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Afni Nahdhiya Damayanti, S.Kep
NIM 212311101005




I. Identitas Klien
Nama : Ny. W No. RM : 42xxx
Umur : 27 tahun Pekerjaan : Ibu rumah tangga
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan Status Perkawinan : Kawin
Agama : Islam Tanggal MRS : 13 Maret 2019
Pendidikan : SMK Tanggal Pengkajian : 13 Maret 2019
Alamat : Jalan Abdul Kadir Sumber Informasi : Klien dan keluarga
No.18 Kota

II. Riwayat Kesehatan

1. Diagnosa Medik :
Abortus Inkomplit
2. Keluhan Utama :
Nyeri abdomen bagian bawah.

3. Riwayat Penyakit Sekarang :

Nyeri dirasakan 2 hari yang lalu karna adanya perdarahan pervaginam, nyeri yang
dirasakan hilang timbul, nyeriny dirasakan seperti kram, lokasi nyerinya menetap,
lamanya keluhan yang dirasakan ± 5-10 menit dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk
mengatasi nyeri yaitu dengan cara berbaring. Klien mengatakan perdarahan pada
pervaginam dan nyeri pada abdomen bagian bawah skala nyeri yang dirasakan klien
4 (sedang).

4. Riwayat Kesehatan Terdahulu :

Klien mengatakan tidak pernah dirawat sebelumnya di rumah sakit.
5. Riwayat Penyakit Keluarga:
Klien mengatakan keluarganya juga tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit kronis seperti
hipertensi, diabetes melitus, atau yang lainnya.

6. Riwayat Obstetri :
a. Riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi :
Klien mengatakan melakukan kontrasepsi jenis suntuk yang dilakukan dalam 3
bulan sebelum post kuret.
b. Riwayat mentruasi :
Menarche : Ketika usia 13 tahun
Lamanya : Klien mengatakan biasanya seminggu (7 hari)
Siklus : 28 hari
c. Riwayat kehamilan terdahulu :
Klien mengatakan ini merupakan kehamilan keduanya, dan baru kali ini
mengalami keguguran
d. Riwayat kehamilan sekarang :
Status obstetri G2P1A1, usia kehamilan 10 minggu, klien mengatakan 1 kali
melakukan PNC, HPHT klien 20-12-2018 dan tafsiran persalinan 27-09-2019.

III. Pengkajian Keperawatan

1. Persepsi Kesehatan & Pemeliharaan Kesehatan :
Klien mengatakan penyakit adalah apa yang Allah SWT berikan kepada setiap
manusia sebagai suatu ujian dan itu tidak bisa dirubah oleh siapapun kecuali Allah
Interpretasi: Pasien dan keluarga memiliki persepsi kesehatan dan pemeliharaan
kesehatan yang baik.

2. Pola Nutrisi / Metabolik (ABCD) :

- Antropometeri : Keterangan IMT:
 Berat Badan : 64 kg < 17,0 = sangat kurus
 Tinggi Badan : 155 cm 17,0 - 18,4 = kurus
18,5 – 25,0 = normal
 IMT = 64 kg : 1,55 m2 25,1 – 27,0 = gemuk
= 26,64 kg/m2 > 27,0 = sangat gemuk

Interpretasi : IMT pasien dalam kategori gemuk.

 Berat Badan Ideal (kg) :
[Tinggi Badan (cm) – 100] – [(Tinggi Badan (cm) – 100) × 10%]
= [155 – 100] – [ (155– 100) × 10%]
Keterangan BB Ideal:
= [55] – [ (55) × 10%] Bentuk badan kecil = 48 – 51
= 55 – 5,5 Bentuk badan sedang = 50 – 56
= 49,5 kg Bentuk badan besar = 54 – 61
Interpretasi : Bentuk badan pasien dalam kategori kecil

Biomedical sign :

Pemeriksaan Hasil Nilai Normal

Hemoglobin 12,1 g/dL 11,0 – 14.0 g/dL
Hematokrit 36,8 % 30 – 46 %
Interpretasi : Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium klien berada dalam rentang normal.

- Clinical Sign :
Keadaan umum lemah, kesadaran composmentis, GCS 456, konjungtiva anemis,
mukosa bibir kering.
Interpretasi : Terdapat masalah pada kondisi klinis pasien.

- Diet Pattern (intake makanan dan cairan) :

Sebelum MRS (masuk rumah sakit) klien memiliki nafsu makan yang baik,
dengan frekuensi makan 3x sehari jenis makannya nasi, sayur, ikan dan ayam.
Dalam cairan, Minum 6-8 gelas perhari. Setelah MRS nafsu makan klien mulai
kurang baik namun klien masih mau makan sehari 3x dengan menu nasi, sayur,
ikan, dan ayam. Jenis minuman selama MRS yaitu air putih dan susu, dengan
frekuensi 3-5 gelas perhari.
Interpretasi : Intake nutrisi kurang adekuat.

3. Pola Eliminasi :
Sebelum MRS (masuk rumah sakit) klien buang air kecil  4 × dalam sehari dengan
karakteristik berwarna kuning dan bau khas urin. Buang air besar 1 × dalam sehari
denga karakteristik berwarna kuning kecoklatan, bau khas feses, dan konsistensi
lembek. Setelah MRS klien buang air kecil  3 × dalam sehari dan belum buang air
besar selama di rumah sakit.
Interpretasi : Keluaran urin menurun dan tidak teraturnya buang air besar.

4. Pola Aktivitas & Latihan :

Klien mengatakan saat sebelum sakit yaitu dirumah masih bisa beraktivitas secara
mandiri seperti menyapu, memasak, dan mencuci pakaian. Namun saat di rumah
sakit, klien merasa lemas sehingga memerlukan bantuan dari orang lain untuk
melakukan aktivitasnya.
Interpretasi : klien mengalami intoleransi aktivitas.
5. Pola Tidur & Istirahat :
Sebelum MRS (masuk rumah sakit) klien dapat tidur  8 jam/hari, sedangkan selama
dirumah sakit klien hanya tidur  6 jam/hari.
Interpretasi : Kualitas tidur klien menurun.

