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Meningkatkan imunitas dan memastikan tumbuh

kembang optimal anak di masa pandemi Covid-19

Pokok Bahasan
• Dampak penurunan imunitas terhadap peningkatan risiko
gangguan tumbuh kembang anak
• Pentingnya peningkatan imunitas bayi dan balita dalam
mencegah penyakit infeksi
• Cara meningkatkan imunitas dan memastikan saluran cerna
yang sehat pada bayi dan balita
• Cara memastikan tumbuh kembang anak optimal di masa
pandemic covid-19
Pengertian Sistem Imun

• Sistem yang kompleks terdiri dari

Sistem interaksi berbagai sel tubuh dengan
imun tujuan mengenal, membedakan dan
mengeliminasi antigen
• Respon tubuh berupa suatu urutan
Respon kejadian yang kompleks thd
imun antigen,untuk mengeliminasi
antigen tersebut.
Respon imun
• Non spesifik/innate/alamiah : mekanisme pertahanan yang
tidak ditujukan hanya untuk satu jenis antigen tetapi untuk
berbagai macam antigen. Imunitas alami sudah ada sejak
bayi lahir
• Spesifik /adaptif/ didapat : mekanisme pertahanan yang
ditujukan khusus terhadap satu jenis antigen, karena itu
tidak dapat berperan terhadap jenis antigen lain.
Pertahanan tubuh spesifik harus kontak dulu atau
ditimbulkan dulu oleh antigen tertentu baru ia akan
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531; doi:10.3390/nu10101531
Perkembangan sistem imun pada anak
Sistem imun alamiah Sistem imun didapat

Georgountzou A and Papadopoulos NG (2017) Postnatal

Innate Immune Development: From Birth to Adulthood.
Front. Immunol. 8:957.
Peran sistem imun

The Effect of Nutritional Elements on the Immune

System. J Obes Wt Loss Ther 2: 152.
Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi perkembangan
sistem imun


Sistem Lingkungan



Parasitology (2011), 138, 1508–1518.

Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi perkembangan
sistem imun

(Pediatr Res 69: 465–472, 2011

Peran nutrisi pada sistem imun

The Immune System in Children with Malnutrition—A

Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105017.
Nutrisi untuk tumbuh optimal

Makan makanan yang

Makro Mikro
bervariasi dengan gizi
nutrien nutrien




Minyak, santan, margarin,

Peran nutrisi dalam perkembangan sistem imun

Nutrients 2020, 12, 1039; doi:10.3390/nu12041039

Pengaruh nutrisi pada sistem imun

The Effect of Nutritional Elements on the Immune

System. J Obes Wt Loss Ther 2: 152.

International Journal of Health Sciences and

Research ( 96 Vol.10; Issue: 8;
August 2020
Nutrients 2020, 12, 236; doi:10.3390/nu12010236
Karbohidrat Protein
• Carbohydrate is an important fuel cell for immune • Proteins make up frame work for cells. They are also
system. That anaerobic glycolysis showing an increase on framework of body defence systems, enzymes that
lymphocytes, stimulated in mitogens, indicates the control body functions, and some hormones
increase of glucose as a fuel. However during the
lymphocyte proliferation, usage of carbohydrates for • Proteins are nutriments that contain nitrogen, carbon,
energy decreases. In this case, glycol tic mid products hydrogen and oxygen in their chemical structures.
are directed to purine and pyrimidine nucleotide Many immune mechanisms rely on production of
synthesis for cell growth. active protein compounds or cell replication. In protein
deficiency, functions of immune system decrease. It is
• Carbohydrates are nutriments largely found in vegetative thought that the negative effect of protein deficiency
foods containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen on immunity is connected with the effect of immune
molecules. They are classified as simplistic (sugar) and system regulator for some amino acids. Deficiency in
complicated (starch) Glue ides are found in sugar , fruits essential amino acid can also cause repression on
and fruit juice. On the other hand complicated starch is immune system. Too much consumption of some
found in vegetables, legumes and cereals. Carbohydrates amino acids can cause diverse effect on immune system
are situated in human body as glycogen in a small functions. The latest studies show that protein
amount. Glycogen is mostly in liver. In other organs and metabolism play an important role in formation of
muscles a little amount of glycogen exists. natural and acquired immunity against infections.
• Fats are among the most important nutrition • Linoleic acid also decreases allergic sensitization.
sources for our lives. Fats take an active pole in Diets, containing high amount of fats can also
some biological functions such as; absorption of decrease cellular inflammatory activity and
vitamins A, D, E and K needed for human and immune response. It is a well known fact that
animal nutrition, being a source of omega 3 and omega 3 fat acids lower blood pressure and
omega 6 oil acid, being functional at neuritis plasma aggregation and inflammative response. It
functions, provision of permeability and stability also features in controlling cellular immune
for cell membranes response

