Anda di halaman 1dari 31









1.1 Latar Belakang

Dalam upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan, konsumen seringkali didorong oleh motif-motif

tertentu untuk memperoleh barang dan jasa yang mereka butuhkan. Motif konsumsi dalam

masyarakat modern lebih didasarkan pada motif emosional daripada rasional. Permasalahan

yang dihadapi masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dipenuhi dengan berbagai aktivitas

konsumsi. Konsumsi barang atau jasa membentuk gaya hidup tertentu dari kelompok status

tertentu, dan dasar untuk naik dari kelompok status. Seseorang di kelas atas cenderung

memiliki gaya hidup yang berbeda dengan seseorang di kelas bawah. Mereka yang berada di

kelas atas cenderung mengkonsumsi lebih banyak daripada mereka yang berada di kelas

bawah. Ketidakseimbangan konsumsi ini terjadi karena kelimpahan sumber daya memfasilitasi

pengeluaran, dan, jika pengeluaran tersebut adalah dilakukan tanpa dilandasi oleh rasionalitas

literasi ekonomi, perilaku konsumtif kemungkinan besar akan terjadi. Masyarakat pesisir

terkenal dengan karakternya yang keras. Karakter ini dibenarkan karena gaya hidup

masyarakat ini sangat bergantung pada alam. Secara karakteristik, masyarakat pesisir ini telah

memilih perikanan sebagai sumber pendapatan utama mereka.

Pada mayoritas masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia, sistem pendidikannya berbeda dengan

masyarakat perkotaan. Mayoritas masyarakat pesisir menganut pendidikan yang didasarkan

pada pengalaman hidup. Persekolahan formal di masyarakat pesisir sangat terbatas dan

didukung oleh fasilitas yang kurang memadai, menjadikan pendidikan di masyarakat pesisir

kurang berkualitas. Ditambah lagi dengan cara berpikir, budaya dan tekanan ekonomi. Isu-isu
tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat pemahaman (literasi) masyarakat tentang kebutuhan dasar,

kelangkaan sarana pemenuhan kebutuhan, prinsip-prinsip ekonomi, motif ekonomi dan

aktivitas ekonomi rendah, yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumsi. Kondisi sosial ekonomi

masyarakat pesisir dapat dinilai berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat

pendapatan, kepemilikan barang-barang berharga ekonomi, serta kualitas dan status tempat

tinggal (kepemilikan rumah). Masyarakat pesisir memiliki beberapa ciri, yaitu: (1) tingkat

pendidikan nelayan yang sangat rendah sehingga tidak ada pilihan pekerjaan selain

melanjutkan sebagai nelayan, (2) pendapatan nelayan (pendapatan harian) yang jumlahnya

tidak tetap, dengan pendapatan tergantung pada musim dan status nelayan, dan (3) nelayan erat

kaitannya dengan ekonomi barter dan produksi tidak terkait dengan makanan pokok.

Perilaku konsumsi masyarakat pesisir lebih konsumtif. Ketika pendapatan masyarakat ini

tinggi, maka pola konsumsi mereka juga tinggi. Namun, ketika pendapatan rendah, komunitas

ini bertahan hidup dengan menjual barang berharga mereka atau meminjam uang dengan

bunga tinggi. Berdasarkan perincian tersebut, diperoleh indikasi permasalahan yaitu,

bagaimana tingkat literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga mempengaruhi

perilaku konsumsi masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, tujuan dari penelitian

ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi

keluarga terhadap perilaku konsumsi masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia.

1.2 Tujuan

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Mengkaji pengaruh literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi terhadap kegiatan

konsumsi masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia

2. Menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat literasi masyarakat pesisir

3. Mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan ekspansi

ekonomi di wilayah pesisir

1.3 Manfaat

Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah menambah pengetahuan tentang bagaimana pengaruh

literasi terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir serta perkembangan kehidupan

masyarakat pesisir di masa kini.

1.4 Rumusan Masalah

Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah:

1. Apa pengaruh literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi terhadap kegiatan konsumsi

masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia ?

2. Apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat literasi masyarakat pesisir?

3. Apa saja faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan ekspansi ekonomi di

wilayah pesisir?


Melek ekonomi didefinisikan sebagai kompetensi dalam mengidentifikasi dan

mengevaluasi konsep-konsep ekonomi sebagai hal yang sangat berkaitan dengan keuangan

pribadi, ekonomi, dan sistem politik. Salemi (2005) menekankan literasi ekonomi bagi

kemampuan peserta didik untuk menerapkan konsep dasar ekonomi pada situasi yang relevan

dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Buckley (2013) mendefinisikan literasi ekonomi sebagai investasi

karena seseorang dengan literasi ekonomi yang baik akan mengelola akses ke standar pendidikan

dan kesejahteraan sosial yang meningkat secara signifikan, lebih peka terhadap ancaman

penipuan/manipulasi keuangan, dan menjadi semakin bijak dalam mengambil keputusan

keuangan. Literasi ekonomi harus mendapat perhatian serius karena kaitannya dengan kemampuan

seseorang untuk memahami ekonomi secara keseluruhan, yang mempengaruhi kemampuan

seseorang untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup seseorang. Seseorang yang tidak memiliki literasi

ekonomi yang memadai akan gagal mengelola uangnya, dapat terjebak dalam hutang dan

mengalami berbagai masalah dalam mengembangkan karir.

