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Sekolah : SMK Negeri Rengel KD : 3.4 dan 4.4

Materi : News Item Text
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Pertemuan : 1 (2x 45 menit)

Kompetensi Inti
KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI 2 : Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama,
toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari
solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial
dan alam sertamenempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya
untuk memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta bertindak secara
efektif dan kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.


Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
3.4 struktur teks, dan unsur unsur kebahasaan dari teks news item
kebahasaan beberapa teks news 3.4.2 Mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok dari teks
item lisan dan tulis dengan news item
memberi dan meminta informasi 3.4.3 Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks news
terkait berita sederhana dari item
koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan 3.4.4 Mengidentifikasi kosakata sulit yang ditemukan
konteks penggunaannya dari teks news item

Menangkap makna secara 4.4.1 Menemukan makna kata/frase/ kalimat dari teks
4.4 kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, news item
struktur teks, dan unsur 4.4.2 Menemukan referen/rujukan dari pronouns dan
kebahasaan teks news items lisan nouns yang ada pada teks news item
dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita 4.4.3 Menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dari teks
sederhana koran/radio/TV news item
4.4.4 Menyimpulkan isi teks news item dengan bahasa

Dalam proses pembelajaran:

1. Setelah peserta didik mendapatkan tayangan powerpoint yang berisi tentang materi dan
video tentang news item peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan teks news item dengan tepat.
2. Setelah diberikan teks news item, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok
dari teks news item dengan tepat.
3. Setelah diberikan pertanyaan -pertanyaan faktual dari teks news item, peserta didik dapat
menemukan informasi rinci dari teks news item dengan tepat.
4. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi kosakata sulit yang
ditemukan pada teks news item dengan tepat.
5. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat menemukan makna kata/frase/
kalimat dari teks news item dengan benar.
6. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat menemukan referen/rujukan dari
pronouns dan nouns yang ada pada teks news item dengan benar.
7. Setelah diberikan pertanyaan – pertanyaan inferensial dari teks news item, peserta didik
dapat menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dari teks news item dengan tepat.
8. Setelah memahami teks news item, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan isi teks dengan
menggunakan kalimat sendiri dengan tepat.


1. Bekerja sama
2. Jujur
3. Tanggung jawab
4. Disiplin


Link materi video youtube:

News Item Text
Definition of News Item Text
News item text is a written public information which inform to readers about events of the
day, considered newsworthy or important information. Basically, a news item text answers
the 5W and 1H questions: what, who, when, where, why, and how relating to the newsworthy.

Social Function of the News Item

To inform the readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered
newsworthy or important.

Generic structure of the News Item

The generic structure of News Item Text includes newsworthy event, elaboration of
background / background event(s), and sources.
1. Main event/Newsworthy events Newsworthy event (peristiwa penting diberitakan): Event
which is considered as newsworthy. The newsworthy event is commonly placed at the first
paragraph. (Main event adalah paragraf yang berisi tentang ringkasan dari suatu peristiwa,
alias kejadian penting yang menjadi highlight untuk disampaikan pada pembaca)
2. Elaboration/Background Event Elaboration of background / background event (s) (Latar
belakang peristiwa): The detail information of the newsworthy event or the external
background which closely relates to newsworthy event (When/Where the even occurred who
are the participants) etc. (Background event ini berisi latar belakang peristiwa yang terjadi.
Mulai dari apa dan siapa saja yang terlibat, di mana, kapan, mengapa, serta bagaimana
peristiwa tersebut bisa terjadi. Struktur ini harus tertulis secara lengkap agar pembaca dapat
memahami keseluruhan teks dengan mudah dan value berita dapat tersampaikan dengan baik.
Isinya harus meliputi 5W + 1H (what, where, when, who, why) and how)
3. Resource of Information (Source) Sources (Sumber peristiwa): The closing statements,
ranging from the participants, witness, and the official authorities. (Source, yaitu bagian yang
berisi tentang pendapat para ahli atau saksi mata. Selain itu, bisa juga berupa komentar dari
berbagai pihak lain yang terlibat)