6. Pola Kognitif & Perceptual :

Fungsi Kognitif dan Memori :
Klien tahu dan mengerti bahwa klien mengalami abortus.
Fungsi dan keadaan indera :
Klien tidak menggunakan alat bantu terhadap indera penciuman, pengecap,
pendengaran, peraba, penglihatan saat pengkajian.
Interpretasi : Fungsi kognitif dan perceptual cukup baik .

7. Pola Persepsi Diri :

Gambaran diri : Klien mengatakan tidak mengalami masalah terkait penampilan
akibat kehamilannya, klien juga mengatakan bahwa keluarga
menanti kelahiran anak pertamanya ini.
Identitas diri : Klien mengatakan tidak ada permasalahan terkait identitas dirinya.
Harga diri : Klien tidak menunjukkan respon harga diri rendah seperti menunduk
saat diajak berbicara, dan tidak malu dengan kondisinya.
Ideal diri : Klien berharap segera sembuh agar dapat beraktivitas seperti
Peran diri : Klien mengatakan dirinya berperan sebagai ibu rumah tangga.
Interpretasi : Pola persepsi diri positif.

8. Pola Seksualitas & Reproduksi :

Klien telah menikah serta tidak memiliki gangguan seksualitas dan reproduksi.
Interpretasi : Pola seksualitas & reproduksi baik.
9. Pola Peran & Hubungan :
Klien mengatakan hubungan klien dengan orang lain baik seperti dengan suami,
orangtua, maupun keluarga.
Interpretasi : Pola peran & hubungan klien dan keluarga baik.

10. Pola Manajemen Koping  Stress :

Klien mengatakan tidak merasa putus asa dengan penyakitnya justru menganngap
yang terjadi ini merupakan penggugur dosa..
Interpretasi : Manajemen koping dan stres baik.

11. Sistem Nilai & Keyakinan :

Sebelum MRS (masuk rumah sakit) klien beribadah dengan rutin, namun saat sakit
klien beribadah semampunya.
Interpretasi : Sistem nilai dan keyakinan baik

IV. Pemeriksaan Fisik

Keadaan Umum : Tampak pucat, klien tampak meringis, kesadaran composmentis,
konjungtiva anemis, nadi teraba lemah, mukosa bibir kering, CRT
> 2 detik.

Tanda  Tanda Vital :

- Tekanan Darah : 110/80 mmHg
- Nadi : 80 ×/menit
- RR : 20 ×/menit
- Suhu : 36,5 °C

Pengkajian Fisik Head to Toe

1. Kepala :
Inspeksi : Bentuk kepala simetris, rambut bersih dan berwarna hitam, dan
rambut mengalami kerontokan
Palpasi : Tidak terdapat nyeri tekan, tidak ada lesi, tidak terdapat benjolan
massa, dan rambut tidak mudah rontok

2. Mata :
Inspeksi : Tidak ada luka, tidak ada pembengkakan, konjungtiva tampak
Palpasi : Tidak ada nyeri tekan.
3. Telinga :
Inspeksi : Bentuk simetris, tidak terdapat lesi, tidak terdapat serumen yang
keluar dari telinga, tidak ada gangguan pendengaran, dan tidak
menggunakan alat bantu pendengaran
Palpasi : Tidak ada nyeri tekan
4. Hidung :
Inspeksi : Bentuk normal, tidak menggunakan terapi oksigen, tidak terdapat
pernapasan cuping hidung, dan tidak ada sekret yang keluar dari
lubang hidung
Palpasi : Tidak ada nyeri tekan
5. Mulut :
Inspeksi : Mukosa bibir kering, tidak terdapat lesi di bibir, gigi lengkap, dan
tidak terdapat sariawan
Palpasi : Tidak ada nyeri tekan
6. Leher :
Inspeksi : Bentuk leher simetris, tidak ada lesi, tidak ada bekas luka, dan
tidak nampak pembesaran vena
Palpasi : Tidak teraba adanya pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening
7. Dada:
Inspeksi : Bentuk normal, simetris, dan tidak ada lesi
Palpasi : Tidak terdapat nyeri tekan
Perkusi : Sonor
Auskutasi : Vesikuler
Inspeksi : Tidak ada lesi, iktus cordis tidak terlihat
Palpasi : Tidak ada nyeri tekan pada jantung
Perkusi : Pekak
Auskutasi : S1 S2 tunggal dan tidak ada suara jantung tambahan
8. Abdomen:
Inspeksi : Tidak tampak striae gravidarum dan tidak tampak linea nigra
P : keluarnya hasil konsepsi
Q : seperti kram
R : abdomen bawah
S : skala nyeri 4
T : saat beraktivitas
Auskutasi : DJJ tidak terdengar dan bising usus 6 ×/menit
Palpasi : Tidak kembung, terdapat nyeri tekan pada daerah bawah perut
9. Urogenital
Tidak terpasang selang kateter
10. Ekstremitas:
Ekstremitas atas
Inspeksi : Tidak ada kesulitan dalam pergerakan dan terpasang infus D5%
20 tpm pada ekstremitas kiri atas
Palpasi : Tidak terdapat edema dan tidak terdapat nyeri tekan
Ekstremitas bawah
Inspeksi : Tidak ada gangguan dalam pergerakan
Palpasi : Tidak terdapat edema dan tidak terdapat nyeri tekan
11. Kulit dan Kuku:
Inspeksi : Tidak terdapat kemerahan pada daerah kulit, tidak ada
perdarahan, dan tidak ada edema
Palpasi : CRT > 2 detik, akral dingin, dan turgor kulit menurun