Berdasarkan pendapat tersebut, literasi ekonomi memungkinkan seseorang untuk

memahami konsep ekonomi dengan cukup baik untuk membuat pilihan cerdas berdasarkan

pengetahuan tentang kebutuhan dasar, kelangkaan sarana pemenuhan kebutuhan, prinsip ekonomi,

motif ekonomi dan kegiatan ekonomi. Literasi ekonomi memainkan peran penting dalam membuat

pilihan cerdas. Menurut Sitorus (2000) status sosial menentukan posisi individu dalam masyarakat.

Status sosial didasarkan pada diferensiasi masyarakat ke dalam kelas-kelas vertikal menurut

kekayaan. Kondisi sosial ekonomi, khususnya kelas ekonomi, biasanya digunakan untuk

menciptakan lapisan masyarakat berdasarkan elemen ekonomi. Berdasarkan pendapat Sitorus,

kelas sosial ekonomi membentuk status atau kedudukan individu dalam masyarakat. Dengan kata

lain, diferensiasi vertikal masyarakat ke dalam kelas-kelas diwujudkan dengan adanya tingkatan

sosial mulai dari yang tinggi sampai yang rendah berdasarkan kekayaan. Menurut Max Webber,

kondisi sosial ekonomi membagi masyarakat ke dalam kelas - kelas berdasarkan kepemilikan

tanah dan kepemilikan. Kelas-kelas tersebut adalah kelas atas, kelas menengah dan kelas bawah.

Pembagian masyarakat dengan cara ini masih memungkinkan seseorang dari kelas bawah naik ke

kelas atas, dan sebaliknya, seseorang dari kelas atas mungkin jatuh ke kelas bawah, tergantung

pada prestasi dan ketabahan orang itu.

Kondisi sosial ekonomi juga membedakan masyarakat menurut kepemilikan dan

penguasaan materi. Ada kategori orang berdasarkan kepemilikan kekayaan dan aktivitas ekonomi

yang menggunakan prestasi mereka. Dengan kata lain, pendapatan, pendidikan, kepemilikan

kekayaan dan pekerjaan membagi anggota suatu masyarakat ke dalam berbagai lapisan atau kelas

sosial dalam suatu masyarakat. Dengan demikian, kondisi sosial ekonomi seseorang merupakan

indikator status atau posisinya dalam masyarakat, berdasarkan diferensiasi vertikal masyarakat ke

dalam kelas ekonomi. Kondisi sosial ekonomi ditunjukkan oleh faktor-faktor seperti tingkat

pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pendapatan, kepemilikan barang-barang ekonomi dan

kepemilikan rumah.

Menurut Lamb et al.,(2001),yang menyatakan bahwa Perilaku konsumen merupakan suatu

proses bagi seorang pelanggan dalam mengambil keputusan pembelian, juga untuk menggunakan

dan membuang barang dan jasa yang dibelinya, dan juga termasuk faktor-faktor yang

mempengaruhi keputusan untuk membeli dan menggunakan suatu produk. Kemudian menurut

Umar (2003),Perilaku konsumen adalah “tindakan langsung dalam memperoleh, mengkonsumsi

dan menggunakan suatu produk dan jasa, termasuk proses pengambilan keputusan sebelumnya
dan tindakan selanjutnya”. Perilaku konsumen juga menginformasikan studi tentang proses

pengambilan keputusan yang menyelidiki mengapa konsumen membeli dan mengkonsumsi

produk (Griffin & Ebert, 2003). Berdasarkan definisi perilaku konsumen tersebut, dapat dikatakan

bahwa perilaku konsumen adalah perilaku dan aktivitas konsumsi yang diarahkan untuk

menemukan, mengatur, menukar, menyaring, menggunakan, dan mengevaluasi barang dan/atau

jasa untuk digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.




Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berdasarkan model desain survei

deskriptif korelasional untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara beberapa variabel penelitian, yaitu

literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga, sebagai variabel prediktor, dan perilaku

konsumsi sebagai kriteria variabel. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket,

observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.

3.1.1 Metode Pengumpulan Data

Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari data primer

dan data sekunder. Data Primer

Data primer diperoleh dengan cara berperan langsung dalam survey ke lapangan

mengenai pengaruh literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi terhadap kegiatan konsumsi

masyarakat pesisir sekunder

Data sekunder diperoleh melalui wawancara langsung dengan masyarakat sekitar, hasil

pengamatan di lapangan serta studi pustaka yang relevan dengan kegiatan di lapangan.


Hipotesis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah:

Ho : literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku

konsumsi masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia

H1 : literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumsi

masyarakat pesisir di Indonesia



4.1 Tingkat Literasi

Tingkat literasi ekonomi masyarakat pesisir disajikan pada tabel berikut.

Tabel 1

Deskriptif Tingkat Literasi Ekonomi Masyarakat Pesisir

No. Selang Kategori Frekuensi Persentase (%)

1. 35 – 40 Sangat tinggi 0 0.00

2. 27 – 34 Tinggi 0 0.00

3. 21 – 26 Sedang 60 35.29

4. 15 – 20 Rendah 110 64.71

5. 8 - 14 Sangat rendah 0 0.00

Total 170 100

Sumber:Kuesioner Penelitian, 2014

Tabel 1 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi ekonomi masyarakat pesisir tergolong

rendah, dengan nilai rata-rata 19,22 dan standar deviasi 2,99. Rendahnya tingkat literasi ekonomi

juga dibuktikan dengan menggunakan rumus persentase, menghasilkan angka interval 21%-40%

dalam kategori rendah. Oleh karena itu dapat ditunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pesisir memiliki

tingkat literasi ekonomi yang rendah mengenai kebutuhan dasar, kelangkaan sarana untuk

mengamankan kebutuhan, prinsip-prinsip ekonomi, motif ekonomi dan kegiatan ekonomi.

