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Bidang Keahlian : Teknik Elektro

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Fase :F
Nama Guru : Helena Mumpuni
Sekolah : SMKN 2 Surakarta
Materi : Explanation Text
Elemen : Membaca - Memirsa
Jumlah Jam : 2 x 90 menit (6JP)


1. Capaian Pembelajaran
Pada akhir Fase F, peserta didik membaca dan merespon berbagai macam
teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, eksposisi, prosedur, argumentasi, dan diskusi secara
mandiri. Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu dan membaca untuk
kesenangan. Mereka mencari, membuat sintesis dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan
inti dari berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini dapat berbentuk cetak atau digital,
termasuk diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Mereka menunjukkan
pemahaman terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai
macam teks. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan melakukan inferensi untuk
memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.
2. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran peserta didik dapat :

Tujuan Pembelajaran Kriteria Pencapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran


1.1 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur 1.1.1 Peserta didik mampu memahami
teks dan unsur kebahasaan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan
explanation text sesuai konteks unsur kebahasaan explanation
penggunaannya text sesuai konteks
penggunaannya dengan benar

1.2 Mengidentifikasikan main idea, 1.2.1 Peserta didik mampu

informasi tersurat dan tersirat, mengidentifikasikan main idea
references, dan word meaning explanation text dengan benar
dari explanation text
1.2.2 Peserta didik mampu
mengidentifikasikan informasi
tersirat dan tersurat explanation
text dengan benar

1.2.3 Peserta didik mampu

mengidentifikasikan reference
explanation text dengan benar

1.2.4 Peserta didik mampu

mengidentifikasikan word
meaning explanation text dengan

3. Elemen Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang dikembangkan :

● Mandiri
● Bernalar Kritis
● Gotong Royong
4. Langkah Pembelajaran
4.1. Persiapan
● Guru mempersiapkan pre-test.
● Guru menyusun langkah-langkah pembelajaran
4.2. Pelaksanaan
● Model Pembelajaran : Genre Based Approach
● Sarana dan Prasarana
- Buku Pegangan
- Internet
- Laptop
- LCD Proyektor
- Speaker
● Sumber Bahan Ajar
- Buku Pegangan
- Internet
- Guru
● Strategi Pembelajaran
- Pembelajaran Teori
- Pembelajaran Praktik
- Pembelajaran Penugasan Perorangan dan Kelompok
● Pertanyaan Pemantik
1. Do you like reading or watching some kind of news about social or natural
2. What was it about?
● Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan - 1 (2 x 45 menit)

Persiapan (5 menit)
● Guru menyiapkan bahan presentasi tentang materi yang akan disampaikan.
● Guru menyiapkan pre-test.
Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)
1. Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya sebelum masuk kelas.
2. Salah satu peserta didik memimpin untuk berdoa sebelum memulai
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.
5. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik yang berkaitan dengan materi.
6. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik.
7. Guru menyampaikan hal-hal yang akan dinilai dan teknik penilaiannya.
8. Guru memberikan beberapa soal pre-test mengenai materi explanation text
yang akan dibahas.

Kegiatan Inti (65 menit)

Secara umum kegiatan inti dibagi dalam tiga perlakuan berbeda
(Berdiferensiasi). Pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran belum tentu semua
perlakuan dilaksanakan, tergantung hasil asesmen awal.

Perlakuan kelompok Perlakuan Kelompok Perlakuan Kelompok

Rendah Sedang Tinggi
(menguasai 30%) (menguasai 31%-70%) (menguasai > 71%)
Pembelajaran runtut Pembelajaran dilakukan Pengayaan/pendalaman
sesuai rencana awal pada materi yang belum materi atau tugas
dikuasai dan atau pengembangan.
pengayaan Pemberdayaan sebagai
“tutor teman sebaya”