V. Terapi
 Infus RL 28 tpm
 Cefadroxil 2x1
 Asam mefenamat 3x1
 Ferrous sulfat 2x1
 Injeksi cefaperazone 1 gr
(Hartika, 2019)


1 DO : Fisisologi organ Nyeri Akut
- Klien tampak meringis saat terganggu, panggul
nyerinya muncul sempit
- Klien tampak lemas
- P : keluarnya hasil konsepsi Afni,
- Q : seperti kram S.Kep.
- R : abdomen bawah
Abortus spontan
- S : skala nyeri 4
- T : saat beraktivitas
- TD : 110/80 mmHg
- N : 80x/menit
- RR : 20x/menit Abortus inkomplit
- S : 36,5°C

DS :
- Klien mengatakan nyeri pada Nyeri akut
bagian perut bawah disertai
dengan keluarnya dara sedikit dei
- Klien mengatakan nyeri hilang
- Nyeri seperti kram
- Nyeri dirasakan 5-10 menit
- Klien hanya berbaring untuk
meredakan nyeri yang dirasakan

2 DO : Fisiologi organ Hipovolemia

- Klien tampak pucat terganggu, panggul
- Konjungtiva anemis sempit
- Klien tampak lemah
- Bibir klien tampak kering Afni,
- Turgor kulit menurun S.Kep.
- Nadi teraba lemah
- N : 80 x/menit
- Volume urin menurun

DS :
- Klien mengatakan sudah 2 hari Abortus spontan
keluar bercak dan gumpalan
darahpada vagina
- Klien mengatakan sering merasa
haus Abortus inkomplit
- Klien merasa lemah

(Berdasarkan Prioritas)

1 Nyeri akut (D.0077) b.d agen pencedera fisik Rabu, 3 Nopember
(pelaksanaan kuret) d.d Klien tampak meringis saat
nyerinya muncul, Klien tampak lemas, P : keluarnya
hasil konsepsi, Q : seperti kram, R : abdomen bawah,
S : skala nyeri 4, T : saat beraktivitas, TD : 110/80
mmHg, N : 80x/menit, RR : 20x/menit, S : 36,5°C,
Klien mengatakan nyeri pada bagian perut bawah S.Kep.
disertai dengan keluarnya dara sedikit dei sedikit,
Klien mengatakan nyeri hilang timbul, Nyeri seperti
kram, Nyeri dirasakan 5-10 menit, Klien hanya
berbaring untuk meredakan nyeri yang dirasakan.
2 Hipovolemia (D.0023) b.d kehilangan cairan aktif d.d Rabu, 3 Nopember
Klien tampak pucat, Konjungtiva anemis, Klien
tampak lemah, Bibir klien tampak kering, Turgor kulit
menurun, Nadi teraba lemah, N : 80 x/menit, Volume
urin menurun, Klien mengatakan sudah 2 hari keluar
bercak dan gumpalan darahpada vagina, Klien
mengatakan sering merasa haus, Klien merasa lemah S.Kep.

1 Rabu/ 03 Nyeri Akut (D.0077) Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan Manajemen Nyeri (I.08238)
selama 1 x 2 jam keluhan nyeri akut Observasi
2021/ 11.00
WIB menurun dengan kriteria : 1. Identifikasi lokasi, karakteristik, durasi,
Tingkat Nyeri (L.08066) frekuensi, kualitas, intensitas nyeri Afni,
1. Keluhan nyeri menurun 2. Identifikasi skala nyeri S.Kep.
2. Meringis menurun 3. Identifikasi respon nonverbal
3. Kesulitan tidur menurun 4. Monitor keberhasilan terapi
4. Uterus teraba membulat menurun komplementer yang diberikan
5. Frekuensi nadi membaik 5. Monitor efek samping penggunaan
6. Pola napas membaik analgesik
7. Tekanan darah membaik Terapeutik
6. Berikan teknik nonfarmakologis untuk
mengurangi rasa nyeri
7. Kontrol lingkungan yang memeperberat
rasa nyeri
8. Fasilitasi istirahat dan tidur
9. Ajarkan teknik nonfarmakologis
mengurangi rasa nyeri
10. Kolaborasi pemberian analgetik, jika
2 Rabu/ 03 Hipovolemia (D.0023) Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan Manajemen Hipovolemia (I.03116)
November selama 1 x 24 jam keluhan Observasi
2021/ 11.30
hipovolemia menurun dengan kriteria : 1. Periksa tanda dan gejala hipovolemia
Status Cairan (L.03028) 2. Monitor intake dan output cairan Afni,
1. Kekuatan nadi meningkat Terapeutik S.Kep.
2. Turgor kulit meningkat 3. Hitung kebutuhan cairan
3. Perasaan lemah meningkat 4. Berikan posisi modified trendelenburg
4. Suhu tubuh membaik 5. Berikan asupan cairan oral
5. Keluhan haus menurun Edukasi
6. Tekanan darah membaik 6. Anjurkan memperbanyak asupan cairan
7. Anjurkan menghindari perubahan posisi
8. Kolaborasi pemberian cairan IV isotonis
9. Kolaborasi pemberia cairan IV
10. Kolaborasi pemberian cairan koloid
11. Kolaborasi pemberian produk darah


Rabu/3-11- 1 Mengidentifikasi lokasi, karakteristik, durasi, Nyeri dibagian perut bawah, nyerinya
21/11.45 WIB frekuensi, kualitas, intensitas nyeri seperti kram, durasinya ± 5-10menit,
nyerinya hilang timbul, nyeri bertambah
ketika pasien duduk.
Rabu/3-11- Mengidentifikasi skala nyeri skala nyeri 4 (sedang)
21/11.47 WIB