4.2 Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga

Kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga masyarakat pesisir disajikan pada tabel berikut.

Tabel 2

Deskriptif Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Keluarga Masyarakat Pesisir

No. Selang Kategori Frekuensi Persentase (%)

1. 26 - 30 Sangat tinggi 0 0,00

2. 21 - 25 Tinggi 0 0,00

3. 16 – 20 Sedang 0 0,00

4. 11 – 15 Rendah 32 18,82

5. 6 - 10 Sangat rendah 138 81,18

Total 170 100

Sumber:Kuesioner Penelitian, 2014

Tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga masyarakat pesisir sangat

rendah, dengan skor rata-rata 9,56 dan standar deviasi 1,31. Kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga

yang rendah tersebut juga dibuktikan dengan menggunakan rumus persentase yang

menghasilkan interval dari 21%-40% dalam kategori rendah. Dengan demikian, masyarakat

pesisir memiliki kondisi sosial ekonomi keluarga yang sangat rendah, dilihat dari tingkat

pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan, tingkat pendapatan, kepemilikan barang berharga ekonomi, dan

kepemilikan rumah.

4.3 Perilaku Konsumsi

Tingkat perilaku konsumsi masyarakat pesisir disajikan pada tabel berikut.

Tabel 3
Deskriptif Tingkat Perilaku Konsumsi Masyarakat Pesisir

No. Selang Kategori Frekuensi Persentase (%)

1. 26–30 Sangat tinggi 0 0,00
2. 21–25 Tinggi 0 0,00
3. 16–20 Sedang 114 67,06
4. 11–15 Rendah 56 32,94
5. 6–10 Sangat rendah 0 0,00
Total 170 100
Sumber data:Kuesioner Penelitian, 2014

Tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa tingkat perilaku konsumsi masyarakat pesisir tergolong

sedang, dengan nilai rata-rata 15,97 dan standar deviasi 1,14. Perilaku konsumsi tingkat

sedang ini juga dibuktikan dengan menggunakan rumus persentase yang menghasilkan

interval 41% - 60% dalam kategori sedang. Dengan demikian, dapat diamati bahwa
masyarakat pesisir memiliki perilaku konsumsi tingkat sedang, dilihat dari kepuasan

kebutuhan dasar menurut intensitas, penerapan prinsip ekonomi dalam konsumsi, motif

melakukan konsumsi, skala prioritas dalam konsumsi danselektivitas dalam konsumsi.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat literasi ekonomi masyarakat pesisir

tergolong rendah, yang ditunjukkan dengan tingkat pemahaman masyarakat pesisir tentang

kebutuhan dasar, kelangkaan sarana pemenuhan kebutuhan, prinsip ekonomi, motivasi

ekonomi dan kegiatan ekonomi. Dari 170 responden, 60 responden atau 35,29% termasuk

dalam kategori sedang, dan 110 responden atau 64,71% termasuk dalam kategori rendah,

tanpa ada responden yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi, tinggi, atau sangat rendah.

Hasil tersebut didukung oleh perhitungan persentase yang menghasilkan hasil sebesar 48,06%

(selang 21% - 40%, kategori rendah).

Hasil ini sejalan dengan pendapat Sina (2012) bahwa literasi ekonomi yang rendah

akan mempengaruhi karakteristik konsumsi suatu masyarakat. Indikasi lain dari rendahnya

literasi ekonomi adalah banyaknya kasus dan korban penipuan investasi. Fenomena lainnya

adalah rendahnya keinginan masyarakat Indonesia untuk menabung dan kecenderungan untuk

membelanjakan uang secara berlebihan, sehingga sulit untuk menjadi konsumen yang cerdas.

Dengan menjadi konsumen yang tunduk pada keinginan untuk berbelanja, masyarakat

Indonesia menciptakan siklus hidup yang menghalangi mereka untuk mencapai aspirasi


Dengan demikian, rendahnya literasi ekonomi mempengaruhi perilaku konsumsi dan

kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dengan demikian, mengutamakan literasi ekonomi merupakan

keharusan bagi individu dan keluarga yang ingin sejahtera. Dengan kata lain, peningkatan

penguasaan literasi ekonomi tak terbantahkan dan dimulai dari keinginan untuk belajar
berimbang. Peningkatan literasi ekonomi berpengaruh positif terhadap akumulasi aset,

deakumulasi utang, proteksi, akumulasi tabungan dan pengelolaan pengeluaran (Sina, 2012).

Hasil ini juga sejalan dengan Caplan (Kustiandi, 2011), yang menyatakan bahwa literasi

ekonomi membentuk pengetahuan tentang ekonomi, yang diperlukan karena aktivitas

manusia (konsumsi) tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masalah ekonomi. Selanjutnya hasil tersebut

juga sejalan dengan Budiwati (2014), yang menunjukkan bahwa perilaku konsumen

dipengaruhi oleh literasi ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi

tingkat literasi ekonomi seseorang maka semakin rasional perilaku konsumsinya. Peningkatan

literasi ekonomi sangat penting dalam menciptakan konsumen yang rasional, dan dapat

dicapai melalui pendidikan ekonomi formal, pelatihan pendidikan nonformal, atau melalui

pendidikan informal dalam keluarga.