Language features
Language Features of News Item Text
 Simple Past tense, example:She came alone and someone attacked her
 Action Verb, example: attack, observe, build, see, come, take, put, work, listen, walk, etc.
 Saying Verb, example: say, speak, tell, yell, scream, reply, shout, suggest, exclaim, etc
 Adverb of time, example: Now, today, later, soon, yesterday, last night, tonight, three days ago, etc.
 Adverb of place and manner, example: slowly, quickly, sadly, happily, easily, carefully, carelessly,
 Passive Voice, example: She is observed by the observer.
 Direct speech, example: He said “I am going to your school today”
 Indirect speech, example: He said that he is going to my school that day.

Model Pembelajaran : Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Metode : Ceramah, Tanya Jawab, Penugasan, Diskusi


- Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII,
Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2018

1. Media
 Power Point Presentation
 Video
 Link Wordwall:
 Link Bambozzle:
 Link Wordwall Post test:
 Link Refleksi:
 LCD Proyektor
 Hand Phone
 Laptop


1. Guru menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses
2. Guru memberi salam dan mengajak berdo’a sebelum pembelajaran dimulai
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
4. Guru memberi motivasi kepada peserta didik dan menanyakan kondisi kesehatan
5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan garis besar cakupan materi yang akan dipelajari pada
pembelajaran hari ini


Orientasi Pada Masalah
Guru menyajikan video yang berkaitan dengan News item Text
dan menanyakan apa yang sedang peserta didik amati
Berfikir Kritis Setelah peserta didik melihat dan mengamati video yang
diberikan, Guru memberi pertanyaan singkat dan panduan untuk
menganalisa tayangan video tersebut. Peserta didik dan Guru
terlibat dalam diskusi.
- What is the definition of news item text?
- What is the social function of news item text?
- What are the generic structures of news item text?
Kolaborasi Mengkoordinir Peserta Didik
Peserta didik dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok diskusi yang
terdiri dari 6-7 peserta didik (Collaboration)
Guru membagikan LKPD kepada masing-msing kelompok
Guru menampilkan contoh News Item Text dalam bentuk
Peserta didik mengamati teks yang sudah dibagikan.
(literasi) (Mengamati)
Peserta didik secara berkelompok menyelesaikan tagihan
LKPD yang berkaitan dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan teks news item dan kosakata serta
reference yang ditemukan dari teks. (Critical thinking)

Membimbing Peserta Didik

Peserta didik secara berkelompok menyelesaikan bekerja
sama dalam memahami isi teks news item. (Critical
thinking) (creativity)
Peserta didik berdiskusi atas teks yang diberikan (meneliti
secara singkat untuk menentukan judul, kata kunci dan
istilah dalam teks)
Peserta didik membaca secara aktif untuk memperoleh
informasi pokok dan detail penting guna menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait makna kosakata sulit yang
ditemukan dari teks, ide pokok, dan informasi rinci tersurat
dan tersirat dari teks.
Peserta didik menceritakan kembali atau mendiskusikan
kembali jawaban-jawaban dari pertanyaan yang telah
ditemukan (Communicative)
Peserta didik membaca ulang seluruh teks untuk
menyempurnakan pemahaman atas teks news item.
Peserta didik dibimbing untuk menyelesaikan pertanyaan-
pertanyaan yang ditampilkan di Wordwall terkait teks yang
dibaca. (TPACK)
Peserta didik diarahkan untuk menemukan ide pokok dan
informasi rinci dari teks news item dengan tepat.
Peserta didik melaksanakan tugas yang sudah diberikan
sesuai arahan dari guru
Guru berkeliling untuk mengamati dan membantu siswa
dalam memberikan solusi.
Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil karya
Peserta didik menyajikan hasil diskusi latihan soal menggunakan
TPACK. (Communicative)
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mengenai
fungsi sosial, generic structure and language feature of
news item. (critical thinking) (communicative)
Peserta didik menyusun rangkuman isi teks descriptive
yang telah dianalisis. (critical thinking) (creativity)
Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja mengenai teks
news item yang telah dirangkum. (Communicative)

Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah

Peserta didik dan guru mengevaluasi hasil kerja yang telah
diselesaikan (Communicative)
Peserta didik dan Guru menanggapi hasil diskusi setiap
kelompok yang melaksanakan persentasi
Guru memberikan apresiasi terhadap hasil kerja peserta

Kreatifitas Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-

hal yang yang telah dipelajari terkait topik dan pengertian
teks news item, social function dari text dan generic
Peserta didik diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan
kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami

PENUTUP (10 Menit)

Guru memberikan tugas latihan soal menggunakan wordwall kepada peserta didik
Guru dan peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar
Guru meminta peserta didik mengisi lembar refleksi menggunakan googleform
Guru memberikan penilaian lisan secara acak dan singkat
Guru menutup kegiatan dengan doa dan salam

Sikap : Lembar Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Essay)
Keterampilan : Kinerja & Observasi Diskusi

Mengetahui Tuban, 13 Desember 2022

Kepala SMK Negeri Rengel Guru Mata Pelajaran

Drs. MOH. MUJIB B., M.PdI. Tri Komaria, S.Pd

Pembina Tk. I
NIP. 19630210 199501 1 001



Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.4.5 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
3.4 struktur teks, dan unsur unsur kebahasaan dari teks news item
kebahasaan beberapa teks news 3.4.6 Mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok dari teks
item lisan dan tulis dengan news item
memberi dan meminta informasi 3.4.7 Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks news
terkait berita sederhana dari item
koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan 3.4.8 Mengidentifikasi kosakata sulit yang ditemukan
konteks penggunaannya dari teks news item

Menangkap makna secara 4.4.5 Menemukan makna kata/frase/ kalimat dari teks
4.4 kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, news item
struktur teks, dan unsur 4.4.6 Menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dari teks
kebahasaan teks news items lisan news item
dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita 4.4.7 Menyimpulkan isi teks news item dengan bahasa
sederhana koran/radio/TV sendiri


Dalam proses pembelajaran:

1. Setelah peserta didik mendapatkan tayangan powerpoint yang berisi tentang materi dan
video tentang news item peserta didik dapat menentukan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan teks news item dengan tepat.
2. Setelah diberikan teks news item, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik dan ide pokok
dari teks news item dengan tepat.
3. Setelah diberikan pertanyaan -pertanyaan faktual dari teks news item, peserta didik dapat
menemukan informasi rinci dari teks news item dengan tepat.
4. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi kosakata sulit yang
ditemukan pada teks news item dengan tepat.
5. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat menemukan makna kata/frase/
kalimat dari teks news item dengan benar.
6. Setelah membaca teks news item, peserta didik dapat menemukan referen/rujukan dari
pronouns dan nouns yang ada pada teks news item dengan benar.
7. Setelah diberikan pertanyaan – pertanyaan inferensial dari teks news item, peserta didik
dapat menganalisis informasi rinci tersirat dari teks news item dengan tepat.
8. Setelah memahami teks news item, peserta didik dapat menyimpulkan isi teks dengan
menggunakan kalimat sendiri dengan tepat.

Definition of News Item Text

- News item text is a written public information which inform to readers about events of the day,
considered newsworthy or important information. Basically, a news item text answers the 5W and
1H questions: what, who, when, where, why, and how relating to the newsworthy.
- News item text adalah sebuah teks bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa penting dengan bentuk menyerupai berita, atau layak untuk dijadikan berita (news).

Generic Structure of News Item Text (Struktur News Item Text)

The generic structure of News Item Text includes newsworthy event, elaboration of background /
background event(s), and sources.

1. Main event/Newsworthy events

Newsworthy event (peristiwa penting diberitakan): Event which is considered as newsworthy.
The newsworthy event is commonly placed at the first paragraph.
Main event adalah paragraf yang berisi tentang ringkasan dari suatu peristiwa, alias kejadian
penting yang menjadi highlight untuk disampaikan pada pembaca.