• Fats are important energy sources 1 gram fat

provides twice the energy as protein and
carbohydrate does [16]. Fat acids are powerful
modulators of immune response. Studies on
animals verify that conjugated linoleic acid
available in meat and dairy products stimulates
the immune system and prevent breast cancer.
Vitamin dan mineral
Vitamin A Vitamin D
• Vitamin A is referred to as “antiinflammation • Vitamin D, another fat-soluble vitamin, that plays a vital
vitamin” as it aids to support the immune system role in modulating both innate and adaptive immune
and protect against infections by keeping responses. Epidemiological data has linked vitamin D
deficiency to increased susceptibility to acute viral
stomach, intestines and respiratory system respiratory infections.
• Vitamin D, another fat-soluble vitamin, that plays a vital
• It has a central role in the regulation of cellular role in modulating both innate and adaptive immune
and humoral immune response responses. Epidemiological data has linked vitamin D
deficiency to increased susceptibility to acute viral
• (Huang et al 2018). Vitamin A is important for respiratory infections
epithelial cell integrity and immune function of
the mucosa. The WHO recommends the vitamin • A systematic review on the role of vitamin D in the
prevention of acute respiratory infections, which
A supplementation for children with measles at included 39 studies (4 cross-sectional studies, 8 case-
risk of vitamin A deficiency control studies, 13 cohort studies and 14 clinical trials),
noted that observational studies predominantly report
statistically significant associations between low vitamin
D status and increased risk of both upper and lower
respiratory tract infections
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 100 Vol.10; Issue: 8; August 2020
Vitamin E Vitamin C
• Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant by • Vitamin C is known as an essential antioxidant and
protecting cell membranes against attack by free enzymatic co-factor for many physiological reactions in
radicals. The free radicals occur in the body as a the body, such as hormone production, collagen
synthesis and immune potentiation
result of metabolic processes like immunological
reactions and the effect of environmental • Vitamin C helps in the protection of against infections
influences. and inflammation by supporting various cellular
function of both innate and adaptive immune system.
• Mocchegiani E. et al 2014, findings reveals that
vitamin E can stimulate the immune system by • It boosts antibodies as well as white blood cell
acting on the mast cells (mastocytes), which (leukocytes, lymphocytes, T cells) and macrophages,
belong to the leukocyte (white blood cell) group prolonging their function, and can stimulate the release
thus play a role in wound healing and avert of the signaling molecule interferon, which is involved
pathogens. in the defense against viruses.

• A study by Lee and Hang 2018, reported the

protective role against infectious diseases.
Selenium Iron
• It is a crucial element which is needed for the • Both deficiency and superabundance have an
progression of both natural and acquired effect on immune system. Virus and bacteria need
immune system. In serious diseases, deficiency in iron for proliferation. There for during acute
selenium increases the fatality rate considerably. infectious diseases, giving iron should be avoided.
In iron deficiency, transportation of white blood
• It ensures the integrity of cell membrane and cells toward infectious areas decreases and
prevents DNA damage. It reduces the fatality rate destruction of microbes that entered in cells
in sepsis treatment, infections rate in ambitions; abates
consequently it reduces the antibiotic usage. Copper
• Copper plays an important role in immune
system development and continuation. Even
though, both deficiency and superabundance
cause some negative effects on immune system,
in take with food is generally sufficient and
immunity problems relating to capper deficiency
aren’t encountered
The Effect of Nutritional Elements on the Immune System. J Obes Wt Loss Ther 2: 152. doi:10.4172/21657904.1000152
Probiotic supplements
• Probiotics are defined as live micro-organisms
that confer a health benefit to the host, including
on the gastrointestinal tract, when administered
in adequate amounts.

