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Oleh :
Warto Utomo, S.Si., M.Eng.

September 2022
Mineralogi – WTU
Pertemuan dan Materi Kuliah
1. Intro & Pengenalan Geologi Dasar
2. Tektonik
3. Mineralogi
4. Batuan Beku
5. Batuan Sedimen
6. Batuan Metamorf 8. Geologi Struktur
7. Kuis-1 9. Geologi Struktur
10. Lingkungan Pengendapan
1. Monroe S J, Wicander R, Hazlett R.
11. Batuan Karbonat
2007. Phsycal Geology Exploring the 12. Prinsip Dasar Stratigrafi
Earth 6th. Thomson Brooks/Cole, a part
of The Thomson Corporation: USA. 13. Skala Waktu Geologi
14. Kuis-2

1. Definisi
2. Lingkungan Terbentuknya Mineral
3. Atom, Elemen dan Mineral
4. Kelompok Mineral
5. Identifikasi Mineral
a) Silicate
a) Luster and Color
b) Carbonates
b) Crystal Form
c) Sulfates
c) Cleavage and Fracture
d) Halides
d) Hardness
e) Specific Gravity
1. Mineral
▪ Mineral adalah suatu benda padat homogen yang terjadi secara
alamiah, terbentuk dari bahan anorganik, yang memiliki
komposisi kimia, memiliki struktur atom yang teratur

▪ Mineralogi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari tentang

bagaimana terbentuknya mineral, klasifikasi suatu mineral,
daerah penyebaran mineral, dan cara pemanfaatan mineral
2. Lingkungan Terbentuknya Mineral
1) Lingkungan Magmatik
▪ Terbentuk akibat pembekuan magma yang terjadi di dalam bumi sampai permukaan bumi
▪ Mineral ada yang terbentuk pada temperatur tinggi, sedang, dan rendah
▪ Mineral dapat terbentuk di dalam, di dekat, atau di permukaan bumi

2) Lingkungan Sedimenter
▪ Proses sedimentasi merupakan perpaduan dari interaksi atmosfer dan hidrosfer terhadap
lapisan kerak bumi
▪ Proses sedimentasi terdapat fase pelapukan, yang dapat menyebabkan mineral berubah
menjadi mineral-mineral baru yang bersifat lebih stabil
▪ Umumnya proses berlangsung oksidasi karena terkena pengaruh dari atmosfer
3) Lingkungan Metamorfosa
▪ Lingkungan berada jauh di bawah permukaan bumi dengan suhu dan tekanan ekstrem
yang menyebabkan re-kristalisasi pada material batuan
3. Atom, Element, Mineral
▪ Atoms are the smallest units of matter that retain the
characteristics of a particular element
o Proton (positif)
o Neutron (tidak memiliki muatan)
o Electron (negatif)
▪ Element is made up of atoms that all have the same properties
▪ Minerals are essential constituents of rocks. Many minerals are
important natural resources or valued as gemstones
o By definition minerals are crystalline solids in which the constituent
atoms are arranged in a regular, three-dimensional framework.
o a crystal is a geometric shape with planar faces (crystal faces), sharp
corners, and straight edges.
(Monroe et al. 2007)
Atom dan Elemen

(Monroe et al. 2007)

Tabel Periodik (Elemen)
▪ Minerals are essential constituents of rocks. Many
minerals are important natural resources or
valued as gemstones
▪ By definition minerals are crystalline solids in
which the constituent atoms are arranged in a
regular, three-dimensional framework.
▪ a crystal is a geometric shape with planar faces
(crystal faces), sharp corners, and straight edges.

(Monroe et al. 2007)

▪ Oksigen dan silikon membentuk lebih dari 74% (berat) kerak bumi dan hampir 84% (atom)
▪ Sebagian besar mineral terdiri dari oksigen dan silikon

(Monroe et al. 2007)

2. Kelompok Mineral
1. Silicate
2. Carbonates
3. Sulfates
4. Halides
2. Kelompok Mineral
1. Silicate
▪ A combination of silicon and oxygen is known as silica, and minerals that
contain silica are silicates.
▪ Example:
✓ Quartz (SiO2)
✓ Potassium feldspar (KAlSi3O8)
✓ Olivine [(Fe,Mg)2SiO4]
2. Kelompok Mineral
1. Silicate
▪ The ferromagnesian silicates
are silicates that contain iron
(Fe), magnesium (Mg), or both,
as in olivine [(Fe,Mg)2SiO4].
▪ The nonferromagnesian
silicates, as their name implies,
lack iron and magnesium, are
generally light colored, and are
less dense than ferromagnesian
2. Kelompok Mineral
2. Carbonate
▪ Carbonate minerals, are mineral containing carbonate (CO3)
▪ Example:
➢ Calcite (CaCO3)
➢ Dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]
2. Kelompok Mineral
3. Sulfates
4. Halides
Tabel Periodik (Elemen)
3. Identifikasi Mineral

1. Luster and Color

2. Crystal Form
3. Cleavage and Fracture
4. Hardness
5. Specific Gravity
3. Identifikasi Mineral
1. Luster and Color
▪ Luster (not to be confused with color)
is the quality and intensity of light
reflected from a mineral’s surface
▪ two basic types of luster:
▪ metallic, or having the appearance of a
▪ nonmetallic. Among the several types
of nonmetallic luster are glassy or
vitreous (as in quartz), dull or earthy,
waxy, greasy, and brilliant (as in
3. Identifikasi Mineral
2. Crystal Form

▪ Minerals with the Same Kind of Crystals Mineral crystals are found in a variety of shapes but different
minerals may have the same kinds of crystals as shown by
(a) pyrite (FeS2), (b) fluorite (CaF2), and (c) halite (NaCl).
▪ Differentiating one from the other is easy. Pyrite is brassy yellow (the silvery color results from the way light
is reflected), and it is much denser and harder than the two other minerals. You can identify fluorite and
halite by their cleavage and taste—halite tastes like salt whereas fluorite has no taste.
3. Identifikasi Mineral
3. Cleavage and Fracture
▪ Cleavage is characterized in terms
of quality (perfect, good, poor),
direction, and angles of
intersection of cleavage planes.
3. Identifikasi Mineral
4. Hardness
▪ Hardness is defined as a
mineral’s resistance to
abrasion and is controlled
mostly by internal

▪ Friedrich Mohs, devised a

relative hardness scale for
10 minerals.
3. Identifikasi Mineral
5. Specific Gravity
▪ Specific gravity and density are two separate concepts, but here we will
use them more or less as synonyms.
▪ A mineral’s specific gravity is the ratio of its weight to the weight of an
equal volume of pure water.
▪ Thus a mineral with a specific gravity of 3.0 is three times as heavy as
water. Like all ratios, specific gravity is not expressed in units such as
grams per cubic centimeters; it is a dimensionless number.
▪ Density, in contrast, is a mineral’s mass (weight) per unit of volume
expressed in grams per cubic centimeters.

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