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Kelas : 2A-1

Nama/NIM Praktikan : Gentha Bagoes Pratama / 211311013


Nama/NIM : Hafizh Zyulfikri / 201311013

Nama/NIM : Faris Muzaky Tama / 211311010

No. Urut Percobaan :8

No/Nama Modul
: Spectral Response
Tanggal Pelaksanaan : 28 Maret 2023

Tanggal Pelaporan : 26 April 2023


Semester 4 2023/2024
1. Tujuan Praktikum
• Menguji bagaimana respon dari fotoelektrik tranduser bervariasi berdasarkan panjang
gelombang lampu.
• Menentukan kurva respon spektral dari fotokoduktif sel menggunakan filter warna.

2. Rangkaian Percobaan

Gambar 2.1 Konfigurasi Rangkaian Percobaan

3. Alat dan Bahan

• Power Supply Teknikit Consolette TK286 1 buah
• Multimeter analog Sanwa YX360TRF 1 buah
• Modul Linear Tranduser Test Rig 1 buah
• Filter warna 1 buah tiap filter

4. Langkah Percobaan
A. Spectral Response 1
1) Membuat konfigurasi rangkaian, seperti pada Gambar 2.1.
2) Menghubungkan lampu dengan supply +15 V.
3) Menempatkan kotak sensor pada hole 0 dan penanda sudut pada 0°
4) Melakukan pengukuran tanpa filter
5) Mengukur arus keluaran
6) Mencatat arus pada Tabel 5.1
7) Matikan suplly dan menunggu sesaat
8) Memasang filter warna violet dan menyalakan supply.
9) Mengulangi langkah A.5) sampai A.8) untuk infrared dan setiap filter warna yang
B. Spectral Response 2
1) Menggunakan rangkaian yang sama pada Gambar 2.1.
2) Memasang filter warna violet dengan scale setting 90.
3) Melakukan pengukuran arus dan mencatat nilainya pada Tabel 5.2.
4) Mematikan supply dan menunggu sesaat.
5) Memasang filter warna baru dengan scale setting sesuai dengan pengaturan
6) Menyalakan kembali supply
7) Mengulangi langkah B.3) sampai B.6) untuk filter warna lainnya sesuai dengan
pengaturan pada jobsheet.

C. Spectral Response Wavelenght Appear Black

1) Menggunakan rangkaian pada Gambar 2.1.
2) Memasang filter warna dengan panjang gelombang 440 dan 520 secara bersamaan
3) Menempatkan posisi kotak sensor, seperti pada langkah A.4)
4) Menyalakan supply
5) Mengukur arus terbaca dan mencatatnya pada Tabel 5.3.
6) Mematikan supply dan menunggu sesaat
7) Mengulangi langkah C.4) sampai C.6) untuk seluruh kombinasi warna filter
sesuai dengan jobsheet.

5. Data Percobaan
Tabel 5.1 Data Hasil Pengukuran Spectral Response 1
Photoconductive Photodioda
Filter Warna Wavelenght (nm)
Cell (mA) (uA)
violet 440 0,03 -10
blue 470 0,021 -11,2
blue/green 490 0,024 -10,3
green 520 0,025 -12,3
green/yellow 550 0,022 -8
yellow 580 0,022 -6,47
orange 600 0,026 -7,6
red 690 0,03 -9,9
deepred 700 0,024 -13,5
infrared 1 4 -4,2
no filter 0 7 -13,6
Tabel 5.2. Data Hasil Pengukuran Respon Spectral 2
wavelenght illumination scale arus
color hole
(nm) requeired setting (mA)
violet 440 100 90 0 0,023
blue 470 71 80.8 0 0,013
blue/green 490 49.5 69 0 0,01
green 520 47.8 67.7 0 0,031
green/yellow 550 47 67.1 0 0,01
yellow 580 32.7 52.5 0 0,015
orange 600 10.8 38 1 0,2
red 690 27.3 44.2 0 0,62
deepred 700 38.3 59 0 0,75