Hasil di atas dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: (1) pendidikan mempengaruhi tingkat

pengetahuan dan sikap yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen dalam keluarga, dan (2)

secara umum pendidikan mempengaruhi tingkat pendapatan yang mempengaruhi daya beli.

Daya beli yang tinggi akan memberikan lebih banyak pilihan dalam menentukan variasi

makanan dan gizi yang dikonsumsi. Dengan demikian, tingkat pendapatan yang tinggi, di

samping sikap dan pengetahuan ekonomi yang baik, akan berpengaruh positif terhadap

perilaku konsumsi.

Dengan demikian, pendidikan dan pendapatan merupakan kunci untuk menentukan

perilaku konsumsi. Implikasinya, setiap usaha untuk meningkatkan arah konsumsi harus

berusaha untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dan pendidikan. Jika tujuan ini dilakukan dengan

baik, tetapi pasokan makanan terganggu, maka upaya tersebut tidak akan berarti apa-apa.

Aspek ketersediaan pangan ini juga merupakan faktor kunci dalam keragaman konsumsi
pangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi

keluarga berpengaruh secara simultan dan positif terhadap perilaku konsumsi. Hasil ini

sejalan dengan Jappelli (2009) yang menunjukkan bahwa literasi ekonomi dipengaruhi oleh

tingkat pencapaian pendidikan, interaksi sosial, dan tingkat perkembangan ekonomi suatu


Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat pesisir memiliki perilaku konsumsi tingkat

sedang dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar, pelaksanaan prinsip ekonomi dalam konsumsi,

motif konsumsi, skala prioritas dalam konsumsi dan selektif dalam mengkonsumsi. Tidak

dapat dipungkiri bahwa perilaku konsumsi masyarakat saat ini cenderung ke arah gaya hidup

yang lazim di negara-negara maju. Pilihan komoditas yang dikonsumsi tidak lagi

menunjukkan bahwa individu tidak mengetahui apa yang merupakan kebutuhan pokok, dan

tidak dapat lagi menentukan skala prioritas, sehingga seluruh pendapatan dihabiskan untuk

konsumsi produk-produk prioritas rendah. Selain menimbulkan sikap konsumtif,

ketidaktahuan akan definisi kebutuhan pokok ini mengakibatkan kebutuhan pokok ikut

tercukupi. Teori Revealed Preference menyatakan bahwa konsumen akan membeli beberapa

kelompok barang tertentu karena dia lebih menyukai barang tersebut daripada barang lain atau

karena harganya lebih murah.



Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa literasi ekonomi dan kondisi sosial ekonomi

keluarga berpengaruh secara simultan dan positif terhadap perilaku konsumsi. Literasi ekonomi

membentuk pengetahuan tentang ekonomi, yang diperlukan karena aktivitas manusia

(konsumsi) tidak dapat dipisahkan dari masalah ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan

bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat literasi ekonomi seseorang maka semakin rasional perilaku

konsumsinya. Peningkatan literasi ekonomi sangat penting dalam menciptakan konsumen yang

rasional, dan dapat dicapai melalui pendidikan ekonomi formal, pelatihan pendidikan

nonformal, atau melalui pendidikan informal dalam keluarga.

Daftar Pustaka

Buckley, P.J dan M.Casson. 2013.Masa Depan Perusahaan Multinasional.New York: Holmes

dan Meier

Budiwati, N. 2014. Analisis literasi ekonomi dan perilaku konsumen. Universitas Pendidikan


Griffin, Ricky W. dan Ebert R.J. 2003.“Bisnis”. Jakarta: Prenhallindo

Jappeli, T. 2009. Literasi Ekonomi: Sebuah Perbandingan Internasional.Fislinno – Italia: CSEF

– Pusat Studi Ekonomi dan Keuangan. Universitas Salerno.

Kustiandi, J. 2011. Beberapa Kajian Teori Kawasan Pendidikan Ekonomi. PPS UM Malang.

Lamb, Hair, dan McDaniel. 2001.Pemasaran.Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

Rakib,M. 2015. Economic Literacy and The Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal

Communities in Indonesia. International Journal of Applied Business and Economics

Research. 13(6) : 4397-4410

Salemi, M.K. 2005. Mengajarkan Literasi Ekonomi; Mengapa, Apa, dan Bagaimana.Ulasan

Internasional tentang Pendidikan Ekonomi. 4 (2): 46-57

Sina, P.G. 2012. Analisis Literasi Ekonomi. Jurnal Ekonomi.8(2): 135-143

Sitorus,M.,2000. Sosiologi. Bandung: Cahaya Budi

Tamboto,H.J.D.,A.A.C.Manongko dan J.J.Manengkey. 2016. Poverty Alleviation Based On

Economic Literacy And Social Capital In Improving Economic Welfare In Coastal

Communities North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Provence, Indonesia.