Media belajar Media belajar Media belajar

disesuaikan dengan disesuaikan dengan disesuaikan dengan
perbedaan gaya belajar perbedaan gaya belajar perbedaan gaya belajar
(video/tulisan/tugas) (video/tulisan/tugas) (video/tulisan/tugas)
serta penugasan serta penugasan serta penugasan
disesuaikan minat disesuaikan minat disesuaikan minat

Guru sebagai sumber Guru berfungsi sebagai Guru berfungsi sebagai

utama pembelajaran. fasilitator dapat dibantu fasilitator
oleh “tutor teman
sebaya” yang telah
menguasai materi (dari
kelompok tinggi)

Asesmen formatif Asesmen formatif Asesmen formatif

menggunakan ceklist menggunakan ceklist menggunakan ceklist
observasi: tindak lanjut observasi: tindak lanjut observasi: tindak lanjut
pendampingan oleh pendampingan oleh guru oleh guru dan atau
guru dan atau “tutor teman “tutor teman sebaya”
sebaya” dengan
pengarahan guru

Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF)

1. Guru menampilkan video mengenai fenomena alam penyebab terjadinya
2. Guru meminta peserta didik menganalisis text berdasarkan video yang
3. Peserta didik diberikan pertanyaan berdasarkan video.
4. Guru dan peserta didik mengkonfirmasi jawaban dan membahasnya.
5. Guru melakukan pre-reading activity dengan meminta setiap peserta didik
menyebutkan kosakata yang sulit berdasarkan video tersebut.
6. Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama mencari arti kata dari kosakata
Modeling of the Text (MoT)
7. Guru menampilkan slide presentasi dan menjelaskan mengenai materi
explanation text.
8. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk bergabung dalam kelompok diskusi
sebanyak 4 anggota.
9. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk berdiskusi bersama kelompoknya dan
mengerjakan soal.
10. Guru meminta setiap kelompok membacakan hasil masing-masing prediksi
yang telah disusun oleh setiap kelompok.
11. Guru kemudian menampilkan per paragraf bahan bacaan explanation text
dan mengkonfirmasi prediksi secara bersama sama.
12. Hal tersebut dilakukan hingga paragraf terakhir isi bacaan explanation text.
13. Peserta didik bersama kelompoknya mengerjakan soal terkait explanation
text berdasarkan teks yang telah dibahas.

Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)

1. Peserta didik dapat melakukan refleksi untuk menunjukkan pemahaman
tentang topik hari ini
2. Peserta didik mengomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama proses
3. Guru menanyakan pendapat dan perasaan peserta didik tentang
pembelajaran hari ini.
4. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan doa dan salam

Pertemuan - 2 (2 x 45 menit)

Persiapan (5 menit)
● Guru menyiapkan bahan presentasi tentang materi yang akan disampaikan
● Guru menyiapkan peralatan untuk observasi
Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)
1. Menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya sebelum masuk kelas
2. Salah satu peserta didik memimpin untuk berdoa sebelum memulai
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai
5. Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik yang berkaitan dengan materi
6. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang
kegiatan yang akan dilakukan peserta didik
7. Guru menyampaikan hal-hal yang akan dinilai dan teknik penilaiannya

Kegiatan Inti (65 menit)

Secara umum kegiatan inti dibagi dalam tiga perlakuan berbeda
(Berdiferensiasi). Pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran belum tentu semua
perlakuan dilaksanakan, tergantung hasil asesmen awal.

Perlakuan kelompok Perlakuan Kelompok Perlakuan Kelompok

Rendah Sedang Tinggi
(menguasai 30%) (menguasai 31%-70%) (menguasai > 71%)

Pembelajaran runtut Pembelajaran dilakukan Pengayaan/pendalaman

sesuai rencana awal pada materi yang belum materi atau tugas
dikuasai dan atau pengembangan.
pengayaan Pemberdayaan sebagai
“tutor teman sebaya”