• They also stimulate immune response by

increasing the antibody production. The results
of a meta-analysis by Kang et al. implied that
probiotics have a modest effect in common cold

British Journal of Nutrition (2002), 88, S165–S176

Paparan Lingkungan

Memakai Mencuci
Menjaga jarak
masker tangan

Aktivitas fisik Tidur yang

yang cukup cukup
Tidur cukup Aktivitas fisik
• Several studies have highlighted that sleep is vital • The currently available body of scholarly evidence
for the immune system. The National Sleep indicates that regular exercise is beneficial for the
Foundation (NSF) reported that too much sleep immune system and reduces the risk of
will not necessarily prevent sickness, but could contracting certain types of infection, such as
instead adversely affect the immune system. On the upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)
other hand, sleep loss and sleep deprivation impair
immune function, since the release of cytokines, a • Recently Simpson et al, stated that it is
protein that targets infection and inflammation, imperative to maintain recommended exercise
will decrease. Moreover, the infection-fighting levels during this COVID-19 pandemic to
antibodies and cells are reduced during periods mitigate the deleterious effects of inactivity and
when humans do not get enough sleep
social isolation stress on our immune system
• Thus, sleep influences the immune system through
the action of centrally produced cytokines which
are regulated during sleep. Therefore, it is
recommended to get enough sleep each night to
fight off infectious diseases

adalah suatu upaya untuk

kekebalan seseorang secara aktif
terhadap suatu penyakit sehingga
bila suatu saat terpajan dengan
penyakit tersebut tidak akan sakit
atau hanya mengalami sakit ringan.
Jenis imunisasi berdasarkan

Imunisasi program Imunisasi pilihan

• Imunisasi rutin
 Imunisasi dasar
 Imunisasi lanjutan
• Imunisasi tambahan
• Imunisasi khusus
Diberikan pada bayi sebelum
Imunisasi dasar usia 1 tahun
• hepatitis B • Pneumonia dan meningitis
yang disebabkan oleh
• Poliomyelitis Hemophilus Influenza tipe
• Tuberkulosis b (Hib)
• Difteri • Campak
• Pertusis
• Tetanus
Imunisasi lanjutan
• ulangan Imunisasi dasar untuk mempertahankan tingkat kekebalan dan untuk
memperpanjang masa perlindungan anak yang sudah mendapatkan Imunisasi
• diberikan pada:
a. anak usia bawah dua tahun (Baduta);
b. anak usia sekolah dasar; dan
c. wanita usia subur (WUS).
Imunisasi tambahan dan khusus
• Imunisasi tambahan : jenis Imunisasi tertentu yang
diberikan pada kelompok umur tertentu yang paling
berisiko terkena penyakit sesuai dengan kajian
epidemiologis pada periode waktu tertentu
• Imunisasi khusus dilaksanakan untuk melindungi
seseorang dan masyarakat terhadap penyakit tertentu pada
situasi tertentu. Contoh : meningitis meningokokus, yellow
fever (demam kuning), rabies, dan poliomyelitis.
Imunisasi pilihan
• Pneumonia dan meningitis • Demam tifoid;
yang disebabkan oleh • Hepatitis A;
• Kanker leher rahim yang
• Diare yang disebabkan oleh disebabkan oleh Human
rotavirus; Papillomavirus;
• Influenza ; • Japanese Enchephalitis;
• Cacar air (varisela); • Herpes zoster;
• Gondongan (mumps); • Hepatitis B pada dewasa; dan
• Campak jerman (rubela); • Demam berdarah
Tumbuh kembang anak optimal
Pola asuh
Prooses bertambahnya
ukuran/dimensi tubuh akibat
bertambahnya sel dan bertambah Aktivitas
besarnya sel tsb fisik


Proses pematangan/maturasi Nutrisi Genetik

fungsi organ tubuh, berkembang
ssesuai kemampuan, intelegensia
dan perilaku anak
Cara memastikan anak tumbuh dan kembang

n , usia/milestone
d a va
b a , la k
at TB pa sin
e r B/ ke as
B P ar i
Apa saja yang harus dilakukan ???
1. Ukur dan
timbang BB,
2. Plotkan pada
3. Interpretasi hasil
Loss of


Flatt of Catch up

Failure to
a. Failure to thrive
b. Catch up growth
c. Normal
d. Flat of growth
e. Loss of growth
• Sistem imun/kekebalan anak dipengaruhi berbagai hal diantaranya
nutrisi, paparan lingkungan dan vaksinasi
• Konsumsi nutrisi dengan gizi seimbang diperlukan untuk mendukung
sistem imun anak
• Usaha mengurangi paparan penyakit dapat dilakukan dengan 3M
(memakai masker, menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan)
• Vaksinasi sesuai jadwal untuk mencegah penyakit serta meningkatkan
sistem imun terutama di era pandemi
• Pemantauan tumbuh dan kembang anak harus tetap dilakukan secara
teratur di era pandemi untuk memastikan tumbuh kembang anak
yang optimal

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