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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 7 Purwodadi
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX /Ganjil
Tema : Label
AlokasiWaktu : 2 JP (2 x 40 menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Melalui pembelajaran ini, diharapkan siswa dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang tertera di label obat/makanan/ minuman
2. Menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dari contoh presentasi tentang obat/makanan/ minuman
3. Menuliskan informasi tentang obat/makanan/ minuman ke dalam tabel analisis
B. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pendahuluan
a) Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran, memeriksa
kehadiran peserta didik sebagai sikap disiplin, menanyakan kondisi dan kesiapan siswa, memeriksa
lingkungan di sekitar siswa.
b) Mengaitkan materi/tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan dengan pengalaman peserta didik
dengan materi/tema/kegiatan sebelumnya, serta mengajukan pertanyaan untuk mengingat dan
menghubungkan dengan materi selanjutnya.
c) Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik serta menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat mempelajari materi
teks khusus terkait obat/makanan/minuman.
d) Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, serta metode belajar yang akan
Kegiatan Inti
Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat, mengamati, membaca dan
menuliskannya kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi teks
khusus berbentuk label terkait obat/makanan/minuman.
Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengidentifikasi hal-hal
yang belum dipahami, dimulai dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik yang berkaitan dengan materi teks khusus berbentuk label terkait
Collaboration Peserta didik diberikan kesempatan mengumpulkan informasi, mengerjakan LKPD,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi mengenai teks khusus
berbentuk label terkait obat/makanan/minuman.
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok, mengemukakan pendapat atas
Communication presentasi yang dilakukan dan dapat ditanggapi oleh peserta didik lainnya.
Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait
teks khusus berbentuk label terkait obat/makanan/minuman. Peserta didik kemudian
diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami
Kegiatan Penutup

a) Peserta didik dibimbing guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran melalui tanya jawab secara klasikal.
b) Peserta didik melakukan refleksi bersama-sama guru terhadap manfaat proses pembelajaran yang telah
dilakukan dan menentukan tindakan yang akan dilakukan.
C. Penilaian
✓ Sikap: Observasi saat pembelajaran tentang sikap disiplin, kreatif dan komunikatif.
✓ Pengetahuan: Tugas menjawab soal yang diberikan.
✓ Keterampilan:
(a) Proses: diskusi, pengerjaan LK, presentasi
(b) Produk: hasil karya percakapan

Mengetahui Purwodadi, Juli 2022

Kepala SMP N 7 Purwodadi Guru Mapel

Agus Prasetyo, S.Pd,M.Pd Dwi Retno Sisworowati, M.Pd.

NIP. 19640401 198603 1 012 NIP. –



A label is used to give information about a product. It is usually put on the

back of most products. By reading the labels, people will know whether
the product is good to consume or not. Many countries require that
packaged food products have labels containing nutrition

Social Function

To get detailed information of the product.

To avoid harmful effects.

To choose healthy and safe product.

To get the best result.

Language feature

Terms used in the product: serving size, servings per

container, dosage, values.

Using imperative sentence (examples: keep the syrup in

a dry place. Keep away from children, Don’t acceptthe
product if the seal is broken, etc)

Noun phrases (examples: significant source, dietary fiber,

saturated fat, etc)

Generic structure

Food and beverage Drug

1. The brand of the product 1. The brand of the product
2. The name of the product 2. The name of the product
3. Description 3. Description
4. Content 4. Content
5. Ingredients 5. uses
6. Direction to use/ Instruction Direction to use/ Instruction
7. Direction to store 7. Direction to store
8. Expiration date 8. Expiration date


1. Cut and glue your label on your worksheet.

2. Identify and analyse your label based on the table provided.
3. Present your group work in front of your class.


1. The brand of the product

2. The name of the product

3. Description

4. Content

5. Ingredients

6. Direction to use/ Instruction -

7. Direction to store

8. Expiration date

1. Arrange the sentence below into a good structure of label

2. Choose one of the available topic of the label from product
3. There are four lable. Please choose one of them randomly

Label 1

No Sentence The good structure

Facts Statement
1. Best before the twentieth of June,2021 1. .................. ...................
2. Not from concentrate, no preservatives, no added 2. .................. ...................
sugar .
3. Barsotti 3. .................. ...................
4. Freshly squeezed oranges, flas pasteurized 4. .................. ...................
5. Juice 5. .................. ...................
6. 64 1 oz 91/2 GAL 1.89 L 6. .................. ...................
7.- Shake before serving 7. .................. ...................
- Use unexpired product within 7 days ofopening .

8 Keep refrigerated 8. .................. ...................

Label 2

No Sentence The good structure

Facts Statement

1.- Keep it in moderate 1. ................... ...................

- Keep away from children
2. The twentieth of Juni, 2021 2. ................... ...................
3. 75 ml 3. ................... ...................
4. Pinux 4. ................... ...................
5. Cough mixture of formula 440 5. ................... ...................
6. Use medicine accoring to physician’s 6. ................... ...................