2. Elaboration/Background Event
Elaboration of background / background event (s) (Latar belakang peristiwa): The detail
information of the newsworthy event or the external background which closely relates to
newsworthy event (When/Where the even occurred who are the participants) etc.
Background event ini berisi latar belakang peristiwa yang terjadi. Mulai dari apa dan siapa saja
yang terlibat, di mana, kapan, mengapa, serta bagaimana peristiwa tersebut bisa terjadi. Struktur
ini harus tertulis secara lengkap agar pembaca dapat memahami keseluruhan teks dengan mudah
dan value berita dapat tersampaikan dengan baik. Isinya harus meliputi 5W + 1H (what, where,
when, who, why) and how.

3. Resource of Information (Source)

Sources (Sumber peristiwa): The closing statements, ranging from the participants,
witness, and the official authorities.
Source, yaitu bagian yang berisi tentang pendapat para ahli atau saksi mata. Selain itu, bisa
juga berupa komentar dari berbagai pihak lain yang terlibat.

Fungsi News Item Text/Tujuan (Purpose) News Item Text

- The purpose of news item is to inform readers about events of the day
- News item text bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca tentang suatu kejadian
atau peristiwa penting yang bernilai.

Characteristic of News Item Text (Karakteristik/Ciri-ciri News Item Text)

Setiap teks pasti ada ciri khas tersendiri untuk membedakannya dengan jenis teks yang lain.
Karakteristik news item text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Isi teks berfokus kepada suatu kejadian atau peristiwa penting

2. Bahasa yang digunakan singkat namun padat
3. Terkadang diawali dengan nama kota atau nama media yang menerbitkan. Misal Jakarta
4. Biasanya disertai gambar/ilustrasi serta judul (headline) yang mendeskripsikan inti

Language Features of News Item Text

 Simple Present tense: She comes alone and someone attacks her
 Action Verb: attack, observe, build, see, come, take, put, work, listen, walk, etc.
 Saying Verb: say, speak, tell, yell, scream, reply, shout, suggest, exclaim, etc
 Adverb of time: Now, today, later, soon, yesterday, last night, tonight, three days ago, etc.
 Adverb of place and manner: slowly, quickly, sadly, happily, easily, carefully, carelessly,
 Passive Voice: She is observed by the observer.
 Direct speech: He said “I am going to your school today”
 Indirect speech: He said that he is going to my school that day.

Example of News Item Text

Today's Rupiah Stunned to Rp15,487/USD, Started the Trigger
JAKARTA - The exchange rate of the rupiah against the United States dollar (USD) as
of the end of this trade, Monday (17/10/2022) was still floundering. The rupiah exchange
rate today weakened against 60 points at the level of Rp15,487 United States dollar
The rupiah's position is based on the BI Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (Jisdor)
reference rate at Rp15,480/USD. This figure was weaker than the previous day at the level
of Rp15,390 per USD.
Money Market Observer Ibrahim Assuaibi said that one of the internal triggering factors
for the Garuda currency was weakening because several countries used foreign exchange
intervention (forex) to find their currency.
As a result, the total foreign exchange reserves held decreased by more than 6% in the
first seven months of this year. "Intervention by utilizing reserves now needs to be re-
examined. Because, it should be a temporary measure and only to anticipate currency
movements that increase financial risk, or significantly interfere with the central bank's
ability to maintain prices," said Ibrahim.
In general, inflation control is only carried out on a macro basis by the central bank.
However, inflation control in the country is not only carried out at the macro level, but
also at the micro level, so that in practice it goes directly to the source.
Meanwhile, Ibrahim said that the current strengthening of the US dollar was more due to
the strengthening of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation
rates which made the US central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise
its benchmark interest rate, so that liquidity in the world tightened. In addition, there is
the impact of the energy crisis and supply chain disruptions between Russia and Ukraine.
"On this basis, the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar increase is
to allow the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using monetary policy to keep inflation
close to its target," Ibrahim concluded. In addition, he predicts that for tomorrow's trading,
Tuesday (18/10) the rupiah will fluctuate but will close in the range of Rp15,450 -
Rp15,500 per USD.
rp15487usd- begini-pemicunya-1666005049
Worksheet 1
Group : ………….
Members :

Activity 1:

 Read the text bellow carefully.