Rabu/3-11- Mengidentifikasi respon nonverbal klien merasa tidak nyaman dengan nyeri
21/11.48 WIB yang dirasakan

Rabu/3-11- Mengajarkan teknik nonfarmakologis mengurangi rasa Keluarga dan klien memahami teknik
21/11.53 WIB nyeri pengurangan rasa nyeri dengan aurikular
akupressur yang telah diajarkan
Rabu/3-11- Mengontrol lingkungan yang memperberat rasa nyeri Mengatur suhu ruangan agar klien merasa
21/11.55 WIB nyaman

Rabu/3-11- Memberikan teknik nonfarmakologis untuk Klien merasa nyeri yang dirasakan
21/11.57 WIB mengurangi rasa nyeri (aurikular akupressur) berkurang dengan teknik aurikular
akupresur yang diberikan
Rabu/3-11- Memfasilitasi istirahat dan tidur Klien mulai tertidur setelah nyeri yang
21/12.08 WIB dirasakan mereda
Rabu/3-11- Mengolaborasi pemberian analgetik Memberikan asam mefenamat 3x1
21/12.10 WIB

Kamis/4-11- 1 1. Mengidentifikasi lokasi, karakteristik, durasi, Nyeri dibagian perut bawah, nyerinya
21/08.00 WIB seperti kram, durasinya ± 3-5menit,
frekuensi, kualitas, intensitas nyeri
nyerinya hilang timbul

Kamis/4-11- 2. Mengidentifikasi skala nyeri Skala nyeri 3

21/08.02 WIB

Kamis/4-11- 3. Mengidentifikasi respon nonverbal klien tampak sedikit mengerutkan wajah

21/08.05 WIB saat nyerinya muncul

Kamis/4-11- 4. Memonitor keberhasilan terapi komplementer Klien merasa terapi yang diberikan
21/08.07 WIB yang diberikan berhasil mengurangi nyei yang dirasakan.

Kamis/4-11- 5. Memonitor efek samping penggunaan analgesik Klien tidak mengalami efek samping dari
21/08.08 WIB asam mefenamat yang diberikan.

Kamis/4-11- 6. Memberikan teknik nonfarmakologis untuk Klien merasa nyeri yang dirasakan
21/08.10 WIB mengurangi rasa nyeri (aurikular akupressur) berkurang dengan teknik aurikular
akupresur yang diberikan
Rabu/03-11- 1 S:
21/12.10 WIB Klien mengatakan nyeri pada bagian perut
bawah disertai dengan keluarnya darah sedikit
demi sedikit, nyerinya hilang timbul, Nyerinya
dirasakan seperti kram, Skala nyeri 4 ( sedang ) Afni,
Lokasi nyerinya menetap, Lamanya nyeri
dirasakan ± 5-10 menit
Klien tampak meringis saat nyerinya muncul,
Klien tampak lemas
P : Keluarnya hasil konsepsi
Q : seperti kram
R : Abdomen bawah
S : Skala nyeri 4 ( sedang )
T : pada saat beraktivitas
TD : 110/80mmHg
N : 80x/menit
P : 20x/menit
S: 36,5 °C
A : masalah nyeri akut belum teratasi
P : Lanjutkan Intervensi 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
 Mengidentifikasi lokasi, karakteristik,
durasi, frekuensi, kualitas, intensitas nyeri
 Mengidentifikasi skala nyeri
 Mengidentifikasi respon nonverbal
 Memonitor keberhasilan terapi
komplementer yang diberikan
 Memonitor efek samping penggunaan
 Memberikan teknik nonfarmakologis untuk
mengurangi rasa nyeri (aurikular
Klien dan keluarga bersedia melakukan terapi
komplementer yang telah diajarkan saat nyeri
Kamis/04-11- 2 S:
21/09.00 WIB Klien mengatakan masih nyeri pada bagian
perut bawah disertai dengan keluarnya darah
sedikit demi sedikit, nyerinya hilang timbul,
Nyerinya dirasakan seperti kram, Skala nyeri 3 Afni,
( ringan ) Lokasi nyerinya menetap, Lamanya
nyeri dirasakan ± 5-10 menit
Klien tampak meringis saat nyerinya muncul,
Skala nyeri 3 ( ringan ),
P : Keluarnya hasil konsepsi
Q : seperti kram
R : Abdomen bawah
S : Skala nyeri 3 ( ringan )
T : pada saat beraktivitas
TD : 110/70mmHg
N : 80x/menit
P : 20x/menit
S: 36°C
A : masalah nyeri akut belum teratasi
P : Lanjutkan Intervensi 1, 2, 3.
 Mengidentifikasi lokasi, karakteristik,
durasi, frekuensi, kualitas, intensitas nyeri
 Mengidentifikasi skala nyeri
 Mengidentifikasi respon nonverbal
Klien masih melakukan terapi komplementer
yang telah diajarkan jika nyeri muncul.

