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LATIHAN 13 Sesi 8

Pilih jawaban yang benar:

1. Rasa sakit pada otot:
(a) myasthenia (b) arthralgia (c) myalgia (d) myositis
2. Memecah perlengketan sendi:
(a) arthroplasty (b) arthrodesis
(c) arthroclasis (d) arthrocentesis
3. Jaringan yang menghubungkan (melekatkan) otot
dan tulang:
(a) fascia (b) ligament (c) tendon (d) suture
4. Jaringan mana yang menghubungkan tulang
dengan tulang:
(a) tendon (b) fascia (c) ligament (d) suture 2
Latihan 13 (Lanjutan)

5. Jaringan mana yang mengikat serabut otot

menjadi satu:
(a) tendon (b) ligament (c) suture (d) fascia
6. Rheumatoid arthritis tulang punggung disebut:
(a) ankylosing spondylitis (b) vertebritis
(c) spondylitis (d) chondrospondylitis
7. Menekuk sendi dalam posisi tidak dapat diubah:
(a) contraction (b) contracture
(c) torticollis (d) ankylosis
8. Istilah menjahit otot adalah …
(a) myoplasty (b) myorrhaphy
(c) myopexy (d) myotonus
PRAKTEK 1 sesi 9

Menentukan nomor kode ICD 9CM yang

berkaitan dengan sistem syaraf
No Istilah Procedures Kode ICD9 CM
9. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis 90.0
10. Craniotomy
11. Echoencephalography
12. Electroencephalogram 89.14
13. Electroencephalography 89.19

14. Evoked potential studies 89.13

15. Lumbar puncture/ LP 03.31
16. Myelography 87.21

17. Myelogram 87.21

18. neurectomy 04.07
No Istilah Procedures Kode ICD9 CM
19. Pneumoencephalography 87.01
20. Romberg test 94.02
21 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation/ 93.39
22 Removal and replacement of 01.39
cerebraospinal fluid shunt system
23 Total removal of implanted spinal 03.93
24 Brain stem biopsy, mandubular approach 01.13
25 Craniectomy for posterior fossa tumor 01.25
26 Right frontoparietal craniotomy with 01.24
evacuation of subdural hematoma
27 Craniotomy for repair of encephalocele skull 02.12
Soal Latihan Mandiri Sesi 10-11

28 Serangan asma karena faktor psikis No:

29 Gangguan mental kecanduan rokok (tobacco) No:
30 Nafsu seksual berlebih (hipersek) No:
31 Gangguan perilaku amoral No:
32 Retardasi dalam kemampuan membaca No:
33 Sindroma hiperaktifitas No:
34 Sulit tidur No:
35 Kedutan pada mata kiri No:
36 Ngompol, psikogenik No:
37 Neurosis ansietas No:
38 Psikogenik impotentia No:
39 Sindroma post-ensefalitis No:
40 Mengigau, pasien uremia No: F80.9
41 Psikosis, senile No: F03
LATIHAN 1 sesi 12

• Tulis definisi akar kata di bawah ini:

42. bucc/o- _____________
43. my/o- _____________
44. rhabdomy- _____________
45. fibr/o- _____________
46. burs/o- _____________
47. ten/o- __tendon___________
48. leiomy- __otot polos___________
49. fasci/o- _____________
50. pector/o- _____________
51. arthr/o- _____________
52. ligament/o- _____________
PRAKTEK 1 sesi 13

53. Bell’s palsy No:

54. Meningitis adeno-virus No:
55. Syndrome of paroxysmal facial pain No:
56. Gangguan tidur No:
57. Penyakit Alzheimer’s, timbul saat usia 70 tahunNo:
58. Migrain, setelah minum antibiotika No:
59. Sakit kepala karena tegang No:
60. Neuralgia post herpes zoster No:
61. Hemiplegia flaccid post stroke (2 tahun yll) No: G81.0
62. Myopathy akibat alkoholisme No: G72.1
63. Myasthenia pada IDDM No:
Lanjutan PRAKTEK 1..

