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Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Neni Nurhasanah
Nim : 0307202130
Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Rahmat Hidayat, MA
Mata Kuliah : Kepemimpinan Pendidikan



Assalamul’aikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan
rahmat dan karunia-Nya, sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan laporan Critical Jurnal Review
ini dengan baik, guna memenuhi tugas Cartical Jurnal Review untuk matakuliah
Kepemimpinan pendidikan. Sholawat dan salam tak lupa senantiasa kita sanjungkan kepada
Nabi Muhammad SAW semoga kita mendapatkan syafa’atnya di yaumul qiyamah nanti,
Penulis menyadari bahwa critical Jurnal review ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna,
baik dari segi penyusunan maupun materi yang tertera. Kritik dan saran dari pembaca sangat
diharapkan oleh penulis untuk penyempurnaan Critical Jurnal Review ini, semoga Critical
Jurnal Review ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca.
14 Juni 2022


Kata Pengantar .................................................................................................................... ii
Daftar Isi ............................................................................................................................. iii
BAB I PENDAHULUAN ................................................................................................... 1
A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR................................................................................. 1
B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR ............................................................................................. 1
C. Manfaat CJR ........................................................................................................... 1
D. Identitas Jurnal Yang Di Review ............................................................................ 2
BAB II RINGKASAN ISI ARTICAL ................................................................................ 3
A. Pendahuluan ............................................................................................................ 3
B. Deskripsi Isi ............................................................................................................ 7
BAB III PEMBAHASAN / ANALISIS ............................................................................. 13
A. Pembahasan Isi Jurnal ............................................................................................. 13
B. Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan isi Jurnal .................................................................... 14
BAB IV PENUTUP ............................................................................................................ 15
A. Kesimpulan ............................................................................................................. 15
B. Rekomendasi ........................................................................................................... 15
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ......................................................................................................... 16


A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR

Critical Journal Review (CJR) merupakan hal yang penting bagi mahasiswa karena
memberi kemudahan dalam membahas hasil penelitian yang ada. Ada beberapa hal penting
sebelum kita mereview sebuah jurnal, seperti menemukan jurnal yang sesuai dengan topik
yang diambil, membaca seluruh isi jurnal dan mencoba menulis ulang dalam bahasa mereka
sendiri apa arti dari jurnal yang diambil tersebut. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam
cretical jurnal review, yaitu menerangkan beberapa landasan teori yang dipakai oleh peneliti
sebagai acuan dalam penelitiannya dan tujuan apa yang ingin dicapainya; mengungkapkan
metode apa yang digunakan, subjek penelitian, teknik pengumpulan data, alat pengumpulan
data, dan analisis data yang digunakan; mengambil hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan
dengan memberikan uraian yang singkat, jelas, dan ringkas; dan menyimpulkan isi jurnal.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CJR

Menulis Cartical Jurnal Review bertujuan untuk menambah suatu wawasan atau
pengetahuan dari penulis dan pembaca dalam mereview sebuah jurnal dan mengkritisi
kelemahan dan kelebihannya serta penulisan ini juga bertujuan untuk melengkapi tugas mata
kuliah, dan mempermudah pembahasan inti dari hasil penelitian yang ada. Menemukan dan
mengetahui informasi yang terdapat dalam jurnal.

C. Manfaat CJR
Manfaat dari Cartical Jurnal Review membantu penelitian semua kalangan dalam
mengetahui esensi dari hasil yang terkandung dalam sebuah jurnal. Menjadi bahan evaluasi
dalam pembuatan jurnal pada publikasi selanjutnya. membantu untuk mengetahui gambaran
umum dan gambaran umum jurnal secara ringkas. Mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan
jurnal yang dikritik. Mengetahui latar belakang. Memberikan masukan kepada penulis jurnal
kritis dan saran tentang cara penulisan, isi dan substansi jurnal.

