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Selama menjadi guru bantu di SMK Jawahirul Ulum Jabon Sidoarjo terdapat faktor yang

mempengaruhi nilai siswa pada mata pelajaran mesin bubut, yaitu: Siswa cenderung pasif dan malu
bertanya, beberapa siswa tidak memperhatikan, kurangnya pemahaman pada dasar teori mesin
bubut, hasil belajar siswa masih tergolong rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui respon
siswa terhadap metode pembelajaran peer teaching pada mata pelajaran mesin bubut kelas XI,
mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran mesin bubut kelas XI antara sebelum
dan sesudah adanya metode pembelajaran peer teaching, mengetahui keefektivan metode
pembelajaran peer teaching pada mata pelajaran mesin bubut kelas XI. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan
adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group design. Penelitian
ini menggunakan rancangan berupa pembagian objek menjadi dua kelas eksperimen. Pada kelas
kontrol diberikan perilaku menggunakan metode pembelajaran ceramah, sedangkan kelas
eksperimen diberikan metode pembelajaran peer teaching. Setelah dilakukan penelitian didapatkan
hasil sebagai berikut, yaitu: respon siswa terhadap metode pembelajaran peer teaching adalah sangat
baik karena diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,56, hasil belajar siswa setelah diberikan perlakuan
metode pembelajaran peer teaching dan dilakukan post-test meningkat sampai 100%, hasil perhitungan
N-gain menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas metode pembelajaran masuk dalam kategori sedang dengan
nilai sebesar 0,601. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, respon siswa terhadap metode
pembelajaran peer teaching sangat baik ditunjukkan dari suasana kelas yang aktif dan responsif, hasil
belajar siswa meningkat sampai 100% sehingga seluruh siswa pada kelas eksperimen mendapatkan
nilai di atas KKM, efektivitas penerapan metode pembelajaran peer teaching termasuk cukup efektif
dalam meningkatkan nilasi siswa.

Kata kunci: Metode Peer Teaching, Perbandingan Metode Pembelajaran, Metode Ceramah

While being an assistant teacher at SMK Jawahirul Ulum Jabon Sidoarjo there are factors that affect
student grades on lathe subjects, namely Students tend to be passive and shy to ask questions, some
students don't pay attention, lack of understanding on the basic theory of lathes, student learning
outcomes are still relatively low. The purpose of this study was to determine student responses to
peer teaching learning methods in class XI lathes, to find out differences in student learning outcomes
in class XI lathes between before and after the peer teaching learning method, to determine the
effectiveness of peer teaching learning methods in subjects class XI lathe lessons. The type of research
used is experimental research with a pretest-posttest control group design. This study used a design
in the form of dividing the object into two experimental classes. The control class was given behavior
using the lecture learning method, while the experimental class was given the peer teaching-learning
method. After conducting the research, the following results were obtained, namely: the student's
response to the peer teaching-learning method was very good because the average score was 3.56,
student learning outcomes after being treated with peer teaching-learning methods and post-testing
increased to 100%, the results of the N-gain calculation show that the effectiveness of the learning
method is in the moderate category with a value of 0.601. From the results of the study, it can be
concluded, that the student response to the peer teaching-learning method is very good, as indicated
by an active and responsive classroom atmosphere, and student learning outcomes increase to 100%
so that all students in the experimental class get scores above the KKM, the effectiveness of the
application of peer teaching-learning methods including quite effective in increasing student scores.

Keywords: Peer Teaching Method, Comparison of Learning Methods, Lecture Method

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