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management. 6(10): 1-7

Umar, Husain. 2005.Manajemen Riset dan Perilaku Konsumen.Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pusat
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Economic literacy and the socio-economic condition of coastal

communities in Indonesia

Article · January 2015


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1 author:

Muhammad Rakib
Universitas Negeri Makassar


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention: Empirical Study of Student Entrepreneurs View project

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I J A B E R, Vol. 13, No. 6 (2015): 4397-4410


Muhammad Rakib1

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of economic literacy
and socio-economic conditions on the consumption behavior of coastal communities
in Indonesia. The study composed of 1,700 households, and samples were taken from
10% of the population,i.e., 170 respondents. The data collection techniques used were
questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis involved
the use of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis techniques. The results showed
that economic literacy has positive and significant effects(15.90%) on the consumption
behavior of coastal communities in Pinrang Regency,and the socio-economic condition of
the family has a positive and significant effect (14.90%) on consumer behavior in rural
coastal communities of Indonesia. It is therefore recommended that the government
promotes or develop the economies of coastal communities by improving economic literacy
for the creation of rational consumption behaviors of citizens.
Keywords: Economic literacy, social economic conditions, consumer behavior

Studies of consumption and business cycles are important, because they help to
explain factors that affect economic growth and expansion. Research shows that
consumption patterns are not the same for all product categories (Bergh, 2013),
something which influences consumption behaviors.
In effort to fulfil needs, consumers are often pushed by specific motives to obtain
the goods and services they require. Consumption motives in modern society are
based more on emotional than rational motives. Problems faced by the community
in daily life are filled with various consumption activities. Consumption of a good
or service forms a certain lifestyle from a specific status group, and a base for
climbing up from the status group. Someone in the upper class tends to have a
different lifestyle than someone in the lowest class. Those in the upper class tend to
consume more than those in the bottom class. This consumption imbalance occurs
because an abundance of resources facilitates spending, and, if such spending is

Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Makassar, E-mail:
4398 • Muhammad Rakib

undertaken without being based on a rationale of economic literacy, consumptive

behavior will likely result.
The coastal communities are famed for their tough character. This character
is warranted because the lifestyle of these communities is heavily dependent on
nature. Characteristically, these coastal communities have chosen fishing as their
main source of income.
In the coastal community of Pinrang Regency in Indonesia, the education
system differs from that of urban communities. The majority of the coastal
communities adhere to an education which is based on life experiences. Formal
schooling in the coastal communities is extremely limited and supported by less
than adequate facilities, making education in the coastal communities of a poor
quality. Added to this is the way of thinking, culture and economic pressures.
These issues influence the level of community understanding (literacy) regarding
basic needs, scarcity of means of fulfilling needs, economic principles, economic
motives and low economic activity, which affect consumption behavior.
The socio-economic condition of the coastal community can be assessed based
on education level, type of work, income level, ownership of economic valuables,
and quality and status of residence (home ownership). The coastal communities
have several characteristics, namely: (1) levels of education of fishermen so low
that there is no choice of employment other than continuing as a fisherman,
(2) fishermen’s income (daily increments) of un-fixed amounts, with income
dependent on season and fisherman’s status, and(3) fishermen are closely related
to the barter economy and production is not related to staple food.
The consumption behavior of the coastal communities is more consumptive.
When the incomes of these communities is high, their consumption pattern is
accordingly high. However, when income is low, these communities survive by
selling their valuables or borrowing money at high interest rates.
Based on these details, we gain an indication of the problem, namely, how does
the economic literacy level and family socio-economic condition influence the
consumption behavior of the coastal community in Pinrang Regency? Thus, the
aim of this study is to determine the influence of economic literacy level and family
socio-economic condition on consumption behavior for the coastal community of
Pinrang Regency.

Wulandari (2011) found that economic literacy is a life skill necessary to making
appropriate economic decisions. Johnson (2013) stated that “Economic literacy is
defined as the competence in identifying and evaluating economic concepts as
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4399

it relates to personal finance, the economy, and political systems”. Salemi (2005)
emphasizes economic literacy for learners’ ability to apply basic economic concepts
to situations relevant to their daily lives.
Buckley (2013) defined economic literacy as an investment because a person with
good economic literacy will manage access to significantly increased educational
standards and social welfare, be more sensitive to the threat of fraud / financial
manipulation, and become increasingly wise in making financial decisions.
Economic literacy should be taken seriously because of its relationship with a
person’s ability to understand the economy as a whole, which affects one’s ability
to improve one’s quality of life. A person who does not have adequate economic
literacy will fail to manage his or her money, may become trapped in debt and
experience various problems in developing a career(Harris, 2009). Mathews (1999)
states that economic literacy is an individual ability to recognize and use economic
concepts and an economic way of thinking to gain and improve prosperity.
Ability signifies an indication that understanding economic literacy results from a
sustainable learning process.
Based on the various opinions mentioned above, economic literacy allows a
person to understand economic concepts well enough to make intelligent choices
based on knowledge of basic needs, scarcity of means of fulfilling requirements,
economic principles, economic motives and economic activities. Economic literacy
plays an important role in making intelligent choices.
According to Sitorus (2000) social status determines an individual’s position in
society. Social status is based on the differentiation of society into vertical classes
according to wealth. A Socio-economic condition, particularly economic class, is
usually used to create layers of society based on economic elements. Based on
Sitorus’ opinion, socio- economic class shapesan individual’s status or position in
society. In other words, vertical differentiation of society into classes is embodied
by the existence of social levels ranging from high to low based on wealth.
According toMax Webber, socio-economic conditions divide society into
classes based on ownership of land and possessions. These classes are upper class,
middle class and lower class. Division of society in this way still makes it possible
for a person in the lower class to rise to the upper class, and conversely, a person
from the upper class may fall to a lower class, depending on the accomplishment
and fortitude of that person.
Socio-economic conditions also differentiate society according to ownership
and the control of material. There are categories of people based on ownership
of wealth and economic activity who use their accomplishments. In other words,
income, education, ownership of wealth and employment divide members of a
society into various layers or social classes within a society.
4400 • Muhammad Rakib