D. Identitas Jurnal
1. Jurnal 1
➢ Judul Jurnal :Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan
Disiplin Kerj Guru Dan Pegawai Di Sma Bakti Sejahtera
Kecamatan Kongbeng Kabupaten Kutai Timur
➢ Nama Jurnal : eJournal Administrasi
➢ Edisi Terbit : 2013
➢ Pengarang Artikel: Sri Purwanti
➢ Kota Terbit : Kutai Timur
➢ Nomor ISSN : 0000-0000
➢ Volume : 1 (1): 210-224
2. Jurnal 2
➢ Judul Jurnal : The Managerial Leadership of Principal in Improving the
Teachers` Performances
➢ Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
➢ Edisi Terbit : 2022
➢ Pengarang Artikel : Deni Fajar Wicoksono, Yusrizal, Nasir Usman
➢ Penerbit : Magister of education administration, Syiah Kuala University,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia
➢ Kota Terbit : Banda Aceh
➢ Nomor ISSN : P-ISSN: 2303-288X E-ISSN : 2541-7207
➢ Alamat Situs :

3. Jurnal 3
➢ Nama Jurnal : Journal of Critical Reviews
➢ Edisi Terbit : 2020
➢ Pengarang Artikel: Nasir Usman, Murniati AR, Linda Marlina, Ulfah Irani
➢ Penerbit : Syiah Kuala University
➢ Kota Terbit : Banda Aceh

➢ Nomor ISSN : ISSN- 2394-5125
➢ Alamat Situs :


A. Pendahuluan
1) Pendahululuan jurnal 1
Sebagaimana disadari bahwa sekolah adalah salah satu jenis organisasi yang sering
disebut organisasi pendidikan formal. Salah satu unsur organisasinya yang paling penting
adalah manusianya, personil interen organisasi sekolah terdiri dari kepala sekolah, guru –
guru, siswa / siswi dan pegawai tata usaha sekolah, kegiatan pokok yang mereka kerjakan
ialah kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tidak tepat waktu dalam me Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan
Negara Indonesia yang tercermin dalam alenia keempat pembukaan Undang – Undang Dasar
Tahun 1945 yang menyatakan kemudian daripada itu, untuk membentuk suatu pemerintahan
Negara Indonesia yang melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah
Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan
ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia, untuk maksud itu pemerintah mengusahakan dan
menyelenggarakan satu sistem pengajaran nasional yang diatur dengan UUD ( pasal 31 ayat 3
), pemerintah juga mengeluarkan Undang – Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem
pendidikan nasional. Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan tentu memiliki filosofi
dan ideologi tersendiri dalam pengembangan dunia pendidikan. Pemerintah melalui
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (DEPDIKNAS) sebagai wakil dari pemerintah,
bertanggung jawab lebih terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia, terus berupaya menjalankan dan
mengembangkan serta meningkatkan kualitas / mutu Pendidikan Nasional dengan
interpretasinya sendiri. Agar proses pendidikan sekolah dengan baik, tentunya diperlukan
tenaga – tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas, memiliki loyalitas serta disiplin yang tinggi.
Disiplin yang tinggi akan sangat membantu dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan, sedangkan untuk
mewujudkan suatu kondisi disiplin maka diperlukan adanya seorang pemimpin yang benar –
benar cakap dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya dalam menjalankan
manejemen sekolah, yaitu proses kerja dengan dan melalui ( mendayagunakan ) orang lain
untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi secara efesien ( depdiknas, 2001 : 14 ). Namun demikian,
untuk menciptakan kondisi tersebut nampaknya masih memerlukan proses agar kepala
sekolah dapat meningkatkan disiplin kerja pegawai dan guru. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari
hasil observasi sementara di SMA Bhakti Sejahtera Kecamatan Muara Wahau Kabupaten
Kutai Timur, terdapat indikasi yang mengarah pada rendahnya disiplin kerja pegawai dan