Media belajar Media belajar Media belajar

disesuaikan dengan disesuaikan dengan disesuaikan dengan
perbedaan gaya belajar perbedaan gaya belajar perbedaan gaya belajar
(video/tulisan/tugas) (video/tulisan/tugas) (video/tulisan/tugas)
serta penugasan serta penugasan serta penugasan
disesuaikan minat disesuaikan minat disesuaikan minat

Guru sebagai sumber Guru berfungsi sebagai Guru berfungsi sebagai

utama pembelajaran. fasilitator dapat dibantu fasilitator
oleh “tutor teman
sebaya” yang telah
menguasai materi (dari
kelompok tinggi)

Asesmen formatif Asesmen formatif Asesmen formatif

menggunakan ceklist menggunakan ceklist menggunakan ceklist
observasi: tindak lanjut observasi: tindak lanjut observasi: tindak lanjut
pendampingan oleh pendampingan oleh guru oleh guru dan atau
guru dan atau “tutor teman “tutor teman sebaya”
sebaya” dengan
pengarahan guru

Joint Construction of the Text (JCoT)

1. Guru mereview kembali materi yang telah diajarkan di pertemuan
2. Guru meminta peserta didik untuk bergabung kembali untuk membuat
kelompok diskusi dengan kelompok yang berbeda.
3. Guru dan peserta didik mengulang kegiatan DRTA Strategy seperti di
pertemuan sebelumnya.
4. Setiap kelompok diminta menjawab soal pertanyaan diskusi mengenai
explanation text yang dibahas.
5. Guru bersama peserta didik mengkonfirmasi jawaban dan membahasnya.
Independent Construction of The Text (ICoT)
6. Peserta didik diberikan soal individu mengenai explanation text sebagai
bentuk post-test.
7. Guru memberikan peserta didik lembar penilaian diri untuk menilai dan
memaknai dirinya atas proses belajarnya dalam pengerjaan tugas.

Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)

1. Peserta didik dapat melakukan refleksi untuk menunjukkan pemahaman
tentang topik hari ini
2. Peserta didik mengomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama proses
3. Guru menanyakan pendapat dan perasaan peserta didik tentang
pembelajaran hari ini.
4. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan doa dan salam

5. Asesmen Awal dan Akhir

Asesmen terdiri dari asesmen awal dan akhir pembelajaran. Asesmen awal
pembelajaran berupa pengukuran kompetensi awal (bila ada/diperlukan) dan
pengukuran potensi peserta didik berdasar indikator tujuan pembelajaran. Asesmen
akhir dipergunakan untuk menentukan ketuntasan pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran.
a. Tabel Rencana Asesmen Awal, Proses, dan Akhir Pembelajaran

Aspek Indikator Instrumen

Awal Proses Akhir

Kompetensi Awal Peserta didik Wawancara/ Wawancara/ -

telah memahami portofolio/ portofolio/
penggunaan Checklist Checklist
simple present pembelajara pembelajaran
tense n sebelumnya

Tujuan 1.1.1. Peserta - Wawancara / LKPD / Tes

Pembelajaran: didik mampu Tes
1.1. Menerapkan menggunakan
fungsi sosial, fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan unsur
explanation text kebahasaan
sesuai konteks explanation text
penggunaannya sesuai konteks
dengan benar

1.2.Mengidentifika 1.2.1. Peserta - Wawancara / LKPD / Tes

sikan ide pokok, didik mampu Tes
informasi tersirat mengidentifikasi
dan tersurat, kan ide pokok
reference dan explanation text
word meaning dengan benar
dalam explanation
text 1.2.2. Peserta - Wawancara / LKPD / Tes
didik mampu Tes
kan informasi
tersurat dan
explanation text
dengan benar
1.2.3 Peserta - Wawancara / LKPD / Tes
didik mampu Tes
kan reference
explanation text
dengan benar

