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Lecturer: Risma Asriani Azis Genisa, S.S.,M.Hum.


You can provide the answer in both languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English or mix them if needed.


1. Name of student
Meilin safutri

2. How many years of experience do you have in Learning English?

(Berapa tahun pengalaman Anda dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?)
6 years old

3. Do you like / dislike learning English?Why?

(Apakah kamu suka/tidak belajar bahasa Inggris? Kenapa? )
Jawaban:yes I do ],because I like learning languages.

4. Do you like this subject?Why?

(Apakah anda menyukai mata kuliah ini? Kenapa?)
Yes I do, because I like learning languages

5. What are your expectations for learning in this subject?

(Apa harapan anda belajar pada mata kuliah ini?)
I hope I could speak english


● Attending the English course:

What do you feel attending the English class? (Apa yang kamu rasakan menghadiri mata
kuliah ?)
A. Perceived Relatedness
What do you think about your relationship with your classmates on this class ?
(Apa yang kamu pikir tentang hubunganmu dengan teman kelasmu pada mata
kuliah ini ) – terkait kerjasama ,kolaborasi dalam kelas atau hal hal yang bisa
memperkuat hubungan kamu dengan teman maupun dosen
Jawaban:I think the relationship between my friends is very good in all of these
courses and other subject.

B. Perceived Autonomy
What do you think about the way you learn and practice new elements on this
unit?( apa yang kamu pikir mengenai cara untuk praktek langsung pada materi
baru ?) terkait bagamaina cara kamu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan . Misalnya
membuat jadwal belajar, menentukan strategi belajar, memlih topik atau hal hal
lain yang kamu bisa secara bebas memegang kendali atas perilaku dan tujuan
Jawaban:maybe I think cara menentukan strategi orang berbeda tapi saya pribadi
saya melakukan dengan cara Bersama teman teman dan di bombing dengan dosen.

C. Perceived Competence
How would you describe your ability? Bagaimana kamu menggambarkan
kemampuan mu ?- terkait bagaimana kamu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan
pengalaman belajar sehingga kebutuhanmu atas pemahaman terpenuhi
Jawaban : dengan cara mendengarkan lagu dari niki dan menonton film dengan
car aini saya meningkatkan pengetahuan berbahasa inggris saya.

Supporting Environment, Stefanou, et al. (2004)
A. Support for Autonomy
How does your lecturer support you in learning by yourself? Bagaimana dosen
mendukung kamu dalam belajar mandiri? – model pembelajrannya – topic
pembahasan dll. Yang kamu pikir bahwa itu adalah bentuk dukungan yang
memandirikan mahasiswa dimana kamu diberikan kebebasan.

Jawaban:she guided us very well.and every material given is explained very well and clearly.

Berada pada level berapa ? silahkan (X)

B. Support for Competence

How does your lecturer support you in developing your writing? Bagaimana
dosenmu mendukung kamu dalam pengembangan tulisanmu terkait Apa
treatment yang dosen lakukan dalam membuatmu menguasai materi.
Jawaban:we were told to write without using google translation, so we were
trained to write independently without the help of google translation.

Berada pada level berapa ? silahkan (X)

C. Support for Relatedness

How does your lecturer support you in developing your relationship with her and
with your peers? Bagaimana dosen mendukung kamu dalam hubungan mu
dengan dosen dan teman-teman kelasmu?
Jawaban: very batter and my lecturer teach very well.

Berada pada level berapa ? silahkan (X)


1. How would you describe your learning experience in the class? Why? (bagaimana kamu
menggambarkan pengalaman belajar di kelas ? Kenapa?)
Answer: my experience while in class is that I know more and more about new things and know my

2. How would you describe your relationship with your colleagues when taking class? Why?
What was your lecturers’s role in that? (bagaimana kamu menggambarkan hubunganmu
dengan teman ketika memilih matakuliah -apa peranan dosenmu disitu ?)
Answer: I have a good relationship with my class mates, and they also often help me in studying.
And the role of my lecturer is to make the class atmosphere fun and not boring.

3. What changes do you feel after going through the class? (bagaimana perubahan yang anda
rasakan setelah melewati kelas ?)

Answer: I can be more confident and can know my English ability.

4. Do you like the way your lecturers teaches ? Which part? (Apakah anda menyukai cara
dosen anda mengajar ? Bagian mana?)
Answer: I really like. And the system for conveying the material is also very easy to
understand and not boring, even though not all students in the class understand ma'am's
teaching methods. But I personally understand the teaching method given.