Today's Rupiah Stunned to Rp15,487/USD, Started the Trigger
JAKARTA - The exchange rate of the rupiah against the United States dollar (USD) as of the end
of this trade, Monday (17/10/2022) was still floundering. The rupiah exchange rate today
weakened against 60 points at the level of Rp15,487 United States dollar (USD).
The rupiah's position is based on the BI Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (Jisdor) reference rate
at Rp15,480/USD. This figure was weaker than the previous day at the level of Rp15,390 per USD.
Money Market Observer Ibrahim Assuaibi said that one of the internal triggering factors for the
Garuda currency was weakening because several countries used foreign exchange intervention
(forex) to find their currency.
As a result, the total foreign exchange reserves held decreased by more than 6% in the first seven
months of this year. "Intervention by utilizing reserves now needs to be re-examined. Because, it
should be a temporary measure and only to anticipate currency movements that increase financial
risk, or significantly interfere with the central bank's ability to maintain prices," said Ibrahim.
In general, inflation control is only carried out on a macro basis by the central bank. However,
inflation control in the country is not only carried out at the macro level, but also at the micro level,
so that in practice it goes directly to the source.
Meanwhile, Ibrahim said that the current strengthening of the US dollar was more due to the
strengthening of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation rates which
made the US central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise its benchmark interest
rate, so that liquidity in the world tightened. In addition, there is the impact of the energy crisis
and supply chain disruptions between Russia and Ukraine.
"On this basis, the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar increase is to allow
the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using monetary policy to keep inflation close to its target,"
Ibrahim concluded. In addition, he predicts that for tomorrow's trading, Tuesday (18/10) the rupiah
will fluctuate but will close in the range of Rp15,450 - Rp15,500 per USD.

Activity 2:

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi kosa kata sulit dan menemukan makna
dari teks news item dengan tepat.

Words Meaning

Link Wordwall:

Check whether you have already understood these words. Write the present tense of the
words. Number one has been done for you.
1 Tightened Tighten
2 Weakened ……………….
3 Concluded ……………….
4 Carried ……………….
5 Examined ……………….
Activity 3:

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Peserta didik dapat menemukan referen/rujukan dari pronouns dan nouns
yang ada pada teks news item dengan benar.

Link Bambozzle:

Activity 4:

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Peserta didik dapat menganalisis social function, generic structure and
language feature dan informasi rinci tersirat dari teks news item dengan tepat.

Read the text carefully!

Today's Rupiah Stunned to Rp15,487/USD, Started the Trigger

JAKARTA - The exchange rate of the rupiah against the United States dollar (USD) as of the end
of this trade, Monday (17/10/2022) was still floundering. The rupiah exchange rate today
weakened against 60 points at the level of Rp15,487 United States dollar (USD).
The rupiah's position is based on the BI Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (Jisdor) reference rate
at Rp15,480/USD. This figure was weaker than the previous day at the level of Rp15,390 per USD.
Money Market Observer Ibrahim Assuaibi said that one of the internal triggering factors for the
Garuda currency was weakening because several countries used foreign exchange intervention
(forex) to find their currency.
As a result, the total foreign exchange reserves held decreased by more than 6% in the first seven
months of this year. "Intervention by utilizing reserves now needs to be re-examined. Because, it
should be a temporary measure and only to anticipate currency movements that increase financial
risk, or significantly interfere with the central bank's ability to maintain prices," said Ibrahim.
In general, inflation control is only carried out on a macro basis by the central bank. However,
inflation control in the country is not only carried out at the macro level, but also at the micro level,
so that in practice it goes directly to the source.
Meanwhile, Ibrahim said that the current strengthening of the US dollar was more due to the
strengthening of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation rates which
made the US central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise its benchmark interest
rate, so that liquidity in the world tightened. In addition, there is the impact of the energy crisis
and supply chain disruptions between Russia and Ukraine.
"On this basis, the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar increase is to allow
the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using monetary policy to keep inflation close to its target,"
Ibrahim concluded. In addition, he predicts that for tomorrow's trading, Tuesday (18/10) the rupiah
will fluctuate but will close in the range of Rp15,450 - Rp15,500 per USD.


 Identify the social function, generic structure and language feature!