Tabel 5.3 Data Hasil Pengukuran Spectral Reson Wavelength Appear Black
Kombinasi Photoconductive
Filter cell (uA)
440+520 -5,5 8
440+550 -3,4 4
440+580 -2,4 3
470+550 -4,2 5
470+580 -4.4 4
490+580 -3,6 4
490+600 -6,4 14
490+700 -1,7 16
520+600 -3,4 18
520+700 -2 16
550+700 -1,23 0,012
6. Jawaban Pertanyaan
6.1.Ignoring for the moment the different transmission factors of the filters, what can you
say about the relative response of the transducer at the red and blue ends of spectrum?
Answer : The red has longer peak wavelength than blue and the current produced by
the response to red light is higher than the blue light.
6.2.Remembering that the bulb output is ore red light than blue light, does this support your
answer to 1?
Answer : Yes it, does.
6.3.Why does the meter not go to zero if the pairs of filters appear to pass no light ?
Answer : Because the sensor is very sensitive in the red region of spectrum, particularly
to infra red
6.4.Does this support the theory that the transducer response to infra-red?
Answer : Yes, it does
6.5.What does the meter read now ? does this reading support the theory that the infra-red
has the effect ?
Answer : The meter read more than zero volts. The transducer still can responds to light
because there is still a small amount of red spectrum in the light.
6.6.What do you conclude about the spectral response of the silicon phototransistor?
Answer : Longer wave length doesn’t make the reading lower.
6.7.Ignoring for the moment the different transmission factor of the filter, what can you say
about the relative response of the transducer to each filter ?
Answer : The response of the transducer is variative, but still smaller than the one
without any filter. The highest output is at no filter
6.8.Remembering that the bulb output is more red light than blue light, does this support
your answer to 9?
Answer : Yes, it does.
6.9. Are the meter readings greater, the same or less than the ones for the silicon
Answer : Less than photodiode.
6.10. What does this indicate ?
Answer : The photodiode are more sensitive
6.11. Q29.11 is the greater, the same or less than for the infra red filter in front of the
photodiode ?
Answer : It less than photodiode
6.12. What does this indicate? Is the photoconductive cell more or less sensitive to
infra-red than photodiode ?
Answer : Yes, the reading meter is better
6.13. Does the meter now read zero? Does it confirm that any remaining infrared has
a negligible effect ?
Answer : No,it is not
6.14. What do you see ?
Answer : Reading more than zero. The transducer still responds to light because there
is still a small amount of red light
6.15. How can you ensure this ?
Answer : Vary the source transducer distance by applying the inverse square law
6.16. What do you estimate to the peak wavelength of response of the Cadmium
Sulpho-selenide photoconductive cell?
Answer : An infra-red
6.17. Has the output reduced completely to zero at wavelength of 700nm? At what
wavelength above this do you estimate the output will be zero? This is the long
wavelength threshold of the material
No it is not
6.18. Why does infra-red not produced much output from this transducer ?
Answer : Because it has the longer wavelength
6.19. Is the threshold wavelength of silicon higher or lower than that of Cadnium
Answer : Its higher
6.20. Which of these two materials would make the best transducer for detecting
a) Daylight ?
b) Fluorescent light ?
c) Tungsten filament bulb?
d) A fire ?
Answer : b) and c)

7. Analisis
The response of photodiode and photoconductive cell varies with the wavelength of
light. Different wavelength have different energies and this effect how the photodiode and
photoconductive cell responds.
Based on the table 5.1 and 5.2 it show that the photoconductive cell has a higher peak
wavelength of responds than the photodiode. That means the photoconductive cell is
more sensitive to infrared light.
Based on the table 5.1 for photoconductive cell, the highest current output is for red
light and the lowest is for blue light. Meanwhile for photodiode the highest current output
is for yellow and the lowest is deepred light.
In table 5.2 provides information on the LDR response to different colors of light,
showing that the highest current output is obtained for deep red light also the lowest
current output is yellow light, and the relative illumination decrease as the wavelength

8. Kesimpulan
• The infrared light has the better responds to the photoconductive cell compared to
the photodiode.
• The current output of the photoconductive cell decreasing when the filter is
getting black.
• The combination of two filters has a current that can still measure due to the
presence of red or infra red light detected by the transducer.

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