5. What is the best way to learn ? How are you treated? (bagaimana cara terbaik dalam
belajar ? Bagaimana anda ingin diperlakukan)
Answer: The best way to learn is to try, try in our failures. I want to get good feedback in
my learning English.

6. What do you think is the positive effect of the lessons you have passed? (apa pengaruh
positf dari pembelajaran yang anda telah lewati)
Answer: The positive impact of the lessons that I have been through is that I have become
more confident, my abilities are better than before, also I can find out how my learning
system is.

7. Give the best suggestions that can help lecturers in improving the teaching process?
(Berikan saran terbaik yang dapat membantu dosen dalam memperbaiki proses
Answer: maybe my suggestion for ma'am is to invite students to dare to give their opinion.

8. What are the most difficult challenges in learning and how do you overcome it?(Apa
tantangan paling berat dalam belajar dan bagaimana kamu mengatasinya)
Answer: In my opinion, the hardest thing is to find the best study time. However, if we are
determined to start learning, we can do it. The way I handle it is to start first, do what we
think is easy so that we don't have a hard time going.

9. Who is the most dominant in learning to write? lecturer or student? Why (siapa yang paling
dominan dalam pembelajaran ? dosen atau mahasiswa? Kenapa)
Answer: Lecturer. Because the lecturer explained about the material in the class. But not a
few students can ask questions about the elements at that time.

10. How does the lecturer provide you with autonomy (freedom in achieving goals), such as
allowing you to choose the topic of the material? Please provide another example.
(Bagaimana cara dosen memberikan kamu autonomy (kebebasan dalam mencapai tujuan)
misalnya dengan membebaskan kamu memilih topic materi. Berikan contoh lain.)
Answer:My lecturer gave us the freedom to write and speak english. Even though
sometimes our grammar isn't perfect, my lecturer gives us the freedom to train us in writing
and speaking English.

11. What is your role in group assignments? How do you feel about it?

(Bagaimana peranan kamu dalam tugas kelompok. bagaimana perasaan kamu?)

Answer: My role in the group is not too bad and i can position myself when working in groups. Even
though my English is not perfect, but I can help my colleagues to give opinions about English

12. How does your lecturer maintain a relationship with students? For instance, providing feedback, applause
and other methods. Give another example.

(Bagaimana dosen kamu menjaga hubungan dengan mahasiswa? misalnya memberikan feedback atau
applause dan lain lain. Sebutkan contoh yang lain)

Anwer: My lecturer maintains a good relationship with his students, he always respects us no matter what
we do in assignments or opinions, even though I know our assignments are not perfect and our English is
not perfect but he always gives us applause and always appreciates us. That is one of the benefits I get.

13. How do you enhance your knowledge of the subject matter outside of class?
(Bagaimana cara kamu meningkatkan pengetahuan kamu tentang materi selain materi
dalam kelas)
Anwers: As I said before, I am the type of person who likes new things. Therefore, I will
make myself find out material outside the material in class. And sometimes I share with my
friends about material that I don't understand so he can help me

14. Please provide the best tips/ tricks to pass this subject.

(Berikan tips/ trik terbaik agar lulus dalam mata kuliah ini)

Anwers; The tips is to do things that make you happy with the situation in this class, whether it's material
or whatever it is. So that we know what our learning ability is like.

1. What specific English language topics do you most desire to learn in this class, particularly related to
your field of study. And how do you think they will impact your English language proficiency?
(Materi/topik Bahasa Inggris apa yang paling Anda ingin pelajari dalam kelas, terutama yang berkaitan
dengan bidang studi Anda, dan bagaimana Anda percaya bahwa materi ini akan mempengaruhi
kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Anda?)
Answer: The tips is to do things that make you happy with the situation in this class, whether it's material
or whatever it is. So that we know what our learning ability is like.

2. During the class, which material/ topic left the strongest impression on you? Why?
(Selama di kelas, materi/ topik apa yang paling membekas, mengapa?)
Answer: about the presentation, because we are given time to present the results of the material we
provide with free topics and I feel very interested and nervous because of that

3. How do you feel when presenting a self-selected topic? Please describe your experience.
(Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika tampil mempresentasikan materi/topik yang anda pilih sendiri?
Jelaskan pengalaman Anda.)
Answer: I feel excited because I brought up the topic of choirs and I really like singing and I want to
show and tell you that choirs are fun

4. What learning reflections have you gained from this learning experience? Please elaborate.
(Apa refleksi pembelajaran yang kalian dapat dalam pembelajaran ini. Jelaskan.)
Answer;sThe learning reflection that I got from this learning experience is that we can know how to
distinguish word particles in sentences and how to present properly and correctly.

Thank you & Good Luck

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