1.2.4 Peserta - Wawancara / LKPD / Tes

didik mampu Tes
kan word
explanation text
dengan benar
b. Asesmen Formatif
Waktu Pelaksanaan : Saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung
Pelaksanaan : DRTA Strategy / diskusi.
Tindak Lanjut : Menganalisis kemampuan peserta didik selama proses
pembelajaran berlangsung
c. Asesmen Sumatif
Waktu Pelaksanaan : Saat akhir pembelajaran
Pelaksanaan : Soal mengenai explanation text (pre and post test)
Tindak Lanjut : Menganalisis kemampuan peserta didik di akhir proses
pembelajaran berlangsung
6. Rubrik Penilaian

Poor 1 pts Fair 2 pts Good 3 pts

Main Idea Misidentifies main Identifies the main Identifies the main
idea, or fails to idea, but cannot idea as well as
identify the main identify supporting details.
idea. supporting details.

Vocabulary Attempts to Decodes Interpret

decode unfamiliar unfamiliar word, meanings of
word in text, but but is not always unfamiliar words.
does not able to interpret
independently meaning from
interpret meaning. context.

Context Cannot identifies Identifies minimal Identifies most

Contextual contextual, contextual
references to references to references to
Interpret meaning. interpret meaning. interpret meaning.

Sequence Cannot identify Identifies Exhibits ability to

keywords or sequential identify sequential
sequential textual elements of elements as well
passages. massage, but has as the ability to
trouble with the recognize the
reorganization of elements into a
the sequential sequential order.
Penny Mckay. “Assessing Young Language Learners”, (Cambridge : 2007).p.354.
7. Media Pembelajaran
● Bahan Bacaan: Internet
● Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD) : terlampir
● Video Pembelajaran : Youtube
8. Referensi
Britishcourse. Explanation Text; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language
Features. Diakses pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2023.
Englishfirst. Penjelasan Explanation Text dalam Bahasa Inggris. Diakses pada tanggal 17
Agustus 2023.
Ruangguru. Shabrina Alfari. Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, Kebahasaan &
Contoh | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11. Diakses pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2023.
Readingrockets. Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA). Diakses pada tanggal 17
Agustus 2023.
Voice of AmericaSpace Place. Flooding Cripples Indonesian Capital. Diakses pada
tanggal 18 Agustus 2023.
9. Glosarium
Explanation : Penjelasan
Phenomenon : fenomena
Disaster : Bencana
Scientific : Ilmiah
Sequence : Urutan
Cause and Effect : Sebab akibat
Nature : Alam
a. Materi Pembelajaran
● Definition
Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social,
scientific and cultural phenomena. According to Mark Anderson and Kathy
Anderson (1997: 82) says that the explanation text type is often used to tell
how and why thing (phenomena) occur in nature. Explanation text is to say
‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science,
geography and history textbooks.
● Types of Explanation Text
There are two types of explanation text:
1. Sequential Explanation Text. This text explains a process based on
sequence and time. Example: How seawater becomes salty.
2. Cause and Effect Explanation Text. This text explains the cause and
effect of a phenomenon. Example: Why do people feel sleepy after a

● Social Function
To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or
socio-cultural phenomena.
● Generic Structure
The structure of explanation text is formed with four elements:
1. General Statement
In the second part, the general statement, there will be an overview of
what is described in the text.
2. Explanation
Next, there is the explanation section. This part provides a series of
processes about how and why something happens or cause and effect
explained through a sequence of events. FYI, this explanation section
can consist of more than one paragraph.
3. Conclusion
Finally, there is the conclusion section, which contains the conclusions
of the entire process that has been explained previously.
● Language Features
In an explanation text, there are linguistic features as below :
1. Using simple present tense
2. Using Passive voice
3. Using Action verbs
4. Containing explanation of the process

Example of Explanation Text:

Text 1
How does Flood happens?