Auriculotherapy untuk mengobati rasa sakit menggunakan area anatomi yang telah
ditentukan di telinga yang sesuai dengan morfologi tubuh. Kemungkinan besar metodologi
akupunktur terdiri dari lima titik akupunktur aurikularis, mendukung pemrosesan dan
modulasi nyeri di Sistem Saraf Pusat yang melibatkan hipotalamus, thalamus, cingulate
gyrus, dan struktur korteks serebral. Akupunktur memiliki potensi untuk melengkapi anestesi
lokal dengan memberikan efek analgesik dan ansiolitik tambahan dan sinergis. Pengobatan
tradisional Tiongkok telah menempatkan lebih dari 360 titik akupunktur di seluruh tubuh.
Tekanan, tusuk jarum atau listrik dapat merangsang titik akupuntur ini.
Percobaan acak, tersamar ganda, tiga lengan ini mendaftarkan wanita yang menjalani
aspirasi uterus untuk aborsi spontan atau diinduksi. Peserta penelitian diacak 1:1:1 untuk
menerima akupunktur aurikularis, plasebo, atau perawatan biasa saja. Peserta di semua
kelompok menerima ibuprofen dan blok paraservikal (perawatan biasa). Hasil utama adalah
nyeri maksimum yang dilaporkan pada akhir prosedur yang diukur menggunakan Skala
Analog Visual; kami membandingkan mereka yang menerima akupunktur aurikularis dengan
mereka yang menerima perawatan biasa saja. Kami juga membandingkan akupunktur telinga
dengan plasebo dan plasebo dengan perawatan biasa saja. Akhirnya, kami membandingkan
skor kecemasan maksimum antara peserta yang diacak dengan akupunktur auricular, plasebo,
dan perawatan biasa saja. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 94% wanita yang menjalani
akupunktur menilai perawatan mereka secara keseluruhan baik atau sangat baik dibandingkan
dengan 76% pada kelompok perawatan biasa; 63% pada kelompok akupunktur dibandingkan
dengan 48% pada kelompok perawatan biasa menilai "sejauh mana rasa sakit saya
dikendalikan" sebagai baik atau sangat baik.
Selain itu, akupunktur aurikularis secara efektif mengurangi kecemasan, yang dikenal
sebagai modulator nyeri yang dirasakan. Mengingat hasil yang menjanjikan ini,
mengeksplorasi kemanjuran protokol ini untuk mengelola rasa sakit dan kecemasan yang
terkait dengan prosedur ginekologi lainnya seperti pemasangan alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim
dan aborsi medis akan bermanfaat (Ndubisi dkk., 2019).

Hartika, W. 2019. Karya Tulis Ilmiah Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Klien Ny. W Yang
Mengalami Abortus Inkomplit Dengan Masalah Keperawatan Nyeri Di Ruangan Nuri
Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Makassar. Akademi Keperawatan Mappa Oudang Makassar.

Ndubisi, C., A. Danvers, M. A. Gold, L. Morrow, dan C. L. Westhoff. 2019. Auricular

acupuncture as an adjunct for pain management during first trimester abortion: a
randomized, double-blinded, three arm trial. Contraception. 99(3):143–147.
Contraception 99 (2019) 143–147

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Original research article

Auricular acupuncture as an adjunct for pain management during first

trimester abortion: a randomized, double-blinded, three arm trial☆,☆☆
Chioma Ndubisi a,1, Antoinette Danvers a,1, Melanie A. Gold b,c, Lisa Morrow d, Carolyn L. Westhoff a,c,⁎
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC), NY, NY
Dept. of Pediatrics, CUIMC
Heilbrunn Dept. of Population & Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health, CUIMC
Montefiore Medical Group, Bronx, NY 10458

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objectives: To assess pain-management using auricular acupuncture as an adjunct to ibuprofen and paracervical
Received 3 August 2018 block during first trimester uterine aspiration, and to assess auricular acupuncture's effect on anxiety.
Received in revised form 16 November 2018 Study design: This randomized, double-blinded, three-arm trial enrolled women undergoing uterine aspiration
Accepted 18 November 2018 for spontaneous or induced abortion. Study participants were randomized 1:1:1 to receive auricular acupuncture,
placebo, or usual care alone. Participants in all groups received ibuprofen and paracervical block (usual care). The
main outcome was maximum pain reported at the end of the procedure measured using a Visual Analog Scale;
Auricular acupuncture
we compared those receiving auricular acupuncture to those receiving usual care alone. We also compared au-
Pain ricular acupuncture to placebo and placebo to usual care alone. Finally, we compared the maximum anxiety
Anxiety scores between participants randomized to auricular acupuncture, placebo, and usual care alone.
Randomized controlled trial Results: We randomized 153 women over 9 months, and analyzed 52 participants in the auricular acupuncture
group, 49 in the placebo group, and 49 in the usual care group. The groups had similar baseline characteristics.
After uterine aspiration, participants reported median maximum pain scores as follows: auricular acupuncture
39.5 (interquartile range (IQR) 11, 64.5), placebo 70.0 (IQR 40.5, 84), and usual care alone 71.0 (IQR 32, 91.5)
(pb0.01). In pairwise comparisons, the median maximum pain score after auricular acupuncture was lower
than placebo and usual-care groups (pb0.01 for both). Post-procedure median anxiety scores were 11.5, 31.0
and 44.0, respectively (p=.01).
Conclusions: Women undergoing first trimester uterine aspiration assigned to auricular acupuncture reported
substantially less pain and anxiety than women assigned to placebo or usual care.
Implications: Auricular acupuncture may be a useful adjunct to ibuprofen and paracervical block during first tri-
mester uterine aspiration. This approach to managing pain and anxiety could avoid the operational complexities
and expenses of sedation and opioid use.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.

1. Introduction analgesics [2], but patients receiving these interventions still experience
moderate pain [3–5].
Of the estimated 900,000 abortions performed in the United Moderate sedation and general anesthesia decrease pain, compared
States in 2014, 90% were 1st trimester abortions [1]. Most aspiration to paracervical block and NSAIDs [5], but limited availability of these
abortions are performed in an outpatient setting with a paracervical medications and personnel to administer them, as well as higher
block and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) as the only costs, risks, side effects, and delayed recovery time hinder their
use [2]. Thus, pain control during first trimester abortions requires fur-
ther research [6].
☆ Funding: The Society of Family Planning Research Fund supported this study. Pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic adjuncts to local anesthesia
☆☆ Conflicts of Interest: CN – None. AD – consultant – Cooper Surgical. MAG: Afaxys – might decrease pain during aspiration procedures. Premedication with
Clinical Advisory Board, Bayer – Consultant, Oxford University Press. LM – None. CLW – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) is well established to
consultant to Merck, Bayer, Cooper Surgical, Agile Therapeutics; research support from improve pain control, but lorazepam, hydrocodone, acetaminophen,
Estetra SPRL, Leon Farma and Medicines360, all managed through Columbia University.
⁎ Corresponding author.
and oral midazolam administered prior to or during the procedure do
E-mail address: (C.L. Westhoff). not effectively mitigate or reduce pain [5,7–9]. Renner [5] found that
Current affiliation: NYU Langone Hospital- Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY. hypnosis and relaxation exercises did not change reported procedural
0010-7824/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
144 C. Ndubisi et al. / Contraception 99 (2019) 143–147