guru antara lain : 1. Pegawai dan guru yang tidak masuk kerja tanpa keterangan yang jelas 2.
Kerapian pada penggunaan seragam yang telah di tentukan sekolah 3. Pada waktu proses
belajar mengajar ada guru yang belum berada di tempat Masih adanya guru dan pegawai yang
terlambat datang ke sekolah dan pulang sebelum jam yang telah di tentukan sekolah.
Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka disiplin kerja dari pada guru dan pegawai harus ditingkatkan
menjadi yang lebih baik lagi. Menyadari pentingnya disiplin kerja dalam rangka mencapai
visi dan misi di sekolah, maka diperlukan peran kepemimpinan yang baik dalam
meningkatkan disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai. 2) Pendahuluan jurnal 2
The education of globalization era today, can be seen by the existence of achievement
benchmark of successful performance of human`s resource on the process of education
advance. (Dewi et al., 2019; Fatah & Komariah, 2020). To create human`s quality resource
requires a system of quality educational. The quality of education is affected by some
components which one of it is the teacher (Lian et al., 2020; Sharma & Srivastava, 2020;
Sopandi, 2019). A teacher in educational system is one of the components who supports the
implementation of education as he directly interacts with the students so that he has a big role
in creating human`s quality resource (Moh’d et al., 2021; Widiansyah, 2018; Yasunaga et al.,
2020). Based on that matter, to increase the quality of education will never be affected
without a teacher`s role who has an optimal performance (Hartanti & Yuniarsih, 2018;
Sya’roni, et al, 2018). The teachers` performances in learning process are the main factor in
carrying out the aim of education since they are spearheads in an educational system
(Priyono, & Winahyu, 2018; Quaicoe & Pata, 2020; Sum & Taran, 2020). As a matter of the
fact, the common problem happens in the field of education is due to the teachers`
performances. One of the factors which can affects teacher`s performances is that they have
not had an optimal competences and the encouragements in working (Hartanti & Yuniarsih,
2018; Lee et al., 2016; Susanto, 2020). Besides, the principal`s leadership becomes a factor of
teachers` performances. The principal is less in leading and guiding teachers, so that there are
still teachers who are less discipline in doing the duty, come late, and leave at early time. This
condition leads to a problem in educational institution. Various factors cause the teachers to
be less professional in doing their duty and responsibility which one of it is the education,
leader, work experience, competence, ability, job motivation owned by them and another
things (Darmadi, 2015; Hartawan, 2020; Irawati & Saifuddin, 2018; Supriyono, 2017). If the
teachers` performances are not considered, so it will affect the quality that the students have.
Based on the observation at the field, it showed that the teachers` performances in SMP
Negeri Kota Banda Aceh are still at low level. This matter is caused by managerial principal

in organizing school, the existence of teachers whose ages are elderly, less sense of initiative
and tolerance for the training activity, and be innovative learning process, the teachers who
are still less discipline during operating hours of school, and some of teachers consider more
about their personality than the duty and responsibility in the school. Looking at situation and
problem occur in the field is necessarily to conduct a study as well as analysis so that it can
be measured how far the principal plays role in increasing teacher`s performances in SMP
Negeri Kota Banda Aceh to obtain the expected result in accordance with national education
standard. The principal`s role definitely can also make a big impact due to the main
competition of leadership. The principal is responsible for organizing education affair, school
administration, teacher leading, and utilization as well as maintenance of school facilities and
infrastructures (Maryati et al., 2020; Sahara, 2020; Untarini et al., 2020). The principal is
expected to be able to improve teaching and learning activities in the school and support its
environment. (Karacabey, 2020; Siswanto & Hidayati, 2020). In order to be able to
accomplish the duty optimally, so the principal should understand, master, and also be able to
do the programs which are related to his principle as the educational manager to develop
teachers` potential for the students (Bin Nordin et al., 2020; Elpisah & Hartini, 2019). The
leadership of principle as managerial headmaster surely requires an optimal skill
administrating school organization (Kristiawan, 2020; Sunardi & Siswandari, 2020). Thus,
the leader needs a mentor of leadership of principle`s manager toward the teachers`
competence by doing assessment and management on a teachers` performances (Sleptcova &
Falkenbach, 2020). The finding of previous study stated that the factor which supports
teachers` performances to facilitate the need of work system is the certification of teacher
(Hendrawijaya et al., 2020; Ristianey et al., 2020). While the other finding showed that the
principal is not only spearhead in the success of an educational institution, especially in basic
education (Astuti et al., 2020; Prihatini et al., 2021). The competence of managerial principal
in upgrading teachers` professionalism can be carried out through the application of
leadership that holds firmly on three essential poles, that are planning, developing, and
evaluating, (Oktarina & Rahmi, 2019). The aim of this study is to analyze collecting data and
information about the managerial competence, program, implementation of principal, and
also the obstacle in increasing teachers` performances. The existence of this study is to see
the principal`s managerial skills in three aspects, namely: technical skill, humanical skill, dan
conceptual skill particularly in improving the performances of teachers in SMP Negeri Kota
Banda Aceh.