7. It relieves dry cough 7. ................... ...................

8 Children cough syrup 8. ................... ...................

Label 3

No Sentence The good structure

Fact Statement

1 Nt Wt 2 Fl. Oz (60 ml) 1. .................. ....................

2 There is no information about the 2. .................. ....................
expiration date

3 Store in cool, dry place 3. .................. ....................


4 Dr. Morcalo 4. .................. ....................

5 Novel Tea 100% Organic Tulsi Tea 5. .................. ....................

6 Full flavor, antioxidant tea, in an airless 6. .................. ....................

pump to ensure freshness
Caffein free
No artificial colour No artificial flavour
No preservatives

7 Organic Tulsi extract ( water, tulsi leaf) 7. .................. ...................

8 Add 3 pumps of organic Tulsi Tea extract to 8. .................. ....................
one cup of water (8 ounces, hot or cold)
Before using the first time you must prime
the pumps initially
Label 4

No Sentence The good structure

Fact Statement

1 250 ml 1. .................. ...................

2 Geae 2. .................. ...................

3 There is no information about the 3. .................. ...................

expiration date

4 Extra virgin olive oil (98 %) 4. .................. ...................

5 Wild Sundried Oregano 2% 5. .................. ...................

6 Store in a cool, dry place. Do not expose to 6. .................. ...................

direct sunlight

7 Organic Tulsi extract ( water, tulsi leaf) 7. .................. ...................

8 Shake well before use 8. .................. ...................


Activity 1
(Teacher’s obligation)

Activity 2
Label 1

Label 2

1. The brand of the product Pinux

2. The name of the product Children cough syrup

3. Description Cough mixture of formula 440

4. Content 75 ml

5. uses It relieves dry cough

6. Direction to use/ Instruction Use medicine accoring to physician’s

7. Direction to store - Keep it in moderate
- Keep away from children
8. Expiration date The twentieth of Juni, 2021
Label 3
1. The brand of the product Dr. Morcalo

2. The name of the product Novel Tea 100% Organic Tulsi Tea

3. Description Full flavor, antioxidant tea, in an

airless pump to ensure freshness
Caffein free
No artificial colour
No artificial flavour
No preservatives

4. Content Nt Wt 2 Fl. Oz (60 ml)

5. Ingredients Organic Tulsi extract ( water, tulsi leaf)

6. Direction to use/ Instruction - Add 3 pumps of organic Tulsi Tea

extract to one cup of water (8
ounces, hot or cold)
- Before using the first time you must
prime the pumps initially

7. Direction to store Store in cool, dry place

8. Expiration date There is no information about the

expiration date
Label 4

No Fact Statement
1. The brand of the product Geae

2. The name of the product Greek natural olive oil with oregano

3. Description Olive oil obtained directly fromolives

and solely by mechanical means,
naturally blended with wild, sundried
oregano .This product may become
cloudy at less than 8 degrees Celcius but
will clear at room temperature.

4. Content 250 ml

5. Ingredients Extra virgin olive oil (98%) , Wild

sundried oregano (2%)

6. Direction to use/ Instruction - Shake well before use

7. Direction to store Store in a cool, dry place. Do not

expose to direct sunlight.

8. Expiration date Not available.

a. Penilaian keterampilan menulis

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik
1. Susunan struktur kalimat benar
2. Kelengkapan tulisan sesuai topik
3. Kesesuaian isi dengan judul
4. Kerapihan tulisan
Skor yang dicapai
Skor maksimum 100

Baik mendapat skor 25
Kurang baik mendapat skor 10

b. Penilaian keterampilan berbicara

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik
1. Fluency
2. Pronounciation
3. Intonation
4. Accuracy
Skor yang dicapai
Skor maksimum 100

Baik mendapat skor 25
Kurang baik mendapat skor 10
c. Penilaian Presentasi kelompok

No. Aspek yang Dinilai Baik
1. Organisasi presentasi (pengantar, isi, kesimpulan)
2. Isi presentasi (kedalaman, logika)
3. Koherensi dan kelancaran berbahasa
4. Kerjasama kelompok
5. Penyajian (tatapan, ekspresi wajah, bahasa tubuh)
Skor yang dicapai
Skor maksimum 10

Baik mendapat skor 2
Kurang baik mendapat
skor 1
d. Penilaian portofolio/ unjuk kerja tugas membuat video label

No Nama siswa Pronounciation Fluency Gesture/Body Timing(durasi) Total

(Pengucapan) (Kelancaran) languange/ nilai


Pedoman penilaian:
1. Nilai maksimal untuk Pronounciation 30
2. Nilai maksimal untuk fluency 25
3. Nilai maksimal untuk Gesture/Body languange/ 25

4. Nilai maksimal untuk timing 20

Total nilai 100

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