pain. One study found music was associated with less reported pain At enrollment, we collected demographic information, pregnancy
during abortion [10], but two trials did not reproduce this result [11,12]. history, and acupuncture history (ever/never). Participants completed
Offering a range of adjuncts to local anesthesia had little effect on 100-mm visual analog scales (VAS) to report baseline pain and anxiety
abortion-associated pain [13]. Thus, pain during first trimester abortions level (0-mm = no pain/anxiety, 100-mm = worst pain/anxiety) [21].
remains sub-optimally managed. VAS as an anxiety scale measure is correlated with measures
Acupuncture has the potential to complement local anesthesia by from Spielberger's State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) [22]. Participants
providing additional and synergistic analgesic and anxiolytic effects. entered their baseline information and VAS scores into a pre-
Traditional Chinese medicine has located over 360 acupuncture points programmed electronic tablet from which all information was transmit-
throughout the body. Pressure, needling or electricity can stimulate ted directly into the study REDCap database.
these acupoints [14], and using acupuncture might attenuate the per- After completing enrollment activities, participants continued with
ception of painful stimuli and anxiety. Peripheral stimulation of their usual clinical care, undergoing a pelvic examination, an ultrasound
acupoints mobilizes central neuropeptides involved in the pathway of for gestational dating, and signing the procedure consent with the phy-
anxiety and stress. Acupuncture also activates opioid receptors, de- sician conducting the procedure. After the procedure consent was
creases COX-2 activity, and decreases inflammation, thereby inducing signed, the interventionist opened a sequentially numbered, sealed,
analgesia [15]. While acupuncture effects on abortion pain have not opaque envelope containing the treatment group assignment without
been studied, dysmenorrhea may be a related type of pain. A meta- disclosing the assignment to the participant, research staff, or procedure
analysis evaluated randomized controlled trials of acupuncture for dys- staff. The three groups were: auricular acupuncture plus usual care, pla-
menorrhea relief and found that acupuncture was more effective than cebo plus usual care, or usual care alone. Study staff not involved in par-
NSAIDs alone [16]. A 2016 Cochrane review also reported some evi- ticipant recruitment determined the 1:1:1 allocation in blocks of 6 using
dence of acupuncture benefiting dysmenorrhea; however, the quality a random number table.
of evidence was low [17]. The interventionist followed a script to describe the intervention to
Auriculotherapy consists of stimulating designated acupoints on the participants randomized to receive auricular acupuncture or placebo.
external ear with needles, pressure, laser, or electrical stimulation to To maintain blinding, the interventionist script noted (correctly) that
alleviate pain in other parts of the body [18]. Some points correspond the needles may not be felt [23]. After cleaning both ears with alcohol,
to specific internal organs to induce analgesia, while other auricular the interventionist placed Pyonex™ press needles 0.2 mm in diameter
acupoints decrease anxiety, and modulate pain perception and nausea x 1.2 mm in length on a 12-mm adhesive base (Seirin Corp. Shizuoka,
[15,19]. A meta-analysis assessed 13 auriculotherapy pain management Japan). The interventionist placed the needles bilaterally, out of the
randomized trials that included a wide range of diagnoses (total N= view of the participant, using the Gold protocol acupoints [cingulate
806) [20]. Most of the included studies treated chronic pain or non- gyrus, thalamus, Point Zero, Shen Men, Cervix (only left ear), Uterus C
gynecological post-operative pain; one study treated dysmenorrhea. (only right ear)]. An image of left and right ears demonstrates these
The overall effect estimate supported substantial pain reduction, but points (Fig. 1).
the studies exhibited heterogeneity (I2 = 95%), and in several studies For the placebo group participants, after similarly preparing both
the patient or the assessor was not blinded. ears, the interventionist placed three to four 12-mm adhesives, out of
Auriculotherapy to treat pain uses pre-specified anatomic areas in the view of the participant, onto flat surfaces of each ear. The interven-
the ear corresponding to body morphology. Most likely the battlefield tion required about 3–5 min and the interventionist spent approxi-
acupuncture methodology, consisting of five auricular acupuncture mately the same amount of time with both acupuncture and control-
points, favors processing and modulation of pain in the Central Nervous group participants. The interventionist then placed a surgical cap to
System involving the hypothalamus, thalamus, cingulate gyrus and ce- cover the ears of participants in all three groups, and exited the proce-
rebral cortex structures. We hypothesized that auricular acupuncture, dure room. Two individuals performed all interventions: a licensed
using the Gold Protocol (see Appendix A), as an adjunct to a paracervical acupuncturist (LM) or an obstetrician-gynecologist (CN). Abortion pro-
block and NSAIDs would minimize pain (and anxiety) compared to pain viders were not present during the intervention, and thus, they
in women receiving paracervical block and NSAIDs alone during first tri- remained blinded to group assignments. We maintained participant
mester uterine aspiration. blinding in the acupuncture and placebo groups, although participants
randomized to the ‘usual care’ arm of the study were aware of their
2. Methods assignment.
All participants underwent uterine aspiration by an attending gyne-
This randomized, parallel-group, double-blinded, three-arm trial cologist, family planning fellow, or gynecology resident. All patients re-
took place at a single abortion practice at Columbia University Irving ceived ibuprofen 800 mg orally about an hour before the procedure, and
Medical Center (CUIMC). The CUIMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) received a paracervical block with lidocaine 1% 20 mL immediately
approved the study protocol and the study is registered with before the procedure. Uterine aspiration was performed at gestational (NCT03391986). A single-arm pilot study, conducted ages less than or equal to 13 0/7 weeks.
in 2015 with 37 patients in the same setting assessed feasibility, Immediately following procedure completion, defined as speculum
workflow, and acceptability, and gave us experience using the Gold pro- removal, the interventionist returned to ask the participant to use the
tocol prior to this randomized controlled study. tablet to record her maximum pain and anxiety scores using the same
Eligible women were age 18 and older, English- or Spanish-speaking, 100-mm VAS as at baseline. Participants responded to satisfaction ques-
had pregnancies less than or equal to 13 0/7 weeks gestation, were tions with a Likert scale ranging from 1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very
seeking first trimester uterine aspiration, and were willing to be random- satisfied and participants also reported which treatment they believed
ized to receive auricular acupuncture, placebo, or usual care. Exclusion they had received. After data collection, the interventionist removed
criteria included congenital anomalies of the ear, and allergies or contra- all Pyonex™ needles or placebo adhesives. Participants received $25
indications to adhesives, ibuprofen, or lidocaine. for participation in the study.
After approval from the attending physician, as our IRB required, a The primary study objective was to evaluate auricular acupuncture
bilingual research assistant approached women after clinic registration, effectiveness as an adjunct to ibuprofen and paracervical block
explained the study, and obtained written consent. Enrollment occurred for pain control during first trimester uterine aspiration. We compared
in a private waiting room area immediately following registration so the maximum pain score, measured by VAS, between women random-
that clinic flow would have minimal interruption and participation in ized to receive auricular acupuncture plus usual care and women
the study would not prolong participant visit time. randomized to usual care alone. We also compared maximum pain
C. Ndubisi et al. / Contraception 99 (2019) 143–147 145