Flooding is one of natural disaster which commonly happens in large and

densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause
many victims. Then, do you know the process of how flood happens? Pay attention
to the following explanation.
The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface
of the earth. Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to
the lower place. Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to
the surface of the land. Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen
in an area that people live because the water carries along objects like houses,
bridges, cars, furniture and even people.
On the other hand, the process of non- natural flooding is usually caused by
bad habits of humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering
that can make water flow clogged. This makes the water deposited in landfills
which gradually becomes more common. When water reservoirs can no longer
hold water discharge, the water then overflows out the land and cause flooding

Text 2
How Seawater Becomes Salty
Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, and 97% of that is salty
seawater. Only 3% of our planet’s water is fresh such as water in rivers, lake, and
streams. This fresh water plays a big role in explaining how the sea becomes salty.
Water moves around our planet in a cycle powered by the sun: from the sea, to the
sky, to the land and then back to the sea.
When the sun heats the water in the sea, it changes into gas called water
vapour and rises into the air, through a process called evaporation. After that, the
water vapour turns back into liquid water while floating in the air, forming clouds
through a process called condensation. Then this water eventually falls from the
clouds in the sky as rain, sleet, hail or snow in which the process is also called
precipitation. When these flows into streams and rivers, and eventually makes its
way back to the sea.
Furthermore, the rain that falls from the sky contains small amounts of
chemicals called carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide which makes the rain slightly
acidic. This acid can absorb small amounts of mineral salts, including sodium and
chloride. These mineral salts are dissolved from the rocks which then enter the
Thus, the main salt in seawater is sodium chloride. The rain water flows off
the land and into the rivers and streams that lead all the way to the sea, carrying
the dissolved salts along with it that makes the seawater salty.
Text 3
Earthquakes being the most deadly natural hazards strike without any prior
warning leaving catastrophe in their wake with terrible loss of human lives as well
as economic loss. Technically, an earthquake (also known as tremor, quake or
temblor) is a kind of vibration through earth’s crust. These powerful movements
trigger a rapid release of energy that creates seismic waves that travel through the
earth. Earthquakes are usually brief, but may repeat over a long period of time
(earth science 2001).
Earthquakes are classified as large and small. Large earthquakes usually
begin with slight tremors but rapidly take the form of violent shock. The
vibrations from a large earthquake last for a few days known as aftershocks. Small
earthquakes are usually slight tremors and do not cause much damage. Large
earthquakes are known to take down buildings and cause death and injury
(Richter 1935). According to some statistics, there may be an average of 500,000
earthquakes every year but only about 100,000 can be felt and about 100 or so can
cause damage each year. Earthquakes are dreaded by everyone.
Taken from Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI K.D. 3.8 Kemdikbud
b. Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD)
● Pre- test dan Post-test



How Seawater Becomes Salty

Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, and 97% of that is salty
seawater. Only 3% of our planet’s water is fresh such as water in rivers, lake,
and streams. This fresh water plays a big role in explaining how the sea
becomes salty. Water moves around our planet in a cycle powered by the sun:
from the sea, to the sky, to the land and then back to the sea.

When the sun heats the water in the sea, it changes into gas called water vapour
and rises into the air, through a process called evaporation. After that, the water
vapour turns back into liquid water while floating in the air, forming clouds
through a process called condensation. Then this water eventually falls from the
clouds in the sky as rain, sleet, hail or snow in which the process is also called
precipitation. When these flows into streams and rivers, and eventually makes
its way back to the sea.

Furthermore, the rain that falls from the sky contains small amounts of
chemicals called carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide which makes the rain
slightly acidic. This acid can absorb small amounts of mineral salts, including
sodium and chloride. These mineral salts are dissolved from the rocks which
then enter the water.

Thus, the main salt in seawater is sodium chloride. The rain water flows off the
land and into the rivers and streams that lead all the way to the sea, carrying
the dissolved salts along with it that makes the seawater salty.

1. What is the text tell about?

2. Based on the text, how many percentages of salty and fresh water in this
3. What is salt made from?
4. “ changes into gas called water vapour and rises into the air”
(paragraph 2). The word it refers to………
5. The underlined word role in the first paragraph also has a similar
meaning with….