64. Hydrosefalus congenital No:

65. Myelopathy pada gangguan intervertebral disc L1-2No:
66. Meningitis TB dengan TB paru (kultur +) No:
67. Parkinson sekunder post trauma capitis No:
(Pasien petinju, terpukul?, Profesioal) No:
64. Tremor stelah munim obat parasetamol No:G25.1 X60
No Istilah Penyakit Kode ICD 10
65 Meningioma D32.9
66 Neuroblastoma
67 Meningocele
68 Meningomyelocele
69 Neuralgia
70 Neuropathy
71 Perkinson disease
72 Multiple sclerosis
73 Syncope
74 Transient ischemic attack
No Istilah Penyakit Kode ICD 10
75 Poliomyelitis
76 Polyneuritis
77 Quadriplegia
78 Trigeminal neuralgia
79 Postpolio syndrome
80 Reye syndrome
81 Paraplegia
82 Seizure
83 Subdural hematoma
84 Meningitis
No Istilah Penyakit Kode ICD 10
85 Myelomalacia
86 Neuritis
87 Cerebral thrombosis
88 Cerebrovascular accident/ CVA
89 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/ ALS
90 Epideral hematoma
91 Epilepsy
92 Guillain barre syndroma
93 Hydrocepalus
94 Hemiparesis
No Istilah Penyakit Kode ICD 10
95 Huntington disease
96 Anencephaly
97 Encephalitis
98 Cerebral aneurysm
99 Chiari malformation
100 Concussion
101 Contusion
102 Dementia
103 Glioma
104 Encephalopathy
No Istilah Medis Kode ICD 10
105 Crepitation
106 Cruciate ligsment tear
107 Ewing sarcoma
108 Fibrous dysplasia
109 Genu valgum
110 Genu varum
111 Gout
112 Hammer tor
113 Herniated disk
114 Osteochondritis
No Istilah Medis Kode ICD 10
115 Kyphosis
116 Lordosis
117 Multiple myeloma
118 Osteitis
119 Osteogenesis imperfecta
120 Osteomalacia
121 Paget disease of bone
122 Rheumatoid arthritis
123 Scoliosis
124 spondylitis
PRAKTEK 1 sesi 14

Menentukan nomor kode ICD 9CM yang

berkaitan dengan sistem Otot
No8 Istilah Procedures Kode ICD9 CM
1. Fasciectomy 83.44
2. Fasciotomy 83.14
3. Ganglionectomy 04.05
4. Myoplasty 83.87
5. Tenomyoplasty 83.88
6. Tenosynovectomy 83.42
7. Anterior cruciate ligament repair 81.45
8. Arthrocentesis 81.91
9. Arthrodesis 81.20
10. Arthroplasty 81.96
11. Arthrotomy 80.10
12. Bone marrow aspiration 41.31
13. bunionectomy 77.59
No Istilah Procedures Kode ICD9 CM
14. Bursectomy
15. Bursotomy 83.03
16. Closed reduction (hand) 79.03
17. Craniotomy 01.24
18. Diskectomy 80.51
19. Laminectomy
20. Open reduction and internal fixation/ ORIF
21. Osteoclasis 78.70
22. Osteoplasty 78.4
23. Osteotomy
24. Synovectomy 80.70
25. Total hip replacement 81.51
26. Closed reduction, simple fracture of the tibia 79.46
No Istilah Procedures Kode ICD9 CM
27. Electromyography, left lower limb 93.08
28. Fasciotomy, muscles of the forearm 83.14
29. Bunionectomy and insertion of prosthesis right 77.59
great toe
30. Bursectomy, right elbow 82.31
31. Amputation of the thumb 84.02
32. Osteoclasis, radius, right arm 78.73
33. Myoplasty, left hand 82.89
34. Excision of ganglion, left wrist 82.21
35. Craniotomy, to relieve intracranial pressure 01.22
36. DEXA scan, left femur
37. Total hip replacement, right hip 81.52
38. Open reduction, internalfixation,crushed 79.30

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