As such, an individual’s socio-economic condition is an indicator of his or

her status or position in society, based on the vertical differentiation of society
into economic classes. Socio-economic condition is indicated by factors such
as education level, type of employment, income level, ownership of economic
valuables and home ownership.
According to Lamb, Hair, and McDaniel (2001) “consumer behavior forms a
process for a customer in making a purchasing decision, also to use and throw away
goods and services bought, and also include factors which influence decisions to
purchase and use a product”.
According to Umar (2003), consumer behavior is”a direct action in obtaining,
consuming and using up a product and service, including the preceding decision
making process and subsequent action”. Consumer behavior also informs study
of the decision-making process investigating why consumers buy and consume
products (Griffin & Ebert, 2003).
Based on these definitions of consumer behavior, it can be said that consumer
behavior is a behavioral and consumption activity geared toward finding,
regulating, exchanging, sifting, using and evaluating goods and/or services for
use is daily life.

This study uses a quantitative approach based on a correlational descriptive survey
design model to investigate the influence between several research variables,
namely, economic literacy and family social economic condition, as predictor
variables, and consumption behavior as a variable criterion. The study examined
the coastal community of Pinrang Regency, specifically, Lero village in the Suppa
District – where 100% of the inhabitants’ livelihood is based on fishing. This
village was selected because it embodies the general characteristics of the coastal
community in Pinrang Regency. With 1,700 households, this particular coastal
community is large. This study sampled 10% of the community’s population,
or 170 respondents. The data collation techniques used were questionnaires,
observations, interviews and documentation. Descriptive and inferential statistical
analyses were used to examine the data.


Presentation and Analysis of the Data

Economic Literacy
The level of economic literacy of the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is
presented in the following table.
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4401

Table 1
Descriptive Level of Economic Literacy of the Coastal Community of Pinrang Regency

No. Interval Category Frequency Percentage (%)

1. 35 – 40 Very High 0 0.00
2. 27 – 34 High 0 0.00
3. 21 – 26 Medium 60 35.29
4. 15 – 20 Low 110 64.71
5. 8 - 14 Very Low 0 0.00
Total 170 100

Data source: Research Questionnaire, 2014

Table 1 shows that the level of economic literacy of the coastal community of
Pinrang Regency is low, with an average value of 19.22 and a standard deviation
of 2.99. The low level of economic literacy is also evidenced by using a percentage
formula, yielding an interval of 21%-40%in the low category. It can therefore be
shown that the coastal community in Pinrang Regency has a low level of economic
literacy regarding basic needs, the scarcity of means for securing necessities,
economic principles, economic motives and economic activity.

Family Socio-Economic Conditions

The family socio-economic conditions of the coastal community in Pinrang
Regency is presented in the following table.

Table 2
Descriptive Family Social Economic Conditions of the Coastal Community in Pinrang

No. Interval Category Frequency Percentage (%)

1. 26 - 30 Very High 0 0,00
2. 21 - 25 High 0 0,00
3. 16 – 20 Medium 0 0,00
4. 11 – 15 Low 32 18,82
5. 6 - 10 Very Low 138 81,18
Total 170 100
Data source: Research Questionnaire, 2014
4402 • Muhammad Rakib

Table 2 shows that the family socio-economic condition of the coastal community
in Pinrang Regency is very low, with an average score of 9.56 and a standard
deviation of 1.31. These low family socio-economic condition are also evidenced
using a percentage formula, which yields an interval of 21%-40% in the low
category. As such, the coastal community of Pinrang Regency has very low family
socio-economic condition, as observed from education level, type of employment,
income level, ownership of economic valuables, and home ownership.

Consumption Behavior
The level of consumption behavior of the coastal community in Pinrang Regency
is presented in the following table.

Table 3
Descriptive Level of Consumption Behavior of the Coastal Community in Pinrang Regency

No. Interval Category Frequency Percentage (%)

1. 26–30 Very High 0 0,00
2. 21–25 High 0 0,00
3. 16–20 Medium 114 67,06
4. 11–15 Low 56 32,94
5. 6–10 Very Low 0 0,00
Total 170 100

Data source: Research Questionnaire, 2014

Table 3 shows that the level of consumption behavior of the coastal community
in Pinrang Regency is medium, with an average value of 15.97 and a standard
deviation of 1.14. This medium level of consumption behavior is also evidenced by
using a percentage formula, which yields an interval of 41% - 60% in the medium
category. As such, it can be observed that the coastal community in Pinrang Regency
has a medium level of consumption behavior, as observed from satisfying basic
needs according to intensity, application of economic principles in consumption,
motive for undertaking consumption, scale of priority in consumption and
selectiveness in consumption.

Research Hypothesis Testing

Influence of Economic Literacy on Consumption Behavior

The influence of economic literacy on the consumption behavior of the coastal
community in Pinrang Regency can be seen in the following table.
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4403

Table 4
Model Summary of the Influence of Economic Literacy on Consumption Behavior

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .399a .159 .154 1.04642

a. Predictors: (Constant), Economic Literacy

Table 4 shows an R value of 0.399 and an R Square value of 0.159. These values
indicate that economic literacy has a positive influence on consumption behavior.
However, economic literacy is low. The size of the contribution of economic literacy
to the consumption behavior of the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is
15.90%.The remaining 84.10%is determined by other factors.
The level of significance of the influence of economic literacy on consumption
behavior can be seen in the following table.