Social Function :

Generic structures :

Main Events/ Newsworthy events:

Elaboration/ Background events:

Resource of Information (Source):

Language Features:

• Direct speech:
• Indirect speech:

• Action verbs:

• Saying verbs:

 Answer the questionsbased on the text above!

1. What is the news about?
2. When did the rupiah exchange rate weaken against 60 points at the level of Rp15,487 United
States dollar (USD)?
3. Why did it happen?
4. What is the impact of some countries using foreign exchange intervention (forex) to stabilize
their currencies?
5. What is the main factor in the current strengthening of the US dollar?
6. What is the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar?
7. Who will carry out inflation control?
8. What causes increased financial stability risks, or significantly interferes with the central
bank's ability to maintain price stability?
9. What is the current position of the rupiah?
10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?











Post test – Evaluasi akhir
Link Wordwall:

And etc.

1. Teknik Penilaian
Sikap : Lembar Pengamatan
Pengetahuan : Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (Essay)
Keterampilan : Kinerja & Observasi Diskusi

Lampiran 1 Instrumen Penilaian sikap

Lembar Pengamatan Peserta didik

No Butir Sikap Deskripsi Deskripsi

1 Jujur 5: sangat jujur
4: jujur
3: cukup jujur
2: kurang jujur
1: tidak jujur
2 Tanggung Jawab 5: selalu tanggung jawab 4: sering
tanggung jawab
3: kadang-kadang tanggung jawab 2:
jarang tanggung jawab
1: tidak pernah tanggung jawab
3 kerjasama 5: selalu kerjasama
4: sering kerjasama
3: kadang-kadang kerjasama
2: jarang kerjasama
1: tidak pernah kerjasama
4 Percaya Diri 5: selalu percaya diri 4: sering percaya
3: kadang-kadang percaya diri 2:
jarang percaya diri
1: tidak pernah percaya diri

Note: Setiap aspek menggunakan skala 1 s.d. 5

1 = Sangat Kurang2 3 = Cukup 5 = Amat Baik

= Kurang
4 = Baik

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : News Item Text
Kelas/Semester : XII/Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2022/2023
Waktu Pengamatan :
Sikap yang diintegrasikan dan dikembangkan adalah santun, tanggung jawab ,peduli, jujur dan

Indikator Sikap
No Jujur Disiplin Tanggung Kerjasama Percaya
Nama Siswa Jawab Diri


Note: setiap aspek menggunakan skala 1 s.d 5

1 = sangat kurang, 2 = kurang, 3 = mulai, 4 konsisten, 5 selalu konsisten
*) Ketentuan:
1 : Jika peserta didik sangat kurang konsisten memperlihatkan perilaku yang tertera dalam
2 : Jika peserta didik kurang konsisten memperlihatkan perilaku yang tertera dalam indikator.
3 : Jika peserta didik mulai konsisten memperlihatkan perilaku yang tertera dalam indikator.
4 : Jika peserta didik konsisten memperlihatkan perilaku yang tertera dalam indikator.
5 : Jika peserta didik selalu konsisten memperlihatkan perilaku yang tertera dalam indikator.

Nilai = skor perolehan x 100

Lampiran 2
Activity 1
Tujuan Pembelajaran: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi kosa kata sulit dan menemukan makna
dari teks news item dengan tepat.

Words Meaning

Link Wordwall:

Kunci Jawaban:

Nilai= Jumlah Jawaban benar x 20 = 100

Lampiran 3
Activity 2: Check whether you have already understood these words. Write the present tense of
the words. Number one has been done for you.

1 Tightened Tighten
2 Weakened ……………….
3 Concluded ……………….
4 Carried ……………….
5 Examined ……………….

Kunci Jawaban:
1 Tightened Tighten
2 Weakened Weaken
3 Concluded Conclude
4 Carried Carry
5 Examined Examine

Nilai= Jumlah jawaban benar x 20 = 100

Activity 3:

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Peserta didik dapat menemukan referen/rujukan dari pronouns dan nouns
yang ada pada teks news item dengan benar.

