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Major Accident Hazard (MAH)
Safety Critical Element (SEC)
Performance Standard (PS)
• Identifikasi MAH (Major Accident Hazard)  merupakan titik awal untuk memahami,
mengukur, dan mengelola risiko dalam upaya mengurangi risiko menjadi ALARP (As Low
As Reasonable Practicable)

• Definisi paling umum (UK Legislation) MAH:

• kebakaran, ledakan atau pelepasan zat berbahaya yang mengakibatkan kematian
atau cedera serius pada satu (1) atau beberapa orang di instalasi atau yang terlibat
dalam kegiatan operasional
• segala peristiwa yang mengakibatkan kerusakan besar pada struktur instalasi atau
pabrik atau dampak kepada lingkungan
• segala peristiwa lain yang timbul dari aktivitas kerja yang mengakibatkan kematian
atau cedera serius pada lima (5) orang atau lebih pada instalasi atau terlibat dalam
suatu aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan itu.

• ALARP mengurangi risiko yang terkait dengan MAH dengan mendefinisikan Sistem Kritis
Keselamatan (Safety Critical System) dan desain sistem tersebut untuk mencapai ALARP.

• Sesi Identifikasi MAH biasanya harus dilakukan sejak awal dalam suatu proyek, selama
Fase Dasar Konsep atau Desain.
• Definition of Major Accident

“Major Accident” means an incident involving loss of life inside or outside the site or

ten (10) or more injuries inside and/or one or more injuries outside or release of toxic

chemical or explosion or fire of spillage of hazardous chemical resulting in ‘on-site’ or

‘off-site’ emergencies or damage to equipment leading to stoppage of process or

adverse effects to the environment.

• “Major Accident” adalah insiden yang melibatkan hilangnya nyawa di dalam atau di

luar lokasi, atau sepuluh (10) atau lebih cedera di dalam dan / atau satu atau lebih

cedera di luar atau melepaskan bahan kimia beracun atau ledakan atau kebakaran

tumpahan bahan kimia berbahaya yang mengakibatkan 'di tempat' keadaan darurat

'atau' di luar lokasi 'atau kerusakan pada peralatan yang mengarah pada penghentian

proses atau dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan.

Management MAH
• Prevention – design measures or safeguards that either eliminates / minimises
hazards or reduce their frequency or quantity / concentration;
• Detection – design measures or safeguards that facilitates the detection of
hazardous scenarios, departures from normal operating conditions or accident
• Control – design measures or safeguards that limits the extent / escalation potential
of an emergency or hazardous scenario, or departures from normal operating
• Mitigation – design measures or safeguards that protect people / critical systems at
the facility from hazardous scenarios or the environment during an emergency; and
• Emergency Response – design measures or safeguards that assist personnel to
respond in the event of an emergency.
SCE is defined as parts of an installation, including computer programs, the purpose of which is to
prevent or limit the consequences of a major accident event (MAE), or the failure that could cause
or contribute substantially to a major accident event.
SCE include structures, equipment or physical systems but exclude procedures, management
systems and personnel competency.
Performance Standard

• The Safety-Critical Element management involves the maintenance, inspection,

and testing, and performance history to maintain SCE in suitable working
conditions. Continual monitoring helps in the conformance and maintenance of
SCEs in proper working conditions.

• Performance standards are those documents that lay the foundation for the
expected performance from an SCE. A performance standard is typically defined
as a set of requirements that constitute the basis for assurance tasks for safety-
critical elements during design. Hence it is essential to develop and identify
performance standards for the identified SCEs during the engineering or design
PS Requirement

• Functionality - Criteria required for the system to meet its defined

overall role and define the objective of the SCE
• Availability/ Reliability - Measurement of the SCE’s state of readiness
to operate satisfactorily at any given time and its ability to operate on
• Survivability - The conditions under which the SCE will be required to
operate, i.e. if required to withstand the effects of a Major Accident
Hazard (MAH)

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