3) Pendahuluan Jurnal 3
Education is a process to change the future into better and orderly behavior. Therefore,
everyone has the right to get a proper education. In general, education is the process of
developing abilities and a better and foremost life. School is a place of education that counts
towards the achievement of national education goals. Schools must carry out their role as
effectively as possible and schools must be well managed so that they can optimally achieve
the educational goals set by the school. Schools that have excellent resources and integrated
principals, professional teachers, and good education staff are schools that can manage
schools with professionals. Determining school rules is an important task of a school
principal. A school principal must provide you with sufficient knowledge regarding school
arrangements. Principal management is what is known by the principal in implementing
school management to achieve these goals. The emphasis on human factors in organizations
does not mean that other factors do not play an important role. Instead, various factors needed
in organizations support and complement each other (Fernandes et al, 2017). This opinion is
consistent with the opinion of Usman (2014) which states that the arrangement is every
organization, plan, control activities, and direction (P4) with resources owned to obtain
organizational goals. School arrangements consist of implementation of school programs,
school program planning, school principal leadership, school information systems, and
monitoring/evaluation. School leaders are required to change every activity, potential, and
component in the environment around the school so that they can work together to advance
the school. The principal's attitude is reflected in the interaction between the functions of
selfmanagement (implementation, planning, evaluation of vision, mission, and organization)
and substantive functions (human resources, academic, financial, special services, public
relations, facilities, etc). As a managerial position, a school president has the burden of
managing all the educational facilities available at the school to create a suitable organization.
According to Amtu (2013), as a manager, the principal's role is categorized into three,
namely: (1) the role of the individual, the role associated with human interaction, (2) the role
of information, the role that uses analysis and information, and (3) the influence of decision
making, the influence associated with the decision. Leadership has always been an interesting
topic in educational (Grint, 2011), and developing capacity with the development of modern
times. Leadership is the process by which leaders set organizational goals and convince the
decision-making process (Fullan, 2003; Boonla & Treputtharat, 2014; Schiller, 2003). The
chairman of the organization sets goals or directs (Bass, 2000). High rating organizational

leaders or administrators are people at the strategic level who have direct responsibility in the
strategic planning of a problem (Boonla & Treputtharat, 2014; Deebonmee & Ariratana,
2014). Strategic leadership can make teachers improve their teaching abilities and personal
abilities. Various ways in which school leaders work to monitor and report on the work of
efficient teachers. Leaders who become leaders of organizations are successful with strategic
leadership, which is a characteristic of strategic leadership that has a good vision and mission
(Deeboonmee & Ariratana, 2014; Dess & Miller, 1993). There is a desire to be achieved by
researchers in this study that is knowing the application of the principal's strategic leadership
to the professional progress of teachers in several secondary schools in Banda Aceh,
Indonesia. The formulation of the problem from this research are: 1) can the principal's
leadership solution improve the development of teacher teaching skills? 2) what is the role of
the principal in advancing the development of teacher teaching abilities? 3) what is the
principal's control and evaluation process regarding the development of teacher teaching

B. Deskripsi Isi
1) Jurnal 1
Kerangka Dasar Teori
Kepemimpinan Kepemimpinan merupakan proses mempengaruhi orang lain untuk
mengambil langkah – langkah atau tindakan menuju suatu sasaran bersama. Karena itu
kepemimpinan adalah kegiatan mempengaruhi orang lain agar mau bekerja untuk mencapai
tujuan yang telah ditentukan. C.N.Cooley ( dalam Inu 2003 : 132 ) menyatakan pemimpin itu
selalu merupakan titik pusat dari suatu kecenderungan dan pada kesempatan lain, semua
gerakan sosial kalau diamati secara cermat akan semangat dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
masing – masing dengan hasil yang diharapkan. Selanjutnya kepemimpinan menurut Rivai
( 2004 : 2 ) kepemimpinan secara luas meliputi proses mempengaruhi proses mempengaruhi
dalam menentukan tujuan organisasi, memotivasi prilaku pengikut untuk mencapai tujuan,
mempengaruhi untuk memperbaiki kelompok atau budayanya. Kepala Sekolah Kepala
sekolah merupakan salah satu komponen pendidikan yang paling berperan penting dalam
meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Kepala sekolah adalah seorang tenaga fungsional guru,
yang diberi tugas untuk memimpin suatu sekolah dimana diselenggarakannya proses belajar
mengajar, atau tempat dimana terjadi interaksi guru dalam memberi pelajaran dan murid