Link Bambozzle:

Nilai= Jumlah Jawaban benar x 25 x 2 = 100

Lampiran 4
Kunci Jawaban:
Social Function:
To inform the readers, listeners, or viewers about rupiah weakened to Rp 15.487/USD
Generic structures:

Main Events/ Newsworthy events: The rupiah exchange rate today weakened against 60
points at the level of Rp15,487 United States dollar (USD).

Elaboration/ Background events: Paragraph 2 to 5

Resource of Information (Source): "On this basis, the more appropriate response in the
face of the current dollar increase is to allow the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using
monetary policy to keep inflation close to its target," Ibrahim concluded. In addition, he
predicts that for tomorrow's trading, Tuesday (18/10) the rupiah will fluctuate but will close
in the range of Rp15,450 - Rp15,500 per USD.

Language Features:
 Direct speech: "Intervention by utilizing reserves now needs to be re-examined. Because, it
should be a temporary measure and only to anticipate currency movements that increase
financial risk, or significantly interfere with the central bank's ability to maintain prices," said
"On this basis, the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar increase is to allow
the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using monetary policy to keep inflation close to its
target," Ibrahim concluded
 Indirect speech: Money Market Observer Ibrahim Assuaibi said that one of the internal
triggering factors for the Garuda currency was weakening because several countries used
foreign exchange intervention (forex) to find their currency.
Ibrahim said that the current strengthening of the US dollar was more due to the strengthening
of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation rates which made the US
central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise its benchmark interest rate,so
that liquidity in the world tightened. In addition, there is the impact of the energy crisis and
supply chain disruptions between Russia and Ukraine.
 Action verbs: used, continue, increase, maintain, predict

 Saying verbs: said, concluded

Answer the questions!
1. What is the news about?
- The news is about the rupiah exchange rate today weakened against 60 points at the level of
Rp15,487 United States dollar (USD).
2. When did the rupiah exchange rate weaken against 60 points at the level of Rp15,487 United
States dollar (USD)?
- On Monday, October 17th 2022
3. Why did it happen?
- Because several countries used foreign exchange intervention (forex) to find their currency and
the strengthening of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation rates
which made the US central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise its
benchmark interest rate, so that liquidity in the world tightened. In addition, there is the impact
of the energy crisis and supply chain disruptions between Russia and Ukraine.
4. What is the impact of some countries using foreign exchange intervention (forex) to stabilize
their currencies?
-The Rupiah currently is weaking
5. What is the main factor in the current strengthening of the US dollar?
- The strengthening of US macroeconomic fundamentals, such as the increase in inflation rates
which made the US central bank, The Federal Reserve (The Fed), continue to raise its
benchmark interest rate, so that liquidity in the world tightened
6. What is the more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar?
- To allow the rupiah exchange rate to adjust, while using monetary policy to keep inflation close
to its target
7. Who will carry out inflation control?
- It is only carried out on a macro basis by the central bank
8. What causes increased financial stability risks, or significantly interferes with the central
bank's ability to maintain price stability?
- Intervention by utilizing reserves.
9. What is the current position of the rupiah?
- The rupiah's position is based on the BI Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (Jisdor) reference
rate at Rp15,480/USD.
10. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
- The more appropriate response in the face of the current dollar.

Post test – Evaluasi akhir

Link Wordwall:
Kunci Jawaban
Nilai = Jumlah jawaban benar x 20 = 100

2. Redimial
1. Pembelajaran remedial dilakukan bagi Peserta didik yang capaian KD nya belum tuntas.
2. Tahapan pembelajaran remedial dilaksanakan melalui remidial teaching (klasikal), atau
tutor sebaya, atau tugas dan diakhiri dengan tes.
3. Tes remedial, dilakukan sebanyak 3 kali dan apabila setelah 3 kali terus remedial belum
mencapai ketuntasan, maka remedial dilakukan dalam bentuk tugas.

3. Pengayaan
Bagi Peserta didik yang sudah mencapai nilai ketuntasan diberikan pembelajaran pengayaan,
berupa menyampaikan berita yang sedang terjadi di sekitarnya dengan menggunakan bahasa

Mengetahui Tuban, 13 Desember 2022

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