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Pertemuan II
Gambaran Umum Tumbuhan Laut

Supriadi Mashoreng

Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan

Departemen Ilmu Kelautan
FIKP Universitas Hasanuddin
Makassar 2021
• Luas bumi
510,1 juta km2
• Sekitar 72%
ditutupi oleh
laut, dan hanya
sekitar 28%
berupa daratan
Tumbuhan Darat vs Tumbuhan Laut
Secara horizontal
• luas daratan sebagai tempat
tumbuh tumbuhan darat lebih kecil
dibanding lautan
• Pada semua permukaan laut
ditemukan tumbuhan, sedangkan di
darat tidak
Secara vertikal
• Tumbuhan darat hanya sampai pada
batas kanopi (misalnya hutan tropis
tertinggi rata-rata 45-50 m).
• Bandingkan dengan tumbuhan laut
(makro & mikro) yg bisa ditemukan
dari permukaan sampai batas
tembus cahaya (rata-rata sekitar
100-150 meter)
Penamaan Tumbuhan :
• Misalnya : Ulva lactuca Linnaeus

Unit Taxonomic Nama Akhiran

Divisi Chlorophyta - phyta
Kelas Chlorophyceae - phyceae, cae, ae
Ordo Ulvales - ales
Famili Ulvaceae - aceae
Genus Ulva
Spesis Ulva lactuca
Kingdom Plantae
Approximate Number
Division / Class Common Name Percentage of Species
Chlorophyta Green algae (alga hijau) 13 7,000
Phaeophyta Brown algae (alga coklat) 99 1,500
Rhodophyta Red algae (alga merah) 98 4,000
Chrysophyta :
Chrysophyceae Golden-brown algae 20 650
Xanthophyceae Yellow-green algae 15 60
Bacillariophyceae Diatom 50 1,000
Prymnesiophyceae 50 200
Eustigmatophyceae ? 10
Chloromadophyceae 50 50
Pyrrophyta Dinoflagellates 93 1,200
Euglenophyta 3 400
Cryptophyta 60 200
Nonvascular land plants
Bryophyta Lumut, Lumut hati 0 25,000
Vascular plants
Psilophyta Wisk fern (pakis) 0 3
Spenophyta Horse tails (paku ekor kuda) 0 15
Lycophyta Club mosses (paku kawat) 0 1,000
Pterophyta Fern (paku sejati) 0 12,000
Gymnospermophyta Cone plants (biji terbuka) 0 722
Angiospermophyta Flowering plants (tumbuhan berbunga) 0.085 235,000
Zona Perairan Laut

Zonasi tumbuahan laut :

• Berdasarkan pasut (Doty, 1946; 1957)
• Karakteristik populasi (Lewis, 1964;
Stephenson & Stphenson, 1971)
1. Zona Pantai
• Rumput halophytik
• Lumut (simbiosis jamur & alga) pada
pantai berbatu
• Pohon
2. Zona Percikan
• Lumut
• Cyanophyta
Di daerah dingin → alga merah
(Porphyra, Bangia), alga hijau (Codiolum,
Urospora), alga coklat (Fucus)

Di daerah tropik → Pembatas berupa

komunitas alga biru-hijau (intensitas
matahari & suhu tinggi pada substrat)
3. Zona Intertidal

• Terbuka secara periodik karena pasut

• Batas atas : alga coklat (Fucus,

Ascophyllum); Batas bawah : pinggir
atas alga coklat besar (Laminaria)
Daerah subtropik & tropik :
• Batas atas : Cyanophyta (permukaan
atau dalam substrat)

• Batas bawah : Campuran alga hijau

(Halimeda dan Valonia) atau alga
merah (Laurenchia)
4. Pinggir subtidal
• Jarang tidak tertutupi (mis : pada saat
pasang rendah)
• Tumbuhan yang ada toleran terhadap
aksi gelombang (mis : Laminaria)

5. Subtidal
• Keanekaraman terbesar → terutama
pada subtidal dangkal
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
tumbuhan laut :
A. Physical Factors
1. Light
a. Intensity (varying with latitude, tidal exposure, cloud
cover, shore shading, biologycal overshadowing)
b. Quality (varying with
water dept,
transparency, tidal
c. Periodicity (dayly,
2. Substrata
a. Solidarity (bedrock, cobble, gravel, sand, mud)
b. Texture (penetrability or suitability for
c. Porosity (water holding capacity)
d. Position :
- With regard to water availibility (tidal
flooding, wave wash, splash, spray, seepage,
tidepool retention)
- With regard to wave shock or disturbance
- With regard to ice action or cobble scour
e. Solubility and erosibility
f. Color (with regard to intertidal heat absorption,
radiation & reflection)
g. Chemical compotition

3. Temperature
a. Seawater temperature
- Annual variation
- Duration of maximum & minimum
- Diurnal variation
- Stratification : thermocline, position with
respect to tides, mixing of nutrient, etc.
b. Air temperature during intertidal exposure
- Annual variation
- Duration of maximum & minimum
- Direct heat of insolation (complete, exposure,
tidalpool exposure)

4. Relative humidity (with respect to algae

subject to exposure)
a. Seasonal variation in conjuction with exposure
b. Duration of minimum coincident with maximum
exposure temperature
5. Rain
a. Seasonal extent coincident with tidal exposure
b. Maximum duration

6. Pressure → mainly significant with regard to effect

of tidal amplitude on attached seaweeds bearing air
B. Chemical Factors
1. Salinity
a. Annual variation from runoff
b. Tidal fluctuation of the halocline
c. Maximum concentration from evaporation
during exposure
2. Availability of DO during dark-hour
3. Availability of N, P & other essensial
metabolic substances
4. Availability of free CO2 for photosynthesis
5. pH (manly significant in confined pools
subject to marked increases during active
6. Pollution
a. Nonorganic
b. Organic
c. Biological
C. Dynamic Factors
1. Water movement
a. Surf
b. Ocean currents
c. Maximum severity of annual storms or
d. Upwelling
e. Extent of surface chop vs calm
2. Tidal exposure (periode & amplitude)
3. Tidal rhythm (with respect to release of
reproductive bodies)
4. Wind (with respect to coincident with exposure)
B. Biological Factors
1. Grazing
2. Fungal & microbial activity
3. Competition for substrates (space)
4. Protective cover against desiccation during
5. Light restriction by overgrowth (either by
macroscopic or microscopic forms)
6. Availability of host plants or animals for obligately
epiphytic, endophytic, epizootic & parasitic algae

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