menerima pelajaran (Wahjosumijo 2002). Perspektif kedepan mengisyaratkan bahwa kepala
sekolah juga harus mampu berperan sebagai figur dan mediator. Beberapa peran kepala
sekolah dalam paradigma baru manajemen pendidikan yaitu sebagai berikut (Mulyasa 2007) :
a. Kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin b. Kepala sekolah sebagai manajer c. Kepala sekolah
sebagai pendidik d. Kepala sekolah sebagai administrator e. Kepala sekolah sebagai
motivator Disiplin Kerja Menurut peraturan pemerintah No.53 Tahun 2010 tentang peraturan
disiplin pegawai negeri sipil. Mendefinisikan disiplin kerja adalah sikap atau perilaku
kesanggupan pegawai negeri sipil untuk mentaati kewajiban dan menghindari larangan yang
telah ditentukan dalam peraturan perundang – undangan dan/ atau peraturan kedinasan yang
apabila tidak ditaati atau dilanggar akan dijatuhkan hukuman disiplin. Menurut Irmin ( 2004 :
21 ) memberikan beberapa pengertian tentang disiplin, yaitu : a) Perilaku yang menunjukan
nilai – nilai ketaatan, kepatuhan, keteraturan dan ketertiban. b) Perasaan risi atau maludan
berdosa kalau melakukan perbuatan yang menyimpang. c) Sikap tahu untuk membedakan hal
– hal yang seharusnya dilakukan, yang wajib dilakukan, yang boleh dilakukan, dan hal yang
tidak boleh dilakukan. d) Merupakan sikap taat dan tertip sebagai hasil pengembangan dan
latihan pengendalian pikiran dan pengendalian watak. Kendala yang Dihadapi Kepala
Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas Kerja Guru dan Pegawai Kepala sekolah SMA
Bakti Sejahtera dalam melaksanakan perannya mendapatkan hambatan yaitu kurangnya
disiplin guru dalam hal jadwal pelajaran yang telah ditentukan sekolah, selain itu ada juga
guru yang menbawa anaknya ke sekolah sehingga dapat mengganggu waktu mengajar guru
tersebut. Dalam mengatasi hal ini kepala sekolah telah menegur dengan lisan tetapi masih ada
juga guru yang mengulanginya dengan alasan anaknya sendirian di rumah dan kurang
tersedianya sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang memadai disertai pemanfaatan dan
pengelolaan secara optimal.

2) Jurnal 2
Based on the result of interview with the principal in SMP Negeri Kota Banda Aceh, one of
those is SMP Negeri 3 Banda Aceh, it showed that the principle provided the main duty and
function for the teachers to arrange program, supervise, and evaluate the teachers. The
principle was assigned to manage teachers, school organization, and create a good
relationship with society, compile the program of new year`s teaching, as well as the
acceptance of new students. Furthermore, the principle in SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh gave
the programs of main duty and function to the teachers with the training given to him through

