peterongan. I have three sisters and
two brothers. We live in different places. We usually
gather in Idul fitri. I am married and have two daughters
and one son. I went to Darul Ulum University in 1993. My
major was economic management then I took another
bachelor since I got a scholarship from the government. I
took English teaching education program in
Muhammadiyah University of Malang. In the first of
2004, I started teaching in SMAN Jogoroto up to now. I
teach English. I am pretty and friendly. My students say I
am patient but sometimes I can be angry. My hobbies are
writing my own experience. I want to make an anthology
of my life one day to motivate everybody in facing life.

Both of the examples are very simple that you can easily to follow, right?
First, both of them write;
- the name
- country/region
- family
- education background
- occupation
- a little bit about who they are and also their interest.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

There are many ways to state your name, education, and others information about you. The
following are the utterances that you can use:
1. To say your name
- My name is …/ I’m …
- My full/ first/ last name is …
- You can call me …/ They call me …/ Please call me …/ Everyone calls me …
- My nick name is …

2. To tell about your site

- I’m from …/ I hail from …/ I come from …/ My hometown is …/ I’m originally from
… (country)
- I’m … (nationality)
- I was born in …
- I live in … / My address is … (city)
- I live on … (name) street.
- I live at …
- I spent most of my life in …
- I have lived in … for/ since …
- I grew up in …

3. To tell about your family

- There are … (number) people in my family. They are …
- There are … (number) of us in my family.
- My family has … (number) people.
- I live with my …
- I am the only child.
- I don’t have any siblings.
- I have … brothers and … (number) sister.

4. To tell about your occupation

- I am a/ an …
- I work as a/ an …
- I work for (company) … as a/ an …
- I’m unemployed./ I am out of work./ I have been made redundant./ I am between jobs.
- I earn my living as a/ an …
- I am looking for a job. / I am looking for work.
- I’m retired.
- I would like to be a/ an …/ I want to be a/ an …
- I used to work as a/ an … at … (places)
- I just started as … in the … department.
- I work in/at a … (places)
- I have been working in … (city) for … years.

5. To tell about your education background

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

- I’m a student at … (school)

- I study at …/ I am at …/ I go to … (school)
- I study … (majors)
- My major is …

6. To tell about hobbies

- I like/ love/ enjoy/ … (sports/ movies/ …/)
- I am interested in …
- I am good at …
- My hobby is …/ I am interesting in …
- My hobbies are …/ My hobby is …
- My favorite sport is …
- My favorite color is …
- I have a passion for …
- My favorite place is …
- I sometimes go to … (places), I like it because …
- I don’t like/ dislike/ hate …
- My favorite food/drink is …
- My favorite singer/ band is …
- My favorite day of the week is … because …

There are still many things you can tell about, it depends on the situation. So, you add some
that you like.
It’s so easy, right? Now, it’s your turn. Why don’t you make an introduction?
When you write your introduction use simple present tense and sometime simple past for
some events that happened in the past time and no ling exist now.

C. Rangkuman
1. To write an easy self introduction we have to tell about:
a. Name
b. family
c. education background
d. occupation
e. a little bit about who they are and also their interest.
2. Write in simple present tense and simple past is needed for the past event.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

D. Tugas
A. Identify the following introduction and fill up the blank.
Hi, my name is ______. I am from ______. I live in ______. I’m _____ (age). There are
_____ people in my family. They are _____. I am a student at ____
My major is ____. My favorite subject is ____. My hobbies are ____. In my free time, I
also enjoy ____ (sports). I (don’t) like ____. My favorite food/drink is ____. I like ____
(movies). My favorite singer/band is ____.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

1. Read the questions carefully.
2. Choose a, b, c, d, or e for the correct answer
A. To_Be and Pronouns (He & It, 2011)
Choose the good pronoun to complete the sentence.
1. ___ need to follow me closely.
a. You
b. Ina
c. He
d. It
e. She
2. Hold the bag please while I put the shopping in ___
a. them
b. it
c. she
d. I
e. Him
3. Melanie and I ____ going to go soon so you can come with ____
a. am – me
b. is – me
c. are – me
d. am – us
e. are – us
4. Anna and Kayla are in kitchen. ____ are cooking a dinner.
a. She
b. They
c. Them
d. We

