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Mata Kuliah Teori dan Perspektif Ilmu Politik

Notetaking Theory & Perspective in Political Science

Relasi sosial dalam strukturalisme
Keterkaitan antara: unit sebagai fenomena permukaan dan aturan atau cara dimana unit dapat
Saussure and Structuralism (find the relation)
Sign can be divided into signifier (just a pronounce in a word) and signified ( a concept, and how we give
a meaning on a word). When we signified something, it will make a different meaning of something.
Makna kata dipengaruhi bagaimana struktur seseorang dalam melihat suatu kata.
Ferdinand de Saussure (bapak structuralist perancis)
What is the foundation of a structure?
Human’s mind itu yg membentuk struktur dasar yang mengatur antara unit dan aturan sehingga menjadi
sistem yg bermakna. Realita sosial, idenntitas, adalah produk dari materialisme dan struktur produk.
Whats the definition of structure? Wholeness, transformation or unstable, self-regulation (struktur
dasar tdk boleh berubah). Kelemahan strukturalisme: determinisme (cenderung mengabarikan faktor-
faktor lain), tidak mampu mengeksplorasi agensi dan individu. Strukturalisme adalah cara berpikir yang
memiliki based “hidden rule” sehingga mempengaruhi kita memandang sesuatu. Cara kita mendefinisikan
rumah, atau bagaimana kita melihat

Structuration (Anthony Giddens)

- Dualism: pendekatan subjektif dan objektif – voluntarisme dan determinisme
- Subjektif: terpusat analisis tindakan aktor/agen (weber)
- Objektif: analisis sosial fokus terhadap strutura;/makro (Durkheim=fakta soisal)
- Voluntarisme: cara pandang
- Determinisme:
The duality of structure
Giddens “structure must not be conceptualized as si,ply placing constraints upon human agency, but as
enabling”. Struktur dan agensi saling mengisi dan mempengaruhi satu sama lain contoh: demonstrasi
(gejayan memanggil). Contoh: parkir basement fisipol harus menggunakan stiker, enabling yg punya
stiker boleh masuk, constrains yg tidak punya stiker tidak boleh masuk ada struktur yang melembaga
atau yang terinstitusionalisasi. Strukturalis akan membicarakan ttg pemaknaan yg khas yang saling
memahami untuk mempolakan perilaku setiap aktor dari sturktur hierarkis.

Is a point of view, approach, instrument, way of thinking (framework) to see the reality by defining
something. The same reality is seen by another different methodology, will have different conclusion of
reality. We as a human has a limited view, so human justify the point of view that he used. There are some
methodologies that frequently used in political science:
- Rational choice
- Structuralist
- Post-structuralism
- Old-institutionalism (formal structure, legal) this method is assumed just focus on the formal law,
norms, structure.
- Behavioralism (quantitative)
- New institutionalism is a combination from old institutionalism and behavioralist. Contain two
aspects: enabling and constraining. Institutionalism is dynamics.
Methodology can be combined by the others. But, as long as we can justify the reason why we combined
those methodologies.
Method is an exertion to understanding the instrument of the methodology. Method is an operational
instrument in the methodology frame. Method is related to data, how data is collected, how to
summarized the data. Example: survey and ethnography, survey is just short questions while ethnography
is deeper, insight out data understanding. Ethnographer really noted the word by word and defining the
symbolic meaning. Method explains what will the researches do to answer the research question, how it
happens, and justify the experiment design and explain how the results can be analyzed. Method is an
important way to visualize the research type, what kind of type, how the data is collected, also how the
data is analyzed.
Theory is an abstraction and generalization of phenomena that happens in the society. Theory is a pattern
to predict the analysis of a phenomena that was constructed by the acts in the past. But social change
happens dynamics and so the theory will change following the social changes. By the theory, we have the
references in how we response something. For summarized, theory is accumulation of reference in how
we decide decision.

Sociological Historical Rational choice

Institutionalism Institutionalism Institutionalism
Institution Any social interaction of a Formal and informal Formal and informal
quality that is taken for structures, not classes rules and procedures
given or rules
Ontology Strong constructivism Weak constructivism Realism
Rationality Institutional Appropriateness Instrumentalism
Objects of key Organization fields Public policy and Results of public choice
study power constellations

THREE FACES OF POWER by steven lukes

1. Decision making power, the power is seen directly.
2. Non-decision-making power, this face uses agenda setting mechanism. Example: Mario Dandy
did abusive action move to corruption of his father.
3. Ideological power, this face is re-thinking the habits we used to do. People automatically do
something without asking (taking for granted).
Mental Model of Power
1. Laswellian (who, get, what and how)
2. Institutionalism
3. Rational choice
4. Behavioralism
5. Structuralism
6. Constructivism
7. Post-structuralism find a book and analyzed (whose the writer and how the
approaches he used) example: theory of democracy, reformation, revolution.





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