teacher supervision program and the other kind of training such as inviting the informants
from outside. The results of meeting in all fields discusses about the planning of per semester
that will be included into a revision of RKS, implement the superior program of school by
holding the lesson, revising school`s mission and vision, and encountering with school
committee along with students` parents to talk about planning activity. The principal SMP
Negeri 9 Banda Aceh administrates the program that exists at school by overseeing and
giving the evaluation as well as motivation. Apart from that, supervising teachers and
monitoring the other employers and contributing each other with teachers. Based on the
finding of the study, the programs implemented by principal included literacy, Diniyah,
Tahfiz, and Tilawatil Qur`an. The principal arranged a combination of school routine
activities, such as the class and teacher supervision, recruitment of new students. A form of
attention that the principal did to teachers was a good training either inside or outside school.
The principal also invited the informant from outside school, it could be either from the
education office as well as university to fulfill the activity of training event, or there is an
informant from their own school, the goal is that the teachers can improve ability in applying
media of technology for teaching and learning process, and the introduction of learning media
to the teachers. The principal also supported the teachers who joined the training program
(PLPG) and workshop. On the other side, all teachers were expected to be able in applying
multimedia and fill the report book of score by using e-rapor in order to make teachers easy
to carry out teaching and learning process in the school. The educational national standard
now is BNSP, which provides the school a freedom to do assessment. Adapting like the
program of national examination (Ujian Nasional) that today has been transferred to national
examination of Computer (Ujian Nasional Berbasis Komputer), all combinations of
examination activity also utilized laptop and computer. The implementation of the principal
that is often carried out is the direction of the MGMP in the Field of Study, UKG, PLPG,
academic supervision, holding teacher performance training, providing regular work
meetings, work meetings, annual programs, semester programs, school evaluations and also
the application of IT media to all teachers. The principal also instructed teachers to always
read the administration before entering to the class, as well as teachers previously must
prepare the material for teaching in accordance with direction of lesson plan that will be
given to students. Besides, the teachers also have to study first before giving a lesson to
students so they understand the information that is delivered in teaching and learning process.
The teachers were given MGMP to form a group in order to be able sharing. If a problem
appears, it will be directed to MGP of Banda Aceh. The finding of study in SMP Negeri Kota

Banda showed that there were a few obstacles to happen which was the lack of participation
members that caused activities of school to be hampered. The obstacle of other principal was
less enthusiasm in arranging the concept and less self-initiative in managing school
organization. The obstacle that often emerged in sekolah SMP 3 Banda Aceh, it was the
teachers` disciplines were still at low level, this matter can be viewed from the fingerprint
result of teachers` attendance to school. The obstacle in SMP Negeri 4 Banda Aceh that the
teachers still ignored their main duty as an instructor in developing teachers` competences.
The principal made an effort to accommodate with the teachers but they remained adrift with
their personal works at home. The constraint faced by SMP Negeri 9 Banda Aceh was that
some of teachers were no longer productive and there was teacher who is suffering a variety
of illnesses. The finding of interview with school supervisor was that the principal never held
a training event at school and rarely made the programs which have been designed by the
education office. Furthermore, based on the interview with the supervisor in SMP 9 that the
principal did not make the program of improvement toward teacher`s performance. The
principal had never held training in schools, all based on the decree of each employee. The
weak competence of the principal in managing several aspects of the principal's managerial
leadership skills which include: human skills, and technical skills, both of these skills indicate
that the principal is weak in making program and training in schools.

3) Jurnal 3
Principal's Plan for Improving Teacher Personality
Teacher planning can begin by setting goals and visions and work missions for the
school principal, who then throws work, discipline, and lesson plans into action in learning.
The results of this study explain that the principal in planning the teaching potential of a
teacher can be done in various ways. This research presents the principal's way to develop
teacher's competencies. There are two parts to developing ways and steps used by school
principals. The first step is for the principal to focus on the school's goal of developing the
teacher's personality behavior. Second, the principal analyzes the results of previous school
evaluations and compares them with the progress of the school environment in the future.
The Principal's Purpose Towards Implementation of a Program in Teacher Capacity
In implementing the ability of the principal to carry out some of the capabilities
carried out in the activities, programs, and regulations that have been established as such in
schools. The author concludes the ability model and program implementation based on the