Fig. 1. Acupoints stimulated during this study of first-trimester aspiration abortion. White dots represent visible points on the outer ear surface and red squares represent points on the
inner ear surface. Each participant underwent stimulation of all 10 points.

scores between auricular acupuncture versus placebo, and placebo ver- usual-care group to be 60 with a standard deviation of 25. To detect a
sus usual care. Finally, we compared maximum anxiety scores with the difference of at least 15-mm with 80% power and a two-sided alpha of
same group comparisons: auricular acupuncture versus usual care, au- 0.05, this study required at least 43 analyzable participants per study
ricular acupuncture versus placebo, and placebo versus usual care. group. We expected that approximately 20% of participants, enrolled
We sought to identify a between-group difference in maximum pain in the waiting room, would not have an aspiration procedure the
score that would be clinically relevant: at least 15-mm on a 100-mm same day. Thus, we over-enrolled by 20% in anticipation of these losses.
VAS [21]. Guerrero el al [11], evaluated music as an adjunct to a The focus of the primary analysis was the difference in maximum
paracervical block that also used lidocaine 1% 20 mL during first trimes- pain score between groups. Group assignments remained blinded
ter surgical abortion, and reported the mean maximum pain score in the throughout the analysis. We used IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows,

Assessed for eligibility


Not Enrolled Enrolled but Not Randomized

Declined to participate (n=98) +Excluded due to no procedure (n=24)
Excluded due to ibuprofen allergy (n=3) Acupuncturist not available (n=2)


Acupuncture + usual
Placebo + usual care Usual Care Alone
(n=50) (n=50)

*Excluded (n=1) *Excluded (n=1) *Excluded (n=1)

Final Analysis Final Analysis Final Analysis

(n=52) (n=49) (n=49)

Fig. 2. Participant flow chart for trial of women randomized to acupuncture plus usual care*, placebo plus usual care, or usual care alone during first trimester abortion (N=153). ⁎Usual
care consisted of ibuprofen 800 mg orally 1 h before the procedure and a paracervical block immediately prior to the procedure. +A procedure was not performed if participants had a
complete abortion, declined an office procedure, or wanted more time to consider her plan. *1 participant excluded from the usual care group due to a randomization error; 1
participant each from the remaining groups excluded due to a procedure not being completed after randomization.
146 C. Ndubisi et al. / Contraception 99 (2019) 143–147