Earthquakes being the most deadly natural hazards strike without any prior
warning leaving catastrophe in their wake with terrible loss of human lives as
well as economic loss. Technically, an earthquake (also known as tremor, quake
or temblor) is a kind of vibration through earth’s crust. These powerful
movements trigger a rapid release of energy that creates seismic waves that
travel through the earth. Earthquakes are usually brief, but may repeat over a
long period of time (earth science 2001).

Earthquakes are classified as large and small. Large earthquakes usually

begin with slight tremors but rapidly take the form of violent shock. The
vibrations from a large earthquake last for a few days known as aftershocks.
Small earthquakes are usually slight tremors and do not cause much damage.
Large earthquakes are known to take down buildings and cause death and
injury (Richter 1935). According to some statistics, there may be an average of
500,000 earthquakes every year but only about 100,000 can be felt and about
100 or so can cause damage each year. Earthquakes are dreaded by everyone.
6. What does the second paragraph tells about?
7. Where do earthquake vibrations come from?
8. What are the damages caused by small and large-scale earthquakes?
9. “…in their wake with terrible loss of human lives” the underlined word
their refers to…
10. The word injury in the last paragraph also has a similar meaning with…

● Asesmen Formatif
Meeting ke -1

Rain is one of the main sources of freshwater for almost all people in the
world. It provides suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. It is also used
as hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. But, do you know how
rain happens?
The rain‘s phenomenon is actually what we often call as ―water circle.
The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth‘s surface
water and causing the surface water to evaporate. Then the water vapor
rises into the Earth‘s atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and
condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow bigger and heavier and
fall to the earth as precipitation.
However, not all rain can reach the surface of the earth. Some evaporates
while falling through dry air. This is what we call as ―virga, a phenomenon
which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

Discuss and answer the following questions!

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2. What does evaporate mean?
3. How does rain happen ?
4. “This is what we call as ―virga,...” (last paragraph). The word this
refers to….
5. The word Regions in the last paragraph also has a similar meaning

Meeting ke -2

How Does Hurricane Happen?

A hurricane is a strong wind with a wind vortex whose speed reaches 120
km/h or more. Hurricanes can also be called very strong large storms. What
is the process of forming hurricanes?
Hurricane form in hot oceans. Hot water, of course, will quickly evaporate.
The amount of water vapor that comes from the oceans is very large. The
water vapor then rises and forms cumulonimbus clouds. Within this mass of
clouds, there was a very strong whirlwind. The vortex of the wind will get
stronger, so that it spins and forms a hurricane.
Hurricane usually occur together with heavy rain. Why did it happen?
Hurricane are formed from a collection of clouds. Inside the hurricane there
are lots of overcast clouds. These cloudy clouds will bring down heavy rain.
When a hurricane occurs, the sky will be covered with cloudy clouds.
Hurricane often bring down houses and trees, and can even blow away
anything that is nearby. Therefore, when a hurricane occurs, it is necessary
to take disaster preparedness measures, such as taking shelter in a sturdy
building, avoiding tall buildings, such as trees, electricity poles, pamphlets,
and the like.

Discuss and answer the following questions!

1. What is the main idea of the text above ?
2. What are cumulonimbus clouds made of?
3. Do hurricanes always happen when it rains?
4. “so that it spins and forms a hurricane.” (third paragraph). The word
it refers to….
5. The word therefore, in the last paragraph also has a similar meaning

c. Materi Presentasi
d. Remedial
Remedial diberikan kepada siswa yang belum melampaui kriteria ketercapaian
tujuan pembelajaran (KKTP) berupa pembelajaran ulang atau asesmen ulang.
e. Pengayaan
Pengayaan diberikan kepada siswa yang telah melampaui kriteria ketercapaian
tujuan pembelajaran (KKTP) berupa penambahan bacaan dari jenis teks serupa
untuk memperkaya pengetahuan.

Anda mungkin juga menyukai