Table 5
Anova for the Influence of Economic Literacy on Consumption Behavior

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 34.896 1 34.896 31.868 .000a
Residual 183.957 168 1.095
Total 218.853 169
a. Predictors: (Constant), Economic Literacy
b. Dependent Variable: Consumption Behavior

Table 5 shows a value Sig. 000a, indicating that the influence of economic literacy
on the consumption behavior of the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is
significant. As such, the hypothesis that there is a significant influence of economic
literacy on consumption behavior of the coastal community of Pinrang Regency
is accepted.
The coefficient influence of economic literacy on the consumption behavior of
the coastal community of Pinrang Regency can be seen in the following table.

Table 6
Coefficient Influence of Economic Literacy on Consumption Behavior

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 13.055 .523 24.983 .000
Economic Literacy .152 .027 .399 5.645 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Consumption Behavior
4404 • Muhammad Rakib

Table 6 shows an A value of 13.055 and a B value of 0.152, indicating that the
shape of the linear equation is Y = 13.055 + 0.152X1. This shape means that for each
additional point of the economic literacy variable, there will be an increase of 0.152
points in the consumption behavior variable.

Influence of Family Socio-Economic Condition on Consumption Behavior

The influence of family socio-economic condition on the coastal community of
Pinrang Regency is presented in the following tables.

Table 7
Model Summary of the Influence of Family Socio-economic Condition on
Consumption Behavior

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .386a .149 .144 1.05309
a. Predictors: (Constant), Family Social Economic Condition

Table 7 shows that the value of R is 0.386 and the value of R Square is 0.149.
These values indicate that family socio-economic condition have a positive
influence on consumption behavior and that it is low. The size of the contribution
of family social economic condition on the coastal community of Pinrang Regency
is 14.90%, and the remaining 85.10% is determined by other factors.
The level of significance of the influence of family socio-economic condition on
consumption behavior is presented in the following table.

Table 8
Anova of the Influence of Family Socio-economic Condition
on Consumption Behavior

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 32.542 1 32.542 29.343 .000a
Residual 186.311 168 1.109
Total 218.853 169
a. Predictors: (Constant), Family Socio-Economic Condition
b. Dependent Variable: Consumption Behavior

Table 8 shows the value Sig. 000a, indicating that the influence of family
socio-economic condition on the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is very
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4405

significant. As such, the hypothesis that there is a positive and significant influence
of family socio-economic condition on the consumption behavior of the coastal
community of Pinrang Regency is accepted.”
The coefficient level of the influence of family socio-economic condition on
consumption behavior of the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is presented
in the following table.

Table 9
Coefficient for the Influence of Family Socio-economic
Condition of Consumption Behavior

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 12.757 .599 21.307 .000
Family Socio-Economic Condition .336 .062 .386 5.417 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Consumption Variable

Table 9 shows an A value of 12.757 anda B value of 0.336, indicating that the
shape of the linear equation is Y = 12,757 + 0,336X2. This shape means that each
additional point in the family socio-economic condition variable adds 0.336 points
to the consumption behavior variable.

Influence of Economic Literacy and Family Socio-economic Condition on

Consumption Behavior
The influence of economic literacy and family socio-economic condition on the
coastal community of Pinrang Regency is presented in the following table.

Table 10
Model Summary of Influence of Economic Literacy and Socio-economic Condition on
Consumption Behavior

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .421a .177 .167 1.03843
a. Predictors: (Constant), Family Socio-economic Condition, Economic Literacy

Table 10 shows an R value of 0.421 and an R Square value of 0.177. These

values indicate that economic literacy and family social economic condition have a
4406 • Muhammad Rakib

simultaneous positive and medium influence on consumption behavior. Economic

literacy and family socio-economic condition contribute 17.70% to the consumption
behavior of the coastal community in Pinrang Regency. The remaining 82.30%of
consumption behavior is determined by other factors.
The level of significance of the influence of economic literacy and family socio-
economic condition on consumption behavior is presented in the following table.

Table 11
Anova for the Influence of Economic Literacy and Family Socio-economic
Condition on Consumption Behavior

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 38.770 2 19.385 17.977 .000a
Residual 180.083 167 1.078
Total 218.853 169
a. Predictors: (Constant), Family Socio-economic Condition, Economic Literacy
b. Dependent Variable: Consumption Behavior

Table 11 presents a value of Sig. 000a, indicating that the influence of economic
literacy and family socio-economic condition on the consumption behavior of the
coastal community in Pinrang Regency is very significant. As such, the hypothesis
that there is a very significant positive influence of economic literacy and family
socio-economic condition on the consumption behavior of the coastal community
in Pinrang Regency is accepted
The coefficient influence of economic literacy and family socio-economic
condition on the coastal community of Pinrang Regency is presented in the
following table.

Table 12
Coefficient for Influence of Economic Literacy and Family Socio-economic Condition
on Consumption Behavior

Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 12.477 .602 20.733 .000
Economic Literacy .096 .040 .252 2.403 .017
Family Socio- Economic Condition .173 .091 .199 1.896 .060
a. Dependent Variable: Consumption Behavior
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4407

Table 12 shows anA value of 12.477, a B1 value of 0.096 and aB2 value of 0.173,
indicating that the shape of the linear equation is Y = 12.477 + 0.096X1 + 0.173X2.
This shape means that for each additional point for the variables of economic
literacy and family socio- economic condition, there will be an increase of 0.269
points in the consumption behavior variable.