leadership ability of the principal. Interpretation of leadership abilities based on the ability of
functions, rules, steps of learning, programs in learning, and the way that is done in learning
through teaching and learning activities in schools. The principal also considers school rules,
policies, and education. Procedures, activities, and abilities based on the vision and mission of
the school. In 2014 Setiyati conducted a study explaining that: (1) school principal, desire to
work, and school atmosphere had a significant positive effect on teacher performance by
65.2% (2) the percentage sign indicates a very strong relationship. the role of school
principals on teacher work outcomes is 29.22% (3) there is a very strong influence of work
desire on teacher work outcomes of 23.33% (4) very strong from the school atmosphere on
teacher work outcomes of 44.94%. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of
the program begins with the division of tasks and authority by their respective abilities and
duties and holds a meeting to provide direction by providing the information necessary for the
activities to be carried out properly. Motivation given by school principals in supporting the
implementation of school programs is to provide rewards in the form of increasing the value
of performance for teachers whose performance is good and given punishment in the form of
lowering the performance values stated in the teacher's SKP. As an educational leader in a
school, the principal organizes the school and its personnel who work in it in situations that
are effective, efficient, democratic, and teamwork under their leadership, educational
programs for students must be planned, organized, implemented, and evaluated. In 2013,
Pratiwi explained that: (1) there was a role for work desire for teacher work, (2) there was a
role for job satisfaction for teacher work, (3) there was a role for the principal for teacher
work, (4) there was a role for the school atmosphere towards teacher work outcomes, and (5)
there is the role of work desire, job satisfaction, school principals and school atmosphere
together towards the work of economics teachers in Wonogiri Regency schools.
Principal's Assessment of Teacher Potential
Leadership implementation activities by the school principal. The researcher
concludes that the assessment of steps in increasing teacher potential has been carried out
with appropriate instruments. The results of this study are made to be changed or checked
when the application has steps that the school principal conduct policies for the
implementation of further matters. Assessment is an activity analyzing the achievement of
individual abilities or goals of a teacher at work. Even in 2012, Sukardi explained that the
assessment was an activity that could determine the objectives had been achieved or not.
Assessors can make estimates of the goals to be achieved by a teacher in a time through
continuous improvement. When a teacher is not expected to achieve the specified goals, the

assessor will find out whether things that can cause the teacher can not achieve the specified
goals. Assessors can also modify and improve the way of teaching and vision and mission of
the school. In 2013 Iskandar conducted a study explaining that the work of a teacher can be
seen as pedagogical abilities, professional abilities, personal abilities, and social abilities. Due
to the large role of the principal's leadership and desire to work, the principal is required to
improve the work of the teacher in conducting learning.

BAB III PEMBAHASAN A. Pembahasan Isi Jurnal

1) Pembahasan Jurnal 1
Definisi Konsepsional Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan disiplin
kerja guru dan pegawai adalah suatu cara yang digunakan kepala sekolah dalam
mempengaruhi, menuntun dan membimbing guru dan pegawai untuk bersama – sama
melakukan pekerjaan yang telah di tentukan besama – sama sehingga dapat menanamkan
jiwa disiplin kerja guru dan pegawai untuk mencapai tujuan sekolah yang telah ditentukan
bersama – sama.
2) Pembahasan Jurnal 2
Managerial competence in improving teacher performance is going well. However, it
has not been fully implemented. The principal's program in improving teacher performance at
SMP Negeri Banda Aceh is by making school learning plans, supervising teachers,
conducting collaborations, work meetings, and holding workshops to improve teachers`
performance. However, there are various programs that are not fully implemented properly
due to various obstacles that occur in the field. The constraint faced by principals in
improving teacher performance, lack of workshop activities held at schools, lack of teacher to
participate in activity programs held by principals, and many elderly teachers. The limitations
of the study are that the scope of the research is only to prove the contribution of the
principal's managerial competence to teachers` performance. The further study must add more
research subjects and the number of schools used so that the information obtained is more
optimal. The implications of this research are expected to be an evaluation for school
principals in improving teacher performance.

3) Pembahasan Jurnal 3

From the discussion above, the conclusions from this study are as follows: (1) the principal's
plan to improve the personal competence of teachers who focus on the vision and mission for
the goals to be achieved in the future; (2) Principal's leadership ability to take action by
deciding the source, regulations, mapping, and the ability and interpretation of the program;
(3) The principal evaluates the teacher's professional development by assessing, namely: a)
the work performance of the teacher; b) evaluation of teamwork and individual work; c)
evaluation of future implementations; d vision, mission, and goal evaluation; e) assessment of
the plan.


1) Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Jurnal 1
Kelebiha dari jurnal 1 ialah dilihat dari tata bahasa, tata bahasa yang digunakan sudah sangat
baik dan sudah mengikuti kaidah – kaidah tata bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Tata
bahasa yang digunakan mudah dan dapat dimengerti dengan baik karena sudah mengikuti
aturan ejaan yang disempurnakan. Sedangkan kekurangan dari jurnal ini ialah dilihat dari
aspek ruang lingkup, ruang lingkup pembahasan pada jurnal pertama terlalu minim sumber
informasi dan analisis data. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan terlalu singkat dan sistem
analisis data yang dilakukan tidak mencakup seluruh pembahasan yang ada.

2) Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Jurnal 2

Dari jurnaal ini terdapat kelebihan yaitu jurnal ini memiliki bahasa baku sehingga pembaca
mudah memahami isi jurnal ini, kemudian jurnal ini juga memiliki identitas yang lengkap
sehingga mudah dicari memiliki 2 abstrakbahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Sedangkan
kekuranga dari jurnal ini ialah tidak memiliki sebuah saran.

3) Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Jurnal 3

Kelebihan dari jurnal ini ialah jurnal ini memiliki bahasa indonesia yang baku sehingga
dapat membuat pembaca lebih mudah memahami isi jurnal tersebut,jurnal ini sudah memiliki
penerbit dan juga memiliki ISSN dan juga identitas lengkap sehingga mudah untuk di cari.
Sedangkan kekurangan nya ialah Sedangkan kekurangandari jurnal ini ialah tidak memiliki
abstrak berbahasa indonesia, dan sedikit kurang rapih.

A. Kesimpulan
Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah
a. Kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin yaitu kepala sekolah melakukan tanggung jawab
melakukan perbaikan dan pengajaran. Keadaan tersebut dilandasi oleh anggapan bahwa
tujuan utama penyelenggaraan pendidikan melalui sekolah adalah terciptanya lingkungan
yang kondusif, sehingga proses belajar mengajar dapat tercapai secara efektif.
b. Kepala sekolah sebagai menajer dalam mempengaruhi guru untuk mewujudkan tujuan
yang diinginkan. Sebagai manajer kepala sekolah harus mau dan mampu mendayagunakan
seluruh sumber daya sekolah dalam maeningkatkan visi, misi dan memcapai tujuan sekolah.
c. Kepala sekolah berperan sebagai pendidik mencakup dua hal pokok yaitu sasaran atau
kepada siapa perilaku sebagai pendidik itu diarahkan dan bagaimana peran sebagai pendidik
itu dilaksanakan
d. Kepala sekolah berperan sebagai administrator sangat diperlukan karena kegiatan di
sekolah tidak terlepas dari pengelolaan administrasi yang bersifat pencatatan dan
pendokumentasian seluruh program sekolah. Kepala sekolah dalam perannya sebagai
administrator dalam hal ini juga berkenaan dengan keuangan, bahwa untuk tercapainya
peningkatan kompetensi guru tidak terlepas dari faktor biaya.
e. Kepala sekolah berperan sebagai motivator dengan memberikan motivasi kepada guru
dan pegawai, serta mengatur lingkungan fisik dan suasana kerja. Apabila guru dan pegawai
memiliki motivasi yang positif maka guru dan pegawai akan lebih memperhatikan miniat,
mempunyai perhatian dan ikut serta dalam suatu tugas dan pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain guru
dan pegawai akan melaksanakan pekerjaannya dengan baik apabila ada factor motivasi
dorongan yang tinggi dari kepala sekolah.
2. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh Kepala Sekolah di SMA Bakti Sejahtera Kecamatan
Kongbeng Kabupaten Kutim yaitu kepala sekolah merasa guru dan pegawai yang kurang

disiplin dalam melaksanakan tugas dan pekerjaannya, dan kendala dalam sarana dan
B. Saran
Jurnal tersebut sudah bagus tetapi kami memberikan saran agar membuat hasil penelitian
lebih menarik lagi, gaya tuliasan lebih mudah lagi agar pembaca dapat lebih mudah
memahami isi atau pun arti dari tulisan jutrnal tersebut.

Purwanti Sri. 2013. Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin
Kerja Guru Dan Pegawai Di Sma Bakti Sejahtera Kecamatan Kongbeng
Kabupaten Kutai Timur. eJournal Administrasi Negara : 2013, 1 (1):
210-224. ISSN 0000-0000
Deni Fajar Wicoksono, 2022, The Managerial Leadership of Principal in Improving the
Teachers` Performances, Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia.
Nasir Usman, 2020, The Principal Strategic Leadership On Teachers’ Professional
Development At Junior High Schools In Banda Aceh, Journal of Critical


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