Table 1 Twenty-six women who enrolled did not undergo randomization be-
Baseline characteristics of women randomized to acupuncture plus usual care, placebo cause either no procedure took place or no interventionist was available
plus usual care, or usual care alone during first trimester abortion (N=153).
at the time of the procedure (Fig. 2). Thus, we randomized 153 partici-
Variable Acupuncture Placebo Usual Care pants. We excluded three women, one in each group, after randomiza-
(n=53) (n=50) (n=50) tion. The final analysis included 150 participants: 52 participants in
Age (y), mean ± SD 31.0±6.8 28.7±6.9 30.9±7.6 the auricular acupuncture group, 49 in the placebo group, and 49 in
Parity, n (%) the usual care group (Fig. 2). Study enrollment occurred from August
0 21 (40) 16 (32) 17 (34)
2017 to May 2018.
1 12 (22) 18 (36) 13 (26)
2+ 20 (38) 16 (32) 20 (40) The baseline characteristics of the participants in all three groups
Pregnancy type were similar (Table 1). Participants ranged in age from 18–45 years
Induced abortion 39 (74) 34 (68) 33 (66) old, most identified as Hispanic (79%), and were insured by Medicaid
Spontaneous abortion 14 (26) 16 (32) 17 (34) (82%). Sixty-nine percent presented for induced abortion and 31% pre-
Race/ethnicity, n (%)
Hispanic 43 (81) 39 (78) 39 (78)
sented for care of a spontaneous abortion. Self-reported history of anx-
Non-Hispanic White 6 (11) 4 (8) 5 (10) iety or depression was uncommon (10.5% and 12.4% respectively).
Non-Hispanic Black 1 (2) 5 (10) 4 (8) Thirty percent reported any previous acupuncture use. Table 1 presents
Other* 3 (6) 2 (4) 2 (4) the baseline pain and anxiety scores.
Insurance, n (%)
The median maximum pain scores between the auricular acupunc-
Medicaid 43 (81) 41 (82) 41 (82)
Commercial 10 (19) 9 (18) 9 (18) ture, placebo, and usual care groups were meaningfully different [39.5
Education, n (%) (IQR 11, 64.5); 70.0 (IQR 40.5, 84); 71.0 (IQR 32, 91.5), respectively,
bHigh school 11 (20) 8 (16) 10 (20) pb0.01] (Table 2). The auricular acupuncture group median pain score
Completed high school 12 (23) 20 (40) 12 (24) was 31.5 mm lower than the usual care group, and similarly lower
Some college 12 (23) 12 (24) 12 (24)
than the placebo group. The auricular acupuncture group also reported
Bachelor or more 18 (34) 10 (20) 16 (32)
Employment⁎⁎, n (%) lower anxiety scores compared to both placebo and usual care groups
Working 30 (56) 30 (60) 22 (45) [11.5 (IQR 0.25, 30); 31.0 (IQR 2.0, 68.5); 44.0 (IQR 2.5, 80); respec-
School 3 (6) 4 (8) 7 (14) tively, p=.01] (Table 2).
Both 4 (8) 4 (8) 5 (5)
Pain and anxiety scores were highly similar whether the participants
Neither 16 (30) 12 (24) 15 (34)
Anxiety history⁎⁎, n (%) 5 (9) 7 (14) 4 (8)
received care from an interventionist who was a licensed acupuncturist
Depression history⁎⁎, n (%) 5 (9) 10 (20) 4 (8) or a gynecologist (data not shown). Results were also similar among
Acupuncture history, n (%) 20 (38) 10 (20) 16 (32) Spanish-speaking and English-speaking participants. Finally, results
Baseline pain, median (IQR) 0 (0, 5) 0 (0, 5) 0.0 (0, 44) were similar stratifying for diagnosis (spontaneous abortion versus in-
Baseline anxiety, median 50 (25–65) 50 (20–52) 50 (10–70)
duced abortion). We identified no acupuncture-related adverse events.
At exit from the study, 94% of women who underwent acupuncture
Includes women who self-identified as Asian (4), Hawaiian (1), Native American (3).
rated their overall care as good or very good compared to 76% in the
IQR – interquartile range.
⁎⁎ One woman declined to report employment history in the usual care group; one usual care group; 63% in the acupuncture group compared to 48% in
woman declined to report history of anxiety in the acupuncture group; two women de- the usual care group rated the “degree to which my pain was con-
clined to report history of depression in the acupuncture group. trolled” as good or very good.
About three-quarters of the 99 participants in both the acupuncture
(78%) and placebo (73%) groups correctly identified their treatment as-
version 24 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) to evaluate categorical variables signment. English-speaking women were more likely to identify their
with the Pearson chi-square test or Fisher's Exact test; for VAS treatment as placebo (63%), and Spanish-speaking participants were
scores, we used both non-parametric testing (Kruskal-Wallis and more likely to identify their treatment as acupuncture (68%). Within
Mann–Whitney tests) as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA). Due to the acupuncture treatment group, women who incorrectly guessed
VAS scores being non-normally distributed, we report median scores the treatment was placebo had higher pain scores than women who
as the primary outcome, but for ease of comparison with other studies, correctly guessed their treatment was acupuncture. Conversely, within
we also report mean scores in the Supplementary Table. the placebo group, participants who incorrectly guessed their treatment
was acupuncture had lower pain scores than women who correctly
guessed they had received placebo. These subgroup differences are
3. Results not suitable for statistical analysis because the subgroups are quite
small. Those who actually received acupuncture had lower pain scores
The study staff screened 280 women. One hundred one women de- than women who received placebo, no matter what they believed
clined participation, or were ineligible due to an allergy to ibuprofen. they had received.

Table 2
Pain and anxiety scores recorded immediately following first-trimester abortion among women randomized to acupuncture plus usual care, placebo plus usual care, or usual care alone

Variable Acupuncture (n=52) Placebo (n=49) Usual Care⁎ (n=49) p-value⁎⁎

Pain (mm on VAS)

Maximum pain, median (IQR) 39.5 (11, 63) 70.0 (1, 81) 71.0 (33, 90) b0.01
Change⁎⁎⁎ from baseline (IQR) +21.0 (1.5, 52.5) 51.0 (23, 79) 47.0 (20, 74) .01
Anxiety (mm on VAS)
Maximum anxiety, median (IQR) 11.5 (0.5, 30) 31 (2, 67) 44.0 (3, 80) .01
Change from baseline (IQR) −27.5 (−50, 2) 0 (−30, 10) 2.0 (−10, 30) b0.01

VAS – Visual analog scale, IQR = interquartile range.

⁎ Usual care included ibuprofen and paracervical block for all participants.
⁎⁎ p-value obtained by Kruskal-Wallis Test.
⁎⁎⁎ Change calculated as (post procedure pain – pre procedure pain) or (post procedure anxiety – pre procedure anxiety).
C. Ndubisi et al. / Contraception 99 (2019) 143–147 147

4. Discussion References
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pressure would not be subject to the level of regulation that can prevent
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Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.


The authors would like to thank Yongmei Huan, MD MPH for biosta-
tistical support, Grete King for illustration, and Margaret Carrasco Arias,
Isha Desai, MPH, and Yessica Estrella Vanderpool for research assistance.

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