Influence of Economic Literacy on Consumption Behavior

Based on the research results showing a value of R of 0.399,an R Square value of
0.159, and a degree of significance of 0,000, the hypothesis that there is a positive
and significant influence of economic literacy on the consumption behavior of the
coastal community of Pinrang Regency is accepted.
These research results show that the level of economic literacy in Pinrang
Regency is low, as shown by the level of understanding of the coastal community
regarding basic needs, scarcity of means of satisfying requirements, economic
principles, economic motivation and economic activities. Of 170 respondents,
60 respondents, or 35.29%,fell into the medium category, and 110 respondents,
or 64.71%, fell into the low category, with no respondents falling into the very
high, high or very low categories. These results were supported by the percentage
calculations, which yielded a result of 48.06% (interval 21% - 40%, low category).
These results are in line with the opinion of Sina (2012)that low economic literacy
will affect the consumption characteristics of a community. Other indications
of low economic literacy include many cases and victims of investment fraud,
including the most recent case of Antaboga-Century. Other phenomena include
low Indonesian community desire to save and a tendency to spend excessively,
rendering it difficult to be an intelligent consumer. By becoming consumers
subject to the desire to shop, Indonesians create a life cycle that precludes them
from achieving their aspirations.
As such, low economic literacy affects community consumption behavior
and prosperity. Thus, prioritizing economic literacy is a must for individuals and
families who wish to prosper. In other words, increasing the mastery of economic
literacy is unarguably necessary and begins from a desire for balanced learning.
Increasing economic literacy has a positive effect on the accumulation of assets, the
de-accumulation of debt, protection, the accumulation of savings and managing
spending(Sina, 2012).These results are also in line with Caplan (Kustiandi,
2011), who stated that economic literacy forms knowledge about the economy,
which it is necessary because human activity (consumption) is inseparable from
economic issues. Furthermore, these results are also in line with Budiwati (2014),
4408 • Muhammad Rakib

who demonstrated that consumer behavior is influenced by economic literacy.

The results of this study show that the higher an individual’s economic literacy
level, the more rational his or her consumption behavior. Increasing economic
literacy is critical in creating rational consumers, and can be achieved through
formal economic education, non-formal educational training, or through informal
education in the family.

Influence of Family Socio-Economic Condition on Consumption Behavior

The results demonstrate that family socio-economic condition has a significant
and positive influence on the consumption behavior of the coastal community of
Pinrang Regency. This influence is evidenced by an R value of 0.386 and an R
Square value of 0.149, indicating that the contribution of the family socioeconomic
condition variable on the consumption behavior of the community is 14.90%. The
remaining 85.10% is determined by other factors.
The above results can be explained as follows:(1) education influences the level
of knowledge and attitude, which influences consumer behavior within the family,
and (2)generally, education influences income level, which influences purchasing
power. High purchasing power will provide more choices in determining the
variety of food and nutrition consumed. Thus, high levels of income, alongside
good attitudes and knowledge of the economy, will have a positive influence on
consumption behavior.
As such, education and income are key to determining consumption behavior.
The implication is that every effort to improve the direction of consumption must
attempt to improve income and education. If these goals are undertaken well, but
food supply is disrupted, then the effort will be meaningless. This aspect of food
availability is also a key factor in the diversity of food consumption (Cahyani,2008).

Influence of Economic Literacy and Family Socio-Economic Condition on

Consumption Behavior
The research results show that economic literacy and family socio-economic
condition have a medium and positive simultaneous influence on consumption
behavior. The contribution of economic literacy and family socio-economic
condition on the consumption behavior of the coastal community of Pinrang
Regency is 17.70%, and the remaining 82.30% is determined by other factors.
These results are in line with Jappelli (2009) who demonstrated that economic
literacyis influenced by educational achievement levels, social interaction, and
level of economic development of a country.
This study shows that the coastal community of Pinrang Regency has a
medium level of consumption behavior in fulfilling basic needs, implementing
Economic Literacy and the Socio-Economic Condition of Coastal Communities… • 4409

economic principles in consumption, consumption motive, scale of priorities in

consumption and being selective about consumption. It cannot be denied that
current community consumption behavior tends toward the lifestyle prevalent
in developed countries. Choice of commodities consumed no longer shows that
individuals do not know what constitutes a basic necessity, and can no longer
determine a scale of priorities, so that all income is spent on consumption of low
priority products. In addition to creating a consumptive attitude, this ignorance
in the definition of a basic necessity results in basic needs go in gun fulfilled. The
Revealed Preference theory posits that a consumer will buy several groups of
certain goods because he or she prefers them to other goods or because they are

Economic literacy has a positive and significant influence on the consumption
behavior of the coastal community of Lero village, Suppa District, Pinrang Regency,
of 15.90%, with a linear equation Y = 13.055 + 0.152X1. These results indicate that for
each additional point in the economic literacy variable, 0.152 points will be added
to the consumption behavior variable.
Family socio-economic condition has a positive and significant influence
on the consumption behavior of the coastal community of Lero village, Suppa
District, Pinrang Regency, of 14.90%,with a linear equation of Y = 12.757 + 0.336X2.
These results indicate that for each additional point on the family socio-economic
condition variable, 0.336 points will be added to the consumption behavior
There is a positive and significant influence of economic literacy and family
socio-economic condition on the consumption behavior of the coastal community
of Lero village, Suppa District, Pinrang Regency, of 17.70%, with a linear equation
of Y = 12.477 + 0.096X1 + 0.173X2. These results indicate that for every additional
point on the economic literacy and family socio-economic condition variable, 0.269
points will be added to the consumption behavior variable.

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