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

e. Her
5. Sandra, Is it ____ pencil? Yes, it is my pencil, thanks.
a. She
b. I
c. my
d. They
e. Your
6. Anisa wanted Farah to follow ____
a. me
b. you
c. she
d. her
e. He
7. I can’t find ____ anywhere.
a. She
b. It
c. They
d. Us
e. You
8. We would like to invite ____ to the party.
a. me
b. she
c. they
d. us
e. them
9. What is wrong with ____?
a. I
b. You
c. We
d. They
e. She
10. ____ think it will be end soon.
Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

a. I
b. She
c. He
d. Them
e. Your

B. Simple Present Tense(Murphy, n.d.)

Complete the sentences using the proper verb form for simple present tense.
11. Tanya ____ German very well.
a. Speak
b. Speaks
c. Speaking
d. Spoken
e. speakes
12. I don’t often ____ coffee.
a. Drink
b. Drinks
c. Drinking
d. Drinken
e. drank
13. The swimming pool ___ at 7.30 every morning.
a. Open
b. Opens
c. Openes
d. Opening
e. Opened
14. Bad driving ___ many accidents.
a. Cause
b. Causes
c. Causing
d. Caused
e. because
15. The Olympic Games ___ place every four years.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

16. Julie ____ tea very often.

a. Do not drink
b. Do not drinks
c. Does not drink
d. Does not drinks
e. Doesn’t drinks
17. What time ____ here?
a. the banks close
b. do the banks close
c. does the banks close
d. is the banks close
e. are the banks close
18. David isn’t very fit. He ____ any sport.
a. don’t do
b. doesn’t do
c. doesn’t
d. isn’t
e. isn’t do
19. It ____ me an hour to get to work.
a. take
b. takes
c. do take
d. does take
e. took
20. Look at this sentence. What ____?
a. does this word mean
b. does this word means
c. do this word mean
d. do this words mean
e. does this words mean
C. Self introduction
Read the following introduction and answer the questions.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

“My name is Riley See. I’m a recent elementary education graduate from Ball State
University. I’ve been working at a camp for elementary children this summer, and I’m
excited to find my first teaching position for the coming school year. I have several
original lesson plans I created during my teaching internship that I look forward to
implementing in my own classroom. I attended Brookwood Elementary myself and
believe I would be a great fit for your second grade opening. It would be a joy for me to
teach students in the same place that sparked my love of learning.”

21. What is Riley See?

a. A new graduated student of a university.
b. A teacher
c. A teaching planner
d. A student of a university.
e. Elementary school teacher
22. What did Riley See write his introduction for?
a. Teaching
b. Applying a job
c. Joining a workshop
d. Joining a summer camp.
e. Joining an teaching internship

“Hello, my name is Erika Amigo. In English my name means “friend.” I am 14 years

old. I am from San Francisco, California. The two things I love about California are
the beaches and the sun. Every day is beautiful in California. Also, I have two
siblings. Keiko, my sister, is the oldest; she is 19. And Shingo, my brother, is only 3
years old. My hobbies are talking to friends and shopping. When I was younger I
always got lost while shopping with my mother.

23. What does Erika do in her spare time?

a. Reading
b. Travelling
c. Shopping
d. Enjoying the sun
e. Swimming at the beach
24. How many children do Erika’s parents have?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

e. 5

Hello, I want to tell you a little about myself. My name is Jason Hand, and I’m 15
years old. I love playing soccer more than anything because I have been playing
soccer since I was 4 years old. My mom says that I’m the only boy in my class that
started playing soccer so young. Besides soccer, I also enjoy playing with my pet
hamster. Hamsters are my favorite animals because they are cute and funny. My best
friends are Tim and Anthony.

25. What are Jason Hand’s hobbies?

a. Playing soccer
b. Playing with his favorite pet.
c. Playing with his best friends.
d. Playing soccer and playing with his hamster.
e. Playing soccer with his best friends.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

Daftar Pustaka
He,Y & It, S. (2011). Pronoun-quiz Pronouns.
Hewing, M. (2002). Advanced Grammar in Use: A Self-Study. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Murphy, R. (1994). English grammar in use: a self-study guide [2 ed.]. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Indah Bayu Ningsih-Modul X

Indah Bayu Ningsih, S.Pd.
Guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN Jogoroto 2004 sampai sekarang.
Pernah mengajar di MAN Rejoso 1999-2010
Riwayat pendidikan:
- MAN Rejoso atau MAN 3 Jombang lulus 1993
- S1- Ekonomi Manajemen UNDAR Jombang 1998
- S1- Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UMM 2003
Prestasi yang dimiliki:
- Penerima beasiswa S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris DMAP
- Penerima beasiswa S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
kementrian Agama 2005 (mengundurkan diri karena alas
an kedinasan)
- Penerima penghargaan Media Pembelajaran 2 Dimensi
terbaik pada Pelatihan Media Pembelajaran 2 Dimensi yang
di selenggarakan IKA UNESA


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